#dwayne tlb
tac-the-unseen · 21 hours
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worstghost · 21 hours
Poly!Lost Boys thoughts NOW !! nsfw under the cut. (can you guess which is my favorite u_u)
🤍You're still human (for now). You told them you have a little more life to experience before you're ready, and the only one that was understanding was Dwayne, the others were incredibly impatient.
🤍Dwayne asks you to lay with him and describe how the sun looked that day when you come back to sleep. You talk to him for over an hour, telling him what you did, how warm it was, the colors of the sky as it set. The other 3 boys sit outside the room and listen as well but don't want to ruin the moment for you.
🤍They watch you sleep every night, taking turns before they all go out to eat. Marko and Paul will wake you up every few hours to ask if you'd come out with them. It doesn't work every time, but if you're rested enough, sometimes they can get you to hang out on the beach with them for a bit.
🤍David isn't outwardly affectionate, usually only spending time with you when it's just the two of you. He's not a fan of sharing, but he'd never deny his brothers the pleasure of your company. For that reason, time spent with David is usually well spent. Talking, reading, slow kisses and much more if you beg.
🤍You can get overwhelmed, and these boys don't understand personal space. They take it personal when you leave them on their own to enjoy your day, but you make it up by bringing back food and a new cassette to listen to.
🤍They love to gather in one bed and hold you, making sure they're all touching some part of your skin. You're typically laying your head against David's thigh, combing through Paul's hair, while Marko lays on your chest and Dwayne holds your legs across him.
🤍You're so well loved you forget sometimes what they are. They'll come back some mornings covered in blood, fangs out, hissing and shoving each other aggressively. Something caused an argument and you have to watch silently while they work it out themselves, knowing better than to get in the middle. You just close the curtain and lay back down, knowing they'll come to you when they've sorted it.
🖤Marko loves to make you cry. Not by being mean of course, just by teasing you until you can't help it. He loves to bite and pinch you until you're whining, and then tease you about it and call you a baby in your most sensitive moments. He's always smiling and will make it up to you by overstimulating you until you're full out sobbing. You go to him when you're already emotional and need some relief.
🖤Paul likes to do experimental things- bending you in odd positions, fingering you after he's cum in you and then making you lick it off. Watching you fuck yourself, and then getting jealous and breaking the vibrator. He's a biter, and every now and then he'll have to put himself in a corner to cool down after he vamps out and very nearly drains you.
🖤Dwayne isn't as gentle as he seems, but he is just as attentive. He loves to be able to see you, so missionary and having you on top are his favorites. Also loves to have you sit on his face, kneeding your ass and never closing his eyes because he's scared you'll dissappear if he does.
🖤David is the gentle one. He goes slow, makes you ask him for every little thing, he wants you to know he's in control and you can't make him do anything he doesn't already want to. So get on your knees, rub his thighs, look up at him with puppy eyes and ask him nicely to take you right there on the floor before the boys get back. How could he say no?
🖤When you have them all together its a frenzy, hands and teeth and tongues all over your body. You're so high you don't even know which one is eating you out or which cock is in your mouth. They do get jealous easily, impatiently pushing each other out of the way to get a turn kissing you or fucking you.
🖤Sometimes, rarely, they'll let you take control, telling each of them exactly what you'd like them to do and how to do it. David typically watches for this part, he doesn't listen to what he's told so you banish him to the couch to watch. You smile over at him often, watching the way he eyes you angrily, adjusting his too-tight pants. He knows you'll get to him when you're done, if you're not too exhausted.
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kitkatdoodlez · 3 months
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Now for some Dwayne studies. This man is unreasonably pretty and so nice to draw. I think Marko will be next…
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darlingnikkisixx · 2 months
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Behind the scenes 🥡🎠
(The Picture Of Billy, Brooke & Chance at the phone booth is like my favorite picture ever. Chance was adorable in this film.)
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popironrye · 2 months
I've heard it said Joel Schumacher didn't want the vampire effects to hinder the good looks of the actors. I think he achieved that.
The effects are simple, not grotesque, but scary yet still very attractive.
I wish we got more clear, focused shots of the boys in full makeup for the vampires.
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Like damn, even in pain Paul is one tasty creature of the night. 😍 It's got to be the wet hair.
