#g/t fluff
G/T Dialogue for Story Inspiration!!
“That’s it. I’ve had it. In my pocket you go.”
“I can make that jump! You just have to trust me!”
“Little one? No please don’t hide again!”
“Christ- you’re huge. Wait- is that offensive? IM SORRY-“
“Stop moving! I don’t wanna drop you-“
“Cities look entirely different from this point of view…”
“Why are they running? I just wanted friends…”
“See this needle? You do NOT wanna be on the other side of it- big guy!”
“You literally bought me a tiny Remote control car…”
“God you’re adorable! I might just keep you like this- kidding! Unless-“
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pineappleparfaitie · 2 days
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"Hidden away, deep under flesh and bone"
A lil class doodle from today bassed off smth me and @karmatheprowlthra (who is featured as the pred,me/my sona as the prey) mentioned :>
I was expiramenting with trying to draw the inner anatomy of his character and i think it looks okay,lungs are too big though-
Anyway go send him sum luv >:]
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reddish-ash · 2 days
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Scribbles because there has been a TROPE that has been rummaging through my head since friday and I can't shake it :,)
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t3a-tan · 3 days
Ooh! 2 for tiny James and human Oliver? (I'm so curious to see how you'd make that situation happen 😭)
2. “So are you just going to keep me in a jar forever, or…?”
Although it did take a minute to figure out a situation that Oliver might trap James in a jar I had a lot of fun with this one hehe
From this!
Since James had gotten more comfortable around Oliver he had also been getting more reckless.
Oliver could remember the first time the borrower took a leap off of the counter, shouting something about a ‘trust fall’. Thankfully he caught him before he could get injured, but that only spurred the man on more… At first Oliver fretted every time, but soon enough it became like a routine.
After realising that James's reckless behaviour was a sign of his trust in him, Oliver became fond of those sorts of interactions. He could usually tell when James would start being more impulsive like that, and the borrower would also avoid messing around too much if Oliver was trying to focus.
Today Oliver was filling in a bunch of forms, flipping between various files and writing notes down for different referrals. He was focused and a bit tired because of how long it was all taking. Even so, he minimised any distractions so he could dedicate himself to the task at hand.
James didn't get the memo clearly.
Oliver was filling the forms in at the kitchen island, and as he worked and sipped on his cup of tea he was suddenly made aware of James’s presence when the borrower climbed onto the island counter.
“What are you up to, mate?” He asked, curiously, moving closer to the forms and inspecting them with a discerning gaze. Oliver had learned that James wasn't able to read and only recognized certain words and phrases for survival purposes, so it was no wonder he didn't understand what he was doing. Still, Oliver was tired from the repetitive task and trying to focus.
“It's for work.” He responded simply, using his right hand to gently shoo the borrower off of the files, worried that they might get footprints on them and he'd have to reprint the papers and fill them in all over again. Oliver yawned slightly, squinting down at the forms with exhaustion. “Can't chat at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow…?”
James bristled at the sight of the giant hand shooing at him, frowning and raising an eyebrow at the human. He looked tired… Why would he keep working if it's making him tired?
“Maybe you should take a break?” He pointed out, moving closer again, not really seeing the importance in all these papers and words… It couldn't hurt to stop for a bit, could it? Oliver certainly seemed like he needed it.
The human shook his head with a hum, continuing to write undeterred by James's advice. James narrowed his eyes slightly before thinking to himself about how he could get his friend to see reason. It wasn't healthy to just stare at paper for that long, surely… Getting a great idea he smirked to himself, side-stepping towards the edge of the counter closest to where Oliver was sitting, before jumping off.
Oliver snapped awake immediately, jolting and quickly catching James before he could reach the floor, falling back off of the stool in the process. He cupped his hands together around James to shield him, but that left him with no hand to brace his fall. He groaned in pain as he fell onto the hardwood floor, nothing broken, but his body wasn't exactly thanking him either.
“James…” He began with a scolding tone as he opened up his hands, revealing the dishevelled borrower and a cheeky smile on his face. Oliver's heart was still racing from the scare— he thought for a moment that he wouldn't be able to catch him in time. “I almost didn't catch you. Why would you do that?”
