#fade x reader
jojikawa · 1 year
Ships: Sova, Fade, Sage, Cypher, Kayo, Omen (again)
This is completely for fun and not to be taken to seriously! 🌟
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Thinks you are a goddess
Sends you selfies of him and his grandmother. He talks to her about you as well. Brings you her cooking.
Is awkward but you can’t tell bc he’s so cool. You find him very charming.
Mildly protective bc he doesn’t want to be overbearing.
Is the type to want to have alone time in the private quarters of the protocol to drink hot cocoa!
Forehead kisses
Wants to teach you Russian
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Your goth gf
Protects you from nightmares
Tsundere! Acts like you smother her but she really craves the affection. She is very touch starved.
Is always your rock when you need comfort from anxiety/panic attacks.
Forehead touching ❤️
Thinks you’re too good for her. Too innocent for valorant too.
Refuses to let Chamber talk to you. He’s too flirty. Pheonix too
Kissing is her favorite thing to do.
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Literally so depressed and exhausted with everyone but you always seem to cheer him up.
Doesn’t really get why you give him time when he believes your precious time could be spent on anyone else
Gets flushed when you ask about his tech or when you express concern when it’s broken.
Respects your privacy and doesn’t spy on you.
Let’s you see his face…once.
Gets super flushed when you go on about how cute he is!
Calls you pets in Arabic like كيتي (kitty/kitten)
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You are the reason she makes difficult decisions and wants to get stronger
Mommy gf ofc. Makes your bed and does your laundry.
Cooks for you. Packs lunches.
Eskimo kisses + hand holding (falls asleep holding your hand) 🥹
Heals you first no matter what
Takes the time to learn how to do your hair
Random gift giving. Her love language is LITERALLY DOING EVERYTHING.
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Forgets that he’s a machine when he’s with you. You make him feel things that do beyond the shackles of his AI.
Let’s you hold and even throw his knife.
Regularly threatens the other agents over you. Especially Reyna.
Wonders what if you’d like him as a flesh person.
Urges to teach you self defense. He’s lost so many and he doesn’t want to lose you too 😭
Replays cute past events in his memory files while you’re sleeping. And is always storing new ones.
Can’t lie to him bc he documents everything. He can always detect when something is wrong.
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Is a private guy so he will only ever agree to hold you when no agents are around. If you’re really needy he’ll smoke you two for privacy. Probably finds more comfort on it than you do!
Has a hard time with his whole shadows situation and not being able to remember himself before “omen” but believes that if he has you then he’s okay how it is.
Tries to be funny…fails. His voice makes the punchline go over your head.
Sends you emails to your protocol device when your away too long.
Doesn’t allow you to go on any missions alone or he is a nervous wreck.
I’ll add more soon! These are fun to write before bed.☺️ I gotta find more of these cute pictures! I get them all from Pinterest so I can’t exactly credit the original artists. Hopefully they don’t mind! - Maron!
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kieranwritess · 1 year
How obnoxious would your s/o be after the "fraternization" ban is lifted?
Characters: all - KAY/O
a/n: something I threw together after the most recent patch (6.01)!! i love them <33
Jett, Phoenix, Raze, Breach, Neon: these guys are not afraid to pda in the common area. if you two have been together before the rule was lifted, you can bet they're taking every chance to show their significant other off.
Chamber, Cypher, Yoru, Fade, Viper, Reyna: more often than not, they choose to keep their most meaningful acts in private, but if they get jealous, you can bet they're all over you. Chamber likes to fluster you in public and is probably the most cocky of the group.
Harbor, Skye, Astra, Sage: you are absolutely worshipped when you're alone. the most they would do in the HQ or on missions is hand-holding, hugging, or a quick peck on the cheek. I feel like one of their love languages would be physical touch or words of affirmation.
Sova, KJ, Omen: THE MOST TOUCH STARVED MOTHERFUCKERS OUT THERE!! As your relationship grew older, they would be more comfortable with little acts of affection in public. KJ would not be afraid to let you hang off of her like a little squirrel.
Brimstone: mans is gonna have a heart attack just thinking about the old rulebook. since he's the leader of the protocol, he keeps a lot of things private and to himself anyways. plus, he knows the younger agents would poke some fun at him.
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onlyfrags · 2 months
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
Valorant| They accidentally hurt you|
I'm so obsessed with Valorant but it's literally such a random hyperfixation like ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
Characters included : Reyna, Sage, Viper, Fade
• Reyna •
Reyna is used to hurting people. She has to. It's a source of life. For both her and her sister.
That's why she doesn't feel guilty when she sees the purple light of one's soul slithering up her arm and the life fading from their eyes.
She's never hurt you, she never would. Still she fears the day her wrath and her bloodlust would get to you. That despite everything her true nature would shine through and the empress would feed from your corpse.
And the day she feared had finally come.
It was supposed to be a simple mission, but it's never simple with the protocol, is it?
You were supposed to defuse the spike and all was well after you took out enemy Killjoy. Or so you thought.
Enemy Omen was creeping up on you from the side. As he was ready to strike, Reyna appeared across from him.
The scene in front of her paired with the intense "conversation" she had with enemy Viper about Lucia made her see red. She unleashed such a powerful attack it almost knocked her off her feet.
Omega Omen was most definitely dead but you were also on the ground, clutching your side.
Reyna though the bastard had managed to shoot you before he died but as she got closer it was very obvious who had done this to you.
You were saying something in the comms, probably declaring that the mission was over and calling Skye for healing, but Reyna couldn't hear you. The ringing in her ears was far too loud.
You tilted your head up catching her eyes. You were shocked to see the emotions swirling in them.
"Zyanya? Are you ok? Are you hurt too?"
That's when she snapped from her haze and dropped to her knees next to you. She was fussing over you wound, which wasn't even that serious, mumbling something in Spanish over and over again.
" Lo siento "
I'm sorry...
Then you finally understood. Reyna had fears of hurting you and she has told you so herself. Now they've come true even if the injury is minor.
You brought her hands up to cup her face and kissed her. A short but loving kiss to get her attention.
"It's fine my love. You didn't mean to hurt me I know that. You feel bad and bad people never show remorse for those they've hurt."
• Sage •
Sage, poor gentle Sage, is the protocol's healer.
She's not supposed to hurt you. Her only job is to help the agents and make sure they return in one piece.
So I'm sure you can imagine her panic when everything occurred.
Sage is a bastion and an experienced soldier panic is not something she does. It's usually the younger agents who act recklessly and she the one that scolds them. But at the moment her mind was running a thousand miles per second.
You were good at sneaking around, that was one of your greatest gifts. Right now though it was more of a disadvantage. Sage was just trying to protect herself by walling off the hallway behind her. She was sure the enemies were going to come from behind as well and as far as she knew there was no ally around to help her. In these situations it's best to wall herself off and wait for reinforcements.
Sage has complained multiple times about not being just a healer. In the end though there was one truth. If the VP loses Sage it's all over. There's no one else that can bring people back from the dead after all.
The only problem with her plan is that you were right behind her all this time.
So when she rounded the corner and walled that part of she barely heard the sound of your surprised grunt before the walls came up to the ceiling.
You weren't really hurt by the wall, just a bit dizzy, what really hurt you was enemy Phoenix and his fireballs. He cought you by surprise and managed to land a hit on you before you took him down.
By the time Sage brought down a part of her wall to get to you, you were already lying down and supporting yourself to the wall clearly not strong enough to stand.
Sage was too panicked to think of anything as she threw her gun to the side and fell to her knees beside you. Her eyes were burning with tears and her lips were shaking. She knows your injuries aren't grave. She can revive people for god's sake, this is nothing for her.
