#elizabeth kincaid
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Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath // art by @/kosmiklia on ig // William Chapman // Virginia Woolf // Brian Andreas // artwork - flowers by Hanna Ilczyszyn // Elizabeth Kinkaid-Ehlers, Still Searching
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russellwynn · 1 year
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any other 90’s femslash l&o enjoyers out here?
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Drinks And Discussions - Elizabeth Olivet/Serena Southerlyn, Connie Rubirosa/Nina Cassady, Alex Borgia/Claire Kincaid.
A/N: Part 1/4 for Day 2 of @fluffbruary.
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“So, despite being… well…” Alex sighs, gesturing at the chairs both she and Claire are sat in. “We can be helpful, you know that Connie.” “She knows, she’s just… cautious. Doesn’t want to end up joining the ex-ADA club.” Serena’s voice is softly teasing and Elizabeth rolls her eyes, nudging Serena gently. “Be nice ‘Rena… not all of us do so well with political messiness.” “Oh yeah, I did so good I got fired…” “At least you never punched a suspect… twice…” Connie’s laugh is slight, her side-glance at Nina rewarded with a smile and soft laugh of bemusement. She knew, too well, that Nina was still nervous with her friends, but Liz’s laugh echoes, softly warm and real as ever and Nina breathes out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She’s finally among friends. “I’m sure he deserved it.” Serena’s comment draws laughter from Connie, her sigh soft. “Yeah, it was deserved… even if I’m not supposed to share why.” “Oh, we all know why.” Alex’s comment is soft. “We’ve all been there, some of us just didn’t quite get so lucky.” The discussion moves on, drinks are poured and shared and Liz surprises them all with the suggested toast. “To the best group of friends a lady could have.”
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philipkindreddickhead · 2 months
100 Fiction Books to Read Before You Die
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
The Book of Margery Kempe by Margery Kempe
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Sparks
The Girl by Meridel Le Sueur
The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Veronica by Mary Gaitskill
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
Kindred by Octavia Butler
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Passing by Nella Larson
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather
Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion
The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
White Teeth by Zadie Smith
The Power by Naomi Alderman
The Street by Ann Petry
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskill
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
Small Island by Andrea Levy
The Idiot by Elif Batuman
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
The Price of Salt/Carol by Patricia Highsmith
Room by Emma Donoghue
The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch
Garden of Earthly Delights by Joyce Carol Oates
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Wise Blood by Flannery O Conner
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsey
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
House of Incest by Anaïs Nin
The Mandarins by Simone de Beauvoir
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Corregidora by Gayl Jones
Whose Names are Unknown by Sanora Babb
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
See Now Then by Jamaica Kincaid
The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
My Antonia by Willa Cather
Democracy by Joan Didion
Black Water by Joyce Carol Oates
The Violent Bear it Away by Flannery O Connor
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
I Must Betray You be Ruta Sepetys
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Mare by Mary Gaitskill
City of Beasts by Isabel Allende
Fledgling by Octavia Butler
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin
The First Bad Man by Miranda July
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Moses, Man of the Mountain by Zora Neale Hurston
Disobedience by Naomi Alderman
Quicksand by Nella Larsen
The Narrows by Ann Petry
The Blood of Others by Simone de Beauvoir
Under the Sea by Rachel Carson
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
Under the Net by Iris Murdoch
The Birdcatcher by Gayl Jones
Desert of the Heart by Jane Rule
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa
@gaydalf @kishipurrun @unsentimentaltranslator @algolagniaa @stariduks @hippodamoi
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yomkippur · 1 month
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the heir: kendall logan roy
"it's fucking lonely. i'm all apart."
my similar but umm very long roman roy post
jamaica kincaid, the autobiography of my mother
katie maria (heavensghost), "it lingers for your whole life"
sophokles tr. anne carson, an oresteia: agamemnon by aiskhylos, elektra by sophokles, orestes by euripides
key ballah, "on fathers"
desireé dallagiacomo, "origin story"
elizabeth lindsey rogers, "questions about the father"
ivan turgenev, first love
george r. r. martin, a storm of swords
stephen adly guirgis, the last days of judas iscariot
eric kripke, supernatural, "in my time of dying"
amatullah bourdon (butchniqabi), "and my father’s love was nothing next to god’s will"
sam fender, "seventeen going under"
john mayer, "in the blood"
salman rushdie, east, west
george r. r. martin, a storm of swords
ocean vuong, "someday i'll love ocean vuong"
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maxcuntstappen · 2 months
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max verstappen : on learning how to gently cradle one's jaw, even without ever experiencing it yourself
for @lost-in-fandoms, @3mula1, @thehumongouskargomice because i was so sure no one would reply to my post asking for help with this weave, and they proved me wrong <3
billy joel, vienna / ethel cain, family tree (intro) / marguerite duras, the lover / dave eggers,you shall know our velocity / norainnoflowers on tiktok / fiona apple, fetch the bolt cutters / stephen adly guirgis, the last days of judas iscariot / the falsettos, marvin at the psychiatrist / franz kafka, letter to his father / jamaica kincaid / eva noblezada & reeve carney, all i’ve ever known / sleeping at last, mother / mary oliver, the gardener / elizabeth berg, we are all welcome here / susan smith, wych elm / defectivegembrain on tumblr / franz kafka, letter to his father / inkskinned on tumblr / bell hooks, all about love / bell hooks, all about love
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solsticepoetry · 2 months
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transmasc sons and their fathers
The Autobiography of my Mother, Jamaica Kincaid | Promises of Gold, José Olivarez | Motion Sickness, Phoebe Bridgers | Reva | But I Love Him, Amanda Grace | Death of a Hero, Alec Benjamin | Twenty-Four, Candidly, Violet Piper | Anti-savior Savior Complex, asoftepilogue | Mirror Traps, Hera Lindsay Bird | Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle | Seventeen Going Under, Sam Fender | Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong (from Night Sky With Exit Wounds) | satanay | veniennes | veniennes | Warwick Avenue, Duffy | Mouthful of Forevers, Clementine von Radics | Rat, Penelope Scott | blind spot, Maddie Zahm | Easier Than Lying, Halsey | We are all Welcome Here, Elizabeth Berg
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meret118 · 3 months
A half-century ago, a girl and brother ran away to New York City from their suburban Connecticut home. And the Metropolitan Museum of Art hasn’t been the same since.
