#got7 x reader
frenchkisstheabyss · 4 days
♡ LMLY ♡
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♡ Pairing: boyfriend!jackson wang x songwriter!chubby!fem!reader
♡ Genre: fluff/smut
♡ Summary: On the evening before one of your boyfriend's parties you confess to him that you've been doubting yourself lately and he has his heart set on easing your mind.
♡ Word Count: 1.7k-ish
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♡ Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, pet names (baby) & that's about all, bbys
♡ A/N: This is my first Jackson Wang request which I'm really happy about because no one ever really requests/write for him (like, y'all, this man's a certified baddie. let's get it together). Thank you @writhingwrecked for putting this request in. I hope you get the comfort you needed from it!
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People usually have one of two ideas about who your boyfriend is. They either categorize him as this dark, brooding artist who’s trapped in the spiral of an existential crisis or some frat boy who spends all of his time partying and drinking. If they took the time they’d see what a sweetheart he is, especially when it comes to you.
Seated opposite you on the couch of his penthouse—one of many he has tucked away in different countries—he keeps your feet balanced in his lap, laser focused on painting your toenails your favorite color. Nothing could possibly be cuter than Jackson is with his hair pulled back into the two tiny space buns you put them in earlier, tongue peeking out from between his lips as he applies the final touches to your nails. 
Tonight Jackson’s having one of his infamous parties, this one on a scenic beach in Thailand. It’ll be the first you’ve attended since joining his songwriting team and your first since the two of you began dating. Anyone who’s anyone will be there and you’re determined to look perfect for it. So, needless to say, you sent yourself into a panic when the nail tech canceled on you last minute.
But it was Jackson to the rescue as always, quieting your fears and insisting that you let him take care of you. That’s the Jackson you know. The one who’ll do anything to keep his girl happy. It gives you butterflies watching him be this patient and attentive with you. It makes your heart race a little faster just feeling his fingers brush your skin as he tilts your foot to inspect his handiwork. 
“That tickles!” you giggle, toes wiggling as he tries to keep you still. 
“Hey, stop that! You’re gonna mess it up” he whines, tickling the arch of your foot on purpose this time. 
You twist away from him, jumping up from the couch to go finish your makeup. There’s two hours until you need to head out for the party and the two of you are still lounging around in your towels. It’s about time you pick up the pace anyway. 
“I don’t have time for this. Some of us have to get ready.” 
Catching you by the arm, he carefully pulls you down onto his lap, peppering kisses all over your face. You resist at first but quickly give up the act, relaxing into his arms to soak up the love he so openly pours into you. “Jackson, I’ll never get dressed if you keep this up.”
Running a hand down to your thigh, he gently rubs it, taking in the beauty of your figure as he does so. “Who says I want you to get dressed?” he asks, the sexy rasp of his voice tickling your cheek. You let out an almost weightless moan at the sensation of his lips skimming your jawline. You rest your hands on his bare chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath, lean muscles flexing beneath your touch.  “Aah, baby, we don’t, mmm, have time for this right now. If I don’t look perfect for this—” 
Jackson tilts his head up, gazing into your eyes, “Don’t say that, you always look perfect.” 
“To you because you love me but…” you sigh, shoulders dropping under the weight of self doubt, “Jackson, I have to look good so at least it seems like I’ve done something to deserve to be there with all those talented people. With you”. 
Jackson sits back on the couch, his brow scrunching at a statement he couldn’t disagree with more. “What are you talking about? You are ‘talented people’. The songs you helped me write are beautiful”. 
“What if no one else thinks so? What if the album drops and everyone hates them? What if…I’m just not good enough?”
“Baby, look at me” he begs, scooping your cheeks into his hands, “You are more than good enough. Don’t you ever question that. You’re here with me because you’re the best of the fucking best, because…”
He clears his throat, choking back the sentimental side of him that has him wanting to tear up. You see it anyway, the moisture across his irises that make them shimmer like raindrops catching sunlight. 
“I doubt myself too,” he confesses, “I fear the future, worry if what I’m doing is enough, but as long as I have an amazing woman who loves me like you do I know it must be.” 
“Why are you trying to make me cry?” you pout, sniffling back tears of your own. 
“No, it’s not that, baby. I just want you to know how special you are and that we’re in this together. You belong here.”
His lips meet yours in a quick, sweet kiss. “You belong anywhere you want to be.” The next kiss lasts longer, your lips parting to welcome his. “And I will literally fight anyone who makes you feel any different.”
You giggle but Jackson doesn’t. He’s a softie but he’s cutthroat when it comes to protecting you. 
“You’re so cute when you’re serious.”
“Hmm? Just cute?” he asks, kissing you with everything he has.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he lifts you from the couch, his tongue refusing to leave the fluffy warmth of your cheeks. You shake your head, shivering as the air from the open window blows gently against your now exposed core. “More than cute. Really, really fucking hot.” 
Jackson lays you back on the couch, spreading your legs to slip in between them. “Now who’s being the cute one?” he teases, draping one of your legs over the back of the couch. His right hand moves between the two of you, tracing all the finer details of your pussy. Your slick folds, so soft against his fingertips. Your stiffening clit, twitching as he circles it. Your dripping entrance that clenches at his presence, growing wetter the deeper he kisses you.
“Mmm, I think she wants some attention, baby” he coos, fingers pushing into you, “Can I taste her?” 
Your head falls back against the arm of the couch, eyes fluttering closed as he works his fingers deep into your core. “Yes, please” you moan, nails faintly scraping his shoulders as he ventures down your body. Pushing your towel away, he takes his time massaging your plush figure, praising your form, soothing your worries.
When his head dips between your legs, he kisses your soft inner thigh until his breath’s warming your core. Jackson’s eyes flick up to you, watching all the pretty faces you make as he teases the ridges of your walls. “Oh my god!” you cry, hips lifting from the cushion as he purses his lips around your clit, suckling at the bud with the perfect amount of pressure.
Jackson locks an arm over your waist, gripping your belly as he pins you back down. “Don’t run from me, baby. How am I gonna make you feel good if you can’t keep still?” 
You grab onto the cushion beneath you, pleading with your body to cooperate but she writhes and arches against his hold, simply refusing to listen. Your walls clamp around his fingers, threatening to push them out, but Jackson only sinks them in deeper, your wetness audible as his soaked wrist comes flush against your slit.
“Jackson…” you moan, glancing between your legs to find his face almost completely buried in your pussy. "Hmm?” he hums, staring back at you with those puppy dog eyes you always melt for. Slipping his fingers out, he drives his tongue into you, slurping your juices down, grateful to taste more of you. 
All you’ve done leading up to tonight is live in your head—stressing, worrying, doubting yourself. The pressure of it all was unbearable but gradually it lifts. With every curve of Jackson’s tongue, a sense of euphoria flows through your body, washing away anything that makes you question the woman that you are.
Jackson needs you, can’t get enough of you. Your body. Your spirit. Your mind. This is what you deserve, to lay back and be pleasured, juices flowing down his throat with not a single thing for you to worry yourself about. Nothing except the pulsing in your core, the pressure building inside of you gradually, letting you bask in each level of intensity before being pushed to another.
“Jackson, mmm, close” you moan and Jackson lets go of your belly, reaching up to hold your hand. Your stomach muscles contract at the return of his fingers. There’s more this time, you aren’t even sure how many, but they’re stretching you so wonderfully, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
“Go ahead, baby. Come for me. Let it all go” Jackson coos, dragging his tongue up your clit. 
Seeing the love in his eyes, the passion, how badly he wants to please you, sends you crashing over the edge. You hold onto his hand, fingers interlaced with his, and ride out your high, letting your body move as it wishes. Jackson keeps dipping his fingers in and out of you, tongue flicking your clit, until you’ve come back down.
“You feel better, baby?” he asks, resting his head on a thigh more comfy than any pillow.
