laufire · 1 year
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"Men have used her meanly. She will eat them." –Sylvia Plath, Three Women: A Poem for Three Voices.
gift for @equusgirl
[Caption: screenshots of Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones. The first one shows her looking down during a conversation with Ned Stark, with a bruise on her face inflicted by Robert visible. The last one shows her seizing up Petyr Baelish with a calculating look and slight smile, before their "power is power" moment. In the middle there's a screenshot of the line in the poem shown in the caption.]
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I know the gay council does not control the submissions but no Ellie Sattler? 😭
however! since there are a fair amount of milves not included, we have been considering a milvening part 2 electric boogaloo 👁 (it depends on how burned out the mods get LMAO)
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pinespittinink · 1 year
Got any ideas for future works that won’t leave you be?
Oh there are a few! In the Deep of the Trees is one (technically), but I also have a story referred to as the revenant wip (woman brought back to life consistently by her devoted best friend to lover, typical medical dark fantasy setting). The one I consistently have the most brain rot about is Star White, my sort of romantic space fantasy fairytale that I’ve been obsessed with for years. It’s one of those projects I love so much that I’m hesitant about diving in, but I have no other option really.
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sparatus · 2 years
74 for the spotify wrapped ficlet game :)
yesssssss YESSSSSSS
this one's a lot of fun to BELT ngl
the speaker of the song knows they're being lied to by a lover who keeps telling them they'll love them forever, and even though it hurts because they're fully aware of what's coming, they can't help but still love them. adhd thought process bounced around a few times but i kept coming back to my original concept for this so guess what we're going with, lol, hope u like Ierian Sparatus Backstory Content™
ierian is my hc name for cnclr sparatus, herrimius invidas is the ex-boyfriend who clawed his face apart and gave him the facial scars we see in canon :)
spotify wrapped new game+: send me a number 1-101 and i'll write you a ficlet inspired by the corresponding song
Ierian couldn't tell you when the spark died between him and Herrimius. Maybe it had been last month, maybe last year. Maybe it had never really been there at all, and he'd just let himself think it was because Herrimius thought he was hot and it felt good to be desired.
That part of it was still there, at least. If all else failed, Herrimius still thought he was attractive and wanted to fuck him. He wanted to fuck him a lot, really, and that was what made Ierian think. Where his other friends talked about going out to see a simulstim, or eat at a nice restaurant, or mess around at a combat sim, or anything else that might be a fun date, all he and Herrimius seemed to do was fuck and show each other stupid shit they found on the extranet. He would have liked to do those things, of course. They sounded fun, and he wanted to have that same kind of light about him that his friends got when they talked about their dates and partners. But whenever he brought it up, Herrimius would wave him off - "not right now" or "maybe" or "I'm busy," until Ierian stopped bringing it up.
He was never too busy for the things he wanted to do, Ierian also noticed. Everything was about Herrimius's interests, or desires, or ideas. Ierian's got brushed off, and sometimes straight-up ignored. Of course, if he tried to brush Herrimius off, it was the end of the world, and Ierian had to scramble to apologize and make time for him, even if he really couldn't afford to, but then, he was Herrimius's friend, and Herrimius was pretty busy, so it was fine.
"I'm important to you, right?" Ierian asked him one night, when they were lying in bed after another round. It hadn't been much fun, Herrimius had wanted to try something Ierian hadn't been that into, but he'd tried it for Herrimius's sake (and decided it sucked), and he wasn't as tired as usual, so his brain was still rolling ideas around.
"Huh?" Herrimius was tired, as he'd enjoyed himself much more than Ierian had. "'Course, what makes you think you're not?"
"Mm. Just thinking. Late-night existentialism, you know."
Herrimius snorted and rolled over. "You think too much. One of these days, you'll think yourself into trouble, and then what will you do?"
"If I'm a lawyer by then, I'll be fine."
Herrimius didn't respond. After a minute, a whistling snore rose from his side of the bed.
He never seemed to pay much attention when Ierian wanted to talk about the future. About law school, about his anxieties and motivations and all his debates on which branch he wanted to specialize in. He had a plan and everything - he'd go home to Acalin, study at U-TIE there like every generation of his family before him, sign on with the Cavalry to finish out his mandatory service while he was there, pass the bar exam, get a job with the government, live out a mildly interesting but not wholly exciting life in the peaceful anonymity of an imperial prosecutor. He could tell you every obstacle, every leg up, every time frame.
