#elijah mikaelson oneshot
captainsophiestark · 3 months
A Much-Needed Vacation
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: Elijah Mikaelson is often up to his neck in vampire business and drama, especially when his brother's around to add more. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who can make him take a break when he needs it.
Word Count: 1,703
Category: Fluff
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"Hey babe, do you want some coffee?"
I poured myself a mug, waiting to hear a response from my husband, Elijah Mikaelson. When the silence stretched on with no answer, I turned, a concerned frown on my face. I found Elijah right where I'd left him, hunched over papers at the table in the study.
"'Lij? Hello?"
Still, he didn't stir. I moved closer, waiting for him to look up at me, but he just kept his gaze locked on the papers before him. I could see his lips moving, mumbling to himself about whatever nonsense he was pouring over. With all the drama and difficulty his family kicked up or got thrown into in this town, it was hard to keep track.
I was about to tap his shoulder and, if that didn't work, shake him, but before I could his phone rang. He startled, his attention finally shooting up, and glanced at the caller ID before picking up.
"Niklaus. What is it?"
I huffed and rolled my eyes. No doubt, this would be some other world-ending problem that absolutely could not be taken care of without Elijah's full attention. I absolutely loved my husband and his family, but sometimes, they were well and truly ridiculous.
After a few moments of intense conversation, Elijah hung up and set the phone on the table with a sigh. He leaned back in his seat and ran a hand through his hair before turning to me. In all the time I'd known him, I'd never seen him look so absolutely exhausted.
"I'm sorry, my love. Were you trying to ask me something?"
I frowned, chewing on my lip as I took the seat next to Elijah. He took my hand in his, attention now fully on me, as I scanned his lined face.
"I'd ask if everything is okay, but I feel like I know the answer."
Elijah sighed again and shook his head.
"It's always some new problem in this city. At least this time Niklaus isn't asking me to do anything, yet. I just need to make sure he doesn't dig himself a hole he can't get out of while I'm not looking."
I watched Elijah carefully as he took his breather, staring at the table and all the papers spread out before him. He looked exhausted, showing his thousand years of age for one of the first times I'd ever seen, and I hated to see him like this. Slowly, a plan started forming in my mind.
"'Lij... you said none of this is anything pressing you have to help with, right?"
"Not yet, at least."
I smiled, although Elijah didn't catch it. Probably for the best. He knew me well enough that it would tell him something was up.
"Okay. Then just wait here a second. I'll be back, and then we're going for a drive."
He turned his gaze to me now, eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion. I just beamed back at him.
"...What are you planning?"
"Guess you'll just have to wait and see!"
Without waiting for a response, I popped up from my seat and headed for the stairs. I could feel Elijah's eyes following me, but evidently he was too tired to actually get up and investigate what I was doing.
As soon as I reached our bedroom, I threw some clothes into a duffle bag for each of us, enough of everything we'd need for a few days. I paused long enough to quickly check my phone and, luckily, found us two seats on the next flight to Florida.
We didn't have much time to spare before the plane left, so I headed back downstairs with the bag over my shoulder, aiming for Elijah. He always took care of me, and now, I was going to do the same. He clearly needed a break, and I was going to make sure he got it.
"Alright, get up," I said, coming to a stop in front of my husband. "We're going for a drive."
He tore his eyes away from his papers to look me up and down, his eyes lingering on the bag on my shoulder. When our gazes met, he raised an eyebrow in question, but I just grinned at him in answer.
"I take it if I try to tell you I need to stay and work on this, you'll do everything in your power to make me get up and leave?"
"Oh yeah."
He sighed, but pushed back from the table anyway. He stood in front of me, close enough that we were almost chest to chest, and I know he didn't miss my heart speeding up a little at the closeness.
"Alright then. Let's go."
I got Elijah loaded up in the car, then started heading for the airport. I knew it wouldn't be long before he asked where we were going, but as far as I was concerned, I'd already gotten him to the point of no return.
Elijah didn't say much as we drove. He just watched the city go by around us, clearly trying to figure out where we were going. I could tell the moment it clicked as he inhaled deeply, then turned to me.
"Are you driving us to the airport?"
I just grinned.
Elijah shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. I just laughed.
"You clearly need a break, Elijah. As your loving partner and best friend, it's my job to make sure you take one. Especially when I know you, and I know you won't take one on your own."
Elijah just shook his head again, but when I glanced over at him I could see the smile growing on his face all the same.
"So, then... where are we going?"
"Somewhere nice and warm and relaxing, far from all this vampire bullshit."
A few hours later, Elijah and I were stepping out of the airport and into the warm Florida sunshine. I'd booked us a hotel on the beach, and after a quick pause to drop off our bags and change into swimsuits, Elijah and I were walking hand in hand down the beach with our feet in the Atlantic ocean.
"I think we need to do this more often," I mused as we strolled. Elijah took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, a smile remaining on his face as he looked at me.
"I agree. And thank you for organizing this, today. Sometimes it can be hard to leave in the middle of... everything my brother gets involved in."
"I know," I said, giving him a small smile and nudging his shoulder with mine. "But that's what I'm here for. What kind of spouse would I be if I didn't return the favor when you made me put down the books and study guides every once in a while when I got a little too intense at school?"
Elijah chuckled, pulling me a little closer to him and moving to wrap his arm around my shoulders instead. He kissed my temple and we came to a stop, Elijah and I facing each other. I beamed up at him, leaning in closer for a real kiss, when I was interrupted by the sound of Elijah's ringtone.
We both scowled in sync, Elijah sighing before reaching for his phone. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shot me an apologetic look, but a glance at the caller ID had him picking up anyway. Klaus, again.
"Niklaus, what-"
This time, I couldn't take it. I cut Elijah off as I snatched the phone out of his hand, holding it to my own ear instead.
"Hey Nik! Is this a life and death emergency?"
"What? No, it's a matter of keeping this town in check. Now put my brother back on the phone."
"No. He needs a break, so he's on forced vacation for the next forty-eight hours. We'll be back on Monday morning, but in the meantime, consider Elijah's phone off. And I swear Nik, if you call him again, I will hurl this phone into the depths of the ocean where it will never be found again."
I heard Klaus take in a deep breath, the likes of which I only heard before he launched into some threatening tirade, but I'd known him long enough that I wasn't about to let it get to me.
"Nik, you know me. I don't put my foot down like this often, and I even help you guys with your power brokering bullshit when I can. But this time, I'm not budging. Elijah needs a break, and I need to see my husband outside of when we're threatening other New Orleans factions. You can give us two days."
Silence on the other end of the line. Elijah and I made eye contact as he raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged, and a second later, I heard a low growl from Nik.
"Fine. You get two days. But if I don't see you on Monday morning-"
"Don't worry! You will."
With that, I hung up and slipped the phone into my own pocket, with a grin at Elijah. Not many people could get away with hanging up on the Big Bad Wolf himself, but I'd been a part of the Mikaelson family for long enough that I could. Elijah shook his head at me, but he had a gigantic smile on his face nonetheless.
"I don't think I'll ever tire of you doing that to my siblings," he said. I grinned, then leaned in for a quick kiss. Elijah wrapped his arms around me, following after me as I pulled away.
"I hope you know I meant what I said about hurling your phone in the ocean if Nik calls you again."
"Oh, I know. But a phone is a small price to pay for a weekend like this, with you."
"I'm glad you agree."
I gave Elijah a little smirk as he wrapped his arms tighter around me, slowly closing the distance between us again. I didn't hesitate to help him, losing myself in our kiss as the waves splashed gently against my calves. I was going to make the most of this little peaceful haven Elijah and I had made, for as long as I possibly could.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Sleepy Girl
pairing: elijah mikaelson x female reader
warnings: just fluff
summary: elijah reads to you in the evening and you accidentally fall asleep on his shoulder
a/n: short but i hope you enjoy !
song: the french library - franz gordon
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There was a thunderstorm outside, usually you would be doing something out of the house, but this weather prevented you from doing so.
It's spring and the flowers are almost fully grown, but currently you couldn’t see much of natures beauty.
It was dark and the rain was falling down heavy.
You and Elijah were sat on your bed, he was your best friend. Although his siblings seem to think you both have feelings for each other. They have not given up on that idea even if you both deny it every day.
His hand was resting on your waist, and he was reading one of your favorite books, Pride and Prejudice. The only source of light was the small lamp on the nightstand.
Him reading to you was your favorite thing. His voice was so soothing and his accent was incredibly delightful to hear.
His hand lifts from your waist and went to stroke your hair. He adored playing with your hair, he braided it a lot.
You felt your eyes getting heaving, the sound of the rain, his voice, and him playing with your hair caused you to start to drift asleep.
You leave your head against his shoulder and snuggled into his side. A smile pulled at his lips and he glances down at you. You look so peaceful, he thought to himself.
A short while later, you were listening to his reading until you fell into a calm slumber against him.
He hears your heart at a slow and steady pace and your light breathing. He looks at you and kisses your forehead.
He puts the book down and turns the lamp off. He closes his eyes, and finds himself falling asleep as well.
His siblings downstairs heard him stop reading and tiptoed upstairs to peak in the room.
Kol, Klaus, and Bekah’s heads were sideways as they took the in scene in front of them. Elijah was sound asleep with his head on yours, which was resting against him. One arm around the back of you and on resting on top of your stomach.
They quickly head back down stairs and start giggling about how cute you both are together.
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cloudybarnes · 2 years
love for the ages
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Summary: you’ve loved elijah for a thousand years, and you’ll love him for a thousand more
Word Count: 1.3k+
Warnings: none!
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✰  ✰  ✰
You’d known the Mikaelsons for a very long time. For almost your entire life you were one of them. Growing up with the Mikaelsons was something you look back on from time to time. 
Being kids running through the trails, hiding out from the wolves in your village, and dueling with Niklaus and Elijah almost everyday just to put them in their place was your definition of a good life. Your family was nothing like the Mikaelson family. They were always so close knit, and they welcomed you with open arms. 
You loved them dearly, but you loved one of them different from the rest.
Elijah Mikaelson was your love. 
You had completely fallen for this Mikaelson brother, and you had fallen quite hard. 
“(Y/N)!” Elijah called out, two swords in hand. You lightly smiled at him as he smirked and tossed you one of the blades. 
“You challenge me to a duel?” You played. “You ought to be careful who you challenge around here Lijah,” you teased, “one day I won’t be so kind as to hold back.”
“Oh is that so?” He chuckled with an amused smile. He playfully wielded his sword and motioned you towards him. “Don’t hold back, m’lady.”
You giggled as you whipped the sword around, swinging it in circles as you’ve been practicing. Elijah watched with a proud smile on his face as you got into a fighting stance. 
“You are not ready for what’s about to come Lijah,” you teased.
Before you could even begin a duel, Niklaus’ cry echoed through the village. 
You and Elijah dropped your swords and ran out to where Niklaus was walking. The rest of the Mikaelson family came in tow from their shack. 
You gasped as you took notice of what Niklaus carried in his hands. Their youngest brother Henrik dead in Niklaus’ arms.
Rebekah sobbed as she saw her smallest brother lifeless.
From that moment on, a lot had changed for the Mikaelson family.
After their mother Ester had turned them into vampires, she couldn’t bare the thought of losing you, the girl she called her other daughter.
After the Mikaelson family had all of their splits, and falling outs, and daggerings, you were still there, but you were there for one Mikaelson sibling more than the rest. 
Elijah was absolutely, positively infatuated with you.
The more time you spent together, as time went on and the hours turned to days, the days to weeks, the weeks, to years, and the years to centuries with you, he couldn’t see you in any other light. You were the one for him. 
It was late in the 1400s when Elijah finally expressed to you how he felt. You, him, and Niklaus were living together in Italy, and he had finally gotten the courage to explain just how much you meant to him. 
A party was going around. Niklaus had thrown it in hopes of drawing out the doppelganger to break his timely curse. 
As you danced with the strangers around you, Elijah watched from the wall. 
“My, my, brother,” Niklaus tsked, “I’d thought that by now you’d have expressed your love for (Y/N).” He smirked as he watched his brother roll his eyes. “Or at least got the courage to pursue her.”
Elijah scoffed, “it is not as simple as you may think, brother. (Y/N) is the best kind of woman. She’s kind and delicate. Even after all we’ve been through, she manages to see the light in every situation.” 
Elijah scanned his eyes over the room, a crowd of people surrounded you, all wanting to join in on the fun dance you are having. “She lights up every room, and people just want to be around her. She will meet a million people in this eternal lifetime, and I don’t want to get caught up with my feelings and end up losing her to one of them.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Lijah, why do you always have to be so negative?” Klaus scoffed. “Get over there and ask her to dance. I know for certain she will be swooning over you so hard she’ll forget how to even move her feet.”
Elijah chuckled at this, and took a few more minutes to watch you dance, thinking long and hard if he really wanted to do this. He decided he didn’t want to sit around and wait for some other man to sweep you off his feet. He wanted to be the one to do so. 
In a flash, Elijah was off the wall and in the middle of the dance floor, right where you resided.
When you saw him beside you, your eyes lit up and a smile graced your face. 
“My, my,” you teased, “I’d never thought I’d see the day where the Elijah Mikaelson joined me on the dance floor.”
Elijah chuckled and lightly rubbed the back of his neck. “It would have happened eventually, darling. We’ve got an eternity of life to live together.”
His eyes slightly widened as he heard what he said. “Not that I mean our lives together together like romantically, more that we’re both immortal and we happen to spend all of our time together. Us and Niklaus of course, but mainly us.” 
Elijah was a stammering mess at this point, but that only made your heart rate pick up. You thought it was adorable when he got nervous around you. You liked that you were the only thing in this world that made him nervous. 
“I know what you’re saying Lijah.” You smiled as you placed a hand on his shoulder. “Although, would it really be such a terrible thing?”
Elijah cocked his head in confusion. “Would... you mean would being together romantically be a bad thing?”
You nodded your head as you shyly waited for his response. You didn’t want to wait any longer. It had been centuries since you first started loving Elijah, and you didn’t want to sit behind these bottled up feelings any longer.
Elijah’s heart was racing. He was trying to find the words to say how he felt without joyfully screaming in your face. 
He couldn’t contain his emotions, and a grin broke out onto his face. “(Y/N), I fear if I back out now I’ll never have another opportunity to tell you this.”
You stared into his eyes, your heart racing, pulsing out of your chest as you hang on to every word he says. 
Elijah opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He blubbed like a fish before he shook his head and chuckled a little which made you giggle. 
“I’m sorry, you just still make me nervous after all these years.” He confessed.
“I make you nervous?”
Elijah wet his lips as he stared down at yours. “Your beauty makes me nervous. Your confidence and your kindness pull me in. You intelligence and strength keeps me going. You are everything to me, (Y/N).” 
Elijah never broke eye contact. As he poured his heart out to you, you could see in his eyes that he meant every last word of what he said. 
“I love you, (Y/N).” He breathed out. “I’ve always loved you.”