“Mmhmm” you answer between shallow breaths, “I feel wonderful.”
Jackson smiles, leaving a wet kiss on your other thigh, “We don’t have to go tonight, you know? Not if you don’t want to.”
“Actually, I…I wanna go.”
“Oh? Really?” he asks, equal parts shocked and curious about your newfound excitement for tonight. You sit up to pet his cheek, guiding him on top of you. You feel so safe under the weight of him, comforted by the arms now caging you into your little dip in the couch. 
“You believe in me so much, Jackson.” 
“I do.” 
“So, I guess it can’t hurt for me to try to believe in myself a little.” 
Jackson kisses you on the forehead, the nose, the lips. “And never fear the future. Whatever happens, I've got your back. I’ll do anything for you, you know that?" He shifts between your legs and you feel the head of his cock brush your clit. You bring him in for another kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Ya know, I might not wanna skip the party but it’s okay if we’re a little late, isn’t it?”
“Anything” he whispers, hips rocking against you, “For you.”
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markliving · 16 days
Hey, guys!!
It's been a long time since I posted, so I want to make a few things clear.
Because all the things, that I think you know about qsmp, I no longer write out of Quackity. All the stories I have with him will be adapted for other characters.
And it's been a crazy few days for me, college is hard and I'm starting a new job, so I don't know what it's going to be like, but I promise I'll post more on this blog.
My ask still open, and, for the persons that requested before, i work some things and they gonna posted soon.
I hope you guys been okay! Stay safe and don't forget to drink water!
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mykoreanlove · 4 months
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Famous idol y/n is guest in Got7 Youngjae‘s new radio show which is about spilling idol‘s tea. Sounds like a good idea, right?
💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
„Guys, girls, everyone, welcome to today‘s episode of spill*the*tea. I’m so excited for this episode, you can’t even imagine. I’ve been trying to get in touch with y/n for years, YEARS, and now she’s finally here. Please give it up for the beautiful y/n!“
You broke out in laughter while covering your face shyly. He noticed right away and called you out for it.
„What? Are you getting shy? This is not the place to be coy, y/n.“
„I just didn’t expect this lovely introduction. Thank you, Youngjae.“
He smiled warmly and sorted out his flashcards - the ones with the curated questions.
Even though you had been in this business for a while, you still couldn’t get used to all the manufacturing. Every question was ran by your management, they practically shoved the answers down your throat.
You desperately wanted people to know the real you - the raw and unfiltered y/n - but one false answer could kill your whole career. The masses were merciless on people like you, so you had to endure and play along.
Youngjae played his part brilliantly, no one would have assumed he knew every question and answer by heart. You chatted about your childhood and how hard it was to get a foot into the business. He asked you about your biggest success and most tragic failure. He asked you questions tailored to your image - glamorous yet still approachable.
And you were all those things, but you were also so much more.
Your fingertips itched, ready to spill out the forbidden secrets the public was dying to know.
You could have talked about the dark things - like only eating cotton pads soaked in tomato juice because managers considered you too fat.
You could have told them you didn’t had a period in years or that you wore wigs because your hair started to fall out.
You could have talked about even darker things - like sexual abuse that was common if you wanted to make it.
You could have told them about ruthless directors that urged you to strip naked at auditions or disgusting producers that groped your ass because they felt like it.
You could have talked about the darkest things known to mankind - like loneliness that eats you up from the inside.
You could have told them about the different coping mechanisms you all used: sex, alcohol or drugs or you could have told them about all the sleepless nights in which you contemplated ending it all.
You shook your body as goosebumps started to form - not wanting to remember more of those things. Your life in this industry wasn’t all bad either.
You could have talked about fun things as well - like spending money on whatever you liked.
You could have told them about the countless shopping sprees or immense pride you felt when you bought your family a new house.
You could have talked about even funnier things - like receiving so much love.
You could have told them about fans that wrote you love letters and gave you gifts or encounters that changed you for the better because you touched someone else’s life, giving them the will to live.
You could have talked about the most fun things in this industry - like dating the most gorgeous men in secret.
You could have told them about about romantic dates in jets while eating strawberries and drinking champagne or sneaking around fashion shows and blowing Korea‘s hottest bachelor in a closet stall.
You giggled at those memories.
„Let’s answer some fan questions“, Youngjae cheered.
His request brought you back to reality. This wasn’t in the script.
„Fan questions?“, you forced a smile.
„Yeah, that’s a new segment. The show is called spill*the*tea after all.“
You gulped anxiously.
„Here we have our first caller. Hey, welcome. What’s your question?“
„Hi Youngjae, hi y/n. I wanted to know how it was like to film your latest drama. What was it like to kiss Eun Woo?“
You sighed in relief. This is easy.
„Filming my latest drama was a blast. Eun Woo made it so easy for me. Great kisser by the way.“
Memories of him kissing you in every position afterwards flooded your mind. „Oh you guys, she is blushing. Did you think of him kissing your lips on set right now?“, Youngjae chimed in.
Oh, you were thinking of him kissing your lips but not the ones Youngjae was referring to.
„Actually, he was the greatest kisser I ever had.“
The fan on the line gasped. You were taking this secret spilling thing easy - for now.
„Another caller, let’s go!“
„Hi, I wanted to know about your feud with Jessi. What happened?“
„Oooooh“, Youngjae was loving this.
You had to think about it, the so called feud with Jessi was a long time ago.
„Well, you know how we girls can get. We were overworked, probably on our periods as well. We drank a bit too much champagne and said some things to blow off steam.“
„Like what?“
You cringed internally, recalling all the nasty things you had said to each other.
You‘re a talentless bitch!
Oh please, you couldn’t even recognize talent if it would have been injected into your plastic-filled body!
You bitch! Take that back!
Like PSY took back your record deal?
At least I was selling records! The only time you’ve been relevant in music was when Yoongi recorded your moans into his tracks!
At least I fucked him properly, Jessica!
No wonder since that’s how you got your career!
You were tempted to spill but tried to hold back.
„Like, stupid stuff that girls say. Attacking each other over looks and boys. Honestly, I can’t even remember - that’s how irrelevant it was.“
In all honesty you couldn’t remember because you blacked out from all the booze but your fans didn’t need to know. Right?
„So, are you still on bad terms?“
Oh yeah, you hated that bitch. But since your managers were close you had to promote her, suffering the consequences of your job.
„No, not at all. We talked it out and now we’re fine. We’ve been chatting about doing her gum challenge together, so keep an eye out for that.“
Your face didn’t even flinch, you were so good at lying.
“Okay, let’s see what the last caller wants to know.”
„Hey last caller“, you greeted charmingly.
„Hey y/n! Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you!! I wanted to know if you’re single?“
„Well, that caller is wasting no time“, Youngjae side-eyed.
You laughed, waving it off like you always did.
„No, I am not dating anyone right now.“
„Not even in secret?“, the caller wanted to know.
„Why, are you offering?“
Your question caught the caller of guard.
„I mean I’m a girl. Wait, do you date girls?“
Youngjae‘s eyes widened in surprise, not leaving yours for even a second.
There had been rumors of you dating your band mates but you never thought about that. They were like sisters to you, asexual and off the radar. There was this one girl though…
„I’ve never dated girls before.“
„But would you like to try?“
The caller was persistent, pestering you with intimate questions.
„I mean“, you shrugged your shoulders, not really thinking about answering correctly.
„If I had to choose to date a girl, a woman I mean… I’d definitely date Hwasa.“
Youngjae nodded his head, agreeing wholeheartedly.
„Great choice.“
„Right? I feel like she and I would just match. Two baddies getting it on.“
You stuck out your tongue, adding to the playfulness of the question.
„But you know, up until now I only dated guys. If I had time to.“
„Who did you date?“
„Can’t tell“, you shook your head.
