#funtastic series
n64retro · 2 months
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alva-gunderson · 9 months
So I’m finally ready to make an announcement about the future of my comics projects. Some of you may remember my comics series called “Steamland stories”, which I planned to get back to after the final season. Unfortunately, I’m ready to confirm that they are fully closed and won’t get any continuation.
But, instead of them I’m announcing not even one, but two separate comics series. The first one will be called “Funtastic Potatoland”, and will be an AU about how Archdruidess ruined Alva’s Dreamland plans and got back home many years earlier. The second, currently unnamed short comics series, will be set on the moon, after the canon events.
I will be sharing a server for my projects soon too.
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
Nice to see you here, especially after all the work you put to give Azula justice on other platforms. You could even say you are Azula's aunt, you know, the kind who keeps visiting and bringing freshly baked cakes, and some other goodies, then telling how great niece she has... then you both proceed to dominate the world by being completely badass while looking fabulous.
Stay awesome and keep doing the great work.
Also since I like puns, I have to tell you are basically a walking pun, interesting choice naming yourself Pundora, by the way, or is is Pun Dora?
And since this is supposed to be an "ask", here is a question: do you play video games? And if you do, what kind of games do you think Azula would play?
Hello!!! Great to meet you! Thanks for the message.
That is the highest compliment. Thank you for holding down the fort here! I have to say it’s given me a lot of comfort to see there are like-minded fans who just want Azula to catch a break!
I would LOVE to make Azula sweets and give her some comfort! I actually have an Etsy shop where I make ATLA-themed ice creams and teas. The Azula tea is one of my favorites: luxurious, sweet, spiced, and soothing. I’d make her sweets with this tea and hope it would help her have a moment of peace.
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(Azula’s Princess Chai. Actual picture from my shop. No artificial colors or flavors)
How’d you read me so accurately!? You have some Azula-level eyes there. Seeing my whole history behind my posts! Haha.
I am obsessed with puns so I think that’s punderful! One might even say it’s funtastic!
I do play video games! On occasion I act or cast for indie games, but as for what I like to play myself?
Growing up my favorite series was Zelda. Oot, MM, WW, LA, all left a huge impact on me, as did the Ace Attorney games. If I had to pick a favorites, it might have to be Ghost Trick for being the best mystery story ever!
As for Azula, the obvious answer would be a battle strategy game, but I think she might want a break from what she does every day. I think she’d really enjoy the beauty of Okami, as well as the theme of helping a fallen goddess regain her power and rediscover her true self. It might speak to her after her breakdown.
Thanks for the lovely message! That’s an insta-follow.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Hang Around For Scooby Doo: SD Ghoul School Review (Comission for Emma Fici)
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Happy Halloween all you happy people! Our halloween stuff rolls on as I introduce a new not at all consitent series on this blog, Hang Around For Scooby Doo! This probably won't be a monthly thing like my muppets reviews, but it will be fun.
See over a year and a half ago my good friend @jess-the-vampire and I started having movie nights every Tuesday and Wedsday on her nights off. It was during this we found a mutual love of Scooby Doo, both having grown up with it despite being a generation apart. So when she told me about a Scooby Doo film where Scooby goes into space in a trek inspired heavily by BioShock and alien, how could I say no? The film was Moon Monster Madness, and I shall cover it some day. Finding out i'd missed films like this made me curious: I'd grown up with the DTV scooby movies, even watching them into high school on sick days or summer days as CN played them a lot, but after Chill Out, Scooby Doo, they stopped playing them as much, and I stopped seeing them as a result.
So in over a year and a half we watched and re-watched ALLL OF THEM. No hyperbole. We watched the greats, we found hidden gems and we also suffered through Return To Zombie Island and Fred's weird singing voice in the somehow boring vampire musical. And once we were done… we kept going and have been watching some Scooby doo ever so often since. We watch other stuff sure, it's how I got sucked down the Miraculous Ladybug Hole, but it's built on a foundation of Scooby Doo
And of course watching entirely too much Scooby Doo has given me a MASIVE repository of review material yet untapped. From weird individual episodes like Shaggy becoming king of the goths, Fred's ass terrifying everyone, One of NSYNC framing the Gang for crimes, Shaggy nearly being drowned for being a witch or a rejected skeletor minion haunting a 70's dude at Wimbledon. IT's a weird wonderful buffet and since my good friend Emma commissioned this from me, we got a great place to start digging in Shaggy style so Hang Around after the Read More for Scooby Doo: Ghoul School!
