#eremika smut
jjkeremika · 7 months
it is hot (with you; love you)
description: eren and mikasa make love in a hot spring… that is all…
pairing: eren x mikasa, eremika (aot, snk)
universe: og/original
Eren found peace in the hot springs, often spending his free time hiking well within Wall Maria to the hot spring, sauna and spa resort in the mountains.
A small cabin complex for weary travelers, wedged into the side of the mountain, small pools of hot water scattered, isolated. The long trees and tall rock structures surrounded the spring like a cocoon, wooden planks imitating walls creating roof-ed structures.
Eren would sit naked on the smooth wooden surface, let the steam tickle his skin with a warm embrace. The hot dewy air made it easier to breathe, easier to bear the reality and responsibilities of this world. The bright shine of the near-setting sun on the water highlighted what little beauty was left to enjoy, made it more difficult to close his eyes on it.
He heard a splash and ignored it, keeping his eyes closed and breathing meditatively, spacing out his breath into three intervals of five seconds: five second inhale, five second hold, five second exhale. He was always alone here, the splashes always being a small animal or a twig falling in.
Being lost in the crystal-clear air of the mountains had its perks, one being that rarely did he encounter anyone. No one to ask who he was, why he was there, where he was going to, who he was running from. He never had an answer for those questions, or at least never a good one.
Never having to introduce himself, never having to actively be himself... The feeling erupting in his chest, like he had been uplifted from the ancient curse, like the weight of eternal and immortal expectations had dissolved like acid kissing skin... A taste of freedom.
It could only be made better with the company of select friends, the presence of certain family, the close shared proximity with the love of his life.
He thought of her... of leaving her behind. It was inevitable, and he was searching through his dreams for some solution to stop it, to live on by her side. His attempts felt futile, and as he sat in the most beautiful place alone, wondering if maybe he’d end up wasting the rest of his time cluelessly searching for a way to extend it, instead of spending it with her and everyone else too.
He used his forearm to wipe the water droplet from near his chin. Another perk of the sauna is, if it was hot enough, the sweat was indistinguishable from the tears.
Eren had been feeling particularly dirty today and he'd had an awful premonition that were getting more horribly more vivid and despite Erwin and Hange's disapproval Levi still used Eren as titan-target practice. So it was a long day, and he really wanted nothing more than to hurry to the hot springs.
But Mikasa had insisted on visiting the replacement graves for their parents today, citing that it might be the last time in a while before they can visit again, and only Eren knew just how correct that statement was.
They were silent on the walk there, their bodies actively fighting the magnetic pull between their fingers as they walked.
At the grave site, they had become aware of the temperature drop, and Mikasa started shivering slightly, her muscles too fatigued from training to resist the cold.
He draped his sweater over her arm, his hands lingering on her shoulders as he thoughtfully placed the fabric in a way to keep her warm. The touch from his hands was warm enough, the area instantly heating up her skin and radiating throughout her body.
It was the walk around the cemetery, no particular destination, when Mikasa finally broke the silence: "How are you doing, Eren?"
He stopped walking momentarily, the question catching him off guard. He thought about what he was doing all the time; never how he was doing. Did he even want to burden her with that?
Was there any point in lying? This was Mikasa, she knew so much about him she could likely tell if he were lying from the sound of his voice.
And yet she trusted him so deeply she’d also reject that.
She stopped a couple paces in front of him and turned to face him. He debated how much to divulge. The details were long and nuanced and boring and he was still sorting them out.
“I'm... adjusting," Eren answered neutrally after pondering. Mikasa eyed him carefully, squinting as the final ray of golden light struck her face, lighting up her eyes.
He smiled lightly as he stared her, heat erupting from the center of his chest and spiraling out like an untamed fire. He suppressed the forming tears in the corner of his eyes, blinking them away. He always did think she was beautiful. He never told her that.
Maybe he should tell her that. "I'm happy right now." He smiled softly. With you.
She turned around to face ahead. She was skeptical, but she also doubted that skepticism, leaving her at a crossroads. He felt the stinging signal spread to his tear-glands, forcibly swallowing to take his mind off the sensation. "That's good. Maybe we should visit here more." She started walking again.
Maybe it was because deep down he wanted her to know that despite everything, he was still human, and he still needed joy and relief to survive; maybe it was because he wanted the most serene place in the world to be her surviving memory of him; maybe it was because the weight of the world was crushing him and the strongest soul in existence stopped in front of him and he so desperately didn't want to be alone.
Eren took a rushed couple steps and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to a stop and causing her to twist her body to face him. "I want to take you somewhere. Come with me."
He didn’t wait for a response, just started leading without looking back to see if she truly stayed. She followed Eren to the mountains obediently, asking questions at first but stopping after becoming frustrated with Eren's cryptic answers. This place was sacred, exposing this place meant exposing his remaining solitude, his last freedom. Or maybe she'd be the spoon making it easier to taste.
When they'd finally arrived, Eren quickly rushed Mikasa through the main entrance and out the back. Mikasa was confused as there was little time to process her thoughts and surroundings, but she was amazed at how comfortable Eren was here, that alone was strikingly obvious.
He brought her to his most frequented spring, his favorite because of how isolated yet comforting it was. The enclosure was small and warm, moss covering the rocks and wisteria--fake, maybe--hanging between. He stopped in front of the open door and held his arm out, gesturing for her to enter. She did, glancing around in wonder, still taking it all in.
"A hot spring?" Mikasa asked, turning around to face the doorway. "This is where you come every day." It was more of a processing statement than a question and it didn't necessarily require an answer, but Eren nodded anyway. His future and dreams were cloudy and ambiguous; he didn't want tonight to be.
He started taking his shirt off, already warming up from the steam accumulating in the loosely closed-off room. "I love it here," he answered quietly, eyes gazing around the room, noting the small differences from yesterday. He moved on to remove his shorts.
Mikasa's face erupted into various shades of pinks and reds, her eyes widening slightly and fixating on Eren's eyes, biting her lip to relieve the tension from holding her gaze above his sculpted collarbones.
He shifted slightly to pull the short off his foot and Mikasa's eyes glanced at the glistening sweat forming on his sharp collarbones, pointing like an arrow towards the tough ridges that make up his abs.
She licked her lips, catching glimpses of his firm ass as he stepped into the spring, wading to the middle where it reached his naval. She gulped harshly as the water kissed up his thighs, instantly hugging his skin.
"I can't describe it," Eren sighed, running his hands over his face and letting the hot water forge different trails to his chest, his brown hair turning black as it absorbed the water. Mikasa's eyes followed the sweat traveling down his chest, watching it culminate into the reflection of the same site and watching the process in reverse. "You have to try it, Mikasa."
She pursed her lips, hesitant, before complying by slowly undoing the buttons on her shirt. She could feel Eren's eyes on her, intensely watching the finite movements of her fingers caressing the button, and she felt the heat rising to her cheeks. The thought of asking him to do it for her crossed her mind.
She shrugged off the top and her hands moved to the buttons on her pants, surprised at the increased breathability for her skin. Mikasa briefly caught Eren lick and bite his lip as he kept his eyes trained on her hands.
Eren waded closer, the water line settling now just above his hips. The water lapped at the paler skin, inching threateningly closer to where his cock was starting to harden. His breath hitched at the sight of her bending over to pull the pants over her knees, her cleavage rounding and the weight of her boobs distorting the structure, starting to fall out of the bra.
He kept his eyes fixed on her chest, fully aware of her gaze on him, as she started to stand up and stepped out the pants, leaving them on the floor.
She placed her hands delicately on the thin straps of her lace panties, and she was secretly psyched at her bold choice this morning. Eren stepped forward, the water loudly splashing out of the way, a splash lapping at her feet.
"Wait," he said quickly, "wait." He looked up at her from in the pool, the water to his knees. He held one hand up to her. "May I?" There was a hopeful rejuvenation sparkling in his eyes, an unspoken promise on his tongue.
His hands were inching towards her hips, giving in to an unseen magnetic pull, like he already knew she'd say yes. She'd paused in disbelief, her body becoming unbelievably warm. "Mika?"
As soon as the breathless "Yes," landed in one ear, Eren's hands snapped to her hips, holding the thin delicate fabric so tightly in his rough hands. His palms and forearms rested against the length of her thick thighs, the fading light still highlighting the muscle.
Eren took a slight step forward, disturbing the peace of the water and pressed his face to her crotch, still clutching onto the panty straps, like he'd drown if he let go. Eren inhaled deeply, a shiver ran down his spine and pulsed right to his cock because she smelled so, weirdly delicious.
He swallowed the saliva building on his tongue and rested his chin just above the top panty line. He stared up at her to find her staring at him, both hands reaching to his hair for stability. He could feel her heart beat to the pelvic muscles; she could feel the panty fabric dampen.
His throat was dry and he was at a loss for words as he stared at her and slowly started tugging down the straps. He stopped when the fabric had bunched just above the lips, letting them teasingly peek out at himself, and he licked his lips. Eren bit the fabric quickly, pulling back, looking up to make eye contact with it in his teeth before abruptly letting it recoil back and roughly yanking the rest of the panties down.
His hands immediately wrapped to her butt cheeks, grabbing one in each hand, like they were his new life support in the still pleasant waters. Mikasa moaned as he fondled the skin, grabbing and folding the soft flesh in his strong, rigid grip.
Meanwhile his mouth pressed kisses like it was paying a nonexistent fare as his mouth ventured lower, lips meeting lips. Her soft gasps served as conductors, waving him on. He sucked firmly, licking out exploritorily, smirking as his tongue registered the taste of her.
Eren lowered one hand from her ass cheek to between her thighs and swirled his thumb in the fluid. She was more wet than the steamed air.
He smirked at the gasp Mikasa released as his thumb cautiously pressed between the labia, his tongue following his finger and his mind making mental notes of where he'd touched that she was the loudest.
His thumb slid easily on her wet skin, alternating pressure with light thin tongue flicks or hard flat licks. Butterflies and extreme heat erupted in her stomach, spreading across her body like wildfire instantaneously.
"Oh, Eren!" she moaned loudly, clutching onto his scalp and pushing her weight onto him slightly, her knees wobbling from the pleasure.
Eren firmly grabbed one thigh in his hand and guided it to rest on his shoulder, his other hand supporting her standing leg. He supported her weight and she pressed into him and tightened her thigh to his face as he continued to lick hungrily at her clit, happier with this angle, with the weight of her thigh against his cheek.
After a few moments he smacked her cheek and pulled his head away, staring up at her with shiny eyes and a moist mouth. “On the ground,” he ordered.
Mikasa instantly obeyed, scampering onto the cold stone ground and sitting down. She hummed as the strangely cool rock soothed the hot stinging of the smack.
He leaned over her a heart’s beat later. Within seconds he was hovering over her legs, manhandling and kissing up her thighs, biting at the skin and licking to make up for it.
Eren moaned when he tucked his nose to her pussy and delicately touched his tongue to her clit again, his hands gripping her thighs that squeezed together, blocked by his head, pressing against his cheeks instead.
The pleasure went on for minutes, the sound an ungodly symphony, before the skin became too raw and too sensitive and Mikasa had to push his face away.
She was aching to catch her breath, her chest heaving, her heart racing, her pulse electrifying. He was smirking at her, also breathing deeply, like he were willing to sacrifice air to drink more of her. His eyes sparkling like he were staring at an angel; she was shining with a halo of sweat and condensation.
Mikasa opened her mouth to say something, barely got the semblance of an “I” out when Eren had lunged to her, the magnetic pull becoming too overwhelming to ignore anymore. Their mouths collided, his hand reaching out to hold her in place, and it felt like the steam from the sauna had penetrated their barriers.
She had moved to hover over his lap, lower thighs kissing but upper thighs barely touching, yearning out and aching to close the space. Eren’s hands were too busy exploring her breasts and upper back to pull her closer, and he was too overstimulated to focus on the drops landing on his hard cock, the mixed droplets of his saliva and her discharge.
Eren’s brain was short-circuiting: there was too much of her to focus on, and there were so many sensations of her skin of his to process. She was overwhelming.
Eren loudly moaned when her hand shyly reached for his cock, confidently gripping it yet stroking it coyly. The contradictory strokes sent electrifying waves of pleasure to his brain, pumping more blood back to his cock so he could feel it more.
The noises blissfully slipped out of his mouth as she tugged on him, kissing and nipping softly at the skin on his neck while bouncing lightly on her knees, letting her clit just grace his tense thigh, the ghostly friction teasingly divine.
When the heat boiling inside became too much and the heat from the moist air made the sweat stick to his skin, Eren roughly gripped her bum with both hands and pulled her onto her lap.
She fell into him, yelping at the sudden motion then quickly moaning at the friction between her wet clit and his thigh, the moist sheen between causing her to slide towards his crotch, his hard cock upright wedged between their abdomens.
He waited until she made eye contact before kissing her, brushing a strand of hair from her eyeline then holding her neck. He used his other hand to guide her hips as she rocked back and forth, both of them moaning softly into the other’s warm mouth.
Mikasa used her hand to lather his cock in the wetness that had gathered between her legs, the mixture of sauna steam and sweat and saliva and fluid. Eren’s eyes screwed shut and his face twisted in pleasure at the movements, pulling away from the kiss and softly moaning her name, his grip on her skin tightening.
The steam was infiltrating his mind, he could feel the water lift the weight of everything despite the very real muscular weight shifting in his lap. He felt the buoyant feeling in his chest, lifting the shackles.
“Mikasa,” he started softly, tears welling into his eyes, “whatever happens…” He tucked his nose into her neck, unable to look at her. A hot tear slid down his cheek. The words choked in his throat, making it hard to breathe.
Her hand firmly gripped his cheeks and forced him to look at her. She was smiling so softly, a look that made the warmth of the sauna air around them feel cold. Her thumb unknowingly wiping away the tear.
“I know, Eren,” she replied soothingly, rubbing her thumb once or twice against his cheekbone. “Me too.” He returned her smile before she kissed him gently, slowly, so slowly Eren wondered if time had been paused. “Always,” she murmured against his lips.
“Always,” he whispered quickly in agreement, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed.
She lowered onto his cock, the explosive burst of electricity inside drastically drowning out their quiet tones, amplified the feeling ten thousand-fold.
Eren’s lips hovered over her chest, panting, periodically pressing kisses or nips to the goose bumped skin. He pawed between her bum and hips as he rocked his hips in rhythm with her bounce, drinking in her loud moans.
The motion was slow, not greedy like before. The kisses were softer and more tender, the touches were longer and warmer. The pleasure felt amplified somehow, like the crowded steam air made it impossible for it to evaporate, keeping it condensed inside them, making every touch and every movement and every kiss feel so much more powerful.
He gently rolled them over, carefully placing his hand behind her head to prevent it from hitting the hard rock.
Her nails clawed into his back, breaking through the steam-heated skin but stopping at the strong muscle, leaving raised red reminders for tomorrow.
He thrusted in and out, slowly, taking his time, like he had all of it in the world. Mikasa’s fingers clawed at his pecs with one hand and the other grabbed a fistful of Eren’s overgrown hair, dragging him closer.
When the sensation in her pelvis spread to the rest of her body and her toes started to curl, she wrapped her arms underneath Eren’s shoulders and held him close, eliminating as much of the distance between their skin. The sweat acted like magnetic glue, pulling and sticking their bodies together with intricate forces.
She moaned loudly and unapologetically, taking each thrust as he whispered compliments and novelties in her ear, telling her she looked so gorgeous like this, being fucked by him.
She was too breathless to tell him he looked and felt godly, hand crafted by a higher power. She worried he’d laugh at her anyway.
Eren was rapidly approaching his climax, and from the way her thighs clenched around his waist—so tight practically preventing him from moving—he could tell Mikasa was too.
He pushed deeper, fighting against the strength of her thighs around him to pull out ever so slightly and using even more force to push deeper inside. Only two hard pumps and he came inside her, Mikasa still grinding herself against his overstimulated cock, causing him to choke out her name and jerk his hips back, which her hips instinctively chased.
Her thighs loosened around him and he slipped out. He layed onto the cool stone and pulled her into his arms, resting her head onto his chest, her skin hot and red and sweaty.
He stared at the wooden ceiling, wondering if his vision was so blurry because of her or the steam. He closed his eyes. He didn’t even care if it was blurry. He was in his favorite place with his favorite person, living in his blissful freedom.
She lifted her head a little to look at Eren, their eyes and lips aligning. “Mikasa… I…” She stared at him with a happy, cozy smile, like the ones they’d wear when they snuggled with his mother by the fireplace when they were kids—at home.
The words choked in his throat. Tears welled in both their eyes, but her expression didn’t waver. He kissed her instead, mouthing the words into her mouth, etching them inside with his tongue.
He relaxed into her touch, fell into her intoxicating kiss all over again, when she carved the reciprocal sequence of letters into his mouth.