„Oh come on, spill some tea eonni. Who was the most fun one to date?“
„Who was the one that stole your heart so effortlessly?“
„Who was the biggest sex freak?“
„Listen, I can’t spill names.“
„How about“, Youngjae spoke up, „how about we find the middle? Tell us about a kinky guy you once dated.“
You looked at him puzzled - Youngjae knew damn well that you couldn’t say that stuff. He slid a piece of paper over to you, urging you to read it.
Numbers are going through the roof. Trending on social already. Let’s milk this shit.
Milk this shit, huh?
„Alright“, you nodded.
Youngjae‘s eyes sparkled, already celebrating the success of his show.
„I once dated a guy - briefly - who was very peculiar in that area. He was, uhm, a mixture of sugar and spice if you will.“
„What’s that supposed to mean?“, the caller asked.
„Well, he was super sweet on the outside. Beautiful, cute, charming - he was like sunshine, always making you feel good and appreciated. But behind closed doors he was different.. he had very distinct ways of being loved.“
„Okay, that’s the cue - distinct is a secret word for super kinky?“, Youngjae almost jumped off his chair from excitement.
„Oh god, you’re really making me say it huh?“
„YES“, they both shouted simultaneously.
„Okay, picture this. We are in bed doing things and everything is going great. He’s super attentive to my needs and makes sure I come and everything but then when I wanted to return the favor he abruptly stopped and left the room.“
„Turns out he went into the other room where there is a big ceiling with wooden beams and a rope…“
„Oh my god, I love where this is going“, Youngjae laughed.
„A rope?“
„So, I followed him and saw him almost strangling himself while jerking off. I swear to god his head was blue but he moaned in so much pleasure - he was having the orgasm of his life.“
„What happened then?“
Images of you freaking out flooded your mind - back then you were nowhere as chill as you now made it out to be.
„Once he came his hands grabbed the rope and I ran over to him and helped him get down. Next thing you know he’s laying in my lap - big, red marks on his throat but he was smiling happily.“
You had never seen someone so blissful after sex, let alone after experiencing an almost death.
Youngjae gasped.
„So, you’re telling me that guy only comes when he strangles himself? Like legit strangling?“
You nodded.
„Wow, that’s, wow!“
„So, who was it?“ the caller wanted to know.
You were reluctant to tell, you already spilled so much information.
Youngjae was hoping to get it out of you but luckily the fates did that for you. Before you could say anything both of you took a glance at Youngjae‘s phone which was laying between the both of you.
„Hold on, my boyfriend is calling“, he mouthed silently.
Youngjae mustered you, eyes wide open and mouth agape from shock. It took him a moment to make sense of this situation but he lost his shit as he finally put one and one together.
The man on the line, the one whom he was dating, was no other than the one you just talked about.
The caller ID?
Lee Felix.
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winter-dayz · 5 months
Grinch Festivities
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Reader Grinch/Scrooge Genre: Fluff Words: 1083
Masterlist | 12 Days of Ficmas Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“What do you mean you’re busy? You just told me that you’d go with me.” She asked exasperatedly.
“That was before you mentioned it was a Christmas party.” He responded, sorting through his closet. Jinyoung’s phone sat on a nearby dresser, his girlfriend on speakerphone.
“What, now you’re gonna tell me that you don’t like Christmas?” Y/N asked sarcastically. There was no way her boyfriend didn’t like Christmas… surely. The line was silent. “Jinyoung?...You know Christmas is like my favorite holiday, right?” The silence stretched on a little longer before a cough sounded from the speaker of her phone.
“Of course I’m going with you, love. I’m picking out what to wear right now.” She side-eyed her phone for a moment before a wicked smirk overcame her face.
“Actually, I was thinking we could wear ugly sweaters together.” She tried hard to keep the smile out of her voice. The line went silent again, and Y/N wondered if Jinyoung would hang up on her. “Just kidding! Pick me up tomorrow at five, okay? I can give you directions then. Love you~” She heard him hum, but then he sounded closer as he repeated her words back.
“You look like you’re going to a funeral.” She joked, hopping in the front seat. Her boyfriend donned a black long-sleeve, black jeans, and nice black shoes. Handsome, but not at all festive.
Meanwhile, Y/N wore a cute and—more importantly—festive, red dress and a reindeer antler headband. Her boyfriend did think she looked cute but that was just because he always thought she did.
Jinyoung chuckled as he waited for her to put in the directions. When he pulled off, he shot a glance over to her, unable to help the playful smile on his face. As little as he cared for the holiday, he couldn’t help but admire the effort his girlfriend put into her festivity.
“You don’t think the Christmas light bracelet is too much?” He asked, flicking on his blinker to make a right. She fake scoffed in outrage at the implication, so he swapped to one-handed driving in order to slide his hand into hers. He brought the back of her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the skin.
She smiled giddily to herself as she turned to look out the window, admiring the colors swirling in the sky as the sun set.
“So are you excited? For the party?” She broke the silence after a moment, looking back towards him.
He hummed and gave a slight nod. “Yeah, it should be fun.”
“Really? Cause you make it sound like you’re going to a business meeting or something. C’mon, let loose a little, it’s just a Christmas party with some of my friends.”
“I am. Just promise there won’t be any weird games.” He side-eyed her with a disgusted look, but she only offered an innocent smirk.
“No promises, love. It’s a holiday party; that’s like half the fun.” He groaned at her words dramatically. “Alright, alright… I will say there won’t be any reindeer-themed games.”
The apartment was decorated with festive lights and knick-knacks. Laughter could be heard from down the hall, but no one in the complex seemed perturbed. Jinyoung couldn’t help but feel warm and welcomed either, which Y/N found to be a great sign.
Maybe Jinyoung would change his mind about the charm of Christmas.
Y/N managed to rope him into dancing, a kiss under a tactfully placed mistletoe, and even willful participation in a couple of the games. She stepped away to find the bathroom and when she came back, he was happily chatting away with one of her closest friend’s boyfriend.
Later in the evening, when they found a quiet spot away from the crowd, Y/N turned to him with a satisfied grin. “See? I told you it would actually be fun.” She rested her hands against his chest, feeling his heart beating steadily in his chest.
Jinyoung smirked down at his lovely girlfriend, bringing her hands up so he could peck her fingertips. He was wearing an oversized Santa coat that he had to put on for an earlier game. Then his lips spread into a more genuine smile.
“You were right, I’m having a great time. Thank you for inviting me.”
She leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips like he had done to her fingers, “Anytime, Grinch.”
As they rejoined the party, Y/N noticed a particular twinkle in Jinyoung’s eyes. It was obvious he was quickly warming up to Christmas and its festivities. He was even the one who suggested they duet a song when the karaoke machine was brought out.
“So… Am I still dating a Scrooge, or did I change your opinion on Christmas?” She asked with a cheeky smile while they strolled around the chilly city streets. They’d both had a decent amount of spiked eggnog and cider at the party, so a midnight stroll before heading home seemed like a smart way to sober up.
He sighed loudly, but his face told a different story. His eyes were light with glee, and a smile toyed at his lips. 
“I suppose it might not be as awful as I thought. Definitely cheesy though.” He chuckled, “But so are you, and I love you.”
Their hands swung between them, growing numb-er in the freezing air, but it did little to dampen their elated moods. They were approaching their parked car, and while Jinyoung was sober enough to drive, he was tempted to pretend not to be so he could continue their walk. The shiver he caught from the corner of his eye changed his mind, however, and he ushered her over to the car so he could blast the heat.
When he pulled up to the front of her apartment, she turned to him, with a bit of a shy smile. “Stay the night?” And all he could do was nod.
Inside her cozy apartment, they kicked off their shoes and settled on the couch. Y/N curled up beside Jinyoung, a content smile on her face. They exchanged lazy kisses, basking in the afterglow of a night filled with laughter and love.
“Maybe it’s just you that I can’t resist the charm of,” Jinyoung teased, his fingers gently playing with the strands of her hair.
