#especially Trenderman
calistozom · 5 months
Are we gonna see any more creepypasta fanart again?🥺
Well, I've been out of this fandom for a long time... but, why not. Who would you like to see?
Oh! And if anyone else here wants to see it too, write in the replies to this post. Maybe a can do some sketchdumps >w<
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dadumtss · 1 year
S-...so splendor has a praise kink right? So do you think his other brothers would have fav kinks & maybe a fav s3x position(s) to?😳
Of course they do! Putting this one under a cut.
C.W. Descriptions of sex. Minors DNI
Slenderman Headcanons: Sex & The Slender Brothers
Note: I also recommend reading the post: Slenderman Headcanon: Lovemaking 
Slender loves using his tendrils during sex. While you can expect gentle exploration, teasing and even some penetration with his tendrils, his favorite use for them is for bondage purposes. Nothing too crazy, but he especially likes holding his partners up with his tendrils as well as using the extra appendages to bind their hands or stuff their mouths.  
I don’t think Slender is aware of it himself but he has a thing for having sex while standing. Standing over someone as he rails them just does it for him and gives him a comforting sense of control. He can do the ‘horizontal tango’ but only with someone he trusts and when he’s feeling particularly intimate.  
Small amounts of pain during sex is also something he enjoys. Small nicks and scrapes from sharper teeth get him worked up and if he hasn’t bound your hands and trusts you enough then the feeling of claws scraping against his skin is lovely. 
Are you really going to do this to him? Make him pick a favorite kink and sex position? It’s like asking a parent their favorite child or a drowning man his favorite flavor of air. 
All sex is good sex.
Well, all sex is good sex so long as you’re not pounding him in the ass. He’s tried it (a lot) and unfortunately it just doesn’t do it for him. 
He wants to be all up in your business. No matter if he’s topping or bottoming, he wants to be in a position where he can feel as much of his partner as possible. 
Whether this means chest-to-chest, chest-to-back or anything else, he wants to be absolutely crushed against his partner.  
He wants to be doted on in his sexual encounters and this includes receiving extensive foreplay. He’s still very touchy during foreplay, whether it’s wrapping his legs or arms around his partner or just placing his hands on them. 
He also loves inflicting pain during sex. He’s mindful not to do anything that could cause permanent damage or put off his partners too much, so often it’s just scraping his claws down their back or grazing their skin with his teeth. However, if given the chance he would do a lot more. 
As previously stated he has a praise kink. 
He doesn’t have much experience with sex so I doubt even he knows his favorite positions but he’s definitely open to experimenting. He gets a lot of sexual enjoyment from pleasing his partner so I could imagine that his favorite position changes depending on the partner he’s with.   
Thanks so much for the ask!
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unalivedblogger · 2 years
The creeps types of laugh
Offenderman has the car won't crank laugh around his best friends.
Jeff is the smoker laugher who hits you
Ben definitely the "my stomach hurt" type of laugh because he laughs so hard
Candypop is either the asthmatic laugh or that one auntie who cackles. Definitely does the Scooby laugh for shits and giggles
Candycane "the one who can't laugh or she'll get in trouble"
Nathan around the people he's close to "I know it's been 30 minutes but I can't stop" laugh
Ciara has a nice laugh with wheezing and a "I'M GONNA PEE MYSELF"
April fool's actually has tears when she laughs
Nina definitely snorts and makes Windex bottle noises
Jane wheezes. Prove me wrong.
Toby has a mix. His tics make him laugh when Jeff is around "nappy emo mop whistles"
X-virus has a contagious laugh (pun intended) especially with the snorts coming out of the mask
Lui just either doesn't laugh or full out seal laughs
Slenderman. Very deep ehahaha. Only by himself.
Laughing Jack has an animalistic laugh or that one uncle who's laugh is funnier than the joke.
Jason has a proper practiced laugh and one where he's comfortable with a person enough to wheeze and yell laugh.
Brian definitely yells first then laughs with a good ol knee slap
Tim covers his eyes and has that mom laugh where he sighs once he's done
Ej has the muted laugh with the hand on his chest or if in social area he purses his lips under the mask and crosses his arms to control his laugh
Julius probably won't laugh at anyone's jokes genuinely unless it's Killian or he'll have to place his hands on his knees to catch his breath
Killian probably runs around laughing and falls to the floor cackling his breath away
Puppeteer definitely has those weird funny laughs that make him cover his mouth
Morivin either has a theatrical or a dad laugh. Prove me wrong.
Hobo heart is the joke repeater "he said __" followed by his laugh
Vine snorts and bangs his fist on whatever object he's close to
Dark link definitely has those laughs that sound like the car has something wrong with it
Splendorman has a wholesome contagious laugh
Trenderman holds his stomach also has a few tears
Kate the chaser covers her face and rolls around snorting
Sally has a really nostalgic laugh that just lifts everyones mood
Lazari kicks and holds her stomach laughing uncontrollably
Lulu has a sweet laugh followed by asthmatic noises
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withereddd-rxsie · 1 year
My Surrenderman headcanons
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This is my first post ever. I would just like to share some of the headcanons I have about my favourite, sadly underrated character:) I hope I reach some more Surrender fans hiding in the shadows patiently waiting for content.
I like to think of Slenderman as a dictator, who controls through fear and holds everyone affiliated with him to a high standard. He expects perfection from everyone, especially his brothers.
Surrenderman, as the youngest, wants to live up to that impossible standard expected from him. He wants to prove himself as a worthy addition to Slenderman, even if it means risking his mental health. Surrender has always been a people-pleaser, but it gets way out of hand when it comes to Slender. Everything Surrender does is to impress his older brother. He studies and trains hard to improve his abilities and techniques, hoping one day Slender will appreciate his efforts, but he always gets brushed off. Slender in no way coddles his brothers and refuses to give Surrender the validation he so desperately seeks. Surrender works so hard all for nothing, building up a serious tension between the two brothers.
Trenderman manages to live up to Slenderman's unhealthy expectations. Trender is a huge perfectionist and expects no less from himself and the people around him. He sometimes struggles to find out whether he's doing it for himself or if he's just like Surrenderman, desperately seeking Slender's approval.
Surrenderman finds it hard to talk to Trender, as they barely find any common ground. Surrender feels pressured in the presence of what has basically become Slender 2.0. Whenever he's around either of them, there's this huge mountain of expectation dwelling on his shoulders. He feels overlooked and underestimated by them, that they don't even see him as an equal being because he isn't perfect.
Offenderman has always been the black sheep of the family. He doesn't find any common ground with any of his brothers. His entire life he's been expected to be something he's not, Slenderman had always tried to "fix" him, to put him in this box that he traps everyone else in. The box he's trapped Trender and now Surrender. He hates to see his youngest brother ruin himself over something impossible. However, there's nothing he can really do. Surrender is extremely goal-oriented and ambitious, he wouldn't listen to anybody.
Offender's interactions with Surrender are short and uncommon, but when they do occur he tries to be very chill and lighthearted with his brother, knowing he can use some of that in his life.
Splendorman, while not as much of an outsider as Offenderman, is also disapproved of by Slender. Similarly to Surrender, he also feels the burden of expectation put on him, but he doesn't actively try to prove himself.
Splendor has always just wanted the 5 of them to get along, but seeing how Slender's one-track mind has torn the family apart, he's lost hope.
He hates seeing Surrender suffer the way Trender used to suffer on his journey to "Perfection". He wishes for Surrender to snap out of it, but all he can do is offer him all the support he can.
General headcanons
-Surrenderman is the youngest
-He hasn't fully grasped the concept of his abilities, often struggling to use them at all
-His potential abilities would most likely be teleportation, telepathy and using his tentacles offensively
-He is also the shortest, standing at 3,60M/11'9. While Splendorman is the tallest at 5,80M/19'.