Love you.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 7 months
“all the time I have — it’s yours” || eremika cabin fic
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this is an oldie, but a goodie <3 I'm primarily resharing bc I was bored at work and made this fic banner LOL
(13k words, explicit)
pairing: eremika
tags: canon-compliant; cabin fic; angst and porn; domestic fluff; gratuitous smut
With every day that passes in their cabin, Mikasa can tell that the fire in Eren's eyes burns a bit brighter. His grip on her waist lingers a bit longer. His nightly retreat to his bedroom becomes tainted with a bit more reluctance to leave, a more acute desire to stay. Mikasa can feel this desire inside her too: it burns low and bubbles in her gut, like simmering water on a stove mere moments from boiling over. And she’s not entirely sure what would be a worse course of action: to temper the pressure and allow this simmering feeling to dissipate to a more manageable level — or to succumb to it, let it wash over her and consume her whole.
In a remote cabin removed from the realities of war, Mikasa and Eren spend the remaining years of Eren’s life together: building a home, learning to love one another — and trying to reconcile the underlying feeling that they’re not supposed to be here.
OR: my humble contribution to all the cabin fics out there, a.k.a. about 13k words of cabin smut with a side of domestic fluff and a dash of angst
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darlingkirstein · 3 months
Hi, Mar! I saw you're taking prompts. What about bored 1950s housewife Mikasa and Milkman Eren? 🫢
Housewife Mikasa/Milkman Eren (1950s AU)
wc: 4.8k / nsfw / cheating thank you for the request! hope you enjoy :) i’ll probably be posting this to ao3 as well!
Her husband kisses her cheek — a kiss lacking any desired affection, more a routine obligation than anything else — as she hovers over the countertop, flattening the pie crust over the pan. She’s been requested (instructed, more precisely) to make one of her “famous” blueberry pies for a little gathering between the neighbors. They’re her husband’s favorite — and he jokes that he’ll be a real wet rag if he doesn’t get a taste.
“Off to work,” He grumbles, his glance lazily lingering on her fingers as she works the crust around the delicate edges. “Smells good.”
There’s no smell. I haven’t even started baking.
Still, Mikasa forces a pleasant smile — flashing her prettiest doe eyes up at him.
“Just for you, dear. It’ll be ready for the party.”
“You’re a doll.” He pats her waist, simpering. For a moment, there’s a return to the man Mikasa married years ago — the loving, fun, sweet man who courted her with trips to the cinema.
Mikasa allows foolish hope get the best of her.
“If it makes you happy—”
He squashes her hankering before it can properly take root. “You know what would make me happy? If you wore that gorgeous red dress. You know, that one that I can’t get enough of?”
It takes great strain to prevent her smile from floundering. She doesn’t want to displease him — even if he hardly sees her as anything more valuable than a manifestation of his most casually-depraved fantasies. A piece of meat, worth nothing more than to gawk at instead of compliment, fondle instead of pleasure.
Mikasa nods. “I’ll do that. Run along now.”
He’s out the door quick. Across the street, the neighbor’s yappy little mutt barks up a storm; children laugh as they play games. The summer heat provides such a wonderful atmosphere for frivolity, good restful fun, but none of that luxury is afforded to Mikasa. She knows she’ll spend her day tending to the chores. Baking, so much baking — and dusting every last crevice in their home. It’ll need to be spotless for the party. All the other wives judge her handiwork, Mikasa knows this, even if they’re too gentle to tell. They’ll judge her cooking, too. Comparing recipes and weighing the benefit of certain seasonings is far more competitive than she’d like it to be.
She gets to work. Toiling and toiling. The minutes drain quickly, never enough time in the day to accomplish everything she wishes. With one task completed, Mikasa remembers three more to take its place — an endless, most tedious cycle.
The days bleed together. Chores, making meals, and dull conversations with her husband — nothing to set them apart, nothing to deem it a life worth living for the decades to come. As she cleans, she wonders if things will ever go back to the way they were before — or if some miracle can swoop in to offer a fresh new existence.
A knock on the door interrupts her dusting.
She’s happy for any moment of respite. Opening the door, Mikasa is greeted by a handsome man — a very handsome man, indeed — who holds a basket filled with jars of fresh milk. He’s new; their precious milkman was a crotchety middle-aged gentleman who— well, wasn’t much of a gentleman, lacking any way with pleasantries.
This one’s much easier on the eyes.
He took off his hat and tipped it her direction. “Morning, miss. I’ve got a delivery for you.”
Mikasa notices his smile first, his pretty teeth — but it’s impossible to ignore the rest of him, hair so reminiscent of James Dean, an actor she harbors private affections for, hidden from her husband. Under the sunlight, the green in his eyes truly shimmers. He looks like something right out of a Vogue cover — and Mikasa’s smitten. Somehow, this man manages to make the milkman uniform look dignified, alluring even.
She flattens her dress, embarrassed by the flour stains coating the front and all the wrinkles ruining the elegance of the fabric.
“Good morning.” The beam on her lips is uncontrollable; she can’t remember the last time her husband made her smile like this. “I very much appreciate you, sir. You’re kind to knock.”
“This hot sun could spoil the milk.” His eyes find the stains on her dress, as she fears. “You look like a busy lady. I sure am sorry if I’m intruding.”
She steps outside, not thinking clearly. “No, no! You haven’t done a thing. It’s quite nice to have a visitor. It gets lonely around here sometimes.”
He grins. Mikasa tucks her hands behind her back, trying to conceal her wedding ring.
“Lonely? Don’t you have a husband, ma’am?”
She blushes. Caught. Mikasa’s heart beats faster than she’d like — full of shame. What would the other wives think if they saw her? The last thing she needs is to be called filthy names, accused of terrible, terrible crimes. That doesn’t stop her from swooning as the milkman smiles.
“Ah— I do. He just works so long. I have the house all to myself. The record player’s dull company.”
“No children?”
Mikasa shakes her head — another point of shame. All the other women already started their families; some had another child on the way. Her husband showed little interest in love-making. Whenever he returned home from work, he complained about being too tired — only seeking a warm meal in his belly and a funny show on the television to fall asleep to. When the fancy did strike him, it was a quick affair, far more beneficial for his pleasure than hers — almost animalistic. He whispers no tender phrases nor any amorous praises into her ear when he’s inside her — only hardened grunts, none too appealing for Mikasa.
“No, sir. Just the two of us here.”
Just as he opens his mouth to answer, the oven inside alerts her to the pie finishing its baking. Her head swings in the sound’s direction — dreading the result the noise might have on the pleasant conversation being shared.
“That’s my pie. I better check on it.”
He unsheathes a jar from the basket and presents it to her. “Well, you’ll see me again tomorrow, ma’am. Could you save me a slice of that pie?”
Mikasa’s fingers wrap around the jar, though her eyes don’t stray from his. She smiles her prettiest smile — this one authentic, nothing forced about it in the slightest — and nods. If her mornings consisted of this man at her doorstep, that’s a routine she favors getting acclimated to.
“Are you sure you don’t want something fresh?”
“No, ma’am. Wouldn’t want to impose.”
Hugging the jar to her chest, Mikasa flushes. She wonders how obvious the scarlet appears across her cheeks. “You’re a rather thoughtful man.”
“Well, ma’am — forgive me for saying this, but you’re a rather pretty lady. My momma taught me that pretty ladies deserve good manners.”
Mikasa has to drag her gaze away, turning her face to conceal the enjoyment in her features. Her stomach twists into little tangles; this is what she’s been missing ever since getting married. How long has it been since her husband made her feel like a woman worthy of love, worthy of some grandiose affection? Far too long, those fleeting moments all but forgotten. Mikasa toys with the chance, whatever minuscule chance exists, that the gorgeous milkman can grant her the attention she yearns to so richly acquire.
“You’re a handsome man yourself.” She cannot — doesn’t want to — control her words, forbidden and sinful as they are. A quick glance informs her he’s a bachelor, no ring wrapped around his finger, no woman waiting for him back home.
For a moment, Mikasa thinks something might happen, but the man only accepts her compliment with a fond twitch of a grin.
“I best be off to the next house. You take care, ma’am. Don’t work yourself too hard, now.”
Too flustered to conjure a proper response, all Mikasa manages is a little wave of her fingers before he’s heading down the driveway.
One thing comes to her, however.
She calls after him. “Mister! What’s your name?”
He turns, adjusting his hat back atop his hair. “Eren. Do I get the treat of knowing yours?”
“Mikasa.” She gives it up fervently, not-so-secretly yearning to hear her name from his lips.
“You’ve got a gorgeous name, miss. Seems everything about you is something special.”
He’s back on his merry way in a flash, off to deliver milk to the Thompsons. Eren, she repeats to herself over and over. Already, Mikasa counts down to the following day — when she’ll get the satisfaction of watching him sample her pie.
As routine demands, Eren returns to Mikasa’s house right on schedule the day after.
He raps on her door and waits patiently — that patience swiftly rewarded with the sight of Mikasa, even more beautiful than yesterday. Her hair, curled above her shoulders, frames her lovely face charmingly. The red lipstick coating her mouth draws Eren in without hesitation. Today, no flour coats her clothes — her chosen dress, spotless and practically wrinkle-free, gives her such a delightful appearance. Eren grins.
“You look like you’re in good spirits today.”
“Much better,” she admits. “My husband phoned me just now. He’ll be staying late at the office.”
One eyebrow cocks. “That’s why you’re happy?”
“Oh, no — I wouldn’t be a very good wife if I didn’t like having my husband around, would I?”
Eren stifles a grin — clever, clever girl. He takes a step closer to the door, closer to Mikasa.
“I think any man could count himself lucky to have someone like you for a wife, Mikasa.”
Watching her attempt to hide the thrill his words provided her gives Eren an equal thrill of his own — he chides himself for not taking this job sooner, for missing out on the gem of Mikasa’s flirtatious gazes for months and months.
“I saved you some pie, like you asked.” She pauses, looking back. Eren’s heart quickens, his expectations growing. “Would you like to come inside for a sample? I’d cherish your opinion.”
“It wouldn’t be very polite of me to refuse a girl’s invitation, don’t you think? I’ll happily get a taste.”
Already, Eren’s favorite part of Mikasa is how easily she flusters, her pale skin revealing all too simply her internal feelings so poorly hidden. His words, so intentionally veering toward something less-then-chaste, strike her deep — Eren watches Mikasa fidget with her fingers before guiding him inside their home — another man’s home.
“Here.” She gestures to the kitchen island, to a slice of pie and a fork to accompany it. “I made a plate just for you — hid it from my husband.”
The milk deliveries for the day are abandoned beside just inside the home’s entrance — he hopes nobody complains of his tardiness, but more pressing matters require his attention. Offered a seat at the island, Eren takes it gladly.
“This is very generous of you, Mikasa. Are you such an angel to every stranger at your door?”
“No,” she tells him, fetching a new milk jar from his basket and unstoppering it to fill a glass for him. “Just the ones I like. The handsome ones that say all the sweetest things to me.”
Grinning, Eren severs a tiny piece from the pie and pops it in his mouth — instantly hit with the blueberry flavor and the savory crust. Mikasa, half distracted as she wipes away some crumbs from the countertops, glances back.
“Well? Do you like it? I tried something different with the filling this time. Do you think it’s okay?”
He swallows, instantly returning for another bite.
“It’s perfect, Mikasa. You’re inhuman.”
“Inhuman? Is that a compliment?”
“I mean you’re too good to explain. It’s not everyday you meet a knockout girl who knows her way around a man’s appetites.”
She set aside her cleaning cloth. Returning to Eren’s proximity, her smile gives hints into a more playful side — blossoming from the adorable shyness permeating her actions during their monumental introduction.
“Do I know your appetites, sir?”
Her innocence entices him, his heart fluttering. Does she realize how beautiful she looks when her eyes are all beady and curious, watching their subject with a gaze imbedded with coquetry.
Suddenly, he’s the one who’s flustered.
“I certainly think you might.”
Mikasa comes closer — taking a seat at the island, resting against the counter. Eren suspects she doesn’t get much time for leisure like this — his mother, back in his youth, spent so much time in the kitchen her fingers were rubbed raw, not a life befitting a beautiful woman like Mikasa.
She smiles; her voice softens.
“Maybe tomorrow I can give you a whole pie.”
Sticking his fork into the filling, Eren bites his bottom lip, suppressing a smirk.
“That’s too much to ask for.”
“Oh, it’s not too bad.” Mikasa has mastered the art of looking coy, yet poised. “Besides, who else will make you a pie? You’re not married.”
The way she says it sounds like a challenge.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ve been missing out.”
She laughs, and it’s not the same rehearsed laughter he hears from all his friend’s wives, the one out on for show — it’s a real laugh, free of discipline and regulation, all free-flowing.
“So — why aren’t you married?”
Eren sighs and scoops more pie into his mouth, indulging in its sublime sweetness.
“All the pretty girls have husbands already. That, or they don’t fancy marrying the milkman.”
Mikasa looks back to the counter, her fingers coming to her teeth, nails bitten. For a moment, Eren worries he’s upset her — but he sees her stifling more laughter, too amused for her own good. Sideways glances come his way; she reminds him of the gals back in high school, waiting to be asked for the prom.
“Tell me about your husband,” he continues.
She looks at him, confused. “Why?”
“Well, you don’t seem too happy with him.” The image of her hiding her ring hasn’t left Eren — he’s not nearly as ashamed as he probably should be when he hopes to win her over, his gorgeous client in the gorgeous dress, with the lovely laugh.
“He’s not much of a romantic anymore. He likes my cooking and my outfits, but that feels like all I’m good for these days. That, and—”
She cuts herself off, blushing hard.
“Nothing I should say out loud.”
Mikasa’s little more than a stranger, but Eren’s so drawn to her, drawn to everything about her. She’s the best-looking woman this side of the Equator, with a honeyed smile just as saccharine as her personality. Her husband, he attests, is the biggest fool on either side of the Equator.
“He really oughta treat you better.”
Something shifts in her gaze, Eren sees it. Mikasa leans closer, grabbing his wrist. There’s a desperation present in her eyes — one he surmises has been festering for quite some time. Is he the first man to pay her a compliment?
When she speaks again, it’s hushed, like she’s afraid of any eavesdroppers — spies for her husband, maybe. “How would you treat me?”
Eren flushes, swallowing hard. He looks into those eyes, those pleading pupils — and cups her cheek, thumbs rubbing over her skin.
He can’t properly comprehend what he’s doing. Her wedding ring tickles his wrist, the metal so cold against his skin, but her skin feels so warm, warm enough to tempt him further. Grinning, Eren’s face inches closer to hers, close enough to smell the perfume clinging to her neck.
“Right, Mikasa. I’d treat you right.”
Mikasa swallows. Butterflies dance around in her stomach, fighting for a way out. It’s wrong, she tries to convince herself, but the words feel like such a blatant lie — how could something wrong feel so painfully good, so inexplicably wanted?
His touch feels damn near electric. “You would?”
“Yes, ma’am. Would you like me to show you?”
Mikasa’s chest clenches, but it’s a nice clench — mostly. She knows there’s no turning back after this, but by God’s glory, she needs it, needs Eren. Her lips ache in anticipation, watching his hover before her face, patiently stalling to latch on.
She nods, holding his free hand tight. “Yes, sir— I mean— I’d like that very much, Eren.”
Eren smiles. With his fingers, he draws her face closer until their mouths meet. His kiss isn’t aggressive — it’s slow and measured, so patient. Mikasa fights the urge to weep; she can’t remember the last time her husband kissed her like this, kissed her like he truly loved her. Within her chest, her heart runs at an uncontrollable pace, threatening to leap right out.
Mikasa tries to control her kiss — the last thing she wants is to scare him off by being overzealous, too opportunistic with his affections. It’s difficult — each second with his mouth on hers pumps such good feelings through her body, leaving her damn near drunk on the impact.
She tastes the pie on his lips — her pie. Somehow, that makes Mikasa even giddier. She vows to make him a hundred pies if he’ll reward each slice with kisses like this one.
Mikasa feels the wetness building between her thighs — ending the total drought she’s endured under her husband’s dominion. It’s a girlish feeling, being so besotted with a handsome, handsome man again. It should cause her shame, Mikasa knows, but it doesn’t, not in the slightest. The only shame surrounding her is the shame that she hasn’t sought this out sooner.
None of the neighbors had husbands nearly as gorgeous as Eren. Her husband, even in his best days, couldn’t hold a candle to him.
“My husband— He’ll be gone for a while,” Mikasa whines between kisses. “Will you stay with me?”
Eren’s grip on her face tightens. He feels his warm exhales against her mouth, eyes fixated on the way he smirks like he’s won a lottery ticket.
“As long as you’d like, miss.”
Mikasa wants his body closer, wants more of his warmth, too spoiled to accept it only against her tongue. She takes his mouth again, claiming it in another enthusiastic kiss — but her tempted hands wander south, playing with the hem of her dress’ skirt, tugging it up her thighs.
“Touch me,” Mikasa pleads. “Please, mister.”
He smiles against her kiss. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll beg you if I must. Oh, touch me.”
