thoselovelythings · 7 months
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livesunique · 6 months
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Junagarh Fort, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
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lamaery · 7 months
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23 Pitch
Fort on the hunt for the biggest sales pitch of his life :D
Oh, and also some pitch black midnight essence… I don’t exactly remember what forms it took in that particular scene, but I just wanted to draw a funny hydra.
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
I saw that youre requests were open and that you’re willing to write for Hector Fort! Could you do one where it’s sort of enemies to lovers type vibe and your Marc Guiu’s sister so him and the whole team can see that there’s a lot more going on between you and hector and other feelings than just hate and when he finally realised his feelings it’s all cutesy. xx
love to hate you / Héctor Fort
Summary: Héctor x female!Guiu!reader - You and Héctor have feelings for each other. You both assume those feelings are hate.
Warnings: censored cussing, teasing that feels straight out of an 80's high school movie or something (I don't watch those; I'm just guessing how they would be)
Requested?: Indeed.
Author's Note: Thanks for requesting.💖 I hope you like it.
"You're bad," you say with a smirk as Héctor Fort walks past you, staring straight ahead, clearly trying to avoid meeting your eyes.
His jaw clenches, and you comment after him, following him down the steps off the training field, "Marc is so much better than you."
"Leave me alone!" he suddenly snaps, suddenly swiveling on his heel to face you. You stop walking abruptly, as to not completely run into him. You falter, than take a step back at how close he is. He continues, "You're so annoying. Like a fly, buzzing in my ear."
"I just like to see your dumb reactions," you taunt, but somewhere deeper within you, you don't like the way he speaks about you so off-handedly, so unimportant.
"Why do you care so much?" he snorts, but you decide to take it as a rhetoric question.
You're about to fire some lame comeback off from the top of your head, when suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, and your brother, Marc, appears beside you, but he's looking at Héctor. "Are you two bothering each other again?"
"She's bothering me!" Héctor snaps.
"Your very presence bothers me!"
"Hey, hey," Marc says in a soothing tone. "Calm down. My God. Listen, Y/n, I'll meet you by the car in a few minutes. Leave Héctor alone."
You cross your arms. "You talk as though he's so innocent! It's not like I jab him for no reason-"
"Y/n! Stop!" Marc complains, gently shoving you down the hall, toward the exit. "I'll be at the car in a bit."
You roll your eyes, sigh, but nod, stalking off.
When Marc gets to the car and sits down next to him, he demands, "Why do you and Héctor hate each other? What is it?"
"He's annoying," you claim.
"That's it? I mean, you guys waste so much time with each other..."
You keep your head high and claim, "I take every opportunity I can to get under his skin."
Marc just sighs, turns the key in his car, and shakes his head, apparently too defeated to try to respond. You don't care.
You love to hate Héctor.
"Get out of my way," Héctor's annoying voice snaps behind you, gently shoving you in the back. "You walk so f*cking slow."
You turn around to retort, "I can walk as fast as I want, and it's too bad if you don't like it!"
"That's a lot coming from someone who is, like, four feet tall," I comments with a smirk, giving you a hard pat on the head.
"Shut up!"
"What's that? Didn't hear you down there. Wanna repeat?" he scoffs, his smirk growing.
"I'm not too short to punch you in the face, if I so desire!" you fire back, glaring at the taller individual.
"Oh, right. I'd like to see you try," he says, shoving past you as he saunters off.
"You really think you're so hot and sexy and cool, don't you? Give me a break!" you call in anger after him.
Suddenly Fermín López slips past you with an (much more polite than Héctor's 'Get out of my way,'), "Excuse me."
You nod, quickly stepping out of the way to let him through, but a little amused smile appears on his face as he gives you a very light, playful shove, "Hot, sexy, and cool?"
You like Fermín, and you know he's just teasing, but it's rare you can be lighthearted concerning Héctor. Your jaw clenches as you blurt, "Everyone knows what I meant!"
But Fermín waves his hand as he walks off, shaking his head, and says simply, "Do we?"
