#forgive me if this is crap this is my first time putting the laptop on in 3wks and i'm so sick atm i literally cannot see properly lmfao
tennant-davids · 2 months
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GOOD OMENS David Tennant as Crowley
BAFTA Nominee for Male Performance in a Comedy
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black-moon-bunny · 1 year
Forgiveness and Rituals.
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Swiss made his move in order to get the sister's forgiveness, the Cardenal returns to the church after his trip and some big news are lingering in the upper clergy and Dewdrop is trying to get lucky. Beneath the weight of her own actions Sister y/n has to make decisions and look at her heart.
Chapter one. Chapter two. Chapter three. Chapter Four
Couples: Fem!Reader x Swiss, Dewdrop x Swiss, Drewdrop x Reader.
Warnings: Y/N is used, Threesome, Oral sex, A horny bisexual trio between the reader Swiss and dewdrop, a lot of plot, Praise Kink, Dirty talk They fuck on a bus and hallway so maybe a bit of public exhibition NSFW, Minors DNI +18. All of the pictures were taken from the internet so credits to the people who made them.
Word Count: 14k.
A.N: First of all, I want to apologize for submitting this so late, I had one of the worst couple of weeks that I could imagine, I got an awful cold, My dad got sick again, I had a lot of personal issues, my laptop died and the worst of them all, my beloved childhood dog "Mota" passed away at 16 years old. So a pretty crappy two weeks. As an apology, this chapter is full of plot and smut. I know that is long as fuck,but once I started, I couldn't drop it and I kept writing, I thought about splitting it in two but for me it wouldn't make sense so there it is. Again, I'm so sorry for the delay, I'm already writing chapt 4 so is not going to be thaat late. I hope you enjoy the chapter! Have a good reading!
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Swiss got up earlier that every ghoul in the den, he tried to not wake up anyone, so nobody could stop him before leaving. He knew that he wanted to do things right this time so, he decided to give her a surprise, nothing fancy just a tiny detail. As Cirrus said to him, he needed to apologize and show her that he was indeed sorry for everything. He went again to the library, before she woke up and set the place, he cleaned his mess from the night before and put some fresh flowers that he stole from Primo's garden. He wrote her a note "Sorry. I'm an asshole." With a happy face and then left. He decided that after breakfast he was going to try go and talk to her again, with the gift he was just testing the waters.
As he walked his way to Primo's morning mass, he stood a bit in front of her room's door, kind of waiting for her... But he knew better, so he left to the mass, waiting to see her there. But she never went, he waited the whole mass to see a glimpse of her, but he never saw her. After the mass ended, as he was about to leave Primo stopped him.
—She never misses a Mass. What did you do?
—I didn't do anything! I just helped her yesterday that's all.... —He tried to leave again but with his cane Primo stopped him again.
—You have marks all over your neck, are you sure that you just helped her? ....
—I was with another sister yesterday... I didn't do anything, maybe she fell asleep or something.
—If she does not appear for breakfast, I'm going to make you go and get her. If you didn't do anything, you should not have a problem with going to her room to see if she is fine don't you Swiss? —Primo was dead serious, Swiss just nodded and left. He felt a bit guilty again, maybe she fell asleep late after their "meeting"
But he didn’t see her at breakfast either, that’s when he got worried. He left his seat to go find her when she appeared next to Primo, he was relieved in a way. But she seemed sad, her eyes were a bit puffy, and her overall expression seemed defeated. The guilt only grew bigger inside him, he needed to talk to her, make things right.
She was tired, in fact she fell asleep, and she wasn't going to have breakfast either but Primo went to looking for her directly at her room.
— Sister y/n, are you up?
She tried to fix her face a bit and dress quickly to open the door, Primo seemed worried about her state, who could blame him? She sure looked like crap.
—I’m sorry Papa, yesterday I didn't sleep at all, I assume that I missed morning mass didn't I?...—She looked defeated, she knew that she failed not only with the mass but with her work
— Figlioletta, what happened? You seem ill, are you okay?
—I just... couldn't sleep yesterday, maybe I got a cold or something but I'm fine Papa, thank you for worrying about me...
—You never failed one mass, and after our talk yesterday you left me worried. Are you sure that thus doesn't have anything to do with a certain ghoul?...
She tensed up a little, but she tried to brush it off with a sweet fake smile.
— Swiss? Oh no, I haven't seen him since yesterday when he was helping me with the books...
— I'm going to believe you child, but please don't starve yourself. Come with me to the dining room to breakfast.
—Y-Yes Papa...
They walked slowly, Primo was talking to her about how he knew that something was going on with Swiss and her, but also knew that if he talked about it they could get in trouble.
— Sister, I know the thrill of the ghouls but if they hurt you, you need to tell me. They can be dangerous when they want to. But, I don't think that they will, Copia's ghouls are a lot to handle, but they are not pure evil like the first ghouls of the church. They are well behaved but can create a lot of mischief, and sometimes they forget their ghouls strength...so if you are going to indulge with them be careful, and don't worry about Sister Imperator, the old man gives her enough problem for her to worry about you and if she does, I will talk with her...
She entered the room and she could feel how she was being watched again, but between everyone in the tables she recognized his favorite red and black suit. She smiled a bit, maybe she could go and talk to him, that sure could lift her spirit a bit. So she walked to the table in which the Cardinal was, but she didn't saw Terzo seated next to him until she was right at the table.
—I’m sorry Papa, may I have a little time with the Cardinal ? If you are not busy...
—Oh no no no, take a seat sí? ....Hey you are the piccolina working at the library, aren't you? —He took her hand and kiss it with a subtle wink of his eye towards her.
— She has a name Papa. I was looking forward to seeing you sister y/n. —Copia smiled— I have brought some interesting additions to the library, I hope you have some time in the afternoon to check them out.
—Oh I would love that, they are in Latin? Maybe we need to build another shelf just for the Latin books, we have to many and they are spread all over the library...
—Si, if you want to do that I will communicate it to Sister Imperator and get the materials ready
—You have quite a passion for your job sister y/n. I'm glad to see that you two make good company to each other. —Terzo smiled— I wonder if you are as passionate as with your work in other more fun areas....—He winked his eye and left the table laughing a bit, she was sure a sweetheart blushing like that for a small comment. Despite his jokes he was not feeling up to flirt today, he was tired and the morning news from Imperator ruined his mood.
—Mi scusi per...all of this , Terzo is always like that you see...—He was nervous, the reunion with the clergy un the morning had stirred up all of his anxiety, but seeing her calmed the feeling a bit.
— Oh I know...But he is quite charming, sorry for bothering you at breakfast Cardinal ...Do you mind if I seat?
—Copia, you know you can call me Copia. And you never bother me dolcezza, about the books. How do you think we should arrange them? I have noticed that the library is quite... old-fashioned...Terzo suggested maybe a change in the decoration...the arrangements maybe?...
—I do think that is a bit outdated, but is wonderful...maybe some changes could improve the looks...and it's always so empty, I know that some sisters and brothers would enjoy spend more time in the library...
—Si , Si I believe that too...—He handed out to her a sweet tart he had on his plate— I brought these from Italy, Sister Imperator loved them...take one, cheer up. You seem... defeated today. Si si, like a deflated balloon....
—You are so sweet Cardinal...thank you —She laughed a bit at his strange expression of worry for her. And for his examples. — I have been feeling like shit lately...—She laughed a bit, she used to not curse in front of the clergy, but with Copia it came naturally, he was different from the upper clergy, more closed to Terzo's but with a dash of Secondo and a unique style for himself. The charming rat man who rode a tricycle around the abbey, the same man that in front of the stage seemed like a demon, with his mismatched eyes, the ones that can be deadly scary when he was serious about something. When she spent time around him withing the first three months of her stay at the abbey, working at the library and helping him with some paperwork she felt at ease in his presence, she felt comfortable around him. He was more close to the people she liked to hangout during her university years.
—Si? Why? Is there something wrong? .... you know that you can come to me if you need something, si?
— Yes, I know... It's nothing really...I just felt like I'm going through a tough time inside here...—She pointed her head — Bad thoughts and stuff...—She looked at the table of the ghouls, she saw Swiss talking with one of the ghoulettes. His neck was a bit bruised, she knew why...And besides the feeling of anger there was a hint of jealousy.— I'm begging to think that I'm crazy, or a fucking prude in this place... everyone seems to have fun you know?
Copia noticed that she was looking to the ghoul table, he raised an eyebrow, she was interested in one of the ghouls?
— If you are talking about them, I can introduce you to them if you want, I wasn't aware that you enjoyed danger so much...—He brushed a strain of hair behind her ear before it landed in her coffee and made soft short laugh before returning to serious— Be careful si? They can be a little...too much...—He nodded while remembering the time that Sodo burned his bed after a makeout session with a brother of the church, or the time that Cirrus and Sunshine were found having sex with one sister after a ritual in the gardens — A bit much...
— I-I don't see them as that...well. I kind of do but it doesn't matter...how did you...ugh...I just had a ... misunderstanding with Swiss...and it made me feel bad, but I know that I shouldn't take this so personally, I'm sure he really meant no harm, but he angered me...
—Do you want me to talk with him?
—N-No it's fine...I'm still mad but, I hope that I can solve this soon
—Okay Okay, I get it...But Sister, if there's anything that I can do for you please don't hesitate to talk to me. —He smiled to her, a little shy smile before standing up, Imperator made him a sign to go and talk to her. — If you excuse me dolcezza, I need to go, duty calls...—He put his hand on her shoulder before leaving — You know, besides being savages they are good company, and we both know that with me gone you will need a little of that.
Breakfast ended and everyone returned to their work. As she walked her way to the library, she couldn't stop thinking about the last thing that Copia said to her "with me gone". He had another long trip. He will be attending to the sub unities of the church around the world? She sure would miss him but, that lonely she looked for him to notice? That sucked.
She arrived at the library only to find everything tidy, clean and some fresh flowers in her desk. They had a note " Sorry. I'm an asshole." She laughed a bit, she couldn't deny that it was a cute detail, and that he seemed to really care about her forgiveness because the library seemed as clean as it could be, even the armchair. She was about to start organizing some books when the reflection in the window stopped her.
— Did you liked the flowers?....—Swiss was there, standing against a wall, looking at her.
Without turning around to look directly at him, she answered
— Yes...I like the flowers thank you...
— Sister y/n ...I'm truly sorry. It was a dick move from my part. I shouldn't have put you in this situation...And please don't believe that the library was my only motivation! I swear! After seeing you and talking to you, you seemed sooo... appealing to me...I know that it’s wrong also, but you have to understand, your scent and your body were calling me!
—Stop it Swiss...—She tried to contain her laugh, the whole apology was a mess, but she felt that it was an honest apology. And she was not going to forget the fact that she was "appealing" to him. —Stop talking and think for a moment, you are making a mess of yourself!...I know that you ghouls have heats and everything but it's not my fault, learn how to control it or something!....
— I do control myself don't be so cocky. It was just a specific situation, that's all. And it's true! You are quite something....And I'm not the only one who thinks so, Cirrus thinks the same...You are special, I don't know why but you are. And I screwed I know but it's not going to happen again and I will talk with the other ghouls to say that no more library night meetings so you can keep your job...
— So, ghouls do feel remorse?...
— We do...don’t mock at me, Primo was about to send my ass down to hell again.
— He was? I don't blame him! You acted like an asshole...and listened to a conversation that you misunderstood.
— Yeah....but, just for you to know...I was thinking about fucking you before hearing your little chit chat with Primo.
— And that's an apology?...—She laughed at last, she felt good knowing all of this. So, he was thinking about her the whole time? Interesting.
— I'm trying my best; I do not often apologize Sister. And I'm being honest, but I was surprised to see you enjoying my little show...—He had a slight smirk while saying this, he couldn't help it. She still was smelling as good as the night before...
— I was not...Ah ok, you win. I was, but it's not my fault I mean...—She finally turned around to face him , a little bit blushed and shaky. — All of the sisters always tell stories about how good feels to fuck one of the masked ghouls from the Ghost Project. Do you known how many times I have heard sisters talking about your band mates? Too many! To many tales from Cardinal Copia's Ghouls.
— Cardinal? He is not a cardinal anymore sweets. Didn't you find out? —He got a bit close to her, looking at her eyes. — Terzo is leaving the papacy. Our big boy Cardinal Copia is going to be the new Emeritus the Fourth, something about a vision from Secondo and some tricks under the sleeve of Sister Imperator.
—H-He is? He didn't...say anything to me this morning...
—It’s kind of a secret, they are going to announce it out loud in today's ritual...so, you were saying that the sisters always talk about us?
—Yeah...—Her voice and demeanor change a bit, if Cardinal Copia was going to be Papa...that means that she was not going to be able to call him Copia anymore? No more time at the library? No more working together? Organizing books until late?
Swiss noticed the change in her mood, she was suddenly sad again.
— You care a lot about Cardinal huh?
— What? No... it's just surprising to say the least. —She tried to mask her feelings— He was one of the first people that I meet here, she is...the closest I have to a friend here...
—Hey don't be ashamed, it's fine. He is a weird man, but he is also very kindhearted and he puts a lot of passion on the rituals. He is going to do fine.
— Yeah....Hey don't try to make me forget that I'm mad at you for being nice! —She tried to forget about what Swiss said about Cardinal and Terzo, he was right. He sure was amazing in the rituals, and she couldn't wait to support him as Papa. But, at the same time she was a bit worried, he didn't seemed to react well to so much pressure and being Papa was a lot of it.
—I’m not trying to do that! I was just worrying about your sudden change of mood. Besides, you were saying something about how you are jealous of the sisters who had the chance to be with us?
— I never said that! —She blushed pushing him a bit with his hand, he felt warm to the touch. A nice warm.
—Oh but you were about to say it...don't lie to me little bunny. —He pinched his nose a little, making her sneeze right after. — But...As I was telling you, I never thought that you were such a dirty sister, jerking off to one of your sisters being fucked...dirty dirty dirty....
—Stop...It's not my fault I'm not built from stone you know? And...it's none of your business how dirty I am.
—But it could be, you only have to say the word and I will indulge in that sweet scent of yours. —He cleared his throat before standing straight looking at her and extending his hand to her— So... you forgive me for being an asshole? And almost ruin your job?
She seemed to hesitate, she looked at him with a serious expression
—With one condition....
—Which one? ...
—You are going to finish the book that I recommended to you. I took my favorite books very seriously, you know? And you did not appreciate that...—She was blushing, she knew that it was an stupid request, but she was really passionate about the books.
—Are you for real? Is that your only request? Well, I'm going to put another offer on the table. I read the book, and...I will give you the other gift that I had prepared for you... —He smiled to her, dead serious about his offer
— Just... finish the book, I'm sure that you will enjoy it...another gift? Apart from the flowers?
Swiss looked for something in his pockets until he found it. A dark red ticket, wrote in black and gold, he showed it to her and then left it in her hand.
— This is...a ritual pass!?
—It’s going to be a hell of a ritual, Copia is going to be anointed as Papa today, and you don't seem to go outside very often. It's an all-free pass, and because I gave it to you.... —He took the pass and wrote his "name" on the back. — You can go backstage with us after, and before if you want to.
She was delighted, it was an awesome gift for sure. And she was going to be there for Copia's anointing! She took the pass and looked at the name that Swiss wrote.
— Swiss Army Ghoul? ...—His handwriting was messy, but legible.
— Yep, that's me. —His smile grew bigger with pride.
— Swiss Army...really? Why? Were you a fighting ghoul or something?
— Oh, well...I'm a multi-ghoul, I don't have a particular "element" or characteristic. I'm all of them! ...and Terzo said that I was like a Swiss Army Knife full of surprises and perfect to create mayhem. Ah and also because I play too many instruments...but I do say myself that I'm very good at fighting, sadly sister Imperator doesn't let us fight anymore...
She began to laugh, when he was not actively trying to get under her dress, he was adorable. And that name really suited him, he was a lot.
—Ok Ok...apology accepted, but please talk with the rest of ghouls.... I really don't want to lose this job. And... if I'm honest with you, it is not the job. It's the room...I have a whole room for myself, and I can be myself in there... without being judged by other sisters and stuff.
— Judged? Why? You are pretty cool...maybe a bit of a nerd but who cares? -He pinched her cheek making fun of her a bit—
— Yeah, I'm a bit of a nerd...and I like not so gothic and satanic stuff you know?...—Why was she talking so much about herself? She was mostly ashamed of some of her hobbies for not being "dark enough".
— Ah...don't worry for those type of things! Only morons worry about those things! Cirrus loves birds, Sunshine loves miniatures and tiny things, Mountain is very in touch with nature and loves gardening with Primo. Cumulus watches cartoons with Sodo and Rain every day.
—Well...for some sisters I was not the perfect embodiment of a satanist you know? Too "bright" too "colorful".
—They are just jealous that you have an actual personality and are not just a one sided picture like some of them, and I'm being honest I have met a lot of sisters and brothers that doesn't have anything more to them that "their darkness" and that's lame.
—You are just saying this to me to make me feel better but I will accept it just because you gave me the ticket...
— Ahhh. You are unbelievable, let's get something clear, you are interesting, and charming. And I'm sure that you would get along just fine with the rest and if they don’t appreciate that, their lose not yours.
She couldn't help it, her body reacted by itself and hugged him tight, hiding in his chest, trying to hide some of the tears that fell from her eyes. She blamed her sensibility on her hormones, on the fact that she was tired...on the fact that she was lonely most of the time, and this morning she was being treated with such love and care from Primo, Copia and now Swiss. She felt loved for the first time in a long time.
—Thank you...
Swiss was a lot of things, he could be an asshole, a total jerk, a fucking despicable little demon...But he had a heart, he cared about the right people, and he could see that she was the type of "right people".
—If you cry, I'm going to make fun of you and then give you a kiss —He took his mask off with his left hand, with his right hand he was still holding her close to him.
— It doesn't count, I'm already crying...
—Then, I already make fun of you...—He grabbed his chin and before she could say anything he kissed her, Nothing lustful, nothing more than a sweet caring kiss. Soft and warm. After letting her go she was not crying anymore, she was red yeah, but at least not crying.
— You dumb...— She didn't feel like that kiss was anything more than a soft warmness to her heart.
— You are too soft, like, too soft for your own good. And it's ok I swear, but I cannot let you go around life like that all alone...—He kissed her forehead — I have to go, I have to practice with the ghouls before the big ritual...Hey, I will go get you by...seven the ritual starts at ten but you are going with us in the bus. You will love the rest of the ghouls and ghoulettes!
— Swiss I need to work here until eight...
—Close early, come on, nobody will notice anyways, and if they do you can say that you felt sick and went to bed early! I'm going to be waiting for you in the garden of Primo at seven. —He put his mask again and blow her a kiss before leaving
She couldn't believe that all of that happened, the kiss, the ticket to the ritual. The weird apology from Swiss and the warm feeling that surrounded her today. She woke up defeated and ready to give up, and as Secondo told her once, her calling was strong enough. She was at home and felt great about all of it...but meeting the ghouls was a complete another deal, and she was kind of nervous.
She kept working to finish everything early and avoid overthinking, as she was taking books of the shelves someone knocked and then entered to the library
— Sister y/n , Cardinal Copia sent me with this for you...
She turned around and found herself in front of a gorgeous pale blueish grey skin ghoulette, she was just a bit taller than her and she looked like a goddess, she was without her mask and her curly hair with that beautiful blue undertone shined in the lights of the library, y/n felt awestruck for a moment. Then the ghoulette spoke again softly.
—Are you okay? You seem a bit.... impressed....
— I... I am....you are really pretty....Oh Satan, I did say that out loud? I'm so sorry....
Cirrus laughed, she was a cutie just as Swiss and Dew have told her. And she was really pretty, her y/e/c eyes, she indeed had doe-ish eyes. Her body seemed soft and huggable, she was sure that Sunshine and Cumulus would love her at first sight too.
—It’s okay Sister y/n....You are really pretty too; the guys were right about you....
Guys? Plural? She only knew Swiss, who were the other ghouls that knew her?
— Guys?...
—Oh you know , our "lovely" Swiss, Dewdrop and Aether had been talking a lot about you...
— I...I only have met Swiss...
—Yeah...but the others are aware of your presence in the abbey. You will find out....—She looked behind the sister to the bouquet of flowers and the ticket on the desk. — Oh, so Swiss actually apologized? He was going nuts yesterday....I'm glad that you two are on good terms...
—He did...Sorry I don't know your name yet and you already knew a lot about me....—She blushed again—
— Ohhh yeah...I forgot that part of presentations. I'm cirrus, one of the ghoulettes....—She grabbed her hand and kissed it. — Nice to finally meet you...
She was bright red again, even the ghoulettes where beautiful and masters in making her blush and giggle She smelled like fresh air and spring, it was sweet and made her heart feel calm and relaxed. How gorgeous she was, totally perfect from head to toe.
— T- Thank you....—She looked at the books that Cirrus brought to the library — So....this are the books from the Vatican? Our Cardinal did such a great job...—She looked through the pages, gold corners, drawings, symbols. Every shape, every color, the smell of old book in her nostrils, bringing back memories of the time she spent alone in the library reading and cleaning. Books of demonology, angels, ghouls... Ghouls? There were no ghoul books in the library, she knew that Cardinal and Papa Secondo had copious amounts of Ghoul related books, how to summon them, how to treat them, what to expect from them...but she had never seen one. She would maybe read it later.
Cirrus watched carefully how she went through the pages, how she treated the books with care and how she showed interest in the book of ghouls. Her mind wandered for a minute, if Secondo's vision was about her...she would soon become much more important to the church, she would be stripped from some of her liberties as human and maybe she would not like her new life...A part of Cirrus wanted the vision to be a lie, to be mistaken...even knowing that Secondo never fails with his visions. The anointment of Copia, the untold truth of his bloodline. The true about his own place in this church. Every one of them was true, every one of them was right what Secondo envisioned. What their master desires for his lambs.
— Thank you, Cirrus....these books are wonderful — Y/n smiled at her. — If you want to come and take one after I organize them you are more than welcome here.
The sound of her voice brought back Cirrus to the room, she forgot for a minute the books and just smiled at her, she seemed so full of life talking about her interests.
— I would love to, If you excuse me I have to go, need to prepare for the ritual tonight....
— Oh! I will see you there then...Swiss invited me to the ritual...—She showed her the ticket — He wanted me to go with him in your bus...if that's okay with you all...
— Oh sister, nothing would make us happier, but I have to warn you. They are going to be all around you, and we misbehave a lot without Copia in the room to stop us.... —She winked at her with a mischievous smile, similar to the one that Swiss gave her. — You should dress comfortably, and ....please, enjoy yourself...—She gave her a quick hug and left with a huge smile , what Swiss had told her was totally true...She smelled amazing, Sunshine was going to love her.
Y/N was completely red and amused, all the ghouls are like that? How would she survive on the bus with all of them!? She looked at the clock, she still had two hours before going, she took the book about ghouls and began to read it. Most of it was in Latin, so she would need the help of Cardinal Copia...Well, no. Emeritus the Fourth to solve them...She still was a bit worried about his beloved cardinal turning into one of the Papas, but she tried to brush of those feelings. She needed to be happy for him and show him how much he deserves his new title. But....what was going to happen with Terzo? She believed that she did a great job also, and as happy as she is for Copia...Terzo was a good papa too, maybe she could bring him a little sweet, something "casual" just a coincidence, but a nice gesture nonetheless.