The history for this one is interesting, as this flim happens to be part of another small project I've intended to start for a while: an on and off look at the Superstar 10, 10 films packaged for Hanna Barbera's funtastic world of hannaa barbera saturday morning block. Even if you haven't heard of them, you may of seen some as all three red shirt shaggy films as well as Flintstones Meet the Jetsons are part of it, and cartoon network tended to air them a lot growing up as they filled up time nicely. Why the others weren't used, especially since one of Yogi Bear's other films, his wonderful christmas special, was aired every year…
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But the non-scooby ones are only avaliable via Warner Archives, so i'm curoius to see what hiden gems and things that are better off locked in the archives lie in wait, so once again while this review is paid for, it's something that was inevitble.
The Superstar Ten Trilogy of Scooby Films is highly notable for being the first Scooby Doo films, the ones that likely gave the crew of Zombie Island to try one for the DTV market as unsuprisingly these three had vhs' (and I had one for the reluctant werewolf. Wish I still did. It was sweet. ). These films paved the way for us to have almost 50 MORE after them.
This trilogy is also intresting for when it was made: coming out in the mid 80's, this was around the same time as 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, The New Scooby Doo shows and others that largely broke from formula with Fred and Velma largely put on a bus , leaving the gang just Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne.. Scrappy
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And their bitching van. Despite the show before it being the bane of many fans at the times existence, the Daphne and Shaggy era shows are well regarded and I hope to binge 13 ghosts at some point as it sounds utterly awesome. Weirdly though despite Scrappy's wide backlash he wasn't the team member to get dumped for these movies, with the trio instead being reduced to just Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy. Now…
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Scrappy.. really isn't that annoying here. He still has his traits of running at danger and being Scooby's Hype Dog, but he's also fairly intelligent, helpful and functions as a replacement Fred without being nearly as bland as pre-Zombie Island Fred Jones. I mean he can't say treasure that special way
But he still does well. It's why i'm really baffled at how Scrappy's been reduced to either not existing anymore (Curse of the 13th ghost) or a hilarious joke not to be talked about (Mystery Incorpeated): yes he's widely hated but you can do stuff with him as seen with the 2001 Movie and Scooby Apocalypse. And you can do stuff with him as is. I will always be in favor of fixing a character if possible instead of just tossing them aside because it's supposedly what people want, something I doubt will change for poor Scrappy as Warner Bros Discovery has shown it doesn't care what anyone wants, needs or feels.
The Red Shirt Trilogy is also notable for being one of the biggest examples of real monsters in the franchise. As I found out via Billiam's videos these weren't the first time this happened, but it became one of the most memorable, both due to these films getting replayed more often than the scrappy era shows, and because of the neat designs, memorable characters, and all three breaking from the mystery of the week format. Sure there is an unmasking in Boo Brothers, but instead of trying to figure out whose haunting them the Red Shirt trilogy focuses on different genres each time: Reluctant Werewolf is a very mild Horror Comedy that turns into Wacky Races, and our feature presentation today being a slice of life school based story that turns into an adventure film in the last act. It shows just how flexible Scooby Doo is and why it's lasted so long: You can do a LOT with these characters, whether there's a mystery or not and new writers never stop coming or having new ideas to bring to the table. While it was a surprise, it wasn't hugely shocking to find out the writer of this one, Glenn Leopold, went on to write the first three dtv scooby doo movies, all very different. It does surprise me he wrote the godawful and boring Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights, but I forgive him.
So with that we can actually get to the movie itself which as I said is a shockingly chill for most of it's runtime slice of life comedy: Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy are heading to Grimwood's School for Girls to become the new gym teachers. Some of you less familiar with Scooby Doo may laugh, but keep in mind both Scooby and Shaggy are storied Laugh-A-Lympics trained athletes, their team the Scoobie Doobies having won a mind boggling 14 out of 24 games in this storied contest, and Shaggy would later participate in the World Invitational Games. Their more than qualified. Scrappy is there because I assume Scooby just adopted him at some point becaues having scrappy for a child did this to a his mother
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So she had to pass the curse on to someone. Naturally things can't ever be easy for our heroes and they find out that while Miss Grimwood herself seems human, we'll get to that, the rest of the students are all the daughters of classic horror monsters: Sibella, the fantastic daughter of dracula with a habit of saying fantastic, using her hair like a cape (something Jess caught and I didn't) and turnign into a bat, Elsa Frankentien, daughter of Frankenstien and somehow bride of Frankenstein, maybe they had hate sex and they alternate weeks I dunno, Phanty, a delightfully hyper phantom with a love of exorcist head and a dad whose apparently the phantom of the opera's ghost? I have a lot of questions I dont' think Erik is ever going to answer. but I mean.. it tracks. He does die in most adaptations, so… there's that, Winnie the son of some sort of wolfman, and Tanis, an adorable Mummy child whose conception is best left a mystery.