If visions of Claudia and Jamie bathing—and collecting lunch money—in the Met’s Fountain of Muses bring up fond childhood memories of your own, you’re among the legions of readers who grew up loving E.L. Konigsburg’s From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. The classic children’s book turns 50 in 2017, and the tale of the Kincaid siblings spending their days wandering about the paintings, sculptures and antiquities, and their nights sleeping in antique beds handcrafted for royalty, is as popular as ever. The 1968 Newbery Medal winner has never been out of print.
(The same year, her debut novel Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth received the Newbery runner-up honor; Konigsburg is the only author to ever achieve the dual literary feat.)
I wish I'd known about these as a child. They sound delightful.
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Do ypu have HR with the hero having this animalistic MINE MINE MINEEEE!!! I know all of them have them but there are some taking it to the next level
Weeeellll lol not all of them tbh. Because we are surrounded by pearl clutchers as of late.......
I'm obviously relistening to Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas, her most underrated banger imo, and when Kev finally gets with the program and sneaks into Win's bedroom all he does is cover her mouth with his hand and go "YOU'RE MINE" and she realizes it is THE FUCK. ON. And then he rails her for like 48 hours in his little fuck cottage, yay!
The Bride by Julie Garwood is the quintessentially MINE MINE MINE romance novel. Medieval border marriage book. Alec Kincaid literally drags Jamie up to a window so his people can look at her, and when someone asks him in Gaelic "what do we call her?" He goes "YOU CALL HER MINE". (He does not realize that Jamie also speaks Gaelic, which is embarrassing for him, but also beneficial because she's like "OH".)
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin... I forget how much the hero says "mine", but he does tattoo the heroine with his symbol (consensually!) and it's soooooo possessive and erotic and emotional. And he's a villainous hero, so he's very like "YOU BELONG TO ME NOW"
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale has a very alpha hero who suffers a stroke at the beginning of the book. The heroine helps him as he recovers (after some big asylum trauma) and he's always calling her like "my maddgirly" (her name is Maddy) and he's SUPER territorial over her and I love it.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale is also a very "MINE" romance, but it's mutual because Allegreto is a horrible villainous alpha who happens to like it when Elena gets rough in bed. However, he also gets his "MUAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE ALL MINE NOW" moment. Allegreto is crazy. *Obligatory Shadowheart's First Sex Scene is Noncon Warning*
The Wolf and The Wildflower by Stacy Reid! Wolf Duke is VERY possessive. Because he spent years in the Yukon living with wolves. (Really.) (He sniffs her crotch a lot.) (Shouldn't work but it sure does.)
Stephanie Laurens writes super possessive heroes because they have THE CONQUEROR'S BLOOD and are very alpha as a result. Scandal's Bride is my favorite I've read of hers thus far *obligatory "she drugs him for the first encounter" note* and Richard, lunatic of my heart, literally refers to Catriona as his snack (which he must have every morning or he will be very annoyed, and then he needs like a follow up snack thrice more throughout the day). But like. EVERY Cynster hero is a mine mine mine guy.
Elizabeth Hoyt knows how to write a mine mine mine. The Leopard Prince is an underrated one imo, because like Seduce Me at Sunrise it's one where the hero almost forces himself to give her up but at the last minute he's like "OH NO NO NOOOOOOOOO" and snaps and like, fucks her until she's screaming within earshot of her brothers and the guy who wanted to marry her.
Duke of Midnight proooobably has her most possessive hero, Everyone's (My) Favorite Douchecanoe Maximus Batten. I don't know that there are many romance heroes who get quite as MINE as Maximus fucking Artemis while talking about how he's gonna keep her trapped in like a special hunting lodge and kill elk for her and feed her the tastiest morsels, and it's honestly a real "oh girl it's like that huh" moment because she's a vERY rational woman and she's like "yeah tell me more about it keep going" lmao. Some of my favorite deranged dirty talk of all time.
Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie brothers are super possessive. Like, even the "oh ho we have a fun time" ones (Mac from Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage and Cameron from The Many Sins of Lord Cameron") are still very "ALRIGHT NOW. CALM TF DOWN" if someone looks at their wives for too long lol. Ian (The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie) literally needs Beth around to feel complete and Hart from The Duke's Perfect Wife, another "Everyone Else Thinks He's Too Much But Iiiiiiiiiii Like 'Im" hero is sooooo possessive of Eleanor. Wasn't even in his own book yet and he still made time to put money down her bodice to remind her that DADDY STILL HAS CASH.
Monica McCarty's Highland Guard series is basically entire made up of "mine mine mine" heroes lol. The Chief has a MAJOR alpha hero. The Recruit is big on it too, especially since she tries to keep her accidental pregnancy from him and he feels the baby bump by accident and goes all *INFANT. DETECTED.* and is like "NO BABY OF MINE IS GONNA BE A BASTARD!!!!"
Though it's a funny moment, I still think the hero of Tessa Dare's Any Duchess Will Do making the heroine recite his courtesy titles while he bends her over his desk is both hilarious and ridic dumb possessive hot.
The Earl I Ruined by Scarlett Peckham has a very consciously dominant, "whose pussy is this?" type hero, which we love to see.
Joanna Shupe has very possessive heroes--Preston from The Bride Goes Rogue comes to mind, especially when mY BOY the Duke of Lockwood is like, vaguely making friends with Katherine, because Lockwood is so hot that every other hero in the series is like "You wouldn't fuck him??? OH PLEASE DON'T LIE TO ME I WOULD FUCK HIM" and gets very jealous lmao. Fwiw, Lockwood is possessive of Nellie in The Duke Gets Even. He's always like "I'm keeping you" and biting her tits to leave bruises and shit. Which is what Joanna Shupe is allowed to get away with in a trad historical in 2023 lmao.
Obviously. Derek Craven from Dreaming of You. McKenna from Again the Magic.
If you're up for something dark and angsty, A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart has a very intense YOU'RE MINE NOW YOU WENCH thing, but uhhh check your triggers. I loved it!
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Hi there! I’m Simon and my TWST OCs and writing fits in with @twistedwonderlandarcaneexchange! I tend to work with @cyanide-latte, @ramshacklerumble, @tixdixl, and @inmateofthemind, and a lot of my characters’ lore is intertwined with theirs!
My “spicy” tag is “#simon gets spicy” if you want to block it for any reason
My ask box is always open!
More info about my characters under the cut!
My OCs:
Sidney Larkspur
(they/she, but will respond to pretty much anything as long as they know you’re talking to them)
Twisted from: Elizabeth Swann (POTC, along with some aspects of Will)
Human mage
Signature spell: “A Pirate’s Life For Me”
Originally an RSA student pretending to be a cis guy, searching for a treasure supposedly hidden in their vaults— the compass of Jack Sparrow. After finding and successfully stealing said compass, it leads them to join the second arcane exchange. After outing themself in the course of protecting a fellow student, Sid ends up inadvertently joining NRC’s student body on a more permanent basis (thanks to Crowley’s “infinite generosity”, and him overlooking their gender in favor of pocketing another mage on the path to Overblot). They officially join Octavinelle dorm, and work part time at the Mostro lounge. Their biggest dream is to follow in Elizabeth’s footsteps and become the Pirate King, after reading about her in an old family journal, and being told stories about her from their maternal grandmother. They manage, somehow, to become a member of Copper’s crew aboard the newly-resurfaced Black Pearl, but this is only the first step on their journey towards their dream. (Easily the most developed of my student characters)
Eventually becomes the captain of the Flying Dutchman, with Dirk Hawkins as their first mate.
Edgar Allen “Snowball” Taylor
(he/they, transmasc)
Twisted from: Mittens (Bolt)
Black cat beastman mage
Signature spell: None (so far)
Talked mad shit to his Savannaclaw dorm mates when he was accepted into NRC about how “badass” his signature spell was; doesn’t know what his signature spell is. He made a deal with Azul to give him illusion magic that has the look of a powerful spell charging up, in exchange for doing his bidding whenever called. A certain Jamil Viper found out his secret, and from there on, Snowball lost use of his free time, becoming the lackey of not one, but two of NRC’s most powerful mages. (Warning, probably won’t go into too much detail on chunks of his story as it tends into NSFW territory and I know a lot of people aren’t comfy with that)
Endgame is with Jamil Viper
Roddy Sheperd
(he/him, cis)
Twisted from: Bolt (Bolt)
White dog beastman mage
Signature spell: “Superbark”
A teenage actor and idol, running in some of the same circles as Neige and Vil, who’s signature spell is powerful but hard to control. Was supposed to attend RSA to gain better control over his magic in order to continue upholding his pristine image, but a mix-up occurred, and he ended up at NRC by mistake. No one batted an eye, and he was sorted into Pomefiore without issue. His abusive manager is repeatedly stalled by Crowley in his attempts to locate and contact Roddy, who hardly knows himself outside of the roles he is constantly forced to play.
His manager’s name is Louie Kincaid, and he’s somehow even more scummy than the agent in Bolt.
Endgame at the moment is Silver, though admittedly I haven’t done as much to develop that as I’d like to and it’s pretty up in the air right now.