-His favourite color is baby blue
-He definitely listens to Lana or Melanie
-He indulges in writing in his free time. He was given the suggestion to write down his feelings by Splendor, ultimately discovering a new hobby and talent he never even suspected. He writes little poems and songs
-Slenderbeings don't need to eat and he doesn't even like eating, but he enjoys cooking meals
-He is very overprotective of the things he cares about and wants to speak his truth, but is too afraid of Slenderman like everyone else is
-He not only loves writing, but he also loves reading. He really likes Greek mythology and can ramble about it for days if you let him
-I mean it, he can talk non-stop if you give him the opportunity to and if he feels safe enough
-He has a little stutter and has a hard time controlling it when he's nervous
-And he's nervous 90% of the time
-That guy cannot handle crowds and strangers
-His stutter becomes less frequent if he's with someone who makes him feel comfortable
-I have a feeling he'd smell like forest fruits
-He has deeply rooted generational trauma passed onto him and the rest of his brothers by Slenderman, he experiences it the hardest by far
-He's very emotional, struggling to understand his own emotions and writing helps him manage them slightly better
-He often feels neglected and useless, believing that he's of no use to anybody, since he isn't even half as strong as his brothers
-His ideas and beliefs get overlooked, building a sense of unimportance in himself and leading him to believe the things he has to say are nothing more than a disturbance
-I think he'd also struggle with his self-image, often having a hard time accepting who he is
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These are all of the headcanons I have at the top of my head. Let me know if you'd like to know anything else about Surrender or his brothers in my AU and I'd be more than happy to respond! I can also write you a story with these characters!
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Could you do a headcanon where Slender actually gets embarrassed or romantically excited about what Y/N says? Having Y/N being a flirt.
Slenderman, Trenderman, and Splendorman Having a Flirty S/O
A/N: Hello there @vincentisstressed, I hope you do not mind that I added Splendorman and Trenderman who are the other Slenderman brothers. Just think of it as a Bonus since I don't publish as much as my other account inside here.
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
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Slenderman is someone who is very formal in a way when he acts or speaks to other proxies. Other than that, he is faceless and because of that many people believe that he doesn't have an expression and does not have the ability to show emotions.
I believe that's wrong even though many fandoms portray him to be an emotionless monster or a caring father who loves Sally. I believe he can show emotions but not in the way a human does or we know.
He might act like he doesn't feel any excitement and embarrassment when you were being flirty and touchy to him since you are his S/O but that is A HUGE LIE.
You see because I believe Slenderman acts all calm but he is internally screaming and blushing at your sweet and seductive words, especially when you praise his intelligence and leadership skill.
If he has eyes, his eyes would advert and not look at you straight in the eyes because he knows he looks at you in the eyes. HE WILL LOSE HIS SHIT AND COMPOSURE.
You almost couldn't see but since he has pale white skin. You can see a little pink tint on the cheek area and you swore there is a little buzzing sound along with a tiny gasp escaping from him even though he does not have a mouth.
Pray that he won't get revenge on you after you fluster him almost to death. Once you two are behind the door, Slenderman are going to put his revenge on action twice harder than you but it's so subtle that he can pull 'I don't know what are you talking about my dear" card.
In conclusion Slenderman does get excited when you were flirting with him but he is also embarrassed. Just don't do it in front of other proxies or he is gonna die of embarrassment.
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Inside the abandoned mansion in the middle of the forest, a man sitting inside his office room and reading a book with a thick cover and thousands of pages on it. The faceless man is reading an old witchcraft book with an old language that only he has the ability to understand it.
Slenderman even though still aware of his surrounding as he was reading the old book, the man itself was more focused on the book and as the result. Slenderman heard the knock from outside of the door of his office room and not knowing the person behind the door, "Come in!" He said as he still looks at the book.
The dark mahogany door slowly moved away with a subtle and gentle creaking sound from it, showing a man/woman/someone with (H/C) hair colour, (E/C) Eye colour, and (S/C) skin colour. The faceless man didn't hear the footsteps getting closer and closer to him because his mind was still on the books until he felt a tiny contact on his tendrils.
He could not help but jumped in surprise and almost dropped the book on his hand, he was going to scold whoever making him jump in fright until he turns around to see you with a cheeky smile adorning your face. He was mesmerized by the color of your eyes and the way you look at him and it causes him to forget what he was going to say,
"Did I surprise you?" You tease him cheekily.
"N-no. I mean yes, you surprise me a little bit. Please do not sneak up at me like that when I am reading," he chided you, letting out a sigh even though he does not have a mouth.
"Why, it's fun to see you getting all flustered. Especially when you blush, it's so cute, Slenderman~" Your hand gently traces his shoulder, making Slenderman almost chocked on his tea.
"D-dear. Please don't do this. I am trying to focus on my book," Slenderman tried to stop you.
"Hmm...what about no~" you told him with a little snicker.
Slenderman face got redder with each second, not expecting his S/O are going to pull this kind of stun where he's really busy reading his books. The tall faceless killer began formulating a plan to put an act of revenge on you once you are done with the mission and at night after meeting with the rest of the other proxies.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
After a killing spree with the other proxies and destroying the basecamp of the police with Clockwork's and Ticci Toby's help, every inch of your muscles was sore and it feels every inch of your body stiff from all of the running, and killing. Opening the door of your shared room with Slenderman, the smell of Lavender hits your nose.
It was strange because usually there was no odor in the shared rooms, even the smell of blood not in the room too even though Slenderman is a killer and just like the rest but you did not put it in mind, ignoring the strange event before getting inside fully and closing the door and jumping into the bed to ease all of the tense muscles.
Something warm was placed on the back and it was slithering softly and your face heated up, knowing those tendrils are from Slenderman. Glancing up to see the perpetrator, Slenderman is sitting next to you as his tendrils gently wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer.
"S-slenderman?" You stuttered.
"Hmm? What is it, my dear?" He asks in a gentle tone, playing the 'innocent card'.
"I-i'm tired, can we do this later?" You try to shove him away.
"What are you talking about, my dear? I'm just giving you a massage since you're tired," he still plays the innocent card, you definitely regret the afternoon incident, trying to rile Slenderman's up is not a good idea.
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Splendorman has a smiley face and is not faceless like his oldest brother Slenderman. This is why it's easier to fluster him or making him blush in embarrassment if you want to flirt with him.
He is more emotional than his brother and yes. His smiley face can even turn into a frown or angry fave when someone makes him upset or being rude to him. This is the reason why I say he is easy to get shy.
If you are flirting with him, just with one simple liner or simple pickup line and you can see him sweating, red face, stuttering that it's inappropriately flirting with him.
He is more embarrassed instead by excitement like Slenderman does because he gives me the vibes that he prefers romance where you have to build trust and friendship first instead of short flings.
It's also easier for him to get along with children instead of adults. Thus, Splendormen are very close with Sally William, Lazari, and other younger proxies.
I feel also that, unlike his brother, I can see that he doesn't like it if you are getting too touchy as he feels uncomfortable unless you are a kid or your touches don't mean anything sexual about it (like hand-holding).
Splendorman would also scold you if you try to flirt with him and I can see his smiley face would be gone in one second if you were out of your lines as his face morphed into anger and angry Splendorman are SCARY.
Also, I feel like he prefers talking a deeper convo so if you want to flirt with him, be subtle about it and I am talking about making him feel comfortable first instead of just mindless flirt.
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Inside the hallway of the abandoned mansion in the forest, there are sounds of two people laughing together, a little girl and the tall creature with a smiley face on him. The two had a blast together as the giant creature are holding out a tiny teapot before he was pouting out an 'invisible' tea to the girl's cup.
The girl who was playing with the giant had long curly caramel brown hair, emerald green eyes like a gemstone, and a warm ivory skin tone along with dried blood on her face and her pink dress. The little girl was happily playing with Splendorman as Splendorman was serving the little girl.
"Would you like a cup of tea, ms. Sally?" Splendorman asks the little girl in a much silly tone.
"Hehe, yes. I would love it," the little girl giggles before shoving the cup to him and letting him pour it.
The two of them did not realize the sound of the door moving away, showing a person with (H/C) hair colour, (E/C) Eye colour, and (S/C) skin colour. Their/her/his eyes caught the adorable scenes between the two of them, especially Splendorman who are bonding together with Sally. The poor girl only had Charlie as her friend as the other killers are too old for her to play together and Splendorman is willing to play with her.
