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/ -- Romantic
*-- Unlabelled/Other
+ -- QPR
& -- Familial
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne)
Tavi is a cringe-fail loser spoiled rich kid protegy who never properly developed any social skills aside from making people swoon over them. They fell off their god-complex high-horse so hard it landed them in prison for their parents' murder. (They got better, though!) (Tavi, not the parents. The parents are still very much dead.) Chuck has extreme middle child syndrome and enough guilt to strangle the horse Tavi just fell off of (figuratively) .They were so desperate for outside validation that their old girlfriend straight-up poisoned them and they thought nothing of it. Grades and success always meant the world to them until they met Tavi and discovered that reputation wasn't everything. Sometimes being "evil" can be fun, too. Between these two they could fill a lake with their self-loathing, and then fill another with their love for eachother. They are in it together to the end, along with the children they somehow manage to pick up along the way. (These two are technically Marvel/Spiderverse OCs, though they are very separated from the Canon. My partner and I have gone kinda nuts with them over the years, and their story now includes elements/characters from: Ouran High School Host Club, The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Ace Attorney, Supernatural, Harry Potter (as a parody), and many more that I cannot recall.)
Tavi (or Octavian [They/Them]) is the child of two multi millionaire parents. Though they had quite the god complex as a child it was slightly dampened by their roommate/rival/friend Chuck when they got to college at the age of 16. Though they had many wacky adventures during their four years together, that soon came crashing down when their parents were murdered during graduation. So like any sane person they cut off all contact to anyone that they cared about and started getting a Doctorate (after they were miraculously proven innocent). From their they spiraled until they turned 28 and started working at their parents' old company were they run back into Chuck. Chuck (or Charlie [They/Them]) is the middle child of 8, being sandwiched in-between two sets of twins and one set of triplets, wants to noticed within the family. This is achieved when they manage to graduate highschool early and get a huge full-ride scholarship to MIT. They are lead to be roomed with the other 16 year old, Tavi. Through their four years of people assuming that they are dating (they would like to date the but they definitely don't feel the same [they do]) their time together was cut off when their mother had to got to the hospital where she would die a year later. Gets into a toxic relationship, or should I call it poisonous?, relationship with a girl named Gray. That relationship ends and they get a job at a big science place where they eventually reunite with Tavi. Though their relationship starts off very rocky they find bonding time after becoming villains against a common foe and starting a twitch together. Eventually they find a bigger bad and adopt the first villain together <3 (Technically they are Spiderverse/Spiderman ocs but do NOT follow canon very well. Their lore goes further down the rabbit whole but I feel like this gives a good impression of them both haha [I kinda got carried away is what I am saying])
Geheneres (Teneres/"Gehenna")
Ahem hem hem. These two hate the hell out of each other at first. Teneres starts attending this school in senior year because he’s a certified loser freak and in one of his classes he meets Gehenna. While Teneres acts like your typical cringefail cool dude tm who cannot tie his own shoe laces, Gehenna is this cold, quiet being who does not take Teneres well at all. These two fight over the smallest and pettiest things and even before they’re friends they give ex energy.
It’s also worth mentioning Teneres has the ability to control time (rewinding it, altering it, pausing it) and before this he *literally rewrote time itself* in his favor. Basically, before THIS timeline he was shunned by practically all society. He knew the date of his own death, as did the people around him, who never wanted to connect with him in fear of being heartbroken when he eventually died.
Excluding some certain things, he barely managed to escape his own predestined death, which angered the forces which put his fate in place at all. “Nuh uh”, to which Teneres went “FYM NUH UH” and rewrote time. In this timeline, everyone adored him… except for Gehenna.
Because Gehenna was the only one who knew of what he’d done.
But… there was a catch. Over time the two fought less and slowly became friends, hanging out after school was over and learning more of each other’s lives. Teneres learned Gehenna didn’t really come from a very… safe place, and often offered him to come stay at his place after school. Such acts were what warmed a previously cold, outwardly-emotionless Gehenna to him.
But it was also through these interactions that Gehenna grew concern for Teneres. He’d slowly begin acting… stranger, looking as though he hadn’t eaten in days, slept in weeks, acting more agitated and rude. This was because Teneres could feel his control slipping, his ability to keep the secret of all he’d done leaving him. Even still, Gehenna kept it. It was Teneres who confessed he’d messed with time itself, to the people like him he lived with.
And it was here Teneres practically threw himself into this manifested labyrinth of his own making, his body malforming into differing shapes and sizes and matters as the time he’d manipulated and warped essentially dragged across him like sharp nails. Thoughts of self-loathing and yet deep selfishness seeped into his mind and brought Teneres to the limit, where he took out his rage, sadness and fear on the world around him. He only wanted a world that would let him live, and he’d become the villain of his own story just to do that. But to him, it was worth it.
