#early tomshiv
bloomsbury · 1 year
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“you know, when we met, i was such a mess. i need you. i do.”
a.k.a young tomshiv 🖇️
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rivercule · 1 year
Tom and Shiv may not be a stable romantic partnership but they are soulmates in being weird and bitchy
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wiferomanroy · 1 year
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successionable · 1 year
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catinfroghat · 1 year
The severance video edit that exists in my head is so beautiful
#i actually have 2 major ideas for it but my laptop is all full from red dead redemption 2 so i can't make any rn#I'm debating whether or not to do another play through before uninstalling because it takes 2 days to reinstall#also now I'm employed i have much more limited time so it's whether i want to spend it editing a video#or whether i want to just enjoy the summer whilst it's here and sit outside as much as possible#also i have another couple theoretical projects that are quite creative and I've been thinking about for a while#so i need to kind of choose one thing and stick to it for a while#i still have a half complete tomshiv video edit on my old laptop omg it was from tom's pov from season 3 though so idk if i like it anymore#waawaawaa i hate it maybe I'll do my tarot card project first because i have the notebook ready and waiting to be written in#I'm going to have to check it has enough pages though otherwise i will use it for my flag project instead which might be more useful#I'll start with flags of europe because i could do with learning more geography of eastern europe I'm terrible at it#but it's hard because do i just do sovereign states or do i include dependencies and what about disputed states?#i would have to choose early because if i do it alphabetically you have åland and abkhasia and artsakh...#is anyone still reading i wonder ... look at this: жадина говядина соленый огурец на полу валяется никто его не ест haha pranked
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
Also for me yuri Tomshiv are pretty much just Paula and Rebecca fr
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cansglasschrome · 1 year
might as well make this a post. tom talking about the first time they fucked felt a little weird and i agree. however. it was a very interesting reconstruction of his i live to serve statements to kendall and roman. he was obviously manipulative to shiv in a way i feel has been almost skirted around yet it still embodied his inability to function in the conversation of non-consent that everyone else thrives in. yet he creates his own version of that. watching him respecting her space physically by not touching her and backing away but still pressing the emotional issue?? tom wambsgans thesis scene
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nighthawkes · 2 years
here to remind everyone that Siobhan Roy is living my dream by reverse-Hallmarking Tom. taking a nonthreatening Midwestern boy and turning him into a corporate shill. #doublegirlboss
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transmutationisms · 3 months
is there a succession episode worse than the pilot?
lifeboats (early series character writing wobbles), secession (way too aimless for three seasons in), and too much birthday (crimes against subtlety)
but if the tomshiv scenes from season 4 were compiled into one episode it would top the list on the strength of the dialogue alone. sorry
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soitbe-soitis · 1 year
hi!! could i request some tom x female reader smut post tomshiv separation? shiv talking about tom having sex with models and “putting them in positions” had me thinking….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Okay, so I feel like Tom might be a little hesitant to jump back after the actual divorce divorce. Like the paperwork kind of makes it real and he needs some time to reflect and process, etc.
But once he's ready to get back in the game, he decides to start with like, hookups.
You guys meet at a party - some stupid Waystar function that he really doesn't want to be at, but has to be anyways.
And he immediately thinks you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen, so of course he decides to try to hit on you, and he's pleasantly surprised when you reciprocate in earnest.
You guys leave the party early together and he takes you back to his place.
It starts out light, just some kissing, but it's been so long and you're so pretty and he needs you like, now.
You barely even make it to the bedroom, and everything's a blur as clothes come off.
I feel like he'd fuck you from behind - missionary feels a little too intimate for a hookup for him, esp bc he consistently refers to sleeping with Shiv as making love, so I feel like he values the significance of intimacy.
