#even though it’s not nice to make fun of fossils
pallanophblargh · 4 months
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Well, I found all my old cover illustration originals. However… some of them faded dramatically while in storage. They were light to begin with (likely due to the tendinitis I was wrestling at the time) and the resulting scan… left a lot to be desired. The meager paper texture has started to compete with the lightest areas. I remember this one being a massive pain in the ass to scan and adjust the first time around.
So since I’m a Luddite, I’m manually darkening key areas. It needed doing anyway. You can see the whole left hand side of the piece is being darkened, while the head and forelegs and far wing are as pasty as I found them.
I guess it’s been good to see how much I have improved over the years at the very least.
Someday there will be prints, I’m still going to make that work out.
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zwy01 · 3 months
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Blood Moon AU!! Part 2 - More werewolves
Second part (continued) of my second major AU, Blood Moon AU. The nobles and werewolves basically have a race swap in an almost brand new setting.
For more info, check out my first two posts where I explained the general lore and setting of this AU (highly recommended for a better understanding):
The characters.
Ladybug: Father of Cloudy, whom he had with an unnamed werewolf woman. Many people mistake Ladybug for a dangerous, evil person due to his creepy appearance, but he’s actually a pretty nice dude. The sockets of his eyes are just very deep and people can’t seem to catch a glimpse of his irises no matter how hard they look, hence the assumption that he’s about to suck every passerby’s soul and transfer them to himself to extend his lifespan. Doesn’t help that he’s always smiling. It almost looks like he’s sneering. Ladybug doesn’t mind. He’s too old for this shit. He’d just chuckle and go along with it. He’d strike a menacing pose and bare his fangs, and they’d all run away screaming. Haha, that was fun. Felt great, might do it again.
No one knows how old Ladybug is. It seems like he’s been around since forever ago. The werewolves even call him a living fossil. He takes it as a compliment because it means he’s wise and timeless. Ladybug would be minding his own business and he’d happen to eavesdrop on some werewolves talking about an old story, and he’d spook them by appearing from behind a bush and saying “Oh? Didn’t know the things I did in my youth are being told as Mother Moon’s tales now. Care to recite from the beginning for this old man?” Once again they run away in terror. Oh, poo. Tsk tsk, young pups these days are so sensitive and can’t stand humor at all. At least his daughter understands him and fully embraces his weirdness.
Ladybug lives with his daughter Cloudy, whom he had as an old man. Cloudy’s mother is alive and well; she just doesn’t live with them. Ladybug raised Cloudy for the most part, who is very attached to him. As a retired warrior, Ladybug does farming as a hobby and grows a variety of delicious crops because Cloudy doesn’t eat meat. He breeds special types of vegetables, fruits, and grains for her to enjoy. Currently, his goal is to create the perfect crunchy, tangy sweet berry because his daughter likes those very much. He can’t wait to bake a delicious pie for her with these ingredients and see her smile.
Ladybug’s favorite color is green because his daughter’s eyes are green. It’s also the hair color of his daughter’s mother, who was his lover.
Ladybug is not your typical werewolf warrior. He is also a master of magic, and you can always count on him to know the specific spell to your specific issue if you need help from him. He can both harm and help you, if he chooses to. There’s probably even a proverb that says “if you get fleas up your buttcrack on a full moon night, Ladybug will hunt you down and cook you in a stew” or something. Yikes. Probably made up anyway. Eh, still giving it some credit because it’s a good way to scare the kids and get them to quiet down and go to bed without making a fuss. Lord Peach’s adopted daughter Rosemary is a student and fan of Ladybug. She calls him “Teacher Buggy”. He is extra nice to her because she is part of Cloudy’s core friend group and his daughter always talks about how nice “Rosie” is. Usually, he would reject those who come to him asking for magic lessons, but he gives private lessons to Rosemary. Dang, she must’ve bribed him, lol. Thanks to Rosemary, Ladybug has learned about a certain noble streamer named Zivon Tradio aka “GlitterDream KittyPaws”, who is also a magician. Ladybug isn’t his fan, but he sometimes watches his streams just to criticize his spells. Rosemary thinks it’s hilarious.
Ladybug has no other living relatives aside from his daughter.
Grub: Son of unnamed werewolves. Unlike Ladybug, who just seems creepy but really isn’t, Grub is creepy to the core. It’s just him being… him. 100% original Grub guaranteed. He’s either lying still with his face planted to the ground and mumbling to himself, which can last for hours, or he’s hyper and jumping from tree to tree and finally off a cliff. Once he even tried to dive into an active volcano. There’s rarely any in betweens. It’s okay if he gets hurt, he’ll heal up in no time. It even feels good to get hurt. Fractures, burns, external and internal bleeding, almost-decapitation… he has a new to-do list everyday. He’ll even feel itchy on the inside if he doesn’t let himself bleed every now and then. That’s what the werewolves’ superior healing is for, and he’s totally abusing this ability. He would just shrug it off when people point out to him that he’s basically addicted to self-harm. It’s just called having fun! He would then cackle and squeal and bark back and forth on a crescendo and decrescendo like a total maniac. The werewolves would just assume that he’s under Ladybug’s curse or something, because he clearly isn’t in his right mind. Oh well, it’s not like they have to be friends with him. And who knows if it’s contagious or not, so better leave quickly to be safe than sorry.
Grub’s current self has something to do with his childhood. He was born into a big family, as his parents had many children back to back, litter after litter. He’s just one of the dozens of children. Grub is a quintuplet and the runt of his litter. Initially, his parents wanted to abandon him, as it would’ve been a waste to feed him since he would just die anyway. But little Grub cried and squeaked and howled for milk, as if he didn’t know what giving up was. Then his parents changed their mind. Perhaps they ended up giving him a chance because they were entertained. Sure, they’ll be generous this one time and see how things turn out. If he dies, they’ll just eat him. They even named him Grub out of spite; crawling on the floor on his hands and knees and struggling for life just like a grub. Befitting of such a weak, unimpressive pup.
Grub was strong. He was resilient despite his circumstances. He managed to survive, but his growth is permanently stunted to this day. His childhood was less than ideal. When it was meal time, his parents left little to no prey for him, and he could only watch his brothers and sisters wolf down their dinner because he was too small and weak to even fight for the scraps. He filled his belly by gnawing on bones and whatever had been left over after his family had their share. He learned to break bones and suck on the marrow. Sometimes he’d crush and eat the bones too when he got desperate. Other than that, he’d stuff himself with dried grass, snow, and even dirt in order to stave off hunger. This is why Grub is short and small even in adulthood. Sure, he’s lean and compact, as he’s been eating well ever since he left his hell of a family and taught himself how to hunt, but his height is stuck at where it is now. He’s just a smidge taller than what would be considered a short werewolf woman. Perhaps the lack of nourishment during his vital childhood days had also done something to his brain. Either that, or he was born creepy. Or both. The werewolves are scared of him, but they also pity him. He didn’t choose to become like this anyway. Grub taking extreme measures to hurt himself is probably just his way of coping.
Grub is a warrior, but he isn’t allowed to spar without having many other warriors chaperoning the battleground because Grub doesn’t spar to train. He fights to kill. He disrespects the protocol and has no sense of honor, and won’t stop even when his sparring partner has yielded. There was a time when the warriors had to collectively restrain Grub and pry his fangs off the neck of his sparring partner whom he had defeated in a duel, because he just wouldn’t let go. He wanted to draw blood. More blood. Even more blood. To him, he’s not done until he crushes his opponent’s throat. To this day, the incident’s witnesses haven’t forgotten about all the bleeding and crying and the gruesome screams that had echoed throughout the mountains. Grub’s victim had retired from fighting ever since and went into hiding. And Grub? He never apologized.
