wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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the-color-life · 4 months
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Distribuidora de Frascos Plásticos
Somente no portal Soluções Industriais as melhores opções sempre estão à disposição quando se procura uma distribuidora de frascos plásticos. Venha cotar conosco: https://bit.ly/3zr56da
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 years
PERFUMERIA-HARRODS-LONDRES-ARTE-PINTURA-INTERIOR-LUZ-DECORACION-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: PERFUMERIA-HARRODS-LONDRES-ARTE-PINTURA-INTERIOR-LUZ-DECORACION-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Los grandes almacenes de HARRODS en LONDRES proporcionan muchos motivos para pintar, en el Salón de Parfums, un interior con luz y decoración especial que consigue ambientar el lujoso local con cientos de frascos de perfumes de las más famosas empresas dedicadas a la perfumería. Un lugar muy especial en el centro de la ciudad con escenas y personajes que nos marcan la vida cotidiana londinense.
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murathplus · 2 years
#frascos #cuagulo #cuagulodesangre #covid19 #anticuer9 #inoculation #injusticias #derechoshumanos #intolerancia #aldescubierto #agenda2030onu #age #agenda https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGjOjTAVER/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nora-yoko · 8 months
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spookygear · 3 months
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Bit late to announcing this but A.B.A's now in Strive everyone! Weird girl spring is here.
How are we feeling? I personally need her theme NOW I cannot wait until next Tuesday.
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geniousbh · 2 months
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o pipe todo de branco e o enzo parecendo um príncipe EU NAO AGUENTOOOOOOO
eu vou falar pra eles o que vai ficar arriba jaja...🫦🫦 e de verdade o felipe com esse combo de roupas brancas + correntinha (que ele nao tira por nada) ainda vai me dar sérios problemas mentais porque ele fica delicioso
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doubleedgemode · 2 months
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Btw, here are screenshots of Frasco's ghosts in Isuka. Took these as reference for myself, but I hope someone finds them useful, too.
I'm awfully intrigued by their possible stories and if they even talked with A.B.A... One of my personal favourite mysteries in the series
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kaialone · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that A.B.A's creator (I wanna call him Dr. Paracelsus to differentiate him from key Paracelsus) could very well still be alive out there somewhere, cause he wasn't said to have been killed, he was just taken by a military organization (?!) for his skills-
And while I don't think they ever confirmed a connection, it feels like almost too obvious that he'd be in some way tied to the creation of Frasco II, given that it's called Frasco II
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I need to know more
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wgm-beautiful-world · 7 months
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sambuchito · 6 days
Hola, buenas noches!
Cuando tengas tiempo, podrías hacer un post con tu receta de tacos? Es que se ven buenísimos y me gustaría probarlos. Gracias 🫂
obvio chicos, igual es todo a ojo y aviso que si algún mexicano me sigue ignoren este post lol
🍖 Carne: depende presupuesto que tenga, pero casi siempre los hago de - pollo (ni siquiera pechuga que está cara, pata muslo en promo) - carne (bola de lomo en tiritas o algún corte blando que se desmeche, así como para guiso viene bárbaro, el más barato)
A los dos primero los doro con mostaza, sal, pimienta y pimentón, (lo que más les guste) si tienen plata ese mes pónganle una birra que les guste al pollo si no así como viene, una cebolla a la mitad y laurel, o a la carne le meten vino y salsa de tomate, más agua que hasta tapar y le van agregando. Fuego lento y se olvidan. Hervido es menos complicado pero si no se cortan la carne bien fina fina, la doran en la sartén y le ponen un poco de agua para que no se seque (opcional salsa de soja y azúcar) y les queda el juguito para mojar Los caldos knorr su mejor aliado, pero ⚠ OJO con la sal porque la reducción final les queda más salada, no sean como yo vayan probando y de a poco. De última es mejor ponerle media cuchara y mucha agua
🥙 Acompañamientos: me guio así hoja, crocante, húmedo, pegamento
-verde: cebollita de verdeo, hoja de espinaca porque odio la lechuga o lechuga morada, rucula etc -crocante: cebollitas encurtidas fáciles de hacer y les duran una semana aprox papitas cortadas bien finas (ponen la papa cortada en el microondas unos minutos y se acelera la cocción) -húmedo: tomate no hay otra, tomate haters no me importan, últimamente tengo un frasco con morrones asados también cortado en tiras -pegamento: hummus (fácil garbanzo de lata, hielo, sal, limón y aceite) o mayo casera, si no les gusta está la lactonesa . Pongo primero el pegamento abajo para que no se desarme lol
🌮 Tortillas: como soy media pajera, uso las tapas de empanadas. No hay mucha diferencia entre marcas, lo que este de promo. Si quieren hacerlos tipo flauta compren las más grandes. Las tiran a la plancha bien caliente, sin aceite, vuelta y vuelta y las ponen sobre algo redondo para darles forma. Le ponen arriba perejil o cilantro y ta
Siganme para mas recetas!