As sister y/n prepared the last two hours of work, Swiss was with the rest of the ghouls, a bit anxious. He wanted to see her, get some more of her scent, feeling her close to him. Even after apologizing to her and being in good terms, he couldn't erase from his mind the memories of her giving herself pleasure while watching him...her beautiful face that expression of lust and need. He needed to be responsible for that expression, make her moan his name and let his hands wander freely over her body. But he was not going to be that guy with her, he was going to try his best to not be an asshole. He was lost in his thoughts when Sodo threw a pick to him
— Hey dipshit, we were talking to you....You invited the sister of the library to the ritual? —Sodo walked closer to him — You want to fuck her huh?
— Yes I want, but I didn't invited her for that...she is nice, and she seems lonely...You have friends between the sisters and brothers too, she is...I hope she becomes a dear friend to me..
—She will...—Cirrus arrived at the den and Swiss smelled y/n 's scent in her clothes....he growled a bit under his breath.
— You were with her?...
— Jealous?...—Cirrus laughed at him — I was, we were talking about some books that Copia handed out to me for her. She is the cutest thing in this church, isn't it? Don't be selfish Swiss, if you bring her...you know that everyone is going to want a slice of that sweet pie.
— I'm not jealous....but I saw her first! And she is my guest tonight. So, each one of you, play nice. Be nice to her, and especially you...—He grabbed Sodo by the chin and made him look at his eyes. — You are worse than me sometimes...don't make her feel uncomfortable or I will cut your dick off.
— Don't worry Swiss...If I'm going to chase her it will be in her own terms, I'm a nice ghoul...—He licked his fangs with a smile.
— Play nice...—He saw the hour and picked up his things — I'm going to bring her here first, don't be assholes.
Sunshine and Cumulus nodded enthusiastically, rain and mountain were a bit lost on what was going on, they missed part of the conversation because they were lost in their own world for a moment, hugging and cuddling but nodding like they did understand. Sodo was exited, he wanted to talk to her and ask her...maybe she was a witch! And if she was, how awesome that would be!
Swiss still had half an hour so he took a quick shower and dressed for the ritual, maybe a bit much but this ritual was special so, he would dress nicely for the new Papa. And maybe for her too. After dressing he went up to the library and waited outside, after a couple of minutes he knocked the door of her room.
— Coming! —She was ready to go, just needed a couple of shoes and her earrings. She opened the door and smiled at him — You were supoused to wait on the garden huh?— She laughed a bit—I only need to put on my shoes....do you want to come in?
Swiss smiled; she wanted him in her room? Again, he needed self-control to not lose it completely. She didn't want to screw it up again, but she looked so cute. A black silk dress up to a bit above her knees, a leather corset and silk stockings with a short leather jacket in case it gets cold. She looked gorgeous. He went inside, her room was filled with her scent. The bedsheets seemed so soft and he was sure that they were scented like her also.
— Sorry for the mess, I was looking for my best comfortable shoes and made a whole mess of my room.... sit on the bed if you want, I don't have any chairs...well I have one but it's full of dirty laundry....—She blushed, there she was again with her oversharing of information. She couldn't help it.
—It’s okay, don't worry.... if it weren't for Rain and Cumulus our den would look even worst, like a war zone. —He laughed a bit, but it was true. Sodo was a mess, he was not better, mountain was tidy, but he also made a mess with his sweaty shirts and copious amounts of drumsticks all over the den. Rain and Cumulus got tired of it and made everyone clean their rooms and common places.
— Do you think this would be comfortable enough? —She was wearing a pair of platform boots, made her look taller but were much more comfortable than heels.
Swiss was lingering his gaze over her legs, so soft and they seem longer with the platforms on. They would look very nice in his shoulders.
—You look gorgeous...I'm going to have a lot of problems keeping my hands to myself....—He licked his fangs while moving his gaze all over her body —
— Swiss.... —She was bright red again, maybe she could play a bit.... Primo said that as long as she took care of herself, she could indulge with the ghouls. She walked closer to him and took a seat in his lap, looking at him. — Maybe...just maybe if you behave ....I can give you a treat after the ritual....
Swiss hands were fast and grabbed her waist pulling her closer to him, making her press against his lap a bit hard.
— You are trying to make me lose my mind don’t you sister? ....
— I'm not.... I just think that...maybe we could have a good time, something to make even clearer that we are friends... aren't we?...—Her chest was dangerously close to the ghoul face, he was having a hard time not kissing or biting the skin in front of him.
— We still have a couple of minutes left before....
—Nope....—She smiled at him and kiss the mask in the forehead and stood up from his lap— It's only if you behave during the ritual...—She winked at him with a sly smirk in her face.
—You are punishing me aren't you?....—He sighed and stood up from the bed walking to the door.
— Yeah....I am, maybe a bit. You deserve it....but you are going to be a nice ghoul today are you?...
— I will....but if I do, you will have to give me my treat....—He grabbed her ass and squeeze it between his hands, not to hard but not soft either. She was feeling the heat in her core stirred up a bit. — And I'm a bit hungry for some sweets....
—Swiss....l-lets go....—She moved to the door and left the room with him. She never walked through those hallways in direction to the den, they were dark and looked old, older than the rest of the abbey at least.
Swiss was talking to her about meeting the rest of the ghouls and how exited they were to meet her. She smiled a bit nervous and told him how she already have met Cirrus.
—She is bossy....One of the elders here really, she and mountain are the eldest ghouls of the den the youngest are sunshine and Dewdrop...
— Dewdrop?...
— Sodo....well he goes by many names, but his "birth name" is Dewdrop, Sodo is kind of a joke that Terzo said once and it stuck with him so, we call him Sodo.
— Why? ....
— Because they call me the Sodomizer sweets....—Sodo drop from the ceiling close to the walking pair, in the middle of the hallway before the door of the den, he dropped in front of her but not to close.— Nice to finally meet you....you can call me Dew or Sodo if you like....
She let out a weird scream, she got a bit scared. He seemed really out of his mind, totally unhinged and at the same time incredibly funny and energetic. As magnetic as Swiss but she assumed that was just a ghoul thing, Cirrus was magnetic too. He was smaller than Swiss and thinner , but his presence was as big as the multi-ghoul one.
— What part of behave you didn't understand asshole? —Swiss grabbed his arm and pulled him to his side — You scared her dumbass
— I just wanted to make a good first impression! What better than a scare? She will never forget me! —He winked at her ignoring Swiss
After the scare she laughed, he was funny. And how sweet it was that Swiss ask them to behave...
—It’s okay Swiss, I was just a bit surprised....Nice to meet you too...Dew...
The way that his name sounded in her lips was so sweet. And her smell was crazy, she smelled like sweets with a bit of acidic flavor...He thought about tangerines, and pomegranates.
— So, I was here because I was looking for this big guy, Cirrus is looking for you she has something important to tell you or something....You go, I can guide our sweet sister to the den...If she wants to...
— I do not trust you Dewdrop....
— I do...go on Swiss, if it is important you should go...don't worry, he seem nice....
—I am nice!
— Too nice sometimes, keep your hands to yourself ghoul. Or else, I will kick your nuts and tie you to the front of the bus. — Swiss got closer to her and gave her a little peck on the forehead before walking away to the insides of the den. Leaving the fire ghoul and sister y/n alone.
— Sooo....you are a fire ghoul?....—They were walking slowly, Dewdrop was doing rounds around her while walking.
— Indeed, how did you know?
— Because...it was freezing cold here before you dropped from the ceiling...and you are steamy.
— Oh....so you find me hot? That's what are you saying?.—He smiled showing his fangs
— Well....yeah...—She smiled back to him — You are funny...
— Oh, so you also find me charming?....—His tail moved in front of her, she saw how the end of the tail was a bit chipped.
— I do I do....—She laughed, it was easy to talk with him, he was indeed charming, and he was flirting with her a lot but it did not make her feel uncomfortable. She enjoyed the company of this crazy ghoul
— Swiss was saying the truth...You are a complete sweet... Not even a bit anoyed by me?
— You are funny...and remind me a lot of one of the guys I used to go to class with...and maybe you could be a bit annoying but it doesn't matter, I can be annoying too....sometimes I cannot stop talking, and I get to intense about the things I like...and I have a weird taste in music that can annoy some people
—....You know....I like the music that you listen...This is going to come off as a fucking creep I know but, I was trying to enter the library one night...and I saw the light coming out of your door, and the music that you had playing...and how clean is your voice to sing...
— Oh...so you were the shadow that lingers outside my door? ...—She could be mad, but he never did anything more than that and he never went into the library...but she was a bit ashamed. — It's not the typical music that you can expect from a satanic church member...
— Oh that's lame...you need to hang out with us , we listen to almost everything that you can imagine...it's pretty awesome for us at least, you humans are so complex and live around so many things that are complete opposite and even with that you make it work....I kind of envy some reincarnated ghouls, they could experience life outside...most of us ghouls only know the deeps of hell....and it's awesome but, it's always the same...you have the chance of living in a world that is continuously changing. That's cool....why restrict yourselves to only one type of everything when you could have a whole spectrum!
— Because humans are dumb...and everyone who is "different" is in the wrong...and even among the *different" people they still give you labels and outcast you when you are different from them in the slightest...
—Well....we are a bunch of outcasts from hell , will you feel comfortable around us? —The flirting stopped for a minute, he grabbed her hand and smiled at her — Because...the ghoul den is going to be always open for you. —He was serious, after a chat with cirrus while Swiss was gone, Cirrus said something between the lines of " Copia knows she is special, and she needs good company, specially know that he is going to be so busy. And besides, don't you think that it will be refreshing for us to have new company here? She seems nice enough! " So, he wanted to make her feel at ease with them at the den.
—Why all of you had been so nice with me? Cirrus, you...Swiss was a bit of an asshole, but he apologized...even Copia and Primo...
— I don't think that is being nice....we only treat you as you treat us. Swiss doesn't apologize to anyone that is not from our..."family"  but with you he was willing to make things better....because you are sweet and amiable, and you stand out from the rest because of that...I'm not saying that there are no amiable sisters or brothers but they have their groups and they are pretty much all the same....They approach us for lust and good time but they never try to really talk with us or get to know us, and it's okay I don't blame them but it gets tiring after a while....and there all of the sudden there is you, the stone in our shoe to access the library, but you ended up being so nice....and made Swiss angry that's a plus for me!
— You are saying this because you want to get in my panties Dew? —She laughed a bit, she felt good around him, like after a good coffee filled with energy.
—I do not mind getting some fun In bed with you, I swear you are gorgeous and smell delicious.... but I also want to spend time with you talking or watching movies. And I'm sure the rest will think the same about you.
She blushed again , the same as Swiss with his comments. He was a cutie too.
— You two.... —She laughed a bit, then they stopped outside a big metal door. It had golden symbols; she recognized the Symbol of Swiss shirt...and the one in Dewdrop helmet. She assumed that the other symbols belonged to the other ghouls.
— Do you want to know something interesting? We didn't carved this symbols, they just appeared with us...
— Woah....it's beautiful, but seems heavy...—She touched the handle and it burned his fingers — Ouch....it's hot...
— Are you okay?...it's not supposed to do that...—He lifts his eyebrows suspiciously. — Are you sure you are not a witch?
The tip of her index and thumb was a bit red, nothing to serious but it will maybe leave a mark, dew moved the door open for her
— What? I'm not dew! —She laughed.— I don't know what happened....
—That was ...weird, it's not hot...come in, maybe rain could soothe your hand ...
The hallway to the den was filled with pictures of the ghouls and the different Papa's, in various settings and situations. Some were more formal, a lot of them seemed like family pictures. There were also pictures of other ghouls she did not recognize, must be old ghouls who belonged to Primo or Secondo. As they walked closer to the den, she could her laughter and the sound of instruments moving.
— Rain could you help me with something? — They entered the main room, he was holding her burned hand in his hand— Oh yeah, this is sister y/n! She had a little...weird accident with the door...
— Huh?...— Rain came closer to her and soothe the red skin between his hands — Nice to meet you....what happened?
Rain was soft...his skin was moist and cold, and felt really nice in her burnt hand. He smelled like water lilies; his skin has a blueish green tone mixed with grey. He was soft spoken but he seemed as energetic as Dewdrop.
— I touched the metal gate and burned my hand...
Cirrus looked at her and her hand, the burn mark was shaped like a crescent moon while the one in her index was shaped like a small triangle. She moved next to Sunshine and whispered something at her.
— That's weird...—Rain replied — But is nothing that serious, Mounty can you grab a cold compress from the fridge?...
The ghoul came closer to her with the cold pack, He was tall, like a tree. And he was skinny but well built, she noticed that in the way that the shirt stick to his body. He smelled like a forest.
— Nice to meet you.... I’m mountain.... —He grabbed her hand putting the cold pack close to her fingers. — This should help...
— Nice to meet you...both of you...And thank you...
Rain and Mountain looked at her smiling softly, Cirrus was being honest with them when she told them that sister y/n was a sweetheart.
—Move! I want to meet her too! —Someone pushed them both away and looked at her. Sunshine was exited, too excited. She was just as Secondo's vision had told her. Her cute face, her puffy cheeks, her hair. She was gorgeous! — I'm sunshine! Nice to meet you sister y/n!
She smelled like summer, that summer afternoons reading in her backyard at her house...And her smile was so bright and full of energy. She was almost her same height maybe a bit smaller, but her body shape was amazing, her hips and chest, the way that the black suit hugged her curves mesmerized her.
— It's okay if I hug you? —The ghoulette waited for an answer —
— Yeah...it is don't worry...—She extended her arms, Sunshine hugged her and pressed her body against her, lifting her a bit from the floor. It was a tight hug, but felt amazing...all of her nervous thoughts disappeared at the moment she let herself go in that sweet embrace.
— Oh, cirrus you were right! She is huggable! Swiss, fuck off I'm going to keep her to myself! Cumulus join in!
—Fuck off sunshine .... She is my guest...—Swiss smiled at her, she was still hugging Sunshine, but she seemed so calm and relaxed...an expression that he had not seen until that point. Cumulus went from behind sunshine and lift both of them in a hug. Y/n laughed; it was something that not even in her wildest dreams could happen. Everyone was so nice to her, she felt that warm feeling in her heart again. She felt welcomed by them...Cumulus was gorgeous also, a tad shy compared to Sunshine but gorgeous nonetheless, she reminded her of a soft cloud, the type of fluffy clouds that linger in the first days of spring...
Swiss was happy, seeing her so calm and relaxed, laughing with the ghoulettes...She was not going to be alone anymore.
—Hey, let my guest alone you two....let's get our things, we are running a bit late...—He hugged her from behind as soon as the rest went to fix their instruments and clothes — Sorry if they are a bit much...but I did warn you...
— It's okay Swiss...if I'm honest, I was a bit scared...but they are so nice...and here I feel...at home?...—Her eyes became a bit glossy, she didn't felt this full of love since a long time ago.
— I'm glad to hear that...—He kissed her cheek — You are more than welcomed here...You are now officially welcome in the ghoul den....—He was hugging her from the waist, and made a small movement down her hips, he couldn't help it.
— Swiss...do I have to remind you that you need to behave?... —She smiled a bit. He looked like a scolded kid.  Pouting at her.
— I'm doing my best...but it's so hard...—He nuzzled his face in her neck breathing her scent and leaving soft kisses in her skin. — You smell so good...can I misbehave just a bit?...—He squeezed her hips pressing a bit against her— Just a bit...
Her breath was irregular, she choked a small moan as soon as his lips touched her skin. But she was not going to lose this, it was his punishment.
— Swiss....I'm not going to give you your treat if you don't behave...that was the deal...
He growled behind her ear giving it a little bite at her earlobe before letting her go.
— I get it....but you will pay for this later....—His smirk grew as soon as he felt her scent becoming stronger. She was already aroused.
Dewdrop saw the whole thing from the ceiling, her scent was strong enough to hit him, he wanted to feel it closer to him, maybe under him, maybe above him. His fangs bit his lip hard trying to bring him to reality and he dropped from the ceiling in the kitchen, to not scare her again. The rest of the den was ready to go, she walked with them to the outside of the church, talking with Cirrus about the new books and how some of them were in Latin, cumulus promised her to help her with the translation because she knew Latin. They got on the bus, it was luxurious but not overwhelmingly luxurious. It seemed comfortable and she understood why, they travel a lot and for many hours sometimes. She awaited to everyone to get in the buss to find a seat, she seated between Swiss y Dewdrop. Both of them put their hands on her legs, and both of them growl to each other when they realized.
— It's okay, it doesn’t matter but behave please.... don’t growl.
— You are my guest....Mine.
—Yeah but she already told me she finds me hot and charming!
—If you don't behave I’m going to seat between Mountain and Rain, they seem more mature than you two right now...
Rain laughed and patted his tight and Mountain did the same
— You will always have a good seat here with us don't worry.
She blushed, does everyone in the den was interested in getting in her bed?...Well , she was amused by it, but also she was intrigued and wanted to taste a bit of hell with the ghouls...
Swiss and Dew pouted at her and stopped their fight , keeping their hands where they were without complains. Swiss squeezed a bit her thigh, while dewdrop caressed her skin softly, playing with the embroidery in her stocking, she heard steps coming from the drivers cabin.
—What’s going on in here? —He was huge, HUGE. Tall and strong, his arms could crush her if he wanted to. His thighs were big, almost trapped inside his pants. — Oh you are the famous sister from the library? Nice to finally meet you! —He hugged her and lift her from the seat with ease, she felt as a feather being manhandled like that, his hug was strong but not rough, and her whole body fitted perfectly between the ghoul arms.
— H-Hi.....
—Oh Sorry, I'm Aether! I'm the one in charge of the bus most of the time because the rest doesn't have sense of orientation and always mess with the locations and directions. You are really small....
She was still in the air until he grabbed her legs and put them around his waist. Like a koala.
— Hey dipshit , drop her she is my guest! — Swiss kept on repeating that, because he didn't wanted to say "my treat".
—Oh, but she sure would enjoy being with me, wouldn't you sister? —His smile grew bigger showing his fangs. She was red like the velvet seats of the bus. The ghoul just laughed and put her down again in her seat with care. — The offer is still on Sister, nice to meet you. —He left again to the drivers cabin.
— He is huge....
—But he is a golden retriever in terms of charisma. He is a total— Cumulus joined the conversation—...how did they said in that series that we were watching Sunshine? ....
— A total himbo! —Everyone laughed at the comment. They were having such a good time
When they arrived at the location she helped the ghoulettes with their outfits, and polishing their masks a bit. She helped cirrus with her hair, and fixed Dewdrop tie. Then she helped Swiss to adjust his suspensors and gave Aether a shoulder massage because he was a bit tense to move freely. She was seated on the backstage when a pair of mismatched eyes found her.
—Sister y/n?.
— Cardinal! ...—She hugged him — I'm so glad to see you before your big night....
— What are you doing here?...how did you know what is going to happen? ....—He caressed her head with soft movements, he was indeed happy to see her, but intrigued.
— Are you mad at me? I know that I should have told you but I wanted to be a surprise...Swiss invited me, and told me about your big day....
—I’m not mad dolcezza, sorry for not saying anything about this in the morning...I really wanted to but, Sister Imperator told me not to say a word before the ritual...—He kissed her forehead. — you came with the ghouls?....are you good with Swiss? Si?
—Everyone is so nice...and yes Swiss and I made up, part of his apology was bringing me here....—She cuddle in his chest enjoying his warmth.
— I'm glad that you get along with them...You know what will happen now with me do you dolcezza?...Maybe I'm not going to have that much time with you as I used to but...you have them now, and they will take care of you...
—I’m going to miss you...but I will always be there when you return..
—I will visit you as soon as I arrive....—He brushed her cheek...he was worried about her. He was told about Secondo's vision, she was so young...her destiny was already written...but she would be happy with that?
— You will do great Papa...—She caressed his chest and fixed his tie a bit — I fully believe in you.
— Dolcezza....thank you for being here, it means a lot to me....I got to go, the show is about to start...ask one of the guys from security to move you to the first row,  I will tell them your name ok?....—He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and left, she waited on the side of the stage. The ghouls started to walk towards the stage.
Cirrus hugged her before going up, Sunshine kiss her forehead, Cumulus also hugged her. Mountain asked about her hand, and then kissed it on the palm before going up, rain kiss her forehead. Aether lifts her again in a hug. Dewdrop got close to her, too close...
—If I kill it on stage...will you give me a kiss? —He smiled —
— I will think about it....—She laughed and kissed him on the mask.
—That’s enough for me...—He left with a big grin and went up stage.
Swiss walked to her and grabbed her by the waist. He was without the mask, and it was holding it with his tail.
—I know I promised to behave...but this is going to be my lucky charm for today....—He grabbed her chin and kissed her, slowly and intense. He pulled her closer to him, he needed to enjoy as much as he could before going on stage. She did not fell short, she hugged him and pressed her body to him, why not? She broke the kiss when the air was lacking to her body.
— I will take that in consideration but....good luck...—The ghoul smiled, put on his mask and went to stage. She was flustered.
—Sister y/n , please come with me —She followed one of the guards and she found her spot , in front of the stage, she was ready to see the show.
She was sure that this was going to be one of those experiences that she would never forget no matter how hard she try. Tonight she didn't care about anything but the ghouls, and his Papa Emeritus the Fourth. The show was about to begin, and Sister y/n felt the excitement running through her body. She didn't attend a ritual since she entered the abbey thanks to one, she felt the adrenaline of being in the presence of the ghouls and Papa in their element, the stage.
The ritual begun with a small ceremony in which they presented to the world the new Emeritus the Fourth. She screamed in joy, clapped with the other assistants to the ritual in his honor. Then the music started, and she was mesmerized by it. Papa showed so much energy, so much passion and love to his doing, Dewdrop was indeed killing it so she would have to give him that kiss later. Swiss looked at her enjoying the show, so he was going to put a little show for her too. Dewdrop thought the same, as he moved through the stage he blow a kiss in her direction, she laughed. Swiss was dancing in his spot shimming his shoulders and hips at the beat, sunshine vocals were amazing...Everyone was giving their best. Swiss came closer to the end of the stage during a small break and greeted the public, but keeping special attention to the part where she was standing, winking at her, blowing kisses. Dewdrop notice that and just to bother him ( and make her smile ) threw a pick at him. When the multi-ghoul looked at the fire ghoul, this flipped him off and stuck out his tongue just to annoy him even more. What he didn't expected at all was for the multi ghoul walking towards him, getting behind his back and start to choke him in the most seductive way possible. He got the point he was trying to prove, she was watching them...why not giving her a show? Dew press his back against the body of the ghoul who mas moving his hips to the rhythm of dew's guitar, they rocked back and forth all of this while one of Swiss hands grabbed his chest and the other his neck, squeezing a bit. Copia returned to the stage after drinking a bottle of water and looked at the show the other two were putting, a part of him embarrassed and another part intrigued, they were always like that but, they seemed really invested and the public was screaming like crazy. A pretty good ritual, nonetheless.
