#fearne and orym
annemarieyeretzian · 8 months
fearne jumping into the lava after ashton and orym standing there like this for a full fifteen seconds 🙃
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critterchatter · 16 days
The cast neglected to mention an important thing... when they went to bed, who was curled up together?! They know we want to know!!
Was Orym sleeping alone, again, when he was startled awake (with the attack)?
Did Ashton and Fearne cuddle up? Did dorian and orym join them?
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keyvei · 11 months
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The Reunion 🔥
When I sent a screenshot from that episode to my bf he said “it looks like renaissance painting or smth” so I made one 👌
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threadcountart · 11 months
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Together at last
Image ID below 🌸
[Image ID: Digital painting of Orym and Fearne from Critical Role happily hugging each other on the ground with Fearne transformed into a tanuki. Tanuki Fearne has fluffy dark brown and light grey-green fur and pink and purple flowers growing around her ears. She’s happily rolled on her back with a bushy tail peaking up between her legs. Orym cuddles her closely, his face smooshed into hers with eyes squeezed tight in a delighted smile. Orym is a white male halfling with short dark brown hair and pointed ears. He wears dark green armor strapped around a light green shirt. He carries a circular, dark grey shield on his back. Watermark on painting reads “@Threadcountart” and “Do not repost/edit/trace” End ID]
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tibetianfoxz · 1 year
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i miss them
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mackasdrivethru · 8 months
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My Dearest Friend
I love these two so much, their bond is so beautiful 💚
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emileedraws · 1 year
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"Hey, Fearnie." "Hey, Best Friend"
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Comfort doodle of the Dynamic Duo of Bell’s Hells.
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automatictrashwolf · 7 months
I'm back for the second part of C3E77
(think I'm just gonna write down my thoughts as they happen)
Orym's little scene with Fearne was adorable, I'd been wondering why he took that spyglass. Laura adding her hand to the handhold "you have so many hands" "yeah, its best not to question it".
Loved them reacting to it snowing in whitestone.
"And that's how we fought some ghosts"
Marisha: does a bad impression of Vex, Laura: "Imogen and Laudna are done" 😆
Imogen is giving up her Whitestone is for lovers shirt as an offering to the dawn father 🥲
Imogen: "I don't accept it." 😭
Ashton and Fearne's scene by the clock tower "My heavens". Laura looked so pissed at Ashton saying he only trusted Fearne. I did really want Fearne to take the shard, but oh well. Fearne running away after saying Ashton is hot gave me "I kiss her and I skateboard away" vibes. Do y'all think Fearne actually likes Ashton romantically? With Chet it just seemed sexual, but with Ashton it just feels different to me.
Happy to see Cassandra, I want to know more about what she has been up to.
Taliesin said he and Ashley are gonna talk of camera, I think Fearne x Ashton is a real possibility you guys!
We going to the ziggurat! Laudna is uncomfortable, I think her parents were probably among the bodies that lined the walls back then. Delilah definalty used them for some sort of experiment, waste not want not.
Ashton kissed Fearne but then said its never gonna happen again. Damn man, u playing with my heart, and Fearne's I think.
Marisha and Ashley clutching their stuffies during this tense scene.
I don't... I don't know what to say
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justshamie · 1 year
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PART 2~! Honestly super fun! Next one for May the 4th, cause that's a holiday in my book.
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crescentcrimsondragon · 5 months
Midnight Talks
---takes place directly after episode 80---
Fearne waits untill everybody is asleep before finding Nana Morri to help her ease her mind with a midnight talk.
“Nana Morri can I talk to you about something… both of you if you don't mind”
Fearne walked up to the entrance of the fate stitcher her bedroom. Like she has done so a million times before when she was a little kid that had a nightmare.
The rest of the Bells Hells and Allura were vast asleep after a day filled with team building and transformation. And even though Fearne was exhausted as well, her mind kept stirring around with the newly awoken flame inside of her.
“You can always come to me my dear, are you having trouble sleeping? Want me to scare away some bad dreams?”
Fearne jumped next to Nana on the bed, hoofs twidling over the edge of the large nest like structure.
“It’s not bad dreams this time nana, it feels all way to real for that. I’m just not really sure how to put it into words”
The Morrigan looked at eachother with both faces looking with worry in their eyes.
“Take your time darling, you went through something big today. Something not everyone would have been able to do. It will take some time to get used to this new power”
“I’m afraid we are running out of time” Fearnes voice suddenly sounded scared, for the first time in a long while. Oh Nana Morri hated it when she sounded like that.