So why does it hurt so much? Why does she feel like her soul is being ripped out as she watches the burns on your skin heal.
You know how kind hearted your girlfriend is. And even though she knows you're a strong woman who's more than capable of predicting herself, she can't help but be protective of you.
After she's done healing you she keeps her gaze to the ground and her hands tightly griping the fabric on her thighs.
You can't handle seeing your girlfriend like this so you bring your hands around her in a bone crushing hug. Sage is surprised at first and who can hear a faint gasp before she returns the embrace.
As she burries her head on your shoulder you feel tears wet your shirt but you keep quiet. You'll always be here to hold her through moments like this and remind her that she can accept help as well as give it.
• Viper •
Viper is one of the highest ranking people on the protocol and prides herself in being hard working and cold hearted.
She doesn't pay mind to the nasty glares she receives by some agents. Most days she spents in her lab creating new toxins and poisons.
She never would've thought these chemicals she loved so much would end up hurting possibly the only person she truly cares about.
This mission was no different from the others. Omega earth was trying to reck havoc again and the protocol was ready to stop them. Viper was leading this mission.
With both her and Sage on the team you felt safe and perhaps that's why you got so reckless.
You know you're bound to hear a lecture from your girlfriend about being careful on the battlefield but the rush of the fight had gotten to you.
You rushed right into enemy territory and upon locking eyes with omega earth's Reyna you suddenly felt all that rush sleeping away. You were strong but you couldn't take on the empress.
Panic set in as you fleed as fast and as far as possible, only stopping when you could feel your lungs burning from exertion. Or so you thought.
When you opened your eyes all you could see was green. Admist your panic you ran straight into Viper's pit. Great.
You could barely see the crates in front of you as you stumbled and wobbled across the battlefield. You wanted to shout for Sabine but you knew that opening your mouth to speak would only allow more of the deadly gas into your system. You could only hope you wouldn't run into more enemies.
Thankfully before you blacked out completely Sage was able to find you and grace you with her healing powers.
Soon Sova and Yoru were heard in the comms signaling the spike disarmed and the mission successful. In a few minutes everyone was aboard the Vulture and ready to fly home.
You noticed that Viper hadn't talked to you at all during the flight and you found it weird. Viper isn't the most chaty person but usually she checks up on you after missions.
You soon find her sitting alone, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly. When she notices you she looks up and-
Is that guilt in her eyes?
She closes her eyes not bearing to look at you.
Sage had told her about what happened. She had hurt you.
You know that words were useless so instead you hoped that your presence would be enough to calm her down and reassure her.
• Fade •
The Turkish nightmare of a woman was not particularly well liked when she first joined the VP.
You were one of the only agents who were not set on avoiding her. She appreciated the fact that you showed her empathy and decency despite what she's done.
Fade had already hurt you by releasing that dossier but after your relationship started she swore that was the one and only time she would hurt you.
Apparently that was a promise she couldn't keep.
Many times things don't go according to plan during missions. When that happens everything is frantic.
There are shots fired from everywhere, bullets raining on the battlefield, along with bombs and turrets. You can see Jett's wind dome and Skye's bird. They're setting up an ambush.
You are so overwhelmed you don't even have the right mind to call for your teammates but you're sure they wouldn't have answered anyway.
You don't know if they have planted the spike already. Maybe they dropped it or maybe they still have it on them. You can't act properly if you don't know the situation.
Before you could even think about anything else you saw a shadow monster charging towards you and then everything went quiet.
All you could see was black before you opened your eyes to face your darkest fear.
With everything happening all at once it was pretty hard for Fade to see where she was aiming. When she felt that the prowler had locked it's target she walked closer only to see her own nightmare come alive.
The black tendrils coming out of your mouth made her gasp.
She hit you. She had never ment to hit you.
She quickly went over to you but hesitated as she watched you struggle against the nightmare she unleashed upon you.
There were tears in your eyes as well as Fade's. Breach was shouting something in her ear but all she could think about was you.
"Y/N is down. I... She needs healing... Uh."
Fade felt like she couldn't breathe, but she would stay strong. Because she needs to see you open your eyes. She needs to know that you're okay.
A few moments later you open your eyes gasping for air. Skye is beside you in an instant, offering her help. Your eyes are moving around desperate to find your lover. You know how Fade is. You're certain the thoughts in her head aren't pretty right now.
You soon find her sitting down against the wall with her knees hugged to her chest and her eyes shut tight. It pains you to see her like this.
You thank Skye as you move to get up. Fade already knows you're awake. She heard your gasps. She's not sure if her presence is wanted right now. She feels like such a hypocrite. After promising that she'd never do something to hurt you again, there she goes. Ruining everything again.
She prepares herself for whatever is to come when she feels you sitting down beside her. She is very surprised when she feels your hand gently stroking her cheek. Mismatched eyes open to look at your own. She finds you smiling.
"You didn't mean it Hazal. I know it. Plus I'm fine! Yeah it did shake me up a little but so do horror movies, so there's no need to feel guilty. I love you, I always will, don't you forget that. "
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l0serloki · 3 months
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Early Mornings V2
(Jett, Fade, Skye, Sage)
How Valorant women are waking up in the morning..
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part one + masterlist
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Jett : 
She is either dead asleep or up before you at the crack of dawn. There is no inbetween.
If she’s up early it’s because she planned something during the day. That or she wasn’t up all night gaming with KJ.
If she’s up first she’s pretty loud as she moves around the bedroom. She does make up for it by covering you in kisses and tucking you back in.
“Sorry for waking you up. Go back to sleep.” 
You woke up to rustling coming from the other side of your bedroom. Your eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lights, seeing Jett jumping around. She swayed with the music in her airpods as she silently sang. You couldn’t even be mad at the annoyance when she looked so happy. Her eyes widened as she noticed you awake.
“Did I wake you up babe? I’m sorry..” She puts her phone down and walks over to the bed. Sitting beside you, she puts the blanket back up to your chin and leans down to give your forehead a quick kiss. 
“Go back to sleep. I’ll be more quiet.”
Fade : 
She hates going to sleep and hates waking up. Sleeping is just another reminder of the horrors she has to live with. 
But, sleeping with you does help her to relax a lot. 
She brews coffee immediately after waking up. Nothing else comes before her morning drink.
Once she's had her cup of coffee she will come to wake you up. Not before she watches you for a bit. It’s not in a creepy way, she just likes seeing how at ease you are.
Fade’s hand reached out to brush your hair, her eyes watching as your eyes scrunched up. You were so calm, so peaceful. She didn’t know how she ever got this lucky.
“You have to wake up.” She hummed out as you finally rolled over. You groaned as your eyes slowly opened. You were met with a rare soft smile from your girlfriend and a quick kiss to the nose.
“Good morning.” You whispered out and Fade only sighed. Her eyes watched yours as she rubbed your cheek.
“It’s hardly ever a good morning. But with you, it’s different.”
Skye :
She’s always up early for her morning runs. But she’s considerate and is always quiet. 
The only way she’ll wake you up is if you ask her to or if you promised to join in on her walks. 
Although if you wake up and she’s still in bed with you she will be very cuddly and surprisingly vocal. 
“You’re up early, little bird.” Skye smiles as she walks back into your shared bedroom. You only offer her a half smile as you stretch out in the sheets and open up your arms.
“Someone’s clingy this morning.” She teases as she leans down to give you a tight embrace, her body relaxing against yours. It was rare for you to wake up before she left for her runs and even small moments like these you cherished.
“I’m always clingy. You’re just always busy.” You retort and she only laughs.
“Fair enough.”
Sage :
She’s used to waking up early but that doesn't mean she likes it.
Definitely one to make tea in the morning. She’ll make you some too if you’d like! 