You could not help but continue watching the cute interaction between the two of them, not having the heart to stop their playing time even though it was almost midnight and Sally suppose to sleep right now or you going to earn a mouthful from Slenderman, Splendorman's oldest brother. For a moment, you just continue watching the two of them until they were done.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
It was midnight and Splendorman are ready to go back to his room where he can just lie down and sleep after taking a warm shower. Sitting on the bed, the smiley giant decides to take a quick resting time before going to the shower so he could ease the tense muscles in every inch of his body.
Splendorman almost jumped out of the bed as he turns around to see you with a smile. His frown immediately was gone and replaced with a huge grin on his face "Hey Baby!! I didn't see you there, sorry. I'm just too tired," he said.
"It's okay babe, you don't need to apologize but I'm here to talk about something," you told him.
He tried to hide his anxiety but failed miserably because of the crack and stutter of his voice, "w-what is it darling? D-did I do something wrong?" He was even getting more nervous than before.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I'm quite happy."
"H-happy of what?"
"I saw you were playing with Sally and the two of you look like you two had a blast."
"A-ah, I see. I'm glad-' He was cut off by you.
" The two of you look so cute together when playing. Maybe we should have a child together," you wink at him.
"W-WHAT?" His face got more red after hearing those not-so-innocent words.
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I am not sure about Trenderman personality but I do believe that he can be very CRABBY, guarded, and easy to get irritated, especially if you destroy his designed creations.
Trenderman also often acts as if he was better and posh while judging his brother, proxies, and some humans if they are lacking 'Fashion sense of style' whereas he has a better sense of style.
However, he is not always acting like that once he is lowering his guard around those who he could trust like Slenderman by forcing him to wear a better and more sophisticated fashion.
Seeing this, I believe that you can flirt with Trenderman if you are interested to date him and he is more reactive than Slenderman and Splendormen.
He is excited but also embarrassed if you are flirting with him, especially if you are complementing his fashion sense and the way he creates his clothes. THE MAN IS FLYING.
Just like Splendorman when you are flirting with him. His face would turn red, his whole body is slightly shaking because of how nervous he is and he would stutter once he spoke.
Also if you touch him, his embarrassed shy state would get even worse because I can see him just standing there embarrassed like a statue that his brothers sometimes come to take him away.
Unlike Slenderman, he cannot go smooth it out or revenge is not in his dictionary, and as the result. He is much more fun to be teased, unlike Offenderman and Slenderman.
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Many mannequin standing and lined in the corner of the room along with many enormous fabric rolls in the middle of the mannequins and a large wooden table across from it. A tall faceless pale man standing in front of the mannequins, even though he has no eyes the killer still has the ability to see the view in front of him.
The tall faceless creature with eyeglasses pondering,' Is (Y/N) going to like the clothes that I designed for her/him/them? I made this with all of my sweat. tears and blood.' Trenderman takes a closer look, trying to see if there is any mistake in the pattern on the clothes or any dirty stain that he can take off.
On the two mannequins that were separated from the others, there is a cinnamon brown pullover made out of wool with a plain white t-shirt underneath it and the other one has a black shirt seersucker and maroon red vest for the outerwear. Those two he made it for his S/O which is you.
Trenderman did not realize someone was watching his every action when he was making those two as the person smiling in amusement, they/she/he was glad that Trenderman made those clothes for you even though ti was supposed to be a surprise but it was the best to leave him alone for now instead of going up to him when he is focused and because of that. You walk away from his working room and joining the other killers for the killing spree.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Trenderman stands in front of the room with the folded clothes in his hands, it was the clothes that he made for his S/O before he twists the knob of the door with one of his tendrils and pushes the door away. If he has eyes, they would be widened as the glasses creature sees you standing there with a smile since he did not expect you to be waiting for him.
"(Y/N)? You're waiting for me?" He asks
"Of course, I need to talk to you for a few moments," your hands suddenly yanking his arms and almost making him drop the clothes.
Once Trenderman goes inside the bedroom, he places the clothes on the bed before flipping the scarf that was wrapped around his neck. "So Darling, I made these clothes for you since you have a bad sense of style, try these," the fashionista ordered.
"Oh, I know you made those for me. I saw you made it, you're the best clothesmaker in here~" you wrap your arms around his waist.
The sudden contact made the poor creature goes red immediately and he was frozen in place. You could not help but see the redness across his face and giggle at his reaction, it was too adorable and funny for you.
"The best fashion designer in the mansion. That's why I feel like everyone should try your best-made clothes~" you continue teasing the poor creature until he collapsed on the floor out of the cold after your ruthless and endless sweet for nothing, oh well. You shouldn't have tease Trenderman too much.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hiiiiii i kinda wanna write some hcs/self insert stuff but im kinda stumped on who and what to write; especially since its been a while since ive written for these characters (a while = about a month?? give or take)
so! i'll be opening requests for creepypasta characters, a 'short' run down of my rules below + characters i write for + some info regarding how i write certain characters that may or may not be important
i apologize for any typos and mistakes for this post, im back to writing on my silly computer!! formatting may be a little whack as well, but that parts more so because idk how i wanna structure these side posts
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it should be said right now that the way i write these characters leans very heavy on my own personal interpretation/au rather than ideas that the bulk of the fandom has (although, to be fair, i havent interacted much with the current state of the fandom, im kinda stuck in 2016 </3) so personalities or worldbuilding/common ideas may be different or totally absent in my writing
will not write;
this blog does not allow explicit nsfw material, at most there will be suggestive jokes or themes but it will likely never ever be the main theme of the post!
basic nono criteria, no gross stuff
personally i dont like writing prompts surrounded by cheating so most likely i wont write it
anything overly graphic (gorey), yes i understand that this is creepypasta but there are some things that i just simply wont write; however implied/minor gore is allowed to an extent
really asides from that im mostly chill with anything, but on the off chance you send in something that makes me uncomfy/a request i feel i cant fulfill, i will do my best to communicate that
ohoh also! unfortunately i do not take oc requests :(! no hate to oc x canon, esp since im part of that community, but i just dont trust myself to be able to do justice or your oc TToTT
if i turn down a request it is nothing against you or your wants, please do not take it personally ^^;
will write;
fluff and angst, along with specific scenarios! im fine with most angst but as said above, if a prompt cannot be done i will communicate that!
the reader by default is GN/is not referred to with pronouns outside of like. they/you/your, the POV i write in is kinda inconsistent tbh ,, but i am comfy with writing for specific genders + trans readers, although i admit im not sure how much pronouns or gendered things will come into play unless gender is the main point of the request
im fine with poly! though ive yet to actually. write poly
i dont just write romantic hcs! im down with platonic/familial ones as well!
again im not at all picky with things, and once again, i will communicate if something cant be done
added thing since im not sure where else to put it! by default i write short hcs and scenarios, short fics being very rare on this acc since im not confident in my writing; so !! yeah!! there isnt a real limit to how many characters you can ask for per request but it should be noted that the more characters there are, the shorter each section will likely be
list of characters i will write for!
if a character has a * by their name there will be added notes on how i write for them/special rules stated after the list
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby**
Bloody Painter*
added character notes:
for characters that are minors in their source (jeff, jane, ben, and toby and nina) i will not be writing any romantic hcs; thats just a personal boundary of mine and while i dont think its particually gross or problematic depending on context, its not something i myself feel comfortable writing for! however i am more than willing to write platonic or family hcs for the characters stated above!
onto the proxies! im still figuring out how i wanna write them but i wanted to blend together the creepypasta take and the og marble hornets version into something new (mostly for my au) however due to my brain forgetting most the stuff that happens in MH (i gotta rewatch it, bad) it more so leans into the creepypasta take of these characters! i also by default write tim and masky as different characters, and the same for brian !!
main reason for puppeteer and bloody painter having the star is because im not too well versed in their lore but im willing to write them! though i am struggling to find a consistent source on helens age so ill be going off the fandom wiki (with a grain of salt) that hes in his 20s-
zalgo is a weird case because in my au he does indeed exist but also isnt?? okay so hes more so this untouchable being/mostly nontangible; like the dude is more so like a sentient force of nature bordering on something incomprehensible rather than being a person; more of a concept if anything... but because i want a challenge, and because i need to flesh him out in general im making him an available character!
but yeah i think thats mostly it! this post ended up being longer than i intended but i fully blame that on me being totally incapable of shortening things down 😭😭
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curdled-blood · 5 months
I would like to know your headcanons for Splendor and Fen 👀 Basic stuff like personality and hobbies. I have my own versions of them that I’m in love with, but I love seeing other people’s stuff too. -🎀
OMG I HAVE MY OWN VERSIONS TOO!!! I'm so happy you asked because Fen is one of my favs ever !!!
