enigma-im · 8 months
Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Alien x F!Human Warnings: alien sex, space force, weird alien sex, sex cocoon, zero gravity sex
Word Count: 5,599
Brother works at Space Force, so it's not uncommon for aliens to stop by. Though this one is a bit cute.
I can only stare at the tall dark figure hiding in my kitchen. It seems that's all the figure can do as well. Trapped in a standoff. My heart races a mile a minute, never expecting to have company so late at night. I slowly reach for the light switch, careful with any sudden movements. As the room becomes clear I finally see what's standing on the other side of the kitchen island.
"Oh," I gawk. Before me is an incredibly tall alien, equipped with long lanky limbs, odd head-shape, and spikes barely visible behind their back. An honest-to-God alien is standing in my kitchen. "I'll take it you are looking for my brother," I ask as I casually walk over to the fridge.
It's the alien's turn to gawk," Uh, yes. Is he here?"
I look through the fridge for the pitcher of sweet tea, spotting it on the top shelf. "No, he is on his way back from his friend's place though. Should be in within the hour if you wanted to wait around. Up to you."
I set the pitcher on the table and then reach for a cup on the hook. I look up to the alien as I pour, hinting at him to answer.
He stumbles," Right, if that's ok with you. I'd hate to impose."
I wave him off," No worries. It's part of the gig living here. You aren't the first or the last alien I'll see around here. Though you are here very late." I sip from my cup, lounging against the counter.
"So sorry, It was very important. Otherwise, I would have waited until morning. I know how long humans sleep but I believe I got the math a bit wrong. Do you always sleep at night or every other day," He rambles. I smile into my cup, he's cute.
"Every night, though it's a give and take on what time of the night," I shrug," ten at night is one of those give and take times. I was actually heading to bed now."
He startles at the answer," Oh then I am so sorry! Please, don't let me keep you. I know how important sleep is for your kind."
I snicker," Don't be sorry. You will never find me passing up an opportunity to speak with an alien while in my PJs." He leans over and looks me from head to toe, eyes wide and mouth parted. Am I being checked out right now? I poke a foot forward to show off my slippers.
"Well you look professional enough for me," He shrugs," you wouldn't mind keeping me company then?"
"It would truly be my pleasure," I hang at the end waiting for a name. He doesn't pick up on it. "I'm Liya, by the way," I prompt instead.
"Hello, Liya," he practically purrs," My name is Pavo L'tun'ku, 2nd in command of human relations aboard S.L. Quain."
"Oh, I didn't know we were doing all that," I half tease. I straight up, setting my cup down," I am Liya Woodard, in charge of the distribution of goods across the entirety of the USA." I relax and reach for my cup with a smirk," How was that?"
He leans onto his forearms," Little too formal but I appreciate the effort."
"Oh hush, I was just coping you," I joke back.
We get to chatting for a bit before my brother makes his way home. Pavo goes regal at his entrance, as does my brother. It's like watching someone talk to the president. I could almost see the red tape go up for appropriate interspecies conversation that aligns with government protocol.
"Woodard," Pavo greets," Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed. There is an issue regarding a certain rebel group at one of our events."
"Very well," Thomas answers all professional, it almost makes me laugh, " give me just a moment to change and we will leave post haste."
Thomas scoots past and quickly bolts up the steps. I look over to Pavo who has relaxed a little.
"Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed," I mock Pavo, even standing the way he did. He glares over at me half-heartedly.
"Shut up," He smiles. I laugh.
Thomas is quick, already downstairs before I can chat with Pavo a little more. To my dismay. Thomas grabs his keys from the hook and looks back at me.
"I'll be back tomorrow, Uh," He looks around," Be good?"
"Be good? You be good," I scoff. He rolls his eyes before heading for the door. Pavo looks around and then points at me.
"Be good," he mimics Thomas.
"See you around, Pavo," I tiredly wave. He gives me a big ole alien smile full of teeth before heading out. I smile to myself, feeling a little giddy. I head to bed, not before thinking back.
He really was cute.
It's a while before I hear anything of Pavo. It's surprising when I do hear about him through my brother. We are sitting in for dinner, which is rare, and we are discussing our day when he pauses and glares at me.
Pointing his fork at me he says," You ruined my professional relationship!"
I gawk, pointing at myself in question.
"Yes, you," he chuckles," Pavo won't shut up about you."
I jokingly twirl my hair as I lean forward on the table, "Do you, like, think that he, like, likes me?" I say in my best high schooler voice.
"ew,," he cringes, reaching over and stealing from my plate," For making me hear that."
"rude," I answer, missing stealing back my food by a hair," So what's up with Pavo, why is he bugging you?"
He sighs," It's every day. He thinks he is being casual about it but the man is super obvious. I don't know what voodoo you put on him but the guy is smitten. Before I tell him anything I wanted to make sure you are cool with meeting him again."
I snicker," is big brother setting me up on a date?"
He fake gags," Disgusting. Horrific, downright awful. Consider it this way, I'm trying to keep Pavo out of my office so I can work."
"and keep him in my pants, got it," I nod. He pretends to vomit, though it looks very convincing.
"Nope, conversation over," He stacks up his dishes and heads to the kitchen," This never happened!"
I bite back a laugh," I appreciate you butting into my love life but I'd appreciate if you didn't"
"Well keep your love life out of my office," He yells back. He comes back into the dining room, holding the doorframe. "He is coming over tomorrow for a meeting, and he may have some extra time because he is getting here an hour early because I may or may not have given him the wrong time. I'm not saying I did, but you do owe me two tickets for my movie date next week with Rebecca."
I sigh," Send me the info and I'll get it to you." I want to argue but the idea of seeing Pavo again is too grand.
"Nice, you have dishes right," He runs off before I can answer," Thank you!"
Such a putz, but I can't focus on that. It seems I have a mini-date tomorrow.
I dress midway between casual and date night. It was a very hard combo to pull off but I'm working with the 'hot but cool' angle. However, none of this could matter because he is an alien who hasn't a clue what is considered "trying to look cute" flirting is. Ugh, this is hard.
I wait in the living room, trying to seem as relaxed as possible. I even practice little greetings in my head like an idiot. Thomas comes down the stairs in his service uniform, looking proper. It is interesting to think this wild teenager could grow up to be this proper young man, helping lead the charge in cross-universe communication with alien life.
"Hey, dipshit, he will be over in 10, stop looking so tense," He leans over the back of the couch and boops my nose.
Well, almost a proper young man.
The doorbell rings shortly after, and Thomas answers. I can hear Pavo from the living room and I can't help but get all giddy. I scold myself for the reaction, I had one conversation with the guy! Relax!
As I hear their voices near I stand from the couch, regretting the choice immediately. Stand when guests are over? It's not even technically my guest, but I guess it's polite.
Pavo rounds the corner and is now in sight. In the daylight, I can tell his body isn't black but a very dark purple. He doesn't have skin but a carapace, a hard shell protecting his body. He is very bug-like though he lacks any pinchers or antennae. His face is human-ish, his eyes are large, and his wide mouth. Spikes go along the back of his body, coming from his head and back. They are short but some stretch out long enough to bend and crick in different ways. It's almost like branches.
When Pavo sees me he pauses, eyes wide and a smile up his cheeks. He looks me over and with a jolt his spikes elongate, nearly catching Thomas in the face.
"Whoa," Thomas yelps.
"Hello again, Liya," Pavo greets, ignoring Thomas.
"Hello Pavo," I answer back," Long time no see."
"Long time indeed, I see you have upgraded from professional sleepwear," He teases.
"This old thing," I shrug," I think my oversized t-shirt works a bit better but I was told I may be entertaining guests today."
"you wouldn't mean me, would you," He asks, leaning against the couch. Behind him, I can see my brother miming choking, then pretending to stab himself with a knife. The drama queen.
"I'm going to set up," Thomas interjects into our conversation," Feel free to anything you want in the kitchen, just ask my sister here."
Pavo straightens," Oh, yes, thank you."
Thomas leaves us to our own devices, it feels like our chaperone left. I look Pavo over, watching the sun gleam off his shell. His uniform is interesting, bright white.
"Would you care for a drink," I break the silence.
"Yes please," He steps closer. I lead the way into the kitchen.
"Anything you want? I really don't know what would be edible for you," I ask, cringing a bit at the delivery.
"I was incredibly curious about the drink you had the other night, it smelled sweet," He answers, pointing to the fridge.
"Sweet tea," I ask, though it's pointless. How would he know the answer? "Let me grab you a little sample. Though a fair warning, it's incredibly sweet. Practically icing."
"Oh, even better," he takes a seat at the island as I grab a drink," I've been lured in with your human sugar. It's been incredible. I had those, umm, what's the name? The small brown bars with a wafer inside."
"Kit-kat or Twix," I ask as I pour a small glass. ," I ask
He clicks deep in his throat," Yes, that's it! The Kit bar." He grabs the glass I push to him, taking a small gulp timidly. In a moment he shoots back the whole thing. Setting the glass down he closes his eyes and savors the sweet syrup.
"Like it," I ask.
"Love it," He grins. Slowly opening his eyes he nudges the glass forward, "More, please?"
We chat a little between cups of tea, him chugging the rest of my full pitcher. He tells me about his home that he hasn't seen in years. I tell him about my life at college before I got my job. It's pleasant. If I didn't know any better though, I'd say his spikes we growing. About an hour later they had grown a few inches, making him look large and intimidating. Like some sort of tree monster outside my childhood window. Though that one was just an old oak while this one is a charming alien.
Thomas steals him away, not before Pavo extends an invite to his ship sometime. Invited onto an alien's ship, that sounds like a great start to some interspecies relations.
Thomas had managed to set up communication between Pavo and me. We chat on some app Thomas downloaded onto my phone. It's wonky and not the best but what's a girl to do? Pavo and I flirt a bit, though it never goes any deeper. Despite my best attempts, he just doesn't get into anything more sexual. I could be pushing too hard or their species just doesn't work that way. Maybe he doesn't even have sex?
Today though is the day to finally get on his ship. All the approval has been submitted- thank you, Thomas- and we begin a tour of his home away from home.
We meet at the airlock between his ship and the Space Hub for Earth. I'm escorted by some officers and we all greet each other on the bridge. When I see Pavo we both light up. His back branches are stretched out, looking truly like a tree now. He jerks a little as his spikes snap outwards tearing some of his uniform in the process. The officer next to me winces at the crack sound that comes softly from him. Almost like the quiet sound of someone popping their fingers.
"Hello, Liya," Pavo greets, grabbing my hand and giving a firm shake," I believe this is correct."
I shake his hand back," Little formal for friends but it works for now."
"Friends," he asks," are we friends?"
"For the time being," I hint. He smiles before greeting the two flanking me.
With that out of the way, I'm free to venture into the unknown. I feel like a pioneer, one of the few to venture into an alien's ship. I'm sure sometime in the future there will be museums for this sort of thing. 'Explore space right from earth' sign over a decommissioned spaceship. I chuckle to myself.