Once she has her tea and fixes her hair she’s not as unhappy. She’ll be more than eager to help you out and coddle you. She might even get back into bed for just a bit more alone time.
Sage groans as she tosses and turns in the bed. She knows she has to wake up but that seemed nearly impossible. The bed was so comfy and she was so warm.
“Darling, you okay?” You whisper out as her little tantrum wakes you up. Her eyes widen as she turns over and wraps her arm around your chest.
“I don’t want to get up. I have so much to do for Brimstone today but..” She sighs as her head drops against you. You can only smile at her pouting face as your hand rubs through her hair.
“You’ll be fine. How about we stay in bed for a little bit longer then get out together?” You muse and her eyes close automatically. 
“Mmm.. Yes.”
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
Valorant Agents Jealousy Levels
Type: Headcanons/Fluff
Warnings: Some threats, cursing, zapping things, insecurities (idk is this a warning?? Maybe can trigger smthng)
Characters: Jett, Killjoy, Skye, Neon, Fade, Chamber, Yoru
Pronouns: They/Them
Jett - 8/10
"Hello! I'm jealous, what's your name?" type.
Even though she has no intention of keeping you to herself, seeing other people make you laugh gets on her nerves.
How can they make you happy like her? Isn't she enough for you?
Did they have to talk to you all the time? Couldn't they find another friend?
She knows that you're the perfect thing in the world but you're in love with her, right????
She wants to take you away from that person as soon as possible but she cannot do anything unless you are uncomfortable.
She's the secret insecure girlfriend, trust me.
She feels terrible when she sees you talking and joking with someone else closely.
Of course she knows that you love her, but she can't help her insecurities.
But if someone was flirting with you in a way that made you uncomfortable, she would have no reason to feel insecure. She got a reason to beat them up.
She would come up to you quickly and get between you and the person who made you uncomfortable.
"It's not nice to meet you at all, if you want to ask anything you can ask me 'cause you're bothering them. And I really don't like that."
A very protective girlfriend, she can't stand anyone bothering you.
Killjoy - 3/10
"I don't have time for that, have fun." type.
It doesn't bother her that you talk or spend more time with others because she gets pretty busy.
She also thinks it would be selfish if she wanted to keep you by her side all the time while she was working.
However, if you spend time with others when she needs love and attention, she will not say anything, but will feel your absence.
If she needs you to be with her, she'll snuggle and distract you while you talking with your friends.
"You can talk to them later, I missed you."
If she notices someone flirting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, she won't be angry but find it ridiculous.
It's pretty obvious that you didn't like these trash pick-up lines, why would someone who wanted you keep doing things you didn't like? It's not a way to get you!
She wouldn't just watch though, it was child's play for her to drive away someone who was bothering you.
While the other person was talking to you, she would hold your hand and drive you away.
She shows them that she didn't care about what they're doing, she can take you somewhere whenever she want.
If they have a courage to shout behind you, Killjoy's turret would appear in front of them, marking them as enemies.
"Don't worry, they weren't got any severe wound. Just a few scratches~"
Skye - 2/10
"Did you have fun with them? Then, that's good!" type.
Skye is someone who can get along pretty well with your friends, I'm sure they'll love her and respect her.
She loves seeing you smile so she don't have any problem with them, you can have fun with anybody who you trust!
She can even take them for a walk in the mountains if they want.
If she wanted to spend time alone with you, she would playfully tell the person next to you that she have to pick you up for very very important thing!
What? Quality times with your lover is really important thing! Don't underestimate these things please!
"Sorry to interrupt but I have to pick you up for a while (Y/N). I think it will not be a problem for you. Right, mate?"
Other than that, if someone was flirting in a way that made you uncomfortable, she definitely wouldn't like it.
At first, she only warns them verbally. After all, nobody wants a fight in the public, right?
Are they ignore her and keep bothering you? Now I guess they want a fight with this nature girl!
"I suggest you get away from them or I'll have no hesitation in ruining that pretty face of yours."
Try to calm her down because she's not saying these words to scare them!
Neon - 5/10
"I'm not jealous, I just don't trust them." type.
She really doesn't trust your friends. It doesn't matter what kind of person they are.
When Neon meets a friend of yours for the first time, She may not get along well with your friends because she is a very outspoken person.
If she doesn't like any of their features, she won't be very nice to your friend.
Your friend's speech style, appearance, voice, behavior... can be anything. If she didn't like them, she can't be polite to them.
She cares a lot about how they treat you. She won't stay silent when something bad is said to you, even if it's a joke.
"If you think you can do better than them, I insist you to try."
Someone make you uncomfortable around her? Is this a joke? Are they trying to die?
She may complain about her inability to control her powers, but she thinks it can be useful at times like these.
So please stop her or she'll gonna zap them with no hesitation.
"I don't want to hurt you, I want to hurt them! How can they dare to act you like that!?"
Any disrespect to the person Neon loves will not be forgiven. They can try her if they want to get zapped that badly.
Fade - 3/10
"Have fun. If you looking for me, I'm here." type.
She's usually don't care about your friend activities.
BUT please don't forget about her too, she doesn't want you to forget her from spending too much time with your friends.
She never talk about this, but it gets easier after a while to understand that she is upset.
She doesn't want to seem selfish, she's very loyal to you, so she knows you'll treat her with the same loyalty.
She loves listening to you tell her what you did with your friends during the day when you get home.
"You look pretty happy, balım (honey in turkish), what did you do today?"
If someone is talking or acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it's something that will bother her too.
She already knows that you are loyal to her, so she doesn't care at first.
But things change completely if she realizes that you're just uncomfortable with it and you can't push that person away.
She's coming to be their nightmare!
"Should I torture you or you're just gonna run away?"
She's already a scary woman with her everything so that's too easy for her. You're completely safe with her <3
Chamber - 3/10
"You're going out? That's good, I'm a little busy here." type
He's like Fade, he don't care about your friends and your friend activities.
But he wants to be your number one priority.
If you have scheduled a date with him, but later say that you promised to go somewhere with your friends, he will not like it at all.
You had to do it to your friends, not him!
He cares about his quality time with you so he woldn't let anybody to distract you.
"Please ignore them for this night, ma chérie (darling in french). You're with me right now."
Is someone bothering you? In a few seconds, the guards would have taken that person away from you.
Chamber doesn't like to get his hands dirty for those who will waste his time, it's more elegant to play by the rules.
"Don't worry, ma chérie. They won't be able to approach you again, I promise."
Yoru - 10/10
"Why should I share you? They can find a new friend." type.
Don't get me wrong; he's just a jealous, not a restrictive one. Of course you can do anything with your friends.
Buuut he didn't likes them at all.
Most of the time, Yoru is the cause of misunderstandings.
It's not about your friends, he didn't like to see another agent with you too but he's not talking about that.
Like Chamber, he wants to be your number one priority no matter what happens.
He always has an excuse to keep you around so be prepared!
HATES to admit that he's jealous. You can't never him hear to say that he's jealous.
"Totally bullshit! I'm not jealous! Are you lose your mind? Why would I be!?"
I don't know Yoru, why would you be?
He's already a jealousy type, he can't stand if he sees that someone bothers you in a bad way.
It's just a toy for him to get his nerves for a while.
Just like a punching bag.
Please stop him or he will start a big physical fight in public.
"I was looking for a someone to fight. Good to see you, asshole!"
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divinegrey · 2 years
while scrolling around on tumblr, i read a headcanons post that made me feel really inspired, so thank you to @l0serloki for the idea, you get all the credit for that :)
we got the ot4 group up first! i'll try and get around to the rest soon!
warnings: mentions of game-accurate blood and death
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Match Start — "Side by side once again. Everyone knows how well we work together. Let's show them!"
