#gavel stim
l3m0nflavoredst1mz · 18 days
The Bidding Tall Hall, Romance, Fine Dining, Roses, Auction House, Dating Apps, Pick me nice guy discord mod
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The Bidding Stimboard ♥️
🥃 ♥️ 💵
🍗 X 🍗
💵 ♥️ 🥃
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lavs-stimming-mood · 20 days
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A stimboard of Yanfei from Genshin Impact!
🪙 📕 ⚖️
🔨 x 🔨
⚖️ 📕 🪙
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projectmayhem-stims · 1 month
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🐉 🐉 🐉
💙 💙 💙
🖍️ 🖍️ 🖍️
15/37: Terezi Pyrope
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😭 Dawwwgg look at my lawyer im goin to jail 😭
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javi-stims · 2 years
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The King of Hearts
❣ ❣ ❣|❣ ❣ ❣|❣ ❣ ❣
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nat-of-personifs · 8 months
The tap of RAISA’s cold fingers against the space between Ethics’s cold shoulder blades is as regular as a metronome. Strangely, it soothes her, a rare, regular sensation for her frayed nerves to cling onto.
Since before they became Site-7, they’ve had to pull on the Foundation’s sleeves and put their face right up to hers to gain notice, and despite living in every SCiPnet-connected terminal, people rarely refer to them as the power they are. Yet Ethics has never known RAISA to be either still or quiet. Before fidget spinners and mechanical keyboards, they knocked pencils against expensive tables and dug into the fabrics of clothes that itched and weighed heavily on their shoulders.
RAISA’s hands remain delicate, despite everything, the warmest part of her body from the latent heat of computers against keyboards, hard at work—or against Ethics’s own abnormally high temperature.
She hears them reciting something from the database they both know well. Of all their stims, it’s Foundation’s least favorite—but nothing is redacted to Ethics. It doesn’t matter. RAISA slides from a Chinese to a Welsh accent in the middle of the description, audible despite the low decibel level. She hears this daily; what isn’t daily is the feeling of ice-cream cold, the plastic-rubber texture of RAISA’s box braids under her callused hands. They smell of metal and overworked computers, and black coffee, but that’s both of them.
RAISA told Ethics once that her favorite smell on her was the lingering blood on her hands. She’d killed eight personnel that day. They knew, of course. It wasn’t the worst thing they’d seen that hour.
Ethics digs her fingers deeper into her hair, picking out the bits of metal and cable embedded inside. If she were different, she’d have hidden them as weapons.
”I have exactly one hour left before Maria expects me,” RAISA says, after they reach the ending note. They’re only slightly louder than they are when reciting, but Ethics hears.
”I know. Just try to enjoy what is.”
The stacks of reports on her desk sit, impatient. 17 likely wants her signature on yet another 10985 test, on her or their upper avatar, and her requests are usually borderline self-harm. What else is Ethics supposed to call it when she orders her own vivisection?
She’s mildly startled by the banging of the gavel, calling a regulatory meeting that isn’t important enough to warrant the presence of her avatar.
She forgets briefly, startlingly, where her pen and phone are. She doesn’t want to look at her memos. She cried when she first learned she was the Foundation’s conscience. She tastes the vomit in her own mouth whenever she pushes the bucket into place, ready to orient another one of her own. Their dissatisfaction clings to her skin like condensation on a water bottle. She wishes there was a zipper, so she could simply step out of herself and let it evaporate—
RAISA pushes against her front with her palm. It’s almost a shove.
”Follow your own advice, Ethics Committee,” they whisper.
Her thoughts grind to a halt, and the world comes back from her extrapolations to the present, and she wants to kiss the map of Site-7 RAISA has tattooed on her cheek. She yawns instead. RAISA rubs her shoulder affectionately.
The sound of ruffling papers and binders snapping closed accompanies a sudden wave of exhaustion, and the feeling of a child who has just lost sight of their parents in a crowd of revelers. Ethics slides her finger against an almost sticky cable in RAISA’s hair to reassure herself.
”Can you stay here… for the time… after I fall asleep?” she asks, cut through in the middle by another yawn.
RAISA shifts to put their other arm around her. “Yes.”
Ethics murmurs some semblance of thanks again and focuses on the strangely pleasant, arctic freeze of her lover’s body instead of the endless regulations Foundation needs her to approve, tiredness from a night well spent instead of the constant fear in the back of her head that she’ll become the rubber stamper the lower levels joke she is. She’s shut down for the day. She needs to leave her cases for the morming, because she can’t get anything done like this.
She’ll be more efficient in the morning.
She shifts slightly in RAISA’s arms. The sound of their recitations fades in and out with her consciousness.
She welcomes the emptiness of 37’s halls, like the brief peace she experiences after a crying fit.
She dims. The lights inside of her are going out.
She forgets what she is.
She is a person in a soft bed. Nothing inside her says this is incorrect.
She sleeps.
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datsderbunnyblog · 3 years
Discworld’s Best Autistic Power Moves
Vimes pretending not to understand things
Carrot pretending not to understand things
Vetinari pretending not to understand things (Going Postal)
"If you stick a broom up my arse I could probably sweep the floor, too," said a voice. Moist realized it was his. His brain was a mess. It had come as a shock to him that the afterlife was this one. Lord Vetinari gave him a long, long look. "Well, if you wish," he said, and turned to a hovering clerk. "Drumknott, does the housekeeper have a store cupboard on this floor, do you know?"
