chalkrub · 9 months
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strange fellas
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armysethos · 5 months
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Ethos voice: be not afraid or whatever lol
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myriadeyed · 2 months
If I say my favorite color is grey and you say wow you must be fun at parties. I wasn't being sarcastic or saying I hate fun and pretty things. I think grey is beautiful. I think it's pretty. I love the sky during spring rainstorms and sharks and doves and mountains in the distance and autumn fog and winter sunlight and dew-covered spiderwebs and the ocean during storms and the moon. And all of these are things that would not be as special as they are if they were some kind of bright "beautiful" yellow or blue or whatever your favorite color is. If I could lift you from your limited perception and take you on an enlightenment journey into the wonders of grey and silver so that you'd finally see what I see then I'd do it but I think it would kill you.
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mar-im-o · 2 years
“The unfortunate side-effect to soul-binding is integration,” Ren explains.
Which, as far as he and everyone else on the server is concerned, makes sense. Soul-binding isn’t new. When they awoke on this plane and looked off into the world, they were well aware of what the thread fading off into the distance meant.
It was an old practice, born with the Old Gods of Ruin, where rituals could be cast to tie beings to one another. It tended to occur towards the end of life as a method of ensuring people may stay together after death. It was sweet. Romantic, some may even say.
But they don’t do it much anymore.
Not because love or faith is dead but because of the side-effects.
Impulse and BDubs noticed it first. Perhaps it was because they found each other first, or because they were so eager to be together that they hardly let one another out of sight, but they were changing. Impulse noticed it in the sprouting horns upon BDubs’ head. BDubs noticed it in the way Impulse has become suddenly protective of the clock.
“Think of it a bit like equilibrium, right?”
Ren’s lounging on he and Big B’s front yard (no matter the fact that said “front yard” is accompanied by an unfinished base). He’s picking off pieces of a cookie he’s been nibbling on, seemingly unaware of the fact that, as a dog, he should not be able to eat chocolate like he currently is.
But he currently is.
And Big B tries his best not to emote such a recognition through his newly-appeared ears. “Like, balancing?”
“For sure,” Ren says. “Two souls tied together, well they don’t want to be. So you get them trying to even out. Tryna become one soul.”
“That seems...”
Bad? Rough? Horrifying? He isn’t sure.
Grian and Scar notice it next.
Maybe it’s because they’ve done this before, even if unknowingly. A man swearing himself to another for the sake of righting a wrong, proclaiming that his life is theirs to share.
Scar’s back has been killing him, not in the usual aching but in the pricking, clawing pains he can’t seem to ease. He can feel his back wet with blood, can feel something tearing from the inside out. He relents and rips off his shirt, asking Grian to take a look and, well...
Feathers. Rainbow feathers growing where two wings would be.
And maybe, Grian realizes as he looks upon his flightless-friend’s down, that explains the green in his eyes and the fact that he’s suddenly become quite fond of the Jellies.
“So is there a cure? Can we undo it?”
Ren snorts, a thoughtless shrug matching it. “Maybe? Maybe not? We might just have to ride it out, man. I doubt it lasts outside of this server, but until we beat the game...”
“We become more and more like each other...”
“Pretty much.”
Cleo sits by the water that feeds their crops when she’s certain Scott’s still sleeping. A insect dances across it, tracing ripples, and she swats it away so the water might still. When it does, she can see the streak of yellow weaving through her hair. It’s gotten bigger. Harder to hide. She tucks it behind her ear anyway.
Inside, Scott’s reflection has become unfamiliar. Antenna sit amongst his hair now, fluffy and twitching with every new sound or movement. With a grumble, he gives it a flick, and hopes Pearl can feel it.
Big B sighs and collapses next to Ren, the sound foreign and loud amongst new ears. “I’m really not tryna turn into a dog, man.”
“Eh, you get used to it. The tail’s fun.”
“I do not want a tail Ren.”
Pearl stares at her reflection in the glass, unfamiliar blue eyes blinking back.
Martyn grimaces as an arrow in his back knocks dead skin loose. He’ll add “learning to stitch” to the list of things this server has asked of him.
“I’m not really sure the green streak suits me,” Etho says, pulling at the addition to his hair.
Joel snorts, owlish red eyes tilting towards Etho. “Right because you’ve got it the worst between us.”
“It’s not my color--”
Tango spins, chasing after the small, golden wings that have appeared on his back. “Can you even fly with these things? They’re so small...”
“Rude!” Jimmy says, but he’s not looking at Tango. He’s squeezing his eyes shut as if he can rub away the red now in them. But when he opens them again, the world is still foreign and changed and-- “How many colors can you see man?”
Big B drums his fingers against a chest, head dipped in careful consideration of the world around him. His ears twitch towards the east and wow Ren can hear far...
“We’re not the only ones,” Big B reports. “Seems like everyone’s woken up changed.”
“Figured. This is gonna be an interesting season.”
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minibottlescrewcap · 3 months
my teacher asked me a few days back what was the most beautiful thing in the world for me and I answered the color of the water in the island I went to in september
my classmate commented "wow what a specific thing"
and my teacher said "it's always very specific"
and honestly I think I found the reason why I find a lot of people bland and uninteresting- they would answer something generic, and idk man but if the thing you find the most amazing and awe inspiring isn't super specific, then what is specific about your life yk? what new ethos do you bring to the world if what makes you live and gives you catharsis is just "the ocean" and not "the color of the water I saw, in september, in that island"?
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omnifuneral · 2 months
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princessantisocial · 1 year
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ncrediblechels · 8 months
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chalkscrub · 8 months
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gonna dip in and out of oc-tober - i'm already late, so here's a quick doodle of day 1) fav oc and day 2) new oc. mockley's the current apple of my eye and ethos is one of my newest fellas :^)
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heavygyroscope · 1 year
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London 2022
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ohohes-blog · 4 months
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chalkrub · 9 months
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demon that critically analyses the past actions you'd really rather forget
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armysethos · 4 months
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pretzels and noodles in love ♡♡♡
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I love you libraries I love you bookstores I love you coffee shops and cafés I love you natural history museums I love you art museums I love you aquariums I love you indoor botanical gardens I love you record stores I love you theaters I love you public yet chronic illness friendly experiences
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doodleous · 8 months
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xenowerm · 14 days
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The three weirdos in my head!
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