#everyone is scared of the guardian angel especially with his signature
polar-equinoxx · 1 year
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Somebody just suggested grounding Mav…
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knickynoo · 2 years
“Back to the Future”: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings on the (bonkers) novel by George Gipe. Pt 4
Parts: 1, 2, 3
Guess what? Posting another one of these today because I make the rules around here. Two-for-one special, everyone.
- After taking some time to enjoy the wonders of 1955 radio, Marty finally decides he should get moving and figure out how to get back to 1985. He wanders into town and to the cafe, where he tries to order his Tab and Pepsi Free, and Lou eventually brings him water and black coffee. We are told that Marty does not like his coffee black, and there's additional banter as he asks for Sweet 'n' Low and explains to a confused and impatient Lou that it's a calorie-free, artificial sweetener. And, as I've wondered in the past when watching the movie, I'm left curious as to if Marty's not wanting sugar is specific to this particular scenario--because he's already frazzled and sugar will make him jittery--or if he makes a point to avoid sugar in general for dietary or health reasons. I could see either one being true for this more mysterious book-Marty, but for movie-Marty I definitely lean towards the first theory. Especially seeing as, if movie-Marty is trying to limit his sugar intake, all of the sweets on his nightstand and shelf of his room tell me he isn't doing a very good job, lol.
- Marty tries to pay for his coffee with a 20-dollar bill, which makes Lou even more suspicious because what kid in 1955 is walking around with that kind of cash? Marty explains to Lou that he is, "a spoiled rich kid."
- When Biff is tormenting George in the cafe, he does deliver his, "What are you looking at, butthead?" line to Marty, which piques my interest since I've heard Tom Wilson has claimed to have added that little catchphrase on his own during filming. So either that isn't true or this book was in fact being put together while they were actively filming, and Biff's signature phrase was added in.
- Instead of just staring at George in wonderment and fear, Marty doesn't give a second thought to chatting away to his future father. Much like at dinner with his family, book-Marty doesn't shut up and tries to prove he knows George by doing the whole, I know your birthday and parents names, etc thing. One particularly interesting fact he drops is that George's father enlisted in WWI at 16, was sent to France, and then immediately sent back home upon his age being found out. George is understandably like ????? and Marty is having a blast messing with his dad's head, and then he tells George that he's his GUARDIAN ANGEL (book-Marty, why are you like this??)
- Marty goes to George's house, and he considers going inside but changes his mind out of fear of running into his grandmother. He's convinced she'll be able to "sense" who he is and it'll scare her. The book also makes mention that Marty was very close to his Grandma Sylvia, which is a lovely little detail. I've always wondered about Marty's relationship with his grandparents.
- After Sam Baines hits Marty with his car (we're told that Marty is crouched when it happens, and the fender hits his shoulder and head--ouch) the man kneels next to Marty and prays, "Please God, let him be all right. I can't afford to be sued." *gestures emphatically to Sam* Ladies and gents: Grandpa Baines! Would love to know more about this guy and his relationship with his grandchildren. Especially when it comes to him saying Marty is an idiot & his "You ever have a kid who acts that way, I'll disown you," line. Does Grandpa Baines soften up over time? Or is he just a difficult, critical kind of man overall, even when his own grandkids come along? Does 1985 Sam think his own grandson is an idiot?? (A thought which makes me sad)
- Mrs. Baines asks Marty how long he's been part of the circus, since his clothes are so funny. He's wearing green shoes and a t-shirt with a U.S. Patent Office facsimile. This:
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I mean...weird for '55, sure, but not exactly "You look like you're in the circus" worthy.
- Okay. So. We are getting a much better picture of Sam Baines in the book than we're able to in the movie. So far, he is noted as being "gruff", speaking "coldly", and he snaps at Lorraine after a comment she makes. And Stella Baines is said to have "rather sad" eyes. Which is all making me lean much more towards the headcanon that he's just not a very friendly man and probably not too warm of a grandfather.
- Also, once Sam rolls the TV over to the table so they can watch, we get this: "Mrs. Baines sighed wearily. About the only time she commanded attention was during dinner hour. Now Sam had found a way to take that away from her. But she was wise enough to know she couldn't fight it." :(((
I suppose I'll end there for now. This book is weird in many ways, but I'm so enjoying it as a companion to the movie. Seeing as everything in here was, at one point, in the script is adding lots of great layers to the BTTF universe.
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frENEMIES, pt.9 {Quarterback AU}
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Summary: Long overdue, Y/N and Grayson finally reunite.
Warnings: angst, fluff, indicating a spiked drink
Series Masterlist
"Being lonely and being alone are two entirely different things. One is imposed on you and one you choose. Yet somehow I found myself with a little bit of both.
