#getting them all red and extra kissable.
zappedbyzabka · 10 months
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Billy in the S5 bloopers
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mari-the-bimbo · 8 months
i feel asleep on my phone tryna marathon dorm mate sukuna and the literal first thing i did when i woke up was to finish it all! girl you just made a drug.
more dorm mate sukuna i beeeg you!
Dorm mate Sukuna: your part time job
A/N: STOPPP that’s so sweet! I’m happy to fuel your new addiction 🤭 I know this is nothing to do with what you requested but I had a funny thought about part time jobs so I indulged in my own silly thoughts lol enjoy! <3
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Now being a uni student isn’t all sunflowers and daisies. You got to work part time to earn that extra money.
And now you made Sukuna mad because how many times does he have to tell you you don’t need to work?! “Why work when I told you I’ll buy you anything you want?” He says, grumbling when he realises how much of a simp he sounds like.
But hey, your money is your money and his money is also your money right? ;)
Sukuna definitely drives you to work. Right in front of the store too. He’s not letting his precious girl out in the ghetto like that.
But as you say your goodbyes and try to open the car door, you find it’s locked. “Kuna? Open the door”
“No” he says, taking a puff on his cigarette, his muscular tatted arm sticking out the window so the smoke doesn’t go into your face.
“What do you mean no? Open the door Suk-“
He grabs your chin with his other arm and looks at you unimpressed. “Why do you have the fucking audacity to leave when you haven’t given me a kiss huh?” He says, completely serious and pissed off.
But you can’t help but let out the laugh you’ve been holding in, you lean into his big rough hands as you continue to giggle. And he tries his best to keep his straight face but it’s kinda hard when you’re being so fucking cute and kissable.
He gives in to his impulsive thoughts as he stroked your rosy cheeks with his thumb.
“Silly girl” he says with a lovesick grin as he grabs your face and roughly presses a kiss to your lips. You kiss him back with a hum, unable to get enough of your overprotective perv boyfriend.
“You love me so much don’t you” you tease as you pull away. He shakes his head in annoyance but he fails to hide the amused smile on his face.
“Get out you rat” he says playfully as he unlocks the door and you finally leave with an evil laugh.
He doesn’t stop there though, he’ll turn up after your shift ends, casually placing your favourite drink on the counter while a cigarette hangs from the corner of his mouth. “hurry up doll”.
He’ll be glaring down your 41 yr old colleague who is your sworn enemy, and no, he won’t hesitate to kick her bad leg if she tries to tell you how to do your job again 🫢
He’ll sit down manspread across a chair and table as he waits for you in silence, his lazy red eyes admiring you from a distance while puffing his smoke. And although you think it’s the cutest thing in the world, your colleagues can’t help but stare in fear at the pink haired thug, who just sits there, ‘menacingly’ according to them.
Finally once you’re ready to leave, he’ll stand up and silently offer his muscular arm, a hint for you to wrap your hands around his arm. And once you finally do, he happily takes his sweet girl back to the dorm.
“C’mon little one, you got another night shift with me now” he teases, making your ears burn in embarrassment as you watch everyone’s jaw drop.
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rowretro · 5 months
𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬, 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬, 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝.
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✧warnings:toxic/yandere themes, harassment, violence, stalking Blood,
✧synopsis: Serial killer Riki was a rich bratty son of an extremely rich CEO who got away with many murders. However, when his eyes set on her, his new drive was different, for he has fallen in love for the first time, and he wants it to last (I'll do more parts to this if uw<3)
Nishimura Riki would openly murder his victims in torturous manners, but no one would dare to ever take action on him. No one understood how such a handsome, quiet, talented boy ended up being a man almost everyone feared. Though people have started to notice, tiny changes in him. He started smiling...
A smile that rooted from a girl no one would ever believe Riki fell for. Yang Y/n. He notices how your high heels were between 5-7 inches, and yet you're so adorably short under him. He loved your different hairstyles, especially those space buns that match your smiley persona. Though you wasn't the smartest, you are extremely creative on paper, canvas, and on your face. He was observant of all the different makeup styles and glitters you used. Oh and that lip gloss stick. Pretty and perfect, making your lips look oh so kissable.
Riki never stopped killing though, heck he started killing more, there were more shades of blood than the pretty, red lipsticks you owned. How could he stop when so many boys always find a way to get your attention. Whether its slapping or groping you, as if you were just an object to them, or approaching you with flower bouquets. You found it suspicious how the boys who had something to do with you always drop dead the next day.
You spent a little extra time in school today as you had a detention. It was obvious. Mr Choi was definitely biased, he always called you out over stupid things and tries to get you in detention. Anyone could tell he wants you by the way his hands linger and How unprofessional he gets around you. This didn't go unnoticed by Riki either. As you stepped back into his class as you dropped your favourite red lipstick there, you gasped at the scene.
Red liquid splattered everywhere, a scene straight out of a violent horror film. So what if you lose one red lipstick? its better than losing your blood. "Oh princess... don't be scared" a voice called out from behind. You immediately turn around, your face hitting Riki's chest as you stumble back. Riki catches you, holding you tight against his body, a small bloody scar on the side of his face. "I had to teach that pedo a lesson for messing with my doll." he simply said.
"He won't be messing with you for a while hmm?" he chuckled as h forcefully pulled you into a loving, passionate kiss. It was both your and his first kiss, for him a dream come true but for you, a nightmare. He pulled away, his dark eyes staring into yours, seeing nothing but fear, your silence ticking him off. The man swiped blood off of his bleeding cut, and smeared it on your lips. "Hmm... red lipstick looks pretty on you baby..." he chuckled watching you wipe off the blood from your lips "my pretty baby." he darkly said.
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bakugoushotwife · 11 months
Hiiiiii coming to ask for some serotonin
Please a modern one with megumi and his s/o having a tense slightly smexy moment on a hang out with the group in a restaurant or something and his s/o being a bit funny under the table if you get what I mean heh quite the fluff one with the good old you decided it heh 😆
Broaden Your Horizons // Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
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a/n: yeehaw this was fun!! i kinda latched onto a whole thing here with songs and the jukebox, and it was a little angstier than i intended but nothing too serious. anyway, let me know if you hate it and i'll try again lol
cw: MINORS DNI. MATURE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT. 69 oral (M + F receiving), penetrative vaginal sex, reader is fem, rough, creampie, maybe a slight foot fetish thing kinda but not really you'll see, car sex, doggy, some exhibitionism i suppose
wc: 5037
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You were really starting to piss him off. He was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, you did drink a lot tonight. But he cut you off hours ago, so you were either pathetic with your liquor or you were trying to aggravate him. He’s been watching you hang all over one of your shared best friends, Yuji Itadori, all night long. It was a party for Itadori’s 23rd birthday, so he guesses it wasn’t completely out of line for you to give him some extra attention, but that hardly warrants the body shots and the dancing or the cup pong tournament. 
Normally, he was very secure in your relationship. He didn’t feel the need to flaunt you and he wasn’t comfortable with public affection. He knows you love him, right? I mean, sure it stings whenever people react with shock when you say that he’s your boyfriend, and maybe it bothers him that you make that same pouty face every time he turns you down for dancing or cup pong, because he knows he’s letting you down. Sometimes he wishes he could be more spontaneous and loose like the rest of his friends. Maybe if he was, his girlfriend wouldn’t grind on the birthday boy all night long and continue laying all over him and giggling in the Waffle House at 2AM.
He stared daggers at you. Surely, eventually, you would feel his death glare and cut it out. He even thought about returning the favor with Nobara, but he would feel too guilty knowingly manipulating your feelings. The booth was tight, and he hated that. You were practically sitting in Yuji’s lap and he was fuming. He’s finally reached his limit, extending his long legs to kick your shoe under the table. 
Your stupid giggling with Yuji stops. “Ow! Babe-uh!” You pout. “What was that for?” 
He’s actually going to explode. Yuji pouts too and asks if you’re okay. You nod and continue staring at your boyfriend. Your pout was immaculate, he has to give you that. Your pretty eyes are droopy and looking up at him like an abandoned puppy, sweet kissable lips puckered just to taunt him. The bright lights of the Waffle House serve as your drunken halo, and unfortunately you do look angelic. Megumi deflates, he can’t give you the silent treatment but he didn’t exactly want to admit his insecurities in front of the guy that was causing most of them. The trashy diner was tiny anyway, the other drunkards and addicts would listen in on the drama. So he just glances at your hands and then pointedly at Itadori. 
You get the message. Initially, you smirk. You find it funny that he’s so bothered by Itadori. Surely he knows you could never be with anyone but him, much less his best friend. But then you see the seriousness on his face, and you recall your attachedness to Itadori’s hip tonight. It was his birthday! You were only trying to party with your friends. Plus, you had asked Megumi to dance with you. He always turned red and turned his nose up at the offer. He wasn’t one for cup pong either, and you wouldn’t dare ask him to take a shot off you, he could hardly hold your hand in public. You’re sure you would hate to see Megumi do any of those things with anyone else…but it hurt that he wouldn’t do it with you either. He refused to leave his comfort zone, so maybe you just had to keep pushing him. 
You put your shoe over his in an effort to soothe him, giving Yuji less enthusiastic replies than before. This does improve Megumi’s attitude, though he can tell something’s still off with you. He looks around at his other two friends, casually scrolling on their phones while they wait for the food to come to the table. So he pulls out his phone and taps the ‘mrs.’ contact. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You reply seconds later.
“don’t be that way angel :(“
“Ur mad at me for doing things i would prefer to do with you..it just sucks i guess, you won’t broaden ur horizons but that means i can’t have fun either.”
He clenches his jaw when he reads your text. You were right, as much as it sucked to say. He can’t expect you to sit in the corner people-watching all night long. Part of the reason he loves you so much is because of your adventurous spirit, you’re willing to try anything once and you never have any fear. It embarrasses him and he’s stubborn. Instead of admitting his faults, he doubles down on yours. 
“so you throw your ass on itadori to have fun?”
“Wow…you’re impossible sometimes, Megu. It’s harmless dancing.”