Grub doesn’t really have any hobbies other than thrill seeking and self-harming. Maybe he just hasn’t discovered anything yet. Well, he should apply for a job as a communal alarm clock because you can always bet that he’d be screaming and howling by 4:00 am sharp. Even Mother Moon needs her beauty sleep. Grub disagrees.
Grub doesn’t have a crush on anyone as of now. Some werewolves doubt his ability to even recognize members of his pack as his own kind. Can he even see them that way? Hard to say. Grub isn’t dumb in the slightest, he’s just crazy... good for him, then.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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blorbologist · 1 year
*raises hand* i have no idea what Hell Creak is. tell me more
Hell Creek is a fossil-heavy rock formation located in Montana and North Dakota! It's one of the most complete fossil sites we have of the Mezosoic (along with other standouts like the Morrison and Kem-Kem). Hell Creek gets a few extra cool points for a handful of reasons:
It has a whole host of big name dinosaurs: T.rex, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and even a large raptor that's a real-life Jurassic Park 'Raptors' (the book and film used oversized Deinonychus, but Dakotaraptor is actually of comparable size. Potentially. I love the species and what it'd mean for the ecosystem, but I don't trust DePalma as far as I can throw him. He accidentally included turtle remains in the holotype, which... come on, man). Another cool big name potentially associated with the formation, but not a dinosaur, is a large Mosasaur species (think a giant marine monitor lizard) that was recently found to exist off the coast, as well as the (potentially) largest creature to ever fly, Quetzalcoatlus (I have no way to describe this, search it up, it's terrifying and weird).
Actually? No. You deserve to see what a Quetz would look like.
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(Photo and model credit @bluerhinostudio. Seriously, they're so lifelike.)
Hell Creek's fossils were deposited at the very tail end of the reign of dinosaurs, so you get a look at their last glory days + a good handful of million years prior. Actually, the boundary layer - the actual moment the apocalypse became real and quartz was shocked by the Chixclub impact - is present! There's another site that seems to contain the actual aftermath, with molten glass raining into the mud and debris of animals caught in tsunamis thrown together (though some elements of the site are debated, because DePalma is sketchy as hell and reported different findings to the media vs his publications).
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(Credit conveniently included in the image, nice.)
We have SO much information about it! Remains of everything from megafauna and their interactions - herbivores that have healed bitemarks from T.rex, facial bitemarks between T.rexes - to the minute. Pollen and seeds from a host of plants; insects trapped in amber; tiny amphibians, and sharks. The list of species on the Wikipedia articles are absolutely insane - it's so complex and detailed.
There's also a video game in slow, slow development depicting this formation, Saurian - last I heard it's grinded to almost a standstill, and IIRC there is ~tea~ in the paleo community about it, but it was fun following the development for a few years. The concept art is also gorgeous, and you really get a feel for just how much material they have to work with to make this as accurate as possible!
TLDR, Hell Creek is fascinating - though there are plenty of other cool formations worth poking at, too! The Kem Kem Group, Dinosaur Park, Candeleros, Morrison, Jiufotang and Nemegt Formations are all favorites <3
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swampstew · 1 year
Blind Date Event ~ Franky X Reader
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Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for my Blind Date Matchmaking Event. I hope you enjoy these lovely bedtime stories during this week of overpriced chocolates, flowers and heart shaped things. Happy Franky Friday to my boo @icy-spicy I hope you're prepared for all this man. Have fun on your date, make good choices♥
Mostly fluff, SFW, Franky X Female reader, first blind date experience. WC:1.1K. Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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You were applying the last of your mascara when you heard knocking on your door. Standing against the doorframe was a massive yet sexy man. Despite his tall stature, blue pompadour hairstyle , scarred body with clear cybernetic enhancements, Franky had the most secure and confident aura you’d ever seen in a man. And not in a haughty arrogant way either as you were used to. Just pure sex appeal wearing artsy beach shorts and a tight-fitting designer tank top.
��_______, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Franky,” his massive, muscled bicep bulged as he pointed to himself in introduction. “I’m here to take you on a super awesome first date. I hope you’re ready for some fun!”
He held out his arm for you and you eagerly took it, letting him help you into his shock blue F-150.
“It’s electric,” he smirked as the car powered to life.
A fashionista and environmentally conscious? Franky was checking off a lot of boxes you weren’t sure you even had.
The two of you played the ice breaker games in your matchmaking pamphlet as Franky drove to your date destination. He was being coy about your date details but you decided to let him surprise you; you were always down for a good time. The half hour car drive was a lot of fun as the two of you learned about each other and then sang out loud to classic pop songs from your earlier years.
You noticed that the streets became more vacant, the neighborhoods a little more abandoned when you finally caught sight of the flashing lights behind one seemingly destitute building.
“It’s nothing shady or anything like that,” Franky explained. “I told you I’m a mechanic and this here is the very first test run of my company’s newest electric car models. Specifically for racing.”
“This area was unfortunately gentrified a few decades ago and the gross cost of living forced everyone out. Once the people were gone, so were the businesses. Now, we’re using it to test our newest engines since its virtually free of any civilians so we can contain damage control. Plus, no shitty cops around to bust up our fun!”
“So you’re telling me that you’ve gone and created whole ass electric racing cars?” you asked with your pitch getting slightly higher as you processed his words. Electric cars were only just becoming more normalized where you live but to hear of them being upgraded to become racing cars just seemed impossible.
He chuckled, “Yeah that’s right. The idea is to eradicate the use of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. Right now, we can charge each of these puppies up in 15 minutes tops and your ride will last about 60 minutes. But the real secret is its hydrogen fuel cell and fan system. The winds generated feeds the fuel cell with oxygen AND generates enough downforce to provide ample traction for high speeds.” He brushed his nose with a grin.
“Damn Franky are you some kind of genius?”
Franky flushed, swaying in place as you walked towards the event. “Ahhh yer just saying that, it’s real nice though. Well, I guess I technically am a member of Mens—"
“Hey Big Bro Franky!! C’mon we’re all ready to start!” some of his assistants and employees were beckoning you both with excitement. Everyone was holding colas in their hands.
“So, _______. How about it? You wanna…go on a test run?”
“Ummmm hello?! Fuck yeah!”
Maybe the car was a bit small due to it being a test car, or maybe Franky was just that bulky and you hadn’t noticed while seated in his roomy truck. Either way, you tucked your knees to your chest and squealed as the racing began.
Loop after loop, challenge after challenge, you and Franky were leaving everyone behind with a wave of debris. The car was sleek and ran surprisingly smooth, probably better than your best traditional car ever did. After an hour, the battery indicator ended the racing and Franky drove it back to the starting line; winning the final race of the night.
He helped you out of the car and you were both given ice cold colas. Franky clinked his bottle against yours and took a huge gulp. Puffing his chest out, he let out an excited cry at the success of the testing.
You were having so much fun and it wasn’t even over. The company were going to host a bonfire and party right there in the lot.
“______, I know this is supposed to be a date and all, so I am sorry that this was also technically a work event for me. We can head out and do our own thing or we can hang out here too. Whatever fits your fancy.”
You thought it over for a moment, “I am down to party with your crew and then maybe we can sneak away?”
“You’re super, _____. I like how easy it is to get along with you and your openness to try new things. I promise we’ll sneak away sooner rather than later.”