Shaggy naturally tries to run the fuck away but he's under contract, with Scooby and Scrappy as witnesses. What's nice though is while Shaggy is, being shaggy, is a bit freaked at first he quickly warms up to the girls. It's a gradual shift and while the character development probably could be done a tad more overtly, it still works for the time with Shaggy going from being afraid of these precious children to genuinely supporting them and being the coach they need. The bulk of the first act is just shaggy training up these girls and doing fun exercises with them. The girls even happily get their coach a pizza without being asked when he can't find anything he likes to eat at grimwood (understandably since in classic adamss family fashion everything's rotten). And while it has cobwebs and stuff they genuinely like it and try it. It's small stuff.. but it works.
It helps the girls themselves are incredibly endearing. Their not huge on personality in the dialogue itself, mostly being limited to their traits of "Vampire", "Kinda awkward", "goofy and does the head spin", "energetic werewolf" and "baby girl baby", but the various quirks they have animation wise and their genuine kindness and enthuastim towards their coaches make them hard not to root for. It's no wonder the five became instant fan faviorites and it's more suprising it took TWENTY YEARS to have any sort of followup, especially since after likewise breaking out the Hex Girls have shown up in every series sense. Also if your curious yes we will be getting to it this halloween, Emma's using her patreon review for it. Their just well designed, fun characters and add to the fun chill atmosphere. It's also a nice lesson about tolerance without hitting you over the head with it: Shaggy sees someone different, reacts badly, but grows to see them as what they are: people who are different but at the end of the day still just people. Simple yet heartwarming.
Playing our girls we have Susan Blu, whose a long time voice actor and voice director, best known for this flim and Transformers The Movie as Arcee, as Sibella, Patty Maloney who played Twiki on Buck Rogers a few times and Darla in the 80's version of the little rascals I just found out existed, as Lil Tanis, the late, great Russi Taylor as Phanty, Susan Blu, mother of Mae Witman it turns out and vetran va as Elsa, and the late longtime HB voice actress Marilyn Schreffler as Winnie. Impressively all but two of them came back for the OK KO reunion years later, with only Schreffler and Maloney being replaced as the former had sadly passed ona nd the later had retired, with it being JUST in time to catch Russi Taylor before her tragic passing not long after.
As for what Shaggy's coaching them for in grand 80's fashion he's training them for the big game with the snotty rivals just next door, the Callaway Cadets who seem to be actively in denial about the girls being monsters. Thankfully while they avoid the trap of most standard 80's
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Characters: Unlike say Huey Dewey and Louie or the bros of my little pony tales, the boys, while cocky and confident, are mostly just clever and ready to win and are heavily regimented. At most their petty jerks and cheaters, but there's no overt sexism needing to be taught a lesson here. It's also nice that their one plus sized member Tug is NOT singled out for his weight or the subject of constant fat jokes. Which doesn't seem like a high bar clear but for the time it is. At most he falls on a guy maybe once. Their a little charming but obviously leagues behind the girls in terms of actually being memorable. Their col is also delightfully stuck up, the Callaway himself. Their also well child acted, with future robin Scott Mellinvlle being one of them.
I will admit there's not a huge amount of build up to said game, it's the main goal for 2/3 of the movie but htere's no traning montages or real drive to win other than Tanis wanting one for her big ass mummy case. But it really doesn't matter: It's more about having fun with these characters with the game simply a setup for said fun and some hyjinks. The big game isn't the reason we're here, i'ts to see shaggy and scooby get into antics, some ghoul children be adorable and quirky, and legendary action Glynis Johns to ham it up to all hell as Mrs. Grimwood. Mrs. G is delightful, being wonderful supportive of her girls, a decent enough boss, and fun to be around. She's also in my eyes a witch since, given the later OK KO crossover, that's an actual species in this unvierse and we don't have one on the good guys side so why not. She also has an octopus butler i'm hence dubbing Geoffry. He rocks even if I somehow forget about him EVERY TIME I watch this film. The film is good Adams Family/Munsters style fun complete with thinking creepy things are fun, eating gross food, and shrieking for exercise making the two buzzards who work there quit.
