#evan rosier
outromoony · 3 days
"Join the Marauders fandom," they said. "It'll be a magical adventure," they said. Now I'm emotionally compromised, have trust issues with fictional characters, and spend my nights crying over pranksters from 40 years ago.
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nightoftheldead · 2 days
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barty doodle ! just dont look at him for too long ok thx
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panchashire · 1 day
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Reposting some slytherin skittles angst to kick off pride Month
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yourgalgremlin · 2 days
Barty Crouch Jr in the back of potions class:
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Evan: Shh, his inner demons are having enrichment time in their enclosure ☠️💘
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henrywintersgf · 3 days
The marauders fandom turned me gay
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pride - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 253 - very NSFW but not explicit
"I just don't get flustered very easily," Evan shrugged, eyes shining with pride as Dorcas sat down, having just tried her best to make him blush via lap dance.
But oh. Those sounded like the best last words Barty had ever heard. "You don't?" he asked curiously, pretending to casually sip his drink as he thought of all the ways he could make a pretty blush appear on Evan's skin.
"Nah," Evan grinned, leaning back. "It's a gift."
Well. Couldn't have that..
Gently handing his cup to Regulus, Barty vaulted off the couch, straddling Evan in one fell swoop. "Are you sure?" he asked, breathing into Evan's ear as he placed on hand on each shoulder, not allowing their hips or chests any contact.
Immediately, Evan's breath went a little ragged. "Yes," he mumbled, not meeting his eyes.
"May I test that?"
It was the speed at which Evan nodded that gave Barty confidence to keep going. Slowly, he dragged one hand down Evan's chest, teasing a fingertip over a clothed, pebbled nipple, before stopping at a hip. Gripping there, he allowed himself to fully sit, his semi-hard cock straining against his pants, the bulge pressing into Evan. Then, ever so slighly, he pulled their hips together.
"Fffff-" Evan breathed out, eye wide, as he looked down at the spot their hips met.
"Flustered, Rosie?" Barty murmured, undulating his hips once more before relaxing and looking into Evan's eyes, which hardened like steel.
"Then why," Barty whispered into his ear, "are you so hard?"
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sophsicle · 2 days
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Every story needs a monster, right?
A Rosekiller origin story
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cheeryknots · 2 days
barty and evan as college roommates with vastly different decor styles and you can clearly tell whose side is whose but as the year goes on and they get closer it starts to blend together and suddenly a poster of a singer evan likes is tacked up on barty’s side and then evan has a collection of movies barty always watches on his side and photos of both of them are all over the middle of the room and evan helps keep barty’s plants alive and barty knows to keep the door unlocked for evan’s late nights studying and and and
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lexithwrites · 3 days
marauder men k!nks:
giving, receiving
- james -> mirror, oral fixation, multiple o's, praise, daddy
- sirius -> orals, daddy, marking, degradation, bondage
- remus -> marking, edging, pet play, vibes, daddy / sir,
- reg -> marking, nipple play, edging, humiliation, pet play, overstim
- barty -> overstim, humiliation, degradation, daddy, knives, wounds, blood
- ev -> blood, medical, knives, masks, humiliation, degradation
thoughts, additions?
(hope i got the colors right, was very very confusing)
Amen anon, and thank god people are giving in to pet play Remus let my boy get called puppy in bed I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS OKAY
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dracure · 2 days
evan who thinks he is asexual and then he notices how barty gets turned on when evan is watching him with that meticulous gaze and evan is so into it and oh god he does want more, just from him
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bri-cheeses · 1 day
| June 2nd | Prompt: Die | Word count: 452 | @rosekillermicrofic |
“Evan?” Barty’s voice was hesitant, serious in a way that was rare for him. It was his tone that got Evan to look up from his schoolwork.
“I love you,” Barty said.
Evan froze.
Then he stared at the boy across from him, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
But the thing was, it didn’t make sense, those words coming from Barty’s mouth as Evan sat in his bed, meters away from where Barty was sprawled out on his own blankets.
“You—you do?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Evan wanted to kick himself for the hopeful way in which he had asked the question.
However, he was distracted from the desire as Barty sat up straight, seemingly eager to prove his point.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. You’re my closest friend.”
And it was from the way Barty said “friend” that Evan instantly knew that he had hoped for too much.
Barty had meant a platonic kind of love.
Of course.
Evan looked back down at his papers, unable to keep looking at Barty as he continued, “I don’t know what I would do without your friendship. And I just thought you should know.”
Evan appreciated the sentiment. Really, he did. He loved being a part of Barty’s life, and even if he did wish it was as more than a friend, he would rather know Barty and be in love with him from the sidelines than not know him at all.
“Thank you,” Evan said.