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the-color-life · 4 months
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elbiotipo · 2 years
there are some things that are written by someone you just KNOW was born and raised on an apartment and their concept of "animals" is "dog"
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gear-project · 1 year
Do you think it could be possible that A.B.A.’s creator, Paracelsus, is really Asuka? Though it’s stated that A.B.A. was only conscious for 10 years before leaving Frasco, I don’t believe it’s said how long before her birth Paracelsus was taken away, meaning that she possibly could’ve been growing in a test tube for upwards of 150 years before she was fully conscious. The facts that
Both the Gear Project and Homunculus Project were about creating a new form of artificial life,
Both Asuka and Paracelsus were involved in some way with the military, and
In Asuka’s story mode he makes very Homunculus-esque clones of himself and mentions A.B.A. by name
lead me to believe that Paracelsus could’ve been a pseudonym taken by Asuka, and that he created A.B.A. as a sort of proto-prototype to the Gears without anyone else’s knowledge. Do you have any thoughts and/or know any bits of lore I might’ve missed that could help prove/disprove my theory?
Since you brought up the topic, I'll list a couple differences between Asuka and Paracelsus that aren't immediately apparent but it's what the story has revealed so far:
Paracelsus was taken from Frasco to work for the "Government" (non-specific) but is later revealed (by Xrd Library info) to be the Postwar Administration Bureau / The Conclave as part of the Frasco II Laboratory facility.
When A.B.A. speaks with Crow Kuruwaba (who works with them) while she never actually asks Crow about her creator's whereabouts specifically, Crow states he does know a thing or two about alchemy for creating a new body for Flament Nagel, which is why he has her try to capture Dizzy in her side story in exchange for the help (though this never actually pans out). These events take place after the events of Guilty Gear X, so 2181 or so… this was some time after Flament Nagel and A.B.A. fought with Slayer and lost (Night of Knives side story).
Paracelsus recovered Flament Nagel's Axe-body remains AFTER Slayer defeated him during the course of the Crusades, so sometime before Justice was defeated in 2175… in other words, Paracelsus was still conducting research of his own on Flament Nagel at this time in his OWN lab… the reason this is important is because at this time DURING the Crusades, Asuka was actually imprisoned by GEARS in a Gear Plant until I-No rescued him (this happened in an alternate timeline… after this Asuka left the physical world and began researching the Backyard and created the Cube prior to GG2 Overture's events). Flament Nagel never mentions Paracelsus specifically, only that he was locked up in an Armory for a number of years (and he doesn't ever mention Asuka either…), though it is known that Slayer has spoken with Asuka in later GGXX events post-2180, he never mentions encountering Paracelsus during that time.
Historical Note: Frasco is a reference to the "Homunculus in the Flask" story/theory developed by the historical Paracelsus Alchemist (the real person in OUR history)… and according to some stories, he was born in Switzerland but did most of his research in Germany and France, though much of his research spread to Italy during the Rennaisance. Some fictional stories suggested he accessed a "Forbidden Gate of Knowledge" during his lifetime and disappeared as well.
(For reference, most of Asuka's Gear Project took place in America, so it is unlikely that Asuka was involved in any European Research facilities that we're aware of until he was captured and imprisoned by the Gears sometime around 2182 in the other timeline. That's not to say he never WENT to Europe, we just don't have confirmation of him doing so until after Justice was killed in 2180 by Sol Badguy during the Second Sacred Order Tournament.)