But he's rough with you bc it's been so long and you're both so needy, and he's absolutely railing the shit out of you
Reaches around to rub your clit, and ofc in typical Tom fashion he's got the most insane dirty talk game
Calling you a good little slut, that you're taking his cock so well
Practically begs you to cum while he's fucking you, and when you do he can't help but fall apart at the same time, it's just too much
Afterwards he does hold you, and you guys fall asleep together
He likes you so much that he ends up inviting you over again
Things pretty rapidly transition from casual hookups to 'oh fuck I think I like this person'
You know you're in for it the first time he decides to do missionary with you tbh
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
Okay, so I've been cataloguing and connecting the succ trailer outfits, and I think I've managed to connect a bunch of scenes into episode 1, Logan's birthday (titled Listen Here, Lady, if the rumours are correct). This is a long post so I'm throwing it below a cut:
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Okay. Starting off, we have logan in that blue sweater with the checked shirt. It's shown up before, too - that's what he's wearing in the first teaser when he stares out the window. Let's look at where else he wears it:
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He's wearing it in this shot, where he's leaving what appears to be some kind of study. And this is where we can start connecting some outfit dots. Take a look at this Greg outfit:
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That's the same outfit Greg is wearing here, just with the jacket done up:
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It's also the same outfit Greg is wearing here (which fits, since Tom's outfit looks the same as the one in the above shot where Logan walks away):
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So, we know that this study shot is the tail end of a long event - one with several invited guests, including Connor and Willa. Plus - that's the same outfit Nick Braun was wearing in the instagram post he made about the start of s4 filming, and there were set leaks in the first couple days (around the same time) of the cast singing happy birthday to Logan. So, my guess is that all these scenes are from Logan's birthday in episode 1. Additionally, all the other gatherings in the trailer appear to be for other purposes, and the 1% dialogue feels to me like establishing dialogue. (That also means Greg seems to have gained some kind of girlfriend over the break, who disappears as the evening drags on. Interesting.)
Now, some people have suggested this Tom outfit is the same one he wears in the argument with Shiv:
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But while it does look similar... I hesitate. Because here's what Shiv's wearing:
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But let's circle back to Logan's outfit from this event in a different scene - this convo with Kerry:
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Kerry is wearing a blue blazer here - a blue blazer which is the same one she's wearing in this scene of the teaser, where she's on the phone with the Roy siblings:
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But while she's on the phone with them, Shiv is not only wearing a completely different outfit from the tomshiv confrontation - she's in a different time zone:
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It's late at night where Kerry is, and it's daytime where the siblings are, so it's reasonable to assume that they're in California at this point. That seems to be backed up by this shot, where Shiv appears to be wearing the same brown jacket while getting into a car with a palm tree in the background:
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Kerry's outfit here is far more distinctive than Tom's - Tom's worn several white shirt-blue blazer combos before, so I think it's more likely for Tom's outfit to be either a repeat or a very similar outfit than Kerry's. Alternatively, it's possible that the kids are in California, and then fly back, and Shiv changes her outfit. But that makes the timeline of the event a bit screwy, imo.
Oh, but let's take another look at this same Logan outfit, in a scene he shares... with Tom.
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You can see the design on Tom's shirt more clearly here, and there are faint stripes which aren't on the shirt he's wearing in the tomshiv confrontation - again, making that seem like something from a different event or episode. (The outfit from that confrontation, though, IS the same one he's wearing when he greets Logan on the tarmac. More on that later.) If I'm right about the context of this event, that means this is, again, and episode one conversation between Tom and Logan. It's also during the day, and there aren't many people around. Did Tom come to Logan's birthday early? Was he invited early? Could togan.... be re- *gunshot*
One last thing. Where does Logan go when he leaves the party? Well, according to the BTS photos... to dinner with Colin:
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Based on the booth design and the outfit, this is the scene with Logan's dialogue about being 100 ft tall, ect:
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Anyways, let's circle back to the kids. Those outfits are distinct, so we know where else we've seen them:
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Unfortunately, this location only shows up in this shot, so this is where the trail goes dead. Except...
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Kendall's wearing the same outfit here, in this shot of the theatre. What's going on? Who knows. I have no guess. But - they do seem to be connected.
There are still lots more outfits to catalogue, but this is what I have so far! It's all coming together....