Klaus Hassenkamp
(he/him, cis)
Twisted from: The White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Heartslabyul (temporarily during the exchange)
White rabbit beastman mage
Signature spell: “I’m late/You’re late” (name not 100% settled)
Best friend to Fiamma Trein, bugle boy and first chair trumpet player for Corlux’ band, this bunny might look shy and unassuming, but there’s a sassy streak hiding under his initially quiet exterior. Somehow, one bunny draws the attention of not one, not two, but three separate princes.
Endgame is an OT4 with Malleus, Leona, and @inmateofthemind’s OC Kentigern
Marcel Hamelin
(he/him, transmasc)
Twisted from: Remy (Ratatouille)
RSA (scholarship)
Savannaclaw (temporarily during the exchange)
Grey rat beastman mage
Signature spell: Symphony of Flavor (no I don’t know what it does, but I’ve been stuck on this as being the spell’s name for weeks now)
His family historically works in the sanitation industry, a fact which his father and elder brother are deeply proud of. Marcel, however, has loftier dreams. He wants to eventually become the head chef of his own restaurant in Fleur City. He is extremely skilled at balancing flavors and mastering difficult cooking techniques, but his prejudice and stubbornness get in the way of his progress. Marcel tends to disregard food from cultures outside of Fleur City as “less than”, and has a lot to learn when it comes to expanding his horizons. His rivalries with Ruggie and Jamil might just finally put him on the right track— both with cooking, and with people.
Endgame is with Ruggie Bucci and @oathofoaks’ Bobbi St. Robins!
Kelly Archer
(he/they, transmasc)
Twisted from: Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Pomefiore (initially; transfers to RSA after his freshman year)
Human mage
Signature Spell: (undecided)
Kelly is one of my newest babies. He was an orphan from a young age, barely remembers his parents, but found his own family in books and old adventure movies. Definitely a giant flirt with low self esteem, probably some flavor of autistic. From the same town as @tixdixl’s Emil, and bonds with him over food and culture when he’s feeling particularly homesick.
Alicorice “Ali” Leroux
Twisted from: Vanellope von Schweetz (Wreck-It Ralph)
Sentient/Sapient/Self-aware AI as the result of a magic accident coinciding with a power fluctuation. Can cast magic as a result of the accident/her bond with her creator, but there’s something Off about it.
Signature Spell: Glitch in the Matrix (I have a vague idea of what this does, but it’s hard to explain)
Ali was originally one of the main characters in a VR blastcycle racing game that was in development called “Sweet Tracks”. Her creator had a deep love for her, and put more work into her character’s AI than was common or necessary. Before the accident that created her, Ali had a similar level of autonomy and awareness to Mira, Vil’s chat assistant. But thanks to a power fluctuation, a strong discharge of magic (possibly healing/light magic? Or maybe the use of her creator’s signature spell to try and protect Ali’s code?), and her creator’s strong love for her, Ali became as aware, feeling, and free-thinking as any human. What she wants most is a real body, like Ortho’s, and to become a real life blastcycle racer, and she and her creator will do damn near anything to see that goal accomplished. Her creator finds out about Idia and Ortho on the net, possibly from Azul selling Ortho’s old parts secondhand, and they resolve to track down the tech prodigy and secure his help, one way or another.
Dirk Hawkins
(He/him, cis)
Twisted from: Jack Sparrow, James Norrington (POTC)
Human, some weak magic, mostly parlor tricks.
Dirk’s father, Seymour Hawkins, (Cutler Beckett expy) is the head of a large shipping company that Dirk’s older brother, Irving (Ian Mercer expy) is set to inherit. Seymour Hawkins is an absolutely cutthroat businessman, hungry for money and power in equal measure, and who takes notice of tales that most modern men consider to be no more than myths and hearsay. When he hears whispers that the captain of the legendary Flying Dutchman is seeking out a successor, it’s not something such a man could ignore. He sends Dirk, his youngest son, to become that successor by any means necessary.
Dirk himself is one of my favorite OCs, if not my favorite altogether. He’s initially more insecure than he’d ever admit, his entire self-image wrapped up in his complicated and unhealthy relationship with his extremely demanding and controlling father. He and Sid first meet when they’re both investigating rumors of the Dutchman’s captain, though for very different reasons.
Over the course of this, Dirk and Sid form a complicated rivalry/friendship, relating to each others’ struggles with their parents and their desire for freedom. When Sid is chosen to be the Dutchman’s successor, they take Dirk on as their first mate.
Second Gens:
Cassiopeia “Cass” Hawkins
(AFAB, loosely transmasc, pronouns tbd)
The result of a one-night stand Dirk had long before joining the crew of the Dutchman, discovered when the Dutchman made port to resupply. Cass is about right when Dirk first meets them, and is around the same age as @cyanide-latte’s Talesin.
They’ve got a lot of grumpy in a small body.
Cass has a focus in cosmic magic and a strong association with stars.
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
Oh you are in for a treat. My 2024 gift for you Dani is Jeff Buckley.
*rubs hands together* let's begin! The following are my recommendations to initiate Jeff's magic.
1. Lover, you should've come over.
2. Eternal Life.
3. Last Goodbye (I feel like Theia will enjoy this. Plus a GREAT! Post-healthy-break up song imo.)
4. So Real. (I can't even. This is a masterpiece for me.)
5. Grace. (Fucking hell.)
6. Lilac wine. (Get ready to be blushed)
7. Forget Her (not my fav, but I like it)
8. All Flowers in time feat. Elizabeth Fraser (this is my all time favorite. I fantasize singing a duet with my lover. Always makes me gooey and smiley. Plus, a good rec for BlackBane)
Gurl!! I am so excited for you. Lemme know which other songs of his you like. I am so excited. My bff from medschool introduced me to Jeff, and I individually found many gems of his work. *Squeal*.