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Marko is another one I think looks the sexiest in full vampire makeup. He just pulls it off so well. 😘
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Can't forget this one of Dwayne. This picture DOES things to me. 🥰
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And of course, the day I don't find this man FINE is the day I go blind! 👀
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sarahohxoxo · 3 months
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The most accurate representation.
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ebony-blood · 1 month
Poly!The Lost Boys x Reader 
Warnings/AN: They’re a packaged deal, ofc you’re getting all four. Yandere/obsessive stuff because they’re just like that. I tried to be as gender-neutral as possible, lemme know if I need to fix anything.
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You have been in Santa Carla for about a year now, you wanna know how long it took for the boys to fall for you? 2 months
Paul fell first, bro spent a whole 2 hours daily rambling to Marko about how much he loved you, how perfect you were in his eyes, how cute you were…
Gender doesn’t matter to these rat bastards, you’re still Paul’s Cutie
Marko fell next, listening to Paul rant about your utter perfection, thus, he started believing you were an angel, literally an angel.
And that’s when the two boys started stalking you, following you around the boardwalk and practically growling at anyone that approached, male, female, whatever
Paul practically has heart eyes every time he sees you, every single time.
Dwayne is next, and he falls WAY harder than the other two
Mr. Tall, dark and handsome over here will follow you home daily, he waits for nightfall and comes out to see you, when he’s not with his brothers, he’s around you.
He may as well be lying on a bed, writing in a notebook about how much he loves you, giggling and kicking his feet like a schoolgirl
So, the three that AREN’T David fall in love with you in two months, David followed shortly behind, and only a month after Dwayne fell, David was fucking INFATUATED.
He has it BAD, like, god, it’s even worse than his brothers.
Eventually, all four of the boys decide they wanna talk to you, and goddammit the minute you open your mouth they’re even more in love with you. 
And so, they start leaving you anonymous gifts, roses, jewelry, Marko paints for you, anything they can think of, they’ll steal it and leave it on your porch. 
It took a few months, but when you realized they were giving you the gifts, you started hanging out with them more, and soon, you were taken to the cave.
They loved you, obviously.
It took almost no time for you to fall for their silly personalities, and that was when they knew they had you.
They became protective, but not outwardly obsessive.
At least, you thought so. 
After they started dating you, they started getting worse in their stalking.
They had a system, every other week, sometimes months between instances, one of them would silently stalk you, keeping hidden in the dark, and one or two of them would pretend to bump into you when you start freaking out.
You were always too freaked out to ask how they were there.
You found out they were vampires when you caught them killing and feeding on a guy who had been actually stalking you. You were freaked out at first.
Eventually, David managed to calm you, promising they would never hurt or kill you.
Now that we’re past all the meetings, falling, stalking, and so on, here’s the actual cute stuff. 
Paul and Marko
These rat fucks are literally never not by your side. 
They bite you, randomly grab you, kiss you, just whenever they want, it doesn’t matter. 
Both boys steal things from you, all the time
Clothes, blankets, stuffed animals, books, your perfume/cologne/body spray, makeup if you wear it, whatever they can get their hands on, it’s with them.
You slowly start noticing them wearing your clothes, your perfume/cologne/body spray, and you ask about it. They always deny having it.
If you wear it, they put on your lipstick or lipgloss before they kiss you, because they think it's funny. 
Paul started trying to get you to smoke with him. 
Marko paints you like constantly, and anytime he catches you watching or looking at him, he has the most lovestruck and goofy look on his face.
Both fantasize about you 24/7 and just bounce stuff off of each other. 
They definitely bite you the most
65% of the bitemarks on you are from them, and 35% are from the other two boys.
Cuddle you the most.
Tease you the most
Teasing nips are greetings to them
Both have very little consistency in pet names for you, they just pick whatever.
The sweetest, and the biggest stalker ever.
Bro follows you around constantly. 
He doesn’t allow you to ride on the back of Paul and Marko's bikes, it's either him or David.
Holds your hands all the time
Gives you his jacket all the time.
You get cold? Take his jacket. Getting outta the ocean after Paul tossed you in? Take his jacket.
Smiles every time he sees you. 
Also takes your perfume/cologne/body spray, sprays himself down, and snuggles into clothes you wear he stole when he wanted to snuggle with you.
Acts totally normal around you but is a giggly schoolgirl when talking about you with the boys.
Brings you food and drinks daily, if he doesn’t know if you’ve eaten, you bet your ass he’s bringing you food.
About 15% of your bites are from him. 