Every year that went by and I watched new couples form and break up, I longed for a relationship of my own. It wasn't due to lack of trying, because I did try! However, for some unknown reason every guy I got close to would soon ghost me. And for a while I thought it was me, like I'm the reason why they all leave. Funny thing is, none of them were ever important to me - not like the cocky quarterback I felt drawn to despite him being able to raise my blood pressure dangerously high without even speaking.
In these years he had been flagged as a hothead, a bomb just waiting to go off and I had no idea why. Maybe he was just as misunderstood as me, because no matter how much we fight, in the end it always felt like he had my back.
It was something I learned when one of those frat parties turned into something more than I bargained for. All I remember is having a good time, dancing with a handsome stranger, then waking up in my bed with my quarterback sat by my side. I had a killer headache and parched mouth and as if he could read my mind, a glass of water was soon offered to me. Once I laid back, a little confused, I looked at him and the worry etched in every line of his beautiful face - no trace of the cocky guy I was used to.
He played with my hair until I fell asleep and ran his knuckles down my cheek so softly, tenderly, careful as if I were made of glass and he could break me. He told me everything will be fine and i should sleep some more, that I am safe and he won't go. 
I believed him.
I trusted him without restrain, and I knew...I knew he'd protect me. The line between love and hate had always been blurred with us and that night it didn't even exist.
I know what happened that night now. Not just that night but with every guy that thought I looked like a fun night and nothing more that you made sure would never hurt me.
Thank you for being my guardian angel, quarterback. I'll always remember that."
When Grayson showed up, seeing her engrossed in a daydream of sorts, her back turned to him, he still couldn't find a way to calm his heartbeat. She looked formidable from behind that desk, but it wasn't about how she looked at all but what she might do when she sees him.
He can tell her book had none of the bitterness he thought she felt for him. None of the hate. Nothing negative at all. Even his flaws were so artistically written that he came off like a good man.
Flaws. Grayson knew he was full of them. The scar between his eyebrows and the one on his chin. His coldness towards people. His ability to scare away anyone that looked at him, or her - especially her. His temper, his womanizing ways, his asthma and his dyslexia. 
However, that is usually only how deep people saw into him. But she? She saw him fully. She saw past all the nastiness that consumed and and saw what he truly was. Beautiful. Because what is a human being without flaws? She knew that the flaws make people who they are. They make everyone individual and their own person. That flaws make people interesting. And a human with flaws is a beautiful one. His flaws were the main reason she ever fell in love with him, and not some measly prince who has their whole life handed to them with a gold crown. She loved him, flaws and all.
The book was emotional, funny, filled with all the things he hoped she'd once say to him but never did. Had he known she truly felt so much for him, Grayson would have stopped at nothing until he made her his girl.
And now, looking at her with fear in his chest, he still opened his mouth - it was always faster than his mind.
When she turned around, he had never thought he'd hear the heavenly sound of his name upon her lips and what truly took him by surprise is the moment she put down her cup and leapt into his arms.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing him to hold her up so she doesn't end up hanging. He found his face stuffed with her hair, but he didn't mind the gentle reminder of her signature scent, it didn't change all those years.
In her embrace the world stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. There was something so warm, something that felt right, smelt right. She let her body sag, her muscles become loose. He gave her the respect of an equal, holding her a little stronger than it allowed her the freedom to breathe, but in that embrace she felt her worries loose their keen sting.
"Wow!" Letting him go way too soon for both their comfort, Y/N took a step backwards, her smile never leaving her face. "You look a lot bigger in person than you do on my TV!" She exclaimed and it didn't take long for Grayson to realize she watches his games.
"Fangirling over me? Watching my games? Are you sure you're really Y/N? I mean, you should watch what you say, someone might think you care." Chuckling, he puts his copy of the book on the desk as she rolls her eyes at him and he felt a lot more at ease once he’s seen her usual sign of frustration with him.
"Yes, asshole, I care about you." She didn't try to maneuver around it, admitting the truth shamelessly as he smiled at her candor, truly grateful he finally heard her say it and not in an audio version of the book.
Grabbing her by the hand, he pulled her into his chest swiftly enough to make her gasp, his smile bright as their eyes remain glued to each other, neither able to look away.  His eyes are so different, more soft than she knew eyes could be.
"That's better. It sounds more like you." He says quietly, just above a whisper as he wonders if she can tell his heart is nearly breaking his rib cage.
A moment later, her palm splayed against his chest feels just that, her eyes dropping to where her hand can feel every single erratic beat. Her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink and he knows she knows and he doesn't give a shit.
For the first time in forever, he can't find it in him to regret letting her know she has his heart in the palm of her hand - both figuratively and literally.
"Three years, huh?" He raises an eyebrow as her eyes flicker back up to his. Clearing her throat, she nods before tapping his chest and taking a step back.
"Yeah. You haven't changed much. Just the hair...and your arms got bigger!" She exclaims, chuckling nervously as she looks around to make sure they're still alone.
"Do you regret it?" Her voice is oddly quiet, her arms crossing over her chest as she let out a shuddered breath when his eyebrows furrow at her question.