That was just the beginning.
Since that day in the late 1400s, Elijah has always had you by his side. 
Present day, almost a thousand years since you’ve first fallen for him, you still knew that he was the man you wanted to spend your eternity with. Elijah was just as loving and sweet as he was the day he confessed his love for you.
Once he had you, all he did was worship the ground you walked on. He wanted to be your best friend, your partner in crime, your lover, and your rock all in one.
And he was.
Elijah was everything you could have ever asked for, and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your eternity with the man your heart belonged to.
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elijahstwink · 14 days
katherine x elijah. please, we need more kalijah fics. they've been physical in canon and i think they were 💯
Till the Sun Rises
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A sweet smut shot between Elijah and Katerina based off Elijah’s flashback in TVD.
Thank you for the great request anon!
I’m totally obsessed with any Nina Dobrev x Daniel Gillies character ships so this was so fun to write.
A few notes:
Katerina is aware of vampires at this point.
Also Elijah has TVD season 2 hair cause the long hair wasn’t it.
This is a historical smut so I’ve tried my hardest to not use any terminology that wasn’t around yet.
Content Warnings: smut, dom! Elijah, human! Katerina, slight anal play (f! receiving) , squirting, praise, small bit of spanking, historically inaccurate language, fingering, handjob, oral sex (f! receiving, m! receiving), slight sub drop, aftercare, Elijah breaks his word.
England 1492
“I won’t!”
“You have to chase me!” Katerina laughs, holding her green dress up slightly as she runs through the gardens, her long curly hair blowing in the autumn breeze. She stops at a small stone bench, overlooking the beautiful rose bushes and the setting sun.
“You’re meant to catch me!” She giggles, finding it easier to catch her breath as she is not required to wear a corset under her casual attire.
“Well if I catch you the game will be over.” Elijah says, walking towards her, his maroon shirt matching the colour of the many leaves littering the ground, leaving naked trees in their wake.
Katerina looks at him, a breathy chuckle leaving her lips.
“Thank you for entertaining me, m’lord.” She says sweetly.
“Oh, you looked lonely inside, so I took pity on you.” Elijah teases, smirking at her and earning himself an incredulous look.
“Klaus promised to spend the day with me” Katerina explains, taking a seat on the bench. “But he never returned home from the night.”
“That’s because Niklaus does not live by any rules but his own.” Elijah looks down at the girl, admiring the way the hues of the fading sun brush against her olive skin.
From the moment Elijah first met Katerina, he was transfixed by her. He expected this, as she looks identical to his first love Tatia. However, he never imagined he’d fall for anything more then her physical appearance. But he can’t deny the quirk of his lips when he hears her laugh, or the way he finds himself wondering what it would be like to court her, make her his.
“He is a very charming man. Hard for any woman to resist I suppose…” Elijah blinks as he returns to the present, looking at Katerina with a slightly longing expression.
“And yet?” Katerina doesn’t miss the way his eyes linger on her lips.
“And yet..” she hesitates. She was completely smitten with Elijah when they first met. So much so that she was no longer interested in meeting Klaus, and was slightly disappointed when he sent Elijah away.
Katerina knows it is wrong, she is going to be courted by Elijah’s brother, but she has lost so much already. So she decides that she would follow her heart.
Katerina stood up, rounding the bench slowly and standing in front of Elijah’s tall frame, his onyx eyes gazing down at her with an unreadable look.
“And yet, my eyes are set on another.” Katerina murmurs shyly, her face flushing the colour of the roses behind her. She tears her gaze from Elijah’s shocked face, suddenly very interested in the grass at her feet.
Elijah composes himself before placing a soft hand upon Katerina’s cheek, tilting her head up to meet his eyes.
A shiver runs down Katerina’s spine at the contact of Elijah’s cool hand against her burning skin. She gasps as she realises how close they are, their chests touching.
“Is that so?” Elijah’s thumb drags across her pouty bottom lip. “And who might this lucky man be? Hm?” He tilts his head, a boyish grin adorning his face.
Katerina flushes even more as she feebly attempts to avert her gaze from his captivating eyes.
Elijah tsk’s softly, holding her firmly in place with a hand on her waist, and the other resting on her cheek still, his fingers gripping her jaw. “It is too late now to be shy, answer my question pretty girl.”
“You, m’lord.” She whispers, her mouth stays parted slightly.
“Call me Elijah, darling.” He says, leaning in slightly, having to bend his head down to accommodate their height difference.
“Elijah.” Katerina repeats, her eyes fluttering shut, so close now that she can feel his warm breath upon her lips.
Elijah takes a split second to admire Katerina, with her pinkish lips parted, her head tilted and her eyes shut. When he cannot physically hold back any longer, he drops his mouth down onto hers, swallowing the whine she releases.
The kiss starts sweetly, Katerina lifting a hand to place on Elijah’s chest. Elijah moves the hand on her waist down to rest on her lower back. He uses the slight moan Katerina releases to slip his tongue inside her mouth.
Elijah pulls back after a minute, breathing heavily with his forehead pressed against hers.
“Allow me to court you instead.” He commands rather than asks, gazing at Katerina with a look that made her knees weak.
“What will Niklaus say, what if he hurts-“
Katerina is interrupted by the addicting taste of Elijah’s lips once again, all her prior worries seeming to melt away.
“Do not worry about my brother, I will speak with him.” Elijah speaks against her lips. “It is getting dark.” He trails off slightly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before moving the hand on her back lower. “Lay with me tonight?”
A sudden burst of confidence flows through Katerina’s skin. Perhaps due to the pleading look in Elijah’s eyes, showing that he wants her as much as she wants him. She raises her free hand to his jaw, the stubble prickly against her palm.
“I shall, if you promise to keep me up till the sun rises once more.” She says teasingly, leaning up to place a soft kiss on Elijah’s neck.
She feels him swallow, the rumble of an inaudible groan vibrating against her lips. Elijah pulls Katerina from his neck, holding her face in both his large hands. He looks at her with lust flowing through his eyes, along with a glint of adoration.
“You have my word.” He smirks, pulling back and grabbing her hand in his own before leading her back into the house.
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“Come here my love.” Elijah demands, crooking a single ringed finger in a come hither motion.
Katerina obeys, walking across the wood floor of Elijah’s bedroom and towards the man standing patiently at the end of the bed.
Elijah gently turns her away from him, before untying the back of her dress. Katerina steps out of the fabric as it hits the floor. She takes it upon herself to remove her undergarments, leaving her bare.
Katerina turns around, giggling as Elijah shamelessly stares at her chest, her nipples hardening from exposure to the warm air.
Katerina squeals as Elijah suddenly picks her up, tossing her on his bed. He begins to undress, running a hand through his hair as he steps out of his trousers.
Katerina sits up, shuffling forward till her legs dangle over the foot of the bed, looking up at Elijah. She kisses along his happy trail, before grabbing the waistband of his underwear and pulling it down. Elijah hisses as the cool air hits his length. Katerina wraps her hand around his impressive girth, bringing her mouth toward to lap at the bead of arousal leaking from his tip.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans softly as she looks up at him with innocent doe eyes. “Open.” He says, hooking two fingers between her lips and forcing her mouth open.
“Good girl.” He praises, not missing the moan that Katerina releases at his words. “Do you enjoy being called that?” Elijah smiles at her enthusiastic nodding, stroking her hair before guiding her head towards him. He removes his fingers from her mouth, replacing them with his erection.
Katerina eagerly sucks, hollowing her cheeks and running her tongue around his tip. Using one hand to stroke the part that won’t fit in her mouth. Elijah keeps a strong grip on her hair, groaning at the innocent look Katerina is giving him. He pulls her off by her hair when he notices her rubbing her thighs together, in a feeble attempt to gain friction.
“Elijah, please,” Katerina begs, lying flat on the bed with a hand hovering dangerously close to her core. Elijah slaps her hand away, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Katerina squeals as Elijah yanks her towards him by her hips, before licking a long stripe up her cunt.
“Good lord, Elijah.” Katerina moans, pulling at Elijah’s hair with both her trembling hands. “No one’s ever-“ she cuts herself off with a loud moan as one of Elijah’s thick fingers stretch her open. He looks up at her, adding a second finger. Elijah crooks his fingers, hitting a spot inside her that she wasn’t aware existed.
“Are you implying,” Elijah kisses her sensitive bundle of nerves, “that no man has tasted you before? Niklaus?” He asks, still fingering her softly.
“Me and Niklaus did not lay together. I’ve only been with one man from Bulgaria,” Katerina gasps, “we never did anything like this, I did not know it could feel like this.” She manages to get the words out between moans, as Elijah kisses up her body, his fingers still working at her core. He lingers on her neck, sucking and nipping at her soft skin. Katerina can feel his fangs graze against her, but he never pierces the skin.
“You have never reached the peak of your pleasure before?” Elijah asks, his veins retracting from around his eyes as he pulls away from Katerina’s neck and meets her gaze.
“I did not think women were able to.” Katerina replies. Elijah smirks before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
“Let me show you.” He says seductively, making his way back down to her core.
Elijah speeds up his fingers, sucking hard on her bundle of nerves.
Katerina feels the pleasure build in her lower tummy, she begins to grind against Elijah’s face, using her grip on his hair to pull him impossibly closer.
Elijah places his free hand on Katerina’s lower stomach, pressing down to hold her hips in place. The pressure of his hand adds to the growing pleasure. She thrashes around on the bed, the way her body’s movement is restricted by Elijah’s strength makes her even more wet.
Elijah suddenly removes his hand from her stomach and his mouth from her soaking core, using the heel of his palm to rub her pearl along to the movement of his fingers.
He moves back up her body, Katerina’s legs wrapping around his waist. Elijah supports his weight with a hand next to her head, before leaning into a filthy open mouthed kiss.
Katerina can barely kiss back, drowning in a sea of pleasure, her only thoughts being on the man above her and the way he is making her feel things she never knew possible. Elijah pulls back, smirking as she opens her mouth in a silent scream, gripping at the arm moving between them with both her hands, overwhelmed by the pleasure it is giving her. Regardless of her clawing and scratching at his bicep, his hand does not falter.
“Eli- Oh gods!” Katerina whimpers, her eyes clenching shut as Elijah’s hand reaches an inhuman speed, his two curled fingers constantly hitting that spot inside her and his palm rubbing across her sensitive nub, her wetness allowing an easy glide. She wraps her hands around Elijah’s neck, her torso curling upwards slightly as she hangs onto him for dear life.
Katerina almost gets a fright when Elijah speaks, his voice deep and strained, “Open your eyes, my love.”. Katerina does as she’s told, peering down between them to see Elijah’s hand moving against her core that is getting increasingly wetter.
“Katerina, Look at me,” Katerina meets his lustful gaze, the eye contact overwhelming.
“That’s my girl.” He praises, his tone dripping dominance.
Katerina almost screams, his words giving her that last push and breaking the dam that had been building inside her. The feeling was euphoric, the pleasure reaching every inch of her being. She gasped as a burst of fluid rushed from her core, so intense that Elijah’s fingers are pushed out. She squeals as he instantly plunges them back inside her, prolonging her release as she buries her face in his neck.
Elijah’s fingers slow to a halt. He removes them before sitting up on his knees, pulling Katerina up with him and into a straddling position. He wraps his arms around her, one resting on her hip while the other cradles the back of her head. Her face remains buried in the space below his jaw, her shuddering breaths warming his skin.
Elijah releases an endearing chuckle as Katerina releases another moan, her body shaking uncontrollably in his arms as the last of her climax washes over her.
“You did so well, darling.” Elijah coos softly. The only acknowledgment he receives is a kiss to his neck. He smiles, tightening his hold on her and massaging her scalp.
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“Is it always that way?” Katerina mumbles into his skin a few minutes later. “With the- the liquid?” She elaborates
“Not always, no. All women are different.” Elijah explains, deciding he wouldn’t tell her that he knows her body quite well already, seeing as her doppelgänger Tatia, was his first lover.
Elijah gasps as Katerina reaches an arm between them, the other still wrapped around his neck. Grasping at his length, her small hand is unable to wrap fully around his girth. Elijah releases his arms from her body, placing them on the bed behind him for support. She swipes her thumb over his tip, spreading his arousal down his shaft. Elijah’s eyes shut as he groans. He tips his head back, giving Katerina more access to his neck. She sucks and nibbles at his skin, creating red bruises that fade away almost instantly.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans, “I am not going to last much longer.”
Katerina pulls her hand away and removes her face from his neck, causing Elijah to look down at her in confusion. When Katerina is positive he is watching, she lifts her hips slightly, running her fingers through the aftermath of her release. When her hand is thoroughly coated, she spreads her fluids along his shaft, creating a much smoother glide.
Katerina giggles as she looks back up to Elijah, her hand speeding up. His mouth is hanging open with an expression of pure desire.
“Oh my, you are perfect.” He swallows, bringing a hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
“My beautiful girl.” Elijah pulls her into a heated kiss, winning dominance as he sucks lazily on her tongue.
Elijah breaks their kiss, looking down at Katerina’s hand, working quickly over his length. He moans loudly, both of them watching as white spurts burst from him, coating their stomachs.
Katerina removes her hand, leaving Elijah’s still erect member twitching in her wake. Elijah swipes two fingers through his release on their bodies.
“Open.” Elijah commands, pushing his white coated fingers past her lips. “Good girl.” He praises as she sucks, swirling her tongue between his digits.
Elijah removes his fingers, guiding Katerina to kneel at the centre of the bed. He pushes her chest flat into the mattress, her back arched and her face resting on its side.
“Mmh, still so wet.” Elijah kneels behind her, swiping his fingers through her folds. “Do you want all of me?” He teases, grabbing her wrists and holding them behind her back with one hand.
“Please, Elijah. Make me yours.” Katerina begs, her words slightly muffled from her face being half buried in the silk sheets.
Katerina moans as Elijah taps his erection against her bundle of nerves, still sensitive from the thorough treatment he had already given her pink and swollen cunt.
Elijah sighs as he slowly enters her tight heat. He holds Katerina’s wrists tightly, as she squirms and whines in pleasure.
“Elijah, Elijah, Elijah.” She repeats his name like a prayer, her core clenching around his length.
“Yes, my love?” Elijah smirks, giving her arse cheek a playful smack with his free hand. “Does it feel good?”
“S’good, so good.” Katerina slurs, trying to move her hips. This earns her another, slightly harder slap.
“You will take what I choose to give you, Katerina. No more and no less, do you understand?” Elijah demands, still not moving inside her.
“Yes, m’lord.” Katerina mumbles, her shoulders aching slightly from her arms being held behind her back.
Elijah smooths his hand over the red mark left of her skin, before moving his hand up to hold her hip. A squeal escapes Katerina’s mouth as Elijah suddenly thrusts deeply.
“So sensitive,” Elijah chuckles, thrusting his hips at a rough albeit slow pace. “Such a sweet little cunt, made just for me.”