Round Start — "I'll find them, aşkım. You bring them down."
Commend — "Oye, good shit, good shit!" OR — "Don't mind the prowlers, they're simply very happy to see you. Good work."
You Assist Fade's Kill — "You have my back, I have yours. Thank you."
You Ace — "My nightmares should be terrified of you, tatlım. Excellent work!"
You Get Resurrected — "Y/N? Y/N! Oh, tanrıya şükür, you're alive. Please, don't scare me again."
You get a kill with a Haunted Enemy — "My nightmares bend to your command. They are yours, as much as I am yours."
Match Start — "They don't have a single idea what is coming for them, do they? *Laughs* We will show them, cariño."
Round Start — "Together! The hunt begins!"
You Get a Kill with a Leered Enemy — "You and I are unstoppable together." OR — "Wonderful work, but don't take my kill next time, cariño."
You Ace — "You didn't leave a single one for me? How inconsiderate, but I forgive you for doing such a wonderful job."
You Get Last Kill in a Round — "Aye, cariño, I'm tingling. I love the blood on your face."
You Clutch — "My my, you're relentless. Perhaps this calls for a reward later."
You Get Resurrected — "How dare they touch you, my love. They will pay!"
Match Start — "It is good to see you, my love. Take care, but do what you do best."
Round Start — "There is nothing you can't do. Fight strong!"
Commend — "Wonderful work! You did amazing!"
Sage Heals You — "Be careful. I cannot lose you." OR — "Let's get this blood off your face, darling. There, isn't that better?"
Sage Assists Your Kill — "I have your back, always."
You Clutch — "I knew you could do it! You truly are the shining protector of our Earth."
Sage Resurrects You — "Please, my love, come back to me. You aren't done yet."
Match Start — "They'll regret ever stepping foot here. My poison, your aim. They'll die before they have a chance."
Round Start — "Bring them into my grasp, Y/N. They'll choke on my poison."
Commend — "Impressive work. You're as vicious as a cobra, little one."
You Ace — "Like a snake in the grass. You're simply untouchable."
You Get Hurt By The Enemy Viper — "No one is allowed to touch them. No one! You will die, Sabine."
Viper's Pit Activated — "Stay in the smoke, they'll never see you coming, my little cobra." OR — "Let them come so we can strike together. They'll hardly notice before our fangs have sunken in."
You Get Resurrected — "Welcome back, my mouse. They won't hurt you anymore."
~~~~~ A/N: thank you for reading! this was really enjoyable to write. Feel free to send requests for who you want me to write voicelines for next! (or to give me ideas for certain voicelines too!)
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potential-fool · 1 year
yo idk if u take requests but i saw your “you in their clothes” post and loved it sm AHHHH can i ask for that but w/ harbor, chamber, and fade perhaps? u can add anyone else (ur free to ignore this btw!!)
Valorant x Reader: You in their clothes (part 2)
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A/N: Ofc ofc!! You get the honor of being my first request dear anon <3 Apologies for Harbor tho idk how good I'll be at writing him, I'll do my best tho!
Pairing: Harbor, Chamber, Fade x reader
Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Sharing clothes, Teasing
Immediately doting over you
sweet smiles and loving adoration
playful and loving teasing
Showing you off to everyone
You were spending some time on the couch with your boyfriend- Harbor, watching a movie in the living area of the Valorant HQ. You had a habit of not really asking for things, instead just taking them, so when you decided mid movie that you wanted to put on his zip up hoodie this was no exception.
Climbing up out of his warm grasp you sat on the top of the couch behind Harbor and tugged on his hoodie, a small chuckle left the man as you managed to tug his jacket off him.
"You know you could've just asked?" He said, a sweet smile tracing his face as you settled back into his arms, his jacket now on your back. "What's the fun in that?" You ask, a teasing grin on your face.
Neglecting to respond he instead decided the best course of action to be pulling you all the way up into his lap, pressing kisses all over your neck and face. "stahhAAAAaapppp-" you giggled, not really wanting it to stop.
"But where's the fun in that?" He asked you playfully.
Chamber (kinda nsfw)
Reacts either one of two ways: "What's the practical point of this?" or horny
probably takes it as a challenge
relentless teasing
tbh he probably thinks that you got your clothes dirty or sum
You wanted to get back at your boyfriend for teasing you so much lately, it was like an ongoing war between the two of you and though neither of you would admit it--even to yourselves--you enjoyed it. Last night Vincent had left you well.. frustrated. So tonight was your night to get back at him.
In his favorite pair of your lingerie, one of his dress shirts and ties you waited in your shared bed. You didn't have to wait long either as you heard the door open and Vincent walk in.
To say you took his breath away would be the understatement of the century, "Mon amor...~" He purred, making his way over to you, climbing on the bed and pulling on the tie around your neck to bring you closer.
You could tell he was struggling to keep his composure, and you reveled in his frustration, "What is it Vince~? Use your words~" You purred back at him pushing him back onto the bed and stradling his lap.
You two had a pretty great night ;)
Thinks you're small and absolutely adorable
either that or "OH NO THEY'RE HOT"
this is one of those things you do that make her think "what did I do to deserve you?"
cuddles :)
You were rummaging around the locker room right outside the range and decided that you'd have better luck in your girlfriend's clothes. Opening Fade's locker you pulled out her jacket and entered the range with your ghost.
Fade was heading over to the range when she opened her locker and found that her jacket was missing, before should do anything about it she spotted you in the range out of the corner of her eye. You were completely focused on what you were doing and the her jacket on your back just made Fade feel all sorts of warm feelings inside.
God you looked almost ethereal like that, the way your hair swept across your face and you effortlessly handled the bots before you. Blush tinted her cheeks and she only realized she was staring when you caught her eye when your practice was over.
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nyctophiliq · 11 months
hi hi could i request teasing neon or fade? i'm so in love with them and just wanna wear skirts and accidentally bend over in front of them all day
✮ ┆ pantie flashing neon and fade !
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a/n                god DOESN’T EVERYONE ??? I love both of the so much they are such shy perverts – also I am so sorry this took so long, I wasn’t sure how to write this but I hope, you like it nonnie
cw for               MDNI, suggestive themes, pantie flashing, female-bodied reader (wears skirts, light make up), bending over, teasing, pantie flashing
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✮ neon ;
neon was once more listening to sage and reyna argue over their training schedule and whether or not neon should be wearing her vest. she could hardly focus on the older women's argument because she was so sure that they were concealing their relationship—or at the very least, their feelings—from one another and that this was just a means for them to vent without raising suspicion.
but then her boredom comes and goes as she catches a glimpse of you at the other end of the room, chatting with jett with a pile of paperwork in your hand. she sighed, knowing that if that pile was that thick, you’d never finish with it today, ruining her plan to watch a movie with you while cuddling.
she sighs, looking up at the older agents who are still deep in their fight before she looks back at you. maybe if she’d help you with it you could be done with it before bedtime and also spend some much-needed time together. neon’s mind is flooded with the cute things she’d do for you, massage your shoulder or your hand because writing that much will be a strain on your muscles, bring you tea or coffee and some snacks so you don’t pass out from exhaustion.
that is her state of mind until she sees the papers fall from your hand and the next few moment like imagines flash before her as you lean over, bending down to get the papers. jett is crouching, handing you the papers while neon gets a perfect look at the panties that you had put on today, hugging your pussy lips perfectly. her lips fall open, a small shaky breath leaving as her eyes bulge and stuck to your ass as the skirt slides further up.
she doesn’t even notice somehow when you straighten your posture, turning your head, looking over your shoulder to glance at neon whose face is deep red. with a little chuckle, mouthing “like something?”, and a wink you go on you merry way back to your office, listening for the fast steps of your girlfriend’s following you.
