#emotional support clown
Public service announcement!
If you see a service/emotional support clown in public, DO NOT INTERACT!! I’m tired of hearing story after story from my friends about how someone was distracting their service clown. If they have a vest on they’re working, end of story! Don’t try to get them to honk, show you a magic trick, and especially don’t try to feed them. Just pretend like they’re not there. Thank you
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spiralballoonshop · 26 days
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(via "Emotional Support Clown Fizzarolli" Magnet for Sale by SpiralBalloon)
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alicepooryorick · 1 year
Listen man, in the cartoons lately, Babs and Harley are besties, in the comics Jason is constantly looking after/vibing with Duela Dent.
Each bat needs an emotional support clown. Can like, punchline and Dick become friends or smth?
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chrf-honk · 9 months
Future help
Hello, I'm taking this time to make a premature announcement, I will hopefully have enough things figured out and squared away that I will be looking to bring some help in. "For what?', you may wonder, I will hopefully be able to explain when I know for sure things are going in the right direction! Anybody who wants to help with a big project that's ALL about clowns, clown breeds, clown husbandry,
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
*tries to be as discrete as possible*
psst, hey you... Emperor's Children pro;
I want to read more about Lucius (preferably pre-chaos but not necessarily).
Where do I look?
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Unfortunately he hasn't pre-Heresy-novels to himself and doesn't even show up in Fulgrim's Primarch-novel (too early). He's mentioned with one sentence in the Ferrus Manus-novel (very sensible chuckle). So you will have to rely on his 40k-novel (it's a good one! You will find some canon-things I'm totally ignoring for my art, but I'm pretty close: Ian St. Martin: Lucius - The Faultless Blade) and his 40k short story (funniest of all the 40k stories, set before the 40k novel. Ian St. Martin: Lucius - Pride and Fall). There are some tidbits of story/BG in his gamerules-booklet and some snippets here and there - but outside of the regular Heresy-series there's nothing in the Heresy/pre-Heresy-era for him.
We people of exquisite taste suffer a severe content-draught when it comes to our beloved murderhobo.
This may be because he's a very old character, been around for a long time as a villain in 40k and not much story besides "Champion of Slaanesh, can't die, bad guy". I hope they'll beef him up on that regard - after all, they gave him that horrible new Heresy-mini, why not let someone write more pre-Heresy-content for him (not Mr. McNeill preferably please)? One can dream!
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lazarus-quinn · 2 years
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courgette, reporting for duty
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lobotomize-d · 10 months
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I'm out of the country, and I brought an emotional support clown for the trip :-)
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This is one of those days where I need an emotional support clown
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rambunctioustoons · 8 months
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A collection of Buggy doodles
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chocopink · 8 months
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Buggy the clown I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow, drawing you with pink hair
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charlie-oh-no · 8 months
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a short story skdjksdj
I based this on a post I saw here and I can't find it now 😔🤧
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3thingsnothidden · 26 days
I am totally clowning right now BUT I have some thoughts
what if buck catches eddie and kim out and he has his own grocery store moment along the lines of “what are you doing? since when do we lie to each other? have you thought of what this might do to chris?” and then he kinda storms off. then kim is sitting there stunned and asks “is that your boyfriend/husband?”
and that questions floors eddie for a sec because why would she think that and maybe she follows it up with “I thought you were single. I’m not trying to break apart a family. It seems like you and your partner have somethings to work out”
obviously eddie is clinging to this idealized version of shannon (and definitely has some stuff to work through there) and kim is safe since she’s the doppleganger but maybe she can still be the start of eddie realizing he doesn’t need to remake the family he had with shannon because he’s already made something with buck.
the with “isolation” maybe eddie pulls away/into himself a bit as he’s working through it because he doesn’t know what to do with this realization and feelings (resurfacing if the catholic guilt arc maybe?)
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distort-opia · 1 year
Bruce everytime a hero/villain tries to take care of joker themselves thinking they're doing batman a favor:
LMFAO Anon you're so right. It's literally like that. (Damn, this song has a lot of amazing lines.) But if you know me, you know I'm incapable of not examplifying with some comic panels because it's just great:
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Impulse #50
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Injustice: Gods Among Us -- Year Zero #14
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Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights
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localratwithcowboyhat · 7 months
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A silly little guy I made to day
He’s a little wonky but thats ok
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
I told myself I would only bring one plushy on my trip (Yuuji from JJK) and now Buggy is in my pack and I also have to fit Yuuji and a Flareon. And why does Buggy look even more mischievous packed in a backpack than when he isn't?
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