fraugwinska · 2 months
Hello Dear!
I hope your requests are open, if not then totally ignore this.
Can I get a reader x alastor where reader is doing something Charlie asked her to do like writing some scripst or some stuff and sing along with a song from a Radio ( you put a spell on me, from Austin Giorgio )
Just for alastor to come in teasing her to dance with him while he's doing just the things the song says?
>~< >~<
Djj3jdu3bkdkeik don't forget to eat and drink water!
Hello gorgeous! First of all: Thanks for a new addition to my 'Alastor'-Playlist ;> Second of all: YO, I live for promts like that - seeing that my main fic has a lot of scenes involving songs ;>
I experimented a little, leaving the end open for maybe a follow up, if wanted :P Enjoy, dear Frauchen @penelope-potter
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
You put a spell on me
Your mouth felt dry. How many envelopes had you closed now? One hundred? Two? You had stopped counting.
You cursed your bad luck at drawing sticks - it was the reason you had to sit back alone, working on getting recruiting letters for the hotel into cheap envelopes while the others were on a day out at LooLooLand.
Not that you were particularly interested in going to this amusement park (roller-coasters gave you vertigo and clowns the creeps), but it felt lonely being the one left behind.
Finding the silence in the foyer where you put up your work station too depressing you had quickly turned on the clunky cathedral radio that sat in the corner. Dialing back and forth, you finally found a nice station, a good mix of old and modern songs alike, and it made the repetitive task easier. You hummed along with those you knew, and tapped your foot to those you didn't.
Grabbing another envelope, a song you knew well came on, a favorite of yours that had dominated your playlists when you were alive. The piano and smooth voice of the singer echoed in the empty hall, creating an effect similar to a concert hall. You smiled to yourself, now glad that you were alone, and sang along.
You put a spell on me
I'm losing my mind
You better stop these things
It's a matter of time
You folded the letter in front of you, you body softly swaying by the sound of the music. How long has it been since you listened to it? Must've been months, you've almost forgotten how sensual the lyrics were. Your fingers slid over the fold of the paper you made, slower and more overly dramatic than before. Your smile widened at your silly reaction – you always had a thing for theatrics.
Before I hunt you down
Grab your chin and kiss your lips
You bring me back
I lay you down and grab your hips
And we lose all control
And before you know it
Deciding your work could wait for just one song, you put down the things you had in your hand, pushing yourself off the sofa. When would you get another opportunity like this? Forgotten was the frustration to be left on their own – this was an unexpected opportunity. Freedom.
You rounded the loaded coffee table full of papers and just danced, just for yourself, like you had so many times in that dingy, little living room in your old apartment, with no one to judge you.
Closing your eyes, you turned on the balls of your feet, hands moving over your body wherever you felt like they should, feeling almost alive again. You turned and twisted in what could be a waltz, could be anything, really, hips loose and movements fluid, you felt like a red satin scarf caught in the wind at night.
I put a spell on you
Now you're mine
I've got a hold on you
At least for the night
Another step forward, turning around yourself, something made you shiver. You didn't realize how much you missed this, missed losing yourself in your favorite piece of music... that was the reason your hairs stood up at their roots, wasn't it?
You opened your eyes to catch the flickering lights of the hotel decrease in intensity, going from shining in a bright orange into burnt amber.
That's odd. You thought just as you had the feeling of fingers brushing your waist.
You know I can't help myself
When you ask tenderly
If I'd dim the lights
As your hand brushes me
And the floor swallows your clothes
And your silhouette puts on a show
You startled when you looked down, seeing not your own, but a familiar looking shadow swirling through your feet, it's eyes and mouth pulled into a menacing grin glowing in cyan. You stopped in your tracks, frozen in place. You knew that shadow. And where that shadow was, there also was...
“Oh, please, don't stop on my behalf, darling. It was just getting good.”
Alastor appeared from the shadows next to the radio, his grin full of mocking glee. You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Oh please Satan no. Why was he back? He went out with the others, you had seen him leaving with the rest of the gang.
“I thought you went to LooLooLand....”, you said nervously into the now quiet foyer. Alastor had put his hand on the radio, silencing it when you had stopped moving.
“I decided that childish attractions and cheap shows weren't really my kind of entertainment when...”, he laughed, tilting his head. “... there's a much more invigorating spectacle awaits right at home.”
You wanted to sink into the ground. Alastor always liked to tease you, saying he liked how you get flustered oh-so-easily, and he wasn't wrong. Part of why you didn't do things like these in the hotel was that you were incredibly shy, to the point of even being ashamed of the things you liked. A nice little memento from your past life – the weird one. The strange-hobbies one. The funny-looking one. The one-who-talks-too-much. And him being the teasing one didn't make it any better, given he was – yes you dared to think it – really handsome. The kind of handsome that could make you think about at night. In your bed.
“I was just... I thought I was alone.”
“That I could see.” Alastor chuckled, walking towards you with heavy-lidded eyes, hands folded behind his back. “Neglecting your drab duties to twirl around alone like a sad little figurine on a music box.”
“I-I... just took a break.”, you stuttered reluctantly, your fingers picking the skin of your arms.
“Mhm... only from what I'm curious. Who knew you like to use your free time to sing and dance?” He halted one step away from you, grin wide and toothy. “How come you didn't share these feeble talents with us, dear? Charlie would've been delighted.”
The spot of skin where you scratched yourself repeatedly started to turn red and sore. “I'm... not really comfortable... showing... I'm not good, anyways.”
“Ah, always so timid, so easy to pick on. You do make it too easy for me, darling, presenting yourself to be the perfect prey.”