“why not dance with nobara instead?”
“I did, all three of us danced together. It’s his birthday, everyone was trying to give him a good time.”
“rest assured, i’m sure he had a wonderful time with you all over him.”
“Are you being real right now? He’s my friend too. I thought you trusted me. I thought you know how much I love you. You’re the one who shuts down at these kinds of things.” 
“yeah well if you’re so miserable you can keep itadori.”
“Fine.” You pull your shoe off of his under the table. 
He sighs. He knows he’s being unreasonable. Your hands shake as you put your phone down to start eating after the server comes to the table, putting that fight on pause. You couldn’t believe he was that worked up. He hadn’t ever been the jealous type, and you definitely thought he would understand you teaming up with your other friends for an ultimate birthday party experience. Did he really want to break up over something like this, or was he just upset? You love him more than anything and it seems like two of you have been together forever. Did he really doubt you this badly?
You were praying for something else to think about, the only sound was the buzzing of the dingy light bulbs and the scrapes of silverware against ceramic plates. You nearly sigh in relief when someone drops some coins into the jukebox, playing ‘Swim’ by Chase Atlantic. 
Megumi notices the way you keep your eyes down on your plate, gently swaying subconsciously to the music. He regrets what he said. He regretted it the moment he pressed send, and he didn’t even have the fortune of blaming alcohol for his poor decisions. So he reaches out under the table again, gently tucking his shoe on the outside of yours. He watches you for a reaction, satisfied when your eyes meet his. He smiles shyly. You tighten your lips, showing your agitation. 
He pulls out his phone again. “i’m sorry..i just hated watching you move like that on someone else, you’re right, i’m lame and a coward and i promise i will do everything you ask me to next time we party…plz forgive.”
He thinks he’s really lost you when you pick up your phone to read the message and then put it back down. Really, you’re just thinking. You didn’t mean to make him feel lame or like you could ever be interested in someone else. At the end of the day, all you wanted was for him to try new things, and he said he would do that. Your hand slides to grab your phone again, to apologize back and accept his, but the song changes and catches your attention. 
“I don’t want a friend
I want my life in two
Waiting to get there
Waiting for you” 
You grin, the song a favorite of yours and Megumi’s. He was so romantic in private it was hard to believe, and you know that he loves you immensely. Normally this song pops up on your playlist during your intimate times and he always always always took the time to follow the lyrics. 
“When I’m around slow dancing in the dark
Don’t follow me you’ll end up in my arms
You done made up your mind
I don’t no more signs.”
You decide to slip your foot out of your heel completely, knowing you would have more accessibility this way. Megumi’s face turns pink as he recognizes the melody, his brain instantly going to the times spent in his dark bedroom, hugging your naked body close to his own while slowly swaying to the music. It was always goofy and sweet, both of your faces red from a heated makeout or bodies sweaty and gross from hours of being one. Yet he never hesitated to pull you out of bed to dance to this one, whispering the words in your ear. He yearned to do it now, but he didn’t even know if you were on speaking terms at the moment. He gasped when he felt your foot against his calf, covering up the noise with a non-subtle cough. He smirked at you a little, sliding down in the seat and spreading his legs a little more. He regretted not sitting next to you whenever you were falling over Itadori, but now maybe he didn’t mind so much. 
Though, it was getting harder to keep his composure as your foot slid higher, resting on the inside of his thigh. He could feel his cheeks grow warmer, and he kept side-eyeing Kugisaki and Yuji to make sure they were still distracted with their phone and food, respectively. He’s relieved that you’re not angry with him, and embarrassedly turned on by your flirty touches. He can feel the blood rush to his cock, and he knows he’s in trouble. The space is too tight, your friends are too close by—but he doesn’t mind. This is exactly the type of thing he needed to try. He just needed to get you out of here soon, or he’d end up trying a lot more in the Waffle House.
“Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with him I can’t compete
You looked at me like I was someone else
Can’t you see?”
You smirk back at him, knowing if you moved your foot just to the left you would feel his growth. You wondered if he could handle such a bold move in public, so close to his other friends. You wanted so badly to push him out of that tiny comfort zone of his, and if you sensed a meltdown you could always back off. So you did, sliding your foot over his bulge and back again, biting your lip to keep from laughing at the way his eyes grow wider and his cheeks burn darker. 
You were so in for it, he was already wondering how he was going to make up for his jealousy while also punishing your brazenness. 
“Here’s the check, y’all have a good night now.” Your server hums politely as she sets down the bill. Fushiguro’s hands are on it instantly, and he doesn’t even care that they’ve put all four of you on the same tab. He digs in his wallet for the cash to cover it and more for her tip, hastily getting to his feet and extending his hand to you. 
“Let’s get going guys, it’s late!” He said with a nervous chuckle, clearing his throat right after. Nobara and Itadori looked at him with arched brows. You hummed and got to your feet, slinging your purse on your shoulder. Then you did an impressive fake yawn and stretch combination. 
“I could go to bed, that food really sobered me up ‘n I don’t wanna puke.” You sigh, and the others laugh and clap you on the shoulder as you move toward the exit. Megumi’s thankful for his choice of baggy sweats, just barely concealing why he’s in such a hurry tonight. 
Nobara and Itadori take the backseat, leaving the front for the loving couple. They’re still giggly and very tipsy. You’re moderately concerned about Itadori coming down with alcohol poisoning with all the shots he consumed tonight. Nonetheless, it’s easy to reach across the console and rest your hand as close to his clothed erection as you could. He sighs and adjusts his hips under your hand, making you smirk when his new positioning puts your hand over him. 
He’s not a reckless driver, especially with such precious cargo as his girlfriend and closest friends. However, his stomach was so tight and started to burn with anticipation. He wished Nobara lived closer, thankful that Yuji would sleep off his drunkenness at her place and he wouldn’t have to make two stops. However the drive was too long for his liking. You looked beautiful all night, like you usually did, and you drove him crazy putting all of that on his best friend. Oh, and when he watched Itadori lean over to take his shot of vodka out of your belly button, his fist tightened and he considered punching the man on his birthday. Then you’re gonna start messing with him in the restaurant, god he doesn’t know what he’s going to do with you, but he cannot wait any longer. 
“Have a good night guys! Drink lots of water!” You call after the tipsy pair, helping each other up the steps and through the door of Kugisaki’s residence. You giggle to yourself, sighing happily as Megumi wordlessly puts the car back into drive and heads toward your shared apartment. 
“Y’know, I really am sorry about tonight…” You say softly, letting your head roll on the headrest so you could admire his side profile. He hadn’t really aged much, though his features had always been mature looking, sharp jaw, sharp cheekbones, and a perfectly angular nose. His eyelashes were long and dark; the green of his eyes absorbing all the shine from the headlights as he drove along. 
He turned his head to peek at you momentarily. Surely you could feel the fact he wasn’t upset anymore, though he had a certain…payback in mind for your behavior tonight. “It’s okay, you’re gonna make it up to me.” He said smugly, pulling the suv onto the shoulder of the busy highway. 
Your eyes widened, convinced he was bluffing. Your heartbeat quickened at the thought of such a risky act, in a good way. You would try anything once after all, but you knew your logical and responsible boyfriend would probably change his mind. You hear him put the car in park, you hear his seat belt unbuckle, and the sound of the radio dial going up. A guitar is being plucked quickly, and you recognize the song from your normal sex playlist. He wasn’t faltering yet. 
“I summoned you, please come to me
Don’t bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want
Come, lay me down”
You turn to look at him, your surprise still pretty evident. He chuckles at this, it was pretty rare to see you looking shocked, especially by something he did. He was determined to not let that be the last time tonight that he saw it. He still seems smug, maybe overcome with a certain need to prove himself worthy of you, to be daring and push himself past his limits. It’s something he’s always struggled with, but the adrenaline swirling through his body was rewarding, he must admit. He leaned over and unbuckled your seatbelt as well, resting his elbow on the console when he was finished. You watched him do this curiously, but he didn’t leave you wondering for too long. He grabbed your jaw and made you look up into his eyes, they were almost black with how big his pupils had grown and the intensity of them as they skirted over your face made you tremble. He smashed his lips on yours. 
“ ‘Cause you know this
“Cause you know this sound
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Just call my name, I’m yours to tame
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long, ‘til morning comes
I’m getting what is mine
You gon’ get yours”
You close your eyes, one hand reaching up to rest on his jaw and the other moving to his bicep as the kiss grew in ferocity. He tilts his head to the side to get more of your essence, deciding to sloppily shove his fat tongue in your mouth. He always tasted so good, like peppermint, you loved it, moaning as you sucked on the appendage lewdly. His eyes rollback a little, he loves watching you do that shit. He grunts, needing more of you and quickly, it was starting to hurt. All too quickly, he lets go of you. He sits back up in his seat, making you pout and whine at the loss of his touch. He chuckles at you, cute little lips glistening with a layer of his saliva. 
“Patience is a virtue, angel.” He hums, sliding the seat back as far as it will go before he’s leaning back over to pull you by your waist onto his lap, making you gasp at his length poking your middle once your thighs are straddling him. His hands slide possessively down to your hips, pulling you down on him, shamelessly grinding into you. Once you start returning the favor, he lets his long fingers slip under your shirt, peeling it off seamlessly. Then he’s grabbing the back of your neck to force another sloppy kiss. You smile against his mouth, your own hands tangled in his hair while your hips rocked steadily against his own. Maybe he wouldn’t grind with you in public, but you’d much rather have this private show all to yourself anyway. 
“These burning flames, these crashing waves
 Wash over me like a hurricane
I captivate, you’re hypnotized
Feel powerful, but it’s me again”
He’s indecisive with his hands, constantly moving them from cupping your cheeks to sliding down your curves and groping your chest. His neediness is clear, the pink on his cheeks and his half-lidded eyes tell you everything. You gasp for air, smiling down at him. He thinks you’re so gorgeous like this. No matter how you danced in front of others, only he got to see your swollen lips and the messy hair he gave you. Only he gets to see your hardened nipples under his fingers and the face you make when he pinches them. He grins as the song changes, leaning back to remove his own shirt for you after your constant tugging on it. 
