ettle · 3 months
Thank goodness you're okay, you passed out for a second there. Hey, Achievement Hunter just posted a new video! Yeah, we're gonna watch it on my laptop in the hotel while I finish my Mogar cosplay. Are you almost finished with your Mad King Ryan co-- callout? What callout? Oh come on, you know RTX is super safe. What's the Dream SMP? I've never heard of it. Anyway, I wanted to take a picture at the Tower of Pimps before it got too crowded. I'm so glad to be here with you :) I hope we can work at Rooster Teeth someday when we're older.
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ursifors · 1 year
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outlaw fakes au doodle! all the fakes that have ever been caught by authorities have the fakes symbol branded somewhere visible so that if they escape (when they escape) they are immediately recognizable to other authorities
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skipitty-bop · 1 day
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rimmy tim sketches i did in one sitting, i love them so much
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goldnhand · 6 months
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this is kind of not super recent, but 2016-2018 me should of drawn this man with his tits out what was i doing
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oddluver · 6 months
Damn we really ain't gna get a FAHC in GTA VI 😭
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doodlebriggs · 1 year
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The Golden Boy
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roosterbirds · 10 months
forget fahc golden boy, i want fahc mad scientist gav, the golden boy who retreated from the streets and dove in to the lab to make insane robots and machines, whose boredom will be very dangerous. the maniacal mad scientist who constantly blows up his lab but creates insane new gadgets and stuff for the gang's maximum chaos. he's too dangerous to arrest because he might literally blow up the city.
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heisttheblackflag · 8 months
so still-unnamed au but tentatively called fake pr, it’s more a network of individuals and small groups than a true Crew, but the person in charge of everyone is Tay. Chilled is the sweet talker, the lynchpin, the contact, the one everyone knows and everyone goes to. the pr crew is also loosely associated with the morning crew (aka irl the group in Hafu’s morning lobbies) and what I’m tentatively calling the fake dogs or maybe just db (aka dogbark). Alfredo doesn’t exactly have split loyalty, but he will take jobs w chilled and Jeremy for pr without question. Fooya also is primarily pr but will run with db whenever they need her.
(and like I think I said this is the same universe as the fahc, so fake pr did exist at the same time and then when the fahc sort of fell apart Jeremy and Matt joined Ray in pr and the four members of dogbark irl formed their own mini crew)
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sorcererinthestars · 1 year
I've been doing some thinking about classic FAHC and I've been binging Leverage and I just wanted to sort of share my redefined ideas about the roles people have on the crew. It's much more blended than the original fahc where everyone had distinct roles. In the "new" FAHC: Geoff has sort of taken a back seat. He's around and still 100% has his fingers in the pie but Trevor is now the Mastermind of the organization. It's him who really plans the heists and really sits down to work them out. Trevor is also partially a frontman and mainly (in my head), their Thief. I see him in a pair of leather gloves to cover his (metaphorically) sticky fingers, smoothly talking to someone or stealing a keycard from their pockets. He's just as comfortable in the vents as he is directing the crew. Ky is also a huge protege with Trevor, working hard in the background to learn the job of the mastermind and producing a heist from start to finish.
Jack is still in the crew, of course, but has sort of taken a bit of a step back with Geoff. She's there to drive the getaway car but has left the more dangerous pieces with the younger crew, although she's still on hand to patch them up when they get themselves into Situations. She's the Getaway Driver and the Medic.
Michael is sort of the Head Dog in the Hitter pack, which encompasses Joe and Alfredo as well. Michael's a hands-on Brawler, down to fight, but also enjoys teaching the other two. Joe is also a Brawler, just gets in there, but Alfredo is sort adjacent as their Sniper. He's better from a distance, a sharp-shooter, although with Michael's influence he can get a bit fighty up front (where Trevor has to drag him back to the plan). What surprises them is how much Ky gets involved in the physical parts of the crew and how she ain't afraid to throw a punch. Of course, when needed, they can always count on Lil J to throw up and wreck shop when he's in town.