She grinned, leaning into his touch. “Whatever, I knew you’d come around. Who can resist the magic of the holidays?”
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iamyoursinblog · 7 months
Angel of death(pt.1)
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Pairing:  Park Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1.5 k
Immortal life was one of the main advantages of being an angel, even if you were the angel of death. Even though you saw death every day, people's lives still surprised you. You found it amusing to watch them, their decisions and actions that sooner or later led them to you. But for some reason this guy attracted your attention more than the others, although your meeting was not yet close. There was something in him that you had never felt in people before - purity. You sat on the balcony railing of the second floor, watching his filming go by. Every day he was busy with something new, music, dancing, filming. Such a busy life, you thought with a smile on your face.
“Park Jinyoung, this is for you. Have fun,” the man with a wide smile put a box of letters in front of him. He read each letter with a smile, but when he opened the next letter, the joy on his face gave way to fear. That's something interesting, you thought, jumping from the balcony railing to the ground.
You walked up to him and looked at the piece of paper on which was written “I love you.” Nice, so that’s what scares him, a confetion of love. You wanted to return to your “spectator’s seat,” but a familiar smell attracted your attention. The smell of blood - you knew it too well. Someone wrote a love letter with their blood. It's even symbolic, you thought smiling. Although judging by the expression on Jinyoung's face, it instilled horror in him, not romantic affection. Apparently for people to get a confession in love written in blood is not considered a romantic sign. You sat down in front of him on the ground, watching his reaction. The letter fell from his shaking hands, falling to the ground next to you. Even fear suits him, you thought, watching his handsome face. You smiled as he leaned forward to pick up the letter, and his face was an inch from yours. He stood up and went to the man who brought the box. After which they quickly left. Well, you sighed in disappointment, your show is over for today.
. . .
You turned around, finding yourself in the castle, people would call this place your home.
“Watched that alive soul again?” your mentor asked when you entered his office.
“Thanks to him, I make new discoveries for myself every day. Today’s discovery: love letter in blood does not show romantic affection,” you said as you sat down on the large chair next to his desk. He just rolled his eyes and continued reading his book.
“For thousands of years you weren’t interested in people, but now you spend every day in their world and all this because of one soul.”
“He’s quite a beautiful soul, he wouldn’t be any different from the angels here if he showed up here,” you grinned, thinking about Jinyoung’s face
“Are we still talking about the beauty of his soul or already about the beauty of the owner of this soul?” he raised an eyebrow at you, but you just smiled. "Be careful anyway"
“Are you telling the angel of death to be careful? That's funny" you laughed before leaving the office.
. . .
Thinking about Jinyoung, you moved to where his soul was. You leaned against the wall, watching him walk down the long corridor. Behind him was a girl in black clothes. "Park Jinyoung!" she screamed getting his attention. “You should belong only to me!” she took a knife out of her pocket, swinging at him. In surprise, he swayed back, losing his balance. You snap your fingers stopping time. You came closer. Turning Jinyoung's back to the girl, you stood between them. Snapping your fingers again, you returned the passage of time and Jinyoung smashed into your back. "What the heck!" He said, falling to the floor behind you. You looked at the girl who screamed and ran away. Lowering your head, you looked at the knife on your collarbone and took it out and threw it on the floor. “What just happened? Who you are?" Jinyoung stared at you, turning in your direction while still sitting on the floor. “Where is that girl with the knife? It seems like you weren’t in the corridor?” he continued asking questions while looking around. "Aren't you injured?" he asked looking at you with concern when he saw the knife on the floor.
You were amused by his behavior, and the fact that he was worried about you, although he himself almost went on a date with you. “You humanity are so funny,” you said, squatting down next to him. “You guys keep refusing and trying to take away what doesn’t even belong to you.” You picked up the knife and saw blood on it, most likely it was she who sent that bloody love letter.
“You speak like that as if you don’t belong to humanity,” he said, getting up from the floor
You laughed, putting the knife back on the floor. “Not really, although I had more humanity today than the owner of this knife,” you stood up and cursed under nose, remembered the rule that you can’t disappear in front of people. “Bye,” you said, heading towards exit.
"Wait, who are you?" he asked
You turned in his direction, meeting his gaze. “Consider me your gift from fate,” you said, going out onto the stairs. You moved to the roof. Sitting on the edge, watching as cars with flashing lights appeared after a while.
You followed Jinyoung, wondering how it would all end. You sat on the cabinet in the corner, watching Jinyoung. You rested your chin on your knee, dangling your other leg down as Jinyoung described the attack. “There was another girl there, it seems she was the one who saved me by pushing me aside. Although I can’t fully remember what exactly happened after the knife was swung at me.”
“Anyway, you're lucky. This girl has already been cited for stalking other celebrities. Her blood and prints on the knife prove that it was she who sent you those letters you were talking about,” said the man in uniform.
“Were there only one person prints on the knife?” Jinyoung asked
He looked at the knife that lay in front of him, “But she definitely took it in her hands,” he whispered barely audibly, looking at the knife in surprise.
“In any case, you can rest assured that this girl will soon be found and arrested. Just in case, there will be security near your house until she is caught."
“Okay, whatever you say,” Jinyoung sighed and looked towards where you were sitting. His eyes widened as he looked in your direction. You turned around and saw the clock behind you. You were wonder why he looks at clock like that. Either way, he's safe.
. . .
You traversed to the mentor's office.
“Have you to interfere in this person live, didn't you?” he slammed the table hard, glaring at you.
“He wasn’t on your list anyway, so what difference does it make whether I intervened or not. I didn’t save anyone from death, I just saved myself from a boring stay in the hospital."
“I hope you have a lot of fun filling out all of this,” he snapped his fingers and a tall stack of papers appeared in front of you. You opened your mouth, examining the stack. “Have fun,” he said as he left the office. You fell onto the table, grumbling and pounding your fists.
You lost count of which form you filled out. You traversed to the roof of the van, watching Jinyoung who was filming. He was like a breath of fresh air, you were even lucky that he looked in the direction where you were standing. You felt your mentor approaching the office, and you returned to the table again, filling out another form.
“Now I understand why people say 'boredom to death'. It's really so boring you could die" you laughed clapping your hands as your mentor appeared in front of you.
“Weirdo,” he said shaking his head, leaving the office.
You buried your face in the papers; it seemed like the stack never ended. After finishing half of it, you moved to Jinyoung. You found yourself in the middle of a road with a lot of cars on it. You slowly walked along the road past cars passing at speed, approaching the car in which Jinyoung was sitting. He leaned his head against the window and watched the passing cars as he stood waiting for the green light for his side. You returned to the office and gasped. It seems like there were fewer papers before your disappearance.
“Oh yes, I forgot to say” you heard the quiet laugh of the mentor who was returning to the office “Every time you leave, the stack will return to its original size” he smiled at you. You hit the table with force and all the papers scattered across the huge hall. The mentor just smiled and snapped his fingers and returned all the papers to the table. “You can continue,” he said, sitting down at his desk and picking up the book.
I wonder if angels can feel tired, you thought, almost finishing filling out the papers. You definitely felt something or was it just anger? So hard to figure out. “I’m done,” you smiled widely, placing the last piece of paper in that endless pile.
“Well done,” the mentor walked up to the table and took the papers and threw them into the fireplace. You stood up and stared at the fire that was consuming your efforts, or rather your suffering.
"What?" you turned to your mentor
“This is just a tool for punishment,” he pointed to the paper burning in the fireplace, “The main punishment for you is to force you to sit in one place.”
You fell back into the chair, propping your feet up on the table. “Unbelievable,” you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
The mentor smiled and left the office. Before you could shout anything back at him, you fell through the chair and the floor. Great, another punishment, you thought, falling down through the darkness.
You found yourself on the table in a strange place, in front of an unfamiliar man. What is this?, you muttered. You've definitely seen him somewhere before. The man sat and looked through you with concern. Where did you see him, you continued to look at him.