“Climb on board
We’ll go slow and high tempo
Light and Dark 
Hold me hard and mellow
I’m seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, ‘body but me
“Body but us, bodies together”
“I love you Megu.” You coo, sneakily dodging his lips in favor of placing yours all over his jawline, humming sweetly as you start down his neck. You know every sweet spot, where to bite and nibble and where to suck and place gentle kisses. He whimpers every time, and it’s a sound so sweet you can feel your panties dampen uncomfortably against your pussy, grinding against your own wetness with every collision of hips. He squeezes hard at your ass, kneading the fat in his hands like a stress toy. 
“Love you too baby girl..wanna get in the back?” He asks hopefully, extending his right arm to fold your passenger seat over so you each could easily slip into the spacious back, where the seats had already been conveniently folded down thanks to the useful button on the dash. 
You nod eagerly, sliding off of him and crawling on the back of his seats, towards the trunk to give him the most room. You slide out of your jeans and underwear for your own sake, the mess of yourself too much to bear. You watch him as he gets an idea, his normally neutral expression gleaming with mischief as he looks at you so prettily sitting on your knees. 
“I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
So we’ll piss off the neighbors
In the place that feels the tears
The place to lose your fears
Yeah, reckless behavior 
A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw
In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day
Fuckin in and fighting on 
It’s our paradise and it’s our warzone” 
He slides back to join you, sitting on the very edge of the seats and hastily taking off his sweatpants. He then lies flat on his back, scooting back and positioning himself right beneath your weeping pussy. You gasp at his move, giggling shortly after. He was full of surprises after all. You could hear other cars pass at high speeds, making your blood rush at the thrill of it all. His windows were tinted and it was 3AM, so there wasn’t much to worry about. His big hands grab what they can of your thighs, plunging your core on his waiting mouth. 
You moan out immediately at the sensation. He knows all of your spots too, licking up your arousal like it was the only thing keeping him alive before he sucked harshly on your clit. Your stomach lurches immediately, and you have to brace yourself on his chest, high pitched whimpers pairing with the next song on the playlist beautifully. 
“Sex ain’t the only thing that’s on my mind
But you get me so excited
Irreplaceable, tattoos from your neck that drop down to your ankle
Drop top in the Range, shawty you wanna feel good
I wanna feel good too
Don’t I make you feel good?
You get me so excited
Shawty wanna roll with a rockstar”
He loves the taste of you, his favorite flavor in the world. You’re always so sweet, he thinks, like honey or candy of some kind. He didn’t consume any alcohol tonight so he allows himself to get drunk on you instead, teeth slightly nibbling on your sensitive bud before he resumes his lewd slurps of your center, plunging his tongue inside your tight hole. He groans in a mix of pleasure and surprise when he feels your hand wrap around his length. You couldn’t just keep staring at it, his painfully hard dick with an angry red tip weeping pre from the slit. His balls were so tight, too. You knew he needed some kind of relief, he just wasn’t really the type to ask. So you lean over him slightly, still whining intermittently at the sensation of your boyfriend eating you out like this, so ravenous in nature. You grab his pretty length in your small hand, just enjoying the weight of him. He was perfectly trimmed for your convenience and his cock was the best you’ve ever seen. Cute veins running all over his shaft, a mix of purple and blue that add extra sensation to him inside you. All this led to his fat and needy tip. You slap it on your tongue a few times, giggling at the pauses in his movements as you did so. 
“Baby let’s go we can go far
Yeah, watch the stars
And go far
Shawty your body is so exciting 
I love when you get on top and you ride it
Only in your ocean, you call me Poseidon
In control of your water, you loving my trident.”
You take all of him down your throat, loving the way he speeds up in competition with you, wanting to make you feel even better. You hum, the vibrations giving him goosebumps. You wiggle your head a little to try and push his length a little further, but you gag and you can feel the tears prickle your eyes. You come back up for air for a second, sniffling and repeating your actions, slamming him to the back of your throat and bobbing along what you can swallow up. Your hand aids you in the rest, and you can feel your hips getting sloppier in their movements, the coil in your stomach burning and cracking. He’s truly relentless, fucking into your mouth without care. He continues his assault on your pussy, flicking his tongue in just the right way to make you snap. Your cry is muffled on his dick, but the way your hips stutter and your weight falls around him, he knows you’ve come. 
He knows he’ll do the same if he lets you do this much longer, making those cute noises and taking him so well. So he gently pushes your hips up so that you let him change the position.You’re compliant as always, your body is hard to resist even as he moves you gently out of his way. He smirks up at you again, petting your wild hair down as he gets back up to sitting on his own knees. He opens the door. 
“Get out and bend over the seat for me.” He says, eyes glowing with that mischievousness you noticed earlier. He really was being bold. 
You were still panting from the violent orgasm, looking up at him in disbelief. There’s that face he was hoping to see again. 
“What? I’m trying to broaden my horizons. It’s dark and there’s hardly anyone on the roads right now, beloved.” He coaxes you convincingly, extending his hand to help you step onto the street and everything. Plus, he knows the open door will serve as extra coverage. He just couldn’t let you walk around thinking he was lame or dull. He just could not get all the way back to your place after you’ve been taunting him all night long, no. No. You were going to get exactly what you wanted. 
So you take his hand and step onto the grass, nothing but the treeline behind you. You could still hear the occasional car cruise by the drivers side, but you knew they couldn’t see. He gives you another needy kiss when your face passes by his own, surprisingly excited by the prospect of fucking his girlfriend on the side of the highway. He smiles against your lips this time, his hand sliding down your back and the other on your hip. He gently turns you around with this grip, hand sliding all the way back up your spine, leaning palm laying flat in between your shoulder blades. He could never quite pick a favorite position with you, you always felt and looked amazing no matter which way he had you, but he nearly shudders at the way your hot skin feels beneath his fingers. You arch your back so perfectly for him and the moon shines on your ass like a spotlight. He can’t help but palm it and gently slap, making you squeal and giggle from inside the car. 
“Work it out, up and down 
Sweat it out, make up sex
Twerk it out, up and down
Sweat it out, make up sex
I’m tired, you’re wired
Why fight? 
It’s just the same thing
Tonight is my final love battle
Cause girl I’m hungover
Let’s just start over 
Gotta be more to love than this
We should be naughty, connect our bodies
You know I’m on it, I’m on my knee”
The cool night air slightly relieves Megumi’s searing skin, but he knows the only thing that can help is you. He pulls you to him, positioning you exactly where he needs you. You spread your legs wider to be compliant, and he rewards you with his length prodding against your gummy spot in one plunging move. You cry out and start struggling to hold yourself up already, nothing to grab onto other than the seats of his suv. 
God he wishes you knew what that did to him. Other than the noticeable twitch of his dick, he can only growl his satisfaction. “Look at you, taking it all at once, angel.” He remarks, and you can hear the smirk in his deep voice. 
If this were any other time, you would throw something snarky back, but he is in complete control of you. You couldn’t speak if you tried, the assault on your womb beginning right after his taunt. He’s not gentle or sweet tonight, but you don’t mind at all. His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you down his shaft just as hard as he was shoving in. You can’t quiet yourself, screaming shamelessly and writhing in his hold. He can feel you clench down on him, and he knows you're close to cumming for him again. 
“That’s my girl, go ahead and give me another one. Show me how much you love me.” He commands, voice low and breathy. It was hard to stay strong with you bouncing on his cock like this, sucking him into choking walls and screaming his name like it was the only word you know. 
You let out a strangled moan, following his orders to a tee. Your knees buckled and he had to support you with the hold he had on your hips, but he felt the rush of warmth and heard the increased lubrication start to squeak and squelch between you. He shuddered, you absolutely were the death of him, your whines of sensitivity making him lightheaded. His balls ached once more before he emptied them into you, moaning brokenly at the way you felt with all of his seed coating your walls. You squeezed down on him again, humming in satisfaction. You were nearly delirious, feeling an entirely different kind of drunk. You lay against the fabric of the seat, shivering when he withdraws from you. He tugs his sweatpants on, using his underwear in an attempt to wipe you up as his load seeps down your legs. He’s satiated by the sight. He crouches down to clean you, giving you his praises as he does so. 
“Did perfect, lover. I hope you had a good time.” He says, getting back to his feet and helping you back into your clothes. You nod sleepily. It was nearing 4AM at this point and what energy you had left was consumed by this romp. 
He kisses your forehead and smiles, opening your passenger side door and closing it once you are comfortably inside. His hand is on your thigh for the drive home, the touch light and loving in contrast to his earlier possessive dominance.
He hopes he got his message across. You are all his, as always, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove that every single time. 
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
A Teddy Bear From The Fair | Stray Kids Extra Member
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A soft peach gives Jeongin a cozy feeling.
WARNINGS: Predebut!Chan, Predebut!Nicholas, Predebut!Jeongin, Told from Jeongin's POV. There might be a strange vibe going on... I don't know any other warnings.
@cafekitsune made the dividers | Nicholas Ross Master List
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Chan had taken Jeongin to different places to calm him down before bringing him to meet Nicholas. They went what felt like everywhere before going to the store.
“Before we go back, we need to get something,” Chan said, speed-walking to the fruit aisle. He walked past all of them before stopping at a cart with a big sign on it.
“Peaches?” Jeongin asked.
“They're Nick’s favorite snack,” Chan explained, picking through them for the perfect ones. Not too hard, but not mushy soft.
“Nick? The member I’m meeting today?” Jeongin asked, helping Chan find more of the sweet fruit.
“Yeah, that’s him,” Chan answered. He smiled when they had twelve peaches. If he hid them properly, they might be able to last 4-5 days.
Looking at his quiet friend, Chan frowned at Jeongin’s wide eyes. Knowing why he was nervous, Chan quickly reassured Jeongin, “Don’t worry. He looks scary because he’s tall, but he’s soft.”