Swiss squeezed a bit harder and before leaving the ghoul he bites his neck over the fabric. And the hand in his chest traveled to his crotch to grab his dick, Dew moaned , not loud enough for the people to hear but enough to make Swiss aware of it. That prick was going to pay after the show, alone or with the sister.
She felt heated just by watching that, they kept eye contact with her the whole time , except for the dick grabbing, at that point they were only looking at each other, they went back to their spot to continue with the show and try to avoid looking at her, they felt her scent growing, after memorizing her scent they could smell it everywhere if it was strong enough...and it was. She felt the wetness between her legs, which show they put for her in front of all of those sinners who enjoyed it. The way they moved, how Swiss hands were so big , she needed to feel them in her neck, in her chest, she was dizzy, the smell that she knew...It smelled like Swiss scent...but there was another one, like burnt wood in a campfire but more musky...smokey leather. She felt lightheaded.
Dewdrop was the first to fall, he looked at her. She looked so amused, so flustered. Her glossy eyes, her lips partly open, her scent traveling to his nose as an invitation to eat her out all night. He played it a bit more, he winked at her again, to make her known he was watching her, and took his hand to his mouth licking two of his fingers and moving his tongue up and down the middle of them. She felt her thighs clenching together and the wetness of her core growing, a choked moan was stopped in her throat when his hand made the movement of him jerking off to her. With a cheeky smile the ghoul turned around, she was going as crazy as him.
Swiss smiled noticing all of that...Dew wanted to play, and he was more than sure that y/n also wanted to. She was slowly letting herself go, and both ghouls were more than happy to help her loosen up a bit more. Swiss was needy, he wanted to feel her...for a long time he didn't feel this type of hunger about someone, she was driving him crazy, and that little game with Dewdrop left him even more needy. He only prayed to Satan that the moment of receiving his "treat" would come soon to him. He was so aroused that his glare was failing, he thanked that the suit covered most of his skin, but his horns were becoming a bit annoying under the helmet.
Dewdrop was begging for the ritual to end he wanted to relieve the tension on his pants as soon as possible, around his neck the scent of Swiss was also making him go feral. As soon as the play the last song he went backstage, he decided to go as quick as possible to the bus, he could jerk off alone while the rest packed the things. Little he knew that Swiss had the same plan in mind, involving sister Y/n
Swiss went quickly to find her, she was waiting at the hallway behind the stage, the one that lead to the bus, it was empty.  He was sweating, his pants felt tight around his crotch, his scent hit her like a punch in the face. Her legs twitched , he got closer to her grabbing her waist and pulling in his direction.
— I think that I behaved pretty well...—His voice was a bit deeper, a growl trapped in his chest. His claws pressed against her hips, threatening the fabric of the dress. — I want my treat....and I'm not capable of waiting until we get to the den...
She wanted to throw herself into his arms, but she also wanted to play a bit with his limit... something inside of her was growing and could be the lust, but this was darker, a primal desire to be fucked until she couldn't take it anymore. So, she was going to tease a little more.
— Do you think that you behaved? What about that little show that you played with Dewdrop....poor thing, he was notoriously hard beneath his guitar...—She moved his arms around his shoulders pulling him closer to her — That was good behavior?....
He saw how her eyes darkened in front of him, the pupil like a whole moon , her gaze completely filled by lust. Her scent was beyond the point of intoxicating , he needed her, he ripped his helmet of his head, his glare long gone by now. He grabbed her chin looking right into her eyes.
— It was nothing. I can be a lot worse....—His fangs were glowing under the light of the hallway — I could grab you right here...pulling that nice dress up and make you my little slut right know...
—You deserve your treat....don't you?....—She was consumed by lust at this point. Nothing was in her mind. She felt her blood boiling inside of her, she wanted him. She needed him, in her mind there was nothing but him.
—Please sister....you really want to tease me?....I could destroy your insides with my strength if I wanted to...but I don't want to do that....I want to make you come over and over....you are going to feel me inside you probably a couple of days and if you forget.. I'll be glad to remind you as much as you need to.... Please y/n .... don’t torture yourself.... don’t torture me...
She lifted her dress showing a cute lace purple underwear and moved her leg up to his waist. And Swiss felt his cock was about to burst inside his pants. They still had at least two hours before everyone was ready to leave and that hallway was going to be empty all the time. He kneeled in front of her looking her flustered expression, he released his cock from his pants to relieve some tension before ripping her underwear of the way , one zip from his claw.
—H-Hey...those were my favorites...
—I will buy you more...and rip them again.... —He could have waited, took more time...but the sight in front of him was something to die for. He couldn't wait a fucking minute more. He place both of her legs in his shoulders with his strength, he could have her there a whole day if he wanted to. Before she could say anything more he began to eat her out. He was a thirsty ghoul, licking every piece of soft skin in his way, paying special attention to her clit, pressing his tongue and sucking slowly.
Her back was straight to the wall, she thanked that the ghoul had her lifted in his shoulders, because her legs stopped working since the ghoul began to lick her like a starved man who found fresh fruit in the desert. He was hungry, the sinful noises that came out her mouth, the sound of the wet tongue of the ghoul licking between her folds. She felt close to the edge, she couldn't help it. It has been so long since she had something, and that could not be compared at all with the feeling of having the ghoul between her legs, worshipping her as some sort of lustful goddess.
— What happened with that smart mouth sister....—He stopped his eating to look her right the eye while moving his index over her hole slowly, tempting.
— D....Don't....—She couldn't even talk properly — be....a tease....mgnh...Swiss please.... I want your dick inside...
—I’m not going to fuck you here....I want you to be comfortable...—He smiled as he pushed two fingers inside her with ease, feeling how her inside twitched.— But I'm going to make you come in my mouth before leaving....
— But.... Swiss.....I want it....—She gasped and moaned between words, his fingers were as dexterous as with the guitar...she felt like she was going to come at any minute. His tongue made his way to her clit, licking and pressing the small bud, he found the perfect pace and that sweet spot that made tighten around his fingers sucking them back in every time he pulled them out, over and over. Her taste was delightful, he could drink from her day and night.
— Swiss... Swiss I want to....I need to come please...
He moved his fingers faster, deeper. Looking for her breaking point, enjoying her moans, her hands pulling his hair a bit every time she was near. After a couple more minutes she came at least twice, her whole body felt like melted butter. She looked down on the ghoul, his face and beard wet, her pussy still constricting and pushing that liquid outside her. She didn’t even knew she could do that! He kept licking until she squeezed her legs to making him stop.
— E... Eno...ugh....—She dropped to the floor on her knees after the ghoul let her down on the floor Looking at him before letting her eyes wander down to his cock. His black underwear had a huge wet spot, he was leaking so much pre cum, and his scent was strong overpowering her senses. Without thinking twice she licked the dark spot over his dick, outlining the head of his cock with her tongue, sucking the taste out of the fabric. He growled grabbing her hair in a fist pressing his crotch to her face.
— You seem hungry sister...look at you...on your knees for me...with my dick pressed to your face and you drooling over my underwear...so filthy...tell me sister....do you want to suck my dick like the good girl you are?...
Her fucking praise kink , she felt her insides twitch by the mere thought of having him on her mouth, moaning her name.
— I want to...please....—She opened her mouth sticking her tongue out waiting obediently. Like she waited for the wine in front of Papa. He released his dick from his underwear and rub it on her tongue, she moaned feeling the hot wet pre cum directly in her mouth. She was feeling like a whore, but she didn't care, her body had a mind for its own , she wanted more. More of his taste, more of his growls and moans.
— If I get to rough you can pat my leg....—Before she could answer he began thrusting his dick inside her mouth, she was bobbing her head and drooling over the floor and on his dick, she looked up with tears in her eyes and a blissed outlook, he moaned at the sight. She was so hot and her mouth felt amazing. He pressed against her throat making her gag a couple of times before leaving it inside for a couple of seconds grasping her hair, moaning her name. Just to push her away for a moment and rubbing his cock and her spit over her cheeks and lips.
—Look at you...you are a filthy sinner... drooling all over my dick with that fucked out look on your face....such a good little slut for me....I'm going to come in your mouth...and what are you going to do?
— Swallow it...
— Like a good slut... say it sister ...
— I'm....going to swallow it like....like the good slut that I am...
— Good girl...I'm going to fuck you so hard after this...you are going to scream my name over and over....—He put his dick on her mouth again making her licking and sucking it. Chasing his high — And...mgnh....ah fuck....when we come back to the den...I'm going to fuck you until you pass out...ahhh! Fucking hell like that.....damn...you sure are hungry....keep going I'm going to come in that pretty mouth of yours....look at that slutty face of yours...Mngh.,.oh fuck ....y/n...I'm going to...ahh fuck!
He pressed hard against her mouth letting his thick cum flow freely in her mouth, he had a lot to let go. She swallowed until he stopped. So tasty, so thick and salty....
—Nngh....such a good girl...who is my good girl huh? —He lifted her from the floor — We still have like an hour left....and those velvet cushions on the bus are perfect for your soft skin...—He kissed her, tasting himself on her mouth. He carried her to the bus, caressing the skin of her legs slowly.
When they got in the bus they heard a breathy moan, and the sound of springs and cushions, they looked around the bus only to find out Dewdrop at the back, with his pants open and his fist on his dick masturbating with one of Swiss shirts that laid on the bus.
—So that's were that shirt was...
—Mngh... fucking asshole...—His eyes darted out to the sister in Swiss arms — Mngh...you are going to only sit there and watch?
She had never seen him without the helmet, his long greyish hair shined like silk on his flustered face. The scent of charcoal and campfire, smoked leather....it was him. Her mouth watered seeing his dick leaking pre cum on the seats. She looked at Swiss with a mischievous smirk.
— We still have an hour?... And...I promised something to Dew....—She patted Swiss arm and he let her down, she walked down the bus closer to Dew, he moaned just feeling her scent near to him.
— Don't worry Dew...—She kneeled down in front of him and gave his dick a long lick from the base to the top. Swiss got hard just seeing that wonderful scene. He also got closer to them grabbed Dews hair and pulled him closer to his crotch.
— Come on Dewdrop...lick it....
— Fucking asshole....—He growled before sucking the tip of Swiss dick, giving it a little brush with his fangs, Swiss tightened his grip on the fire ghoul hair and growled at him.
— Don't bite....
— Be good Dewdrop....—She kept licking but not putting him in her mouth, not yet.
— Mngh....y/n...you are going to pay for this too...—He sucked harder on Swiss who buckled his hips in the small ghoul mouth fucking his face with almost no consideration. He loved the sight of the prideful ghoul drooling for him, and she looked so invested in making both of them feel good. She was another person, where did the shy sister from the library went? He wanted to see more of her. She was a mysterious little lamb...and he couldn't wait to fully unravel her lustful side.
— Mngh...Dew...—She went down on his dick , she felt the tip brushing her throat, she tried her best to battle the gag reflex and gave her best to making feel as good as he could, he was a moaning mess between her and Swiss. His hands went to her head pushing her down and keeping her on place, he began to thrust chasing his climax, they were both a drooling mess.
Swiss took out his dick from Dew, this purred and looked at him annoyed, he wanted to keep sucking him.
— Don't be selfish...—He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her
—Help me a bit here Dew....—He grabbed her legs speeding her open and sitting with her in his lap. His dick brushing her pussy every time that he moved to adjust. — aren't you hungry?
Dew smiled and went right to her pussy, licking and sucking with hunger. Swiss took of her dress and bra, and while the fire ghoul was eating her, he was playing with his nipples pulling and pinching them, his tail going up and down her body. The fire ghoul put his tongue inside her moving it, using his fingers to stimulate her clit and used his own tail to jerk off.
Dew was having a wonderful time eating her out, her taste was so good, and she was so wet already. His tongue going in and out of her, he felt already like and addict to her taste, he wanted more and more. The spade of Swiss tail went beneath her and began to going over her clit and giving it little slaps while Dew worked with his tongue on her. In less than five minutes she was almost there, the over stimulation was making her go crazy, she felt how her hips buckled and the coil in her inside burst. She came with a loud moan, gushing all over dewdrop face, who drinked it with delight.
— Thanks dewdrop...—He lifted her again a bit and began to make his way inside her, pressing slowly and letting her down smoothly. — Fucking hell.... you are tight...
She felt her insides being rearranged to fit the ghoul , she was so full. Her mind was completely gone by now, the only feelings in her head were pleasure and a primal hunger for more of the ghouls. She looked at Dew as she struggled a bit to fit Swiss inside of her.
—Poor sweet sister....it's hard?...—Dew came closer to her, cupping her face in his hands passing his thumb over her lip. — You can do it.... how does it feel Swiss??...
—Incredibly tight and warm....but she is adapting to me as she was made for me Dew...you should try it later...—He moved a bit, she moaned and licked Dew's thumb hungry for more of him. — Look at her...such a nice girl...What do you think Dewdrop... Mngh fucking hell...we should keep her in the den....all day being stuffed by us...
— Oh no...maybe we could use her cute room next to the library, no one will go there at night....no one will hear you scream our names....—Dew got closer, he kissed those velvety plumped lips letting her taste the sweet scent of her pussy in his tongue, he grabbed her tits and caressed them, tracing the skin softly with his claws, pinching slowly and pulling. She deepened the kiss while Swiss began to move at a steady rhythm when she was comfortable enough.
— Dew...Mngh...I want to suck you...
— Mmnn....my sweet girl is hungry? ....—He seated in the sit in front of them and Swiss moved her closer to him while pounding her pussy harder than before , the change in position tightened her inside, and it felt like fire inside of her. So warm, so wet and sticky, her velvety insides were milking him, squeezing him every time she was close. Dewdrop guide his dick close to her mouth, grazing her lips with it a couple of times before going in. She moved her tongue around it tasting as much as she could.
He looked at Swiss, his blissed-out expression, his eyes shining with desire and lust. It had been a lot since the last time they shared a moment like this together. He looked so fine all sweaty, his black hair sticking to his face, the veins in his neck pumping like crazy. His own hips began to move harder, trying to get in sync with Swiss thrusting, her moans, his moans and growls alongside the moans and growls of Swiss were the only thing that one could hear inside the bus.
—Mngh....I'm going to come inside you little whore....—Swiss slapped her butt a couple of times. She was already on her Sixth or Seven orgasm of the night, her insides felt like fire and inside her chest something was growing every minute.
— Mngh...do you want it in your mouth sweets?...—Dew pushed against her throat again.— I will take that face as a yes....—They both growled in sync while their thrusts were becoming more and more savage, they were a growling and moaning mess.
She was completely lost in her lust to even care about what will happen with her after that, she just wanted to live the full experience with those two. She moaned their names taking a moment from worshipping dewdrop cock.
—Mngh.... Swiss! Dewdrop! I'm going to....ah! Swiss! Dew! Mnhhh fucking hell!
She came with a loud moan, the coil in her inside exploded,  her interior tightened and squeezed Swiss dick inside her, making him burst with a deep growl filling her with his thick and hot cum, his claws breaking a bit of the skin in her hips as he squeezed her in position.
Dewdrop didn't last long after that, he grabbed her face and look directly in her eyes as he came on her tongue. She swallowed and smiled. Dew was fairly impressed.
The trio collapsed in the couch, slowly getting back to their senses. A deep purring came from Swiss chest before getting up.
— You, help her get dress, lend him one of my shirts and....uh...she doesn't have any more underwear...I think Cumulus had a pair on her bin I'm going for it....—He smiled looking at the sight in front of him, the small ghoul and the sister cuddling in the seat, all sweaty and tired. He gave both of them a kiss before going to look for clothes and a towel. He helped her first cleaning her and making sure she was comfortable enough for the ride back home, then he did the same for the ghoul.
—I missed doing this type of mayhem with you Dew, but don't bite my dick again or I will bite your precious tail. —He joked with the fire ghoul, she was slowly going back to reality after the high. As the both of them were watching her, Dew gave her a blanket and a kiss on the forehead. They opened the windows in a lame attempt of making the place stink less like sex.
—Swiss...hug me...—She looked at him needy, too needy. Like a puppy.
—If you want to....—He hugged her, passing her arm around her shoulders and letting her rest on his chest.
—Make space for me asshole...—Dewdrop hugged Swiss from the opposite side of her, purring. The multi ghoul was warm...
—Does anyone of you smoke? —She asked—
— You smoke?...
— Only when stressed....or after sex. It's kind of a cliche....And I haven't smoke in a long time...—She laughed a bit. Swiss gave her his cigarettes, dew lightened with the tip of his tail with a smile.
—Well...I did gave you the kiss you wanted. —She smiled pinching the ghoul cheek — Do you have anything to do now?...
— Well...go to bed...eat something!... tomorrow we have another ritual...why?...
She looked the tip of her cigarette, the smoke going up and twirling in the air, so many memories from other times flooded her mind.
—.... I wanted to know if I can stay with you tonight...
Swiss and dew looked at each other, a bit worried and at the same time excited.
— You are always welcome in the den. If you want to stay, you can stay...But you are going to sleep with us. I don't want sunshine stealing you in the middle of the night. She has a huge crush on you.
— And you don’t? —She gave him a cheeky smile. — She is so cute...
— More than me?....—Dew made her puppy eyes before giving her a kiss — You smoke menthols Swiss? Your dick is going to fell and shit ....
— You didn't seemed worried about that while sucking and drooling all over it.
She got red, Dew just smiled and laughed. They cuddle again while talking about nonsense and food until she fell asleep. The other ghouls went to the bus hours after, they already knew. It was no fucking mystery that the three of them were fuming for each other.
—Ugh....this place reeks...
— Mnn... It's smell like pomegranate....and burnt. —Aether took a picture with his phone of the three of them napping. — They are going to beg for this picture.
Copia went inside the bus, he had a soft smile in his face, he was tired but he wanted to talk with the ghouls, so he asked if they could talk outside the bus to don't bother y/n and the resting ghouls. Once outside Copia looked at the ghouls and made a small bow to them, showing the respect he had for all of them as a team.
—It was a great night guys....I know that you...are used to Terzo way of doing things but...I will give my best to make you feel proud of the Project. I know that this could be harsh at first , and maybe I will mess a lot of things. But I will do my best effort.
— Oh papa...—Cirrus hugged him and kiss his cheek — You are doing a great job....Terzo is mad at you?...
— A bit....Si, and I understand him...I want you to know that I never planned to steal this from him...He is my friend. But everything was already planned by Secondo and Sister Imperator. I'm glad that you understand me...And I'm also glad to see that y/n is being cared so much here...She is...well she is a friend, someone very important to me, and I know many of you are aware of the situation that surrounds her but, please don't say anything yet...I want to have a talk with her before...
— Secondo told you?....—Cirrus interfered
—What are we missing on? —Aether and Rain were unaware of the situation, as dew and Swiss who were sleeping. — What "situation"  
— Mnn...okay, I will tell this to Dew and Swiss later. Secondo had a vision, about a sister of sin who would be reborn as a ghoul. This vision happened years before Terzo assumed the papacy, but around a year ago Secondo called Me and Mountain as representatives of the ghoul den, because he had news. A sister had been integrated to the church, and she was the one in Secondo's vision, he was sure about it, the oracles and our boss were asked so he could be completely sure about her. And he is. Sister y/n will become a ghoul like us in... about a year.
— She!?...a ghoul!? That's.... I know that there are ghouls that used to be humans but...the process can be horrible...—Aether protested—
— And... being a ghoul means that she will have to live here forever...
— Not necessarily, but she will never be a complete human again, she could pass as one but she will be almost immortal like us. She would have to say goodbye to her family...—Copia interrupted, he knew about the complications, as a way to help her he sends cirrus with the book, he knew she would be interested in reading it, maybe it would help her to make amends with her destiny. — That's the hard part...
— And the heats, and when you feel your horns pierce your skin as they grow, how your tail breaks your skin to be free, and how it hurts to feel that the first months...—Rain replied — It's going to be hard...she will be ready to it? ....—He sighed. From the den he was the only one who was a reincarnated ghouls, but it had been years since he became a ghoul, he forgot most about his human life already. But he did remember the pain and the fear to the unknown, the changes. He loved his ghoul life, that did not change the fact that maybe she wont be ready to it.
— Rain…I am also scared, I care about her too, but our lord decided that her destiny lies here, with us, as a ghoul...I want to give her the best chances of have a better life here, so she never looks back and regret her decision because It will kill her inside…
As they talked about the future of the sister, the fire ghoul was listening closely, from behind the door of the bus, his heart ached, Copia was right; she will die inside if she lives with that regret, he needed to tell her, he needed to prepare her for the changes…But how she could react to the news?
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A.N : So, a long chapter and a plot twist. Yeah, the idea was the same since the first chapter but i wanted to build it up a bit. I dont know if it worked that well though. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading it, I will try my best to post more often, oh and im also thinking on opening the ask and take some submissions maybe, if you are interest coment down below <3
tag list: @jbcalway @yuk-for-president (comment if you want to be added to the tag list)
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
22, 23, 24, and 25 for the writing asks !!
From these questions here! (<- still accepting!!)
I think this may have gotten a little long, so I'm going to put it under a read more lol
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
sadklgjlkdshgalkjg Organization? Never heard of her lmao
For my fanfiction, I use my computer and notes app on my phone to jot down notes, if I make notes at all, and for all of my original writing, I have so many notebooks asldkghdslkg I use notebooks mostly, but I'll also use binders, random pieces of paper, sticky notes sometimes if that's the closest thing to me, once I even used a sharpie and paper towel to jot something down lol, and they're all over my room, some of them dating back years. I lost my first writing journal that I used consistently when I first moved out of my parents' place and it haunts me to this day. I'm very protective of my writing journals, and the first one had a mixture of story ideas, journaling, and my first poems, and my poems most of the time are my journaling and where I express all of my feelings, and there are some things in there that should not see the light of day, let alone by my family lol :/ Also, it holds the first notes of the trilogy idea I've had that I've been working on on and off since 10th grade. I've basically scrapped the entire thing since then and only kept the myth I made up for it as a jumping off point to build the world and figure out what story it is I want to tell now because I outgrew the original idea, but it's still important to me to see where I came from, you know?