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Okay. I REALLY like him. Also, most of his songs gave me Lance vibes. I also like all his songs are 5-6 minutes long. HE GETS IT. 
Thanks for all the recs! Here are my faves. 💙
Lover, you should've come over - Top fave. Really liked this one. Definitely a top fave. It gave me Lance/Blackbane vibes. I loved the vibes! 
Last Goodbye - The lyrics were very nice - and angsty hehe. This was so Blackbane and Arcaid coded omg. 
Lilac wine - Second fave. Really liked the subtle flirty vibes of this and it reminded me of IALS David for some reason. Especially the line “I drink much more than I ought to drink because it brings me back to you” 
All Flowers in time - I liked the duet. Need more duets of him with women…or men. 
I Know it's Over - Third fave. Also, omg, Kincaid and Victoria 🥺(added to playlist too) 
You & I - The emotion in this was something else bro. 
Mojo pin - THE VOCALS >>> 
Additional ones I liked - 
I want someone badly - Fourth fave. Loved the vibes. Very David too. 
Hallelujah - I’m a whore for a classic. You know that. This version is so so so good.
Mama, You've Been On My Mind - Idk man this one got me in my feels a little bit. What kind of mommy issues does this man have because the song are HITTING me.
The Boy with the Thorn in His Side - I like the guitar in this one. Nice feels.
Je N'en Connais Pas La Fin - Ummmm. Have you heard this? I loved it! Also the French...
Thank you for sharing your fave music with me. It always means so much 🧡
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My keepers. I still have a lot, but the collection is certainly less overwhelming. Annika (center front, in the light blue shirt) is the doll I’ve had the longest, and Indi (second row, white shirt, dark complexion) is my newest. Many others have come and gone, but these are the ones that spark the most joy when I see them.
Most of them are historicals, but for this photo I decided to dress everyone in relatively contemporary clothing (1990s-2020s), just to see how they all would look.
Back row: Rebecca Rubin, Francie Whitman, Ivy Ling, Kavi Sharma, Apolline Kincaid, Mari-Luz de San Geronimo
Third row: Claudie Wells, Kirsten Larson, Elizabeth Cole, Paul Park, Blaire Wilson
Second row: Joss Kendrick, Nellie O’Malley, Indira Chandrasekar, Cora Sato
Front row: Sara Jones, Annika Nazarbayev, Florrie Whitman, Ana Rubin
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
This is Thursday April 11th 2024 is for those victims that was gunned down and also for the Manchester Arena victims that was bombed down as well they aren't just rappers wrestlers kids or dreamers but they are angels sent back to heaven Ava Jordan Wood, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Saffie Rose Roussos, Pop Smoke, Young Dolph, Tupac Shakur and Christopher George Latore Wallace, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Shinzo Abe, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Rev, Martin Luther King Jr., Secoriea Turner, Royta De'Marco Layfield Giles Jr., Davon McNeal, Dajore Wilson, Mekhi James, Judith and Maria Barsi, Janari A. Ricks, Carolyn Kay “Katy” Davis, Christiana Mae “Chrissy” Duarte, Shirley Virginia Ferrell Drouet, Stacee Ann Etcheber, Brisenia Ylianna Flores, Keri Lynn Galvan, Christian Riley Garcia, Angela Christine “Angie” Gomez, Jaime Taylor Guttenberg, Nicole Marie Hadley, Caitlin Millar Hammaren, Linda Sue Miller Hathorn, Aubrey Wright Hawkins, Demetrius C. “D” Hewlin, Rachael Elizabeth Hill, Emily Jane Hilscher, Dawn Alyson Lafferty Hochsprung, Anah Michelle Hodges, Winter Ashley Hodges, Kenzie Marie Houk, Lisa Rachelle Huff Huff, Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Caleb Curtis Jackson, Dwayne Clifford Jackson Jr., Honesty Faith Jackson, Jonah Curtis Jackson, Trinity Hope Jackson, Jessica Jeanette James, Veronica Lynn “Tina” Jefferson, SGT Kent Dean Kincaid, Lawrence Fobes “Larry” King, Kandy Janell Kirtland, Russell Dennis King Jr., Amy Michelle Kitchen, Carly Anne Buchholtz Kreibaum, Matthew Joseph La Porte VVETERAN, Cara Marie Loughran, Trayvon Benjamin Martin, Rhonda M. LeRocque, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Adriana “Adri” Dukić, Cassie Bernall, Ross Abdallah Alameddine, Arielle Anderson, Lucero Alcaraz, PnB Rock, Nipsey Hussle, Takeoff, Dayvon Daquan Bennett, Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, Janette Becraft, Eddie Graham, Shannon Claire Spruill, Dino Bravo, Lena Marie Nunez-Anaya, Sincere Gaston, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Annabelle Renee Pomeroy, Darius “DJ” Dugas II, Jason Leonard Abbott, Hannah Lassette Magiera Ahlers, Tammy Jo Alexander, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Teresa Carol Allen, Cory Adam Andrewski, Thomas Aquinas Ashton, Charlotte Helen “Char” Bacon, Daniel Gerard “Danny” Barden, Carrie Rae Barnette, and more
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Confessions Unspoken - Claire Kincaid/Elizabeth Olivet
A/N: @febuwhump Alt Prompt 2.