But not to Gehenna. You see, there was a reason he kept the secret, the secret of Teneres’s doings to time itself.
Gehenna valued Teneres’ happiness, just as Teneres valued his. He’d found a friend, a true friend, a person he’d even begun developing… stronger feelings for.
And it was him that was able to truly get to Teneres, in such a state of collapse. Gehenna told him what he did was horrible. It was cruel, unjust and selfish, so selfish. The most selfish thing one could ever do… and yet, he understood. He understood the extent to which Teneres went just to have a chance at being loved.
Gehenna didn’t want to fight. He didn’t want either of them to be hurt anymore… he just wanted them *both* to come home, and they could go back to when they were just arguing during class with each other.
(Lots of stuff I might’ve left out in regards to things (outside) their relationship but man do I have ADHD about these long haired men. Hope you enjoy my cringe…!)
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Octodad prompt, with a peter of your choosing: 'you're so cute, I can't resist!'
(I love your blog ❤️)
(Anon, you're literally too sweet ❤️ Had to go with a classic pairing for this one 😁 Enjoy!)
"You're so cute, I can't resist!"
Peter 2 turtled into shoulders and a blush spread across his cheeks. "Otto!"
The older scientist chuckled. He loved flustering his Peter into a red faced puddle. "Look at how cute you are!"
Two whined as he squirmed in Moe's hold. "Not cute!"
"Just because you're not as young as the other two doesn't mean you're any less precious." Otto wiggled a finger under Peter's chin. "Look at this adorable little face."
With a squeak, Two tried to turtle away. "No! Ohottoho!"
That same finger slid up to Peter 2's ears. "Yohou knohow, you've said my name countless times. But you know what you haven't said?"
Peter's blush darkened until he rivaled his spidey suit.
"Oho?" Otto smirked. "I think somebody lohoves being tickled."
Although Peter 2's mouth opened and closed, no sound came out.
The older scientist paused his attack. "Now let's see. Where shall I tickle you next?"
A small grin tugged up Peter's mouth. "D-dohont g-get my . . . myhy rihibs."
"Ribs you say?"
Two squeaked and nodded.
A smirk appeared on Otto's face. The oldest Peter really was too cute.
Otto tapped his arm. "Arms please."
With a little trouble, Peter managed to lift his hands and placed them on his head.
"Ihim tempted to hold them." Otto wrapped one hand on Two's wrists. "Last tihime yohou smacked me."
"Ihi'm sohorryhy. It wahas an accidehent!"
"Do you promise not to do it this time?"
Two grinned and shook his head.
"Ihit wahas funny!"
"Now yohoure gonna get it." The older scientist dug his free hand into Peter's ribs. "Sassy kids these days."
The laughter that left the oldest Peter's mouth was absolutely adorable. His eyes screwed shut and his nose scrunched up as his cackles filled the room.
"Theheyre always making fun of the older geheneration," Otto added.
While Peter squirmed in the hold, he never pulled his arms hard enough to get away. The older scientist's grip was loose enough that the younger man could pull away. Instead, he purposefully wiggled the rest of his body while his hands stayed in place.
Otto stopped his tickling. "Should I take my hand off or are you still tempted to slap me again?"
"Ihi cahan pull myhy hands down nohow!"
"Alright then. Go ahead."
Peter Two's eyes went wide. He stared at Otto for as long as he could before he finally had to look away.
"Awww. You can . . . but you won't."
Otto tapped his fingers against Two's arm. "If I let go of your hand, I'll have two to tickle you with."
The blush on Two's face grew even brighter. "Wehell . . . Ihif you hahave too . . ."
"Ahand here I thought you couldn't gehet any cuter." Otto let go of Two's hand before wiggling them both under his arms. "But yohou surprise me every tihime."
"EEEEHEHE!" Peter snorted "OHOTTO!"
"You get the cutest nose scrunches when you laugh ahand the most adorable snohorts ahand squeals."
Peter 2 shook his head.
The older scientist stilled his hands. "No? You don't believe mehe?"
"Ihim nohot-eep-cuhuhute!"
"Are you kidding? I'm looking right at you and you're one hundred percent precious."
A nearby actuator squealed and spun.
Two groaned. "Nohot thehem tohoo."
Otto used his hands to lift Peter out of the actuator's grip. "You can't argue your way out of this one."
"Ah! Ohottoho!"
"What's wrong now?"
Peter's legs kicked uselessly in the air. "Yohou don't have toho hohold mehe!"
"I know I don't have to." Otto lifted the younger man up a little higher. "But I want to."
Peter 2 grabbed Otto's wrists. "Dohon't drop mehe plehease!"
"I may not have your spider strength." The older scientist tilted Peter to one side. "But I still have some strength of my own."
Two squeaked then giggled adorably.