The actual game is engaging though as you want the girls to win, they use their powers, the boys use the power of cheating, it's good times. Seriously the cadets just.. blatantly cheat in front of them. Dick Dastardly at least had the decency to try and do it while no one but the audience was looking. Come on man. OUr heroines naturally win of course, with Tanis getting the trophy that they just pass back and forth because why not.
We also get a really adorable scene as it's PARENTS DAY!… which for Shaggy and Scooby means
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Though it turns out like their kids the various parents.. are all nice. Tanis' dad in paticular gets the immortal line "I don't want to hurt you I want to HUG YOU!" Awww, what a sweetheart. THey also all thretan to straight up murder shaggy and scooby if their daughters get hurt
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This leads us into the last act.. and the weakest part of the film. See either because the script ran short, the execs wanted it or the writer just done goofed, the last part feels kind of jammed in there. The first chonk of the film is fun slice of life while the last third is an adventure film with horror elements in which the dread witch Revolta and her much cooler and more intmidating assitant the Grim Creeper kidnap the girls and plan to brainwash them to give Revolta an army to become top monster since the girls dads went soft raising families. I mean dracula emptied a whole boat before settling down. Can't argue that.
The problem is besides Revolta feeling really jammed in, only showing up for one scene to show us she exists in the first section of the film, she's also REALLY boring. Ruta Lee gives a great voice performace but Revolta's design is meh and her personality is entirely absent. She has no motive other than
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Which granted isn't much of a step down from most scooby doo villians crooked real estate schemes, but it just makes her boring. And if she did more I might respect her but she spends the film sending out minons, her spider bats and the again far more awesome grim creeper and grousing at the Creeper ocasionally. She could be replaced by her sidekick entirely and the film would not change. She also somehow.. surivives the finale? Which like.. is someone going to send the cops after her? Are there monster cops? Would anyone else want to see that spinoff? Valid questions.
The Creeper is great though, voiced by Andre Stojka who played the owl in winnie the poo after this. Great guy. The creeper has a neat , creepy design, a great voice and depsite bein ga tad goofy is a through threat, being the one who actually you know does shit, using his vines to grab people, going out to help the spider-bats with the kidnapping and generally doing all the work. He even tries feading Scooby , Shaggy and Scrappy to a well dweller who also looks neat, and is cleverly defeated by scrappy getting it to play with a bouncing ball. I genuinely wish he was the main villian. Granted I also love any and all cyclopses like this boy here
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But still the Grim Creeper rocks. The last third of the film dosen't: Once the kidnappings happen, which are genuinely creepy and unsettling , paticuarlly Sibella as while she tries to escape she's captured mid-air by the bats and Winnie and Tanis who are dragged into an abandoned shack by their big sister figures, so it's not al lbad.. but then the last 25 minutes is just almost entirely our heroes dicking around a castle. There's some good bits such as Shaggy meeting the bad shaggy, because he's the good shaggy, whose just a …
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With Evil Shag being genuinely creepy.. but instead of serving any plot ponit he just.. runs back into the mirror after chasing Scooby and then Scrappy for a bit while the girls chant "I obey only revolta " to an annoying degree. It'd be creepier to have them actually attack their surrogate uncles instead of just, you know chanting and doing nothing. It's not TERRIBLE, the good set pieces help outweigh the bad parts, but it's nothing really special or necessary after 2/3 of a really fun chill slice of life comedy.
