#exodus skipper
exodus-au · 3 months
Introducing the Links
Hylia's chosen - Crimson wave of the great expanse
SS - (Crimson breath of the celestial sphere) Sky
OOT/MM Link - Chronus
Twilight Princess - Twilight
LOZ 1/2 - Sprite
BOTW - Fen
MC/FS - Smithy
HW - Skipper
WW/PH/ST - Tempest
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
3 and 5?
3. Which character is the hardest to write for?
Right now I'm gonna say Fen (BOTW link), im kinda of flip-flopping with how I want him to act around the others. In some ways I love the I'm angry at everyone but I also like the oh man, these people have helped me out I'm gonna be a good sport about it
5. Do any of the Links have Full Names?
They do! Most of them do actually
Skipper (HW) - Admiral Link of the 10th crystal core. Sky (SKSW)- Crimson breath of the celestial sphere (Hylia's chosen) - Crimson wave of the great expanse Chronus (OOT/MM) - Link 'Chronus' Lon Sprite(LOZ1/2) - *Is just sprite* Fen (BOTW)- *He dosent know his full name* Tempest (WW/PH/ST)- Link 'Tempest' Lineset. Saga (OOS/OOA/LTTP/LA)- *Is just saga* Twilight (TP)- Link 'Vald' Lon Smithy (MC/FS)- Link Bontari Smith.
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aus-wnt · 4 years
As the European exodus grows, so does concern for the W-League
Sydney Morning Herald By Vince Rugari
Emily Gielnik wouldn't change a thing. It has been, by the Matildas winger's own admission, a "rough" ride so far at her new club Bayern Munich, for whom she signed in August last year.
First off, Germany is freezing cold in winter - a reality that shocks most Australians to their core when they move abroad. There's also the language barrier. And the vastly different style of play compared to the W-League, which takes time to come to grips with.
Then there's the competition. Getting a contract with one of the world's biggest clubs is one thing - actually getting on the park is an entirely different challenge.
"We've got over 20 national team players, so you've got players every week missing out and not even making the bench," Gielnik said.
"It does push you at training - you can never take your foot off the pedal because someone is more than ready to take your spot. It's a never-ending battle ... but I want to live up to it."
Every deluge begins with a few raindrops. If Gielnik's move was part of the first trickle, then a flood of players have followed her to the emerging new power base of the women's game.
There are now close to a dozen Australian internationals who have recently made the leap from the W-League to Europe, including skipper Sam Kerr (Chelsea), Caitlin Foord (Arsenal), Hayley Raso (Everton) and Lisa De Vanna (Fiorentina). The ones who haven't are trying to figure out how they can.
"I knew it was a matter of time," Gielnik said. "I have no doubt there will be many more."
It's good news for the Matildas, who will benefit as a team from exposing players to the best possible standard of competition on a weekly basis.
But it spells imminent danger for the W-League as a product - especially now that even young prospects like 16-year-old Mary Fowler, who is poised to sign for Montpellier in France, are following suit.
Fowler's roommate at last year's World Cup, Karly Roestbakken, also has a transfer to Europe in the offing. She won't say where just yet, but the 19-year-old now has a Norwegian passport, which has made the process a lot easier.
For her, leaving Canberra United was a no-brainer, and Matildas coaches and teammates told her it was the right thing to do for her development.
"I went to the World Cup and I know the standard I have to be at," Roestbakken said. "I need to take the next step, I need to go overseas.
"The W-League, it's not really a professional environment - they're trying to make it as professional as they can, in the few months it's being held in, but it's not a full home-and-away fixture. Going over to Europe, the season will be double the length."
If the W-League can't hold onto its stars, and also can't hold onto its best young players, what can it hold onto? It's an uncomfortable question for administrators, who are putting their faith in a partnership with the US-based NWSL to provide an answer.
Raso, who has left Brisbane Roar and will link up with Everton after next week's Olympic qualifiers, desperately hopes the W-League will match the improving conditions in Europe.
"Obviously for all of us girls, it's where we've grown up, it's where we've played. We enjoy playing here in Australia in front of our families and friends," Raso said.
"It's still a competitive league, and it's a good pathway for young local Australians ... but I think there is still a little bit of a shift that needs to happen. If we could just get that little boost in the W-League, it could change the game."
But the appeal of Europe is obvious, and perhaps impossible for Australia to ever match. It goes far beyond the better pay, longer season and higher standard. It's the immersive football experience.
The perks for Gielnik at Bayern Munich, for instance, include VIP tickets to men's Bundesliga and UEFA Champions League matches, and a world-class training base.
"I don't know if I'll ever in my career be at a facility like it," she said. "Munich's such a big city. It's a different vibe. When it's game day, you know it, because there's not one person who's not wearing a red jersey. I'm proud to be Australian but it's a shame to see how far we are off being that footballing nation.
"I live and breathe it over there. Usually as a footballer you like a bit of a break but if we're not playing football, we're watching football, we're sitting around eating and talking about football."
Players have made it clear what they want from the W-League. Gielnik has given up waiting.
"As players, we've been begging for that for years - longer league, more teams, more money," she said.
"It is a shame. I don't see it happening. There's been so many talks that it could happen all these years and it hasn't. I'm sure there's a lot of factors as to why they can't make those things happen and maybe we will suffer because of it.
"I'm worried to a degree, but I like to see the light in every situation. With those big names gone, there's room for other names to come through. But I would love to see the W-League one day have its own, standalone, six to eight-month season. That would be the dream."
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queennicoleinboots · 3 years
Bears, Eat Your Heart Out! Chrissy, The Baby Girl with Many Glorious Titles Is Trying To Arrive. Apparently, So Is Everyone Else.
Written by: Xara Nahara Campinelli
Proofread, Edited, and Examined Several Times by: Chrissy, The Baby Girl with Many Glorious Titles
Part 1: Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets Attempts to Address Everyone.
As Megara Ice, Abigail Ice, Kissy, Miss Oreo, and I scurried out of my house, the spaceship from the United Kingdom was making an abrupt landing to the left of the giant spaceship the bears arrived in. A leg of the spaceship from the United Kingdom was touching the wing of the giant spaceship because there was no other place to land. (And even if there were, Mayor Mr. Bill told everyone to land immediately, so they had to land there.)
The large door of the spaceship from the United Kingdom opened dramatically, and a royal red carpet splattered out in front of most of us. A few bears looked puzzled behind the ship as Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets walked dramatically outside of it and stood to address us.
Kiel the Frog croaked to greet him. Duke and Riley Ice barked five times in unison to greet him. Maxwell Ice had to bark 10 times to match the song Duke and Riley Ice were barking.
"Thank you, great frog and great dogs," Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets spoke. "And thank you all for letting us land, but with the current announcement, I don't believe you had much choice."
A few bears chuckled.
All of a sudden, a giant man wearing a black, gray, white, and silver spandex suit that was a cross between Captain America and Superman was holding his big house over his head and flying down from the sky. He had a silver "S" across his chest and had a shield with a silver star in a white circle on the back of it. He had red hair, a full beard, green eyes, and muscles. "Ahhhhh.... it's so hard to land anywhere! The fuck is going on?!" the giant man asked in his naturally loud voice as he was still holding his house above his head upon landing.
"Oh I know, Captain Slammer! We were in orbit for ages before Mayor Mr. Bill commanded us to land!" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets said dramatically.
Yes. That 12-foot-man was indeed Captain Slammer.
"It's crazy. It's bullshit. My brother, Captain Mechanic is buying land from the guy who owns Chipotle Mexican Grill so I can finally put my house somewhere. This is bullshit. And I DOUBT it's Earth's fault. I just couldn't stay there anymore because it's fucked. It's FUCKED!" Captain Slammer's booming voice naturally shouted.
Captain Slammer is a great superhero. He travels throughout time. He has helped restore balance to the universe. Joebear and I used to read his comics when we were younger. But he has a really loud voice. And it's giving me a headache.
"I'm well aware. Now if you excuse me, I need to address the people," Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets said.
Several wolf pups yelped inside the United Kingdom spaceship.
"OH WILL YOU BE QUIET!? YOU HAVE BEEN BARKING FOR HOURS! I CAN'T BEAR IT ANY LONGER!" Chrissy, Baby Wolf Mama shouted to her pups in her sharp yet pleasant English voice.
The yelps were silenced.
"THANK YOU!" Chrissy, Baby Wolf Mama said joyfully.
"We have arrived in hopes of finding a better life than we could have ever on the burning rock called Earth," Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets spoke.
"Yes," Captain Slammer said to affirm Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets's statement.
The bears, goats, and the wolves inside the ship howled to affirm his statement.