“Jinyoung are you sure you’re okay?” the man asked
Jinyoung? Exactly, it was the man who was always next to Jinyoung. But why are you here? You didn't move here. You turned your head in the direction where the man was looking. Jinyoung stood near the sink, throwing away a broken glass. “No big deal, just a shallow cut,” Jinyoung said looking at the man.
You saw blood on his fingers, which he tried to wash off with water. What the hell, you muttered, sitting cross-legged on the table. You looked around, wondering how and why you ended up here.
“Hyung, it’s time for you to go home!” Jinyoung’s voice changed dramatically, and you watched in amazement as he practically pushed the man out of the apartment. You stood on the table, looking around. Maybe he’s waiting for someone, you giggled. You jumped, ending up on the back of the sofa.
“This looks familiar,” you said, looking at the painting on the wall.
"You! Who are you?" you heard Jinyoung's voice but didn't pay any attention to it. “It was you who was in the corridor when I was attacked!”
You turned sharply in his direction, jumping to the floor. “How can this be,” you muttered. He was definitely looking at you. "Can you see me?" you looked at him in surprise
“Yes,” he said shaking his head.
“This can’t be” you didn’t understand. You continued to look at him, trying to find in him the answer to this riddle.
“I saw you that night in the police station, and on the roof of the van. And then you stood in the middle of the road while cars drove along it at full speed.”
“What are you?” you looked at him, you had never seen people who saw angels before.
“I am a man, but who are you? That girl said she stuck a knife in you, but they thought she was crazy. But there was not a scratch on you, and you touched the knife, but there were no prints of yours. How could you save me from death?"
“Even if I hadn’t shown up, you wouldn’t have died, you would have just ended up in the hospital for a few weeks,” you replied. “Unbelievable,” you continued to examine him.
“It’s not me who’s incredible here, it’s you,” he said, taking a step towards you, attracting your attention. “You were now sitting on the table, but hyung didn’t see you, although you were in front of his nose. Then you said that you don’t quite relate to humanity. Who are you?" his voice practically trembled. Although you didn’t see fear in his eyes, it was more like excitement.
“It’s much more interesting who you are. Remember what we talked about, I’ll be right back” you pointed your finger at him before heading back to the office in search of your mentor.
"Can people see angels?" You asked as soon as you found a mentor.
“Only if the angel showed himself. Why are you asking?"
“And if only one person can see the angel, while he is hidden to everyone else. Could this be possible?
“Usually this can happen if a person experienced strong feelings for an angel when he saw him or the angel saved him from death. Then the angel becomes his guardian and appears in front of him every time the person is in pain or when he is in danger."
“If such a connection existed, then, for example, if a person cut himself, his angel would appear in front of him.”
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but if at that moment a person felt pain, then an angel would appear”
“This shouldn’t apply to the angels of death, right?”
“Even though you are the messengers of death, you are still angels first and foremost. So it affects everyone. Why are you even asking this?” he looked at you
“It’s simply interesting. To broaden horizons” you smiled
“If you are so interested, you can start with the books in the study. Better study books than do stupid things."
“Some other time,” you said, moving towards Jinyoung again.
He practically jumped in place when you appeared in front of him. You walked up to him and took his hand, seeing a cut running through all his fingers. So it’s true, you have become his guardians. “Will you tell me who you are?” Jinyoung asked as you let go of his hand and began to walk in a circle, trying to figure out how to get rid of this problem.
“Can we limit ourselves to the fact that I do not belong to humanity?” you smiled and sat back in your chair, crossing your legs, watching him.
“You know you don’t walk on the floor, right?” he asked, pointing to the surfaces in his room that you were moving on. “You can’t stand on the floor for long? Will something happen to you?"
“How cute,” you laughed because of the worry in his voice. “It’s more of a habit developed over centuries, because I definitely won’t run into people like that.”
"But they'll just pass right through you"
“That doesn’t mean I won’t feel it. Every time someone passes through me, I feel the darkness of their soul."
“If you feel the sins of people, does that mean you are a demon from hell?” he asked
You stood up and snapped your fingers, changing your appearance. You stood dressed in a black latex suit and twirled a burning trident in your hands, “And this is quite comfortable.” You ran your hand over your body, “Does it suit me?” you smiled, looking at the shocked Jinyoung, who, with his mouth open, backed away until he hit the wall. “Apparently, not very much.” You laughed and snapped your fingers again, returning to your previous appearance. You took one flower from the vase and tore off the petals and threw them up. By snapping your fingers, you stopped time
"How do you do it?" Jinyoung asked, pointing to the petals that were hanging in the air
“That’s what I thought, mine time stop doesn’t work on you anymore,” you muttered, snapping your fingers again. The petals fell to the floor while Jinyoung was still looking at you with his mouth open.
"Are you appearing in front of me because I'm about to die?" he asked
“No, you won't die. I'm just interested in watching you"
"Why? Is there too much darkness in me?" His voice was shaking
“On the contrary, there is absolutely no darkness in you, which surprised me. And by the way, to answer your question, I’m not a demon, although I don’t deny that for some reason people are used to thinking of me as one,” you grinned
“So you are an angel,” he said
“An angel of death to be exact” you laughed as his eyes widened “That’s exactly what I was talking about” you said pointing at his reaction
“You shouldn’t take the blame for something you weren’t involved in”
"I thought the angels were different"
“I thought they showed up in robes and quoted the Bible?” You asked, “If it makes you more comfortable...” you raised your hand.
“No, stop.” He waved his hands, "Your 'unconventionality' and jokes help me not to faint." He looked out the window, “It’s winter now,” he said, and this time you looked at him in surprise, “You’re just barefoot, and yours...” Jinyoung looked you from head to toe, “the dress only slightly covers the body. You don’t feel cold?"
“We’re built a little differently,” you laughed. “Physical and emotional sensations, we can feel them, but only when we want them to” You looked at him as he laughed “What?” You asked
“Nothing” he tried to hide his smile
“You don’t want me to find out for myself, do you?” You asked, waving your hand at him.
"Can you read my mind?" At first he looked at you with widened eyes, but then grinned, answering to himself, “Of course you can. I thought that people must be happy to see someone so beautiful after death. I don’t know why this thought came to my mind,” you smiled at his assumption, without specifying that an angel after death comes in the form of the one they loved most in this life.
You looked out the window as the sky became lighter. “Don’t people sleep at night?” you looked at Jinyoung again
“I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. I am now communicating with an angel who is sitting on my chair. How can you sleep here? he smiled
“Try” you said when you felt that your mentor was looking for you. “I have to go” you got up from the chair
“Will I see you again?” he asked
“You're the only one who can do this,” you winked at him before moving out of the mentor's office.
“Don’t say that you have become the guardian of the soul you were watching,” asked the mentor as soon as you appeared
“Oops,” you smiled and shrugged.
“I warned you,” he shook his head.
"Is it so bad? Wow, great place, comfy,” you said, plopping down in the mentor’s chair, running your fingers over the soft chair.
"Yes! If you continue to appear in front of him, you will begin to experience emotions without the ability to control them. If you experience emotions, you may get hurt." Did you really hear the fear in your mentor's voice?
“Don’t worry, I’ll disappear before that happens,” you looked at your mentor, “Can I have that chair too?” you smiled widely while jumping on a soft pillow
“Please, a moment of seriousness! You are my eternal headache!" He grabbed his head, shaking it
“Your head can’t hurt,” you whispered, getting up from his chair.
“Every time I see you, I understand that nothing is impossible,” he rolled his eyes
. . .