"I don't know...everything?" Forcing a smile, she leans back on the desk behind her for support, afraid she might fall - literally and figuratively for Grayson. Her treacherous heart already felt like it could bleed itself dry just for one damn moment of pure happiness with him and it scared her more than anything.
But Grayson had to think, to understand why she’s asking him that. He likes that she wants to own her mistakes, but she needs to forgive herself too. Until she does that she'll never let him in to help her heal. And he wanted that - a second chance with her more than anything. He would give anything.
He was quiet for a moment, too long for her not to let her past insecurities flood her. Her chest felt like it would collapse under pressure and her face burned like hot lava, she opened her mouth to tell him to forget she ever asked but he started talking instead.
"Just because we never really worked back then doesn't mean I didn't love you. And it doesn't mean that I would ever regret having the privilege to know you. To just be around you. I regret being a coward. I could have done more because even then I knew I wanted you to be my endgame." And there wasn't a single pause in his answer, no trace of any sort of doubts. Grayson meant what he said and be felt it with all his being.
He wished he was more capable of being raw and vulnerable with her, to have made some changes to the way they communicated. Something that would have given her a chance to see he was besotted with her, not the playboy he portrayed himself as. Come to think of it, he'd trade everything, even football, just to have her. She was more important than he knew...until she was gone, he really had no clue.
And while she was still reeling from the word love he used in context of them being something more than just frenemies, she couldn’t help the glistening tears from filling her eyes.
"Yeah", with tears in her eyes she sniffles. "Me too. I wish I wasn't so wrapped up in my own fears. That I at least tried, you know? Maybe we would have been happy", rubbing her nose, she gives him a small smile. 
But when he takes a step closer, someone else enters the bookstore and she finds herself panicked, yet relieved when the person seems to vanish in the stalls instead of coming to her for an autograph.
"This isn't...uh...If someone would to see his together, they would figure it out.” People have been trying to figure out who the mysterious quarterback is for years and one person is enough for a media frenzy to start. 
“We should find a private place. Maybe my apartment?" She rambled as Grayson slowly closed the distance, his mischievous smile growing with every step.
"Let them figure it out. I don't give a shit." And before she had a chance to react, his lips found hers. Lips parted, she moaned against his as he pressed her closer to him and she submitted willingly, and he fucking loved it. 
They kissed without a care in the world, his arms around her tight as he kept her close, their mouths locked in a new kind of an argument, one against oxygen. They couldn't breathe, their kiss anything but gentle, relentless and passionate and filled with so many emotions they wanted to scream at the top of their lungs but neither could handle the thought of breaking the kiss.
Until it was broken by a voice Y/N didn't recognize, but Grayson sure as hell did.
"Grayson? Babe?"
Wiping her mouth, Y/N took a step back as her legs trembled, still overwhelmed by the electrifying chemistry between them that seemed to have burned through her sanity. She didn’t dare look away from him, catching the stunning beauty from the corner of her eye.
"Grayson, tell me this isn't what I think it is. Tell me and I’ll believe you." Y/N whispered barely, her voice laced with a desperate plea and a hint of disappointment she couldn't relieve.
"It's not." He starts, but the long legged blonde stepped beside him, staking her claim.
"Why the hell were you kissing my man?"
And that’s when Y/N truly got a good look at her incredible beauty, but also her very pregnant belly.
Tags: @livexdolan​​ @dreadingdaisies​​ @strangerliaa​​ @mendesficsxbombay​​ @beinscorpio​​ @peacedolantwins​​ @dolandolll​​ @idekxdolan​
PART 10 
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luhlust · 4 years
Lucky Charm A Kyo Sohma Fanfiction Part 2
Part 1
You crossed your arms at Kyo. “I’m going.” You stated staring deeply into his eyes. Apparently, Kyo is going out with Shigure today, where? Even he does not know which worried you even more. You don't really like getting separated from him, even if he ever labels you as bothersome (he never did though).
What if it happens to him too?
Kyo sighed, as much as he wanted to take you with him, Shigure said it was better if you didn't come. Just like you, he became accustomed to always having you tailing him wherever he go like a shadow. Kyo pat your head in attempt to calm you down. 
"Stay here (y/n), I won’t be gone too long, stupid.” You melted against his touch, it always comforted you whenever he pats your head. You really did dislike the thought of Kyo leaving , clingy yes you know, but Kyo knows why you're like this more than anyone do. "Fine...please be safe Kyo.”
You grabbed his hand and he tightened his grip around yours. “You worry too much geez.” Kyo blushed, looking away making you smile.
"What are you going to do without me." He flicked your forehead before heading out with Shigure. 
"Young love." Shigure teased, earning him a death glare from Kyo.
Your hands touched where Kyo had flicked you and sighed. "I wonder where Shigure is taking him? I want to go out too.” You said to yourself. 