Katerina releases little uh’s at every push of Elijah’s hips, his impressive size allowing him to reach every spot inside her.
“More, Elijah.” Katerina moans, arching her back even more, presenting him with her most intimate parts.
“Where have your manners gone, young lady?” Elijah scolds. Katerina is about to apologise, beg the man to indulge her when she hears Elijah spit, a glob of saliva landing at the base of her spine, sliding down in between her arse cheeks. He rubs at her virgin pucker with the pad of his thumb.
“Oh!” She gasps at the unfamiliar feeling. “Please Elijah, please give me more.” She begs, squirming on his length as it speeds up slightly. Elijah yanks at Katerina’s wrists, pulling her back onto him as he thrusts forwards, his thumb still playing with her rear hole.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” Elijah asks, pressing against her pucker while he pounds her cunt.
“N-no.” Katerina whimpers, tears of pleasure stream down her face. It’s all becoming too much, the overwhelming feeling of pleasure and the lack of Elijah’s warmth is causing her mind to drift away slightly.
“‘Lijah.” She sobs, Too far gone to communicate her need for comfort.
Elijah however, being the kind hearted man he is, instantly notices her slipping. He releases Katerina’s wrists and removes his thumb from her arse, flipping her onto her back while slowing his thrusts slightly.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” Elijah shushes her, leaning down until their chests touch. He holds Katerina to his chest with an arm behind her back, hand tangling in her soft hair. He cradles her cheek in his other palm, feeling the dampness of her tears. Katerina wraps her arms around his neck as a worried expression floods Elijah’s face. He stills inside of her.
“Good tears.” She mumbles, running a hand through the part in his hair. Katerina could tell Elijah was worried she wasn’t enjoying this, which couldn’t be more wrong.
“Are you certain? Am I being too rough? Too mean?” He questions, suddenly aware that she hasn’t had a good sexual experience yet, and he might have ruined this one for her.
“No, no. I swear Elijah, I just needed to touch you.” She reassures him, her fingertips carding through the strands of his brunette hair.
“I really like the way you talk to me.” She admits shyly, her cheek heating up underneath his palm.
“Is that so?” Elijah smiles, his thrusting starting up once again.
“I like the way you tell me what to do,” Katerina mumbles, both her arms wrapping around his neck again. “I enjoy being your good girl.” She looks away from him, embarrassment mixing with the pleasure already flowing through her.
Elijah speeds up his thrusts, the new angle allowing him to hit her sweet spot perfectly, her bundle of nerves brushing against his lower stomach.
“You are my good girl, letting me pound this pretty cunt, taking me so well.” He coos, bending his head to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
Katerina feels the now familiar knot in her stomach tightening, every thrust of Elijah’s thick shaft pulling it tighter and tighter. She pulls away from his lips, releasing a wail of pleasure.
“E-Elijah, I’m almost there again.” She stutters out between moans. Elijah sits up, Katerina’s hands unwrapping from his neck and instead gripping the headboard behind her. Elijah places her legs over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around them. Katerina screams out when he begins to thrust at vampire speed, groaning heavily as his own release nears.
“Let go Katerina. Let go all over me.” Elijah moans, his balls tightening as they slap against Katerina’s arse. He allows her legs to fall from his shoulders before he drops down, wrapping his arms tightly around her and cradling her small frame to his chest.
Elijah climaxes first, burying his head into the pillow behind Katerina. His seed spurts deep inside her clenching cunt. The feeling of his twitching member filling her with warmth pushes Katerina over the edge, another gush of liquid flowing from her core as she screams out, biting harshly into Elijah’s shoulder.
Elijah thrusts slowly through their releases before flipping them over, staying inside her as she continues to shake and moan in his arms.
Katerina buries her face in his neck, unable to stop the pulsating of her walls around Elijah.
“I will never return to Niklaus.” She mumbles randomly into his skin. Elijah barks out a laugh, causing her to giggle tiredly.
“Are you tired, sweet thing?” Elijah asks, as she yawns against him. Katerina grabs his jaw with a shaky hand, turning his head to meet her lips in a lazy kiss.
“I only need a small nap.” She explains, turning his laughing head away again before cuddling into the scruff of his neck. “Besides, Elijah, I believe you gave you me your word.”
He grins, before looking out the large window across the room. The stars that litter the night sky are the only sources of light.
“You are correct,” Elijah smirks, running a hand along her back. “And I certainly cannot yet see the sun.”
Elijah doesn’t get a response, Katerina already dead weight in his arms. Her heavy breathing indicating her state of slumber.
Elijah allows himself to rest his eyes for a moment. However it isn’t long until they are both deep in sleep, dreaming of each other.
In all fairness, Elijah can’t be expected to always keep his word.
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Thanks for reading :)
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
hi can you do headcanons on yandere Elijah Mikaelson
Of course :)!
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Elijah Mikaelson.
The noble one between his siblings.
Him being a yandere is a shocker.
The gentle, nice, 'on my word' Elijah a yandere??
Even he is shocked.
The first time he saw you was when you somehow got into their sibling problems, and before Klaus can toss you outside the mansion like he does with most mortals, Elijah got attached to you.
After your encounter, he met you more often, telling you that he felt bad for what his siblings has done to you, but in reality he was just trying to find any excuse to see you.
Even though you noticed the few red flags here and there, like stalking you, possessive, or over protective, you shrugged them off cuz you are a person that never judges someone.
Eventually you two started dating.
Unlike Klaus, he didn't just kidnap you, he actually dated you for a while before he kidnaped you.
You two were used to having dates where you would just sit down and read together, or just walking around the park.
After he kidnaped you, you were out of your mind.
Crying and screaming and kicking, trying to find a way out of that place which broke his heart.
Why can't you understand that he just wants you safe? The outside world is too dangerous for you and he knows that more than you since he lived over a millennium.
Slowly, you started to get along with him like the way you two used to do before, then he made the decision to turn you.
You refused, you can't live being a vampire, its too much.
But Elijah, for the first time ever, he went against his gentleman behavior to satisfy what he thinks is best for you.
So, he turned you.
Turning you was not easy.
The early stages are the worst and somehow, they were even worst with you.
But you two managed to get things under control.
That's because Elijah is so patient with you.
and he will always be patient with you no matter what
'till the end of time.
My requests are open, feel free to request!
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kasagia · 1 year
Could you make something like where klaus' girlfriend/wife is really attractive and all of his enemies want her(like lucien or tristan)?
Everybody wants to steal my girl
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader Summary: Klaus (and you) have been struggling with hybrid's jealousy for 1,000 years. It doesn't help that you're stunningly beautiful and that all his enemies want to steal you from him. But Klaus will not let his wife ever leave his side—or worse, lose her feelings for him. Even if he is "slightly" insecure about himself. Warning(s): jealous Klaus, jealous reader, a bit smut (I think) but not 18+, Klaus being an insecure puppy Word count: 7k I guess
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She's been my queen since we were sixteen, we want the same things We dream the same dreams, alright, alright?
Klaus stormed into the abattoir in a rage. He promised himself that he would rip Lucien's heart out of his chest as soon as the circumstances were right, making sure he had suffered enough for his heinous act beforehand.
Klaus was the only one who could flirt with his wife.
He'd have to make sure that this pathetic creature got the message the next time they met. Lucien had condemned his life to death anyway, but Klaus might have had the pity to spare him from his creative torture.
Y/N didn't like it when he got blood on the floor. And when their daughter Hope came into the world, she tried to keep the violence around her to a minimum. Which didn't mean Klaus shouldn't fight every potential suitor of his baby's mother. Hope would agree with him if she was old enough.
When he calmed down, he decided to look into the room of their miracle child. He smiled, leaning against the doorframe as he saw Y/N putting their daughter to sleep. She sang an Old Norse lullaby they both knew from their human days.
Klaus flashed back to the days when he was just a teenager, head over heels in love with the daughter of their village chief. Then he wouldn't even have had a chance to hold her hand in public. His family was lower in the village hierarchy, which meant he could only dream of marrying a(n) Y/N. Which didn't stop them from falling in love. And turning her into a vampire with the Mikaelson siblings—the only thing he owed to his mother.
They both wanted and dreamed of the same thing: being together. They've had their ups and downs over the past thousand years, but they've always stayed together. She was the only person in their family that Klaus had never stabbed. Besides, he couldn't. She was a hybrid, just like him. After breaking his curse, it turned out that their lost dreams of having a family together weren't all that lost. Hope appeared. And they both hoped she wouldn't be their only child. But first, they had to deal with their enemies.
Klaus knew he would do anything to protect his girls. And in moments like this—when Y/N smiled softly at him, holding their sleeping daughter in her arms—he knew that his efforts were damn well worth the hard work and sleepless nights.
His wife might just not be so irresistibly, wonderfully beautiful at every fucking moment of the day. It would have saved him a lot of nerves and fits of jealousy every time someone flirted with his goddess.
"Tough day?" Y/n asked, placing her hand on his cheek. Klaus didn't even notice when she approached him.
"It's better since I've seen you, love." he murmured, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest to bury his nose in her delightfully fragrant hair.
Klaus adored every inch of her.
I know, I know, I know for sure Everybody want to steal my girl Everybody want to take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one cause she belongs to me
On days like this, Klaus was more murderous than usual.
Y/N knew full well that after agreeing to Tristan's polite request for a dance, Klaus was going to explode tonight. Not that she wanted to dance with the brother of a bitch who wanted to take her husband. Tristan's compliments to her, or even the subtle hints of his attraction to her, weren't pleasant to her either.
That was the plan: she was to distract Tristan while Klaus and Freya searched their house. The only thing Elijah didn't take into account was Klaus' enormous tendency to get jealous every time he touched her or received a compliment from another man.
Y/N could have sworn she saw Kol in the crowd eating a pack of popcorn, waiting for things to happen.
So she wasn't surprised when Klaus appeared at one point, snatching her from Tristan's arms with a warning growl. Or that he later marked her neck carefully and every inch of her body that had been contaminated by another man's hands.
Y/N was HIS and no one could ever change that. Not when he was around.
Elijah then burst into your room, being very annoyed at his brother's behavior. But honestly? He should have known better than to hope Klaus wouldn't give in to his jealousy. Tristan was lucky he didn't rip his hands off on the spot. On that day, the second of their first-turned vampires handed down a death sentence. Klaus wouldn't let anyone steal his wife.
Everybody want to steal my girl Everybody want to take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one cause she belongs to me
The cup of bitterness overflowed in Klaus when Lucien approached you on your annual "wedding anniversary" date. Yes, Klaus dared to show enough of his sentimental and tender side to declare this day a national holiday. No murders and no bodies on this day - that's what he promised you thousands of years ago.
But when he brought your order to the table and saw Lucien shamelessly flirting with you in front of him, inviting you for a drink at his suite, he seriously considered breaking that oath.
Unfortunately, he couldn't do that. He would rather avoid your wrath.
So instead, he walked over to your table with a sly, confident smirk, put the food on the table, and, grabbing your chin, pulled you close to kiss you passionately in front of the vampire.
He was marking his territory.
You smiled as Niklaus ignored Lucien's awkward grunt, only kissing you fiercely. He only let you go when he was sure your lips were swollen enough from his kiss. He smirked at your slightly disheveled state.
"Were you very bored without me, love?" he asked, playing with your hair.
"I kept her company, Klaus." the hybrid winced at Lucien's voice. He mustered up all the rest of his patience and turned his head, acknowledging the vampire's presence.
"Oh really? I didn't notice you, Lucien. You can go now." he brushed him off, turning back to you. Disgust in his gaze gave way to pure adoration. You were always amazed at how quickly you could change his mood with just your presence.
"Nik, sweetheart, it's very inappropriate to talk like that to our oldest friends, isn't it? Lucien, darling, we'll continue our conversation someday. You have to forgive me, but I promised my grumpy husband that I would focus all my attention on him today." you excused the two of you with a cute smile. Lucien just nodded, blushing.
You grabbed Klaus' arm and pulled him out of the bar before he lunged at the vampire.
"Niklaus, my heart and soul, you know I'm only yours, right?" you asked, kissing his cheek to stifle the surge of his jealousy.
"Yes. Which doesn't mean that this creature knows it too. And I'm not grumpy." he grunted, the furrow of irritation on his forehead deepening as he remembered Lucien's sweet words to you. He wanted to vomit as soon as you answered him in an equally nice and polite tone. "Every enemy of mine has a crush on you anyway; even my father doesn't feel disgusted and murderous toward you."
"Yes? You should have seen Aurora's face when she passed us a few minutes ago. She must have sent Lucien here to spoil our evening."
"Wait a minute, love... is that why you've drawn me to this very nice, unexpected, passionate, mind-blowing kiss in the middle of the street?" he asked with an incredulous smirk, watching with satisfaction as a treacherous blush crept onto your cheeks.
"What am I supposed to say? You're as territorial in this relationship as I am. Besides, we don't want to give our enemies the false impression that we see anything but each other, do we?"
"It's good to know you get jealous of me from time to time too, love."
"Time to time? Please, have you seen yourself in the mirror? I'm still at war with all these horny women who want to steal you from me. Such cheekbones, wonderful eyes, and an English accent are the dreams of many."
"Maybe, but I'm probably the one who chases away the most suitors out of the two of us. You have no idea how many people have had a crush on you over the centuries."
Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Oh yeah Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Alright Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na She belongs to me
There was going to be a celebration of the summer solstice in their village. Young Klaus was just waiting for you to sneak out with him after the ceremonial rites for your own celebration.
You've been courting each other for over three years now, and today Klaus was finally going to pluck up the courage (with the help of Elijah and Rebekah and Kol's teasing) to propose to you. The ring was safely in his pocket, and the sword was well hidden where the two of you were supposed to spend a romantic evening.
Everything was planned and ready. Nothing could go wrong today. He anticipated and ready for every circumstance, and his mother (the only one of your parents who knew about this secret relationship) promised him to keep his father away from your tryst's place.
But it never occurred to him that another man would try to steal you away from him.
Thor Ragnarsson, the strongest and most powerful young warrior from their village, has been dancing with you since the beginning of the night. And it didn't seem like he was going to let you go that easily, and after the rumors he heard from Kol, Klaus found out that the man wanted to court you.
Klaus had a panic attack. How could he—weak, one of the many sons of a lesser warrior—compete with such a man for your hand? Thor could give you much more than he can. He was stronger, richer, more famous, and handsomer... No. He couldn't think like that. Not when you were destined for each other by fate, stars, spirits, gods, or whatever was watching over you. He had to do something, and fast, before that son of a bitch charms you and you forget the boy who wrote you poems and painted your portraits on the bark of trees.
Klaus may not have been the strongest, but he had something that many of their villagers lacked. He had the cunning, brains, and skill of the best assassin. He will snatch you from this brute's clutches. But first he'll have to figure out how to do it (and take control of the deepening feelings of jealousy that clouded his good judgment.)