"We wish to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to everyone. We are working with the reasonable powers that be to make this life workable for all!" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets spoke.
The bears, goats, and the wolves inside the ship howled to affirm his statement. Count Vanilla growled nine times while his head was out of his freezer.
"Thank you, Count Vanilla. Your affirmation means more to me than you know," Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets said.
Count Vanilla growled proudly nine times as he crawled out of the freezer and approached Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets.
Part 2: Two bears and two hamsters arrive in a small black spaceship that looked similar to Batman's automobile.
A black small spaceship that looked like the batmobile quickly flew in from space and decided to land on my house. Who the fuck did these people think they were?
A brownish gray female bear, a light orange male bear, and two chestnut giant hamsters crawled out of the batmobile and climbed down off my roof.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Joebear shouted with a menacing growl.
All four creatures froze and stared at Joebear with eyes that were ready to fall out of their heads.
"Oh my God we're sorry! There is literally no other place to land! Every legal landing spot has been taken!" the orange male bear shouted down in a shaky voice as his periwinkle eyes were hanging onto his skull through their optic nerves. He had goggly googly goofy eyes. My husbear had that effect on other bears some times. "Under any other circumstance, we would never even think about landing on someone's house! We absolutely HAD to land here!"
"All right. What are you doing here?" Joebear asked as he stared at them with his dark brown eyes.
"We are looking for Bruce Balalalalalalalalalas. Crazy last name, I know. It's French for 'banana split made with crack cocaine and vanilla ice cream.' I'm his father, Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas, sort of like from Gilligan's Island when it was still being erected from tectonic plate activity on Earth. I'm THAT OLD... sorry. I'm an interdimensional-" the light orange bear started to say.
The female brownish gray bear growled fiercely with sharp teeth and almost shook my house. She shot eye lasers at Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas.
"Gee! Gloria! I'm getting to the point. Excuse me! Gloria! Those eye lasers are giving me third-degree burns!" Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas said with a growl before he spoke again. "Anyway, Gloria, Johnnio, Kavana, and I came to deliver Bruce's items that he was forced to leave during the Mass Bear Exodus from Earth. It took FOREVER to even get the clearance to be allowed here. Every bear and his brother is coming here. It's a great place to live, apparently. It looks like we're living here, too. I will not get jabbed. Fuck the mansion back home. We left that for the housing association in Logantown, GA, in what used to be the United States of America. Now that place is bought and sold by China. Unbelievable. Don't remind our son about that if you ever meet him. He still believes strongly in the American Dream. Do you know where Logantown in a place formerly known as America is? Excuse my syntax. English is not my native language. We're French. My wife, Gloria has Italian and German in her bear blood, but she has the heart of a true French woman." He continued his descent from our roof to the ground.
"Oh wow. I'm German Italian, too. I knew there was something special about you, Gloria. Bruce Balalalalalalalalalas was telling me about you. And yes, we know where Logantown is. We used to conduct our Secret American, when it was American, Society of Sexually-Frustrated Bears meetings there. But I don't think it's so secret anymore," I answered.
Joebear growled at me.
"Haha! You don't know what secret is, kiddo!" Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas said as he and the other three creatures climbed down from the roof.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas narrowed her brownish hazel eyes at her husband. I see where Banana Ice gets his looks and mannerisms from.
"Will you relax, Gloria? I have been feeling the sting from those eyes for over a week straight now. Your eye lasers are starting to permanently damage to my skin. Do you mind?" Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas asked her.
"Absolutely I mind. It didn't help that you made a wrong turn at the planet Alberqueque in the New Milkway galaxy. We would have been here much sooner had you just listened to me," Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas said in her still heavy French accent as she crawled over him to get to the ground first. Then she looked at us. "Excuse the squabbling. I'm quite fed up with this space travel and all of the political 'onsense that led us to these current events. Do you know where our son is? I miss him terribly." She looked like she was going to cry.
"Your son tends to disappear a lot, but the last I heard of him, he was contemplating getting piercings," I said.
"He was? I had no idea," Abigail Ice said.
"Neither did I. That's news to me!" Megara Ice said.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas growled fiercely and then cussed in French. "I am so sick of him destroying such a beautiful face like that. It's an insult to me! Ugh. I curse the invention of facial piercings!!!" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas said loudly in her French accent.
"So do I. Fuck those things," Megara Ice said.
Part 3: Three large cargo ships carrying items that belonged to the Balalalalalalalalalas family arrived.
Then three large cargo ships landed one in front of the other on top of the large bear spaceship that was as large as the spaceship in the beginning scene of Spaceballs (1987) and Space Odyssey: 2001.
"Oh what the hell?!" Bruce Ice shouted.
"What the hell indeed?! How many interruptions are we going to have before I can finish my address?" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets asked.
"Ugh. I'm sorry. I just can't be on that spaceship anymore! I must stretch my legs!" Princess Lindsay Carrington burst out of the spaceship wearing a large red space helmet and a royal red dress. I've never seen that woman walk so fast in my life. I thought she was going to trip over her dress.
"Oh I know! It's dreadful! Where is the latrine? I can't handle the one on the ship. It's absolutely ATROCIOUS!" Prince Carrington asked as he followed Princess Lindsay Carrington and wore a bright purple suit, a green shirt, a lavender tie, black shoes, and a purple space helmet. A wolf pup attached itself to Prince Carrington's shoulder. He walked swiftly in step behind his wife.
"Go into the forest for a quarter mile and take a left on Alberqueque Street," Bruce Ice answered.
Prince and Princess Carrington grumbled a "thank you" as they waddled through the forest. The wolf pup squeaked at Bruce Ice.
The men from the cargo ship flew to the elder Balalalalalalalalalas bears. "Your cargo is on the only place we can land. We will have to unpack when living arrangements are addressed. We hope it's soon," one of them said.
"We're working on it," Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas said.
"Where can we get some water in this joint? I'm thirsty as all get-out. AND IT'S HOT!" the male hamster shouted in a loud New York accent.
"Johnnio, please!" Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas shouted.
Part 4: The New Bruce Balalalalalalalalalas a.k.a. Banana Ice appears and surprises everyone.
Banana Ice walked out of a random place in the forest with a giant mohawk, seven eyebrow piercings above his right eye, six eyebrow piercings above his left eye, a piercing in each nostril, six piercings on his top lip, seven piercings on his bottom lip, 13 piercings along the side of each ear, a black collar with bright yellow bananas hanging off of it, a black T-shirt with a large banana on it, black cargo pants with several silver chains hanging off of them, a spiked belt, and bright white hightop Converses with a light yellow trim around the bottom of his feet. That bear went through a transformation.
"What the hell, Bruce?" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas asked as her mouth dropped.
"Indeed! What the fuck, Bruce Bananas?!" Megara Ice shouted.
"Wow! Who knew piercings could be so sexy?!" Abigail Ice asked as her tongue was drooping out of her mouth.
"Hi Mom. I got collared. I transformed to surprise my new wife, Abigail Ice," Banana Ice said as he stood by Abigail Ice. Abigail Ice wrapped her arm around Banana Ice's waist. "She's the daughter of Bruce and Megara Ice and my Domme. She's great. Also, thank you for arriving. With you, Dad, Johnnio, Kavana, Maxwell, my batmobile car (thank you, Dad, for fixing it.), and cargo, I now feel at home."
"What?! You got married, Abigail Ice?! When?! Why wasn't I informed of this?! What the fuck is going on?!" Megara Ice rattled on with the questions.
Part 5: Female bears growl at each other and find their role in the pack.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas walked over to Banana Ice and Abigail Ice and hugged Banana Ice while narrowing her eyes and growling at Abigail Ice. Abigail Ice stepped back and had wide eyes as she stared at Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas. Megara Ice then walked next to Banana Ice and Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas and growled at Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas. Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas growled at Megara Ice.
"Mom. Megara Ice. Please. If I may explain. We eloped. We don't really have the time for a ceremony, given the current political climate and volatile Plague situation, right now. I'll explain more when given the chance," Banana Ice said.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas kissed Banana Ice loudly on the cheek. Megara and Abigail Ice growled at Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas. Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas growled at Banana Ice. Banana Ice gulped and stared at his father.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas growled loudly at Abigail and Megara Ice before she hugged Banana Ice more tightly and spoke softly to him, "Fair enough, Bruce m'dear. I missed you. But you're more ridiculous than ever. And what the HELL are those shoes? They look like actual bananas," she said.
"I agree with you," Megara Ice said to Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas.
"Merci. At least we can agree with something other than how ridiculous Bruce's piercings are. Why would he do this to such a gorgeous face?" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas asked as she rubbed his chin.
Megara Ice nodded as she crossed her arms. "It's beyond my comprehension as well," she said.
