#general cassian
jeannineee · 1 month
coming up lavender, part one
cassian x reader x azriel
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part two
author's note: heavily, heavily inspired by smoke signals and garden song by phoebe bridgers!! reader's power is almost like wanda's from marvel, for context!! as far as energy manipulation, anyway. it is felt far more than it is seen, though.
summary: reader grew up in the hewn city, and is set to marry someone of higher status in exchange for bettering her family's position at court, but what happens when things don't go as expected?
warnings: canon-typical themes of violence against women. harassment and misogyny. will def have angst, and there will be smut later on. this is an 18+ series.
"It's time, my lady."
The melodic voice of your most kindhearted servant, Celia, lulls you from your sleep. She peels the silk covers away from your body, and as you sit up, you know you don't have to look at her face to see there's pity lining it.
You're to be married, this afternoon.
You'd managed to mask your scent for years--mask the power growing just beneath the surface. But as you grew into womanhood, so did your magic. It became impossible to conceal.
Who were you marrying? You'd ask the question a hundred times, and received no response. Was he your age? Was he old and decrepit? Would you be his first wife? His fifth? Was he rude? Kind? The latter wasn't likely.
You were a prized mare, and the males of the Hewn City swarmed you like vultures to a carcass. They would rip each other apart--rip you apart, for a chance at having your power in their bloodline.
This day was bound to come sooner than later. You'd been raised for it, trained for it. Your sole purpose boiled down to being someone's wife. There was nothing for you outside of that. Or so your father would have you believe.
There were whispers. Shared between women and girls. Whispers of a beautiful city. Of starlight and freedom and peace. A city of dreams.
And, did you dream. Every night, you'd dream. Of grass beneath your feet, a warm breeze hugging your skin. A cloudless sky with the sun in your face. Of twinkling stars and planets you'd never reach in a thousand years. Ten thousand.
But this was the Hewn City. And there were no stars here.
Dreams were all you'd ever have.
"My Lady." Celia's voice tears you from your thoughts, brows still furrowed with worry. "You must ready yourself."
A curt nod, and you rise, following Celia to your bathroom.
She helps lower you into the tub. Lavender fills your senses as she cleans you; sweet and comforting. You hug your knees, and close your eyes, dreaming of a land you couldn't reach.
Hours later, your father circles you slowly, tightening your corset, fixing stray hairs. A scientist to a mouse. A tinkerer to parts.
A doll to be molded. A spectacle. Less than.
Your hands tingle with power, and you dig your nails into them. Take one deep breath. Then another. And another.
A huff of something resembling acceptance from your father, and your shoulders relax--as much as is possible, given the circumstances.
"This will have to do," he mutters, giving you a final once-over. "The ceremony is in two hours."
A roll of your eyes, which you immediately regret as he grabs your jaw, hard enough to sting. "Do not fuck this up for us. You know what you're meant for."
Normally, you'd recoil. Nod, and apologize. Instead, your eyes harden. Lips pull back as you snarl, "Careful, father. You'll ruin the prize."
His jaw drops, hand drawing back in preparation to strike, but he's interrupted as a courier enters the room. Your father's eyes don't tear from your form as the messenger whispers to him.
A few moments later and your father curses, pointing his finger in your face. "You're lucky."
You blink, confused.
"The high lord has called for a meeting with the court. You'll remain here until it's concluded."
Of course. As your power grew, your father shielded you from the high lord and his inner circle. Lest he ask any questions. Or want you for himself.
Your father gives no chance for you to respond before leaving you completely alone.
Two of your father's men barge into the room some time later, gripping your arms tight enough to bruise as you're dragged away. Panic rolls through you, gnawing at your bones as you swallow down bile and ask, "Where are you taking me?"
"The high lord wishes you to be presented to him."
Oh, you were going to die. Of that you were certain.
Stories you'd heard. The things he did. Able to shatter one's mind with half a thought.
The least he could do is take your father out with you.
You would laugh at the thought, if you weren't on the brink of emptying the contents of your stomach.
Minutes later, you're dragged into the great hall, forced upright.
Countless eyes are on you. Some, you recognize. Your father, Celia, other servants and lower lords. Men who had surely asked your father for your hand. Would you be marrying one of them?
Eyes slowly raise, and your gaze meets that of a beautiful man, with impossibly violet eyes, hair black as coal. Beside him, an equally beautiful woman, perhaps even more so, with honey-brown hair, and eyes that hold unmistakable kindness.
The High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court.
You swallow thickly. Once. Twice. And bow your head.
"Hello, y/n," the high lord drawls, almost bored.
You can only stare. Await your fate.
"It is y/n, isn't it?" he questions, voice louder, now.
If you were going to die, you wouldn't be seen as weak and fearful.
So, you square your shoulders, raise your chin, let your power out a bit; simmer under your skin, roll through the crowd surrounding you. Hide the surprise you feel as everyone reacts to it. "That's correct. I'm y/n."
A smirk from the high lord. "Excellent," he says, rising from the arm of the throne, where the high lady--Feyre--sits. His eyes scan the crowd, surely searching for the rest of his inner circle. "We'll be going. With her."
A sputtering cough, and your father is standing in front of you moments later. "H-High Lord, she is not yours to take. She is to be w-wed. Today. We have other females, should that be something you wish for."
Rhysand regards your father with disgust. "Your daughter belongs to no one. But she will be coming with us. Or would you rather face the consequencecs of hiding her from court?"
