#dylan duke x reader
hugshughes · 8 months
mirrorball M. Estapa
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Mark Estapa x fem!reader
synopsis - You realize Mark Estapa is the one person you don't have to perform for.
wc - 4.8k (#proud)
contains - cursing, slight miscommunication, upset reader, frustrated reader, fluff asf, kissing, cuddling. as always lmk!
an - LIGHTLY EDITED!!! sorry if there's any mistakes! THIS ONE WAS FUNNNNNN. i love mark so much so this was cute. it does take a long time to get to the point though so.. sorry! this song is also everything to me so yeah! oh also, betty love interest has been determined!!!! connor bedard is like honestly the perfect guy for it i feel like, cause he's young and stuff. and JH86 already has illicit affairs sooooo don't be mad at me! i hope you LOVE this! as always reblogs and replies are very much appreciated!
i want you to know, i'm a mirrorball. i'll show you every version of yourself tonight.
You'd always been somewhat of a people pleaser. Your happiness had almost always stemmed from whether or not the people around you were happy. It started when you were little, because of how your parents would praise you when you'd take care of your 3 little siblings for them.
Your parents were always working, trying to make enough so that your family could live comfortably, but it had you parenting your siblings for all of your childhood. All of your nurturing at home caused you to do that to everyone you cared about. Always being called the "mom of the friend group." You would do anything you could for people around you to be happy with you, no matter if it meant you were miserable or not.
Now that you were in college, you felt weird not having someone depend on you every second like you do back at home. You had a lot of friends in school now, and lots of people liked that you would never say no to them, taking advantage of your kindness.
You'd met Ethan Edwards in a business class freshman year and he immediately took you in and brought you everywhere. He thought you were cool and fun and one of the few girls he could be friends with that didn't make it weird because of his "status" on the campus. He'd brought you to a hockey house party sophomore year and it's where you met Mark Estapa.
i'll get you out on the floor, shimmering beautiful. and when i break, it's in a million pieces.
Mark had been enthralled by you when you met. Your caring nature and kindness absolutely melted him. He watched you be the designated driver everywhere you went, take care of all of your girlfriends when they got plastered, and in his opinion, let them walk all over you. See, he loved your caring nature, to an extent. He loved how sweet you are, but he hated how other people took such an advantage of it. Once he'd even told your friend to fuck off when he'd seen her trying to make you feel bad for something that was completely on her.
hush, when no one is around my dear. you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my, highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
While Mark loved how nurturing you were, he loved even more when you weren't so tense, and taking care of everyone, and you were just carefree. The first time he'd ever seen you like this was in February of your sophomore year, six months after he met you. You guys were at a party, that was really a "hangout" but while you guys drank, where none of those friends of yours had been invited. He'd never seen you that happy.
You were sitting right by him on the couch, your Ugg slippers on the rug in front of you while you tucked your legs into your chest, a drink in your hand. You were laughing and making jokes, not having to stress over whether your "friends" were about to get drugged because they would just grab drinks from anyone offering.
You'd always admired Mark. Since the night you met him, you just loved everything he did. How gentle he was even though his hockey stats would say otherwise. You loved how he always seemed to have a smile on his face, and how much he cared for you. He was one of the first people ever who cared for you the way you cared for everyone else.
hush, i know they said the end is near. but i'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
You had been in love with him since June. Your friend group had gotten together in the summer and spent a weekend on a lake in Michigan, near where Mark's parents lived. One night his parents had invited your group to his childhood home to have dinner and when you'd seen his interactions with his parents, you were a puddle. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever met, but you were convinced you couldn't have him. And he thought the same things about you, sadly enough.
Unknowingly to you, Mark had fallen in complete love with you the same exact day. When he watched you help his mom out with dinner then again afterwards with dishes his heart pounded. Ethan was teasing him all night. Ethan had done everything but tell you guys that you liked the other to try to get you together, sending you two out on drives to get something for a party, making you two a team during every game on the PlayStation, encouraging you guys to enroll in the same classes for junior year, and more.
You hadn't seen Mark all summer after the trip in late June, you'd texted a lot though. He'd even called you a couple of times, which always made you scared because no one had ever just called you to talk to you like he did.
No matter how much Ethan pressured you to tell Mark how you felt, you were always too scared. You'd only ever had two boyfriends before, and they were not good guys, so you didn't really know what it felt like when a guy really loved you.
It was two weeks into the school year and you still hadn't seen Ethan or Mark yet. You were lying in your bed with your eyes closed after class when your phone rang, you jumped, grabbing your phone, seeing 'Mark Estapa🤍" at the top of your screen. You tensed for a second, sliding your finger across your screen to answer and hitting the speaker button.
Mark smiled when he heard your voice, blush dusting the tips of his ears.
"Hey! What's up? Do you have plans for tonight?"
"No, should I? Is there an Alpha Phi party Ethe didn't tell me about?"
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes and flattening your hair.
"No, no party. I wanted to ask if you maybe want to go get dinner or something, maybe we could go walk around target or something."
You blushed at his proposal, you knew it was just a hangout, but dinner with Mark was like, all you ever wanted. You accepted gently, not trying to sound desperate to see him.
"Okay, great. Can I come pick you up in like 20?"
You accepted again, quickly saying goodbye and texting Mark your new address so you could get ready. You'd just moved off campus and into an apartment for your junior year. It was 50° and felt like 45° in Ann Arbor, perfect fall weather, so you made sure to wear warm clothes.
You slipped on your Ugg slippers right when Mark knocked on your door. You opened the door with a big smile, Mark's face adorned by his usual grin.
"Hi Mark, oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever!"
You were gonna use that as your excuse to hug him. He greeted you sweetly, squeezing you tightly. When you both pulled away from each other you admired his face, his rosy cheeks from the cold weather, how comfy and warm he looked in his big Wolverine Hockey sweatshirt, everything.
You guys exited your apartment building silently, when you got to Mark's car he went up ahead of you and opened the door for you. You looked up at him and smiled sweetly.
"My hero."
He nodded and laughed, making sure you were securely in the car before closing your door, running around the front of the car to get in. You turned on your seat warmer while he buckled up, he looked over at you and smiled again, and you raised your eyebrows at him, silently asking him 'what??' he just laughed and shook his head.
You plugged your phone into the car so you could play music, Mark didn't fight you over it, he never did. He loved watching you lip-sync to the music you loved, even though you didn't think he saw you. He smiled as he glanced over to you while stopped at a red light, the red illuminating your face as you sang silently along with Bad Habit by Steve Lacy. He thought the song choice was funny because he literally did wish you knew he wanted you.
This was the you that he loved, the girl who wasn't constantly stressed over people who didn't deserve even half a second of her attention. He snapped out of his trance on you when the light on your face turned green. He drove to your guys' favorite place to eat fast.
You were quickly texting your mom back when you pulled up to the restaurant. Mark hopped out of the car with haste and got around the car before you could get your seatbelt off, opening your door for you, holding out a hand so you could balance.
Your cheeks warmed as you accepted his hand, letting him help pull you out of his warm car, and into the cold of Ann Arbor. You both ran across the parking lot to get away from the cold, Mark running around you once you'd crossed the street so he could open the door for you. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever met. You guys greeted the staff that knew you two well as the "friends" that come in every week together.
Your favorite waitress brought you to your usual booth, taking your drink orders then taking off. Said waitress was the same woman that always would tell you and Mark that you guys were perfect for each other when one of you was in the bathroom and the other was left at the table. You and Mark had both sat on the same side of the booth always, you guys just liked it better that way, and it was always both of yours' side when you came with other people.
Taylor Swift was playing lowly through the restaurant while you guys pretended to look through the menus, acting like you didn't get the same thing every time.
After you guys ordered, you started talking about summer, and what you guys had done since June 27th, when you'd seen each other last. You told Mark how you spent July with your family and then August with your friends in Miami.
i want you to know, i'm a mirrorball. i'll can change everything, about me to fit in.
"-but you know partying is never that fun with that group of girls because I always am the DD and they all always get absolutely blackout plastered and none of them are good drunks and it just-"
"You know I hate when you do that?"
You halted, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows. You were shocked, did you make Mark upset? You didn't think you'd said anything bad. You couldn't even get a 'what?' in before Mark started again.
"When you let those girls walk all over you. You don't deserve to go out with them just to take care of them while they do whatever they want all night. It just makes me like sad to see you literally hate every time you go out with them. You don't always have to take care of everyone. You can let people do things for you, and let people do things for themselves, okay? You can do something for yourself for once."
you are not like the regulars. the masquerade revelers. drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten.
You were stunned. You'd never had anyone care about you like that before, you'd always felt like you had to let everyone depend on you since you were so little. You'd never had a Mark before. Someone who'd let you be you, someone who wouldn't let you go out of your way and hurt yourself to make sure other people are happy.
You didn't know what to say, you hugged him, though. You hugged him tighter than you ever had. And he held you so gently as if you would break. You didn't even know you were tearing up until your vision clouded over.
"Thank you, Mark. I just- I've been taking care of everyone around me since I can even remember. My little brothers and sister were always my responsibility when I was little and it just stuck and now I feel bad if I don't do anything I can to make the people I love happy. But thank you, um wow yeah thank you, Mark."
You both pulled away, he nodded with a straight face. You quickly wiped under your eyes and turned back to the table, you didn't know what to do now.
"Sorry if I just like, made that awkward, but I just really care about you and I don't like when you're with those girls 'cause they don't make you happy."
I love you. I love you. I love you.
That's what Mark wishes he could say.
hush, when no one is around my dear. you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my, highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
"You didn't, it's not awkward Mark."
You giggled and shook your head at him, asking him how his summer went in turn. He went on about all his plans and it just mesmerized you. The way he talked was everything to you, how excited he got over little things, how enthusiastic he was about almost everything. You loved how bright he was while also being able to understand you and be serious.
You guys got your food and ate while talking about more random things. Mark got up and went to the bathroom right after you both finished, while you sat and waited on him and the check. Mark walked back from the bathroom minutes later and when he got to the booth he held out his hand to help you out of it.
"Mark the check didn't come yet. We can't leave."
He smile got bigger, you could already tell what he was about to say.
"Well I just paid so I think we're fine."
You rolled your eyes at him, lightly pushing him after you accepted his help out of the booth, telling him you’re paying him back somehow. When you got into the car you checked the time, 8:13 p.m. Target closed at 10, so you decided to drive over to it and check it out.
hush, i know they said the end is near. but i'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
You played more music in the car, and at every red light Mark would watch you sing along silently, and whenever you were driving, you'd glance over at Mark, admiring the slope of his nose and his sharp jawline. He was beautiful, to say the least, but staring at him while Ceyando by Frank Ocean played in the background was breathtaking.
You guys stopped at a red light, and then Mark's eyes met yours. You quickly looked away, staring straight ahead at the road in front of you guys. If the red light wasn't shining down on you guys, Mark would've seen the way you blushed. You were everything to him, everything.
and they called off the circus, burned the disco down. when they sent home the horses, and the rodeo clowns. i'm still on that tightrope. i'm still trying everything, to get you laughin' at me.
When you got to Target, Mark opened your door like always. You guys rush inside to fight the cold weather, giggling like little kids. Before you guys start looking around, Mark goes to the bathroom, claiming how he didn't actually get to go at the restaurant.
While he was away, you ordered Starbucks for the two of you, happy that you were partially repaying him for dinner. You waited outside the bathrooms with two hot chocolates in your hand and a big smile on your face. Mark as always, argues with you when you hand him the drink. You ignore him and grab a cart.
You push the cart through the store, both of your cups taking space in the cupholders on the cart. You both throw in random things you need for your homes, from paper towels to shampoo to Gatorade. You gasp with excitement when you see the books and music section, your favorite part of the whole store. You abandon the cart with Mark, running over to the vinyl.
Now that you had your own apartment, you could finally bring your record player from home and have room with it.
"When was the last time you listened to something on vinyl?"
Mark teased you but admired you also as you scoured the shelves of vinyl, gasping at every Taylor Swift or Harry Styles album.
"Well actually Estapa, my new apartment has enough room for my record player now so I listened to one like two days ago!"
He nodded with an amused look, letting out an 'Oh yeah?' to which to nodded aggressively.
Mark saw the way your movements halted when your eyes landed on one vinyl that was at the very back of the stack. Mark recognized it to be a Taylor Swift album, because you had played it in his car before, but he wasn't exactly sure what it was called.