Thor only had two weaknesses. Beautiful women and strong drinks. He doubted that he would get drunk so easily; they don't know each other, so even if he offered him something stronger to drink (with an admixture of sleeping herbs), he would probably refuse and sense Klaus' ruse. So he had to resort to Plan B.
"Rebekah!" he shouted, trying to find his sister in the dancing crowd. He found her pretty quickly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from talking to some man (whom he and Elijah needed to check out in the future) and dragged the protesting blonde to a place where they could watch you and Thor. "I need your help. Do you see this skunk who is talking to my Y/N? Please distract him so I and Y/N can run away from there. You know I wanted to propose to her tonight, and that lesser man is ruining my whole plan!"
"Couldn't you have asked Tatia? She would have helped you because of Elijah."
"They got out of here before Kol could scare off another woman. Please, Rebekah. Won't you do it for your favorite brother?"
"She better say yes." she sighed in defeat, threading herself into the dancing crowd. After a moment, she hit Y/N's partner and winked at Klaus. He didn't waste a second. He ran over to you and, making sure everyone was too busy to notice you, threw you over his shoulder and took you from there.
"Nik! You can put me down now." she laughed at him as they entered the forest. Klaus reluctantly set her down, immediately drawing her into a passionate kiss, which she eagerly returned. "What took you so long?"
"I had to make sure the inconvenience wouldn't bother us when we sneaked out."
"That inconvenience has a name. Besides, Thor's just my friend. We both know very well that my heart belongs to only one man in this village."
"And who is it, love?"
"Well, he's quite tall; he has blonde hair and beautiful, mesmerizing blue eyes; and he's artistically talented. I've never seen more beautiful things than the ones he's made, and he's soooo jealous of me, but that's only because he loves me and he's pretty insecure about himself. Thinking about it like that, I guess I should make sure he knows how much I desire and love him so he doesn't come up with some weird ideas. What do you think?"
"I think this man was born under a lucky star to be worthy of a miracle like you."
"I forgot to add that he charms me with his words like no one else." you murmured, placing a tender kiss on his lips, which accelerated the rhythm of your already madly beating hearts. He pushed you into a tree, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close, not wanting the world to let this moment between you ever end. You pulled away from him, placing your hand gently on his cheek. You smiled, looking at him with love in your eyes as he turned his head to kiss your hand. "I dare not agree with you. I'm the lucky one to have you, Niklaus. And believe me, nothing on this earth can change the way I love you. Nothing is even close enough to steal me from your safe, loving arms."
"So what do you say when..." he knelt down in front of you, trembling with nerves as he took a hand-made ring from his pocket. "Will I offer you my heart, soul, and body forever? You have my eternal devotion, loyalty, and love regardless of your answer, but know that it will be a real honor and a gift from the gods to call you my wife and to have a family with you. I want nothing more in this world than for you to be mine, Y/N. And I may not be the best choice; I am not very rich or strong, but I promise you that I will try to be the best husband for you."
"Oh, Niklaus, you stupid, insecure man... of course I will marry you!" you screamed with tears in your eyes, throwing yourself at him and knocking the two of you to the ground. You both laughed happily as you kissed each other's faces. Klaus gently slid the ring onto your finger.
One satisfying thought lingered in his mind as you both lounged in the field, embracing each other and watching the stars, talking about your future together.
She belongs to me.
Kisses like cream, her walk is so mean And every jaw drops when she's in those jeans, alright, alright? I don't exist if I don't have her The sun doesn't shine, the world doesn't turn, alright, alright?
"Any party you forgot to invite me to?" Klaus flinched at your pretentious, cold tone of voice. He turned away from the table to explain why Lucien, Aurora, and Tristan were sitting at the table with him and his brothers but fell silent, trying to keep his jaw from dropping.
"You look breathtaking as always, darling. Tristan and I missed having a beautiful woman at this table." Klaus stared murderously at Lucien as he kissed your hand, ignoring Aurora's offended snort. He knew you did it on purpose.
This morning, when he asked you to take Hope to visit Aunt Hayley for the day, you were wearing a completely different outfit. Now you were wearing those annoyingly tight jeans that showed off your curves perfectly, and you knew he loved them. Paired with a plunging neckline blouse, diamond jewelry, and little makeup, you looked like a goddess. Aurora could hide in the septic tank with her elegant, short dress.
You smirked at Aurora, sitting down between Lucien and Tristan, across from your husband. And that, too, was a deliberate ploy. You were out of reach of his hands to tease him with your beauty even more, regaling those idiots by your side with your heavenly presence. Klaus will make sure you pay for your little feat tonight.
He shot you a warning look as he noticed Lucien inching slightly closer to you, but you ignored him completely, smiling at some comment from the younger vampire.
Oh, yes, you will definitely be punished.
"Something wrong, sweetheart?" you asked him, knowing full well where his thoughts wandered.
"No. You're messing up the world order by fawning over this scoundrel instead of sitting next to me."
"Perfectly fine, love. Just admiring your beauty tonight."
"Only mine?" you asked, casually swirling her glass of wine and glancing meaningfully at Aurora, who tensed slightly under your gaze. You smiled meanly, ignoring Elijah's staring at you with irritation.
After failing to get anything meaningful out of Lucien (Klaus wouldn't let you get close enough to use his tricks), Elijah figured Aurora's weakness for Klaus could be exploited. But this time he didn't anticipate that you'd pick up on your husband's jealous behavior.
And you were much worse than the mighty hybrid.
"You know you're the only one I belong to, love." Klaus finally answered, shocking the younger vampires. They had never witnessed the world's deadliest vampire softly professing his love and devotion to you. You smiled sweetly at him, offering him your hand, which he kissed without hesitation. You shot a malicious, defiant look at Aurora.
They thought he had you wrapped around his finger, but it turns out to be quite the opposite...
Everybody want to steal my girl Everybody want to take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one cause she belongs to me
"Cheer up, she's just talking to him and not even of her own free will, Nik." you heard Kol calming down your husband when you tried to get information from Lucien.
For some reason, a vampire who has been impersonating your husband over the years has fallen for your extraordinary beauty and become infatuated with you.
Elijah decided to try again and use this to your advantage, much to Klaus' displeasure and fury. This time, Elijah put his other younger brother on guard. Honestly, it was fun to watch Kol occasionally hold Klaus by his henley to keep him from running towards you.
But of the two evils, Kol preferred to fight Klaus' jealousy over yours. You have proven more than once that you are a more dangerous opponent than his already bloodthirsty brother.
"Are you alright, darling?" Lucien pulled you out of your thoughts as he looked at you with concern.
"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. Hope's been getting on my nerves lately. She's so little, and she already has her dad's temper."
"A beautiful and caring woman like you deserves one night off." he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and placing a flower there in the process. You had to admit that it was a very sweet gesture. You blushed involuntarily, smiling shyly at the vampire. "Will you do me the honor?" he asked, extending his hand towards you. You really didn't want to flirt with him, but Elijah didn't give you much of a way out. You hoped Klaus knew that. But from the burning look you could feel in the back of your head as Lucien led you to the dance floor, you knew you were bound to have a fit of jealousy at home.
You just hoped no one would die until you were alone in the same room with your husband to ease his jealousy.
You glanced out of the corner of your eye at Kol and Klaus' hideout. You almost burst out laughing as you saw the two brothers jostling with each other as Kol was trying hard to hold Klaus by his henley.
"Bloody hell, calm down before I put a dog muzzle around your neck!" Kol hissed at him, deftly dodging Klaus' fangs as he tried to inject him with his werewolf venom.
Fortunately, Freya came and took control of them, thanks to which the rest of the night went without incident (except that Klaus barged in at the end of the party and, together with Kol, pretending to be drunk, laughed at their ball. The divas, as always, had to show up.)
You thought everything would be fine, but on the way back, Nik didn't say a word to you, only holding your hand in an iron grip as he put up with Kol's story about what a "jealous and rabid dog" he had been throughout the whole ball.
The son of a bitch only made him angrier and escaping to Davina at the first possible opportunity after you were parked under abattoir.
The rest of the siblings got out of the car quickly, leaving you and Klaus alone. You had to defuse the ticking time bomb that was your husband before it was too late, and also on your own.
"Nik..." you began in a sweet tone, but the man didn't even look up from your joined hands as he played with your wedding ring on your finger. "Nik, listen…"
"Do you regret your decision?"he blurted out, not letting you finish your sentence.
"What?" you asked, shocked about his unexpected, serious question.
You turned to him so you could get a better look at him. He was staring at your hands nervously. You could feel his grip tightening with every second of the tense silence between you two.
"Do you regret marrying me?" he asked in a trembling, rueful voice.
"Oh, Niklaus... my best friend, my king, my soulmate. How could I ever regret marrying my first, true, epic love?" you took his cheeks in your hands, making him look you in the eyes. "I love you. All of you. In your good and bad days, and nothing can change that. None knows me as well as you do. Nobody is even close to making me feel the way you have been making me feel for these last thousand years. You are my peace, my home, my security, my heart, and my everything. There could be a billion people asking for my hand, and I'll choose you again, and again, and again. You, our sweet Hope, and your siblings are the only ones I care about in this bloody world. I'm yours, Niklaus, and I'm not going anywhere in the following eternity."
"Good." he murmured, barely holding back tears, and pulled you into a needy kiss.
You grabbed his shoulders and straddled him, knowing full well that, after moments of uncertainty like this, he needed your tender, firm touch.
And with the uncles and aunts watching over your daughter, you were more than willing to take care of your insecure husband.
The next day you woke up alone in your bed, but in a room filled with various beautiful flowers… none of them were like the one Lucien had given you and Klaus had burned.
Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Oh yeah Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Alright Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na
You lay in bed together, sleeping off the long weeks of fighting the de Martels and Lucien. You finally killed them, returning to that blissful, peaceful state. AND! Hope has gained a new Uncle Finn and Grandpa Ansel. And it looked like Aunt Davina would join your happy, crazy, Mikaelosn's bunch, thanks to Kol. Klaus allowed them to look after the baby under the watchful eye of Rebekah and Freya.
It'll probably be years before he trusts them enough to leave them alone with Hope, but that's just how your husband was.
Always a protector, a warrior, repelling any evil that could reach his loved ones.
"Stop thinking. Go back to sleep." he murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.
Lately, he has had a strange urge to stay very close to you. Maybe it's because spring is coming? You didn't want to ask him about his wolf side yet. He was fairly new to it and... shy. You were glad that now Ansel would be able to help him understand his other half.
"I thought we established a long time ago that I disobey your orders." you started to comb his hair, smiling as you heard him purr softly. He deserved to rest after bravely defending your family. You didn't know how much time you had left until another bomb exploded in your face.
"You could at least pretend to be a little obedient to your husband." he huffed, his eyes still closed.
"Me? Obedient? I thought you knew what you were taking, Mikaelson. Now, it's too late for any returns." you snorted, amused. Klaus graciously opened one eye, staring at you adoringly.
"I did. You're mine forever." he replied seriously, making your cheeks flush furiously and your heart speed up.
"Good." you whispered, placing a tender, short kiss on his lips.
"Good." he replied, cupping your cheeks and kissing you "properly" stealing your breath away. You enjoyed a moment to yourselves, touching each other tenderly, grounding in the familiar feeling of another's lips.
You two needed it after weeks of jealousy and uncertainty on both sides. Reminders that nothing and no one can take each other away. You belonged to him as much as he belonged to you. Soul and body.
You still were kissing as Klaus slid his hand down your neck, breasts, and belly and started to lift your shirt, making you shiver every time your bare skin made brief contact with his fingertips.
Suddenly, Hope's cry came from downstairs, effectively breaking the moment between the two of you. Klaus groaned, resting his forehead against yours.
"Your daughter is calling us."
"And since when is she just my daughter?"
"Since she's been demanding our attention purely because of her current mood. You spoiled her, Nik, and she's not even 4."
"I know another woman I've spoiled, and she's not complaining about it at all. Maybe that's not a bad thing."
"Just bring her here. I need her too." you backed out, knowing full well you couldn't win this fight. Thousands of dresses, jewelry, and your portraits painted by Klaus spoke clearly against you. Hope may have been spoiled by her dad, but over the past thousand years (and probably many more to come), your husband has made sure you get everything you want. Even a fucking star in the sky.
"As you wish, love." he murmured, kissing your forehead before going to fetch your daughter.
She knows, she knows that I never let her down before She know, she knows that I'm never gonna let take another take her love from me
Klaus couldn't let his guard down. You just had to attract everyone with your beauty. Even the Salvatore brothers. He wasn't worried about Damon. He was too smitten with Elena to even think about making a move to get your affection. But Stefan… the golden, Salvatore hero—who had some dark points in common with him but was definitely a better choice than him. Bloody hell, he would want him too, if he had to choose between himself and him. So he has to work really hard to prove to you that he may be better than Stefan.
It didn't help that the younger vampire was stealing you in front of him and dancing with you most of the time at his mother's ball.
Not also the fact that you were willing to let him lead you after Klaus argued with you about Esther's intentions. You sensed something wrong with her aura, but Klaus believed (or wanted to believe) that his mother meant well. That, like him, she wanted to reunite the family.
You guys argued pretty hard about it. And now you were dancing in the arms of his enemy, honoring him with your beauty, smile and attention.
The worst part of it all was that you didn't send him a single malicious smirk. You didn't tease him like you usually did after your fights. You didn't even notice him as he watched you doggedly, tipping another glass of champagne. His name probably never crossed your mind this evening.
He played with the wedding ring on his finger, watching carefully as Salavtore flirted with you in front of him. He promised himself that this time he wouldn't give in to his jealousy. He won't play by the rules of your game, and he won't play the jealous husband. You will come to him yourself and apologize to him.
At least that was the plan until he saw you take your wedding ring off.
This was too fucking much for him.
He set his glass down on the table and with a quick, slightly unsteady step, walked over to the two of you and twisted Stefan's arm, the exact one he had dared to touch your bare shoulder.
Salvatore groaned, drawing the attention of those around you. But you stood firm as you watched your husband break at least two of his bones. He released Stefan in disgust and grabbed your hand, dragging you through the crowd of onlookers to his studio - the only place where no one would dare disturb you.
"What the hell was that?!" he shouted, slamming the door behind the two of you in anger.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, sweetheart."
"For your own good, don't make me more mad than I already am, love."
"And you, for your own good, remember that I AM NOT the meek wife you can order around! I'm the hybrid, like you, an original. You have no power over me, wolfie, no one has."
"Are you sure, love?" he growled throatily, taking a big step towards her. You backed up until you hit the wall behind you. Klaus walked over to you, your chests rubbing against each other with every breath you took.
He suddenly kissed you aggressively, taking out all his anger and insecurity on you as he bit into your enticing mouth and began sucking the slowly oozing blood. He groaned at the sweet, addictive taste on his tongue.