Franky was true to his word. You spent maybe half an hour partying with his friends before he slunk an arm over your shoulder and took you to the truck. He only drove a few blocks away before shutting the engine off and taking you to the truck bed. He laid out a giant blanket and some plush cushions in the back along with his guitar, a small radio and a cooler of you guessed it, more cola.
You spend the night cuddling as you stargazed, enjoying each other’s company. Listening to cozy music on the radio at first, Franky surprised you when he began playing covers on his guitar, which turned into the both of you doing acoustic karaoke. Before you knew it, it was well past midnight and he prepared to take you home.
He stood in your threshold, making sure you entered your home safely before he could properly end the date.
“I had a great time with you, _____. Would I be coming on too strong if I asked to kiss you goodnight?”
That was cute. The man had practically oozed charisma and confidence so it was nice to see him squirm a little. Instead of answering you looked him straight in the eyes as a smirk grew on your face, and you winked.
A bashful look overcame his face and he eagerly leaned down, one hand caressing your chin and cheek as he planted a surprisingly gentle kiss on your lips. A dazed and content look on his face as he stood back up.
“Call me when you’re ready to take me out again,” you winked again as you slowly close the door.
From the other side of the wooden barrier, you could hear him yell out. “You bet I will!” Followed by the muffled sound of something being smacked. “SUPER!!”
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3038: Aerodactyl (Neo Revelation)
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Aerodactyl wasn't going to win any awards for attacking, as it was really just going to coin flip to be able to do anything there no matter how nice the effect there was. It was a very interesting Pokemon Power that gave Aerodactyl a role, as any Pokemon (not named Kingdra, which did it on its own) could access attacks from their previous forms. While most Pokemon would have no interest in this, there were a few that had a chance to make this work. Whether that was going to be enough when you had to evolve from a Mysterious Fossil (or, in the earlier parts of Rocket-On, flip with Fossil Egg) was more of an open question.
60 HP was rather poor for a Stage 1, though at least it was still ahead of the output from things like Steelix and Dark Feraligatr. The Grass Weakness was a problem in a game with Crobat in it, and even in Neo-On you'd run into Meganium and the like. The Fighting Resistance wasn't quite as notable, but it was still nice to be able to block Tyrogue even if Aerodactyl wasn't really going to be the focus for attacks in any of these cases. The Retreat Cost of 2 meant that keeping something like Warp Point around was a good idea if possible.
Prehistoric Memory was the entire reason to run Aerodactyl. It let all Pokemon in play, including those of the opponent, access any attack on Pokemon it evolved from. Energy costs were still required for these attacks. This did have a lot of competition from Recall in Rocket-On and Memory Berry in Neo-On, and in most contexts those were better. Aerodactyl did have the advantage of evolving from Mysterious Fossil, which let it slot in decks with Kabutops. Since the most common partner for Kabutops was Steelix, using Aerodactyl could let a heavily damaged Steelix use Rage from Neo Genesis Onix to get a huge KO if needed. If you still wanted to pair this with other things that weren't as fitting, Giovanni's Machamp had some use for a similar strategy.
Fly did 30 damage for 3 Colorless Energy and also had a coin flip. A heads flip meant all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Aerodactyl on the opponent's next turn were prevented. A tails flip meant that not even the damage on this attack happened. The risk was just so high that it probably wasn't worth it, even if avoiding all damage for the turn was really nice if you didn't run into a Warp Point or Double Gust.
Aerodactyl had a small niche, generally alongside Steelix to get that Rage attack off in a few spots. Steelix really wanted Gold Berry to use Rage then heal some damage against weaker Pokemon or Focus Band for a chance to survive a bigger attack right after. Aerodactyl didn't fit in quite as well elsewhere, but if you wanted to use it instead of a Trainer with Crobat (for Poisoning a Steelix) or Giovanni's Machamp (for another Rage style attack) you could. The same went for the generally worse Gyarados in Legendary Collection. It was, at minimum, a fun thing to play around with, giving access to extra attacks for Evolved Pokemon.
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99griffon · 1 year
@todaysbird as promised, here's a statement about my Rio Grande trip! I can absolutely provide some details in specific areas if you'd like, and I'll likely be posting pics of the birds and other wildlife I spotted in some scheduled posts later on... but this is going over the sad reality of mankind's effect on bird populations.
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Over the past week I had the immense privilege to stay in a state park on the Rio Grande for a week and witness the biodiversity of the region, more specifically the birds. We spent the week birding and other related activities, I saw many things I'd never seen before. One thing that was abundantly clear was the effect mankind has had on the population and diversity of the birds in the region.
Speaking to an anonymous scientist, I learned that the wind turbines providing renewable energy to the region come at a great cost. The downdraft caused by the turbines catches birds and bats and throws them down to the earth at a speed that kills them on impact. The number of birds he sees has dropped dramatically due to this, and he had been working there for decades. Most renewable energy sources harm birds, as do fossil fuels... so I really hope nuclear energy can be researched more.
We spotted invasive species, not extremely frequently, thankfully. I don't count grackles as invasive, even if they are extremely prolific. However, the success of the grackle does play into the effects of man on nature. Visiting the gulf coast, I could see how trees were demolished in a park once thriving with birds, leaving the place nearly empty. All for some nice, expensive little homes. Where once night herons would rest their wings, only a solitary shore bird and handful of warblers remained. Grackles filled parking lots of parks, taking over the trees and feeders, since there was no competition there.
I witnessed first hand the destruction of the wall's construction. Right through a state park... it was crazy seeing the abrupt edge between the dirt and wall construction and the lush wildlife. There weren't any birds near that thing. I only saw a small portion, but it still made it abundantly clear how awful it was elsewhere along the border.
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I can say, however, some changes have been made for the better. The Brownsville Sanitary Landfill has made a LOT of progress regarding their disposal of trash and they still allow birders (that need to call ahead) to spot their rare crow, the Tamaulipas crow, which can only be found in the US in thst one location. I DID NOT see it though, it'd take a whole day to spot that damn thing in all those birds. They love the place
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Finally, I'd like to mention the whooping cranes, always the whooping cranes: a stark example of how hunting absolutely demolishes the bird population. I witnessed 9 individuals on the gulf coast, all breeding pairs and their offspring (most fully grown, some still with juvenile plumage). It was a beautiful sight, and very disheartening knowing that's probably a lifer for me unless I can manage to head out there on my own one day. Beautiful birds, I heard their call and watched them take flight. Magnificent beasts. I hope one day we can see their population rise again.
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This is just a rough crash-course of my overall takeaway from that trip. I had fun, saw magnificent animals, but there was such sorrow to be found there, regardless. I haven't had anyone beta read so this is a pure ramble haha. Hope it makes sense!
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rockheadcd · 4 months
@avacynthia said: [sms: Cynthia] Hello Roark! It's time for our monthly League check-in. I hope you've forgiven my earlier hassling. All in good fun. :) [sms: Cynthia] Could I pry you away from work for an hour or two so we can meet, please? I will come to Oreburgh to make things easier. [sms: Cynthia] I'll need to stop by the museum anyways. Just look at this beauty... <Cynthia sends over a recent picture of her from deep within an Underground tunnel. She's uncharacteristically smudged with dirt and dust, but her eyes are sparkling with excitement. Her headlamp illuminates a smooth piece of OLD AMBER, laid flat on a gloved palm.> / just sinnoh league tingz. | accepting.