Constantly makes sure you care for yourself.
Not into PDA but will hold your hands daily.
Bro has a mix of songs that reminds him of you.
Calls you stuff like Darling and Honey, he just gives those vibes.
David is worse than Dwayne, Marko, and Paul combined.
Stalks you, constantly, and he always makes sure you know he’s there.
Sassy, sarcastic, an asshole, we know this, but this carries over to you too.
Bro sasses you all the time.
Dude treats you like he treated Star, bro will just stare at you, if you don’t respond or do as he’s implying, he just calls your name again, and again, until he eventually just snaps in your face, not shouting, but literally snapping.
Nips at your ears, neck, and shoulders
Teases you, all the time, constantly for no reason. Like if you trip bro is laughing and he doesn’t even help your ass up. 
He does care though, he loves you so SO much.
The dude actually takes his damn gloves off to touch you sometimes! That NEVER happens!
Isn’t into PDA, at all, his hands stay securely in your back pockets or with his fingers through your belt loops, you are not leaving his side, if he isn’t around you bet your ass you’re sticking with Dwayne.
Will randomly give you things, Bro gave you one of his old tee shirts and he gets very pouty if you don’t wear it around.
He is not a sweet boy, but also a sweet guy, if you wear down his walls and wiggle your way into his heart, you will NEVER leave.
He’s terrified of being alone, if you leave for even a second, the man almost melts down. 
Calls you stuff like Babe, Baby, and Doll, doll is used no matter your gender, he won’t stop.
One more because our first one for Davie here also brings you food but fucks with you like he did with Micheal. He does keep extras if you actually freak out about it but after a certain point in your time with the boys, you start leaning into the goofiness. 
All four of them
Only a few here.
The boys are cuddlers, if they stay with you in your house, (You have blackout curtains) they are wrapped around you, Paul and Marko are damn well laying on top of you.
Will scream at any bastard on the boardwalk that even LOOKS at you wrong.
They fight anyone at all, for any reason, for everything, at all for you.
These nerds rant about everything they love, David will scream about how much he loves Billy Idol at any time, Marko talks about art all the damn time, Paul will just rant about how fucking much he loves guitarists like Mick Mars, Ace Frehley, and Eddie Van Halen, and Dwayne talks about books. All four always have stars in their eyes when talking, it's so cute. 
The rats started rubbing off on you, you’re crazy now, you ride bikes, and you yell, and scream with all of the boys.
When they do turn you, it amplifies by 20.
Your favorite activity is hanging off the bridge with the boys and biking. 
You eventually get your own, they were hesitant, but eh.
They love biking with you, and then you all either hang from the wood beams while sleeping or snuggle up in your bed and sleep peacefully. You wearing one of their jackets of course.
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persephone-s-moon · 6 months
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They’re girlfriends, your honor
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arenpath · 1 year
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charlizekkelly · 1 year
hungry like the wolf
Spicy Prompt: “Look how well you’re taking me.”
Pairing: Reader x Dwayne (The Lost Boys 1987)
Word Count: 2167
TW’s: Size kink, slight somophilia, dub-con (??), non-con, pet names (sweet girl & good girl), biting and blood play.
Author's Note: God damn. This got out of hand and like Dwayne, this is a big one (I'm sorry I had to). Who wouldn't want to be fucked senseless by him? Let's be honest, he's the man and would fuck like a God.
Tags (Dwayne's hoes) : @ghoulgeousimmaculate @britany1997 @misslavenderlady @dwaynesluscioushair @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @lostinsantacarla
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The alkaline-infused breeze skittered down the tunnelways of the cavernous home, carrying the scent of the ever-changing tides of Hudson’s Bluff through the cave, blustering the flames within the fire barrels or the candles perched upon rock crevices. Not that it mattered to her, tucked beneath the assortment of blankets on Dwayne’s bed with soft candlelight illuminating the room. Oblivious to the path his thoughts had taken as he peered down at her with dark irises, lingering on the dark fabric of his shirt and the white-lace panties he glimpsed from where her leg stuck out from beneath the sheets, his shirt riding up her body in a way that made him want to groan.
Dwayne was many things–patient, caring, attentive, coolheaded and loyal–but with her, he found himself obsessing over the way she smiled up at him whenever they spoke. Or the way she laughed and he had to feign nonchalance like the sound hadn’t sent blood rushing to his dick and a multitude of thoughts to careen through his head. Of how she tasted, the way he could make her squirm, the sounds she made or the way she felt wrapped around his cock.