"Oh these?" Banana Ice said as he smirked and pointed to his shoes. "They're super comfortable. And they're pretty fly, even for a white bear. It only took me a minute to buy them."
Megara Ice then stared daggers at Banana Ice.
"And how long did the piercings take?" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas asked as she analyzed him.
"Two and a half hours, give or take a minute," Banana Ice answered.
Maxwell Ice rushed over before rolling on the ground and laugh-barking.
"I know this is off topic, but I'm technically Johnnio Ice, and my sister-" Johnnio, the male hamster said with a heavy New York accent.
Kavana, the female hamster who oddly had the same brownish hazel eyes that Banana Ice and Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas had, stared at Johnnio with a snarled upper lip.
"Half-sister, is now Kavana Ice. Am I correct?" Johnnio continued.
"Yes, Johnnio. You are correct," Banana Ice said.
Part 6: Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets interjects because he is tired of the interruptions.
Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets interjected after being interjected umpteen times in this story, "I am glad we are getting to know each other on this planet! It's great that we have such a strong community among ourselves despite all of the bureaucratic nonsense going on with the powers that be. But are there any other characters or anyone else that absolutely HAS to speak before I can get the rest of my crew OFF the ship?!"
"Captain Slammer! I have land available to put our house down on. Everyone! I am Captain Mechanic!" a smaller but even more muscular man with a red beard who wore an obnoxious white cap, a greasy white shirt, blue oil-stained overalls, and yellowish brown large boots shouted in his naturally loud voice. He looked like an Irish version of Bluto from Popeye.
"Thank you," Captain Slammer shouted as he began to fly away with his house.
A brunette lady with a nurse cap had her head sticking out of the window of the house. "Hello everyone. I am Wonder Nurse, and I come in peace. Praise God. Praise Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah! Amen!"
Most of us shouted back to her, "Praise God! Praise Jesus! Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah! Amen!" Godiva, Peter W. Parker's mother, bleated to her.
"Nice to meet you," I shouted to Wonder Nurse. But I wanted her to remain more than 10 feet away from me. I still don't trust the medical system or anyone in it. I hope she doesn't float.
"YES YES YES! I'VE BEEN WAITING TO BE IN THIS STORYLINE FOR A YEAR NOW! I'M TIMON FROM COVINGTON GROVE, GEORGIA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS IT IS AMERICAN. I REFUSE TO BE PART OF THIS NEW SYSTEM!" a golden, short grizzly bear with sparkling blue eyes shouted. He even sounded like Nathan Lane from The Lion King, Birdcage, and Mrs. Doubtfire.
The bears growled loudly, clapped, and cheered. Banana Ice's growl was particularly loud.
"PREACH!" Bruce Ice shouted. "Fuck the system! Fuck da Police State!"
"Are you for the idea of defunding the police?" a random brown bear asked Bruce Ice.
Bruce Ice shot infrared lasers out of his green eyes and aimed them at the random bear's stomach and lowered the lasered gaze to his crotch. Bruce Ice is not gay. He's just pissed.
The brown bear covered his genitalia instantly with his paws and groaned as he was slipping to the ground. "AWWWWWWW!!! I'll take that as a no...."
"There is a difference between the Po-lice and Police State," Bruce Ice stated as he walked near Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets and stayed six feet away from him.
"PREACH! PR-" Count Vanilla started to shout.
"PREACH! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH!" all other bears except Bruce Ice shouted with Count Vanilla.
"I absolutely agree. There is a stark difference between a police officer and the Police State," Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planet stated. "Now may I please finish my address so that we can all get back to a normal life?"
Count Vanilla's cousin, Blinky, growled in a distinctly loud voice. He didn't growl often, so his growl was raspy. He was a big white bear who had the exact same eyes as Count Vanilla. He even wore the same style glasses. Usually, he communicated with blinks.
"I BEG YOUR PARDON!" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets shouted.
"He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal. He says there is no going back to normal," Count Vanilla translated.
"He said all of that in a growl?" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets asked.
"Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky. Yes. His name is Blinky," Count Vanilla said.
Blinky blinked twice to confirm and then approached the stand with Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets and Bruce Ice. He remained six feet from them and started to blink rapidly.
Count Vanilla followed Blinky and began to translate what he was saying in bear language. Due to the lack of space on the red carpet, Count Vanilla had to stand three feet apart from Blinky and Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets. He was definitely growling a lot, and I could tell his voice was getting sore.
Banana Ice blinked three times, threw his paws in the air, sighed, and then flew over to the stand with his new rocket shoes. Banana Ice had to stand three feet apart from Count Vanilla and Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets. He had to translate in English the translation in Count Vanilla's bear language from Blinky's blinks:
"Okay. There is a huge diversity of people here. That's why we literally need three translators to communicate our message. It's going to take a minute for each sentence to get out. Count Vanilla, please. I'm working on it. Blinky, can you pause? Holy Shit, you look like you're possessed. ARE YOU GOOD?!" Banana Ice began.
"Apparently not," Bruce Ice chimed in.
Blinky blinked rapidly at Bruce Ice. Count Vanilla growled several times.
"Yes. Yes. We're getting on with it! If you guys would just slow the fuck down, the rest of the audience would understand you. Jesus!" Banana Ice said before he cleared his throat.
"Blinky, with all due respect, can you wait a second for the rest of us to speak. It's apparent you have a lot to say. It's very important! Let's save that for another story, please. Chrissy with her ungodly amount of glorious titles is fucking exhausted and would love to get her hungry pups the hell off of my ship!" Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets said as politely as possible given the circumstances.
Blinky blinked an apology. Count Vanilla growled apologetically nine times. Banana Ice actually repeated "Sorry" nine times.
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digimakacademy · 4 years
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ricky Ponting
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ricky Ponting
By: PTI | Melbourne | Updated: February 13, 2020 9:53:34 pm
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Ricky Ponting. (Source: File Photo)
Former skipper Ricky Ponting believes exodus of experienced players left a void in Australian cricket and this leadership crisis had led to the infamous ball-tampering scandal in South Africa in 2018.
Steve Smith and David…
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sinkagura · 5 years
2019 November
OPEN/START 17:00/17:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2,000/¥2,500
-BAND ACT- BiSKET THE WILLIAMS SIGHTS RIDGE ヨンバルカン -ACOUSTIC ACT- 清水エイスケ(from Age Factory) 駿平(from DAM) -DJ ACT- 優也 -FOOD- Macha’s Kitchen(EXODUS) -SHOP- ILALIA(silk screen)
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【一般チケット】 発売中!   ・チケットぴあ ・ローソンチケット ・e+ SDF2019 HP http://razorsedgejapan.com/sdf2019/ ※大阪アメリカ村の7会場を使用するサーキットイベントです。
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11/03(SUN) NICOLAS ONE MAN TOUR 2019 「クソッタレ イズ バック -地獄からの使者-」ACT.4 NICOLAS pre
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR ¥3000/¥3500 NICOLAS ONE MAN ■一般発売(Bチケット) 2019年08月25日(日)10:00~ 制限枚数:お一人様1IDにつき2枚まで 申込回数制限:1回 【入場順】 A(プレオーダー)→B(一般)→当日 https://nicolas-psycho.com/
11/04(MON) Songs of Duad tour 2019 / SINKAGURA pre
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11/5(TUE) ちゃんとせぇ! / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1000/¥1500 tomoki(Bell Dog) まーくん(BAYSIDE BLOW) KOYUMI(MODERN KNOCK) なるとみ(Odd Lazy) むぎたん Ami Hosokawa(THE BOO YOUNGS) YOSHIKI(RIOT JUNCTION) KAWAKAMI(Paranormal Phenomenon) メール予約はこちら
11/7(THU) Born to be Free! vol.4 / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 Break the Line THOMAS CAT April Teenager カサブタノアト メール予約はこちら
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 STRAIGHT WEEKEND MEETING OVERTRiP you've メール予約はこちら -------------------------------------------------------------
11/09(SAT) Don't mess with us TOUR / Jolly Bobby SEX pre
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11/10(SUN) 生まれて良かったといつか思いたいツアーファイナル / ブラック・��ャイボーイズ pre
OPEN/START 17:30/18:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1,500/¥2000 ブラック・シャイボーイズ Original Rock System GAROAD butterfly inthe stomach GIG MACK (O.A) LICK DOWN
11/12(TUE) 懐メロナイト
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2500(飲み放題) RACHI(ザ・パピュレイス) Sone(Another Hometown) かわちゃん(Paranormal Phenomenon) むぎたん 小野修作(DAM) 5F BAR SPACEでのDJイベントです。
11/14(THU) 死ぬ気BAR!!