Pavo eagerly shows me around, explaining how this was his own personal ship that only a few of the higher-ups get. It attaches comfortably to the main HQ but can detach for personal exploration, pretty much an RV for space. A really spacious RV.
He shows me the dining room, the living space, the exercise room, and we pass by his bedroom. We don't look in as it's casually mentioned.
As we walk down the halls I slow back to catch a look at his back, all the spikey branches protruding out. I feel tempted to reach out and touch but worry about being taboo.
"Hey," I say instead," what's with the spikes?"
He pauses, glancing over his shoulder at me and then at his branches," Oh theses? It's kind of hard to explain."
"They aren't like, some puberty thing, right," I tease.
"No, nothing like that. It's normal given the circumstances," He answers.
"Well puberty is completely normal," I joke. He shakes his head at me, beginning to walk again.
"Come, I want to show you something." I follow him down the winding halls to a room we haven't seen yet. He enters a command and the doors open. I walk inside, eager to explore this new space. Though I'm let down. I look this way and that, seeing nothing of interest. Really nothing of anything. It's just a large open room. There is a large window that stretches from the floor past the ceiling. It's gorgeous, being able to see Earth just coming into view.
"Oh wow," I whisper. I walk ahead, completely enamored with the view. The stars are so plentiful, Earth is so big. I can see the swirls of clouds over the continents, the white of the Arctic, the blue of the sea. It's all so humbling, I feel so small.
I hear some clicks behind me, and before I can investigate I feel my stomach drop. Weightlessness overtakes me, my feet slowly rising above the ground. I twist to look over at Pavo who is also floating.
"Zero gravity room, though the whole ship could be zero gravity. This room is made specifically for that," Pavo answers. He twists to push off the wall and launch towards me. I can't stop the giggle bubbling out of me as he gets closer. Before he can reach me I push up towards the ceiling. He thuds against the window, growling playfully.
"why does someone need a zero gravity room," I ask as we continue our game of chase. He jumps up to me and I quickly pick a direction and throw myself to it. I bang against the door oh so gracefully.
"It's for health and pleasure," He answers," we spend some time in water, our body is used to a certain level of weightlessness. Though space has way less gravity than water, it still feels similar. So in an easier way of explaining it, it feels like home."
Pavo scrambles to get to where I am, scratching against the wall to stop his momentum when I high-tail it in the other direction.
"Homesick room, how cute," I tease. I get trapped in the corner of the room, the only way out is up. As I spring upwards, Pavo catches me. I'm held tightly against his hard body, laughing with him as we float to the ceiling.
"Got you," He smiles triumphantly.
"that is true, but the real question is...what are you going to do with me," I flirt. He purrs at the insinuation, leaning down to brush his head against mine. I close my eyes and take a leap, kissing him ever so softly. He pauses, confused but excited. He makes his own attempt at a kiss, pressing his mouth to mine stiffly.
"Is that correct," He asks.
"relax a little," I advise. Wrapping my arms around his neck, nestling them around his branches, I kiss him like I mean it. He kisses less stiffly than before, though he can't help being so hard. His arms fall from my back to around the back of my thighs. He squeezes and massages my thick legs, pulling me closer.
"you're so soft," he groans into my mouth," so pliant."
"Don't make it sound so bad," I joke. His chest rumbles, his back spikes pop, a low clicking sound emits from his mouth. He reaches behind me and anchors us to the wall before he attacks my mouth again. I give him a little treat, sliding my tongue on to lick him. He stumbles a bit, recovering quickly to nearly choke me with his tongue. I have to lean back to catch my breath, though the thrumming in my body proves how much I enjoyed that.
No longer having access to the new toy called my mouth he begins attacking my neck. I can hardly keep my eyes open as I'm seduced by this big alien. I scratch at his back, gripping onto his branch. He responds by biting me, a little harder than needed. I grab the spike from his head to yank him back.
"Soft skin, remember," I scold. He looks drunk, his eyes lidded and mouth open. He looks me over, squeezing my legs again.
"By the heavens, I want to devour you," he whines. A zap goes down my spine in fear and pleasure.
"Not literally, right," I ask just in case. He doesn't answer, instead flopping his head down to bite up my neck. He sneaks a hand between us to stretch my shirt. I hear the thread snap as he stretches the collar over my shoulder. His entire mouth slobbers over me, sucking and licking every bit of skin. I glance behind him, seeing the branches have stretched out into the room. The few close to the wall have begun to take root, spreading out around the wall like vines.
Well, that's interesting.
Pavo bites a bit hard again to my dismay, I can feel a few of his teeth pierce my skin. With a yelp, I tear him back to properly scold him. He looks debauched, utterly drunk and horny.
"whoa," I gasp," you ok?"
His head tilts to the side in answer, "Get your clothes off."
I hesitate," But are you ok?"
He growls," I will be when you get your clothes off."
"Geez," I begin taking my shirt off," so pushy."
He scoffs," so slow." He begins to unbutton his clothes, finding it hard to do as his body is anchored to the wall. He yanks, detaching the vines from the metal. As he yanks his shirt, tearing it completely off his back, the branches begin reaching out to the wall again, gluing themselves once more.
I'm working my pants off when he grabs me, my jeans barely hanging onto one ankle. His torn shirt drifts upwards past us. I look down between us, his pants mostly torn. His cock surprises me, not prepared to see him in all his glory. Holding himself I can't help admire.
There is no way else to say it, his dick is a tentacle. It seems like a few spiraled around each other like yarn to present as one single mass. It's pink and purple, a kind of spray paint space vibe. He squeezes himself, fluid leaking from between each tentacle. It coats his hand, drops drifting off in the zero Gs.
"whoa," I whisper, reaching out to him. He proudly presents, his chest rumbling and mouth clicking. I gently graze my fingers over him, letting a few floating drops land on my outstretched hand. He jerks a little at the feather touch, grabbing my hand and forcing me to hold him. My stomach does flips, he is so soft and squishy. It's like touching a thick cord of fabric, soft but just firm enough to hold shape. I squeeze, wringing out more drops as I pull to the tip. He purrs, his back branches reaching out more and making his body jerk.
Too fascinated with him I don't even notice when he moves his hand into my underwear. His other hand fondling my breast, though they don't keep his attention much as the slickness below. He investigates, poking and prodding as I investigate him. Everything is so different for us both, it's all so tantalizing.
"you're so warm," he groans, reaching in to shove a finger inside. I shudder.
"you're so soft," I squeeze him, relishing in the sounds he makes. I can't help but reach for a kiss, just basking in all the sensations and sounds. His fingers squelch as he puts two into me.
"you're going to take me so well," he nearly whispers," I couldn't imagine someone more perfect."
I kiss him again," you flirt." I squeeze his cock. His fingers stretch and glide, making the coil in my belly tighten and twitch. If only he would touch me where I need him. I buck my hips into him, whimpering against his lips. I forget he isn't a human man, someone who could potentially get the hint. Instead, I reach down and grab his hand. He freezes. I slide his fingers out of me, another shudder going up my back, and guide one of his fingers up. He barely grazes me and it's like lightning.
"What's this," He asks, abandoning my mouth to look between us. I squeeze him in defiance, he grunts.
"Touch me there," I whimper," please."
He needs no more instructions, stroking me timidly before gaining confidence. He is a changed man now, watching me whine and moan as he gets me off. He is enraptured with me, watching and waiting. I can't focus as my inside feels like electricity, like sparks coming from his hand. More. More. More. I'm almost there. I hold onto him, using him as an anchor as he keeps playing me like a fiddle. My legs wrap around his, like snakes intertwined. Just a little more. His cold carapace against my feet, his rumbling purr and clicks, the way he just wants to make me cum. It's all so much.
"Pavo," I yelp," oh, fuck."
I'm gone. I fall into bliss, debauched as he was a moment ago. I scratch at his body, not worried about hurting him. I curl into him, reaching between us to stop his ministration as they become too much. I bang my head into his shoulder, holding him for dear life. He grabs my hair, pulling me back just to watch.
"Beautiful," He grins so wide. I give a half-hearted smile, still lost to the wind. I don't notice when he adjusts me to himself, but I definitely notice when he is poking at my entrance. I sober, looking down as his cock unfurrows. The little appendages search around, grabbing at my thighs and poking at my lips. I take a courageous breath, a little terrified of what's about to happen. He twists back into one, the ends still split to make their way into me.
I choke as he stuffs me, his cock twisting and curling, pulsing within me. I'm having sex with an alien, the thought hits me like a ton of bricks. I look from the display that has disappeared inside me to the creature I've decided to lay with. He looks so beautiful. He can't focus, his mouth opening and closing as the clicking sounds more like pops. He damn near gurgles as his eyes close. He snaps his hips, both of us stuttering on a breath. I twine my arms around him and he wastes no time pressing me close. He cradles the back of my head, his other arm securely around my lower back.
Without a starting pistol, he is off. Completely secure in place he pounds into me like a desperate man, angling my hips with his arm on my back. I can do nothing but hold on, groaning in his ear. I get to watch the branches on his back snap and jolt outwards. Every single one finds purchase on the walls. They take root, running up and around the walls until they meet each other, making a beautiful lattice on the walls.
"Wow," I gasp between moans. He answers with a pained grunt, burying his head into my neck. His mouth opens to attempt to bite but he thinks better of it, instead sucking on my neck. I appreciate the forethought. He whimpers and whines, every most the lost whore beside my ear. It's a pleasure in itself to have someone so lost in you, so pleasured by your body. I hold him tighter
"Agh," he gurgles. He begins to speak in tongues, the words ever lost to me but the meaning coming through. He is fucked, coming to his end, and only at the mercy of his whims now. Oh, I want him to cum, I wanna feel it.
I snuggle into the side of his neck, the plates shifting as he twists his head away. I find a soft area just below his jaw, right below his ear. I find purchase and bite as hard as I can. He screams, the branches on his back bucking as they dramatically grow. I worry I've hurt him, I was only returning the favor. I pull away, feeling sorry for myself. He growls in answer, punishing me with a hard slam onto his cock. He pushes me back to his neck.
"Harder," he growls through clenched teeth," make it hurt."
Oh my.
I cozy up to him again, finding the same teeth indent I left before, and chomp down. He shouts again, more words I can't interpret. I bite hard, I bite until I hear his plates crack and my teeth sink into the soft part of his skin. He shudders, curling around me and pumping into me in quick bursts.
"Yes," he says like a prayer. Before I know it I feel him shake and sputter, gurgling again as he snaps into me one more time. It's warm and plentiful, I'm sure it's a mess below. Zero gravity surely making it look like a spectacle. Pavo holds me so dear, so spent.
I slowly pry my teeth from his neck, spitting out a few little bits of carapace. Ew. I lean back to look into my new lover's eyes. He barely moves, looking like he passed out. I grab the short spikes on his head, lifting him to look at me.
"Pavo," I panic," is this normal? I haven't a single clue."