Rhys takes a step forward, power unfurling from his fignertips in waves. "Furthermore, if you disrespect your High Lady again, I will rip your tongue out and feed it to you."
You can practically smell the fear seeping from your father's skin, but that doesn't stop him from trying to reach for you.
You step back, tripping over your dress, and stumble against something hard--no, someone. You crane your neck as strong hands grip your arms, much gentler than the ones that held you earlier. Gentler than any that have touched you, in fact. Though his face shows no kindness. A mask, you were sure.
Seven red siphons, impossibly tall. Small, barely-there scars lining his face and neck. Beautiful, in an earthy sort of way. As though he was made by nature herself.
Cassian, Lord of Bloodshed. The General of the Night Court's armies.
Your father stares at Cassian. And stares. Before finally, albeit reluctantly, conceding.
"Good," Rhysand says. "We'll be off then."
Rhysand strides towards you, places a hand on your arm, and sweeps you away into a night-kissed breeze.
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
The Monster Bed
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Cassian x Reader
Summary: You're enjoying your mate's presence after he just came back from a two days mission with Azriel, until an intruder makes its way into the bed.
Warnings: Spiders? Spiders.
A/N: This is chaos, pure chaos. But hey, it's Cassian. We wouldn't expect less from our dramatic General now, would we? 😌💕
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The nights were starting to get cooler in Velaris at the approach of Solstice. You were tucked tightly in bed, trying to keep your body warm without your favorite bat boy.
You had managed to fall into a light sleep after a while, until you heard familiar footsteps quietly making their way to the connected bathroom of your chamber. You smile through your sleep at the general failed attempt to be discreet with his big-ass boots reaching his destination. The distant sound of the shower running made you lull back into your slumber.
You purr when you feel the mattress shift behind your back, and feel a strong pair of arms wrapping around your body, heating it up instantly. You feel your mate gently kissing the back of your neck, his large hands traveling on your skin to caress the curves of your body. “Mh… Welcome home, General…” You grin and slowly turn your head to look at him through half opened eyes. You scan his face and body quickly, making sure he hadn't been too injured in his recent mission. He kisses your lips and groans in content at the feeling of you in his arms, enjoying the feeling of finally getting home, in their bed, with you laying at his side.
Him and Azriel had been away on a mission for only two days. Those two days, he had slept on a mat without anyone to cuddle, since Az strictly refused to act as his body pillow. Cassian had missed you so much that these two days had felt like years- no, decades to him. “Did you miss me, princess?” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully and trails a path of kisses on her neck, taking a big sniff of her sweet vanilla scent. Cassian loved your scent so much that he could bath himself in without any shame about his brother teasing.
Your mate's usual playful and flirty behavior makes a tired chuckle fall from your lips. You caress his hair gently, too tired to scold him on the fact that he should have dried them before getting into bed, especially with the cold weather that pierced through the wall of the House of the Wind. “Mh… I did. It felt weird to fall asleep without anyone snatching the sheets off of me in their sleep...”
He giggles against your neck at your teasing response and gently starts nipping at the skin of your neck when the scent of your arousal starts to fill the bedroom. He moved his kisses to your collarbone, making you roll on your back with the palm of his hand. You bury your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, but as he rolls you on your back, something cold brushes against your leg. Something cold and… fuzzy. Cassian halts everything he was doing when he feels you suddenly flinch, and he frowns, worried. He lifts his face off your neck to look into your eyes and ask softly. “You're okay, princess?” You try to move your leg slightly, checking if maybe you had imagined that weird feeling. But the thing seemed to climb up your leg at the movement. You squeak and stand up straight on the bed, Cassian doing the same without even knowing why he was panicking too.
“What?! WHAT?!” Cassian eyes are wide as he's up on the bed, holding you close to him and watching the duvet as if a monster was about to come from underneath it. The two of you were screaming like idiots, standing up on the bed, Cassian holding you close without even knowing what they were scared of. The door of your bedroom slams open as the both of you are still screaming and squealing in panic. “What the fuck is happening?! Are you naked?!” Azriel asks from the bedroom door, his eyes covered as his shadows rush to the bed and tangle with the sheets to figure out what was happening.
“NO! SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG!” Cassian screams even louder, not a manly scream, a high-pitched squeal. “IT’S BRYAXIS!” “SHUT UP CASS! IT FELT LIKE A SPIDER.” You say as you jump into your mate’s arms, making him almost lose his balance and fall off the mattress. Az opens his eyes and scans the room, but his shadows are quick to report the bed intruder. He snickers and pulls off a pillow from under the duvet. He brushes the cold zipper of the pillow against your leg, and you shiver, cheeks reddening.
“Well, guess I found the intruder… My job’s done now. Good night.” Azriel snickers as he heads out of the bedroom quietly. You shyly move down from Cassian's arms, and you both lay back in bed, in silence. An awkward lapse of time passes as the both of you stare at the ceiling, your faces burning red in shame to have disturbed the shadow singer for something as stupid as a pillow zipper brushing against your leg. “No more zippers in the bed.” He finally breaks the silence and turns around to spoon you close to him, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. You simply nod your head, wiggling closer to him. “Yeah…”
He kisses the top of your head and strokes your arm as he starts to drift to sleep. He hears you chuckle, so he groans. “What.” “You thought it was Bryaxis? Seriously, Cass?” He nuzzles his nose into the back of your neck and growls in annoyance. “Shut up… sleep.” You smile and bite your lip, trying not to burst into laughter about how scared the General was of Bryaxis… “Alright, good night Cass, love you.” He smiles and whispers, his voice full of love. “Love you too princess…”
Bryaxis had almost peed on himself from laughing too much when you told him about you and your mate's eventful night the next morning. Bryaxis's ego was inflating when you told him how scared the General still was of the beast even after all these years.