That's a question you should give more thought to, but instead you call, "Yes, Fermín, we do!"
Strange things come from eavesdropping on long phone conversations.
Even though you're staying over, you know Marc thinks you can't hear him talking with one of his teammates... you're not sure which one, but you know it's not, at least, Héctor Fort.
You know that because of the comment from Marc that made your ears perk up in the first place.
"Yeah, I mean, but, this is obvious, is it not? Héctor and Y/n- it's like they feed off each other's attention. It's clear they're obsessed with each other, and neither of them just want to admit it. Or, at least, I'm sure Héctor is."
You continue listening to the conversation, but only manage to hear Marc's half of it, through the door. After a pause, he continues, "Do you see how he looks at her?... Exactly! I don't know what to think about it, because Héctor's a good friend of mine. I literally asked him about it, and he like looked all grumpy and snapped way too angrily about how he hates Y/n and she's so annoying... Yeah. They give so much attention to each other. I'm starting to think Y/n cares more about getting Héctor's attention than she does actually following me around everywhere. She gives more time to him than me. Not that I care, but it's funny... Right... Hah, you want to do that?... Yeah, right. I mean, if they really do feel that way about each other, at some point, it'll just come out, and someone will realize and confess. I don't think they're that unaware- they just don't want to admit it... Oh, alright. See you tomorrow... Bye."
Your fists clenches. You heart pounds. Your head spins.
Is it really so obvious that you and Héctor like each other, when to both of you, it seems so ridiculously obvious you hate each other?
Or at least you think you hate each other.
"If you two keep this up, I'm going to confiscate your coming-to-football-training privileges, Y/n," Marc comments as he sees you and Hector in another argument, on the sidelines of the training pitch. He's crossing his arms, but smirking teasingly. "I mean, I know you two just can't get enough of each other, but really. It's getting to be a bit much."
He reaches you two, and gently shoves Héctor out of his way, teasingly, with a little grin. Héctor complains, "Marc!" but stumbles right into you. You, too, dodder back from Hector, almost slip on the grass, but feel a hand on your wrist before you can actually fall. You're expecting Marc, and don't mind him helping you straighten yourself, but when you look up and see the greyish brown eyes of Héctor Fort looking back at you, and his hand holding your wrist, you tear it away and snap, "Héctor!" instead.
Marc snorts, and as Lamine walks over, joining Marc, he comments, "You two are helplessly in love!"
"Oh, give me a break!" you say, feeling overly upset, indignant, and embarrassed at this teasing. "Even he thinks so?"
Marc shrugs, always being the type of older brother to take any and all opportunities to tease you. "Y/n, do you realize that whenever we tease you guys about this, Héctor never seems to say anything, let alone object?"
You see Marc's and Héctor's eyes lock for a second, and Héctor turns a deep shade of red as he comment, "Ah, Marc... Don't... Don't even say that... I, uh, should get back to training-" And just like that, he's off.
You look to Marc, who shrugs. Both him and Lamine are grinning stupidly. "Just saying," Marc teases, and then walks off with Lamine.
And you're left with that to occupy your thoughts.
After about a month of deciding to avoid following Marc around to football training, because of all the weird rumors about you and Héctor, your heart aches in longing, but you'll never admit to yourself that it's longing for Héctor himself.
You'll never admit you're actually missing him.
But today, you've had enough. You want to see him again, and, clearly, that's because you think he must be deprived of the misery and making fun of that you like to invoke on him weekly.
You just keep telling yourself you might just love to hate him slightly too much.
"Oh, look who's back! Why haven't you been at training for so long?" Héctor speaks mockingly, but there's a big grin on his face to see you.
You take it as a taunting one, and answer back, "Because I'm sick of seeing your handsome f*cking face!" You're not quite sure why the word 'handsome' slipped out of your lips with the insult, but you don't bother with it.
But he does. "Handsome? First right thing you've ever said in your life."
You snort and say, "If I'm such a nuisance, then why the hell do you bother with me? Is it because I'm not so bad myself?" If this is flirting, you ignore that, because it makes more sense for it to be teasing.