"Oh my god. This is the Folklore Deluxe album, the red pressing. This is so weird, I left this at home for my little sister to have before school started. I haven't seen this album in Target in like over a year."
Mark nodded along with your words, a big smile on his face as he watched how excited you were.
"Oh my gosh I need to play this for you. Okay, on the way home we're listening to the whole thing okay?"
"Yeah, alright, we'll listen to it."
You squealed, giggling as you slid the vinyl into the cart. Mark pushed the cart behind you as you looked through the books, grabbing two that had been on your 'tbr' list for a while.
Mark let his thoughts wander into delusion as he pushed the cart behind you. He thought about grocery shopping with you like you were married. He shocked himself with that thought, quickly shaking it from his head. He hadn't even told you he liked you yet.
You two went to the self-checkouts, splitting your items up and paying. Mark pushed the cart behind you as you exited Target, while you jogged to the car, the cold air seeping into your jacket. You jumped up and down slightly as Mark took as long as possible to get to the car.
You guys quickly loaded the bags into his trunk, and you insisted on pushing the cart back to the cart corral. When you walked back to the car, a crazy thought appeared in your mind. You thought about being married to Mark and loading your shared groceries into your shared car. Lord, you hadn't even told him you liked him yet.
You got back to the car to see your door open and waiting for you. When you got in, the heater in your seat and pushing through the vents enveloped you. Mark smiled, holding up the aux cord for you. You grinned back, snatching it from him and pulling up Spotify, clicking on folklore (deluxe version).
"Okay so, the album starts with 'the 1', and it's about like thinking about your ex that you thought was your soulmate and wishing they were just a little different so that it could've worked out."
"Oh okay, I think you've played this one before."
You nodded as the song faded in, letting him listen to the song. Mark especially loved when you played Taylor Swift, because you always lip sync the "hardest" to her. 'my tears ricochet' faded out when you pulled up to your apartment.
"Oh my gosh, Mark you have to come in and let me play the rest for you. Please? You're gonna love it I promise. Oh, and we can make those cookies we picked out!"
Mark didn't even have to think for two seconds before agreeing, not that he could ever say no to you. The idea of spending the rest of the night with you sounded like heaven. You had Mark park in a visitor spot and you both got out of the car, grabbing your bags from the back. Mark insisted on carrying 4/5 of your bags, even when you argued with him. You led him up and into your apartment. You both took your shoes off by your door, dropping your bags on the kitchen counter.
and i'm still a believer, but i don't know why. i've never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try.
"Sorry it's a little disorganized, I'm still in the rearranging everything stage."
Mark walked in and immediately loved the vibe of your apartment. It was so warm and it smelled good and just was so you.
"I think it looks great, don't worry."
You blushed at that, feeling all giddy over a boy liking the way you had your apartment decorated. You started to put away your perishable groceries but then noticed Mark standing awkwardly on the other side of your kitchen.
"Oh sorry Mark, please make yourself at home!"
He smiled and nodded, walking around the counter over to you, asking if you needed any help with groceries. You asked him to preheat the oven, and he immediately agreed. You then heard a confused call of your name.
"Your oven is like a fuckin' spaceship. How do you work this?"
You laughed so loud, Mark loved it. You walked over from where you were putting the Halloween-themed cookie dough on a baking sheet and stood between Mark and your oven. You preheat the oven successfully before turning around to make a snarky comment but then realized your proximity. Both of your faces warmed before Mark backed away, rubbing the back of his neck with a smile.
It was a little awkward for a beat before you remembered what you invited him in for.
"Oh my gosh, come over here, look at my record player area! It's my favorite place I have decorated so far."
You grabbed your new vinyl off the counter, sliding on your socks over to where you had your record player set up in your living room. You carefully took the wrap off of your new record, grabbing the first vinyl out and gently placing it on your player. You moved the needle to where track 6 started and turned it on, letting the needle drop onto the vinyl.
"This one is my favorite on folklore, it's about like being a people pleaser but also having someone who you don't have to be like that for."
You avoided looking right at Mark when you said it because you realized that's exactly how you felt about him. He was one of the only people that you didn't have to perform for, the one person who preferred when you didn't. What you didn't know was that Mark was smiling so big when you said what the song was about, thinking of you and himself.
You turned up the volume, walking back over to your kitchen to slide the cookies into the oven when the oven beeped, signaling it was finished preheating. You turned and saw Mark standing at your counter, staring right back at you.
"Hmm, oh! You've never been here before, let me give you the tour."
You turned up the record player once again, so you could hear it throughout your space, and led Mark over to the hallway that led to everything else in your apartment.
"So obviously my kitchen and living room, there's a coat closet, but it's pretty much empty still so whatever."
You showed him the bathroom, another closet, laundry room, and then finally you got to your bedroom.
"Okay this is my bedroom, I'm actually like just finishing up with my decorating in here, sorry if it's a little messy."
Mark thought your room looked spotless and beautiful. Everything just screamed you so he loved it. Your salt lamp dimly illuminated your room from your nightstand, the song dancing through the air of your room. Mark looked all around your room before stopping when he saw your photo wall.
There were dozens of photos, Polaroids and printed pictures, photo booth strips, and other mementos from various occasions taped on the wall.
When you saw Mark halted at your wall, you hoped he didn't realize how much of him there was on it. Every picture of you and Mark in existence was printed out and taped to your wall. The ticket stub from when he took you to The Little Mermaid in May. A cut-out drawing he doodled on your page during class once, he was surprisingly good at drawing hockey jerseys.
Mark noticed how often he came up on your wall, then there was one photo that made his eyes widen a little and his heart jump. It was a Polaroid of you and him at a party last year, your arm around his neck as you both smiled widely. That wasn't even the best part to him, the best part was that on the margin underneath the picture, there was just the date, a dash, and then a heart drawn.
He looked over at you and there was a different look in both of your guys' eyes. Some kind of understanding, but still a little bit of fear that your feelings were unrequited. You walked over to Mark, pointing at the photo he had been staring at.
"That's my favorite picture like, ever. That's why it's in the very middle of all of them."
Mark just stared at you, as you stared at the picture. He was so in love with you, it would probably physically hurt him if he held back telling you any longer.
"I think I'm in love with you."
Your eyes widened, head snapping in his direction. You blushed so deep red, that it even spread to your ears. You were stunned, you literally couldn't move your mouth, Mark had just told you exactly what you think every time you look at him. He was in love with you? You would jump up and down in victory, but your downstairs neighbors might not like that. Mark didn't take your silence well, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck as he blushed madly.
"Well no I know I am but like it's cool-"
You kissed him, you kissed him. You kissed Mark Estapa after he told you he was in love with you. What fucking universe is this? You kissed him as the bridge of seven played through your home. Your hands framed his face as his hands instinctively held your hips. Butterflies were all either of you felt, whole body tingling and excitement as you kissed each other.
When you pulled away, you were both out of breath, you stared at Mark, so incredibly flustered. Mark took in your rattled appearance and his confidence skyrocketed. He had just got the girl, he was on top of the world.
"So, does that mean like, you like me back or?"
You pushed at his chest, covering your warm face with your hands, hiding your embarrassment and big smile.
"Shut your mouth, but yes."
Mark grinned even wider than he already was, wrapping you up in a hug as august started playing. You both stood there for a minute, taking the moment in. You stood until the timer on the oven went off, indicating your cookies had finished. You pulled out of the hug, taking both of Mark's hands and leading him back to your kitchen, not before he could let out a funny comment.
"I really like this album by the way."
You let out an 'oh yeah?', giggling at his stupidity. You couldn't believe you'd finally gotten him. He was yours, and you could definitely tell that he was the 1.
because i'm a mirrorball. i'm a mirrorball, and i'll show you every version of yourself tonight.
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
✿ umich cheer au masterlist ⬚͒ㅤㅤㅤ♪
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ⓘ you can find all parts to this series, here! this will be x reader instead of an oc, however i will be using #wrong time is an inconvenience au tag as a guide. this hashtag is where you can also find all the works for this series. ❤︎
fem!reader x mark estapa
mentions of fem!reader x cole sillinger
mentions of mark estapa x fem!oc
jules leblanc will be my faceclaim throughout this series, however you can imagine whoever you want, as she is just here for media reasons. enjoy!
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⊹ prologue!
One of Umich’s best cheerleaders y/n y/l/n finds out her boyfriend Cole Sillinger has been cheating on her, through instagram. The breakup is extremely public, and messy. Soon enough her bestfriend, Jade drags her to a hockey game, and then a post hockey game party, where she meets Mark Estapa. She instantly feels a connection with him, the two becoming friends easily.
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⊹ chapters!
she was boring (chapter one)
more coming soon . . .
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⊹ blurbs / short imagines!
coming soon . . .
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warnings + extra information!
first and foremost, most things that'll be in this fic are most likely untrue. i will try my best to make things believable, but at the end of the day, it's a fic.
number two, this is mostly going to be a social media fic, as i see that it does the best.
three, this is purely for entertainment, if you have anything negative to say, you can scroll.
IMPORTANT I an oc by the name of jjde winters will be mentioned throughout this series, Jade’s faceclaim is jayden bartels. she will portray readers bestfriend, so don't be confused if you see jayden used throughout the series.
also, cole did not date tate in this series.
excited for this fic, please make sure to check out my navigation, here!
check out my college hockey masterlist, here!
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog @hughesfein
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jamiedryssnail · 4 months
Safe now
Love of my Life Au
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Warnings : fighting, swearing, underage drinking, and attempted SA
He was 6,1 and on the hockey team guys knew to keep clear of him and his girl. Obviously he is the biggest sweetheart but if you didn’t know this well then good luck because he can be intimidating when he wants to.
He always has a need to hold her, go to the bathroom with her, get her drinks so they don’t get spiked. He is protective but he knows he needs to be because you don’t know what types you get at big parties like this.
He also knows that all the hockey boys will look out for each others girls. Madi especially I mean she is practically hockey royalty and they are all like her older brothers. There is also the factor that her brothers would kill you if anything happened to her. Now if you think Rutger looks intimidating try her three NHL player brothers Quinn, Jack, and Luke.
Mads was not drinking at all just Coke Zero for her. She is a very serious athlete and her mum Ellen always said athletes don’t drink in the season. This came as more of a suggestion to her brothers ( jack ) but she took it to heart. Always wanting to perform her best and not take any chances of being sick, dehydrated, or tired.
Hence why Rut thought it was fine for her to go to the bathroom by herself. She hadn’t been drinking and the bathroom was in view from we’re they were standing, talking to Mark and Ethan. “Just meet me right back here as soon as you are done” he noted as he was very cautious of his girl. “It’s one of the biggest parties of the year who knows who is here mads, ok” he says making his point clear.
If it was any other party he would have been fine and more at ease. But Michigan had just won the rose bowl so it was hectic and everyone was there drunk off their asses. He had heard of many cases at parties like this of girls getting spiked or assaulted by guys. “Ok baby I’ll be quick, then maybe we could head home yeah” she said in a suggestive tone. Mads wondered off into the crowd seeing the huge line for the bathroom. There had to be at least twelve people ahead of her.
As she waited in the line she saw Dylan duke her long time best friend. “Dyl, we’re have you been all night” she asked knowing just why he had been preoccupied. “Oh shut up she is pretty ok and she thinks I’m hot” “Sure, Dylan” she joked.
As they chit chatted she gave rut a little wave before he looked away smiling re entering the conversation he was having.
“Oh my god what are these people doing in the bathroom” She exclaimed obviously busting to pee. “Mads don’t wait in this queue just go upstairs, it’s what I’ve been using”. Dylan says directing her
Unsure Madi made her way upstairs passing a few couples that couldn’t seem to wait til they got home to get with each other. As she made her way to the top she looked in a few rooms for a free bathroom. Accidentally walking in on a few couples getting at it she got a few ‘what the hell’s’ and ‘do you minds’. She finally found a free one and quickly used it.
Quickly using it and then touching up her makeup for the night ahead with rut she opened the door ready to go downstairs. As she started walking out she saw a guy she had never seen before looking directly at her. “Hey Mads right?” He asked “It’s Madison.” She said sternly trying to get out of there as soon as possible. She so did not feel like having a conversation with a gross stranger who obviously just wanted to get in her pants. Mads tried to exit but he grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear “ I don’t really care what your name is or how you say it you have a decent rack so you better shut the fuck up” Madi then trying to scream and kick her way out causing some kind of attention.