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A/N (again lol): I forgot to mention: Based on true events... 🫣
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thehighladywrites · 4 months
𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘉𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵
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☀︎ — pairing: cassian x fem reader
☀︎ — summary: cassian finds out you can squirt...
☀︎ — warnings: nsfw, 18+, pussy eating, smut, cassian being yummy, reader damn near passing out
☀︎ — amara's note: shoutout to the anon that sent in this ask → link!! Because they're right, I haven't seen any Cassian making reader squirt fics, so l made one 😈😈😈
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Cassian discovers you can squirt and never goes back. He is over the moon and tries making you squirt all the time. He remebers the first time it happened. You had been fucking for hours, his cock pumping into you, a white, milky ring decorating the base of his cock. Cassian made you cum over and over again, making you extremly sensitive.
“Cas— I can’t, t’s too sensitive—”
“Just gimme one more, sweet girl.”
His warm hands gently cradled each of your thighs, his arms wrapping around them with a firm grip. Despite your struggle to think straight and pull yourself together, he held you steady with warmth and tenderness.
The second his tounge licked a stripe to your clit, tears started flowing. It was all too much and not enough at the same time.
Cassian sucked on your clit, teeth light grazing the bud, making you yelp.
He pushed in two fingers and pumped in and out at a mind emptying pace. There was nothing in your head but pleasure, fullness and warmth. You felt yourself dripping on the expensive sheets below and you felt yourself go insane when he curled them.
In this moment, everything felt surreal. His snug black compression shirt, from morning training, hugged his muscular frame, while his hair, tousled from your earlier pulling, was loosely gathered in a half-bun. His hazel green eyes, usually warm and inviting, now darkened with a deep hunger, matching the intensity of his massive, proud wings splayed behind him.
Cassian was without a doubt the best male who had ever bedded you. He was well aware of the effect he had on you. As your eyes met his, you were greeted by a smug smirk.
Before you could say something to wipe that little smirk on his face, your head was thrown back as you felt his wet tongue lick a stripe right along your clit, making you reach out to grip his soft hair.
This time, everything felt different. It was overwhelming, an intense pressure unlike anything you'd experienced before.
Tongue coming up to your clit again, he begins to lick it, suck on it, teasing that sensitive bud more with each arch of your back, feeding into his ego.
Cassian fucking loved the effect he had on you. He loved that you became a mess around him, loved how you completely stopped arguing with him with just a lick to your clit or a pinch to your nipples.
“You feelin’ good, sweets?” he smiled again, knowingly asking despite having the answer.
You didn’t care if you fed into his ego. He was making you feel good and you’d let him know. Anyone who ate pussy this good deserved to brag.
“Mm — yeah, feels so fuckin’ good.”
You felt the vibration of his chuckle on your pussy, making you whine even more. You were dangerously close to finishing all over his face.
“M’gonna cum, cassie — oh, fuckkk.”
An intense feeling of euphoria washed over you as you tightened around his fingers and finally came. You were letting out high-pitched moans and arched your back while throwing your head back.
That same feeling of being overwhelmed returned and you felt yourself gush all over his fingers, messily squirting on his lower face, chest, fingers and bed.
He looked up at you.
And you looked down at him.
Silence enveloped the room, embarrassment settling over you.
“I'm so sorry, Cassian. I-” you stammered, breaking the silence as you were on the verge of tears.
“Again,” he replied, almost simultaneously, catching you off guard. His eyes are wide and his breathing heavy.
“Mother’s tits. Never knew you were a squirter.”
His face was dripping as he leaned down and placed a kiss on your soaked pussy.
“Wanna see you do it again, think you can do that for me, pretty girl? Hm?”
With reassurance and confidence, hooded eyes and a throbbing pussy, you nodded.
Your man would take care of you.
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🏷️ @justasillylittlegoofyguy @cupidojenphrodite @amygdtjhddzvb @callmeblaire @redbleedingrose @acourtofwhatthefuck @thelov3lybookworm @clairebear08 @jeannineee @rowaelinsdaughter
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
Girl Dad!Cassian x reader Headcanons
A/N: I love me some girl dad Bat boys and Vanserra bros. TBH all the ACOTAR males would make incredible girl dads and I was just thinking about Cassian today. Anyway, this is for @augustinerose I know that it has been tough recently, so I hope this made you smile. <3
Cassian is a girls girl. He LOVES his daughter, and wants his babe to be able to express herself in any way she wants. So he def lets his daughter paint his nails pink and purple, and grins so wide when she smacks a kiss onto his cheek calling him pretty. And he takes real good care to paint her nails all nice and clean.
Cass is also happy to let his pretty princess put some makeup on him, with the blue eyeshadow and red lips. Male is not even the slightest bit embarrassed when you walk into your home to find him sitting on the floor so that your daughter can reach his face, six bows of all colors in his hair that is half braided and half curled, with your reddest shade of lipstick being smeared all over him. The guilty look from your babe stealing your makeup is too cute, and you settle down into Cass’ lap and ask her to do your hair and makeup too.
He would die for this child, and do practically anything to see a smile on her face, so he is gonna wear the purple tutu and tiara for his girl, and he is absolutely gonna have his pinky pointing out while he sips water from a tiny princess tea cup cuz his baby girl scolded him for not using "proper etticuite daddy."