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✮ fade ;
she was just minding her own business as she always does, being the lone wolf that she is and rather than greeting you, or even acknowledging that you entered the room she paid more mind to the book she was holding in front of her face. truthfully she didn’t want to ignore you, but she had to finish this book, it was just getting to the best part.
“dammit…” you mutter under your breath, just loud enough for fade to hear though. she takes a quick glance above her book, just checking if you weren’t hurt or something. her mind stopped racing when she saw that you just dropped the pouch that had the arcade room’s coins in.
she didn’t know what held her attention on you, but when you lean down and your skirt rides up your ass, showing off the panties she watched you put on today while she was looking for her shirt- she knew that book wouldn’t be finished right now.
fade watched as you picked up the coin one by one, putting it back into the little bag without any rush. she crosses her legs, lowering the book a little bit more so it wouldn’t be in the way of any details she really wanted to take note of. she shuffled around, changing her position as quietly as she could, to really take a picture with her mind of the curve of your ass, the way your panties disappeared between your cheeks then reappeared when you leaned a little too forward.
she let out a soft sigh, trying to make sure you didn’t notice anything, before she went back to eyeing her book. but you must have sensed her staring at you since your body stiffens a little and you turned slightly away from the shelf. you looked behind you, only to see fade taking small glimpses your way.
“you okay?” you ask in a sort of worried, but still seductive tone. it was unlike her, but a blush crept its way onto her cheeks as she quickly covered her face with the book. she just hummed, nodding a little behind the pages. you bite your lip at her unspoken answer.
“okay then, see you later fade…” your voice trails off before leaving the room. your girlfriend closes her book, slamming it on the other side of the couch, taking deep breath to try and calm herself down, keep herself from trying to follow you.
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offbranddrpepsi · 1 year
Can I request some HCs of Reyna, Viper, Sage, and Fade with a s/o who is touch starved and wants to cuddle, but they are sick?
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Reyna is the one shoving your face away as you try to snuggle her getting onto you about how you're sick.
Will relent and let you lay your head in her lap as well as makes sure you are all bundled up.
Besides not wanting you near her face she is pretty good when sick but a tad bit too much like a strict mother. Scolds you to drink water, stay in bed, take medicine.
You do get better the fastest with her though without any radiance involved.
She cannot actually catch your sickness but she is just very paranoid about risking getting sick so this kinda explains why she acts this way.
Does give you very good and plentiful backrubs to compensate for not cuddling you
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You are in bed, not touching her, staying in your own space.
IF you behave and take your medicine as well as let her run some tests on you to make sure you don't have anything super bad then she will let you nap on a couch in her lab/office.
Viper is a bit of a germaphobe when it comes to sickness. She is also very annoying if you get her sick
Touches you with her gloves on but will pat your head/hold you hand, just wont hug you
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Sage has ZERO issues giving you all the love you desire when you're sick.
She has a really good immune system due to her radiance and also is a very doting partner. She is kissing your forehead, laying in bed with you, using her radiance to help you stay cool and accelerate your recovery .
Absolutely would do all her work from the bed if she could.
That being said, when she does have to leave she makes sure to get you all set up and also makes sure theres no chance she could get the others sick.
Brings you tea constantly and will even feed you if needed
The quickest way to get better is rest and she will echo that everytime she takes care of you.
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Fade may complain about you touching her but she does absolutely NOTHING to stop you. She likes you touching her and despite you being sick she really doesn't care
She does get herself sick letting you be all over her but doesn't say a word about it and blames one of the other agents
Would have you practically living in her bed, pillows surrounding you in a make shift nest.
Would loudly "ewwwww" when you kiss her but would kiss you back.
Shes the type to tease you when sick and fake being grossed out.
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mateoluvr · 1 year
first date
prompt: where would these agents take you out / what would you both do for your first date with them?
( gekko, fade, omen ) x gn!reader
a/n: a quick filler while i try to get motivation to write one of my requests-
he’s probably a really indecisive guy and would ask you for suggestions unless you really insisted him in choosing
if he were to choose he’d probably bring you to a skatepark
he wants to be a showoff and show you all the cool stunts he can do!
his clumsy self would probably accidentally fall off his board once in a while, and he did it right in front of you. his face would turn red in embarrassment but at least he got a laugh out of you
he’d probably end up pushing you to try out skateboarding too, and start it easy with the basic fundamentals
skateboarding was not your thing, you barely managed to balance yourself, envious on how he made it look so easy
“ugh.. i can’t do this!” you pouted in defeat. 
“it’s not something you learn within a few minutes of trying,” he chuckles picking you up from the ground for the millionth time.
“i swear one day i’ll get better than you at this!!”
“i’d like to see you try.”
i wanna believe she’d take you to a cat café so she could share her adoration with cats with you, and enjoy some coffee (because the other agents in the protocol are mad she keeps drinking it all-)
if you really like cats like she does, that’d be a check in her book! 
when you learnt she had cat paws on the outsoles of her shoes you teased her about it, because her usual attire didn’t look like it would include that
you’d buy her a cat shaped mug to bring onto your date with her! she’s a tad bit expressionless, probably has a small grin at most but deep down fangirling over how cute the mug is! 
fade was a reserved individual, so she didn’t really talk much she just sat there cuddling with the kitties at the café which you found cute because of her softness towards cats
she’d order a lot of cups of coffee, and your eyes widened at the amount she drank. you were a tad bit concerned about it
“fade.. that’s a excessive amount of coffee no?” you ask peering down to the amount of cups of coffee she already drank.
“don’t worry about it y/n, i’ve had way more than this in one sitting i’ll be fine.” she reassures your concern.
“how have you not had a caffeine crash yet?!” 
he’s uncomfortable in going out to the public because of his current form he’s in
would prefer in staying indoors because he’s afraid his appearance would scare others
when you agreed on staying indoors since you took his opinion in consideration (he’s glad for that), he suggested he’d teach you how to knit!
he’d bring you to his office, and his shelves are filled with his creations
he was very proud of his collection and gave you a cute octopus plushie that he made that was his most prized possession, but he knew you’d take good care of it
he’d take out his yarn, knitting needles, and other materials and set it out on the coffee table beside the fireplace
since you were a beginner and never knitted in your life, he teaches you on how to knit a scarf
a few mistakes were made on your end, but he encourages you to keep on going
“i think i’m getting there omen!” you proudly stated with your scarf almost done.
“that’s great to hear y/n, it looks great already.”
you look at him with a smile, noticing he already finished his scarf millennials ago, “damn you really are a professional at this omen.”
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
Valorant| S/O is tired of their protectiveness|
I'm not so into Valorant anymore but I still love my wives
This is angsty ofc <3
Characters Included : Reyna, Sage, Viper, Fade
• Reyna •
For you Reyna, who you know as Zyanya, is a very soft and caring person at heart who would do anything for the people she loves. She also is extremely protective because of that.
After everything that happened with her sister Lucia she doesn't want to lose you. You keep reminding her that you're not a child and can protect yourself as you're a capable figher and a strong rediant. Your dear girlfriend is very stubborn it seems because no matter how many times you've brought it up she still insists on protecting you.
You've had numerous fights about this but the last one was the worst one. It was before a mission, when you insisted on going on B site alone to ensure that no enemy agent will make an escape and plant the spike there but Reyna dissagreed with your plan after deeming it too dangerous.
You two kept going back and forth yelling at eachother until Viper got between you and decided on a different plan all together.
It's been a few days since but you're still angry. She made you feel so humiliated by treating you like you were made of glass, like you were nothing in front of the great empress.
That's probably why you were pushing past your limits now. To prove her wrong and establish your place as her equal.