“And where would you want to go?” Yuki chuckled upon seeing how flustered you were.
You were not expecting him to show up out of nowhere, well maybe if you had your eyesight you would have. He sat down next to you, tucking some of the loose strands of your hair behind your ears. 
"Don’t scare the blind Yuki.” You joked as Yuki started to brush your hair. Yuki seemed to notice how messy your hair looks.
He then offered, "May I fix your hair, (y/n)?” You nodded in response.
Yuki delicately stroke your hair, hoping it won't hurt you when he tries to get rid of the tangles. Other than Kyo, Yuki seemed to always look out for you too and you never knew why. "You know, you're kind of like my guardian angel." His eyes widened, that came out of the blue.
He then smiled as he tied your hair into a space bun. "Well, someone's got to keep an eye on you. You're troube-magnet."
"Trouble-magnet...I guess, I am one." Though Yuki never meant anything bad about it, you felt ashamed. You have always felt like a burden to the people around you especially to Kyo. Yuki seemed to have caught on your mood. "(y/n), I didn't mea-"
“Pretty...” You heard Tohru gasped. 
“Oh, Honda-san, what’s wrong?” Yuki questioned as Tohru smiled bashfully. “Lunch is ready.” She tugged on her apron making Yuki give her his signature princely-smile.
"How thoughtful of you, Honda-san." Yuki grabbed on your arm to aid you to the dinning room. "I can walk Yuki." You protested in which he ignored.
The sweet aroma of freshly-cooked meal lingered around the house. Even if you can't see what is served, your other senses know whatever is laid on the platter is divine.
Your sense of tongue did not fail to support this claim. "I haven't had anything this delicious in a while." Yuki is beyond shock to see how clean the kitchen is. "Me too. This feels like heaven." You complimented Tohru as well.
"Maybe, she's not as bad as I thought she'd be." You thought while continuing on eating. "Anyways, Shigure and that stupid cat hasn't come back yet. Where could they have gone?" You looked at the the time and saw 2 hours had passed.
Your hands began to tremble, several thoughts popped in your mind. "Could he have been hurt? Accident? God, please don't let anything happe-"
"(y/n), are you okay?" Tohru's questioned, interrupting your nasty thoughts. "I'm fine. What were we talking about?" You flashed them a grin, hoping they'd get the message to change the topic. "Oh, Sohma-kun's talked about his secret base! Have you been there?"
"Secret base? Isn't that just hi-"
"Shut up!" The door opened with Kyo and Shigure arguing around the table. You heart leaped upon seeing him. "I'm through with this!" Kyo exclaimed in annoyance.
"Kyo, have you eaten?" You stood up. "I'm not fucking hungry!" He yelled at you before going up to his room. "Don't take it on (y/n)! And take your shoes off!" Shigure took of his tie and you immediately sat beside him to know what happened.
He pinched your cheek, "I just tricked him in taking a test to transfer schools. Oh, good news, you'll no longer be homeschooled as well. You will be attending to Yuki and Tohru's school now." Is your ears decieving you? You're allowed to go to school now?! You grabbed Shigure's shoulder.
"Really?! B-But why?" You were not allowed to go out in public unless Kyo is with you and it's not a long-term thing. As much as possible, Akito wanted you to stay indoors. "Akito said it would be good for you, (y/n)." You suddenly became teary-eyed.
You sniffled and tried to contain your tears as you stood up abruptly and went to Kyo.
Yuki began to be more skeptical when he heard Akito's name being brought up. "What could he be planning this time..." He looked at you doing your best to not fall of the stairs and then to Tohru eating with bliss.
Yuki would be more cautious from now on.
"I did it." You felt proud, making your way to Kyo's room. You know he's expecting you so the door was not lock so you casually opened the door, "Kyo?" Kyo was on the floor so he pulled you down. Seeing your smile, he assumed Shigure already told you about the new arrangements.
"You know?" He looked at you and you nodded. "I hate this. Why do I have to do this? It's not like going to school is going to help me." You let him complain, waiting for him to cool down his mind. "Then, you can skip school." You suggested and he gritted his teeth.
"And leave you there? Not a chance. As much as I hate crowds or public places, I don't want a certain idiot be falling on stairs or getting hit by people." You can't help but smile. "You're such a dork, Kyo." You rested your head against his shoulder.
He flinched and stammered,"S-Shut up."
Silence filled the room, not that it mattered.
It wasn't the kind of silence in which you coupd feel the tension nor awkwardness, it just felt natural. Closing your eyes, you let yourself dozed off.
Hey Kyo, I can always count on you right?
I'm sorry Kyo.
The sound of an alarm woke you up making you feel a little groggy. You were in a bed apparently making you a little confused. "Nice hair, geek." Kyo teased before helping you get up.
"Sorry for falling asleep in your room. Excuse me~"' You yawned as you continued to feel your way to the bathroom to get yourself ready for your very first day in a school. After putting on some clothes, you went to the room next to yours.
