#erik per sullivan
nightmancomet · 16 days
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"It must've fallen from a plane or something."
Malcolm in the middle (2000 - 2006)
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000 - 2006)
You wanna know what the best thing about childhood is? At some point it stops.
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vertigoartgore · 9 months
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The main cast of the early 2000's sitcom Malcolm in the Middle.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Christmas with the Kranks (2004)
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Bad movies come in many varieties but usually, they either waste your time or leave you feeling angry. If you’re lucky it might be one of those “So bad it’s good” titles but they’re few and far between. Christmas with the Kranks is another kind of bad entirely, a once-in-a-lifetime catastrophic miscalculation you (almost) have to see to believe.
When their daughter leaves for a year-long assignment with the Peace Corps, Luther and Nora Krank (Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis) lament the upcoming Christmas Holiday. That’s when Luther gets an idea. Instead of spending the money, time and effort going through the motions this season, he and his wife will go on a Caribbean cruise instead. When their co-workers and neighbors learn the Kranks are skipping Christmas, they desperately try to change their minds.
This scenario is only a few music cues away from being a horror film. While Luther and Nora act like aliens once they decide to forego the Christmas celebration - Luther goes so far as to write a memo and personally distribute it to everyone in his office - their neighbors are disturbingly obsessed with the holiday. Threatening phone calls, people observing them through their windows, dirty looks everywhere they turn… it’s like the Kranks walked into Midsommar or a holiday-themed version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Everyone is so creepy and obsessive about decorations up on the roof and other trivial things. The "Conform... or else!" message makes you wonder if the Communist Party didn’t secretly fund the picture.
What makes Christmas with the Kranks fascinating isn’t merely the tone-deaf story, it’s all the little details. At one point, Nora is uncertain about the holiday cruise thing. Her problem is that Luther doesn’t want to make the usual charital contributions. He asks her “Are you really going to let $600 stand in the way of our vacation?” You want her to turn around and ask him the same thing. Hey man, you’re saving $3,000 by going on this cruise rather than spending money on decorations, a tree, gifts, etc. Just consider that extra bit of money part of the investment. Then, after they make a big deal about the charity… several people - including the police with their calendars - approach the Kranks and are turned away. It doesn’t make sense but if they didn’t, we wouldn’t have the Kranks’ big dilemma in the third act: who can the Kranks ask for help when they’ve made enemies out of everyone in the neighborhood and all two police officers that make up the city's law enforcement?!
That was only one anomaly and it gave me enough material for an entire paragraph. Other memorable jaw-droppers are a scene in a tanning salon in which Nora is embarrassed when she walks out in a bikini and her priest stares at her cleavage, an extended gag about a Frosty the Snowman decoration that radiates evil, Luther getting botox injections that makes him unable to eat, and dozens of logical errors. It’s all tied together with horrible slapstick and an abundance of anti-cheer. You’ll hate everyone in this story at one point or another and the movie knows it but can’t tell its story without the Kranks being the villains in one scene… and the victims in the next.
The bow on top of the present is an ending so clumsy and artificial that it feels like it was taken from a completely different movie. You’re scratching your head, wondering if your eyes deceived you and then it hits you with another puzzler right before the end credits. There’s no way a 20-car pileup this fatal happens on purpose. Everyone involved thought they were achieving greatness but they couldn’t have been further from the truth. This makes Christmas with the Kranks a dreadful experience to watch but certainly never boring. It’s the kind of movie you could spend hours dissecting and discussing. I can’t think of any reason why you’d want to sit down with other human beings to watch it but if you do, at least it’ll get some conversations started. (December 4, 2020)
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scarywardrobe · 25 days
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cannibalguy · 2 months
The revenge of nature: WENDIGO (Larry Fessenden, 2001)
Wendigo is a film written, directed and edited by Larry Fessenden, who would, a few years later, make an episode of the TV horror series Fear Itself called SKIN AND BONES, which was about a guy who disappears on a hunting trip with friends and returns cold, thin and desperately hungry. He has, we quickly discover, become a Wendigo! In this, the earlier film, there are also crazy hunters led by…
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lovecatnip · 3 months
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Christmas with the Kranks
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cinemedios · 5 months
"Malcolm el de en medio" cumple 24 años ¿Qué ha sido de sus protagonistas?