It's much harder than it sounds, as it turns out, your body can't handle it all and before you know it you're struggling to stand up. Your efforts payed off as the mission was very successful but you don't have a chance to celebrate it with your fellow teammates because you collapse a few moments after you hear Breach saying that the spike has been defused.
When you woke up the first thing you felt was a heavy weight on your right arm and after a small struggle you opened your eyes to see your girlfriend staring back at you surprised.
Reyna moved towards you and softly touched your cheek. She didn't need to say anything, you could see it in her eyes. After that day instead of staying behind her and being protected by her you fight alongside Reyna.
• Sage •
Sage is a healer. It's her job to care about others. That is the reason why she knew your relationship wasn't a good idea. She tried to keep things professional for the longest time but ultimately her feelings got the better of her. After you started dating she naturally became more protective of you.
You got tired of it pretty quickly but didn't say anything. You didn't want her to think that she's overbearing and cause any issues so early on.
Every time you got injured, she scolded you for your mistakes and on your next mission together she was way more protective. Almost caging you and making you unable of doing anything of importance.
It was like you were just a nice decoration. A beautiful woman on the battlefield not providing anything to the team or the mission.
You tried really, really hard not to snap at her but at this point it was impossible.
The adrenaline and stress of the current mission aren't helping either. It was going fine enough but everything could go wrong ver quickly. And of course, it did.
Sage was getting to the spike, ready to defuse it when you heard a very familiar voice shout.
" Fire in the hole! "
Every muscle in your body tensed as you looked at the surrounding walls, waiting for the bomb to fall on your head.
Your girlfriend acted faster than you by raising one of her walls for protection, but instead of shielding herself to defuse the spike she chose to but the wall in front of you leaving herself exposed in the process.
That proved to be a fatal mistake as soon after one of Raze's bombs blew up right in front of Sage. You watched in slow motion as the device flew across the battlefield and your girlfriend collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain.
You immediately reached for her and ignored the immense heat radiating from the burns in her body as you hid behind the closest cover.
You looked behind to see the rest of your team has picked up their efforts and the spike was currently being defused by Chamber.
Next thing you know you're the one waiting for Sage to wake up as you pitifully sit by her infirmary bed. When she wakes up you're ready to scold her, just like she does with you.
"I can't believe you didn't protect yourself. I'm a radiant for fucks sake I can protect myself. Besides the fact that you got injured and couldn't heal anyone after the battle, the damn defuser almost got busted. All because you thought I wasn't strong enough. Aren't you the one complaining about "not being just a healer" all the time? Aren't you tired of how everyone is treating you like you're made of glass and not letting you go to the front lines? Why do you treat me this way then?"
Sage was quiet for a long time and you thought about leaving before her raspy voice startled you.
"I see how I was at fault now. I'm sorry I... I never meant to hurt you like this I just felt such a strong need to protect you. I promise you from now on I'll let you fight your own battles."
• Viper •
Viper sees almost every single person in the Protocol as inferior to her and surprise surprise even though you two are dating and she does love like you it still needs time before it gets through her thick skull that you're not just her "little mouse" and instead can defend yourself.
A little part of Sabine keeps repeating a name from her past. A tragedy that she caused, someone that she couldn't save. That someone she loved like you and that someone was strong like you but in the end non of that mattered.
She tried to convince herself that in you she sees the same thing she does in everyone here in the protocol. She wishes she could look at you and think of a pathetic little mouse trying to befriend the snake. But she can't. She does try though.
You were ready for an easy mission today but when you saw your girlfriend walk in the mission room looking serious you knew this was going to be a hard one.
A mission in Omega Earth. Well that's a different one. Only KJ, Neon and Reyna had had the pleasure of visiting your lovely neighbours so far.
Viper always insisted that you come with her on every mission together because you work well as a team, which isn't a lie but the main reason she wants you close by is so that she can reach out and protect you whenever possible.
You hate it. Sometimes the rest of the protocol jokes around by saying that you're dating your mom.
This time you told yourself that you're going to act exactly how you do on every other mission, regardless of what Viper tells you to do.
But of course your girlfriend didn't like the defiance, especially not when she's your superior in the field. You were out numbered by a bunch of simple soldiers.
You wanted to charge in and take them out so you can enter the facility you were here to investigate. Viper insisted that there has to be more. Her experience told her that this is too easy, the Valorant Legion must be waiting inside.
You, of course, didn't listen to her and charged in anyway with a very angry Viper chasing after you.
The moment you walked into the facility you were faced with a pretty bad ambush. The both of you fought as hard as you could but in the end you barely made it with the help of the rest of the team.
The ride back was very awkward with Viper not taking a single break from glaring at you while you were trying to busy yourself with literally anything.
As expected you had an argument the moment you reached HQ.
"You disobeyed direct orders from your superior! What were you thinking?!"
"I'm tired of this Viper! Every single time we have a mission together you treat me like a stupid little girl that can't do shit on her own!"
"This isn't the point. You but your life in danger-"
"I don't care! I will not be treated like this anymore. I know you have a thing for belittling people but for fucks sake you must really get off on doing it to me because I can't count how many times you've destroyed my dignity. "
Taking a big breath from all the fighting you closed your eyes and run a hand through your hair. You didn't wait another second before leaving and heading to your room. If only you stayed a moment longer you would've seen a very rare sight. The one and only Viper standing there with her hands clenched and her lips pursed as she desperately tries to hold back her tears.
• Fade •
Fade was afraid. She couldn't, wouldn't, admit it. But she was so scared of you disappearing. Just like he did. She was terrified of her life ending up in an endless nightmare.
Sometimes she tells herself that this is unfair to you. That she can't keep caging you like this. She trues to turn a blind eye to it but she sees your frustrated and hurt expression every time she acts like your knight in shining armour.
She ignores these feelings as best as she can, it's not just for her it's for your own good as well. She knows when to step in, she knows your limits.
You on the other hand can't handle seeing her in pain because of you. She thinks she's protecting you but she's only putting herself in unnecessary danger. You know your limits better than her, you are aware if what's happening around you and when you need to charge in or pull out.
You try not to blame Fade. You know that she doesn't mean to demeanor you. She's only scared of loosing you. Hazal hasn't talked to you about the mystery man she's been trying to find either. Not much anyway, but from what you know he must've meant a lot to her.
You really want to talk with her about it. Communication is important and you know this well it's just that you don't know how to bring it up without hurting her or without her trying to slither her way out of the conversation.
You decided that the best way to do this would be to bring it up in the heat of the moment. Which inly meant that you simply would have to wait you're assigned in another mission together.
Thankfully it was sooner than you expected. Another usual mission for the Valorant Protocol. Defend your home by defusing the spike and winning another fight against the Valorant Legion.
Guns aren't your specialty per say since you mostly depend on your radiant abilities. Not that you can't aim but it is especially difficult when you can't see. Shooting from inside one of Omen's shadow domes is almost impossible you can't see who you're aiming at and you don't even know if it's friend or foe.
You're pretty confused when the dome disappears and you see no one in front of you. When you take a few steps forward you're surprised when Sky tackles you into the ground. The woman must be out of her wooden animals but still she's physically stronger than you.
You two continue to scramble for a little while before the world goes black. At first you thought she knocked you out but you quickly realised that this is your girlfriend's work.
When you come to you immediately try to look for Fade. She is shocked when she sees you but don't let her speak a word.
"I hope today taught you a lesson. You can't keep trying to protect me. Not like this anyway. I had everything under control and you ended up doing more bad than good."
"I-I know and I'm sorry but-"
"No buts, just promise me you'll never try to protect me again."
*I promise."
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
What are your general dating headcanons for Viper, Fade and Jett? (Valorant).