He wasn't even sure Herrimius had an idea of what he'd do with himself.
He supposed he might be able to pencil in room for meeting new people. Children might be nice, at some point, once he had everything stable and comfortable enough to put a nest together. Herrimius didn't want children, but maybe he could be talked around once they were older.
His gizzard grumbled, and he wondered how much longer he could keep lying to himself.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
What’s going on in romancelandia? (Sorry, I’m a nosey bitch)
Hm? You mean in romance novels? I'm sorry I'm just waking up so I'm not all here. (And don't apologize for being a nosey bitch qwew a or well rather I cant judge you much for that as I too am one.)
If you mean romancelandia as in the twitter fandom for romance novels, no clue. I don't follow it as much as I used to -- probably some racism or some nonsense about how new romance readers/critics aren't REAL romance readers. And the people who counteract such view point.
If you mean something else, please elaborate <3 ty
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I bought your map brushes earlier after getting an Apple Pencil and they’re so much fun!! Thank you for such a beautiful resource
!!!! Thank you!! I'm glad they're working well for ya!!!
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outpost51 · 11 months
The 51 Post
so. bad week, if the prolonged absence wasn’t enough of a clue. but! i did write a... moderate amount. listen, i've been coping with sims.
Things You Might Have Missed
This Week's Jams
WIP Breakdowns
From the Skwad
Around the 'Blr
Things You Might Have Missed
get on my taglists for WIP updates, 51 post, tag games, and ask events!
BRHP: Chapter 17 posted; K A DM O S.
Unlikely Adventures, Ch 2 posted; it’s literally in the blurb but it hurt me to write too
BRHP: Chapter 16 posted; baby's first fight pit, and a family secret is revealed.
Murky Water: the 7th entry into the Lighthouse in the Fog shorts; our new Keeper finds her answers.
This Week's Jams
aliens (porcelain remix) || xylø, porcelain [spotify/youtube]
avoidant attachment || libby larkin [spotify/youtube]
fire fire || flyleaf [spotify/youtube]
no care || daughter [spotify/youtube]
let the flames begin || paramore [spotify/youtube]
devil’s teeth || muddy magnolias [spotify/youtube]
WIP Breakdowns
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
hngggg i am. behind. it’s all outlined but my god i was too tired to write much
Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go F*ck Yourself
[affectionately strangles zadimus]
Blinding Neon, Shades of Grey
[vibrates] hhhhhh i love the orville scene, i forgot how much i love the orville scene, yes i will post the orville scene this week if yall bully me (pls)
Stellar Parallax
Lighthouse in the Fog
8th short will be coming out some time tonight or tomorrow, it’s been an uphill battle to write today, anyway things have Developed in a Direction i was not Expecting
In the Works
i have noodled some of those random shuffle prompts. some of you are getting whacked with the emotions stick
From the Skwad
SSSC 006 wrapped up! see the entries here.
@thetrashbagswasteland posted a little too good to be true, a follow up to a little too much like me as their submission for MEBB 2023 and it is rife with snark
speaking of MEBB, @sparatus also published his triumphant return to His Original Bullshit: serpents in the garden and i am living. he also wrote skewed results for FFF208 bc we all need more teia
@uraniumwriting also wrote a submission for FFF208 in which caspian is forced to be a reporter for a day
we have FIVE updates from @teamdilf this week: a sweet piece in which adrien is offered some kittens, ch 20 of in-laws and the grandparents, this drabble that actually ripped my soul out through my eyes, ch 16 of man of many talents, and the first chapter of father, daughter, rocket launchers, and a side of wrex
@bambino1294 dropped the second chapter of upright tower and it was well worth the wait
@equusgirl has given us two more treats for sapphic summer: heaven or hell and if the bird likes it's cage so very much, why is the cage so tightly shut
@commander-krios wrote this squee-worthy despina/theron piece and also this stolen moment between jeff and john
@writernopal wrote a character study with mariel and sartor that i’m still thinking about actually, it’s wild to see how much the characters have developed between the first and third books
@asher-orion-writes posted another installment of fairweather YAY hhhhhh i fucked up and peeked at the last few lines before i read it and now i’m trying to wrap up so i can go eat it
Around the ‘Blr
@tabswrites blessed us with both the second chapter of ascension and chapter 4 of silver sentinels!!!