Hace poco una de las series favoritas de muchos cumplió 24 ¡Entérate como están sus protagonistas actualmente!🍿
Ayer fue el cumpleaños número 24 de la serie “Malcolm el de en medio” y a pesar de sus más de dos décadas de estreno sigue siendo una de las favoritas entre generaciones, pero ¿Qué ha pasado con sus personajes? Es muy probable que hayas visto al menos uno de los episodios de esta gran serie, y si no es así, hoy es el momento perfecto; la serie retrata la vida de Malcolm Wilkerson y su familia…
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maloryinthemiddle · 9 months
the other day Erik Per Sullivan was on the screen and the person I'm dating said "oh wait I've seen him before... wasn't he on.... Malcolm?" and I got violent whiplash
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nightmancomet · 21 days
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Malcolm in The Middle (2000 - 2006)
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Malcom in the Middle | | 1.06 Sleepover
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nicos-oc-hell · 10 months
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Full name: Anatoly Anthony Perphyra
Nicknames: Ana, Tony
Date of birth: March 13th, 1960
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Blood status: half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: hafling, caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Beech wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾ and paliant flexibility
Quidditch: chaser
Patronus: Dolphin
Prefect: 4-7
COMING OF AGE (15 years old):
Magic channeler: his wand
Animal form: cat/dog thing (art by @giulialibard)
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Specialty (fire, ice, illusions, etc): creation
Job: Baker while he’s in New Zealand/a model when he’s back in Scotland
Faceclaim: child- Erik Per Sullivan, teen- Justin Berfield, Adult- Colin Farrell
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Height: 5’9
Hair color: white (dyed it black)
Hair style:
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Eye color: light green
Skin tone: olive
Scars: just some deep scratches from when he tried to pick up a niffler
Distinguishing marks: his hair when he doesn’t dye it
Clothing style:
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Voice claim: Colin Farrell
Languages understood: English, Arabic and Greek
Languages spoken: English and Greek
Color: royal blue
Food: Shawarma
Weather: windy
Books: Hobbit, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies
Hobbies: baking, crocheting, making little creations with his magic
Music: Michael Jackson
Dislikes: Severus Snape and pomegranate 
Father: Viktor Perphyra Sr
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Mother: Elizabeth Somerset (@camillejeaneshphm)
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Viktor Perphyra Jr
Pietro Perphyra
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Pet(s): Jebron and Sinncere’s cats and dogs
S/O: Ashley Lestrange
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Jebron Perphya
Sinncere Perphyra
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Friends: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black, Alvar and Raimund Lestrange, James Potter and Remus Lupin
It’s complicated: Sirius Black
Doormates: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew
Has a weird rivalry with Sirius for some reason, they were always competing in everything
Can not stand his brothers or father (automatically makes him a mama’s boy)
Moved to New Zealand solely to spite his father
Opened up a bakery in New Zealand because he was bored being home all day and crocheting random things that came to his mind
People person
Loves blueberries but can’t have them in the house because Jebron is allergic to them
Allergic to owls
Loves to one up the moms in the boys primary school, ex; When the boys got their Hogwarts letters, Anatoly could not stop himself from saying “Well my boys got accepted to a private school in Scotland” (Ashley calls him petty and childish)
He has done every sport imaginable simply because the boys wanted to try that sport
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ragingpothead · 2 years
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“Okay, she’s cute, she’s smart, and she even lies to cops.”
- Malcom
circa 2000
Linwood Boomer.
Jane Kaczmarek.
Frankie Muniz.
Erik Per Sullivan.
Bryan Cranston.
Christopher Masterson.
Justin Berfield.
ik this isn’t a movie but I adoreee ‘Malcom in the Middle’ funniest shit ever.
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lukeevansgirl22 · 2 months
Malcolm in the Middle is funny!
Hey guys! I’m here to do a review for the show “Malcolm in the Middle!” I loved watching this show because it was so funny, and I felt bad for Malcolm to be living with such a family. The show is about a young teen who is very smart and gifted but tries to survive life with his dysfunctional family. With the cast of Bryan Cranston, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Sullivan, Jane Kaczmarek, Christopher…
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