"Yuki? Can you fix my hair?" You said, excitement was evident in not only your voice but your entire persona as well. "Why of course, come, it is your first day." The prince brushed your hair and did his best to tie your hair into a bun letting a few baby hair frame your face.
"Wait, I got something that would match you." You felt him placing 2 hair pins on both side of your hair. "Perfect, you will definitely grab everyone's attention now princess." Yuki let you feel around your hair.
"As if the way I walk around is not a head turner already. Thankyou Yuki~" You hugged him, catching him off guard. He then heard your stomach growling and the both of you laughed in response.
"Let's get some breakfast, Honda-san said she has prepared it already." After going down and having your breakfast with an ever-so complaining Kyo, all four of you began to walk to school.
Your excitement grew with each step, making you a little bit more clumsy than usual and of course, Kyo annoyed you by constantly saying you're a klutz and you'll just stick your tongue out.
But alas, you really can't have everything in this world as you have learned you are not in the same class as the three.
"That can't be right!" Kyo gritted his teeth, he could almost rip their schedule in half. "Calm down, stupid cat. You're just attracting more unnecessary attention." Yuki said in deadpanned voice. Internally shaking his head and cursing he faced you and placed his hands on your shoulder.
"Don't worry (y/n), this is just temporary. I'll have a talk to the teachers about it." What Yuki said somehow did comforted you but the fear and the anxiety is still high. You clenched your first, you did not want to trouble any of them longer so you put on a big smile.
"I just got to suck this up." You thought.
"It's okay guys, you act like I'm some kind of a helpless PWD. I can manage this." The three looked at you before sighing once more. "I'll escort you to your room then. Honda-san, please go on ahead." Kyo refused. "Why are you the one to escort her?! I can escort her myself, damned rat." Yuki scoffed. "And, do you know where it is? Just step on your tail and go to class." Before the tension between the two grow more than anyone can handle, you grabbed the both with their ears.
They both yelped and pain as you released their ears.
"I'll be fine. See you when I see you Kyo and Tohru too!" Tohrus smiled. "I'll come and get you when it's lunch time, (y/n)!" You then cling on to Yuki before waving goodbye to Kyo.
You can't shake off the feeling that the two of you are being stared as you walk down the hall. "You can skip school for today you know. Or for the rest of the days until I'm able to change your room assignment." You shaked your head at his bad suggestion.
"You're going to make me have a bad reputation, prince." Yuki coughed, face red from embarrassment. Hearing you say his...alias is something else. Yuki stopped in his tracks, you were already infront of your classroom. "Do you need help to get to your seat?" He was really hesitant to leave you here when he can feel all the stares are on you. "I can manage, thankyou, Yuki. I owe you lots now!" You beamed like a child, Yuki pushed your hair away from your face out if habit.
"Have a nice day, (y/n)." He watched you take a seat somewhere at the front.
The bell rang and Yuki went on his way to his class mentally thinking, "She'll be alright."
No one knew the confused stares that you're getting had a hint of hatred.
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1ooo-w0rds · 6 years
we met on ocean avenue pt 3
A/N: September fic. The lack of Leo is making me sad. Instead we have Hazel, Drew and Tristan to keep Piper company. Left on a bit of a cliff hanger. @dancer-dramatic-13 any edits for this chapter? 
Part: one. two.
Hazel, 4:50pm: Where are you? My mom and I are here.
Piper, 5:10pm: omw. Forgot how horrible LA traffic is.
Hazel, 5:12pm: You Texans and your big roads.
Piper, 5:13pm: Hey, everything's bigger in Texas.
Piper: And I'm not scared of dying on the road with your crazy drivers.
Hazel, 5:15pm: Pssh, our drivers are just fine. We've honed our reflexes.
Piper, 5:16pm: And endanger everyone else on the road.
Hazel, 5:17pm: No one's dead.
Piper, 5:17: Yet.
Piper giggled as Hazel sent her a string of emojis with a lot of eyerolls, glares and angry faces. Tristan's eyes met hers in the rear view mirror as he turned off of the busy highway. Jackie, his PA, sat comfortably in the passenger seat, tapping on her phone. Piper always found it odd how her dad enjoyed driving, especially with the horrible LA traffic. Jackie laughed when she started working for Tristan, not used to being chauffeured by her boss.
"It's one of the few things he can control." Jackie told Piper once as they watched Tristan get fussed over in the makeup chair. Wardrobe held up a shirt, frowning before tossing it into the pile. Tristan was all smiles, the ever charming actor. Jackie hugged her phone to her chest. "We all need that one thing we alone can control. For him, it's driving."
"When is it acceptable to leave a cast party?" Piper held her phone to her lips to hide her grin at Tristan's comment.