It was a weak response. Too weak, judging from the way Barty’s posture slumped slightly. But seconds later, he straightened back up, Evan’s mediocre response only seeming to renew his desire to prove the truth of his words from earlier
The weight of Barty’s gaze burned into Evan as he said, “You’re my ride-or-die, Evs.”
They were lovely, wonderful words, but Evan couldn’t stop a corner of his mouth from pulling down. He tried to stop it, he really did, but his emotions couldn’t seem to keep from showing on his face. The only saving grace was that the side of his mouth turned down in a frown was the side away from Barty, meaning that he couldn’t see it.
What he could almost definitely see, however, was Evan’s reluctance to say anything.
“I mean it,” Barty insisted after several seconds of no response from Evan.
And now Evan had to say something.
So, trying to keep the bitterness out of his tone, Evan mumbled back, “Of course, Bee.”
Then, making up some story about a headache, he excused himself from the conversation and closed the curtains around his bed.
He really didn’t want to think about any of it.
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percesdead · 1 day
marauders incorrect quotes based on conversations w me and my partner p.2
barty, breaking away from kiss: just so you know, i'm not on birth control
evan: you're amab. and im asexual
barty, sighing in relief: thank god
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phantomgrimalkin · 2 days
@rosekillermicrofic Rosekiller May 22 - Knew Soulmate Shadow AU - Words: 510, rating: T for language
“I fuckin’ knew it!” 
Evan was forced awake by a bright light glaring in his eyes and a voice crowing loudly in his ear.
Considering that Evan had gone to bed behind the thick curtains of his four poster bed, secured with a protection charm, this ought to have been a surprise. It was not, however, because Evan had long since accepted that sharing a room with Barty Crouch Jr meant shit like being woken up in horrible ways. He was pretty sure the bloke got off on being chaotic. Literally got off on it, based on the number of times that Evan had walked in on him wanking without bothering to set up a damn silencing spell.
Evan did not stop to ask why he never called Barty on this, or asked him to start using them, and instead very quietly slipped into his own bed and started palming himself whenever it happened.
“You knew what?” Evan grunted, holding up a hand to try and shield himself from the blazingly bright lumos that Barty was holding up to his face, but Barty smacked it away and pointed, bouncing on Evans bed hard enough that Evan was nearly thrown into the air. 
“Look!” Barty insisted, pointing to directly behind Evan. Evan turned, to see his shadow, and was barely awake so took longer than he might normally have to realize that the silhouette was completely bald. 
He touched a hand to his own head, confirming that the tight braids were still there. Which was a pointless endeavor, since like most wixen his shadow had never reflected his own appearance- rather that of his soulmate. Who normally had a fairly nondescript, short styled haircut and had apparently decided to shave their head. Which didn’t explain why Barty was bouncing on his fucking bed at whatever the hell time it was and he turned around to tell the boy off, only to finally see what he was talking about.
Barty had shaved his head.
He looked fucking ridiculous. 
“We’re fuckin’ soulmates!” the boy crowed, grinning brightly, and Evan blinked because, yeah, that made sense. Probably should have realized sooner, really. 
“Yeah,” Evan said, “You gonna let me get some fuckin’ sleep then?”
Barty rolled his eyes, but thankfully cut the light. He then tackled Evan, wrapping around him like a damn octopus, something he’d done quite a few times before when he got nightmares or just couldn't handle being alone or just felt like it or– okay, yeah, he did it a lot. Always felt right. Evan didn’t usually like people in his space, but Barty’d always been the exception. He placed a hand on Barty’s head, which was now covered with a velvety coating of short hair thanks to his dedication to prove his place in Evan’s life.
“Gonna get you a fuckin’ hair growth potion tomorrow,” Evan grunted, setting up the privacy wards on his bed that Regulus, at least, bloody respected.
“Whatever you want, Rosie,” Barty said, nipping at his jaw with his teeth and grinning like a loon.
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Imagining Barty screaming and ripping his hair out while standing in front of Evan’s grave because they promised to elope the moment he escaped Azkaban.
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a-great-tragedy · 20 hours
Barty crouch jr is the type of man to buy flavored chapstick just to eat it.
Not to apply it, to eat it
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my-castles-crumbling · 20 hours
die - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 148 - TW: slight violence
He'd been trying lately. Trying to keep his head down and focus. Not that he really cared, it was just easier to not have to deal with the hassle of owls from his father, detentions with Slughorn, extra homework assignments.
It wasn't worth it.
But when he heard Avery speak...
"...and that Rosier kid is so odd. He dresses like a slag, but I don't thing anyone would want to come within five feet of him..."
And Barty saw red.
He didn't register that his fast was careening towards Avery's jaw until it connected with a sickening crunch! He also didn't really hear the screams, or the cries, or the threats, until Avery was collapsed on the ground, blinking blood out of his eyes, groaning with the pain.
"Talk about my Rosie like that again and you'll die," he growled into Avery's ear before turning and stalking away.
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