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Roark, much like his father, ran on one hell of a schedule—what Volkner would comment ( daily ) as overworking. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be wrong, but having Sunyshore's brightest around had put a pep back in his step that had disappeared during that cold year. In other words, he was still procrastinating on trying to drop just one of his paid responsibilities in Oreburgh. Ah, well, that was an uncomfortable conversation for another day. Cynthia had his attention, idly stepping back into the gym's office to catch up on messages, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at her apology.
[ Roark ] I'm happy to report our dinner went well! Perhaps we were lucky to get a nice corner to ourselves.. ha ha
Certainly, it was just sheer luck. Totally. ( he appreciates her ways as much as her tutelage and sheer knowledge )
[ Roark ] There should be... two challenge matches left for the day right after lunch? And that should be all for the day before I swing by the museum and check in with the biologists and the mons under observation... they're much more flexible about that though [ Roark ] Feel free to swing by while I'm still here at the gym, spectators are always welcome! I should probably be done by 2 or so
He brightens up just looking at the image that scrolls into view, meticulously examining the old amber in her palm—barely even a speck of carbon dioxide trapped within the specimen itself, and only some stubborn dust having stuck to the surface after millions of years of protection from other elements that could easily decompose the resin.. but.. His mind is going a mile a minute trying to guess where she managed to extract such a specimen. Which side of Sinnoh? Maybe around the mountain range with all of the land moving over eons... The fact it managed to evade tunneling Onix and Steelix is a wonder in itself. So much history in one gleaming fossil... Amazing!
[ Roark ] That might be the most pristine specimen I've ever SEEN [ Roark ] Can I get first dibs on looking at it in person??? [ Roark ] 🙏🙏🙏 PLEASE
Ah, he's going to forget about the monthly meeting already, isn't he? Even Ramses is looking over his shoulder with curiosity, as it's not often Roark's texting with such excitement. Hilariously enough, the dinosaur himself recognizes the amber—ah, okay. Normal Roark behavior. He gently nudges Roark in the shoulder to remind him that he has a schedule to adhere to, and his trainer eventually brings himself back to reality.
[ Roark ] Anyway before I get carried away—let's meet up here at the gym then take a trip to the museum afterwards! Are you planning on restoring it?
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would you ever do a rant what each generation or your preferred ones did better then the others?
im an Emerald stan at my heart but hearing your shinnoh thing was very interesting
I mean my preferred gen is Gen 4 all the way- IMO No games before or since have matched The Peak that was Platinum and HGSS and I've played almost every single mainline game mutliple times- but I think every generation did at least some stuff better than other gens or have something to love about it.
As for RSE, I think the whole dive mechanic was fun as well as having two bikes, the Climax of the story is great in the way it envelopes the entire game world, and May is one of my favorite pokemon heroines.
RBY Has maybe the most exploits you can take advantage of, both bugs and combat system wise (Wrap+T wave or Toxic are ridiculously op) and as someone thats been playing since Red its impossible to beat for nostalgia.
GSC Is notable for having just a ton of content, and being the first to actually expand the lore of pokemon with the legendary beasts and pokemon tower and such. Fighting yourself from the prev game is still the basically THE hardest fight in mainline pokemon and an absolutely epic inclusion. Crystal specifically is where we got the gender select and is one of the most responsible parties for transing my gender.
To further expound on Sinnoh, besides just how immaculately designed it is as a region, the way it included and explored the religion of the pokemon world is just... *mwah*. So good. Cynthia is the hardest champion fight in the series and claiming the title from her makes you feel like you really earned it. Also HGSS is possibly the Ideal pokemon Experience. Whenever I think of the best of pokemon it is Platinum and HGSS.
Gen 5 had fun low hp music.
I think XY and ORAS had the hands down best addition to the combat system since DPPT's Phys/Spec split with Mega evolution and while XY's story was a bit lacking, Kalos was a legitimately fun region to romp through!
I loveddd how different the Islands felt in Alola and the trials were nice change of pace. Alola is honestly some of the hardest games to Nuzlocke due to them. Theres also an immensely diverse selection of pokemon even right from the get go that enables a lot of fun and different runs. The unique Z moves and Z Moves in General were a great counter part to Megas. Lily, Gladion's and Lusamine's dynamic in SuMo specifically were really intriguing, though USUM shat all over it instead of expounding on it.
The Open area in Galar was really cool to see and explore! I really like how Leon was basically a mainline protagonist himself. The Fossil pokemon were absolutely Hilarious.
As for Paldea... I've yet to get my hands on ScarVi actually! But Im sure I'll find plenty to love there as well~
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
Oops silly me , can I request the acrobatic/gymnastics s/o with rook, vil, malleus and floyd
Rook, Vil, Malleus, Floyd with a flexible/gymnast S/O
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TW/CW: GN!Reader, crack
extra; HIHI! Thank u for your request mhejrahege i hope u dont mind that i’ve made the reader to a gender neutral one, since i didn’t really find any importance of gender in this piece, it’s really ambiguous but go ahead and imagine it how youd like -w-) anywayyyy thank u for your request heahgehagh i hope you enjoy!! + i feel that it’s rather short… but im wringing my brain dry of any funky ideas to add in 
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★☆Rook Hunt
Zoo wee mama! Someone so flexible and agile, yet incapable of dodging his arrows of love; don’t you think you need some extra training, no? He enjoys keeping you on your toes, testing your reflexes at the most random times throughout the day – are you really as powerful as you seem to him, in his eyes? 
You’re going to have to teach him, train with him to increase his agility. Rook wants to be more nimble in order to watch people with extra efficiency, not that his strange hobby is anything to be looked upon with admiration… However, expect him to use his newfound skill against you at times!
Feeling upset with him and decide to throw a book his way? His abnormal reflexes combined with his newfound agility would be able to dodge, catch and perhaps throw the object back at you. Once he gets his hands on the skill of tumbling and flipping, you best believe this man will have more airtime than when he’s standing still on the ground. 
★☆Vil Schoenheit
The first time he found out about your flexibility was when you were busy stretching on his bedroom floor, tired of waiting for him to come back. When he walked in on you, you could see the visible shock on his face, so transparent that you can literally hear his internal thoughts : what the fuck is this mess of limbs doing on my floor.
Let’s just say he bookmarked this talent of yours and pocketed it for fun activities in the future, keeping a mental note ^__^;;
He figured that he could do with some extra training on his flexibility, since he’s one to go full out in everything. He has his basics down; definitely stretchy and flexible, but nowhere as advanced as you are. Finally someone who gets to boss him around instead of the other way around – what a nice change of pace!
Who knew yoga pants looked so good on Vil? You can see the visible struggle on his face when it comes to pushing him to his limits, but he’s definitely trying not to shit his pants. 
★☆Malleus Draconia
This ancient fossil is absolutely befuddled, flabbergasted that the human body is capable of such mind boggling contortions! Teach the fragile-boned your ways, please.
To be honest, no one can tell when Malleus is about to collapse, so he’d much prefer that you go easy on him – no jumping into advanced techniques, not that his rather large physique would make it any easier…
He enjoys watching you contort all over the place, stretching at the most random times, even when it comes to doing day-to-day tasks. At times, he’d even enjoy watching you sprawl out on the floor, stretching and rolling out any knots, from the comfort of his chair. Smiling to himself and brewing his sick twisted ideas in his head under the guise that he’s just simply ‘reading something fascinating’ 
The only fascinating thing is his capability of imagining despite his old age.
★☆Floyd Leech
Woahh! Shrimpy is so cool; teach him your ways! Naturally, Floyd is pretty agile and nimble on his own, so reaching your level would be a walk in the park. Expect him to constantly start competitions, even though he’s most likely more inflexible than you are. However, his determination to be on par with you is definitely heartwarming to see.