4. Given what we know of the Conclave's and the P.W.A.B.'s extensive research, they did learn quite a bit about the Backyard from interacting with Ramlethal and Elphelt Valentine, Faust's Resurrection Spell, and turning the body vessel of Justice in to the Cradle which allowed them to transport themselves INSIDE the Backyard. The Conclave were also responsible for creating the O.P.U.S. Gears commissioned by Ariels, which are an advanced form of Gear that does NOT disobey orders… the Opus Gears are also likely based on Paracelsus' work as well as research on the Valentines… (likely this also impacted the Phalanx Nine Guard soldiers that Ariels tampered with as well).
5. The Conclave themselves run the organization known as the Sanctus Populi and oppose Asuka R. Kreutz in terms of ideology and it was this ideology that prevented the distribution of advanced Magic knowledge to the rest of the world. Given that Asuka was fighting the Conclave, it is unlikely that he encountered Paracelsus at this time or during the events of Revelator (although he did encounter Chronus some time later after being freed from Bedman's Prison). On the subject of their opposing ideologies, it was never Asuka's intent to hide the knowledge of Magic from the rest of the world… in fact his Radio Show intends to share nothing but facts as part of his Accumulation of Good Will. By contrast, most of the research Paracelsus did is a heavily kept secret and unknown to most of the rest of the world.
Xrd's Library also makes a point to make a distinction between Magic Arts and Alchemy… indicating that the latter is lesser known than the former.
6. Hate to correct you but Asuka does NOT refer to A.B.A. by name… only as "that Homunculus Frasco project" when speaking of the Valentines… it's a HINT to A.B.A. but it's not direct, though we do know Asuka was responsible for Jack-O'Valentine's creation and was still working on I-No's Valentine… we can't really say how much progress he actually made on finishing the real Happy Chaos Valentine.
By comparison, Jack-O' is technically a "superior model" to A.B.A. because of her Valentine status as a "replica of Justice", though the method Asuka used to make Jack-O' is different from the methods that Ariels used to make Ramlethal, Valentine, and Elphelt.
In other words, A.B.A. was created using a completely different method… Alchemy compared to using the Magic of the Backyard to manifest a body. Also, it's made clear in A.B.A.'s bio that her blood is reactive liquid Mercury (Quicksilver as it is also known)… so it isn't anything like the Gear Cell based Magic Conduit system that GEARs use to sync up with the Backyard's Magic Energy.
Asuka also states that his Asuka R# Copies are disposable, so they aren't anything like either A.B.A. or the Valentines in construct, even if they're technically inspired by them... meaning they aren't Gears or Homunculi by themselves... meaning the method he used to make them isn't Alchemy either.
It was a nice theory, but there's a lot of info that disproves it at this time... we'll just have to wait and see what happened to Paracelsus later on.
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budotsmediaph · 6 months
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Budots Media working on rescuing brand of the Philippines, Department of Tourism's slogan 'Love Philippines' introduced this year in July by the secretary Miss Garcia-Frasco. Logo has been met with warm welcom, unline cooresponding video by DDB agency, that charged DOT (Department of Tourism) 50 million PHP for development of identity and ads.
The animated vector logo for the "Love Philippines" 2023 campaign is a vibrant representation of the country's identity and attractions. It features the four-letter word "LOVE" in bold, with each letter incorporating three main colors: green, red, and blue. These colors likely symbolize the Philippine flag and its rich cultural and natural heritage.
Embedded within the logo are square icons that depict the most popular sights and activities in the Philippines. These icons include fish and corals, representing the country's abundant marine life; mangoes, highlighting one of the nation's favorite fruits; lush greens, indicating the Philippines' verdant landscapes; wind turbines, showcasing the country's efforts towards sustainable energy; budol fights, a nod to local traditions and festivities; sinulog masks, symbolizing the famous Sinulog Festival; and old churches, reflecting the country's historical and religious heritage.
This logo design encapsulates the diversity and vibrancy of the Philippines, appealing to a wide range of tourists by showcasing the country's natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical significance. The inclusion of iconic symbols in the logo helps convey a message of love and appreciation for the many facets that make the Philippines a unique and attractive destination.
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