"Well!" he grins wider with a chuckle, his brown eyes sparkling. "It's not my fault that the cutest girl I've ever see just has to be also the most annoying girl I've ever met, is it?"
"Cute?!" you hoot. "What on earth would make you say that?!"
You watch as Héctor gives a very quick glance around, seeing that all his teammates must've hit the locker room by now, considering the hallway is empty.
Except for you and him, of course.
"I don't know... It just dawned on me..." Suddenly his eyes soften, and he looks down into yours. Your whole body tenses when his hand slips to your waist, just holding it gently. He smirks a little, but his eyes remain tentative, and perhaps even a little unsure. "Maybe sassy girls like you are my type."
Your jaw clenches as every single little tease from Héctor zooms through your mind at lightning speed, and then all the little teases from everyone else, about how you're so into to each other. About how you're hiding emotions. All those things you've been brushing off-
Clearly Héctor has decided there's no reason to brush those off now.
You feel your face heat a little. "Why?" you blurt. "Don't you hate me?"
"Hate you? No," he responds, his eyes searching yours for... something. "No, I don't hate you. If I hate anything, it's the fact that I love you."
Your jaw drops. You heart pounds in your ears.
"I think it just... I saw you, after not seeing you for a while, and it clicked in my brain," he continues.
"O- Oh..." you stutter, before blurting again, without any thought, "Well, I love to hate you."
His eyes freeze. Stop searching. His hand leaves your waist, but it doesn't feel right. It feels like his hand slipping away, like that's taking a part of you away with him. "Oh, alright. If you want it to be that way, that's fine, too." But disappointment, and confusion floods his being. He turns on his heel, about to walk away, leave you there, after all that, accepting your foolish proclamation in resignation.
"But, uh, wait, Héctor-!" you suddenly call, rushing after him. You grab his wrist. Slip it down to hold his hand. He turns to face you, staring down at you. You blush deeply at the intense eye contact, before saying softly, with an embarrassed, shuttering breath, "But maybe I would love to love you even more."
You glance away from his eyes, feeling the intensity from them far too strongly as he breathes, "Wait, really?"
"Yeah, maybe..." you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
He beams so brightly, his cheeks all pink. "This is such on a whim, but I feel like there's so much we've been denying."
Sounds just like something Marc would say to me teasingly, about Héctor.
But you smile a little back.
"So, what, now you're going to be all shy?" he teases softly, his hand gently rubbing yours. "Come on, now. I know you can be all cheeky. You're going to be shy now?" But he doesn't seem to mind, as he reaches up to gently tilt your chin, so you're forced to look at him.
"Ah, stop, Héctor..." you chuckle nervously, as butterflies begin to swarm in your stomach.
"Ah, I see," he grins, apparently not intending to stop at all. "You're all tough when you get to be petty, but as soon as I do something really relational, you get all embarrassed!"
"Oh, stop!" you giggle, clutching his hand more, your feet involuntarily stepping closer to him.
"Why should I? You're kind of cute."
"Because I say so!" you grin, looking up at him with shining eyes.
"Mmm, yeah. And you know I have to listen to everything you say, huh?"
"Yeah, because-"
"Oh, stop talking, or else the moment will pass!" he suddenly interrupts. You eyebrows crease together, but immediately you understand as he leans down-
And gently pecks your lips, before pulling away, his face red.
But you cry, indignant, "Oh, come on! Not something at least a little bit more grand?!"
He opens his mouth to speak, but you stand up on your tip toes, wrapping your arms around him, and kiss him before he can get out whatever words he was going to.
And yours is a real kiss.
When you finally, in sync, pull away from each other, he murmurs, "Oh, God. Didn't I tell you I think you're cute because you're sassy?"
"Because you're into that?" you tease softly, but are still blushing deeply at the kiss.
"Yes, exactly," he grins. "Because I'm into you."