This isn’t helping me, at all, he thought, watching as she shifted on the mattress and he gingerly slipped from beneath the sheets. 
Heading toward the room’s doorway before her voice rippled to his ears and he came to a jarring halt, his head turning ever-so-slowly back to where she lay, sound asleep. He waited a moment, locked in the doorway with his gaze pinned upon her, wondering if this was a cruel mind trick played by Paul and Marko. Hell, he wouldn’t have been surprised if David was a part of it–all three blonds notorious for their love of mind games.
But then, the saccharine call he thought he’d heard from her lips filled his ears. A sound so sweet, it almost brought him to his knees. Something his companions continuously taunted him about, the trio aware of his infatuation with the human woman he cared about. But neither of the trio was game enough to cross him, knowing the ease with which he went from coolheaded to protective–possessive–but it didn’t deter their playful jests.
“Dwayne,” she called again, her voice all breathy and laced with lust.
As hard as he tried–which wasn’t very hard at all–he couldn’t fight the smug grin that crept across his face, approaching her with wolfish ease. He knew she was a moderately light sleeper but still, he reached out and pulled the blankets away from her body, baring her to his hungry eyes as he sunk onto his jean-clad knees at the end of the bed and admired her for several moments.
It was as she shifted on the mattress and his dark irises locked on the pearl-white lace that contrasted perfectly with her skin, that his deeply timbered voice filled the room. “Fuck.”
“If you’re going to fuck her, can I watch?” Came Paul’s husky voice through their pack’s bond.
Dwayne’s eyes rolled at the hopeful edge of his companion’s voice–and where he wasn’t opposed to sharing her with him–he didn’t want to share her right now. “Paul,” he warned.
“Is that a yes?” Paul questioned, an audible sigh skittering down their bond when the brunette didn’t immediately respond. “Dwayne?”
Dwayne’s large palms smoothed over her bare legs, up her thighs until he grasped the soft flesh and gently pulled her to the bed’s edge, careful not to wake her as his stare traversed her features. 
“Not tonight.” Came his distracted response before Paul’s presence vanished from his mind.
With a tenderness he reserved for her and her alone, he parted her legs until the flesh of her thigh pressed and bracketed his shoulders. Careful not to nick her skin as he lithely cut the lace from her body, tossing it over his shoulder with little care before he settled his hands upon her inner thighs. Kneading the flesh for a moment as if to savour the feel of her, his ebony tresses tousled and framed his face like a wrathful god whilst his umber gaze remained trained on her face as he dipped his head and his tongue dragged a sensual trail over her labia.
A soft noise tumbled from her lips as he focused his attention on her clit for several seconds, his fingertips sinking into her skin when he dragged a slow stripe up her cunt. He couldn’t stop the low groan that emanated from the depths of his chest if he tried as the taste of her cloyed on his tongue, the sound vibrating into her clit in a way that drew a soft, sleepy gasp from her lips, and for her eyes to groggily blink down at him. 
“Dwayne…what are you–what are you doing?” Her brows furrowed as a breathy moan tumbled from her mouth and she subconsciously ground her cunt into his face, his grasp tightening on her in response.
His head lifted from her cunt, grinning up at her whilst his fingers leisurely toyed with her clit. Like he had all the time in the world. “Oh, this?” He drawled, feigning confusion, fingers dragging the mix of his saliva and her arousal up to circle the sensitive nerve ending, a sharp breath sucked into her chest as a single, thick digit salaciously sunk into her cunt. “I’m taking care of my sweet girl. I’m worshipping her.”
His finger dragged torturously slow, his eyes locked on her face and the way her head tipped back into the sheets when his thumb pressed into her clit, a second digit slipping into her cunt as his pace never faltered. Dwayne’s fingers continued their steady strokes, fingertips curling in a way that wrenched a guttural moan from her lips and a dozen curses to rent off the cavernous walls.
“Fuck, Dwayne. Don’t stop,” she said, hands bunching the sheets beneath her.
“And refuse you of what you want? I don’t think so. I do have a better idea that’ll benefit us both.” A dark chuckle filled her ears, his eyes flashing with something sinful as he pulled his fingers from her cunt and they nimbly unbuttoned his jeans, shoving the fabric down his muscular legs and kicking it off to the side. 