Occasionally, she can also rope in Az and Rhys and they might roll their eyes and moan and groan, but they are gonna do anything for that little girl because they adore her and she is the only baby girl in the family so far. They spoil her like no other. You had to practically ban Rhys from getting her anymore dresses because there was no more storage in your home, and you nearly threw him into the Sidra when he offered to add another room to your home so he could fill it up with more jewelry and shoes and tutus for the “night court princess”
And on starfall, she does little dance routines for the whole family but she willet all shy about dancing her little ballerina routine in front everyone in the inner circle, so he helps her out and dances by her side even getting on his tippy toes despite everyone is snickering at him, this big burly male twirling around with his muscled arms pointed to the sky with his "mini me"
He loves pretending to chomp and eat her ruddy cheeks because it makes her cackle from deep in her tummy, and he is always blowing raspberries into her chubby belly. Don’t even get me started on those chunky thighs, and stinky feet. Cass wants to cry every single time he thinks about his pretty princess growing up. He wants her to stay young forever, to never worry about a single thing, to make sure that he can always watch over her and protect her.
When she was a newborn, he would steal her from the bassinet and take her on flights, wrapping her tiny wings into a wooly blanket to make sure they stay warm and cozy, and he would spend hours just flying around and telling her stories about his life, and stories about you. His favorite topic to talk about to her while she snoozes away is how much he loves you and how much he loves her. His obsession with his girls is truly a next level of adoration.
Ugh AND he loves cutting up fruit for her, and she just walks around munching on it with her tiny fist around the fruit and juices smeared across her cheeks. An he is always so gentle about wiping away the juices with a wet rag, having her sitting on the counter with her tiny legs swinging back and forth kicking his corded thighs while he cleans her ups and smooches her ruddy cheeks when he is done
Let us also discuss how Cassian learned how to braid hair by the Valkaryie warriors, and so he is the expert when it comes to doing her hair. Male can do twists and plaits so fast and instinctually, its insane. Most days, you have him doing your own hair. Oh, and she was born with a TUFT of hair that he would play with to soothe her. It is thick and dark just like his, and curls at the end, and he thinks it is one of his favorite features that he passed on to her.
OOOHHHH and imagine him teaching her to fly when she finally has the strength to control those muscles. She is all frustrated with fat tears rolling down her ruddy cheeks cuz “is too hard daddy” and he is down on one knee in front of her, rubbing his large hands over her tiny shoulders hushing her little cries, “s’okay baby, you’re right, it is hard,” and he smooches her cheek and pulls back to stare into her big eyes, “but you know what sweet girl? You can do it. It might take some time and practice, like most things do, but you will do it. And I will be here every step of the way, ‘kay?” And she sniffles, rubbing her tears away with a tiny fist and snuggles into his big chest while nodding.
Every birthday, he buys her a bouquet of flowers. And he also buys you a bouquet of flowers, making sure to thank you for the best gift he has ever received.
Okay maybe I will add more to this later, but this all I got for now, I hope you enjoyed!!!
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whatisamettafor · 11 months
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*sings* Who’s gonna see a butt today?
It’s you.
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elucienscourt · 11 months
I just know that deep down both Cassian and Rhys are rooting for Lucien to have his endgame with Elain. My guys knows what it’s like to be pining and waiting for their Archeron mates to even acknowledge the mating bond between them and the pain that goes along with it 😂
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lyssasdrafts · 3 months
cassian x reader smau, modern au, established relationship, azrides cameo because we love afterglow azriel (f1 cassian and motorcycle azriel are the best duo 👀👀)
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nikethestatue · 4 months
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Art: tangerine.Eileen
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marshmellowrio · 3 months
Flight of the Night | Chapter 5
A/N: Enjoy the last part of this scene.
Word count: 1.3K
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“What’s your story, then?” Cassian says with a jerk of his chin in Feyre’s direction.
She straightens. “I was born to a wealthy merchant family, with two older sisters and parents who only cared about their money and social standing. My mother died when I was eight; my father lost his fortune years later. He sold everything to pay off his debts, moved us into a hovel, and didn’t bother to find work while he let us slowly starve for years. I was fourteen when the last of the money ran out, along with the food. He wouldn’t work—couldn’t, because the debtors came and shattered his leg in front of us. So I went into the forest and taught myself to hunt. And I kept us all alive, if not near starvation at times, for five years. Until…everything happened.”
I sit back in my seat, letting the words sink in. She was so young, younger than I was while enduring a vaguely similar situation. Teaching herself to survive. A new-found respect for this young fae finds its way into my mind, she already had my respect after what I heard from Rhys, but this…she has earned our respect twice-over.
“You taught yourself to hunt. What about to fight?” Cassian breaks the silence as he braces his hands on the table. “Lucky for you, you’ve just found yourself a teacher.”
A small smile graces my lips. Cassian might be a born leader, but he’s such a passionate teacher as well. He’d do good teaching more than the odd apprentice once in a few hundred years.
“You don’t think it sends a bad message if people see me learning to fight—using weapons?” I almost scoff at Feyre’s words. Damn the Spring Court and their old ways of thinking. No female should be denied the chance to learn how to use her body to defend herself or others.