His palm finds a place on her thigh, fingers locked around, pressing into her soft flesh. “Sweetheart,” Eren calls her, and oh, how she swoons. “You don’t have to beg me for nothing. Let me help.”
Eren’s fingers hide underneath her dress and ever swiftly find the source of her ache, slipping inside. Mikasa’s body recoils — overwhelmed by little more than one tender touch — and her fingers wrap around his wrist to keep him lodged there.
His mouth finds her neck. It’s been so long since Mikasa’s received any attention on her neck.
“There, oh, right there,” she moans, eyes squeezing shut. Eren rubs her slowly — and she’s left guessing whether he does it to tease her or because he’s such a gentleman.
He falls silent, so focused on pleasuring her. Deft fingers make a bigger mess of her wetness, drenching his fingertips in her sweet liquid, while his lips threaten tender bruises against her skin.
“Be careful,” Mikasa whispers, smiling. “My husband might see— he’ll get suspicious.”
Eren grins; attentive sucks become light kiss against her throat. “Maybe he should, Mikasa — maybe he’ll learn his lesson and treat you right.”
She shakes her head. “He’s never been this good to me. Never. Oh, don’t stop — please, don’t.”
Never straying from his task, Eren teases her sex for as long as he can. His mouth switches between her sensitive, markable flesh and her soft, welcoming lips, but his fingers never leave her cunt — far too absorbed in their mission to even think about quitting. Mikasa tries to remember a past memory where she felt this good, this tended to, but no memory comes.
Dizzy, intoxicated by his touch, she gets greedy.
“The bedroom— let’s go there, Eren. Please?”
“Your room?” Eren stills his fingers. “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking, miss?”
Any prior embarrassment she may have felt making this request vanished long ago — unbridled by shame, too bloated with unquenchable lust, Mikasa is breathless.
“Make love to me. I miss it, I miss it so much. Make love to me, sir. Remind me what it’s like.”
His hand falls away from her cunt; whatever momentary emptiness that triggers is forgotten when Eren lifts her from her chair and asks for guidance in finding the master bedroom.
Inside, Eren rests her atop her sheets. Her legs spread naturally for him, dress skirt falling without struggle, inviting him in for a taste. She looks to her left — on the bedside table, their wedding photograph greets her. Mikasa gets an unwomanly glee out of her husband having premium seating to see another man do his job.
She watches Eren smile like a kid in a candy shop — not the leer he husband throws her way when he’s finally in the mood to get relief, but a grin of determination, determination to make her happy.
He pushes her dress further up her body, far enough for him to lower his mouth to her stomach, kissing her belly. The knots haven’t left, only growing stronger — Eren’s lips tend to the least cultivated parts of her body with great care. Mikasa writhes against the ticklish sensation, smiling graciously. Heaven’s finally answered all her silent prayers, her hidden desires, a gift for her years of devotion to faulty matrimony.
Above all else, Eren’s eyes make her feel best — in the midst of his tender kisses, his gaze finds her happily. That attention, that focus — Mikasa doesn’t need to tilt her gaze to recognize how stained her panties have become.
His fingers hook around them, but he tugs them away slowly, tediously slow, leaving a trail of sweet kisses down her midsection as the air finally hits her cunt with a shiver. Mouth teasing the skin around her sex, Eren smiles, letting all the little hairs tickle between his nose and chin.
“Mikasa, darling,” he starts, softly. “Does your husband ever do this for you? Ever?”
“Never.” Darling — much better than doll.
Nearly too dazed to properly focus, Mikasa swears that Eren’s eyes narrow, brows furrowing. He says nothing more before his tongue presses against her sweet flesh, drinking up her wetness like lemonade on a day hot as this one.
Her legs tighten around him, tight enough to knock the milkman’s hat right off his head. Fingers meddling in his pretty hair, Mikasa guides his mouth to the parts of her aching the loudest, but Eren needs little instruction.
Mikasa wonders how she tastes; her husband’s mouth never sampled her cunt, only his fingers, if she could consider herself lucky enough on those evenings to be given even that much.
Eren’s hands press her thighs into the mattress; Mikasa’s back arches, driving her cunt further into his mouth, utterly inescapable. Whimpers fall off her tongue just as easily as his tongue edges her closer and closer to fruition — the knots in her stomach tighten, so tight it’s damn near painful. Every slow lick he gifts her feels like salvation, too joyfully sinful to dare divulging at the confessional. It’s a treat to her ears as much as it is to her eyes and her sex; Eren’s mouth enjoys her without restraint, loud enough for Mikasa to hear every lick, every suck, every gasp for air.
The longer he licks, the more impatient she grows to have the rest of Eren, too.
“Eren,” she yelps, hips wild in their movements. “Mister— Please, make love to me. Take me.”
He softens, determination melting to a mellow simpler. After his tongue laps up one last sample of her wetness, Eren rises — off comes his uniform top, revealing a simple, far more comfortable undershirt. He tries taking off his pants, but the inconvenience seems to burden him, and the garments only make it around his thighs before he’s climbing on top of her.
Mikasa welcomes him into her arms — her legs wrap around him, keeping him close. The summer weather makes the room so humid; sweat clings to his skin, passing onto her pretty dress. Another chore adds to the pile, but she’ll do whatever extra laundry is required to enjoy this.
Eren kisses her hungrily, with desire, though a different desire from her husband’s. The man she married claims her as his property, his little maid — Eren strives to please, to pamper, to redeem. Her lipstick smudges around the corners, the residue swapping to his lips. Mikasa blushes; between her cunt’s wetness and the ruby-red lipstick, she’s left a real impression on his face.
Eren breaks their kiss, panting. Rustling around. Mikasa knows he’s fumbling around to get his cock out. “How long’s it been, sweetheart?”
“Since what?” She blinks, staring woozily.
“Since your husband made love to you.”
It’s not a number Mikasa struggles to recall. “Two months— Two months, nearly three.”
He scoffs, clicking his tongue. “I’ll fix that, okay?”
Before she’s able to convey her appreciation in any meaningful manner, Eren carefully sheathes himself inside her cunt, submerging inch by inch until his hips are properly introduced to hers.
Her husband prefers to take her from behind. Mikasa’s much more partial to Eren’s approach.
His thrusts are slow, gentle. Mikasa’s fingernails grip his back, pressing him even closer. He smells of sweat— and of her, and Mikasa revels in the aroma. Eren’s cock quenches a thirst she’s been suffering from for too long; the fullness in her cunt has been a source of fantastical daydreams, private, unladylike yearnings — all realized, in her husband’s bed, under his utter obliviousness.
Mikasa whimpers and moans for Eren so easily. Each thrust brings a wave of pleasure that she couldn’t dream of containing in her throat.
Eren grins with every sound she makes. “He’s a goddamn fool, darling,” he mutters. “A fool.”
“I know,” Mikasa whines back. “I know.”
His pace grows — never too much, but enough to push Mikasa close to the brink swiftly. His mouth grants affections at every opportunity; Mikasa’s lips, her collarbone, her neck, the top of her cleavage (the part that teases him most), even the lobes of her ears receive his benevolence.
Euphoria. His cock travels deep inside. The moment Eren reaches down and presses his palm against her belly, Mikasa loses control — her stomach and all its tangles start to unravel, the tension building, building — and culminating in a cascade of relief that washes over her as she drenches his cock in still more of her wetness.
Eren groans; his release takes longer. Mikasa cries out as he takes her, truly takes her, his thrusts taking care of her sopping wet cunt. The sounds alone are nearly enough to grant her another round of pleasure — but Mikasa clings to him, her dress crinkling and rustling as his thrusts grow stronger, so strong until the fullness abandons her entirely, the loss accompanied by Eren’s baritone, beautiful moans, drawn out as he paints her belly with strings of sheet white.
Though Mikasa doesn’t dare voice it, she almost longs for some of Eren’s release to linger inside her cunt, long enough to sprout. Better your child than his, she thinks, blushing at the shame.
Their breathing falls in tandem.
“Do you feel better now, Mikasa?” His voice is hushed now, too, thumb stroking her chin.
Rendered speechless, she nods.
Grinning, Eren kisses her — and again, and for a third time, the longest. To her disappointment, he’s up too soon after, redressing, fixing his hair. Mikasa frowns, forcing herself up to her elbows.
“I wish you wouldn’t have to go.”
“I know — but if I don’t deliver the milk on time, I’ll be fired. And if I’m fired,” he pauses, looking down at the ground as he smiles. “Well, then I won’t have any excuse to pay you more visits.”
Mikasa blushes. She knows he’s right.
“Remember,” she coos, biting her lip. “I’ll make you a whole pie tomorrow. My thanks.”
Eren finishes dressing — but he can’t wipe the grin off his face as he returns for one final kiss.
“My favorite’s cherry. But I still don’t know if it’ll taste nearly as good as you do, darling.”
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joannaofarkham · 1 month
[update] heaven knows part 2.1 🔞
been a while :)
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53401876/chapters/140784679
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lizhrs · 1 year
closer -
eren x mikasa
warnings: nsfw, possessiveness, eren calls himself mikasa’s bro to tease her but they’re not related, can be seen as a toxic relationship
eren's always been possessive, for as long as mikasa could remember.
but ever since his parents left them alone at the house for the summer, he's been exceeding normal expectations of his suffocating behavior. going from protective to this personal bodyguard she doesn't remember ever asking for.
like right now for example, she just wanted to be a normal eighteen year old and have fun for once. fun as in going to the annual pool party reiner braun throws every time his parents are out of town. she's finally been invited after three years of being in the shadows at that high school and of course eren has to come and ruin this.
where the fuck are you
where are you
she ignores him, trying to ignore the burning desire inside of her to immediately respond and send the address.
he's going to be angry when she goes back, probably going to sit on the yard with a cigarette in between his fingers while he stares deadly at the street until her car pulls up, just to intimidate her even more. but she's been following his stupid rules all summer and she's tired, she just wants to do something that isn't pleasing eren or eren pleasing her. an eren free night.
is it that hard to ask for?
apparently it is. she scoffs, hand clenching the bottle of beer in her hand as she watches the jackass himself stalk up to the jacuzzi she's been warming herself in for the past twenty minutes.
the harsh look in his eyes tells her he's not in the mood for any arguments, she's seen that look many times in the past few years and has known never to challenge it. she expects him to yank her out of the tub, in front of everyone and drive back to the house. embarrassing her is his specialty after all.
instead, he wordlessly takes off his shirt and gets in the tub, right next to her. mikasa's cheeks blush furiously as his shoulder touches her, the hot weather making their skin stick together.
she doesn't know why reiner decided bringing out the jacuzzi in the middle of july would be a good idea but she didn't question it, nor did she protest when him and his friends dragged her into it.
she regrets that now, seeing the thinly veiled look of fury on eren's face as he stares down reiner who's on the other side of them both. he's drinking his beer, mindlessly chatting with the girl next to him until he sees eren. "yeager?" his eyes widen, chuckling. "since when do you come to parties?”
mikasa doesn't think before bringing the bottle up to her lips to take a much needed sip but of course, of course eren feels the need to suddenly snatch the bottle from her before even one drop can touch her tongue. he carelessly throws it to the grass, gaze fixating on mikasa who tries everything in her power to ignore it. reiner leans back, eyebrows raised before sighing. "come to collect your pet, i see." he slurs, a bit tipsy.
his pet?
is that what she's known as?
of course, the only thing missing is for eren to piss on her and claim his territory.
he's made it pretty obvious over the past couple of years, ever since mikasa came to live with him and his family that she belonged to him.
"leave, braun." eren finally says, surprisingly with a nonchalant tone.
reiner stares at him for just a few more seconds before putting his hands up in surrender, "just thought she needed a break from your grip. and obviously she did." he gloats, getting out of the tub with the girl he's with. he doesn't spare eren one last look before they're walking off into the house.
she wants to say something, she should but it seems her brain has forgotten the ability to speak. eren runs his fingers through his hair, jaw flexing in annoyance as he leans back. "well, are you having fun?"
her hands clench and unclench in the water, "well not anymore." she finally sneers which was obviously a big mistake but he doesn't seem to mind, only letting out a slight laugh.
"well i'm glad." he nods. "it's nice to see you letting loose." he brings his finger up to her bikini strap, pulling it and letting it slap back against her skin.
she refrains from flinching, "don't be weird."
"why not? don't want people seeing how much big brother eren can please you?"
she scoffs, getting up to leave but he grabs her by the wrist, pulling her back down. but instead of her ass contacting with the tub again, she lands on his thigh. a bit of water getting on her face from the manhandling to which eren gladly wipes the droplets away from. mikasa feels like digging up a hole and throwing herself in it, quickly looking around to see if anyone's stare is on them. "you're not my brother."she seethes, icy glare on him as he grabs her hands, placing them around his neck.
"well, we have been living together for the past ten years. we're practically family, sis."
he's doing it on purpose, always bringing that up to deliberately mess with her. they're not related, never will be so why does she feel so guilty whenever they do things like that? it's not like she can help the way she feels, the way he makes her feel. it's not anything illegal but the shame still courses through her as eren puts his big hands around her waist, angling her body until her pussy is directly on his thigh.
she bites her lip to keep a whimper from coming out as he drags her body down. he was so big, everything about him was which made it easier. easier to hold mikasa down and rut against her clit. it's not like she was protesting anyways, even though doing this in public was the absolute last thing she wants. but no one seems to notice, too busy getting high or drunk. she hopes.
fuck she hopes there's not a viral video of them doing this on the internet tomorrow. she can already see the title. slut teen gets felt up by step bro. or something cringy like that. no matter how stupid it'll still ruin her reputation and mental health for the time being. but eren doesn't seem to care about the gigantic possibility of someone watching them right now.
or maybe he does, maybe the pervert is getting off on it. it seems like he is as little sighs of pleasure escape his lips, he'd always say just seeing her like this would always be enough to get him off.
mikasa bites her lip even harder, not wanting him to see how good this feels even though he can read her like a book.
he doesn't like that, bringing his finger up and pressing it down on her bottom lip. her mouth is forced open, tongue shifting around his finger.
it's only when her cunt gets pressed down even harder against his muscles that mikasa lets out a tiny whine, he forces his thigh against her, grinding against her sensitive bud. "e—eren."
"look at you, hasn't even been five minutes and already coming undone."
and he's right. she's already moving her hips on her own accord now, his hands around her waist just for decoration. rushing the rhythm she's set so this can all be over already, the humiliation is running through her veins but so is the arousal.
“is that why you came here? in that skin tight trash you call a bikini? did you just want me to follow you like a lost dog and put you in your place?” his hand grips the back of her neck, forcing her flushed face into the crook of his own neck.
she finally allows herself to moan, the sound muffled. “f—i’m gonna...i need to...” she can’t bring herself to say it. “not here.” she shakes her head.
she can’t cum in reiner braun’s jacuzzi, the reiner braun. she’ll never live it down. and what if he finds out? he’ll no doubt tell the entire school which will lead to mikasa buying herself a plane ticket and getting the hell out of this town. “i—i’m going—eren i’m going to cum!” she pants into his ear, fingers digging into his shoulders to try and get him to stop.
but it only spurs him on, flexing his thigh underneath her until tears are gathering in her eyes. “then do it.” his whisper is filled with malice as he plants a soft kiss on her earlobe. “you know you want to.”
“no i don’t! j—just let me—oh god!” she cries out, feeling seconds away from release. people have to be watching, they have to be. but she refuses to see for herself, burying her head on his chest as tears stream down her face.
“it’s okay. just cum all over my thigh sweetheart, it’ll feel nice.” he laughs like the bastard he is.
“s—stop! i can’t do this h—here.” she groans, a bit of drool falling down her chin. it feels so good. his thick thighs under her most intimate area, rubbing and grinding against it just makes her want to find a toe curling release. but she can’t. she can’t. “i’m sorry!” her brain finally registers what he wants from him.
an apology. for defying him and coming here. she has to apologize like she was actually in the wrong, like she wasn’t just enjoying life away from the possessive prick in front of her right now. she should feel angry but can’t, physically can’t. all she wants to do is go home and cuddle into her sheets right now and she hates how she wants him in that picture, his hands around her body as they cuddle on the twin bed. she’s pathetic. so she apologies again just to make sure he heard. “i’m sorry eren, please.” she whimpers, eyes still closed. she wouldn’t dare open them right now and probably won’t until she’s back in the car or house.
he laughs again, moving faster than before causing choked little gasps to escape her mouth. her muscles tighten, already anticipating the sheer humiliation the next couple of seconds will bring. but then he stops.
just stops moving all together, tight grip still on her hips but completely still except for the heavy breathing in her ear. then he chuckles, hands coming up to move the strands of hair out of her face. “open your eyes, babe.”
she shakes her head, no she refuses. will not allow herself to see the classmates probably ogling her right now. she’ll never live it down. “t—take me home.” she sighs shakily, tightening her hold around his neck. “please.”
a soft kiss is pressed to the side of her face, as if they couldn’t be obvious enough.
“as you wish.”
