#georgiecooperx male
tumbleweedbee · 1 year
I'm honestly so glad I found you 😭 I was getting so tired of only reading only fem readers 😭😭 could I get a trans!reader (ftm) x Georgie cooper. Georgie stands up for the reader when he goes into the bathroom, but the boys in there are pushing the reader around and they're about to hurt the reader when Georgie comes in 😍 and saves the day (clique I know, I'm sorry)
If you're uncomfortable, or just don't want to do it, feel free to delete this or ignore it!! Don't do anything you don't want to do!
Have a nice day!
Ofc I’ll do this!sorry I’m usually busy with work but if anyone (masc or male or whatever-)wants to send in any inbox ideas then go for it!!send as many as you want!!
(And I think the word you are looking for is cliché, but don’t worry as nothing is too cringey on this page :)
Just a slight warning for slurs and mention of violence,along with transphobia and homophobia :)
______Reader pov_______
I awkwardly push through the crowded school halls, it’s that awkward time if the day where I need to fix my binder without it looking like I’m going to fix it.
I finally see the famous push doors that read the dreaded words..male..or female..it feels like everyone in the hall is staring at me though I know they aren’t..I finally decide to go with what I know I want-the male bathrooms…
As I enter the room I see multiple boys in there, I suddenly begin to feel my feet go numb, as the feeling travels up my leg and eventually to my throat, as the boys stare at me I’m unsure of what to do-but they seem to know instead..
“What’re you doing in the boys bathroom lesbo, it’s called the boys bathroom for a reason.” one of the boys remarked.
“Yea.Go to the girls bathroom tr@nny!!” another sneered, as they all began to laugh, I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as I felt like I was going to throw up.
“You’re a mistake to g-” just then, a familiar, curly haired boy walks in-whistling in ignorant bliss until he witnesses the chaotic scene happening.
“What’s happening in ‘ere???” he asked, confusion visible on his face.Oh no..it’s georgie..he’s my school crush but he’s gonna make fun of my too now.."We we’re just telling this GIRL how god made a mistake making her.”
“Well if you’d went to bible study this week JACOB.You’d learn that god doesn’t make mistakes and that this guy is not a mistake to god.”
Georgie pushes him back and rolls his eyes “come on…y/n, sorry I’m not good at names,yer in my maths class right?” I nod my head as he flares as the guys and walks out of the bathroom,arm around my shoulders, as I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and tingle..
Maybe he isn’t as bad as I first thought..
A/N:I’m so sorry about joe poorly written this was, I haven’t make something in ages and I’m very rusty, also not sure if I exactly followed the prompt but-🫡
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