Mor’s voice is venomous enough to make me look at her. “Let me tell you two things. As someone who has perhaps been in your shoes before.” She continues as Feyre takes in the atmosphere in the room. “One, you have left the Spring Court. If that does not send a message, for good or bad, then your training will not, either. Two,” a flat hand is placed on the table, “I once lived in a place where the opinion of others mattered. It suffocated me, nearly broke me. So you’ll understand me, Feyre, when I say that I know what you feel, and I know what they tried to do to you, and that with enough courage, you can say to hell with a reputation.” Feyre’s eyes lift to mine as I nod at her. She needs to understand that no one will judge here, we all have our pasts, and we will all heal. “You do what you love, what you need.”
I see her consider, the way her eyes move away from Mor’s to stare at the table. Gears turning in that pretty little head of hers. She lifts her gaze to Cassian’s, “I’ll think about it.”
“Let me know if you need some help, oh mighty warrior.” I wink at Cassian, but it is Azriel that responds.
“No novice wants your help in combat, Lyss, you are brutal.” I pout at the statement, even more so as Cassian nods in agreement.
My hand raises to my heart, and a grin starts cracking through my innocent facade. “You wound me, Az.”
Feyre suddenly states to Rhys, “I accept your offer—to work with you. To earn my keep. And help with Hybern in whatever way I can.”
I raise my eyebrows in surprise, where did this come from?
“Good,” he merely replies. “Because we start tomorrow.”
I raise my eyebrows, while Feyre sputters. “Where? And what?”
Rhys interlaces his fingers and I recognise the more formal stature, we’re talking business now. “Because the King of Hybern is indeed about to launch a war, and he wants to resurrect Jurian to do it.”
My gaze snaps to Azriel, seeing him observing a very still Amren. When? When has he figured this out?
“Bullshit,” Cassian spits. “There’s no way to do that.”
Mor groans, “Why would the king want to resurrect Jurian? He was so odious. All he liked to do was talk about himself.”
“That’s what I want to find out,” Rhysand says in return. “And how the king plans to do it.”
“Word will have reached him about Feyre’s Making. He knows it’s possible for the dead to be remade.” Amren contributes her thoughts.
“All seven High Lords would have to agree to that,” Mor counters. “There’s not a chance it happens.”
“If there’s one way, there is bound to be another way.” I say in response.
Mor continues after nodding at me, “All the slaughtering—the massacres at temples. You think it’s tied to this?”
“I know it’s tied to this. I didn’t want to tell you until I knew for certain. But Azriel confirmed that they’d raided the memorial in Sangravah three days ago. They’re looking for something—or found it.” Azriel nods in confirmation and shrugs at Mor when she looks at him.
“That—that’s why the ring and the finger bone vanished after Amarantha died. For this. But who…” Feyre breathes out. “They never caught the Attor, did they?” I shiver at the dread in her voice, another creature she had to face while still human. I can almost feel her pain.
“No. No, they didn’t.” Rhys says quietly, as if not to scare her off. He turns to Amren, “How does one take an eye and a finger bone and make it into a man again? And how do we stop it?”
Amren frowns. “You already know how to find the answer. Go to the Prison. Talk to the Bone Carver.”
I suck in a breath and I hear Cassian and Mor utter in unison. “Shit.”
“Perhaps you would be more effective, Amren.” Rhys says calmly, cornering a beast.
Amren only hisses back, “I will not set foot in the Prison, Rhysand, and you know it. So go yourself, or send one of these dogs to do it for you.” Cassian grins back, earning a snap of Amren teeth in return.
Azriel shakes his head at the two. “I’ll go with Lyssa. The Prison sentries know me—what I am. And he likes Lyssa’s gifts.” I clench my teeth as he avoids my gaze, he knows I don’t like being volunteered for something I don’t trust. And the Bone Carver it ranked quite high on that list.
“If anyone’s going to the Prison,” Rhys says before I can deny Azriel’s proposal, “it’s me. And Feyre.”
“What?” Mor demands, hitting her palms flat on the table, leaning her weight on them.
“He won’t talk to Rhys,” Amren says to us, “or to Azriel. Or to any of us. He might like the gifts Lyssa leaves him, but we’ve got nothing to offer him. An immortal with a mortal soul however…” She stares at Feyre. “The Bone Carver might be willing indeed to talk to her.”
All of our gazes turn to the young immortal in question, assessing her next move.
“Your choice, Feyre” Rhys says casually. And I believe him, if she says no, we’ll find another way. We will all try.
“How bad can it be?” Her response shows she has no idea what she’s up against in this immortal world.
“Bad,” Cassian only says.
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A/N: Let me know what you thought in the comments! If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
Taglist: @inloveallthetime @mybestfriendmademe @blackgirlmagicforever
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generalcassianweek · 2 years
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art: shauna_the_author
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jeannineee · 1 month
I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE WRITING FOR ACOTAR AGAIN 🩷🩷 if you wouldn't mind, can you please write something for cassian x reader? it can be fluffy or smutty (just no angst please, life is tough enough as it is lol)
quiet mornings with cassian
cassian x reader
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author's note: my requests are open, for both acotar and jjk <3. i was listening to this while writing, if you really want the vibes to be right LMAO.
warnings: mostly just fluff. some suggestivness towards the end, though.
"it's not very polite to stare."
your mate's gravelly, tired voice reaches your ears; coats your bones in welcome as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his side without allowing you the chance to protest.
a hum of contentment leaves you as you rest your head against his chest; steady heartbeat thrumming beneath his ribcage as you trace circles along his skin.
"i was trying to decide what caused me to wake up: your snoring, or the rain pouring outside," you finally answer, just in time for a roughened hand to tilt your chin up; whiskey-colored eyes meeting your own.
"and here i thought you were merely admiring the view."