“He reminds you of a teddy bear,” Chan chuckled as he guided the younger male to check out.
“Just look at his face. He won’t scare you.”
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“He looks like he’s going to kill me,” Jeongin muttered, hiding behind Chan. Nicholas sat on the floor, staring at Jeongin with unblinking eyes.
“I promise he’s not that scary,” Chan whispered as he pulled Jeongin closer to the taller boy.
They stopped right in front of him. Chan was right. Nicholas wasn’t scary up close.
He was looking up at them with wide sparkly eyes. His caramel skin looked soft with pillow-plump lips. His button nose looked so kissable, and his kinky hair was everywhere.
Jeongin remembers Chan saying something about Nicholas having thick curls and a lot of hair. He wasn’t lying.
“Hi, hyung.”
His voice.
Smooth and a little deep. A voice you couldn’t get tired of. One you want to listen to forever. A voice that could put you to sleep and keep you energized at the same time.
God, his voice.
“Hey, Peanut!” Chan smiled as he sat beside Nicholas, and the younger boy giggled.
Holy- He really did remind you of a teddy bear. A big teddy bear someone won for you at a Fair or something. Knowing that this person went through the trouble of playing a game again until they could win a prize for you.
That cozy feeling you get when you look at the teddy bear a week later and again a year later.
That’s his giggle. Soft and cozy.
He blinked. Once, twice, then thrice.
“Sorry, hyung. I was lost in thought,” Jeongin giggled, his ears flushed bright red. He sat in front of the smiling pair.
“How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” Nicholas asked, his voice trailing off at the end.
“I’m 15,” Jeongin answered, pulling the bag of peaches out of his backpack.
“Peaches?” Nicholas breathed. Next to him, Chan laughed loudly.
“They are for you.” The youngest boy handed the bag to Nicholas. Unfortunately, it was snatched before he could get his hands on it.
“We both know you won’t wash them properly,” Chan said over Nicholas’ grumbles. He handed a lunch bag to Nicholas, who took it with another grumble.
“Yum,” Nicholas hummed as he pulled a washed peach out the bag. He admired the fruit before taking a huge bite. Chan laughed as he took a paper towel to wipe the juice spilling out the corner of Nicholas’ mouth.
He ate like someone would take it from him. Maybe he grew up with siblings, too? Anyone with siblings knows you must eat fast, or it might get snatched off your fork and off the plate.
Right after Nicholas finished the peach, another freshly washed one was placed in his hands. After taking a bite, Nicholas stared at Jeongin and asked, "What's my nickname?"
"Nickname?" Jeongin asked. Chan hadn't told him any nicknames. He heard him call Nicholas Peanut, but that sounded weird. Jeongin glanced at Chan, who stared back at him expectantly.
"That's a common nickname," Nicholas explained before taking another bite. Next to him, Chan laughed as he pointed at the amount of juice dripping down Nick's chin. 
"What do you want to call me?" The tallest boy asked, wiping his face.
"I don't know. Peach?" Jeongin asked, looking between the other two boys. They shared a look before smiling at Jeongin.
"A nickname after your obsession," Chan laughed. His face was red from laughing too hard. "Perfect!"
"I'll have to find something for you," Nicholas said, tossing the peach seed in a nearby trash can. He wiped his face before tensing. He glanced at Jeongin before looking down as he whispered, "If that's alright with you."
"I want a nickname," Jeongin smiled, scooting towards Nicholas.
"Then I'll think of one," Nicholas chuckled.
There's that cozy feeling again.
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tag list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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thedeviltohisangel · 1 month
omg maybe some soft angst bcs evelyn overworks herself and callum is so worried
For A Fortnight There We Were:
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tw: mentions of drug use/addiction
"Hi everyone, I'm Evelyn Shaw, and I'm so happy to finally be introducing you to the new Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil." She held the tube to her lips and pressed a cheeky kiss to the side. "It's infused with cherry oil which nourishes my lips after long days on set and even longer nights on the romantic streets of Paris."
"Cut! Let's reset and run again." Evelyn yawned as the camera turned off then looked up as her makeup artist approached with an eye pencil.
"Do I look as shitty as I feel?" Now in London, she had been in Paris this morning, finishing fittings for fashion week, The Hague three days ago for an engagement on behalf of the United Nations Women's Conference and she was due back on set for House of the Dragon by the end of the week.
"No. You look glossy and juicy," Nicole teased.
"Let me get some spray on the fly aways." Ev closed her eyes as her hair stylist spritzed a toothbrush and brushed it over her hair.
"Have we heard anything from Callum yet?" She was headed straight to a meet and greet at the Dior store in Mayfair after this before she had just enough time to change for the launch dinner she was hosting as the newly minted Global Ambassador for Dior Beauty.
"Mark was on the phone finalizing your filming schedule for next week so it didn't conflict with your brother's graduation so I'll flag him when he gets back," Nicole offered.
She hadn't seen Callum in almost a week. There were unanswered texts and calls and a red circle on her FaceTime app.
Evelyn felt awful about it but her first trip for work since the pandemic was proving to have more of a strain on her relationship than she thought it would. She was used to using work to distract herself from her ex-husband and saying yes to everything so she didn't have to be at home. Now, with Callum, that was all she wanted to do. And she knew it was perfectly in her control to change it but she couldn't find the right way to convince her brain this man was different.
"Alright, Evelyn, let's do more sultry than cute this time." She shook the fog from her mind and stared down the camera.
"Hi everyone, I'm Evelyn Shaw, and I'm going to let you on my secret for endlessly kissable lips..."
She kept her sunglasses on as she stepped out of the car and let the screams and camera clicks wash over her. She blew kisses and waved as her security ushered her into the store and the door closed behind her with a sigh. Evelyn made an extra effort to shake the hand of all the staff that were in the store and hugged the handful of Dior executives that she had gotten to know during the process of launching the lip oil.
"Ev, let's get some candids of you looking at the new collection over here." Bleary eyed, she slowly rifled through the racks as her stylist took a few photos.
"Hey, Mark?" she called for her assistant as everyone made final preparations before opening the doors. "Do we have any..." she brushed her finger over the tip of her nose, asking for a hit.
"I do, but you were going to stop now that you got out of that relationship, right?"
"Yeah but I'm about to fall over and just need to get through tonight and I'll be fine." They had done this song and dance with her and cocaine before. The habit stopped and started in fits. "A pinky nail. That's all I'm asking for."
"Not here, Ev. Go to the dressing room and I'll bring it back." She kissed his cheek and headed to the back, reapplying her lipstick and fluffing her hair before pacing around the room for a few laps. Finally, there was a knock at the door.
"Fucking finally, Mark, I'm-" She opened the door and it wasn't Mark. "Cal."
"It's been a minute, Ev. You pick up on old habits while you were gone?" He wasn't sure if she had read his message or listened to his voicemails since she'd left. They had gotten increasingly desperate so he hoped she hadn't. But if she was using again, it was no wonder she wasn't responsive.
"No." Her lip quivered. "I'm just exhausted, Callum." Hiding away with him wasn't an option anymore. The safety of his bed wasn't an option anymore.
"There's other ways for us to fix that. Ways that don't involve you pushing me away and letting those vultures back into your life." She fell into a chair and dropped her head into her hands.
"Everyone wants a piece of me and I don't have enough to go around." There were legal battles over dividing assets. Magazines and podcasts that spent their time speculating on the true reason behind her failed marriage and spending hours and pages devoted to convincing someone, anyone, that Callum was a controlling manipulator who had tricked her into cheating with him for status. Photographers who lined every street she walked and yelled obscenities and tried to snag a shard of her broken soul. "You're my drug, Callum. You make the voices stop when I'm with you. But I can't always be with you."
"But that's why we learn how we communicate best. We call or we text or send each other dumb photos to make it feel like we are always with each other." He sat down on the floor in front of her and put her hands on his cheeks. "I'm right here, Ev. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm not him."
"I'm sorry I didn't call. I wanted to. I just didn't know what to say." For all the benefits quarantining together had offered for their relationship, it had also introduced certain complexities. Introduced reliance and dependencies and they hadn't learned how to be apart. Let alone how to be successful at it. "I'm still getting used to things being normal. To having you as part of my normal."
"I'm sorry I didn't come find you sooner."
"Promise you'll always find me? Even when I'm just lost in my own head?" He kissed her forehead.
"Especially then, Evvie."
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obeymevibes · 10 months
― simple seduction
pairing: mammon/mc
genre: kinda smutty 🌶
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"The Great Mammon is here to cure your boredom!" Mammon's pleased voice was shortly followed by a proud laugh, disrupting the peace of the relaxing music you had played in the background.
You exhaled heavily through your nose as if taking a deep breath. Scanning through your unfinished papers, you laid your pen down on the desk for a rest. The demon should've been busy, having his head down in the books instead of doing any noisy and obvious gesture to grab your attention.
Turning your head to look at him, you smiled and listened to him blabber about his silly gambling addiction. Well, it fitted his sin entirely but you couldn't see the special aspects of it.
"Hey, Great Mammon, shouldn't you be studying?" you asked, squinting your eyes and pursing your lips in a funny way in which he scoffed in return.
"Pfft, it's all common sense anyways. You're the one who needs the extra learning!"
You looked around sarcastically before standing up and leaning against your desk, staring up at him. "Is your common sense in the room with us right now?"
Your first man scrunched his eyebrows together, mouth slightly agape. You knew he'd reply with something sassy, so why not catch him off guard?
Gazing at his face, you noticed a bit of cream on the corner of his lips. Probably from the pastries Luke left earlier.
"Did you eat without me?" you asked with a silky twinge to your voice as you reached your hand towards him. You gently glided your thumb across the side of his bottom lip where the cream resided. His eyes bored into your face, studying your soft facial expression. His cheeks quickly flared up, wearing a nice shade of red. Patiently, you awaited for a response but none arrived. You tilted your head in a cute way but there was some cheekiness to it as well.