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“I love you…” The words come softly, spoken to a silent Claire Kincaid. The doctors had made it all too clear not to expect a miracle, but Elizabeth Olivet knew she had to try, she had to at least tell her the truth, the silence widens, broken only by the slightly unsteady beeping of the heart monitor. Soft fingers trace across the broken expanse of her collarbone and Claire battles to wake up, begging her body to fight, not give up. She wants, so badly to tell Elizabeth she feels the same way, but she knows, she knows she’s losing the battle. The beeping slows, steady, then almost too slow. It’s easy for Elizabeth to move to the door, call for help, but by the time help comes it’s too late. Claire is gone.
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maximiliano-aedo · 3 months
What could've been Animaze ..iNC during the 2010s
Talent pool (Note: any voice actor marked with * is union-only):
Steve Blum*
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn*
Crispin Freeman*
Kari Wahlgren*
Johnny Yong Bosch
Yuri Lowenthal*
Dave Wittenberg*
Roger Craig Smith*
Laura Bailey*
Travis Willingham*
Cherami Leigh
J.B. Blanc*
Sam Riegel*
Liam O'Brien*
Amy Kincaid*
Troy Baker*
Matthew Mercer
Joe Romersa*
Fleet Cooper*
Dyanne DiRosario*
Jennifer Love Hewitt*
Brian Hallisay*
Spike Spencer
Amanda Winn Lee*
Jaxon Lee*
Kyle Hebert
Ben Pronsky
Bob Buchholz
Richard Cansino
Murphy Dunne*
Carolyn Hennesy*
Jerry Gelb*
Adam Sholder
Ezra Weisz
Cristina Vee
Bryce Papenbrook
Michael Sorich
Richard Epcar
Ellyn Stern
Tony Oliver
Kirk Thornton
Lexi Ainsworth*
Aria Noelle Curzon
Grace Caroline Currey*
Michael Forest
Erik Davies
Adam Bobrow
Joshua Seth
Junie Hoang*
Kirk Baily*
Tom Fahn
Jonathan Fahn
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Melissa Fahn
Stephen Apostolina*
René Rivera*
Deborah Sale Butler
Kevin Brief
Michael Gregory*
Riva Spier*
Cassandra Morris
Erica Mendez
Erika Harlacher
Erica Lindbeck
Marieve Herington
Kira Buckland
John Rubinstein*
Kim Matula*
Brittany Lauda
J. Grant Albrecht*
Michael McConnohie
Steve Bulen*
Dan Woren
Derek Stephen Prince
Wendee Lee
Edie Mirman
Jason C. Miller
Taliesin Jaffe*
John Snyder
Robbie Daymond
Ray Chase
Kaiji Tang
David Vincent
Christina Carlisi*
Christopher Corey Smith
Cindy Robinson
Rachel Robinson
Jessica Boone
Lauren Landa
Megan Hollingshead
Jalen K. Cassell
Doug Erholtz
Michelle Ruff
Gregory Cruz*
John Bishop*
Matt Kirkwood*
Lara Jill Miller*
Carol Stanzione
Steve Staley
Dave Mallow
Mona Marshall*
Darrel Guilbeau
Robert Martin Klein
Robert Axelrod
William Frederick Knight
Lex Lang
Sandy Fox
Joey Camen*
Randy McPherson*
Jad Mager
Richard Miro
Milton James
Anthony Pulcini
Douglas Rye
Patrick Seitz
Keith Silverstein
Jamieson Price
Skip Stellrecht*
Stoney Emshwiller*
G.K. Bowes
Alyss Henderson
Patricia Ja Lee
Peggy O'Neal
Carrie Savage
Melodee Spevack
Jennifer Alyx
Julie Ann Taylor
Sherry Lynn
Brad Venable
Christine Marie Cabanos
Greg Chun
LaGloria Scott
Steve Kramer
Melora Harte
Rebecca Forstadt*
Kyle McCarley
Mela Lee
Karen Strassman
Faye Mata
Laura Post
Kayla Carlyle*
Brina Palencia
Connor Gibbs
Brianne Siddall*
Barbara Goodson
Loy Edge
Jay Lerner
Jennie Kwan
Max Mittelman
Jessica Straus*
Alexis Tipton
Fryda Wolff
Michele Specht
J.D. Garfield
Debra Jean Rogers*
Julie Maddalena
Carrie Keranen
Tara Sands
Matthew Hustin
Cody MacKenzie
Bridget Hoffman*
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Grant George
Jessica Gee
Jeff Nimoy*
Peter Lurie*
Brian Beacock
Paul St. Peter
Chris Jai Alex
Dan Lorge*
Ewan Chung*
Steve Cassling*
Philece Sampler
Stephanie Sheh
Sam Fontana
Ben Diskin
Juliana Donald*
Michael O'Keefe*
Christina Gallegos*
Tara Platt
Keith Anthony*
Beau Billingslea
David Lodge*
Kim Strauss
Eddie Jones*
William Bassett*
Kim Mai Guest*
Caitlin Glass
Hannah Alcorn
Ron Roggé*
Camille Chen*
Ethan Rains*
Yutaka Maseba*
Joe J. Thomas
Michael Sinterniklaas
Erin Fitzgerald
Joe Ochman
Marc Diraison
Xanthe Huynh
Brianna Knickerbocker
Dean Wein*
Michael McCarty*
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Neutralised (1994) [3/?]: My Version of The Shared Universe
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For those of you unfamiliar with 'Chicago Hope', it was actually set in a shared universe. Also, 'Suspiciously Similar' characters will be involved (Due to actors playing multiple roles). This is my take on that:
Chicago Hope
Homicide: Life on the Street
Law & Order
Picket Fences
characters (I'm not listing anyone who was in 20 episodes or less) under the cut. Also technically these are not all the characters as I'm still writing stuff.
