#emperor goose
vintagewildlife · 2 months
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Emperor goose scaring a photographer off its nest By: Arthur A. Allen From: The Book of Bird Life 1961
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catfindr · 1 year
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na-bird-of-the-day · 8 months
BOTD: Emperor Goose
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Photo: Thorsten Hackbarth
"This tidewater goose of the Bering Sea region seems less wary than most other geese. Uncommon and localized, it ordinarily migrates only short distances, from the Alaskan and Siberian tundra to the Aleutian chain; only a few stragglers are seen south of Alaska. Generally does not mix with other geese, and usually travels in small groups, although large numbers may concentrate at a few key spots in migration and winter."
- Audubon Field Guide
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art-ocational · 2 months
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Anthro Emperor goose adopt ($5)
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Round 2 match 2A
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The Cackling Goose looks a lot like a compressed Canada Goose. Its colouration and markings are similar overall, but it has a noticeably shorter neck and a stubbier bill. Some individuals have a white ring at the base of their neck, and this is particularly common in the subspecies that breeds on the Aleutian islands in Alaska.
The Emperor Goose is found on the Pacific coast, and its North American Range is mainly restricted to Alaska. While one of its most distinctive features is its white head and neck, these feathers are often stained reddish brown during the summer when the goose feeds in waters containing iron oxide.
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timetolearnoclock · 8 months
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adult cry
“Far less noisy is the Emperor Goose, whose adult cry is an infrequent “Kla-ha, kla-ha.”
October 1951
Quote taken from original text included with the image in the magazine
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sovereign-spaw · 9 months
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rat-at-heart · 29 days
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Some think her first crush was the Ugly Duckling, but really it was Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove
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tagedeszorns · 3 months
Kornelis somehow chasing Daemon Primarch Magnus/Fulgrim
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A match made in heaven superhell.
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ineedcoffee-sigyn · 9 months
Anyway, thought I do this again:
Hit me up with what kind you want to see for Belos/Philip
Option 1
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Option 2
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queenlua · 8 months
birding is so great, someone will post "hey i was hanging out in the bushes behind this country-ass casino parking lot and saw a Harris's hawk, seems a lil weird, also there was a bell and leather tether attached to its legs, so... anyone missing one"
and within an hour the Voltron of every falconer in the region descends into this country-ass parking lot to retrieve their bro's Wayward Son
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ceruleanvulpine · 1 year
huge respect to @myxinidaes for reblogging that post with 100 birds
#ok im gonna try to list 100 birds. house sparrow song sparrow fox sparrow white-throated sparrow dark-eyed junco#robin. ovenbird. hermit thrush. carolina wren. cardinal#carolina chickadee. house finch. purple finch. goldfinch. white-breasted nuthatch#red-breasted nuthatch. hooded merganser. american coot. wood duck. mallard duck#surf scoter. ruddy duck. black duck. northern shoveler. common loon#crow. fish crow. raven. turkey vulture. bald eagle#feral pigeon. mourning dove. turkey. quail. AMERICAN WOODCOCK#solitary sandpiper. herring gull. great black-backed gull. piping plover. killdeer#yellow-rumped warbler. pine warbler. palm warbler. black and white warbler. i cant think of a fifth warbler. red tailed hawk#cooper's hawk. osprey. barn swallow. tree swallow. blue jay#peacock. egyptian goose. peregrine falcon. merlin. canadian goose#green heron. starting to struggle here. flamingo. skua. albatross. great blue heron#barn owl - snowy owl - great horned owl - barred owl - WHAT was that little owl in central park called - uhhh mandarin duck#chicken. california condor. rose finch (there are many but i dont remember any of the weirder species). adelie penguin. emperor penguin#northern mockingbird.. starling.. grackle.. african gray parrot.. monk parakeet#stellar's jay ... baltimore oriole.. argh what's the other oriole we get. DOWNY WOODPECKER.. hairy woodpecker... pileated woodpecker#red-headed woodpecker. red-bellied woodpecker. ruby-throated hummingbird. scarlet macaw. whooping crane#whippoorwill. snowy egret. great egret. european robin. bird of paradise#there's a warbler that's just 'yellow' right? yellow warbler? cormorant...#struggling with some where i cant remember the exact name like was it a 'double crested' cormorant or something else.#zebra finch .. blue-footed booby... pelican....#australian magpie. The Other Magpie. ibis (nonspecific). potoo. EASTERN BLUEBIRDDDDDD !!!#ceruleanrambling#now i can go read yours
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mother-goose-honk · 2 years
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more art of my Reincarnated!Reader!