To start things off it is my version of them used to be humans that died and came back, same with the rest of their family!! I'm not quiet exactly sure how Splendor but I know that Fen's death was a murder that happened due to a series of unfortunate events that happened in his life.. Don't make deals with a man claiming to be the devil, kids.
Splendor - to be honest his personality is about what you'd expect. Very much up beat and happy go lucky optimist type deal that has definitely been influenced by past traumas in his life 😃 He's especially peppy around kids and REFUSES to swear cuz yk... but around other adults he kindaaa loosens up a bit but he can still be a bit uptight. Even then, he still has a chaotic side that RARLEY peeks out. Sometimes he gets so wound up that he just eventually breaks down and starts freaking out but he usually finds a way to survive 👍🏻 fighting the urge to call him a prude cuz thats mean but its so truuuuuuuuuue
Offender - Okay so like imagine if Deadpool was more cut off and distant. Flirty, witty, kind of a prick but secretly has a heart of...silver. If you wanna get to know him, and I mean REALLY get to know him, it's pretty much impossible unless you were quite literally hand picked and/or forced upon him (i.e. his proxies *wearing a t-shirt that says ask about my fen proxy ocs*) Bro doesn't even trust his own fucking family, so he tends to be stand-off-ish if that makes sense 😭
I should see what personality types they have 🤔
Splendor -
Cooking - OKAY BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN WOULD NOT MAKE THEEEE BEST COMFORT FOOD YOU'VE EVER FUCKING TASTED. You eat one of his dishes and suddenly you have fat puppy syndrome. Fat, full, and tired. I like to think him and his family was from Germany and that he specializes in German dishes :D
Baking - Same with cooking, you CANNOT disagree that he'd make the most delicious goodies. He also definitely makes weed brownies, though he may deny it.
Music - Splendorman may not play an instrument like some of his other family members, but boy does he love listening to music. Him and Trenderman both LOOOVE to collect vinyls together <3. Splendor definitely has a record player that he uses RELIGIOUSLY and a phonograph somewhere around his big ass cottage teehee
Tea - OH yeah, ya boys a tea conisour. He has like every tea you can think of AND THEN SOME. he probably has an entire room just for storing all that damn tea.
Offender -
Gardening - Since Fen was a kid he's been absolutely in love with nature, especially flowers specifically. Sometimes he'll spend hours, even entire days, messing around out front of his broken down mansion and about his forest, tending to the flowers and other floura.
Violin - Another hobby Offender has had since he was a small lad!! Over the many years of his existence he has had plenty of time to master the craft of violin playing. Though since his death he stopped playing as often as he used to but he still does every now and then!!
Singing - Fen may not sing often but when he does, he has the voice of an arch fucking angel. He likes singing just fine but if he's being completely honest with himself, he enjoys playing the violin more. Though he does occasionally use his hypnotic voice to lure people in so he can steal their souls but that's business, not a hobby.
Painting - Yet another activity Fen is incredibly skilled in, but does not often indulge in. But since Fen has access to so many different flowers with many varying colors, sometimes he'll make paint to make something insanely beautiful.
Random Fun Fen Fact: After his death, Fen has this snake tattoo implanted on him by the devil that is slowly moving and slithering around his body!!
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malue-505 · 9 months
Hi! Sorry for my absence, School has been kicking my butt 😭. Do you have any general hcs for the creeps?
-🫧 anon
Oh welcome back 🫧 anon!
School can be a pain in the ass so don’t be afraid to take a break off tumblr if you need to. Be strong, I believe in you!
As for general headcanon for the creeps, I’ll share the ones I remember for now and we’ll see which ones are the most intriguing:
Liu is two years older than Jeff in my AU. Liu did forgive Jeff after he attacked him, he understands that his brother was quite young and was overwhelmed by bloodlust at the time. Jeff and Liu currently have a very peculiar dynamic. Jeff knows that Liu forgives him but can’t bring himself to open up to him ever since all those events that happened 10 years ago. Liu wants to repair his relationship with him but Jeff is too distraught from seeing his brother alive and feels immense guilt.
In general, their relationship is very awkward. Liu tries his best to reassure him and has been incredibly patient but Jeff still can’t fully face his past, especially his past mistakes, fully.
Sully’s distaste for Jeff is quite reasonable, Jeff did try to kill Liu after all. Sully isn’t as bloodthirsty as he’s usually portrayed fanon-wise. Yes he has some moments, he’s very snarky, sarcastic and childish since he is 7 years old. But deep down, he’s just a 7 year old alter than holds some signifying trauma and that’s a role he has had to endure for a while. So his emotional outbursts are quite reasonable, especially in relation to Jeff.
Slenderman really likes chess, it’s probably his favorite hobby. He’s used to playing against his grandfather but nowadays he just likes to randomly invite any of the mansion residents to play against him. Even if they aren’t ready for it.
Also Slenderman’s birth name is Edward and he used to have long hair as a kid.
Trenderman is quite the well known fashion designer in a lot of Midrealm cities, one of his favorite models to work with is actually Jane. She didn’t think much of it when she accepted Trender’s offer but it turned out that she loved modeling and continued to model for him. Jane literally fits for almost all of his designs.
Sally has made pink aprons for all of the male mansion residents, enbies included. The aprons have their names or nicknames hand-stitched on the apron too. They wear it with pride whenever they are in the kitchen whether it be making breakfast or having a cook off.
Lazari is generally really artistic. She loves drawing (obviously), painting, poetry, watercolor, you name it. It’s part of how she copes with her trauma as a creative outlet but also because just loves being spontaneous and expressive because she wasn’t allowed to do that before.
Toby has made it a habit to constantly check his body for any wounds, scratches or generally any injuries he might’ve gotten without noticing. He checks every time before he goes to bed. Toby doesn’t really wear a bandage over his cheek gash, he only does if he isn’t wearing his mouth guard mask for a considerable amount of time. He doesn’t want it infected obviously.
Ben can be quite the prankster and quite the rascal. He’s acts like every 12 year old boy basically. Ben isn’t super powerful or anything, he has all the powers that is expected of his species (he’s in multiple categories, another post for another time).
EJ has a mini-fridge in his room full on kidneys, mostly because he hates going back and forth to the kitchen whenever he wants one. Man definitely has some anger/temper issues, he sometimes gets one of those days where he will yell at someone if they briefly glance at him “the wrong way.”