With one hand, he untangles your complicated hairstyle and wraps your hair around his hand, tilting your head back. While he was busy fucking your neck with kisses, you took advantage of his distraction, digging your nails into his arms, taking revenge for biting your lip. He hissed, annoyed at your bratty attitude, and pressed his lips to yours again. Once he had distracted you, he gave away two of your dresses and slapped you hard on the ass. You moaned into the kiss, rubbing against him, making him even crazier with desire. He had to control himself before you went too far for him to carry out his plan.
"Such a willing… so needy whore for me." you moaned as he brushed against your core, still teasing you, his fangs on your neck as he bit your skin gently. "What a pity I only fuck with my wife." he growled, pushing away from you and heading towards the exit.
"Niklaus!" you gasped in anger as his body heat left you.
"Put your wedding ring back on, and maybe I will help you with your... little problem." he threw over his shoulder, ignoring your shouts of protest and threats.
He didn't even get his hand on the doorknob when you pinned him to the door, kissing him passionately. He grinned, throwing you onto the piano in the corner as he caught a glimpse of the familiar black gold on your finger out of the corner of his eye. Where the fuck should always be. He leaned over you, grabbing your chin hard to make you look into his eyes. Need and lust shone in your irises, making him harder than ever.
"You're mine. I am the only bloody man who'll ever hear your sweet moaning in pleasure like a whore. Nobody can take you away from me. Don't ever dare to think you can have any lover but me."
"Then stop talking and prove it."
"With a fucking pleasure, love." he growled, kissing you hungrily as he tore your dress in half.
Everybody want to steal my girl Everybody want to take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one cause she belongs to me
Hayley and Jackson's son stayed over at Hope's, and Klaus was more terrified than when he had fought his father. His little girl was playing with some kid. What if he started flirting with her? He had read somewhere that kids that age often find "boyfriends and girlfriends" and call every other person they are friends with that. He wasn't ready to hear from his little daughter that she had a boyfriend.
So ever since Hayley brought him in, he'd been giving the boy a stern look, much to his wife's annoyance. Klaus' reluctance gradually began to turn into indifference when, after hours of time Hope spent with her friend, he did not notice anything suspicious. They'd lasted all day, and there was no indication that the kid would have to be wiped off the face of the earth (or at least taken back to his parents immediately).
But then came breakfast. And Klaus noticed that this kid was staring at you in adoration. And he didn't like it at all.
He was not at all prepared for the insult, the insult directed at him, which the child said after you helped him cut his food.
"You are beautiful and kind as an angel. When I grow up, I will be your husband." Klaus spat out his cup of tea, choking as you tried not to burst out laughing at the 6-year-old's comment and Nik' reaction.
"Honey... but I already have a husband. He'll be very sad if I find another." Hayley called her son, who said goodbye to you and ran to hug Hope before mom took him away. You looked at your stunned husband with amusement. "Well… at least you don't have to worry about him flirting with Hope."
"This kid won't be stepping over the threshold of this house again." he growled, leaving the room to make sure the little one was out for good.
"Niklaus! It is just a child!" you shouted after him, laughing at his jealousy as you ran to make sure he didn't intimidate the poor boy.
Everybody want to steal my girl Everybody want to take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one cause she belongs to me
It's been quite a few years since Klaus' last fit of jealousy. After the (victory) fight against Inadu, you were finally able to enjoy a moment of normality.
You had lunch at some diner in Mystic Falls; you visited Hope at her school, and somehow it happened that a group of her colleagues accosted her. She introduced you, you chatted with them for a while, and everything was supposed to be a normal dinner with your daughter and her friends, until one of them... crossed the line.
"Now we know from whom Hope inherited such loveliness. You are very beautiful, Mrs. Mikaelson."
You quickly grabbed Klaus' hand across the table, politely thanking the boy. Hope, seeing what was going on, escorted her friends away and left you alone for a moment.
"Niklaus, he's just a teenager."
"Uhm." he muttered absently, staring with daggers at the departing boy.
"He could be our son, for God's sake!"
"Most people on this planet could be our children, but that doesn't stop them from flirting with my wife." you rolled your eyes, smiling with amusement as he growled at the boy staring at you when Hope was explaining something to him. The poor guy looked away in panic and ran away as fast as he could.
You were going to scold your husband for scaring your daughter's friends, but you decided to leave it to Hope. The smart girl knew how to talk to her father better than you. Maybe she'd finally knock those stupid fits of jealousy out of his head, with which you've been struggling for 1,000 years.
"Your pregnant wife, I would like to point out. And we're not going anywhere. Certainly not with a teenager." you said, grabbing his chin and pulling him to you so you could kiss him. Klaus grunted, pleased with the feeling of your lips on his, and automatically placed his hand on your yet-unseen belly, smirking as he felt the pulse of the youngest member of the Mikaelson family growing inside you.
"I'm back!" Hope screamed, stepping behind you with a nervous smile. You raised an eyebrow, while looking at your daughter. Oh, no. You knew that look in her eyes. Klaus had the same gaze as he was about to do... something in Mikaelson's style. "Taking the opportunity... I mean, now that you're reassuring dad. Mom, Dad, I have a boyfriend. His name is Landon, and he's coming to the family dinner on Friday for all of you to meet him. So, bye! I'm going back to school. I love you both!" she said, kissing you both on the cheeks and leaving you both stunned. You burst out laughing at Klaus' shocked, defeated expression.
"Nik? Are you okay?" you asked, still laughing. Your husband's patience really was tested today.
"I told you we should stay in bed today. I knew something bad was about to happen." he growled, giving you a menacing look as you still couldn't stop laughing. You kissed the corner of his lips, a huge smirk still on your face. Klaus rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back his smirk any longer while he was looking at you. The power you hold over him... one your smile was easily changing his mood. Even in situations like this.
"Don't be such dramatic. It's probably better that Hope is dating teens than me, right?"
"Stop it, love." he growled, putting the money on the table. He grabbed your hand and led you out of the bar.
"Stop what?" you asked, pretending to be innocent as you strolled towards your car.
"Teasing me."
"But it's my favorite part of the day… and we all know you enjoy every ounce of my undivided attention." you replied, stopping both of you in front of the car and putting your hands on his shoulders. You stared at him with a mischievous smirk, playing with his hair. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as he leaned against your car.
"You know you're ruining my carefully crafted reputation as the greatest evil in the world?"
"I'm not too concerned about this… how about you?"
His only response was a light chuckle before he kissed you with all his love for you. You smiled, cupping his cheeks and pulling him as close to you as possible. You both loved those moments of peace between the two of you. No witches, vampires, or werewolves wanting your death. Just the two of you in each other's arms, too busy with each other to care about anything else.
"Let's go home, love. Before that bunch of Salvatores come down here with white oak stakes." he hummed tenderly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
He could stare at your beautiful face for hours. Even if it meant dealing with the people who wanted to steal his goddess first. It was worth every effort to hold you in his arms again.
"I don't think we're on the top criminals list anymore. Stefan was recently joking that you had retired. And before you get a seizure in the middle of town, let me say that I didn't talk to him. Hope is friends with Delena's daughter. She might have overheard something."
"The gods must have punished me in some way for my many antics, so they sent me a wife to teach my daughter how to get on my nerves without even trying."
"Oh sweetheart. I love you too." you laughed as you both got into the car to go home.
Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Oh yeah Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na Alright Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na She belongs to me
You were sitting in a rocking chair, holding your newborn son in your arms. The baby finally fell asleep peacefully, and you were afraid to make any move after hours of putting him to sleep. It looks like you'll have to sleep in this chair tonight.
"Rescue you, love?" Klaus' soft whisper tore your gaze from Henric Nikolas Mikaelson.
"I'd love to, but I'm afraid he'll wake up the moment he leaves my arms." Klaus slowly walked over to you, kneeling in front of you and gazing tenderly at the baby you held. "I guess you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that you're going to have to share me with someone else." the man rolled his eyes at the comment about his jealousy. He shifted his gaze to you and gently grabbed your hand, being careful not to let any sudden movement wake his son.
"I'll live with it as long as our kids are the only ones taking you from me."
"You are a very gracious, all-powerful hybrid." he chuckled, making a tired but genuine smile appear on your face. "Save yourself while you still can. I don't think I'm going back to bed tonight." you murmured, looking at the little usurper in your arms.
"Nonsense, you are going with me.." he lifted you from your chair with your soft, startled squeal and held you in his arms, careful not to wake your son. He carried you to the bed, making sure you were comfortable. He lay on his side, propping his head up with his hand, and stared at the two of you, spellbound. "You can sleep. I'll keep an eye on you two."
"Remember that your siblings and dad are coming tomorrow. Kol and Davina pick up Hope. And please, for God's sake, don't argue with Kol again about him being Henric's godfather, because we both know you don't want anyone else to take his place."
"Well, we always have Marcel and, God forbid, Finn. Besides, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't torment him every chance I got?" you rolled your eyes, pressing your son to your chest, and used your free hand to grab your husband's hand.
"I just hope you didn't teach our daughter that."
"I'd be surprised if she didn't pick up on our habits herself." he murmured, kissing your hand and watching you fall into a peaceful sleep while holding your son and his hand. Your rings shone in the moonlight on your joined hands.
Yes... you were definitely belongs only to him.
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klausysworld · 1 year
do u write for damon? if u do can u pls write where he’s touchstarved and is dating reader who doesn’t like affection but since damon is affectionate towards her she got used to it but still hates it when other peoples touches her and damon is so smug about it
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Ive never been one for affection, PDA or anything. It’s taken a while for Damon to break down my walls.
Started off with little touched. His hand touching mine as he stood or sat beside me. Over time he managed to actually hold my hand without me putting up a fuss. Then he started seeing how close he could sit to me. Eventually he managed to have me pulled against him, sometimes on his lap if he was lucky. Often he had his head on my thigh or in my neck.
For some reason the other people in this town seem to think because he gets to be affectionate they can also start sitting really close, the other day Stefan put his arm around me. It was not on.
This morning i was downstairs sat on the couch with my feet up on the footstool. I was just sat on my phone minding my own business when Caroline strolls in and throws herself down next to me. Right next to me.
“Hey y/n, i was thinking, we should take a girls trip, me, you, Bonnie, Elena. What d’ya think?” She asked with a bright smile
“I think you could’ve asked me that over text” I murmured
“Yeah but i wanted to come see you” she smiled…and then she hugged me. She put her arms around me and pulled me towards her. I saw Damon walk in from the kitchen with a plate of food. The second he saw us the plate fell from his hands and he froze.
“Caroline. Get the fuck off of me right now”
Damon burst out laughing as Caroline backed off and he ushered her out of the house before returning and dropping to the sofa, his head in my lap making me run my fingers through his hair.
“I like when you get angry” he muttered with a grin
“People know I don’t like it, why do they insist on pissing me off?” I asked in distaste.
“Do i piss you off?” He questioned and i glanced down to him
“No…no you look cute so i cant be all that mad at you” i mumbled making him smile
“You think I’m cute?” He asked
“When you want to be yes” I murmured tracing his features with my fingers
“You’re cute too” he whispered and i scrunched my face up
“Please never say that again”
“You’re adorable”
“I hate you”
“I love you too”
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loveswrites · 11 months
can you pls do a poly mikealsons? 🙏
Curtains Poly Mikealsons x reader
Time it took me: About a month
word count: 1581
To anon: Hello lovely, I hoped you liked it! <3
Love <3
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“Why can’t I leave?” You questioned frowning your eyebrows.
“Because it’s not safe Love. Understand that.” Kol said, sighing softly.
You had been asking the same question for about 5 minutes and each person you asked gave you a dull short answer. You knew everything about your mates. Well everything that they would tell you that is. 
You were a witch who didn’t belong to a coven who was surrounded 24/7 by original vampires and one original hybrid. You're definitely not a skilled witch though, Klaus often refers to you as his little witch. You’ve set things on fire in anger when you’ve gotten into a fight with just about anyone. Things or people.. You’ve never tried running from your power as much as you’ve thought about trying to find a way to lock up your magic and seal it away for a better day. The world is just too dangerous to sit around defenseless regardless if you know or don’t know how to work with the weapons you’ve been given.
“Why is it not safe? What’s going on? I woke up and none of you were there just for me to come find you all and you basically give me the side eye when I ask something!” You said starting to raise your voice. Kol looked at you and he could see the fire in your eyes. You were getting upset and that wasn’t something that they could deal with right now. 
Kol walked closer to you grabbing both of your hands with each of his he put them both on each side of his cheeks. It was a little habit that you’ve grown when showing affection to any of your four lovers. When they’d ask why? you’d always just say “Two hands to ground you. Two eyes to calm you.” It always worked so much that when you would freak out or get anger they started using your calming tactics on you themselves.
“Darling please calm down or else you’ll bloody burn the house down.” Kol said softly staring into your eyes rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. So you started focusing on the feeling of his hands and you felt yourself relax and doing so slowed your heart down. Him hearing this he gave you a sly smirk "Good girl." He kissed your forehead and not a second after he was gone. 
"What the hell Kol!" You yelled out feeling all of your 5 second relaxation get thrown out of the window.. 
Sighing, you shook your head and went on a journey through the rest of the compound to look for your mates. When you did they all were in the same room huddled up together basically whispering with the occasional yell from each other.
“What’s going on?” You asked, smiling softly in hope to soften them up to spill the beans.
“Nothing of your concern.” Klaus said immediately.
While Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol were huddled up Freya was off to the side mixing up some herbs. You couldn’t tell what they were but off the back you knew they were very strong protection herbs. 
“What’s going on?” You asked sternly, shifting your eyes between your four loves and Freya.
“It’s nothing-”
“Stop fucking with me and tell me what’s going on! Tell me why you have the walls sealed up like were all stuck here in hell on earth it’s fucking hot in here! Why is it so hot!” You ranted as your mates watched you with wide eyes. Some eyes were full of shock, others were filled with admiration.  
“Oh my god the curtains!” Freya said, jumping up, making you turn around to see that you set the curtains in the room on fire. 
“My what is your constant need to try to burn us all to oblivion my little witch?” Klaus questioned. Turning to him you only saw admiration from him. 
It was one of the things that made you love him more and more. The fact that you could burn the whole world to ash he would be right next to you cheering you on with a smile on his face. Elijah would lecture you on how you’d feel after the world was finished burning. Kol would be on the same page as Klaus, just happy to start some chaos with his love by his side. And Rebekah well it would all just depend on her mood of that day.
It made you feel less of a freak. An uncontrollable freak. 
“I didn’t mean to.” You said calmly. 
Freya tamed the fire with her powers but they've all learned that your flames only go out depending on your mood. And as long as you were upset or irritated the flames could and would raise at any given time. So the only reasonable thing would be to tell you what’s going on.
“Come on Nik wouldn’t you rather her know or burn down the bloody compound?” Rebekah asked, looking at Klaus.
“It will upset her. And you see what happens when she’s upset.” Klaus said frustrated that this was even still a conversion.
“It will bring her some peace, knee Klaus.” Elijah said always thinking of your well being. 
“Fine bloody tell her and if we all burn don’t look at me for help.” He said plopping down into a chair further away gesturing at someone to go ahead and tell you the news.