I also have a couple of things saved on my old hard drive for the trilogy because I started world building using an eworkbook I bought, but I haven't actually bought a cable for connecting the hard drive back to my laptop, so I can get the files off of it. I do have what I have on that hard drive in a binder though because I wanted a physical copy in case something like that happened where I lost the file, but I also can't get the workbook itself back until I get it off the hard drive :/
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
alskdghlsdkjg It's not going to be a very detailed word picture, so please forgive me, but my room is an embarrassment to behold physically and descriptively alsdkhgsldh I sit on my bed with my back up against the wall with my taz amnesty poster, big dog run mbmbam poster, and the small poster that came with the box set of the first three taz graphic novels that my parents got me for Christmas last year. My bed is also against the wall to my right which has a window, and I have the curtains open to let in sunlight. My bed still does not have sheets on it because putting sheets on it takes Effort, but I do have my weighted blanket, pillow, new big squishmallow of an alien, and Owen the Gay Owl (rainbow stuffed animal owl) that a friend gave me back in 11th grade I think and I have slept with every night to this day. To my left is my desk that I used to sit at to do stuff on my computer until it got taken over by random crap, garbage, my med bottles, and so many fucking empty med bottles because I still haven't ripped off the labels and shredded them and put them in the garbage. I have an army of empty carcasses of the war against my mental health it's insane. Then I have the rest of my room which is also a giant mess. But hey, at least it's not as bad as Lucas' room ✌🏽 lol
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Barely any prep work goes into my ficlets. The most I usually do is write an outline of what I want to happen in the story and where I'm taking it. For the Julia AU - you know what? Fuck it. I have the folder name on my computer as Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore, and I don't think I'm going to come up with a better name than that, so that's just going to be what it's called. I'm gonna go back and tag all the posts pertaining to it as that. Anyway, that had nothing to do with anything. So for JBCL, so far beyond the writing the scenes that come to mind immediately and then planning on going back and fitting them into the story as I write it from start to finish and what I have in my head, I do have some notes in my notes app on my phone about what I want to happen in certain arcs, mostly the Eleventh Hour, and certain really small lines or scene relevant background information that I don't necessarily want to try to write out the whole scene yet for. And the reason why I have how I'm changing the Eleventh Hour planned out but haven't written it yet is because I feel like I need to know the whole story before that point to see how everything changes and fits together and where everyone is going to be and how they do things, particularly Julia, to make sure that it's in character and makes sense with everything I've set up before hand. I'm still planning on trying to map out Julia's character arc which I'm actually probably going to finally work on after I finish writing this post, but hopefully that will give me a clearer idea of how I want her to act and react to certain things and actually give me a basis for her character concept as a person.
For my original writing, usually it doesn't get past the planning stage aslgkhsdlkgh Usually I just write down ideas, but I'm super hooked on the trilogy I want to write, so that's been my main focus on and off when the inspiration strikes me, and doing anything with that is made even more difficult now because I only have the basic concept of how the world was formed and an idea of the kind of story I want to tell, and that's about it. I'm trying to work on world building first and sort of center it around the basic story idea before I flesh it out any more than that.
For the fanfiction, I usually just want to get on with it, but for the trilogy, I do enjoy world building, but I think last time I tried I got too granular with it and it burnt me out, so I have to go back to the drawing board on how realistic I want my fantasy world to be and how much do I need to let go of knowing every single mechanic of how the world works lol
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
So I was going to say Julia is terrified of cockroaches, but I feel like that's cheating because it is relevant to the scene in Crystal Kingdom with the Elevator of Tomorrow lol So I think the next one I can think of is Julia doesn't exactly identify as genderqueer, but she's also not not genderqueer. Like, she uses she/her pronouns, and when pressed, she'll say she mostly identifies with being a cis woman, but she really honestly doesn't care about gender. She doesn't particularly care if people refer to her with masculine, neutral, or feminine words, but she does like being One Of The Boys when people refer to her and tres horny bois as a whole. But also, when she's hanging out with a group of female identifying people like Killian, Carey, Noelle, and eventually Lucretia and Lup (if I decide I still want to play in this sand box after Story and Song), she also likes being One Of The Girls. She just likes being included in things no matter what terms are used, and she'll temporarily identify as whatever will make the language more concise to talk about her and a group of people as a whole and will make her feel like she's part of a team
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kirishimaswife2819 · 3 years
Pikachu || Denki Kaminari x Reader
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Pairing: Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: You and Denki are best friends and you accidentally confess your feelings to him one night
Word Count: 1.1k
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“Okay! I got the popcorn!” Denki announced, coming into your dorm room. You were sitting on your bed, playing around on your phone. Denki was trying to get past the mess that you called your floor when he tripped on something, spilling the popcorn everywhere.
“Seriously?” You said, “Now I gotta clean the floor so I can get all the popcorn pieces.”
“Heh, sorry,” Denki said, grabbing the bowl and standing up, “I’ll go make more!” With that, he was out the door, going to get more popcorn for your movie night. There was a new movie out that you both wanted to see, so you rented it and were going to watch it together. You then started cleaning up your floor, throwing any clothes in your laundry basket, whether they were dirty or not, then you picked up any other random crap that was laying around. Finally, your floor was clean, except for the popcorn.
“Hey Y/n!” Denki said, walking in, “Hey, I can see your floor! That’s a first.”
“Shut up,” you replied, as he sat down on your bed with the popcorn bowl, “I’m gonna go get a broom and crap.”
“Okay,” Denki replied, opening your laptop and turning it on. After turning it on, he signed in, and opened it to the movie you’d rented earlier that day. Then, he was left being bored. He looked around your room for a few seconds, before standing up and deciding to look around. The first thing he did was open your closet. Surprisingly, it was pretty clean. 
Then, he spotted a yellow bag on the floor, with a tag on it. He looked at the tag and saw his name, so he opened it, not realizing it was supposed to be a birthday gift. Inside the bag was black and yellow paper, which he pulled out first, before taking what was in the bottom, out. 
He pulled out a neatly folded pikachu onesie. When he realized his birthday was in a week, and it must be for then, he almost put it back, but he wanted to try it first, and since it didn’t seem like you were coming back anytime soon, he just slipped it on over his clothes.
After slipping it on, he closed the closet door to look at himself in the full length mirror on your closet door. Denki pulled the hood up and experimented in different poses. His eyes snapped to the door when he heard the doorknob turn and the door opening.
“I’m back, sorry, I couldn’t-are you kidding me!?” You exclaimed, “I leave you for like ten minutes and you get into your birthday gift!?”
“How was I supposed to know it was for my birthday!?” He shouted back, but not in an angry way. To answer his question, you picked up the bag and showed him the tag that said his name.
“Okay, and? That doesn’t...” he trailed off when he noticed the words ‘Happy Birthday’ written under his name on the tag, “Oh.”
“Yeah! ‘Oh’,” you mocked him, “Well don’t complain on your birthday when you don’t get a gift from me.”
“Okay,” he replied, “Don’t I look good in it tho?” He then once again did various poses, some that he’d seen the girls from class 1-A do in photos, causing you to laugh.
“Yeah, you look adorable,” you said, not thinking about your wording as you swept up the popcorn from the floor. Denki’s head snapped over at your words. Sure, you’d complimented him before, but you made it obvious that you were joking, even if you really weren’t. But this time you were dead serious.
“Did you just call me adorable?” He asked, causing your face to go red.
“What? Of course I didn’t! Why would-” You stopped yourself to rethink it, did you say that he was adorable? It wasn’t like it was impossible, when you weren’t paying attention you had a tendency to blurt out your true feelings. You then spoke again, “Maybe?”
“So, you think I’m adorable?” He questioned, smirking at you.
“No! I was joking!” You exclaimed.
“Then why’d you deny it?” He asked.
“I was- I don’t know!” You replied.
“Hey Y/n, do you like me?” Denki asked, and at that point you knew you’d been caught and there was no going back.
“Is that a problem?” You asked, and he shook his head.
“No, not really, because I like you too,” he explained.
“Wait, you- you what!?” You asked, not believing what you were hearing. You were sure that he only saw you as a friend.
“Yup, I’ve liked you for a while now,” he said.
“Wait, if you liked me then why didn’t you flirt with me?” You asked.
“Well, I really really liked you, so I asked Kirishima for advice and he told me that all my flirting may make you uncomfortable and that I should become your friend first,” he explained his reasoning.
“Oh, wow,” you said, not knowing what else to say.
“So, what do ya say we turn this ‘movie night’ into a ‘date movie night’ instead?” He suggested, and you nodded, smiling.
“Sure, but you gotta keep the pikachu onesie on,” you agreed, throwing out the popcorn you swept up from the floor. 
“Wow, I must look pretty cute in it,” he said, looking back into the mirror.
“Shut up and get over here, pikachu,” you said, sitting down on the bed, and when he didn’t answer you added on, “Before I eat all the popcorn.” At your words he rushed over and nearly tackled you to the bed, taking the popcorn from you. You then went to get it back but he pushed your hands away, “Hey, give me some!” 
“No,” he replied, as you began wrestling to get the popcorn bowl out of his hands.
“Denki, I swear-” You stopped when he let go and the popcorn flew all over you, “Are you kidding me?” Denki then began laughing at how mad you looked, “Are you seriously laughing at me, right now?”
“What? No, of course not,” he replied, even though he was obviously laughing at you.
“That’s it, we’re breaking up,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“What? No!” Denki exclaimed, even though he knew you weren’t being serious, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute or else I wouldn’t forgive you so easily,” you replied, “Now go get us more popcorn.” He took the bowl, and rushed off to get more as you tried to get the popcorn of your bed and into the trash can. You let out a sigh as you finished up, and sat down on the bed waiting for Denki.
“Hey, I’m back- woah,” he fell to the ground and managed to spill the third bowl of popcorn on the floor.
“I’m sorry!”
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quickspinner · 3 years
The Truth Hurts
(I’m sorry I know that title is super unoriginal but it fits so well)
Spoilers for S4E1 Truth
Also not especially a fix it fic, more of an aftermath fic, so prepare for pain. 
I’m late but this is for the LBSC Sprint Challenge prompt  2. “So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.” I actually only spent two sprints on this and then I thought I was done enough, but I did add quite a bit more trying to bring it to a satisfactory close. I think I still fit pretty closely to the time restraints plus editing though. Except I’m already a day late so the editing was not very heavy on this one. Hopefully I didn’t miss too many errors or word repetitions. 
Luka pain (sorry) and Couffaine sibling solidarity. Special apologies to @airi-p4 because I didn’t fix anything, I just made it worse.  😅
Warnings for Dad Pain and abandonment issues. 
He woke up numb. Which wasn’t a bad option, all things considered. 
Then he rolled over. And there was the face. Staring from his wall, like it had been for, what...seven years? 
The face of his father.
He wasn’t so numb anymore. Luka shoved the covers off of himself and sat up, staring at that face. 
For a few minutes last night, heartbroken and sick at everything that had happened, Luka had known what it was like to have a father. One who cared. Jagged had hugged him. Ankara’s hugs were tight and hard, but she still had a woman’s body, soft and curved, a little plump with age and childbearing. All Luka could think of as his father embraced him was how bony he was. The metal clink of Jagged’s jewelry was nothing like the quiet click of Anarka’s beaded bracelets, and his arms were thin, his body broad-shouldered but thin, without any of Anarka’s cushioning. Luka had never really spent time imagining what a father’s hug felt like, but it was different from a mother’s, and that was good enough for him at the moment.
It wasn’t as if he hadn’t needed a hug just then. Badly, in fact. 
It all felt like such a dream; something from a movie plot. His father, his idol, suddenly one person, and promising to write a song with Luka, it...it was overwhelming. It was like every little-boy daydream come true. 
But it wasn’t a dream, and Luka wasn’t a little boy anymore. So he wasn’t al that surprised when Jagged left.
Because he had a party to go to. 
Because he’d left his family long ago for a rich and famous rock star life, and he had never once looked back. 
I know how to turn feelings into an awesome song . 
Luka lunged up out of bed, turning over the pile of stuff at the end of his bed until he found his laptop. With it in hand, he turned and reached to snatch the earbuds off his nightstand amp, and then paused with them tangled in his fist, thinking. 
“Luka?” Juleka mumbled, sitting up in her bed. 
Luka ignored her. As much as he loved her, he couldn’t take care of her right now. He couldn’t. He threw his earbuds down on his bed and went upstairs instead, jaw set, shoving crap out of his way carelessly until he unearthed the wiring for the sound system. 
He hooked up his laptop with shaking hands and blurring vision. He could barely breathe as he queued up his entire Jagged Stone collection, chronologically, from memory, because he was officially Jagged Stone’s number one fan and it wasn’t even hard. 
Luka cranked up the sound system, and pressed play. Jagged Stone’s very first album blared from the speakers above him. Luka skipped the first song hurriedly. He wasn’t ready to face that memory just yet.
“What in the seven seas—” he heard behind him, and he turned, fixing his eyes on his mother. He wasn’t even sure what kind of face he was making, but she stopped in her tracks.
She knew, all this time . She knew that these songs were about her, were about them . 
You are the donut of my life, Jagged’s voice howled from the speakers. The donut. Sweet, but heavy. Bad for you. Not something you ate every day. Not something that nourished you or made you better. 
God, how it must have hurt Anarka all these years, hearing those songs over and over and knowing.
It was hurting her now, he could see. 
Luka could have stayed below. He could have used the earbuds. He could have spared her. He could have suffered privately.
He wasn’t sorry he hadn’t. Not this time. 
Anarka sighed through her nose, and then turned and walked away, fists clenched. 
He’d feel bad about it later. It wasn’t like he didn’t have enough to be sorry for after yesterday. Might as well lump it all in together. Luka turned back to his computer, and pulled his legs up, wrapping his arms around them and setting his chin on his knees as he closed his eyes to listen to the blaring music. To the truth .
Even thinking the word twisted his stomach and made him feel sick. But that’s what this was, wasn’t it. The truth about his father’s feelings. Luka almost wanted to laugh. It explained so much, now. The sentimentality of Jagged’s early work. And here, around his third album, here was where he moved on . Where he got over them. 
I abandoned everything, but not my dreams .
Here was where he began to take on the persona of the true rock ‘n roll artist. Where he convinced himself it was all for the best because now he could make pure art, now that no one—now that Anarka and Luka nad Juleka weren’t holding him back .
My guitar is my only family.
Goddamnit, Luka loved that song. He buried his face in his knees and gripped his hair with both fists. 
He felt hands on his back. Two hands, flat against him, rubbing slightly. Soothing. His mind flew, irrationally, to Marinette, but when he raised his face enough to look over his shoulder, it was Juleka sitting there behind him, her hands resting on his back, her shoulders curled inward as she peered at him through her hair. Of course. Because Marinette had no reason to be here anymore, and he’d chased his mother out. Of course it was Juleka, who had never wanted to know the truth, who had preferred not knowing to being disappointed.
Luka was starting to see her point. 
And now he had forced this, all this on her. The truth she had never wanted to hear screaming out in stereo sound. 
God, he was such an ass. He might be angry at his mother but none of this was Jules’ fault. 
Juleka moved her hands hesitantly to his shoulders, and leaned against his back, resting her cheek against him. Luka lifted one hand to cover hers, and put his head down on his knees again, pulled a little bit out of his own selfish pain by her presence. He appreciated her silent forgiveness. 
Soon he would have to get up. The world wasn’t going to stop for his shattered heart, and Luka would have to get up, and put on his brave face, and deal with things like Luka Couffaine did. Honestly, head on, by telling the truth as he saw it. He owed it to Juleka to help her work through it too, since he was the one that forced the knowledge on her. Silently he vowed not to let her be overlooked. Jagged owed it to her to at least look at her and acknowledge her. If she didn’t want anything to do with him after that, then that was her choice. 
Juleka’s head nudged his back, and he sighed. She moved her hands again, this time putting her thin arms around him and hugging him tight. Luka took another long breath, and leaned back into her a bit, as Jagged’s Most Rockin’ Hits Vol 1 began to play.
Under the moon, deep within the woods...
Luka closed his eyes and swallowed hard. “I broke up with Marinette,” he said quietly. “Or maybe...we broke up with each other. I don’t know.” He sighed shakily. “I guess we just...weren’t meant to be. Right now.” He swallowed again against the lump in his throat. “It’s probably for the best. I’ve...got a lot to deal with right now anyway.” 
Juleka had tensed when he said it, with surprise, he thought. But she listened, and hummed a wordless acknowledgement, and hugged him tighter. 
If his tears dripped on her arms, she didn’t complain. The back of his shirt was feeling a bit damp, anyway. 
The truth hurt. He’d always known that, but he also believed in the healing it brought. Better to face the pain head on, where you know it’s coming, than let it fester and burst on you when you weren’t prepared for it. Luka had enough experience with denial to know that running away only left your back bared to the knife. 
Juleka’s face pressed a little harder between his shoulder blades. 
Luka sighed, and reached out to turn the music off. He turned towards Juleka so that she leaned against his side, and he put his arm around her, and they leaned on each other in the suddenly deafening silence. 
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thadelightfulone · 3 years
All I Want... 25 Days of Christmas Challenge, Day 16
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A/N: Sorry for the delay...but I think you’ll forgive me for the wait. 😏
December 18th - Part 1
DeeDee checked herself out in the mirror. She had on her favorite pantsuit and decided on a low slicked back chignon for her hair. She ran her hands down the suit jacket one last time and looked at her reflection.
“Today’s the day, DeeDee. We have worked so hard to get here and we deserve everything that is coming to our way.” She smiled and put her tortoise shell glasses on.  “I’m proud of you and everything you will go on to accomplish starting today.”
DeeDee heard her phone chime and buzz across her dresser. She walked over and picked it up. It was Phyllis in the group chat.
Phyll: Your presentation is at 4pm, right?
DeeDee: Yes
Phyll: The Engineering building?
DeeDee: Yup
Phyll: What room?
DeeDee: 1759
Phyll: We’ll see you there. 
DeeDee: Great, see you later.
Bev: We love you, DeeDee. 
DeeDee: Love you, too.
DeeDee made her way out to the living room and grabbed her purse and laptop case from next to her desk. She locked up and headed to campus to get settled in for a long day. 
Erik was cleaning up his desk. He came in early to send out the last of his work emails before he left for a week. He locked up his computer and stood up to leave when T’Challa walked in and stood near his desk. 
“Hey Cuz.”
“You leave today, right?”
“Yup, my flight leaves in 2 hours.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m excited to see Dr. Bell. She helped me work through a lot of shit while I was in school.”
“That is expected, but you know what I mean.” 
T’Challa took a seat in front of Erik’s desk. He pointed towards the chair across from him. Erik put his briefcase down and took a seat. 
“How are you feeling?”
Erik is quiet for a moment, deep in thought. “Ready.” 
“And you are sure?”
“You and Quis, I swear.” He rolled his eyes. “I get it. I messed up before. But at least, she showed her true self before I made a horrible decision.” 
“Erik, we ask because we care.” T’Challa sat forward in the chair, “You were in such a rush to find the one and get married. You never took the time to really get to know her.” 
“I know, I know.”
“You told her exactly what she needed to hear for her to act like the woman for you.” He put emphasis on act. “And she tried to trap you. So, yes we want to make sure that you know what the hell you are doing this time around.”
“I don’t need to be reminded of that fuck up.” He sighed, “Besides Quis said she is nothing like her. And I do know that for myself, too.”
“Marquis knows her?”
“Yeah, she is one of his doctoral students. Actually, hold on a sec.” He pulled out his phone. He went to a text thread, where his previous text was still unread.
Prince Erik: Good morning DeeDee. I hope you have a great day.
Prince Erik: Hey, you never did tell me how your presentation went. Let me know where we are celebrating.
Erik looked back at T’Challa, “Where was I? Right, DeeDee was one of his students.”
“Ok, and what do you know about her?” 
“I know that she is everything I am looking for. She’s smart, funny and sweet. She calls me on my crap. Even if she is super nice about it.”
T’Challa nodded his head, “And you are ready for her? 
“Yes, I am. And I know I deserve someone like her.” Erik smiled, “All the bullshit I went through in my last relationship, let me know I wasn’t ready back then. You’re right, I rushed and almost got in too deep with someone, who was all wrong for me.”
T’Challa looked at Erik, then touched his ring, “Does she know?” 
“Yeah, and doesn’t even care.” He smiled, “I’m telling you, T. She is it.”
“For your sake, I really hope she is.” 
He stood up and Erik followed. 
“I’ll be fine.” Erik looked at his watch, “I should get going. I’ll see you when I get back.”
“Until then, cousin.” T’Challa hugged him, and then Erik grabbed his things. They left his office together. 
DeeDee has watched three other defenses already. They were breaking for lunch before reconvening for the last two of the day. She made her way back to Dr. O’s office. He was letting her use it for the day. 
“Hey DeeDee, how you feeling?”
“Hi Dr. O. I’m ok.” She took a seat on the couch. “I am not feeling as nervous now, but I am definitely ready for it to be over.”
“I get it. I’m so sorry that you couldn’t go earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m hoping they chose to give me the last spot because they liked my topic best.”
“I like the way you think.”
“Thanks, Dr. O.” Her phone goes off, “Ooooh, let me go get my friends. I’ll be back in a bit.” 
“Sure thing. I’ll see you back in the main room.”
DeeDee checked her phone and went outside to meet with Beverly and Phyllis. She hadn’t seen or spoken to Phyllis, but she had chatted with Beverly since that disastrous night out.  
They ran up to her and gave her hugs. 
“I’m so sorry girl.” Phyllis said as they all stepped back.
“I don’t know what’s going on. But don’t take that out on me.” DeeDee finally spoke.
“I know, I know. I just -” 
“Men trouble.” Bev nodded towards Phyllis.
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Your new friend, Erik.”
“What about him?” DeeDee rolled her eyes, “You know what, we can discuss this later. It’s time for the next presentation to start.”
All three of them walked to the room and DeeDee led them to seats in the center on the left-hand side. She returned to her spot up front and sat down to wait for the next doctoral student to present.
Marquis’ cell rang while he sat in his office. 
“Hey E. What’s up man?”
“I’m back.” 
“Wait! You’re already here?”
“Yeah, I just made it to my hotel. Figured I would hit you up to see what you’re doing tonight.” 
“Just a simple dinner with the fam. But you are more than welcome to join us.” Marquis pulled his phone away and looked at the time, “What are you doing now?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“Come visit me on campus.”
“You ain’t doing nothing and I have to be here, so yeah. Just bring ya ass.”
“Is your office in the Engineering building?”
“Yeah, I’m in 1590, at the end of the main hall.”
“Alright, I’ll see you in 30.”
“Great, text me if I’m not in my office when you arrive.”
DeeDee blinked and the presentation after their lunch break was over. She sighed and looked back at her friends. She didn’t bother to invite any members of her family. They would see her on Christmas and besides she wanted to concentrate on her presentation. It would not happen if she saw them in the audience, clapping and cheering before she could even talk. 
She went to them, “I gotta grab my things from Dr. O’s office. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Yeah, ok. I need to use the bathroom.” Phyllis said as she stood up. “Bev, you good here?”
“Actually, I’ll go with you, DeeDee.” 
Walking out of the room, DeeDee reminded Phyllis where the first floor bathroom was and they all split once they got to the hallway. 
Erik entered the building and stood at the top of the hallway. Not much had changed about the old building. He walked over to the directory and looked at the faculty names. He recognized a few of them and ran his hand over Dr. Bell’s name. It showed her office was across the hall from Marquis’. Great.
He started walking down the long hall, when a voice called out to him.
“Excuse me?”
The feminine voice caught his attention. He slowed to a stop.
“Yes, you. Are you lost?" He could hear the click clack of heels, “Maybe I can help you.”
He turned around to see a young woman in a suit approach him. 
“Oh no, I’m fine. But thank you.”
“You sure?” 
Erik watched as she looked him up and down. He gathered himself, “I’m positive, I’ve been here before.”
“Really? I’m here often and I would have remembered you.” Her voice dropped an octave.
“I bet you would.” He laughed, “Look, I really should be going. My friend is waiting for me in his office.” He looked behind her, “And it looks like someone is looking for you.”
She turned around and saw hands waving dramatically in the air. 
“Phyllis, hurry up. It’s gonna start soon.”
“Alright, I’m coming.” She turned back around to look at Erik, “I hope I get to see you again.”
He nodded at her and made his way down the hall. “Not if I can help it,” He mumbled.