The guy put her hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the bathroom locking the door. She tried to fight back but he wasn’t budging instead hitting her in the face making her drowsy. She kept trying to push him away but he was a big dude and was to strong.
As she felt the blood start drip down from the top of her face she couldn’t help but cry.
Rutgers Pov,
“Hey has anyone seen Mads”
He had been asking everyone at the party for the last ten minutes.
“Rut hey dude mads just went to the toilet upstairs”
“Alone are you fucking with me” he said fuming at Dylan for even thinking that was ok. Rutger knows what guys are like and he was ready to beat the shit out of anyone.
Rutger rushed upstairs and searched everywhere to find one bathroom door locked. He banged on it then to hear Madi’s soft pleas to stop and get off her.
“Open up you asshole” Rutger screamed he swore the whole party had heard him but he didn’t care, he just wanted to hold mads. Luckily the guy had only just locked the door so nothing major had happened.
Finally the guy opened up the door expecting some guy who drank to much beer and needed the restroom. Before he knew it there was a guy jumping on him punching him repeatedly until he had blood all over his face. “Fucking touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you” he yelled like someone had died. Luca and Dylan seeing this run to pull Rut off the guy, then something catches ruts eyes. Madi standing frail and scared a few feet away. He goes to hold her and then sees blood. She has a cut on her upper eyebrow.
“You son of a bitch you laid hands on my girl” Rutger yells knowing he can’t do anything because he has to hold mads. “Oh fuck off as if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack”. Then the guy spoke up again “she’s a slut you know what have ur hooker looking girlfriend”. At this point Rutger was beyond pissed he couldn’t believe his ears.
“Fucking say it again I dare you” “As if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack she’s a good hit admit it” Rutger then decided to leave it until he heard a “Yea go have my sloppy seconds I got to her first tonight” and with that the guy was almost passed out on the floor from another hit. Luca lunges to towards him telling him to leave before they call the cops.
“Oh my girl you poor thing come here” rut says to mads. “I’m sorry for not being there I’m horrible” he whispers. “No Rut you were there don’t blame yourself for others actions, please baby”. Madi said
Rutger and Mads slowly walk down stairs trying to exit the house and get back to someone’s dorm. He did not let go of her at all after that. Finally finding the front yard Rutger picks her up and puts her in his car. “Oh sweet girl I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again”.
When they get to Madi’s dorm Rutger grabs the first aid kit Madi uses to clean him up after he gets into fights at games. He carefully dabs a cotton bud and some disinfectant oil for her cut. He then fixes himself up knowing his girl is to tired to do it for him like usual.
Rutger helps madi out of her little dress and into one of her (his) shirts and his boxers. He can’t help at smile at his beautiful girl almost drowning in his clothes.
After they both get into comfy clothes they find themselves cuddled up in bundles of blankets and pillows holding each other. Rutger is just happy she is safe now, and when I tell you he will never let her go again i mean never. He is walking her to and from every class, holding her tightly at parties, and taking her to her training. Anyway let’s just say Rut is content but also not looking forward to her brothers finding out especially jack.
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uluvjay · 1 year
Can you do a fic if ““i can’t get you out of my head.” “...thanks?” With mark estapa?
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Mark Estapa x established relationship! reader
Warnings?; Part scene, drinking, kissing, like one swear word, fluff
A/n; I got a little stuck on where to go with this so I decided to go with a drunk mark re-confessing his lover to reader, hope you enjoyed anon💕
You and Mark were sat on the porch swing of the senior house as you were trying to get him to sober up with some water. Mark on the other hand was going on and on about how much he loved you.
“And your just the prettiest person ever, I mean did you know duker had a thing for you when we first met you? But I told him that I was gonna make you mine and his ass needed to ba-“ he’s told you this story plenty of times while drunk and it always ended with him getting mad at poor Dylan so you cut him off.
“I know baby, and I love that you knew you wanted me from day one” you smiled at him and kissed his head.
It was silent for a moment between the two of you, no noise besides the music that could be heard from the inside and people coming and going. You were about to ask him if he wanted to start walking home but he started talking before you got the chance.
“I can’t get you out of my head” he told you sitting up a little more and looking at you.
“Thanks?..” you replied with a small laugh
“No baby I’m serious, all I can ever think about is you and our future. Like where will we end up after college, will we buy a house or rent, what kind of dog will we get, what ring- wait no I already know what your dream ring is, what kind of wedding we’ll have, how many kids we’ll have. I can never get you and our future out my head.” He told you and you could feel yourself crying.
“Hey! No, did I say something wrong? Oh baby I’m so sorry” he started panicking and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“No god no, you didn’t say anything wrong. In fact everything you said was perfect, absolutely perfect.” You told him as you pulled him into a kiss.
“I love you so much Mark and I can’t wait to see what our future will hold, I can’t wait to marry you and start a family in a home we have together, I can’t wait to have your babies and watch them run around with whatever dog we end up with in the yard of our home”
He didn’t reply just tackled you into another kiss and held you close, but as always your sweet and intimate moment was ruined by none other then Dylan Duke.
“Guys! Holy fuck hurry up, or your gonna miss Rutger and Johnnys wrestling match!” He called out with a laugh before running back in the house.
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avalanchesumich · 11 months
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liked by tyler_duke, edwards.73, and others
ynhughes romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
lhughes_06 what is this
ynhughes what does it look like?
frienduser and so he makes an appearance 🫨
lhughes_06 you, by law of being my girlfriend, are required to tell me who this is.
frienduser 🤐
trevorzegras not allowed. we talked about this little hughes.
ynhughes not sure i recall!
dylanduke25 romance (n.); a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.
ynhughes gtfo.
jackhughes no.
ynhughes yes <3
elblue6 ❤️❤️
ynhughes ❤️
_quinnhughes does this mean i can talk about it now?
jackhughes YOU KNOW???
_quinnhughes no?
ynhughes zip it quinny 🤫
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liked by elblue6, alyssa_duke, and others
dylanduke25 summatime
mackie.samo you are a bold man
markestapa i’d say stupid not bold
ynhughes 😚😚
tyler_duke ick
lhughes_06 MY BABY SISTER
ynhughes by 14 minutes ✋
dylanduke25 surprise?
edwards.73 i cant believe you’re the one to hard launch out of the 2 of you
user1 and we lost another one 🥲
_johnbeecher nolan_moyle i told you so 🥱
nolan_moyle shut tf up i already venmod you 🙄
ynhughes … you guys bet on us?
dylanduke25 babe shh it means we’re popular
jackhughes so we will not be using words like “babe” from here on out, got it?
dylanduke25 🫡🫡
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greazyfloz · 1 year
27 & 29 smut with dylan duke
Smut: 27. "Let’s pump a couple babies into ya” & 29. "I don’t share” w/ Dylan Duke
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Sooner Than You Think
Dylan and I got into a random argument about having children while we were out at dinner with some of his friends from his hometown. One of his friends told us that they were expecting then it became a big joke that I Dylan and I should try for a kid to so they could be best friends.
Dylan started making remarks about having children that started to make me a little upset as the night went on, "imagine they could learn to play hockey together" Marissa, his friends girlfriend exclaimed
"Yeah, maybe your next child" he says laughing and we all laughed along with him, "or maybe the next one after that" he continued. By that point I kinda started to have the feeling that kids weren't really in his ideal future.
"or maybe with your next girlfriend" one of his drunk friends said. I shook it off at first thinking he was just drunk, but Dylan laughed
"Yeah maybe" Dylan says laughing along. Some of the people laughed along until they realized I took offence to that. Everyone at the table became slightly awkward and Dylan looks around at everyone, "What?" he says then finally looks at me.
"fuck. you." I say standing from my seat and grabbing my purse from the chair
"What?" he says looking at me confused, "Where are you going?"
"Leaving so your next girlfriend can have a place to sit"
I then storm out of the restaurant we were in and walked over to the bar next door. I made my way in and went directly to the bar. I took a seat next to a random guy, that ended up being very attractive.
"Hey" he says with a smile, I just nod my head and raise my hand trying to get the bartenders attention, "rough night?"
"Kinda" I say as the bartender makes their way over, "just give me a water" I tell him and he nods then pour me a water
"So, what brings a pretty girl like you into a bar like this, all by herself?" he guy says
"Well that didn't sound creepy at all" I say looking at him weird
"It did didn't it" he laughs, "I swear I'm not going to chop you up" he says making me laugh
"I'm Y/n" I tell him
"What a pretty name, it suits you" he tells me, "I'm Andrew. Typically pretty girls don't come to this bar" he tells me
"Typically, I don't go to bars alone unless I'm here to forget something"
"Something or someone?" Andrew asks
"You're smart" I tell him
"Well, it's going to take more than a glass of water to forget him, what did he do?"
"He doesn't want to have kids... Well with me"
"Is he ugly? maybe he is scared the kid will come out ugly and you will know who to blame" he says making me laugh again
"He isn't ugly" I say as I begin to stop laughing, "He must think I'm ugly"
"You're pretty, but you need some glasses" he says, "and buddy needs a brain for letting you leave him"
"Thank you, but I didn't leave him... yet I guess" I say to him
"Well when you do think about leaving him, here is my number" he says while writing his number on a napkin then sliding it over.
"She won't be needing it" Dylan says then sliding the napkin back over to Andrew.
"You must be the boyfriend" he says to Dylan
"Yeah" he says then looks at me, "Come on, let's go"
"It was nice to meet you" I say to Andrew as I look around Dylan.
"You know where to find me" he says in a reassuring tone as I walk out of the bar with Dylan following close behind me. Dylan looks back and gives Andrew a dirty look before placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me out the door. I step to the side away from his touch and we continue to walk side by side to his car.
The drive back to his place was quiet because no one said a word until we got onto his street.
"Who was that guy?"
"Andrew who?
"How do you know him?"
"I don't"
"Would you talk to me normally?" he says to me and I shake my head looking out the window, "please?"
"Maybe the next girlfriend will communicate better"
"Oh my god" he says as he turns the car into the driveway, "let it go"
I open the door as he puts the car in park, and march into his house. He is quick behind me carrying my purse, I didn't even know that I left behind. I open the door and close it but he catches it walking in behind me.
"I laughed at a joke Y/n!" he says as he follows behind me on the way up the stairs to his room. "Come on, I'd pop a baby in you right now if I could" he says and I turn around and look at him wide eyed, "no one is home"
"You literally said we would have a kid when they had their 3rd!" I said to him, "you know I want kids Dylan so did you say that just to hurt me?!"
"Why would he even joke about a 'next girlfriend'?"
"I don't know!"
"Well, let me know when you figure it out?"
"Okay, why am I all in the wrong here? You are bringing up me and my next girlfriend who doesn't even exist, but I find you all over a guy at the bar?!" he says raising his voice
I stand up and walk you to him and look at him with a tight look on my face, "fuck you" I say to him still staring at him as he licks his lips
"Please" he says leaning down to press his lips on mine. We begin to make out as he back me against the wall and pulls away, "I don't share"
He then reaches down and takes my shirt off, then I reach back and take my bra off as he takes his shirt off too. Once we are both topless he begins making out with me again as we make our way to his bed. "Your mouth is addicting" he says into the kiss.
He tugs my pants and I take the hint to pull them down along with my panties before kneeling down onto my knees. He looks down at me and watches me unbutton his pants then pulling them off before stroking his cock. I don't take anymore time and begin sucking his cock back and forth until his cock is all the way in.
I take him out of my mouth to catch my breath then like up his shaft and begin sucking his cock again. "Your turn" he says to me as I look up at him. I stand up and Dylan pushes me back onto the bed. He crawls on top on me and kisses my lips gently, "You know I love you right?" he asks me
"Yes baby" I say to him as he begins kissing down my stomach
"Good" he says
He reaches my pussy and licks up my slit once. His fingers rub circles around my clit before they move down and he slides two into my pussy. He leans forward and begins sucking on my clit as I reach to the sides of the bed, grabbing onto the sheets, moaning loudly as I feel his fingers begin to curl inside on me, "Yes Dylan!" I moan out.
He then switches his fingers and mouth and begins pumping his tongue in and out of me while sucking my pussy as his fingers rub my clit. "O-oh!" I moan loudly, "Oh my god!". I throw my head back but then he stops.
He makes his way back up to my lips and kisses them gently, then makes his way into my neck. "You want a baby?" he says as he continues sucking on my neck
"Dylan" I say breathlessly
"Tell me" he muffles into my neck
"Okay" he says standing up from the bed
"Dylan?" I question him cautiously, in case that made him mad. He pulls me to the edge of the bed then smiles at me.