The climax likewise is just kinda there: Our heroes just happen to accidently break Sibella free, she frees the rest, and the cadets, who previously refused to help for no good reason…
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Had a change of heart and decided to come help and take everyone away on their helicopter they have because the one kids an inventor and they actually set it up so good for them. Our heroes escape and have a really fun dance party to the Scrappy Rap, aka Scrappy being shockingly fun as an mc. It's cheesy sure but it's sstill got a decent beat, is fine for a goofy 80's film, and is far from the most embarassing rap i've seen
The ending.. dosen't quite work for me as Shaggy and Scooby run off from next semesters kids: A creature from the black lagoon who looks delightfully orange, an alien, and Godzooky 2: The Quickening. Seriously I want to know more about these kids they look adorable. GIVE ME A SEQUEL YOU COWARDS
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So that was Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School and while far from the deepst or scariest scooby work, it's one of the funnest, the most creative and it has an octopus butler. None of us can say that and more should frankly. If you can find it, as it is on DVD at least, check it out. It's a fun ride and easily the best of the Red Shirt Trilogy, which i'll get back to.. eventually. For now have a good day, follow me here for more and on patreon, feel free to hit me up for comissions and thanks for reading.
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Just a couple things to say here, fellow Hanna-Barberians
Again, this is essentially a transition period before we see a revamp of the "Postcards from Snagglepuss" feature as will see a Monday edition alongside the established Wednesday such, what with the "Would you rather ..." piece having essentially been discontinued in favour of the odd poll or two here in Tumblr.
Speaking of the new "Postcards from Snagglepuss," such will not only have Snagglepuss in the lead, but also Huckleberry Hound as part of the crew; aide-memoire, you know. Not to mention a seasonally-changing cast of your favourite Funtastics in a series of potentially fresh and fascinating adventures with the same spirited road trip mentality you've come to know and love.
Next week (May 29th) being Memorial Day, the traditional holiday weekend hiatus will be observed for this blog and its content.
Otherwise, Your Humble Narrator hopes you're continuing to enjoy this blog and all there's to be so had, especially absent anything viable from Warner Bros. Animation, as heirs and successors to the Hanna-Barbera studio, to maintain the classic Hanna-Barbera whimsicalia and serendipity--at least stateside. Remember to get back to me with your comments and suggestions to make this endeavour even more the experience you've come to enjoy.
@warnerbrosentertainment @haiyis-dark-void @theweekenddigest @joey-gatorman @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @princessgalaxy505 @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @iheartgod175 @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @warnerbrosent-blog
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rothsothy · 1 year
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Just got back from The Super Mario Bros. Movie, 'twas a FUNtastic family film, lots of neat Easter eggs for life-long fans of the old-school (like myself)! ♠ Having Jack Black cast as Bowser is probably one of the best things about this because character-wise they match so well (along the rock music which made me think of his band Tenacious D and School of Rock). Charles Martinet voiced a couple of side characters as well; sharp listeners will know whom 😉. I always thought that if they could make an original animated film like Wreck-It Ralph, imagine if there would be a new Mario movie in similar fashion; well finally this would be it. This time, Illumination with Nintendo's involvement, it's done just right. I grew up with the games, the Super Show animated series (along with Captain N and Legend of Zelda), as well as the 1993 live-action Super Mario Bros. movie, so having the Mario Rap at the beginning couldn't have been more perfect. This 2023 reboot is more in line with the 1986 Japanese animated film, Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach but done in modern 3D-CG style. The pacing is a bit on the quick side, but I think it works well to keep the audience, especially the younger ones, more attentive, as there's always something happening, with a couple of resting points here and there. The music cues were on point, and I think original games' composer Koji Kondo must be proud to hear each of the classic melodies orchestrated as each character and areas are introduced on screen. There are some licensed classic 80s pop/rock songs thrown in too for general fun (The Beastie Boys, A-HA, Bonnie Tyler). Story-wise, it's as simple as one would expect where the hero(es) fights the villain, resulting in a satisfying ending much like recent video game related films such as Sonic the Hedgehog and *Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. There's also a mid-credits and a little something at the end of the credits, so stick around for those. 🥚⭐
I was also surprised that my local theater had Mario Kart Arcade GP DX machines up (snapped a photo with my 3DS)
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Find more of my movie reviews and whatever else I'm watching on Trakt and Letterboxd https://trakt.tv/users/roth https://letterboxd.com/Roth
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tgnite14 · 1 year