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thesilicontribesman · 1 month
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Hardknott Roman Fort, Hardknott Pass, Lake District
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virtuallyinsane · 2 years
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Ogrodzieniec, Poland - Photo by Yevhenii Dubrovskyi
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mondstalgia · 4 months
Nat Chen chatting with fans at the airport talking about his time in Korea and his interactions with Fort Thitipong and Kohei Higuchi. cred to abbyloveslove
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cornbreadlesbian · 2 years
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drmapzo · 2 months
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Hello, everyone!
A sacred order has asked for help and your group of heroes has answered the call! Their holy fortress will soon be attacked by demons trying to undo the paladins' good work.
The adventurers have been briefed and the plans have been made. It's time to take up arms and repel the assault!
The creature tokens for this map are a Blood Feasting Fairy, a Doctor Apprentice and a Mad Doctor. Emerald tier gets the Blood Feasting Fairy while Diamond tier gets all three. In addition, Sapphire tier gets extra creature token variants.
You can see a preview of all of this week’s Patreon content here.
Thank you very much for taking a look and be sure to check out my Patreon where you can pledge for gridless version, alternate map versions as well as the tokens pertaining to this map.
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spicypopsicleng · 7 months
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Fort screenshot redraw! (I love this scene lol)
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wgm-beautiful-world · 17 days
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Fort Srebrna Góra - POLAND
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sugerconditioner · 2 years
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Would you like to have a reading session together in a lowsy fort? ┆☕︎༻
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vhscorp · 5 months
Les gens sensibles vivent tout plus grand et plus fort, et si leurs joies sont immenses, leurs souffrances le sont aussi…
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
hii <3 i have a request for an hector fort one shot. basically he has a crush/is in love with reader but shes few years older than him… she doesnt want to admit her feelings for him because she doesnt date younger boys and thinks it isn’t right. in then end hector makes her realize her feelings or sth like that . thank you if youre going to write this, take Your time anyway <3 have a nice day/evening idk whats Your time zone lol !!
it isn't right / Héctor Fort
Summary: Héctor x adult!female!Barcelona videographer!reader - Description above.
Warnings: blood
Requested?: Yes.
Author's Note: I decided at the end, his birthday passes, just because that felt like it should happen, so that they're both adults. Other than that, thank you.
Héctor kind of refuses to call it a crush.
Because a crush sounds too immature. It sounds like just a little kid crush, that doesn't really matter.
But it does matter, and it's more than just a crush.
Héctor is sure he really does love you.
"Mate, but there's no way," Marc comments, crossing his arms as he walks onto the training pitch with Héctor. "She's, like, so much older than you."
"Not really," Héctor comments in annoyance.
"Do you know how old she is?"
Héctor glares, embarrassed. "I asked her."
"You did? When? And what did she say?" Marc asks, eyebrows shooting up.
"I don't know... A couple weeks ago. She just told me, and said she just had her birthday."
"Oh. So...? How old is she?"
Héctor glances at his football boots. "Twenty-one."
"Pwoah! Yeah, and you're seventeen!"
"Four years! It's only four years!"
"What year would that be? She was born in 2002? At least she's not from the 90's... Then she'd be really old."
"Yeah, because twenty-five or twenty-six is really old, right?" Héctor comments in disbelief at his teammate.
"Just saying," Marc shrugs. "Either way, you should go for girls your age. You've got no chance with her. She's too pretty, anyway."
"You're saying I'm not good looking?!"
Marc grins. "You're putting words in my mouth!"
"Well, I'll prove you wrong. I'll make her like me. You'll see. I'm going to go talk to her right now."
"Alright. If you say so," Marc comments with an eye roll as he continues walking.
So you look up from your camera to see Héctor approaching you. You smile. You've had a few short conversations with him, and you have to admit, he's sweet. "Hey, Héctor."
He smiles back, blushing a little.
You're not stupid. You've picked up that he's got a little crush on you.
"Hey, Y/n," he says, putting his hand on your shoulder. You glance to it, but pay that no mind as he continues, "How are you?"
"Good, and you?"
"Good... I... can I ask you something?"