He answers with a gurgle. Not helpful. I try to wiggle away from him but I can't move. I look around and see we are cocooned in a growing ball of branches.
"What," I ask as I look around. I try to wiggle out of his arms but he holds on. Tight for someone who is basically asleep. I panic, fighting hard against his grip. Only succeeding in moving up him a few inches.
"Pavo," I snap," let me out."
He groans, happy to just float in this weird ball of his own making.
"Pavo," I shout. His face pinches.
"Hush," he finally speaks," be still."
"Be still? How do you expect me to do that right now? I'm covered in cum, and my sweat is bubbling off of me. I'd like to experience gravity again," I snap. He finally opens his eyes, glaring at me. I glare back. He relents, shifting his arms with great effort. I wiggle away from him, floating up. I navigate around his branches, finding my way to the door. I pause at the controls.
"Press the orange one," Pavo says helpfully. I press the orange button. I fall to my feet, my legs giving out. Then there is a loud sound of cracking like a tree falling. I look up to see Pavo falling from his fort. All the branches snap and break apart from the weight of themselves. He falls onto his back, the ball crashing around him though the fall isn't so loud. More like Styrofoam hitting the floor.
"Ow, "Pavo deadpans. I can't help but laugh. I get to my feet and walk over to him, picking up my pants along the way. Sliding them on I crouch beside him, picking up one of the branches. It's surprisingly light.
"What are these," I ask, turning it every which way. It's porous, with little holes that are barely noticeable.
"My anchors," he answers," it's a whole thing."
"Is it for what we just did," I ask. He shrugs.
" mostly. Though it's not exclusively. Just makes a lot of things easier in the water," he answers.
"Like sex?"
He grins to himself, "Yes, like sex."
I clear a space beside him, lying down to look at the portion of the window that covers the ceiling.
"I have some more questions," I say as I clasp my hands on my stomach. He lazily raises a hand and flourishes to make me continue. "Explain the branches, please."
He sighs," It's mostly a sex thing. When we first met I was immediately enamored. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Then I saw you and I couldn't stop myself. I wanted you. So my spikes got ready. My species loves the spikes, it's a whole fertility thing. I was showing them off, looking all big for you."
"You were flirting with the tree branches coming out your back," I joke.
"Sure," he laughs," I knew I had to have you. I never knew it would be like that! I made a nest for you and everything. I wish someone told me it would be so...everything"
"Talking like a virgin," I poke. He doesn't laugh. I look over and he is serious. I sit up," are- were you a virgin?"
He winces," define virgin."
I bolt up, standing and pacing the room. "Oh my god, I took your virginity! I took an ALIEN'S virginity?"
Pavo sits up, stopping me with a hand on my ankle. "Why are you so freaked out?"
"Freaked out? I'm just surprised and I totally did you dirty. If I knew it was your first time I would have made it more romantic. I mean who would guess you were a virgin," I drop my head in my hands, shaking from side to side.
"Well it's to be expected," he shrugs," we only have one person we do it with."
My heart stops, "what?"
"My kind mates for life, I mean most aliens do. It's a survival thing. Doesn't your kind," he asks.
"No," I basically screech, " we do not do that! If we did, definitely not after like 2 dates!"
He stumbles on his thoughts, his face pinching inquisitively.
"I could have sworn you guys mated for life," he collapses on his back," what would you like to do now?"
I ponder that for a moment. What is there to do? He just committed himself to me forever. I have the option to leave but that just screws him over. Also, I still like the idiot.
I groan, walking over and lying down beside him.
"You better pray this will just be a funny story we tell people when we get old," I grumble.
"Don't be so dramatic, everything will be fine," he tugs me closer.
"It better," I cozy into his side," all that's left is telling my brother."
Pavo barks a laugh," I can't imagine the paperwork he has for this!"
Hello! Hope you enjoyed the 2nd October story. After this month I will be on a hiatus once again.
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224 notes · View notes
wombrion · 8 months
is there any way we can take a peek thru ur comic making process like a bunch of gnomes on top of each other by the door looking at idfk.. snow white cooking food in the kitchen.....
picks you up by the scruff ok. but just because you called me snow white got it
kinda long btw!! also flashing images
651 notes · View notes
mewguca · 1 month
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@ideavian 's OC lore is pretty cool. Big fan of the pearl infection so I gave it to my OC
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bonus nonsense
84 notes · View notes
kadextra · 9 months
“You are important.”
“I’m really worried about you. You need to take care of yourself, because you’re not okay, we can see it. are you drinking water and eating?”
“You’re scaring me. cause I know that you’re not okay, but I can do nothing.”
“Every day I hope to find something about the eggs because I can’t stand seeing q!Bad sad anymore”
“He’s changing every day, turning into something like a ghost… I’m so worried, it’s like at any moment he could just disappear.”
“I feel powerless. I think q!Bad is suffering a lot, but he doesn't admit it. I really want to help him, I've been thinking really hard about how to help him”
“He took me around, we hang out, he helped me a lot and gave me items. He is my best friend. I don’t know what I should do…”
ough q!bagi. every time she talks about q!bad it makes my heart break, she is so kind. they’ve known each other a week, but she says with her whole chest that this is my best friend and I Will find a way to help. she is the only person q!bad has straightforwardly admitted not being ok to. I’m so….
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hellishgayliath · 8 months
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liviusofpella · 18 days
some thoughts and theories on abh so far
Both Raphael and Mikael's touch is said to be cold while David's is hot
If anyone has any theories about who the guys' superiors could be, please share because I have no idea.
I'm 1000% certain that the guys don't really live at the agency.
The mansion possessed a most unusual trait: if its residents weren't actively seeking you out, it was nearly impossible to find them yourself."
Moreover, I think MC was going somewhere and mentioned again that the house was empty.
"Our father went missing. I believe he's dead" - this actually makes me think the father they talk about isn't God.
This could be a red herring but the man who approaches MC at the club could be involved in the murder. His glassy eyes ("but he didn't look drunk") are definitely a hint and his hot-tempered personality make him very suspicious. "He looked around quiclkly," his outfit is rather out of place at this club, he's pushy and insistent. I found some info that glassy eyes could mean lifeless eyes and when you look at this dude, it's.......plausible (kinda kidding, kinda idk. He just looks suspicious)
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I believe they all don't truly grasp the concept of emotions. Mikael doesn't really care about the clients + don't understand the concept of grief, David has no empaty for the deceased. Idk about Cas, and Raphael could be the one able to understand emotions (or he's just good at pretending and/or he feels the emotions his interlocutors do)
As for MC - I think the guys had sth to do with her patient going beserk and her ending up at Astrea. It's just a hunch, I don't have any proof, but they obviously need her for something, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mikael already knew she lost her medical licence.
Cheeky if you pay attention - even during the interview in ch 1 he laughs at MC's poor attempt of touching him under a really weak excuse (can't blame her though); "a playful spark flashed in his eyes," "sly smile" so he's not as stuck up as it looks at the first glance lol
Physically: a picture of Renaissance beauty, it is constantly stated he's very graceful and charismatic. MC also says he's very fit and has prominent muscles (which is surprising "for someone in his position); "stately figure"; statue chiseled out of marble".
He's Not a doctor, but yet heals. In ch. 4 he 1000% sucked the poison out of MC body, and I believe so not only because of what he says but also from the way his eyes look. He also says "I've never had a chance to heal mental wounds" which implies he's been healing for a long time.
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Could be far reaching and I formulate this theory mainly because I've been watching too much Supernatural lately, but I believe he's some type of a demon.
He's very confident and he "never loses" as a lawyer, so he's either very very good or able to influence people somehow.
MC obviously didn't end up in Astrea by accident, and she's the MC so she must be somehow special, so it makes me think David constantly calling her a witch isn't without a reason. Ch. 3: "don't admit to anyone in the village that you're a witch, either." Could be just a joke though.
Also the fact he was extremely friendly towards MC is suspicious, almost as if he tried to influence her to stay at all cost.
"It's impossible to get enough of me"
After the murder: "he's like a doctor who has seen death so many times that he hardly feels it anymore"
We learn his father lost his mind because he sold his soul. I've yet to come to any conclusions on this ngl.
I think he takes people's emotions onto himself and makes emotions come to the surface in people. Ch. 3: "Raphael approched the man, and the man's eyes filled with tears."
Felonia emphasising that the guys treat MC differently, kindly and friendly. During the meeting in chapter 3, Mikael is cold and impartial when he talks to Fel
David: "You're so hash, Mikael"
"Only constant effort can attract his attention and make him believe that you deserve another chance" so the question is - who's he?
Felonia: "They're not villains, but they're not exactly heroes either. They have a mission and will go to any lengths necessary to complete it"
Mikael knows about the nightmares MC has and the dream we saw at the beginning of the book is definitely an answer to one of the big mysteries of the book, imo we'll learn what it means at the end of season 1 and it'll be the first supernatural thing we witness (although I'm not entirely sure because of how the last chapter ended)
Mikael: "Everyone's terribly worried about you" - why? They're not that close. They're worried because she's crucial to their plan.
My take is that Raph and Mikael are (arch)angels. Possibly fallen angels or at least angels who fucked up and are being punished. I'm not sure about Raphael, but if Mikael is the Angel Michael then he's the God's commander - his strict, controlled character, the fact he's the director of the agency then it kind of makes sense he;s so harsh to Felonia who seems to have seriously fucked up? He doesn't like disobedience.
Quora (don't judge me lol): "His power is believed to come from his closeness to God and his unwavering commitment to righteousness and the defeat of evil."
"The sword and shield are used today to represent a cutting of cords or energies that no longer serve and protecting us from harm. Michael can help in healing and repairing our energies where trauma, grief, past lives or karmic debts are holding us back from our true potential in this life. He will then work with Archangel Raphael to replace the negative energy, emotions, worries, doubts, physical ailments with positive vibrations. Michael will cleanse your entire being both the physical and spiritual."
@agattthaa mentioned that God is kind only to humans, he's not a good father to angels because he isn't present or forgiving to them; God forgives humans, but when angels make mistakes they fall from grace. Just a food for thought.
I'm curious about others' thoughts and theories. I just wanted to put all this together to sort it in my head as well.
Tagging @raleigh-edward 🫧
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your-local-enigma · 7 months
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(full image)
i love drawing autistic people
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friendraichu · 11 months
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neurotic-sinkhole · 3 months
becoming an ethogirl because idk theres just something alluring about this absolute enigma of the internet. how did he end up becoming a minecraft youtuber? i barely understand the fact he uses a computer at all. this man belongs off the grid. yet he plays the block game- and is good at it???? as in there are literal mechanics of the game named after him. he's so silly too but he says in his videos all the time that he's not entertaining. and that is simply not true. like yes sometimes he will have 20 second moments of silence in his videos but its just silence for us because we can't commune with the astral plane on command like he can.