“Marcel is planning on killing us all.” Kol said calmly.
“What?!” You yelled out with wide eyes causing the fire around to come back full force.
“Calm her!” Freya said no longer able to tame the flame.
“What did I tell you?” Klaus said, rolling his eyes.
“Bloody hell I liked those curtains.” Rebekah said, shaking her head. 
You didn’t know much about they’re history with Marcel. All that you knew was he was supposed to be a friend of some sort and sometimes family? It was complicated, They said something that you never found yourself interested enough to pry about. So you didn’t. If you didn’t ask any questions you wouldn’t see him as anything more than a friendly vampire who they throw hands with sometimes. You never thought it was that deep. Until now.
“Why is he trying to kill you-”
“Never mind the reason why thousands of people want to kill us for so many different reasons.” Elijah said plainly like it was just so simple.
“They've crafted yet another weapon to try to unleash downfall upon us. It is yet another useless thing that will cease to exist once we're all done.” Klaus said, walking to you. 
As he walked to you he held eye contact with you making your heart yet again flutter. Grabbing both of your cold hands with his warm ones giving you a sly smirk he then said. 
“You have nothing to worry about. Especially if your worries are about us love. What you should be worried about is what curtains are going to replace the ones you’ve just burned down for no reason.” He finished kissing your lips gently but quick as he pulled away he let go of your hands and speedily walked away. Not even giving you time to say goodbye and good luck.
The flames being gone Freya also turned to leave the room. But before she left completely she said “Try not to burn anything else while we're gone yeah?” 
“I didn’t mean to.” You said shuffling from one foot to another.
“I think it’s sexy how destructive you are.. As long as you are nowhere near my closet.” Rebekah said smiling kissing your forehead following behind the two who just left the room. You watched as she walked away and when you turned another there were only two left. Kol and Elijah 
“Kol-” You started but was rudely cut off. 
“Nope, I've already said my greetings and dismissals to you love. I couldn’t bear to do it all over again.” He stated giving you a forehead kiss on his walk out of the room.
“What the hell?” You whispered to yourself shaking your head.
“You should eat something. Read what I’ve laid on your bed, It should give you what you need to know on how to control your magic. It was my mothers.” Elijah said, taking a few long strides to you and stopping in front of you. 
“Are you going to kill him?” You asked in hopes the answer was going to be no. You knew Marcel was like an on and off family member. 
“If we must, I will lay down his life myself for the sake of my family.” He said sternly, smoothing down his suit.
“I thought he was family?” You questioned looking up at him.
“Sometimes family turns to foe and there's nothing you can do but save the family you have left.” After he said that you saw he was in deep thought. His eyes looked to be lost in the mist of fog. Right when you were going to say something he opened his mouth.
“I’ll make sure they control themselves. Please eat.” And with that he laid his hands on the sides of your face and kissed the top of your head. Your daddy issues were screaming, not even gonna lie. When he let go he walked away leaving with the others which left you alone with yourself and the one thought you had.
“What the hell is there to eat in this house besides blood?”
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thewritersaddictions · 7 months
Day Thirty: Elijah Mikealson + Overstim
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Elijah has been fucking you for hours now, or at least that's what it seems like to you. With his relentless thrust, he's never close and never gives up.
It had started all because you had teased him with a short dress during a family dinner with his brother and sisters. It gave little to the imagination. Thighs were on display for everyone to see, and the valley of your breasts was prominent.
Elijah's sisters had given you praises when the two of you arrived. Freya hugged you tightly and gave you a knowing look as she saw your sundress. Rebekah had embraced you just like her sister had, but when you released each other gave you a twirl of her wrist. Wanting you to show off the dress to her.
The eyes of his brothers were what you assumed pissed him off first. Klaus had raked his eyes over you when you first arrived, but Kol was handsy with his hug holding you hostage almost.
His cock had your hole bruised and swollen. "I told you that Kol was no good. I bet you just loved him touching you." He groaned. You've been shaking your head, trying to make him believe you, but he won't stop fucking you.
"I. DON"T. BELIEVE. YOU." With every word, he gave a hard and mean thrust. Skin slapping against skin, Elijah's fingers were bruised into your skin, but as much as you hated how you had gotten here.
You couldn't dare say that you didn't enjoy Elijah's rough pace and how he had his hand around your throat. You were so cock drunk on Elijah's cock that you didn't notice him reach over to the side table drawer and pull out one of your toys.
Your bright pink vibrator buzzed in his hand. Before you even notice the loud buzzing of your toy, you can feel the buzzing hit your swollen clit. "ELI… I can't>" You're so deep that you try anything to push away from the overstimulation of the vibrator. His thumb has been okay playing with your clit gently, but this is horrible. It's never-ending.
"IF you want it to stop, then you gotta cum, just one more time, baby. Cum on cock tell me you own this pretty little soaked pussy." Your head rolls back into the satin pillowcase, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cum around Elijah's cock. "Hmm, such a good girl…" He groans as his thrust lose their rhythm.
Elijah's head falls into the corner of your neck and shoulder when he hits his high, leaking into you. "I'm sorry, Eli," You whisper to him. He picks up his head. Hazel's eyes look into yours, "It's alright, sweetness; I might have overreacted." You smile before pressing a small kiss onto his plump lips.
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Posted on: 10/30/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
The Originals Master List // Kinktober '23
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lia1512 · 5 months
Stuffed toy approval 🧸
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Elijah entered Y/n's room, expecting a cozy movie night, but his eyes widened as he took in the sight of her bed covered in a multitude of stuffed toys. Y/n, nervous about his reaction, bit her lip, awaiting his response.
"Elijah, I hope you don't mind," Y/n stammered, gesturing to the plush army that occupied her bed.
Elijah's eyebrows shot up, a mix of surprise and amusement playing on his face. "Well, this is unexpected," he chuckled. "Are they all joining us for the movie?"
Y/n sighed in relief, "I'm sorry. I know it's a bit much. I just find them comforting."
Elijah grinned, "No need to apologize. It's just a little unexpected. But hey, they can have the best seats in the house." He plopped down on the bed, making space among the stuffed companions.
As the movie started, Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Elijah, wondering if he was genuinely okay with this quirky setup. To her delight, he seemed to embrace the unique movie night, occasionally grabbing one of the stuffed toys and playfully commenting on the film as if it were one of them.
"You know," Elijah teased, holding up a stuffed bunny, "I think Mr. Flopsy here has a better grasp of the plot than I do."
Y/n laughed, feeling the tension melt away. Soon, the room echoed with shared laughter and banter, the stuffed toys becoming unexpected participants in their movie night.
As the night progressed, Elijah even found himself naming some of the toys, creating a whole fictional world for them. Y/n watched in awe as he animatedly weaved stories about each plush companion, turning a seemingly odd situation into a memorable and entertaining night.
"Meet Sir Quackington, the adventurous duck, and Lady Fluffington, the wise rabbit," Elijah declared, holding up two particularly fluffy toys.
Y/n couldn't help but giggle at his creativity. "I never knew you had such a talent for storytelling, especially with stuffed animals."
Elijah smirked, "Well, you learn something new every day, don't you?"
They continued the movie night, with Elijah's storytelling evolving into an improvised comedy act. Y/n found herself appreciating the unexpected turn of events, realizing that Elijah's acceptance of her quirks made him even more endearing.
As the credits rolled, Elijah stretched out on the bed, surrounded by a plush audience. "That was certainly a unique experience," he admitted.
Y/n blushed, "I'm glad you didn't mind. I know it's a bit strange."
Elijah turned to her, his eyes softening, "Y/n, everyone has their quirks. Yours just happen to involve a lot of stuffed animals. But I like it. It makes you, well, you."
Her heart warmed at his words, and she couldn't help but lean in for a sweet kiss. Elijah responded with a smile, and for a moment, they just enjoyed the quiet intimacy.
The stuffed animals, once a potential source of anxiety for Y/n, now served as a symbol of acceptance and understanding. Elijah had effortlessly turned an unconventional situation into a night filled with laughter, bonding, and unexpected joy.
"I guess Mr. Flopsy and friends are officially part of the movie night crew," Elijah declared, playfully arranging the stuffed toys in a circle.
Y/n laughed, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
As they settled into the comfort of the plush-filled bed, Y/n couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictability of life and love. Sometimes, it took a room full of stuffed animals to reveal the depth of connection between two people.
In the end, Elijah embraced the quirks that made Y/n unique, turning an ordinary movie night into a memory they both cherished. And as they drifted off to sleep, surrounded by a fuzzy army of stuffed companions, they knew that their love could weather any unexpected turns.
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theeoriginals · 7 months
Might be really lame but can I request Klaus meeting Reader after she attends the funeral of a relative in Mystic Falls? Maybe he makes her smile or something cheesy like that. Just a little meet cute goodness would be lovely 💗
she's the giggle at a funeral | klaus mikaelson
author's note; me writing things that could be considered love at first sight? it's more likely than you think
warnings: tw death, death of a grandparent, it's not graphic but it's the overall theme, grieving, brief angst just bc of internal feelings, but then klaus shows up and makes it all better. corny cheesy gooey feelings <3 enjoy
Her grandmother prided herself on her intuition. 
She’d grown up with the stories of witches and vampires and everything else that went bump in the night, and though she got older and dismissed most of the warnings she’d been told her whole life, she never forgot that her grandmother was someone who believed. 
And everyone else had always believed in her grandma, too. She was sought out everywhere she went. People naturally flocked to her, as if they could tell she had all of the answers to life in the palms of her wrinkled hands, and she’d lost count of how many times she’d seen someone literally throw themselves at her grandma’s feet, begging for help, or answers, or god knows what. 
Her grandma liked helping people. But more than anything, her grandma liked being right. She prided herself on her intuition, and how it never steered her wrong, and it never did any harm to anyone else, either. 
When her grandma first moved to Mystic Falls, the entire family had been upset because of the distance it would put between them all. But she’d waved them all off, and said she had to. That one day it would make sense, and they would see why she had to come to this town and help them. It didn’t surprise her as a child, because she’d never doubted her grandma’s desire to help people. That was something that scary stories would never take away, no matter how old she got. 
She didn’t make it out much to see her grandmother. A few times here or there, but between college and then life, it got harder to make the trip. It was never worth the cost of a flight, so she always drove, but that took up time she didn’t have these days. It never changed her relationship with her grandma, though, because the woman called nearly every night, and every night, she would say that it was about time she made the trip out there. 
Her grandma always said she should come out there and stay for a little while. That it would be good to slow down and take in the scenery, and breathe fresh air. That she might even meet someone she likes, or something. Her grandmother was many things, but subtle was not one of them.
She never did get to go to Mystic Falls as much as she and her grandmother wanted, but she was here now. 
It just never occurred to her that it would be because her grandmother was dead. 
It’s been a long week. But, today in particular was grueling. 
It’s not easy losing a loved one, anyone knows that. But she really hadn’t thought about what it would be like to lose her grandmother, who was not only a hero of a woman to their family, but to a community as a whole. 
It didn’t make it any easier that she didn’t realize how loved her grandmother was in the tiny town she’d chosen to live out the rest of her days in. She didn’t realize how close knit Mystic Falls was, and how it would be such an ordeal to plan her grandmother’s funeral to the point she’d be dealing with the Mayor about it. 
Mayor Carol Lockwood, as it turns out, is a very tenacious woman. She refused to do anything less than host the wake at her house, and pay for any and all accommodations necessary to put her grandmother to rest. 
At first she was scared of imposing, after all, she hardly knew any of these people, and couldn’t fathom wanting to pay for someone’s funeral just because of how well-known they were, but Mayor Lockwood wouldn’t budge on it and she eventually caved. 
All of that is what led her to the wake, held at the Lockwood’s mayoral manor. It was a beautiful house, on a nice, large piece of property that was currently filled with what looked, and felt, like the entire town. 
Hours had passed since the whole thing started, and she doesn’t think she’s had a single moment to form a coherent thought outside of the compulsory acceptances of all of the condolences and well wishes directed at her. Her grandmother was old– that’s what had done it in the end. 
She was old, and she had lived her life to the fullest extent, and she went peacefully. Yet somehow the feeling of every stranger’s apologies and somewhat condescending grief was making it out to be like she’d died in some tragic accident. Like it wasn’t entirely expected at this stage, and probably years ago from some people in their family. 
She hasn’t really cried since she found out. Of course, the initial reaction was surprise, and a few tears were shed as she talked to the hospital employee about what all was going to happen next, but other than that she hadn’t really cried. Like she’d said– it wasn’t shocking considering her age, but it’s been such a whirlwind of people since she got to Mystic Falls that she hasn’t really realized that her grandmother was gone. 
Between Mayor Lockwood’s almost overbearing welcome wagon, and the sheer amount of people that apparently knew her grandmother well enough to come to her wake, she hasn’t really been thinking about the fact that all of this is not for any other reason besides the fact that her grandma died. 
The sudden thought has her inhaling sharply and she clasps her hands together in front of her, pinkies twisting into the black fabric of her dress. She clears her throat softly, offering a polite smile to the few people she’d been half-heartedly conversing with about nothing of importance. 
“If you’ll excuse me for a minute,” She says, ducking her head down as they all nod her away, oblivious to the sudden line of tension straightening her shoulders out. 
She makes her way through the house she’d grown quickly familiar with over the past week, planning things with Carol, and being invited to the so-called family dinners with just her and her son, who looked like he could care less about everything going on around him. 
She makes it to the backside of the wrap-around porch and finds it mercifully empty, and with a quick glance to the large yard that surrounds the property, she finds that most everyone has migrated towards the shimmering pond, or the gazebo, enjoying the fall sun that’s no longer too hot to bear standing beneath, taking it all in before it becomes too cold to enjoy. 
She practically throws herself down into one of the rocking chairs staged neatly on the porch with a small table in between the two of them, and drops her face into her hands, letting her tears fall silently. 
It’s not overwhelming, necessarily, and there’s no ugly sobbing, but there’s tears. Plenty of them, too. She already knows her eyes will be sore tomorrow, and she’ll most likely have a pounding headache tomorrow from it all. She’s going to have to make a detour into one of the bathrooms before she shows her face again, because she doesn’t think she’s allowed to be so openly grieving at this point. She’s held it together all week, and suddenly, at the very end of it all, she loses it? She’s sure it would get her a few strange stares from the countless people here to send her grandmother off. 
She’s spiraling quickly, down that horrible, embarrassing train of thought that is likely just making her cry harder when her privacy is interrupted. 
She startles at the sound of a throat being cleared pointedly, but not impolitely, and she wipes at her face messily, trying to stop the flow of tears as she turns to face the source of the disruption. 
Her breath stalls in her chest as she tilts her head back, craning her neck to meet the gaze of the man standing above her, hands tucked into the pockets of his suit pants. He’s dressed for the occasion, but as far as she can tell, he’s just another nameless face that’s come to pay respects to her grandma. 