You chuckle. "Shoot, Héctor."
"Do you.. Would you say I'm, like, good looking?"
You grin a little. "I think most football players are."
"But, like, me. Specifically...?" he pushes.
You smile. "You're alright." You really do like Héctor. You think he's sweet, and if he were a bit older, he's definitely the type of guy you could see yourself falling for.
But he's just...
He's still so young. You don't even let yourself consider those feelings, because you know that would be wrong. He's not even an adult yet.
"Just alright?" he leans closer.
"Do you want me to tell you you're handsome?"
"I want you to be honest," he grins.
"Why do you think I'm not being honest?" you inquire, turning back to your camera. His hand remains on your shoulder.
"I don't know..."
"Alright, Héctor. You're handsome."
"You're not just saying that?"
"No, I'm not," you respond casually. He remains there awkwardly, just standing there, so you look up at him, meeting his eyes, and say, "Anything else I can do for you?"
"Uh, date me?" he suddenly blurts.
You snort, but feel your face heat a bit. "You're basically twelve. Ew."
"I'm seventeen! And you just turned twenty-one, anyway! You're not that much older."
"So someone is just a little stuck on me," you state.
"So what?" he says in annoyance.
You sigh, your eyes softening. "Listen, Héctor. I like you a lot. You're sweet, and kind. But I simply can't date a seventeen-year-old. That goes against my conscience. It's not right. We can be friends, but that's it."
He grins, but there's still a bit of disappointment in his eyes. "I mean, hey. Friends is better than nothing... right?"
"Right," you smile. "Now, you better get to training. You're not paid to talk to me."
He rolls his eyes but runs off to do just that.
"Wow, Héctor... This is so nice..." you say softly as you look around the restaurant you sit in. You and Héctor have been hanging out more, going out places, but every single time, you're sure to remind him it's not a date.
"I figured you'd like it here," Héctor says with pride, crossing his arms across his chest.
You're aware of how much he tries to impress you.
And sometimes it works, but you try not to let him know.
As you eat, he slowly inches his hand towards yours, and slips it on top. But you slip it out, saying, "I reckon friends don't typically do that for no reason, huh, Héctor?" You grin teasingly, rolling your eyes.
He laughs, his cheeks reddening a bit. "Whatever."
You continue eating, and talking, just about life. There's a lot of teasing between you two that you're not ready to admit is flirting.
You've trained your mind to only think about Héctor when he's in front of you, because otherwise, you'd find yourself falling for a seventeen-year-old, and you simply will not let that happen.
You and some of Héctor's other friends are on the beach, playing an epic sand volleyball tournament by the lovely expanse of cool light blue water.
Of course, Héctor made sure to be on the same team as you.
Your long hair has grains of sand in it, and your knees are a little red, but you don't care. You're having the time of your life.
When you take off your tank top in the heat so you're just wearing your swim top, you catch Héctor's eye and snap. "Hey, buddy! Keep your focus! It's your serve!"
He blushes and looks away, before serving.
It's quite a bad serve, and goes straight into the grass on the other end of the net.
You catch his eyes and teasingly stick out your tongue as he argues, "We're on the same team!" with a little laugh.
But then, you run for the ball a few volleys later, slide, hit it up, but have a little tumble, gently hit your head on the pole that holds up the volleyball net, and up laying on your back, staring up at the blue sky, eyes glazed over in confusion.
But only for a moment, before Hector's concerned eyes come into view. Immediately he's there, kneeling by you. "Are you okay?" he asks, putting his hand on your arm.
"Yeah... yeah, I am. I think so..." You feel a bit of a sting below your hairline on your forehead, so you drag your hand over it, and stare in horror when you bring your hand back down to see it covered in blood.
You scream.
"Hey, hey... Looks just like a gash," Héctor says immediately in a soothing tone, giving your arm a little rub. "Come on." He hold his hand out to you to help you up. "I'll help you clean it up in the bathroom."
"Should we keep playing without you guys?" one of Héctor's friends calls as you walk with him toward the bathroom slowly, kind of in a daze.