@vacantgodling’s art comms are open which i will be taking a look at given it does not fall through the holes in my swiss cheese brain, he dropped toph art that i’m OBSESSED with AND a lukewarm rejection sneep bc toph’s bday was the 7th. tell him happy birthday 4 me
bit over a week but i missed it last week — @autumnalwalker announced that the archivist’s journal is COMPLETE, so if you were ever looking for a reason to binge it, now’s the time (the anniversary is july 16th!). find it here @thearchivistsjournal
@captain-kraken dropped a sonhara lore masterpost oh my GOD
screaming crying frothing at the mouth over @liv-is’s fae headshots WOW
@void-botanist gave us the LORE on the revalo tailory & hotel and i will chew off my arm if tumblr doesn’t start giving me gd notifs about this
@artdecosupernova-writing dropped SO MANY shorts this week, so here’s the tag, go nuts; also a post on the planet holeph that i am eating with a spoon
we now have such amazing faces to put with the cast of @elshells’s agent ace (courtesy of @illjustpretend)
Outpost Updates Taglist: @tabswrites @writernopal @freedominique @asher-orion-writes @liv-is @starknstarwars @captain-kraken
Ask to +/- in the tags, replies, DMs, or HERE!
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equusgirl-writes · 2 years
Looking for writeblrs
Hello, writing community!
I'm looking for more writeblrs to follow and interact with. So give this a reblog if you write fantasy (high, low, dark, etc) or horror. Especially horror. Bonus points if it's gothic. Signal boosts are greatly appreciated :)
I follow from @equusgirl
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months
Rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people (or however many you want). Many thanks to @blondiest for the tag, because I WILL take any opportunity to scream about music I like.
"Love It When You Hate Me" (Avril Lavigne ft. Blackbear)
"Eat the Acid" (Kesha)
"OUT OF MY MIND" (little image)
"I Go Crazy-Acoustic" (Orla Gartland)
"Hold Me Like a Grudge" (Fall Out Boy)
"This Is Love" (Air Traffic Controller)
"Last Man In The World" (The Band CAMINO)--warning for flashing images in the link
"See You Later" (The Band CAMINO)--warning for eyestrain in the link (why are their lyrics videos like this........)
"Trigger" (Hayley Williams)
"Flatline" (Orla Gartland)
TAGS: @equusgirl, @ichabodcranemills, @joanna-lannister, @strawberrylovely, @escapetheshark, @ingoodjesst, @margridarnauds, @sorrowsflower, @fancytrinkets, @i-am-adlocked, and ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO!! (And also no pressure to those I did tag!)
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mmuffncakes · 8 months
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a couple of commissions for my friend @equusgirl !
They requested Bode and Cal bein cUTE in some lingerie and lace based on an RP they've been doing!
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flowerprose · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022 - Part I
wasn’t sure i was going to finish today after some unexpected news, but here we are! i’m using an entirely separate doc to track namesake’s progress and managed to scrape by to my first word count goal!
please enjoy my favourite (unedited) passage from today below the cut! good luck to everyone else crushing nano this month. 💖🌷
tw for animal cruelty
“And what ugly mongrel are you supposed to be?” the titan sneers, lifting Cerberus by the scruff of his centre neck, peering down at him as if inspecting bait withering at the bottom of a fisherman’s pail.
Hades cannot keep his emotions shadowed, overwhelmed by the hellfire that flees from the cage of his ribs. It blares down the thin, sinew of his legs, curves along the ivory cliffside of his spine. The Gaian earth succumbs to an ashen grovel at his heels. When Hades speaks, a beast has stolen over his usual regal command, a snarling menace that causes the titan’s fist to loosen as he regards the Skeleton King.