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mealfreak · 4 months
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this is stupid
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enigma-im · 7 months
Walk on the Wild Side
Rating: explicit
Relationship: Werewolf x F!Human
Warning: wild man, poaching, predator/prey play, clingy werewolf
Word count: 10,855
Taking care of animals and the park is a ranger's job. Though it's complicated when a werewolf becomes enamored with you.
The front door screeches on its old hinges in the front of the Ranger house. I look up from my coffee-making to greet a familiar face.
"Oh hey, Gavin," I look back to my drink, adding the necessary amount of cream. The door shuts behind the man with a loud thwack.
"Good morning, Ms. Alani, what brings you in so early," he asks as he steps up to the counter. I turn around and sip on my coffee, looking at the rugged man before me.
"I could be asking you the same thing," I answer back. He smiles, leaning on his forearms.
"I can't stop by to see my favorite ranger," he flirts. I roll my eyes but can't help the smile. I hide it behind my cup.
"Depends, are you sugaring me up for something?"
"no more than usual," he grins.
"Well, if you say so," I answer," but today I'm making my rounds. People have been reporting some traps around Little Bear Loop."
"Oh," he frowns," that's no good."
"Not at all, so I'm going to go scope the place."
"Make it sound like a crime scene already," he jokes," well, don't let me hold you up. I need to head back home and shower anyway. I smell like shit."
"Well, I wasn't going to say it," I tease. He chuckles, waving goodbye as he opens the creaky door again. I catch myself smiling even after he is gone. I shake my head and grab my hat. Duty calls.
Walking through the woods on a typical watch is rather boring, though peaceful. The tall trees give me a strange sense of size. I check around for any signs of caught animals though nothing really brings attention. Just another rumor I guess, or a miseducated hiker who saw some sculpture some kids made and took it as some 'sign of misdeeds'.
Following the path, looking at the nearly setting sun, I hear a whimper. I freeze. Listening carefully I hear it once more a distance off the path. Timidly I walk towards the sound, making as little noise as possible. The chance of a wild animal is high but the chance of it being injured is higher. Throwing out my self-preservation I venture onward.
I look every which way and catch no hide or hair of the mystery creature. As I give up and head back I hear a growl that finishes off in a whimper. I look around, jumping when I notice a half-hidden creature in a bush. It's lounged on its stomach, its lower half obscured by the leaves.
"Hello," I squeak. The creature doesn't move, glaring daggers up at me. I observe it, looking at its pinned ears and half-bared teeth. The animal looks like a wolf but wrong. Its muzzle is too short and its eyes too human.
A shiver runs over me just looking at them but I ignore them for the sake of my job.
"Oh, a werewolf," I relax," I'm sorry, I didn't notice." throwing out my caution I walk over to them, crouching near. "Hello, sir, are you alright," I ask. They don't answer, eyeing me suspiciously. Am I wrong? They sure look like a werewolf, maybe they're shy. I take a tentative shuffle closer causing them to try to shift away, whimpering as they do. Their leg stretches at an odd angle as they try to move.
"Are you injured, sir," I ask. They still remain silent, their clawed hand scratching at the ground. I observe their hand, seeing the human fingers littered with fur. Definitely a werewolf.
I stand and walk around to their legs, pushing the bush aside to get a better look. I wince at the sight, seeing large metal teeth digging into his ankle. Their blood is dried over the contraption, fresh blood leaking into his fur now.
"Damn hunters," I huff crouching down to free him," I'm so sorry, this area is supposed to be a no-hunting zone on the account of the park being so close. We have tried setting up cameras and have the staff keep an eye out. Generally, there isn't much to worry about here but I guess they have gotten brave." I press on a release switch, relieved when the hinges loosen. I grab at his leg while prying the teeth out of his skin. He yelps, lunging up and grabbing my shoulder. I stiffen at the contact, feeling his claws pinch through my coat. Looking up to him I gauge his level of potential aggression. He looks to be in pain.
"I just gotta get the teeth out and I can try to stop the bleeding. I have some gauze in my bag just for this sort of situation," I try to soothe. He nods.
I get the bear trap off and toss it aside before grabbing my bag off my back. I sort through my items, grabbing my first aid. With practiced ease I clean his wound, wincing with him when his nails poke through my coat. With the worst part over I begin wrapping his ankle.
With my focus elsewhere I barely notice him leaning closer, sniffing at my hair before dropping back on his rear.
"All good, do you think you can stand," I ask while lifting away. His hand clenches my shoulder, releasing me after a second. I watch him attempt to stand, looking stoic for just a moment before he stumbles and whines. Quickly, I grab his arms, offering minimal help with our clear height difference.
"I'll take that as a no," I chuckle. He chuffs, flicking his ear. I walk him over to a tree, helping him sit. I reach over to my belt and grab my walkie, calling up to the station. Standing, I take a step away from him. He startles me when he grabs my leg, tugging me back to his side. I don't bother with a response.
"Daryl, I need a truck to trail 17. I have a wounded man, he stepped in a bear trap and can't walk," I say to the walkie.
"Copy that, do you require medical to meet us back at the station," he calls back quickly. I look over to the werewolf, gauging the necessity of Daryl's request.
"Yea, I cleaned him up but he can't walk so it might be worse than I can see," I answer.
"Copy, I'll call Wendy. See you in five," he says.
I sit with the man, lounging with him against the tree. We wait in silence, listening to the birds chirping in the branches above.
"hey, a Goldfinch," I point above. The man looks up, he barks at the bird. We both watch as it flies away.
A rolling hum of a truck breaks the sounds of nature. I stand to greet Daryl but once again the werewolf stops me by grabbing my leg.
"I'll be right back, gotta go meet Daryl," I explain. He shakes his head, tugging me back down beside him. He drops me on his lap, holding me close to his chest. I immediately grow uncomfortable, feeling more in danger at this moment than when we first met.
"Sir, you have to the count of five to let me go before I hurt you worse than that bear trap," I growl. His answer is a chuff, sounding like a laugh more than anything else. With my own chuff, I look down at his leg and shove my heel against the bandage. He yelps, tugging his leg up and pushing me away. I take the chance of freedom and crawl out of reach. Twisting once out of range I see him cradling his ankle, whimpering as he does.
I ignore him, standing and heading over to Daryl. I meet him up by his truck, greeting him as he steps out of the car.
"He's down that way, you'll probably have to put him in the bed. I'm going to finish walking the trail and meet you back at the station," I say dryly.
"Alright," he looks to the woods then back to me," you ok?"
"Peachy," I joke," the werewolf is just a bit too touchy for my taste. Damn grabby men. You help em and they think it’s ok to grab you and jerk you around."
"Clearly doesn't know you if he thinks he can get away with that," Daryl chuckles.
"he sure doesn't," I huff," anyway, have fun."
I walk down the path, hands in my pocket and kicking rocks.
Half an hour later I'm at the driveway of the station. The sun setting just behind me. I take notice of the additional van next to Daryl's truck. Seems Wendy is still here. I head inside, hanging my bag on the hook by the door.
"Honey, I'm home," I jokingly call out. A head pops out from down the hall.
"Hey, you mind helping in here," Daryl asks, pointing into the room.
"Depends," I say skeptically as I head towards him. He ducks back in as I round the corner. The extra bedroom is alive with action. Wendy and another are attempting to calm down a writhing werewolf. The unknown person is trying to hold the man down while Wendy tries to undo the bandages on his leg. She passes a glance to me, doing a double take.
"Hey, glad you're here, can you help Jayce hold him down," she nods towards the unknown person. I nod, quickly walking in and helping Jayce. Not even a second after I grab his legs do I get snatched and pulled into a familiar hold. The writhing has stopped now that the werewolf's face is nuzzled against my neck.
"Hey! Stop it," I wiggle in his arms, thunking my head against his as I do. My arms are kept pinned to my side and my legs aren't able to kick him because he is on the bed. The only thing I have that I can hurt him with is my teeth. I bite his arm, cringing at the hair in my mouth. I bite softly at first, amping up pressure the longer he doesn't let me go. it's when my teeth actually sink into his skin does he growl, opening his mouth to bite at my shoulder.
His bite is gentler than mine but warns me with light pressure. I know his bite is worse than anything I can do to him. Pressing my luck I tug on his arm, still puncturing his skin. He digs his teeth harder against my skin, growling as he tries to tug his arm away from my mouth. His teeth start to sting, threatening to break through. Without much of an option, I let go, spitting out hair and licking drool off my chin.
"Good girl," he mumbles, licking my neck. I gawk, angry and frustrated at him.
"Oh, so you can talk," I bark," you dang jerk, let me go!" he chuffs, continuing to bathe my skin in his spit. I look to the others for help but Wendy has taken the time of calm to undress his leg.
"Daryl," I twist to him," Help me out." he nods. As he takes his first step toward me two people react. Wendy stops him and the werewolf growls. The rumbling in his chest feels weird on my back.
"Do not anger him again," Wendy snaps at Daryl before turning to me," bare with it for a second, he hasn't been still since he got here."
"What," I scoff," no! Make this man let me go, he keeps licking me and it's making my skin crawl." Wendy ignores my plea and looks at the newly revealed wound. It has stopped bleeding but the cuts look disgusting, if not a little mangled. I sigh, feeling bad for the beast-man. I guess I can tolerate his touching- and licking- for five minutes.
The werewolf lathers every visible inch of skin with his spit, even rubbing his cheek against it. His scratchy tongue makes my spine tingle with disgust. Every part of me wants to get away and take a shower. I count down the seconds till the doc wraps him back up.
Wendy rewraps his leg, adding a splint as well, before packing up her things. Jayce talks with Daryl while I once more try to escape this hairy man's hold.
"If you all are quite done then can you help me now," I shout into the room as the wolfman tries to pull me onto the bed.
"Oh, right," Daryl jumps into action. He walks to my front, reaching for the man's arms to pry off me. The man instantly starts growling, swiping out at Daryl with his long claws. I try to take advantage of the single-arm hold on me but the man is stronger than he looks. Jayce hops in to help, catching the wolfman's arm. Daryl grabs the other, dodging snaps of the man's teeth near his bicep. With a group effort, I manage to get out of the man's arms, crossing the room quickly.
I rub at the back of my neck, wiping off the spit," Don't ever tell me I don't do anything for y'all, now I need a shower." Daryl laughs, waving me off as I head for the door. Barely out of the room, I hear shifting and a shout. Wendy barks out a command as the Wolfman tries to hop off the bed. She and Jayce try to keep him down on the bed but he is too determined.
"Jayce, just get the muscle relaxer. I can't keep fighting him to relax and get some rest," Wendy says. Jayce searches through her bag, finds a needle, and rushes over to the man. Quickly, he plunges the needle into his arm, taking a step back as the man tries to swipe at him.
Slowly, the fight lessens till the man is flopped against the bed. Wendy releases him, taking a timid step back. The man huffs, dropping his head to the side. Without warning he lets out a loud whimper, nearly sounding like a wail.