Say, your agility should allow him to chase you for hours on end without you getting caught – no? Oh. He’s milking your athleticism to no end, coming across as selfish at times, though it’s most definitely not his intention.
He just wants the both of you to have fun; so if he finds that you’re a little sad and much out of breath after chasing you, he’d pick you up like no big deal and throw you down to cuddle with you. Yes, his mood flips like a switch, but I guess he’s definitely sweet (??)
He might delude himself that he’s just as good as you, showing off his flexibility to Azul. Unbeknownst to him, knocking over several tables and maybe even breaking a few pieces of glassware. Whatever though :]
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
They're done
Submissions aren't open so let's hope I can put all of these in one ask lmao
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First up is Tahu, featuring his famous flaming bat. He's none too pleased about having to fight a bear while wearing one of his nicer shirts.
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Next, Gali, who is reading the kiddies a story about a powerful dragon called Tahtorak. The kindergartners are particularly fascinated by her necklace of fossilized shark teeth.
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And then there's Lewa, who finally cleaned up those flashcards. He's dressed fairly comfortably, and while it's not visible from this angle, he is also sporting a man bun.
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Pohatu is prepping for the Students vs Teachers volleyball game, though he didn't have time to change into more athletic wear.
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"Children, this is dirt." Onua must be teaching his students about the rock cycle. Admittedly I struggled with the sunglasses, since none of the options looked quite right on him, but I eventually landed on these.
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Not much to say about Kopaka, other than that he's probably in the midst of judging Tahu's teaching methods.
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Vakama, ever the exposition dumper, is probably explaining something to the Toa. He's got a nice, warm sweater on to fend off the winter chill.
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Nokama is here to greet incoming students on the first day as they load off the buses. I leaned into the Lucretia vibes you mentioned, as well as memories of my own elementary school principal.
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Matau is absolutely not struggling through a midlife crisis, and frankly, he's offended that you'd even suggest such a thing.
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Onewa's here spitting hard truths to someone. Either that or he's complaining about having to go scare off wild animals again.
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Whenua's just found a book for a student interested in botany. Just be sure to bring it back in time.
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Nuju seems quite busy at the moment. Probably best not to bother him.
And that's everyone! Admittedly, it's a bit tough to show aging in Hero Forge, so the Turaga aren't quite as youthful looking. Also, I might eventually do some others, although Hero Forge isn't well-suited for making child characters, so probably no students. Perhaps a Harkak? Anyway, I had a lot of fun with these, and I hope you like them!
First of all you are a Hero Forge wizard???? These are amazing!! The posing and details and everything just looks so good!!!
Anyway I'm gonna lose my mind over these for a bit here hang on
I love so much here, like Pohatu looks so good?? I love that he and Matau have their nails painted along with Gali and Nokama, that's so cute. I like his earring and hair and facial hair too! This is a man I would entrust my theoretical children to.
Nokama is absolutely perfect? This is just what Nokama looks like to me now. She looks a lot like a principal I had for a couple years too, specifically the one whose office design I picture when writing scenes in the office lol. And Onewa is also just outstanding, he's the exact right combination of "local art guy" and "world's most crotchety old man" and I love his beard and his hat!
And Gali!! Not to be a lesbian but oh my fucking god. She's so pretty?? Love the Tahtorak dragon book detail too ghklghfgljfdgh
And Whenua's mustache and Lewa and Matau's jackets and Pohatu's sneakers and Onua's sweater vest and I also love how similar Nuju and Kopaka look on first glance but they're clearly still different and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
These are amazing and wonderful and thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
2022 Fanfic Year in Review: tortoiseshells on AO3
Thanks for the tag @hmsannlett!
Total Completed Works: 6.
Word Count: 6,925 - strictly from completed works; 105,996 including chapters from Customs and Duties.
Fandoms I’ve Written In: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Blackwell Series, Fallout 4, Band of Brothers (specifically for @mercurygray‘s The Darkening Sky-verse), 1899
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: Less, honestly. Real Life Issues have really eroded my down time and mental space, and while I’m grateful to have the opportunity to take care of my family, I do miss the space I had before.
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?: I love all my children equally. Customs and - uh, hang on. the ink on my hand is smudged.
In all seriousness, though, Customs Ch. 22 “Unused to Home” or [Nellie “Sustained Mental Breakdown” Treat Has A Bad Time] was my favorite single chapter to write, since I finally got to jam the last bits of her backstory in there; my favorite completed fic was probably et mūtam nēquīquam alloquerer cinerem, because I love untranslated Latin and trivia about Boston and the history of the Bonus Army, and unfortunately all twelve of you who read it just had to go along with it.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Goals For The New Year?: Either I finish Customs or Customs finishes me. Curse of the Black Pearl turns 20 this year, and it would be thematically appropriate for me to finish in time for the Big Anniversary. That, and I really only have to [checks notes] figure out the entire back half of that Fallout 4 fic about the putative shore whaling economy of post-apocalyptic Massachusetts that exists only in my imagination and as a flimsy excuse for Piper Wright/OFC.
Most Popular Story Of The Year?: lol. Probably Customs, but pretty much everything else I was lucky to break 50 hits and 4 kudos.
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: I was never expecting great things for a short character study of the most unpopular character in Fallout 4 but, in the words of the man himself, goddamn. I suppose getting hit with some weird bot or glitch that gave me more kudos than hits on bear your neighbor’s burden is some consolation but ... it’s really not.
Most Fun Story To Write: had you not better make One of us, which features teenage Elizabeth Swann’s growing pains, Captain Johnson’s history of piracy, musing about sharks via shark-tooth fossils, and the as-yet only canon-to-the-original-AU appearance of the late, lamented Captain Samuel Treat. I had fun with the character voices and it was nice to have Samuel doing something other than being dead in a Boston graveyard.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I could stand here joking about being even more emotionally shut-down than either of my protagonists in Customs, but I suspect I’ve done that before. Lauren Blackwell’s inner monologue in save me, damn you, for all that I’m not an unwilling psychic in 1970s Manhattan.
Biggest Disappointment: well, it happened two days into 2023, but Netflix canning 1899 was a little bit of a let down to my fic-writing ambitions she says, with dozens of tabs on late 19th century liners and hydrography and radio technology open.
Biggest Surprise: I wasn’t expecting to get into a new fandom with about a week to go in the year, and it feels almost like cheating to say that 1899 was a surprise, since it hits a lot of my narrative buttons. But, yeah, for the sake of argument (and undercutting my own surprise because me? using Emily Dickinson for a fic title? vintage Mercy Street.) covers the Abyss with Trance — So Memory can step.   
Tagging: @mercurygray, @theonlyredcar, @shoshiwrites, @jomiddlemarch, @r-osehips, and anyone else who wants to talk!
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 2 years
As quick celebration, I wanted to make a long post about what all my AUs are doing on this very special day!
New Wild AU
The New Wild Crew has covered their cave with all things Cryptid related and otherwise chris-like!
They got him a life size Mothman plushie, and a statue of Baphomet!
Feral Kratts AU
Feral Chris isn't that keen on parties, so the whole crew is helping him hunt down a particular group of poachers that's been getting on his nerves as of late. Martin has also decided that he will refrain from being a whore on this special day.
They got him a brand new high-tech super-mega-ultra-death AK47 (Courtesy of Feral Aviva)!