"Whatever you're thinking, it's too soon." Jackie answered without looking up from her phone. Tristan sighed dramatically like a teenager. Unfazed, Jackie reached out and patted Tristan's arm. "Don't worry, sir, it's only the main cast, a good number of the crew and their family. No paparazzi or media. Dawn booked the place underneath her family name. No one suspects a thing."
"Unless they're following little McMeme. Our own paparazzi." Tristan said as he nodded back to his daughter. Piper shrugged in response. Her live tweets about Huntington Hospital cast-related parties and insider events were hilarious. They were her most popular, drawing in fans young and old of the show. She made sure to highlight different actors and actresses and even people in the crew.
"Dad, you know my tweets are what makes Huntington Hospital so popular." Piper said with a smug grin. "We can't stop this tradition now. I'm in too deep."
"You should be happy it's only her, Tristan." Jackie reassured before they discussed details about a charity event. Piper blocked out the business chat as she tried to get a good angle for her pre-party selfie.
Piper McLean, PiperMcMeme: To the cast party! #HuntingtonHospital #Insider #LATraffic #SayYesToThisDress?
Esmeralda Valdez MamaValdez: Aw sweetie that's adorable! I love the jacket!
Piper smiled reading Mama Valdez' reply to her post, as a notification popped up. Hazel had messaged her again.
Hazel, 5:25: I'm going to scout out an area for us to hide when things get out of hand.
Hazel, 5:26: Let's hope it's not a repeat of 2012 again.
Piper, 5:28: I hope not. I still can't believe that Valentina cracked that glass over Laurel's head.
Hazel, 5:29: The sound of the crack was surprisingly satisfying to hear.
Piper, 5:30: Hazel!
Piper sighed as she turned to look out the window. The long rows of palm trees against the clear blue sky zoomed by. Tour buses full of tourists inched by as they tried to merge in. She could hear the speaker as they pointed out famous landmarks and studios while telling stories of the rich and famous. Piper hugged her phone to her chest, missing the quietness of her small town. Time moved too quickly in this city. She could barely take a moment to breathe. Her phone buzzed against her chest and she looked down.
Grandpa Tom: Little dove, how's the city of stars? Is your father well?
Piper's heart squeezed at the pet name of grandpa gave her. Grandpa Tom was her paternal grandfather and when she's home in League City, her guardian. She taught him to text recently, amazed by how quickly he caught on. Piper nibbled her lower lip as her hands shook a bit.
As amazing as Grandpa Tom is, Piper still worried about his health. The air in Los Angeles is harsh which is why Tristan is hesitant to relocate Grandpa Tom. He always had lung problems for his entire life. Neither modern or traditional Cherokee medicine had any effects. But being away from his father and daughter for so long is having an affect on Tristan and his work. Thankfully, Esmeralda "Mama" Valdez offered to keep an eye on the two to ease Tristan's mind.
"You're practically family." Esmeralda said when Tristan tried to offer her money. "I would be doing this even if you were here, Tristan. Stop being a stiff." Piper grinned at the memory as she typed out her response.
Piper: Jackie is keeping him clean, fed and employed. Which Hollywood star would you like a picture of this time?
Grandpa Tom: Surprise me, dove. Mama Valdez is here to watch Wheel of Fortune with me. Love you. He added a pair of kiss-y and winky emojis. 
"Oh and apparently he's showing up today at the party." Piper blinked as she caught the tail end of Jackie's words right as they pulled into the valet parking. Tristan turned and faced his assistant with wide eyes. Jackie grinned back. "Surprised?"
"Didn't he just fly in?" Tristan asked as the valet opened his door. Piper cranked her neck, trying to follow the conversation but Jackie stepped out. Tristan moved to hand his keys over, still whispering to his assisstant about this mysterious person. Piper frowned, unable to catch any words as she smoothed down the folds of her dress. "Who told him to come? He should be resting."
"He probably wants to make a good impression." Jackie replied as she looked over Tristan one more time. The redhead sighed and shook her head before stepping into Tristan's personal bubble, patting the creases out of his polo. Like she could sense his glare, Jackie looked up. "Don't shoot the messenger, Tristan. That's just what Amie told me. It could just be rumors."
"Sure." Tristan murmured back as she stepped away, satisfied with his appearance. "Come on, Piper."
"Coming." Piper said as she quickly typed up her tweet.
Piper McLean, PiperMcMeme: Scoop! Looks like there might be a new face on #HuntingtonHospital #WhoCouldItBe?
Jackie tutted but smiled knowing as Piper slide her phone back into her pocket. Piper shrugged. Jackie shouldn't know better then to talk about business in front of Piper. The redhead shook her head fondly before wandering over to where the other PAs were gathering.
The party was in full swing when Tristain and Piper stepped in. The large pool had kids splashing as their parents chatted. Huntington Hospital is a close-knit group of stars. "Tristan!" Alyssa, Tristan's co-star, called out as she held her hands open accepting his hug. They chatted happily as she pulled Tristan to where everyone else was gathered. Her father gave Piper a 'save me' look which she smiled and waved goodbye to.