"Let's pump a couple babies into ya"
He positions his cock at my entrance and pushes himself deep inside of me, "Dylan!" I moan out as he continues to pump himself hard and fast inside of me, "You feel so good!"
"Tell me what you want" he grunts out as he thrusts inside of me
"I want you to fuck me" I moan out
"Yeah? Tell me more!" he says almost out of breath
"I-I want you to f-fuck me until you fill me up!"
He continues fucking me through my orgasm as I drag my nails down his back. I whimper loudly as I release myself on his cock and he smiles proud at himself at me.
"I'm close" he tells me as he continues pumping himself but becoming sloppier. He grunts as he releases himself inside my pussy. After he cums he lays in the bed beside me and looks at me, "What were we fighting about again?"
We both laugh before he stand up from the bed, "You're just going to leave me here?" I ask him as he opens the bedroom door
"I'm going to the shower if you wanna join, you know the answer is always yes" he winks
I follow behind him after i hear the shower turn on. I open the bathroom door and then slide the shower door open. Before he turns around, I wrap my arms around him.
"Babe?" I ask him
"Do you actually want to have a baby?" I ask him and he turns around in my arms to look at me, "or should I go get the morning after pill tomorrow?"
"I do want a baby" he says but doesn't smile, "I don't know when but I'll be ready when it happens"
I smile at him and he smiles back bringing back in for a hug. I rest my head against his chest before he looks down at me and presses a kiss on my lips
"Can I tell you why dinner made me really upset?" I ask him taking a step back, and he nods, "I'm pregnant"
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Can you do ““My family thinks we are dating.” With Dylan duke and or Luke Hughes? Thanks!
A gentle kind of love
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Being Luke’s cousin meant that not only was she destined to be attached to his hip the moment she entered university with him, but it also meant that the entire Umich hockey team came with him. Of course, being close with the team came with its perks, having an entire team of bodyguards and overprotective father figures being one, and unconditional friendships being another
Dylan always held a soft spot in her heart, he had become her second in command the moment they were introduced, the one who would help her team up against Luke when he was in need of some humbling, and the guy she would spill her guts to while her cousin was out of tune with her emotions.
“Yes Dylan I’m going to the family skate,” she said over the phone as she sat in the back of Jim and Ellen’s car, “Luke has your wallet in his hockey bag, remember last night when you said you were gonna forget it so he took it for you” Ellen smiled as she looked through the rearview mirror to the girl who laughed over the phone as Dylan refused to hang up, stressing over the upcoming game versus his brother and Ohio state university.  “Ok, k bye see you later tonight”
Jim cleared his throat as they continued on the highway, “So you and Dylans huh?” Ellen turned around in her seat to see her niece red in the face. “It’s not like that” “Are you sure, I get a call nearly every week from Luke complaining that you two are way too close” the woman mused as she left her to her thoughts
Sure Dylan and her had been close, and the lines between friends and something more had been blurred slightly, but there was no talk of romance between the two.
She sat in the back of the car spiralling as they pulled up to the stadium where the family skate and game would be held over the weekend, “Don’t forget love, we have dinner with the Dukes tonight after the skate and media stuff” Ellen smiled as she handed the girl the hockey bag full of hats, mats, and skates from the trunk.
“Come on Yn, stop whining,” Luca said as he stood behind the girl who was still very lacking in the skating department. “I look like a newborn baby deer,” she said looking down at her shaking legs, “just cause you guys practically live on the ice doesn’t mean I do too” “You’re best friends with an entire college hockey team, it just kinda seems like something that comes with the job” Rutger added as he pretended to push her over making her lose her balance and falling onto the ice, a smile on her face as Dylan extended his hand out for her to take.
“Just hold my hand I’m not gonna let you fall,” he said as they skated around the outdoor rink. “I just threw up in my mouth” Mackie whispered to Nolan. “Let him have his moment, well chirp him later”
“So you’re telling me that they aren’t together?” Dylan’s mom looked over to her son Tyler and Luke as they shook their heads, both of them clueless as to what was happening between the couple. “She was telling me in the car that they are just friends” Ellen shrugged as she finished tying up her skate, “I don’t believe it though”
The Duke and Hughes family left early from the event in order to make it to their reservation at a small restaurant not even ten minutes away. She sat in between Dylan and Luke as the two older women sat on the other side of the table, skeptically staring at the pair as they lowly talked in their own separate conversation from the rest of the group.
“Your mom is glaring at us” she whispered to him with a laugh as they looked over to Ellen and Ms. Duke who were pretending to stare at their menus “My family thinks we are dating” “Ellen asked me if we were earlier too” her cheeks flushed pink as he laughed.
Duker’s leg bounced as he stared at her flustered expression, “Im gonna ask something and don’t feel pressured at all to say yes” She nodded with a smile and turned back to face him, “Do you want to go out on a date when we get back to Ann Arbour?” He asked sweetly making a grin break out on her face “I would love that” she pecked him on the cheek as he looked away for a second
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
thinking offffff lake house hughes sister and duker 👀
every time they’re on the water he has to avert his eyes to avoid being pummeled by all 3 hughes brothers. obvi he means no disrespect but like !!!! that’s his dream girl !!!! right there !!!! and she’s asking him to put sunscreen on her !!!!
he almost faints if she says something about how he’s “looking strong”
You’d been seeing eachother in private for quite a while. There was nothing official, no labels but you were hanging out most nights.
When the devils playoff run came to an end you all headed back to Michigan together and the off season officially began in the Hughes household.
A week in and friends started flying out; the usual suspects in Cole, Trevor, Josh and majority of the boys from Michigan.
When people started arriving you’d been invited by Taryn out to Florida to stay at Matthews house for a week — girls week.
So obviously when Dylan showed up and you weren’t there he asked questions
“So where’s y/n?”
“Why, duke? Missing your girlfriend?”
“Shut it, Edwards”
He texted you, constantly asking when you were going to be home
missing me, dyl?
You arrived home a week later, landing early and getting to the house before anyone woke up.
Dylan woke up early enough to be the first one downstairs and early enough to catch you setting up in the yard to sunbathe.
You’d already caught a tan in Florida, he could see your tan line on your back when you unclipped your bikini top. You faced away from him so he could only see your back.
He was staring.
“Duke you’ve got five second before hughesy comes down here and sees you staring at his little sister like that and kills you” Mackie warned, startling the boy.
He didn’t have time to defend himself before everyone hurdled downstairs for breakfast.
“Who’s the smoke show in the yard?!” Trevor yells, looking out the window.
Luke, Jack and Quinn all simultaneously glare at him and Jack smacks his head “That’s our little sister asshat”
Dylan gulped, almost seeing his own future right there in that moment.
In the afternoon everyone headed out onto the water and Dylan’s restraint was being tested.
“Hey, Duke can you put Sunscreen on me?” You ask, holding out the bottle with a smirk.
He stutters “um, oh I don’t—“ he’s trying to look everywhere but at your chest.
Jack grabbed the bottle and scowled “I’ll do it”
You made eye contact with Duke who looked terrified and you just winked at him before turning so the sunscreen could be applied.
While the boys were in the water you lay up on the end of the boat, basking in the sun.
He was treading water and gawking at you when suddenly he was dunked under the water
“Watch your eyes little guy, she’s got three big brothers who’ll kill you” it was Cole speaking when he emerged from the water.
Dylan shook him off before swimming away. You frown from under your glasses seeing him leave.
When you join them in the water, he’s not even looking your way and when you approach the group he’s leaving.
“What is your problem?!” You demand, walking into his room after you’d returned.
He scrambles to cover himself up “Dude!”
“What is your issue Dyl? You’ve been ignoring me all day?”
His face is flushed “Babe… if I look once I’d never look away and you’ve got three angry guard dogs watching at all times”
You pout and roll your eyes “Fine” before leaving.
That night, sat around the fire you were cuddled up into Quinn’s side and everyone was sharing stories across the group.
Luke had gotten onto the topic of working out, how he’d have to put his head down and focus for the devils when everyone chimes in about their own workout routines and plans.
You use your opportunity and say “Duke, you changed your workout routine? You’ve been looking awfully strong lately” with a smirk.
The boy stutters and smiles, thankful nobody gave it much thought before talking about themselves
“That girl is going to be the death of me”
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bedsyandco · 1 year
could i have "Are you jealous?" and "hey, look at me, I'm yours and no one can change that" with dylan duke please :)
It was Friday night and you were at a party on campus. You were sitting on the couch with a few of your friends not really paying attention to the conversation since you were watching Dylan and a few of the guys interact with a group of girls.
You weren't insecure and you trusted Dylan. You had no reason to be worried or jealous. You even tried giving the girl the benefit of the doubt and not jumping to conclusions that she was flirting, but the more you watched, the more you were convinced she was infact doing just that.
Twirling her hair and her hand on his arm and his chest, like she had every right to be touching him. And the worst part is that Dylan doesn't even see to notice, which is not a surprise considering it took the guy months to figure out you were flirting with him.
When her hand once again found a way to Dylan's chest you were out of your seat, saying goodbye to your friends and walking over there. Putting a hand on the back of Dylan's neck to get his attention you said, "hey baby," while placing a kiss on his cheek.
"hi sweetheart," Dylan replies tucking you into his side and kissing your shoulder. You looked behind you and saw that the girl had left the room, clearly not in the mood to see the two of you being affectionate in front of her.
Dylan looks the same direction to see what you were looking at before realization flashes across his face. "Are you jealous?" he asks "No," you deny not even believing yourself. "She was all over you, seriously, looked like she was trying to climb inside your skin" you say, perhaps exaggerating a bit, and huff at the amused expression on your boyfriend's face.
You avoid eye contact feeling slightly embarrassed at your own actions. "hey, look at me," Dylan says and you look up to meet his eyes. "I'm yours and no one can change that" he says kissing you on the lips, followed by little kisses on your nose and forehead.
"I'm sorry, I feel ridiculous. I know you would never cheat on me, the negative emotions just got the best of me I guess," you say
"Hey, it's okay. We all need a little reassurance every now and then. And now that I think about it she was a little touchy, I didn't notice because I wasn't really focusing on her but I can totally understand why you would be upset. I would've felt the same way." Dylan says and kisses you on the forehead again.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
dylan duke x fem!reader
🌷: “Have you seen my hoodie?” “Noo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?” with Dylan.
notes: i’ve never written for Dylan before so bear with me lol i love him though <3 love my UMich sophomores <3
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sophomore house is packed. full of college students celebrating the hockey teams win last night, although most students in attendance probably couldn’t care less about the win and just wanted somewhere to party. i’ve been here for three hours now, most of my night spent glued to my boyfriend’s side. Dylan’s arm is slung around my shoulders, my own being wrapped around his waist; we stand in front of Luke and Mackie, the three hockey players discussing their most recent game and what they could’ve done better. but they’re interrupted when Mark and Ethan come rushing over.
“shotgunning contest out back!” they shout in unison before dragging the Luke and Mackie out to the backyard. Dylan grins and we part in order to walk outside. he’s handed a can of beer and slips off his hoodie, handing it to me.
“i don’t wanna get beer on this, can you hold it, babe?” he asks me.
“yeah, i got it.” i tell him, wrapping it around my waist. he presses a kiss to my cheek before falling in line with the rest of the guys. they all count to three before shotgunning their beer, Ethan ultimately winning. the guys all fist bump and start chatting, but before i can walk over to Dylan, my friend and roommate, Lily appears at my side.
“hey, you ready to go? i’m falling asleep on my feet.” she jokes.
“yeah, just let me say bye to Dyl.” i tell her, breaking away to go over to my boyfriend. he smiles as i reach him, pulling me back in against his side.
“Lily is ready to go, so we’re gonna head out, babe.” i lean forward, pressing my lips against his in a quick kiss. “i’ll see you tomorrow, congratulations on your win again!”
“okay, baby. i’ll see you tomorrow.” i walk away, joining Lily again and we walk around the side of the house to the front yard, starting our walk back to our dorm.
about halfway through the walk, i’m shivering from the nighttime chill, and i realize i still have Dylan’s hoodie around my waist. slipping it on my body, i’m instantly enveloped in warmth and the scent of his cologne, making me grin.