“I just don't want to get swept away by all of this. What if I lose myself because I get lost in all my emotions.. I…” she suddenly became quiet for a moment before whispering under her breath
“I’m afraid to lose them Nana, all of them”
The Morrigan lifted a hand below Fearnes chin to lift it up gently to meet her soft gaze. “Having something to fight for is a wonderful thing my dear, and with you, that can never be a bad thing”
Fearne thinks about this for a while, with a soft humming in the background as belly Nana fell asleep.
Fearne breaks the silence
“It felt really weird when… when our hands touched”
“I can't begin to imagine”
“It was exciting, but not just because it felt powerful. I mean oh boy it felt powerful. But also just because it was them? I got to see this person destroy themselves in front of me and now I helped them piece themselves together again, and I don't know how to feel about that.”
The Morrigan tilts her head “do you need to know now? It's okay to wander around in the dark sometimes you know, you don't always need to know the answer”
“I mean I am definitely still angry at them, but yea I guess… the rest can wait.”
Another silence follows where Nana Morri almost falls asleep again before Fearne speaks up once more and blurts out.
“You know it's just so weird that I get all flustered about it because I have done far worse but it feels different because with Chetney it feels safe like a forest but with Ashton…. I just never know what they are thinking. Maybe I just mist the crown keepers and Dorian and Orym together by my side but still…”
Nana Morri leaves out a big sigh before lifting up her head once more.
“Fearne, my wonderful dear Fearne, you of all people must know that love comes in all forms yes?”
She is looking at Fearne expectedly, who blinks a few times before nodding.
“Well your traveling group is an odd bunch, one as expected you would gather around you. And with different kinds of people come different kind of love and affection. How you show it to them is up to you”
“I mean yeah that just seems like the right thing to do?”
“Exactly, you were never one to really follow the rules set upon you, you always made your own plan. So why should this be any different?”
“So you mean I should talk to them?”
“All in good time, I think you have all done enough talking for today. Only so much a person can accomplish before they need to rest. But once you are ready, yes talk to them”
Fearne jumps up to the nest and gives a kiss on the foreheads of Nana Morri.
“Goodnight Nanas”
“Goodnight Fearne, and sweet dreams”
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annemarieyeretzian · 7 months
orym telling fearne “you know what else I love? I love how much you love all of them. …it was just us for a little while… and I just love seeing the family grow. you know what else, fearne? you know, I look at you and I see love and laughter and magic and mayhem, and I see so much love in you. watching you embrace them, I don't know, gives me more hope than just about anything does.” and fearne saying “orym, that’s such a wonderful thing to say.” 🥹🥹
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yashfearne · 1 year
I don’t ship them but I need to see this as Fearne and Orym
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tibbinswrites · 6 months
A House Full of Broken Things
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Relationships: Fearne Calloway/Ashton Greymoore, Fearne Calloway & Orym, Orym/Will | Orym's Spouse (Critical Role), Orym/Dorian Storm Characters: Fearne Calloway, Orym (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Post-Episode C3e80, Fearne and Orym talk, quiet conversations, Canon Compliant, Spoilers for Previous Episodes, Sweet, Grief/Mourning, Mild Language, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Ashton Greymoore Summary: Fearne is having a hard time falling asleep after the trials. Orym shows up for a quiet talk. Post-episode 80.
Read it on AO3 here.
Snippet below the cut.
Fearne lay awake in her bed in Ligament Manor, staring at the ceiling. It was wonderful being home again, seeing Nana and Peepers and Dr Nesbit and Door and Sweet Pea and Bompers and even Birdie and Ollie. She felt safe here, safer than she’d felt in a long time, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that coming back now would only make it harder to leave.
Turning onto her side, her mind kept whirling. Her and Ashton’s new forms, the trust exercises, the truth about her father, before eventually settling on the image of the cracks in Ashton’s skin roiling like lava as their arm fell to shatter against the floor, of his eyes on hers, bright as a flare and just as dangerous, daring her to keep him alive, to get them through this, to not scream for the others, to keep her promise.
“No!” she pulled herself away from the vision, pressed her palms to her eyes, hard, and rubbed at them until the image broke and she was back in her bedroom again, rage smouldering in her belly.
More than fury at Ashton’s recklessness though, Fearne felt a deep, clawing shame. It felt like the ichor that poured from Laudna’s form of dread, black and sticky, impossible to wipe away. She wasn’t familiar with the feeling and she didn’t like it at all. She had told Ashton that she didn’t want the shard. Of course they would take that to mean that they should use it instead otherwise why had he bothered pulling it from the lava in the first place? He had only done that, had to go through that, because she had been too afraid of what the power might make her into, not for a second thinking that it would be worse, far worse, to watch it unmake Ashton instead. And not only had she given them the tools, but she had just stood there, helpless and panicking, throwing out healing spells that did nothing but prolong the torture. Watching her aura of life pulse every few seconds, keeping them on their feet, still feeling the rough pressure of his lips on hers.