You walked into your room, wandering among the shelves with all sorts of things that caught your attention in the human world. Aha, I found it!, you exclaimed, taking out a painting, exactly the same as the one hanging in Jinyoung’s living room. You placed the painting near the window and sat on the floor, looking at it. After you dealt with things, you were transported to the place where Jinyoung was. You stood on a high fence, watching him. When he saw you, he smiled widely and raised his hand to wave at you. He stopped himself when several people turned their attention to him. Turning around, you were wearing the same suit he was wearing. He gave you a thumbs up, pretending to fix your hair. You put your dress back and jumped, sitting on the edge of the tent that was next to him. He raised the phone to his ear, “Hello!” He said smiling broadly at you. You laughed at his little trick of not drawing attention to him. "How are you?" “Are you seriously asking how the angel is doing?” you grinned “Several days have passed, perhaps for you they flew by like 5 minutes, but after all, you were doing something during this time.” “Reasonable. Let's just say did my job." For a moment the smile disappeared from his face. He looked at you, you would even say with sympathy. “Well done, I’m sure you did well” You laughed loudly, clapping your hands together “Are you trying to feel sorry for me now?” you practically rolled around laughing, making him roll his eyes "I do my best" “Well done, you did it well,” you said with the same intonation as him. “Are you teasing me now?” “I do my best” you shook your head, getting to your feet. “You are simply incredible,” he chuckled. “I hear that a lot,” you said, walking around the edge of the tent. “You should go,” you said, pointing at the man who was walking in his direction.
. . .
You were transported to your room, falling onto your bed. “Where has that ill-mannered angel of death gone again!” you heard your mentor’s dissatisfied voice approaching your room. “Oh, there you are!” He said when he saw you “I already thought, you again with this mortal soul” “You seemed angry with me, so I decided not to flash in front of your nose for a while,” you said, throwing your legs up on the wall. “This is all somehow too suspicious. I'm watching you” he looked at you with narrowed eyes.
. . .
You returned to the office having dealt with all your mentor’s orders. You smiled when you found yourself in the office alone. You quickly walked over to your mentor's chair and relaxed, allowing yourself to fall into its softness. You fell through it, falling through the darkness. Did Jinyoung cut himself again, you thought before finding yourself in a room with dim red lights. You stood up, looking around. All the walls and ceiling were covered with Jinyoung's photos. You turned towards the bed and saw Jinyoung lying in his boxers only. You smiled, it didn't look like he had cut himself. His arms and legs were tied to each corner of the bed. His eyes and mouth were blindfolded. You carefully stood on the bed covered with rose petals. You sat on his chest with your legs crossed. Carefully moved the blindfold from his eyes to his forehead. “Are you into roleplay game?” you asked, looking around. You met Jinyoung's gaze, which was filled with fear. “Did you forget your safe word?” you giggled, removing the bandage from his mouth.
“Please save me,” he whispered, barely audible. The fear in his voice was real. You turned towards the locked door.
“I can't free you. Although I can make sure no one comes here before the police arrive,” you said and he sighed with relief.
“Why can’t I feel you even though you’re sitting on my chest?” he whispered
“You forgot, I’m not here” you winked at him, jumping onto the floor and he smiled “A smile is a good sign” you leaned forward looking around the next room. "Shouldn't she be in jail?" You asked pointing to the door behind which was the girl who wanted to stab him.
“So it was that girl who kidnapped me?”
  "In case you were wondering, she's cooking dinner."
"This is not normal" Jinyoung muttered
“You’re right, it doesn’t smell very good,” you said, turning in his direction. But he looked at the walls covered with his photographs in horror.
“Oh, about that. Apparently you didn't have a chance to admire the interior. Impressive, isn't it?" you sat on the bed next to him, laying your head on his stomach and looking at the ceiling. “By the way, in case you didn’t notice due to shock, you’re practically naked,” you said, getting back to your feet.
"What the..." his eyes widened
“Shh... unlike me, she can hear you,” you said as he raised his voice. He closed his eyes, trying to fight the anger inside. You jumped onto the bed and sat on the iron headboard that his legs were tied to. “How did you end up here?” you watched him
"Don't know. I was supposed to go to the shoot, but I can’t remember anything after I walked out into the parking lot.” He shook his head, opening his eyes.
“How are you going to save your almost naked ass from this person?” you smiled widely. “If I take this away, no one will believe that you were able to free yourself without tearing your skin to blood.” You pointed to the plastic zip ties around his wrists.
"Phone! Try to find my phone" he said looking around.
You opened the closet hoping that his clothes would be there. “How terrible!” You gasped.
“What's there? What happened?" he whispered worriedly
You pulled out a sweater from the closet, a dirty mustard color with a not-so-good image of a beaver embroidered on it, showing it to Jinyoung. “Her tastes terrible. Brrr...” you shook your head, putting the thing back in the closet.
"You're terrible!" Jinyoung muttered through clenched teeth, trying to fight his laughter. “I'm actually trying to survive here,” he said, chuckling quietly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Phone"
“Exactly!” you clapped your hands as you walked into the other room. “Found it,” you shouted, placing him on the floor, you pushed him with your foot so that he slipped under the door. You snapped your fingers, stopping time only for the girl as she turned towards the door behind which was Jinyoung. “You can speak calmly,” you said as you passed back to the room. You picked up the phone and turned it on.
“Have you stopped time?” he stared at you
“Only for her. It seemed like she wanted to check on you." You turned on your phone and placed it next to him. "Remember to keep your voice low." You said as he dialed the manager using voice command.
"Quiet. Shhh... hyung shut up" he hissed into the phone when the man practically shouted his name into the phone
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. You pointed to the window when Jinyoung was asked where he was. “I think I saw a yellow restaurant sign through the window before I was blindfolded.” You smiled as he said several similar names before naming the correct one.
“Tell that you think you smell burnt food,” you said and he stared at you, repeating your words. “And also tell them not to call, because you don’t know where the phone is and you’re lucky that it worked on your voice.”
You took the phone when the maneger hung up. You laid him on the floor, kicking him under the nightstands next to the bed. “It’s entirely possible that it fell out of your clothes while she was undressing you.” You smiled, shrugging.
“Would I have died today if you hadn’t shown up?” he asked, meeting your gaze
“No, you wouldn't die. Although you might have gotten a few scars to remember that day while you were trying to escape the trap" you said pointing at his hands
“Why did you say about the smell of burnt food?” he asked when you sat down next to him.
“I told you she was cooking dinner, she burned it. Or rather, this will happen in 10-15 minutes. Just the right moment for her time to start again. Because the food will burn, it will go back to the kitchen and won’t come here, and the smell will be heard even in the entrance. I forgot to tell you, the other room is also completely covered in your photos,” you said, returning to the bed. “I’m surprised by the number of them, but what surprises me even more is that not a single photo is repeated twice,” you pointed to the photos around
He laughed quietly and you looked at him in surprise. “I just remembered your reaction to that sweater with the half-dead beaver,” he whispered. You walked up to the door, tilting your head through the door, snapping your fingers when you smelled smoke. As you thought, she ran back to the kitchen.
“Right? I’m not the only one who thinks this thing is extremely strange. It seems to me that even a beaver would be horrified if they showed him this sweater." You shook your head as you approached the window. "Hurray! Finally, our valiant prince rushed to save his princess from a tower with a fire-breathing dragon." You clapped your hands joyfully when you saw a lot of cars with flashing lights below.
“Am I a princess now?” he smiled widely.
“Why not” you jumped onto the bed and squatted next to his head. “This needs to be returned” you said sliding the blindfold back over your eyes when you heard a loud noise and screams outside the door.
“Are you still around?” he whispered barely audibly
You smiled and took his hand. He squeezed your finger as his body began to shake violently. After several strong blows, the door to the room fell out, falling to the floor. "I found him." the man shouted before entering the room. “Jinyoung.” Can you hear me?" The man said as he removed Jinyoung's blindfold. “Don’t be afraid, I’m from the police. Everything will be fine."
Jinyoung kept his gaze on you as the man cut off his bonds. You winced as Jinyoung groaned in pain as he tried to sit up. “Lay down, the doctor will come now,” the man said, covering Jinyoung with a blanket.