“Benefit us both how?” She said, holding his dark gaze.
“Spread your legs for me, sweet girl.” Came his response as his lips tugged into a wolfish grin.
Without much thought, her legs dutifully parted for him, creating more space for him between her thighs as he discarded his boxers in the same direction as his pants. She watched with heavy-lidded eyes as he wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked himself, stepping into the space between her legs before he teasingly dragged his tip across her cunt and one of his hands grasped the flesh of her hip, the other pressed into the fabric beside her.
“Please,” she murmured as he lowered his head and his lips brushed hers, drawing circles into her clit with the head of his cock.
The muscles of his abdomen rippled beneath his skin, capturing her attention before his voice filled her ears. “What do you want, beautiful? Tell me what you want. Use your words.”
“I want you,” she breathed out against his lips, pushing herself onto her elbows so she could connect their lips, kissing him whilst one of her hands skittered over the chorded muscles of his arm and tangled in his dark locks.
And like it took everything in him to pull away–his lips hovering above hers a hairsbreadth away–the hand by her side balled into a fist and his voice lowered several, heady octaves. “Where?” He grounded out through clenched teeth, the action seeming to sharpen his jawline.
Her brows furrowed with confusion for a moment. “What?”
“Where do you want me, sweet girl? Where do you want my cock?” He rasped, pressing a sensual kiss to the underside of her jaw before he nipped at the soft skin.
“Inside me,” she said, gasping as the first few inches of his cock plunged into her cunt, his girth stretching her insides in a euphoric way. His lips met with hers for a moment, kissing her with ravaging quality before she pulled away from his mouth. “Dwayne,” her gaze darted to where they were connected and the inches his cock still needed to enter her–every glorious inch of him that sent her mind reeling–as he slowly pressed more of his cock into her. “You’re so…big.”
He hummed in response, pressing firm, adoration-filled kisses to her throat. “You say that every time, my love, but look how well you’re taking me.”
His words clamoured in her mind, dousing her in a lust-filled haze when he slowly drew back and plunged the rest of his cock into her, his thumb drawing circles into her clit. A breathy moan–part curse, part garbled moan–fell from her lips, body sinking into the mattress as he quickened the pace of his thrusts and the head of his cock brushed a spot inside her that made her squirm.
Dwayne’s dark tut traipsed across the room, hands grasping her hips to prevent her from squirming. “Not so fast. You wanted me inside you and I gave it to you. So now, you’re going to take it like a good girl.” His thrusts deepened as he peered down at her, revelling in the way soft pants escaped past her lips. “Are you my good girl?”
“Yes,” she breathed dazedly, gasping as his cock pressed against her G-spot and the budding tide of her orgasm crept to the forefront of her mind. “Fuck, Dwayne. I’m your good girl.”
A deep groan fell through his lips, head tipping up to the ceiling as he purposely thrust his hips in a way that he knew would collide with her G-spot and his thumb pressed into her clit, mounting her orgasm as he felt her clench around his cock.
“That’s it. That’s my good girl,” he praised, tearing his gaze from the roof to traverse her body before his thrusts seemed to falter and he hurriedly freed her from the dark fabric of his shirt. His mind short-circuited for a moment when his stare landed on where his cock thrust steadily into her, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip before he refocused on her bare body.
A large hand cupped her breast, mildly irritated at himself for not paying them any attention sooner as he rolled one taut nipple between his fingers whilst his mouth captured the other and he alternated between circling her nipple with his tongue and sucking hickeys into her skin.
“Dwayne,” she moaned, all breathy and filled with a desperation he recognised.
He knew what she wanted the moment her strained plea met his ears, pulling away from her breasts as the hand at her hip tightened and he rolled his hips in a way that drew another moan from her lips, her cunt clenching around him. “Yes, my sweet girl?”
His lips brushed against hers, her soft pants warming his face as he peered down at her with wolfish delight and she managed to form a coherent sentence through the lust-filled haze of her mind. “I’m going to cum. Fuck, let me cum…please.”
“With manners like that? Who am I to deny you?” he drawled, his hand trailing over her chest to grasp the nape of her neck. Supporting her head as he drew her closer to himself and his teeth elongated into fangs, sinking into her throat in the same moment the head of his cock brushed against her G-spot.
