#elote preparado
gummi-stims · 23 days
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🌽Elote Preparado🌽
From squishybunniislime's top sellers on tiktok!
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little-lamb-lyosha · 1 year
Opinions ™ apart i need to give points to aiden thomas because finally i saw portrayed one of my favorite romantic gestures: give one mazapan perfectly unwrapped to your crush (also laughing of him if he break it)
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ohbabydollie · 4 months
I need more of schlatt & latina reader PLEAAAASDEE 😵‍💫
few more hcs!!
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if you grew up in a home that was more of a “children are meant to be seen not heard” schlatt will hear you out!
he will make sure you do feel heard, even when it’s hard
he knows can’t fix the past so he’ll help you learn how to do good in the future
he understands you don’t mean to be angry or upset sometimes but you just are and will wait until you want to talk about it
he’s wants to be there for you through the good and the bad and the awful
onto the less angsty
yk how his fam is big corn people?
he will eat tf out of some esquites or any street food as a matter of fact
likes going to tianguis, la pulga, etc. with you!
especially the cheap ass prices at a pulga
throw in some chicharrón bien preparado n call it a date
likes looking for places to go eat with you
has made it a saturday morning tradition that you both go eat pancita (or anything you like) at a restaurant for breakfast/brunch
it hits everytime, especially when you’re both hungover
likes his gansitos frozen (no i’m not taking criticism)
keeps little snacks or candies in his pantry/fridge all the time
calls u “cariño” “corazón de melón” “vieja” “amor” “chiquita” “chikibaby”etc. especially if one of the nicknames pisses u off
LOVES salsa valentina and chamoy
god forbid someone makes homemade chamoy bc he’s absolutely devouring it with any and every fruit he can think of
if you listen to bolero while cleaning with him he’ll stop you so you guys can dance
“not right now, i gotta clean schlatt” you say as your boyfriend hugs you from behind “jus’ take a break, c’mon it won’t kill ya” he says as you roll your eyes and finally agree
“okay, but no funny business” you say putting the rag down and washing your hands to dance with him. he smiles at you, leaning into you and softly singing the lyrics to you as you smile
before you know it, you find yourselves making out with the music in the background, cleaning supplies forgotten but you’ll get to cleaning tomorrow
he genuinely puts so much love and passion into your relationship, getting you flowers, making the most out of little moments, etc.
he will be as romantic as he can be
meeting your cousins sucks for him though
they (especially if you have any male cousins) side eye him most of the time when they first meet him
they don’t mean to be rude but wtf is a random boy doing in their home???
your male cousins (esp if they see you as a little sister) don’t think anyone is good enough for you
they try to scare off schlatt at first but it doesn’t work so they try plan B
making him stay stupid shit in spanish infront of the family until he gets embarrassed and decides not to return (spoiler it doesn’t work)
“say ‘tengo el pene chiquito’ ” a cousin says to schlatt “tengo el pene chiquito(i have a small dick)?” schlatt asks as they snicker and nod “yeah just like that, don’t change a word” they say laughing while schlatt nods in acknowledgment
“ok, just don’t change a word” they say laughing while you go up to schlatt “y/n, guess what?” he asks you “hm?”
“te voy a dar mis hijos (im gonna give you my kids)” he says making you go red and your cousins stare at him
“hablas español (you speak spanish)?” they ask as he nods
most of your family interrogating him AND you
“does he treat you well?” “does he make good money?” “would he make you work” “cuantos hijos quiere (how many kids does he want)?” “es católico? (is he catholic)” etc.
at the end they decide that they approve of him
he should watch him back if you guys have a nasty break up though (warned by any male family member of urs)
“haha, just don’t break her heart” one of your uncles says to schlatt, laughing and shaking him as schlatt laughs nervously
“no seriously, hurt her and you’re dead, i’ve been to prison, i’ll go again”
at the end of the day as long as you’re happy, they’ll be happy
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eresmibonita · 2 months
N O R S 😊
N: ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para comprar?