You observed him, switching between focusing on his lips and his eyes. He mirrored your actions and it seemed like his body advanced closer to yours. The music still played yet it was overtaken by the sound of your heart hammering against your chest. The usual coolness of your bedroom didn't matter anymore, your body was radiating heat and perhaps taking in Mammon's as well.
The energy changed, the tension continued to rise. You tried to resist the urge to lick your lips but failed and that just enticed him more. Seeing your tongue coat your lips made them appear more kissable. Your eyelids felt heavy as you were anticipating more physical contact and if he wasn't going to do it then you happily would.
You were thinking to yourself that he wasn't the worst when it came to reading body language because within seconds, you were trapped in between the desk and his broad figure. He placed his hands on the desk on either side of you before shyly leaning in towards you. Mammon glanced at your eyes again as if asking for permission. He tenderly brushed the tip of his nose against yours, before claiming your lips with his and you found yourself holding your breath.
An excited jolt jumped in your body and spread all throughout. You moved your lips against his in a highly desirable way. He reciprocated, lifting you up by your thighs to sit you down on your desk, when your hand pulled him closer by the back of his neck and the other squeezed onto the fabric of his t shirt from the back. You couldn't get enough and he showed his own craving and longing through his desperate actions.
Your legs clutched around his hips, begging for more friction. You were fully consumed by lust and both you and Mammon refused to let each other go. His sloppy movements to touch you more caused a couple of things to be pushed off your desk and lay helplessly on the floor.
Your fingers sneaked underneath his t shirt, and you caressed his bare back, enjoying the feeling of his tensed muscles. Your boldness prompted the demon to tangle his fingers in your hair, tugging on it to pull your head back. He was satisfied to have more access to your neck, eagerly leaving open-mouthed kisses down your jawline and the sweet spots on your neck. You couldn't resist the quiet moan surpassing your lips and you closed your eyes, aching for more.
"Mammon..." his name escaped you so softly, that he could barely hear it as he himself was blinded by lust.
He felt his dick twitch as he listened to your sounds of pleasure when he hadn't done much yet. He couldn't believe the intense connection the two of you had and the sexual part of it didn't disappoint. He was certain that he never experienced anything this explosive. All it took was a sign of approval from you, for him to be painfully hard. He swore someone slipped an Aphrodisiac in his food.
The avatar of greed urgently needed to make you cum. So many thoughts were running through his mind.
His hands rubbed your inner thighs before setting them on your hips to pull you closer and press his bulge against your crotch. He pecked your lips before staring at your flushed complexion.
"Are ya sure ya want this?"
Your shirt was disheveled and your hair copied the look. You were catching your breath so all you could do is nod slowly, missing the feeling of his closeness.
He obeyed, doing just as you wished.
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
rating jason's helmet from red hood/arsenal (2015) as inspired by @homosnapeiens' ranking of batfam outfiits
only rating the helmets with lips bc they're an affront to humanity and i refuse to suffer alone tonight LMAO
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ah a flashback/photo with the OG outlaws
mostly smooth helmet, few angles and hard lines -> good
why? it reminds me of his pill helmet from the morrison run LOOOL
that said the smile is uncanny and terrifying
and the fact that it has teeth????
idc if the white on the lips is just lighting, it makes the helmet look like it has teeth and chaksmdndndjsaksjd
nooooooo why
i will have nightmares about a red hood helmet with teeth
but alas it is one of the only times we see a smiling helmet, and a happy jason, and thus bumps up its rating
5/10 but it's cursed i tell ya
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too angular, very harsh lines 👎
this mask's jawline could probably slice a man in half
eyebrow line so strong if red hood headbutted someone there'd probably be an imprint of his eyebrows on their face LOLLL
why does it have a circular knob for his ear???
why does the helmet extend down his neck???
it just looks so uncomfortable and weird
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his nose is so defined here
how tf does he breathe in this???!?!?
pouty pouty mouth is frowning >:(
frowning so hard his lower lip is sticking out like he's A Model >:(
cheeks sucked in to emphasize his cheekbones like he's A Model (•̀へ•́)
is the helmet skintight?? does that mean whenever he has to wear this he's always frowning??
i like the shine on his noggin tho
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lemme get this right:
is that a domino mask on top of a helmet??
is he still wearing another mask underneath this???
bc if so that is three layers of eye protection
and ya i get that maybe it's just the design, and it's probably not an actual mask fitted over the helmet, and is probs just extra material to emulate a mask
but how is his face not just heavy from having to lift all of that???
also once again with the hard lines and angles and exaggerated face features
and this one extends down the neck again??? it even covers his adam's apple 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
overall it's a no from me
it kinda reminds me of deadpool's mask tho
maybe that's what he was going for??
2lbs of gear on his face/10
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what is presumably just another angle of the previous helmet, but this one doesn't go down the neck
or maybe his suit is covering where his helmet extends???
from this angle it also seems there are circular knobs where his ears are supposed to be again
roy's face says it all tbh
deadpool's mask looks better/10
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these two are from the same issue!! just a few panels apart!! so i'm doing them together!!
why didn't i do that for the deadpool helmet? bc now i'm running outta steam and getting lazy!!
anyway this is unremarkable
his cheeks are sucked in and for what?? to show off his cheekbones??
smooth surface like the first helmet i reviewed, which is a plus 👍
but lacks the smile and happy expression of being with his polycule besties, which is a negative 👎
he's got heart lips tho, which is strange, but i guess that means this helmet is kissable LMAO
chu/10 2/10
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last one thank fuck
more of the same from the last helmet, but with sharper lines and angles
it looks like this helmet was made with a vacuum sealer tbh
mainly i wanted to include this for the bonus reactions that come w this image
if afro curls' pupils were drawn slightly pointing upwards, that'd be my exact reaction to this helmet
BONUS: roy!!
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god i thought i was done ;-;
a bonus no-lips helmet with roy bc i hate everything drawn in this panel
the helmet is a solid 2/10
too many weird lines, that round knob at the ears again, overall design is meh but at least doesn't have lips
but roy's face
baby what the fuck happened there??? (respectively)
i'm a "roy harper is an attractive man" truther but my god does shit like this make it difficult to be one
wtf is that smile??
why are your eyes opened so wide??
why does your mask look like it could give you a paper cut???
red domino mask + green hat = christmas decor headass combo
i LOVE their banter here tho
your honour they are idiots to lovers confirmed 😌😌😌
paolo pantalena why??????/10
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chvnssecret · 2 years
Kinkember Day 8
↳ requested by: anon
↳ includes scenes of friends with benefits, car sex, riding, hickeys, mentions of cum. if you are under the age of 18, i suggest you click off now.
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“Okay, so what do you actually need?” Seungmin spoke from beside you, shoving you playfully and almost knocking you into a shelf. “Hey, don’t make me throw this Soju over your head, Min.” You joked, lifting the bottle and making him flinch. It was ten at night, the shop was pretty much empty and all you could hear was the mellow radio mixed with yours and Seungmin’s giggles. “I need to get deodorant and snacks, almost that time of the month.” You pursed your lips together as he made a fake disgusted face.
“Oh look. Here’s something for you,” you giggled, a little too loudly, and handed him some extra small condoms. “I’ll have you know that I’m extra large, not small.” He handed them back to you with a wink. To say he left you flustered was an understatement. It felt almost illegal to think of your best friend this way, yet you couldn’t quite shake it from your mind.
“Is that everything, ma’am?” The girl at the till snapped you out of your thoughts. Your cheeks were flushed red, and you could’ve sworn you saw Seungmin smirking out the corner of your eye. “Yes, thank you. Keep the change.” You scrambled to grab your belongings and rushed out of the shop.
“What was that all about?” He couldn’t contain himself from the moment you both left the store. “What?” You feigned innocence. “What? You looked as though you had seen a ghost, y/n.” He laughed out loud and unlocked his car. You waddled around to the passenger side, throwing your stuff in the backseat. All the while this was happening, you couldn’t shake the thought of your best friend’s cock from your mind.
“Don’t talk to me about your penis,” you crossed your arms, looked out the window and placed a pout on your face. “Why? You getting shy?” He poked your side and made you flinch. “Oh wow, your cheeks are red! Didn’t realise I had that affect on you…” His tone lowered, shifting to face you in his seat. You refused to look at him, it felt so wrong yet you wanted to see it for yourself. “I guess you kind of do,” you bit the bullet, turning your head to look at him. Suddenly, his features became more beautiful, his nose was sharp and his lips were red and plump…so kissable.
Then, there you were, both leaning in for a shared kiss. It felt right. Sparks, immediately.
Your lips melded together perfectly as he tried to match your rhythm. It’s like you had both been so desperate for this to happen— but neither of you wanted to take the stand.
“Sit,” he patted his lap, shortly going back to kissing you hungrily as you straddled him. He lifted your shirt over your head with ease, only breaking away from the kiss for a mere second before latching back onto you. His hands groped your tits over your bra, massaging them and rubbing his thumb over your erect nipples. “Fuck, Seungmin.” You breathed out, fidgeting on his lap in desperation.
In a way, you were glad it was night time, the only lights were from the convenient store and the street lamp nine feet away. They illuminated his dark features, and he had never looked so handsome before.
“God, I want you so fucking bad.” He spoke, unclipping your bra and flinging it onto the back seat. Insecurity washed over you as you realised that now, you were the only one naked. “Take your shirt off, want to see all of you.” You demanded, ripping it over his head and tossing it onto the passenger seat. You had never experienced such racy tension before.
“Lift,” he patted your ass so he could take his jeans off. His cock was seeping with precum at the tip and created a tiny pool in his boxers. “Wow, you really weren’t lying.” You were catching flies whilst looking at the outline of his dick in his navy blue boxers. “Just you wait,” he smirked before pulling you in by your nape, kissing you again.
Neither of you broke away from the kiss as he slid his boxers down his legs, allowing his naked cock to sit on your inner thigh. You lifted your hips and pulled his cock up, sitting on the tip a little bit before sliding all the way down. It burned at first from the lack of foreplay, but you were wet enough to go six rounds with him. “Oh my fucking god.” He hissed, gripping your ass cheeks as you slid all the way to the bottom of his shaft. Your warm pussy wrapped around him tightly whilst you gave yourself a moment to regroup. The car was hot and sticky and smelt of sex, but it was everything perfect.