"not at seven in the morning."
lips quirk up with amusement at the feigned annoyance in your voice. "you wound me."
his eyes follow your form as you move to straddle his waist; flashing with curiosity as you slowly run your hands down his abs.
a dramatic sigh. "how will you ever recover from such a terrible slight?"
the male beneath you tries and fails to conceal a grin, calloused fingertips dancing along your thighs, toying with the hem of your nightgown as he pretends to be deep in thought.
"i'm not entirely sure. i suppose an apology would be a good place to start."
you play along, nodding with understanding. "hm. i see. and how exactly would you like me to apologize?"
his grin becomes wicked; gaze travelling down your body in a way that has your entire body heating. "you can put the position that you're already in to better use."
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azzieshd · 1 year
Headcanons: Cassian
Morning routines
*English it not my mother language, there could be grammatical errors and typos. Please warn me if you find them, I'll do my best trying to get better.
He is the first to wake up, but stay in bed with his arms wrapped around you, brushing his hands against your hair and admiring the such beautiful woman he is mated to.
His hair is a mess after the sleep, but he is so good at fixing it that you've started to ask him to brush your hair either. This is the best part of his morning.
He always wait for you to go to the shower, and always cuddle with you in the bath.
He waits patiently while you chose his clothes. He simply loves when you separate your clothes combined.
And the vision of you using just a towel to cover your body drives him crazy. Well, that obviously take the situation to somewhere else.
You always end the morning routine with another needed shower, and then: breakfast. Now you both are ready to start the day properly!
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thehighladywrites · 5 months
The Airhead Chronicles
…and the surprise
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pairing: cassian x bimbo reader, inner circle x reader, nesta
summary: Not being able to avoid his family anymore, cassian brings you to meet them, despite the new bond. You all get along great and someone particular catches your eye👀 does the night end as amazingly as it began, though?
warnings: tragic backstory, reader’s mysterious aura is finally explained, i’m so sorry but i’ll have to villainize Nesta in this but I love her and will make a fluff fic with her soon
amara’s note: i’m sorry this took a while, life was kinda hectic but it’s all good now. This is quite a short bc i’m trying to build up some angst…
part one part two part three
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“Wha- Rhysie? What are you doing here?” Confusion washed over you as Rhys appeared, equally bewildered.
“This is mine and Feyre’s home, we live here, y/n. What brings you here?”
Your puzzled expression deepened. This wasn't adding up. You were supposed to meet Cassian's friends. Maybe you'd gotten the wrong house.
“I’m visiting my mate's friends. Look, I even baked a cake! Doesn’t it look so tasty?” You held up the cake as you flashed him your usual smile as he nodded absentmindedly.
“You two know each other?” Cassian's raised eyebrows reflected his confusion.
“Cassie, this is Rhys. He’s the friend I’ve been telling you about. You know, the one that helped me move and who I work for.” You introduced Cassian to Rhysand, unaware they'd been friends for half a millennium.
“Y/n, why don't you come inside? Feyre and Nyx are here too. I know they’d be thrilled to meet you,” Rhysand suggested, maintaining eye contact with Cassian, whose expression remained unreadable.
“Oh, I wish we could stay, but we have to like go. Gonna meet my handsome man’s friends, and just between us, they’re like super important people, so I need to prepare myself. But you might now them since you’re high lord.” You leaned in, whispering lowly.
Cassian squeezed your hands reassuringly. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Go ahead and say hi, I’ll just talk to Rhys for a second.”
With a smile, you kissed his cheek and skipped inside to greet with your dear friend Feyre and favorite little guy, Nyx.
Cassians pov:
“You want to tell me how the hell you know her?” Cassian struggled to process the revelation. The idea of you and Rhys already knowing each other left him in disbelief. He couldn't fathom how he was being vexed by your super amazing friend, only to find out he was Cassian's friend too.
“Listen, I didn’t know you were mated or anything. I’ve known her since we were faelings.” Rhysand raised his hands, signaling that he harbored no ill intentions towards you and hadn't done anything wrong.
Cassian backed away, hands on his hips, strolling to the drink cabinet. He grabbed two cups, plopping down on the sofa and ruffling his wings in a mix of frustration and contemplation.
“Rhysie, I’m not going to eat you up, unless you want me to. Come sit down and just talk to me.” Cassian huffed, a hint of amusement in his expression as he noticed Rhysand practically glued behind his desk. With a roll of his eyes, Rhys rounded the table and settled down next to his friend.
They sat in silence, downing their third glass of Rhysand's expensive scotch. A nod from Rhys indicated he was ready to explain everything, and he met Cassian's gaze as he began.
“Alright, so when me and my sister were younger, my father made us switch from our private education in Velaris to Hewn City. The bastard claimed he wanted us to toughen up a bit. It was pure evil if you ask me.” A disgusted expression crossed Rhys's face as he recalled the horrors the new educators put him and his sister through in an attempt to toughen them up. The treatment was truly horrible for all the children there.
“There, I met Y/n and her sisters. They were downright horrendous towards her, and so were her parents because she wasn’t learning as quickly as us. She was also highly sought after due to her beauty and kindness, something her sisters envied. Her father is the Master of Coin, so they're loaded, and they had us do classes together. All the masters' children had classes together, separate from the other children of the city, to showcase how higher educated we were, in my father’s words.”