Gavin is their frontman and is their Grifter. He's the one that runs the longer cons, the one who can wear a million hats and pivot on a dime to charm even the most reluctant of Marks. He's left the hacking mainly to Matt, who acts as the main crew Hacker. He not only manages the basic hacking but is good with gadgets. BK also focuses mainly on being a secondary Grifter, providing the feminine energy to Gavin. The two can make a very deadly pair when set on crews together. BK is also a pretty powerful sharpshooter when she needs to be.
The thing about Lindsay is that they are truly still, as always, the Wildcard. Lindsay will brawl when they need to, they will grift and be incredible at it, putting on any voice and nailing it. They are very good at planning heists (especially when they need the element of surprise) and really can fit in any role. Ace of Spades, they are.
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namnworb · 1 year
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Lindsey Jones and Michael Jones from Fake AH Crew / Achievement Hunter
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jxcowlick · 8 months
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Quick sketch with color pencil. Also I didn't look at any references, just based it off of my vague memory from a few years ago lmaoo
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shadeofazmeinya · 1 year
How to Plan a Simple Heist: A Guide for the Current Sorry Soul Leading the Fakes
A/N: Here’s my fic for the Achieve! Zine that I was a part of! If you enjoy, I highly recommend the rest of the zine! As always, reblogs and comments are super appreciated!
AO3 Link
A man stands outside the tall marbled columns of the Maze bank, sunglasses reflecting the heat of a Los Santos day. The city bustles with movement; cars, people, planes soaring up above. But this man is stopped, considering the imposing structure in front of him as the doors swing in and out with people. 
He leans back against the parking meter, hands buried into the pockets of his brown leather jacket, a wolf snarling on his back. No one cares to look at him and he doesn’t care to look at them. After a moment he adjusts his baseball cap a little lower over his brown curls and his eyes flicks to his watch. His mouth twists as he counts down the seconds before he pushes himself up and heads inside.
Pushing past the glass doors, his shoes echo across the marble floor. A second story balcony hangs above and he spares a glance up. There, a lithe man in a tailored suit stands. His blonde hair shines in the light, matching the gold around his neck and wrist. He stares down at the people going about their days alone. The two men catch eyes. Smirks pull at both of their lips and just as suddenly the man up top slips back into the crowd. And the man below continues his march to the teller's window.
“What can I help you with?” the teller says pleasantly, unknowing of the plan already unfolding. The parts already moving into place.
The man in leather grins and starts to hand a note-
“Then you seduce the bank teller!” Joe interrupts with a grin, a hand slamming down on the wood table that is sprawled with various maps, scrawled notes, and surveillance photos all centered on Maze Bank.
“What?” Alfredo laughs, others in the room bursting into giggles. “Why do you always want to fucking seduce the marks on the heist?”
“I can do it! Let me try!”
“No,” Trevor sighs, hand pinching the bridge of his nose. This planning session has already gone on for two hours and they’ve yet to even properly plan getting to the vaults. “No seducing. Michael just passes a note saying that this is a robbery.”
“That’s so boring though,” Joe huffs.
“He’s right, we can do better than a note,” Lindsay nods.
Trevor sighs, able to tell the battle he’s losing. “Then just tell the bank teller you’re robbing them. The note was the finesse.”
“Am I supposed to ask to go in the back or hold up the front?” Michael says, turning them somewhat back on track.
“You are the distraction. Your job is to keep the focus on you, while the others are setting up in the back-“
A large, detailed painting hangs in one of the meeting rooms, something expensive even if the subject is hard to make out with the mesh of colors. The room sits empty, silent until the painting creaks. Thudding against the wall, once, twice, third time it knocks off the hanger and clatters to the ground. 
Replacing it is a hole with two figures inside. Both are dressed in all black with masks covering their faces and slip out with bags of gear on their back.
They move swiftly with practiced ease. They pause at the doorway and one leans out to listen. They listen closely and then give a quick hand motion and they both move out. Running down the hallway.