OPEN/START TBA ADV/DOOR ¥0 (1杯¥500 or 3杯¥1,000) 5F BAR SPACEでのBAR営業です。 -------------------------------------------------------------
OPEN/START 18:15/18:45 ADV/DOOR ¥1,500/¥2,000 WATER THE NINETYSLEE SHORT'S Odd Lazy Earthy メール予約はこちら -------------------------------------------------------------
11/16(SAT) Pranormal Phenomenon -after the rain- Release Tour / Paranormal Phenomenon pre
OPEN/START 17:30/18:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2000/¥2500 Paranormal Phenomenon RIOT JUNCTION バカ力 RozoN Cube kokoro no me
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11/18(MON) "JUST TRY AGAIN" Tour 2019 〜祝5周年!YU-PONの恩返し〜 Final Series / BACK LIFT pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥3000/¥3500 BACK LIFT SUNSHINE DUB Lコード 53492(発売中)
11/19(TUE) ”新神楽のハラダ” / はらだ pre
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR ¥1000/¥1500 SHORT'S Odd Lazy Nonfiction Cartoons THE BOO YOUNGS and more... メール予約はこちら
11/21(THU) NAVY BLUE / Danablu pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2,500/¥3,000 Danablu さよならポエジー INKYMAP
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11/22(FRI) MISTY「With Your Buddies」Release TOUR FINAL SERIES / MISTY pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2,500/¥3,000 MISTY MINAMI NiNE(東京) innocent(愛媛) (O.A) hananashi(京都)
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OPEN/START / ADV/DOOR ¥2000/¥2500 SCORE OFF マッハ and more...
11/24(SUN) APOLLO 10〜まだまだ終わりま編〜 / Last Planet Opera & ALL ITEM 10 TIMES pre
OPEN/START 17:30/18:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2300/¥2800 ALL ITEM 10 TIMES Last Planet Opera ASAYAKE 01 未遂ドロップス ロボトミートロボ メール予約はこちら
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11/29(FRI) Share vol.1 / あすあす pre
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 山辺俊樹(ACCIDENT I LOVED) 岡本崇志(jammed loony bin) Sota(CASTAWAY) SIGHTS(Acoustic) KAZUKI(VARON) メール予約はこちら
11/30(SAT) ラクxガキ x カカトオトシ。2MAN TOUR 「灼熱の焼きおにぎり〜大阪編〜」
OPEN/START 17:00/17:30 ADV/DOOR ¥3500/¥4000 ラクxガキ カカトオトシ。
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Music Bar SINKAGURA 〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-9-36 カサドマートビル5F Tel/Fax : 06-6212-6225 Mail : [email protected]
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exodus-au · 3 months
Character archive
Welcome to the character archive, where you'll find all the information about the characters in this universe
Introducing the links
Introducing the Skyloftian hero
Back to the main archive
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majorproblems77 · 24 hours
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Hello! Oh man i got tagged by a bunch of people for this one hahaha
So thank you for the tag : @uniquevoidflowers, @oneweirdbookaddict, @ajscico, and @somer-writes,
As well as @lennsart, @arecaceae175, and @margindoodles2407.
This was great to come back too, I went scrolling to find you all, I hope I found everyone! :D
Alright the Wip folder. - I have a lot of Wips oh lord
To make my life easier im gonna split these up into the folders I store them in. Feel free to ask about as many as you like :)
Placeholder files - files that have a concept made
Hearts of Courage - Chain meets story
Rebuild the house - Fluff prompt
The flames of Din build ever higher
WTIYS/DTIYS for July - bday stuff
Active WIPS - Works im currently working on (Or will be very soon!)
Exodus AU - The exodus of the skyloftian people
Exodus AU - Main story - Meeting the farmhands
Exodus AU - Main story - Meeting Skipper
8+1 Sky and the chain
Setbacks - Unravelling epilogue (Meta midpoint ch15?)
Taking notice
The one band AU story thats been on my mind for ages
The loss of a loftwing
The most projecty thing I've ever written
Trial of the sword
Truth and trust
Twilight and Sky bonding
Inactive WIPS - Works I'm going back to eventually
Flower crowns
Soup is the window to the soul
Temple run
I dont think I've got this many people to tag. I know a bunch of people have been tagged in this one already. (Sorry if you've been tagged already!)
Let's see here, @trippygalaxy, @frulleboi, @whiteperle3, @luwyv, @yourlocaltreesimp, @skyloftian-nutcase and @kikker-oma :)
And Open tags, If you want to play and you've not been tagged consider this your tag. @ you. :)
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smoothiemakers2 · 7 years
That World Football League Is The Best Of The Best
Which World Football League Is The Best Of The Best
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spanish league most goals Serie A, La Liga and the Premiership all voice strong claims to be the finest football league in the world today. However, which of these has the most genuine claim. The recognition of being the best is an honor that dictates not just bragging rights, but also the ability to draw the finest players and sponsorship contracts to secure the mantle yet further. There are countless factors to consider; the players that the leagues have now, the trophies won by their clubs, the quality of football played and the prestige of their various sides. Does that strategic catenaccio of the Italians outweigh the physical strain of the Premiership? Would the top-heavy flair of La Liga always overcome the strength of an English midfield? How can the Mediterranean cousins compare? Primera division top scorers In comparing these different brands of 'the Stunning game' we must consider the many aspects that make them great individually. The history, the present and the future are all crucial in contrasting these several brands of and eventually building a perception of whether one does stand above the others. Players The First and often the most favored means of lovers comparing championships, who has the best players? Other clubs have likewise immense actors, David Villa and Joaquin Sanchez in Valencia, Riquelme at Villarreal to name but a few. Impressive collection of galacticos, however, perhaps because of the more pedestrian nature of Serie A the players have a propensity to be of a slightly more advanced age. Internazionale (or Inter) boast the most impressive roster; Crespo, Ibrahimovic, Veron, Stankovic, Figo and Samuel all ply there trade to the Nerazzurri. Their city rivals Milan also have a cornucopia of celebrities; despite losing their talisman Andriy Shevchenko to Chelsea in the summer, they have one world beater in Riccy Kaka'. Also players as renowned as Andrea Pirlo, Alessandro Nesta and Alberto Gilardino front a throw that contains talent enough to challenge for any trophy. Also worth mentioning is that the Milan rear-guard still comprises the mythical Paulo Maldini as captain. With the shadow of Calciopoli hanging over the Italian top flight, what ought to be mentioned is the exodus from Serie A that occurred over the summer saw many of the finest individuals leave the division. Zambrotta and Thuram Whilst talking Chelsea we must Clearly outline that they are the significant participant in European football today. The premise that now exists in football is that, in regards to the transfer market, the Premiership winners are the team that all others must follow. As a result of seemingly endless funds stumped up by their Russian oligarch owner, Roman Abramovich, Chelsea have gathered a team of stars to match any other club in the world. With Terry and Lampard already present prior to the Russian benefactor's input, players like Arjen Robben, Didier Drogba, Joe Cole and, as mentioned, Shevchenko. The Premiership can also boast some of the world's finest players in Thierry Henry and Cesc Fabregas at Arsenal; Rooney, Rio and Ronaldo in Manchester United and Liverpool's talismanic skipper Steven Gerrard. The important thing to outline when Comparing the undoubtedly huge talents on show in such various leagues is that although we're examining them from the perspective of today, the future is also a vital element. As we discussed Serie A does are inclined to boast more experienced galacticos whereas the Premiership can argue that, in Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and Cesc Fabregas, they have some of the most promising talent. Spanish football could also argue that their spread is encircles youth, with youngsters such as Sergio Aguero and Fernando 'el Nino' Torres at Atletico, Lionel Messi at Barca and one name to watch in Matias Fernandez, a Chilean playmaker due to join Villarreal in January. Marketing Football in the Twenty First Century is far more than the game it had been in previous decades. It's now a business, and one of the world's biggest at that. Transfer prices are now such that it seems any 'Tom, Dick or Harry' is worth #15 million. Player's salary have also experienced astronomical rises. This is to the extent that #3 million per year isn't considered to be an entirely outrageous wage to get a top international player. With the costs to clubs continually rising, somebody is required to meet these extravagant fiscal demands. Sponsorship, television rights and Marketing earnings are now utilized by leading clubs which are currently selling a 'new' instead of a game. From product association to shirts emblazoned with trade names, the advertising aspect of major clubs and leagues is paramount to the potency there. Annually an Accountancy firm called Deloitte release details of top European club's financial incomes over the prior season. Basically a 'rich-list' of sides, comparing their viability and market strength in today's football world. The most recent edition of the list is from the 2005 season and the zenith of the list is almost totally dominated by our 'big three leagues'. The 2005 rankings dictate that the world's Market leader in football terms is now Real Madrid. The previous years had been dominated by the Manchester United marketing machine; however the Castilian club took the mantle from their English rivals. Much of this change in fortunes has been set down to the 'David Beckham variable'. Former England skipper David Beckham is as famous for his private life as he is for his soccer. Described as being the 'most photographed sportsman ever', Beckham is worth his weight in Euros to his club side. The fact that Manchester United, who formerly topped the rich-list, were dethroned by Beckham's new club Real Madrid is regarded as evidence of the man's value from a marketing standpoint. However, it