#for the boys
goatisbetheres · 4 months
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muppet who is so very haunted
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bengiyo · 2 months
This is a broad one, so take it whatever direction you wish: what are five shows, actors, or creative teams that have exceeded your expectations or pleasantly surprised you?
WOW. I struggle with broad asks because there's so much I like and think about.
Nadao Bangkok
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I loved Nadao Bangkok so much. I had basically only engaged with really stylish Thai movies and media before BL. It's the kind of stuff you see at film festivals. I was not really used to the quick and efficient production processes and talent pools of the TV show production of BLs. I adapted, but it was such a relief to watch things like Project S, I Told Sunset About You, I Promised You the Moon, and Great Men Academy. I also just adore the talent they cultivated and how so many Nadao alums are still doing things in entertainment. They really did something special there.
Koisenu Futari (2022)
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We talk so much about about representation and wanting to see more kinds of stories. I really loved the way this story explored the spectrum of asexuality alongside loneliness and the search for companionship. I love that it's a story about people who all care about each other, but they are all out of alignment for various reasons. I love that so many of the relationships don't resolve in a way that pairs people in an expected way. The sister left her cheating husband, Sakuko and Takashi don't live together, and Kazu was actually able to just be her friend. It's an unexpected delight.
For the Boys (2021)
I will never stop pimping this show out. Many of the folks are new to BL and queer TV in general, so they don't even remember Noah's Arc. I've been wanting more shows about black queer friend groups, and this show delivered. Every week I check on Slay TV to see what else they're up to. This show features a femme/GNC character finding their way through presenting publicly and dating, a fat black gay man struggling with body image and race identity issues, and a promiscuous black gay man struggling with his place in the world. It's a nuanced look at queer friendship, and I really wish more people would watch it.
Ossan's Love: In the Sky (2019)
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I already apologized to this show once, but I'll bring it up again. This AU season could have been a real flop, but in some ways it's my favorite. I love doing an AU as a way to soft reboot your characters and dig deeper into their interiority before returning to them years later. I like Haruta so much more because of this season. I also really love the bonds between men in this series and the ways they push each other. It's really excellent, and this is a special franchise we have been lucky enough to return to multiple times.
Sherri and Teri Polo on The Fosters (2013-2018)
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In an era where almost every TV lesbian died, these two delivered some of the best onscreen chemistry I've ever seen. They felt like a married couple for the entirety of a dramatic and often-messy Freeform (formerly ABC Family) TV show. We talk about Business Gay Performance (BGP) around here a lot, and these two are masters of their craft. At no point did you ever think these two actresses were secretly dating or cheating on their partners, but they were open about how much they loved each other and how important the friendship they built on this show was to them. I have immense admiration for the work they did and continue to do in the queer space. We are really lucky that these two took on the role of playing loving moms to all them kids, who got to also got to have a romantic and sexual relationship with each other onscreen.
Thank you for the ask! Since it wasn't explicitly BL, I decided to have some fun.
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thedumb1 · 5 months
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run2yujin · 3 months
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˙ ✩°˖🌀 ⋆。˚꩜
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dvar-trek · 1 month
once again, my favorite way to describe a hockey fight: two big boys going at it
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that1iggirl · 2 years
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My favorite set! What other colors should I get this in? ☺️
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tea-twords · 9 months
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I don’t even play ace attorney and I feel like I know so much about them thanks to you😭
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jak2gooberglub · 10 days
Inspired by DPB.Edits on YouTube lol
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foreskinfinder87 · 1 month
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My man😍
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kittiwittebane · 2 months
Very random poll for the boys.
Do you believe girls shed on their period or no? I’m genuinely curious on this because it’s so funny to watch boys fight with girls over the truth.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Alright, new question, I know how much you enjoy your Sad Gay Boy Hours. What shows, besides Until We Meet Again, because I know how much you love it, satisfy your Sad Gay Boy needs?
The Boys Who Suffered
The big thing about The Knowing is The Suffering. There is a melancholy that seeps into you and makes you think you aren't enough. These characters are hard to watch. I know you asked about shows, but I'm doing some movies as well because I've been thinking about genre history lately. For this it's about whether or not the quiet sadness in me connected to the quiet sadness I perceived in a character in this show.
Moonlight (2016)
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He is the saddest boy in my heart. This is the moment that breaks him forever.
For The Boys
Jamal, Syed, and Anthony have suffered for being who they are, and they are hurting. They cling to each other and it's often too hard.
Weekend (2011)
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This man is so lonely even if people love him. I feel melancholy for days any time I watch this film.
Big Eden (2000)
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I don't know who taught him shame, but there's this sense of surrender in Henry that has haunted me for fifteen years.
A Single Man (2009)
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Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci play some of the saddest gay men who have ever existed. This entire project is about grief.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
Inthawut is the saddest man in BL.
Given (2019)
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The reveals about the depths of sadness in this boy are really some of the best I've experienced.
Eternal Yesterday (2022)
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He was suffering even before Koichi died, and it saddens me so much that the world bent to let him say goodbye to help him grieve.
The Pornographer Series
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I just knew there was something fundamentally off about Kijima and the rest of these men.
The Day I Loved You (2023)
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I keep meaning to write something about this show, but there's something special about going into a relationship you know won't be forever because of external factors, and also choosing to make that time as special as possible.
Tokyo in April is...
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Ren suffering for Kazuma gets me every time.
Like in the Movies (2020)
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I'm never getting over Karl and Vlad. I'm sad we'll likely never see them again because in so many ways the specific pieces of melancholy in each of them are why they didn't walk away together.
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories
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These two were not left at HEA and they didn't end there this time, either. Both of these two are carrying some heavy shit in their hearts, and I find comfort in seeing them stumble and keep trying.
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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Shiro makes me so sad sometimes, and I'm so glad he found Kenji.
The Eclipse
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Every boy in this show is a sad mess.
The Eighth Sense
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I'm glad Jae Won found Ji Hyun, because that country twink won't give up on him.
Kabe-Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized
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I recently rewatched this and feel so much about Mamoru and Issei.
Our Dating Sim
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Lee Wan was wrong, but I get him.
We Best Love
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"Yes, I'm in love with you, but that's none of your business."
Stuck On You
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The Philippines crushed the pandemic. This is quietly one of the better ones about people who were already suffering.
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Hwang Da Seul's oeuvre always seems to hit my sad boy core.
Sing My Crush
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Every time Han Baram says Im Hantae's name I lose it.
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thedumb1 · 6 months
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the-spooky-children · 4 months
I'm.convinced Moloch is coming back idc if it's wishful thinking because I think he's very cool I just want him to come back so bad it could be so dangerous because after 2 years in the attic and being killed he's gonna be extra out for the kids' blood
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finndoesntwantthis · 6 months
The BTE “Best Team Ever” sign I love you so much 🥰
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dvar-trek · 1 month
oh, size AND heft?
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pantherpilz · 5 days
you guys know that scene from the boys season 3 when M.M. rescues Maeve after the fight with Homelander and Ashley deletes the footage so Homelander won't know she's alive and go after her? that but replace M.M. with Flynn and Sam, Maeve with Tronzler and Ashley with Jarvis
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