Lily and i reach our dorm and she announces she’s going to take a shower, grabbing her towel and disappearing to the bathroom. i change into my pajamas, keeping Dylan’s hoodie on, and take a seat on my bed, settling in with a book. i’m just getting in the flow of reading when my phone starts buzzing with an incoming call from Dylan. i press the accept button, switching it to speaker.
“hi, baby!” i exclaim, a smile taking over my face.
“hey, babe! have you seen my hoodie? i can’t find it and i was wondering if maybe you set it down somewhere.” he replies. i bite back a guilty giggle.
“noo.” i drag out. i hear him chuckle on the other line before her speaks.
“you’re wearing it, aren’t you?” he asks, and i can hear the grin on his face through the phone.
“maybe.” i confess.
“as long as you have it.” he tells me. “i just wanted to make sure it wasn’t missing.”
“nope! it’s safe and sound on my body!”
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hugshughes · 8 months
my tears ricochet R. McGroarty
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Rutger McGroarty x fem!reader
synopsis - Based on “my tears ricochet” by Tay obvs. Reader is on the umich soccer team and when they lose the NCAA championship game, and Rutger is there, reader is confused and sad in a way that he would come to this game after their terrible breakup.
wc - 3.0k!
contains - reader is on the umich soccer team! lightly edited! angst!!!!!!!! then a sprinkle of fluff. reader has a panic attack and has trouble breathing, crying, descriptions of a terrible breakup, kissing, happy ending, lmk!
an - this was probably the hardest one so far, other than the last great american dynasty, which i promise is coming soon! ALSO. 200 FOLLOWERS????? THANK U GUYS! I swear I’m trying to speed up the process of writing these but it’s harder than I thought. I've been getting more requests than usual lately! You guys are all so cute btw. I've gotten multiple about Behind My Back with Nolan part 2 and it's on the way! I'm so slow at writing smut. Anyways hope you enjoyyyy!
we gather here, we line up, weepin’ in a sunlit room. and if i’m on fire, you’ll be made of ashes too.
The final whistle blew, the game was over. You crouched to the ground, palm flat on the field as you wept. You could barely breathe as the UNC team flooded the field, screaming in victory, group-hugging 10 feet from you. 4-3 in overtime. You dropped to sit on the ground, arms loosely wrapped around your knees as you stared at the crowd.
The sea of Carolina blue jumping up and down, smiling, shouting. The motionless pit of maize and navy, crying, grief, disappointment. In you. They’re all disappointed in you, that’s what you tell yourself.
Your best friend sits next to you, enveloping you in a hug, you hear her whimpers, you feel her tears.
“I’m so sorry.”
She shook her head at you, hugging you tighter than ever before pulling away, holding your face, wiping your cheeks.
“No, don’t say that. This isn’t your fault. Okay? It isn’t. You scored 2 of our goals tonight, and you just did so good okay? This isn’t your fault.”
You looked at the ground, trying to catch your breath. You’re only a sophomore, you’ll have more championships to win. She didn’t though, she was a senior.
“This was just your last game, and I just- I let you down and coach and-”
“Honey, it’s okay. I’ll be okay. You cannot blame this game just on you.”
You hesitantly nod, letting her help you to your feet. The rest of your team is hugging, some crying, some seething, some trying to smile.
You run to your coach, she opens her arms wide to hug you. She’s trying to smile, trying to tell you that it’s okay as you heave out the word sorry over and over, sobbing as you try to catch your breath, to no avail.
Your chest heaves as you try to breathe, but nothing is going in or out, you’re about to have a panic attack. You grip your jersey where your heart is, the navy material soiled from tears and sweat. Your coach lets out a curse as she realizes what’s going on, your best friend sees you, running over, holding your arms, trying to calm you down.
You can’t, you were warm before, but now it’s like you’re suffocating.
“I- I can’t! Fuck, I-”
The worse you cry the less you can breathe, but the less you’re breathing the more you’re crying.
Your trainer runs over, hand on your back as she urges you off to the sidelines. You know there are dozens of cameras on you, making everything ten times worse.
It’s time for you guys to shake hands but instead, you are urged off the field, down through the tunnel, and to the locker rooms. They sit you down in your designated stall, offering water, fanning you with random papers, holding your hands, everything as you start to breathe again. When you’re finally steadily breathing again, you feel embarrassed.
“I’m so sorry! Shit- I just-”
They just shush you, hugging you tight. You, as the star player of Michigan Women’s Soccer are informed you’re doing press with your best friend, the captain, now. You almost cry again, you know someone is bound to ask about your leaving the field early.
But here you are, sitting next to your best friend, holding hands under the table for some form of stability as you look at the reporters and flashing cameras in front of you, fans behind them.
Your best friend answers the majority of the first chunk of questions, you only chiming in a few times. Your name is called by a reporter, a question just for you.
“Would you like to comment on what happened with your early departure after the game?”
You tense, your best friend’s hold on your hand tightens, comforting you as much as possible.
“Oh um, yeah. So uh, I was having some trouble breathing and stuff and I needed to go back to the locker room. I apologize if I came across as rude to any of the UNC girls, I still definitely want to congratulate them.”
The reporter nods, and you get sad smiles from almost everyone you can see. You get another question about your performance.
“I think I definitely could’ve played better, I’m disappointed in my performance tonight, I’ve apologized to teammates and coaches. I did as well as I could in the moment, Carolina is a really talented group of girls. I-”
You see him, Rutger fucking McGroaty, standing at the back of the group, Ethan, Mark, Dylan, and a few other hockey players with him. Your voice catches, and your mind is blank.
even on my worst day, did i deserve, babe, all the hell you gave me? ‘cause i loved you, i swear i loved you. ‘til my dying day.
The eye contact is full of pain, you feel your heart stutter. Your breathing that had finally started evening out is suddenly picking back up, but also somehow slowing down? It just, hurts. Why was he here? Why would he do that to you?
What was he trying to do? Was he trying to see you? Was he just trying to watch the game?
You looked to your coach, the attention of the reporters on your best friend, with pleading eyes. She nods for you to leave, and you silently thank her, slipping out of the seat and discreetly exiting the room, having to walk right by the guys, and some fans along the way. You wave at a little girl dressed head to toe in maize and blue, your jersey adorning her little body.
You crouched down next to her, letting her grab your hand.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you doing?”
She smiles brightly, making your heart swell. She has your number drawn out on her cheek, and a Michigan temporary tattoo on the other.
“I’m good! It was fun watching you play, even if you couldn’t win. I saw you crying, are you okay? You still did really really awesome, even my brother thinks so!”
She gestures to her slightly older brother, a boy who looked about 8.
“Oh yeah, I’ll be okay. Well sweetheart, if you’d like it, I would love to sign your jersey.”
Her face lights up, she squeals and hugs you, which you accept. She turns around and you sign right next to your number on her maize jersey. She thanks you and squeezes your hand while taking a picture with you. You’re finishing up with them when her brother almost shouts.
“Are those the Mich hockey guys?”
You freeze, eyes darting from the ground to the little boy and then up to Rutger's shocked face. Rutger quickly puts his fan persona on, greeting the kids.
'cause i loved you, i swear i loved you. 'til my dying day.
You realize you're position, frozen and staring at Rutger in front of all these people, and you quickly turn to go. You get about ten feet when you hear someone quietly shout your name, then twice. Someone, being Rutger. You didn't wanna talk to him. You really did want to talk to him, you just knew you couldn't.
You are in the tunnel at this point, striding a few more feet to make sure no one can see you before stopping when he says your name once again. When you turn around he stares at you silently, his eyes filled with hurt. You wish you could run into his arms, but you can't, you can't.
i didn't have it in myself to go with grace, and you're the hero flying around, saving face. and if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake?
"What are you doing here Rut?"
You could feel the tears lining your eyes, pushing to break past your waterline. He has the same tears, which hurt you even more.
"I'm sorry."
That you lost? That he came here? That he called for you? That he broke your heart?
"For what, Rutger?"
The tears were close to spilling for both of you. He lets out a shaky exhale, wiping his nose and sniffling.
"I- Um, everything? I just, I'm sorry."
cursing my name, wishing i stayed. look at how my tears ricochet.
You didn't know what to do. Part of you was about to throw yourself into his arms while another part was about to sprint as far away from him as you could.
He stood there, quickly wiping a tear that fell. In this moment, losing the game was the farthest thing from your mind. Everything in your mind was just completely overwhelmed with him. At one point he was everything to you, you knew in part of you he still was.
we gather stones, never knowing what they'll mean. some to throw, some to make a diamond ring.
When you and Rutger had broken up, it had been terrible for both of you. Rutger wasn't allowed to be alone afterward for two weeks, not that you knew that, his friends wanted to tell you and try to get you back to him but he wouldn't let them. He was too embarrassed by the idea. His friends begging for you for him because he couldn't handle a breakup? Please. What Rutger doesn't know is that you would've run straight back to him if you'd known. He was your lifeline.
Your relationship was like a dream, you'd started dating in July of 2022 and broke up the next May. You guys were inseparable, in a cute way. You guys were always there for each other, no matter what. But out of nowhere, in April, Rutger started freaking out about everything happening in his life. The team had just lost the frozen four, and he was just hurt from that and he was not himself. Even weeks after, when the other boys had seemingly gotten over it, he couldn't seem to shake the feeling in his chest.
The feeling started affecting other parts of his life, too. Specifically, your relationship. He'd become way cut off from you, and a lot more mean. It went on for three weeks before you broke up with him. You just couldn't keep trying when you were getting nothing back, even though it hurt you so badly to do it.
you know i didn't want to have to haunt you. but what a ghostly scene. you wear the same jewels that i gave you, as you bury me.
You rub your eyes before looking up from the ground to him, and then you see it. The ring he once gave you on a chain around his neck. He'd kept it when you gave it back to him.
You remember every detail about the night he gave you that ring. Where he'd taken you, how he held you in the cold of February nights in Ann Arbor. You remember his confession of love to you. How he was worried you'd think he was proposing, how he shakily opened the ring box when you got back to his room, and how he said he wanted to give it to you in your scenic snowy walk through a local park but had gotten too nervous. You remember how you kissed him, and how he brought tears to your eyes.
i didn't have it in myself to go with grace. 'cause when i'd fight, you used to tell me i was brave. and if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake? cursing my name, wishing i stayed. look at how my tears ricochet.
Him being here, crying, apologizing, you losing the game, everything was just so much, but when you looked into his eyes he was still your everything. Your boy, the one that made you fall in love with every part of him, every crack and crevice, every flaw. He was still yours, no matter if you were together or apart. And you were his too, you knew that, you both did.
You can't imagine what your friends would think if you'd told them how close you were to kissing Rutger right now. They would never believe you, not after the months you spent trying oh so hard to convince yourself you were better off without him, no matter how false that statement was.
You knew you would need him, always did. He didn't know that though, when he would stalk your social media all summer, seeing you post in your little white linen dresses, having fun at the beach with your friends, he convinced himself he'd never get another chance with you. And you knew that if he tried hard enough, he could completely win you back, 100 times over.
and i can go anywhere i want, anywhere i want, just not home. and you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones.
He was your safe haven, whenever you were with him everything was just good, you didn't have to worry about anything with him, he wouldn't let you. He was your person.
You just stared at him, thoughts running a thousand miles per minute. You wanted him, you needed him. You knew it, too. He was always gonna be the only man that ever came to mind when you heard a love song by Taylor Swift, the only man you thought of when you saw a husband and wife with a little baby on your for you page, the only one.
i didn't have it in myself to go with grace.
He sniffled again, and you practically lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and tucking your head into the crook of his neck. You started to cry again as his arms went around your hips, holding you so tightly. He was so warm, he smelled so good, he was definitely home for you if you had one. You felt his tears fall onto the base of your neck. He was mumbling i love yous and i'm sorrys like prayers. You just said the three words back, telling him it was okay because you knew it would be. As long as you had him.
and so the battleships will sink beneath the waves. you had to kill me, but it killed you just the same. cursing my name, wishing i stayed.
You pulled away from him, just a little, his tight hold on you barely let up, he couldn't let you go. You cupped his cheeks with your hands, looking into his now bloodshot, but otherwise beautiful blue eyes. You giggled, this was so crazy, you couldn't even believe it. Your amusement at the situation must've made Rutger feel embarrassed because he shook his head from your hold and buried his head into your neck. You could see his rose tinted ears. You ran your hands through his hair.