is worth mentioning that Madrid's on-field performances have declined while their finances improved, and a more recent set may also hint at Beckham's own on-pitch decline as a force in world football. The top ten Teams from the list are, with the exception of Bavarian giants Bayern Munich, all from Spain, Italy or England. The majority is dominated by the Premiership as we see Manchester United (2nd), Chelsea (5th), Liverpool (8th) and Arsenal (10th), this is followed by three Serie A clubs in Milan (3rd), Juventus (4th) and Inter (9th) and Spain's La Liga just has two top ten entries, despite Actual topping the list being followed by rivals Barcelona at 6th. In viewing these figures, we have to firstly emphasise that they're not as up to date as we would like, also should a more recent list be compiled we'd surely understand the impact of Calciopoli on the Italian sides. Style The extent to which a League entertains depends vastly upon how you like your football. The three brands all change in their traits greatly and flavor is an essential factor inside this, after all, one man's pineapple is another man's poison. Main differences in those leagues are inherent of the style of football played in each respective country. Although on the surface this might appear obvious, but when we consider the extent to which domestic soccer has gotten incredibly multicultural, it's positive that these leagues maintain their own identity despite this. The brand of Football played in the leagues differs considerably. As stated earlier, the Italian sport is one based around technique, control of possession and patience. The cattenaccio of the Italian game is not as negative as that of sides throughout the mid-twentieth century, wherein five defenders would be used to enforce a stringent man marking system with a 'libero' slotting in behind as a ball-playing sweeper. Unfortunately the machine in its original state is now obsolete, provided that both the zonal marking system has nearly uniformly been the status quo of the modern game and that sweepers are now very scarcely employed. However, the soccer played in Serie A today is one that echoes this system. Calcio Is often regarded by people in Northern Europe as being dull, but those closer to the Mediterranean as being a purists game that encapsulates a higher standard of soccer than any other. Defenders are often as gifted in possession of any other place, a trait not found elsewhere in soccer. The style soccer played utilizes lots of short moves designed to open pockets of space, rather than longer balls targeting taller forward. The game takes a very high level of technical skill, with the art of controlling and passing paramount. Detractors of the Italian sport Often point its lack of pace and time-consuming attacking play as its defects. Goals are notoriously tough to find, a fact further embellished by analyzing Luca Toni's impressive thirty-one goal season last year, the first player to score over thirty goals in Serie A for twenty eight decades. As such many prefer the hustle and bustle of leagues like the Premiership. The Premiership is a very fast and furious division; Emphasis on strength, drive and pace. This is not denying the fact that a very large standard of soccer can be found in England's top flight, however by and large the game is ordered in a very physically demanding manner. The theory being that long, direct moves into forward areas would create opportunities for purposefully employed large, physical strikers. This style was often deemed to not be graceful and was lambasted by critics. Despite the fact that the English league has grown since, similarly to the catenaccio origins of Serie A, this style still exists to some extent today; even league champions Chelsea have been criticised for employing such a style. Despite not being as higher degree of technical degree, the Premiership is often billed as being 'the most exciting league in the world' because of the non-stop action-packed intensity. In contrast La Borrowing far from a South American Idol of flair football, the Spanish league is famed for its fast, flowing attacking brand of play. Spain's Primera Division has won many admirers over recent years, firstly thanks to the Zidane motivated galacticos of Madrid and more recently the exploits of Ronaldinho Gaucho for Barcelona. Formations are based around ball playing midfielders and skilful wingers. This does create a very open brand of soccer; however this does often expose defensive frailties. With the occasional exception (Sergio Ramos, Carles Puyol) Spanish defenders aren't generally as powerful as their counterparts in further reaches of the game. Not withstanding the Stereotypes that we've examined, there are definite exceptions to every Rule, and this instance no different. Despite being usually solid and Defence-orientated, Carlo Ancelotti's Milan have been commended for their Attacking football in Serie A. Also, and possibly the best example Of this, there's Arsenal. Arsene Wenger's men always create some Of the very free flowing football in world football today. However, for Obvious reasons, the North London outfit could be concluded to be the Exception to the rule since they have a negative almost totally dominated by foreign players. Campbell and Ashley Cole, It's unlikely that an Englishman will, should The Gunners be at full strength, attribute at all.
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footballghana · 4 years
Joseph Tetteh Zutah charge GFA to work on standard minimum wage for local players
Captain of Medeama Sporting Club (SC), Joseph Tetteh Zutah has charged the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to focus attention on establishing a standard minimum wage for players.
The West African country sees its players moving to countries less known for football every year as a result of low wages they receive from the local clubs.
After a 26th Ordinary Congress of the Ghana FA where president Kurt Okraku and his Executive Council members have received approval to receive huge sums of money in monthly and sitting allowances, Joseph Tetteh Zutah insists it is time players are also paid well.
“We are happy Football is coming back but as players, we have been advocating for a standard minimum wage that will see players paid well and reduce player exodus for some time now.
“This is a major concern to us, we know they have come to work to improve Ghana Football so they should take a look at this” the Medeama SC skipper told Oyerepa FM.
He added, “Creating wealth as espoused by the GFA President is not for the players only but across board, administrators etc. Players and club owners will be comfortable. We hope to hear positive news.”
Football in Ghana has been on suspension for a very long time but the government has assured that steps are being taken for the resumption of the sport.
source: https://footballghana.com/
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celticnoise · 4 years
EUPHORIA will never fade from the recollection of Fraser Forster’s majestic and triumphant goalkeeping exhibition at Hampden on Sunday, December 8.
The awesome shotstopper was simply unbeatable as he stubbornly refused to yield a solitary goal in the victory that earned Celtic their tenth successive domestic honour.
Forster dived, twisted, blocked, parried and held a variety of efforts throughout a breathtaking Betfred League Cup Final confrontation that was settled by Christopher Jullien’s winner on the hour mark as the £7million French central defender turned a Ryan Christie left-wing free-kick beyond the static Allan McGregor.
Three minutes later, Alfredo Morelos had the ideal opportunity to score from a penalty-kick with the holders now down to 10 men following the expulsion of Jeremie Frimpong, the 18-year-old playing only his eighth first-team game and settling into the difficult duel with Steven Gerrard’s side with remarkable ease. The much-vaunted Colombian striker steered the ball towards Forster’s right-hand corner, but the towering netminder anticipated the direction of the attempt and sprawled magnificently to beat the ball to safety.
SPOT ON…Fraser Forster moves swiftly to his right as he prepares to save Alfredo Morelos’ penalty-kick.
There was only one destination for the silverware after that most recent act of defiance from the England international. In a couple of heartbeats, Celtic’s advantage had been maintained and, despite the burden of being a man short, they played with spirit and vigour for more than a third of the encounter to grind out the sort of result and performance that are the required hallmarks of winners.
Author Alex Gordon, whose fifteenth book on Celtic is due to be published later this year, had little doubts about the merits of Foster’s display as he told CQN: “I have never seen a better all-round and sustained performance from a Celtic keeper in my life.
“I have been watching Celtic since the early sixties when the regular No.1 was a flamboyant chap by the name of Frank Haffey. The trouble with this individual is you never knew which Frank Haffey would turn up. There was the wonderful Haffey. Unfortunately, there was also the woeful Haffey.
IN WITH A SHOUT…a jubilant Fraser Forster with the League Cup after his heroics at Hampden.
“For me, as a kid watching the game from the old Jungle with my dad John and uncles Hughie and George, he was the first in a long line of eccentric custodians. Anything could happen with Frank between the sticks.
“He had his moments, though. There was a memorable occasion when he denied an exceptional Rangers team for lengthy spells in a 1-1 Scottish Cup Final stalemate in May 1963.  It was known, quite rightly, as ‘The Haffey Final’ by the Celtic support.
“I recall being excited as I went to the replay with my best pal John Paterson. I was eleven years old and smack in the middle of a swaying Celtic end at Hampden. It was by far the biggest sporting occasion in my young life. No-one knew what to expect. Big Frank was slow to react to two moments of danger early in the first-half and it was virtually game over. He misjudged another long-range shot after the interval and my pal and I joined the serene exodus from the stadium, half of it in eerie silence while the other half danced and sang with joy. A surreal moment.”