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six-magnitude-girl · 4 months
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Title: longing for the mountain peaks // AO3
Author: Anonymous
Status: COMPLETED (One-shot)
Summary: Floch jostled his way in front of Eren and sketched a flamboyant bow. “Princess, your beauty is even more captivating now then what I caught those tantalizing glimpses of you at my shores, and heard your melodic voice serenading the waves.”
Ymir leaned over to Historia, asking, “Is she going to retch?”, with a quirk of her head at Mikasa.
“By my father,” Eren grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
“Is that all you have to say?” Floch turned his nose up at Eren.
“I want the princess’ hand because there is nothing that would satisfy me more than having her in my home.” Eren shot Floch a challenging smirk, adding a mutter of, “And my bed.”
Tags: Inspired by Vietnamese, Mythology, Smut, Breeding Kink, Minor Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of the 104th, Minor Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith, One-Sided Floch/Mikasa, Eren Yeager is a Little Shit, incel floch, Mikasa Ackerman Loves Eren Yeager, Eren Yeager Loves Mikasa Ackerman, Not Beta Read
Relationships: EreMika, minor Ymir x Historia, minor Levi x Erwin
Thoughts: This reminds me of those folklores that slipped past the censorship of what is and isn't kid-appropriate that I used to read in my school library! This delighted me so much. I just cannot stop smiling while reading this. I am just a sucker for these types of stories where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
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anothanobody · 1 year
jock Eren fucking Mikasa while she has her panties shoved to the side and her thigh high clad legs spread with his semen dripping down his bedsheets
Drabble for Purge AU. Also yes, I changed it so Mikasa has two brothers.
warning: breeding kink, sneaky sex, multiple creampies, vouyer, use of "Matthew".
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It was a quick text from him that had her flying out of her bed, going into her brothers' rooms and ask them to cover for her. When she went back to hers she quickly locked the door behind her, getting rid of her current underwear and changing it with some she bought secretly recently.
It was a two piece lingerie of a bordeoux shade of red, her nipples were poking through, but the light tone of pink was covered by the intricate lace. Her bottom part could barely be called underwear, it almost gave everything away, the milky skin under it and a single string covering her ass.
She put back on the t-shirt that belonged to him and she loved for the scent it had, checking herself at the mirror to be perfect for his arrival.
She sat back on the bed as she waited and her wishes came true only a few minutes later.
He knocked on her balcony window, brushing back his hair that had fallen a little at the climbing he did. He smiled, matching hers as their eyes met.
She hopped off the bed, walking on her tiptoes, letting the excitement pour out of her as she unlocked the window doors. He picked her up as soon as he could, kicking the door behind him as her legs wrapped around him, her arms hugging his shoulders and their lips kissed.
He sat on the bed with her on his lap, making out at their final closeness having to lay low during the day at school.
"I have a surprise for you." She whispered in his ear, pulling away from him she registered his curiosity.
She lifted only slightly the hem of her t-shirt but that was all he needed to get riled up.
She was soon thrown on the bed, while his jacket was discarted at the feet of the bed along with his t-shirt, he unbuckled his belt, draggin her at the edge of the bed.
Mikasa loved the famished look in his eyes, how he wanted her so much he was going a bit feral.
Things turned blurry for a few.
Now she could only feel the cold metal of his belt hitting her ass cheeks as he thrusted into her. Her legs spread wide open as her set of lingerie stayed on her, he had pushed her panties to the side.
The lingerie was sticky and wet, the presence of it made her pussy look even more beautiful to him, puffier lips that surrounded his veiny cock, redder lips that contrasted his tanned trimmed skin, clamping and tightening around him making him go crazy at every sensation.
There was a loud squelch that went along the clacking of the metal, their moans and their grunts, all drowned by the music that was playing in the house by both her brothers.
Her pussy was covered in their cum mixed together, a white ring was at the base of his cock, as much as she felt the leaking going down her thighs and ass to the sheets of the bed.
She was sure she was in for a mess to clean up later on.
But she was going to live her moment now.
As his thrusts became a bit more frantic and his fingers played with her clit they were both in for their nth orgasm, his lips on hers, her nails scratching his tanned back deeply, wanting more and more of him, getting it as she came around him and milked him dry of his cum.
He felt the best he could as he came in her again, filling her of him, washing her of his scent, marking her so primitively.
They breathed heavily, pulling away from each other, pulling out of her with a loud hiss at the cold contrast of her warm cunt and her whimper of feeling completely empty without him.
He looked from a distance the whole mess they were and they made, his pants had a huge patch of their juices around the zipper, a bigger patch on the bed.
The cum oozing out of her was a sight to behold. His fingers ran through her sticky folds, pushing the cum right back in her tight and clenching hole. "Fuck, you're never satisfied, are you?" He grinned as a his fingers started to pump in a little deeper. "My nymph, what happened to the little church girl?" He kissed her lips.
His hand around her neck as their tongues moved together, their moans meshing and her hand pulling his hair. "I'm still here, Matty." She said, with the same seductive tone and a small grin that then turned her lips into a thin line to keep her from laughing at his face.
"Fuck you." He muttered, pulling his finger out of her, feeling his growing erection softening. While her chest trmebled in silent laughter.
"Oh come on, 'ren, you know I want you." She pulled him back to her, kissing all around his face till his lips. "'ren, 'ren, give it to me." She whispered into his ear, her lips brushing against his earlobe.
She flinched as he snapped her thong into her skin, playing with it and teasing her. Pulling it to press against her lips and clit, moving it around to have her squirm. It was painfully arousing for them both. "'ren!"
"What? You bought the set to let me have fun with it and you." He smirked. "My nymph, aren't you?" He moved her panties to the side once again.
He thrusted back in, sinking into her heat, keeping her legs wide spread with his hands as hers gripped on the bed at his slow thrusts.
"'ren, more!" She cried a little, wanting him to take her like he usually does. "'ren!" She whined.
He bit his bottom lip with a giant smile at her lust, letting his little win satisfy him enough to he gave her what she wanted. They were much in the moment that they didn't hear the music lowering a little.
But the loud knock on the door halted them. Her eyes wide open as his as they heard the voice. "Miki?"
What snapped her back into reality were Eren's continuing thrusts, holding one of her legs up to his face, kissing her ankle with a devilish grin. "Mikasa? Why is the door locked? You know what I think about locked doors."
"Answer him, love." He taunted her. He felt her walls clenching, her pussy was wetter, it was always like this when they heard someone was near them when they are having sex. She felt his dick getting bigger in her.
"D-dad! S-sorry, I am trying on- my new clothes." She gripped the bed to let her moan out in some other way. "What's wrong?"
"Your mom and I are going out for dinner, Ayato is in charge of cooking and Axel of cleaning." He told her, while his daughter had her eyes rolling back in her head as the strongest orgasm they could have, just shot right through them.
"Y-yeah, it's fine, s-see you later, dad." The man just walked away, he could only shrugged off the behavior of his teenage daughter, he had three teens under this house for some time, he gave up on understanding them.
In the room, Eren and Mikasa giggled as they were hugging each other on her bed after the last orgasm for now. He got rid of his pants completely, taking her with him to the shower. "Shit, that last one was amazing." He commented as he washed her hair and body.
"I know. I just feel a little for them."
"Shut up." He said making her burst out laughing. "You heard though, we got all night."
"That's not what he said."
"It is, he meant 'we are going for dinner and fuck because our house is full of teenagers that could hear or interrupt us, living with you all it's enough, don't cockblock me'." He rinsed the shampoo off.
"Ew, don't say it like that. I'm still trying to live in the ignorance that my parents have sex." She rinsed off his body with a frown.
"Well, it is what it is. Come on, I haven't hung out with Axel and Ayato today at school, miss them a little." They exited the shower, wrapping towels around them.
"Sometimes I feel like you use me to hang out with my brothers." She teased as he opened the windows to let out the scent of sex of the room. "It's not fair."
"You got me." He smiled, playfully shaking his head. She neared him wrapping her arms around him, he leaned kissing her plump rosy lips.
"Oe! Eren! Mikasa! Pull out your wallets I'm not fucking cooking tonight." Ayato yelled through the door, in the background Axel whining at him for screaming around.
They laughed, Mikasa turned away, walking into the bathroom while Eren reached for his wallet and went to the door with a simple towel wrapped around his waist. "How much for the silence and how much for the food?"
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ngl i love the friendship between her brothers and eren in this au. Hope you enjoyed it tho.
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jaegeriess · 1 year
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Read this first
Welcome to my library. This is the Eremika section, more specifically Eren x Mikasa. A few notes before you continue: I am very picky about what I read, what does that mean? While I judge stories on the storyline as well, it’s mostly about how the stories are written (writing style). Also please remember that 90% of these stories contain dark content, so proceed with caution; dark content means smut and/or 18+ content in general. 
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Of Gunslingers and Sharpshooters
To the boy who sought freedom, happy birthday.
Of Raptors and Hares
nothing less than eternity
Deep in my feels
all the time I have — it's yours
Not Over Yet
it’s you i welcome death with
million dollar man
The Garage
deliveries of love
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Everything I read regarding Eren and Mikasa is on AO3, I don’t use wattpad or tumblr for stories but if I do happen to read a long story on tumblr I’ll be adding it to the list. Everything on here is rated E, except for a few, please remember that an E rating can be from curse words, to sexual content, or something more. Read the tags and warnings of the story before proceeding and if anything is wrong with a link or a story is deleted please let me know and I will fix or replace it. 
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liquorisce · 2 years
shotgun kiss
rating: nsfw / E
pairing: eren x mikasa | read on ao3
summary: “Do you want a puff?” He should feel terrible, but the more she looks at him that way– sweet, trusting, he gives into the pulsing desire in his gut.
“I-I don’t really know how to,” -
“… I’ll teach you. Put in your mouth.” It sounds kind of crude the way he says it, makes her think of other things, memories from when they were a lot more intimate. He places the joint between her lips and says, “… Suck.”
a/n: ok so some of u tumblr fam have read parts of this before, but I have added about 2k+ of smut in celebration of kinktober, and it is now complete so yay!
She doesn’t know what she’s doing here. The minute she steps inside she’s overcome by how much she doesn’t fit in here.
(Maybe that’s why he left, why he doesn’t keep in touch— maybe she just doesn’t fit into his lifestyle anymore)
There are so many faces she doesn’t know, just a lot of people in varying styles of black, and some flashes of metal here and there.
There are some people on the couch crowding around the bong, and they seem to be playing some sort of game where people take hits from the bong depending on their answers.
There’s a couple in the corner making out, or maybe three of them she isn’t sure, who are only decent because of the way their hands cover each other up.
She’s certain she can feel eyes on her, and she cringes inwardly because she probably sticks out like a sore thumb - pale pink blouse and modest but figure-hugging denim. She looks almost virginal in this house.
Thankfully she knows this house - basement? - well enough to find her way to the kitchen, and she reaches for a glass of water, to calm herself down.
“… Sure you don’t want anything stronger?”
Gulping, she turns to face him, watching her with a detached expression. “… Eren.”
He looks every bit as handsome as she’d always thought he was, growing up. Except instead of his boyish enthusiasm, his green eyes glow with a sort of magnetic darkness, his willowy brown hair pulled up into a messy bun.
There’s a new tattoo that peaks out on his collarbones, some sort of wings that are still healing. “… I didn’t know you were having a party today.”
“Yeah,” he walks towards her, “… I don’t recall inviting you.”
She winces at his not-so-subtle reminder that he doesn’t want her here. “So what did you come here for, since it’s certainly not to have fun? That’s not really your style, is it, Mikasa?”
His eyes give her a once over and she can’t tell if he’s displeased or just simply unreadable; she can’t tell a lot of things about Eren nowadays. He takes a puff from his joint, his perfect lips pursing for an exhale.
“What are you smoking?” She asks, trying to sound conversational. Her tone doesn’t sell it though.
His eyes narrow. “What does it matter? You’re just about to tell me a million reasons why I shouldn’t be doing it anyway.” His lips curve in a mocking smile.
She looks away from him. A huge part of her hates it, hates what he’s become, a boy who’d only wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps, studied his ass off to get into med school only to drop out two years later. The last time she’d confronted it, she’d asked him how he even supported himself if he’d dropped out of school and quit his job. The grin he’d given her told her maybe it was better if she didn’t know how he made his money nowadays.
The smaller, more desperate part of her just wants to ignore all of it; she misses him, misses being a part of his life, and thinks maybe she could at least turn a blind eye to his self-destruction if she cannot save him from it.
“Maybe I just wanna try it,” she says defensively, not sounding convincing in the least.
He raises his eyebrows, his mouth twisting into a smirk. “… Yeah?”
She nods hesitantly, biting her lower lip as he moves closer to her, making her step back subconsciously against the counter. “Well why not,” he murmurs, “… maybe sweet, perfect Mikasa’s finally going to learn to have some fun.”
He takes a deep inhale of the joint, eyes boring into her before he drops lower, lips hovering just over hers. The proximity is enough to make her gasp, lips parting slightly, her body feeling hot when he slips his knee between her thighs.
He exhales directly into her mouth, the intoxicating smoke flowing directly into her. “Take it in, sweetheart,” he urges, “… till your throat burns.”
Mikasa does as he says, eyes watering a little from the smoke, the taste and smell being completely new to her. She’s not sure if it’s the smoke that’s making her feel heady or if it’s the fact that his lips are so close to hers, they’re literally brushing against hers.
His hands find purchase on her hips, his thumb brushing under her sweater and against her taut abs. “… Again?”
She nods, and he does it again, and she wonders if she imagines his leg brushing just a little closer to the warmth between her legs. After he blows into her mouth, this time, his lips fall just below her lips, pressing featherlight kisses along her jawline.
She coughs lightly, and he looks up at her. “… You okay?” Her pupils are dilated just a little bit, pink lips parting invitingly.
“A little dizzy,” she breathes, “… or something like that.” She can barely recognise her own voice.
He smiles, regarding her intently, and her heart skips a beat because it’s been so long since he’s looked at her with affection in his eyes.
“… You like it…” A question? A statement? She has no idea. All she knows is that his breath is kind of tickling her lips, and she’s rubbing down on his thighs, sort of, and yeah, she does like that.
“You want another shotgun kiss, sweetheart?”
She’s not really sure what it means, but whatever he was smoking was starting to get to her, and it’s kind of taking over her body, like a warmth, relaxing, uncoiling, and she doesn’t really want to think about it too much anymore, so she nods, whispering, “… Please, Eren.” And maybe she just really likes it when he talks sweet to her like that.
It’s so transparent, Eren feels guilty. She’s in his arms, relaxed like she hasn’t got a care in the world. Apart from getting him to kiss her. It’s so sweet, the way she begs him with just her eyes, it goes straight to his cock. That’s why he preferred the distance between them.
Miss Goody-two-shoes Mikasa Ackerman with her perfect grades, perfect career… perfect fucking body. She never did anything wrong… except for Eren Jeager. Classic bad boy with anger issues and a penchant for things on the other side of the law. At first, she’d tried to lecture him, pull him back, and remind him of all the good things he wanted from life, but he isn’t sure if he wants all those things anymore.
But Mikasa? She used to be a good thing in his life. Maybe the only thing he still wanted… regardless of how much ever he tried to push her away. It was even harder to deny now, when she was so pliant in his arms, silly grin on her cheeks, lips shining from where she licked them. 
He blows the smoke into her open mouth slowly, hands on her cheeks as soft as he can manage. Runs his fingers through her hair afterward as he watches the haze in her eyes. “You good, Mikasa?”
She hums, closing her eyes. It was too tempting to pass up. He kisses her slowly, suckling her lower lip and pulling it into his mouth, one hand finding purchase on her hip. The fact that he gets to kiss her after so damn long (he’d almost given up on them ever getting back together), even though he knows he’s probably taking advantage of the situation, gets him carried away. He likes feeling her relax in his arms, watching her pupils dilate in this heady mixture of intoxication and arousal, seeing her nipples poking through the soft fabric of her blouse.
Mikasa’s lips are so pretty, so perfect, he’d always been enamoured by them, by how they feel, how they look when she’s happy. She giggles when it finally hits her, breathes on his ear that he’s tickling her with all these kisses. It makes him do it even more, if only that he can see her laugh with him again. They’d been fighting for several months now; all he’d ever see in her eyes was disappointment.
So he commits it to memory, her laugh, her arousal, takes it a step further when his hands reach inside her shirt to grope at her breasts and fondle her nipples. “Eren, there’s people here,” -
“And none of these people care, Mikasa.” He lifts her up swiftly and places her on the counter. There’s clear apprehension in her eyes as she looks at him. He picks up his joint and takes a drag.
“Do you want a puff?” He should feel terrible, but the more she looks at him that way– sweet, trusting, he gives into the pulsing desire in his gut.
“I-I don’t really know how to,” -
“… I’ll teach you. Put in your mouth.” It sounds kind of crude the way he says it, makes her think of other things, memories from when they were a lot more intimate. He places the joint between her lips and says, “… Suck.”