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Creepypasta Allegiance HCs because I'm board and feel like exposing you all to my ramblings
All of his family, obviously. Though they don't really do anything other than cheer him on and sometimes helping him with mundane tasks
Most of the proxies. Obviously he mind controls them and influences them to be loyal but Tim and Brian are a bit better at resisting him than the average person so their loyalty isn't guaranteed
Candypop and Seed Eater have been with Slenderman for the past 400-ish years, both are pretty loyal and are treated pretty well. Honestly they're the of the most loyal of all the non proxies
Jeff The Killer got picked up by Slenderman to be used as a proxy shortly after The Incident. Unfortunately Jeff is completely immune to Slender's control and Toby got attached. Now Jeff lives in the mansion and will sometimes do things for Slender considering Jeff knows that without his protection he'd probably be in jail and he is somewhat grateful to Slenderman for taking him in
Liu, Jane, Nina, Clockwork and most other human killers are loyal for the same reason. Slenderman lets them live there even though he can't control them but they still do things from time to time considering without him they'd either be dead or in prison
Eyeless Jack and Dr. Smiley were specifically recruited to be doctors. Their loyalty is iffy. As demons they can't be controlled by Slenderman and both of them are fully capable of disappearing into the woods and living of the grid if they need to, and the only reason the agreed to join was for extra protection (Smiley isn't a very strong demon, but EJ in his true form can physically overpower most things) and while they are treated with the same respect as Seed Eater and Candypop, they both have very strong bonds with the humans and any mistreatment towards them tends to rub EJ and Smiley the wrong way. Not to mention EJ is especially nosy and won't allow his proxy friends to risk their lives when they don't know what their end goal is
(Spoiler alert, Slenderman's end goal is to get strong enough to beat the shit out of Zalgo because they have beef and Slenderman feeds off human fear and suffering, so he pretty much needs proxies to harass people for him)
Bloody Painter is a really weird case. He was originally with Trenderman but switched to Slender because he likes the masnion atmosphere more and thought he'd fit in with the killer crowd a bit more
Laughing Jack and Jason The Toy Maker both joined together and LJ has is in a Candypop situation where he joined as a supernatural entity working under Slender and Jason is thus allowed to do whatever because he's LJ's friend
Smile Dog is. A dog. They're a pet and they're ok with that. They were originally Splendor's then they got given to Slender and is now officially Jeff's dog. They're loyal to Jeff and only Jeff
BEN and Sally are weird because they're ghosts. BEN only needs to worry about his cartridge and Sally just needs to avoid regular ghost hunting stuff. Really they don't really side with Slenderman but they do side with the people under him, as they only really hang around the mansion for the socialization
He has his whole army of demons at his disposal, he's the demon king what did you expect. Not all demons are loyal to him though. (Seed Eater and Smiley, fo instance.) About 400 years ago there was a big confrontation between Zalgo and Slenderman and instead of dealing with Slender himself he sent one of his most beloved generals, Chernabog, deal with it. Obviously he fucking died and like, half of all demons decided that Zalgo was a shitty king for sending him in a suicide mission and stopped listening to him
Because Chernabog was uh, kinda the dad of the demon possessing EJ, that demon in question actually really hates Slenderman and is loyal to Zalgo, even though Zalgo was technically the reason he died
Nurse Ann was resurrected by Zalgo after she was murdered by Smiley. They were partners at some point and Ann was in love with him but Smiley was only interested in manipulating and and killing her so she doesn't really like him anymore. Zalgo actually brought her back so that she could hunt and kill Smiley's species of demon as, while fairly weak, they are hard to kill and they won't just die off unless there's an actual extermination plan. Ann agreed because it ment she'd be allowed to kill Smiley so now she works loyally to hunt rogue demons for Zalgo while also doing her own thing on ths side
Lazuri isn't really loyal to Zalgo but he is her dad and he is nice to her so she doesn't really side with anyone other than her friends. She lives with Eyeless John and Lulu at Splendor's place
Lulu is also a friend of hers and they both stick together pretty well (same with Sally, but Sally stays in the Slender Mansion mostly and technically sides with Slender)
Kagekao works as a messenger for Zalgo because Zalgo promised to help him find his parents if he did. Japanese demons are kinda weird because Japan is like Madagascar for demons, all the demons there are very unique and it's a very unique ecosystem so alot of them don't really consider themselves subjects of Zalgo normally, same with Kagekao. Mostly he just does his job then goes and messes with people. He's good friends with all the Slender brothers except Slender (because Kagekao likes to bully his proxies, they tend to be more sturdy than normal humans so they last alot longer) He also lives with Splendor as he's a member of Eyeless John and Lazuri's little group
Eyeless John is EJ's brother and the demon possessing him is the step brother of EJ's demon. John gets along with his demon very well and that demon doesn't really like Slenderman or Zalgo and considering John didn't immediately jump down the path of evil after being possessed like his brother did he also doesn't like Slender or Zalgo much. However he does babysit Lazuri for Zalgo so he does somewhat side with him, but he's more in league with Splendor
Judge Angles lives with Splendor as well and helps John in his criminal killing from time to time
Laughing Jill similarly lives with Splendor but she's cool with any Slender brother. She just ended up with Splendor
Splendor also has lots of proxies. He calls them Buddies though. He jas way more buddies than Slender has proxies and is also much stronger than Slender, and honestly Zalgo too, but he's a pacifist and doesn't want there to be anymore bloodshed than there already is
He wants Slender to be nice to humans and wants Zalgo to stop his fued with Slender and rule over the demons properly. He hasn't had much luck in convincing them.
Ok that's everyone I have opinions on, I think. Tagging this is going to suck.
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thelazywriters · 8 months
OKAAY, I'M BACK!11! Don't mind be being inactive for the past couple of months hehe.
This is 100% fanon haha <33, I had trouble posting the last draft for some reason xd
characters:Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, Ben Drowned, Sally, Slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, kagekao, Hoodie
Jeff The Killer:
- "IT'S CAKE! I'M TELLING YOU IT'S FXXKING CAKE--" swears on his life that his answer is correct, even when it's not.
- To be honest the whole game he's just guessing lmao. He doesn't know if it's real or cake, and just goes "cake" or "real" at random times.
- And when they ask him to prove it, he's over here trying to EAT the real item.
- Jeff, with a whole cup stuck in his mouth: "i told you it was cake.", spits it out a second later. "just really bad."
- and when he gets an answer right he's celebrating it like it's the last day of his life just going: "I TOLD YOU WHAHAHW"
Jane The Killer:
- actually guesses things right
- "it's real." she says, blankly staring at the cake. "how did you kn-"- 100% knows just by staring at it.
- whenever she sees Jeff RAGE after realizing he's wrong, she likes to chuckle and secretly hopes he chokes on whatever he's trying to eat. But when he (somehow) survives, she just sighs and waits for the next round, kind of disappointed.
Ben Drowned
- more focused on his phone than he is on the game, Slenderman has to drag it away from him T_T.
- "Why are you asking me? I don't know." shrugs after he's asked if it's real or cake- secretly knows the right answer but wants to annoy everyone with his constant "I don't know" or "I don't cares."
- only answers on the difficult questions. And then everyone stares at him with the: "how did you know-" kind of expression and he's over there giggling like a little devil because he knows what is and what isn't cake
- "it's cake?? can I eat it?? How did you make it? :0"
- she LOVES to see the cake cut, and especially wants to know how to bake them! - loves guessing and pointing at the item, real or not. When she finds out she's wrong, she just giggles and prepares for the next round.
- and when she finds out she's right, she gets super happy and starts jumping up and down and probably getting excited.
- "next one next one!" she said, pointing at the next item being dragged into the room, excited to guess the next answer
- definitely asked the bakers for help with baking things after.
- "cake. it's cake."
- secretly super competitive with his brothers. Like at first you think he isn't competitive with the way he stares at the cake and then says the answers blankly, but if you were his brother you'd know ALL TOOO WELLLLL
- ALWAYS answers first. No one answers before him.
- and ALWAYS right. The rest of them expect his brothers are probably staring at him and thinking: "how does he even see the cake and HOW DOES HE GET IT CORRECT.."
- he knows when it's cake because I feel like he'd bake LOTS OF CAKES before especially for his brothers, so he's gotten used to seeing the texture and stuff like that.
- one stare and he knows if it's cake. Buttt he doesn't say it to the others because he's not as competitive as his brothers and is doing it for fun. 
- he enjoys seeing how talented people can be especially with how realistic the cakes look.
- is literally the least competitive out of all the brothers.
- probably trying to stop Jeff from shoving the items down his throat
- why do i get the feeling that he’d keep judging the cake based on how it looks T_T
- side-eyeing the cake smh
- making excuses whenever he loses, probably kind of a sore loser too lmao
- doesn't show it though and just goes "mhm." whenever he gets an answer wrong.- but when he DOES get it right, he stares at the people who got it wrong and does a little smirky smirk and then goes back to looking at the cake
- people side eying him back LMAO
- who placed wine in the cake…
- was probably there before the game even started just to mess with the bakers.
- secretly placed wine in the cakes or altered it in some way and now it's messing everyone up
- worker: "this cake tastes a lil funky..
"kagekao, hiding in the shadows and staring at him: "kekekeke..” - doesn't care about the game and only cares about messing everyone up and it's working- slowly starts arguments during the time they're guessing.
- "psst, it's cake." 
- He knows the answers because he was there when they baked it Hoodie:
- "...." silent the entire time. at least most of it. 
- his brain just kinda malfunctions whenever he sees the cake and is questioning his life when it's revealed the answer is cake.
- Sally: "Come on Hoodieee!!! Just guess with us!"