You had not the slightest idea what this meant for you two, but it definitely felt right, like you were whole again. You knew that he would come back to your life, you always felt it. And you knew you guys were gonna have to have a serious long talk about everything, but right now it just felt so good to take solace in him, acting like you were never broken up.
you turned into your worst fears. and you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain. crossing out the good years.
If you knew one thing, it was that Rutger McGroaty was your boy, and you were his girl. No matter how much time kept you apart you'd always find each other again. You loved him, too much to lose him. Especially now that you were both given another chance.
He moved his head a little, adjusting his arms around your hips, grumbling out an 'mhm?'
"I'm really happy you're here."
He came out of hiding at that, smiling at you, you smiled back, partially because of how cute he looked with slightly puffy eyes and rosy cheeks.
"For real?"
You gave him a pointed look, 'duh', written all over your features. He smiled brighter, his perfect teeth on display, oh you so hoped he would never experience any teeth loss during his hockey career, even though he'd probably look fucking adorable.
"I love you. I'm not letting you down ever again, I promise. I'm gonna be perfect, okay?"
You looked at him like he had just hung the stars one by one. You shook your head mumbling something about how you loved him so much and he'd never let you down and he was already perfect in your book before pulling him into a kiss. He smiled so hard into the kiss, and so did you.
Even though you'd just lost one of the most important soccer games in your life, you'd just won someone that was more important than any soccer trophy you could ever receive.
and you're cursing my name, wishing i stayed. look at how my tears ricochet.
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trevuorzegras · 2 months
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summary: in which y/n y/l/n falls for the wrong guy, who turns out to have just bet on her. 2/4
mark estapa makes a bet that y/n will fall for him, for a great price of $100 from his friend, adam fantilli.
strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers.
pairings: mark estapa x fem!reader
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For the next month or so, Dylan, and Y/N had grown closer than ever. In fact he was attending her physical therapy sessions whenever he wasn’t busy with hockey, or classes. She was grateful to have someone by her side, who understood her struggle as to why she hated being away from the ice.
Y/N had friends, of course she did, she was a ray of sunshine. She was amazing to be around, and people knew that. However she didn’t have friends that understood the love she had for skating. Having Dylan around was like a breath of fresh air for her, she finally had someone she could talk about her problems with.
Dylan didn’t mind her ranting, because ultimately he knew how she felt. He couldn’t imagine not being able to skate, let alone not being able to skate for the rest of the year. Y/N enjoyed that Dylan didn’t look at her wiyh pity, like she was just the girl who could no longer preform. He looked at her like she was someone who would recover, and would do something great.
Y/N enjoyed Dylan’s company, just as he had enjoyed hers. He enjoyed her company so much so, that he had invited her to almost all of his games. She attended as many as she could, most were home games. She may not have been able to skate herself, but she enjoyed watching Dylan, and his team.
He had invited her quite a few times to join him at the post hockey party that accrued after every home game, however she always had an excuse. “I’m busy.” “I would love to, but i have early class tomorrow.” “I promised my roommate i’d be home early.” “I’m actually hanging out with my friends tonight.”
She knew her excuses were pathetic, but she couldn’t bring herself to go to parties. Not after all that had happened, she mentally cursed herself for the way it all went down. Her couch told her she wasn’t ready, she told her! She just hadn’t listened. She thought she could do it, but she couldn’t, eventually possibly coasting her the future she wanted.
After what felt like an eternity, Dylan was finally able to convince Y/N to come to a party with him. The conversation had begun just after the two of them left the doctors office, at which her physical therapy sessions were held.
Dylan stopped walking for a moment, causing Y/N’s eyebrows to furrow. She turned towards the boy who stood a few inches taller than her, a look of confusion clear on her features. “Sunshine, i know you will most likely say no, but would you please consider going to the party tonight?” Y/N thought for a second, before shaking her head, “I don’t know, Duker.”
Dylan had a pleading look in his eyes as he turned towards the girl, a look of hope in his eyes, “Please? Come on Sunny! It’s a Saturday!” Y/N looked the boy in his eyes, she watched as he gave her a look. A look that she knew all too well. It was look Dylan gave her when he wanted her to do something with him. She mostly got the look when he wanted her to attend a party. It became a routine of Dylan’s, asking Y/N to come to parties with him, that is.
Y/N took one last look at the boy who still had that same pleading look on his face, before groaning. “Fine! One party, that’s it.” Dylan’s face lit up, and the words that left her mouth, a small squeal leaving his throat as a smile broke onto his face. “You won’t regret it!”
So there Y/N was, a couple of hours later stood in her dorm room, Dylan sat on her bed as she got ready. He couldn’t explain how excited he was that she finally agreed to go to a party with him. Dylan had told his team about the young girl on multiple occasions, however they’ve never seen the girl. They also didn’t know her real name. Dylan had been referring to Y/N as Sunny, or Sunshine since about a week into their friendship.
The entire hockey team had only known the girl as Sunny. That’s what Dylan had always called her in front of them, it never occurred to him that he didn’t ever tell the group her real name, nor showed them a photo of her.
Dylan sat not so patiently on the girls bed, as she finished putting on her lipgloss. Dyan had been complaining none stop since she started getting ready, “Can you hurry up, we’re going to be late.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy, a sarcastic smile on her face, “You cannot be late to a party, Dyl.” The forward let out another groan, throwing his head back, causing Y/N to laugh coming out of the bathroom.
As Y/N walks out, she smooths out her tight black leather skirt, the red corset hugging her body tightly. Y/N’s eyes meet Dylan, as his mouth opens slightly. Dylan takes a moment, before he speaks up, “You look great, Sunny. I’m glad you decided to come with me tonight.” Y/N smiled at the boy’s compliment, “Thank you, D. I’m glad i decided to attend as well.”
Eventually Y/N found herself in front of the hockey house, Dylan standing by her side, a soft smile on his face. Dylan asked her if she was ready to go in, to which she nodded. As the duo walked into the house, loud music overtook the girl, her face scanning for any familiar faces.
Y/N hadn’t seen anyone that she recognized, she moved her eyes forward deciding to ignore the unfamiliar feeling in her stomach. She finally moved her eyes forward, as Dylan had come to a stop. She was about to give the boy a confused face until she saw they had stopped in front of a group of guys, causing her face to flush.
“Sunshine, this is some of the guys i’ve been telling you about.” Y/N thought for a moment, before her face lit up, “Oh yes! The team, right, nice to meet you guys, i’ve heard a lot about you all!” Y/N look towards a taller boy, with a slight beard, and damp hair as he spoke, “Nice to meet you, Sunny, is it?”
Y/N laughed for a moment, before looking back up to the group that stood in front of her, “My name isn’t actually Sunny, you guys do know that, right?” One of the guys eyes widened, as he looked towards Dylan, “No we did not know that, we always kind of assumed your name was Sunny, because of the whole Sunshine thing.”
A smile once again takes over her features, as she playfully punched the boy stood beside her. “You never told them my real name, Dyl?” As the boy turns away embarrassed, he groaned, “I thought i did! I guess Sunny, and Sunshine have always just been what i say in front of them.”
Y/N smiled at her bestfriend, throwing her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Dylan quickly hugged the girl back, before she pulled away, “Well my name is Y/N. Sunshine, and Sunny are just nicknames that Duker has picked up.” Dylan groaned again, “Whatever. I’m going to go get a drink, want anything Sun- Y/N?” Y/N let out a laugh at the boy, before nodding, “Just a water is fine.”
As the boy made his way to the kitchen, Y/N turned her attention back to the group in front of her. To her surprise the guys had already been staring at her, “So you’re who Dylan has been spending his time with?” Y/N blushes slightly at the sudden question, before nodding slightly, “I guess so? We’ve been hanging out a lot more recently, and he takes me to my physical therapy sessions sometimes. I’m sorry if i’ve been taking up all his t-”
The girl was quickly cut off by a boy with fluffy blonde hair, who if she had to guess would be Mark. “No, no. Don’t apologize, we just haven’t really seen Duker hang out with anyone who wasn’t the team. We’re glad he has someone who he can escape with.”
The boy stood beside him, who had assumed her name was Sunny spoke again, “He told us about the accident, we’re really sorry about that. We understand how hard being off the ice is. I can’t even imagine being off ice until next year. That must really suck, huh?”
Y/N looked towards her feet, as she suddenly felt on the spot. She hadn’t thought about the accident much anymore, at least not anywhere outside of physical therapy. Y/N nodded at the boy, “It’s been hard, but if i make sure to keep up with physical therapy, then i should be back the second the new season starts.”
Y/N was grateful when Dylan had finally gotten back with their drinks, him quickly saying something about the kitchen being packed. All she could do was nod, trying to be polite without sounding bitchy.
Y/N didn’t have a problem with Dylan’s teammates, in fact they seemed nice, but the last thing she wanted to do right now was think of the accident. That’s all she had been thinking about the last month or so, everything reminded her of it. The decorations hanging on her walls, the metals from comps, her teammates, everything. She hated the feeling, this feeling she had been feeling for the last month, but slowly it had been going away, with Dylan it was going away.
For what seemed like forever, Y/N followed Dylan around like a lost puppy. She wasn’t afraid to say she stuck by his side, she hadn’t known anyone besides him there. Well she did know the hockey team now, but she definitely wouldn’t say they were friends.
Dylan had decided he wanted to play beer pong with Rutger, Luca and Ethan. Sure enough Dylan had asked her to join, to which she quickly declined. Y/N was never a drinker, even before her accident. She would maybe drink once every couple of months, but now she had honestly sworn off drinking.
Mark stood beside Adam as his eyes drifted to Y/N. He wasn’t sure why, but he was intrigued by the girl. Maybe it was the fact she was a skater? Maybe it was that she was pretty? He may never know what drew him into her.
His thoughts were quickly cut off by Adam, who slapped his arm, “You’re staring.” Mark shook his head, taking one last look at the girl who was now sat on a couch, phone in her hand. “No i am not.”
Luca cut into their conversation by throwing in a quick, “You definitely were.” This caused Mark to let out a groan, throwing his head back against the wall he stood in front of. “Why don’t you ask her out?”
Mark looked towards Adam as if he had three heads, shaking his head quickly, “Absolutely not, dude i just met her!” Luca shrugged at he took a shot at Ethan, and Dylan’s cups, “You won’t ever know her if you don’t ask.”
“He’s right, Mark. She’s my bestfriend, i’m sure she’d say yes. She hasn’t really had time for a relationship, cause of the accident, but with summer coming up, i’m sure she’d like to try.” Adam smirked at Dylan’s words as an idea popped into his head, “Why don’t we make a bet?”
Mark raised his eyebrows at the younger boy, “What kind of bet?” Adam simply shrugged, throwing his arms around the dirty blonde. “I bet you.. Let’s say a hundred bucks, that you can’t get Y/N to fall for you. If she falls, you get a hundred bucks, if she doesn’t.. Then consider me a hundred dollars richer.”
Dylan was the first to protest, “Dude i just said she hasn’t had a relationship in a while, and your first thought is to fucking bet on her?” Adam once again shrugs, bringing Mark closer to him, “Just think about it.”
next part
check out my college hockey masterlist, here!
i’m so excited for this story, you guys actually have no idea. i don’t really ever have opportunities to actually write so i took my chance 🤗 (not proof read.)
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs
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leaentries · 11 months
Which players do you think irl would date a chubby girl?
sooo many! i feel like it’s not talked about enough! i do have a lil thing going on called the “chubby girl love club” and while i don’t have a masterlist currently, i’ll most likely create one soon. it will have all my thoughts, fics, etc about this topic! but for now, the ones i have currently talked about are, luke hughes, quinn hughes, nico hischier, john marino, etc.
some new guys to add to the list are:
jack hughes
adam fantilli
dylan duke
timo meier
ethan edwards
and more to come! i’ll start a series soon going through each player and doing headcanons for them!
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uluvjay · 1 year
My boy- Dylan Duke
Summary: Dylans closest friends are leaving for the nhl and he’s not doing so good
Dylan Duke x established relationship reader
Not proofread!
Dylan hadn’t responded to your text or calls since Tuesday night, the night Mackie left.
He had been down since the loss then Luke left and signed, then Mackie, and you could tell he was struggling to keep it together and you were worried.
So when you showed up to the sophomore house and walked right in Ethan and Mark didn’t even bat an eye or care to ask why you were there.
“He’s up in his room, haven’t seen him since we told Mack bye” Ethan notified you
“Thanks E” you said as you made your way upstairs to your boys room.