Erik knocked on Marquis’ office door. He pitched his voice. “Excuse me, Dr. O.” 
“Why are you knocking? Come on in.”
He walked in and Marquis jumped up when he saw him.
“I thought. You know what -- nevermind.” He gave Erik a hug, “How you doing man?”
“I’m good, I’m good.” 
“You look it. Still living at the gym when you aren’t at work, I see.”
“I mean, you know. I never again want to look like the stick that shared an award with you.”
They both laughed.
“So, why are you still here on a Friday afternoon? You could be on your break already.”
“I will be. Immediately after this last doctoral defense presentation.”
Erik huffed and pulled out his phone. He hadn’t heard anything from DeeDee yet today. He shook his head and put it away.
“So, those were today?”
“Yup. There is one more and then we can go get drinks before I take you to see the family.”
“Yeah, sure that’s fine.”
Marquis locked up his office and they walked down the hall to the main room.
Erik sat in the back row out of the way, while Marquis walked to the front and gathered everyone’s attention. As he looked out ahead of him, he saw the girl from earlier seated on the opposite side from him. She was talking to her friend and kept looking back at him. 
“This cannot be good.” He returned his focus to Marquis up front.  
“Thank you all for being here all day today. We are ready to start our final defense presentation.” Marquis nodded to a young woman on his left who walked over and took the clicker from him.
When she turned around to address everyone, Erik gasped. It was her. He was looking at DeeDee. She pressed the clicker for her starting slide and began to speak.  
Erik took her in while she spoke. She definitely could not hide from him now. DeeDee was dressed in a burgundy and black houndstooth patterned pant suit with a burgundy blouse. It fit her very well, and he could make out her wide hips and the chest that prevented her from closing the blazer. He bit his lip to keep from making an inappropriate sound. Her dark curls were pulled back in a sleek low bun with loose tendrils hanging out. He hadn’t seen those glasses before, but the cat eye shape looked really cute on her. 
He tried to fully focus on what she was saying, but was glad that she asked him for advice a few weeks before. He would catch a word or two and know where she was. Erik continued his physical assessment of her while DeeDee’s presentation continued.
DeeDee was much shorter than he thought, but he loved the idea of her looking up at him or having to get on her tiptoes to kiss him. He smiled as her nose scrunched up while she spoke about environmental waste and how her study addressed it. He saw her infamous full cheeked smile when she answered questions from the panel and audience. 
When he was done getting his fill of her, he could hear the applause and she sat back down while the panel spoke amongst themselves.
He was so proud of her. She handled herself very well up there. And although he never expected to see her real presentation, he was happy to have been there. 
Everyone has walked to the front to congratulate DeeDee who was just told that she cleared her defense and that the panel was recommending the certification of her Ph.D.
DeeDee saw Beverly and Phyllis first. They both ran over to her, giving her hugs and praise. She smiled at her two friends.
“Thank you both for being here.”
“We wouldn’t have missed this for the world, hun.” Beverly spoke up for them.
DeeDee pulled away from them and headed over to Dr. O. He was standing next to a man in a nice black suit, who was a few inches taller than him. She tapped Dr. O on the shoulder, he turned back, saw it was DeeDee and gave her a hug. She pulled away and noticed that the gentleman next to him was staring intently at her. 
When DeeDee looked over, she saw very familiar short dreads with a shadow fade, a neatly trimmed beard and the same dimples that she had been dreaming about recently. It can’t be.
“Erik?” She breathily asked.
“In the flesh.” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“You know I came for Dr. Bell’s retirement party.” 
“Yeah, but I thought you would be here tomorrow or Sunday. But you are here. At my defense.” She stepped back to look up at him. 
“I am and it’s nice to meet you, Dr. Deidre Chabert.” He held his hands out.
She smiled brightly at him and walked forward into his arms. He engulfed her in a big hug. 
“Let me take you out to celebrate tonight.” Erik said into her ear. He looked over DeeDee’s head and saw the two women from earlier staring at them. 
“I would like that.” She mumbled into his chest.
“Good, go get your things.” 
She pulled out of his embrace and stared at her friends who were now behind her. DeeDee slid by them and went to get her things.
“So, how do you know DeeDee?” Beverly asked him cheerfully.
Phyllis just stared at him, arms crossed against her chest. DeeDee bounced back over to everyone with her bags.
“Hey guys, I want you to meet Erik.” 
“What? Mr. Note in the textbook? No way.”
“Guilty.” He replied.
“Do you mind if we get together to celebrate later this week or next weekend?”
“Sure sweetie.” Beverly spoke up. “Have fun, but not too much.”
“Yeah, we’ll see you later, Dee.” Phyllis gave her a half hug and stormed past her.
Beverly gave her a hug and walked out after Phyllis. 
“I have questions, but I’m gonna wait.” Dr. O turned to DeeDee, “You’re still coming over to go to the Christmas Festival with us tomorrow, right?”
“And miss an opportunity to see my favorite girl. Not a chance. Besides, I don’t think she will forgive me.”
“Great. Well, you two enjoy your evening.” Dr. O daps Erik, “I’ll see you tomorrow as well.”
“Definitely. Goodnight Quis.” 
Erik grabbed DeeDee’s things, “You want to leave your car here or drop it off at your place?”
“You can follow me home.”
He extended his arm as they walked out of the room, “Lead the way, Dr. DeeDee.”
“Don’t you start that mess.” She bumped him with her shoulder.
“Would you prefer Dr., Miss or Little?”
With his free hand, he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. “You are much smaller than me.”
“I bet you like that, don’t you?”
“You have no idea how much.” He squeezed her hand.
“Watch it, Mr. Erik.”
“Or what?”
“I don’t know yet, but you will find out.” She returned the squeeze.
Taglist: @teakturn​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shaekingshitup​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ladymac82​ @bugngiz​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @ajspencer1892​ @arafatih​ @issimplyaamazinggg​ @tchallasbabymama​ @killmonger-fics​ @beautifullmelodyxx​ @raysunshine78​ @fd-writes​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @just-peachee​ @kaleidoscopeofsoul​
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angstysebfan · 4 years
If You Love Me, Why Did You Hurt Me? 2/?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader  Other Avengers Mentioned: Steve, Sam, Natasha, Tony Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism; cursing
Summary: You dated Bucky for 5 wonderful years! You thought he was the one! Then, without reason, he ends your relationship, and gets a new girlfriend 2 days later! While you are both Avengers, you still have to see him, and his girlfriend.
Series Masterlist
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2 weeks later and you still have trouble thinking what could have gone wrong. You go to step out of the bed and step on the empty vodka bottle on the floor. Guess you have to get another bottle. Alcohol is the only thing that helps you feel numb enough to get sleep, or to even function. You slowly get out of bed and head into the bathroom.
Once you are dressed in your workout clothes, you peek you head out to make sure the coast is clear. The last thing you need is to see your ex boyfriend or his new girlfriend in the hall. You have been actively avoiding them, since he introduced her to the group 2 days after you broke up. They were all confused, but try to be nice to the girl. 
Brittney was the complete opposite of you. Where you had dark hair, she had platinum blonde (definitely store bought), and where you were short and had curves, she was tall and skinny. The only curves on her were the 2 fake breasts she had. She was everything you were not. Everything he apparently wanted.
You quickly walk to the end of the hall to get into the elevator. You wait as it comes up, hoping not to see the “lovely couple”. Alas, as the elevator reaches your floor, you here the giggling inside. You knew who it belonged to. You quickly put on a blank face, “don’t let him see your pain”, you thought to yourself. 
The elevator door opened to see Bucky and Brittney in a loving embrace, kissing eachother stupid. They weren’t moving, so you cleared your throat. Bucky quickly pushed away. Brittney looked at you, almost smugly. Bucky had somewhat of the decency to look apologetic. The 3 of you stood there for what felt like forever, but it was probably 5 seconds. 
“Are you moving? I need to get into the elevator” you said to no one in particular. 
“Oh, yea. Sorry” Bucky said, quickly grabbing Brittney around the waist and leaving the elevator. 
You jumped inside and hit the button to heads towards the training room. As the doors closed you looked out and saw Bucky looking at you. For the first time in 2 weeks, he actually showed an emotion when looking at you. Sadness.
You entered the training room and went straight for the treadmill to warm up. 15 minutes and 3 miles later, you jump off the treadmill and start wrapping your hands. You were going to dance with the punching bag. You put your headphones in and started going at it.
Sweat was dripping from you, but you didn’t feel tired. You just kept seeing them kissing, and a new wave of anger would surface. You didn’t notice anyone entering the gym, and just kept beating the punching bag harder and harder. You knew your knuckles were bleeding, despite the tape, but you did’t care. You needed the pain. You needed something, anything!
When you stopped for a second to take a breath, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You quickly turned around and swung. Steve grabbed your wrist, “Woah, killer!” You take your headphones out of your ears.
 “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Steve looked at you concerned. “Yeah, I guess you didn’t with your headphones in. You okay? You look like crap!”
You breathlessly laughed, “You can say shit, ya know. Cause I know I look worse than crap. I feel worse than crap.” Your eyes started to water, but you quickly shook your head. “Did you need something?”
Steve kept his concerned father look. “I just wanted to see if you were okay. I haven’t seen you much. You’re either in your room, leaving the compound, or in here with headphones on.”
“I’m... fine. I’ll be fine. I’m not the first woman to have her heart broken, right?” Steve sadly smiled at you. You look down at the floor so you don’t see the pity in his eyes. 
“Did you want the bag? I’m almost done.”
Steve looked at your hands. The blood starting to seep through the tape. “You are done. No more bag for a few days. Let your hands heal.” Then he turned and left the room. Once you knew he was gone, you quickly put your headphones back in and started to beat the bag again.
After your work out, you went up to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Walking through the common room, you see Bucky and Sam talking. Since Bucky was the last person you wanted to see, you tried to quickly grab your bottle and leave without being noticed, but of course, Sam never makes things easy.
“Hey y/n! Good workout?” He waved you to come over. You waved your hand meaning “no thanks” and said, “Yeah, now I gotta go run errands. See ya.” You quickly left the common room and headed toward your room. You missed the longing look from Bucky as you quickly left.
After a quick shower, you head out to the liquor store. You also figured you should get food, because you no longer take your meals with the team. You don’t want to be in the same room with Bucky (or Brittney) any longer than you have to.
45 minutes later you enter back into the common room from the elevator. You start heading toward your room, when your arm is yanked from behind. 
“Where have you been sneaking off to?” Natasha. She looks at you with sad eyes, and you look anywhere but her face. You were tired of the pity in everyone's eyes. It made you want to cry.
“Just had some errands to run. Ya know how it is.” You go to turn back around, but she doesn’t let go of your arm.
“You just ran errands 2 days ago. In fact you run errands every other day. What’s going on?” 
You knew she knew exactly what you were doing, but that doesn’t mean you had to tell the spy. You just shrugged your shoulders.
“Just get inspiration to buy things.” She looked at you like she didn’t believe you, but decided to keep her mouth shut. You turned and walked to your room. 
“FRIDAY lock my door, and don’t let anyone in please.” “Yes Ms. Y/L/N.”
You sat on your bed, took out you laptop and put on the saddest movie you could think of. You took out 1 of the gallons of vodka you bought, grabbed your snacks and settled in for the night. 
By the time the movie was done, you ran out of snacks, and you finished most of the bottle of Vodka. You were now do drunk you couldn’t feel anything. That’s exactly what you wanted. You laid on your bed and just stared at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come.
The next day, you wake up to a loud knock on your door. Your head is pounding from the amount of vodka you drank, and all you wanted to do was sleep, or puke. 
“FRIDAY who is at my door?”
“It is Mr. Stark ma’am.”
You groaned. “Tell him to leave me alone please.” You turn to lay on your stomach and put the pillow over your head.
Once there is silence, you think he is gone. Suddenly your door opened and in came Tony Stark. You look over your shoulder and scowl at him. 
“This is an abuse of power. I said leave me alone, not come in.” You quickly shove your head back under the pillow. 
Tony comes over and sits on the edge of your bed. “Talk to me kiddo. I’m worried sick here.” You just groaned.
“I’ll sit here all day if I have to.” Tony says as he surveys your room. The empty food containers, and several empty vodka bottles. His heart feels heavy. “Please talk to me.”
“I’m fine Tony.” You say muffled under your pillow. “I can handle it.”
“Kiddo, you know how much you mean to me. I can’t sit by, while you slowly kill yourself.”
You move the pillow and turn to face him. “I’m not going to kill myself. I just need something to help me sleep and to not feel the pain. Give me another week and I’ll be back to my old self.”
Tony shook his head, looking at you with sympathy in his eyes. “I wish I could believe that kid, but I know that’s a load of bullshit. I can’t have you doing missions when you are in this condition. You will put yourself and everyone else in danger.”
You quickly sat up. “Tony, I swear I am fine! Don’t take me off missions, please! It’s all I have left!” You started crying. You could not believe that Bucky had officially ruined your whole life. 
“If I can’t go on missions, then what’s the point of being an Avenger?”
Tony hugged you, and surprisingly, you let him. “You won’t be off forever. Just for a little while until you feel better without liquor and hurting yourself. You will always be an Avenger.”
You’re sobbing now. How did you let it get this bad? “This is why you never show emotions!” you think to yourself. Tony is rubbing your back as you continue to sob. You turn and look out toward your open door and see Bucky standing there with a sad expression on his face. Suddenly you sadness turns to anger, no... rage.
“What the fuck are you looking at Barnes! This is all your fault! You did this to me! You ruined my life!” 
You quickly got up and walked to the door. Bucky didn’t move and looked shocked at your outrage. “I fucking hate you! I never want to see you or speak to you again! You ruined me!” You slam the door and fall to your knees. 
Sobbing loudly. Tony quickly runs over to you and holds you in his arms. He rocks back and forth whispering “it’s okay” over and over. He plants several kisses on the crown of your head. 
Meanwhile Bucky looks at your closed door. He feels completely helpless, because he knows you are right. He did ruin your life, in more ways than one. You will never forgive him for this. Tears start slowly falling from his eyes as he hears your sobs from the other side of the door. All he wants to do is go in and hold you. Beg you for forgiveness and kiss you, but he knows he can’t. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers. He turns and walks to his room. Once the door closes, he slides against the door until he sits, and sobs quietly.
Chapter 1   Chapter 3
I know this is only chapter 2, but I am really enjoying writing this. The thing I love is that I have no plan as to how this is going to go. I am just writing as it comes to me. Please tell me what you think!
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t4bi4-and-b4ba · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei ~ Gone Too Far
Fluff & angst
You were captivating. But even that word did little to describe you. You were enthralling. Magnificent. Ethereal. Astonishing. 
Even with Tsukishima’s enhanced vocabulary, he was completely stumped on how to describe you. The minute he looked at you he was simply entranced. 
You carried yourself with grace and class. You walked with the utmost confidence every single day with your shoulders squared. But, even though you held yourself to such high respect, you also showed high respect to others. Which caused you to be liked by many. Nothing but compliments would fall from people’s lips when you were the topic of conversation. 
You also had brains along with your beauty. You spoke with vocabulary that rivaled Tsukishima’s. In his eyes, you were the complete package as you had plenty of trophies from debate and tennis to back up your academic career tucked under your arm.
“So, Tsukki,” Yamaguchi started, causing the blonde to reluctantly tear his eyes away from your figure, “once this project that you and y/n are doing is turned in, are you finally going to ask her out like you said you would?”
Tsukishima didn’t want to babble with you merely eight feet away about how he was nervous of rejection and feeling like a total failure. Like, who was he kidding? You were out of his league. And it wasn’t like you would believe him if he did ask you out. Everyone believed that Tsukishima Kei was incapable of having real emotions. 
He simply scoffed at his friend’s question, readjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “Yeah, right. Like I could be seen with [first and last name] around school. Pfft! Please, don’t make me laugh, Yamaguchi.”
Yamaguchi’s eyes widened in shock at the tall man’s uncharacteristic rudeness. He knew his friend was blunt and teasing but never downright disrespectful. His eyes glanced at movement behind the blonde, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Uh, Tsukki, don’t you think you’re going a little far?”
“I could ask you the same thing from asking me that ridiculous question. Like, come on, Yamaguchi! Let’s be a bit sensible, yeah? I mean, y/n and me? Dating? What an outrageous idea to entertain.”
“Really? An outrageous idea?” asked a familiar voice.
Tsukishima turned around so fast that his backpack almost smacked Yamaguchi across the face. The lengthy man couldn’t stop the startled expression from being revealed on his face. His golden brown eyes were wide; his pupils shaking as they took in your blank expression. He could tell that you were upset, though, as your eyes snitched on how you were truly feeling on the inside.
You took a deep breath, momentarily looking off in the distance before striking Tsukishima with a piercing stare. Despite the height difference between the two of you, the boy felt like the smaller one. 
You had your arms crossed as you carefully chose your next words. “Well, we sure wouldn’t want that now would we?” A small smile stretched across your face but it did nothing to lower the flames in your e/c eyes. “Good thing we’re just partners on this project, huh? Would be absolutely revolting if we were anything more, right?” Your eyes lost a bit of their hardness, holding sadness that Tsukishima wanted to wish away. His stomach felt tight with knots.
He knew in that very moment that he went overboard. Even he knew that he was acting ruder than necessary. And the worst thing is is that you were the victim of it. You were the one who was wounded.
You didn’t know what else to say to the blonde boy standing before you. But you knew you had to say this: “Today I don’t feel well so we can resume working on this project tomorrow after school. Alright?” The question had a bit of a bite to it as you began to boil the more you stood before him. How you wished you could really say what you were thinking. How you wished to hurt him like he just did to you. To take half the knives his words stabbed you with and throw them at him with spite dripping from the blades. 
But you didn’t. Like the good girl that you were, you simply internalized the hurt and anger you felt as you stood your ground with a serene expression on your face.
Tsukishima stopped looking at you as he dropped his head, looking a bit deflated but you could honestly care less if you could. How was he acting like the one hurt when you were the one he talked about in such a negative light? When all you have done was show him hospitality when he came to your house? When your mom prepared snacks and fruits for the two of you to share as you completed this project little by little? How could he really stand before you with a morose expression on his boyish face? 
You didn’t bother waiting for his answer, your blood boiling at such a high rate at the moment that you knew you had to hurry yourself out of there. So, with your windbreaker thrown over your arm, and your backpack secured on both your shoulders, you turned on the toes of your heeled boots and sauntered away. Only until you exited the school did you let the first teardrops fall before the dam would completely break the minute you stepped into your bedroom.
Tsukishima, on the other hand, had to continue his day like he didn’t just coldly hurt your feelings. The tightness in his stomach didn’t loosen once as he practiced with his teammates as the image of your sad eyes haunted him.
The walk to Tsukishima’s house was silent and awkward. Because you were still heated from what happened yesterday, you didn’t really want to stand too close to the blonde. So you found yourself walking five steps ahead of him. In that moment, you were irritated that you were so conscious of the space between the two of you. 
Tsukishima noticed instantly, but he kept his mouth shut as you knew the way to his house from the multiple visits thanks to this project, along with the fact that being close to him still angered you. So, he simply followed after you with his eyes trained on the cement under him. 
Once you two arrived, you jumped right into business. You wanted this project to be done more than ever, which contradicted with the idea of you and Tsukishima taking the process one step at a time so you two could spend as much time as possible together. But for obvious reasons you couldn’t dream like that anymore.
“Okay, so, in all honesty, I think we can complete all remaining tasks today,” you stated, pulling your laptop and notebook from your bag.
Tsukishima blinked at you, his eyebrows knitted together. If yesterday never happened, you would have fought yourself from swooning. “What do you mean?”
You blinked back at him before sighing. “I mean, that we could get this project done with today. And then we have the whole weekend and Monday to ourselves and then turn it in Tuesday.” 
Even though it was a dumb question to ask, Tsukishima willed himself to ask anyway. It was the only way he could think to open the conversation to address the elephant in the room. “Why do you want to hurry to get this done when we still have plenty of time?”
You looked at the man with a deadpanned expression. Like, was he messing with you? You knew he wasn’t dense so why was he acting like it now?
Tsukishima sighed heavily, closing his eyes momentarily as he gathered his thoughts. He really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, nor talk about you in such a nasty way. Like what was he even thinking when he decided to pull that stunt with you not that far away?
He took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Listen, y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you yesterday. I apologize for the way I talked about you.” He put his glasses back on, daring to look at you.
You had your arms crossed, the same blank expression on your face that you had yesterday. Your eyes, this time, didn’t give away a single hint on how you were feeling internally. 
“So, what did you mean to do, Tsukishima? Huh?” You sounded tired. Worn out. Tsukishima blamed himself for that. You must be emotionally exhausted. Guilt punched him in the gut and twisted his intestines.
“I...” He inhaled deeply, averting his eyes but speaking clearly. “I was hoping to ask you out after we submitted the project in hopes of still being able to be close to you.” He saw in his peripheral vision how your head swiveled as your eyes went wide. “But I got nervous when Yamaguchi brought you up with you being so close by. I just didn’t want to risk rejection with everyone around if you so happened to overhear us. So, I went for the most toxic option known to exist. And you ended up wounded.” His golden orbs focused on you, taking in your gentle face as it no longer held coldness. “Because of my idiotic way of thinking, I hurt you when all I wanna do is care for you and protect you. And I am nothing but sorry to you, y/n.”
Your shoulders dropped, letting out a shaky breath. You never saw the man before you look so vulnerable and apologetic. Heck, you never heard this man utter such a genuine apology to anyone. All the tension and anger you have been holding since yesterday melted away before you noticed. You simply sat next to the boy you’ve always had fond feelings for, even if you were trying hard to shake them off for a day and a half.
You sighed lightly, slowly reaching for one of Tsukishima’s hand. He gave it to you with no hesitation. That warmed your heart. 
You kneaded the soft flesh as you mulled over what to say next. You looked into the boy’s eyes, which glowed with hope and pleads for forgiveness. You licked your lips before parting them. “You really need to better express yourself when your nervous.”
Tsukishima looked dumbfounded by your response, completely not expecting you to say that after everything he just put on the table. But he didn’t see anything false with what you said, so he chuckled. He nodded his head as he peered back at you, a gentle smile on his lips.
You brought his hand up to your lips and gave it a sweet kiss. You brought it back down to your lap and focused your eyes back on the gentle giant’s face. It was dusted with baby pink as he let out an airy chuckle. 
He then brought his free hand up and wrapped it around the back of your head. He eased you toward him, having your forehead rest against his. From this proximity, you could see the dark flecks scattered along the gold within his eyes.
“I really am sorry,” he stated in a hushed tone, wanting nothing more than to tell you how apologetic he felt. 
You hummed with a growing smile on your face. You lifted your head and kissed the tip of his nose. The blush that never left his cheeks darkened as he was taken by surprised by the affectionate act. His expression softened as a lazy smile formed on his pink lips. The hand on the back of your head began to stroke your hair.
“I know,” you responded. “Let’s not make a repeat of this, yeah?”
Tsukishima shook his head, his forehead rubbing against yours. “Never.”
From then on, you two completed the project with light hearts, gentle smiles and (not so) secretive glances. You did complete the project that evening, but only because Tsukishima shyly suggested going out on Saturday.