I watch him try to lift his limbs, whining the entire time. He looks at me, his face pinched in frustration and strife. It tugs at my heart but his behavior has put me off from doing him any more favors. With a shrug, I walk off into the main room.
All down the hall, I hear the loud keening coming from the bedroom. Wendy and Jayce quickly retreat to the station to find peaceful silence literally anywhere else. I follow in their footsteps, grabbing my things and rushing out the door to my car.
I drive home, showering the second I can. The silence in my apartment has never been so good. I can hardly imagine how Daryl is doing with the whiney werewolf. One can only hope that the man tired himself out before it become too much for old Daryl.
As I lay down to sleep my phone rings. Dread jumps down my throat and into my stomach. I pray to whatever higher being that it's just a telemarketer. Looking at the screen I groan, flopping back onto my bed. I reach over and accept the call.
"You have reached Ranger Smith, if this is about Yogi then please hang up now," I joke in a deadpan tone.
"Hey, sorry to call late but 'yogi' has been driving me crazy. I have tried everything but he is as bad as a toddler with a sugar high. I beg of you to come down, I will owe you big time," he tries to persuade. I try my damndest to say no, to hang up and let it be his problem. Too many factors play in my reluctant 'ok'. Curse my compassion.
I dress quickly and head over to the station. The second I step on the porch I can hear the wolfman's whimpering. The sound reminds me of a puppy's first night sleeping alone. I drop my head and sigh, taking in all the courage and patience I can muster.
It seems right as I open the door the wailing pauses for a second. I walk down the hall, meeting Daryl in the doorway. The man behind him stops his whining, sitting up to look over Daryl's shoulder.
"Thank you, I owe you so much," he says with genuine gratitude.
"Yea, yea," I shrug him off," I expect a lot for this, got it?"
"Absolutely, I'll buy lunch for a week- no! A month," he smiles, patting me on the back as he steps out," Good luck."
I watch him walk into the main room, rounding his desk and flopping into his chair with a sigh. The urge to draw this out is strong, but it may start up the man's whimpering again. I bite back my pride and look at the wolfman.
"Hello, Yogi," I tease. He doesn't get the reference, just looking me over with his tail thumping against the bed. I walk over, stopping just out of reach. Despite that fact, he still tries to sit up and grab for me. I take a step back, just in case.
"you grab me again and I'll leave," I threaten. He drops his arms with a frown, ear flicking as he chuffs. I grab a chair and sit in the middle of the room. "I'm only staying for a little so you don't drive Daryl into mass murder, try to get some sleep," I suggest. He pouts, glaring at me with his arms crossed. I quirk a brow, nearly bored with all of this.
"Come," he growls, patting the bed with his tail.
"No," I say with a questioning tone. He nods, unfolding his arms to pat the bed. "no," I scoff, saying it with more confidence. He growls, sitting up straight. "You can try to look threatening all you want but I'm not going to lay in bed with you. Besides, I think I can outrun you so the growling and snarling aren't going to intimidate me into action," I lounge further in my seat, bouncing my heel on the floor.
He pouts some more, turning away with another flick of his ear. It's almost cute to see such a powerful beast resort to behaving like a child. The question rolls around my head though.
"Why do you want me there anyway? Most people don't just jump into bed with whoever saves their leg from a bear trap," I ask. He snaps his head to me.
He shrugs," Mine."
He nods.
"What is yours?"
He points to me.
"No, I'm not yours. Try again," I answer. He shrugs, grinning slightly to himself like what I said was some sort of joke. "I'm not yours, I'm not anyone's," I say louder. He looks me up and down, still grinning as he does. The self-certain look picks at my nerves enough for me to stand and walk to the door. I'm not going to hang around some misogynistic werewolf who thinks he can just stake claims on people without putting in the work.
As I near the door he begins his whimpering again. I twist around watching him try to crawl out of the bed after me. He manages to get both legs on the floor, attempting to stand before falling hard onto the ground. My heart squeezes at the pitiful sight, the helpless look in his eyes. Without much thought I rush to him, helping him stand and getting him onto the bed.
"Jesus, why do you keep trying to mess up your leg more," I scold. He can't seem to care, his tail wagging as he tries to tug me onto his bed. "No," I shout, pushing away," we aren't doing this again!" he scratches at my coat as he pulls me onto the bed. I twist out of my jacket but he snatches my shirt instead. Managing to get me on the sheets, he curls around me, his tail thumping behind him as he sniffs at my hair.
He snorts as he withdraws," clean," he says with disgust. Before I can ask he once again lathers me in his spit. I wince, trying to wiggle away.
"No, stop it," I push at his chest," I just took a shower."
Try as I might he doesn't stop his tongue bath. Too tired from the day I finally cave, letting him do as he wishes.
It's over pretty soon, though I find myself willing to fall asleep. I try again to get away but he holds firm, arching around me to frame his body around mine.
"Why are you doing this," I grumble. He traces his nose around my hairline, giving small kisses to my eyebrows and cheek.
"Mine," he purrs.
"Why," I ask.
He shrugs, cozying himself before shutting his eyes.
"Why," I ask again louder.
"Don't know," he growls," just are."
"How do you not know, you're the one who said it but you don't know why you said it," I scoff, pushing against him to meet his eyes. He huffs, glaring down at me for preventing him from sleeping.
"Mate," he says," you mate, my mate. Mine. That's it. I want you, you are mine." the frustration comes across clearly.
"So you decided I was your mate after like five minutes," I ask," that's insane, how could you possibly make a choice like that?"
He shrugs," Werewolves different. You are good, pretty, strong. I want."
"I help you out of a bear trap and suddenly I'm 'mate' material? So if anyone else helped you, would you try to make them your mate?"
He snarls," No."
"Why not?"
He hugs me closer," You are one and only. Mine, only mine. Me, only yours."
I sigh, feeling like we are talking in circles. It's too late at night to bother with this, it's giving me a headache.
"Whatever," I grumble," will you let me go sometime soon?"
He chuckles, shutting his eyes once again. He presses my head towards his chest, humming while he pets my back.
The morning comes surprisingly quick. It felt like mere moments ago that I rested my eyes. I wake with my cheek resting upon a man's chest. A groan bubbles up my throat but I pinch it quiet, noticing the opportunity to escape. Slowly I slide away from him and twist off the bed. I bend my knees as I land on the floor, keeping the noise to a minimum. With the power of success, I rush to the door before checking that I didn't wake the man.
I'm startled by his appearance, but not surprised. He has forgone his beastly looks for a typical human form. His black hair is sprawled out on the pillow, wavy and unkempt. Scraggly bits of hair are on his chin and cheeks, poorly shaven. With a decent shower and a good haircut, he could pass for an attractive man, though he could use some extra food in his diet. He is rather skinny.
Admiring the man with a not completely off-put enjoyment I hardly notice eyes appraising me. It startles me when I look at his face to meet his cocky smile. I scoff, ready to march out the door.
"Should have ran when I had the chance," I huff.
"Wouldn't suggest it," he teases, grinning like a fool.
"Don't know, I still think I can outrun you," I tease back, scolding myself for even adding any playful banter to our relationship.
Without an answer, he bounces his brows with an arrogant grin. He throws the blanket off his legs, sits up, and twists his body out of bed. He steps smoothly onto his feet, not even wincing as he does. I dubiously look at his injury, still seeing the bandage wrapped around his ankle. It doesn't seem like it fazes him that he is supposed to be hurt. Also, it doesn't faze him that he is nude.
I meet his eyes, feeling dread pour down to my stomach. His posture stiffens, a smile pealing up his cheeks. Tension fills the room as my body readies for something to happen. I watch him, weirdly ready to move at a moment's notice. With a chuckle, he takes a hurried step forward. At the cue I bolt down the hall, aiming for the door.
I rush past Daryl sitting at his desk, hearing the wolfman pad down the hall after me. Grabbing my key off the hook I rush out the door to my car. I unlock it, getting jittery as I hear him slam against the door. I reach for the car door mumbling under my breath as weird excitement courses up my spine. As I jerk the handle it's pulled from my hand as the door is slammed closed. A body traps me against my car, forcing my stomach onto the cold metal.
Hot breath ghosts over my neck," what was all that about outrunning me?"
"I said I think I can outrun you, clearly I thought wrong," I grumble. He chuckles, lowering his head to kiss my cheek.
"Caught you, again," he teasingly takes a nibble on my jaw," you going to submit like last night or do I have to drag you back?"
"I liked you better when you could barely talk," I try to shove off from my car. He forces his chest closer to my back, properly pinning me to my car. His tongue laps at my neck, trailing up to my cheek. He presses a sweet kiss to my skin, brushing his nose under my eye while he grabs my chin. Twisting me towards himself he bumps his nose to mine. My stomach flutters with nerves, my lips parting in traitorous anticipation.
"Sir, I'm just going to ask you once to take a couple steps back from my ranger," Daryl says, his voice deep and threatening. I rarely hear that tone from him, only used on the worst of defilers in the woods.
The wolfman looks over his shoulder to Daryl. A low growl starts in his chest, vibrating against my back as it ramps in volume. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his fingers elongate, claws leading to a point. I watch him flex his fingers, digging his nails into my car. I nearly shout at him, momentarily distracted by his arm snaking around my waist. I look over at the wolf man and Daryl, annoyed at the situation already.
"Just because you found your mate doesn't mean you get to chase her down and harass her," Daryl crosses his arms," now stop being a moron and get back inside."
The wolfman can hardly pay Daryl's reasonable request any mind, too focused on some stupid animal instincts now. He snarls, baring his teeth at Daryl while holding me close. Daryl rolls his eyes, taking a step down the stairs. The man takes a step back, growling loud and pinning his ears.
"Oi," someone shouts close by," knock it off." a hand thunks the man on the head, distracting him. Beside us stands another ranger I've worked with since I first started here. Lily is a rather large woman of the mystical variety, her father being a werewolf like the man here. She hasn't inherited any of the shifting features involved with a union of a human mother and a werewolf father. Though her younger sister has.
The man looks at Lily confused, rubbing the back of his head with a huff. While he is distracted I worm out his arms and greet Lily properly before standing on the steps with Daryl.
Lily grabs the poor pup before he can lunge after me, snatching the scruff of his neck. She throws a friendly arm over his shoulder, holding him firmly beside herself.
"Ello, dear, what has gotten you all in a tizzy," she asks with a gleaming smile. The man ignores her, too busy trying to worm out of her hold. The sight makes me chuckle, enjoying how the situation has turned. Lily slaps a hand onto his neck once again, digging her fingers in till he bunches his shoulders.
"Mate," he grunts, finally answering.
"Mate," she asks, tossing a glance at me," Ms. Alani over there is your mate?"
He chuffs, nodding his head once.
"Well joyous day," she releases him, clapping him on the back instead," congrats brother on finding your dearest. Perhaps a word from the wise, don't go chasing the poor lady around the woods. It doesn't go over well for respectable women like her."
He grunts, finally looking at Lily with something other than irritation. She claps him on the back once more before dragging him towards Daryl and me.