“Dyl? It’s me, can I come in?” You asked knocking lightly
You heard a very faint “mhm” before you opened the door and walked in. As you did you seen Dylan under his comforter curled up, he looked pale despite the sunburn he had and had dark circles under his eyes, it pained you to see him like that.
“Hey baby” you said as he looked up at you, however he didn’t reply just scooted over and lifted his comforter for you to slide under it with him, which you did.
You went to ask him if he was okay but he cut your off before you could get a word out
“Don’t wanna talk about it, just wanna lay with you” he told in a quiet voice
“Okay, but have you ate? That’s all I wanna know” you asked wanting to make sure he had something in his stomach.
He didn’t reply just shook his head no before laying it on your stomach and putting one of your hands in his hair.
Your heart was truly hurting for your usually bright and bubbly boy, he had gone through so many emotions in the past week and a half.
You opened your doordash app to order Dylan’s favorite food, along with some ice cream knowing he liked it when he was feeling down.
You turned on the show you two had recently started and continued to play with Dylan’s hair until you heard his light snores.
A few minutes later you got the notification that your food had arrived, but as you tried to slid out from under Dylan his grip tightened and he started to move a little.
You tried to quickly slid out as his weight lifted slightly but he woke up right away.
“No don’t go” he grabbed you
“I’m just going to get the food I ordered us” you told him
“No, please stay” he sounded like he was ready to cry making you slide right back into your spot
“Okay baby I won’t go anywhere” you told him laying back down
“Don’t want you to leave me too”
“Don’t worry Dyl, I’m not going anywhere I promise” you told him placing a kiss to his head as his grip got tighter then you thought possible.
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snugglebug-92 · 1 year
Dylan Duke x Wise Reader
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If you told Dylan Duke 18 months ago that he would be dating the little sister of an Ohio State hockey player he would have laughed. He didn’t have a problem with Ohio. He was from there and his going to Michigan shocked some people. He made friends in the USNTDP that were going to Michigan so he decided to go there. His hockey season is good. He gets a goal in his first game. Everything is pretty good for him. 
Then he goes to play Ohio State. His whole family comes to watch him. They win the game and the boys go get dinner all high off their win. That’s when Dylan sees her. She’s the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. His eyes follow her to a table where he recognizes a few Ohio State players at the table and slumps into his seat. Of course, she had to go to his biggest rival school. 
After most of the boys go back to the hotel, Dylan decides to get ice cream with his family. That’s when he runs into her again. But this time literally. Thankfully he hadn’t got ice cream yet and her’s had a lid on it otherwise it would have been bad. The force ends up knocking her to the ground.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to run into you,” he says as he helps her up.
“It’s okay,” she says smiling. At that moment Dylan knows he’s a goner. 
“Is there anything I can do to make it up, do you?” he asks feeling bad.
“I need to get going but if you want to get coffee or something before your game tomorrow we could,” she smiles looking up at the boy. 
“Um yeah sure. Could I get your number?” he asks.
“Yeah of course give me your hand,”  she says to the boy. He holds his hand out and she writes her number on his hand before rushing out the door. He watches her leave as his brother laughs having watched the whole interaction go down right in front of him. The two boys order ice cream before going into the car where the rest of the family is. 
"Do you even know who that girl is?" Tyler whispers not knowing if Dylan wants the whole family to know. Dylan shakes his head no before handing everyone their ice cream. 
"Her brother just transferred this year. He used to play in Boston. She followed him to Ohio," he says before taking a bite of his ice cream.
"Does she have a name?" Dylan questions hoping to get more information out of his little brother.
"Y/N. Y/N Wise," Tyler says looking at his brother before grabbing his hand and looking at the number written on it. He grabs his brother's phone from the pocket of his suit jacket and shoves it in his face before typing the number in. He texts the girl before turning the phone off and placing it back in his brother's pocket.
"You really just texted her huh?" He questions.
"Like you were gonna. Don't get me wrong I'm proud of you for actually getting her number but that's the easy part. Plus she already knew who you were. So yeah I texted her. You're welcome," Tyler says before going back to eating his ice cream. Dylan goes back to his hotel about 20 minutes later and right as he steps into the shower his phone goes off. He reads the text and it's a time and place to meet. Thankfully all he will have to do is agree. He goes to bed that night with a smile on his face.
The next morning he goes to morning skate before quickly changing and going to the coffee shop. Thankfully it wasn't too far away. He spots her already sitting down and mentally curses himself for being late even if he's 10 minutes early. When she sees him she waves him over.
"Hi," she smiles as he sits down across from her.
"Hi. How are you?" He asks, looking at the girl. She's in an oversized Ohio State hockey sweatshirt with a messy bun but he still thinks she's beautiful.
"I'm good. Excited for the game. How are you, Dylan?" She asks.
"I’m good, wait you learned my name," he smiles.
"I already knew it. I'll watch Michigan when I want to annoy my brother. They talk about how good this Dylan Duke kid is so I looked him up," she laughed
"So I have a fangirl?"
"Maybe?" She shrugs.
"I won't complain if she's half as pretty as you are."
"You flirting Duke?"
"That depends. Would you ever date a guy at Michigan?" He asks, slightly shocked by how bold he's being.
"Maybe? Would you ever date a girl at Ohio State?"
"Yeah, I would. Now, do you want some coffee?"
"That sounds good," she says, taking his hand and leading him to the counter. The two get their coffee and Dylan pays to make up for last night. The two talk for hours and soon Luke is calling Dylan to ask where he is. 
"Do you need a ride?" She quietly questions as he frantically talks on the phone. He nods sheepishly before hanging up.
"If you don't mind, that would be nice," he says.
"Let's go," she says, grabbing his hand. They walk to her car and she quickly moves some stuff off her passenger seat before opening the door from the inside for the boy. He gets in and buckles up before giving her directions to the hotel off his phone. They park out front and she kisses him on the cheek before he leaves the car. He walks into the lobby to see Luke looking at him in shock.
"You were with a girl?" Luke says, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"Yeah. A pretty one," he says heading back up to the room.
"You're lucky I'm the only one who noticed you were gone," Luke says, bumping Dylan's shoulder.
"Thanks for not telling on me," he says as they enter their room. They change for the game before heading to the bus to leave. They ended up losing the game.
The two text every day for the next week and over Christmas break they meet up. He officially asks her to be his girlfriend when Ohio comes out to play Michigan. She says yes and wears one of his shirts even if she'd have to wear something for Ohio over it. Dylan watches as she sits next to his brother and he smiles to himself. He’s happy that at least one person can know about their relationship. Dylan gets a goal that night and points at her when he does his celly. The girl smiles at him.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating my brother,” Tyler says, shaking his head.
“He’s cute. Plus he has this weird charm to him,” she says smiling watching him skate back to the bench. 
“I can’t believe it took him a whole 2 months to ask you to be his girlfriend. I figured we were gonna be in-laws before the season was over with how much he talked about you,” he jokes watching the girl's facial expressions change as her boyfriend draws a penalty. 
“Ty we’ve only known each other for two months, we aren't getting married anytime soon,” she laughs watching as her boyfriend sits in the box.
“I know. It’s just your the first girl he’s liked enough to bring home. You’re the first girl he sent flowers to on Valentine's. He really likes you.”
“I really like him. But I don’t want to rush into anything. I just want to spend as much time with him as possible.”
And she does. She spends that night in his arms as well as the next. She texts him every day and she facetimes him every other. She spends her spring break in Michigan rather than with her friends on a beach in Mexico if that means she could get to spend 5 minutes with him. She drives there as soon as her class is done on Friday. She’s able to wear his jersey to his game without a care in the world when they play Notre Dame. When Dylan leaves the locker room on that night she runs into his arms and plants one on him. Thankfully he was one of the last guys to leave because the feeling of her lips against his was intoxicating. When they finally pull apart and untangle themselves from each other they are met with a few looks from shocked teammates.
“I didn’t even know you knew what a girl was, Duker,” one of his teammates says, wrapping his arm around the boy. Dylan grabs her hand before leading her out of Yost.
“This is Y/N. My girlfriend,” Dylan says proudly while kissing her hand. She smiles at the boy.
“Awe barf. You two are gross. I guess you aren’t going to the party then?” he questions.
“No, we aren’t. I just want to have some alone time with my girl,” Dylan says smiling.
“Be safe you two. I don’t want to be an uncle yet,” his teammate says, leaving the two alone.
“Whatever Briss,” he says, leading her to his dorm. The two get to his dorm and she sits on his bed as he grabs his stuff to go shower in his ensuite. She takes the time to take off her makeup and slip off the jersey before slipping on one of the sweatshirts she stole from his closet. She’s half asleep when he walks out of the bathroom towel still wrapped around his waist. He grabs his clothes before going back into the bathroom. She lies down getting comfortable before he comes into the room laying down next to her. She rests her head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart. His hand runs through her hair and their legs are a tangled mess. 
Sunday morning they slowly wake up before getting ready and going to get breakfast. Dylan clings to her, not letting her be more than 5 feet away from him unless one of them needs to go to the bathroom for the whole day. After breakfast, Dylan works on some homework while she reads a book. They get dinner together and then go back to his dorm so they can watch a movie. They fall asleep before the movie is even over.
Monday she goes to his bigger classes where the professor won’t notice an extra student. She sits next to him messing around on her computer while he takes notes. When he goes to practice she sits on the highest row of seats quietly watching him. The rest of the week is similar. They get breakfast and she’ll go with him to his bigger classes. She’ll watch practice and they will cuddle while watching a movie at night. They leave Friday to fly to Minnesota and she starts her drive. The boys end up winning the game and after a lot of convincing from the coach and phone calls to the Duke family the happy couple drives together from Minneapolis to Ann Arbor. She drops him off and the two share a long embrace before she leaves to go back to  Ohio.
Dylan’s phone rings as soon as he leaves the locker room after playing Quinnipiac. He already knows what she’s gonna say but she’s still happy she called. 
“You're going to the frozen four babies! I’m so proud of you!” she yells into the speaker.
“Thank you,” he smiles even though she can’t see him. The two talked on the phone for a little while before Dylan’s forced to hang up so the boys can leave. He sends her a text as soon as he’s back in his dorm letting her know he’s back safe and sound. 
The game against Denver is a hard one. They played like hell but still lost. The plane ride back was somber as half of the boys were not going to be in Michigan by the time the week was over. A few of the boys never even returned. They knew no matter the outcome of the game they were going pro. When the plane landed in Michigan Dylan called the girl hoping to talk but got a busy signal. He didn’t think much of it until he saw her in his sweatshirt with her arms wide open. He dropped everything and ran into her arms visibly slumping when she wrapped them around him. She pulled his face out of her neck and wiped away the few tears that had fallen. He rests his forehead against hers happy to be with his girl. They go to collect his stuff before driving back to his dorm. When they get there no words are said as he changes out of his suit and into a pair of sweats. She sits down on his bed before he comes over and curls into her side. She cups his face looking at the boy knowing that he’s going to break before long. She plus him into her chest as the tears spill.
“It’s okay baby. I got you. Let it all out,” she says, rubbing his back up and down.
“I just don’t want it to be over yet,” he says after he calms down.
“I know, baby. But you will come back next year and it will be even better. Plus these boys will always be with you. Even if you aren’t on the same team anymore,” she says as she wipes away his remaining years.
“I love you,” he says. He’s known it for a while but he’s never told her before.
“I love you too,” she says. He pulls her closer to him and the two lay down and cuddle on the bed. The two take a nap before he goes to get dinner with the boys and she goes back to Ohio. 
The rest of the school year goes by fast and they spend a week together at the Duke’s before she makes her way back home. She bonds with Alyssa and the two of them become good friends. Y/N and Dylan spend a lot of time with each other even with all of the other people around. Once the week is up she starts her drive home. They don’t see eachother until he has training camp with Tampa. He invites her down and the two spend every free second together until they both have to part ways to go back to college.
The first few weeks of college are good. Since Tyler goes to Ohio she can go home with him whenever Dylan is home to make it seem less obvious. Everything is going good until one day in mid-November when she gets a knock on her door from Scooter.
“Hi, Scooter, what's up?” She asks, a little confused, why her brother’s teammate is at her door.
“Look your brother might be too busy to notice his captain duties but don’t think it’s slipped past me young lady,” he says as he sits down on her couch.
“I’m sorry what?” she asks confused about what he’s even talking about.
