#esteban ocon
pinkcarsupremacy · 3 days
You know what I'm mad about actually? That Esteban had to post this statement on his OWN account. All week there has been baseless rumours, clickbait articles and shit stirring from every single goddamm F1 outlet - and not just the trashy ones, we're talking about huge sources like Sky Sports! And all this because Alpine's Team Principal blasted their own driver on live TV and never bothered to issue another follow up statement clarifying his comments to stop these rumours. Alpine have had ALL WEEK to put out their own statement to squash these rumours and have decided instead to stay radio silent which has only increased the heat on Esteban. Absolute joke of a team.
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cjestme · 3 days
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manamesbob · 3 days
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flyingcakeee · 5 hours
Welcome to the family (again)!
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backwardscaplando · 7 hours
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the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself
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collectmytears · 8 hours
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pucksandpower · 3 hours
Could’ve Had It All
Pierre Gasly x social media manager!Reader
Summary: Pierre Gasly has taken a lot from Esteban Ocon over the years … but losing you to him before Esteban ever even really had a chance to have you hurts the most
Based on this request (I wasn’t going to post this yet, but with the news that came out earlier some angst felt fitting)
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Esteban makes his way down the narrow hallway of the Alpine motorhome, his heart pounding in his chest. This is it — he’s finally going to confess his feelings for you. He’s had a crush on you for years, ever since you started working with the team. Your sharp wit, radiant smile, and passion for the sport have captivated him from day one.
As he approaches your office door, he hears a strange noise coming from inside. It sounds like ... moaning? Esteban freezes, his brow furrowing in confusion. What’s going on in there? Against his better judgment, he reaches for the door handle and pushes the door open without knocking.
The sight that greets him makes his heart stop. There you are, pressed up against the wall, your fingers tangled in Pierre Gasly’s messy waves as he trails heated kisses down your neck.
Pierre, his teammate ... his rival ...
“What the hell?” Esteban blurts out before he can stop himself.
You and Pierre break apart instantly, faces flushed with embarrassment and ... something else. Desire? Esteban feels like he’s been punched in the gut.
“Estie!” You exclaim, hastily smoothing down your rumpled clothing. “I ... we ...”
“You two are ...” Esteban can barely get the words out, his mouth suddenly dry.
Pierre straightens up, running a hand through his disheveled hair. There’s a defiant glint in his eyes as he slips an arm around your waist, pulling you close. “Yeah, we are.”
Esteban’s world comes crashing down around him. All this time, he’d been harboring these feelings for you, dreaming of the day he might finally work up the courage to tell you how he felt. And now, to discover that you’re already taken ... and by his own teammate, no less.
“How long has this been going on?” He demands, his voice thick with emotion.
You bite your lip, unable to meet his gaze. “A few months.”
“A few months?” Esteban can’t believe what he’s hearing. “And you didn’t think to tell me?”
“It’s not like that, Esteban,” Pierre interjects, his tone stern. “We didn’t mean for this to happen, it just ... did.”
“Sure, mate. Whatever you say.” Esteban shakes his head in disbelief. He can’t bear to look at the two of you, so intimately entwined. It’s like a knife twisting in his heart.
“Estie, please ...” you begin, taking a step towards him. But he holds up a hand, stopping you in your tracks.
“Don’t,” he says, his voice strained. “Just ... don’t.”
With that, he turns on his heel and storms out of the office, slamming the door behind him. He needs to get out of here, needs to clear his head before he does or says something he’ll regret.
As he stalks through the paddock, Esteban’s mind is a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, hurt, betrayal ... they all swirl together in a toxic mix that threatens to overwhelm him. How could you do this to him? And with Pierre, of all people?
He finds himself wandering aimlessly, his feet carrying him to the Alpine garage without conscious thought. Maybe some mindless work will help take his mind off this mess, at least for a little while.
But as he approaches the garage, he hears a familiar voice calling out to him.
“Esteban! There you are.”
It’s Pierre, jogging to catch up with him. Esteban grits his teeth, steeling himself for the confrontation he knows is coming.
“What do you want?” He snaps, turning to face his teammate.
Pierre holds up his hands in a placating gesture. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in. But you have to understand, what’s happening between me and Y/N ... it’s real, yeah? It’s not just some fling.”
“Oh, spare me the bullshit,” Esteban scoffs. “You’re sleeping with the social media manager, Pierre. How do you think that looks for the team?”
“It’s not just about sex,” Pierre insists, his brow furrowing. “I really care about her. More than I’ve cared about anyone in a long time.”
Esteban laughs bitterly. “Right, and I’m supposed to believe that?”
“Believe what you want,” Pierre retorts, his jaw tightening. “But don’t act like you’re some victim in all this. We both know how you feel about her.”
Esteban tenses, hating how transparent his feelings for you have apparently been. “That’s got nothing to do with this.”