“You feel so good already,” he rested his head on the back of his car seat, allowing you to bend down and suck on the skin on his neck. Pretty little purple marks formed all over as you raised your hips up and down slowly.
You allowed yourself to feel all of him with each bounce. Every time his tip hit your pleasure spot, you cried out in pleasurable agony. It hurt so good.
“Fuck, y/n. You drive me crazy,” he knitted his eyebrows together and you couldn’t help but notice the way his chest heaved up and down.
You were doing this to him, and it felt good.
“Your cock feels so good inside of me, Min.” You whined, trying to ignore the burning in your thighs from bouncing. You leaned forward onto his chest for support, allowing your ass and legs to do all the work whilst you supported your upper body.
You were coming close to cumming, but you didn’t want this to end.
“Hold out a little more for me okay, baby?” The nickname gave you butterflies and it sounded so pretty coming from his mouth. “I’ll try,” you mewled and slowed down a little.
Your grip on the headrest tightened with each rise of your hips. Unfortunately, it was starting to get sore and you were starting to feel extremely overstimulated.
“Let’s cum together,” you announced and he nodded.
For the last few bounces, you sped up the pace and let his cock do all the work.
The feeling of your stomach tightening and his cock throbbing inside of you was too much. “That’s it, squirt all over my dick.” He panted, rubbing your ass soothingly as you stopped bouncing. His arms wrapped around you when you leaned forward to rest your head on his shoulder.
“Shall we stay here for a while?”
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r0-boat · 2 years
Photo Shoot
Based off of a certain ask
The first part is just shenanigans you will get your horny later
Cw: breeding mentioned once, implied male lactation
Exhausted your feet dragged your way on the dirt road seeing the farmhouse in the distance you trucked on one day you swear you're going to Hound Holt to get you a bike or something anything to get to the town wasier than just walking back and forth.
You are sick and tired of going all the way to the town just to get your boss a soda for God forbid a 1 lb bag of hell for you to carry back up there. sighing in relief finally reaching the front door only to stop.
Feeling greedy Intent coming from the house.
Uh no...
You open the door to see your Boss with a creepy smile on his face.
" oh you're back I was just thinking about you,"
Oh God... you didn't answer you just took off your shoes and put the bags on the table.
" so lovely farm hand I love so dearly remember that deal with the ad company I made a while back."
"Yeah what of it"
"They accepted our offer to make a photo shoot ad!"
Your discontent immediately disappears Your eyes liting up already seeing the money come in and hopefully a bigger paycheck.
" that's great Boss!"
The man nodded his smile only getting wider honestly looking more and more wolfish.
" all we need now is a model!"
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks...
"$300 extra on your paycheck"
Head in your hands you silently Scream the dreaded outfit that Holt picked out for you on the bed. As dignity drains from your body you lower your head in defeat and put on the strawberry cow outfit.
The hybrids watch from afar as the humans set up the stage. Leon is familiar with this setup. He was a show bull, after all. It seems like one of the Bulls on the Farm will be going through its first photo shoot.
Their ears perk when they hear your name.
You stepped out from the back safe horns on top of your head with flowers white and pink splotches with red lace you look like a strawberry the outfit hugged every part of your body. With a little tail dangling from your bum.
Volo had a...worrying look on his face.
Leon was speechless.
Adaman and was turning red.
Emmet was... surprisingly staying calm, his eyes devoid of something...
While ingo was breaking down.
Your eyes just so happen to wander to the Bulls, your face flushing red and pure embarrassment. You look away. The camera girl had you lying on the hay bales. Your gaze met Holt, who was standing on the photographer's left. All he gave you was a cheeky smile and a thumbs up, fucking asshole...
Leon snapped out of his... thoughts, realizing that they were only five out of six bulls... "Where's Milo?"
The question was immediately answered. Emmet's eyes filled with pure Rage as they saw another human bring Milo onto the set. His legs shaking like a newborn deer, his face red, not taking his eyes off you.
Emmet, fat bull cock deep inside of you. Growling and mooing trying to keep the other Bulls away from you as he mates with you. He tries to bully himself as deeply as possible. Making you milk his cock dry, possibly milking him in other ways. He wants nothing more than to empty all of himself inside of you. You'll be a good mate and sing for him.
His brain is swarmed with thoughts. You look like the Perfect Mate if you weren't already. So dolled up just for him. Your lips were kissable, your skin soft and grabbable, and your scent sweet and fruity like strawberries and cream; it made his mouth water.
Despite being the orchestrator of your destruction, you're glad that Holt was here. Being served to them on a silver platter like this you could only imagine what would happen if the bulls had no supervision.
Just to be in Volo's arms next his hand around the neck whispering degrading things about humans and you, as he treats nothing more than a cock sleeve. Trying to wash out Emmet's seed with his. Volo is an ancient breed and he breeds you like one. His Pace wild and uncontrolled while he babbles about humans being nothing but toys for a hybrid's pleasure.
Ingo won't let you up for hours, devour you, your taste making his dick throb. You beg and plead to have your hole milk him. But he doesn't listen. Mind and body devoured by animalistic hunger. Truly addicted at this point, he's not going to be able to be milked without tasting you first. Yes, having you tight and full around him is nice and all, but he just can't bear to bring his mouth from you, so his hand will have to do. Muffling his cries and moos with your sex as his seed spills all over the ground and his hand.
Adaman and would treat you gently, but even that would be an understatement. His hips vigorously bucking against you, his tight, heavy balls slapping against your ass, entirely focused on keeping his speed. His powerful thrusts make you sob and squirm. Which only makes him pound harder. The sight of his mate begging for him, begging for more going straight to his loins.
Leon will show you that he is a good mate, strong and filled with stamina. He was not a Showbull for nothing. He still got it. He'll support you folded in half against his chest, bucking up into you. Nuzzling into your neck, taking in your scent. Whimpering, your nails digging into his arms, marking him as yours. He's not like the other Bulls. He can control himself. He'll go slow for you. Make sure you adjust to all of him before he moves.
Oh, Milo, poor Milo, too shy to enact his true feelings on you. As he stands on the stage while his brain is screaming, "mate, Mate Them. Mate is lusting after mate! must protect!" He sits next to you on the hay bale. The fake horns and ears you are so plush and soft as you lay your head on his lap. He wants to reach his hand down and touch you. He can't stop starting. Milo needs to be yours!
But Holt is watching, no doubt ready to subdue him with his bare hands if he or any of the Bulls steps out of line and lays a hand on you while the photo shoot is making him money... maybe he should call you over later... j-just for a chat... he hopes no other bull has the same idea after this photo shoot, but that is very unlikely. Especially judging by how their eyes lit up when the camerawoman said she'll be back in an hour after lunch.
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keerysquinn · 6 months
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ship: Chrissy Cunningham/Nancy Wheeler wc: 0.9k A/N: this one was suggested by @heroeddiemunson <3 consider this ball of fluff a gift for putting up with all of the angst I forced you to read in the last year lol
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When Nancy first started dating her, she realized that there was more than meets the eye when it came to Chrissy Cunningham. She may have been one of the most popular girls in school, but there was so much about her that she kept safeguarded from the people who saw her everyday.
She loved heavy metal music and would headbang in the car if she wasn't the one driving. She was so quiet in groups, but when it was just the two of them, she had the quickest wit and the best sense of humor. She was deceptively strong from years at the bottom of the pyramid and catching fliers, and she was a fierce competitor in all forms of play fighting which made her easily able to pin her girlfriend and tickle her silly. She had to change the channel whenever there was a sad or hurt animal on the TV because she cried if she thought about animals in pain. She read everything she could get her hands on and hide from her mother, so she could talk about horror and fantasy and historical fiction for hours, and she had a book recommendation for every mood. She was the most fascinating girl that Nancy had ever met.
But the biggest thing that Nancy learned - and perhaps the least surprising thing of all - was that Chrissy loved glitter. She always signed her name in a different colored glitter gel pen because she thought those ones were the prettiest. She had a secret collection of glitter eyeshadows that she kept hidden and only wore to parties when she knew she was going to be sleeping over at someone else's house because her mother told her that only hookers wore glittery makeup. If she had to do a school project that required any sort of visual aid, she was going to include glitter lettering in some way.
“I just think things are the prettiest when they sparkle,” she'd said when Nancy asked her about her affinity for it.
Nancy couldn't deny that Chrissy's eyes popped just a little bit more when she wore her favorite silvery glitter eyeshadow, or that her lips looked extra-kissable when she wore this one specific shimmery pink lip gloss. She wasn't just the most fascinating girl she'd ever met - she was the most beautiful, and maybe that was because she sparkled, too.
So, when it came to choosing a Christmas gift for her, Nancy knew that it had to be something sparkly. That posed its own unique challenge of finding something Chrissy's mother wouldn't notice as a romantic gift from another girl but was still as heartfelt as she wanted it to be. When she arrived at Chrissy's house for their gift exchange, she just hoped she'd been successful.
“Mom! Nancy is here to study!” Chrissy called out as she pulled her girlfriend into the house. “We'll be up in my room if you need us!”
Chrissy practically pulled Nancy up the stairs, racing to get to her room. She knew this was because Chrissy couldn't really relax until they were safe behind her locked bedroom door. So, as soon as that lock clicked into place, Chrissy was placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's lips before bouncing over to her desk to grab a gift box. She moved to kneel on her bed, sitting back on her ankles, and beamed over at Nancy.
“Someone's eager,” Nancy said as she took off her coat and moved to sit on the bed as well.
“I'm just excited for you to see your gift,” she said with what was maybe the largest smile Nancy had ever seen on her face. “I worked really hard on it.”
Nancy pulled a small wrapped box out of her bag and set it in front of Chrissy.
“You open yours first,” she said.
Chrissy made quick work of opening the package and inside was a pair of small, dangly heart-shaped earrings coated with sparkly red glitter. She immediately pulled them out of the packaging and ran over to her vanity to replace the simple gold hoops she'd been wearing with her gift.