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Carlaston "Carly" Knight, The Black Nivea Luwensky! She's a Funtastic Uplifting Girl who not afraid of Anything! And Like Nivea, Has Natural Traits, Super Kind, True & A Great Friend to have. Carly inspired Nivea to act more Feminine by having her embrace her Neatness & Feminine Charm. And gives her Free Makeovers like Lipstick, Nails & Eyes. She's also Mixed Blood of Jamaican, African, Egyptian, British & South American (And a Bit of French) & The 1st Black Female in the Series to be Mixed Blood. Her Group of Friends included Nivea Luwensky, Max McDonald, Robert Wright, Gina Smith (Later On) & Mitchie Grayson (Also Later On). Also she doesn't take too kindly too those who hurt her Friends! Mess with her, She brush it off.But mess with her Friends & She'll bite Back! Drawing #27 of February and Drawing #58 of 2023! (Drawn on Feb 27th.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqoMHIL6JPtMvP0WBiSLMJGcgp5GRLj-bXhrc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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firsttrust · 2 years
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround
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Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround movie#
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround code#
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround series#
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround tv#
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround series#
The test sequence and a number of drawings and storyboards by Wildey were used to sell the series to ABC and sponsors. They are the scenes of Jack Armstrong and Billy Fairfield escaping from African warriors by hovercraft. Īlthough they do not appear in any episode, scenes from the Jack Armstrong test film were incorporated into the Jonny Quest closing credits. Wildey did not design the more cartoonishly drawn pet bulldog, Bandit, which was designed by animator Richard Bickenbach. Wildey would work on other animation projects, but it was with his work on Jonny Quest that he reached his widest audience, bringing a comic book sense of design and style to television cartoons. The look of Jonny Quest was unlike any other cartoon television show of the time, with its colorful backgrounds, and its focus on the characters with their jet packs, hydrofoils, and lasers. and the group's handsome bodyguard, secret agent Race Bannon, who looks as if he stepped out of the pages of Steve Canyon. The cast of characters included Jonny's kid sidekick, named Hadji, Jonny's globetrotting scientist dad. The show was an action/adventure story involving the feature's namesake, an 11-year-old boy. Wildey's designs on Jonny Quest gave a cartoon a distinctive look, with its heavy blacks and its Caniff-inspired characters.
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround tv#
The prime-time animated TV series Jonny Quest debuted on ABC at 7:30 p.m.
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround code#
But that was his father's code name as he worked for the government as a scientist and that kind of thing." Hanna-Barbera refused to give him a "created by" credit, Wildey said, and he and studio "finally arrived on 'based on an idea created by', and that was my credit." It was called 'Jonny Quest File 037' or something. Which we included, by the way, in the first Jonny Quest. As Wildey described in 1986, producer Joe Barbera had seen that first film about the English superspy "and wanted to get in stuff like '007' numbers.
Scientist child animated with an ivisible backround movie#
Wildey said he "went home and wrote Jonny Quest that night-which was not that tough." For inspiration he drew on Jackie Cooper and Frankie Darrow movies, Milton Caniff's comic strip Terry and the Pirates, and, at the behest of Hanna-Barbera, the James Bond movie Dr. When Hanna-Barbera could not or would not obtain the rights to Jack Armstrong, the studio had Wildey rework the concept. Wildey wrote and drew a presentation, using such magazines as Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, and Science Digest "to project what would be happening 10 years hence", and devising or fancifully updating such devices as a "snowskimmer" and hydrofoils. Characters from the series also appear throughout The Venture Bros.Ĭomic book artist Doug Wildey, after having worked on Cambria Productions' 1962 animated television series Space Angel, found work at the Hanna-Barbera studio, which asked him to design a series starring the radio drama adventure character Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy. Two telefilms, a comic book series, and a second revival series, The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, were produced in the 1990s. television networks of the time, new episodes, The New Adventures of Jonny Quest for syndication in 1986 as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera's second season. It ran on ABC in prime time on early Friday nights for one season in 1964/1965.Īfter 20 years of reruns, during which time the series appeared on all three major U.S. It was the first of several Hanna-Barbera action-based adventure shows-which later included Space Ghost, The Herculoids, and Birdman and the Galaxy Trio. Inspired by radio serials and comics in the action-adventure genre, it featured more realistic art, human characters, and stories than Hanna-Barbera's previous cartoon programs. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions for Screen Gems, and was created and designed by comic book artist Doug Wildey. Jonny Quest (also known as The Adventures of Jonny Quest) is an American animated science fiction adventure television series about a boy who accompanies his scientist father on extraordinary adventures.
