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k-wame · 10 months
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Julián Cerati as 'Inti' & Mauricio Hénao as Adrián Ferrer 2023 • Fake Profile (Perfil Falso) • S1·E05
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wink-and-whisper · 23 days
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"I'm okay with it, too .."
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mrsoulstice · 4 months
It’s this or nothing!
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b-e-l-l-a--l-u-n-a · 10 months
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...everytime I kiss you! ♥
(Animations are from the movie: Bambi)
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spicypeachxx · 2 months
Don't I look good covered in cream? 😉💦
See More
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mrsnaughty0723 · 4 months
lazy Sunday! 😍 just letting them hang out! 😏
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sagasolejma · 7 days
Hey babe
*turns on stylophone*
wanna watch the Jurassic World And The Lost World Deluxe Edition Combo Pack + Directors Commentary with me while we make out?
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k-wame · 10 months
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sapphosdesires · 6 months
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Having a girlfriend who is bisexual is sometimes quite difficult for straight guys.... poor them!
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wink-and-whisper · 24 days
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Hello I'm Ann! Don't be shy, say hi! 🙋‍♀️
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lia1512 · 8 months
Elijah Mikaelson x wife reader
Flirtatious Damon Salvatore
Mystic Falls had always been a town steeped in secrets, from its deep-rooted vampire history to the enigmatic creatures that roamed its dark woods. But among these mysteries, there was one that had endured for centuries—a love story that transcended time and supernatural boundaries.
Elijah Mikaelson, the noble and stoic Original vampire, had been married to you, his beloved wife, since the days when you were both mere mortals. Your love had endured the test of time, from your human days to your transition into immortality. Through every trial and tribulation, you and Elijah stood by each other's side.
It was a crisp autumn evening in Mystic Falls, and you found yourself at the Mystic Grill, a place that had become a familiar haunt over the years. You sat at a corner booth, nursing a glass of wine and awaiting the arrival of your husband. Despite the passing centuries, he still possessed an uncanny ability to keep you waiting.
As you gazed out the window, lost in thought, you couldn't help but reflect on the nature of your relationship. The eternal bond you shared with Elijah was both a blessing and a curse. While your love had remained constant and unwavering, there were moments when the weight of immortality pressed upon you, reminding you of the sacrifices you had made.
Lost in contemplation, you failed to notice the arrival of a charismatic stranger who had just entered the Mystic Grill. Damon Salvatore, with his dark charm and devil-may-care attitude, had a knack for drawing attention wherever he went. He sauntered up to the bar, casting a glance in your direction.
You, however, remained oblivious to Damon's advances, your thoughts consumed by the past and the future. The memories of your human life, your marriage to Elijah, and the sacrifices you had made to be with him played like a vivid movie reel in your mind.
Just as you were about to order another glass of wine, a smooth voice interrupted your reverie. "Excuse me, miss. You seem a bit lonely over here. Mind if I join you?"
Startled, you turned to see Damon Salvatore standing beside your booth, a playful smirk on his face. His piercing blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he extended an invitation.
You offered a polite smile. "Actually, I'm waiting for someone."
Damon leaned in closer, his charming grin never wavering. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but he seems to be running late. Mind if I keep you company until he arrives?"
Before you could respond, the scent of a familiar cologne reached your senses, and a tall figure approached your table. It was Elijah, impeccably dressed as always, his piercing blue eyes locked onto you. He had arrived, but he didn't intervene immediately.
Damon, still unaware of who your husband was, continued his playful banter. "Looks like your date has finally shown up."
Elijah, ever the picture of restraint, chose not to reveal his identity. He merely nodded politely at Damon, his eyes never leaving yours. You felt a mixture of emotions—relief at seeing your husband and curiosity about how he would handle the situation.
As the evening wore on, you engaged in polite conversation with both Damon and Elijah. Damon's flirting grew bolder by the minute, but your loyalty to your husband remained unshaken. You knew the depths of Elijah's love, and you trusted him implicitly.
However, as the night progressed, Damon's advances became increasingly intrusive. He reached across the table, his fingers brushing against your hand as he made a comment about your beauty. You withdrew your hand instinctively, but Damon's audacity only seemed to grow.
Elijah, who had been observing the exchange with a quiet intensity, finally reached his breaking point. His usually composed demeanor faltered, and his jaw clenched. The centuries of restraint that he had practiced were now challenged by Damon's impudence.