Los puestos donde venden esta delicia. Elotes preparados con mayonesa, quesito y chilito 😋😋
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O: Color de ojos.
No sé, oscuros color caca. 🤣 Te dejo fotiwa.
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R: Canción favorita.
Tengo varias. Esta es una.
S: Un hecho al azar sobre ti.
No me gustan los mariscos, ni las playas.
Gracias por no dejarme morir tkm ♡
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soycaritoypinto · 13 days
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Sticker sheet - Antojitos ambulantes 🇲🇽😋
Lo mejor de la comida callejera mexicana: churros, una kittychela, elote preparado, gorditas de nata, algodon de azucar, y un hate!
Compra la tuya aquí (envíos a todo mx)
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lelee-tdn · 2 years
Rengoku eating elote preparado for Independence day in Mexico 💚
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Feliz día para los que son de México <33
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maluceh · 9 months
Para alguien que le cuesta dominar el ingles le es hermoso ver cuentas en tumblr que hablen español porque asi puedo comentarles y expresarles mi emocion sin sentirme mal por no escribir bien en inglés jajjaabs. Tu nuevo arte es una joya divina, estoy tremendamente enamorada de el, estuve siguiendo tu proceso y te felicito y agradezco por el esfuerzo que hiciste para mostrarnos esa belleza
Ademas de que me encanta tu manera de dibujar, me encanta tu jilly usando los modismos mexicanos y los trajes tipicos, sin duda jilly hablando español es lo más lindo, espero que en un futuro próximo podamos seguir viendo de este univero y ver a jilly comiendo un elote preparado mientras discuten quien es mejor team horchata o team Jamaica 💖
Que tengas un lindo día y un bonito mes patrio (omitamos los temblores) ❤️❤️
WEEEEEYYYY gracias por este mensaje tan bonito ay no, tkm amix. mientras yo viva seguiré dandole al mundo hc de jily/merodeadores latinos. ya tengo establecido de donde es cada quien y me ando frotando las manos de todo lo que quiero hacer. para acá no me tocan temblores pero gracias por la preocupación amix :*
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wheresarizona · 1 year
Sometimes you stop at the little roadside elote place and get some cause you know it’s gonna be good.
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Then you eat it on your drive back to work. So, just imagine seeing a woman going to fucking town eating corn on the cob while she drives.
It was delicious. 🤤🤤🤤
I’m also trying mango preparado. 🥰🥰🥰
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lowcallyfruity · 4 months
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AOUFH THIS IS SO GOOD…. Idk to me you remind of ‘spicy’ food… fiery but at the same time really nice… like yayy ^_^ also very sweet and savory… like idk
Idk this is one of my favorite foods… I love eating it… it’s so fucking good it fills me up and oaushdjssj
👍👍👍 you’re so cool Shoopy
YUU SHI!!! Yuu shi reminds me of a mangonada!!! (Specifically the one with mango slices , bc there’s a version that has like mango slushee)
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She reminds me of it because she’s so gaslight gatekeep girlboss… morally gray… and I support women’s rights and wrongs. Mangonadas, depending on how you make them can be very spicy.,, but because of the mango slices they’re also very sweet.. but also have that.. tangy? Mango taste… like yknow when mangos aren’t fully sweet….
Jocia reminds me of these little candy cups… baisically we take and fill it with Mexican candy…. The candies vary from spicy, sweet and sour… then we cover it chamoy… these cups can also be filled with other things along with candy… like peanuts or chips..fruits… but it commonly has candy and mango…
I think these are so her because, she’s very sweet, but she also has that ‘delinquent’ side to her…. Aoufhhhh <3 and that’s the spice- the little kick <3
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lipid · 8 months
would really love to write about an autumn date with lelouch... we could get elotes preparados and go to halloween stores ^_^ and watch scary movies... play with his hair while hes resting on my lap o.0 or after halloween we could go to a día de muertos festival downtown and go visit the cemetery...