She does exactly as he says, pursing her lips around the joint and sucking hard. The smoke fills her mouth and abruptly she coughs sputtering all around her.
Smirking, he murmurs, “… You have to hold it in, babe. You can do that, can’t you?”
She’s not really sure if she’s imagining it, but she feels nervous under his gaze, exposed maybe, and it makes her body feel hot. Tears in her eyes from the smoke, she tries again, this time letting the acrid smoke go down her throat. She lets it out in a more controlled exhale, not without a few stray coughs. “I don’t think I’m very good at it,” she says, throat itchy.
She scrunches up her nose, looking absolutely adorable.
“Relax, Mikasa. You don’t always have to be good at everything, you know.” He boops her nose playfully, remembering how much he hated that growing up; she was good at school, good at sports, good-looking, good at heart -
He’d hated her almost as much as he loved her. (Was it all that different now?)
Her eyes widen, cheeks flushing as she looks at him in a kind of dazed wonder. She rubs the tip of her nose gingerly. “… it’s been so long since you’ve done that.”
Shit. It was just a gesture he’d done so many times, he hadn’t even thought about it before doing it. Hell, he’d practically been kissing her minutes ago, and that hadn’t sounded off any alarms in her head apparently, but a little nose boop had her looking at him with the kind of hope in his eyes that he just didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with right now.
“Forget it,” he says, harsher than he intended, reassessing the position they were in; faces mere inches from each other, him nestled between her legs in the corner of the kitchen. “… I shouldn’t have done it.”
Shouldn’t have kissed her, because it’s all he can think about even though he’s stepped back and put some distance between them. His lips burn where they touched her skin, her mouth, craving a sensation he has no business seeking anymore.
She pulls on his sleeve and his gaze flies back to hers, pretty grey orbs looking at him pleadingly. “… I miss you, Eren.” Very simply, a truth she doesn’t hesitate to say. Eren thinks she’d say it even if she wasn’t high because that’s just how she was - honest, simple, perfect. “Don’t you miss me?”
Her voice wavers because she’s scared to hear it, afraid that he’s going to say no and push her away like he has for the last few months; he’d tell her he doesn’t care and step on her heart the way he’s done unflinchingly in the past. He sees it, sees the vulnerability, and he hates himself for it.
It’s an addictive kind of pain, a stabbing self-loathing that came with loving Mikasa Ackerman. He’d never felt good enough for her even when he was doing everything right - doing med school and a part-time job, driving up every Sunday to meet his father, taking flowers to his mother’s grave.
Now he can’t bear to do any of it, he feels betrayed by all that he thought was right, and anything more than waking up and distracting himself from it all feels like a weight he isn’t strong enough to carry. Especially when the weight is from his girlfriend’s crushing disappointment.
This is why he’d distanced himself, why he doesn’t like her coming over, why he can’t bear to be near her anymore. He takes a deep drag and prays that the smoke in his nostrils and his mouth will make it all hazy again, because he doesn’t want to see these things clearly anymore.
He shuts his eyes for a brief moment, whispers, “Why? Why do you miss me, Mikasa?”
Because what else do I do for you other than weigh you down?
She threads her fingers into his, pulling him closer. “… it used to feel good,” she breathes, kind of wistful, “being with you.”
He feels the whisper on his chin, her lips brushing against his skin, and he feels it; it used to feel more than just good… being with her used to feel right.
As right as it does right now, when her legs loop around his thighs, locking him into place flush against her hips, her hands resting on his chest.
He’s starting to recognize that he’s already ruined, he’s already fucked up, and maybe there’s no point overthinking this anymore. Taking another drag, this time he runs a thumb along her lip and opens her mouth before he shotguns into her. Maybe it’s selfish, but he doesn’t want either of them to be seeing clearly when none of this is real.
“I could make you feel good again,” he murmurs, hands roaming her thighs, loving the feel of her in his hands. (He’d missed her too, how could she ever have thought otherwise?)
“Mmhmm.” Her hands thread into his hair, and she angles herself against his mouth, tasting his weed-stained lips, tongue tracing his teeth before it slips inside of him.
She tastes a little bit like him, of regret and smoke but mostly of longing, and it makes him yearn for her in ways he hadn’t allowed himself to recently. Her breasts press up against his chest, and it feels so natural, so unbelievably good, he almost groans into her mouth.
He wants her to feel good too, he wasn’t lying when he said he would do it; that’s what she misses about him after all. His fingers reach for the button of her jeans and slide her zipper down, and he feels her gasp against his mouth. “… What are you,” -
“I thought you wanted to feel good, baby,” he says, knowing just how unfairly he was twisting her own words. The hitch in her throat however tells him she doesn’t truly mind this, not at all.
His thumb reaches into her panties and finds her weakness immediately. He brings it to his mouth and licks the pad of his thumb, his eyes not leaving hers, enjoying the way her mouth parts wantonly with the knowledge of what he was going to do.
He brushes against her clit and she arches, unprepared for how good it would feel. She hears the noise of someone rummaging at the other end of the kitchen and she stills, panicking.
“Relax,” he tells her, because she’s still too tense, there’s no way he’d let anyone see her; his entire frame blocks any vantage point anyone else could have of her. “Focus on my fingers, baby. That’s it.”
She’s unbelievably wet, his index and middle finger are drenched as he works them into her. “… Do you really think I’d let anyone else watch you when you’re like this?” His lips hover over the shell of her ear. “When you’re dripping onto my fingers,” he nibbles on her lobe, “like a slut?”
She tightens around him as he says it, cheeks burning, a low moan escaping her lips. He kisses her again, before she can get too loud, consuming her little whimpers before they can escape him.
She feels so precious like this, so small, clinging on to him while he makes her come with just his fingers. “It’s been a while since you’ve done it, haven’t you?” He wonders if it’s the weed that makes him ask this so boldly, if that’s what makes her blush when she nods. She’d come so quickly, so easily, like all she needed was his touch.
He likes it though, likes that he still has this effect on her, that despite all the disappointment he seems to cause, he can make her unravel for him in minutes. He extracts his fingers from her pussy and keeping his gaze fixed on hers, slips them into his mouth, sucking deliberately.
“You taste just as sweet as I remember, Mikasa.” he murmurs.
Her hands move to his pants, tugging on his zipper. “Am I allowed to taste you?” 
He can feel himself grow harder at her words. He thumbs her lower lip, pink with saliva and the juices from her cunt that were on his finger. “Did you miss that too, baby?” And when she blushes he says, “Beg me for it and I’ll let you.” 
She threads her hands around his neck, reaches up on tiptoe and clings to him, breath hot on his ear. “I missed sucking you off, Eren. So much.” And God, if that wasn’t hot enough, she brushes her fingers against his bulge. “Please?” 
Maybe a younger version of him, less experienced, would have made a mess of himself on the spot. His hand moves up to grip her neck, tipping her mouth up to meet his. Exactly then, he hears an absolutely unwanted, annoying, infuriating voice call his name. “Jaeger, Connie got a bit uh, enthusiastic and um, broke the bong. Do you have– Whaaa–”
Eren turns to the side, his gaze blistering with fury. “Get the fuck out, Jean.” 
It takes a second for Jean to fully comprehend the scene in front of him. Maybe because he’s stoned out of his mind, he lingers, his gaze taking in Mikasa tucked into Eren’s chest, her messy state of dress. “Didn’t know you guys were back together,” he says slowly, the faint fire of lust glowing in his eyes. 
“We’re n—” 
“It’s none of your business, actually.” And this time he doesn’t hide the venom from his voice, his grip on Mikasa’s neck tightening. 
Jean smirks, levelling with Eren for a hot minute. And then he puts his hands up and walks out. Before he leaves the kitchen he turns over his shoulder and says, “Missed seeing you around, Mikasa.” 
“Get on your knees, Mikasa.” His grip is firm around her neck, and his gaze is burning— annoyed, possessive? She couldn’t tell. 
When she hesitates, he narrows his eyes. “Just one minute ago, you were begging? And after Jean came in you’re suddenly not interested anymore? Is that how easy it is to change your mind, sweetheart?” 
The anger lacing his voice should scare her. Maybe if she weren’t so fucking high, it would. But all she can focus on is what she wants; and she’s willing to beg for it. “I was just wondering if we could go somewhere more private, Eren. I don’t want anyone to interrupt us again.” 
He considers her slowly, lets the anger ebb and fade. Rubs his thumb against her neck softly, before dropping a kiss on her collarbone. “He’s always been sweet on you, that motherfucker.” 
His kisses feel like little shots of vodka poured straight into her bloodstream. The possessive edge to his voice makes her clench her thighs. “Let’s go to your bedroom.” Her fingers slip under his shirt. “Please.” 
He loved hearing her beg, but he doesn’t make her beg too much. He doesn’t have the patience for it. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.” 
If people see them when he carries her up the stairs, he doesn’t care. If they think they’re back together… Well let them fucking think it. When he shuts the door behind him, she immediately slinks down to her knees. 
It was fucking heavenly. The sight of the girl he loved so eager to blow him, so fucking sweet as she pulled him out of his pants and licked him from the balls to his head? Pretty fucking hard to beat. 
He lets her warm up, licking and sucking the tip, being cute with her kisses, until he pushes forward, goes a bit deeper, makes her gag, murmuring, “You’re so fucking perfect, it pisses me off.” She lets out a gasp as he slips out of her mouth with a pop, cock smacking against her cheek. 
He fists his hand in her hair, pulling her gaze up to him. A string of spit falls down her chin. “You satisfied, Mikasa? This is what you wanted, right?” He smears the spit along her cheek with his thumb. 
She touches her tongue to his head, licking the precum on top. “Wanna taste your cum,” she says faintly, pretty grey eyes flickering away from him. 
Suddenly he’s overcome with the urge to kiss her. It’s a little bit sappy and mostly ruined, but this is how she fucks him over— tells him sweet things and then dirty things with that perfect mouth of hers. Makes him want to spout fucking love poems when his dick is hard in her mouth. 
“Maybe… I don’t want to come in your mouth.” He nuzzles her chin, watches as she looks somewhat dejected. 
He pulls her up to her feet, makes himself comfortable on the bed, nestling her between his legs. Trailing his hands over her toned belly, his hands dip lower until he cups her pussy over her jeans. “Maybe I want to come in here.” 
“You ok with that, Mikasa?” Almost inadvertently, she clenches her thighs. He can feel the warmth radiating from her. “Mmm-hmm.” 
“Gimme a kiss,” he murmurs. She bends down and kisses him, open-mouthed, kinda messy, the smell of smoke still heavy on her tongue. He plays with her tongue, sucking, pulling it into his mouth and savouring it. 
“So fucking sweet,” he tells her, “... you do whatever I ask for.” He unzips her jeans, pulling them down along with her panties. His gaze darkened salaciously as it dropped from her face to the place between her legs. “But you were gonna tell Jean we weren’t back together, right?” 
His fingers dip inside of her again. The second time that day that he found her wet and wanting. When he thinks about the fact that she was this riled up just from giving him head… He wanted to be inside her so badly. He pulled his fingers out of her and saw them glisten. She didn’t even need the fucking foreplay. 
She looked at him, conflicted. “But we’re not,” she mumbles. “You didn’t even want me here.” 
“And you didn’t want people to think we were together.” He sounded a bit crazy to his own ears, but he didn’t care. “Wanted people to think this didn’t belong to me?” And almost cruelly, he pinches her clit. 
Moaning, she almost falls forward, bracing herself on his shoulders. “Never,” she whispers shakily. 
“You’re soaked, Mikasa.” Lifting her by the hips, he throws her onto the bed beneath him. Without him asking, or prompting, she spreads her legs to accommodate him as he nestles himself between her legs. Grinding down onto her through his boxers, he says, “Fucking drenched.” His hand splays around her throat before he kisses her. Hard. “Because of me.” 
And before she can even say yes, that nobody else could ever have this effect on he slips his boxers down and sheathes himself inside her, fully, in one smooth motion. 
“I missed this,” she says hoarsely, as she adjusts to the size of him, as he fills her up slowly. “Missed you, Eren.” 
She says it so easily, so sweetly, he kind of envies her. Is this what it’s like to love without pride or anger or the debilitating insecurity of never being enough? Because how much ever she sighs his name when he fucks her, he can’t shake that little niggle at the bottom of his heart that tells him that he’s ruining a girl who’s far too good for him. So instead of saying it back he kisses her harder, swallowing her words, allowing only her moans when he talks dirty to her. When he tells her she’s so good, so good for one thing— and that’s taking his cock. 
He palms her breasts, reaching down to kiss them, pinching them as he sees her reaching the edge. She’s the prettiest thing as she comes, back arching off the bed, toes curling, mouth open as she gasps his name in pleasure. It’s his most favourite sound. And once she’s done, she whimpers, “You promised.” 
“What’d I promise you, baby?” And for a moment he’s worried. Because sometimes she feels so fucking good, he tells her things he can’t really reason, promises her the fucking world, and the moon if she wanted it. 
He thrusts in and out of her, a bit unsteady, his thrusts shallow, because she’s so fucking slick it feels like she’s going to milk the orgasm right out of him. 
“Said you were gonna cum inside of me,” she pants, fingers digging into his arm as she winced from the aftershocks of her orgasm.
He pulls her hair away from her face, sweaty and matted to her face. Kisses her by the side of her mouth because that’s all he can manage. He buries his face in the crook of her neck. “Not wearing a condom, Mikasa,” he breathes, so fucking close he’s nearly a second from blowing. 
“Don’t care, Eren. You promised–” 
“Gonna come, baby,” he groans, the most pathetic warning, because he before he even finishes that statement, he’s spilling into her. Thick and hot deep inside of her, making her feel dirty with the feeling of having him as deep inside of her as he possibly could be.
They lay together after that, his breaths harsh next to her mellow ones. As he slips outside of her, she can feel the essence of him drip down her crack, pooling onto the sheets. “You’re impossible, you know that,” he whispers, slipping one finger between her legs and pushing his cum back into her slit almost absent-mindedly. 
“Can’t say no to you, can’t get you out of my mind.” Tiredly he places a kiss on her forehead. She doesn’t say anything, still looking somewhat dazed. 
“You feeling okay?” He asks, concerned. She’d never smoked before and even though it was possibly too late to develop a conscience, the guilt had caught up with him. 
“Why do you say it like it’s a bad thing?” She looks at him sincerely, lips swollen from his kisses. “I can’t get you out of my mind either.” She snuggles into his arms, mumbles something into his skin. 
It sounds suspiciously like, “It’s because I love you.” And it could be so easy to say it back— the way Mikasa does, innocent, sweet, pure. But Eren isn’t like that. There’s nothing innocent about him— not his heart and not his body. Nothing sweet about the way he wanted her; a vicious, undeniable creature inside of him that kept him dishonest. 
So he just sighs, pretends he doesn’t hear it when he really does, when it sits inside of his heart like a heavy thing, and places a kiss on her shoulder, stroking her back until she drifts off to sleep. “It is a bad thing,” he murmurs, before his eyes fall shut. “Good girls like you deserve better.”
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comelicute1214-blog · 2 years
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word count : 1.7k
warning : Daddy Kink, Boobs kink, Pregnancy kink, Blow job, car sex, etc.
Summary : just a story about mikasa wanting to do ‘that’ with her bf in their car. shortly, baby mama mika wants to be pampered by her bf.
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Mikasa in her 29 weeks pregnancy now, her belly is getting bigger. They just had a routine check-up today, the doctor said that their baby was healthy and strong. This makes Eren grateful, because the people he loves are in good health. although sometimes his girlfriend is very spoiled and uhm a little difficult for him if she asks for something.
Like this time, Eren silently leaked Mikasa's pitiful face. They are on their way home.
"Y..you.. what do you want?" asked Eren cautiously.
"Baby wants to meet his Daddy" Mikasa looked down shyly.
If only Eren was still a pervert. He must have immediately pressed Mikasa and buried his cock in Mikasa's cunt. right now. But with his pregnant girlfriend now, he had to think twice about doing that.
"B..but it's dangerous princess" Eren tried to refuse.
"But I'm already 7 months pregnant Babe, the doctor has also allowed it" Mikasa started to frown
Mikasa looks like she wants to cry
"Baby? Please dont.-" this is what Eren hates, he can't refuse his girlfriend's wish if she cries like this.
"You don't love me and our baby anymore."
"Hh? No! It's not that baby... Fuck-"
Seeing Mikasa who was already heading towards the car window, she tried to hide her tears.
"Okay okay, Daddy will greet the baby" said Eren finally. How could he refuse when he saw his girlfriend's tears?
"Is that true?" Mikasa brightened again.
"Yes Baby, but later in our apartment, okay?"
Mikasa shook her head hard, her eyes ready to shed another tear.
"Fuck- Alright"
"Thank you Daddy" Mikasa replied in a childlike voice.
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Eren looked at Mikasa's naked body leaning against the passenger seat without blinking. They were still on their way to the apartment when suddenly Mikasa asked for 'do that' on the way. eren parked his car on the quiet street. His eyes could not be separated from the beauty of his girlfriend's body. Mikasa who has soft white skin like a baby and swollen boobs, looks at him sensually. Don't forget the swollen belly because she's pregnant with his child. Right. His child.