“Doesn’t it?” Pierre challenges. “Face it, you’re jealous. You’ve had your eye on her for ages, and now that she’s with me, you can’t handle it.”
“You’re delusional,” Esteban spits, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
Pierre shakes his head, looking almost ... pitying? “Keep telling yourself that, mate. But the truth is, you had your chance with her. And you blew it.”
Those words hit Esteban like a physical blow. Because deep down, he knows Pierre is right. He had been too cowardly, too afraid of ruining your professional relationship to ever make a move.
And now, it’s too late.
“Just ... leave me alone, Pierre,” Esteban mutters, turning away. He can’t bear to look at his teammate’s smug face a second longer.
As he retreats into the garage, Esteban feels a profound sense of loss settle over him. He’s lost you, the woman he’s been pining after for years, to his own teammate and rival. How is he supposed to move on from that? How is he supposed to work alongside you and Pierre every day, knowing what he knows?
The rest of the race weekend passes by in a blur of forced smiles and awkward silences. Esteban does his best to avoid the two of you, throwing himself into his work as a distraction. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t escape the ache in his heart whenever he sees you both together.
Finally, as the chequered flag waves and the race comes to an end, Esteban allows himself a moment of respite. He sinks down onto a crate in the garage, burying his face in his hands as the weight of his heartbreak threatens to crush him.
Your soft voice cuts through the chaos around him, and he tenses. Of course you would seek him out now, when he’s at his most vulnerable. He lifts his head, meeting your concerned gaze.
“What do you want?” He asks, his voice dull and lifeless.
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth, clearly struggling to find the right words. “I ... I just wanted to talk to you. About what happened.”
“What’s there to talk about?” Esteban shrugs, feigning indifference. “You’re with Pierre now. End of story.”
“It’s not that simple,” you protest, taking a step closer. “You’re one of my closest friends. I never wanted to hurt you.”
He laughs humorlessly. “Well, you did a bang-up job of that, didn’t you?”
You flinch at his harsh words, and Esteban immediately feels a pang of regret. This isn’t your fault, not really. You can’t help how you feel, just like he can’t.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, your eyes shining with unshed tears. “I never meant for any of this to happen. But ... Pierre makes me happy. In a way I haven’t felt in a long time.”
Esteban’s throat tightens at your words. Of course Pierre makes you happy. Stupidly handsome, charming Pierre with his easy smiles and effortless charisma. How could Esteban ever hope to compete with that?
“I’m glad he makes you happy,” Esteban manages to choke out, even as the words feel like shards of glass in his throat. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
Your face softens, and you reach out to place a gentle hand on his arm. “You’ll find someone, Estie. Someone who makes you just as happy as Pierre makes me. I know it.”
Esteban wants to believe you, he really does. But in this moment, with his heart shattered into a million pieces, it’s hard to envision a future where he’s anything but hopelessly alone.
Still, he manages a weak smile for your sake. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
You return the smile, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze before stepping back. “I should go find Pierre.”
The words are like a knife to Esteban’s battered heart, but he bites back the anguished retort that rises to his lips. This is your choice, your happiness. As much as it destroys him, he has to respect that.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
With one last lingering look, you turn and make your way across the garage, disappearing into the crowd. Esteban watches you go, mourning the future he had allowed himself to dream of — a future where you were his and his alone.
But that future is gone now before it ever had a chance to even take root. All that’s left is an aching emptiness where his heart used to be. Esteban closes his eyes, drawing in a shuddering breath as a single tear trails down his cheek.
It’s over. The woman he loves is lost to him forever. And for the first time in his life, Esteban has no idea how to move forward from here. All he can do is pick up the shattered pieces of his broken heart, and hope that one day, somehow, they’ll mend.
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matchnightt · 6 hours
What if…
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mannap · 1 day
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Challenge: Not being a nasty human being + realising that nationality and ethnicity are not in all cases the same
Status: failed
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esteville · 2 days
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when the world turns its back on you on misconstrued stories and orchestrated lies, I hope you are warm in the arms of your parents.
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If you support kmag crimes but not ocon crimes youre a coward btw
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garykingz · 3 days
Esteban getting death threats over a human mistake is fucking bonkers. Absolutely bewildered that he was treated this way for a fucking accident
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cjestme · 4 hours
It kind of feels like backmarker drivers are punished more for being racing drivers. It’s hard racing for Max, Lewis, Charles but it’s terrorism for Kevin, Ocon… Trying a move like that is bravery when it’s for a win or podium but stupidity when it’s for P16. Fairly evenly matched teammates are expected to crash into each other except when you’re in a backmarker team, then you can’t race your teammate.
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anonduck07 · 1 day
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Monaco ✅
Forced myself to get this done before the end of the week...is anyone even active on F1blr rn 😭😭
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norrisleclercf1 · 7 hours
I mean I'm not surprised but still surprised
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mistressemmedi · 7 hours
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