“We don’t need this project hindering our plans,” he expressed, his eyes focused on the rubric. You smiled happily as you squeezed his knee. 
“You’re right,” you assured him. 
And how right he was as he devoted the day to you, having you completely forget the incident that almost drove you two apart. Oh, how right it felt to be with him from this day forward.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Platonic Adrino/DJ Wifi: Drunk Ladybug on My Balcony? Yeah. This is Fine.: Chapter Eight
Read it on AO3: Drunk Ladybug on My Balcony? Yeah. This is Fine.: Chapter Eight: Bros First
Alya and Nino were curled up on her bed watching Lupin on her laptop when a slightly impatient knock came at the sliding glass door out to her balcony.
Nino frowned in utter bafflement. “What the hell? How is there someone knocking on your fourth story balcony door?”
Alya stiffened as a wave of dread rolled over her. She glanced at her phone to find she had zero unread texts from Marinette announcing a visit.
That didn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t Ladybug out on her balcony, but Alya took that as a good sign because it would certainly be a lot less awkward and suspicious if it were her boyfriend’s superhero crush out there instead of her own.
“Al?” Nino prompted questioningly.
Alya mentally crossed her fingers as she sat up and set the laptop aside, going over to pull back the curtain, hoping against all hope that it was their resident cat-boy and that Nino would be so distracted that he wouldn’t ask difficult questions.
Chat Noir had his hand raised, just about to knock again, when Alya opened the curtain and unlocked the door.
Instant relief washed across his face. “Oh my gosh, Alya! You will never believe what just happened to me! I have to talk to you.”
And then Nino came up behind Alya and gaped at the hero, making Chat Noir freeze.
“Is Chat Noir on your balcony, or am I hallucinating?” Nino wondered in a state of borderline shock.
“I am so sorry,” Chat spit out, heat rising on his cheeks. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I…I can explain!”
Nino turned to Alya. “He visits you too?”
Now it was Alya’s turn for confusion. “Wait. He visits you?” she returned incredulously as she looked back and forth between her boyfriend and the superhero.
Nino shrugged. “Yeah. He started coming over, like…when we were fourteen, fifteen. We play video games and watch movies and stuff. Sometimes I run my mixes by him and get his opinion. How long has he been visiting you?”
Alya pursed her lips, turning to frown reproachfully at Chat Noir. “You’ve been visiting him for years?”
“I can explain?” Chat didn’t sound so sure as his shoulders rose up to meet his ears. “Or maybe I should come back some other time. I’m clearly crashing your date.”
Alya rolled her eyes and grabbed Chat Noir by the arm, hauling him into the room. “Get in here.”
She quickly relocked the door behind him and drew the curtain before turning back to Nino and pointing accusatorially at Chat Noir. “Do you know who he is?”
Nino’s brow gradually furrowed as he felt even more lost. “Um…yeah. He’s Chat Noir. You run a blog about him?”
Alya groaned, dropping her head as she shook it. “No. No. Like, do you know his secret identity?”
“No,” Nino snorted as if she’d made some ludicrous suggestion. But then he paused, and the amusement left him. “Holy crap. Wait. Do you?”
Alya turned her mystified expression on Chat Noir. “How does he not know who you are if you two have been hanging out for years? Is my boyfriend dumb?”
“Hey,” Nino whined.
Chat put his hands up in surrender. “No. He just never asked, and I didn’t tell him.” He looked back to Nino. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t tell Alya either. I’ve never told anyone. She just figured me out.”
“Okay?” Nino replied, feeling like he should say something but not really sure why he should care. “I mean…that’s fine, Mec. I get the secret identities thing. You’re not supposed to tell me, so it’s not really a bad thing that I don’t know. I don’t have to know what name appears on your birth certificate to be your friend, so…it doesn’t really matter.”
Chat Noir winced, and his expression turned guilty as he looked at Nino with eyes pleading for forgiveness. “It kind of does matter, and I’m sorry I never said anything…. Detransformation.”
Nino’s eyes widened as the suit faded in a burst of neon green light, leaving Adrien Agreste standing before him in the Ladybug pyjamas Marinette had made him for his birthday two years prior.
“I am so sorry,” Adrien whimpered, bracing for the fallout.
Nino let out a guttural curse and then repeated it three times in quick succession.
Adrien winced, repeating, “I’m sorry. If I could have told you I would have, but Ladybug is super strict about the secret identities rule.”
“No, it’s cool,” Nino assured lightheadedly, still staring at Adrien like he had just revealed that he had been leading a double life for more than half a decade now. “Seriously. I totally get it. I’m just… Holy crap, you’re Chat Noir,” Nino began to snicker maniacally, sounding like he was hyperventilating.
“Yeah,” Adrien replied lamely, grimacing. “I’m Chat Noir…. Are you okay?”
“I need to sit down,” Nino announced, promptly sinking to the floor and flopping over onto his back.
“Babe, are you okay?” Alya spoke up tentatively, starting to get concerned in earnest.
“Yep,” he continued to laugh. “All good. My best bro is just a superhero. That’s all. Normal day.”
“I am so sorry,” Adrien reiterated, not sure what else to say or do.
Alya’s reaction had seemed so blasé. He hadn’t been prepared for Nino to freak.
“No.” Nino held up a hand to stop him. “Seriously. It’s good. You’re good. I’m just…processing. Poorly. I mean… I’m sorry, Mate. I feel like I should have known or something.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t,” Alya hummed. “He told you about his mystery girl crush, didn’t he? How did you think he knew her?”
Nino threw up his hands in exasperation without moving up off the floor. “I don’t know! I thought she dropped by his house or something! I’ve had a standing friend date night with Chat Noir the past five years! It wasn’t too farfetched to think she visited Adrien like that too. I mean, I would totally sneak in to see him and break him out to go have some fun if I had a Miraculous permanently. That would be my number one abuse of power.”
“That’s really sweet,” Adrien cooed, touched that the thought had even crossed Nino’s mind.
“Romantic rooftop escapades with your girlfriend wouldn’t be top on your list?” Alya snickered, amused.
“Bros before you-know-whats,” Nino announced vehemently, causing Alya to laugh harder.
She turned to smirk at Adrien, elbowing his arm. “Well, good to know where his priorities stand. I always suspected he loved you more.”
Adrien rolled his eyes, returning the playful nudge. “He loves us the same but differently.”
Nino groaned, hissing a sibilant curse as a realization struck him.
“What?” Alya inquired, arching an eyebrow as her boyfriend covered his face with his hands and rolled around on the floor in mortification.
“You okay, Mec?” Adrien inquired hesitantly, leaning in a bit to peer down at his best friend curiously.
“No!” Nino whined, propping himself up on his elbows. “You let me make a total fool of myself!”
Adrien quirked an eyebrow. He debated making a remark to the effect of Nino making a fool of himself with or without Adrien’s help but ultimately decided against it, instead going with, “When?”
Nino pointed accusingly. “You let me go on and on about my embarrassing crush on Chat Noir!”
Alya clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. To be fair, she’d felt a little dumb when she’d discovered that she’d been raving to Marinette about her superhero alter ego all these years, but Nino seemed more embarrassed whereas Alya had been able to easily laugh at herself in retrospect.
“I was flattered,” Adrien insisted, crouching down so that he was on Nino’s level. “Seriously. It’s not a big deal. I’m used to people fawning over Adrien’s stupid model face all the time, and Chat Noir’s fans can be a little…um…weird…most of the time, so it was really refreshing that someone thought he was attractive as a person,” he admitted sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck.
Nino sat up, frowning at Adrien, clearly not impressed. “Dude, I went on, like, rants about your ass.”
Adrien shrugged. “I have a very nice asset, and it looks objectively better in magical leather. You have good taste in men.”
Nino’s frown morphed into a miffed stare of disapproval. “This isn’t weird for you at all, is it?”
Adrien flashed another sheepish grin as he shook his head. “Afraid not. Besides, even if it was, I’m sure you’re completely cured of your temporary insanity now that you know just who it is under the mask.”
Nino let out a bark of laughter, roughly tussling Adrien’s hair. “Fat chance, Mec! Nah, now that I know, I’m even more in love with you.” He turned to Alya to mutter a quick, “Sorry, Al,” before returning his attention to his best friend. “Adrien Agreste, will you marry me?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” Adrien cackled, nearly knocking Nino over backwards as he launched himself at his friend, wrapping Nino in a tight hug. “Can we have an April wedding? I’m a spring, so I look best in bright, light, warm colours. I think you’re probably an autumn, so deep, warm colours would suit you best. We might need to hire a consultant.”
“Whatever you say, My Love,” Nino tittered, his sides beginning to hurt from laughter.
Alya gave a snort as she put her hands on her hips. “Hey! What am I? Yesterday’s garbage? I thought we were getting married!”
“You don’t even believe in marriage,” Nino continued to laugh.
Alya crossed her arms and gave her head a little toss. “True, but your pestering was starting to make me come around to the idea.”
“Well, how about Adrien can be my sexy househusband, and you can be my wild, adventurous lover?” he suggested.
Adrien shrugged, pulling back out of the hug. “I’m down with that.”
Alya considered for a moment and then shrugged as well. “Yeah, okay. That works for me. I don’t actually believe in marriage anyway.”
Nino gave his eyes a fond roll, turning to Adrien. “I’ll wear her down one of these days.”
“Definitely,” Adrien agreed and then paused, suddenly looking uncertain. “…Are we okay?”
Nino pushed all joking aside and really looked at his friend. “Yeah. I’m not mad or whatever you were worried about. I get that you couldn’t tell me, even though you wanted to. When I first became Carapace, I wanted to tell you too, but Ladybug was pretty clear about the rules, so…”
He inhaled slowly, taking Adrien in. “But, man… Holy crap…. You’re Chat Noir.”
Adrien nodded timidly. “Yeah.”
Abruptly, tears sprang forth from the corners of Nino’s eyes and began spilling down his cheeks. “You get beaten up a lot.”
Adrien winced, replying softly, “Yeah.”
“That’s…” Nino swallowed and tried again. “That was hard enough to watch when you were just Chat Noir…. I don’t think I can do this, knowing it’s you getting thrown around like a rag doll.”
“Sorry,” Adrien whispered, wishing there was some way to make it easier. “I really am sorry, but it’s my job.”
Nino’s eyes widened in fear, and he cursed once more, breathlessly.
Adrien cocked his head to the side in question.
Nino shook his head, his bottom lip beginning to tremble as the tears came harder and faster. He took Adrien’s face in his hands, and his voice cracked as he whimpered, “You d-die…sometimes.”
Adrien held Nino’s gaze, mountains of apologies filling his eyes as he nodded sadly in confirmation.
It was then that Alya beckoned to Plagg who had curled up on top of one of the speakers on her desk. “Cheese,” she mouthed, motioning for him to follow her out into the kitchen to give the guys some privacy.
Plagg willingly complied, floating over to hide in the hood of her hoodie as she slipped soundlessly out of the room.
Meanwhile, Nino, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, trying to hold in the whirling spiral of emotions he was feeling.
Adrien scooted closer, leaning in to rest his forehead against Nino’s. “Shhh,” he coaxed, wrapping his arms around his friend. “It’s okay. I’m okay, Nino.”
“Sometimes you’re not, though,” Nino hiccupped bitterly.
“Only for a little while,” Adrien added, trying to appease. “I try to be careful. I really did hear you when you chewed Chat Noir out for being reckless. I was listening, and I’ve tried not to jump into danger unnecessarily…. It’s just…sometimes it is necessary.”
Nino pulled back to look Adrien in the face, his eyes filled with fierce determination. “I need you to do something for me, promise me something.”
Adrien readily nodded. “Of course.”
“Talk to Ladybug for me,” Nino instructed. “Convince her to give me the Turtle Miraculous full-time.”
Adrien’s eyes widened in surprise. “But—”
“—No,” Nino cut him off. “Convince her. Don’t take no for an answer. Don’t tell me it’s dangerous or some crap like that. Bros don’t let bros stay sidelined. I can protect you. I can keep you safe. Let me help, Adrien. Let me be your shield. That’s what my job is supposed to be.”
Slowly, Adrien began to nod. As much as he wanted his best friend as far away from danger as possible, he completely understood how Nino felt. If their situations were reversed, Adrien would do anything he could to make Nino safer.
“Okay. I’ll talk to her,” Adrien promised, “and I will bug the hell out of her until she gives in.”
Nino let out a long sigh of relief as he nodded. “Okay. All right. Good enough for now…. Thanks, Mec.”
“Thank you,” Adrien stressed, leaning in to press a butterfly’s wing beat of a kiss to Nino’s cheek.
Nino laughed, pulling Adrien into a crushing hug. He gave Adrien’s cheek a sloppy smooch, declaring, “Love you, Man.”
Adrien returned the laughter with interest, settling into Nino’s embrace, finding comfort there. “Love you too.”
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Beginnings and Endings (Part 2)
@renegadesnet event 2: august of anarchy
↪ [The Artino Brothers]
Summary: In the beginning, it was just the two of them: David and Alec, the Artino Brothers. Then, they brought anarchy into the world. Now, David is not sure if there would be enough of themselves by the end of it. "Don't call me Alec anymore. Now I am Ace. Ace Anarchy."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25686343/chapters/62997898
With this part ends my contribution to August of Anarchy:) I love participating and I hope we got more events in the future!! Writing David and Ace was painfully wonderful and I’m not saying I will write more fics about them someday... but I will lol I hope you like this chapter as much as you like the first one <3
Also i wrote this from my mom’s pc because my laptop is a little bitch and broke down and it’s fucking difficult to type on this keyboard like wtf this pc is old as fuck it has like 12 years do yall realize that if this pc was a child she would be having her first period??? but like my laptop has only three years and she fucking dead-
The finale of the ending
Age of Anarchy
Year 11
David had never left Tala's house feeling angry. Never. Tala never made him angry. How could he be mad at the kindest, funniest, and most talkative person who inhabited the entire galaxy? He could spend hours listening to her rants, reading old magazines with her, and laughing at her bad jokes. Her hair smelled like yeast and cherries. (David surely smelled like crap.)
Tala Ong made him wish the nights were eternal, but this time David was doing nothing but longing the day would come soon.
She knew very well they never spoke of his family, and she had dared to mention it anyway.
David entered the cathedral through the back door. He still had Tala's words inside his head.
“You can't let him tell you what to do, David. Don't you realize that he is only manipulating you? He's using you for his evil ends, David, because yes, that what they are, evil ends.”
Evil ends. How old was she, seven?
“You no longer depend on him. You are an adult, David. A very handsome, smart, and powerful adult. I've seen the things you can do with your powers, and it's… it's beautiful, David, it's very beautiful.”
Talanever wore jewelry. She said it contrasted a lot with the old clothes she wore all the time. However, when David made that bracelet for her on her birthday, Talaassured him she would always wear it. And up to that point, she had kept her promise.
“David, I like you. A lot, a lot, a lot. You honestly have no idea how much I like you. If it were up to me, we would spend the rest of our days together.” She walked over to him and put her hands on his chest. Talawas short, curvy, and her eyes were so beautiful... “You are special. And not because you're a prodigy, David, God no. You are special, but because you are you, David, and that is more than enough.”
And David was about to tell her the truth. Tell her that he also liked her very, very, very much and that he agreed to spend the rest of his days with her. But then, Tala caressed his cheek and whispered, “Ace won’t hurt you anymore.”
He pulled away from her with outrage burning him inside. 
Tala didn't know Ace as he did. She didn't know what she was talking about.
David entered the chapel where he slept. It was dark and small compared to other chapels in the cathedral, but he liked it. He reached out to turn on the light, and—
He froze. Ace was there, staring at the marble statue dedicated to the Holy Family. He lit a candle for them, murmuring some words in italian. Then he crossed himself. Nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.
When Ace prayed and David was in trouble, he couldn't tell if he was talking to the good Ace or the bad Ace. Both Ace were deeply devoted. 
But the bad Ace was scary when David did something he didn't like.
“Of all the sculptures in this cathedral, this must be one of my favorites, David,” Ace said without looking at him. “You know why?”
David could only ask, "Why, Ace?”
“Because it shows Jesus in his most vulnerable form,” he replied. “This child is— was the Savior of all mankind. He was the most powerful being on Earth, yet he loved and respected his family like any other mere mortal. And in that, we are alike.”
You are not God, Ace. Stop comparing yourself to him.
Ace turned around. He was wearing his helmet, but was on his pajamas. In another context, David would be laughing. “Where were you?” he asked.
“I was—”
“With Tala.”
There was no point lying to him. “Yes. With Tala.”
Ace leaned against a column. “And how is she? What's new?”
“Actually— we argued.”
“Did you argue? That’s terrible.”
If Tala had been there, she probably wouldn't have noticed the suffocating atmosphere. She would not have a cold sweat all over her body, nor would the blood have gone to her feet.
Because she was brave.
“You are brave, David!” she exclaimed trying to take his hand again. “You are as brave as—”
“As brave as you?” David asked, his face flushed with anger. “No, I am not! We both know I'm not! Forgive me for being a freaking disappointment to you!”
When he heard Tala's first sob, he was so scared, so sorry for his actions, that he ran. He left his crush crying, in the middle of the hot, starless night.
David was not brave. David was a coward.
“It is,” he whispered.
“Why did you argue?”
Because of you.
David leaned against the spine next to Ace, his hands in his pockets. “She likes me. A lot,” he replied.
Ace moved to lean on the same column as David. His clothes were infused with a smell of humidity and incense. It was familiar, sure, but it was never going to be as pleasant and comforting as Tala's. Never.
“And did she just say it like that?” he asked with a sly smile. “Wow. She must be crazy for you, David.”
He nudged him gently on the shoulder. David dared to smile.
He was talking to the good Ace.
“Yes, I thought we were just good friends,” David replied, throwing himself on his cot, “but the truth is that... I like her too.”
“Why?” Ace asked, laughing out loud.
“Why not?” David said with a shrug. “She is cute. And ingenious. Very funny.”
Ace sat next to him on the cot. “But she isn’t a prodigy,” he reminded him.
David rolled his eyes. “Are we going back to that? There is nothing wrong with it.”
“There's nothing wrong with just being friends, sure,” agreed his brother, “but when it comes to starting a family, it can be a problem.”
“No, no one is talking about starting a family,” David said. “I just think she's cute. That's it.”
“Don't lie to me, little nightmare," he whispered, "you know I don't like you lying to me.”
Ace stood up, blocking the light that was hitting David's face.
His smile disappeared. He was wrong. David was talking to the bad Ace.
Idiot. He should have known better.
“I’m aware you have a very strong attachment to her,” he told him. “I see it in your eyes every time you return from visiting her.”
“You notice when I arrive?” he muttered.
“Oh, all the time, David, all the time,” he replied with a nod. “You're so in love. But what tells you that she corresponds to your feelings with the same intensity?”
The cold sweat returned. “She told me,” he replied quietly. “She told me I was special.”
“Special?” Ace rolled his eyes. “David, women will say anything to seduce a man and get what they want out of him.”
“But I have nothing, Ace. What could she want from me?”
“You have nothing, that's right,” he agreed. “But we—” he threw the helmet at him violently, “—we have this.”
David's hands squeezed it. He hoped it exploded. Or burst into flames. Or both. “Your helmet?” he asked through clenched teeth.
“It is evident that she is working with the Renegades,” Ace explained. “They are probably the ones who gave her the idea of exactly what she had to say to make you believe her and fall in love.” He brushed a lock of hair from David’s face, with those long, cold fingers that gave him chills. That lock could never stay in place. “I don't blame you, little nightmare. You wouldn't be the first to fall for a pretty face.”
David fixed his gaze on the helmet. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph— he hated that freaking helmet.
“Why should she like you anyway? Why would such a pretty girl notice you if not for our power?”
Our power, Ace? Or your power?
David started to tear up. Was it because of his sadness? His anger? Or was it because of the pain he felt in his hands from crushing the helmet?
“The world is full of people who will tell even the vilest of lies just to get what they want,” Ace continued. The unruly lock covered her face again. Ace extended his hand slowly. “Believe me when I tell you that Tala is not so different from them.”
Tala could be many things. But if there was one thing David was sure of, it was that she was not a liar.
Ace's hand stopped. “No?”
David stood up and tossed the helmet at Ace. “No! Talais not what you say. She's not a liar,” he exclaimed, pointing at his brother with his finger. “And do you know how I know that? Because I know her! I know her better than you ever will because I'm not obsessed with the idea of someone coming in and taking away the power I have! I am sure of how powerful I am. No one can take from me what is truly mine. Not even you.”
Ace put his helmet back on, and looked David up and down.
Suddenly, a force lifted him off the ground and smashed David into a pillar. He stifled a groan of pain as Ace walked over to him, looking him in the eyes, and retaining David’s extremities with his powers.
He was going to kill him. He truly believed that he was going to kill him right there.
But Ace did not.
He tucked his younger brother's unruly lock back behind his ears.
His hands were still cold. But David was no longer afraid.
Ace sighed. “I'm just trying to protect you, my little nightmare.”
David had never felt so grossed out hearing his nickname. He hated it even more than he hated the helmet. Little nightmare. My little nightmare.
He could throw up just thinking about it.
Without him noticing at first, golden threads began to sprout from his fingertips, moving in strange directions. David wasn't even moving a single muscle. His brother clenched his jaw and frowned. A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead. He had never seen him having so much difficulty controlling his telekinesis. 
Then, he realized what was going on. Their powers were in a fight, neck to neck. And David's seemed to have a chance.
Finally, David's powers won out, and he fell to the ground on his feet. A little shaky, a little confused about what had just happened— but free.
“I can take care of myself, Alec,” he said. “And I'm not your little nightmare anymore.”
Without answering, Alec picked him up off the ground again. This time, David's powers did not come to his rescue. He levitated him all the way to the main entrance of the cathedral. With a wave of his hand, he opened the doors wide and threw him to the sidewalk with violence.
David fell backward. Dazed, he raised his head. His gaze was slightly blurred, but he could clearly see Alec was smiling at him.
Maliciously. Tenderly. With a terrifying mix of both.
“I know you'll come back. I will be waiting.”
As soon as the doors closed again, David stood up and walked away from the cathedral. Alec was wrong. He was never coming back.
The nightmare had come to an end.
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
what did you think of the current gotham nights
I only read the latest issue and I assume that’s what you meant,
So I can tell ya that I thought it was really bad. It’s the type of things that panders to fans, but it’s really really flawed.
If this was a fan fiction, it would just be slightly below average. Characterization would suck, but when it’s a fan fic writer were this isn’t their job, and don’t have the knowledge of everything, it’s easier to forgive and not mind, because that’s pretty ridiculous to get angry over.
But this is an OFFICIAL DC Comics published comic. Their is higher standards to them. It just stunk fiercely, and I’m not even gonna give them an excuse, because they don’t deserve it. They’re making comics, they barely try, and getting money for it.
Everyone’s just rounded down to one trait, literally in the beginning in Tim’s case.
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And one of the other traits he has, that made him important to the Batman legacy in the first place, which is understanding Batman and why Robins so important, is given to DICK.