Otto chuckled and tilted him to the other side. "What are yohou dohoing huh?"
More giggles followed close behind the statement.
Otto titled him back. "Interesting."
Louder giggles this time.
The older scientist titled him the other way once more. "Everytime you move."
More giggles.
Final tilt. "You turn into a giggle shaker."
Peter playfully pushed Otto back. "Knohock ihit ohoff."
The older scientist lifted one eyebrow as the corner of his mouth curled into a grin. "Are you getting impatient for more tickles?"
Two immediately flushed bright red.
"Let's get set up shall we?"
Otto placed Peter back into the actuators hold. He cracked his knuckles before wiggling his fingers. "Now where shall we begin?"
A sneaky actuator slipped the oldest Peter's shirt up just enough for Otto to see bare skin. The younger man flinched at the feeling of cold metal before dissolving into a genuine giggle fit.
Otto reached forward to wiggle one finger into the eposed skin. "Ah, this spot is always a favorite with you three."
"Ee! Ihits Threhee's."
"Seems to be yours too." The older scientist switched to scratching five fingers across his tummy. "You always make sure he gets a few tickles while we're here."
Two couldn't respond through his laughter. In a moment of bashfulness, he hid his face in his hands.
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" An actuator gently pushed his hands away from his face. "I want to see all of your cute reactions."
Otto smiled. "You really are adorable."
While Peter tried to think of a response, the final actuator slid under his knees while the one around his upper torso moved to cradle his shoulders. Two was then lifted up so he was laying horizontally in the air.
"Wohohow!" Two exclaimed.
Otto stepped forward. "Why thank you. Thihis mahakes things much easier."
Meanwhile, Peter's blush spread to his neck and ears and he desperately looked like he was trying not to hide behind his hands.
The older scientist gave a quick kiss on the forehead. "Are you getting bored of me?"
"Oh?" Otto smirked. "So shall I continue?"
"Ihi . . . guehess?"
"Your choice Peter."
Truth be told, Peter was a little anxious. But he knew Otto would stop if he wanted him too.
Two nodded. "Go ahehead."
"You sure?"
Peter nodded again. "Yehes."
Otto smiled. Without a word, he then spidered his hands across Peter's torso.
The younger man squealed and squirmed in the cradle. However, without a solid surface to push off of, Two wasn't going anywhere. The flexible actuators moved with his squirming to keep him from rolling or turning away.
He wasn't trying to hard to do it in the first place, but it definitely made it more flustering since all he could do was flail his arms and legs.
"I should tickle you more often." Otto scratched in a circle around Two's tummy. "Keeps you out of trouble and gives me free entertainment."
"That's it. Every Tuesday I'll tickle you for 20 minutes."
"Y-yohoure kihidding!"
Otto's fingers circled closer to Two's belly button. "30 minutes."
"40 minutes!"
One finger wiggled into Two's belly button. "An hour! But that's as high as I'll go."
Peter 2's legs started peddling in the air as he shoved at Otto's finger. "Nohoho!"
"Fine, an hour and 30 minutes." The older scientist pulled his finger away. "But only because you drive a hard bargain my boy."
Peter's entire head was in some shade of red, but the grin on his face never faltered.
"Ihi can tehell you're having fun, but that you're getting worn out."
Both actuators who were cradling Two lifted him up.
"Now to finish off our session."
Without responding, Otto took a deep breath and blew a raspberry into Two's tummy.
The girlish squeal that came as a result caused Otto to laugh. "Thahat wahas great."
Peter whined. "Whyhy?"
"Three told me you didn't get any growing up. Now I'm making up for lost time."
This time, Two ducked behind his hands. "Nohot yohou too!"
"Like Ihi said, you're just wahay tohoo adorable."
The oldest Peter peeked out between his fingers as they moved across the room. Otto brought them to the couch before the actuators settled him on top.
The older scientist then tucked a blanket in around him. "Rest now. Yohou need it."
Peter 2 yawned. "Fine."
As the oldest settled in, Otto leaned to kiss his nose. "Good night my boy."
"Night dad."
Otto's eyes widened as Peter drifted off. If Two wasn't sleeping, the older scientist would have outwardly exploded. For now, he inwardly combusted as he gave Peter another kiss to the forehead.
He really was too cute to resist.
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Tie sweeps given to polls with a 0.2% percentage. Also I'm allowed to come up with the most messed up name possible for future polls
Propaganda is encouraged! I will reblog propaganda reblogs, as well as any propaganda that @s me. However, for the polls themselves, I will be using the propaganda submitted to me through the google form. If a ship was submitted twice with different propaganda, I will use both pieces of propaganda
Fandom ships will not be tagged with the fandom tag
Please be nice to each other. Do not tear down other ships. I will not reblog any propaganda remotely like that.