“But you did.” James pointed out, much to Oliver's frustration. He didn't have the capacity to deal with stuff like this when he was doing time sensitive work and was already exhausted. James shook off the slightly miffed look in the human's eyes, despite how it made his instincts scream in protest. “And like I said, you need a break. Didn't mean to make you fall though…”
Oliver sat up more with a small groan, his back still aching from the sudden fall.
“I don't have time for a break tonight. I apologise, but you need to leave me to my work.” He managed to retain his composure for the most part, trying to emphasise that he needed to focus. He couldn't focus if James was going to be chucking himself off of every surface, whether he was trying to help or not. He stood up.
“Well if you're not gonna take a break, I guess I'll have to keep jumping off until you do.” James insisted stubbornly, crossing his arms. Oliver squinted at him for a moment, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not because he knew James was a very sarcastic person and he usually didn't pick up on it. With a sigh, he placed James back down on the counter and sat down again.
“If you do that, I'm not against putting you in a jar for the time being whilst I get my work done.” He responded, just in case James was indeed telling the truth. He hoped it would dissuade the borrower, but as he picked his pen up again James did just as he said he would.
Oliver was faster to catch him this time, and even managed to stay seated, but his frown only deepened at the childish behavior his friend was exhibiting. He knew that most borrowers probably lacked an understanding of jobs and how important they were, but he thought James would be at least a little more respectful.
Fine. I did warn him, so he already accepted the consequences beforehand.
Standing up, Oliver walked over to the drawer he kept empty jars in— usually they would be for him to fill with homemade preserves and spices, but tonight they would be filled with a borrower. He pulled one of the taller one's out and placed it onto the counter with a ‘tink’.
“Woah woah— y-you weren't being serious, right Oliver?” James suddenly began to kick at his fingers in protest, but Oliver was too tired to register the very real fear in his friend's movements.
“I’ll let you out when I'm done. It should only take a few hours.” He assured, lowering his hand to the mouth of the jar, tilting it so that James would slide in without any risk of falling and injuring himself. Once he was in the jar Oliver set it down and sat down at the island again, getting to work.
“Oliver! Let me out!” The borrower banged his fists against the glass fruitlessly, panicking slightly at the feeling of being trapped. He can't be serious. He won't actually leave me in here, right?
But as Oliver ignored his shout and picked up his pen, James felt his throat go dry. Oliver was always no nonsense, but he would never go this far… Unless he was actually starting to get sick of him? James sat down at the bottom of the jar silently, watching Oliver write.
After a few hours Oliver didn't let him out— he had fallen asleep at the island counter before finishing, and though James made a few attempts to get him to wake up it didn't work. He was getting more anxious the more time that passed, resigning himself to his fate in the jar for however long Oliver decided to keep him in.
Oliver woke up with his neck aching terribly from the way he had been leaning over and lying his head on the cold hard counter. He yawned, blinking slowly as his surroundings become more clear the more he woke up. Oh. I must have fallen asleep before I finished. What time is it?
He checked his watch, squinting at the numbers. 5:30 AM. That's enough time to finish. He reached towards the pen at his right only to straighten up in surprise at the sight that greeted him. Everything suddenly came rushing back, and Oliver was hit with a wave of guilt as he made eye contact with James, who looked so small huddled in the corner of the jam jar.
“So are you just going to keep me in a jar forever, or…?”
Oliver's eyes widened at the defeated tone James was speaking in, concern furrowing his brows as he leaned down to peer at his friend through the glass, dropping the pen immediately.
“Stars… Of course I'm not, James. I'm sorry, I… I must have fallen asleep.” He shook his head, expression becoming serious although riddled with guilt. “I shouldn't have trapped you in the first place. I wasn't thinking as clearly as I should have been…”
As he reached for the jar he paused again, thinking better of picking James up right now after what he did. He might be scared of me. I would deserve as much…
“Is physical contact okay? Or should I just tilt the jar over?” Part of him was still hopeful that he hadn't broken James's trust enough that he would be uncomfortable with being touched. They had been doing so well after all; Oliver didn't want James to feel like he needed to go back into hiding again… But he would respect it if that was the case.
James seemed to hesitate before averting his gaze guiltily.
“Just…tilt it, please mate.” His voice made it clear that he hadn't slept at all— probably kept awake thinking his friend had suddenly betrayed him.