this is another one that’s been floating in my head for a while so it’s nice to finally get out
I HAD A TERRIBLE THOUGHT WHILE DRAWING HER-- I would describe her style of dress as “knock off disney princess” but tonight I was like “...fuck, she looks like Jessica Rabbit.”
and now I wanna draw her in a sparkly dress ala I’m not bad I was just drawn that way
maybe later
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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05/08/2022-Lakeside and home with some thoughts on my Big Butterfly Counts this year in the last few days of it 
On two lovely Lakeside walks at lunch and this evening I enjoyed doing a Big Butterfly in each. The Green-veined White in the first picture I took today in this photoset was a star of the lunch time one, a stylish looking species that I’ve seen well over the Big Butterfly Count period this year. I also saw two Common Blues a great star performer especially later in the count as their second emergence in a year has come on nicely towards the end, three Meadow Brown and one Gatekeeper my undisputed top two across my regular Big Butterfly Counts this year again as well as six Speckled Wood a revelation of the last three weeks and this year as whole. I have certainly seem more than usual this year and these three weeks getting many brilliant moments with them. I barely remember it ever being my most numerous species in a Big Butterfly Count before this year but its been that or joint most numerous four times for me this year so far. This evening I saw three Meadow Browns and Small Whites another strong year for the latter after it was my runaway star and the star of the count last year with one Gatekeeper seen too. 
Tonight’s was Big Butterfly Count number thirty eight by me this year including a few prior to the start date in July to warm up and allow me to include decent numbers of Ringlet and Marbled White at their peak around that time, and I certainly aim to make it forty over the weekend before the count closes on Sunday, however I didn’t feel tonight’s blog would be too long so I thought I would do some summing up type thoughts on the Big Butterfly Count for this year tonight. 
I had been thinking to myself that perhaps I have counted less butterflies this year, it just seemed in the counts I had a lot of gaps in seeing butterflies and didn’t have as many where I counted well into double figures even into the twenties and thirties of the key species like Gatekeeper/Meadow Brown as previous years. But I keep the list of all the counts I do that I note down seeing the butterflies and how many on my phone and put them in an archive document since 2020 so I compared earlier this evening with the other two years I avidly did Big Butterfly Counts doing one most days like this year, 2020 and 2021 and actually the numbers this year aren’t too different so I think I was barking up the wrong tree slightly. However that’s such a key part of what this citizen science survey is all about to check the health of populations of these important and wonderful insects, to think I am maybe not seeing as much as I should and the results of the count has informed Butterfly Conservation so well of worrying times the past few years. Even though I have now reminded myself the many results of my many Big Butterfly Counts mostly on Lakeside lunch time and evening walks and other locations good butterfly ones or general ones specifically weren’t that different to 2020 and 2021 and I could see high numbers over the next two days when I aim to do some more, I do wonder whether if there were less about it was due to the extremely hot and dry few weeks it was and the impact of those days on plants which is a concern with the climate crisis. One a different note to Lakeside specifically I certainly walk further on my walks this year so potentially the fifteen minutes of counting taking in a few areas meant I had minutes without them seeing less as I walked down paths and things but on the flip side it was also so good to get different habitats and a range of species into fifteen minutes during walks. 
Overall I must say what a very enjoyable three weeks its been and some time before doing some counts, not only does it prove really rewarding to tell Butterfly Conservation what you have seen and naturally what you haven’t but its such good fun. I get so positively addicted to seeing everything from Comma which I’ve had a good count for and Six-spot Burnet a day flying moth and the others in between and counting them and comparing species, days and habitats. Its so fulfilling and was perfect in the heatwave conditions for me as something to focus on whilst being outside in it. I was also proud that there was only one species of the selection for the nation my counts contributed to I didn’t spot in the count and that’s a species I’ve only ever seen once before the Jersey Tiger moth I didn’t think I’d necessarily get the breadth of species seen this year which I did last year but it all came together with counts done at different sites in Hampshire and one in Dorset last weekend at Durlston and different parts of England with a trip away to Rutland via Norfolk during it. Really good and important summer fun, thanks to Butterfly Conservation for running it so well again and after the last two days I will be looking forward to doing it all again next year. 