Cryptid Kratts AU
The Cryptid bros only recently found out what birthdays were, and since they don't remember the exact date that they were born, (I mean, the calander hadn't exactly been invented yet...) Chris has decided that this is the day that he will celebrate his birthday. He's found himself a nice hot spring to spend the day relaxing in.
Toodles brought him a pile of stolen treasure (Sure it was technically meant as a courting gift but I guess it counts as a Bday gift too.)
Ocean Blue AU
Martin is on his best behavior to make sure his bro's birthday is attack free! Chris keeps telling him not to worry so much, but Martin's determined.
Martin got Chris a deep sea fossil for his collection. It was in such mint condition, that Archeologists would beg Chris to hand it over if they ever saw it.
Cat Kratts AU
The bros owners are throwing the bros a little birthday bash! They were born on the same day so, Chris' Bday is Martin's Bday also. Azazel tried to get them in party hats, but they absoloutly were not having it, so instead they just invited the bros' friends over and celebrated with treats and catnip!
Their owners bought them a fancy now cat hide, but they're both ignoring it in favor of the box that it came in.
Dimension Hoppers AU
The Dimension Hoppers crew is throwing Chris a surprise party in the Tortuga! Chris thinks they forgot his birthday, but he's in for one heck of a surprise!
Martin got him a Rad Slime plushie from their visit to The Far, Far Range, since they're his favorite slime rancher slime!
Bluepin AU
While Martin was preserving his latest specimen and removing all evidence from his victim's house, he found a collector's edition National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia. Knowing that Chris' Bday party was the next day, he decided that it was the perfect gift!
Chris had a fantastic birthday party and was none the wiser to the disturbing origin of his gift.
Blue Devil AU
Since this Au's Chris is well... dead, his birthday is a painful time for his brother. Today, Martin takes the time to remember all the wonderful things about the brother that was stolen from him. It fills him with rage and determination to make the villains pay for their actions.
To avenge his poor brother that didn't get to celebrate his special day.
TCC and it's employees don't celebrate the animatronics' birthdays, but the FNAK crew remembers the days they became operational and treat these days as special.
Seymour and Cyrus are whipping up a ton of his favorite dishes, along with a human meat cake!
Wildrock FNAK Spinoff AU
The Bday situation is mostly the same between FNAK crews, but with some minor differences. Wildrock Chris is celebrating by being an absolute menace to anything that moves. Why? Because he can and it's fun.
Sadie painted his claws for him, and Martin got him a new guitar.
All My Brothers AU
All of the Chris clones celebrate their Bdays today! regardless of the date that they were actually cloned. They also use today to honor and pay respects to the original. The Wild Kratts crew is throwing Bean a party! (And martin is crossing his fingers that none of the other clones interrupt)
Though Bean didn't get to activate any creature powers, he did get his very own creaturepod!
Off-Colored AU
Toodles has somehow gone even more feral out of sheer excitement. Salutations is letting him loose in a fancy rich neighborhood so he can devour greedy capitalists to his heart's content. (Sal was just looking for a way get Tod's energy out so he wouldn't destroy literally everything, but the birthday boy doesn't need to know that, does he?)
After Toodles had tuckered himself out, Sal gave him a fancy lighter he bought on Etsy. Toodles was overjoyed that his big bro was finally endorsing his arson habits.
This Au's Chris is spending his Bday alone. After all the emotional hell that his peers, his brother, and the ghosts were putting him through, all he asked for on his birthday was peace and quiet. He's catching up on some books he's been intending to read, he's actually quite enjoying himself.
The Ghost and Martin Kratt AU
Despite Chris being a ghost, Martin and the crew still take the time to celebrate his birthday! Just because he doesn't age anymore doesn't mean he shouldn't get to celebrate his special day! The crew left him offerings of candy and cake! Though they refrained from lighting any candles to avoid triggering his pyrophobia.
Martin got him a Lion plushie, to replace Chris' old one that got incinerated in the fire.
Though the original Chris technically exploded into all of the mini chrises, Martin still honors his memory by declaring his birthday, international mini Chris day!
The shelter is having an adoption event! And all of the shelter chrises are being showered with love and treats.
Two Shades AU
Both Chris and Toodles wanna celebrate their birthday, but so far all they've managed to do is get into fights over their body. Chris is struggling to keep it together throughout all of the festivities that the crew has planned!
Martin assumed that Chris likes mirrors, so he got him an emerald green one with his name engraved on it. Martin has severely misjudged Chris' relationship with reflective surfaces...
Furby AU
Chris is celebrating his birthday by wreaking terror down upon mortals and demanding blood sacrifices. Aviva is lowkey scared of these adorable little childrens' toys.
Aviva got Chris a little backpack that he can be carried in. (Mostly because she was scared that if she didn't get him a gift, she'd end up dead in a ditch somewhere).
Our Wild World AU
Chris isn't one for drinking, so instead of spending his bday at the local tavern like most adventurers, he prefers to spend the day just slowing down and appreciating the local wildlife.
And (I think) That's all of them! I wish a very happy birthday to our favorite green brother! Happy Birthday Chris!!!!!
Martin got him an emerald gilded crossbow, and a book on the land's dragons.
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blackquillchillin · 1 year
Got home from work today and realized I never posted the jailbirds new house! screenshots below, It's a long post of a large Sim house, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
First, Junie and Thena's room!
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I picked out dark blue wallpaper cause it seems fun but also restful, you know? and picked out a pink bed, chairs, and rug to contrast, and because I think Junie would love it. They've got photos of friends, Junie's pet fish, and some flowers from their wedding! let me know if ya'll wanna see wedding photos by the by, I took plenty.
Next up, Thena's Work Room!
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The missing wall just has a few pictures on it, nothing special. Thena's got her posters, her hard drives, her nice couch, her speaker, and all of the figures Junie's been collecting for her! everything she needs for her programming Job, and a cute little bookshelf and chair that came with the house!
Quick break to see the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, since we're right next to one of them anyway.
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Don't mind the puddle, mostly just made the bathrooms look lived in, though I did give them a more modern tub upstairs, as well as add lighting. does no one in the sims have a well lit home?
Next up, Simon's Room!
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Inside we have his lovely furniture, a double bed this time, an upgrade from his last room, which he shared with Fulbright, and didn't have room for two doubles. :(
It also has his writing corner, and an easel! he's writing still, but I think it would be neat if he had another hobby, just for fun! also, a space rock, just for fun. quick look at the missing wall, bookshelf and all.
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Next, Bobby's room!
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Bobby where are you going.
That's Simon's room, you have your own!
Bobby's odd choices aside, I think he'd be the kind to have a liiittle bit dated wallpaper, and not replace his computer (It's still good!) despite the fact that it is, in fact, Thena's old computer from when they lived in the dinky little starter home, and were not making several thousand a day.
It just feels right.
Lastly for the upper floor, work out room!
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Before they had a treadmill in Thena's room and a punching bag in her workroom, but no more! the original house just had a weird corner, so I turned it into a room!
The upstairs hall has some fossils in it, but isn't that interesting, so we'll have a quick look downstairs instead. Living room ahoy!
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Frankly, this space is a little too big, Ended up splitting it into two spaces. This is why I don't really like open floor plans, but in the last house it was really nice? maybe I'm just bad at space. here's a quick look at their last living room for comparison:
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Double living room and dining space, which I liked. If you guys have any advice for better using the space, let me know. Maybe add some rugs?
Speaking of dining rooms, quick look at their dining room and kitchen, nothing special!