Eren looked at him intensely and then lowered his head. His lips then kissed that swollen belly and then rose up, until his face was facing the clearly exposed boobs.
"Do you have milk here?"
"Why don't you try ah-" that girl didn't continue her words when Eren gently squeezed her boobs and sucked her left nipple into his warm mouth.
"Ahh-" Mikasa closed her eyes, enjoying every touch the man in the seat beside her gave to her.
he's actually really wanted to ride his girlfriend as soon as possible, but seeing  Mikasa's big belly he had to think again if he didn't want to hurt his child.
Eren sucked hard on Mikasa's nipple. he was licking and biting gently on each side creating a kissmark on his girlfriend's plump chest. His hand, which was still actively squeezing her boobs, moved down her big belly and rubbed it affectionately. Eren's warm tongue wet Mikasa's big boobs making it full of saliva. he looked at Mikasa's facial expression then gently caressed her boobs, kissed her nipples and sucked passionately, his eyes stared seductively at her  then sucked hard.
"Ohh Daddy-" Mikasa let out a long groan. His hands wrapped around Eren's head, pressing it against her breasts so that their bodies were closer together.
"I can't wait for the milk to come out from here" Eren pressed the nipple repeatedly. Mikasa kept moaning loudly.
Mikasa lifted her head as Eren's hot tongue moved up her neck.
Her legs opened wide as Eren's long fingers tickled her inner thighs then headed for her pussy slit.
"Daddy please-" he moaned uncontrollably.
Eren's long fingers fumbled in and then poked in and out of regular vaginal openings making the girl reflexively stare at him and groan loudly.
"Aah! Eren Huh!" Mikasa groaned as she added one finger into the hole of heaven.
"Who told you to call my name princess?" Eren teased Mikasa even more. He moved his fingers back and forth in her pussy slit.
"Daddy!" She squeezed the Eren's messy long hair.
"Ahh~" Mikasa's moans got louder as Eren added another finger down there. Eren's three fingers were under there, shuffling the holes evenly and quickly. It made Mikasa crazy, she groaned with pleasure, his eyes filled with a great mist of lust.
"Ouhh Emm-" mikasa moans stopped when Eren kiss her lips. he pulverized and sucked Mikasa's lower and upper lip parts passionately without stopping the movement of his three fingers in Mikasa's slit..
He couldn't control himself when his beautiful girlfriend teased him by asking to make love to him like this. in the car.
The sound of the click of saliva is the accompaniment of their hot activities. Sweat was pouring from their bodies. There was a loud plop as Eren released the hot link of their lips. Without slowing down the tempo of his hand movements down there, he gently wiped the sweat around Mikasa's pretty face. Eren buried his head in her neck, sucking it gently and leaving a new kissmark there.
"Daddy! Please! it's coming!" Eren really likes Mikasa like this. Shouting his name 'Daddy' out loud and then hugging him tightly, her moans that she will soon have an orgasm makes his cock which is still tightly wrapped in there whine to be released immediately.
Eren was frustrated by their uncomfortable position. His eyes then looked at Mikasa's face which was red and sweaty.
He stared intently at his girlfriend's tired face who had just had an orgasm then pulled out her fingers that had been churning Mikasa's vaginal opening. then he put his three fingers in his mouth, licking the liquid sensually.
"It tastes so good baby"
Mikasa's face blushed.
Eren wiped the sweat off Mikasa's face again, "tired?" The question that immediately got an answer from Mikasa's head shake
Mikasa pulled the long fingers that Eren had licked, entered her tiny mouth, lick and sucked them. Enjoying her boyfriend's saliva and also the remnants of her own liquid.
Seeing that, Eren couldn't hold it anymore, he took Mikasa to the back seat, then quickly unbuttoned his shirt and zippered his pants, until a hand stopped his movement when he was about to lower his black boxers.
"Let me Daddy" Mikasa sensually pulled down Eren's panties.
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Eren leaned against the car door with his eyes closed, Mikasa's head go up and down his crotch making his brain go crazy. That girl put his big-fat-long-thick-veined cock into her warm mouth, she sucked it slowly trying to seduce Eren. Eren growl and soft hiss sounded, he really enjoyed Mikasa's take care his cock.
"Baby, stop right now" Eren tried to lift Mikasa's head, he really didn't want to come out now.
Mikasa shook her head, she brushed away Eren's hand that was trying to release her mouth but she didn't that big lollipop out of her mouth yet.
Mikasa kissed the abbreviation of the head of the penis that appeared wet and red.
"Get on top of me Baby!" Eren's orders.
she's sat on Eren thight.
"Ugh... Shhh" she moaned at the same time as Eren's big cock fit perfectly into her pussy.
"You're so tight baby, so tight"
Mikasa buried her head on Eren's neck, she didn't move and tried to adjust to the big and long thing in her pussy. Eren felt the soft kisses and sucks on his neck.
"Move Baby" Eren told with great lust in his head.
Mikasa started moving in regulary. she really knows how to make the man below her growl greatly. Without letting go of her red lips that still carved the mark on her boyfriend's shoulder, she pushed her up and down as Eren also helped her move.
"Baby, thats too fast.." Eren woke him up then moved Mikasa's hips with both hands. he doesn't want anything to happen to their child.
Mikasa thought he slowed down the in-out tempo then look into Eren's green forest eyes. she smiled satisfiedly. she intentionally tightened her pussy. making Eren forgetting what he said earlier. secondly he puts it on the swollen boobs, squeezes it gently then and gives it firmly.
Their bodies were drenched in sweat, as if the coolant in the car was of no use at all.
"It's coming again Daddy! It's coming!” Mikasa tightly hugged him. Her in-out movement quickened as she felt it was coming, but a strong hand held her brutal movements back in order.
"Don't, love... Our baby.. gonna hurt inside"
"Daddy!!!" and Mikasa has her another orgasm.
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Mikasa's breath hitched. Her boobs heaving up and down erotically. Flashes of sweat make boobs look very sexy because of sweat. Eren immediately hugged his girlfriend who was slumped limply on his shoulder, then his hand quickly grabbed one of the boobs, twisting and sucking her nipples with his lips. he think himself has Boobs kink now.
Eren released his mouth from boobs as he felt Mikasa had had enough of her post-orgasm. He then squeezed the boobs again. He's stared at her with passion.
"Put your ass up Baby," he said in a deep voice. Mikasa did it, although it was difficult because of her big belly, but Eren helped her.
And at that moment Eren immediately inserted his cock again.
"Aahh" Mikasa groaned as the big cock bump into her pussy again. Right on her G-spot.
"You're so wet baby"
the Moans and growls flowed lovely from their lips. Eren rides her very slow and regular tempo but is so deep and full of feelings.
“Oh yes Daddy, there, right there!” Mikasa could feel the tip of the cock hitting her deepest point again.
"Here baby?" asked her husband deepening the thrust.
"Yeahhh... Ughh"
After a while, Eren quickened his tempo. Mikasa shook her head and bit her fingers, she couldn't hold back the pleasure when Eren hit hard right in her G-spot repeatedly..
"Oh, I wanna come Daddy."
"Wait for me baby, Fucking wait for me"
"Oh Daddy"
"Uhhhh... OH FUCK-"
They reached orgasm together, without letting go of his cock, Eren pulled Mikasa's body into his arms, hugging her from behind. He kissed Mikasa's shoulder and neck, and his hands gently and gently caressed the pregnant belly, as if apologizing to their child.
"He's fine Eren"
"I love you guys.." Eren kissed mikasa's forehead softy.
"We love you too Daddy" mikasa replies with a tired smile.
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tag : @emdarkfics​
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jjkeremika · 6 months
description: Mikasa sneaks out to see the boyfriend (eren) her parents don't approve of
pairing: eren x mikasa, eremika (aot/snk)
(warnings ?: "smoking weed", groping, spanking, oral(mikasa receiving), fingering, penetration, mention of daddy, virgin!Mikasa)
It was at the dinner table at the end of the meal when she finally worked up the courage to ask. "Hey mum, dad," she started quietly, crossing her ankles. Last night they almost didn't let her go. "Is it okay if I stay at a friend's house tonight?"
Her dad sighed, and Mikasa deflated slightly. She knew what the sigh entailed. They were about to look at each other.
Her parents looked at each other knowingly, both of them recognizing that the moment they'd discussed last night was already happening.
"Mikasa," her father's loud voice commanded Mikasa's attention from her mother's lack of eye contact, "we know that you aren't really going to Sasha's house."
The weight dropped in her stomach -- oh no. She started playing with the ring on her finger, the unsettling and uncomfortable tingle of being caught spreading down her spinal cord. She silently prayed the heat rushing to her face wasn't visible.
Mikasa's eyes shifted between her two parents, who sat stoically, her father's stern expression digging holes into her skin, her mother's unreadable.
Mikasa inhaled deeply, hoping that she hasn't been silent for suspiciously long. "That's because I'm going to Historia's," she responded slowly, trying not to shrink in front of her father.
"Oh," was all her mother added, sinking into the wooden chair slightly.
"Isn't she the one who introduced you to that boy?" her dad asked. Mikasa swallowed, she didn't think they remembered that tiny detail. "Are you sure he won't be there? Are you sure you're not just leaving to see him?"
She didn't answer in time.
"No. You're not leaving tonight," he commanded. "That's final." He stood and left the table, exiting the room without so much as glancing at Mikasa, who sat in her chair, sad and irritated.
She rolled her eyes as she watched her mother chase after her husband, leaving her to clean up the table.
Eren had called her around ten, asking why she cancelled and if he could see her anyway, park down the street and sneak in through her window. She laughed, a sound which made him smile even through his car speakers. "My dad would kill you."
"Not if I kill him first," he responded, and she could practically hear the foolish smile on his face. She rolled her eyes but it sparked a laugh anyway.
"Oh my," she breathed out after laughing, "I'd be sad without my dad though. What then?"
"I can be your daddy," Eren replied, his tone more serious than earlier. "We both know you already want me to be."
To say she was at a loss for words would be an understatement. She wanted to force a laugh, play along with the joke, but the warmth brewing between her legs and the curling of her toes held her back.
The thought made her blush in a way she didn't expect. More unholy thoughts flooded into her mind, visualizing the muscular, brown-haired man kissing beyond her lips and neck, caressing spots on her body that have never been touched.
Eren hummed to himself at her silence. He was just messing with her, because the way she flustered afterwards was so adorable he couldn't help it. But usually she was stammering, yelling something along the lines of, "Eren! You can't say stuff like that!" with red cheeks and avoiding all contact.
So her silence was... notable.
He was waiting for her to say something, she knew that. But the one phrase unlocked the gates and now her imagination ran wild, reels of Eren kissing and touching places she's never noticed playing nonstop, tingling sensations of how she thought his touch would feel appearing on her skin.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come over?" Eren asked again.
Mikasa wanted to thank him for changing the subject, but his question didn't tame any of the wild thoughts trampling her brain.
"You can't come over," she answered, her throat the driest its ever been. "Like I said," she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "my dad will kill you." I can be your daddy.
Eren felt his trousers tighten as the same thoughts entered his head. He recognized her uneven breathing, the slight tense tone change. He couldn't not recognize it, he'd heard it pressed right to his ear before, when she finally let him kiss her neck. "Right."
The silence only made the blood pumping to their pelvises more noticeable.
After a few moments of the quiet seeping into their bones, they exchanged goodnights and sleep tights and ended the call.
Around two hours later, still awake as her wild thoughts led her down a horny internet rabbit hole, she received a string of texts from Eren, telling her to look outside.
There he was, waving happily at her. She put on her pajama pants and shoes and opened the window, climbing out and leaving a wooden stick to prop it barely open.
Eren led the way to his car with their hands entwined, trying to get away before anyone noticed. He held her hand as they drove to a nearby beach, Mikasa softly singing along to the music.
He took her to a beach, the two of them finding a spot near the car. Eren sat down first and pulled Mikasa onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her to hold her in place.
Eren leaned back lightly and fussed with his pockets to pull out a lighter and roll pack. Mikasa played music quietly on her phone, humming along even more softly, and watched the bundled white smoke escape into the open air, shining in the light of the clear moonlight.
He watched the waterline and sky, being careful to avoid blowing smoke near her face, as she admired the moonlight kissing his skin, highlighting his features in a breathtaking way. She felt her breathing stop when he looked over at her and smiled, her heart skipping beats.
Mikasa held her hand up, non-verbally asking for him to pass the roll. He held it to his lips, inhaled deeply, then put it out. Almost immediately after his hand was on her cheek and angled her face so that his lips were on hers, letting the smoke drift into and out the sides of their mouths and he pried her lips apart with his tongue.
She was so distracted and surprised with his kiss she forgot to inhale. Probably the point. He never let her smoke.
She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him in place, feeling dizzy from the smoke that made it through or the sudden kiss or a combination of both.
She rearranged herself in his lap without breaking apart, keeping her hands on his cheeks to prevent him from pulling away, not like he was planning on it anyway. She leaned into him until he was leaning back onto his elbows, Eren letting her take control of the kiss and resisting the urge to grind his hips under her.
Mikasa rotated her hips and Eren moaned, the action taking him by surprise. He used his core strength to lift slightly and moved his hands to her neck and back, restraining from reaching for her ass or grabbing her hips too tight.
As they kissed to music of the waves, the sound of their lips colliding together matching the sound of the water crashing into the shore, Eren's hands slowly slid down her back to her butt, yielding to the tempting feeling in his lower abdomen and firmly grabbing the round cheeks with a hard grip.
"Eren!" Mikasa yelped, giggling, and he smirked when she didn't push his hands away. Eren smacked one cheek before taking hold of both cheeks and dragging her closer, moaning at the friction against his growing erection. "E-Eren," she moaned out, tilting her head back as he groped at her cheeks and kissed at her neck.
"Yes, baby?" he whispered huskily, causing the skin underneath his lips to tingle at the vibration. Her open mouth twitched into a smile at the new, pleasant feeling racing to her pelvis. "What can I..." His lips on her skin felt ghostly, the extremely soft tingle so very enticing. "...do to you?"
Eren's hands dipped into her pajama pants while she processed his question, while she struggled to process the sudden blood rush and warm feeling that rapidly ensued. "Oh, I meant for you," he corrected, smirking, softly biting her shoulder to keep her from pulling away.
The feeling of contradictory fabrics rubbing against the palms and backs of his hands turned him on, and it made finding the exposed soft skin of her butt and thighs so much more titillating.
"Hmpf, I, I, ahhh." Moaning felt like all she could do as he pawed at her bum and kissed along her collarbones, feeling the blood pumping to and the liquid leaking out of her pelvis. His hands felt so strong and rugged and his grip was so firm and warm.
"Well?" His voice dropped octaves as it laced with sultry sex, with an unprecedented grumbling neediness she's never heard from him before. "Do you want to stop?" he asked, grabbing her ass and using his arm strength to grind her onto his lap, manually rotating her hips. She was too breathless to form words and her mind was lagging but she shook her head fervently and grabbed his head, pulling him closer to her chest, just above her cleavage, he could feel it.
He brazenly bit the shirt fabric between her breasts, his teeth just grazing against the thin skin under the shirt, realizing just now that she wasn't wearing a bra. She arched her back, puffing her chest out for him, and he felt her breasts brush against his cheeks.
One hand slipped out from her pants into the sand, supporting his weight as he sharply pushed his crotch up into hers, smirking and admiring her euphoric smile as she gasped.
She never answered his question. "Do you want to keep going, angel?" He could already feel the pre-cum leaking into his briefs.
This feeling of his hard erection against her inexperienced clit was new and enticing and favorable and a high she desperately needed to chase. "Yes," she immediately breathed out, starting to grind down on him with more haste, more need, "yes, yes, yes."
Eren's hand held onto her neck and he pulled her in for a long kiss. "Let's go back to the car," he mumbled against her lips, to which she rapidly nodded in agreement.
He gripped her thighs and suddenly lifted her over his shoulder, then stood up to walk to the car. She blushed deep red as her face and hands were close to his ass and her ass was so close to his face and the arm that wrapped around her waist to hold on her felt so tight and secure and it all made her so warm.
Her cheeks invented the deepest shade of red when she remembered the wet spot on her panties that she just knew he could smell. Little did she know it was making his mouth water, making him harder.
He finally put her down in front of the open back passenger door, onto the seats already put down, gesturing with his hand to enter first. He lightly smacked her ass repeatedly as she climbed inside, each one making her smile widen and evoking a giggle.
Eren scrambled in after her, quickly shutting the door and locking the car. Mikasa's phone continued to play music as Eren's hands reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it off effortlessly.
The sight always took her breath away, and she was so distracted drooling over the sculpted abs and deep collarbones and defined pecs and hard nipples that she didn't even register that he'd slipped his jeans off.
She gulped when her eyes trailed down his abdomen, following the deep lines pointing to the prominent tented fabric, blushing and rapidly lifting her eyes back to his chest.