Oliver nodded slowly and reached forward again, carefully turning the jar so that the borrower could walk out by himself. Once that was done he stood up and put the jar back away in the drawer, gaze lingering on it for a few extra moments.
What does he think of me now?
James watched as Oliver walked around to the other side of the island, staring at his back and thinking to himself. He was still pretty upset about being trapped for so long, and by all means he should be packing up and leaving immediately. But Oliver sounded genuinely remorseful…and honestly, James had never had a friend before. He didn't want to give that up.
He continued to watch as the human sat back down, glancing him up and down for a couple of moments. James took a breath before running and jumping off of the counter, just as he had last night. Please catch me please catch me—
“James!” Oliver's alarmed voice boomed, and James was relieved to feel warm hands close around him. He should feel mortified, but all he could do was smile when he was raised up to his friend's eye level. “I…should I put you down..?” He asked, a hint of nervousness in his furrowed expression.
“Nah.” James replied, patting the thumb beside him. “But you should take that break.”
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Sometimes, I want to be cupped in the palm of someone thirty-three times my size, hugging a fingertip to myself, as they tell me it's going to be ok. And other times, I want to be in their ear, telling them its going to be ok. Not sure if I've ever really considered a time where both of us are ok, but it'll happen sometime probably.
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tinysupervicki · 24 hours
Heard this audio and instantly thought of Simone teasing Flor 🫣
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ferntern · 28 days
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Bugs when you lift up a rock
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sheena-yuet · 4 days
Mini giant plus mermaid
Ah chef kiss
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thelilfae · 2 months
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must be hard being sad, at such a liddol size 🥺
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mjlor-chan · 9 months
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whatifitwasgttho · 5 months
Soft, Flirty & Fluff
Giant/Tiny Prompts
“There you are..” Whispers that still rumble your core as your trembling form is picked up by gentle, steady fingers— curling around you. Theres nothing but affection in the giants voice.
Giants with elegant, sleek hands and subtle clawed nails carefully plucking up a human between two fingers on their back and their thumb to their torso.
“Awh.. don’t tell me you’re afraid~? I’d never hurt someone as cute as you.”
A giants eyes clouded with affection, a distinctive blush on their features. Their eyes are half-open; focused solely on the tiny.
Giants being teasing when sleepy, gently cooing things like “Waking up a monster like me at this hour~? How brave.” or “Aww.. what will I ever do with you?” Their voice is more velvety, the gentle, sleepy rumble thats followed by soft giggles or a yawn. (even better if the giant has fangs)
Gentle giants that ask before kissing their tiny. Even if the tiny knows if they really wanted, anything the tiny said wouldn’t matter. The mutual respect and love.. throwing away the obvious power imbalances.. i love..
“Whats that look for? Sweetheart, im not going to eat you~! how could i ever do such a thing..”
Loving giants that pepper their tiny love in kisses— lips enveloping their torso and whatever else. The slight squirming of the tiny trying to get comfortable while so obviously giddy, and the giant pulling away as their love is either awe struck or sleepy now. (for girls, the tiny having maybe an accidental lipstick mark or two)
Looming over a tiny with a flirty smile, fawning over how cute they are— curling your hands around them or leaning in to scan their features.
Holding a tiny carefully— getting lost in the moment and beginning to massage their back, shoulders and arms with a thumb, patting their hair until they eventually have fallen asleep.
“You’re safe.” While holding a tiny so close, either comforting them from a memory or nightmare.
Giants kissing tinies on their tummy, its a vulnerable place that protects vital organs— so an abundance of trust would be needed. But goodness, would the gentle contact melt them..
Giants waking a tiny up, not bothering to fish them out of their comfort— instead picking them up, comforters, pillows and all.
Giants that purr
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afraidparade · 2 months
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strong independent demon
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entomolog-t · 3 months
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June is a simp.
I have had this stupid thing in my wips since PRE Valentine's Day and I have finally finished.
Getting better with clothing and folds, but frankly it only makes sense 20% of the time 🙃 Also enjoy me dressing Aedes in progressively sluttier more breathable outfits everytime I post him.
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todoabi · 1 month
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ohnobrooo · 3 months
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She's just trying to get some privacy man! (She's wants to treat her wounds by herself)
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