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jupejumble · 1 month
mmmmm i want an elote preparado so bad rnnn
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v-anrouge · 2 months
I’m gonna bite you like elote preparado /aff
holy fuck those look so good i love corn so much
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suenitos · 8 months
tag games give me insane rsd like actual rsd but i'll do it jsut this once
🍃tag nine people to get to know better🌽
thank you @moonthreadsz for tagging me!
🌊three ships: dnf, klance, caitvi
⚓first ever ship: a bit niche but my actual answer is fireafy, my normal people answer is duncney (total drama)
👀currently watching: nothing atm T_T i have a lot on my list though
🎬last movie: nimona!
📖currently reading: unmasking autism 💀 an interesting topic tbf
🥞currently craving: elote preparado
ummmm i tag anyone who wants to do this ^^ cant rlly think of anyoen in particular rn
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alildude · 1 year
whoever invented elotes preparados n esquites deserves head in a comfortable bed
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mapachitanti · 1 year
Online misadventures: the firefly
Dating can be a lot of things but sometimes it's weird...
Nos quedamos de ver en un bar donde sirven unos hotdogs jumbo riquísimos porque salgo de trabajar con hambre. Llegué un poco tarde a la cita y lo busqué por todo el bar pero no lo vi. Le envié mensaje de texto y me dijo estoy frente a ti, efectivamente estaba ahí pero esa mesa estaba vacía cuando yo pase por ahí. Bueno que importa, estaba a punto de pedir y llego la comida y la bebida. Sospechoso??? Obviamente!!! Pero el bar es de un amigo mio jeje y él lo atiende así que todo safe. Lo que me sacó de onda es que mi date pidió todo lo que yo hubiera pedido... Platicamos por horas, reímos y soñamos. Me contó tantas cosas como su experiencia con hongos alucinógenos, el drama del divorció de su hermana, su trabajo supervisando la fabricación y prueba de autos voladores, todas las mascotas que había tenido en su vida, sus viajes astrales.... Así que lo llevé por un elote preparado, al probarlo casi llora de la emoción, como ai fuera la primera vez que lo probará y ok si es un manjar de los dioses pero tanto así ?
Caminamos un rato y me tomó de la mano para besarme en un arrebato me levanto en sus brazos cómo princesa... No soy gorda pero soy alta y pesada, así que me impresiono su fuerza!
Fuimos a su hotel un tanto lujoso pero ejecutivo, saludo a todos como si viviera ahí y todos lo saludaban con afecto. Se metió a bañar y al salir me doy cuenta que es calvo, gordo y BRILLA en la oscuridad!!!!
Ese hombre es radioactivo o extraterrestre porque apagué todas las luces para estar segura y el brillaba en la oscuridad, sera posible? Alguien tan blanco? Y a parte super bendecido por los dioses, tanto que apenas podía caminar. De repente se quedó dormido más bien desmayado, fui al baño y al regresar lo vi envuelto en la sábana blanca, pero aún brillaba un poco. Lo raro es que las sábanas eran negras, no se de dónde sacó la sábana blanca. Me dijo que me sliera por la otra puerta del cuarto y que ese camino me llevaría a la salida.
Al salir por la puerta me doy cuenta que estamos en el último piso del hotel y a la derecha hay una rampa que baja hasta unas puertas que dan a la banqueta.
Jamás volvi a saber del hombre luciérnaga pero muchas cosas cambiaron en mi vida a partir de ahí. Conseguí un trabajo estable en una empresa nueva, gane un viaje redondo en avión a Cancún, encontré un anillo que tenia perdido, baje de peso, vi a Tisca.
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jazper-j · 2 years
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Después de que se me antojara un elote preparado, se me vino a la mente un escenario en el cual Shen Yuan lleva a Luo Binghe a un pueblo a comer un elote y este le explica el arte de comerlo preparado.
Aunque al final se muera de vergüenza por no darse cuenta que se le quedo pegado queso y chilito del que no pica
Lean la novela del sistema de autosalvacion del villano escoria, pero no crean en lo que dice Shen Yuan es un narrador poco confiable.
Jazma fuera
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