“Maybe they're a little obvious, but I figured you could tell your mom that you bought them when we went to the mall last weekend if she says anything. I saw them and instantly thought of you, so I couldn't pass them up.”
“They're perfect. I love them.”
Chrissy climbed back on the bed and leaned in to kiss her girlfriend before sitting back on her heels again.
“Now, you open yours,” she urged as she slid the box closer to Nancy.
Nancy lifted the lid off of the box, and nestled in the tissue paper inside, she found a simple silver Christmas bauble. The focal point, however, was the heart made out of bright red glitter on the side.
“If anyone asks, you can say it represents the Tin Man because I know he's your favorite,” she said, staring down at her hands. “But I made it special for you. I gave you my heart a while ago, so I wanted you to have a physical representation of what's already yours.”
Nancy set the gift down so she could take Chrissy's hands in her own and give them a small squeeze. Chrissy looked up from their hands to see her girlfriend positively beaming.
“I love that our gifts match,” Nancy told her. “I love that you made your heart sparkle, and I love that your gift was homemade. And, most importantly, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
As Chrissy leaned in to kiss her again, Nancy noticed a stray bit of craft glitter reflecting the light on her cheek. That was her girlfriend. She sparkled.
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jasmarie2600 · 1 year
Is it too much to ask for both a sweet/romantic/smutty fanfic about Stephen & Christine reconnecting after the Blip and not seeing each other for 5 years? Just them possibly getting into an argument about everything that has gone on for 5 years, Stephen refusing to believe that Christine has moved on from him and no longer loves him, maybe he brings up the moment in the hospital and how he thought it was a turning point.
Christine can maybe bring up how she doesn’t want to be hurt by him again, but also acknowledges how he’s changed and how he’s not the same man he was before and how she still loves him so much and thought about him everyday during the Blip and she thought he wasn’t going to come back to her, so she tried her best to move on. How she missed talking to him, hearing his voice, his touch, everything about him.
Stephen comes up and holds Christine’s head in his hands, caresses her cheeks with his thumbs. Christine melts into his touch and starts crying a little. Stephen wipes her tears with his thumbs and brings his face closer to Christine and tells her that he can’t believe he lost 5 years with her and how much he regretted leaving her alone for so long, and that he promises that he won’t leave her side ever again and how much he loves her.
They share a passionate romantic kiss and embrace and then Christine grabs Stephen’s hand and leads him to his bedroom. (As far as I remember, from images of the Sanctum from Behind the Scenes, it has a fireplace, which makes it extra romantic, so it’s been on in Stephen’s room cause it’s a little chilly) They stand in front of the bed, Stephen is a little apprehensive and tells Christine that he hasn’t been with anyone else since the 5 years they’ve been apart, so he’s a little nervous. Christine thinks it’s sweet and caresses his cheek a little (which also makes Stephen completely melt) Stephen turns his head and kisses her hand. Christine says that it’ll be like their first time all over again, they can just explore and discover, like it’s their first time touching each other’s skin.
Another passionate romantic kiss, Christine slides her hand down Stephen’s chest, attempting to undress him, she says that his superhero costume is difficult, which makes Stephen laugh, so he helps her undress him. Christine notices the scar from when she stitched Stephen up after he was stabbed, she lightly touches it then slowly moves in to give it a soft kiss, which makes Stephen exhale a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding. (I’m pretty sure Stephen has other scars on his body, or if he does, he probably heals them, but Christine kisses every scar she can find, and Stephen loves the attention, including his finger scars) Stephen adores the softness of her lips on his skin and promises to return the favor when he undresses her. Christine takes time to properly admire Stephen’s naked body again, lightly caressing his chest, his abs, his muscles, everywhere.
Now it’s Christine’s turn, Stephen slowly takes off her clothing, admiring each piece of skin that is revealed, lays her down and he softly kisses her lips whilst caressing her cheek with his thumb, caresses her bottom lip with his thumb after the kiss, her lips are so soft, red, kissable and just…beautiful, she’s just so beautiful. Stephen tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, he wants to see her beautiful face staring at him, he softly kisses below her ear, then brings his mouth to her ear and says that he loves her and she’s so beautiful. Christine closes her eyes with a little sigh and a smile, Stephen brings his face close to her, panting between their lips and Christine tells him and she loves him too, she never stopped loving him, eyes closed, they slowly rub their noses together, which leads to another soft kiss.
Stephen continues his kisses below her ear, to her chin, neck, down her throat (which makes Christine laugh a little, his beard makes her ticklish, he didn’t have a beard the last time they made love, it’s so different, which makes Stephen laugh a little to himself, seeing her smiling and laughing at his kisses), gives a light kiss to each breast, between her breast, down her ribcage, her stomach, bellybutton (makes Christine suck in her stomach and lift herself off the bed a little from the feeling) down to her kneecap, ending at her foot. Stephen holds onto the back of her leg, lays his head against it, eyes closed, caresses/nudges it with his nose, panting, she’s so impossibly soft and her skin is so sweet. Panting, Christine is worried cause he’s stopped, he’s just nudging her leg with his nose, she sits up and slowly caresses his hair, asks if he’s ok. He turns to her with heavy eyes, mouth slightly hanging open, he tells her he’s just taking it all in, Christine softly caresses his cheek, after awhile Stephen turns back to her leg, eyes closed, and gives it a final hard kiss.
Stephen goes up for a hard kiss on Christine’s lips, Christine’s hands tangling in his hair, he reluctantly pulls away from the kiss, Christine chases after his lips, which makes him give a little laugh and Christine gives a little smile at him. He goes between her legs and it’s so overwhelming that Christine has to tangle her fingers in his hair, making her lift off the bed because it’s so good.
Christine’s turn, she takes a page from Stephen’s book and starts by kissing below his ear, neck, (a quick stop at his lips for a hard kiss, Christine pulls away, taking Stephen’s bottom lip along with her, letting go, Stephen chases after her lips, Christine gives a little laugh and Stephen gives her a little grin.) Christine continues her kisses, down his throat, down his chest and abs, stopping between his legs. It’s as overwhelming for Stephen as it was for Christine, he caresses her hair, lifts himself off the bed. Everything goes down and it’s so amazing, romantic and gentle. Christine on top of Stephen, she then lays on him, they kiss while holding each other, Stephen rolls them over so he’s on top. (I like the idea of them both getting so overwhelmed that they accidentally fall off the bed and end up on the floor, but neither of them care cause they’re too in the moment of holding, caressing and kissing each other, they somehow end up back on the bed) (or the other side of the bed too, wondering how they ended up laying at the foot of the bed) (or one of them is laying at the foot of the bed and the other is on the other side, and they just ended up in that position, either way Christine comes up and lays on Stephen’s chest, after the fact)
It ends with them in each other’s arms, Christine laying on Stephen’s chest, hand on his chest, Stephen’s arms around Christine, they’re just basking/relaxing in the aftermath, eyes closed, slow soft breathing, with Stephen’s intricately detailed duvet around them and soft pillows. The warmness of the fireplace. Stephen slowly opening his heavy eyes, and nudges his nose against Christine’s hair, Christine gives a soft relaxed noise at that and a smile, Stephen leaves a little kiss on her hair, Christine lifts herself up, lays on soft hand on his cheek, kisses his other cheek then leaves a soft kiss on his lips. Christine lays back down but moves her hand that’s been on his cheek, to scratch his facial hair instead. Stephen relaxes into the feeling, he’s so happy and content, he starts caressing her hair.
Christine says that he has a very big bed for just himself, Stephen says that he’d like to share it and that she should move in, Christine says that they can talk about it later, after they wake up
(Also forgot to mention, they DO use protection, cause they wanna be safe grown adults, even though they kinda get caught up in the moment for a little while and almost forget, I just forgot to mention, but yeah, Stephen or Christine remembers halfway through the removal of clothing, that they need protection, gonna assume that Stephen just has some somewhere in his room, just in case he ever was to bring women over and have a good time, just to be safe, also there’s some crying during lovemaking on Christine’s part, it’s nothing bad, she’s just a little overwhelmed by feelings and having Stephen like this again, the fear that he’ll disappear again or get hurt and she’ll lose him again and Stephen acknowledges it and wipes her tears away and says that he’s not going anywhere and loves her through all the emotions, tbh Stephen gets a little emotional too, but not as bad as Christine, just overall very sweet, romantic and emotional)
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ardelllashes · 1 year
Tips For Taking Care Of Your Lash Extensions
Taking care of your new lash extensions is important to ensure that they look as good as they did when you first got them. While it's tempting to just go about your daily life after getting a new set of lashes, it's important to take special precaution so your new lashes may last much longer in between refills.
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Aftercare is important to keep your Kiss lashes looking great. The most important thing is to avoid getting anything in your eyes while they're healing. This means no rubbing them and no blinking excessively, which can irritate the area where the extensions were applied. If something gets in your eye, just wash it out with warm water and a mild cleanser—no rubbing!
You should also take care not to get makeup or lotion in the area where the extensions were applied for several days after installation. You don't want any of these products getting into the glue, which will make it come apart prematurely. If you absolutely must wear makeup or lotion on top of your new lashes, try using an oil-free formula or one with minimal oil content until they grow out enough to cover up completely (usually at around two weeks).
Side and tummy sleepers who choose classic or volume eyelash extensions should change their sleeping habits. They might crush the extensions against the pillow or in some cases, the fibers of the pillowcase can cause snagging and pulling that can harm your extensions. To avoid this, it's best to sleep on your back with a silk pillowcase—not only will this help keep your extensions healthy but it will also help reduce frizzy hair and face wrinkles.
After you refill your lash extensions, it is a good idea to clean them with a lash-safe cleanser to remove oil, dirt and make-up. After the glue has cured for two days, it is even more important to keep your lashes clean so you don't get an eye infection. An infection can be very uncomfortable and lead to soreness, redness and itching. By keeping your lashes clean, you will prolong the life of your lash extensions.