His airy chuckle was soothing, massaging out the breath she was holding. "It's okay," he said as he moved closer, still smiling, sitting next to her and holding her neck, "you can look." He kissed her quickly, then rested his forehead against hers. "I like when you look at me."
There was a slight pause, a settling hesitancy. "I like looking at you," she whispered softly, chasing his lips and kissing him again, following the adrenaline coupled with desire. She shut her eyes tight and held her breath. "And I like when you look at me."
He pulled back slightly so he could look at her entire face, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. "Oh, I love looking at you." It was dark, extra dark with the cover of his car, but the moonlight shining through the windows lit up her features, a shining halo outlining her whole body. "Almost as much as I love yo--"
He cut himself off, tightly shutting his eyes and scrunching his face like he'd revealed a secret he shouldn't have, like he'd spoiled a plan, ruined something special. Mikasa's eyes widened slightly, feeling her heart swell and the words I love you too lodging in her throat. blocking off the airflow.
"I didn't say that," he added quickly, nervously, fearfully, "unless... unless you..." Eren eyed her carefully, struggling to read her expression in the shadowed light.
Actions speak louder than words, and the words were lost on her anyway. Immediately Mikasa was removing her shirt, bending awkwardly to pull it over her head. She stared at him afterwards, giggling at his dropped jaw and dilated irises that were fixed on her perky nipples.
She was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable she felt with him, with their clothes on the seats, with his eyes fixed on her body. She didn't feel scrutinized; she felt admired. "Do you want to take my pants off?" she asked, surprising Eren with this sudden erotic confidence.
His eyes flicked up to hers and his dick twitched. "Oh, baby, there's a lot I want to do to you." He reached his hand out and cupped her breast, rubbing his tough palm against her hard nipple, his fingers squeezing the flesh. Their lips met in the middle, engaging in frequent short kisses, Eren leaning over her until her back was flat to the seat. "I'd be honored to take your pants off."
His lips worked down to her nipple and his tongue played with the pointy nub as his hands slid down her naked sides until they connected with the soft fabric. He pressed his head into her chest and lightly bit the skin, swiftly removing the pajamas simultaneously.
He thoroughly enjoyed the sight of his girlfriend beneath him, almost fully naked and squirming under his touch. She squeaked when he pinched her nipple. He smiled at the noise, wondering what else she sounded like.
One hand returned to her breast and the other tightly gripped her butt, Eren moaning when he felt the damp--no, wet fabric between her legs. He kissed hastily towards the spot as soon as he found it, the smell making him salivate and more eager with each sloppy kiss.
He looked up at her once his nose reached the panty line. "Can I please eat you out?" he sounded breathless, starving, like just the thought of licking her out was stimulating his anticipatory feedback loop.
"I don't know what that means." The deep blush on her cheeks was permanent now, with the mental image of Eren's face just above the warmest spot of all now taking residence in her brain. A dangerous image.
"Then can I show you?" He was subconsciously inching his mouth closer and closer, taking the edge between his teeth, praying to his goddess that she says yes.
She nodded, willing but nervous. "Please keep my bottoms on..." she added quietly, starting to feel exposed. The nerves from the unknown were starting to crawl out from under her skin, and the excitement and adrenaline were causing her heart to beat faster than it ever had before.
"Okay," he whispered against her gut, his hot breath tickling the skin just below her belly button. He looked up at her with calm green eyes, a soothing meadow of vibrant grass asking for her to fall into, to relax, and pressed a light kiss to her abdomen. "Okay."
Mikasa craned her neck awkwardly to watch as Eren returned his attention to her skin and lowered further down, until his cheeks were touching the insides of her thighs. Her stomach fluttered as she saw him deeply inhale and lick his lips, and she gasped in embarrassment and covered her eyes with her hand when Eren glanced up at her quickly before pressing his open mouth just above the wet spot, over her clothed clit.
She could feel his smirk as he sucked on the fabric, as he tried to introduce her to the sensation of his head between her legs. She could feel his lips and his tongue through the thin lace, and, when he moved the fabric to the side and his tongue touched her so wet and so sensitive skin, the tingling warmth suddenly spontaneously scattered through her blood to the rest of her body.
"Ahh!" she cried out at the foreign feeling, at the texture of his wet and cool tongue on her hot, untouched skin, adjusting to the heat and waves of pleasure after each swipe of his tongue against the small bundle of nerves.
"E-Eren!" The sound of her repeatedly rambling out his name traveled straight to his cock, and he just had to move a hand from her thigh to his erection, barely satisfying himself physically as he greatly satiated his thirst for her. "Oh, Ere-ahh!" He didn't even really need the physical touch; he could definitely cum if she let him eat her out for long enough.
Her thighs were starting to squeeze against his head and he moaned at the pressure, at the idea of her pushing his mouth further onto her, pushing him to pleasure her more. But the feeling was starting to become tortuously pleasant, almost unbearable, and as her toes curled and as her fingernails dug into his shoulders and as the blood roaring in her ears blocked out every other sound, she orgasm-ed.
"So wet, holy fuck," Eren incoherently mumbled as more fluid flooded out of her pussy, forcibly holding her thighs closer to his tongue to prevent her from pulling away, to force her to feel him sucking and licking--all of it, overstimulation and all.
"Eren, st-ahh! E-Eren, please, stop," she whined breathlessly, the sensation too overwhelming but his grip on her was so tight.
Eren released his hold on her thighs and lifted slightly, crawling over her until his face was in front of hers, only a nose's width apart. He wanted to kiss her, to prove to her how sweet she tasted, how badly he wanted her sugar high.
"You alright?" he asked, chuckling slightly despite still catching his breath.
Mikasa's chest was working overtime, her lungs overcompensating to acquire all the oxygen she moaned out and her heart still pumping to all the right places.
She nodded as soon as she could process his question. "That... felt... so... good," she responded breathlessly, having to take a breath in between each word, a blissful smile across her face.
"I'd love to make you feel even better." His eyes were darker, like the sun had set on the grasslands, leaving various shades of a darkening sunset to admire. Eren's lips pressed to her neck, kissing softly up to her jawline. "If you'll let me," he whispered just below her ear, the sensation trickling down the nerves and shivering up her spine.
Both of them made eye contact and she nodded, leading to Eren practically lunging onto her, their lips colliding a little more haphazardly than before, more greedy, like he was taking what was already his to claim.
He kissed down her neck, sucking and biting at the thin skin as his hand trailed up her thigh, back to that growing wet spot he loved. Mikasa released a shaky gasp as he pressed against it, pressed his fabric-coated finger into the wet hole.
He touched along her clit and ran his hands along the glistening muscles, and she moaned breathlessly as she adjusted to the unfamiliar touch.
"Oooh--Aaah!" Mikasa suddenly cried out when his finger slipped by the fabric and right into her, sliding in so very easily, evoking a surprising moan from her boyfriend as he considered how easily she'd take his cock.
She glanced down at him, eyes wide at the foreign feeling of an object inside her as he inserted a second, and Eren matched her intense stare, crooked his fingers, and started folding them and poking at the velvety tissue.
She couldn't describe it, but she liked this feeling more; the feeling of something filling an empty void--of him connecting with her in a new physical plane. The noises slipped effortlessly from her parted lips and the sweat slid down her body as he bit at her hips and thrusted his fingers in and out of her, alternating the angles and playing with the pace. More for himself.
"Please, daddy, I want you so bad," she demanded hastily, her voice thick with a lustful desire he's never heard before.
Eren froze at the phrase, the only sound being his rapid heart beat, contrasting against the fact that he could've sworn it had stopped. Each pulse rocketed to his cock, throbbing like it was pleading for him to listen to her, to do as she said.
"I knew you liked that," he muttered to himself, not even trying to hide the massive smirk as he lifted himself up slightly. "Are you sure, baby? Really sure?"
He started pulling off his boxers as she fervently nodded, and her eyes curiously dropped immediately to his painfully hard erection, pink and leaky like it was angry for going untouched, causing her face to erupt into various shades of pink.
"Yes," she was breathless, each gasp for air enunciated, "I want this. I want you." She reached her hand to the crook of his neck and pulled him closer, brought her lips to his. "Daddy, I need you."
He was kissing her within a heart's beat, arranging himself over her and moving her thighs around his hips, setting up his cock for what his fingers deemed the best entry angle.
"You have to tell me if it hurts," he mumbled against her lips, drops of worry reflecting the moonlight in his irises. She shivered as she felt what she presumed to be the tip against the muscles, barely touching--hesitating.
Eren didn't wait for a verbal response, only a simple kiss and head nod from her was enough to initiate the process, to start rocking his hips forward and entering her warm, wet, and welcoming cunt.
The pressure was different, and she had to bite his shoulder to take her mind off the stretching muscle--definitely bigger than his fingers. She felt him push endlessly deeper, wondering if maybe he wouldn't fit all the way, if maybe that was her price to pay for inexperience.
She could feel his cock pressing against her walls, could see her lower abdomen expand slightly as he pushed the last bit inside, gasping when his hips connected with hers.
He needed a minute too. To adjust. To reconcile with the countless emotions running through his head. To prioritize one thought and one thought only: pleasing her.
“Think you can take it, angel?” Eren asked lowly, barely taking her earlobe between his teeth before biting down on her shoulder, retaliating for the bite-mark he now proudly wore on his. "Still okay?"
Mikasa breathed out the word "Yes," fully incapable of forming coherent sentences with solid, substantial breaths, and he slowly pulled his hips away. Halfway out before slowly pushing back in.
The drag of his cock carried her body with it, probably developing a car carpet-rash on her back from being pushed up and down with each thrust. She kept her thighs tightly wound around his waist, ground back to keep the contact, to keep the pressure and the fullness inside.
She was rapidly calling out his name, tears forming in the corner of her eyes at the growing ache but the feeling was also fully overshadowed by the pleasurable waves washing through her, like each thrust was calculated to be that way. He soothed her with phrases like, "You're doing so well, baby, taking me so well," and "Such, such a perfect girl for me."
Eren absentmindedly picked up the pace, chasing his own euphoria, while Mikasa continued to wriggle underneath him, continued to rotate her hips and grind down onto his cock when it was already snug inside.
Her thighs were tightening the way they did before, and Eren could feel the sharp pain from her fingernails digging into his back, and he knew she was about to cum again, to scream out his name louder this time. She was whining out, like she was desperately trying to fight the urge, to keep the bliss coming. "Come on, baby, so close--so, so fucking close. Take my cock like Daddy needs you to, baby, the way you're meant to. Fuck, you were so made for me, so perfect for me."
"Eren! Eren, Eren, Eren, Eren, Eren!" She couldn't control it anymore and her body shivered with explosive euphoria, heightened by Eren's cock still fucking in and out of her and having just orgasm'ed for the first time earlier.
Eren pulled his cock out of her as soon as her body stopped trembling and he let himself go, cumming more than he thought he ever has. And when his eyes glazed over the beautiful, fucked-out girl beneath him with pink cheeks and a sore pussy, he felt his heart swell three times its size.
He kissed her, feeling his own eyes well up this time, but fighting the urge out of fear of worrying Mikasa, of making her think she did something wrong when she did everything so very right.
They layed on the lowered seats for another hour, just cuddling and talking about nothing of importance, before Mikasa checked the time and realized it was almost 5am, her parents were going to wake up soon, and she wasn't at home in bed, where she was expected to be.
They both rushed to put their clothes on--Eren asking if he could keep the soaked panties and Mikasa giggling, calling him gross, but still agreeing with that newly familiar tingle between her legs--and scrambled to the front seats. It was 5:30 by the time he was driving down her street.
"You can park in front of my house," she told him confidently, admiring his side profile and eying the slightly visible teeth marks poking from neckline of his shirt, making her blush as she felt the blood rushing to her unregrettably sore pelvis. "They shouldn't be awake yet."
He pulled into the driveway, parked, and turned to kiss his girlfriend goodbye. The long kiss was interrupted by a soft knocking on the window, and a fearful Mikasa pulled away to make eye contact with her mother, an unreadable expression on her face.
Eren waved goodbye to her mother, not wanting to speak for fear of Mikasa's father also being awake and not risking his presence.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell," her mother said softly, before Mikasa could even say anything. "I am going to get you on birth control, though. You think I wasn't doing the same thing at your age?"
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 7 months
countdown to the end: ONE. MORE. DAY! 😭😭😭
I’m an anxious mess 😫😫
For the last day of the countdown, I wanted to share a snippet from my first (and favorite) eremika cabin fic, “all the time I have — it’s yours.” I giggle a bit now bc I initially wrote it as a “silly challenge” to write beautiful smut. And I ended up writing one of the fics that I love the most. This is my canon; this is my favorite gift to this beautiful fandom 💕💕💕
Day 1 - life in their cabin
Eren doesn't have to say anything, and she already knows: he needs her like this tonight — rough, hurtful, a little hateful — and Mikasa won't deny him. Because here, in this cabin, they don't deny each other anything. Not anymore.
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title: all the time I have — it’s yours
pairing: eremika
tags: canon compliant; cabin fic; smut (just gratuitous smut); angst and fluff and feels; ending spoilers
With every day that passes in their cabin, Mikasa can tell that the fire in Eren's eyes burns a bit brighter. His grip on her waist lingers a bit longer. His nightly retreat to his bedroom becomes tainted with a bit more reluctance to leave, a more acute desire to stay.
Mikasa can feel this desire inside her too: it burns low and bubbles in her gut, like simmering water on a stove mere moments from boiling over. And she’s not entirely sure what would be a worse course of action: to temper the pressure and allow this simmering feeling to dissipate to a more manageable level — or to succumb to it, let it wash over her and consume her whole.
In a remote cabin removed from the realities of war, Mikasa and Eren spend the remaining years of Eren’s life together: building a home, learning to love one another — and trying to reconcile the underlying feeling that they’re not supposed to be here.
OR: my humble contribution to all the cabin fics out there, a.k.a. about 13k words of cabin smut with a side of domestic fluff and a dash of angst
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darlingkirstein · 5 months
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eremika — smut headcannon #1
this is what my brain cooks up at 4:30 am!
cw: cockwarming, somnophilia. 1.1k words.
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Mikasa cuddles up beside him in bed, dressed only in one of his big t-shirts and a skimpy pair of panties — just asking for it, and she knows it.
She nestles her ass against his cock and does the tiniest wiggle, enough to get him hard. Eren groans underneath his breath. What a tease.
“Baby.” He whines, slipping a hand underneath her shirt to grope her tits. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” In such an innocent voice, she’s almost convincing in her ignorance— almost.
But her hips don’t cease to push against his boxers, generating an unbearable degree of heat. She’s killing him — Eren’s fingers dig deeper into her sensitive flesh, his nails leaving marks.
“You know damn well what I mean.” He sucks in a quick burst of air and bites down on his lip to keep from becoming a moaning mess. Eren knows that’s exactly what she wants from this.
Mikasa looks back over her shoulder — a big, pretty smile on her face. She can she the frustration in Eren’s eyes, so desperate and big, like a scorned, sad little puppy.
“I’m just getting comfy, Eren. Don’t get fussy.”
That look from her only makes matters worse — she’s so fucking gorgeous when she’s being coy. Her pretty pouting is sending dirty, dirty images to his head — thoughts of those pouty lips wrapped around his aching cock.
His mouth finds her nape. Out of his control, Eren’s hips push forward to meet her ass. He needs something, even if Mikasa won’t give it.
“C’mon — I wanna fuck you, baby. Wanna fuck you so bad. So hard— it fuckin’ hurts.”
Mikasa refuses to relent. Instead, she yawns. Reaching back, her fingers find his hair and play with it while she giggles drowsily.
“Too sleepy, handsome boy. So tired.”
Eren works hard to stop himself from audibly groaning at a wholly-inappropriate volume. He doesn’t know how many more nights of jerking off with Mikasa fast asleep beside him he has left.
His hands wander to touch her ass, rubbing as he fixated on her panties — an annoying cockblock.
Now he’s the one pouting.
“You can go to sleep, babe. I’ll, uh— take care of myself. I’ll be quiet about it. I’m good at that.”
Mikasa yawns again — he’s so desperate it’s making her grin, even while exhausted. She adjusts her upper half back against the mattress, head sinking deep into her comfy pillow.
And even though he’s behaving like a brat, she wants to make him just a little bit happy. Mikasa gets a fanciful idea, and it leaves her amused.
“Nah, don’t bother. Wanna try something?”
Immediately, Eren perks up. Men are so easy.
“Yes, please. Anything. Anything with you.”
She hooks a finger around her panties and tugs them done, just enough for her pretty cunt to be exposed. Still grinning, Mikasa reaches for Eren — her fingertips brush against his cock through the fabric, and he has to stop himself from jerking.
“Go ahead and put it in, Eren. I’ll keep you warm, yeah? Make you feel good while you sleep.”
The words go straight to his dick. “Really?”
“Really. C’mon — so sleepy, baby. Put it in.”