Hoodie: "uh.. uhm, cake?"
Worker: "And the answer is... real!"
Hoodie: *questioning his life decisions*  - and if the worker asks him if he's SURE that's his final answer, he starts questioning anything and everything.
- secretly really likes the cake and the game, finds it entertaining. Not AS competitive as the others. 
- Probably the only one who doesn’t end up in an argument by the end of the game (NOTE: OKAY SO I HAD SO MANY TROUBLES WITH THIS POST IM SORRY IF SOME THINGS ARE MESSED UP HUHU T_T. Thanks for reading though !! :"D)
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
Hey! I see you interacting with my friend Myles pretty often so I decided to check out ur tmblr and read the bio/intro/thingy and decided I'd ask cause I feel like u don't get enough asks. For you, what are your personal headcanons with your fave pasta characters? :0 {also I hope ur having a good day/night}
-toasty anon🌸
{Also please lemme know if I ever come off as rude, it is never my intention and if I come off that way I'd like it to be addressed so I can fix it/gen}
Whew boy! Personal headcanons on my fave Pastas? Well, ya might see only the Slenders here 😅 They are my favorites only because they dont have much of their own lore, lol. I do really like Myth's blog and I enjoy the interactions!
I am having a good day! Hope you are as well!
Ah, and don't worry, I have seen you often enough on Fettuccine's blog to know you are hardly rude.
Now Im just gonna dump Slender headcanons with a few other creeps sprinkled in
Slender is an enigma as not even I have him or the other brothers fleshed out completely
But to start, I will say that the Brothers in my au are Offenderman, Slenderman, and Splendorman. Trenderman is their cousin. Slenderman is actually the second eldest. He and Offenderman are twins and Offenderman is older by only a few seconds, lol. Splendor is.. At most 50-65 years younger than them.
Slenderman really likes birds. He has a really huge greenhouse that has been well overgrown, both inside and out, that houses a collection of birds he owns. The birds don't like to leave the greenhouse. It is very safe.
Offenderman is a dog and reptile person. He has a couple of the larger breeds, like a mastiff or the great dane or the cane corso. He has a huuuge collection of snakes, and a few of his oldest snakes include ones he raised from lil bebys, anacondas! He also has other reptiles, but you can tell by his collection that snakes are his favorites. He also thinks hognoses are the cutest fucking things ever, especially since the adults are still pretty much baby size in his hands when compared to a human.
Splendorman loves macaws. Especially the rainbow ones. He owns one that is unfortunately nearing the end of its life, but he has a younger one too. He also enjoys frogs! He has a small terrarium "library" with a few different frogs.
Trenderman is a cat person. Listen, he has an uncharacteristically cluttered house, so a dog wouldn't do well, and the cats he does have spend much of their time outide in his very expansive and lush garden anyway. He does have a place he can store his fabrics for his personal projects, but he is having to almost constantly go back and forth between his storage area and his projects so he kinda.. Gave up on that part.
All of them love to garden. The gardens adorning the Manor grounds are well kept by Slender, but his personal greenhouse is a mess,, but nobody knows about it because he hasn't told anybody about it. Offenderman actually grows his own food. So does Splendorman. Trenderman only grows his own spices and condiments becuase those are things he really doesn't understand having to 'waste' money on. They all grow flowers too. Offenderman always has and always will love roses. Slenderman loves to grow wisteria, hydrangea, and digitalis. Splendorman love tulips, any colour, so he has every colour. Trenderman has a garden at his shop that grows every flower he could possibly have.
Slenderman.. Where does he get his money? One source of his income is his side hustle, his 'assassin' buisiness, where his proxies come in handy. The other is actually through books. He is a writer, though he has a pen name completely different from his own, and the proxies only know of journals he occasionally writes in, and he is also a painter, an illustrator. Quite a few of the pasta children's books were made by him. He also has a few resturants, though he hardly visits them. He has been to pretty much every place in the world, and he doesn't have a favorite country's dish he makes,, though he absolutely adores Offenderman's sushi.
Offenderman actually is quite popular, if not for his pubs and bars and clubs he runs, all under the same company name. He sometimes hops behind the counter at each, though most of his time is spent at home with his animals. He is currently looking for someone. But,,, the problem is not even he knows who it is. He just one day got this feeling telling him to find somebody. I suppose he will know when he finds them. He is also a private investigator, and he has also helped out the authorities, even if they don't know an Eldritch-Alien-Demon helped them out. Offenderman also runs a small, but very popular Japanese resturant, with authentic food! Grown by him! He actually spent a good chunk of his life in Japan, where his love for sushi got him landed with someone who taught him how to make traditional foods, even sushi!
Splendorman runs a bakery, and his desserts and pastries are to DIE for!! He is an amazing baker, and it shows in the unwavering buisiness he gets! His cakes especially are popular, especially for weddings. He also has a fair share of japanese recipies up his sleeves. Though, he spent a bigger chunk of his life in Germany, and picked up a majority of German recipies, and these are made in a resturant side of his bakery!
Trenderman runs a boutique, and he has such a big name that if he is seen wearing a brand of clothes, that brand gets a sudden influx of buisiness. It is also a very big honour to have him personally design something for you, and it is an even bigger one to have an outfit inspired from you! Along with his boutique, he also creates his own makeups to sell. Now, when he first saw one performing, he knew he absolutely wanted to be a drag queen! That's right, Trenderman is a drag queen! He is absolutely famous, and is actually a huge role model for most people.
As you could probably tell, the brothers absolutely love to cook, and this comes from the fuzzy memories of their parents cooking. Though.. Their parents have been elsewhere since they were children and they have no idea where to look. Little do they know that their parents are fighting a war in The Underworld. So, to help keep what little memories they cling to of their parents alive, they cook. Now don't get me wrong, keeping the memory of their parents alive isn't the only reason they cook, they absolutely love to do so, if not for the absolutely delicious food their parents made, and they are all happy to share their fondness of food with people through their resturants, and their own cooking at their own places with friends or with Slender's 'adopted children' at the Manor.
Jeff and Toby cling to Slender. Not physically(toby sometimes) but most certainly mentally and emotionally. He is the dad they wish they had, even if he is an ass sometimes. Honestly, most if not all the creeps are emotionally stunted, and a lot of the time, Slender, his brothers, and Tim and Brian fill the roles of Dads or Cool Uncles they wished they had while their life was going to shit. Slender is especially fond of the 'younger' creeps, especially the ghosts. The ghosts, like Sally, are mentally stuck at the age they died, so they very much are still children despite being almost half a century old, but it is because they are kids that Slender is fond of them. They lost the memories of their past life, and therfore the memories of their deaths, so they still retain the childish innocents that helps breath a fresh air of life in the otherwise Emotionally Stunted Murderer Hideout. The children are honestly favored by everybody, to the point of everyone trying to avoid being within eyesight of the children after coming home from a mission, some even opting to pack a change of clothes to change into before they return home to avoid exposing the kids to gore.
But, when it comes to physical appearances, the kids don't mind how the creeps look. Sure, they might make funny child's banter about someone's appearance (Slendy looks like a tree!!), but they don't mind living with people who could otherwise be considered the monster under the bed to other, 'normal' children, as they have been living with the creeps for a long while, so they are used to odd looking people.
Tim and Brian together are the second longest reigning proxies of Slender, majority of the Demons, especially Laughing Jack, being the longest lived proxies. Laughing Jack and Slender actually go way back, with Laughing Jack seeing Slender in the background way before he got locked in his box and forgotten. It was actually Slender who found him again. He actually still retains some of his colour, and therfore cheerful nature he had because he wasn't stuck in his box nearly as long thanks to Slender. See, Slender was actually scouting Isaac, as Isaac had the recipe for becoming another mentally unstable human to mentally torture rescue, but Isaac soon lost Slender's interest, and Slender turned toward the memory of the felt clown he sometimes saw with the child. It was then that Slender realizes it was missing and went looking, first in Isaac's house as that was the most common place the clown was veiwed in.