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I assume because this writer never did any research on Tim, and I don’t even think Steph, because she’s a non-character. She just says the generic lines anybody could, because they realized she wasn’t saying much, or at least that’s my guess, because I kept forgetting she was here. Maybe just cause she blends into the background more cuz the colorist dulled all the colors. Like Tim’s costume is just gray now.
Getting back on track though, when you can’t even be bothered to read a character’s origin when it’s your job to write them in official media, you’re a crappy writer, you are dog shit. This is just pathetic. They couldn’t have been bothered. Even editorial didn’t bother correcting that.
My guess for this is just because everyone makes Dick the motivational, inspiration Robin, which isn’t completely wrong. But don’t give him Tim’s spiel when he’s literally right next to you. It’s not like they’re bothering to give him any other traits besides smart and mildly pessimistic.
And it half-way acts as a character study too, so that makes it EXTRA EXTRA bad. You just can’t be cocky and assume you know the characters, when the only thing you make clear is that you don’t.
But I wouldn’t expect anything else from the writer that thought Damian, the kid that was abused and broken over and over again till he became a perfected warrior, who thinks of himself as an adult, and has only been shown having more sophisticated interests (besides a laptop and I think an iPhone? But to be an iPhone or iPod or what ever makes no sense. I don’t even understand the laptop, because that’s in his origin, and why the heck would Ra’s give their experiment kid that they abuse about every day access to the world wide web?), interests such as like painting, a freaking interest in video games, and specifically acting like his favorite would be called called “Cheese Viking”, when he hasn’t played with anyone his age (Super Sons wasn’t around yet, and if it was it was very very very early on. I think Super Sons sucked regardless cuz of bad characterization), he’s been shown in the Manor for three years without an interest that I can recall, like he lives with Batman and an elderly former secret service agent as a butler, and it doesn’t fit his personality. This writer couldn’t be bothered to put care into anything. Most thought is cheap fan service that doesn’t work from a character perspective.
Basically what I’m saying is, when I saw the name “Tim Seeley”, I knew it was going to suck, because he just never tries all that hard. He just does fan service to scrap by.
This is the guy who does so much fan service, he co-wrote “Grayson”, a series notorious for having scenes that are so weirdly sexualized for the fans, that it can come off as sleezy, and in a lot of cases, just writing Dick to be constantly sexually harassed. It’s not great the way he chooses to write.
He even writes Dick and Damian’s relationship to be like Dick and TIM’s. Dick and Tim was absolute big brother little brother. Dick was more serious with Damian, he was his mentor and father figure, he was stern, not Batman stern but he was still in-charge of him and wanted him to learn, he used to let Damian know what he did wrong (at least some of the time) and sometimes even taught him lessons the hard way. Dick and Damian love each other, but they always get misrepresented as a Dick and Tim relationship. Which I don’t understand, because even though I like Dick and Tim’s more, since I am a Tim fan, Dick and Damian’s is way more interesting from a writing perspective, and they always just write it so bad to be pandery.
When you take take one of Tim’s most iconic traits, and well-known relationship, and give it to others, you should not be writing these characters, or a character study on any scale.
Jason in this is just an angry, cynic. And I like when he’s angry and a cynic, but they just make him absolutely annoying. Jason has charm. Read Under the Red Hood, he does horrific stuff, but he’s a charming personality despite that. In this they just made him almost whiny. Like a bad parody of Jason rather than the actual spectacle the real character is.
Nothing about this was good.
It’s only getting by on fan service, but I’m not blinded by any fan service, because I just want good stories that do the characters justice. Which is ultimately what any critic would go off of if they care. “Does it tell a good story?” “Does it do the characters right?” “Was it ever bland anywhere?” “Does it not make sense?” “Are there any mistakes?”
Those are basic things that people do for actual critiques, not just saying your personal opinion as ya read without much thought, and an opinion is an opinion, but I review stuff so this is what I go off of in a lot of my posts.
The story is half attempting to be a character study, and it failed very quickly, so it doesn’t tell a good story.
How the story failed was because Tim Seeley is a lazy writer who doesn’t know the characters better than a superficial level. So it doesn’t do the characters right.
It’s bland because they’re in the same spot the whole issue. Which could be good, but they’d have to actually do the characters well, to make the story interesting, which they obviously didn’t, so it’s just bland and tasteless.
And it doesn’t even always make sense, because why is Steph there? I know she’s a Robin, I consider her a Robin, but not in this timeline. She literally sees for herself that she was Robin another timeline, and gets emotional because she wasn’t in this one. So why would Clayface kidnap her with the other Robins, if she’s not a Robin in this timeline? Clayface logically wouldn’t know that, because he wasn’t involved with the Bat-Family at the time that was found out. At least nowhere in a place to overhear it as far as I remember. I’m pretty sure only a few people ever knew it too.
And Tim is sadly ... “Drake” in this issue. But-- Damian calls him “Red Robin” in a scene, and I can’t tell if that’s him being snarky or rude by calling him by his old name, but to me I just think it was a mistake.
The issue was just garbage. Like I can’t say anything good, besides the concept could’ve been good, but that’s still saying they did a crap job with the concept.
Tim Seeley shouldn’t have been the one to write it. I don’t know who because I have yet to see a DC writer that can actually right the characters well, and not just write them superficially and make stuff up on their way.
DC isn’t in the place where I think they could actually make this work. They don’t have the talent or the range.
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
Too Soon (Part 1)
Dean Winchester x Reader
A/n: This is my rewritten/edited part one to Too Soon! Since Season 15 is coming back soon I thought I would go through and edit the chapters. I hope y'all enjoy! ( Also I will only be tagging the spn taglist for the first part, as not to annoy some people. If you want to be updated on this series just send me an ask!)
Warnings: Worried!Dean, character death, season 14 spoilers.
Summary: When the reader is suddenly killed by Jack, a series of events unfolds that leaves both the alive and the deceased stunned.
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“Hello Y/N, my name is Jessica.”
The voice was sudden, making you whirl around on the spot, hands reaching for your gun purely out of instinct. Your eyes instantly locked on a lone female before you, eyebrows knotting together in confusion. Just a moment ago you had been talking to Jack.
Now. . .well now he was nowhere to be seen.
“Forgive me for asking but where the hell did you come from?” You questioned, taking a step closer to the unknown woman.
“I’m a reaper. I’m here to lead you to your next life.”As she said it, you could see a gentle smile slip onto her face, for an instant you swore you caught a hint of sadness or pity hidden within her eyes as well. You took a step back, mind reeling with the answer she had just given you.
“That- that can’t be right. Because if that were true. That would mean- that would mean I’m dead. And I-I can’t be dead.” You stumbled over the words, trying desperately to make sense of what was happening.
No. No you couldn’t be dead. That didn’t make sense.
“I’m sorry. I understand that you're shock.” Jessica stepped forward, reaching out her hand, waiting patiently for you to take it, clearly prepared to take you through the veil-- But you didn’t notice. Your mind was trying to piece together what had happened.
Jack. You had been talking to Jack. He was upset and angry and you had been trying to calm him down. He was yelling, god he was yelling so much- and then there was a blast.
“Oh god.” Your hand flew to your mouth as your mind caught up to you. You knew deep down Jack never meant to hurt you, but you also knew he could still be unpredictable at times. You felt the burn of oncoming tears in your eyes as your body sunk the the ground, heels pressing hard into the eye sockets.
Fuck, fuck, fuck-
Your head was spinning at a million miles an hour until it hit a brick wall of one solid thought that towered above all the rest.
Dean. Oh no, Dean didn’t know. Neither did Sam or Cas. A choked sob left your lips as the tears finally spilled over your lashes. That one person repeatedly flashing in your mind. Dean. You had known him practically all your life, and loved him for at least half of it. You always told yourself that one day you would tell him. Except now with your current situation, that was clearly never going to happen.
Dean. Dean with his big green eyes, and freckled splashed face,Dean with his dumb jokes and secretly dorky personality.  There were so many things you loved about that man, from the way he laughed to the terrible jokes he cracked and everything in between. His rare but big smile and his even bigger heart. You were never supposed to fall in love with your best friend, but its a difficult thing not to do when that person was Dean.
You flinched slightly when Jessica knelt down in front of you, forgetting the reapers presence.
“Don’t worry. He loved you too, and for a very long time I might add.”
You looked up into Jessica’s eyes, your own slightly glazed with confusion.
“How do you know?” the question leaving your lips in barely a whisper as you fought to ignore the hot tears trekking down your face. Jessica stood up, waiting for you to rise to her level.
“I’ve been watching over you and the Winchester’s for a long time. I pay attention.” She smiled. You nodded, immediately seeing that she was telling the truth. She reached out her hand again.
“Are you ready to go?”
Ready to go? That was such a heavy question. You had never exactly feared death. In truth it was just another beginning, right? You paused, thinking it through. There was nothing else for you to do here. You couldn't just stride back into the land of the living and back to your life and family. The only option was to take her outstretch hand.
“As long as you promise to do something for me.” You stated firmly, sliding your hand into hers before rising to your feet with a shaky breath.
“Of course. Anything.” She smiled. You nodded again, finally accepting your fate you reached out and took her hand.
*. *. *. *.
Dean knew something was wrong the moment you didn’t pick up your phone. You were the type of person to always answer no matter what. It was a rarity if you didn't answer. So when the phone went through its cycle of rings eventually getting to your voicemail, he took a deep inhale to calm himself.
“Hello, you have reached the voicemail of Y/N Y/L/N. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call. I’m just waiting for more important people to call. If I hear your message and deem you worthy or the title “important,” I will think about calling you back, but for now. Bye!”-Beep-
Lowering his phone from his ear, Dean looked down at the screen, your profile picture staring brightly up at him. Your face scrunched as you stuck your tongue out. In any other occasion he probably would have smiled, but instead he just let out a light “Damn it-” before slipping it back into his pocket.
He hated that you had ventured out alone to go find Jack. He should have gone with you. He should have dropped everything and just gone with you. Now you could be in trouble and in need of assistance. What if you were injured . . .or worse?
The Winchester brothers then proceeded to launch into action the moment they agreed something was not right. They had Rowena going through every page of the Book of the Damned looking for a tracking spell, and Cas was trying to find Jacks last known whereabouts.
“Anything?” Dean huffed, momentarily stopping his continuous pacing to look over at his brother, who was currently hunched over his laptop trying desperately to track Jacks phone. They had tried tracking yours earlier, only to find your phone sitting on one of the vacant tables in the library untouched and almost out of battery . He expected Sam to respond with yet another Nope but was surprised when he heard something else.
“Dean, check this out.” Sam swiveled his laptop around to face him, pointing at Jacks icon.
“Wait- is he flying?” The two brothers watched as the icon pinged to another location, and then another before landing firmly on an empty area in Nebraska. After a minute of no change, Dean was rushing towards the door, wrapping his jacket around him and grabbing the keys to the impala.
Sam knew there was no holding his brother back, especially when it came to your safety. The younger Winchester exhaled before slamming the laptop shut and following the fading heels of his brothers boots.
*. *. *.
Dean had practically been white knuckling the steering wheel since he slipped into the drivers seat. He was silently trying to calm himself down, but it just wasn’t working.
You were fine. You were fine. You were safe and alive and completely out of harms way. You were fine.
“Oh crap.” Sam's sigh of frustration yanked Deans eyes away from the road.
“What?” His voice thick with worry as he watched his brother flick through his phone.
“I lost Jacks signal. His phone must have died.”
The older Winchester let out a string of curses before slamming his foot harder on the gas. And with that a two hour drive was cut down to a smooth 45 minutes.
Dean immediately made out your car when the slowly pulled to a stop at the end of the old dirt road the gps had sent them down, the vehcile parked alone in front of an old run down cabin. The impala had barely been put into park before the older Winchester was launching himself out of his seat and running foreword, flashlight in hand.
“You go inside, I’ll check around back.”
“Got it.”
It didn’t take long for Dean to find something out of the ordinary, as he stepped through the trees his eyes widened, jade irises filled with confusion and worry. He didn’t have to call for Sam before he heard the loud footsteps running towards him. No words were exchanged as Dean knelt down, running his fingers along the earth, pulling up ash. The light of their flashlights panning over the charred and blackened earth that stretched out for several yards.
Dean needed to find you, and quickly . . .
(A/N: if you would like to be added to my slowly growing Too Soon Taglist, feel free to send me a message or ask!)
SPN Taglist: (Still Open)
@familybusinesswritingbro@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​ @orphiceseum​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​ @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​​​  @totallyluciferr​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​ @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​​ @akshi8278 @defenderrosetyler​​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​​​ @supernaturalenchanted@emptycanvasposts @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love@busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue​​​ @lilulo-12fanfiction @beanie-beebo​​​ @xoxoaudreymarie​​​ @greenarrowhead​​​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​​​  @mysticalfuncollectorus​​​ @brebolin​​​ @biahblue​​​ @noahandthegiraffe​​​ @hhiggs​​​ @mila-dans​​​ @mrsmaybankhere​​​ @malindacath​​​  @littleagxs​​​ @deanwanddamons​​​ @idksupernatural​​​​ @i-make-questionable-choices​
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anwenwrites · 4 years
Justice—A Landry Oneshot
A oneshot of Landry’s thoughts as he prepares to send that fateful email to Mrs. Martinez’s family.
I don’t care if she’s supposed to be my friend. She can’t get away with this. Not this time.
Earlier today, Bryce, Jackie, Sienna, Elijah, and I told Casey that Mrs. Martinez died, and she broke down crying. The others all tried to comfort her and feed her the “You gave Mrs. Martinez enough time to live her dream” crap. Yeah, right; I’m sure her family will find that super comforting. The rest of my roommates all flocked around Casey with hugs and words of comfort, but I just stood against the wall with my arms folded. Why should I bother to comfort Casey? She brought this all on herself. She killed a patient, for God’s sake!
And yet somehow even being a patient murderer didn’t stop Casey from becoming the number one intern. Such bullshit. Casey never deserved the number one ranking. That was supposed to be me. It absolutely blows my mind that this girl even made it past her first week. She was late on the very first day! But of course some lady had to collapse in the waiting room, and Casey was at the right place at the right time. And so it happened that she got to impress Dr. Ramsey by assisting him with a hemothorax patient, which by default meant that no one gave a crap that she was late. She got herself lauded as a hero with the power of her luck alone. I, on the other hand, get up at the ass crack of dawn to show up early every day—every single fucking day—and no one gives me any credit for it. 
It’s totally unfair. Casey spends all her free time parading herself around with guys, namely Bryce and Rafael. She must have thought no one noticed that she hooked up with Bryce at our housewarming party—I heard everything because I stayed up studying after all the guests left—only to flaunt Rafael right in Bryce’s face at dinner weeks later! I’d like to think that I’m not one to slut shame, but...well, you know. You’d think getting drunk at every opportunity and sleeping around like she does would cause her performance to nosedive, but somehow she’s number one. She even beat Aurora! I knew the competition would be rigged in favor of the chief’s niece. That much was to be expected. But I never in a million years would have imagined that some frivolous, drama-loving girl would snag that elusive top spot by worming her way into the great Ethan Ramsey’s approval. Is she sleeping with him? There must be some reason why he picked her to come to Miami with him. I know there was more to it than just her being number one. 
I should be number one. I never slack off. I study way harder than Casey or any of my roommates. Probably even more than any of the other interns. And I don’t let girls get in the way of my progress as a doctor. Casey offered to be my wingwoman at the bar after our first day, but I said no. Sure, I was nervous about talking to the girl at the bar, but more than anything, I knew better than to trust another intern who was probably just trying to distract me so she could make a better first impression than me. And when she offered to get Dr. Ramsey to sign my book for me? Yes, I’ve had literal dreams about working with Dr. Ramsey, but I saw that as the perfect opportunity to make Casey look stupid in the hopes that Dr. Ramsey would laugh at her. She made the better first impression, even though she was late and I was early. So I had to level the playing field a little. 
Unfortunately, he actually signed the book. I mean, it was cool, but still. My resentment for Casey started brewing deep inside me that very day. Why was it that she could get my idol to notice her, and I couldn’t? It was so embarrassing that I had to enlist her help to get him to sign my book, even if it was all part of my scheme. 
That was when my plan changed. I knew I had to get on Casey’s good side and convince her to put in a good word for me to Dr. Ramsey. But she never did. She claimed the competition would ruin all our friendships, and was even against joining it at first, yet she couldn’t even be bothered to teach Ramsey my name. Some “friend”, I say. 
  She didn’t teach Ramsey my name, so the only option I had left was to tarnish hers. It was only fair. That’s why one day, when Casey wasn’t looking, I turned off her pager. Ooh, the attendings must have been furious with her! And I’ll never forget the look on Casey’s face when she started treating a patient only to discover that her chart was missing. At first this seemed to have the desired effect. Dr. Mirani’s face went beet red with anger, and he ripped Casey a new one right in front of her patient. I faked words of encouragement to her before standing back and savoring the panic in her eyes, all the while crumpling her chart into a tight ball and hiding it in my scrubs. But that plan didn’t work either; even though some interns laughed, everyone still loved Casey. Everyone who mattered, anyway. If only Dr. Ramsey had seen Casey “lose” her chart. 
My next plan was to pull as many nurses as I could aside and tell them that Casey was trash talking them. All of them but Danny believed me, too. Even Jackie believed me when I said that Aurora must have been the one turning off Casey’s pager and hiding her chart! We joked about how pathetic Aurora was, and I smirked to myself as Jackie walked away grumbling about Princess Nepotism, without even the slightest inkling that I was the real culprit. So far, sabotaging a friend—I mean rival—who’s been getting all the recognition I deserve has worked pretty well for me. I guess sometimes life can be fair after all. You just have to make it fair. 
From the beginning, Casey clearly had an undeserved advantage. But that was forgivable, because that could be dealt with. I could make her look bad in front of the attendings and get all the nurses to hate her. What couldn’t be forgiven, however, was Mrs. Martinez’s death. She’s gone and she can never be brought back. Mrs. Martinez is dead, all because Casey stole an unapproved drug from a pharma rec—a drug with a forty percent chance of death—and administered it to Mrs. Martinez without the hospital’s knowledge or permission. When Casey first told us of her plan, I couldn’t believe my ears. I thought she was crazy. I told her resolutely that I would have no part in this. She and all my other roommates tried to make me feel bad for telling her that what she wanted to do was wrong, but I stood my ground. She still thought that it was some kind of two-sided argument, but I knew that I was doing the right thing, both legally and morally. But Casey did the wrong thing, and now the only way to even slightly remedy the situation would be to tell Mrs. Martinez’s family exactly how she died. They deserve to know the truth.
And I have the power to give that to them.
The day after I learned what Casey was planning, I paid a visit to Mrs. Martinez myself, during which I brought her some of Sienna’s homemade cookies and one of Elijah’s comic books (both happily gave me what I asked for when I told them I wanted to treat Mrs. Martinez) and asked her to tell me all about her family. Normally I would never waste my time on such unimportant details when there are symptoms to be treated and diagnoses to be made, but Mrs. Martinez’s case was totally different: in the likely event that Casey failed and Mrs. Martinez died, the only comfort Mrs. Martinez’s family could possibly have was to know how she died. And so I politely listened as Mrs. Martinez told me all about her son Luis. Where he lived, what his job was, how special he was to her. I don’t remember a word of what she said to me, but I wrote down where he worked. Then when I got home, I stayed up all night during the longest break I had all week to track Luis down. After a harrowing search, I was just about ready to give up, when I finally found a page about the Luis Martinez on his company’s website, with his contact information at the bottom. I wrote down his email address on a little pink sticky note, which I hid carefully away in a big green textbook.
Except there’s only one problem: several minutes of digging around in my desk drawers has revealed that the big green textbook is not in any of them. I must have left it outside. 
I lay an ear against my door and hear the sound of giggles on the other side. Crap. Everyone else is home now too. 
I tiptoe into the main living room to find my roommates with their noses buried in their laptops. Sienna folds chocolate chips into a bowl of cookie dough while she reads. Elijah taps out the theme song of one of his favorite shows on the table. Jackie is so deeply engrossed in her own little world of focused studying that even God himself couldn’t shake her out of it if He tried.
The only one not studying is Casey. She speaks in not-so-hushed whispers into her laptop, only stopping occasionally to let Rafael respond. Her feet are propped up on the table, dangerously close to knocking over her coffee. Next to her mug is my green textbook. Of course.
Sienna hears me and looks up. “Hey, Landry!” she says cheerfully. Elijah stops
drumming on the table long enough to wave at me. 
For the first time since I started formulating my plan, a strange emotion washes over me. Sadness, perhaps? This little scene of five happy roommates won’t last long after I contact Luis Martinez. The others may have been easy to fool, but Casey will surely figure out I was the one sabotaging her, and then she’ll get everyone to feel bad for her. This little roomie unit is about to meet an untimely, drama-filled death. And it’ll all be because of me.
I thought Casey and I were friends. I really did. Even when I got her to sign the book to make her look stupid. As long as she made me look good, she was a friend in my book. 
But she never did. And now she’s going to lose her license and drag the rest of our roommates down with her. 
But not me. 
I won’t be dragged down. 
There is absolutely zero reason why I should feel bad about sabotaging her.
“Uh, Landry?” Casey asks, confused. I realize I’m standing over her, one hand on top of the textbook. 
“You didn’t read this, did you?” I blurt before I can think. They cannot know about that little pink sticky note.
“No…” Casey says slowly. She eyes me suspiciously. “What’s going on?”
Shit. My heart begins to race and my hands get clammy as I rack my brain for an excuse. “I just...realized I misdiagnosed a patient!” I lie, grabbing the textbook and scurrying back to my room, ignoring my roommates’ perplexed whispers.
That was too close, I think to myself as I close the door behind me and clutch the textbook to my chest. I set it on my desk and flip to page 329, where the little pink sticky note is waiting for me, all but beckoning me to finally put the information it contains to good use. 
This is it. It’s time.
I snag the sticky note and flip open my fully charged laptop. I have at least ten unread emails, but they can wait. Ignoring the emails from work, I log into the fake anonymous account I’ve created just for this. Without a moment’s hesitation, I type Mr. Martinez’s address into the recipient box. Justice is about to be served.
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charlie-minion · 5 years
21 Supernatural Questions
I was tagged by @amwritingmeta – thank you for including me, sweetie. You’re so lovely! I gotta tell you that it honestly made my day when I read that one of my favorite meta writers considers my blog one of her favorites, so yeah… thanks! :’D
Now let’s tackle these super fun questions ;-)
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I remember I watched for the first time around 2009. Season 4 was on, here in my country, on Warner Channel. I’m sure that season had already finished in the U.S. at that time, but it was just starting to air here in El Salvador. I didn’t know anything about the show and I didn’t know what season that was either, but now I know it was 4 because all I remember was that some dude had rescued another dude from Hell. Period. I understood next to nothing about the plot because I hadn’t seen any episode prior to the beginning of S4. I caught a few episodes now and then and continued to watch for some time until the schedule changed. The eps started to air at 11:00 p.m. and I had to get up early for work, so I stopped watching.
In 2013, I spent one year living in North Carolina with my older sister. I was having a difficult time, so I moved to my birth country (USA) to escape everyone and everything. I had no TV in my room, but I had my laptop and my sis had the first 7 seasons of Supernatural, so I was like, “Hey! I might FINALLY understand that freaking show that looked so cool”. That’s how I started. I wasn’t planning to binge-watch the whole thing, but it became addictive pretty fast.