“Release him, uncle. Turn back—now—and allow me the grace of time to forget such impunity. For if you don’t, should any harm befall him, there is no peace your flesh will know again. You cower thinking of the cell that harbours Kronus?” Hades cannot muster a smile with his fleshless face, but the cruelty of promise reaches Perses anyway. “The suffering he shares with his wailing brethren? You will beg me to scream at his side if this doesn’t end now.”
tag list: @mr-writes, @afoolandathief, @sapphic-story, @megarywrites, @loveimogen, @blushroomx, @ozzie-scribe, @asher-orion-writes, @theskeletonprior, @muddshadow, @thepixiediaries, @nikkywrites, @bebewrites, @jhellfiregirls, @pinespittinink, @pink-prose-n-wiriters-woe, @phantomnations, @laufire-writes, @antihell, @equusgirl-writes, @perasperaadastrawriting, @andromedatalksaboutstuff, @thebluesthourcommunity, @fearofahumanplanet, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @leighvalentin.
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laufire · 2 years
For the ask meme: georg and sunny d ☺️
-Georg: beloved mutual, you are a little bit insane.
-sunny d: i am grinding your posts up in a mortar and eating them up like fun dip.
flatterer 💖
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Not one of y’all thought to put Baghra from Shadow and Bone on here? For shame.
(For realsies though the true crime is making me choose between Mon Mothma and Carol Peletier)
(So excited for this though and was extremely happy to see Cersei on here)
GJDJJG to be fair to our brethren in milvery, baghra was submitted! none of the mods know shadow and bone, though, and after midnight the prep work became. a huge gay blur. solid chance she was on one spreadsheet and somehow didn’t make it onto the next.
🫡 to baghra, keep on milving. and thank you for joining us!!! 🫶
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pinespittinink · 2 years
Zeo: how do you approach the growth of your characters? do you always have clear arcs in mind when you conceive them or do they surprise you? :)
Ohhhhh, sometimes they surprise me as I’m writing, if the story shifts or I learn more about a facet I hadn’t predicted beforehand. But most of the time, I have the arc (so to speak) pretty planned out. Moses and Solene have the greatest tangible growth, their arcs are dramatic imo compared to some of my other characters (they all go through growth of course, but their personalities and identities are pretty defined from the beginning— meanwhile Moses and Solene have big changes they go through as they find their places.
Sorry I’m rarely concise in my answers 😅 basically I tend to have the arcs in mind, more often than not; though I love surprises
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sparatus · 2 years
28 for the spotify wrapped fic game :)
this one is actually on my playlist for the resistance!! a lot of my work earlier this year was on the batarians and especially tarvok, morvarn, and other major players in the resistance, though this song popped up on my discover weekly a bit late in the game, lol. maybe next year i'll get around to writing more on the trilogy i have planned for them!! in the meantime, have this snippet from interlude i of in the land of giants
spotify wrapped new game+
Tarvok’s jaws ached when he gritted his teeth. Twelve-week recovery, his left asscheek. Just another scar, another permanent reminder of why they kept fighting. This one just made eating a bitch and a half. “Nothing,” he muttered. He finished his stroke more harshly than he’d wanted to, leaving a little tail of red paint breaking up the neat diamond he’d been carefully constructing. A gruff rattle rose in the back of his throat, and he gripped Morvarn’s chin maybe just a little rougher than necessary while he leaned in to fix it. Triangles along the border, maybe, that might look good. Like teeth. “Ethrut’s a hothead, he forgets to comm back all the time, but Odram… You have to remind Odram to go radio silent. This isn’t like him.”
Morvarn clicked sympathy. Both right eyes were shut against Tarvok’s hand now, but he didn’t mention it, just let him work it out. An old, unwelcome guilt gnawed at his gut, and he forced himself to relax. In Dasrak, even the slightest hint of aggression towards a superior, even by accident, would have been grounds for retaliation tenfold, and Tarvok’s skeleton was riddled with the healed fractures to prove it. “Sorry,” he muttered, moving his claws away from Morvarn’s orbital ridges.
“For what?” Morvarn’s voice was gentle, quiet. Forgiving. It made Tarvok’s tongue swell up in his throat. “Your men are missing. You’re allowed to be upset.”