Chicago Hope - Characters (& Actors):
Doctor Aaron Shutt (Adam Arkin)
Doctor Phillip Watters (Hector Elizondo)
Doctor William 'Billy' Kronk (Peter Berg)
Doctor Dennis Hancock (Vlondie Curtis-Hall)
Doctor Diane Grad (Jayne Brook)
Doctor Keith Wilkes (Rocky Carroll)
Doctor Jack McNeil (Mark Harmon)
Doctor Daniel Nyland (Thomas Gibson)
Doctor Jeffrey Geiger (Mandy Patinkin)
Nurse Camille Shutt (Roxanne Hart)
Doctor Lisa Catera (Stacy Edwards)
Alan Birch (Peter MacNicol)
Doctor Joseph Cacaci (Bob Bancroft)
Doctor Robert Yeats (Eric Stoltz)
Doctor Gina Simon (Carla Gugino)
Doctor Jeremy Hanlon (Lauren Holly)
Doctor Francesca Alberghetti (Barbara Hershey)
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Homicide: Life on the Street - Characters (& Actors)
Detective John Munch (Richard Belzer)
Detective Meldrick Lewis (Clark Johnson)
Lieutenant Alphonse Giardello (Yaphet Kotto)
Detective Tim Bayliss (Kyle Secor)
Detective Frank Pembleton (Andre Braugher)
Detective / Sergeant Kay Howard (Melissa Leo)
Detective Mike Kellerman (Reed Diamond)
Officer/Detective/Lieutenant Stuart Gharty (Peter Gerety)
Detective Paul Falsone (Jon Seda)
Lieutenant/Captain/Detective Megan Russert (Isabella Hofman)
Detective Laura Ballard (Callie Thorne)
Detective Terri Stivers (Toni Lewis)
Captain/Colonel George Barnfather (Clayton LeBouef)
ASA Ed Danvers (Željko Ivanek)
J.H.Brodie (Max Perlich)
Detective Beau Felton (Daniel Baldwin)
Detective Stanley Bolander (Ned Beatty)
Dr Julianna Cox (Michelle Forbes)
FBT Agent/Officer Mike Giardello (Giancario Esposito)
Detective Rene Sheppard (Michael Michele)
Dr. Alyssa Dyer (Harlee McBride)
Detective/Captain Roger Gaffney (Walt MacPherson)
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Law & Order - Characters (& Actors)
Sergeant Maxwell Greevey (George Dzundza)
Junior Detective Michael Logan (Chris Noth)
Captain Donald Cragen (Dann Florek)
Exex ADA Benjamin Stone (Michael Moriarty)
ADA Paul Robinette (Richard Brooks)
DA Adam Schiff (Steven Hill)
Sergeant Philip Cerreta (Paul Sorvino)
Dr Elizabeth Olivet (Carolyn McCormic)
Senior Detective Leonard W Briscoe (Jerry Orbach)
Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson)
ADA Claire Kincaid (Jill Hennessy)
Exec ADA/DA John McCoy (Sam Waterston)
Junior Detective Reynaldo Curtis (Benjamin Bratt)
ADA Jamie Ross (Carey Lowell)
ADA Abigail Carmichael (Angie Harmon)
Junior/Senior Detective Edward Green (Jesse L. Martin)
Interim DA Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest)
ADA Serena Southerlyn (Elisabeth Röhm)
DA Arthur Branch (Fred Thompson)
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Neutralised - Characters (& Actors)
Abraham Machado (Alfred Molina)
Andreina Neri (Robin Wright)
Caleb Willow (Cary Elwes)
Dove Lewis (Alfre Woodard)
Esmé Verity (Janaeane Garofalo)
Faustus Sanchez (Hank Azaria)
Grayson Bryant (Harold Perrineau)
Hunter Kingsley (Chris Farley)
Ichabod Mortimer (Danny DeVito)
Jared Foster (Kirk Acevedo)
Kane Carter (Philip Seymour Hoffman)
Lance Carter (John Goodman)
Monday Duke (Patricia Arquette)
Noam Gold (Oliver Platt)
Omega Finch (Willem Dafoe)
Peyton Blythe (Regina King)
Russel Warszawski (Adam Sandler)
Sullivan Landon (Christopher Lloyd)
Tuesday Duke (Reese Witherspoon)
Victor Jamison (Mike Myers)
Winslow Warszawski (Brad Garrett)
Xavier Solomon (David Spade)
Yancy Haggard (Kiefer Sutherland)
Zoey Knight (Geena Davis)
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OZ - Characters (& Actors)
Augustus Hill (Harold Perrineau)
Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen)
Ryan O'Reily (Dean Winters)
Kareem Saïd / Goodson Truman (Eamonn Walker)
Miguel Alvarez (Kirk Acevedo)
Vernon Schillinger (J.K. Simmons)
Simon Adebisi (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Christopher Keller (Christopher Meloni)
Zahir Arif (Granville Adams)
Hamid Khan (Ernie Hudson Jr.)