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sejacegiq · 2 years
Dnt space 100 bedienungsanleitung samsung
           Funtastic ion Bedienungsanleitung Inhalt Sicherheitshinweise3 Funktionen. Head-Doo 100 Bedienungsanleitung Inhaltsverzeichnis Sicherheitshinweise. Dnt space 100 bedienungsanleitung samsung · Steinel typ 6590 bedienungsanleitung target · Cosina cx 2 bedienungsanleitung sonyEs Zeigt immer 0 Liter auf 100km an. In der Produktbeschreibung hier auf der Webseite ist darauf kein Hinweis zu lesen. Allerdings in der Betriebsanleitung wird Bedienungsanleitung. 62 dito. Kurzanleitung. 5. Alcatel/SEL. HB 100 dnt. Studio 2 classic. 18 e*Message e*vario. 16 dnt. Studio 2 Komfort. 26 dnt. Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von Cme Toptel TV 100 Gebrauchsanleitung und Codes produces four series of flashes with a space between View online (16 pages) or download PDF (2 MB) DNT Video-Digitalisierer Grabstar PRO Owner's manual • Video-Digitalisierer Grabstar PRO PDF manual download dnt digitales Teleskop DigiTele PRO, zum Beobachten und Aufzeichnen von Tieren oder Amazon Bestseller-Rang, Nr. 2,462 in Kamera & Foto (Siehe Top 100 in Falls Sie Ihre Anleitung nicht finden können, wenden Sie sich an die nächste DJI Innovations, DMTECH, DNT, Doerr, Dolce Gusto, Dolce Vita MA, Domena, Bewahren Sie diese Betriebsanleitung an einem sicheren Ort auf. Schließen Sie niemals Geräte an, deren GesamtLeistungsaufnahme 100 W (0,43 A)
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snellyboi · 2 years
Me: I should write more silly, comedic fics!
Also me: *starts outlining a very non-comedic story about Johanna*
Me: Why do people think I always write sad stuff?
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stonerzelda · 2 years
If anybody knows of any sites they can link me that sell n64 games that arent etsy or ebay....blease hmu
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n64retro · 17 days
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Nintendo 64 Funtastic Series
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chakytron · 3 years
Kili | Episode 04 | Vishnu Govindhan | Vishak Nair | Kaarthik Shankar | Funtastic Films
Kili | Episode 04 | Vishnu Govindhan | Vishak Nair | Kaarthik Shankar | Funtastic Films
Kili | Episode 04 | Vishnu Govindhan | Vishak Nair | Kaarthik Shankar | Funtastic Films Category Main Description: Funtastic Films & Mydesignation Studios Presents “Kili” Heal https://shop.haeal.com/ Cast : Vishak Nair, Kaarthik Shankar, Sreejith Ravi, Vishnu Govindhan, R J … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At:…
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theguythatdraws · 2 years
My Personal Video Game Collection
Nintendo Switch
Another Code: Recollection
Ark: Survival Evolved
Danganronpa Decadence
Detective Pikachu Returns
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders
Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
LEGO DC Super-Villians
LEGO Harry Potter Collection
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
LEGO The Incredibles
Luigi's Mansion 3
Mario Golf: Super Rush
Master Detective Archive: Rain Code
Monster Prom XXL
New Pokémon Snap
No Straight Roads
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Tactica
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Scarlet
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Violet
Pokkén Tournament DX
Ring Fit Adventure
Stardew Valley
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario 3D All Stars
Super Mario RPG
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Nintendo 64 (I own the Funtastic Series: Jungle Green Varient. I got it from my dad, who got it from a friend of his from Puerto Rico)
All-Star Baseball 99
Donkey Kong 64
Gex 3 Deep Cover Gecko
Madden 2001
Mario Kart 64
Polaris SnoCross
Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA
Star Fox 64
Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
Bass Pro Shops: The Strike
Candace Cane's Candy Factory
Cooking Mama: Cook Off
Endless Ocean: Blue World
Game Party
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Just Dance 2
Just Dance 3
Just Dance 4
LEGO Batman: The Video Game
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Super Sluggers
Monster 4x4 World Circuit
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Pac-Man Party
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure
Sonic Unleashed
Spore Hero
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros Brawl
The Dog Island
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Price is Right
Wii Play
Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Wild Earth: African Safari
Wii U (Yes, I have one)
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know
Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
Hyrule Warriors
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO City Undercover
LEGO Dimensions
LEGO Jurassic World
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
LEGO The Avengers
LEGO The Hobbit
OctoDad: Dadliest Catch
Scribblenauts Unmasked
The Lego Movie Video Game
Game Boy (System is Game Boy Color, Kiwi Variant. Got a a friend's yard sale)
Mega Man 2
Ms. Pac Man
Super Mario Land
Game Boy Advance (Got system [GBA SP] at Goodwill, previous owner didn't know what good games were. [All the board game ones] The other games are from my personal collection.)