"I'm Lillian by the way, Lily for short," she grabs his hand and shakes it. Daryl and I walk on ahead, still keeping an ear on the conversation behind us.
"Finley," he answers.
"Nice to meet you Finley, don't mind if I call you Finn?"
"Don't," Finley growls.
"So tell me, Finn," she trots on inside," why do you have the manners of a twelve-year-old?" I snort, chuckling as I pass the two a glance. Heading towards the makeshift kitchen I start up a fresh pot, grabbing a cookie from the cabinet. I lounge against the counter, watching Lily and Finley talk. They look friendly enough towards each other, almost like siblings though there is no relation.
The two bicker back and forth, Finley slowly fading back to human shape. Lily teases, tossing him her jacket to cover up. She catches me watching and passes me a wink as she keeps the man distracted. I take the opportunity to sneak away and grab some spare clothes from an emergency bag I keep around.
As I straighten my shirt I hear someone shout my name. I step out of the bathroom and head into the main room, greeted by a shifted Finley. He tugs me into a hug, his tail wagging behind himself. I awkwardly pat his back, looking over to Lily to translate any of the weirdness I've been dealing with for nearly a full day.
She shrugs," He missed you."
"Alright," I push him off," we gotta talk about this." I walk to the center of the room, arms crossed. Looking to Finley I point to the couch," Sit." he does as he told, Lily snickering to his right.
I open my mouth, to begin with the rampage of questions, glad for Lily's presence to add some sort of sense to all this. Before I can, I look at Finley, inspecting his short muzzle and erect ears.
"Can you, uh, switch back. I can't play charades with you through this," I ask. His ear flicks as he looks from me to Lily and back.
"can't," he fidgets.
"he's tense," Lily clarifies.
"Tense," I ask, "you're telling me about tense? I've been on this train of werewolf for about 20hrs now. I'm tense as fuck."
Lily shrugs, "Aye, but he is tense too. Just go on with ya question, dear. He ain't got ahold of his skills."
"Yea. What's that all about," I ask, gesturing to Finley, "He has been a fine line between wild and educated."
Lily shrugs again, looking over at him. She reaches out and flicks his ear. Finley jumps before baring his teeth at her. She just smirks.
"Gotta ask him," she answers.
"Ok," I turn to Finley, "What's with all this?"
It's Finley's turn to shrug. How helpful.
"What's your story? Where do you live? What do you want? What do you want from me," I list off all my questions. He doesn't get much of anything, deciding to zone out and look around the room. I take an angry breath.
"Give him a moment, he isn't typical," Lily defends.
"Damn straight he isn't typical," I fold my arms and sneer at him," the beast had me pinned to him all night without a care of the word 'no'."
Lily can't help but laugh, "to be fair even an everyday werewolf would do that. A mate won't hurt you but they are pushy as hell. My mother had a hell of a time one night when she had been harassed on the way back from work. My father wouldn't let her have an ounce of peace. It was a hoot for us kids to watch."
I roll my eyes," I can't find myself to be laughing at the moment. How do I cancel this? Or what's a better word? Break this mate thing?"
Lily and Finley went sober at the question, both glaring at me.
"What," I ask. Lily puts a kind hand on Finley before answering.
"You best not be speaking like that less you want the gods to hear you. This is a gift, Alani, there is no breaking once it has been done. And trust me, you don't want it broken. Not everyone gets blessed like this and you are speaking crazy. I'll give you a pass as you don't know what you have been given," she turns to Finley," she is an outsider. Please don't let this get to you."
I feel like a definite outsider now as the two share a moment. Why couldn't they have been paired off like this? I don't want to babysit- or be babysat by- this werewolf playing Tarzan. I can admit when he is human he is fairly handsome but not particularly my type. For starters, he is a werewolf. I don't want all that! Like, how do we even...you know? I've heard things from the grapevine and that sends a shiver of disgust down my spine.
I sigh," Can we just start at the beginning? Like who are you, where do you live?"
He shrugs, pointing out to the woods as an answer. We all look out the window, not completely grasping the reply.
"The woods," Daryl asks," we don't have any houses out there except some rentable cabins."
"Unless you live in the woods," Lily answers. Finley nods.
"You live in the woods," I ask," are you camping? Or going for an off-the-grid kind of thing?"
He shakes his head.
"ok, have you ever lived in a house," Lily asks?
He shrugs in a non-answer," House with Mom. Mom leave. No house."
"What," I startle at the answer. His mother left him?
"When was this," Lily asks, beating me to it.
He thinks for a moment," 14."
"years ago or...," I try to clarify.
"I 14," he answers. Lily and I tense at his words. He was alone since he was 14.
Lily turns to me," That would have been when he started shifting if he was a late bloomer."
My heart breaks at the implication. Was his mother a werewolf too? Was she human with her mate missing? A wave of protectiveness goes over me at the idea of my werewolf being left to fend for himself.
My werewolf?
Lily crouches beside Finley, he tenses a bit, jumping when she puts a comforting hand on him. "Why did she leave you, do you remember?"
He thinks for a moment, looking at me with a whine. He retreats into himself. Lily pets his back, to my discomfort. I draw closer, crouching in front of him. He sits straighter, watching me with a small wag of his tail.
"Why did she leave you," I ask softly. He whines again.
"Runt," he snarls out the word. Lily gasps, leaving me alone in the confusion.
I look at Lily," what does that mean?"
Lily snarls to herself," It means his mother didn't want a weaker offspring. She was a werewolf like him and probably had a few other kids. Disgusting. Not acceptable today. "
"Oh," I answer. The nuance is lost on me about how taboo this is but I know abandoning a child is downright wrong. My heart twists at the idea of him returning home and not seeing anyone around. A small child returning from school to his cabin in the woods just to find everything packed up and empty. My heart breaks a little and I can't help but reach up and hug him. He takes hold quickly, holding me like a lifeline. I pet his back, surprised when his fur retreats.
Finley pushes me back to look me in the eyes," Don't get it twisted, I'm still very capable to handle you, mate."
Well, that moment is over I guess. I huff, halfheartedly pushing away from him.
"You seem to have taken care of yourself enough," I stand," you made it this far without any of us knowing you were living in our park."
He sits back smug in his seat," Doesn't take much, humans are stupid."
Daryl and I resent that remark," Hey! Lily is half-werewolf."
Lily slaps the back of his head for the second time today," And you have a mate who is a human, you idiot."
He pouts," Most humans are stupid," he grumbles.
Before any of us can get a word out in regards to our demoted rank in the species list the door opens. In steps Gavin, all smiles and holding a box of donuts.
"Good morning everyone, I brought-," he stops as he looks up. In a sequence of events several things happen. Gavin notices a very naked man sitting in a chair. Finley notices a very familiar man standing too close to his mate. I notice a box of donuts, and Lily also notices a box of donuts. Daryl is worried about explaining the naked man.
Finley growls as his body forms into a beast. Gavin panics, dropping the donuts as he reaches into his jacket. I panic between the two freaked-out men. Daryl hustles over to Gavin, entrapping him into a bear hug before he can remove his side piece from his holster.
"A werewolf," Gavin shouts as he tries to wrestle Daryl off.
"You," Finley growls. He tries to lunge towards Gavin and Daryl but Lily catches him in the chest. Knocking the wind out of him as he is pushed back into the couch.
"Good god, Lily," I have half a mind to pay attention to anything else. Lily just slammed a werewolf into a couch. Don't get on her bad side, I guess.
She shrugs," He malnourished, it doesn't count," Finley wheezes," Sorry, dear."
We both focus back onto Gavin who is basically frothing at the mouth at the sight of Finley. Though werewolves are fairly known, a lot of people don't really run into them. The only one I know is Lily's family, outside of that I haven't ever casually run into them. Though I'd never know as they are generally human most of their life.
"Alani, run," Gavin calls out. I could almost laugh at such an obscene demand if it wasn't for Finley getting his second wind. He charges for me, catching me in a big bear hug. He lifts me, swinging me away from Gavin. Rushing me behind the couch like he was trying to guard me from shrapnel.
"What is happening," I ask utterly confused at this wild morning. I'm set down on the floor before Finley jumps the couch and charges at Gavin. He ducks Lily's attack and Daryl knows better. Gavin left to himself is tackled by the werewolf. Finley claws at Gavin, tearing his shirt and leaving bleeding lines across his chest. Lily and Daryl grab ahold and throw Finley to the floor. Gavin gains some level of self-control and rushes out the door. I'm peaking over the couch at all this mayhem.
What has my peaceful week become?
I round the couch as Lily is sitting on Finley who is wiggling and trying his darndest to run outside after Gavin. I'm over this already, crouching down to meet his eyes.
"Watcha doing," I ask all coy. He doesn't answer, instead growling up a storm. Teeth bared, ears pinned back. Oh yea, he is pissed. " you know I can't understand you like this," I cock my head to the side. He finds some calm, taking deep breaths and closing his eyes. He manages to wiggle an arm out from under himself and grabs my arm. Pulling me forward a bit he cuddles up to my hand. I roll my eyes, whatever at this point.
Once he is no longer thrashing and Gavin is nowhere in sight, Lily gets off him. I find myself utterly amused at the sight. They have known each other for a day and are already like siblings.
"Ok, mind telling us what that was all about," Lily scolds. Finley remains on the floor, huffing as an answer. I pull away from him to his dismay, and relax on the couch. I'm ready for a nap.
"He bad," Finley whines," Lust too."
"Excuse me," I pick my head up from resting it on the back of the couch," You were lusting?"
Finley sneers at the word," No. He lust you."
"Good god," I shout," can you be human for a minute so we can make sense?"
Finley rolls his eyes, getting off the floor and flopping onto the couch. He rests his head on my lap, turning his nose to my stomach. I look to Lily for some help.
"Just pet him, he will be fine in a minute. He doesn't know how to shift like typical werewolves," Lily answers as she heads to the kitchen. Daryl is just as done as I am with the day, heading over to his desk to sit.
I reluctantly pet his fur, wishing I could give him a bath. Slowly he begins to calm down, relax and shift. His fur retreats and there is a slight popping as his limbs go back.
"Ew," I mumble as I can feel it just under his skin. In just a moment he is back to the skinny hairy man.
"OK, now use your words," I say like a school teacher. Finley flops onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with a frown.
He looks at me," He wants you and I don't like that."
His pout is almost cute.
I scoff," Gavin doesn't- well probably- I mean he is- ok! Doesn't mean you have to kill the man over it!"
Lily chimes in from the kitchen," Sort of does."
"No, it doesn't! There are laws," I shout back. Werewolves are weird.
"He tried to kill me first," Finley pouts. Everyone stops what they are doing to pay attention now.
"Gavin tried to kill you," Daryl asks. Finley turns to my stomach again in a deeper pout.
"He set the metal thing," Finley grumbles.
"Metal thing," I ask, then it clicks," The bear trap?"