Nacim Bismilla (Re Hanna)
Huseni Mershah / James Monroe Madison (Roger Guenvuer Smith)
Leroy Tidd / Salah Udeen (Jacues Smith)
Jefferson Keane (Leon)
Kenny Wangler (J.D. Williams)
Arnold 'Poet' Jackson (muMs the Schemer)
Paul Markstrom (O.L. Duke)
Junior Pierce (Malé-Lexington Alexander)
Malcolm 'Snake' Coyle (Treach)
Johnny Post (Tim McAdams)
James Robson (R.E. Rodgers)
Mark Mack (Leif Riddell)
Jaz Hoyt (Evan Seinfeld)
Scott Ross (Stephen Gevedon)
Andrew Schillinger (Frederick Koehler)
Nino Schibetta (Tony Schibetta)
Peter Schibetta (Eddie Malavarca)
Antonio Nappa (Mark Margolis)
Chucky Pancamo (Chuck Zito)
Dino Ortolani (Jon Seda)
Don Zanghi (John Palumbo)
Joey D'Angelo (Goodfella Mike G)
Mario Seggio (Todd Etelson)
Salvatore DeSanto (Phil Campanella)
Raoul 'El Cid' Hernandez (Luis Guzman)
Carmen 'Chico' Guerra (Otto Sanchez)
Carlos Martinez (Carlos Leon)
Carlo Ricardo (Juan Carlos Hernandez)
Cyril O'Reily (Scott William Winters)
Rev. Jeremiah Cloutier (Luke Perry)
Timmy Kirk (Sean Dugan)
Alonzo Torquemada (Bobby Cannavale)
Richie Hanlon (Jordan Lage)
Shirley Bellinger (Kathryn Erbe)
Bob Rebadow (George Morfogen)
Agamemnin Busmalis (Tom Mardirosian)
Donald Groves (Sean Whitesell)
Jackson Vahue (Rick Fox)
Desmond Mobay / John Basil (Lance Reddick)
Richard L'Italien (Eric Roberts)
Nikolai Stanislofsky (Phillip Casnoff)
William Giles (Austin Pendleton)
Henry Stanton (Thomas G. Waites)
Colonel Edward Galson (John Doman)
Eli Zabitz (David Johansen)
Kipekemie Jara (Zakes Mokae)
Dean Alvah Case (Charles S. Dutton)
Sean Murphy (Robert Clohessy)
Claire Howell (Kristin Rohde)
Diane Wittlesey (Edie Falco)
Clayton Hughes (Seth Gilliam)
Karl Metzger (Bill Fagerbakke)
Eddie Hunt (Murphy Guyer)
Lenny Burrano (Skipp Sudduth)
Father Ray Mukada (B.D Wong)
Doctor Gloria Nathan (Lauren Veldez)
Governor James Devlin (Željko Ivanek)
Martin Querns (Reg E. Cathey)
Doctor Frederick Garvey (Milo O'Shea)
Warden Leo Glynn (Ernie Hudson)
Tim McManus (Terry Kinney)
Sister Peter Marie Reimondo (Rita Moreno)
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Picket Fences - Characters (& Actors)
Sheriff James 'Jimmy' Brock (Tom Skerritt)
Doctor Jill Brock (Kathy Baker)
Kimberly Brock (Holly Marie Combs)
Matthew Brock (Justin Shenkarow)
Zachary 'Zach' Brock (Adam Wylie)
Deputy Kenny Lacos (Costas Mandylor)
Deputy Maxine 'Max' Stewart (Lauren Holly)
Carter Pike (Kelly Connell)
Ginny Weedon (Zelda Rubinstein)
Douglas Wambaugh (Fyvush Finkel)
Judge Henry Bone (Ray Walston)
DA John Littleton (Don Cheadle)
DA Barnaby Wood (Peter Frechette)
ADA Petrovic (Jason Beghe)
Father Gary Barrett (Roy Dotrice)
Laurie Bey (Marlee Matlin)
Howard Buss (Robert Cornthwaite)
Doctor Joanna 'Joey' Diamond (Amy Aquino)
Lisa Fenn (Alexandra Lee)
Frank (David Proval)
Rachel Harris (Leigh Taylor-Young)
Ed Lawson (Richard Masur)
Peter Lebeck (Michael Jeter)
Milton Lebeck (Chris Owen)
Reverend Henry Novotny (Dabbs Greer)
Principal Michael Oslo (Roy Brocksmith)
Cynthia Parks (Elisabeth Moss)
Bill Pugen (Michael Keenan)
Lydia Brock (Cristine Rose)
Aiesha Campbell (Bruklin Harris)
Brian Latham (Gregory Vignolle)
Agent Donald Morrell (Sam Anderson)
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