“Sorry,” She says, wincing at the hoarse quality of her voice. “I’m sorry.” 
The man raises a brow, his blue eyes still peering down at her with a shockingly neutral shine to them. Not leaning too far in indifference, or the collective grief being passed around today. 
“What are you apologizing for?” 
She bites the end of her tongue, wringing her hands together. “Um– I don't know?” She grimaces at her response, tearing her eyes away from his, feeling entirely too seen. 
The man takes the other chair beside her, his hand draped over the armrest, fingers nearly touching the small table between them. “I would’ve thought it was everyone else saying sorry to you today,” He said, an almost hesitant degree of amusement in his voice. “Not the other way around.” 
She nods, resolutely embarrassed at the fact that this man has caught her right at her breaking point. “Yeah, uh, they were. But I was just… over it.” She huffs a quiet noise. “Is that horrible of me to say?” 
“I can imagine it gets tiring dealing with all of these people,” He says, hand waving lazily at the people gathered all around the mansion. “Strangers telling you how much they’re going to miss someone.” 
She sighs, tapping the tips of her fingers together in a mindless rhythm. “They mean well. I’ve always known the person my grandma was, and this– this community meant everything to her. It’s just odd to think that she was something important to everyone here, but I don’t know them at all. It makes it hard to believe that all of this is because she’s gone,” She shrugs slightly, at a loss for words. In her momentary silence she cringes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I am so sorry for dumping that on you. You're probably one of the people coming to say sorry to me, and I just totally–”
“No, it’s alright,” He is quick to interrupt her, his hand reaching out to rest atop her arm, not squeezing but not at all unnoticeable. “I understand. I’ve never been one to publicly grieve. It’s certainly not easy when you have an entire town watching.” 
She huffs out a wry laugh, lifting her gaze from where it had been stuck on his hand now gently caressing her arm, and meets his all-knowing look.
She’s sure she looks like a mess right now, tired and tear-streaked. Her makeup is probably smudged from her tears and her hasty attempt at cleaning herself up without a mirror present, but the longer she looks into his eyes, the farther any concerns about her appearance slip to the back of her mind. 
Her small smile lingers on her face, and she fights the urge to let it get bigger. She could be wrong– she doesn’t know this man at all, of course, but the longer she looks at him, the more she begins to think that he’s looking at her like she’s beautiful. Like despite the grief she’s expressing, she’s still something he wants to look at, and he doesn’t even know her name.
And, for the first time since she got that phone call last week, she feels that taut line of tension loosen just enough for her to finally catch her breath. 
Biting the inside of her cheek, she brings her other hand up to rest atop his, the move startling him slightly as if he hadn’t realized he was still offering her that bit of comfort. She doesn’t make any verbal note of it, because she doesn’t want to lose it, and he’s done the exact opposite of making her uncomfortable. He’s made her more comfortable in this town, in this house than she has been all week. 
“What’s your name?” She asks, eyes wide and imploring as she looks at the beautiful, blue-eyed mystery man. 
She’s not sure what he sees in her own eyes, but she hopes it’s as unintentionally endearing as whatever is in his. 
“Klaus,” He breathes out, voice practically a whisper. “Klaus Mikaelson.” 
Her brows twitch in a slight furrow as she processes his name, and she feels her smile grow larger despite herself. “Klaus,” She echoes softly, immediately liking the way it feels rolling off her tongue. She offers her name in return, and feels his fingers twitch where they rest trapped between her skin, a source of heat that’s making her feel something she can’t quite put her finger on. 
“Klaus,” She says again, watching the way he responds to her, feeling her heart race as the blue rings of his eyes expand. “Would you do me the absolute biggest favor, and help me escape from this place?” 
He chuckles, and his hand clamps down on her arm, the pads of his fingers pressing into the soft skin there. “Where do you want to go?” 
She shrugs, an easygoing smile on her face. “I haven’t decided yet,” 
He ducks his head in a dutiful nod, standing up carefully and pulling her with him. “We’ll figure it out on the way, then. After you?” 
She intertwines their fingers and pulls them towards the stairs that lead down and away from the house, and spares a glance back at it, shaking her head wistfully. Her grandmother hadn’t been wrong about what this town could offer her, it seems. But then again, there was never any doubt in her mind about that to begin with. 
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captainsophiestark · 18 days
Lost Memories
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Requested by Anon! Hope you like it!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Elijah's spouse of the last thousand years, since before they became vampires, has had their memory taken by a witch. The immediate after effects are a little rough, but they've made it through worse together before.
Word Count: 2,423
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"...wake up... my love?"
Blearily, I opened my eyes. My head was pounding, and I had no idea why. I blinked a few times, trying to get my blurry vision to clear while my wits returned. I was laying on a nice, soft couch, and after a minute my surroundings came into focus enough to see a handsome man I didn't recognize kneeling before me, another stranger standing and hovering a short ways behind the first.
"Finally, she wakes," said the man standing, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a smile. The man kneeling next to me still looked gravely serious.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, voice low and soft and soothing. "Are you alright?"
"Uh... not great, honestly... where am I? Who... who are you?"
The face of the man before me fell instantly. The one behind him crossed the room closer to us, brows knit in concern, but the soft voice of the man kneeling returned my attention to him.
"My love... please tell me you're joking."
Slowly, I shook my head. "I'm sorry, no. I... should I know you?"
I could see the gears turning in his brain, a storm of emotions flitting across his face before he carefully wiped them away, a gentle expression settling in their place. He started to reach out a hand as if to take mine, then apparently thought better of it and stopped short.
"My name is Elijah Mikaelson," he said, speaking slowly. "And you are my wife."
My eyebrows shot up. "I'm sorry, but I think I would remember getting married."
"And do you remember anything else? Any other significant events? Details about your life?"
Elijah's voice was gentle, like he worried I might break. And as I though about his question, going back in my memory and trying to remember anything and I kept coming up blank, I got very close.
"What... what happened?" I finally breathed, meeting Elijah's gaze with wide eyes. I searched for any spark of recognition, but found nothing. My heart raced as I got closer and closer to tipping over the edge into panic until Elijah genlty rested a hand on my forearm, momentarily grounding me.
"You were kidnapped by an enemy of ours," he said. "Niklaus—my brother—and I thought we got to you in time to prevent any harm being done, but... evidently not."
His voice broke a bit on the last word, and I found myself reflexively taking his hand in mine and giving it a soft squeeze, despite the insanity of what he'd just said to me. He gave me a strained smile and squeezed back before taking a deep breath to continue.
"Hopefully it's something we can fix easily," he said. "Just look into my eyes..."
I did as he said and then, a moment later, it was like I couldn't look away. My whole world narrowed to the man in front of me and his gorgeous brown eyes as he spoke.
The word echoed around in my head, followed a moment later by a blinding pain. I screamed as an invisible spike pounded into my skull and everything around me disappeared. I wasn't sure how much time passed, but eventually the pain started to fade and the room came into focus around me again.
This time both brothers knelt before me, looking incredibly concerned. I blinked a few times as the last of the pain faded, my gaze landing on Elijah.
"I don't know what that was, but... I don't think it worked."
"Right! It's going to be just like breaking compulsion then, and you know what that means, Elijah," said the brother, Niklaus, as he stood and started heading for the door. "I'm off to go kill a witch."
My mouth dropped open and I turned to Elijah, expecting some joke or else an attempt to stop his brother. Instead, Niklaus just looked back at me over his shoulder, pausing briefly as he reached the door.
"You take care of yourself in the meantime, love. Don't worry, we'll get this fixed."
And with that, he was gone.
I turned my attention back to Elijah, who apparently wasn't phased by any of this in the least. He just kept watching me, wariness and concern etched into his expression.
"Elijah... I think you need to explain some things to me," I said. "Witches? Enemies of mine? And what on Earth was that... thing... you did before with your eyes and saying the word 'remember'? And why am I just... absolutely starving right now, but nothing I can think of sounds good to eat?"
Elijah sighed and reached to take my hand again, although I didn't remember him dropping it. Still, I let him, sitting up and moving over so he had room to sit next to me instead of kneeling on the floor.
"This is going to be... quite an explanation if you have no memories, so I'll need you to bear with me, alright?" I nodded despite my nerves as Elijah took another deep breath. "You and I.... are vampires."
My eyebrows shot into my hairline, but I managed to muzzle any response other than that, since I'd just promised Elijah to let him get through his whole explanation. Still, I didn't remember a lot about myself or my past, but remembering that vampires existed felt like something that probably shouldn't have disappeared along with everything else if it were true.
"You and I met a thousand years ago as humans," Elijah continued, now taking both my hands in his. I let him, especially as I noticed his eyes getting a little misty. I had to admit I felt something when I looked at him, some lingering feeling that wouldn't quite go away, although I couldn't name it. "We were married, and when the rest of my family and I turned, you turned with us. Since then, we've been inseparable, no matter how many different things have tried to change that. However, as a result of being what we are and... a few of my brother's more problematic choices, shall we say, we've developed a fair number of people in all that time who wish to do us harm, or to get revenge for some wrong, whether real or percieved. More recently, we've been trying to resettle here in New Orleans, and there are several groups who don't like that, some witches included.
"One of those witches kidnapped you, and evidently found a way to deeply erase your memory. As for the hunger you feel, it's most likely a result of your need to feed. If you haven't had blood in some time, well... then it'd be like starving a human."
I shook my head, trying to process most of his words while really blocking out the last sentence.
"But I don't remember vampires and witches and whatever else being real. If I rememeber... I don't know, things like the sky being blue, even though I haven't been outside since I woke up, why wouldn't I remember that creatures like that exist?"
Elijah grimaced and squeezed my hands a little tighter. "My guess would be the witches intentioanlly made you forget. Out of all of us, you've always been the most... human. The most connected to your humanity, no matter how long we've been alive. I think their hope was to make it as hard as possible for you to regain your memories or readjust to the world with the rest of us, knowing what it is that vampires do."
"And... what exactly is it that vampires do?"
"We do quite a lot of things," he said, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a slight smile. "But hopefully, you'll remember all of that on your own soon enough. The only thing we need to deal with immediately is... blood."
I grimaced, even as my stomach grumbled and tightened painfully. Elijah gently squeezed my hands again, bringing my attention back to him.
"I brought some with me, assuming you'd be hungry. If you'd like to try it...?"
I immediately started shaking my head, continuing as Elijah dropped one of my hands and reached into his jacket pocket and intesifying when he pulled out a small bag of what must have been blood.
"No. No no no, no way. I can't... drink that. And do you just, like, carry that on you?"
"Only recently, for you," he said, carefully considering the bag before holding it out to me. My stomach growled, but my mind and heart recoiled even as my body urged me forward. I shot back, forcing myself away. That had come from a person, and even worse, most likely out of a blood bank or something, where it should've been used to help save someone's life. Not for me to drink.
Elijah pursed his lips as I rocketed backwards, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he laid the bloodbag aside and turned back to me. His stare was intense, but kind. He started to move forward as if to reach for me again, but stopped short.
"I'm sorry. This was the hardest part the first time for you too, and it didn't get much easier for the first hundred years or so."
I let out a slightly hysterical laugh, the beginnings of tears forming in my eyes and threatening to fall. I bit my lip, trying to keep it together, but the pain and fear and hunger and confusion I'd felt since waking up was starting to catch up to me.
Just as the tide was starting to overwhelm me, strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a close, warm embrace. Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore. I started crying.
Gently, one of Elijah's hands came up to rest on the back of my head, gently and soothingly running down from there to my back. I cried harder, tucking my face into his shirt and breathing in the smell of him. It wasn't familiar, even though I felt like it should be, but it was at least comforting.
"Is this... alright?" Elijah asked, barely loud enough for me to hear, his voice sounding almost as fragile as I felt. "Is it alright that I'm holding you like this?"
I could only muster a nod as I curled further into Elijah's chest. He pulled me closer to him in response, wrapping his arms around me a little tighter as we huddled together on the couch.
I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, holding each other, as my overloading emotions finished running their course. Most of the problems that had caused them still existed, but the tears combined with Elijah's comfort had at least lightened the load. Elijah rubbed soothing circles on my back as he finally spoke again.
"You've always been the most human of us, since the day we turned," he said, voice raw. "Normally, it's something we're all incredibly grateful for. You keep us grounded. You care, and you haven't let a thousand years on this Earth make you stop caring, or stop loving life. But right now, it's also making this even worse on you. And for that I am so, so sorry."
I huffed a short laugh, pulling away from him at last while wiping at my eyes.
"I wish I could say I remember you. I'm sorry that I don't. But thank you. Somehow, just being near you seems to make me feel better."
Elijah smiled slightly, reaching out to take my hand again. I gave it a squeeze, then slowly turned to look at the blood he'd set aside.
"If there's any way for me to make it easier, all you need to do is say the word," Elijah assured me. "Or if it might be easier to... drink mine?"
I turned to Elijah with wide eyes. "That's... an option?"
He nodded, then moved to roll up his sleeve before I stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"I appreciate the offer, but... I think that would probably be harder for me, trying to drink a live person's blood. At least this way I can kind of pretend it's a juice box or something."
Elijah chuckled as I steeled myself to reach forward and take the blood bag. I wanted to be more grossed out by it than I was, but I was also so hungry, and I just knew that this would fix it, the way nothing else could. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it was just a V8 or something as I bit into it, feeling fangs pop out from my mouth naturally. Even after I finished drinking the last of the blood, I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to face anything that might force me to think about what I'd just did.
Wordlessly, while I kept my eyes shut, I felt Elijah take the blood bag and ease it out of my hands. I heard a woosh and felt a light breeze brush across my face, and then Elijah spoke again.
"It's gone," he said softly. I opened my eyes and gave him a sheepish smile.
"Sorry about that."
"You never have to apologize to me, especially not for something like that. Your first time drinking blood was actually much worse, although I'll just let that story come back to you on its own. But no matter what, memories or no, I'm here for you. Always and forever."
We shared a smile, a warm feeling spreading through my chest at the sight of the man before me. I still didn't really recognize him or remember him at all, but clearly, I'd done a good job when I'd found him. After a moment, I took a deep breath.
"So... what now?"
"Well, for the moment at leaest, nothing. Hopefully my brother will be able to solve this before it becomes something we have to involve ourselves in."
I nodded, then opened my mouth again only to chicken out and close it. I repeated the process a few times before finally getting up the courage to say what I wanted to say. Elijah, for his part, just waited patiently, a soft smile on his face.
"Elijah? Can you... hold me? At least for a little, while we wait?"
"Of course, my love. Nothing would make me happier."
The two of us settled into the couch, arms around each other. While it didn't magically unlock anything in my memory, it did feel warm and safe to be there with Elijah. If we'd really made it through hundreds of years of time and space together like this... well, I didn't need my memory to know we'd be able to get through this together, too.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Christmas Shenanigans
pairing: kol mikaelson x female reader
warning: fluff, kissing, kol being his child self
summary: you and kol spend the morning of christmas together
a/n: kol would be such a fun boyfriend oml, also I was listening to christmas music while writing this and it made it so much better
song: angels we have heard on high - james chadwick
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"Wakey, wakey, darling"
You slowly open your eyes to see a giddy Kol looking down at you while poking your side.