Piper leaned against the stone railing, looking around the pool for a familiar head of cinnamon brown. "Hazel!" Piper screamed when she noticed her with a beach ball tossing to the other kids. Piper rushed down the stairs, ignoring the warning calls from the adults. She nearly tackled the fourteen year old as she hugged her tightly. Hazel laughed as she returned the hug. "Look at you! That romper is so cute!" She gushed as she held Hazel arm's length.
Hazel was a petite thing with gleeful golden eyes and an easy smile. Her beautiful hair curled in tight ringlets. The baby blue of the romper accented her dark skin perfectly. A simple silver necklace sat at the base of her neck. She had some paint splattered on her arm, probably from painting. Her mother works on special effects for the show. It involves a lot of fake blood.
"Ah, Piper! What about you?" Hazel screamed back as she clenched her arms.
"Yes, looks like little McLean can look nice." Piper cringed at the sound of the sultry voice and backhanded compliment. She turned slowly and tried not to glare as one of the stylists of Huntington Hospital approached them. Drew Tanaka has always been a thorn in Piper's side. The older girl looked stunning in her maxi dress that highlighted her long legs and womanly curves. Her black hair fell artfully over her left shoulder in soft curls. Her signature golden bands clicked together on her wrist as she reached for the sleeve of Piper's dress. "I recognized this dress. You're follow my blog?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Piper denied as she crossed her arms, unwilling to admit it was one of Drew's recommendation for the summer. Aside from being one of the youngest stylist on the crew, Drew ran a successful fashion blog. She featured a number of new styles, makeup tutorials and general tips for all body types. She gain a lot of fame, explaining clothing choices for the characters of the show and her own personal projects.
"Of course you don't." Drew replied before turning to Hazel and complimenting her on her outfit. Hazel did a little spin at her request. Piper frowned, not sure how Drew and Hazel were friends. While Hazel is the sweetest person you've ever met, Drew knows exactly what to say to bring your mood down. She constantly rubbed Piper the wrong way.
"Drew," Hazel asked as the girls finished pleasantries, "you're not usually at the season opening party. You always complained how it's the same old faces." Piper sipped her mocktail as she settled at the edge of the pool, dipping her feet in the cool water. Hazel and Drew sat on a beach chair right behind her. Children of the cast laughed as they ran around, playing with pool toys. Tristan stood with his co-star as someone showed them a video of their son.
"Amie said I should be here." Drew started as she stirred her drink. "Apparently there's an upstart who's joining the cast this season. They want me to keep an eye on him, style his character and help navigate LA and Hollywood. What a pain." Drew shook her head. Again, another mention of a new star. "He's about your age, Piper. Instagram famous to boot."
"Yeah? What's his handle?" Piper asked.
"JASON!" Everyone seemed to jump at the booming voice of the director as he opened his arms, greeting the young man who just entered the patio area. A pair of dark sunglasses covered his eyes. He wore a light blue short sleeve paired with a nice pair of shorts. He lifted his sunglasses as the director pulled him into a hug, laughing as the man patted his back. Piper felt her heart thump in her chest as she connected the dots. BlondSuperman aka Jason Grace was here in all his glory.
"Well," Drew murmured as she pushed her sunglasses up to sit atop of her hair. "He's not a hopeless case."
Piper's hand shook as she took her phone out, trying to get the camera open. Jason shook her dad's hand, laughing a bit as Alyssa pinched his cheeks. She can't post this on Twitter, it's too big of a scoop and Huntington Hospital's marketing group would hound her for days. Pulling out her personal Tumblr, Piper typed out a post.
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Jason fucking Grace, hottie of the year, just walked into the pool area I'm at. I'm trying not to freak out and fall into this pool. He's soo hot. No one is allowed to be that hot.
#WhatIsGoingOn? #HolyHell #ThisCanNotBeHappening? #DidISayHeWasHot #FuckI'mNotTaggingHim
Once Piper's heart stopped pounding in her chest and she posted, a little bubble popped up in her notifications. A message popped in her inbox.
Anonymous: Do you still do For the Vine? I dare you to ask out Jason Grace and post it on Twitter.
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pcyxiukai · 7 years
Ethereal (2)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Description: “Don’t worry. I just want to play.”
Notes for update: 50
Warnings: violence in future parts
Pairing: Kim Jongin x Reader
Mobile Masterlist | Twitter
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Jongin lived across the street from you. The sun had set long ago and you sat on your porch on the bench, your arms crossed over your chest and your coffee getting colder the longer you didn’t drink it. Kim Jongin was a mystery to you, and you were determined to find out what his secret was, if he had one.
He had to have one. There’s no way he didn’t have one. His name fit him too perfectly and the marks on his back that you had seen weren’t something just everyone had. You’d only seen it once before in your life.