"Damon," Elijah's voice was low and filled with a dangerous edge, "I believe it's time for you to leave."
Damon, who had been enjoying the game of cat and mouse, finally noticed the shift in Elijah's demeanor. He looked from you to your husband, his cocky grin fading slightly. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"
Elijah's blue eyes bore into Damon's with an intensity that sent a shiver down the vampire's spine. "I suggest you depart before I decide to remind you."
It was the underlying threat in Elijah's words that finally convinced Damon to back down. With a grudging nod, he pushed himself away from the table and walked away, casting one last, resentful glance in your direction.
As soon as Damon was out of earshot, Elijah turned his full attention to you. He reached across the table, taking your hand in his with a gentleness that belied his earlier anger. "My love," he said, his voice filled with regret, "I apologize for my tardiness and for allowing this situation to unfold."
You squeezed his hand, your love and understanding evident in your gaze. "Elijah, you need not apologize. I trust you implicitly, and I knew you would handle it in your own way."
A small, grateful smile graced Elijah's lips as he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a tender kiss to your knuckles. "Thank you for your unwavering trust, my dear."
The incident with Damon Salvatore had served as a reminder of the complexities of your immortal life. While you and Elijah had endured countless challenges together, it was moments like these that reinforced the strength of your bond. In the face of temptation and adversity, your love remained unbreakable, a beacon of hope in the eternal night.
As the night continued, you and Elijah enjoyed a quiet dinner together, the warmth of your love eclipsing any lingering shadows. In Mystic Falls, where darkness often reigned, your love story was a testament to the enduring power of love, and it would continue to shine brightly through the ages, a guiding light in the eternal night.
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coffpot · 5 months
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How zMk got Wukong's plan♡(too bad no one believed him)
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idontknow7296 · 1 month
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Can I request Stan, Kenny, Craig and Clyde x flirty reader please? Like reader loves showing affection to their partner and making them blush and all that fluffy.
Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Clyde with a flirty s/o🤩💖💖
I'm a sucker for donuts-
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🐕
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It doesn't matter how many times you make him have a cuteness overload, he will never get tired of being amazed by your cuteness.
He really doesn't mind the affection you give to him, he likes the feeling of being loved by someone who deeply cares about him. ❤️
Addition to him not minding your flirty nature either, as long as he gets to spend time with you he's okay with it.
But he would probably be red as a tomato if you shoot a big flirty comment at him. How dare you make marshmallow boy be flustered reader? >:C /j
If you keep them flirty comments up, Stan is going to be whining for attention and love all day then 💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🐁
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My dude can be flirty as well, I don't know what you want to expect 💀
Except his flirty comments will make you extremely flustered then how it works with Stan.
Que this turning into a battle between y'all to see who can shoot a flirty comment to make the other one flustered. (It wouldn't be surprising if Kenny wins most of the time)
If you manage to make him flustered with a flirty comment, it's probably because he went easy on you 🫠🫠
You're going to have to accept the fact that Kinny is the flirtatious master here /hj🧡🧡🧡
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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Awww....that's cute. *Gives you head pats* you might have to try harder than that to make Craig a blushing mess :3
You both are basically rich with love since you guys give each other attention and affection all the time. You have made a few flirty comments here and there but none of them were able to make Craig's cheeks red as a tomato ;_;
So you decided to practice some of your flirty comments to say to him (that you definitely did not just research on the internet) if you want to make your boyfriend blush you gotta step up your game.
When you manage to make him blush, Craig would be speechless for a while before coming back to his senses. Congratulations! 💛💛💙💙
❤️ Clyde Donovan 🍂
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Please help this poor boy any interaction you do with him, always makes him flustered.
He might try to slip a flirty comment right back at you, but fails miserably and ends up making himself blush from it. :')
Too much affection with Clyde is enough to make him clingy and needy for attention just like Stan.
He probably likes it whenever you make him blush to be honest, even if he wants to hide it or deny it. He can't deny the fact that he loves the affection his s/o gives him.
He might not be able to make you flustered with a flirty comment, but that doesn't mean he can't make you flustered in another form of affection >:3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sagasolejma · 18 days
Babe if you keep yapping on about your special interest like that, I'm gonna have to call you 1797's America cause I'm about to rail you all over
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