He stepped forwards, pulling you in at your waist and taking your hand into a dance position. For a second, you forgot to breathe, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. The heat in your face was unbearable now, and you tried to writhe out of his grasp, but his grip was iron-clad. He smirked down to you, one brow up.
“How about we make it a tad less pathetic? Hm?”
The radio illuminated again, this time in a shade of moss green, not the usual warm yellow, and the song started again.
“Come on, little one, let's see if you're any braver with the addition of a partner.”
You put a spell on me
I'm losing my mind
You better stop these games
It's a matter of time
Alastor pulled you through the room, light footed and with a superior confidence. You were too stunned and much too intimidated to protest, just focused on preventing yourself to - god forbid - step on his toes and not to make more of a fool of yourself.
This really was hell – he'd think you were a complete idiot, talent- and useless. Dancing by yourself when no one's there to see your mistakes or silly choices was fun and all, but dancing with someone, less Alastor? You didn't want to think about how much of a loser you must look to him.
But he was only smiling, leading you with such force the steps came automatically. He was a skilled dancer, you knew that, and he proved it in this moment. With every passing note your feet became more steady, your back less tense until you flowed with him rather than struggled within him.
Alastor grinned, as if he just won a bet, and with his hand still on your waist, guiding you in another turn, he freed his other hand from yours and leaned in.
Before I hunt you down
Grab your chin and kiss your lips
Then you bring me back
I lay you down and grab your hips
And we lose all control
And before you know it
It all happened so fast, too fast to really process. His fingers pulled your chin up to him, and before you knew it, his lips caught your own in a sudden, electrifying kiss. Sharp teeth cut the tender, mavue skin, spilling a droplet of blood which he stole from the source, leaving you with an iron taste on your tongue and a frazzled mind.
Just a gasp later, he pulled you into a dip, his hands on your waist and hip hovering you just above the ground. You felt dizzy, your exposed neck right in front of his hungry mouth, so close you felt his breath, hot and wet. You trembled in his arms as he slowly pulled you up again, his eyes glued onto yours, mesmerizing and burning with the command – Don't you dare look away now.
You give me fever
And drive me insane
You keep me going in circles
With potions and bottles
And I can't escape
There wasn't any fancy movements now, just the sway of both of your bodies, closer than before, like waves crushing from the ocean to the shore. You didn't know what he saw in your face, but if it was a reflection of what you felt, it could only be a sick mixture of confusion, longing and desire.
Which was exactly what was written in his. Behind the smile that never seemed to leave him, there was no more of that mischievous, mocking attitude. More serious than you've ever seen him before, he was looking Hungry. Eager. Captivated.
I can't escape
Oh, I'm lost in your ways
Oh, I can't escape
Alastor pulled you again into the dance, moving through the room with you, the whole world around you turning instead of the other way around. But this time, the distance between you left no room for even a sheet of paper – you were pressed into him, he was holding you so damn close to him. A perfect fit, two pieces of one mold.
In a single motion, he put both of your hands on the back of his neck, while his flew to your back, sliding to your hips in sensuous trails. You felt his clawed fingertips through your clothes, sending delicious little tremors through your nerves up your spine.
Your head had stopped thinking straight - or at all - completely flooded with the feeling of his warm body on yours, his hands where you'd never thought they'd be, and that god forsaken look on his face. Even sex couldn't feel this intimate.
I put a spell on you
And now your mine
I've got a hold on you
At least for the night
At least for the night
The song ended, abruptly, and when the last note hit, you came to a halt, still entwined in one another, still connected through your gaze. Neither of you said anything, you just stared into each others eyes. Unspoken words hung in the small space between your lips, words you felt were better not said. The gnawing insecurity of yours crept back into your mind, threatening to break the spell you both were under by making you say something stupid. Alastor slowly let go of you, the last thing leaving you were his hands from your hips as he stepped away from you.
“How about that?”, he said quietly, more to himself than to you. Then, without another sound, he just melted into his shadows, vanishing from the foyer and leaving you with flushed cheeks and a torn heart - alone again.
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fraugwinska · 1 month
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I'm fucking dying, I cannot. I CANNOT.
To the Anon that gifted me this badge Two things..
1. I will wear this until I drop dead and possess my Tumblr account to fuse with it for eternity
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fraugwinska · 1 month
I just wanna say like, I hope you are doing well? And could you not forget to take care of yourself?
Don't push yourself too hard and maybe do me a favor and drink something?
There you are, you're already doing so great <3
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I'm taking one day at a time - and this day is so much better now ♥
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fraugwinska · 1 month
300 Follower Celebration
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Since I'm only 9 followers shy of 300, I want to do something special for you magnificent beasts. But the only thing I'm good at is WRITE So, I want the frau-hive-mind to give me a prompt for a special One-Shot when I reach the full 3-zero-zero.
Since Tumblr doesn't give me the option to implement more than one survey, I created a survey on Typeform - So if you want to participate, feel free to fill out the tiny questinnaire (it takes about 2-3 minutes ;>)
Thank you guys for everything <3 Love you all!
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Drunk Alastor anon here - just wanted to thank you so much for writing it! It was amazing and way better than i imagined ❤️ you're a wonderful writer with big talent 😍
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I had such a down day, but it's things like these that pull me out of my hole! ❤️ You (and all my readers) are amazing, thank you for giving me some sunshine on a rainy day 🥺
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fraugwinska · 2 months
I sleep like a baby after reading your fics /pos
Get to enjoy ‘sweet’ Alastor dreams uvu ✨ How is it possible to get addicted to someone’s writing? If you disappear out of thin air one day I stg I’m gunna go through withdrawals.
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I'm dead. I can't handle this kind of love. I'll post from the afterlife. 💀 ❤️
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