All polls are one week!
If i need to change anything, please send me a ask. I will change it I swear.
The main tag will be: #oc ship tournament
Valley Ghost (Felix Tawfic/Griffith) vs. Aurel * Kiki (critical)
Solshuu (Solaria Aoi/Shu Kurenai) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend)
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. Geheneres (Teneres/"Gehenna", @i-hear-a-sound)
LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) vs. Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
[TIE; ships will go on under the name of LuNal-Maisther!]
SpicyFlowerSnakeNoodles (Red Son/Lotus/Nyrel/MK, Fan + Hue) vs. Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Anthony Mitchetti/Emily Valentino (@sing-the-beginning-of-moana)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Vargas (Edgar Vargas * Scriabin, @zarla-s)
Jax * Elin (@sypersweet) vs. Amariya (Amaya/Mariya, @what-if-i-just-did-this + anon)
Ravery (Raven Scofflaw/Avery Fracas, @what-if-i-just-did-this) vs. Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu)
Acid Dragon (VSB * ESB, @silviaflowers) vs. Pip the Jackal/Agent 27 (@squidthechaotickid)
Watercolor Dreams (Oliver Fernsby & Princess Guinevere, @hermannsprecursors) vs. Graveyards (Olly Graves * Susan Yards, @thatonegaybastard)
Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep) vs. Blade of Justice (Jasper Jones/Ikeda Saigo, @hermannsprecursors)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Featherfluff (Virtue Courtenlock/Comet Mhorlborne, @timetokrill)
Archangel (Gabriel Trinh/Raphael Madsen, @gelatinous-jellyfish) vs. Ginatré/Žydrūnas (@the-land-of-eternal-winter-novel)
Marleksei (Marlowe * Aleksei, @cowboymkb) vs. Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Icefang/Greatness (vox) vs. Luna * Jade * Ciela * Them (@iwillstealyourjawbone)
Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu) vs. Acid Dragon (VSB * ESB, @silviaflowers)
Watercolor Dreams (Oliver Fernsby & Princess Guinevere, @hermannsprecursors) and Graveyards (Olly Graves * Susan Yards, @thatonegaybastard) vs. Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Archangel (Gabriel Trinh/Raphael Madsen, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish) vs. Luna * Jade * Ciela * Them (@iwillstealyourjawbone)
Aurel * Kiki (critical) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend)
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) and Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi) vs. Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Jax * Elin (@sypersweet)
Dairyun (Darian/Daiyu, @vwnz and @bowie556) vs. Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian Esna, @dragynkeep)
Lavender (Lavon + Devion Taillien, @mx-yippeee) vs. Montcia (Alex Garcia * Jules Montgomery, @gelatinous-jellyfish)
Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @failboyfriend) vs. HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Jax * Elin (@sypersweet)
For some reason tumblr wont let me put the rest of the results here so here's the link to Round 4 and beyond
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Valley Ghost (Felix Tawfic/Griffith) vs. Aurel * Kiki (critical)
Solshuu (Solaria Aoi/Shu Kurenai) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @jamescarpenterhooper )
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. Geheneres (Teneres/"Gehenna", @i-hear-a-sound)
LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) vs. Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
[TIE; ships will go on under the name of LuNal-Maisther!]
SpicyFlowerSnakeNoodles (Red Son/Lotus/Nyrel/MK, Fan + Hue) vs. Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Anthony Mitchetti/Emily Valentino (@sing-the-beginning-of-moana)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Vargas (Edgar Vargas * Scriabin, @zarla-s)
Jax * Elin (@sypersweet) vs. Amariya (Amaya/Mariya, @what-if-i-just-did-this + anon)
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Ships Fighting
Valley Ghost (Felix Tawfic/Griffith) vs. Aurel * Kiki (critical)
Solshuu (Solaria Aoi/Shu Kurenai) vs. Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill, @jamescarpenterhooper )
HG^2 (Charlie "Chuck" Beaumont/Octavian "Tavi Osborne, @the-random-phan + @cabincryptid51) vs. Geheneres (Teneres/"Gehenna", @i-hear-a-sound)
LuNal (Luca/Petra/Nails, Tass) vs. Maisther (Esther/Maidy, @cafe-au-tism)
SpicyFlowerSnakeNoodles (Red Son/Lotus/Nyrel/MK, Fan + Hue) vs. Dexereign (Dex/Sovereign, @caekhoi)
Eraser (Ezra/Ace, Ren) vs. Anthony Mitchetti/Emily Valentino (@sing-the-beginning-of-moana)
Pruett Pennbum/Remedy Espina (Harvey Millipedia) vs. Vargas (Edgar Vargas * Scriabin, @zarla-s)
Jax * Elin (@sypersweet) vs. Amariya (Amaya/Mariya, @what-if-i-just-did-this + anon)
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