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Words: 518
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This girl is planning and paying for expensive and fancy restaurant dates, nothing that rivals Chamber but the thought it worth more.
When you two start dating she tries to lower her work schedule. Even if it’s not by a lot she tries to spend more time with you in more aspects of the day.
You will have to cook for her as she can not. And no matter how long you do this for her she will never get tired of it, always finding more recipes for you.
She will make up for all your work by spending time making you some of your favourite desserts or some snacks.
Loves to sit in silence while enjoying your company, no words need to be said.
Before you both sleep or as you are falling asleep she’ll search through her bookshelf for a book, new or continuing each night.
In public she has a reputation to upkeep, so there will be little to none pda. But once you get behind closed doors she enjoys doing acts of services.
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She will spend the night awake just to make sure you’re okay, protecting you from your own nightmares and fears. Often leading to you both watching a dumb show you just found.
Frequently she’ll push you away if you try to show some pda, but will softly apologize later. She craves your attention, just… don’t make her look soft in front of others, she has a reputation after all.
This girl will ignore her own health just to make sure you’re doing fine. Leading to you sending her off to Sage, cuddling afterwards.
Enjoys having Henna dates. Will spend weeks beforehand creating designs that she thinks, no, knows is you. Making sure it’s perfect during application.
If you two date for long enough you’ll be able to meet her horde of cats. A mix of previously adopted and current strays that she cares for. (Hoping to adopt the rest.)
Her prowlers might look intimidating but that doesn’t stop them from getting what they want. That is your attention, often nudging or brushing against you.
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You can not escape her cuddles. This girl will hold you every second of the day if possible, even if it’s not she’ll make up for it later.
As she was a chef before joining the protocol she will cook anything you want for her.
This girl would waste all her money on matching jewelry if she could, luckily you’re there to stop her. Preferring necklaces and earrings (out of the way) but will wear what you want.
Will also match outfits, this includes stealing from your closet. (Take something from hers please, she would love it.)
She is a massive fan of legos, so having dates dedicated to building sets isn't surprising.
Will spend her money on the botanical sets and any other flower ones, gets butterflies seeing them all around your room.
Even with Brimstone’s no fraternization rule it doesn’t stop her from showering you in affection. But when you are alone? You will have to practically carry the girl. She will not leave you.
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theraidenshogunate · 5 months
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Fade Headcannons!
. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .
Tags: FadexGn!Reader, mostly fluff, small mentions of smut, occ?
. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .
I feel like Fade's love language would be physical touch, because she doesn't seem like some one who would speak much. She'd probably be very gentle with you too.
She may seem scary and all, but she's definitely a big softie once you get to know her.
I feel like she'd give a lot of praise during 'alone time', and actively encourage you when you're doing something, like going to the gym, or just doing any of your hobbies really.
I feel like Fade has insomnia, so you two would probably stay up late watching movies. I feel like she'd find horror movies fun to watch, and she'd be the type to cover your ears/eyes during the scary parts, and tell you when they're over.
Not xReader related, but I know she has a cat. Whether it's an actual cat, or just one of her nightmares (because they are canonically supposed to be cats), it doesn't matter, she loves it dearly.
I don't feel like she'd be one for pet names, but if she did ever use them, they'd probably be in Turkish, like güzelim or gözümün elması.
If you were to learn Turkish, she'd probably melt. Even if it's just something small like 'seni seviyorum'.
I feel like coming home to you after a long day of work would be the highlight of her day.
I'd say quality time is one of her love languages, but she'd probably be way to busy on the field to spend a lot of time with her, so she'd make up to it by giving you hugs, and kisses whenever she is home.
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GOD why can't I tag you 😭😭 @huuuuutao
-he's so confused... how are you an absolute force to be reckoned with on missions but... this careless on base??
-honestly was curious if it was an act but after skulking about, unfortunately, it was anything but.
-decided to make sure you don't mess anything up because one of his hobbies is cleaning, but he doesn't want to clean up an absurd amount of [name] tracks.
-is always there to stop you from breaking or knocking anything over, he developed a sense for it. the second you slip, he's already steadying you.
-the closer you are to him, the more likely he'll help cover up your "evilllll deeeeeeeds".
-once, phoenix came into the living room while chasing after you. you were gone but omen was sitting on the couch knitting a blanket drapped over him.
-jamie asked for directions and omen blatantly lied about seeing you double back behind him.
-"he's gone now."
-guarantee you, if she's within line of sight she'll always catch you or whatever you knock over. -the second you even look like you're going to fall down, she's already stabilizing you with her arm. -last week, she sprinted across the whole dining room to stop you from hitting the floor. -needless to say, you were pretty in awe. her face was the complete opposite. -seriously worried about your lack of balance, wonders if it is a medical condition at times. -doesn't participate in the chaos, is more likely to stop you from doing anything dumb. she radiates big ate energy. -not impressed when you end up getting an earful from sage or skye. in fact, she'll give you one herself.
-"whoa there, don't go falling for me."
-well just like omen, how fade reacts is also dependent on how close you are to her. -she's fairly nonchalant about helping you up or keeping objects you tip over steady, probably going through mission reports or the sort on her tablet while she pulls you back by the arm. -when you actually do get hurt and come waddling back to her with the goofy ahh puppy dog eyes, she just- she can't. -drops you off at sage or skye immediately, she's no medical expert. but if it's anything tiny like a scratch she'll stick a band aid on it (she's got a pack in her pockets just for your dumb ass). -doesn't do chaotic stuff at all, she's got enough chaos to deal with. will prevent you from inconveniencing the protocol when possible. -if you're close close to her, she'll drag you into her room and make you crochet with her hehe. -hell, maybe she'll drag you into omen's room so you can all crochet together. -"no, you can't have more coffee."
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divinegrey · 1 year
ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀᴄ / ꜰᴀᴅᴇ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
well. i got thrown into a spiral because i saw a fanart on twitter and wrote a piece based off of it. please check out the art here and send the artist some kudos, it's a brilliant piece.
btw i did not beta read this so if you see mistakes no you didn't ok bye!
prompt: fade has nightmares she cannot wake up from. you're there to break her out of it.
words: 1800
warnings: mentions of nightmares, angst and comfort, dad cypher
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It’s not uncommon for you to be up at the odd hours of the night. You’re one of the few people at the Protocol who simply functions that way— you’re a necessity for the night shift, always available for the emergency missions that call for the total cover of darkness. You’re much like your mentor, Cypher, in that sense. It’s always you and him in the camera room, him tinkering his trips and you working on your traps. 
So, it’s also not uncommon for you and him to walk back to your rooms together once your time in the wee hours of the night have concluded. Tonight is a night like any other, moving quietly down the hallway. The dorms are quiet, with most of the agents asleep or away on longer missions. It’s peaceful. 
That is, until you hear the sound of what appears to be muffled… whimpering? No, that can’t be right. Though Cypher keeps walking, you pause, staring at the door— you’re passing the Initiator hallway to get to the Sentinel dorms, and the owner of the room behind the door is none other than Fade.
Cypher too stops in his steps. You look at him as you always do, silently seeking an explanation. He sighs, shaking his head. The orbital sockets of his mask widen, before he walks over to the door, pressing his palm to the reader. You’re about to mention that his hand shouldn’t work, before the front face of the palm reader flips up to reveal a keypad— you’re grateful for your vision in the dimly lit hallway. 209375, a number that you can’t think of to mean anything— perhaps one randomly generated, knowing Cypher’s preference to attach no emotion to passwords. 
The door opens, and Cypher steps inside the room. You quickly follow, waiting in the doorframe to see Cypher sit down on the bed. Beneath a single sheet with shadows dancing on the walls, Fade squirms, deep in the throes of what is very clearly a nightmare. 