A pleasure-riddled moan echoed across the room and down the darkened tunnelways, no doubt reaching Marko, David and Paul’s ears as she came and he swallowed languid mouthfuls of her blood. He pulled away from her throat in the next heartbeat, head tipping back to the ceiling as he came with a guttural moan, fingertips sinking into her hips.
Her blood coated his chin, dripping down his throat to the chiselled plains of his stomach when he refocused on the room around him and he nimbly hooked her legs around his waist, climbing onto the mattress and situating them in the middle of the bed. Dwayne dragged the assortment of blankets over her body as he tucked her into his side, fussing with the pillows until he was satisfied with her comfort and his blood-stained lips pressed a loving kiss to hers, arms woven over her waist.
A content hum tumbled from her lips as his fingers grasped her chin and he angled her head to bare his marks to his gaze, lathing his tongue over the weeping indents he left behind, ensuring they closed beneath his dark stare. The taste of her cloying on his tongue as he forced himself to refrain from plunging his fangs into her throat once more, always craving her like an untapped hunger that couldn’t be quenched.
Hungry like the wolf.
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tac-the-unseen · 1 month
Lost Boys x Injured Reader
CW: Gang violence, guns, blood, description of unlicensed surgery, minor gore
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You and David were by a small brick wall with all of the boys parked bikes. While Marko, Paul, and Dwayne ran around and had fun with each other, you and David stayed behind. David stayed because he was scouting victims, and you stayed behind because you were incredibly tired. You had to work earlier than normal which threw off your whole sleep schedule, and the headache you were sporting wasn't helping either.
Dwayne had already told you how unnecessary it is for you to work. Not only do the guys have a huge amount of money and other values stashed away, you’ll only end up burning yourself out. You however were firm with working, it gave you something to do. While sitting back to never work again sounds like an absolute dream, the sinking pit in your stomach told you otherwise. You felt too lazy. Mix that with anxiety and you swiftly found yourself a job at the local mall.
You laid on top of Dwayne’s bike, the (arguably) most comfortable bike, while humming to keep your mind busy. You cross your arms over the handlebars and use it to cushion your head. Your legs are just short enough to miss the ground, so you swing them back and forth. Your eyes slowly start to close as your mind slips away into a light nap, but that's when your body jolts itself upright. Your body reacts before your brain fully understands what was happening.
Gunshots, several of them.
The fast pops whip through the air, then are quickly followed by more. It's not rare that Santa Carla has a few idiots with guns, but what is rare is a full on shoot out. You see several people running away from the middle of the boardwalk. You watch as they push past each other and you even catch sight of the poors souls that get knocked to the floor. You know those people will be trampled to death by the terrified crowd, but you can't help but briefly think about how horrible that cause of death is. Head trauma, crushed ribs, pierced lungs, snapped neck, all happening to you in a matter of seconds. It's truly a brutal way to go.
David grabs you by the arm and pulls you off Dwayne’s bike and into his chest. David turns himself around to cover you and put you onto his own bike. That's when a sharp, burning pain hits your shoulder. By the time you know what's wrong David has already started his motorcycle and is speeding off. You hissed in pain as the warm California air hits your red, hot, open wound. While David drives you slide off your jacket and press it into the hole in your shoulder. You lean into David's shoulder and bite down onto his leather coat. The stinging pain mixed with the bounce of the trail makes you nauseous, but before you know it, your home.
David wastes no time parking his bike and grabbing you, pulling you into the cave. He runs past the common room, kicking shit out of the way, and sets you into the nest. David is fast, his movements show panic, But oddly enough not his face. He's stone cold, you'd be almost offended if you didn't see the way his pupils are blown wide open. He is panicking, he's just not showing it.
In his haste he grabs some old clothes of his from what you can assume was the 1800’s. Lucky that old thing is clean, you know because you're the one that washed it. He presses the white cotton button up into your shoulders, your body reacts by trying to pull away, but David doesn't let you get far. “Hold still love.” He pleads gently.
You hiss at the touch, Your shoulder burns and stings with a dull throbbing pain. Your heartbeat throbs in your ears while David does his best to stop the bleeding. You're lurched back into reality as someone pulled you into their chest by the waist. You look back to find Paul pulling you in and hastily kissing the back of your head. You look around to see Marko and Dwayne finding more cloth to stuff the wound.