"Yeah!" Héctor calls back. "We'll be back in a few."
When in the bathroom, you immediately rinse your hand as Héctor begins gently wiping up your forehead, asking gently, "Does it hurt a lot...?"
"No..." you say softly, looking at yourself in the mirror. "Just a little sting... It was just the blood, I think..."
He nods. "The shock of seeing all that blood."
"Right. Exactly," you say with a shaky sigh.
"Just looks like a cut that's bleeding a lot. You'll be a okay," he reassures, and although you could have just told yourself that, it's nice to have someone else saying it. "Just need it to stop bleeding as much, and then we can go back, and I'll get you a Band-Aid for it."
"You thought to bring Band-Aids?" you ask, surprised.
"I somehow remembered, yeah," he chuckles. But then his cheeks redden as he adds, "I mean, it's good I did, in the end. That way, I can take care of you..." His hand gently strokes your arm.
"Shut up, Héctor," you respond, looking away from him in the mirror to shield him from seeing the stupid pinkness on your cheeks. "You realize I could have taken care of myself just fine. I don't need a seventeen-year-old taking care of me."
"Sure," he grins, "but one did, regardless."
You sigh and roll your eyes as he continues to dab at your cut. Once the bleeding has stopped enough to not be dripping blood, he takes your hand and leads you out of the bathroom, saying, "I'll seal this up with a Band-Aid now."
You almost forget to slip your hand back out of his.
When you reach the beach chairs, where the Band-Aids Héctor brought will be, he gently urges you to sit down. You do so, and he kneels in front of you, looking into your eyes. He brushes some hair off your forehead gently, away from the wound, before putting the Band-Aid on it, saying, "There you go! All better." He gives your bare thigh a little pat, which makes your face heat up.
"Héctor, keep your hands to yourself," you say rudely, but he doesn't take offense, and just continues, "Feel better enough to keep playing?"
You nod and stand up with him, walking toward the volleyball court again.
Héctor had a bunch of friends over for his birthday.
It leaves you with some questions.
He's older, now.
Legally, an adult.
And clearly Héctor has some questions, too, because for a moment, he whispers in your ear, "Will you be able to stay a little longer? After everyone else has left?"
You blink a few times, and can't help but blush. "That's fine. We can do that."
He nods, looking relieved. "Alright. Good. Let's do that."
So later, after a fun couple of hours, you watch the last of Héctor's friends leave.
So only the two of you remain.
He gently takes your hand, and you sit down on the couch together. "So," he begins. "I'm eighteen. I'm an adult now."
You nod slowly. "You are. Look at how much you've grown up," you tease, grinning.
He squeezes your hand. You stare at the two hands, connected. He smiles a bit, saying, "You've had all these months, of really getting to know me."
"I know," you smile. "And I think I like you."
He nods. "Enough...?"
"Enough for what?"
"I know I'm so much younger than you. But think about it. Now I'm eighteen. Eighteen and twenty-one is fine. I mean, Vitor's wife is older than him! He's eighteen!"
You smile softly. "Yeah, that's a good point."
"So what?" you grin.
"Would you date me now?"
"Maybe I would," you say softly, feeling butterflies a little.
He grins wider. "Come on. Just say it. I know you like me back."
"Sure, Héctor," you roll your eyes. "I like you back."
He grins, and suddenly hugs you tightly- not what you were expecting, but you didn't know what to expect. "Oh, thank goodness," he mutters. "I've been waiting to hear you say that for months..."
You grin and hug him tighter back, "Yeah, yeah," you say, ruffling his hair. "I'm sure you have been."
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procaffeinater · 11 months
Reaching out the the tumblr community of archaeologists, anthropologists because ive searched and searched on google and cannot for the life of me find out what this could be.
Found it on a trek with friends and we have varying theories. The curiousity is just eating at me so please help🥺
@mindblowingscience @archaeology @archaeologicalnews @anthrocentric @historicity-was-already-taken
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malioli · 6 months
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"Stari grad Dubovac"
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