Cypher murmurs, head bowed, “She hardly ever sleeps well. Always troubled, this one. I can tell.” 
You frown, watching Fade grip Cypher’s hand once he extends it, even as deep in sleep as she is. He strokes her knuckles, bare-handed, an honor for you and for Fade, it seems. Gloves are his thing. 
“There is nothing we can do but hope she wakes up,” says Cypher, laying Fade’s hand in his lap. He places it against his forehead, whispering something in Arabic to her. He steps away, tucking the blanket over Fade. Cypher walks past you, and you shut the door. Cypher takes a moment, then sighs. “She will wake up. Her mental fortitude outmatches both you and I.” 
Though you wish to ask more, ask how to help, you find yourself speechless for the time being. Cypher begins moving, so you do the same. 
But you look over your shoulder one last time, to the shadows that creep beneath Fade’s door. 
— — —
The nights are even quieter without Cypher around. His presence was required for an overnight mission somewhere in the streets of Portugal, following up on a lead with Sova and Harbor. It leaves you making the rounds by yourself, stifling a yawn into your hand. 
Once again, as you pass through the Initiator hallway, there’s that quiet groaning and whimpering from beyond Fade’s door. Fade is in there, all alone and by herself. You understand Fade’s tendencies as a loner, but still— no one should have to be alone when they’re suffering a nightmare. You’ve gone to Cypher more times than you can count, of course he would look after Fade too. 
Without hesitation, you go to the palm reader. Sure, your hand might not do the same thing, but the mechanism for the reading was awfully familiar. Too much time watching Cypher play with his toys has lead you to a keen intuition; just the right amount of pressure and—
You punch in the code— 209375— and slip inside, the locking mechanism sliding back into place. Fade is curled up on the bed, her back to you and her hands clenched around her head. Shadows mixed with red tendrils creep on the walls, sliding toward your feet with a coldness that sends goosebumps over your arms. You swear you hear whispers; the Nightmare communing with you, maybe, in a language you do not understand. 
It does little to deter you. Cypher had warned you, days after you witnessed him comfort Fade in her sleep. She cannot wake up the same way you and I do.
Fuck that. 
Fuck that. 
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You’re going to try, at least, because no one should suffer alone. 
You kneel on the bed, the mattress shifting beneath your weight. Your hand on Fade’s shoulder does little, save for the shadows that snake up your arm, circling your wrist to keep it pinned to her. 
“Fade, I’m right here,” you say, moving closer. She shakes, crying out— even in her sleep, her hand moves to cover her mouth, drowning out the sounds of pain as if the demon in her mind is hurting her physically. Her body twitches, the same movements after being struck by bullets. You swallow the dryness in your throat, pushing on. “Fade— Hazal, if you can hear me, I’m right here. I’m not leaving until you’re awake.” 
A whimper. The movements subside, only for a moment, before the shadows in the room grow, angered. The coldness around your wrist burns. 
“Hazal, you’re not alone,” you say, your voice teetering on a whisper that is still louder than the ones echoing in your mind. “The Nightmare can’t hurt you. Not here. Not with me.” 
Fade’s eyes shoot open, her body twisting upward. Shadows pour from her eyes, leaking down like blood that leaves nary a trace on her pale skin, the irises of both her eyes a shade of red that glows crimson in the dark. She scrambles to get a hold of you and you do the same, wrapping your arms around her as fast as you can, anchoring her back to reality. 
She’s limp, her body aching and tired from the nightmares that still have her in their grips. You cup the back of her head, stroking the sweat-damp hair. 
When you first met her, you were beyond terrified of her shadows, of the Nightmares she brought to life from her fingers. 
They hardly scare you at all. They’re fucking terrifying, but Fade’s safety is overwhelming— you tighten your grip on her, forcing her breathing to center from the panicked hyperventilation into a slow, steady rhythm. Her hands, weak on your waist, begin to twitch. 
“You’re almost done fighting, Hazal, and I’ll be here to catch you when you wake up. Just wake up, please,” you whisper, coldness sizzling down your back from the shadows that trickle down her cheeks and chin, the physical manifestation of the demons that haunt the corners of her room and her mind, ensnaring her sleep in their clawed hands. You exhale, warm breath on her ear, another plead, “Wake up, Hazal.” 
Hazal inhales a breath, and the darkness of the room fades, bearing way to light that had once been shrouded. A lamp illuminates the room, allowing you to see the deep gouges in the metal, made by something so very inhuman— near the bed on the wall, some on the floor, a gash on the ceiling. 
Her voice speaks, raspy and deep. “You shouldn’t be here.” 
And yet, Hazal grips your waist as if she’s terrified you’ll run away. 
“I promised I’d be here when you woke up,” you say, pulling your head back. Fade levels her eyes with you— normal, ragged and worn with sleep, but normal. She sighs, resting her forehead against yours. The closeness allows you to hear the pounding of her heart. Frantic, but alive and present. 
“You are an idiot,” says Hazal, and you snort. “And yet, you woke me up. I heard you, from beyond the shadows, the same way I hear Cypher from time to time, but you… you pulled me out.” 
“Sometimes being an insomniac has some benefits,” you whisper, laughing softly. 
Hazal nods. “Don’t I know it.” She swallows, straightening up. Her hands are shaking as she pulls them away. She’s hesitant to meet your eyes. “You can leave now, if you wish.” 
“Nah, I think I’m gonna crash here for the night,” you reply. There’s a smile on your face when Hazal looks up, the tiniest shard of hope. You bump your shoulder gently to hers. “If that’s alright with you, Bountyhunter.” 
“Give me five minutes to shower and change the sheets,” Hazal says, standing up from the bed. But, as she does, she stumbles. You grab her by her hips, steadying her. A grateful nod from her, and she goes on. As she showers in the conjoining bathroom, you change the sheets, quickly and easily, leaving no room for error. 
Hazal returns, freshly washed, to you in pajamas that are distinctly not your own, but she doesn’t put up a fight, nor does she comment on it beside the slight tug on the black boxers, a subtle smile on her face. You crawl into bed with her, content with the warm light of the lamp keeping the room shielded from the night. 
She appears hesitant, eyes flickering back and forth from the ceiling and you. 
“Can I—?” 
“Of course,” you say, opening your arms. “I was hoping you’d ask.” 
Without further question, Hazal tucks herself into your arms— it’s a new side of her that you’ve seen, a secret known only by you, her, and the moon shining through the window. She lets out a long exhale into your chest, finally, finally relaxing all of her muscles that had been tense only moments before, sinking into your embrace. 
“Nightmares ain’t got shit against me,” you say, getting a muffled snort from her. “I’ll be here. Any night you need me.” 
Hazal breaks your brain in the form of a kiss pressed against your collarbone. “And for that, I am grateful. Thank you.” 
“Don’t mention it. Seriously. Cypher’s going to be pissed that I broke the locks to get in.” 
— — —
The door to the room creaks open; you’re awake, you have been all night making sure Hazal has slept, and slept she has, soundly and without a single twitch in your arms. You turn your head to the entrance. 
Cypher stands there with a cup of coffee in his hand. He looks over you, then Fade, and simply shakes his head with amusement shining in the orbitals of his mask. He raises his cup to you. “Proud of you, habibi. Do keep her safe.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of anything else,” you reply, running your hands through her hair. Cypher closes the door, cloaking the room in silence. You turn your eyes to the sun just beginning to rise through the window, and smile. 
You can rest now; you think you deserve it, after all, and rest you do, comfortable with the warmth of Hazal molded to your body, sleeping without a single shadow of darkness. 
~~~~~ A/N: thanks for reading!!! make sure to go appreciate the artwork linked at the top, and see you next time!
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