By the four shirt the bleeding slows and your vision is swirling. Dwayne holds your hand and presses kisses into your knuckles while Marko and David are setting up supplies to dig out the bullet and sew you shut. You see them using a lighter to disinfect a pair of tweezers and two needles. Your tears blur you vision so much there's no point in keeping them open.
“I know baby, I know.” Dwayne tries to reassure you, but they all know that's not going to work. You hear footsteps and open your eyes to look up. David is crouching down with the sterile tweezers and you catch the look in his eyes. He's clearly anticipating your reaction, they all know it's not going to be fun.
Paul grabs your other hand and interlaces his fingers with yours, Dwayne is quick to do the same. Another wave of panic shoots through you, while this is an act of love, they're also holding you down.
“Ready?” David says in the most delicate voice you've ever heard from him. You sob out and brace yourself, David knows you're never going to be ready, but has to do this either way.
When he begins digging you're met with what is now the worst pain you've ever been in. Being shit was one thing, this was 10 times more intense. You feel every jab and poke, the pain is nearly indescribable. You seriously would have rather been stabbed.
While you violently sob and scream, Paul and Dwayne hold you down tightly. You legs twist and almost kick David, but Marko was quick to swoop in and pin them down too. With all this chaos David is apologizing with every movement he makes. He shushes you while digging into your bleeding wound until he hits metal.
He slowly drags up the bullet. When the Damned thing is dislodged from your shoulder David quickly packs the wound again. “I'm sorry love, you did such a good job.” He praises while getting up.
They wait until your crying slows and you're no longer trying to kick the air...or Marko. Marko lets go of your legs slowly and stands you. He hurries over to the cabinet and grabs an already threaded needle. “It's not over yet, love.” Paul whispers in an apologetic way. Marko sprays the wound with a disinfectant before he begins his work. David is now the one hugging your legs as Marko gets in close to sew you together. “1…2…3!” Marko says before the needle pierces the lower part of the wound.
Your voice is hoarse from David's previous excursion, but you still manage to hiss and cry. Marko’s work is quick but not sloppy. He too is spewing apologies like a prayer. By the time he's done you've lost all your fight and lay limp and sobbing against Paul's chest.
Marko sprays some disinfectant on your wound and patches you up with cotton pads and a cloth wrapping. As soon as he's down you're pulled into a laying down position by Paul and all four boys start cooing at you.
You're surrounded by purrs and buzzing, praises and kisses, all around you. But that all combines into mindless ringing as you stare up at the ceiling. You still feel the stinging, pinching, and throbbing burn. The thumping of your heart hasn't stopped either, you're still in pain.
Finally your body gives in and your vision fades.
The first sight you're met with is the ceiling. As you blink away the sleep you catch a glimpse of fluffy blonde hair. You turn your head to see Marko asleep and more of Paul's hair. As you come too you realize you're still on Paul's chest. You look to your other side and see both Dwayne and David also asleep.
You gather that it's probably morning and that you probably missed your early work shift. While that thought flies through your head the second one to follow is ‘I’m fucking quitting.’
You slowly wiggle yourself out of your mates arms and the nest, and quietly leave the room. You're still in pain, and the wiggling around you just did wasn't helping, but it was manageable. What really bugs you right now is how thirsty you are. Your body is screaming for water like never before. You guess it made some sense, you did lose quite a lot of blood.
You shuffle over to the living area, in the corner are stacks of water bottles. You remember when you first began staying in the cave how you complained that the cave didn't have any running water. You half jokingly said you'd start bring jugs of water when you stayed over. The next day when you complained of thirst Marko busted open a large crate and pulled out a plastic water bottle with absolute glee. Bastards had waited for you to complain all day so they could show off the water they stole for you.
While making your way to the water supply you hear a similar shuffling behind you. “What are you doing up this early?” you hear Paul's groggy voice behind you. You lean over a grab a bottle, you don't even attempt to talk, you know your voice is gone by the way your throat is still raw. You just hum at him and chug your first bottle.
By the time you reach for your next his arms are around you and gently rocking side to side. You untwist the cap and chug your second bottle. “You're gonna need vitamins and shit.” he grumbles into your good shoulder.
“They’re gonna need more than that.” Another voice murmurs from the dark. You don't have to turn your head to identify David’s voice. “We'll get you plenty tonight, but for now we all need sleep.” He promises in a sleepy tone. You finish your second bottle but your thirst is still unmatched
With Paul holding onto your middle you make grabbie hands at the water stash. David grunts in response but get you your third water. “Finish that and we'll go to bed.” Paul says and kisses the side of your neck.