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bloomsbury · 1 year
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"i fell in love with your sister, that's what happened."
a.k.a young tomshiv vol 2 🖇️
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starkjoy · 1 year
it’s insane how disappointed i am with this season… like i don’t even know how to deal w this lmao. i just feel like i’m being gaslit into believing all the stuff i previously thought about tomshiv’s dynamic and even tomgreg’s (in terms of the nero/sporus subtext) isn’t true. it’s a weird decision on the writers’ parts.
the whiplash is so odd to me that i can’t help but wonder if they’re intentionally misleading us for some late-in-the-game twist. that’s probably delusion though—simplest explanation is that they changed their mind or it’s shitty writing. seems to be a trend with hbo final seasons. let’s see how it all ends before we make any final decisions, though.
unlike failed internet darling mlm ships of the past, tomgreg isn’t a case of fandom creating a narrative and setting themselves up for disappointment—the writers intentionally implanted homoeroticism into their plotline. the actors knowingly played around with it. jesse literally called them homoerotic a few weeks ago. it’s really sad to think succession may fall prey to every other queerbait-adjacent (adjacent for now since the season isn’t over) curse, leaning into the queer undertones until they’ve written themselves into a gay corner with the internet convinced something is gonna happen, only to backtrack and pretend the vibes were never there at all. it’s too early to say if that’s the case here, but it certainly feels that way at the moment. i mean, what else are we supposed to think when the writers go from nero and sporus gay marriage as the through line of season 3, to disgusting brothers hetero sex tour comedic relief background noise with tomshiv redemption front end center? am I supposed to be enjoying this?
all that being said, on a positive note im glad we’ve seen how much closer tom and greg have gotten as partners, and that they’re scheming together and on the same page. i’m glad they’ve had at least one interaction each episode. i’m glad greg seems much more into tom than previous seasons, quelling any unrequited friendship accusations. i’m glad we got insane homoerotic undertones in episode 1, even if they’ve dropped off since then. but where we’re sadly lacking is depth—what was once the hallmark of tomgreg’s deeper connection in contrast to tomshiv’s emotional constipation. now greg makes sexual quips while tom rolls his eyes…end scene. and again. it was funny and cute at first, but now it’s getting boring. don’t they deserve a more interesting arc in the final season after years of build up? why are we subject to tomshiv rehashing the same shit we’ve seen for 3 seasons instead?
also, one of the most compelling arcs of season 3 was tom’s vengeance, especially because we saw it play out from his perspective. outside of his plane convo with greg, tom’s pov has all but been erased. even the tomshiv moments are from the lens of shiv’s experience. and as much as we may sympathize with shiv’s heartbreak over his betrayal and her dad’s death, it feels almost wrong that the show is trying to make me feel bad for her? we saw how awful she was to tom for three seasons, we saw from tom’s perspective how much she hurt him. i don’t feel bad for shiv on the tom front at all, the fact that she kept his baby feels wildly out of character, and frankly it’s a little insulting the amount of time the final season is spending trying to convince the audience otherwise.
hey, maybe my feelings will change in a few days. maybe the final episodes will change all of our minds. i’ll always have some hope for tomgreg, but right now it’s not looking promising given the treatment they’ve received so far. anyone with any positivity to share hit me up because I could use it!!
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calamity-bean · 1 year
TomShiv has never been more appealing to me than it is this season, for the same reason that I'd argue it's likewise never been more appealing to Shiv.
In the interviews after 4.06, Sarah Snook says something to the effect of how Shiv likes knowing that Tom was probably an asshole in his workplace and also likes having power over someone like that. But the thing is, imo, that power was far too freely given. He was never, in the early seasons, an asshole to her. Early-seasons Tom fawns over Shiv; there is this sense that both of them (and everybody around them) believe that he is not good enough for her and should be grateful that she condescends to be with him. Logan outright says as much in 1.07: "You're marrying a man fathoms beneath you because you don't want to risk being betrayed."
But I think Logan's wrong in saying that Shiv "didn't want to compete," because what we're seeing this season is Shiv's reaction to a Tom who at least occasionally challenges, denies, and insults her. Victory rings hollow without challenge. Having power over him when he gave it so freely was no victory at all. Consciously or not, Shiv respects Tom a lot more when he's (literally or metaphorically) biting her rather than fawning over her — and finds him a lot more exciting, attractive, and interesting that way, too.