I loved the first 3 seasons, but once I got to season 4 and Castiel was introduced, I was hooked for real! When I watched season 5 and I saw the “I did it, all of it, for you” from 5x02, I started Googling Dean and Cas, because I was SO SURE I was seeing romance there, and I couldn’t be the only one. I was super excited when I found out there was a Supernatural FANDOM (back then I had no idea that was a thing). And I was even more excited when I learned about Destiel, about shipping, and about all the fandom culture. I joined Twitter, became a Misha stan because the more I read about him, the more I adored him, and I got caught up just in time to watch 8x17 live.
Can you imagine becoming a Dean/Cas shipper all on my own, doing research, finding out about Destiel and then the VERY FIRST EPISODE I watched live, while living in the U.S., was Goodbye Stranger written by Robbie Thompson?!! Those were the days!
I have been watching live, along with the fandom, ever since March 20, 2013. I joined Tumblr during the hiatus and started writing meta (accidentally) at the very beginning of season 9. So yeah! This show has been a very important part of my life for over 6 years now, and I don’t want to think about how things might change after the show ends. NOPE. Not thinking about it AT ALL. (At least not yet).
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
I absolutely LOVE my three boys. I want them to be happy because they deserve it. But, we can all have a favorite, right? I was a Dean!girl when I started binge-watching. When Cas was introduced, I became a huge Cas fan, and I thought he had become my favorite. However, lately I’ve understood that I became a huge MISHA fan, and that’s a little different. If we’re talking about the SPN cast, Misha is and will always be my favorite because he’s a real life angel. I love that man with all I have! But, if we’re talking about the SPN characters, I have to admit that I will forever be a Dean!girl, no matter what.
I’ll continue after the cut because, apparently, it’s impossible for me to give brief answers :P
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
This question sounds cruel, but I want to understand it in a ranking way, not in an “I hate this character” one.
If I have to rank TFW, for me, it would be:
HOWEVER, let it be known that I love my three boys immensely, and I want a happy endgame for the three of them. If Dean and Cas had a happy ending, but Sammy didn’t, that would ruin it for me. Ranking doesn’t equal hating.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs!
I’ve said I follow very few blogs because I curate my fandom experience a lot, but you guys make my time on Tumblr extraordinary. I enjoy seeing you in my dash, reading what you blog or reblog and just knowing that you’re around as part of this community. If you answer these questions, please tag me ‘cause I’d like to read what you got to say about our beloved show. Much love to each of you! ♥♥♥♥♥
@dimples-of-discontent @mittensmorgul @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @naruhearts @casthegrumpy @fangirlingtodeath513 @bluestar86 @viva-la-cockles @obsessionisaperfume @caswouldratherbehere @perfectlyelegantdelusion @occamshipper @amwritingmeta (and no, Annelie, I’m not tagging you because you tagged me; you truly deserve to be here). 
If you’re not tagged, please forgive my poor memory, but if we’ve talked before, or I reblog/like your posts, please know that I adore you. ♥
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Oh my! This is so hard to answer. Supernatural has had so many amazing characters that choosing only one is hard. But I guess I have to go with Charlie Bradbury. The only time I seriously considered to stop watching the show was when Charlie was killed off. I was very angry and disappointed, and 10x21 became an episode I truly hate. I don’t think I have ever re-watched the whole ep because the writing was SO BAD. Dean and Sam were stupid in that ep, and Cas was basically a lamp. I… NOPE. Disgusting episode for sure. And I lost my beautiful lesbian queen.
 6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
I should say Charlie again, but because she got covered in my favorite non-TFW character, I will choose someone else for favorite woman.
And that has got to be Rowena. I don’t think there has ever been a female character in Supernatural written better than Rowena. And because the show’s ending, there will never be.  
7. John or Mary?
Definitely Mary. We got to know her better. I know certain parts of the fandom didn’t care much for her, but I loved her a lot, not despite her flaws but because of them! She was made human in a realistic way. We had only seen the idealized version of her through Dean’s eyes, but once we got to meet the real Mary, it was something I enjoyed. John, on the other hand, is not a bad person, but he wasn’t the best parent. He loved his children, and I know that, but his love doesn’t negate all the crap he put his sons through, even if his intentions came from a good place. I like the closure the boys got with him in 14x13, though. I was not against it at all. But, as John would say in that ep, “Me versus your mom? That’s – that’s not even a choice.”
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Dean: Since the first moment I saw Dean, I knew he was faking and was trying to hide how broken he felt. That’s why I fell in love with him from the get-go.
Sam: My first opinion was that he was supposed to be the mature and detached brother.
Cas: I thought that he was meant to be the epitome for the enemies to friends trope. (And I added “to lovers” one season later).
Jack: The only opinion I had was that he was going to be the opposite of Lucifer. The characters were saying he was evil way too early for it not to be subverted. 
9. What’s your favorite season?
There are many seasons I love. I mean, this show has given us SO MUCH. But, season 8 is probably my favorite for two reasons. First of all, because it was the first one I watched live once I caught up. And to this day, the season finale still blows my mind.
And second, because it was when Carver took the reins of the show and did his best to fix the Gamble era. He gave the Dean/Cas dynamic a serious note, narratively speaking. I’ve said before that even though I shipped Destiel in the previous seasons, it wasn’t until season 8 that I saw an intentional development. It wasn’t played for kicks and laughs anymore, and it wasn’t just Misha’s and Jensen’s doing either. It was in the plot. The whole ‘I stayed one year in Purgatory just to get you back’ and all the ‘I couldn’t bear to think you didn’t want to come with me, so I chose to make it my fault’. Season 8 marked a new era, indeed, and Destiel became a real thing from then on, in my opinion.  
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Even though there are some episodes from that season that I truly love (and they’ve become memorable, like The French Mistake or The Man Who Would Be King), as a whole, I don’t enjoy season 6 much. After a formidable season 5, Sera struggled to keep the boat afloat and it shows. Season 6 is certainly the weakest.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
My whole blog was born because of Destiel, so? What do you want me to say? Hahahaha. Destiel is life. And I can divide my opinion in 4 (depending on the showrunner):
Destiel was a fortunate accident during the Kripke era. It was played for laughs and it was the result of whatever was going on between Jensen and Misha. Their chemistry had nothing to do with the script.
Destiel was a tool during the Gamble era. I don’t like to use the word “queerbait”, but I think the closest Supernatural has been to that was when Sera was the showrunner. It seems to me like she used the ship to lure the fandom and keep the audience, but it’s clear she had no intention of giving a resolution (we all know how she treated Misha, so…).
Destiel became an intentional part of the narrative during the Carver era. As I said before, it wasn’t until season 8 when you could clearly see that things were not accidentally there anymore. It wasn’t a joke, either. The ship sailed for real during the Carver era, but Jeremy was not allowed to give a resolution because the show continued to be renewed.
Destiel became canon during the Dabb era. I mean, I know people will argue that it’s not canon yet. And I understand what they mean. But, in my opinion, Destiel hasn’t been TEXTUALLY made canon, but when Andrew took the reins of the show, he made Dean and Cas sooooo married that I came to the conclusion explaining the subtext was unnecessary. It was WAY too in the nose to need explaining. So, I stopped trying hahaha. I don’t know if we’ll ever get Textual Canon Destiel, but in regards to Subtext, it can’t get more canon than that. And noooo, that doesn’t mean queerbait at all. Queercoding is a thing, you know?
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
As per my previous answer, currently I don’t think Supernatural queerbaits. I do believe Dabb, Bobo and company want to give the Dean/Cas storyline a satisfying resolution. I have no idea what they will be allowed to do, but even if they can’t textually give us what we want, I have faith they will find a subtextually strong way to wrap things up. I enjoyed when Misha and Jensen explained in the DC Cockles panel the restrictions the CW puts, and I think it applies to so much more than blood and language.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Seasons 8-14, no doubt. For two reasons: 1) They are really good (and gave Destiel relevance) and 2) those are the seasons when I was already part of the fandom and could enjoy week after week.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
I think Chuck is the best of the best. Because when we look back, we now know that all the other villains were thanks to Chuck’s machinations. Plot wise that’s amazeballs! I mean, the fact that we always thought (or hoped) that God was on the Winchesters’ side just to learn he was the villain all along. Chef’s kiss!
 15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
I think they squeezed the freaking Lucifer plot line as much as they could… until it got to a point where I was sick of it. Everything related to Nick and Lucifer in season 14 was stupid and boring, to say the least. The plot line should have ended when Dean stabbed Lucifer. Although… I would have liked a better closure for Sam, but I’m good. As long as I don’t have to see Pellegrino again, I’m good.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
I don’t like this question and refuse to answer because trauma is NOT a competition (either in real life or in fiction). Trauma is trauma and it affects people. Something Sam went through was painful to him and that same thing may be less traumatic to Cas, but that doesn’t mean the repercussions and the suffering are less real for Sam, just because Cas suffered in other ways that may have affected him more. Trauma is personal. All I know is that the three of them have gone through A LOT and that’s why they deserve peace and happiness. Period.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
There are more than 300 reasons to love this show. I mean, it’s almost impossible to choose ONE episode out of so many that I love. But for the sake of this question, I will answer with a very personal choice. My favorite ep could probably be 12x22 because of the moments between Dean and Mary. Dean needed a moment to finally say what he had been repressing all his life. All that hate mixed with all that love. He needed to let it out. And it was both gut-wrenching and beautiful to watch. I always cry when I see it (and I mean gross sobbing for real).
18. Do you like case episodes?
I like them most of the time. I don’t enjoy them so much when they air because I would like the plot to move forward, but it’s the case episodes where we learn more about what’s going on with our characters (their internal emotional battles) through other characters and subtext. It’s an interesting exercise, and that’s why I end up liking most case episodes in the end.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
For people who have been following my blog for some time, this will come as no surprise. I relate the most to Dean Winchester.
In fact, I AM DEAN. I can find in my life every single thing about Dean’s journey. I came to accept my sexuality thanks to Dean (first as bisexual, and later as demisexual once I became more educated). I have felt worthless and like I don’t deserve to live or to be loved, just as much as Dean. I have felt like a burden, like I’m here just to help/please others, and if I’m not doing that, then I’m failing at life.
I get why Dean lashes out and hurts the people he loves even though he’s so afraid to lose them. I understand why Dean builds huge walls to protect himself from being hurt and what he needs to grow. Because his struggles are my struggles. And now I’m crying, so I better move on to the next question.  
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I like Supernatural because I’ve been able to learn about myself thanks to the characters. Despite being a genre show, the personal journeys (character arcs) have been so real and relatable that I truly think this show is a masterpiece. The fact that I’ve grown as a human being thanks to an ordinary TV show is incredible. I don’t think there will ever be another show like Supernatural in my life.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I would bring back Charlie. The original Charlie. I mean, I know we have seen lovely Felicia Day again thanks to AU!Charlie, but I couldn’t connect with her the same way I did with the original one. Probably because not even the boys have been able to connect with her the same way, either. They see her and they will always see the little sister they lost. It’s hard to think of AU!Charlie as her own person if she always reminds you of the one you lost. ETA: I forgot who I would kill. I guess no one. I mean, if Lucifer were still around, I'd kill him. Or Nick. I just got tired of his face.
Wow! This turned into a very long post, but I had so much fun.
I tag EVERYONE who would like to do this as a way to pay tribute to our wonderful show. Much love to y’all!
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Gabriel blinked as a cup of something was suddenly in his vision. He looked up at Sam who was smiling down at him and took it, sniffing it and realizing that it smelt sweet. 
“It's hot chocolate, Deans version.” Sam said, taking the seat next to him with a cup of her own. “He hates the powdered one so he makes his own from actual chocolate, it's a lot better than a regular one.” she took a drink of her own. “I remember you like sweets so I thought you’d like it.”
Gabriel smiled at that, nodding his thanks to her as he sipped it, a shudder going through him as he drank the thick liquid. He couldn’t stop himself from drinking the rest of it, letting out a gasp as he finished, breathing heavily as he finished and brought the cup down.
Sam blinked and then breathed out a laugh, taking his now empty cup. “I’ll just refill this.” she said, looking into her own cup. “I also have bourbon in mine, want that too?”
Gabriel nodded rapidly at that, rubbing at his chest where he could still feel the warmth coursing through him. Sam went back to the kitchen to make the drink and came back, sitting down once more. 
“Cheers.” she said, bringing her cup up and tapping it against his as he held it up as well. They drank in silence, Gabriel closed his eyes to savor the sweetness of the hot chocolate and the burn of the alcohol. 
He took another deep drink and then looked down at the notes he had managed to make, flexing his wrist. 
Sam looked as well. “What are you making?” she asked, taking the papers as he slid them over to her. It was rough and hard to read at some points but she recognized the symbols being matched with the English alphabet. “An Enochian to English translation.”
Gabriel took a fresh paper to him and wrote, “Kid wanted to know Enochian, gonna have to do it the old fashioned way.”
“You’re really going into this.” Sam said, looking over the notes. “Thought you said that he had to learn how to use his grace before he could learn Enochian.”
“He does. But at least this way I have it ready.” Gabriel wrote to her. “Figured I’d get ahead start at it.”
Sam smiled as she read over his notes, she hesitated for a moment before she took the pen and started to make a few notes of her own next to his. Gabriel cast a glance at them and then took a double take, watching her work. He quickly grabbed the laptop and typed. 
“Since when do you know Enochian?” he typed, pointing at each word in emphasis. 
Sam took a deep breath, pushing the notes back to him. “Let’s just say...when your soul spends time with Lucifer and Michael...you pick up a few things.”
Gabriel just stared at her for a moment, a look of pity and sorrow on his face. “How long were you there?” he typed. 
“Never tried to figure out how much time I was there.” Sam said with a sigh, sipping her drink. She looked into the cup and swirled it around a few times. “I realized that the time was different in the cage verses hell time and earth time so when I did try...it just made things a lot worse so I stopped trying.”
Gabriel shook his head, rubbing at his eyes before he looked up at her, he took a deep breath and typed out his next message. “Sam...why are you being so nice to me?”
Sam read his message with a frown. “What do you mean?”
“All of this, yeah I get that you need me to teach the kid, but...you’re being nicer than needed. Like...all of this,” he swept his hand over them. “Trying to make me feel comfortable. Talking to me. Doing all of this.”
“Because you didn’t deserve what the demons did to you.” Sam told him. “And despite the fact that we do need you to help Johnny, you’re also in no position to just be thrown out onto the streets to fend for yourself.”
Gabriel looked away at that, a shaking hand coming up to wipe at his eyes as discreetly as he could. Sam stared into her mug to give him that moment. 
“I never apologized.” he typed out slowly, getting her attention. “For what I did to you before. Mystery Spot.”
Sam worked her jaw from side to side at that name, leaning back into her seat. 
“Tuesdays are still pretty hard for me.” she said quietly. “And whenever I heard that stupid song, I just need to change the channel. That whole thing...you have no clue how messed up it made me, seeing my brother just die over and over again like that.”
Gabriel flinched at her words, slowly typing. “I’m sorry, I really am.”
Sam shrugged at that. “It's done.” she said simply. “In your roundabout way you were trying to prepare me. Ended up mentally scarring me but...thought that counts?” she sipped her drink. “Was that the real reason? That you were trying to get me to get used to destiny and all that crap? And later on about us playing our roles for Michael and Lu-him?”
Gabriel stared at her sorrowfully before he started to type. “Most of it was, despite everything I did and ran away from I was still technically the ‘Messenger of Heaven’ so that when things were being put into place, I got my own nudges to do as was told.”
“Mystery Spot was before the whole apocalyptic showdown.” Sam reminded him. “So what was that about?”
Gabriel closed his eyes, bowing his head before he started writing again. “Part what you already said. Part me trying to get back at you for outing me and getting in my way when I was pretending to be a trickster.”
“I’m sorry Sam. I really am.” he continued to write. “I shouldn’t have done that. Especially not to you.”
Sam read his message and was quiet before she gave a small smile. “Y’know, I think you’re the first person to apologize to me for something you’ve done, for hurting me.” she said, a sad smile on her face. 
“Thank you.” she said, smiling at him. “I forgive you.”
Gabriel smiled slightly back at her, reaching for his mug and carefully tapping it against hers as he took a drink. 
"Mind if we join?" her brother's voice came. She looked up as Dean and Johnny came in. Johnny was carefully holding two more mugs of hot chocolate as Dean wheeled in the projector and screen. 
"Yeah of course." Sam said, watching as Dean set things up. "Movie night?"
"Yep. Downloaded a bunch of movies and shows." Dean said, as he connected his laptop to the projector. "So dealers choose Sammy, what do you want to watch?"
"How about something simple?" Sam suggested, reaching for Johnny's cup to sniff it quickly to make sure that it was just hot chocolate before handing it back to him. She pulled Dean's laptop to her so that she could search. “Something we can all enjoy.”
She started the first nice family movie she found and looked at Dean and Johnny, smiling at them. 
Not noticing when Gabriel glanced at her with a small smile of his own.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
An Embarrassing Day - Renjun x Reader
Summary: You hated Rejun with a seething passion, in return, he hated you back, unfortunately, your and his family were friends. Because of this, you go over to their place the day before Renjun’s birthday to celebrate, both of your guys’ parents were excited for the day of his 18th birthday, where you wake up in your soulmate’s body, you couldn’t care less. That is until you wake up the next morning in a room you’ve seen once or twice before.
Tumblr media
Soulmate AU, enemies to lover AU
genre: fluff, crack(?)
You were sitting on your bed, laptop in front of you, scrolling through Tumblr when your mum knocked on your door.
“mm?” you said, telling her she could open the door
She went in and you looked up at her, curious as to why she had come into your room so suddenly.
“we’re going to Renjun’s place tomorrow to celebrate his birthday,” she said quickly, leaving the door open as she left
You grumbled, getting up to close your door. You weren’t surprised that you guys were going to Renjun’s place, after all, his parents and your parents were fairly good friends but you wish that they would just leave you out of it. Just because you two are around the same age, doesn’t mean you’d both instantly get along.
You can’t remember when you started hating Renjun. You just both know that a few years back when you were both young, Renjun did something to embarrass you, so you decided to get him back. It created a chain and from that moment, you two just started hating each other, doing anything you could to embarrass each other.
You knew that tomorrow would be loud. Every single one of Renjun’s friends would be there to celebrate his birthday and how he would find his soulmate tomorrow. You couldn’t care less about it, actually, maybe you did care a bit. Once he found his soulmate, he’d probably stop bothering you all the time. The very thought made you giddy.
Renjun was nice. You’d seen him interact with his friends and such. He was pretty playful and always seemed to hit the younger ones. He just wasn’t nice to you. Which you found reasonable considering the way you treated him. Before the ‘incident’ happened of him embarrassing you, you used to have a major crush on him. Maybe you still do, well, you have a crush on the Renjun who’s hanging around his friends, not the one who hangs around you.
The next day came around and you groggily got up, getting dressed into some nice clothes, per specific instruction of your parents the night before. As soon as you walked out the door of your bedroom, ready to eat breakfast, your parents shouted that it was time to go. You closed your eyes, trying to stay calm and not get angry at them for not waking you up earlier. You knew it was your fault for not setting an alarm anyways.
You went downstairs, met with your parents.
When you arrived at the house and opened the door, the first thing you heard was screeching.
“Chenle,” you said to yourself, rolling your eyes at the loud boy, already knowing his screams well enough to recognize them
You got to the room where all the noise and chatter was coming from, as soon as you stepped into the room the whole mood had died and Renjun gave the biggest, loudest sigh you had ever heard.
“Yeah, yeah, Renjun. I don’t want me to be here either.” You said, waving him off and going to one of the couches, plopping yourself next to Kun and Taeyong, two of the calmer ones you’d met, who you had actually made friends with.
They both smiled and said hello, letting you join in on their conversation.
Your long ass day at Renjun’s house had finally ended. You got home, had a shower and plopped yourself on your bed, lying down and going to sleep straight away due to the lack of sleep you got last night.
The morning came and you slowly opened your eyes, seeing a slightly familiar room around you, one that definitely wasn’t yours. You squinted a bit more before finally realizing it was Renjun’s room, having been in there once or twice.
“shit,” you said plainly, looking down and realizing Renjun had gone to sleep shirtless “SHIT” you almost screamed, quickly looking around for a shirt.
Once you had successfully found a shirt and put it on, you realized you needed to pee.
“Oh hell no. I’m holding this shit, I don’t care if Renjun pees his pants tomorrow morning” you whispered to yourself
You walked out, but to your dismay, you couldn’t find Renjun’s parents anywhere. Luckily, your house was in walking distance.
When you got to your house, you saw your parents’ car missing. You assumed that they were also out. Why was life so cruel to you.
Once you had managed to find the spare keys and get into your house, you were met with pained groans. Your eyes widened and a smile adorned your face when you remembered that today was the day your period was supposed to start.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter as you walked up to your room, opening the door, you greeted Renjun with a:
“You better not have bled all over my sheets you piece of crap”
What you saw did not surprise you in the slightest. Renjun, rolling around and clutching his stomach.
“How do girls deal with this every month?!” He said through gritted teeth
“Who knows,” you said shrugging your shoulders, smiling at the sight of Renjun writhing in pain from something you found completely normal
“I also did bleed over your sheets a little bit. You could really keep your pads in a more obvious place, I couldn’t find them”
Your smile disappeared and you annoyedly grabbed a pad, throwing it at him.
“Hurry up and put it on” 
“Turn around first,” he said, squinting at your unmoving body.
“Me?! You’re the one taking off the undies off of my body! I’ve seen this too many times to count”
“It’s still embarrassing! How would you feel if I asked you to take off your pants right now with me watching even though it’s my body?!”
You grumbled, getting his point and turning around
Once he had put it on successfully, or so you hoped, you turned back around. An awkward silence settled into the air, giving you both time to realize what this meant.
“FUCK” You both shouted at the same time, finally realizing you were soulmates
“H-how?! We have never once gotten along!” You yelled, stressed
“Actually before that thing happened where I accidentally embarrassed you we got along really well,” He said softly like he was hurt that you didn’t remember
“wait, it was an accident?” you asked, blinking slowly, trying to process this
“Was that not obvious from the amount of times I apologized”
After this whole time, you had never really tried to think back or remember what had happened that day until now. Thinking about it, you realized that he did apologize profusely and that he even seemed embarrassed about it too.
“You mean to tell me that for the past, what, 4 years? We’ve been hating each other for absolutely notHING?” you were starting to get angry at yourself
He nodded bitterly
“Oh my god. I am so sorry” you said, actually meaning it for the first time in 4 years
He laughed a bit, still sitting on your bed clutching his stomach.
“Thanks for trying to be sweet and I forgive you but oh goD PLEASE GET ME SOME PAINKILLERS”
Your parents arrived home to see you and Renjun sitting on the couch in your living room. Your body curled up against Renjun’s, but really it was Renjun curled up against you. Renjun was asleep so you quietly waved to your parents.
“Renjun? What are you doing here?” they whispered
“It’s me, Y/N”
Both their eyes widened, realizing what this meant. They both almost squealed and quickly excused themselves to go tell Renjun’s parents.
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