“You and Duker,” he says smiling and watching as all the color drains from her face. How could he have found out? She and Dylan were very careful. He only gave her sweatshirts that could be mistaken for his brothers if anything happened. Both of them had a long talk over fall break and with Jake being captain they didn’t want to tell him just yet. She sits down on the bed and runs a hand through her hair.
“How did you figure it out?” she asks.
“Well, for one Ty’s always over here,” he says.
“Wait, Ty?”
“Yeah, Duker? Tyler Duke, who else could it be? Unless. You wouldn’t date someone from our rival school?”
“I um well you see.”
“You’re seriously dating Dylan Duke? Do I even want to know how you met?”
“Please don’t tell Jake. I’ve been trying to figure out when to tell him and I can never find a time when both me and Dylan are together.”
“How long?”
“Nine months.”
“So you’ve been dating since the last time we played them?”
“Well, that was unexpected.”
“Please don’t tell Jake.”
“I won’t but you are gonna have to tell him sooner rather than later.”
“I know Scoot. I know.”
She calls Dylan that night and they agree the next time they play each other they are gonna tell Jake. That game comes faster than they would have liked it. By a lot. Dylan scores 2 goals but they still lose. They go to brunch the next day and they two have never felt more nervous in their lives than they did when Jake sits down at the table.
“Hey Dylan, nice goals last night but what are you doing with my sister?” Jake says looking between the two. He watches as the two engage in a wordless conversation before she looks at her brother.
“Okay. The two of us are dating,” she says looking at her brother.
“How?” he questions looking between the two.
“We met last season at an ice cream shop. I ran into her and she gave me her number so we could get coffee the next morning. I asked her to be my girlfriend when she came to my home game when you guys played us last year,” Dylan says, gripping her hand.
“You’ve been together for how long?” Jake asks.
“Just under 11 months,” she says.
“Okay so this was unexpected,” Jake sits back in his chair as his eyes dart between the two teenagers. 
“Look I’m sorry we waited so long to tell you. At first, we didn’t say anything because we didn’t know how long this was going to last. Then you got the ‘C’ and we both kinda freaked out. Ohio and Michigan hate each other,” she says.
“Yeah, I wish you told me sooner. I’m your big brother but I understand and I forgive you. But Duker you break her heart and you’re a dead man,” Jake says after a minute.
“If I ever hurt her I’ll turn myself in,” Dylan says.
“Now that that’s settled let’s eat. I’m hungry,” Jake says, opening up a menu. Dylan squeezes her hand under the table before letting go to look at the menu. After brunch, they go their separate ways and Dylan and Y/N take their pregame nap before she helps him get ready. She sends him on his way but not before she steals his extra jersey. She sits by some of the girlfriends of the Michigan player who all give her a look before she tells them she finally told her brother. They all laugh because they thought she was trying to get someone killed or something. Michigan ends up winning the game and she celebrates by getting ice cream with her boyfriend at the shop where they met. She drops him off at his hotel with the promise that she would pick him up as soon as room checks were done. Coach who was already way ahead of him just sends him on his way.
“So what do you want to do?” she asks her boyfriend.
“Honestly I just want to cuddle you,” he says sheepishly.
“Well good thing I have a whole room to myself plus a queen-sized bed,” she laughs as she drives to her house. They get there and change into more comfortable clothes before she lays down. She has about 5 seconds to breathe before the brunette boy jumps on top of her. He grabs her hand and places it on his head. She shakes her head before scratching his head. After a few minutes, the boy is sleeping. She gently shoves him off her body before she grabs the remote and turns her tv on. She falls asleep not long after.
The morning of the family skate is chaotic. First Dylan forgets to set their alarm then Y/N forgets her skates. Then to make things even worse Tyler misses the bus so he has to ride with the couple. They make it there in record time and everything goes just fine. The two make their way on the ice before she places a chaste kiss on his lips. She smiles at him before she makes her way to her family. She skates with them for a little while before making her to the Duke family. When she gets there Alyssa welcomes her with open arms before passing her off to the rest of the family. Dylan grabs her hand and leads her around the ice making a few laps before they stop for pictures. The two get a few pictures before she goes back to her family once again.
“Dude it’s not even funny how whipped you are for her,” Tyler says running into his brother.
“Tyler it’s called love and when you get a girlfriend you will understand,” Alyssa says as she shakes her head at her brother. After the family skate, Y/N gets lunch with her family and then goes to spend time with the Dukes. They get dinner and afterward, she goes to the hotel room she is sharing with Alyssa. The girls gossip for a little while before Alyssa admits that she hopes Y/N and Dylan stay together long-term. The next morning they all get and get ready for the face-off on the lake. Y/N gets ready with Alyssa wearing one of the beanies they made plus one of her brother's Ohio hockey sweatshirts. She spends some time with them before going back to sit with her family for the 2nd period. She sits with them until there are 10 minutes in the 3rd period and goes back to the Duke family crowd. She sits down and watches the rest of the game. She’s happy Ohio won but sad her boyfriend and his team lost. After the game, she gets dinner with her family before they leave to go back home. She rejoins the Dukes and spends the rest of the night in her boyfriend's arms.
When Ohio came to play Michigan everyone was expecting them to win. That didn’t stop Y/N from proudly wearing her boyfriend's jersey. She watched the game and it was clear after the 2nd period Michigan is miraculously going to win. What’s not clear is if her boyfriend is going back on this ice after the hit he took. She’s on the edge of her seat waiting for him to either start his next shift or go back to the locker room. Eventually, the game comes to an end and she jumps up cheering for Michigan. She watches as the boys skate around and the arena empties. She goes to the locker room to say goodbye to her brother and Tyler who are most likely going back tonight before she goes to find her boyfriend.
“Hi pretty girl,” Dylan says, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Hi bubs. How are you feeling? That was a little bit of a rough hit you took?” she asks.
“The athletic trainer said I needed cuddles with my girlfriend to heal,” he smirks.
“Okay lover boy let’s get going,” she says, shaking her head at the boy. They go to his room and turn on the Minnesota vs MSU game. The two cuddle into each other before falling asleep happy to be with each other.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
is there ever going to be a part 2 of dylan duke x hughes sister?
Hughes Sister 
Part 1
Smut: 13. “They wont hear anything” w/ Dylan Duke 
My Brother's Friend's Benefits pt. 2
Dylan and I made our way up to my bedroom still making out until we reached to top step. We heard the back door slide open making us pull away from each other and look at each other awkwardly as we hear Luke's voice echo through the halls.
"Go down, just say you don't know where I am" I say slightly shoving a speechless Dylan towards the stairs as I make my way into my room alone.
I sit at my vanity table and wait as I hear footsteps get closer and closer to my room before I hear a slight knock on my door, "Yes?" I say and the door opens revealing Luke
"You're on my team for spikeball, hurry" he says
"How did you get so unlucky?" I laugh jokingly at my brother, "I thought we were boating today?"
"I picked you" he laughs, "and we are going after the tournament"
I laugh at my brother as he refers to the rageful day full of competition as a tournament. I told him I'd be right down before getting dressed into something a little more beachy.
I put on my hot pink somewhat sexy, but not too sexy bikini and pulled up some short shorts before heading to the backyard. I walk out and see Nick and Quinn vs Josh and Jack as I make my way over to the Duke brother's and Luke leaning against the small tiki bar laughing at the entertainment of the competitive boys.
I leaned up against the bar between Luke and Dylan and give Dylan a shy smile before turning my attention to the game. It wasn't long before Jack and Quinn started arguing about rules.
The day went on and after the spikeball tournament we went boating. I kept my distance from Dylan because as much as I hated to admit it, it was awkward between us. When we got back to the lake house, the guys all went to the pool except Dylan. I didn't realize he went inside until I sat down on the pool ledge and watched the guys fool around.
"Y/n, can you run to the store and get some steaks?" Jack asked from inside the pool as Dylan makes his way back outside. I look over at Dylan as he approaches the pool than look back at Jack and the boys
"Sure" I say than turn to Dylan, "Duker, come with me"
"Ye-uh sure" he says following me back into the house.
Once we entered the house and make our way to the front door Dylan opens the door slightly before I slam it back shut. "I was thinking we would make a pit stop first" I say pressing my lips onto his, "I say we finish what we started"
I reach down and squeeze gently on the forming bulge in his shorts as I watch him gulp before pressing my lips on his again. We begin to make out as instead of walking as towards my bedroom we waltz our way over the the couches still making out.
I push him down on the couch and he looks over to the back sliding door before looking back at me, "Let's go to-" he starts
"They wont hear anything" I say pulling my bikini top from over my head, "they wont come in either" I say pressing my lips onto his but he pulls away
"We almost got caught earlier" he says
"Fine" I say getting off him and bringing him up to my room. I shut the door behind me and immediately begin making out with Dylan. He shimmies out of his swim trunks before I reach down and begin to stroke his cock in my hands.
"F-fuck" he says under his breath making me smirk at him. He reaches down and tugs my shorts hard enough that they fall to the floor. "You first" he says turning us so he can push me back onto the bed.
He then climbs on top and begins pumping two fingers in and out of me making me whimper slightly as his fingers motion back and forth inside of me before they begin to curl.
"You like that?" he says before leaning down to face my pussy, pulling his fingers out from inside of me. He licks up my slit once making my eyes shut hard in anticipation as he begins sucking on my clit as he drags his mouth onto my pussy. As he sucks my pussy his tongue begins entering in and out of me slightly flicking.
"D-Dylan f-fuck!" I moan loudly as he continues eating me out.
When he stands up, he reaches over and grabs a condom from inside of his swim trunks pocket before sliding it on. He thrusts slowly into me before slowly picking up speed making me moan louder and louder. He continues thrusting hard inside of me until we hear three loud bangs on my door.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I hear Luke yell from the other side of the door. My eyes go wide as I look back at Dylan and he then gets up fast and puts his swim trunks back on.
"Um- One second!" I yell out as I pull my bikini bottoms up followed by my shorts
"NOW!" Luke yells again banging on my door. I look around all over for my bikini top but can't find it
"Where is my top?" I whisper to Dylan as the doorknob begins to rattle then burst open making me grab my exposed chest.
"IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR?" Luke yells at me and I turn just as he throws my bikini top at me.
"Oh my god Luke get out you perv" I panic and say the first thing that comes to my defensive mind.
"I was- um- I-" Dylan stutters worriedly to his bestfriend
"He was helping my find my top" I say, not fully lying
"Your fucking window is open Y/n!!" he says and I look towards the open window and my cheeks immediately become redder then even.
"Fuck" Dylan says
"Oh we all heard" Luke says to Dylan as Dylan leaves the room.
Luke follows Dylan, shutting my door behind him and I shut the window. I start to panic as I think of Quinn and Jack hearing that too and how they are going to react.
I leave my room and make my way down to the kitchen where everyone was standing. They all turn and look and me and I awkwardly wave to all of them then giggle in embarrassment.
"You think this is funny?" Luke says making me giggle a little more
"A little" I say making Jack turn his head to laugh earning a punch on the arm from Quinn
"Ow!" Jack says rubbing his arm, "Well it is a little funny" he says to Quinn
"That's our sister" Quinn says to Jack
"Why do you guys care so much?" I say, "I mean yeah that was a weird way to find out, but why are you guys so angry about it?"
"That's my best friend!" Luke says
"Okay? So, at least I'm fucking someone I trust, would you rather me fuck random guys?" I ask Luke
"Um Luke, No" Quinn says
"It's fucking weird Quinn!"
"Luke, I'm sorry I fell for your best friend" slips from my mouth.
"You fell for him?!" Luke yells
"Alright, I'll leave you 3" Jack says and the guys left Luke, Dylan and I in the kitchen.
"I-" I start and I look over at a blushing Dylan before blushing myself, "Yes"
"Unbelievable, I can't believe they are okay with this, they would be pissed if it were Josh or Trevor"
"Look at their track record with girls though.." I say to Luke and he shakes his head then looks at Dylan
"You fall for her?"
"Yeah" Dylan responds making me smile
"Gross" he says walking towards the door, "Break her heart I'll kill ya" he says sliding the door
"That's it?" I say to Luke thinking he would have more to say
"For now, I don't want to be in the same room as you two right now" he says stepping outside and shutting the door behind him.
I look over to Dylan and smile, "You fell for me?" I say and he smiles back at me
"I guess so" he says as I make my way over to him. He brings me into his chest and we pull away as the back door slides open.
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but can you go get the steaks now?" Jack says making both of us laugh
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