It's all delightfully messy and I love it. Friction and jealousy and spite and tenderness and teeth <3
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gregoftom · 11 months
I am finally getting round to reading the scripts and I am soooo !!!!! about how many more Greg scenes there were meant to be early in s1 and how he was really intended to be so prominent in the story (which makes sense that he’s somewhat jesse’s self insert) like at the hostel or calling his mum or buying shoes etc and in the original pilot script his character intro was after Logan and BEFORE Kendall like huuuuuhhh
there’s not much point to this message other than just to say I feel so validated re greg as my fave character bc I feel like more recently ppl have been dismissing him as unecessary/irrelevant or just a side note / foil to tomshiv but reading the scripts rlly makes u see how important his character is early in the show as the sympathetic audience proxy that is often shown in direct comparison to the Roy sibs (esp in the first ep that Logan openly says he likes Greg for the exact reason he doesn’t like his kids ie he’s actually fighting his way in from the ground up) like he’s literally the hook to get viewers into the show he’s a rlly important character ahhhh
ahhhhh anon!! yeah for real it sucks so much that SO much was cut for greg bc not only is it important for him as a character, but for others too like ewan, logan as you’ve mentioned here, tom. imo regardless of how much was cut from the show re: the scripts, i still feel like greg is an important and interesting character like, there’s a reason he became a fan favourite. the lack of content for him only really became an issue in s4, but i think personally that’s a general issue for many characters or hell, any character apart from the siblings. greg got the worst of it along with gerri imo and we got more focus on fucking. hugo? than gerri? smh.
anyway, greg is a main character also, like, he’s literally on posters w the sibs lmfao, not only season 4 but earlier too. the four siblings, logan, tom and greg. they’re the main characters. tom also got assblasted with the less focus gun, although not as much as others. having said all this i’m sad that you feel you have to be validated for greg to be your favourite like, you don’t need to have a reason my friend! even IF greg was irrelevant [which he isn’t he’s integral to the plot in several ways, even to the precious siblings [affectionate, i like the sibs too i just get tired of the passes they get over everyone else]] you don’t. need. to justify your enjoyment of him lmao??? no one does. if a character resonates with you, they just do. many a time is there a side or small character part with no content or little focus that someone might like, and that’s absolutely fine, if not frustrating haha. but for some reason mfs feel the need to point out constantly how greg is pointless and it’s Weirdo behaviour to like him and why would you and the show would be the same without him [i’ve seen this take which. lmfao] so it’s like. it makes greglovers feel the need to have to reason why he’s their fave.
i mean i could give you tonnes of reasons as to why he is important as a character but my main reason for liking him is i just fucking do. the end. checkmate atheists.
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brookheimer · 1 year
caseythoughts that aren't articulated at all this is just my things of note for the episode
tomshiv gaining the psychosexual incomprehensible immature power dynamic bullying of tomgreg while retaining tomshiv's unique vulnerability and weirdness and tiptoeing.... tomshiv steadily becoming relationship of all time ever maybe
kieran culkin emmy. kieran culkin emmy. kieran culkin emmy
roman i will kill and die for you you sad fuck. oh my god. romey. this is gonna get sooooo fucked u r gonna get sooooooooo bad
PILLS!!!!! pill shot pill shot -- ppl were saying the pills weren't relevant stop reading into things but PILL SHOT TWO.......... i am once again vaguely worried about roman randomly developing an drug addiction plotline bc two episodes in a row, i mean... they're goin somewhere w that. even if it's small. hoping it's small
matsson blood brick scene was like watching veep. no notes
told yall shiv be on the comeup. this episode her slay was so unparalleled even reddit dudebros couldn't find a way to paint it as a failure
roman not actually cutting shiv out at ALL until ken pushes him to... like every single time anything was happening he was liek wait where's shiv why isn't shiv here let's go talk to shiv while kendall stayed completely silent. every time. the entire episode was just me yelling at the screen SHIV ROMAN TALK TO EACH OTHER FOR ONCE
matsson the new kendall. kendall the new vaulter. going to post ab this tomorrow bc i am too high but by then there will be a million of em or smth. idc ill do it anyways
just as i thought the leaks wren't gonna come out this early -- just an allusion to them as they pile up in the background. that + mencken atn news
why is greg a character anymore. he's gotten the jonah treatment it's a little bizarre
con :((((((((((((((((((((
roman is so fucked. he is soooooo fucked
krank sauna slay
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whaaaat else
ok that's all for now those are the caseythoughts have a wonderful sober night
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