"What time is it, Kol?"
"Uh- 5:18," he says looking at the clock on your nightstand. You groan and roll over, pulling the blanket along with you.
"Get up!" Kol jumps on the bed and lays on top of you.
"Get off of me you big baby!"
He rolls off of you and you sit up. You grab a pillow and wack him in the head with it.
"What was that for," he pouts.
"For waking me up at five in the bloody morning," you roll your eyes.
"But it's Christmas, don't you want to open presents," he dramatically sighs.
"Well, since I'm up now anyways, let's go downstairs," you grin.
"Race you down!"
He speeds downstairs and you jump out of bed to speed down as well. By the time you get to the living room, he's already there with his arms behind his head as his sits in front of the fire.
"Finally! You made it!"
"That's not fair. You cheated with your original speed, and you didn't even do a countdown"
"Awh, don't be a sore loser," he winks at you.
"Whatever, go on and open your presents, I know you're dying to"
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Christmas music was playing and wrapping paper covered almost every inch of the floor. Gifts were scattered around the room as well.
"We made a mess," you say looking around. You look down at Kol, who was laying his head on your lap while you played with his hair.
"Good thing we can clean it up fast"
"Touché," you grin.
"Did you like the gifts I got you? Bekah helped me- actually no, she picked most of them out. I'm not good at girl stuff," he admits.
"I did, thank you," you pecked his lips. "You wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to shop for you, it was practically impossible to think of things you don't have," you tell him.
"Welp, when you're over a thousand years old, there isn't much that I haven't had"
He sits up and goes into the kitchen. A minute later he walks in with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.
"Here you are, milady"
"Why thank you, kind sir"
You lay on the couch together and play 'Home Alone' for the millionth time.
"This movie will never get old," you laugh.
"You're right, it's too good," Kol agrees.
Once the movie and drinks are finished, you both work together to quickly clean up the room.
"I say we make some desserts for the party later," you look at him.
"I say that's a fantastic idea, darling," he kisses the side of your head.
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"Okay, now slowly pour the flour in," you instruct Kol as he held the measuring cup above the bowl you were mixing.
The cookies you had made were in the oven and you two were now baking a cake in your matching pajamas and aprons.
He listens and slowly shakes some in. That was until he had to sneeze. As he turns to sneeze away from the batter he accidentally pours the whole thing in at once, powder flies up into your faces.
"Kol," you groan.
"Sorry, darling," he looks at you sheepishly.
"It's okay, it should still be fine," you assure him.
As you finish mixing the ingredients in, Kol walks over to the bowl to pour it in the pan.
"Walk slowly, and don't drop the bowl," you tell him.
"Have some faith in me, pretty girl," he grins.
He was able to get the cake pan into the oven and you set the timer.
"We make a great team," Kol smirks, looking around the room filled with powder and previous burnt cookies that caught on fire and almost burnt the kitchen down.
"We do," you hold your hand up for a high five, he happily gives you one.
"Should we give Elijah the burnt ones?" Kol asks you.
"He would know, wouldn't he?"
"Not if he's blind folded," he grins.
"Good luck with getting him to wear one," you pat his back.
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"Kol!" Elijah yells after he spits out the burnt cookie.
"Yes, brother?"
"What did you put in my mouth," Elijah asks, disgust in his voice. He still had the blindfold on, to both of yours and Kols surprise.
"What do you mean? It was a cookie"
"That was not a cookie, that was- I don't even know what that was," Elijah grimaces.
You pat his shoulder taking the cloth off of his eyes.
"Technically it was a cookie," you say.
"A burnt one!" Kol exclaims.
"Hm, I see. I would tell you to throw them out but I'd prefer you to give them to Niklaus first," he smirks.
You and Kol look at each other and nod.
As you wait for him you hide against the wall next to the door frame. Kol standing a few feet away from you. Elijah was giggling like a little kid as hid behind the counter with the camera peeking out to film.
Klaus gets to the room you are all in and goes to walk towards Kol. He opens his mouth to say something and you shoved two of the cookies in his mouth.
He freezes and moves his eyes to look at you while you put your hand on his jaw, pushing it up and down.
"I made cookies!" you smile up at him.
Klaus adored you, he didn't spit it out yet because he didn't want to hurt your feelings. So he swallowed the cookies as his eyes watered from the taste.
"Is something wrong, brother?" Kol asks him with a grin.
"Uh- n-no, nothing. I- um- gotta go ask Rebekah something," he excused himself. You all laugh as you hear him gag in the bathroom.
You both turn to Elijah as he stops the video.
"Send that to us"
"Double Jinx"
"Stop copying me"
"Hey! St-"
"Enough! Children," Elijah rolls his eyes, walking out of the room.
Kol looks up and smiles.
"Look at that, darling. A mistletoe"
"I wonder how that got there," you look up at him with a knowing look.
"It wasn't me!" Kol holds his hands up. "Okay... maybe it was me," he admits.
"Knew it"
"I still want my kiss though"
You laugh and pull him to your lips. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you against him.
You pull your head back and look at him.
"Merry Christmas, my love"
"Merry Christmas, my angel"
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wholoveseggs · 2 months
~One Shots♡~ {<- masterlist}
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Smut ~ Graphic Violence ~ Drug Use ~ Fluff ~ Angst
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A date with Klaus {3.5k} --- After a long day at work, you just want to go home and relax. Fortunately Klaus knows exactly what you need to unwind.
A date with Kol {3.5k} --- You are drowning your sorrows at the bar, but Kol has an idea on how to cheer you up.
A date with Marcel {2k} --- Marcel takes you out to see some live music and then charms your pants off.
A date with Elijah {3.5k} --- You are at the compound to confess your feelings to Elijah, as your nerves get the better of you, he finds a way to help you relax.
Truth or Dare {5k} --- You find yourself at a party you don't really want to be at. You meet the Mikaelson siblings and a game of truth or dare unfolds, revealing your secret and sparking a connection that changes the course of the night.
Blood Bath {2k} --- Aunt Flo comes to visit and the noble Elijah stands up to the bitch.
Better than flowers ♡ {3.2k} --- You've always hated valentines day until Elijah changes your mind with a magical date.
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ferparkerr · 1 year
Preference TVD
How did you meet…
They met one night in mystic falls, he was playing pool while you were waiting tables
he called you a waiter and you approached him and when he looked up and saw you
He found you very hot and attractive so he smiled flirtatiously at you and asks for a Bourbon
you also found him very handsome and hot
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
You met at the dance that the Mikaelsons organized.
He saw you come in with your beautiful dress and you seemed to him the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
They met at school in the typical movie scene, where you were the new girl who was going with her books in hand, who almost ran to her class because you got lost and you were late, but you were so distracted that you bump into someone , all your books fall on the floor, he helps you with your books and helps you get up
and when they both look up they both smile nervously
he found you very cute and tender
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
You were in the mystic falls drinking in the bar, since your boyfriend had cheated on you and you need to distract yourself and get very drunk, and so maybe you stop thinking about your idiot ex.
So you were drinking and suddenly a guy sits next to you, you look at him curiously and see that he is a very handsome guy
He also found you very sexy and beautiful
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
They met on a blind date that Caroline organized, at first it was somewhat awkward, since Caroline was watching them very covertly and by that I mean that she was not discreet at all, luckily Elena saw her and took her away
after that they started talking
I appreciate you very cute, charming, kind and chivalrous, and above all very attractive
he found you very interesting, nice, happy and sincere, and he thinks you are very beautiful
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
you were working in a karaoke bar cleaning the counter when a customer sits on a stool in front of you I gave you
he was very cute and sexy
He asked you for a drink and while he drank his drink he looked and made fun of those who went up to sing
you found it very funny and silly
From time to time he flirted with you, since he thinks you are very pretty and hot, he would not miss that opportunity with such a sexy girl
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
That day you were replacing your sister at her job as a waitress, you were taking an order for two coffees when you accidentally collided with someone spilling the coffee on him, a tall, good-looking man in a suit, you were very sorry to have collided with him and having soiled his suit, he was very chivalrous and kind, he told you that it did not matter
He was in the place for a long time and you could feel his gaze a few times and when you finished your shift you brought him a coffee to apologize again, but he insisted that you sit down and they talked like that for a long time
to tell the truth you found him attractive and elegant like no man you had ever met before
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
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onlyfreds · 2 years
Can I Have This Dance? | E.M.
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Title: Can I Have This Dance?
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: You have feelings for Elijah. He has feelings for you. Rebekah has a plan.
A/N: This is my first ever fic for Elijah. I hope you guys like it! 💖
No one in the whole of New Orleans does a party like the Mikaelsons does.
Every single one of their parties were practically better than the last, as if they had some sort of record to break.
You weren’t much of a party person. But Rebekah practically begged you to go and you couldn’t resist her.
Another reason was because a certain Mikaelson was sure to be there.
“Y/N!” Rebekah almost squealed your name as she caught sight of you walking through the giant gates of the Mikaelson compound.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” Her British accent ringing through her every word while she gave you a hug, “And you look amazing! I’m sure Elijah would be pleased.”
“Bexs.” You smiled, “Thank you but Elijah barely notices me in the first place.”
“Please.” The blonde rolled her eyes, “Elijah is absolutely smitten with you. You’re just too blind to see that he loves you just as much as you do.”
“As much as I adore you shipping us. Elijah sees me as a friend. If he’s smitten for anyone, it’s obviously Hayley.” You protested, trying to keep the jealousy out of your voice.
“Fine, don’t believe me, the all-knowing sister, just wait and see for yourself then.” Rebekah teased.
“Why sister, how long do you plan on keeping our favorite guest from us?” Klaus asked as he and Elijah appeared behind Rebekah.
The blonde turned to face them, “Don’t be ridiculous Nik, I was only greeting her.”
“Favorite guest? You flatter me Klaus.” You smiled as you hugged him.
“He’s just stealing all the credit.” Elijah grinned, stepping in for his turn, “I’m the one who coined the title actually.”
You laughed as Klaus rolled his eyes, “I should’ve known.”
“Are you four seriously just going to stand around here?” Freya asked, giving you a hug in greeting.
“Last I checked, this was a celebration, not a pity party.” Hayley appeared, sending you a smile.
“We’re coming.” You and Rebekah said at the same time, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
It was practically common knowledge that if Rebekah Mikaelson had a plan, she would stop at nothing to execute it.
With half of her plan already in motion, the blonde girl watched contentedly from the balcony of the compound, sipping on her champagne.
“I know that look.” Klaus mused, approaching her with his own drink in hand, “You’ve got something up your sleeve, don’t you?”
“Well, let’s just say that we could either start planning the wedding soon or help Elijah through his heartbreak.” Rebekah grinned.
Klaus chuckled, “Definitely our resident matchmaker. How many did you compel this time?” 
“Only one guy.” She answered, her eyes not leaving her target, “And knowing our dear brother, that’ll be enough.”
“Besides, after everything Elijah has done for us, he deserves to be happy and find peace and comfort in someone.” Rebekah added.
You were standing by the bar, listening to Hayley recount her latest date when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Hoping it would be Elijah, you turned around only to find yourself disappointed when it was some guy you didn’t recognize.
“May I have this dance?” He asked with a smile.
You looked over at Hayley, giving her an apologetic smile to which she just grinned and nudged you, “Go on.”
Accepting the man’s hand, you went off to the dance floor with him.
Elijah had just went to fix something with Kol but when he came back, he saw that you were gone from your spot beside Hayley.
Scanning the room quickly, he felt his blood boil at the sight of you in the arms of another man.
His knuckles go white as he grips the glass harder, silently willing himself to calm down.
“Just going to let someone take her away that easily?” Kol appeared by his side.
Elijah downed his drink in one gulp, “It’s not my business. Y/N has every right to dance with whoever she wants to.”
“Still. I can feel your jealousy. You should show her how much you’re willing to fight for her, show the guy who’s the boss.” Kol suggested.
Elijah didn’t know whether it was the alcohol in his system or the sheer jealousy that was running through his veins that he decided to take Kol’s advice.
You had started to regret agreeing to dance with the guy in the first place.
Why? He was either talking about himself or making a comment that made you extremely uncomfortable.
Now you knew what Cami meant when she said that you could be too polite for your own good.
You were about to open your mouth and excuse yourself when a familiar voice suddenly said,
“May I have this next dance?” 
You smiled upon seeing Elijah while the guy glared at him.
“I’m sure she wants to stay with me.” The guy said.
Elijah raised a brow at him, glancing at you, “I’m pretty sure Y/N is capable of answering for herself.”
“I would love to.” You quickly spoke up before the guy could respond.
Immediately attaching yourself to Elijah’s arm, you left the guy without so much as another glance.
“Thank you for saving me out there.” You smiled as Elijah smoothly took your hand and twirled you around.
“Just say the word and he’ll be gone.” Elijah said, taking your hand in his and placing his free one on your waist.
“I don’t think that would be necessary.” You giggled, the two of you swaying along to the mellow music.
Silence engulfed the two of you as you danced along the other couples.
“Your beauty never fails to render me speechless.” Elijah suddenly mentions, looking you right in the eye, “As always.”
You felt butterflies not only in your stomach but your whole body, “You find me beautiful?”
The original looked surprised at the inquiry, “Of course I do. Who wouldn’t be enamored by your smile, that’s more beautiful than every sunset and sunrise I’ve ever witnessed. Or your laugh, that could easily be the best musical piece that ever existed. Your eyes, the ones that twinkle and shine so brightly that they could’ve been the mere inspiration for the stars.”
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before continuing, “Also with the way you see the goodness in everything. How you’re always willing to sacrifice yourself and your happiness for the people you love. With all those qualities, I can’t help but have my heart captured by you. Whenever I look at you, I feel like all the misery brought about by immortality would be worth it, if I get to spend an eternity with you.”
You couldn’t believe this was actually happening, “Elijah-“
“But,” He interrupted, looking nervous as he heard your heart beating faster than a minute before, “the thing is I don’t deserve you. Being with me would bring about constant chaos and danger. Besides the fact that I’m a horrendous monster and you’re a wonderful angel.”
Before he could say anything else, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his lips - silencing him effectively.
“Wow.” was the only thing he could say when you had pulled away.
“I have dreamed of this moment ever since the moment I met you.” You whispered against his lips, “I would love nothing more in this world than to be yours, if you let me.”
Elijah grinned, pulling you in for another kiss, “I’m yours.”
“Remind me.” Hayley mused from the balcony, “Never to underestimate Rebekah Mikaelson when it comes to love.”
Rebekah laughed, pleased with her work, “Frankly, anything and everything is possible in the name of true love.”
tagging some “the originals” mutuals: @lokis-favorite-follower @rere-the-writer @starkleila @xxwritemeastoryxx
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