Fearne’s heart spiked with a brief pain and she sniffed. She was so stupid sometimes. So naive. She’d never really wanted to be otherwise. Everything since leaving the Feywild had felt like a grand adventure up to this point. Sure, there had been bumps in the road. Bertrund’s death had been sad, and Lord Eshteross. And she’d missed her nana terribly, and finding her parents had been… complicated. They’d lost Laudna and got separated and Fearne had been worried then. At the Malleus Key she’d been worried too, that they were going to fail, that they were going to die. But she’d never really thought that they would. It felt like the games she used to play as a child, when she’d sneak places she wasn’t supposed to go or steal something important to see how long it would take Nana to notice it was gone. Or when her and her animal friends would take turns being the monster that the other would bravely fight off. Those games were always fun, with just enough danger to provide a thrill, but there had never been anything so scary that Nana couldn’t make her feel better, no monster that wandered into the fens that Nana couldn’t chase away.
Having Nana be there when she finally accepted the shard had made her feel braver, but she’d recently learned that not even Nana had the power to protect her from reality, she’d had a huge, bitter dose of that. The danger of what they were doing felt very, very solid. It had been creeping upon her ever since the clock tower.
Fearne liked to flirt. It was fun to watch Chetney turn bright red and awkwardly flirt back, to see Imogen smirk out of the corner of her eye, to hear Orym’s quiet chuckle. But hearing Ashton say that they thought she was hot had knotted something in her stomach, and saying it back hadn’t been fun, or light or flirty. It had been scary and heavy and honest and she’d run away so that she would never know how he would have responded. But it wasn’t just that. Her excursion with the witches and learning they were together, seeing the shadows that lingered in between them; her talk with Orym, his love and his determination to get them through; pulling FCG from the snow to the right way up, laughing until her sides hurt at the sight of them and Ashton ploughing face-first into a snow bank; Chetney trying to make her feel better by taking her to smash windows. Her bonds with these people were irrevocable now. She felt them in her chest, tugging at her heart until it tore.
They hadn’t even made it to the moon yet and things were only going to get worse. They had time now and although that was what she’d wanted, what they all needed, it rankled at her. Now she had more hours to worry, to think, to seethe and cry and question the truth that she had called out in the chasm, that maybe they weren’t ready for this. Maybe they would die for good. Maybe she would have to watch Ashton shatter again, or watch Orym crumple to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Maybe Imogen would be pulled somewhere else by her connection to the moon, maybe Chetney would be overtaken by the beast inside him, maybe Laudna would give in to Delilah, maybe FCG would try to take too much damage for one of them. She felt more powerful now, and Ashton had certainly looked more powerful, but power didn’t fix everything. The trust exercise had been good in theory but she wasn’t sure they’d really succeeded. They’d all been suspicious of each other; Ashton leaving FCG in the deadly vines, Laudna bringing out her hound for insurance, Orym questioning them with random trivia that she at least hadn’t been in a place to remember.
The walls around her almost seemed to be closing in, twisting her thoughts into a tangled mess of anxiety. She hated this. She’d never felt like this before and she hated it. Was this why FCG kept second-guessing themself? Was this why Imogen fought so hard against other people’s thoughts? Was this what Orym felt whenever he stepped in front of a creature at least four times his size? Fear. Real fear. That they would lose. That she would lose. It was the kind of feeling she’d always pushed away, the kind that hadn’t seemed important when there were more fun things to do, but now she couldn’t stop the onslaught.
Fearne sniffled and looked up at the soft voice. Orym was peering around the doorframe. She hadn’t heard him knock.
“How did you find me?” she asked.
Orym’s mouth twitched a little. “This is your bedroom.”
“Oh, right.”
Orym came in and shut the door behind him before quietly padding over to where she lay. She shuffled backwards towards the wall and he hopped up, sitting criss-cross-applesauce in front of her.
Read the rest on AO3 here.
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ecmcdamn · 1 year
Just thinking about how Orym hugged Fearne's leg. How she looked at him and said don't be a hero. How she told Orym "bait and switch" and "last man out" to just run. I've watched it repeatedly and I get teary eyed every time.
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always-and-anyways · 1 year
Fearne’s face when Orym is brought up 🥺
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