#g6 red
smorgasbort · 6 months
Armored Core 6 characters as Greentexts
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joh-a-umeko · 3 months
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lordmortimor · 6 months
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sumontienne · 9 months
Snail: Let us commence the meeting. In attendance are the Redguns of the Balam Group, and the Vespers of the Arquebus Corporation.
Pater: Thank you, V.II. Welcome, everyone. Nice to see you all. Might I say, Commander Michigan, you look positively dashing today.
Michigan: *grumbling*
Snail: Oh, for god's sake, behave yourselves. This isn't a tea party.
Pater: Apologies, sir. I just wanted to bond with my new comrade.
Michigan: Vesper, I swear, I'll take that tongue of yours and--
Red: *raises his hand*
Snail: G6 Red. You'd better not be wasting our time.
Red: Negative, sir! I just have a question for Commander G1 Michigan!
Snail: Oh god. Go ahead.
Red: Sir! What is that on your neck?
Michigan: Wha-- FUCK.
Pater: What's wrong, cadet? Not enough concealer?
Snail: *sighs*
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halfdeadhalfdrunk · 9 months
Just finished AC6's NG++ (to avoid further spoilers if nothing else) and I gotta say: they accomplished the rare feat of making me not take the story seriously while being completely invested in everything going on like, damn. One minute it's G5 Iguazu with the steel chair again, next moment I'm carving his last words into my heart.
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autopoiesei · 7 months
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g6 red and g1 michigan. although i still wanna tweak michi LOL
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kivaember · 6 months
ac6 drabble: locker room talk
neeeeeext prompt idea is "iguazu/volta like make it gay" from @steelhazeortus this is for you buddy
locker room talk
"Wait- I said wait!"
"Ugh, c'mon, Iguazu, I've been waiting forever. I've got shit to do."
"You're like twice my size, asshole, I'm trying to brace myself here."
Now, Red wasn't the sort to eavesdrop, but even he had to stop and slowly backtrack when those muffled words drifted through the door of the Redgun's locker room.
As part of their training, every single Redgun was mandated to do at least two hours of physical training to hone their bodies alongside their AC piloting skills - another sign of G1 Michigan's acute wisdom in the art of warfare!
It was pretty well known, however, that G4 Volta and G5 Iguazu always trained together, both of them harbouring delusional dreams of getting strong enough to knock G1 Michigan flat on his back. Red didn't really judge them for pinning an unachievable dream to keep them motivated, just so long as they did the rare thing of following G1 Michigan's orders without their usual huffing, puffing and grumbling.
But this? Red had to stare at the door, unconsciously turning his head to better listen as a loud, hissing grunt sounded out.
"Nnngh, fucking hell, Volta..."
"You need to relax, Iguazu, you're way too tense."
"Yeah- gimme a moment..."
Red's eyes widened.
He couldn't believe it... he couldn't believe Wu Huahai won the goddamn betting pool! Red had been sure Iguazu would've been the one to top - he had that proud, scrappy attitude and Red always voted for the underdog! What a travesty...
Well, anyway, the rules were clear: no sexual fraternisation in the locker rooms! So.
"GUN FOUR, GUN FIVE!" he bellowed in his best imitation of G1 Michigan, kicking the locker door open. "YOU'VE BEEN TOLD THAT THE LOCKER ROOM IS for... changing- hm."
Iguazu and Volta stared at him, both of them fully clothed and appriopriately touching each other. Volta was holding Iguazu's arms behind his back in a recognised stretch.
"...............I see!" Red exclaimed. "Well! Carry on."
He swiftly left.
"The fuck was that about?" Iguazu muttered.
"No clue," Volta said, letting go of his arms. "Anyway, you done? I wanted you to fuck me like ten minutes ago."
"Yeah, yeah."
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choccybug · 7 months
So is anyone going to talk about G6 Red's massive crush on 621
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amored-core-hotties · 6 months
Who is the hotter Armored Core character?
This round pits two Redguns against each other. We are sure many of you would love to see two Redguns against each other.
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drill sergeant
literally tom cruise
just as hot
'ooh I'm such a hardass' but he really cares about his subordinates
probably dated walter back in the day
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(in a hot way)
another emotional support twink
realistic depiction of a panic attack
i like my men how i like my coffee.
(hot and emotionally scarred)
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smorgasbort · 5 months
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Michigan and his poketeam of Wailord, Gyarados, Heracross, Pinsir and Kingler.
Honestly, a water/bug type team fits him really well imo.
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joh-a-umeko · 2 months
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officialtokyosan · 7 months
was so fuck-yummy how almost every single enemy was going insane because they were so stressed from the fact they were stuck miles underground and the chain of command and communication was in tatters and everyone was making beyond bad decisions based off that. more. i want more
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human-machine · 7 months
i'm so fucking sad that boyband kayn sounds different why would riot games do this to me. don't they know i rely on robbie daymond's voice for moral support
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helluvatimes · 8 months
Costus Woodsonii
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Red Button Gingers looking like candles in the night. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
With the background mostly dark, the camera would tend to brighten up the image. So to counter that, the capture was underexposed 1-2/3 stops to keep the highlights. As it turned out, the highlights and mid-tones had need to be darkened further in post to get this final image. Colours were left as captured.
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bestseasonsoflife · 11 months
Autumn in Denali - Alaska Landscape by Barbara Via Flickr: Autumn in Denali - Alaska Landscape No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one autumnal face. ~John Donne Autumn in Denali - Alaska Landscape
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coffeenuts2 · 1 year
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