Finley nods and we are all shocked at the news. Gavin is our hunter? But he is just the guy who comes in to flirt and go for an early morning nature walks with a full backpa- ok I can see it now.
"Damn it," I shout, startling Finley," That motherfucker!"
I stand, Finley just barely sitting up to not be thrown to the floor. A surprising amount of rage overtakes my body. I can't say this has ever happened before. I charge to the back, grabbing the rifle we keep in a cabinet. What am I doing? I stomp back into the main room, startling everyone with my new item.
"Whoa," Lily jumps to action.
"Hey now," Daryl jumps as well. They try to stop me as I'm marching out onto the porch to look for that son of a bitch. I barely see Finley watching with a satisfied grin. Deal with him later. I have to fuck up that damn bastard for daring to hunt in my park. MY park. Hurt my werewolf. MY werewolf. MINE...oh this is new.
"What's your plan, Alani," Lily asks.
"You aren't going to just go shoot someone over this, are you," Daryl asks.
I scoff," Of course I'm not going to shoot him!" I continue charging ahead with the ranger crew in tow. Finley waits on the porch.
"Oh thank god," Daryl says.
"I'm just going to break his legs," I answer as I twist the gun around to wield it as a bat. I spot Gavin ahead on the trail leading into Little Bear Loop. I can almost see blood, besides the bit bleeding through his new shirt. He is happy to see me at first until he gets the whole picture. The crew tries to stop me but I'm running now. Gavin tries to back up but trips over the uneven path.
"You have been setting traps in MY park," I shout, now standing over him," hurt MY werewolf?"
"Your werewolf," Lily teases.
I snarl at her," Not the time!" My focus is back on Gavin who is still trying to crawl away. I catch up to him quickly enough and jab the butt of the rifle into his stomach. He wheezes and rolls to his side. I catch my foot into the crook of his elbow and flip his on his back.
Daryl tries to stop me but Lily stops him with a serious shake of her head. "I wouldn't if I were you," she says to Daryl. He steps back.
"Have you been messing with my woods," I ask sternly.
Gavin coughs," No, why would I-"
I hit him again with the gun," Don't lie to me now. Finley said you are the one mucking up my forest."
"He's an animal! Don't listen to him," Gavin tries to convince. That just pisses me off more. I wanted to hear him say it but this intolerance has pushed me to the point of not being interested in his words. He comes into MY forest and hurts MY mate, that won't do at all.
Where is this all coming from?
I press my boot onto Gavin's chest, sneering down at the pig. "I need cuffs," I say to the two behind me. They both peak up, looking between each other confused.
"We don't have cuffs, we have zip-ties though," Daryl answers.
"Same difference," I say. I hear Daryl run off, leaving me with a smiling Lily.
"How ya feeling, dear," She asks, seemingly already knowing the answer. I turn to look at her, and Gavin squirms under my foot. Stealing my attention back I lean more into his chest. His wounds bleed through his shirt again.
"Worm," I snarl at him.
"Why are you doing this," Gavin whines," that beast doesn't know anything!"
"knows more than you right now," Lily answers," I recommend ya shut ya gob before Alani here forgoes her 'no using the gun like a gun' rule. She is very persuadable currently."
"What," I ask," Persuadable?"
Lily waves me away," I'll tell you later."
Daryl returns with the zip-ties, helping me twist Gavin over to attach them.
"I've already called in the police," Daryl says," They should be here any minute. I can sit with him if you like."
I leave Gavin and Daryl, feeling rather invigorated. I feel a lot of things at this moment. Most of all I feel excited.
Lily and I walk back to the cabin, Lily stops a bit before the entrance to my dismay. Though I can't say why.
"Hey, I need to talk to you for a second," Lily begins. I turn to her, already bouncing on my feet.
"Yea, what's up?" Lily is smirking all-knowingly," What?"
She laughs," There is one thing you should know about being around a werewolf, specifically your mate. Not to give you the birds and the bees talk, heavens be I'd rather not, but you are going to be very excited to see Finley in a moment."
"What," I say confused," Why would I be excited to see him?" That was already a lie, I'm suddenly very excited to see him. I'm excited about a lot of things right now. Everything is so bright and amazing. The trees smell wonderful and I feel great.
"Lass, you are practically vibrating right now. My mother went through the same thing, it's completely normal. But I have to warn you, as your friend, you may want to go take a run real quick. Maybe clear your head for a second," she fights back a laugh at the whole conversation.
"Ugh, just spit it out already," I say, at my wit's end being so still.
"You asked for it," she mumbles," Ya right horny for Finley, when you see him it's going to be the starting pistol. It's a whole wolf thing that has a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo which boils down to, ya get horny for your man. It calms down after a day or so. But heaven knows it's a drug while ya have it!"
I want to dispute her, to absolutely deny whatever she just said but God I feel wonderful. I should just go inside, I don't want to be with Finley. I mean we barely know each other. This is stupid.
"Ridiculous," I scoff," there's no way that's what happening. I just got that adrenaline from beating up on Gavin and making my park a little better."
I turn to walk into the cabin but the first step is uncertain. The door is a center point of a war in my head. To go in means certainty, to avoid it means...
"Ya feeling so sure now, love," Lily asks.
"Uhh," I take a step back," I think I'll take a walk, check for more traps."
Lily laughs," I'm sure."
Lily heads inside while I use this newfound energy to take up running. I run for what seems like forever, I don't get tired, I don't get winded. Though I'm sweating up a storm. After a bit, I begin to get hungry. Turning back to the cabin I become extremely hungry. I run back, bouncing to the porch before I see the door again. The war starts anew.
Instead of going in, I head to my car, put in the handle code, and grab for my walkie I keep in there.
"Lily," I call," Are you there?"
"Hello," she purrs," Getting tired?"
That know-it-all...
"Uh, no, just hungry," I answer," very hungry."
"I'm sure," I can hear that damn smile over the line, " I'll send Finley out with some food."
I nearly choke," Don't you dare!"
"Why not? He would be so eager to help," she teases. Sweat drips down my back, the humid evening air setting in. My body is at war at the idea of seeing Finley again. I know deep down I'm just wasting time, and even deeper down that I really want him to come out. Perhaps this whole mate thing is inevitable. Ineffable, if Lily had any say in it.
God, I want him so bad.
Before I can make a choice Finley is standing on the porch. My body nearly shuts down at the sight. Nude, the man slowly turning into a beast, hungry, hard, needy. Oh my. He takes a step and my body goes from a gooey mess to tight as steel.
"Don't," he growls as if reading my mind. He takes another step and I'm off like a jet.
I have a great big smile as I run through the woods away from Finley. I can hear him behind me, the leaves and twigs snapping and cracking under his weight. It's such a thrill to be chased like this, something I never thought would be. Damn werewolf magic. Though at this moment I couldn't care less about werewolf magic.
Finley gains on me, easily able to catch up but drawing out the chase. I feel all tingly inside, definitely wet. I wonder if he can smell it. I wonder if he is hard. I wonder what's going to happen when he catches me! I speed up to the best of my abilities, though it means nothing. The chase ends when he wants it to end.
I round off the trail into the woods. I can only imagine what this looks like to anyone camping nearby. A woman is being chased by some beast. Horror for some, is a smutty novel for me. I run past trees, over fallen branches, and through creeks. What a thrill! I only hope it can end soon though, I'm absolutely throbbing in my pants.
We near a cabin, my gut telling me to go in there. I take the porch steps two at a time and slam into the door. It flies open, banging against the wall. I stumble in, finding myself in a well-kept cabin that is clearly lived in. I forget my past activity and look around. This isn't one of ours.
Finley is behind me in a second, holding me against his chest. He wastes no time nibbling and licking up my neck. He palms at my clothed breast, rubbing a finger over my hard nipple.
"What is this place," I ask as I let my head lull to his shoulder.
"My place," He grumbles before guiding me to the floor. His place? I thought he said he doesn't live in a house anymore.
He covers my back as he directs me to my hands and knees. His arm snakes around my middle, pressing my ass into his crotch. Oh, that's nice. I'll solve the mystery of his living arrangements in a minute. Little distracted. I grind into him.
"Mine," He growls as he fumbles with my pants. I would laugh if I wasn't so damn turned on. He doesn't bother with any intricate maneuvers, instead ripping and sending the button flying. The zipper gives way and even tears down. I can't control my eager heart. His hand buries into my pants, fingers finding my aching clit. I choke on the moan ripping its way through my throat. It both hurt and absolutely laid me out with pleasure. My hand slips and I fall face down ass up.
"ugh," I grumble as I turn into my arm. He doesn't even bother with foreplay, is so long gone at this point, and begins trying to stretch me for him. His long fingers dive into my soaked pussy, scissoring. I grind into his palm which barely touches the one spot I need. I'm seconds away from begging before he takes his hand away in favor of ripping my pants.
If I had half a mind I'd be yelling about these pants. Too bad I don't have anything resembling a mind right now because his cock is slapping my ass.
"Ah," I whimper. He is over me again, his hairy chest tickling. He holds me tight as he guides his cock into me. I hiccup at the utter fullness I feel. Yes...
I am too lost to even care about anything else but being absolutely fucked. It seems he carries the same mentality. He begins with an abusive pace, his hips slapping against my ass. His growls are near my ear, I can even feel drool falling down onto my arms and shoulder. I sneak a view under me, resting my head fully on my arm. His balls swing to and fro. Why is that so hot? I shutter on the next back-breaking thrust, clenching up around him to get every inch of friction.
Finley growls, adjusting himself to have my legs between his. The slightly new position makes him snarl. Everything about him is driving me crazy with want. His hairy body rubbing against my sweaty one. The way his nails dig into my side as he holds me still to fuck into. Even the way he drools as he is utterly engaged with my pussy. I'm a wreck as my pleasure rises and rises, just a little more. I hear a crunching sound in front of me. I look up to see Finley scratching grooves into the wood floor. For some reason that puts me where I need to be. Just the idea of him absolutely tortured like I am.
I cum, biting into my arm as I watch his nails embedded into the floor. I'm utterly dizzy, absent even. I'm only even on my knees still because Finley is holding me so tightly. I'm trapped in the loop of pleasure as he gets his fill, me milking him as I ride this incredible orgasm. A thought though enters my mind without any prompt.
What's that thing I heard from the grapevine?
Before I can think harder a very thick piece is hitting the already sensitive walls of my pussy. With a guttural groan, it's pushed into me. I bite harder onto my arm, a few tears building at the edge of my eyes. Finley grabs my arm, tearing it from my mouth and setting his in its place. Alright then, I grab his arm and bite onto that. I hardly notice all the hair in my mouth but very much so notice the incredibly thick piece inside me. His thrusts have slowed to a restricted wiggle. He huffs, barely getting a breath before he is clamping onto my clothed shoulder. He chops down hard enough for the skin to not even be a proper barrier. I do the same to his arm. A heat fills me and I'm just in bliss.