Lo and behold, a Jack in the Box was found in the attic, collecting dust. Jack could feel the sudden change of environment, and the opening of his box. He didn't waste the chance of being free and possibly seeing Isaac again, but he was met with Slenderman. Here's the thing,, Slender used to be cruel and an asshole at nature, and it was during this time that he found Lj. He spun the story to Jack, telling Jack he saw the child laughing about Jack's predicament at being stuck in his box, soon coming to the event of Slender finding his box in the attic, gathering dust and bringing it home. At first Jack didn't believe it, trying to argue that Isaac wasn't like that. But when enough time passed, Slender brought Jack with him to view the disgusting things Isaac was doing. It was with that that Jack finally believed that what Slender told him was the truth... For a time.
After a time, when Slender gained more.. Emotionally troubled teens who actively showed that he had basically saved them from their hellish lives, when he got more empathetic, and was actually sympathetic at what he saw happening to children (despit them being humans, of which he dislikes to a large level),, when he started to not like being such an ass, he started to feel bad about lying to Jack. And it showed. He soon called Jack to his office.. To tell Jack the truth. Jack knew something was wrong with Slender's story, even if he believed the story for a short time, but he figured Slender spun the story to protect him. And Slender kind of did, even if he lied to make Jack stay.
It is for this reason that Lj and Slender are the closest of friends, knowing things about eachother they wouldn't share with anybody else.
Tim and Brian also noticed the change in Slender. The change from the cruel asshole who pushed them too far past their limits in each waking moment, to the empathetic, sympathetic Dad/boss that he is now. And they like the change honestly. How they became Masky and Hoodie was under Slender's influence, mainly through their masks. But, the influential masks soon became an alternate personality. Masky and Hoodie are to Tim and Brian as Sully is to Liu, kinda. While Sully came about through Liu's trauma as a shield, and later empowered by Zalgo, Masky and Hoodie came about through Tim and Brian being in the vicinity of an Eldritch-Alien-Demon man who, at the time, loved to make people's lives miserable.
Some of the Proxies are straight, others are not. Its meh. Most of them just don't give a crap about that stuff, so would care less if your trans or non-binary, gay or bi. They will support you, and help you fend of any mean people, but for the most part, you do you. Slender would love to have an s/o who is longer lived like him, but he wouldn't mind a human partner, even if they have such a short life span compared to him.. Even if he gets crushed when they finally pass....
Offender... As long as they aren't an ass for no reason, its a yes. Though he is more male oriented. One of my things about Offenderman is he is actually scared of actually impregnating anybody, especially a human, even if he knows the chances of conceiving with a human are slim to none, he is still worried of.. Well, trapping a human with a not-so-human baby. He knows, first hand, what happens to people who don't fit the 'norms'. He has a human form, but he has virtiligo in this form because he personally thought people with it are so fucking pretty, which he was actually picked on for having. He knows what its like to be singled out, and therfore dislikes people who are an ass just to be an ass. And if people treat different looking people like that... He doesn't want to imagine what life would be like for a Slender Halfling.. The possibilities scare him.. Offender would also like to share cooking with someone, even if it is just a friend, or to just enjoy food with.
Splendor, like Offender, will get with aaaanybody, so long as you aren't a bully just to be a bully. He hates bullies who bully just for the fun of it. Isn't nice. He would like an s/o who would love to bake with him though! It is something he can live without. As long as he has someone to enjoy a mocha and cookies with, he is fine.
Trenderman wants a man. Sorry ladies, but this man is gay all the way. By all the way, I mean he will get with any male identifying person. End of. Ooohhh, imagine all the outfits he could make with, or without, you. If you watch, he will include you by asking how you think it looks as he makes it. Forget doing your own shopping, as you will likely end up with a new outift at least every week with how productive Trender is. He does absolutely take breaks. He knows when his body is being overworked and takes as long a break as needed. In his free time, when he isn't shitting out the most amazing clothes you have ever seen, he will take you with him to fancy resturants, sometimes opting for his cousin's resturants(their cooking is top notch, what can I say?), or secluded areas where he would paint with you leaning on him, or laying beside him, or what have you. He has a boat he likes to take onto lakes and such to watch the sunset away from people.
Slender is an Introvert. You can't tell me otherwise.
Offenderman is an ambivert, thought leans more toward an introvert.
Splendorman is an extrovert, but he does need his recharge time.
Trenderman is an ambivert too.
And most the Creeps are introverts. Most, not all. I don't have enough fleshed out to know who is an ambivert or extrovert.
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yanzers-infodump · 1 year
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Sha, or Shamel. Eighth born and youngest of the original Derula. Sole parent to Sahmel (SlenderMan), Edamel (TrenderMan), and Fenmil (SplendorMan).
Derula rarely bare their teeth at one another. Doing it is basically like pulling a knife on someone. So they tend to keep their mouths closed and teeth mostly retracted so as not to unintentionally flash them. Here, though, you can see that Sha has his mouth ripped open and teeth on full display. They’re quite sharp too. As for how large they can make them, it’s kinda unclear (loose canon stuff) but for the most part Derula have six sets of canines in the top row and four on the bottom. Their other teeth are still fairly sharp, although they aren’t all fang shaped.
Naturally, the operator symbol has been worked into being the “family” symbol (cause i’m a basic bitch idk lol). In this case, it’s more a rune or seal which can summon one of the family if imbued with the correct magics. Sha, having no skin blemishes on his face, is a representation of that symbol. That’s not to say the other seven original Derula have facial blemishes, but more so that Sha just chose the most simple way of representing himself and the beginning of his line when he made the rune. (and yes, he was annoyed when his youngest created, Fenmil (Splendor to us) happened to emerge with eye like blemishes. Even more pissed to learn how pacifistic Splendor turned out to be).
I feel like i’m finally getting back into the swing of things with drawing, but it still pisses me off that i’m not better at anatomy stuff (despite the fact i’ve never really done it seriously and should allow myself a learner’s permit when it comes to basic mistakes). It’s especially frustrating floundering around trying to develop more of my own style and wanting it to be detailed yet still simple, but always either going too far one way or the other and never being happy regardless how “good” other people seem to think it is ^^;
So far, knowing i’m going to attach informational/lore blurbs to these has kinda helped in motivating me to draw them, but i’m always smashing my head through a wall just to start the damn idea and more often than not my skull cracks before a dent is made in the wall. Here’s hoping i can keep what little positive vibes i currently have going for me that’s dragging me through making anything at all.
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dadumtss · 1 year
Part 5 of the anomaly ask where the anomaly's "mom" (older anomaly) is spotted leaving gifts for the anomaly.The "mom"(let's call her matriarch) has been watching the anomaly (let's call it Mimi) since it's birth,only contacting mimi through telepathy.Every time someone tries to get near Matriarch she dips,so maybe the slender brothers trying to interact with her,maybe splendorman mostly trying to her have a more closer relationship with Mimi?Maybe while interacting with Matriarch they get more info about her and Mimi?
Part 1-4 of the Anomaly Asks here: [1] [2] [3] 
I love hearing your OC lore about the Anomaly! 
Unfortunately, just based on the other posts you’ve sent on the Anomaly I don’t really see the brothers having enough interest in The Anomaly (Mimi) to be checking up on Mimi frequently enough to spot the Matriarch. The exception would perhaps be Splendor after the Black Market fiasco but he probably wouldn’t take the initiative to visit the Anomaly first. 
Suspending disbelief for a minute though...
Slenderman’s interest is mild and purely academic. ‘The Anomaly’ isn’t so anomalous after all; are there more of its kind hiding? Does this ‘Matriarch’ perhaps know more about their origins? The rigorous registration process allowed them an understanding of ‘Mimi’s’ anatomy and abilities, but a larger sample size could bear interesting results.  
Theoretically, it would be a simple matter to track this ‘Matriarch’ figure since both it and the Anomaly have telepathic powers. It should be easy to use his own mental abilities to derive the location of the Matriarch from either it’s link to ‘Mimi’s’ brain or through linking directly through the Matriarch’s brain the next time she drops by. Through that link he’d be able to know where she is no matter where she flees. 
Whether this works I can’t say. But if it does he does little more than ask questions on their race as a whole. Her answers determine what he does from there. 
He hates being out in the boonies. There’s never anything to do. His boredom compels him to track down the mysterious figure he sees around Mimi. 