Embarrassingly fast, Eren gets his cock out and pushes in so easily — and he just about cries from relief when her pussy envelopes him. His mood changes in an instant; no longer solely focused on the aching sensation in his hips, the pain controlling his frustratingly-male thought process, Eren’s affectionate side comes out.
He hugs her waist and tugs her closer.
“Thank you, Mika. Feels so good. Go— Go to sleep, okay? Goodnight. I love you so much.”
She laughs. The change is so entertaining.
“Goodnight, baby boy. I love you. Dream about me, will you? A nice, dirty dream.”
It’s a perfect plan. Mikasa falls asleep almost immediately, so tired from a long day of work. Eren shuts his eyes, keeping his hips incredibly, impossibly still. The comfort Mikasa’s cunt gives him is indescribable — the sheer warmth is enough to leave him rambling.
Or, it would be a perfect plan.
Except — Eren can’t fall asleep. She feels too good, too good to even consider sleeping.
He lays there, staring ahead at the wall — after Mikasa turned out the light, the room was plunged into darkness. Eren can’t see a thing, not even all the things he wishes he can see. He can’t see his cock sitting pretty inside her cunt — can’t see the way it disappears, her ass hiding it.
That pisses him off.
It’s not the perfect solution Mikasa imagined.
He feels like squirming. It’s too much.
Eren lasts about twenty dreadfully-long, insomnia-filled minutes before he can’t take it.
Kissing her shoulder, his hips shift. He fucks her slow, trying to keep from waking her, but just enough to grant some relief. That tender pace doesn’t last long — it’s not enough. Selfishly, Eren takes her with a greater urgency, listening to the mattress creaking underneath him.
Whether it’s the pace or his whiny moans, Mikasa doesn’t stay asleep long. Just before she stirs, she hums quietly into her pillow, and her body moves into his desperate thrusts.
She awakens smiling. “Fuck, baby.“
Eren flushes a deep, deep shade of red. Humiliated at his own perversion, he ceases his thrusts and stumbles through an apology.
“Mika! Shit, I— I’m sorry, I— I couldn’t—”
Mikasa shakes her head, giggling.
“Shhh. Why’d you stop?”
“Well, you— you were asleep.”
She looks back at him, and even in the darkness, Eren can make out the outline of her face, her eyes practically gleaming with mischief.
“Oh, please. I knew you couldn’t make it the whole night. Just needed a little nap first.”
He isn’t sure how to respond. The blush only grows, and, shamefully, his cock twitches inside her. Those giggles drive him absolutely mad.
“You— you knew?”
Mikasa hugs both arms around his neck, arching her spine to ensure she can reach back that far. She touches his hair, already getting a little sweaty from his urgency— his untamed lust.
“Of course. Now, are you gonna fuck me or not? Felt so fucking good just now. Fuck me like that again, okay? Harder, actually. Give me more.”
Her voice, still half-clinging to sleep, has a soft edge to it — Eren savors the sound, and relishes in the thought of how good her drowsy moans will sound, right in his ears, nowhere else to go.
Mikasa’s little trick has his ears tinted pink.
Renewed with confidence, Eren grips her leg and pushes it forward, opening her up. His fingers dig into her supple thigh, squeezing hard enough to leave little baby bruises in the morning.
He doesn’t cover his moans as he fucks her warm cunt — fucks it rough, just like he wants.
Just like Mikasa planned.
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joannaofarkham · 4 months
heaven knows WIP!
i'm really sorry for delaying the second part of heaven knows aka priest au. I'm gonna finish it but for now, have a vvv short snippet!
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midnightasunder · 2 years
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Afternoon Delight
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six-magnitude-girl · 1 year
The Black Swan
Tags: Bandits AU, love at first fuck, painful sex, slight dubcon, implied noncon (not Mikasa), mostly smut, misunderstandings, loss of virginity, suicide, suicidal thoughts, child abuse, kidnapping, catching feelings, no beta I die in this hill, sleep is for the week, this is the result of that persistent feeling of exhaustion and not doing enough at the same time
A/N: This is for @eremikaauweeks! Day 2, Tier 3: Bandits AU (with a little bit of Tier 1: The Princess Bride)
Mikasa Ackerman is supposed to get married in a couple of hours. 
She's on her way to the church when someone hits her on the back of her head. 
Oddly enough, relief is what she felt before losing consciousness. She won't have to marry the prince after all. 
When she gained consciousness, she found herself trapped inside a wooden trunk. Her layers of petticoat managed to serve as a cushion so she managed to get herself comfortable. 
Mikasa didn't know how they managed to stuff her and her enormous wedding dress inside a box but she was impressed. 
Judging how the box she is currently in is rocking back and forth, she figured she was currently being transported to who knows where. 
She closed her eyes and wondered if her life was the training for this moment. 
Duke Kevan Ackerman went on a voyage to an island in the East where he met Akemi Azumabito. 
They fell in love and Mikasa was the product of that. 
It turns out, Kevan is already married to someone in Eldia. 
Being betrayed and lied to is one thing but living in disgrace is a tad bit too far for any lady to bear for the rest of her life so she killed herself. 
Kevan went home to Eldia and made his wife raise his bastard alongside his legitimate children. 
It was Akemi's last wish to have Kevan bring Mikasa with him to Eldia for a better life. Riddled with guilt, he obliged. (That or he was scared of being cursed by a bunch of Hizurans).  
It went as well as anyone could have expected. 
Maybe Mikasa was just as crazy but she was thankful that, unlike her mother, her place was clear from the start. 
The relationship she formed with her stepmother and stepsisters is more reliable than what she has with her father. 
Unlike her father who alternates between favoring her and closing one eye to the treatment that she got, Mikasa found that she could always count on her stepmother and stepsisters to sabotage her in any way they could. That is comforting in a way. 
It got a bit too overboard when she caught the eye of the charming prince…  
It was like a real-life fairytale to everyone but all Mikasa could see is a lifetime of more suffering for her. A slave changing one master to another master albeit with a grander title and prettier clothes. 
Everyone sees Mikasa as the happiest and luckiest lady in the world for being loved by a prince despite her questionable birth. Their story is known as the 'greatest love story'.  
Rather than a love story, it's all about a delusional little prince who has a weakness for damsels. He even managed to insult her by describing her as a 'delicate little bird' and that is impressive in itself as she's been called a lot of names. 
The prince clothed her, gave her gifts, and even appointed and demanded some ladies to be friends with her. All that thought on what color of jewel would suit her but failing to realize that he's fighting a losing battle and nothing could change what she is. 
So when the prince announced their upcoming wedding without even consulting Mikasa, she didn't fight or say anything. Like always, she listened and went along with whatever the prince wanted. 
Kevan looked at Mikasa with stars in his eyes as if her upcoming marriage to the prince was a justification for his deceit. 
The ones she paid attention to are the queen, the queen dowager, and her stepmother. She couldn't discount the jealousy of the prince's admirers and her stepsisters too. 
It's ironic how her enemies are the ones that hold the key to her freedom but she's not going to complain. She makes do with what she has. 
In the darkness, it's hard to take track of time. Her arms are numb with how tight they tied her hands at her back. 
To distract herself from the pain, she tried to listen to what was going on outside. 
"Move her to another carriage and make haste to the mountains of Shiganshina."
Shiganshina? It's a lawless borderland that's occupied and ruled by bandits. Anyone who passed by was intercepted, robbed, and killed. It doesn't matter if you are a convoy, merchant, or a traveler. 
"Once you are done with her, be sure to throw her back naked at the royal capital for everyone to see." 
Mikasa doesn't recognize the lady's voice who's giving the orders. 
The men laughed but answered in the affirmative. 
Raped and passed around? She thought she was only going to get killed but the people who ordered this wanted her broken and humiliated. 
"I also want her face marred beyond repair. Is that understood?" 
They continued to talk some more and actually set off multiple decoys. 
If Mikasa could whistle, she would. How thorough. It's almost too good of a plan to be pulled off by her stepmother; the royals must have helped. 
Should she kill herself by biting her tongue? 
The rugged mountain road is rough and it momentarily distracts Mikasa from her plans. She gritted her teeth and resisted making any noises. 
Mikasa's cold and thirsty. She wonders if death is like this. If it is, she wished her box could at least be big enough for her to stretch her legs. 
She closed her eyes again and thought there would be no difference whether she opened or closed her eyes since it was all darkness anyways. 
"I won't ask again. What were you all planning?"
The new men from their ranks that Floch brought in are animals. 
A fraction of the truth was all Eren needed. He's disgusted and that is saying something considering he's their leader.  
"We're going to present her to you." one of the men sensing Eren's mood quickly amended. 
"Then what about her?" The woman giving the order took a step back at Eren's attention. 
"She now knows where our base is."  
"I-I'm just here to make sure you go through the end of your deal." the woman chimed in, trying but failing to sound authoritative. 
"I just took your plaything didn't I?" Eren gestured at the trunk presented in front of him. 
"Take her as a replacement." 
The men didn't need more encouragement than that. 
Floch sidled up to Eren as they watched the three tear at their employer. 
"After they are done, I want them disposed of. Make it painful." Floch knew he screwed up so he got to kill and bury his messes. 
"What about the… lady… afterwards?" 
"Didn't you hear about the plan?" Eren asked sarcastically, "gouge her eyes out, cut her tongue, hands and feet then throw her naked at the royal capital." Floch paled at having to do such a thing but nodded. Eren's giving him a lesson. 
Satisfied, Eren carried the trunk to his room. 
Eren felt dirty just thinking about what happened earlier so he took a bath. 
After fastening his robe, he stared at the trunk in the middle of his room.
Eren opens it and sees a black-haired lady in a fetal position. She's wearing a fluffy wedding dress with a translucent veil attached to her head. 
"I know you are awake, open your eyes." 
Gray eyes blinked several times to adjust to the sudden light and turned her head to look at him. He's staring back at her, mostly surprised by how subdued she is. 
Realizing that they can't exactly talk properly with her still in the box, he carried her out and laid her in his bed. 
Truth be told, Eren doesn't know what to do with her. She didn't do anything wrong but she already saw his face and their base.
He expected resistance, screaming, begging, and crying but she was calm this whole time. It made things difficult. 
She's the one tied up, laying on his bed, staring up at him but he's the one who's unnerved. 
He sat her up and lifted her white veil to get a proper look at her. 
Looking at her, he could understand why she inspires so much envy. 
"Aren't you going to beg?" 
"For what?" even her voice sounded pleasant to the ears. 
Eren didn't answer as he doesn't know what he wants her to do. 
"Are you married?" 
"Turn around."
She's obedient and cooperative, that made him feel better with his decision to untie her. 
"Thank you." 
There's a moment of silence again. 
"Do you have any lovers?" 
"No." she nodded as if satisfied with his answer. 
It's normal to have questions if you get kidnapped but those aren't the type of questions you ask. "Why are you asking?" 
"You can't let me go and you don't want to kill me either," her hopeful gaze that she was right with her assumption pulls at his heartstrings, "so the obvious solution is to make me your wife."   
It was Eren's turn to stare.  
"Did I read the situation wrong? ...Will I be passed around after you are done with me after all?" 
"No!" He denied vehemently. What kind of thought process does this lady have? 
The lady looked thankful and gave him a shy smile! Why is she looking at him like that? Eren doesn't understand! Is this lady mad? 
"What's your name?" that question snapped him out of his thoughts. 
They almost had him. He clenched his fists. 
He's got to give them credit for being creative. His eyes narrowed at the lady in front of him. 
How nice of them to send a top-class whore to seduce and spy on him.  If that's the case, there's no need to hesitate. 
"On your knees." is all he said. 
Confused, she hesitated but did as he said and kneeled on the bed, looking as innocent as ever in her white dress. 
That agitated him more than ever, so he grabbed her by the arm, "On the floor." 
"Suck it." He smirked seeing her eyes widen because of his stiffening erection in her face. 
Eren grabbed a handful of her hair to push her face into his crotch, forcing his tip into her lips to keep things moving when she still wasn't doing anything. He knows he's big but she's overreacting. 
"If I feel your teeth I will knock every one out," he grabbed her jaw to force her mouth open. 
"I… I don't know." she finally said, unable to look at him. 
Eren gave her a hard look, "Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue," She did and he knew she felt self conscious. He was tempted to humiliate her but he's bewitched by her pleading eyes. 
She must have always used her angel face to get away with not having to service her patrons this way. 
Playfully smacking her cheek with his hardness, he didn't give her any time to hesitate and entered her mouth. 
She has her hands on her lap, fisting her dress for support as she struggles to accommodate each of his thrusts that gets deeper and deeper. 
Doing all the work somehow made it better for him. 
The twitching in her mouth must have surprised her because she attempted to move away but he used her hair as leverage to hold her in place as he fucked her face. 
To her credit, after a while, she tried moving her tongue around and the feeling of his cock stroking back and forth across her tongue was heavenly. 
He stopped. It felt good. Too good and he could no longer wait. He wanted to taste her. He let her finish coughing and panting on the floor. 
Without a word, he hoisted her on her feet. 
It's like unwrapping a gift. He nibbled her nape as he unlace or unbuttoned layers upon layers of her wedding garb. 
When he felt her leaning against his touch, he bit her neck and felt her stiffening. 
Eventually, he lost patience and decided to just cut her out of her dress with his knife. 
As soon as she turned around to face him, he pushed her into the bed and mauled her. 
Straddling her down, she tried holding him for support but he flipped her to have her lie on her belly to stop her from touching him. 
He covered her body with his when he lay on top of her. He felt her shiver as he breathed directly into her ear. 
Snaking his hands around her torso, he grabbed and squeezed her breast. 
Liking the fullness that he feels in his hands. He smacked her bottom for being sinfully beautiful. Satisfaction welled him when he felt her nipples hardening against his palms.
It seemed like she didn't get the hint earlier and reached for him again, caressing his neck so he put one hand on her neck to push her face down the mattress, his second one holding her wrist and turning it behind her back. 
She finally stayed still with her face down after a few seconds of holding her down like that.
Spreading her legs, he placed himself in between them to penetrate her. 
He can already feel his eyes rolling back with just the tip inside her. 
It was warm and tight inside her. He felt her stiffened and he caressed her back to soothe her. He couldn't help but close his eyes, feeling her insides pushing and fighting against him. 
Eren grinned at the surge of wetness that he felt trickling down her legs. He takes her by her waist and pounded on her. 
With the type of life he's living, he's had his fair share of women but no one was as quiet as she is. He felt her breathing heavily but there was just no noise apart from her lubrication with each of his thrusts. 
He stroked her buttocks and moved them back and forth faster, plunging into her deeper but there was still nothing. 
Did she pass out? 
In the surprise turn of events, she has more fight in her than anyone realizes. 
When he tried to flip her, she bent her body towards him but was determined to bury her face in the pillow. 
When he saw her bloodied thighs, he quickly found out why. 
If Eren was a better man, he would have stopped right then and there. If he's a better man, he would leave this poor lady alone and find some actual whore to finish. Unfortunately, he's not. He always gets what he wants and he wants her.
Gentle butterfly kisses are made to the base of her spine up to her nape before completely eclipsing her body with his. His arm supports his weight to not crush her.  
He stimulates her body by giving nips on her shoulder, neck, and ear. 
Reaching down, he gently rubbed her clitoris which made her squirm, and attempted to close her legs. 
"Shhh… this won't hurt. I promise." he felt her pause before ultimately adjusting herself to give him more access. 
She eventually faced sideways and saw her covering her mouth. 
When he felt her pressing herself on his fingers, he knew it was time. 
"Can I see you?" 
She obliged by laying on her back.
Eren lay on his side next to her. She still won't meet his eyes but atleast they are making progress. 
He continued rubbing her clitoris while he sucked on her chest. 
Slipping his hand under her head, he lifts her and kisses her. He gently caressed her face and kissed her tear tracks away. 
Both are hyper-aware of his cock pressing hotly against her backside seemingly trying to find its way inside her. 
He positioned himself on top of her, pushing his tip experimentally to see how she reacts. 
She doesn't seem to be in much pain but it bothered him that she had her arms placed firmly at her side. 
After letting the tip sit in for a few seconds, he takes her hand and kisses her knuckles, "I'll be gentle." He placed her arms around him while burying himself deeper into her. 
She quickly covered her mouth when breathy moans came out of her when he started going faster. 
"Does it hurt?" he smirked, knowing full well what the answer was. He held her hand so she wouldn't be able to cover her mouth.
Meeting his eyes, she shook her head and held on to him for dear life. 
With her full participation, he had his way with her until the morning. 
It wasn't surprising for him as his sexual appetite has always been like that but she pleasantly surprised him with her ability to keep up. 
Eren still wants to go on but restrains himself seeing the dazed expression on her face and how her legs hadn't stopped twitching since the second round. 
Their bodies are sated and are tangled up in sheets. 
He's stroking her hair and hasn't taken his eyes off of her. "What's your name?" 
"Mikasa" she answered and when she turned to look at him, he leaned down to kiss her. 
"Your husband's name is Eren." 
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