Tarvok didn’t move, didn’t speak, only trembled as hot shame flushed behind his cöncifaxda. Morvarn waited a couple of heartbeats, then finally shook Tarvok’s hand off his head so he could twist around and face him properly. “Tarvok,” he said, urgent but not scolding, and Tarvok couldn't decide if it hurt more or less that it wasn’t. His eyes searched Tarvok’s own, and he lifted a hand to grasp his bicep. “Come here.”
Obedience was easy. Swift, direct, no questions asked, and Tarvok hated every firing neuron that made it happen. He made to kneel, but Morvarn didn’t let him, the massive hand on his arm tightening and pulling him up and over instead. He ended up straddling him, the ex-cop’s trunk broad enough Tarvok’s hips almost, just barely, started to ache as he spread his knees for balance. Morvarn let go of him once he was sure he was steady, and his hands instead turned to sliding up Tarvok’s sides, his back, his shoulders, and then one went back down to settle at his hips while the other cupped the back of his head. “Tarvok, look at me,” he directed. His voice was maddeningly soft.
Tarvok flicked his lower eyes to Morvarn’s chin, the upper ones to his cöncifaxda. Then all four slid sideways to the ground. He just barely picked up the beginnings of a rattle in the back of Morvarn’s throat. “My eyes, Tarvok.”
He couldn't, he couldn't, he couldn't, but he’d been given a command. His own muscles betrayed him, like any good little slave henchman, not even granting him the dignity of reluctance before dragging his eyes back up to meet his superior's. Sarrebar would have sent him flying already. Just that little act of needing to be told to look was defiance, insubordination, disobedience. He'd let himself slip. It should have been instinct, carved into his bones and branded across his brain.
But Morvarn Taryn was not Ikothan Sarrebar, and when Tarvok looked into his eyes, all he found was worry and grief. "Tarvok," he murmured, voice as soft as his touch as he caressed the back of his skull. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You know that, right?" His thumb traced the edge of his cöncifaxda. "Come back to me, muün ."
Tarvok's skin burned wherever he touched, his eyes stung, his entire body buzzed with tension and fear. Every trace of the fire that came so readily with anger was ice-cold, shut down wholly and completely and walled off behind thick asbestos sheets. He couldn't move, couldn't speak. The best he could do was stare into Morvarn's eyes, begging him to understand.
Morvarn had always been good at understanding. After a moment of quiet, he took a deep, steady breath and moved his hand to brush his thumb over Tarvok's lips. "Tarvok," he murmured, "You didn't hurt me. I'm not angry. It's okay. Take a deep breath."
His lungs obeyed automatically. Morvarn did it with him, deep and slow, and on the exhale Tarvok brought shaking hands up to grip Morvarn's forearm like a lifeline. His eyes slid shut as he leaned into the hand on his face, ignoring the pain shooting through barely-healed bone. "Seventeen years, Morvarn," he whispered, so low he almost didn't hear himself.
Morvarn rumbled, and his other arm curled around Tarvok's torso in a firm, reassuring hug. "Seventeen years out, thirty-two in," he reminded him. "Forty-one for me. Neither of us was going to get better overnight, not from what they put us through. But we got out, and we have each other. That's what matters. That's what separates us from them. The Hegemony wouldn't care about Odram and Ethrut going missing. You do. You're already a better man than you used to be."
Bile rose in Tarvok's throat, and he shook his head. "I should be out there looking for them. I made a promise."
"You're still healing." Morvarn pulled his head in for a feather-light kiss above his nasal ridges. "If they can be found, Kaza and Dirzhal will find them. At this point, I should think they know you won't abandon them. But you need to stay here, focus on healing. Don’t overexert yourself. There will always be another Sarrebar, another Ratosk, another Balak. There's only one you. And I'd like the one I've got to stick around."
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grapecaseschoices · 11 months
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I've seen this around, from a few people, and I wanted to do it so!
tagging: whoever wants to but specifically people i remember who write fic [if i dont tag you fic writing pals its not lack of love but lack of brain!]
@laufire @equusgirl @andthatisnotfake @sustainably-du-mortain @thee-morrigan @serenpedac @amlovelies @wayhavenots @thelittlestspider @thewayhavenchronicle @evilbunnyking @magebastard @narrativefoiltrope @lizzybeth1986 @agentfreckles @agentnatesewell @cypresssunns @queerdetectiveblue
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