Rhys sighed, taking a sip of his drink before continuing, “Me and Selene befriended her, and you should’ve seen how jealous her sisters were. As heir, I had a lot of ladies interested in my title, and her sisters were among them. So they spread lies, telling everyone how I was bedding her as mere teenagers when, in reality, I was teaching her the work our educator couldn’t be bothered to teach her. After the rumors spread, her parents pulled her out of school to stay at home and learn her place in the court—how to talk to suitors, how to dress and act in front others with higher titles. She was raised like some sort of prized horse, ready to be sold. It was disgusting, the number of times her parents tried to marry her off for the sake of a title. Every time they tried, I intervened.” He smirked at the memory of your parents angry faces as the high lords son interrupted yet another proposal.
Cassian was shocked, slowly taking in the information as he nuged Rhys to continue.
“So, what happened when you became high lord? Did she stay in the city or did she move?”
“After I became High Lord, I finally banned forced marriages and made it punishable. Her parents suddenly found no need for her, so they told her that she either found someone appropriate herself and convinced me it was love, or they would’ve gotten rid of her.”
Cassian's jaw tightened, his fist instinctively knuckling up. He was seriously one second away from flying there and taking matters into his own hands.
“So I told her parents that she was marrying a well-off lord in the Day Court and that she’d be well taken care of, not that they really cared.”
“And, before you jump to conclusions, yes, I did ask her if I should take care of them for her, but she's not keen on the idea. She's way more merciful than I am. Y/n actually asked me to keep my father as the Master of Coin and, believe it or not, she told me not to kill them. According to her, it's better to let them live and witness her thriving one day. Quite the plot twist, no?” Rhysand smiled at your words, thankful that he had a friend to help him survive back in the city.
His smile faded as he remembered the 49 years he spent away from his family friends and city.
“I got her a house in Aetherian Crest, and she has lived there ever since, even during Amarantha’s reign. The only ones who know she exists are Feyre and, well, Nyx too, but he isn’t old enough to understand that.”
A shared laugh echoed through the room at the mention of Nyx, the thought of the little one adding a touch of warmth to the heavy conversation.
Cassian, still perplexed, glanced between Rhysand and the glass in his hand. He couldn't quite grasp what you worked on and the role you played in his life.
“She says to work for you. What exactly does she do, and why did you have her swear to secrecy with that bargain tattoo?” Cassian's irritation grew as he contemplated the idea of you engaging in something so dangerous that it required an irreversible oath.
Rhysand took a deep breath, sensing Cassian's increasing irritation.
“Y/n handles delicate matters, specializing in extracting information from people. Her bubbly personality and openness make it easy for others to confide in her. Y/n oversees a team, playing a crucial role in our court. She chooses to stay hidden because she doesn’t want the weight of our responsibilities. The intel she gathers is extremely essential; I pass it on to Azriel, who acts based on her information. You know those thrilling missions you love so much? Many are based on her information. She is absolutely irreplaceable and knows everything about every court. I made her swear the same oath that you all have sworn for the protection of Velaris.”
Cassian was stunned, yet it all made perfect sense. It dawned on him that he had shared his childhood and spilled secrets to you in just a few weeks. It had taken him centuries to truly open up to the inner circle, and here you were, extracting information within a matter of days. You were so smooth; he hadn't even noticed it happening. Your ability to weave into his life seamlessly left him both amazed and, oddly, more enamored with you.
It would be insulting to express surprise. Cassian had a hunch that you were doing something extraordinary; he just didn't know the specifics. Now that he had the full picture, he felt an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration, realizing that you were even more remarkable than he had initially thought, if that was even possible.
“What? You thought we only had boring study sessions together? Me and Selene taught her how to spy, just the basics of listening for information; the rest is all her.” Rhysand snorted, raising an amused brow at Cassian while taking a sip of his drink.
Cassian sat back, absorbing the revelation. A mix of awe and admiration colored his expression.
“Damn,” he breathed, his eyes fixed on Rhysand. “I didn't know all this about her. Rhys, I'm proud of her. More than I thought possible. Fuck, I’m falling even harder for her, if that's even possible.”
Rhysand chuckled at Cassian's reaction and clapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations on the bond, brother. You'll find you fall for her in ways you never imagined. It's normal when you're bonded, trust me. The other day, Feyre showed me a new move she had practiced and I fell even harder.”
With a shared laugh, Rhysand and Cassian returned to the gathering, joining you and the others for dinner. The weight of revelations lingered but was set aside for the warmth of camaraderie, good company, and a meal shared among friends.
As he explained that the friends you had come to see were Rhysand and the rest of the Inner Circle, a blush crept onto your cheeks. The realization hit you – you had interacted with them so casually, forgetting for a moment that they were the most significant figures in the Night Court. But they were so nice to you, so did it really matter that you talked about ideal sex positions with the girls?
Seated at the dinner table, everyone enjoyed the meal together. You found yourself leaning into Cassian, the atmosphere around the table filled with laughter, shared stories, and the comforting feeling of being among friends.
Azriel had been sneaking glances at you, not really making much conversation, but occasionally cracked a dry joke or expressed his opinion on topics when asked. He found you interesting, not anything scandalous, he just knew there was more to you, his spymaster instincts picking up a mysterious vibe from you.
Amren just looked at you from head to to, nodding with a tiny movement, one you almost missed, and kept to herself the entire dinner, disappearing the second the food was gone.
Elain had been the most welcoming and openly discussed similar interests with you. She seemed to bond with you the most, appreciating your shared interests. You found her adorable and had complimented everything from her dress and hair to the flowers she planted on the table.
Later, in the sitting room, you and Cassian settled on the sofa, and Elain sat across the room. Eager to chat with her, you sauntered over, sitting extremely close.