We are trapped in this limbo for a moment. His cock barely moves as he wiggles for any more friction, I find myself doing the same. When he can no longer hold us both up he collapses to the side, hitting the hardwood with a loud thunk. I spit out his arm but he can't seem to let go of my shoulder. I'll just give you a minute.
I come down from it all a little faster than Finley, taking the time to look around at the cabin. There is a couch- wish we used that instead of this hard floor- and a coffee table. I have to work to see the kitchen just near the front door. I wiggle a bit to see any more of the room to Finley's dismay.
"Stop," he grumbles finally letting go of my now sore shoulder.
"Sorry," I whisper to him. Though I can't think why I should apologize. I didn't get stuck in him. Stuck? I seem to come back to myself at that moment. The sex brain fades to nothing. I look down at myself and then try to look over at Finley. He growls again as I wiggle about.
"Stop," he says louder. I ignore him, testing out my range. He pulls painfully at my crotch, and we both wince.
"Alani," He shouts," Stop moving."
"What is all this," I gesture to us," What is happening?"
"Sex," he says offended.
"No shit," I snap back," Why is it still going though?"
He grumbles in answer so I wiggle some more. He growls, throwing me onto my stomach with him closely behind. He settles his weight on me and keeps an arm below me to curl my body against him. His free hand takes it upon itself to rip my shirt. I haven't a clue how I'm getting back home now.
"You owe me clothes, dick, " I complain. He ignores me, letting the torn shirt fall to the ground. He reaches up and slides my bra strap aside. I wince as it angers my new open wound. His tongue laps at the mark he left, and I shudder. My pussy flutters around him as he cleans me. I'm both disgusted and euphoric about all that.
"What are you doing," I nearly whisper.
"Cleaning," he answers. Well no shit, I think.
"Why," I ask. He just hums, pleased with himself. I guess I have some embarrassing questions for Lily.
Finley settles into a comfortable position, leaving me to look around once again. "Whose place is this?"
He hums, "Mine."
"I thought you didn't have a place since your mom left," I answer back.
He shrugs," Sometimes mine."
"Sometimes yours, ok. I guess we will talk about that later. Another pin on the board," I mime putting a pin on a board.
I never thought sex with a werewolf would be so boring. I imagine it's been maybe 30 minutes and I've already counted everything I can see. When is this dude going to deflate? My ribs are starting to hurt being laid on like this.
"When is this all done? I really need to head back, it's already dark," I ask over my shoulder.
"Already done," he answers. Already done? I wiggle around not feeling much of anything. He is still in me but just barely.
"Are you cock warming," I say as I wiggle. He holds tightly, that damn beast.
"Stop," he growls.
"For what? We are done, why are we still here?"
"Cuddle," he answers simply. I scoff, freeing myself from under him to finally stretch. I shiver at the shifting fluids in me. Bleh.
"I need to get back and let the crew know I'm alive," I say as my shoulder pops. I groan as I stretch my back. God that feels great. I crack my fingers and I'm ready to take on a bear.
"No stay," he asks as he rolls onto his back.
"I have work, and as far as I know this isn't really your place. Trespassing like a bunch of teens snogging in the woods," I say as I look around for anything to wear. I find a blanket to wear as a toga. I wince as I stretch my shoulder to pull the blanket from behind
"My place," he thuds his chest," our place."
"Whatever, I gotta go," I tidy myself and head to the door. Finley keeps himself where he is, all hairy and content.
I walk alone in the woods back to a familiar trail. I follow it until the building shows up. I take the walk of shame up the porch and into work. I see Lily at her desk, turning in her chair with a smug look.
"Not a word," I snap. She barks a laugh.
I stomp past her to grab some proper clothes from my bag. I debate showering here, the hot water doesn't work but I am covered in filth. The cum dries to my leg and that settles it. I take a quick shower and put on mostly clean clothes.
I walk back out into the main room and fall face-first onto the couch, utterly exhausted.
"So how'd it go," Lily ask with a shit-eating grin. I glare at her but give up. I twist onto my back and look at the ceiling.
"What was any of that," I begin," like magic is all like 'horny time' and we are running through the woods like some sexually primed fae ready for a good fuck. Then he is all growls and claws."
"Sounds about right, " Lily says.
"Then," I shout as I sit upright," you didn't warn me about the locking."
Lily is in fits of laughter as I rant on and on about tonight.
"Also! He lives in a cabin in the woods but just doesn't use it," I throw my hands around in confusion," like?"
"He is a lost cause but he is your lost cause now," she says.
"Oh and the biting! What was that," I shout," it fuckin hurt as did the locking. I feel all gross about it all, embarrassed."
Lily scoffs," No need to be embarrassed, ya dork. You two are going to be a very strong match. Just give him a chance and it will work out. But as for the biting, that's just nature. No way that wasn't going to happen."
I huff, shaking my head," I need a drink."
I get up to grab the hidden bottle in the back, ready to just be piss drunk tonight. Nothing makes sense, cheers.
The front door opens and a very pleased Finley walks in. Human and naked.
"Not an inch of modesty, lover boy," Lily teases.
"Then grab me some clothes," he answers. While I'm back here I grab one of Daryl's pants and meet Finley at the front.
"Here," I toss him the pants. He lights up at the sight of me, already taking steps forward. "Nuh-uh," I stop him," pants first."
He rolls his eyes but begins the pants process. I fall onto the couch and take a swig of the burning liquor. Needs to be watered down, but do I care enough? I take another mouthful. Finley falls on the couch beside me, cuddling up with his scraggly beard. Lily laughs at my deadpan look ahead.
"So Lily," I take another drink," what now?"
"Happily ever after," she suggests.
I ponder the idea for a moment, looking over at lover boy. If he cleaned up he would honestly be so attractive. He could be a great help here in the park, perhaps another ranger. Could clean up 'his' cabin and bum out of there for a bit. All I know is he needs a shower and a shave.
"If I must," I answer Lily. Finley snuggles closer, content as can be.
Hello! This is the last story for my October run. I hope you enjoyed them, it's hard to write around a job. Though I continue to have ideas, I just can't set aside 5 hours to write them. So I collected the ones I could finish and released them together for Spooky Month!
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saeraas · 3 months
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pinazee · 19 days
If you’re so smart, then why are you dead?
To start, heres a list of scientists that some characters were named after:
Lisa Meitner (physicist, bad bitch)
Otto Hahn (physicist)
Kurt Gödel (mathematician) (shawn was sort of correct with the pronunciation)
Robert Goddard (physicist)
William Shockley (racist)
I thought this was an accident because James seems to snicker after but apparently it was planned by Dulé’s stand in Gyle (Gile?)
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Gus really should have known this was Avogadros number if he took any kind of chemistry.
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Were they originally going to have Shawns mom a cop too and thats why he said he was born with “an extra normal amount [of paranormalevolance]. Two cops to be exact.” I have a vague memory of someone mentioning it on a commentary.
I wish they had let Juliet have a little more participation in the solve and therefore the victory. Or better yet, gave her a separate case to solve on her own so we saw her really get a win under her belt. She could still ask Shawn for advice, or maybe while he’s doing his whole psychic episode bit to give her a clue she solves it without him, and Shawns left standing impressed. But also, you’re telling me that she wasn’t the primary when she went undercover at the sorority??
The way Dulé says “i never got carsick a day in my life!” ABSOLUTELY SENDS ME
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But what really made the Gusters keep him from going? Was it just their overprotectiveness? Was shawn really his only friend? Are they still trying to protect him from the truth?
Somehow i got it in my brain that Shawn was responsible for Gus not getting in. I think i headcanoned that so hard i made it feel true lol i thought Shawn knew the whole time (i mean he must have seen Gus practicing and being extra anxious about something) and he somehow convinced his parents that Gus wouldn’t have been happy there. maybe part of that was true, but little Shawn just didn’t want him to go.
Either way, if the Gusters were actually concerned about quality of life, then they chose Gus’s happiness over his success which is such a juxtaposition to Shawn and his dad.
Or maybe they visited the school and saw a kid getting shocked and said fuck that.
Here’s another instance of Gus looking for where he went wrong in life. If only he’d spelt aggiornamento correctly, if only he’d gone to Meitner. Gus seems so unhappy with himself, and theres this underlying narrative happening that Gus might actually be depressed. Like in 9 lives when he’s convincing himself he’s happy, or in down the stretch when Shawn says Gus needed a victory more than him at the moment. This poor guy spent so much of his life being told he would go far, that he could do anything, so when he didn’t, he felt like a failure. And I don’t think that was his parents fault necessarily, i think he put that pressure on himself, simply because it was expected. He was the gifted kid who burned out, and now he’s settled into something safe, reliable, and unfulfilling.
Then you have this chess match with Shawn and Henry and we see Shawn demonstrate his own genius. But the juxtaposition here is that shawns pressure was external. Shawn also had the potential to go far but that ultimately isn’t what he strives for. Shawn just wants to have a good, fun life. Probably because his dad sucked the fun out of everything (let the kid call the knight Dwight, jesus henry).
Sidenote: I’m obsessed with finding this blonde guy in the background now haha
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variksel · 10 months
*henry oak voice* guys check this out ... this ken is excited to see the barbie movie with his best buds !
darryl: oh! i think grant told me about this.. thats great henry, this ken is.. excited too
ron: yeah this barbie will get a bucket full of butter with popcorn.
darryl: ron i think youre supposed to call yourself a ken .. you know, because youre a man..?
ron: no, i am like barbie. she has a very good business plan and she is making good money right now! and because i am a business man, and so is barbie, i feel like i am definitely a barbie.
henry: darryl, dont be so close-minded! if ron feels that he relates more to a female character, then he relates more to a female character. you know, its a shame that men arent allowed to really like a female character without finding her attractive. the patriarchical society we live in limits us so that we cant really truly see women as people and we have to always aspire to be the macho, strong men on screen and -
glenn: guys check it out i got pink molly for the movie
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critterpdf · 7 months
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also more beauyasha doodles from like a week or so ago bc the bfs hyperfixation continues to spread to me……… still feeling out how to draw these 2 but ill get there
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sneakerdoodle · 10 months
this may be petty but i think it's just a bit silly that both the comic (very openly) and the movie (less so but still deliberately) used Nimona's shapeshifting combined with her immortality as a source of distrust for Ballister, causing him to look at her differently, no longer seeing a vulnerable young person (and that hurting her and hurting their bond) - that in the movie, they had the director use footage of Nimona allowing herself a moment of vulnerability, of being a child reaching out to a child, and tell everyone "see? this monster will PRESENT as harmless and vulnerable and choose seemingly helpless forms to fool you", had the director point at this battered traumatized suicidal teenager falling into the arms of the first adult in a thousand years who chose to protect her, and say "this is deception, it's TRYING to appear vulnerable and young and defenseless" - and she is wrong, and we're supposed to know that the narrative asks us to TRUST what we see despite the things we do not get to fully know or understand -
and now a portion of the fan base is debating whether Nimona choosing a vulnerable young form is disingenuine and inauthentic to her actual degree of "maturity". is just weird!
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