Former best-selling national newspaper sports editor Gordon, who has penned the autobiographies of such club greats as Lisbon Lions Tommy Gemmell, Bertie Auld and John Hughes and also the legendary Davie Hay, continued: “John Fallon came in and for awhile it was a straight fight between him and Frank for the top spot.
PRIZE GUYS…skipper Scott Brown and Fraser Forster with the silverware.
“Fallon was a steady sort of last line of defence who was not quite as colourful as his rival. Sifting around in my memory bank, I recall a save Fallon made for which he hardly received credit, but it went a long way to Celtic beating Dunfermline 3-2 in the Scottish Cup Final in April 1965 to lift their first trophy in eight years. It was the first piece of silverware I could recollect the team winning.
“Of course, it will always be remembered for immaculate captain Billy McNeill’s flashing header from Charlie Gallagher’s left-wing corner-kick near the end of a rollicking grand finale. The ball thudded into the net and, for the briefest of moments, Hampden was silent before the most glorious roar erupted that shook the famous old stadium to its foundations.
“Celtic had come back twice from a goal down with Bertie Auld equalising on both occasions and that was the first time a club had managed that particular feat in this fixture. Could they have come back a third time? At 2-2, tricky little Fife winger Alex Edwards had the opportunity to swing the Final back in favour of the East End Park club. Deftly, he tried to lift the ball over Fallon’s head from 16 yards and, from my viewpoint, it looked as though the ball was arcing towards the keeper’s top right-hand corner of the net.
“As the Celtic fans held their collective breath, Fallon managed to take off on an athletic leap and not only get both hands to the ball, but hold onto it, too. It was a blinding save now lost in the mists of time, but, trust me, that magical moment provided the launching pad for Big Billy’s soaring winner.
FOUR JUST MEN…Fraser Forster with boss Neil Lennon, goalkeeping guru Steve Woods and assistant gaffer John Kennedy.
“Bertie Auld has always insisted that triumph was the most important turning point in Celtic’s resurgence under Jock Stein and led to the wonderful sequence of success that fell into place afterwards. Who am I to argue with such an icon?
“Ronnie Simpson came in, of course, and the sprightly veteran made the position his own until a shoulder injury forced his retirement at the age of 39. He was reliable and rarely showy. Like the best of keepers, he relied on his concentration rather than his ability to catapult across his penalty box.
“I recall one save he made against Rangers which I still rate as the best I have ever seen from a Celtic keeper. No-one remembers it as it was buried amid the debris of an upset 4-2 league loss at Parkhead in September 1968. In two previous League Cup-ties, Celtic had won 2-0 at Ibrox and 1-0 in the east end of Glasgow – Willie Wallace providing all three goals – and were expected to triumph in this one, as well.
“Let’s not dwell on mystifying proceedings that bizarre afternoon, but Ronnie produced a save of such stunning quality I had to make sure I watched the TV highlights later to see if it looked as good as it did in actual time. It didn’t – it was even more spectacular.
“Willie Johnston fired a low ball over from the left wing and Swedish forward Orjan Persson – or ‘Orange Person’, as he was wittily known among the Ibrox support – first-timed a ferocious shot from the six-yard line. It arrowed low towards Ronnie’s left and he had no right to even attempt to go for it. In a flash, though, he got down to stun the ball with his left hand and gather it in with his right. It was a moment that defied logic, physics and anything else you want to come up with.”
Gordon, who wrote the acclaimed tribute book to Billy McNeill, entitled ‘In Praise of Caesar’, which was published last year, also interviewed the existing European Cup-winning heroes for the ‘Lisbon Lions: The 40th Anniversary’, which was printed in 2007. He can rattle through his recollections of goalies performing miracles as they guarded the the Hoops’ goal.
He said: “Evan Williams was immense in the San Siro Stadium in the European Cup Final in 1970, but was an unsung hero with the team losing 2-1 to Feyenoord in extra-time. Similarly, Pat Bonner put in a marvellous showing in a European tie against Juventus in Turin in 1981, but Celtic again went down, this time 2-0, and the performance was largely overlooked. Billy McNeill had taken his team to Italy with a 1-0 advantage courtesy of a whizzbang effort from Murdo MacLeod in the first leg and they faced an almighty onslaught in the return leg with, ironically, future manager Liam Brady playing a key role for Juve.
“Peter Latchford was always a favourite and he was a real safe pair of hands in the 1-0 Scottish Cup Final of 1980 which will be remembered for George McCluskey’s clever back-heel beyond Rangers’ Peter McCloy and, for all the wrong reasons, the rioting fans who took the headlines the following day.
“A young David Marshall against Barcelona in the Nou Camp in 2003 was sensational. Pitched into such an important confrontation against an array of some of the world’s biggest names, he was unflappable and helped Martin O’Neill’s side claim a well-merited 1-0 aggregate victory courtesy of Alan Thompson’s goal at Parkhead.
“Artur Boruc? So many excellent, eye-catching saves from the Polish showman. It’s a case of take your pick, but one everyone remembers was his penalty-kick block from Louis Saha in the Champions League victory over Manchester United at Parkhead in 2006.
READ ALL ABOUT…author Alex Gordon with a collection of his Celtic books.
“Shunsuke Nakamura had Gordon Strachan’s side one goal ahead following one of his trademark free-kicks that flew straight and true from about 35 yards high into the left-hand corner of Edwin van der Sar’s net. A combination of two very different talents from two geniuses had fused to overcome Fergie’s men. Happy days.
“It’s worthwhile also noting a mesmerising reflex save from Craig Gordon in the Betfred League Cup Final only two years ago. A goal from James Forrest had Celtic ahead against Motherwell, but only four minutes after his clever, curling strike, Louis Moult was given a free header from six yards after a left-wing delivery from Andy Rose. The Fir Park dangerman threw him at the ball and must.have thought his effort was destined for the back of the net.
“The keeper, with the most acute of reflexes, threw up an arm and deflected the header onto the crossbar and Kieran Tierney booted the rebound clear. Shortly after that, Moussa Dembele stroked in a penalty-kick and the second successive League Cup was heading for the Parkhead trophy room.”
Gordon sighs and smiles: “It’s a veritable treasure trove of recollections. You could also add Fraser Forster’s display against Barcelona that earned him ‘The Great Wall’ moniker. Utterly deserved, too, and fabulous memories of displays of defying Messi and Co.
“However, it has taken me over half-a-century to witness the greatest-ever performance of a Celtic goalkeeper and Fraser Forster provided that at Hampden on Sunday. In my eyes, nothing will surpass that heroic accomplishment.
“It’s not often you instinctively know your goalkeeper is going to save a penalty-kick. I had that feeling at the weekend and I mean that as no disrespect to the kicker. It’s merely a tribute to the yellow-clad giant standing on the line who confronted him.
“I am not being wise after the event, either. I actually turned to my wife, Gerda, and said: ‘This guy is not going to lose a goal today’. In a blinding flash, he proved me right. The words, I hasten to add, were not said in desperation or even hope. I was convinced Forster would save that spot-kick. And, wonderfully, so it proved. The keeper had an aura of invincibility at the national stadium, a sheen most custodians seek to project, but only an exclusive band can actually achieve. He had it well under control on this showing.
“I’m sure legendary Hollywood funnyman and actor Bob Hope would not mind me borrowing his signature theme song as I convey one last message to Fraser Forster.
“Thanks for the memory.”
CQN would like to thank our readers for their patience in the interruption to the launch of Alex Gordon’s latest Celtic book, ‘Fifty Flags’, which was due to be published in March.
Unfortunately, production of the tome, which thoroughly examines the half-century of seasons in which the Parkhead men were crowned Scotland champions, came to an unfortunate halt due to the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.
The support for ‘Fifty Flags’ has been overwhelming and author Alex said: “The response to the book has been utterly astonishing and I can only say how totally grateful I am to CQN readers for their backing. I can only hope it will be worth the wait.
“We are depending on the printers letting us know when the run will commence and we are in their hands at the moment. It will be published this year and CQN will keep the readers up to date. Thanks for your patience, folks. It’s much appreciated. 
“Main thing, though, in these testing times is to take care and stay safe. See you all when we get the green light.”
0 notes
          RETRO VGM REVIVAL HOUR - STAGE 68: Games Of 2019
Better late than never!
This past 2019 was surprisingly strong for the world of gaming, offering up an incredibly varied mix of interactive experiences to all who played.