It was another fantastic dragonfly day at Lakeside, with Emperor seen well over the field by the woods that is so good for butterflies and was a big part of the first count I did this year at lunch time. I also got a brilliant view of a bright blue male Broad-bodied Chaser along the northern path tonight the first I’d seen for a while.
Bird wise it was lovely to see the Great Crested Grebes well again, see Magpies on both walks and get a smashing intimate view of a Lesser Black-backed Gull flying over me along the northern path tonight with the young and adult seen well on beach lake at lunch time. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of a group of Mallards it was nice to see swimming along with possibly some younger ones. I enjoyed seeing Black-headed Gull swoop down onto the lake. I got some great views of Collared Doves at home today with two feeding on the tray before I went for my lunch time walk I took the third picture in this photoset of them. 
Key flowers I saw today were fleabane shining in the sun again, ragwort, a lone thistle on the green out the front which was interesting to see I took the eighth picture in this photoset of some fluffy ones again tonight at Lakeside, meadow crane’s-bill, water mint, lots of red bartsia again, black mullein and red valerian tonight and purple loosestrife and hemp agrimony mixing wonderfully to add a great splash of colour around beach lake which I enjoyed at lunch time. I took the second picture in this photoset of bright red fuchsia which looks great in the garden especially shining in the sunlight which is nice to look down on from my room, I also enjoyed seeing the sunflowers and other flowers at home.
It was lovely to take in and make the most of the glorious green landscape at Lakeside and from and near home today, in the bright sunshine on a hot day it was so rich and pleasurable to take in it was lovely to see the bright green swathes of trees in the landscape in the distance. It was nice to see a little tree a possible strawberry tree with nice lush green leaves in the meadow by the woods. Such precious time spent outside today. I took the fourth, fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset at Lakeside at lunch time and final two of views there this evening. It was great to see a smashing red sunset tonight the first I’d seen for a while where there was red right across the sky, with the buildings and trees visible from my room unifying in a continuous silhouette which looked nice. I liked seeing the moon from Lakeside this evening too. I hope you all have a nice weekend. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, two of my favourite dragonflies the Black-tailed Skimmer and Emperor, Mallard, Moorhen, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Jackdaw seen well at home, Magpie, Woodpigeon seen well flying over at Lakeside, Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood and I heard Starlings well in the garden today.
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Round 3 match 1A
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The Mallard is sexually dimorphic, meaning the females look different from the males. The female is mottled brown with an orange bill that has a distinctive orange saddle shape on top. Since Mallards are incredibly widespread, they are easily one of the most recognizable duck species in North America. Additionally, most domestic ducks breeds are descended from Mallards.
The Emperor Goose is not sexually dimorphic, which means females and males look the same. The body is grey with white and black barring that can make it look like it has a scaly pattern. While one of its most distinctive features is its white head and neck, these feathers are often stained reddish brown during the summer when the goose feeds in waters containing iron oxide.
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shadyhouse · 2 years
If multiple are allowed...
1, 48 and 50 for the ask meme :3c
oh my god i just typed out a huge huge huge thing and accidentally refreshed AUGHHHHH lets start again.... who is/are your comfort character(s)? i have a few tbh, my ultimate comfort character of all time is kk slider! he's been my favorite since i was 8 years old 😌 mario (and luigi) are also comfort characters ive had for an absurdly long time.... i promise theyre not all n*ntendo tho dhskgjldhs for example garfield is a BIG one for me 🥺 im getting a tattoo of him soon im excited... some honorable mentions: mettaton, dethklok (like. the whole band), the characters in the WWDITS movie Especially viago ❤, team skull from pokemon also has a whole, there's definitely some pokemon i consider "comfort characters" too like bewear, quagsire, dragonite, goodra, ect, all the huge huggable ones that can also protect you 👉👈 i definitely have more but these are all i can think of off the top of my head ghskjhl and also i havent been into any Media this past year bc i was too depressed but im slowly getting back into things.... i Will have more up to date comfort characters soon that is a Promise when did you first try an alcohol beverage? when i was 12 years old my parents were having a party and made jello shots and they let me have one bc it was summer vacation for me, i thought it was disgusting <3 id love to try jello shots again as an adult tho i bet they fuckin slap can i tag you in random stuff?
ABSOLUTELY i love being tagged in things!! even if i dont reply or if i just give it a like, just know that i really really really appreciate it i just dont know what to say most of the time dskjglshd
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