“Oh yeah, it’s right, the blanket will help him deal with the pain,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “Stop giggling!” you said as he turned on his side, towards you. “They’ll think you’re crazy.”
“Isn’t that so? I’m talking to the angel of death, remember?” he winked at you, smiling widely as the man walked away from him.
You jumped to the side when a lot of people appeared and kept asking practically the same questions. “Do they have trouble processing information or is it normal to ask the same questions to someone who has been kidnapped?” You asked, standing on the iron headboard, watching the people who surrounded Jinyoung. Jinyoung covered his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile at your words.
"Anyway... See you!" You said, waving your hand at Jinyoung before vanishing.
_______________________ More Park Jinyoung x Reader: Girl, what more beautiful than moonlight (fluff) Secret (smut) The window (fluff, smut) Ah, that’s what love is! (fluff) Our nights (smut)
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kmazine · 7 months
I Can't Have You
Tumblr media
bestfriend!jinyoung x female reader
genre : angst
For some reason, the walk back home feel so long and painful.
"Why it can't it be me?"
"I love you, Jinyoung"
You silently mutter under your breath. The words that you couldn't even say to him. The tears you don't bother to wipe, streaming down your face.
"Jinyoung, you okay?" You ask your best friend over the phone when your best friend called you an hour ago. It was late at night so you wonder why he call.
It was silent for a few seconds until you heard sniffles taking over the background noise that you register was from some television show. You didn't think much more. You immediately jump out from your bed and run towards your door.
"I'm coming" You heard Jinyoung replied with a sad hum and probably a nod, and that makes you fasten you steps. Luckily his apartment is not that far so you already in his apartment within minutes.
"Hey, you okay? How many days you've been drinking like this?" Closing the door behind you and took off your shoes, you can see few empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. You immediately sit beside him on the floor. Your heart sank at the way his shoulder slouch, arms hugging his knees. He looks up to you when he hears your presence. And you look at him. Eyes swollen and he looks gaunt too. You scoot next to him and wrap your arms around his shoulder, hoping that you'd bring him comfort.
"We- we broke up" His tears starts to roll down his cheeks again as he said that. You let out a pain sigh, slowly wiping his tears with your fingers and pat his head softly.
"It's okay, Jinyoung. You will get through this. You will be fine okay?" You still stroking his hair, like an adult trying to persuade a child to not cry over candies.
"But I really love her, Y/n. It's been a few days and it hurts me that I can't see her face and listen to her voice. I can't do this Y/n. I miss her so much I feel like -- my heart..." He sniffled between words and voice quavering at the last part as he tapping his chest harder each sentences as if that will ever chase the pain away. You take his hands away and give him a tight grip, as to tell him, you're there for him. Your heart clenched to see him like this.
You know falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea. You've been liking him even before you became friend. Stealing glance at him during the class or sometimes exchanging smiles and nods when you saw each others is your definition of happiness back then. Then one semester, you and Jinyoung were assigned together for university projects and both of you clicked right away and the next thing you know, you two are inseparable as best friends. When you thought it's going to be easy for you and your feelings, but it was far from that.
Because from then on, Jinyoung see you as his best friend and best friend only.
Then start the cycle of your crumbling love story. You listen to his sobbing stories after the break ups like a best friend do. He try to match you with his other good friends because as a best friend, he want to see you happy with a good guy. Once, you ended up help him with the girl he likes because he just can't stop begging you.
Even after graduating and working on different companies, the cycle never end. And that's why it's hard. It's harder now to confess and tell him you love him. After everything, after all these years.
Especially this time, the relationship didn't seems like the others. He wasn't just smitten, and she didn't seem like the other girls she dated in the past. As much as you hate to admit it, he's definitely in love. You never thought they'll break up if you're being honest. She's a perfect woman any man can ever wish. It was perfect, as if they're actually made for each others.
You know asking him what happened now wont help him so you decided to make him a meal and tea to calm himself down. It was hard forcing the man to eat but you do every way you can and he finally give in.
"I don't know what will I do without you. Thank you Y/n" He give you a sad smile as he lays down on the couch. Deep sighs never left his mouth. You put the empty bottles in a plastic and put them aside and clean his messy living room.
"Glad I could help. You look too miserable for me not to to do that. I know it's hard but please, do not skip meals." You grabbing the blanket to cover his full body.
"Y/n?" He called for you so you lower yourself so your eyes meet on his level.
"Is it always this hard after the break up? It hurts so much. How can love be this painful huh? "He chuckles - probably knows how pathetic and sad he sound right now. You didn't say anything, just let him rambles more and give him another sympathetic smiles.
You make sure he was sleeping when you decided to leave. You're about to close the door when you heard his phone rings. You can hear Jinyoung shuffles to get up and the last thing you heard his voice saying her name. You closed the door shut, hoping that your heart closed the same for him.
There is a person that you can’t have even when you love them,
Just look at me, I’m next to you but I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.
a.n : this one have been sitting in my draft for months now. This is based from Bank's I Can't Have You (korean old song) and the lyrics are just heart breaking so here we go. Again, please do not mind the grammatical mistakes and typos. I will fix it later from time to time. Because the more I re-read, the more I want to delete this so I'll just post first.
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kpopslibrarian · 11 months
MonstaX | Got7 | BTS | Seventeen | EXO | BAP | BigBang | BlockB | NCT | Day6 | AOMG | Stray Kids
Fav fic on this list: MY IDOL - Season 01 / 02 / 03
Type: series, season 01 & 02 complete, 03 ongoing
Genre: fluff, angst - several idols x reader
Tropes: blind dating, dating reality show, dating several people at the same time
Summary: reader is the participant in a dating reality tv show and goes on seven blind dates with seven idols. the audience decides who gets second dates..
Comment: I love love love this series, I binge read it all within two nights lol. season one might have been my favourite cause of all the plot twists, never knew what was coming next. season two was just as goo tho and I’m soooo excited for season three!!
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vex91 · 1 year
GOT7 Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff (s) - smut
Mark Yien Tuan:
Nothing yet...
Im Jaebeom:
Nothing yet...
Wang Jiaer:
Nothing yet...
Park Jinyoung:
Nothing yet...
Choi Youngjae:
Nothing yet...
Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam:
Nothing yet...
Kim Yugyeom:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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markliving · 3 months
There are good witches, you know?
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pairing: jackson wang x f!witcher!reader
synopse: You were a witch, not one of those we see in Harry Potter or in children's stories where witches are the villains. You were a normal teenager, but luckily for you, you had some potions and spells at your disposal. And after being caught carrying out one of your shenanigans on the school grounds, you end up having to help Jackson with a potion. But what could go wrong? All.
warnings: magic, fantasy, fluff
word count: 1585
Jackson hated staying after hours at school. He wondered every day why teachers always assigned such huge assignments. Didn't they realize that students had other things to do? Well, Jackson was just another complaining student, but he still did everything to complete his assignments correctly and earn the highest grade.
He walked calmly through the school corridors, letting out sighs and grumbles here and there. He knew there were few students in school that day and mentally thanked himself for not being alone there because that place gave him shivers down his spine. While noticing some details never seen by his eyes in that immense corridor, he heard some not-so-quiet curses towards the sports court and thought about going straight, but his brain told him to turn around and see what was happening, so he did.
He looked at the small open corridor leading to the sports court and proceeded forward slowly, looking around to make sure no one saw him. He stopped behind the pillar next to the opening leading to the court and started observing you, who was in the center of the place.
You were wearing the school uniform and had some object in yours hands, emitting sparks. Jackson widened his eyes when he saw you had turned in his direction. He quickly crouched down, trying to hide behind the low wall and prayed that you hadn't seen him there, especially because he wasn't sure what you were doing there and why the object in yours hand was emitting sparks. He stood up slowly, looked at you again, and this time managed to see clearly what you were holding; a wand. A. Wand. Emitting. Sparks.