This past year had a great variety of games, be it from triple-A titles like Death Stranding to Link’s Awakening to indie successes like Disco Elysium, whatever your game of choice might be, all were there to inspire, comfort, and more importantly: entertain.

 This past year was a defining showcase of the industry’s most talented individuals and how their creations made for some entertaining choices of digital escapism, be in on the go, or at the comfort of your own home.
So as a returning favorite for the retro VGM revival hour, We will be playing some selected tracks from the various games of 2019.
Now unlike the previous STAGES, this years selection will be limited to 3 tracks per game as a way to hopefully include more game titles than the previous episodes covering this said subject.
Now with that out of the way…. let’s get started!
                                          Full track listing:    ===========Game – Composer – Title – Company========
1.)  Astral Chain – Satoshi Igarashi, Hiroyuki Fujino, Naofumi Harada, Hitomi Kurokawa, Masahiro Aoki & Satoshi Setsune – “Savior (w/ vocals by William Aoyama & Beverly), Legion Assault & Jena Anderson”- August 30, 2019 – PlatinumGames/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
2.) A Plague Tale: Innocence – Olivier Deriviere – “Father, Strangers & Escape” – May 14, 2019 – Asobo Studio/Focus Home Interactive – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
3.) Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown – Keiki Kobayashi – “IUN Briefing, Charge Assault & Eastern Wind“ – January 18, 2019 – Bandai Namco Entertainment – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
4.) Apex Legends – Stephen Barton – “Preparing The Arena, You Are The Jumpmaster & Victory/Lobby Redux“ – February 4, 2019 – Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
5.) Far Cry New Dawn – Tyler Bates & John Swihart – “Breakout, Saw Launcher & No Future“ – February 15, 2019 – Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
6.) Wolfenstein: Youngblood – Ross Tregenza & Naren Rauch – “Côte D’azure, Weltraum Surfen (performed by COPILOT) & The House of the Rising Sun (performed by COPILOT)” – July 25, 2019 – MachineGames & Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks – Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch & Google Stadia
7.) Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes – Kazuhiro Abo & DJ 1/2 – “Death Drive Console Beat, Electro Triple Star & Kill Your Artificial Mind“ – January 18, 2019 – Grasshopper Manufacture – Nintendo Switch, PS4 & Windows PC
8.) Days Gone – Nathan Whitehead – “We’ve All Done Things, Holy War & The Broken Road” – April 26, 2019 – Bend Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment – PS4
9.) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Michiru Yamane – “Luxurious Overture, Silent Howling & Voyage of Promise“ – June 18, 2019 – ArtPlay/505 Games – Xbox One, Windows PC, PS4 & Nintendo Switch
10.) Borderlands 3 – Michael McCann, Jesper Kyd & Finishing Move Inc. (Brian Lee White & Brian Trifon) – “Atlas HQ/Attacked, The Ambush at Jakob’s Estate & The Proving Grounds Final Exam“ – September 13, 2019 – Gearbox Software/2K Games – Mac OS, Windows PC, Google Stadia, PS4 & Xbox One
11.) Shakedown: Hawaii – Matthew Creamer – “Freeway Escape, Obliterator & Maniacal Lunatic“ – May 7, 2019 – Vblank Entertainment – Windows PC, Playstation Vita, PS4, 3DS & Nintendo Switch
12.) The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – Ryo Nagamatsu – “First Search, Ending (Staff Roll) & Tal Tal Heights – September 20, 2019 – Grezzo/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
13.) Ys IX: Monstrum Nox – Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Yukihiro Jindo, Mitsuo Singa & Natsuno Nakamura – “NORSE WIND, GLESSING WAY! & FEEL FORCE“ – September 26, 2019 (Japan Only) – Nihon Falcom – PS4
14.) Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order – Takahiro Umeda & Masafumi Okubo – “The Raft 2, VS. Red Skull & VS. The Black Order” – July 19, 2019 – Team Ninja/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
15.) The Outer Worlds – Justin E. Bell – “We’re All Counting on You, Journey’s End (End Slides) & Human Resource Violations“ – October 25, 2019 – Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division – Windows PC, Xbox One, PS4 & Nintendo Switch
16.) The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – Jason Graves – “Where’s the Skipper, No Idle Threat & Redemption“ – August 30, 2019 – Supermassive Games/Bandai Namco Entertaiment – Windows PC, Xbox One & PS4
17.) Mortal Kombat 11 – Wilbert Roget II & Matthias Wolf – “A Matter of Time (Main Theme), Immortal Kombat & Shang Tsung’s Island Ruins“ – April 23, 2019 – NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment – Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One & Google Stadia
18.) Code Vein – Masaru “Go” Shiina – “Extremum Belli, Requiem & Tears of Passion” – September 27, 2019 – Bandai Namco Entertainment – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
19.) Left Alive – Hidenori Iwasaki – “Novo Slava, Enemy Sighted & Do You Like Baseball?“ – February 28, 2019 – Ilinx/Square Enix – Windows PC & PS4
20.) Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Takeru Kanazaki, Hiroki Morishita & Rei Kondoh – “Roar of Dominion, Chasing Daybreak & Three Houses/Main Theme“ – July 26, 2019 – Intelligent Systems & Koei Tecmo/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
21.) Metro Exodus – Alexei Omelchuk – “Overture, Burning the Bridges & Realm of the Reaper“ – February 15, 2019 – 4A Games/Deep Silver – Windows PC, PS4, Google Stadia & Xbox One
22.) Control – Petri Alanko & Martin Stig Andersen – “Voces Ignotas, Metamophosis & Sankarin Tango (w/ vocals by Martti Suosalo)“ – August 27, 2019 – Remedy Entertainment/505 Games – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
23.) Ion Fury – Jarkko Rotsten – “Maiden, In Your Interface & Broken System“ – August 15, 2019 – Voidpoint/3D Realms – Windows PC & Linux
24.) Daemon X Machina – Rio Hamamoto, Mitsuhiro Kitadani & Akihiko Ishikawa – “DAEMON X MACHINA, Inherit the Stars & Destiny (w/ vocals by Jon Underdown)“ – September 13, 2019 – Marvelous First Studio – Windows PC & Nintendo Switch
25.) Indivisible – Hiroki Kikuta – “Eternal Chaos, Power of the Third Eye & Indivisible (w/ vocals by Rio Okano)“ – October 8, 2019 – Lab Zero Games/505 Games – Linux, MacOS, Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
26.) Gears 5 – Ramin Djawadi – “Burned Up, Ice Combat & Kraken Combat“ – September 10, 2019 – The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios – Windows PC, Xbox One & Xbox Series X
27.) Katana Zero – Bill Kiley & LudoWic – “Full Confession, Chinatown & You Will Never Know“ – April 18, 2019 – Askiisoft/Devolver Digital – Windows PC, MacOS & Nintendo Switch
28.) Samurai Shodown – Hiroshi Yamazoe (ZOE), Naoki Kita & Masato Horiuchi (Hori_Hori) – “Waltz of Nature (Nakoruru Theme), Fin of Invincibility (Galford Theme) & Way of the Crook (Earthquake Theme)“ – June 25, 2019 – SNK Corporation – Google Stadia, Arcades, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
29.) My Friend Pedro – Nounverber, Navie D & Maks SF – “V A P E, Slinky & Look That Kills“ – June 20, 2019 – DeadToast Entertainment/Devolver Digital – Windows PC, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
30.) The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors – Hiroyuki Iwatsuki – “VS. Phantom Gecko (Stage 3 Boss), Stage 7 (Snow Track: Shelter-Inside) & Stage Final (Shelter-Back: Machine Room)“ – October 15, 2019 – Natsume/ININ Games – PS4 & Nintendo Switch
31.) Kingdom Hearts III – Skrillex & Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd (w/ Vocals by Hikaru Utada) – “Don’t Think Twice (English), Face My Fears (Japanese) & Chikai (Don’t Think Twice/Japanese ver.) – January 25, 2019 – Square Enix – Xbox One & PS4
32.) River City Girls – Megan McDuffee & NateWantsToBattle – “Knock Out, Relentless & We’re the River City Girls (w/ vocals by Cristina Vee)“ – September 5, 2019 – WayForward/Arc System Works – Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One & Microsoft PC
33.) Resident Evil 2 (2019) – Tadayoshi Makino, Masami Ueda & Shusaku Uchiyama – “Accident, R.P.D. Hall & Run, Kathy, Run” – March 8, 2019 – Capcom – PS4, Windows PC & Xbox One
34.) Death Stranding – Ludvig Forssell – “Once, There Was an Explosion, Chiral Carcass Culling & Mules“ – November 8, 2019 – Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment – PS4 & Windows PC
35.) Disco Elysium – Jan Scott Wilkinson, Neil Hamilton Wilkinson, Martin Noble, Matthew Wood, Phil Sumner & Abi Fry (British Sea Power) – “Whirling-In-Rags/8 AM, Precinct 41 Major Crime Unit & Off We Go Into The Wild Pale Yonder“ – October 15, 2019 – ZA/UM – Windows PC, Xbox One & PS4
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Edgar Velasco: @MoonSpiderHugs www.patreon.com/nostalgiaroadtrip Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NostalgiaRoadTripChannel Official Site: nostalgiaroadtrip.com/ FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/nostalgiaroadtrip/ Official Twitter: @NRoadTripCast
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digimakacademy · 4 years
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ricky Ponting
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ricky Ponting
By: PTI | Melbourne | Published: February 13, 2020 9:51:19 pm
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Ricky Ponting. (Source: File Photo)
Former skipper Ricky Ponting believes exodus of experienced players left a void in Australian cricket and this leadership crisis had led to the infamous ball-tampering scandal in South Africa in 2018.