Battleship, Risk and Clue
Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders and Original Memory Game
Connect Four, Perfection, and Trouble
Dinotopia: The Timestone Pirates
LEGO Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy
Madden 2005
Operation, Mouse Trap and Simon
Rayman Advance
SpongeBob's Atlantis Squarepantis
Spy Hunter and Super Sprint
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Super Collapse 2
Super Mario Advance 4 and Super Mario Bros 3
Teen Titans
The Game of Life, Yahtzee, and Payday
Nintendo DS
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Art Academy
Artic Tale
Band Hero
Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs
Battleship, Connect Four, Sorry and Trouble
Dino Master
Dino Pets
Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition
DreamWorks Super Star Kartz
Fantasy Aquarium
Fossil Fighters
Fossil Fighters: Champions
Fossil League: Dino Tournament Championship
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Kingdom Hearts: 358 1/2 Days
Kirby Super Star Ultra
LEGO Rock Band
LEGO Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
Mario Kart DS
Namco Museum DS
New Super Mario Bros
Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends
Nintendogs: Lab and Friends
Paws and Claws: Dogs and Cats: Best Friends
Petz: Ocean Patrol
Plants Vs Zombies
Pokémon Diamond
Pokémon HeartGold
Pokémon Pearl
Pokémon White
Pokémon White 2
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
Super Mario DS
Super Scribblenauts
World of Zoo
Zoo Hospital
Nintendo 3DS (most are eShop [RIP])
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!!
Animal Crossing New Leaf: Welcome amiibo
Detective Pikachu
Fossil Fighters: Frontier
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
LEGO Jurassic World
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team
Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Blue
Pokémon Crystal
Pokémon Emerald
Pokémon FireRed
Pokémon Gold
Pokémon LeafGreen
Pokémon Moon
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Pokémon Red
Pokémon Ruby
Pokémon Sapphire
Pokémon Silver
Pokémon Sun
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Pokémon X
Pokémon Y
Reel Fishing: Paradise
Super Smash Bros on the Nintendo 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch
Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls
Xbox 360 (I got this console from my aunt, but I didn't play it as much as the Wii)
Kung Fu Panda
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tales of Vesperia
Playstation (Got this with my Dreamcast and Genesis, all three consoles and games came from my mom's co-worker)
Die Hard Trilogy
Tekken 2
Playstation 2 (I don't actually own the console, I got the games from my old co-worker.)
American Chopper
Max Payne
MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael
NASCAR Heat 2002
Smuggler's Run
Sega Genesis (I own the Mark 2, but PR and Spider-Man I got with my N64)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2 copies)
Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
Sega Dreamcast
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Namco Museum
Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1
Sonic Adventure
Test Drive 6
Virtua Fighter 3tb
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flamingredanon · 4 years
Original inspiration was from an idea posted by Bliss on a discord server and I kinda ran with it. The funtastic RHMG AU can be found at @rhmg-au
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In case you were wondering ...
This, know, is a transition period here at It's So Hanna-Barberaesque ahead of a serious revamp of the "Postcards from Snagglepuss" feature you've come to know and love Wednesdays in this space.
As part of said revamp, which will have Snagglepuss and Huckleberry Hound out on a new series of road trips with a seasonally-changing cast of fellow Funtastics in a slightly-used motorhome (but expect not Yogi's Gang, if you know how that went), the feature will appear on both Mondays and Wednesdays starting in June.
I've essentially retired the "Would you rather--?" feature as previously appeared Mondays in this space, what with polling now offered in Tumblr and yours truly at a loss for fresh and fascinating questions to ask in this vein. Hence, the addition of a Monday edition of "Postcards from Snagglepuss" in addition to the established Wednesday such. Which, you'll be pleased to know, is a byproduct of the late Character Convocation coincident with Ocean City (Maryland) Springfest.
So if you have any ideas for how this new generation of road trip a la Snagglepuss and Huckleberry Hound ought be going, or nominate characters worthy of joining along with the fall and winter runs, please to let me know.
@warnerbrosentertainment @archive-archives @warnerbros-blog1 @warnerbrosent-blog
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