Consistency is the key to prolong the lifespan of your lash extension. For longer-lasting extensions, visit a lash artist who will use high quality adhesive and apply the lashes properly. Poor application techniques can cause your extensions to shed prematurely.
Kiss Lashes are a great way to add some extra glamour to your look and get that confidence boost you've been looking for. Visit Madame Madeline online store and get your Kiss Lashes today!
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ilovepeccs · 2 years
Tell me something more about Alyoshenka!
you ask and I'll serve you brozkie
i don't know where to start so I'll just start rambling
-alyo quickly became a lieutenant in the army due to his smarts, team planning, and gut feeling that has a 50/50 chance of not killing him in situations. he felt embarrassed that he went on this quick, it felt like he was just a private yesterday and lieutenant the next, he felt like he was still inexperienced, but soon he thought it was actually cool he went on quick, he flaunted this a lot as a joke
-in terms of paperwork he would rather do it in his tank than the tent since it's more quiet there, plus he'll get extra protection in the tank! aand, someone will actually knock on his tank and tell him things instead of him going up to them first!
-depending on whoever's he's working with, he'll either be a more chiller laid back lieutenant who knows when to get serious at times, or a tenant who barks commands the second he hears an enemy break a twig and be more stricter than your mother when you forgot to defrost the chicken from the fridge. it's a mixed bag, hell sometimes it's caused by how bad his days went
- yes he will listen to your lover problems, no he will not let you ride in his tank, it's for VIPs only!
-he likes writing on his diary, especially rants about nearly everything. could be from how one of his men scratched his tank accidentally to him describing the way he escaped a burning tank
-alyo often would come off as cocky and narcissistic since, what'd you expect from a poster boy? he would often make bad first impressions but BUT- hear me out, sometimes in certain situations you'll see his actual good side, sometimes he could be chill towards his men [if he's doing good and dandy] and hell even at enemies! [out of pity]. i could say you would just often caught him red handed
- his autograph resembles a lot of a dog with a long snoot, he does it to immortalize his borzoi back at home that he misses dearly
- he knows german, buriat, and ofc russian. he would sometimes accidentally use buriat dialect while speaking in russian and sometimes his buriat accent would come out. but it's usually depending what language he spoke last. his accent changes like that a lot which is interesting to say, he could be speaking perfect german for a minute, greet his russian comrade, and continue to speak german with a russian accent, ez as that
- then we continue with his good looks and what certain features that make him attractive because i love talking about features, my magnum opus ong 💪💪. so first off he's well built, of course he is since his old jobs and job in the war handles a lot of auto repairs and lifting since he's the lane of machines, he had to admit it he sometimes flexes his muscles as a joke and sometimes show off to his friends. next off are his lips! he has those typical ✨j u i c y✨ pink lips people around adore! since he drinks the good ole holy water he definitely was seen as very kissable ykyk?. he also has really goddamn beautiful eyes, despite them looking tired they look so good on him. i could go on but to summarize it he's your average women and men stealer in the 1930s, he could even steal your great grandparent if he wanted to with his looks! and he damn well knows it
-next is his ways of loving, he was never lucky or ever took it seriously. all he did was fuck around [literally] and stay in for a few months of good ole affection, the longest lasting relationship he had lasted for a year, it was with a german worker boy he met in his younger years. he couldn't get closer with most of them because of how they treat each other, alyo is stoic and sometimes would go distant without sending letters since he's a busy man, most of his partners can't handle his night terrors and they mostly would only go to him to sleep with him since he's expirienced, they both used each other in some way. but with the german boy he changed a teeny bit, he's more communicative, more genuinely affectionate and etc, this is solely because the german boy actually took it seriously and actually loved him, they broke off because alyo felt like he's a lost cause in love, german boy was devastated but moved on quick [but hey, you can change that, who knows 👀👀]
anyways, that's all! sorry if it's short and rushed I'm currently writing something, but moving on!! feel free to ask me more abt alyo and all!
and remember, if no one laughs heartily at your jokes or you like alyoshenka, they're not your bestie, that's a german spy!
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Hiya! Can I have a marvel match-up for an OC? If not it's alright!
Here we have Shirubia Himawari, or Sylvia. Ex-Hydra soldier and current flower shop worker.
Looks. From the picture, she has pink hair that is tied into the anime mom hairstyle, violet eyes with no pupils, lots of red swirls resembling red spider lilies and a scar on her right cheek.
She's 5'7 and very physically strong due to her having enhancements like Bucky n Steve. Which means she can benchpress cars without breaking a sweat. Onto her personality:
She's shy. Like really shy. Sylvia is actually selective mute and will only talk with people she's comfortable with. Girlie is quiet, scarily so, like her foot steps can't be heard so a lot of the time she has to purposefully stomp to not scare another people. Once she's more comfortable, she does talk more atleast but Shirubia is more of a listener. She's autistic and blind so she doesn't understand verbal and visual cues.
Here are some disorders, she got ADHD, PTSD and crippling anxiety! She's getting therapy dw.
Extra trivia!:
Tony's nickname for her is Pinky, since like a baby mouse, she's pink and she squeaks when surprised. Don't think a mouse punches you after it squeaks though.
To make up for her disablity, her hearing and touch is enhanced, though it makes wounds more painful. And it does make her more sensitive to extreme temperarures.
She has 8 plants in her room. All of them are alive and healthy, since raising plants is therapy for her.
Insomniac since she gets night terrors. Plays the piano or read a book(her favourite gebre is fantasy and romance)(in braille) to pass the time.
Oh and I forgot to mention she can play the piano, very well actually.
Deathly fear of fire, clautrophobia and an irrational fear of chinchillas, specifically only chinchillas because it's funny.
Has been 22 for the past 50 years.
Really athletic, can do parkour.
Was fostered by the Himawaris, got adopted. Has two other siblings called Yuudai/Yuu for short(who died and got resurrected) and Yuuki(who also died)
Favourite food is chocolate but also has an allergy to it, just a lil bit. Makes her sneeze.
Also has a kitten sneeze
Very agile and flexible, could kick you and catch her hot chocolate. Main fighting style is Northen Shaolin and Systemata, won't fight though since she's a pacifist and babie
Voted most kissable lips and most likely to fall down the stairs 7 times a day
Hopeless romantic, gets a crush on any guy who shows her a smidge of affection.
Hates loud sounds and dislikes loud people. Hates bitter food and alcohol since she's also a light-weight!
She real oblivious too, naïve and overall too innocent for the world.
Selfless and impulsive, she follows her heart and will sacrafice herself for people around her, even if Sylvia doesn't know them.
Touch starved and touch repulsed somehow. Like a cat
Can purr, like a cat.
Won't knock your stuff down though luckily.
And her voice is Elita
Anyways sorry for rambling, drink water and rest often!
INFP libra
French/Japanese, speaks Japanese, Wnglish and French fluently.
Makes flower crowns for people she likes.
Considering getting surgery to fix the blindness.
Certified Bimbo btw, but the nice version.
And here's a playlist about Shirubia.
Hello dear💖, thanks for your request.
For Marvel I ship Shirubia with:
Bucky Barnes🐺
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You both have similar backgrounds and bucky has experience with his past and so he could help you.
You were a great fighter, bucky had helped trained you from when you entered sheild.
He would develop feelings for you after the infinity wars.
Often when your dealing with your past, bucky would comfort you.
Bucky would also take you out on his motorbike.
Bucky would definitely protect you, he would try his best and you would protect him.
Bucky also knew you were quite similar to him which ment he had deeper understandings.
Bucky would take you out dancing.
He would marry you after the events of infinity war and you would possibly have kid with your ability and hair and his eyes.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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saetoru · 3 years
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characters: sakusa kiyoomi, suna rintaro, oikawa tooru, miya atsumu, miya osamu
warnings: fem! reader, overstimulation, dacryphilia, handjobs, blowjobs
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there’s something so beautiful about 6’4 tall omi raising hips and arching up as you pull orgasm after orgasm from him, and the way he’s so pale so he turns so red is an extra plus. he’s a sight for sore eyes when his curls are damp from sweat and sticking to his forehead, and when he’s got tears running down his face and collecting at his chin. and his voice, it’s usually quiet and deep, turns so loud and whiny for once, he almost sounds better than he looks, panting with his jaw slack and eyes squeezed shut
it’s so satisfying to see calm and collected suna, always deadpan and unresponsive falling apart. he throws his head back, and his abs flex so often. his once lanky physique is now bulky and his muscles ripple when you keep stroking his dick despite his protests. it’s almost as pretty as his wide and watery green eyes when they stare at you. he chokes on moans and cuts himself off during his babbles to gasp every now and then, and he bites his lip so pretty when he gets close to cumming for the nth time
resident pretty boy and he lives up to that standard in bed too. his heads rolling side to side as he whines, tears streaming down his face, and his lips curl in the cutest little pout when he asks you to please stop, but it only spurs you on to keep going. his thighs try to close themselves, and it’s so rewarding to watch him fall apart even more when you wrench them apart and stroke his abused cock yet again. most vocal of the bunch, and his whimpers are the most beautiful ones you’ll hear
atsumu is so pretty as is, his hair’s done at the most expensive of salons, he’s big and built, and he’s undeniably handsome, so watching him curl forward in on himself with loud sobs and red teary eyes is quite the sight. his hair’s tousled from running his hands through it and his adam’s apple bobbing when his head’s thrown back is an invitation to litter marks all over his neck, and it just makes him look all the more delicious to stare at as his eyes roll back when he reaches his next high, whining loudly, babbling about how he can’t take anymore, but still bucking his hips with a whimper after
big broad chest, well defined pecs, and bulky muscles make osamu so nice to look at when he’s panting, chest heaving up and down furiously and his biceps rippling as they flex when he fists the sheets and cums again with a low, drawn out groan. his veins are also that much more prominent, popping as he clenches his hands tighter around the fabric the more you run your tongue over his tip and the more sensitive he becomes. he looks so kissable when he bites down on his lips to quiet himself, red and swollen and slightly wobbly from fighting back tears
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