Steve Smith and David…
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theart2rock · 4 years
Details zur 10. Ausgabe 70'000Tons Of Metal
70000TONS OF METAL 2021:
10-jähriges Jubiläum der World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise findet vom 7. bis zum 11. Januar 2021 statt!
Sowohl auf See als auch im Leben können plötzlich unvorhersehbare Stürme aufziehen. Dann man muss die Stellung halten und darauf warten, dass der Sturm vorüberzieht. Die 70000TONS-OF-METAL-Crew hat das letztes Jahr getan und wird sich nun einmal mehr einem solchen Sturm mit dem lautesten Heavy-Metal-Growl entgegenstellen, den man sich vorstellen kann. Sie ist bereit für ihre nächste Fahrt, das 10-jährige Jubiläum, und zusammen mit ihren treuen Heavy-Metal-Matrosen sind sich alle sicher, dass sie ihr Schiff durch jede Art von rauem Gewässer lenken können.
Headbanger’s Paradise an Bord eines luxuriösen Kreuzfahrtschiffs … und das zehn Jahre in Folge! Was für viele Menschen 2011, als 70000TONS OF METAL zum ersten Mal die Segel setzte, noch wie eine ungewöhnliche und unrealistische Kombination schien, ist nun zehn ausverkaufte Events weiter. Dieses einzigartige Festival beweist, dass Kreuzfahrten und Heavy Metal tatsächlich Hand in Hand gehen. Was ist schließlich nicht großartig daran, seine Lieblingsbands mit einem eiskalten Getränk in der Hand unter der heißen karibischen Sonne aus dem Whirlpool heraus zu genießen?
Wie immer hatte das herausragende Line-Up der vergangenen Reise (7.-11. Januar 2020) viele spektakuläre Highlights für die Sailors parat, insbesondere die Feier zum 65. Geburtstag und das offizielle 50th Recording Anniversary des legendären Michael Schenker – die schwedischen Titanen At The Gates performten ihr  komplettes Meilenstein-Album “Slaughter Of The Soul” – die belgischen Death-Metal-Master Aborted spielten ihre Shows zum 25. Jubiläum – die Bay Area Thrash-Legenden Exodus präsentierten ein spezielles “Bonded By Blood”-Set. Und als i-Tüpfelchen fanden noch zwei weitere weltweit exklusive Events des Jahres 2020 an Bord statt: Die finnischen Epic-Metaller Wintersun spielten ihre einzigen Shows des Jahres und Soilwork ihre einzigen Shows westlich des Atlantischen Ozeans. Sämtliche Konzerte haben in vier Locations stattgefunden, erneut mit der Pool Deck Stage als Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit: Schließlich ist sie nach wie vor die weltgrößte Open-Air-Bühne auf dem offenen Meer.
Neue Fans und Survivors (so werden jene genannt, die vorher bereits bei 70000TONS OF METAL dabei waren – dutzende davon sogar bei jeder Ausgabe!) aus der ganzen Welt waren 2020 Teil dieses schwimmenden Heavy-Metal-Paradieses, sodass bei Round 10 an Bord 71(!) verschiedene Nationen mit einer Altersspanne von 1-80 Jahren begrüßt werden konnten. Was auch einmal mehr belegt, warum der Skipper, Andy Piller, das Event stolz als “United Nations of Heavy Metal at Sea” bezeichnet.
Spannung und Vorfreude auf das, was die nächste Runde bringen wird, sind riesig unter den Metalheads, und sie sollten sich diesen Termin vormerken: Runde 11, und damit das zehnte Jubiläum von 70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, wird sie vom 07.01. bis zum 11.01.2021 von Miami / Fort Lauderdale nach Ocho Rios, Jamaika, und zurück führen.
Über die Jahre ist das Event deutlich gewachsen und von einem Schiff der Sovereign-Klasse auf eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt gewechselt. Für viele ist das Wiedersehen der “Boat Family” schon Grund genug für den Ticketkauf, und so ist es kein Wunder, dass sich 70000TONS OF METAL wie ein jährliches Heavy-Metal-Familientreffen anfühlt.
Hier gibt es schon mal das “70000TONS OF METAL 2020: Round X Pre Cruise Parties”-Video bei 70000TONS.TV:
Haltet die Augen offen und checkt regelmäßig 70000tons.com, um den Verkaufsstart und Line-Up-Announcements für 70000TONS OF METAL 2021 nicht zu verpassen!
70000TONS OF METAL ist The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, mit 60 Heavy-Metal-Bands, die an Bord eines luxuriösen Kreuzfahrtschiffes auf vier Bühnen auftreten, darunter auch die weltgrößte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion, die es jemals auf See gab.
An Bord eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt können die Gäste gehobene Küche, Bars und Lounges, die niemals schließen, sowie einen 24-Stunden-Zimmerservice und eine Vielzahl weiterer Attraktionen und Angebote genießen.
Nachdem das Event seit seiner Premiere 2011 zehnmal in Folge komplett ausverkauft war, wird dieses fünf Tage und vier Nächte andauernde Heavy-Metal-Festival, das gleichzeitig ein Karibikurlaub ist, 2021 sein 10-jähriges Jubiläum feiern und dabei einmal mehr 3000 Metalheads die einzigartige Möglichkeit geben, Seite and Seite mit 60 weltklasse Heavy-Metal-Bands zu feiern.
Jede Band spielt zwei Konzerte und somit bekommt jeder Besucher uneingeschränkten Zugang zu mehr als 120 Liveauftritten. Dazu gehören auch Jamming In International Waters (All Star Jam), Meet & Greets mit jeder Band, Gespräche und Workshops auf Tuchfühlung mit den Künstlern, exklusive Premieren und vieles mehr. All das findet gänzlich ohne VIP-Areas an Bord statt, was jedem das Gefühl gibt, einen Backstage-Pass zu besitzen. Und als ob das noch immer nicht genug wäre, bekommen Festivalbesucher auch noch die Chance, zusammen mit ihren Lieblingskünstlern ein traumhaftes Reiseziel in der Karibik zu erkunden.
Für mehr Informationen über 70000TONS OF METAL, Fotos, FAQs (zu Buchung, Reisedokumenten, Zahlungen etc.), Schiffsausstattung, Details über das Event und mehr, besucht am besten gleich direkt 70000tons.com.
Gäste und Fans sind außerdem eingeladen, der 70000TONS OF METAL Community auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram (@70000tons) beizutreten.
Quelle: CMM GMBH
Details zur 10. Ausgabe 70’000Tons Of Metal was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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yesnayak · 4 years
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ponting - Times of India
Lack of leadership led to ball-tampering scandal, says Ponting – Times of India
MELBOURNE: Former skipper Ricky Ponting believes exodus of experienced players left a void in Australian cricket and this leadership crisis had led to the infamous ball-tampering scandal in South Africa in 2018.
Steve Smith and David Warner were handed one-year bans, while Cameron Bancroft was suspended for nine months by Cricket Australia for their respective roles in the ball-tampering…
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exodus-au · 3 months
Welcome to the Exodus AU page
When the Skyloftian people are forced to flee from their home planet of Bolt in the Hylian nebula. Our hero Sky, to those on his adventures. Takes his ship the Mighty Crimson Loftwing to search for help in the nearby systems, Contained in the Golden Nebula. He needs a team of kindred spirits to take down Organisation D3 led by Lord Demise.
Galaxy map
A link to the main story archive, Where you'll find most of the written works for this AU
Main story archive - Contains A03 links
A link to the Character archive, where you'll find character designs and information about them.
Character archive
A link to the extra's archive, where you'll find extra information about the universe itself
Extra's archive
A link to the planet's and locations archives, where you'll find information about locations and planets in universe.
Planet and location archive
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