Leaning in, you began, “Elain, I find you really, really cute. You remind me of a deer; I love them, they’re so adorable. And i heard tou killed the king of hybern. You’re soo brave!! ” Your words hung in the air, creating a bit of a nervous atmosphere, but Elain let out a small giggle at the proximity and the compliment.
“Ohh, thanks. You’re very pretty too. I like the bows in your hair. And it was nothing really, just protected my sisters.”
Your eyes widened at her cute stutter and the way she squirmed. Gods, she was sooo cute you thought you were gonna die!! You so desperately wanted to be friends with her.
You smiled at her one last time, leaving her with a pounding heart and a nervous smile. You skipped happily back to Cassian who looked mighty amused, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening with his mate.
Later during the evening, your arms wrapped around his massive bicep. Leaning your head on it, the warmth of the meal making you sleepy, you scooted closer to Cassian, placing both of your legs on one of his thighs as you rested on his arm.
In that moment, safety, warmth, and reassurance radiates from your mate.
“Cassie, I wanna sleep. M'soooo tired,” you mumbled against his warm skin. His rich laughter rumbled through his body, making you smile like a fool.
Holy fuck, you were so in love with him.
“It’s okay, baby. Do you want me to fly us back to your home or do you want to sleep in my old room?”
You perked up at the thought of seeing his old bedroom, filled with everything that defined him.
“Yes, please! Your old bedroom sounds super cool. Can't wait to see it. And, you know, maybe I could blow you or something?” you said, mundane, as if you were discussing the weather or the latest book you read
Honestly, like, who even cares if anyone hears you talking? It's totally okay to wanna please your mate, right? Ugh, people and their silly fucking rules, it was driving you crazy. If you wanna announce to the world that Cassian fucks you like there’s no tomorrow, then you totally should, no questions asked!
Giggles and laughs filled the room at your crude comment, everyone a bit tipsy after several bottles of wine were shared between you.
Cassian's strong and sturdy body carried you on his back as he gave you a piggyback ride through the house, providing a private tour before reaching his designated room in Rhysand's massive estate.
With your boobs pressed softly against his back, you tightened your arms around him, excitedly expressing your dirty wishes for what you wanted to do together.
His arousal was evident as his pants tightened around his cock.
His heart craved to cherish you eternally, eager to bring you joy in every way possible. In this short time, Cassian found himself wholeheartedly falling for you. Filled with a urgency, he yearned to share just how much you meant to him and the extraordinary lengths he'd go, wrapped in those three words and eight letters.
But life wasn’t a fairytale, especially his.
His body froze in shock as he swung open the door, completely taken aback by the unexpected sight of his old lover standing in the middle of his room. Her hands fidgeted nervously before a palpable wave of hatred emanated from her eyes as she shifted her gaze towards you, intensifying the unexpected and shocking nature of her visit.
You, still on top if Cassian, missed the tension in the air as he locked eyes with his old lover. The atmosphere crackled with unresolved emotions.
Cassian, with you still on his back, shifted uncomfortably, trying to gauge the situation.
He took a deep breath, attempting to regain control of the unexpected encounter. “Nesta,” he said her name with a forced calmness that couldn't hide the turmoil beneath the surface. “What are you doing here?”
Nesta's lips curled into a bitter smile, and her gaze never wavered. “I heard you found someone new. Thought I'd see what kind of female you thought could replace me.”
Your heart raced, realizing the depth of the history between them. The room felt charged with a mixture of tension and heartache.
“Cassie, who is she?”
You hopped down, stepping back, a rush of emotions hitting you as you witnessed a scene too familiar. Many before had desired to take you to bed but had never chosen commitment, leaving you with a lingering sense of being used and discarded.
In that moment, you couldn't help but feel the weight of past disappointments. Praying to every god, you desperately hoped this wasn't another painful chapter repeating itself.
Cassian wouldn’t do that to you. He wouldn’t fuck you and toss you aside for a past flame, right?
You were utterly convinced that he couldn’t change that quickly.
So why did doubt and fear take root in you?
And why did his hand tense and curl in when you tried to touch it?
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🏷️ taglist: @just-a-social-casualty-1 @wallacewillow0773638 @dominika20hella10black @pinksmellslikelove @hellsenthero @val-writesstuff @paasrin
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redbleedingrose · 2 months
Cassian x Reader Masterlist
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NSFW Alphabet
Cassian loves Chubby Girls
Cassian x Chubby!Reader Blurb
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Desperate Cassian
Showering with Cass
“You look like a mess and I love it, because I’m the one who made you like this”
Cass smackin ass!
Pre-Girl Dad!Cassian Headcanons
Girl Dad!Cassian Headcanons
Cassian man titty thots
Smutty Cass thots
Gym Bro Cass with his chubby lady
A/N: The long awaited Cassian x Reader Masterlist, fully updated for you all! These include some blurbs, headcanons, and full oneshots for you guys! I really hope you enjoy. I have been working through my official masterlist to update that as well. So far, the cassian stuff and Always have been updated. A couple of the new drabbles I wrote have also been added towards the end. I will be making a seprate masterlist for each character just to make things easier while I organize my whole main masterlist. For the time being, this should be good enough hopefully. Please let me know your guy's thoughts, comments, asks, and reblogs are DEEPLY appreciated. The mean the entire world to me.
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whatisamettafor · 10 months
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I saw a reel.
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lyssasdrafts · 3 months
— formula one! cassian aesthetic
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