#end stage capitalism
Millennial "We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week. That's fucked up."
Baby Boomer blue collar worker. "Boohoo, baby baby handle a little work. I do hard labor 80 hours a week and you don't see me bitching. I like that hard work. Working hard or hardly working, am I right?"
Millennial. "I don't think that you get my point. That's fucked up too. You shouldn't have to do back breaking labor 80 hrs a week to survive. That's fucked up. You're being exploited. Why are you proud of this?"
Anyways. I still think we should have 20 hr work weeks making $62,000 salary with guaranteed 4 weeks paid vacation time, unlimited sick leave (that you can use for your mental health), 1 year maternal and paternal leave, unlimited bereavement leave that applies to friends, family, and pets, mandatory unions, and universal Healthcare.
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Nobody in Capitalism ever succeeded (got rich, the only measure of "success" in Capitalism) without the EXPRESS PERMISSION of a rich person.
Think about it. No one gets rich without the say-so of bankers, investors, venture capitalists, advertisers, suppliers, logistics, ISPs, Jeff Bezos, studio heads, or the government.
They say "anyone can make it" but then admit that "only the exceptional can make it." And "exceptional" means tremendous luck and rich friends and family. (The "hard work" part is bullshit. Poor people are the hardest-working people I've ever met.)
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
Job Postings in 2023
Must have a Ph.D. in astrophysics with three years experience as an orchestra conductor and know how to perform open heart surgery. Must be able to speak Leonese and willing to relocate to Tuvalu at a moment’s notice. The ideal candidate will be able to program the Mars rover, solve a Rubix cube in under two minutes, and write all memos in haiku form. Experience marketing shoes to Russian seals living in Antarctica is required. Familiarity with Malbolge is a plus. Must be a team player, willing to work twelve to fifteen hours per day, six days a week, weekends, and most holidays. Pay $12/hour.
Employers: No one wants to work, we don't understand why.
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sataniccapitalist · 9 months
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theprogressivesadist · 10 months
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end stage capitalism be like
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amaditalks · 2 months
No, store app, I am not going to write a review of my recent purchase in order to help other customers decide what to buy. If someone really needs my review of a half gallon of whole milk to know whether or not to buy it, they are too far gone. They have reached a place where my words cannot reach them.
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cultofcreatures · 5 days
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headlines, bread lines blow my mind, and now this deadline: “eviction or pay rent!”
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mckitterick · 1 month
The Torment Nexus
Coming soon to a dream near you!
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source article: X
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source post: X
"Because some dreams are nightmares" - James E Gunn
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fondwand · 1 month
just saw a tiktok about 'unpopular opinions' where the first opinion this guy says is 'poor people shouldn't be allowed to have children' and I'm just absolutely baffled at the American modern imperialist capitalist brain which goes to 'we should invasively control and monitor the reproductive rights of impoverished people, and I suppose (????) take existing children off of people who fall below a certain income level' before you would go to 'we should make sure that nobody is impoverished, and can therefore take care of their children'
and the worst part was the people in the comments all agreeing with him
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disasterhimbo · 3 months
there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop
By Vinay Krishnan
there’s laundry to do and a genocide to stop. I have to eat better and also avoid a plague. my rent went up $150. I’ll need to pick up more shifts. Twenty people died in Rafah this morning and every major news outlet is stretching the limits of passive voice to suggest whole families may have leaped up through the air at missiles that otherwise had the right of way. I just got a notification that my student loan payments are starting up again and my phone isn’t charged. My cousin got COVID for a fourth time and can no longer work or walk or even feed himself. The person across from me on the L train seems to fashion themself a punk rock revolutionary, but they’re not wearing a face mask, and that’s the kind of cognitive dissonance that makes me want to steal batteries. Fascists keep winning primaries for both parties, and I think I gained a few pounds. The CDC just announced there are no more speed limits on highways, and I think this Ativan is finally hitting. The NYPD farmer’s market only sells bad apples, have you heard that one? Listen it’s warm today, too warm for March. But I don’t have time to think through the implications because there’s laundry to do and a genocide to stop.
Source: https://x.com/vinayrkrishnan/status/1765428498573771235
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When they inevitably make a marvel dc crossover movie, will it be a sharing situation like disney has with sony over spiderman, or will it be because disney and warner bros merge into one giga-conglomerate? I say merge because I think of them as roughly equal in scope, but let's be honest, it would be disney buying wb, not the other way around.
Hey, remember back in 2008 when WALL-E showed us a ludicrous world where a single company took over the entire planet and made it hostile to all life as we know it and held humanity hostage for centuries with brain numbing distractions to keep them docile? Crazy, right? That could never happen, certainly not by the 2100s!
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Greta Thunberg was absolutely beloved when her protests were just that. Talk. But now that she's increasingly spoken on indigenous issues and anticapitalist ideas. The camera went down and the police started coming out.
On a side note, I can't believe she's 20 already. GenZ is so brave.
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ruralreligion · 7 months
As we enter farther into late stage capitalism we bare witness to a phenomenon which is quite unlike the revolutionary fall of other economic systems of the past (like feudalism/monarchies in the french rev (as symbolism for the implementation of capitalism as the new global system)). Not completely unlike aristocrats who, historically, were openly and publicly drowning in luxury and lavish. For the uber-wealthy in the west, relatability seems to be key to their personas. They still sit in their metaphorical (or not) castle on the hill, yet they do so by appealing to the working class with pleas of ‘im just like u’ or ‘this pandemic has been hard for all of us’. Seemingly to gain solidarity or even sympathy from the working class. However, with class consciousness rising almost as much as grocery prices, i don’t believe more apology videos in sweatpants and messy buns will save the bourgeoisies’ heads in the next Terror. The more the people see cosplays of working at walmart, the less faint it seems the memory of the women marching on versailles becomes. ‘Let them eat cake’ comes in many forms people!!!
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
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[ Elon Musk's dad has fathered a second child with his stepdaughter, who is 41 years his junior, he said in a new interview. 
Errol Musk, 76, told The Sun Wednesday that he had a daughter with Jana Bezuidenhout, 35, in 2019. The elder Musk and Bezuidenhout previously welcomed a son, Elliot Rush, who is now 5 years old.
Bezuidenhout's mother, Heide, and Musk were married for 18 years and share two children. Bezuidenhout was 4 years old when Musk became her stepfather.
Errol Musk told The Sun the child "wasn't planned," adding that he and Bezuidenhout lived together for roughly 18 months after the birth of their first child. They no longer live together but "have a lot of affection for each other," he said.
The elder Musk said his daughters were "shocked" by his relationship with Bezuidenhout. The New York Post reported that he had fathered a total of seven children.
"To them it was their sister," he told The Sun. "They still feel a bit creepy about it, because she's their sister. Their half-sister."
"The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce," he said. "If I could have another child I would. I can't see any reason not to."
Today, Errol and Elon Musk are estranged. ]
No wonder Elon is such a scumbag, his dad is like this
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theprogressivesadist · 3 months
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