She never sticks around long enough for him to mark her properly by giving her a rose -plus he has a feeling she wouldn’t take it even if he offered- so he tries to link to her mind and derive her location from that. 
If it works he may ask why the Matriarch is so intent on keeping hidden, especially from her own child. He might even ask if there are more of their kind. But in the end he’s not concerned about anything other than his own entertainment. Depending on the Matriarch’s demeanor he may try to egg her into a fight, romance her or just see if she knows anything fun to do.     
He really doesn’t care. If anything he’s frustrated that he’s somehow stumbled upon another unregistered cryptid. 
This one seems much more skittish and less willing to engage and he considers whether the authorities would be able to find it if he calls it in. Probably not, and he doesn’t want to be the one to have to track it down and hold it while the authorities arrive; so he just ignores the Matriarch. 
He’ll probably send a message to Slender mentioning it to see if he wants to move forward on that information, but after that it’s not his problem. 
Splendor is curious. He mentions the strange figure to Mimi. It seems to be following it so he doesn’t want to do anything about the situation without Mimi’s knowledge or consent. 
If Mimi connects that the figure Splendor spotted following it is the same one that communicates with it telepathically, Splendor suggests that he could link to the Matriarch's mind the next time she communicates with Mimi. 
If that works he gently attempts to communicate with the Matriarch. Once he finds out that she is Mimi’s mother, he of course tries to get her to have a closer relationship with it. He asks questions about their origins and customs and past but unlike Slender, it’s due to a sincere interest in getting to know the two better.      
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rakeshouseparty · 10 months
My version of Trenderman likes making clothes especially inspired by earths insects and cute crawly critters!!
I also see them obsessing over clothes stuff in a different manner, they don’t personally think socks and sandals are awful, they don’t think mismatch clothes are ugly, they won’t hate humans for dressing however they please!
My take on trender is obsessed with what is used in the fabric, what small vibrations does it feel like when they rub/feel it, what does cotton feel like compared to silk etc..they like making clothes look “nice” or ‘uniformed’ sure yes, but just like insects they will also make them look absolutely fucked lol!! This freak has piles of fucked up clothes that no one wants to touch because it doesn’t fit into their aesthetic ( maybe one day u-u )
also they can technically be classified under workaholic because thats what they’re doing if they aren’t spotted slowly wandering n shambling about, near any of the slender pals, or in some mall at closing or something, they have no life outside of that, Splendorman has has to physically drag them outside of their work hole sometimes.
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xxx-rozes-xxx · 2 years
i gotta be honest i love your works so much!! that trenderman interpretation hits hard though !!
seriously keeping doing this it gives me so much serotonin !! keep up the great work!!
Thank you soo much this means a lot especially after my depression episode
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rabbitbugz · 2 years
🌈 Stupid Silly Splendorman Headcannons 🌈
these are some of my personal headcannons but feel free to use this post for ideas :>
Will often let people pick a nickname and set of pronouns for him if they ask!
Likes any pronouns! He’s technically sexless as well. Feminine and neutral are rarely used for him but he enjoys them nonetheless!
If you’re excited h e ‘ s excited.
G l i t t e r
Glitter is always on his person, no one knows how.
The only man with the patience to get glitter out of a dyer after a freak glitter-bag-was-left-in-his-pants-pocket mishap.
Doesnt sleep! Ever!
He also doesn’t need to eat, but eats for the enjoyment of it and quality time with others!
His favorite color is all of them, he feels bad leaving some out.
His favorite teas range but chamomile, chai, darjeeling are his top three!
His favorite food is butternut squash soup (but he won’t ever admit it.)
His favorite deserts are chocolate cake and rice pudding.
Not a big fan of cheeses or meats. He tries not to eat anything that was once breathing. But he’s just iffy about cheese.
Has a rotation chart for his stuffed animals and which he hasn’t spent time with yet. He tries to do group activities with them, but one of one is important too.
His alias is “Felix” !
Has the ability to change other’s perceptions. He doesn’t like to use this ability, but he will to call less attention to himself in public. Splendy often choices to hold a human appearance.
Splendorman uses his human “appearance” mainly when going to hospitals, orphanages, or schools to volunteer!
Everything. Has. A. Personality. Its a habit he’s picked up from working with children, but he tends to sympathize and personify a lot of items.
Playing songs, dancing, reading stories, supervising and helping teach are just a few of the responsibilities he takes on!
His instrument of choice is probably the harpsichord, but he also really enjoys the kalimba as well. Both have a sweet lullaby sound to him.
Splendy can play other instruments such the piano, xylophone, and tambourine. He’d like to try and learn how to play string instruments again but in his own stride.
A lot of what he does, doesn’t just stop with assisting kids either. Sometimes he’ll reach a hand out to parents and guardians as well to educate and help lead them through tough situations.
Mental health is very important for his species, so he has a lot of activities he participates in to decompress or enjoy himself.
Gardening especially is an activity he finds cathartic and helps him gather his thoughts.
Owns a gardening apron made for him by Trenderman! Its one of his favorite items.
His garden is full of plants that can be used to feed people who need it, or used as herbal remedies of sorts. For example: lavender, he’ll use it to make tea to help others sleep.
Daisies are his favorites
He constantly has daisies on him, they seem to stay fresh when on his person. Because of this he hands them out to loft spirits.
Recycling is important to him! He tries to use everything to the best of his ability.
Because respecting and protecting lofe is so important to him, he often finds himself using things he’s cultivated personally in the foods/crafts he makes. (yes this means he has chickens)
“Thank you for providing such wonderful flowers this season, and thank you for growing.”
A letter writer. He often ends his letters of with something along the lines of “Sincerely, Splendor! ☆” there’s always a star.
Pretty educated! In trying to properly assimilate into human culture he’s done an awful lot of reading to be as verse and literate as he can. Its a lot more helpful that it seems!
Probably shouldn’t play guessing games with him, he’s exceptionally sharp.
And no he’s not cheating, he’s just got a really good imagination.
Despite being rather organized and thoughtful, this doesn’t stop him from being a bit careless time to time.
You’d think he was on auto pilot with the amount of times he’s tripped on absolutely nothing.
“Trender: *holds an item out*” “Splendor: *holds :D*” dynamic.
“Trender: I need-“ “Splendor: *holding it out :D*” dynamic part two.
Wakes up every day to put those bells on the ends of his tendrils.
His bells aren’t the only way he can eminent a “soothing energy” to others, in fact he doesn’t need them, but he finds its a lot less invasive, and easier to use a harmonious sound.
Splendorman and Slenderman, are twins.
Despite being twins, the two rarely have contact.
In fact Splendorman has very little contact with family in general. The only exception to this being Trenderman, whom he spends a great deal of time with!
As much as it sometimes saddens Splendy that his twin brother would prefer for him not to be around, he finds comfort in the fact he gets to see family that’s much less toxic towards him.
Despite not being human, he enjoys human holidays! He thinks its a great excuse way to give more than he usually would.
Splendy also recognizes that Trender at some point w a s human, and these holidays often help him retain a feeling of “normalcy” in his new state.
Doesn’t like being around the other pasta’s much either because of their violent habits.
The only exception so far being Dina, Liu, and Sally. Even then there’s a slight discomfort.
Actively trying to find a way to help Sally. Splendorman respects his brother but there’s a anxiety and distrust about allowing Sally to stay with him. He worries about her quite a bit.
Splendorman also desires to help Janet. He’s not sure what he could do for her as she’s expressed a hesitance and general distrust with his presence. He won’t push her, but if she ever wants help he’s there to reach out a hand.
Despite his friendly and bouncy nature, Splendorman isn’t naive in any sense, nor is he inconsiderate or willfully ignorant. He’s a very cheerful person but its taken some work to get there! He recognizes that expressing sadness or anger in a healthy is just as important being happy.
A great memory, even if he’s only met you once for half a second, he’ll be able to recall you with ease.
This includes boundaries! Splendorman does his best to make others comfortable, so he does his best to pay attention to others discomfort and requests.
Addresses people formally, in fact a lot of his speak is warm and formal! But he tends to choose friendlier speech when others have expressed closeness towards him.
Just wants to help ! ☆
If you have any questions or wanna know more about characters in my AU direct them to my ask box!
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