Drumknott joining in with Vetinari pretending not to understand things (Going Postal)
"Oh, yes, my lord," said the clerk. "Shall I--"
Vetinari asking for warning when Moist is joking (Going Postal)
“Oh, I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized,’ said Lord Vetinari, turning back to Moist. ‘Do tell me if you feel obliged to make another one, will you?’
That time Vetinari demanded a stim toy (The Science of Discworld IV)
“Lord Vetinari looked around and said, ‘Shouldn’t I have a gavel? You know, one of those things judges bang on the table. I feel quite naked without one.’
A gavel was acquired from somewhere at speed and handed to his Lordship, who banged it once or twice in a kind of happiness.”
[See also: Vetinari playing with Leonard’s post-it note in Men At Arms, Vetinari playing with the ice in his inkwell in The Truth]
Vimes keeping his office really cold
Vetinari keeping his office really cold
Carrot taking advantage of the fact that his literal thinking is common knowledge (please see: every single book Carrot appears in)
Sybil deploying Sarcasm™️ (The Fifth Elephant)
‘I think I recognize the type, yes,’ said Sybil, with an irony that failed to register with Sam Vimes until some days later.
The entire concept of the Thieves’ Guild is the single most autistic thing I’ve ever heard in my life
“Crime was always with us, he reasoned, and therefore, if you were going to have crime, it at least should be organised crime... That way, everyone could plan ahead, said Lord Vetinari, and part of the uncertainty had been removed from the chaos that is life.”
Sybil knitting and darning and cooking, despite being the richest woman in the city, because it’s What Good Wives Are Supposed To Do
Sybil getting angry at Serafine von Uberwald because she was Rude (The Fifth Elephant)
“Sybil strode towards the Baroness and grabbed her. ‘You never answered a single letter! All those years I wrote to you!’
The Baroness stared at her in amazement, as people so often did when struck with Sybil’s non sequiturs.”
Vetinari and Vimes developing a whole system of non-verbal communication (Thud!)
“He gave Vetinari the look which said: if you take this any further I will have to lie.
Vetinari returned one which said: I know.
‘You yourself are not too badly injured?’ the Patrician said aloud.
‘Just a few scratches, sir,’ said Vimes.
Vetinari gave him a look which said: broken ribs, I’m certain of it.
Vimes returned one which said: nothing.”
Vetinari and Vimes also using Very Blunt verbal communication in the same conversation (Thud!)
“’What would you do if I asked you an outright question, Vimes?’
‘I’d tell you a downright lie, sir.’
‘Then I will not do so,’ said Vetinari, smiling faintly.
‘Thank you, sir. Nor will I.’”
William de Worde very carefully rephrasing things so that he’s Not Technically Lying (The Truth)
Drumknott standing up to Vetinari on the matter of paperclips (Unseen Academicals)
"’I was wondering if I could just add something, sir,’ said the secretary solemnly.
‘The floor is yours, Drumknott.’
‘I would not like it thought that I do not buy my own paperclips, sir. I enjoy owning my own paperclips. It means that they are mine. I thought it helpful I should tell you that in a measured and non-confrontational way.’
Vetinari looked at the ceiling for a few moments and then said: ‘Thank you for your frankness. I shall consider the record straightened and the matter closed.’
‘Thank you, sir.’”
Throw the book at him, Carrot. (Guards! Guards!)
(More to be added as they occur to me, in my usual chaotic way, please do feel free to add your own. ADHD Edition coming soon, stay tuned!)
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Some of my favourite stims are rocking from foot to foot while standing, rocking back and forth while sitting, and gently hitting my fist flat against my chest. I also really love flapping. They're all stims I could see autistic Brian doing 😊
*pounds gavel* It’s canon!
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Could I maybe get some autistic Roger playing with squish toys?
“O-oh..oh! Oh!!” Roger exclaimed to himself, holding the slow rising squish toy in his wrinkled, sun spotted hand. 
It was so soft. And it had enough give to be absolutely stimmy, but still quite firm. 
Not to mention it was shaped like a gavel. Perfect for hitting people with if need be and perfect for stimming needs.
He looked at John, blues eyes widened in surprise. “What are these things?” he asked before he went back to watching the gavel puff back into it’s original shape. 
John squished his own squishy, a Hello Kitty head (no, he didn’t wanna talk about why it was Hello Kitty) and blurted out, “Squish toys!”
Roger squished his gavel back down again, mouthed popped into an ‘o’.
“And they make these? The internet?” he asked. Roger was really smart and sharp for a 69 year old but when it came to technology, he’d rather use his phone as a door stop than make a tweet. John giggled, the tech geek out of the 3 remaining members and nodded. It wasn’t worth trying to explain how that sentence wasn’t exactly right.
“Yes. Online you can find a lot of these in all different styles and sizes. I saw that one though and thought of you. Thought you’d like it,” John said timidly, resquishing the pink cat in his hands.
Roger smiled, holding the gavel a little closer to him, always flattered when John remembered him.
“I..want to see more of the squishes. I’d like to buy some more. They’re lovely,” Roger said, pinching tiny bits of the gavel, seeing it pop up instantly. 
“Sure, I can pull them up on my p-” John was interrupted.
“Do I pay you or the google?” Roger said, absentmindedly playing with his new squishy gavel.
John was flabbergasted but just chuckled, pulling up amazon on his phone, ready for the headache of having to show Roger squishies and explain how No that is absolutely not how the internet works you old goof. But seeing Roger all happy and entertained was made worth it. 
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