The camera flickers, red light blinking. Connected is a screen that shows the figures moving around. Then the screen flickers; the figures disappear mid walk. The screen shows just an empty hallway. Leaving silence and a lulled peace once again.
“How come Matt always gets to be the man in the chair?” Alfredo huffs, leaning back as Trevor is again trying to explain.
“Because I’m the hacker. That’s what I do. Besides, you said you wanted to be the one in the tunnel.”
“I did say that,” Alfredo laments. “Joe convinced me on the outfits.”
“Black and slim is sexy,” Joe grins. “And we get to use the big drill.”
“The hole will be made before the heist even begins,” Trevor reminds, pointing out their floor plans and maps that were labeled with the drill spots.
“Ky and I get to do it, right?” BK beams. “Pretty please, Trevor? We can sneak around and easily get it in place.”
“What?! No, I want to!” Jeremy protests. “Matt taught me how to use it!”
“Cmon, Jeremy, you know Team Friendly Fire has it covered,” Ky cuts in.
“Ky and BK can do it, Jeremy we’ll need you for setting up other parts of the heist,” Trevor says.
Ky smirks and sticks her tongue out at Jeremy, who returns the gesture.
“Now let’s focus and talk about how we’re getting out-“
The back door bursts open, several figures flooding out into the back alley. Voices shout and the wail of sirens isn’t far off. But the figures don’t stop moving, each carrying a bag draped around them. Cash sticking out from every stuffed pocket.
The figures bolt, taking off running in the same direction. All sharing bright grins as they run with their steal.
“We’re almost at the pickup spot,” one shouts, tapping a small piece in their ear.
“I’m right there,” a voice responds, a curl of red hair shouting over the loud roar of a helicopter. A shadow crosses over them, a cargobob hovering as the wind rips around.
Below the machine, there was a chain hooked to something hanging below it. A bright pink plastic box, swinging, with words on the side of it reading-
“We’re not using the fucking Porta Potty!” Michael shouts as Lindsay bursts into giggles.
“It’s the perfect plan, Michael!” Lindsay defends. “Listen-“
The room floods with bickering and teasing and complete lack of focus as they battle out the pros and cons of the portable toilet. Trevor lets out a deep, but fond, sigh. He knows when they need to focus they will. In the meantime, though, it's like herding cats.
Out of the corner of his eye, Trevor spots Jack give an amused smile as she lounges back in her chair. A knowing smile, having seen the chaos of these people the longest. But when she locks eyes with Trevor, she gives a subtle nod. An encouraging look, a deep set of trust. Trevor feels his nerves settle, looking back over all the maps and notes. All the work they’ve already put in. Trevor takes one more deep breath and gives a sharp whistle to get the room’s focus.
“Alright,-“ he says, leaning over the table and looking them all in the eyes. “Let’s take it from the top one more time.”
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ursifors · 2 years
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golden boy comm for @gayragequit
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somegrumpynerd · 2 years
Fahc Trevor’s first bank heist was just him walking into the bank in a full suit with a clipboard saying he was here to inspect the vault locks
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goldnhand · 2 years
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meanest t4t bitches (i doubt i will actually finish this so have it)
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pyrotic-goat · 8 months
Returning to my roots.
Something about AH ending, despite not watching for a few years (stopped around time of The Asshole Getting Outed)
There's some part of me that has found peace. I'm putting my grubby little hyperfocus all over specifically FAHC stuff. I've had Good At Being Bad on loop for a few days even! I've been far more into yogscast (both current and old content) for the last few years. I have a separate blog for that fandom, since it's a much smaller fandom on Tumblr, and this blog has always been writing/whump/AH focused.
You will likely see fahc content from me in the coming months, and yes, the character Vagabond will be in it. I will put his actual name as a tw on the tags, but he will be heavily referred to as Vagabond.
I will state it once here, that I do not support his IRL self, and vehemently hate him.
A note: I will actually be removing my ah mc au fic from AO3 at the end of December! I will be making it into an original story.
Feel free to dm for the link to the ah mc au fic collection if you can't find it.
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