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Mostly unchanged from the base, though I did bring the nice fridge and stove with. they didn't survive at least twelve kitchen fires to miss out on their unbreakable stove and fridge now. It is smaller then the last kitchen, but not enough so to be really notable. Maybe sometimes I'll extend the building, we'll see. I also added some clutter and things, since no base house in this game ever looks even vaguely lived in.
Oh, and the sculpture on the table bobby made! it was a wedding present for Thena and Junie.
One last living space, and then a quick look outside!
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That's Simon's pet fish, a Rainbow one lives in there! also Simon's print, from examining all of Junie's fossils. She has so many. Still looking for places for some of them. Maybe the bathroom? not sure. Kinda hate that they don't fit on any of the shelves. Any way to put them on top of the bookshelves? I feel like that'd be a great place.
Overlook at Junies Garden, and a quick peak at Metis's resting place, and then we're done!
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Yes, they did move that gravestone from the last house, and yeah, that has implications, but it's finnneee. No worries.
Thank you so much for reading this! here's a bonus ghost for your trouble, and goodnight!
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steel--fairy · 6 months
i want to ramble about characters so it is now kris time
under a cut because this got about 10x longer than i expected
kris here is daphnes older sister and daphne is my johto protag oc, though kris is still important. it's also important that they're both originally from sootopolis in hoenn and wallace's nieces.
so it took a while for beverly (and ex husband) to realize that kris had psychic powers similar to her little siblings. daphne and [redacted] both had very outward powers while kris' is very inwards.
whenever she rambled about people with strange names they chalked it up to imaginary friends. it was only once they realized 2 outta 3 had powers that they looked into kris and realized she did not have a small army of imaginary friends.
so, tangent. in my verse, the dream world is sort of the distortion world. its a part of the distortion world that human minds can reach and navigate, though not consciously. it's outside of normal space and time so those who can naturally reach it tend to get prophetic visions.
so kris' power is that she can see the past, and occasionally the future, in her dreams. she has no control over what she sees though she tries sooo hard to. the future flashes are also just that. flashes. she sees a flash of a scene and knows x will be at y at exactly 2 47pm, sunday march 30th 2028. and thats it. why are they there? how did they get there? why that spot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyways this gave kris a strong interest in history for obvious reasons. related to the sootopolis thing, she was close with her uncle wallace as he was very well versed in history and myths and was always happy to tell them to her. little kris wanted nothing more than to join her uncle as a guardian of the cave of origin
and then her family moved to johto.
kris was Not Happy. at all. she was 10 and had a whole life in hoenn. friends, a goal, she was even planning on going on a pokemon journey soon. for reasons related to [redacted], beverly was Very Opposed to the idea of kris staying in hoenn while beverly and daphne left for johto. she forced an angy kris to move there with them.
as a parting gift, wallace gave her a feebas egg (which got the attention of recently moved in to mew bark professor elm) and when it hatched, the second feebas was considered old enough to battle kris yeeted herself out of new bark town to tour johto.
(kris and beverly had argued basically the entire time in between. beverly was against her going out while kris had a insatiable curiosity. kris didn't give beverly any notice before she left. just went yea im going on a journey now and walked out the door)
johto was not hoenn but it was nice. in azalea town, kris met ethan (who's grandparents ran a daycare near goldenrod) and the two quickly bonded. they both had 'useless' starters (feebas and abra) and met after being made fun of by the same chump.
neither really had any goal. they wanted to travel and experience johto. and they did! they went all over johto and kanto together. they even managed to find and revive matching fossil pairs.
when they were 13, they met lyra, a rather suspicious but sweet girl who was into contests. since lyra had more of a concrete goal than them, they let her take the lead. after finding out that kris was from hoenn and had multiple famous coordinators in her family, they hopped on a boat to a new region! kris was delighted to finally have her hoenn journey! especially with such good friends!
by the time they returned home, they were 15ish. ethan had kept in touch with his grandparents, kris.... not so much. there was some yelling when she got home. especially about going to a different region. beverly hadnt even known about that until wallace called her like 'kris is in my house and eating all my food.' it took a few months for them to get into a good spot because both are very stubborn women. but they did, eventually, sort of make up.
but kris came out of her journey with 2 goals. 1, hone her powers so she can purposefully visit specific pts in time in her dreams and 2, find suicune.
the first was a natural step up from just enjoying her powers. she knew from studying with morty that it would be difficult if not impossible, but she could try. specifically, she wanted to learn how to bring back old, extinct evolutions. she had a stantler and she wanted to evolve it into a wyrdeer.
the second was because of a chance encounter. while in kanto, she ran into the legendary beast suicune. it let her get close and even pet its mane before seemingly realizing something and running away. eusine ran in not too long after and the two became rivals in searching for the beast.
to help with those goals, she interned under professor elm. her interest was history and extinct pokemon evolutions, but it was a good opportunity.
it did, eventually, help her get a position under professor rowan, the expert in pokemon evolution. she studied under him for several years (including during the whole team galactic fiasco lol) before branching off into her own thing.
her, ethan and lyra are a Unit (romantically? platonically? qpr? who knows! they think its funny to be so mysterious) so when Lyra managed to get a spot in the hoenn contest circuit the other 2 went with.
that was fine with kris. now she could fulfill her childhood goal and study under her uncle. having access to ancient sootopolitan texts was also a boon to honing her powers (the suicune thing had been resolved by then. celebi time travel stuff).
aaand thats about it! ^.^ yay kris!
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hospitalterrorizer · 8 months
tuesday - wednesday
long day cuz i went out, unexpectedly.
but going out ended up nice, i got free pizza from a nice british tourist woman, her family/group had one piece left and no one was hungry enough for it, and i was staring, and some other guy was looking to get it, and she saw me, and she gave it to me, so thank you woman, very much, for feeding me. otherwise, all i had eaten earlier in the day prior to that was french toast. a little later, just before the pizza, i had two fairly skinny chicken tenders. and to end the night i ate another sort of toast, honey toast, it was really insanely good. not to mention the hanging out was with people i really like being around, so that was nice, my gf, two of her colleagues, and strangely enough a friend i know all the way from highschool who has become involved with one of the colleagues, they're very cute as friends, a casual thing they want to keep, i really like them near eachother, though, i kind of want them to be best friends forever.
the start of the night where we hung out kind of was rough for me though because i was so tired + hungry, it was a rough time sort of, but worth it.
otherwise what did i do today, someone new messaged me on rym and i added them on discord. they seem nice, and like, not immediately combative and weird (one guy added me off rym and i told him i really like powerviolence like charles bronson and stuff, idk, guyana punchline, whatever, i talked about usurp synapse for like 3 blogposts str8 i think you know what i'm into (i say, to myself)) and he was like, saying that was so lame or whatever, and i was like, whatever, and then i said that the blood brothers have a lot to do with 70s punk imo and he started hating even more, it was so ridiculous and pointless.
i do think, truly, and stand by, the thought that the blood brothers walk up to early american punk rock and use some of its ideas, dig up the bones for new bodies, fossils made wrong, excessive shambles, glittering in the night. i would like to be in that vein, playing in the much and making what i please.
i should pick up the gary indiana book, gone tomorrow, again, like tomorrow, that's good, actually, i'm going to the laundromat tomorrow, so that will be so fun!! (lol). hopefully it won't be bad.
thinking about starting a goodreads. but who cares how many books i read. only me. and that's the only opinion that counts, and i can feel it whenever i want.
the opinion is, and always will be: not enough.
listening to this record. quite good noise rock no wave stuff, can't believe i've not heard about this band sorta, there's another song of theirs i heard that i can't seem to find on bc/slsk/ but can on yt, but i'd like to dl it if possible, this song is kinda amazing:
really recalls fad gadget w/ that synth sound and the white belt stuff i like simultaneously, really cool.