When you're done you're hauled off to the nest and tucked into place. Dwayne and Marko are just slightly awake and mumbles out incomprehensible words. You're put in-between them with Paul and David quickly to snuggle into your lower half.
Its uncharacteristically gentle of the, but you definitely don't hate it. Even more kisses are pressed into your hips and forehead, as they all settle back into sleep. You too fall under sleeps spell while you plan out what food you're gonna eat when night falls.
The last thing you hear are soft purrs.
Thanks for reading <3
I know it's not the greatest but I have like 5 finals to do. I'm in my last couple of days before I graduate.
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Happy Pride Month To Them
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spelledwiththej · 1 month
Micheal Emerson is so relatable, I too would let four super hot punks peer pressure me into throwing myself off a bridge
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darlingnikkisixx · 1 month
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Wallpaper Number 3 🤎
So Far This One Is My Favorite 😍
If You Guys Like These, I'll Make More 👻🩶
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britany1997 · 27 days
Man of Your Midsummer Night’s Dream
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Part two
I’ve loved seeing y’all’s reactions to this and I’m so excited to share this short little follow up with y’all:) let me know if you like it!
Dwayne x GN Fae Reader
Comment if you’d like to be added to my TLB Taglist!
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Your hand slowly reached for a pair of shiny, beaded earrings.
You’d been scopeing out this jewelry stand for the past thirty minutes. And finally, when the seller was tied up trying to coax an unsuspecting tourist into buying an exorbitantly expensive necklace, you saw your time to strike.
Your eyes flitted back and forth between the earrings and the seller, careful not to be caught.
You knew you could glamour her if you wanted, you just loved the rush.
You smiled as your hand brushed over the earrings, seconds from taking them for your own.
“What are you doing?”
You jumped back, recoiling from the jewelry as if it had burned you.
Your flushed face met Dwayne’s amused smile.
“Nothing now,” you pouted.
He huffed a laugh, slipping his arm around your waist.
You whirled away from his grasp, embarrassed to have been caught. “What’s the deal anyway?” you frowned, “you guys steal stuff all the time.”
As the words fell from your lips, Paul and Marko ran from the comic book store, arms full of comics. You gestured at the pair as they laughed manically, books spilling from their arms and littering the ground.
Dwayne snorted at the sight, then turned to smile at you.
“Nothing wrong with a little stealin,” he agreed, “but no partner of mine is gonna take their own stuff.”
Your jaw dropped as he placed the earrings you’d been eyeing into your palm and closed your fingers around them.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against your pointed ear, “you’re a real talented thief babe,” he brushed a lock of hair to rest behind your ear, “but let me take care of you ok?”
Your face flushed bright red.
He chuckled, leading you away from the stand and towards the dock. Once you were resting on the railing, Dwayne reached for your hand.
“Let me put em on for you,” he offered, smirking softly.
You nodded, your lips pulling up into a flustered grin.
Dwayne slipped the earrings on for you, “there, perfect.” He winked, causing you to melt into a giggling mess.
The sweet moment didn’t last long as Marko and Paul bounded up with their haul from the night.
“Whatcha up to guys?” Paul asked, mouth full of funnel cake as he spoke. You snorted at the sight.
Dwayne rolled his eyes, his arm resting on your shoulder. “Nothing now,” he muttered under his breath. You smirked and leaned your head into the crook of his neck.
Marko smiled sheepishly as Paul murmured an insincere apology.
You squeezed Dwayne’s arm as he sighed.
The boys whirled around at the sound of David clearing his throat.
He tapped his watch, raising an eyebrow, “almost sunrise boys.”
Dwayne turned to you, “wanna ride with me?”
You beamed, “yes please,” you preferred riding to flying these days, you’d use any excuse to be snuggled close to your favorite vampire.
“Wanna sit in back or ride in my pocket?” He asked.
You thought for a moment, but the answer was obvious. You loved listening to the steady beat of Dwayne’s heart when you were nestled in his front, jacket pocket. He made you feel safe, even when you were as tiny as a dragon fly.
You shrank down, flitting up to press a kiss to his stubbly cheek, then sliding into his jacket.
“You’re so cute like this baby, I love keeping you close to me,” he whispered as he nuzzled your cheek with his pinky.
Your wings fluttered in delight. You loved it too, more than anything.
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