When your father passed away, you were a young girl. You’d barely turned six but you remembered those scorched marks on the back of someone, but you couldn’t remember who it was. They weren’t exactly scorch marks either. They were like beautiful, white wings the spread across the span of the room.
All you remembered about the man was that he had dark, tanned skin and even darker eyes as he looked at you. After that day, it seemed as if you got special protection from everything. Every once in awhile you would feel another presence with you, even when nobody was there.
The feeling was serene. You felt safe.
There was no reason for you to be sitting outside of your house, watching Jongin’s closely. Would he call you out for it? Could he see you? Your thoughts travelled back to the image of white wings. You’d believed that from that day on you had a guardian angel.
Your mom had passed away during the birth of your little sister when you were two years old, and you didn’t remember much of her. Your younger sister had gone to live with your aunt and uncle despite your offers of living with you. Maybe there was a reason, but you just didn’t care.
You were distracted from your thoughts when a bright blue light cascaded from one of Jongin’s windows. You heard a loud crashing sound from within and you dropped your coffee cup, hearing it shatter against your porch.
You heard loud voices and you immediately jumped up. You had to help your neighbor, right? He was being attacked in his own home. As you stood though, the sounds stopped and the blue light faded away. The sound of glass shattering made you gasp. You watched as someone was thrown from the man’s window.
You were terrified now. You ran into your house and locked the door, pressing your back against it. What had you just witnessed? You didn’t have time to question anything. You erased from your mind and decided to try and go to sleep. You had work in the morning and you couldn’t afford to lose your hours.
When you woke up the next morning, you were sure what you had witnessed was just a dream. It had to be, otherwise there would’ve been police cars and all of that late at night, prohibiting you from sleeping.
It had been a week since you first talked to Jongin and he checked out the book on fallen angels. You never would’ve guessed that someone like him would be into angels, despite actually looking like one himself. You couldn’t help but see him when he walked out of his house in the mornings, looking sharp and clean for what you presumed was work.
You heard the signature ding from the door opening and you turned around immediately, almost scared that whoever it was, was there to kill you. You were irrational, but at least you were careful. You sighed in some type of relief when you saw Jongin. He was smiling at you, like he enjoyed the reaction he got from you.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” The humor laced in his voice made it impossible to be mad at him. He held up the book in his hand. “I came to return this.”
“Oh, yeah.” You nodded. “Come with me.” He immediately followed you and waited behind the counter while you settled your stuff down. You turned to the computer and he handed you the book. You scanned it, making sure the machine knew that it was back in the library.
“You’re - nevermind.” He cut himself off, shaking his head. You raised your eyebrows at him.
“I’m what?”
“It’s out of line.” He told you. “I just got distracted. You’re really pretty.” You felt your cheeks heat up and you couldn’t even believe he’d said that to you. You, he found you, pretty?
“Oh, um,” You were sure you were bright red. “Thank you. I think you’re pretty too.” He laughed, shaking his head before taking his bottom lip between his teeth.
“So, what kind of book should I check out next?” He asked you. “I need more excuses to come see you.” For some reason, this was really happening to you. This incredibly attractive man was making excuses to come see you. He knew the two of you were neighbors, right?
“Oh, uh, we have a really good...historical section.” You cleared your throat awkwardly. “I don’t choose which books we have so...they’re all kind of lame.” You shrugged. You heard his laugh again and your heart nearly melted.
“Historical section, huh?” He was teasing you now. “Where is it? I’ll go check it out.” You stepped away from the counter and you grabbed his arm, surprising the both of you as you pulled him towards the history section. You could damn well feel his muscles under his shirt. This man was not real. There was no way he was.
“Okay, so it’s in order from author but also time period. What are you interested in?” You asked him.
“You.” He replied, making your head shoot up to look into his eyes.
“S-sorry?” You raised your eyebrow.
“You asked what I’m interested in. I don’t like history. I like you.” His voice was very calm and you swallowed hard. Your heart was about to beat hard in your chest. This had to be a joke. You rarely had anyone interested in you, especially people like Jongin…you hesitated.
“Jongin, are you positive -” The lights around the two of your erupted into sparks and your sentence was cut off by a scream. Jongin’s arms wrapped around you as he shielded you from the hot sparks that cascaded down onto the floor. Even the windows weren’t allowing light through, despite the sunrise being only minutes ago. Jongin didn’t let you go as he looked around.
You heard a loud sound, like a crack, and then there was another man in front of the two of you. Jongin kept you behind him. The man had raven black hair, the entirety of eyes a black abyss. He had round cheeks but he looked far from nice and pleasant. He terrified you.
“Run.” Jongin breathed. You were frozen and you felt him shove you towards the back entrance. “Fucking run!” The urgency in his voice was what made your feet move.
“Don’t worry.” The other man with the black eyes said, monotonously as his face broke into a smirk. “I just want to play.”
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