i also worked more on the one song, that's been giving a lot of trouble, i'm looking forward to listening to that tomorrow, and hopefully not being fixated on it, and getting onto the other 2 i need to fix up more, and then maybe there's another 2 that i think might present less difficulty, i really think with one the big thing will just be turning the vol on the right channel guitars down, and then w/ the other it's a combination of that and some stuff with the vocals. i also did realized today that i should just turn dithering off on export and wow, my gosh, it does make things sound a touch better i think. very excited about that, all the music might just end up sounding better now, and if not, it'd be easy to just re-export some songs with the pow-r3 dithering back on again, but that should not be necessary.
god i am sooo tired, so
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Behind the scenes with The Calling
[January 14, 2023]
So I speedran through The Calling [Haji’s old Randomized Platinum fic] and lemme just say how I really love how the gym battle system worked, the dancing and literal physical combat between the Pokémon and the literal trainers themselves
Pepe’s adorable, but that scene in Floaroma when he stops the grunts from the stealing the man’s honey with his creepily calm assertiveness was pretty badass to me, ngl, considering his reluctance to confront and fight
Even though it is old, the mystery surrounding certain locations is pretty good (Old Chateau, the Ravaged Path, that weird pool thing in the Oreburgh Mines) it’s cool to see someone’s interpretation of events different from my own
Also Pepe and Pearl’s relationship was very fun to read! The mystery of Napoleon’s disappearance really piqued my interest, and I was not really sure if he was his older brother in this interpretation (idk if they got separated from birth or something, or just simply not brothers at all) but it’s nice to see that Pearl still cares for him
Another thing that interested me was Pepe’s religious upbringing, with the fossils and all and being raised in some church, before moving to Twinleaf Town- I think it really gave his character good background and depth, which also ties into his peacemaking pacifist-like mindset
But anyways that’s all I have to say about Haji’s The Calling series, hope you don’t mind my rambling review @Haji
I don't mind at all! You're making me blush :AYAYA:
I really enjoy the battle system. I've been trying to study different dance styles to make each one unique in how it functions.
I would normally be all like "shhh spoilers" but considering the story hasn't had an update in like five years, it seems silly to ask you to wait. It's a separated at birth situation. Why though is because I play a lot with destiny in the TPP universe especially having a single timeline in a seemingly cyclonic world
Timeline wise as you may have noticed while reading, this is actually before original Platinum
oooh! Did not know that! :Begwan:
So I was right with the separated at birth theory!
Yeeeaaah.... [Pepe’s religious background] was one of the factors in my nervousness. At the time I preceded every Author Note basically going "Look, my lore is weird. Don't eat me" or something because I knew even if that's how it played in my head, I was scared of "going against the grain" with what everyone else was doing. Which mostly was Pepe the Frog memes and artistic snob portrayal
Personally, I felt that the artistic snob sort of personality didn’t mesh well with his shyness (in my opinion, it’s just a matter of taste), but I imagine that if he did paint, it would be out of a sort of therapy for his trauma under the voices and the crazy things he experienced in his life… or he just wanted to paint a cute Skitty because he has a weakness for cute things :Begwan:
Could go both ways, imo
Also, who was the girl during the blackout at the Ravaged Path?
I can see that. In fact, after Ultra events, I like to imagine he does a lot of art for that reason. Still trying to remember things and drawing out memories to make sense of it. His friends can remind him of things they recognize or talk to him about some of the more disturbing images
[The girl in the Ravaged Path] would be Mindy! The Candice replacement in this world. She was a Psychic Trainer and portrayed as a showman, but Fossil wise, I had her with Cover
Napoleon is mentioned by Pearl in the story, so I’m assuming they must have met when they were very young- where did Napoleon end up? And did Pepe learn that Napoleon was his older brother in the end, maybe after-game?
What if Pepe uses art snobism to cover his shyness. Like he's trying to appear..... Whatever the word is.. not-shy, but It just looks like snobism
Yeah that word!
Tryna pull of confidence but just being really jank about it
Given what people probably expect of him as Napoleon's brother, I can imagine him putting on that kind of face  at parties :Jebaited:
Napoleon went to stay with Aunt Grace and Richard while all this was going on. Honestly never knew he had a brother until after Ultra events. Which finding out after that just made him worse about the whole... Trying to murder Pepe multiple times while not himself thing. Pepe woke up at the villa after they got back home only to learn it's been months he's been in a coma (time shenanigans. He made sure Leo was able to wake up in the "canon" timeline in order to stop Cyrus but it seems in a weird way, Pepe took his place. Missed everything during the Bill Overlord events and was too injured to do the Unova stuff with Cly, but Leo knew he was okay enough to go with the other S1 hosts)
Pepe on the other hand found out about Napoleon during his journey, so he knew  about it WAY ahead of Leo but they still didn't meet for.... Some time??? Again, Pepe becoming a time traveler at the end of his run makes his lore in my timeline hilariously screwy
Oh yeah who was it that lost his head again? Was that pepe
Ahh thanks for the answers!!
Napoleon completely in the dark about it, lol
Did their mother separate them at birth?
Sort of. With Forrest's [Gardenia] backstory I was going to get more into the pre-RPlat / pre-Red war stuff that was going on when he was a kid. Gravund [Roark] and the boys would have been too little to remember but Forrest was a little younger than Pepe is now so he's got some scars from it. Basically the family got split up when fleeing the violence so Johanna has Leo with her and thought her husband and other son didn't make it. Pepe was taken to Hearthome like many other war orphans but while it wasn't separated at birth they were both around maybe one or two years old at most
And before you ask about their father, I had an idea and then I wasn't sure but I've been on the fence about things so let's just leave him as a giant question mark
Aw, that’s sad for them :BibleThump: the Quinnels never really got to bond as bros
Yeah... But things are peaceful for next several decades (next Sinnoh run wasn't until Gauntlet), so they've got time. Help out with the others when duty calls, but even many of the other hosts know they can go to Napoleon's palace to get away from things for a while. Cly's mansion is often a nice hang out but it also happens to be the gang's base of operations in secret so there's always some level of alert since Unova isn't as stable as Sinnoh is. (And besides, for Aaaaaall the trauma of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn seeming to be in a consistent state of peril, Sinnoh is lovingly close by for Leo and Pepe to give a sense of normalcy for the newbies)
Aww, a happy ending :Burrito2:
I love these two so much, but my gosh I feel bad for what I put them through. I feel bad for most of the hosts I wrote for, but good lord did these two need a happy ending
They def deserved it, they went through so much
[cough] can I tell you a secret? |D
yea sure
Even though I stopped writing it, this is the story that has never left my mind. I've actually continued working on it, but never posted and one of my goals is to continue at some point if I ever get my projects in order
Sometimes I'll just be watching a show or something and get reminders of the characters and how much I miss them
[Bonus: a mildly out-of-order side tangent from Haji’s comment about the TPP universe being cyclical]
In my headcanon, the TPP-verse is cyclical the same way the Zeldaverse is cyclical. All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.
Yup! Though why is always different in my books partially because the villains have different motives each time (and adds to why they think it would be any different this time because they're not like the last guy who did)
i vibe with the idea of the universe just breaking down and getting rebuilt over and over again, reality in smithereens and then being rebuilt from the ground up... or just completely coming up with entirely new plots while disregarding canon :Kappa:
my lore somehow manages to do both. frequently at the same time
you and i are like-minded :Keepo:
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