Jackson wasn't sure what he was feeling, he just knew that either he was hallucinating or he needed a good night's sleep when he got home. He knew that what he was seeing in front of him couldn't be real; witches, magic wands, none of that existed, but why was he seeing it?
The boy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice you — who was previously in the middle of the court — now next to him, looking at him with yours hands on yours hips.
"Can I know what you're snooping around for?" you asked.
The guy was more confused than anything else. You were seconds ago in the middle of the basketball court. How did you get here so quickly and without him seeing her? Running was not an option.
"How did you get here so fast?" This time it was Jackson who asked.
"Wrong answer." You descended the step and stood facing him. "I asked first, and I would like the correct answer."
"You..." He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to push away the actions he had just seen, which seemed more like hallucinations than anything else. "I was just passing by." He tried to maintain a serious posture.
You raised one of yours eyebrows in doubt and put your hand on your chin. That boy was too strange to be true and seemed too nervous as well. Did he see your antics in the middle of the court? And what if he spread the word that you were a witch?
"Hold on a second." Jackson squinted his eyes, searching his mind for where he knew her from. "You're the girl who exploded the test tube in chemistry class... right?"
You froze. You didn't know exactly how he remembered that fateful day or your name. You wished could remember a spell right now to erase that disastrous event from everyone's lives and go back to walking around without receiving some looks from those who were with you that day.
"It's me." You raised her head and pretended not to hear anything from the guy before saying your name. "And who are you?"
"Jackson Wang."
If you knew that on that day you “met” Jackson your life would turn upside down and not in a good way, you would have thought a thousand times before deciding to do one of your antics in that place. Now, to your misfortune, you were being blackmailed by the brown-haired boy.
It all started after the day that you two met on the basketball court; Wang, as if he didn't want anything, arrived just before history your class started and sat in the chair next to you.
"How are you?" he asked with a big strange smile on his lips.
You stopped reading the book in yours hands and looked at the boy beside you, thinking of a thousand things to kick him out of there, until you saw his mischievous smile.
"What do you want here, Wang?" You mimicked his smile. You were curious to know what he wanted by looking for you. You had some ideas of what it could be, but preferred to keep those ideas to herself.
"I need your help," he began. "Well... there's a girl from my chemistry class that I'd like to ask out..." he whispered this part, as if afraid someone else would hear. “But I don't know how to do it."
Your smile gradually faded as you listened to what the boy was saying. You were astonished by what Wang was saying. How could he, with the appearance of a Greek god and an unparalleled shamelessness, not know how to ask someone out? It was becoming hilarious. You smiled mischievously again, as if plotting something in your mind.
"Why do you have that shameless smile on your face?" Jackson asked, beginning to regret coming to you for help, but he knew he still had a card up his sleeve to wipe that smirk off your face.
"I was thinking of something here... How come you, Jackson Wang, the school's player, the 'Greek god' here, don't know how to ask a girl out?"
"The same way you don't know, I also don't know..." The boy shrugged and continued. "And that's where you come in... don't you have a potion, or, I don't know, a spell for that...?"
You stopped thinking as soon as you heard those words coming from the other. You were expecting something exaggerated from the boy, but not something from your spells, or as your father liked to say, "powers that Harry Potter once used to defeat You-Know-Who," which had nothing to do with being a witch in the 21st century.
"What did you say?"
"You know... what witches do with wands and cauldrons."
Joy's jaw dropped in shock.
"But if you don't want to, I can tell a certain someone who controls the school… cough… that she has a little witch in her school, and that she's been casting some spells around."
And it was after that you wanted to fly at Jackson's throat, because for the first time in your life, which wasn't many years, you had been discovered by a human, who was blackmailing you. But for Jackson's luck, and for your misfortune, you were without one of your transformation potions.
After that day, every blessed day, Jackson showed up to bother you with that stupid and huge smile that could melt anyone. Of course, you found Jackson attractive and a nice guy, but everything he was making you do made, you roll yours eyes 24/7, and it was really stressing you out.
You had warned Jackson that today, on Friday the 13th, he was to wait for you outside the school to solve this potion problem. As soon as you two were released from school, you both walked without a word towards your house, or as Jackson liked to think, a cave.
You two stopped in front of a house with a green garden and entered it shortly after.
"What is it?" you asked, giving a questioning look to the other.
"I thought we were going to a cave or something..." he whispered, seeming a bit confused with what he was saying.
"We're in the 21st century, not the 15th." You laughed, wondering where he got all that from. "Back then, we couldn't do this anywhere, because we were seen as evil beings, with their black cats, casting spells on anyone, but nowadays, humans, without any kind of power or anything like that, are their own enemies." You shrugged and pointed to a place where the other could leave his backpack, and both headed towards a small room not far from the living room.
There were shelves in the four corners of the room with jars and more jars of things that Jackson had never seen in his entire life. He was starting to regret having had this stupid idea.
"I know all this is scary, but there are good witches, you know?" You turned to him with a small smile on your face, which somehow helped him calm down a bit.
You spent a few minutes looking for the potion you had prepared the night before, which for some reason wasn't where you left it the night before. You stopped for a few seconds to think, and turned to Jackson, finding him about to do one of the dumbest things he could do: drink the love potion.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, Jackson drinking the orange liquid as if it were orange juice and loving it, and you were panicking at seeing the whole scene without being able to do something, because it was already too late. The guy looked at you, not understanding anything, and said three magic words:
"I like you."
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a/n: im back, I hope you like it. I'm working on a Nanami fic, so keep an eye out.
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mykoreanlove · 8 months
Can I see you tonight?
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“You are doing WHAT? Y/N, are you out of your fucking mind?”
The slightly annoyed voice shouting at you through your phone was no other than your best friend. “You cried so much because of that man-whore and now you’re going to his place? What is wrong with you?”
Fair enough, you had asked yourself that as well. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. What’s your motive?”
You sighed in defeat. “See, I thought about that, too. It’s true, JB hurt me badly. And I should be over him and all but I’m not. I am still thinking about him, wishing that it would be different. I… I miss him. And I haven’t heard from him in so long, I just.. I just want to know what he’s got to say to me. Can’t you understand that?”
Your friend sighed in annoyance. “What are you wearing?”
That question caught you by surprise. “Huh?”
“Y/N, don’t play dumb with me. What are you wearing?”
You looked down at yourself and started describing your outfit. Black sports leggings, red hoodie and leather boots. “Oh, you mean the sports leggings that accentuates your bubble butt? And the red hoodie that makes your eyes pop? And not to forget the leather boots that look sexy as fuck on you?”
You gulped, not saying a word. “What are you wearing underneath?”
It was pointless to lie, so you told her the truth. “Red lacy thong..”, you mumbled. “And?” You rolled your eyes, thankful that she couldn’t see it. “No bra.”
“Y/N, I swear to god. You are going over there because you want him to fuck you! Seriously? That bastard behaved like he fell for you only to ghost you and you’re thinking of fucking his dick?”
Hearing her talk like that made your stomach turn. She wasn’t all wrong but she wasn’t all right either. Did you put a lot of thought into your outfit? Of course you did. When Jaebeom ditched you it hurt like hell, so naturally you wanted payback. Getting dolled up, showing off your goodies to tease him – anything really that would make him regret dumping you.
You thought of all possible scenarios in your head. Would he apologize and confess his love to you? Would he fuck you and make you leave? Would he apologize and introduce a new girlfriend to you? Would he even be at home or was this all a prank? Endless possibilities roamed your head until you decided to stop thinking. The last thing you needed was a headache.
“Listen, I know you worry about me and I appreciate that. I am curious what he has got to say to me. And if he isn’t saying anything at all, I can at least ask why he ended things the way he did. Anything after that? Total uncertainty. Maybe I’ll see him and be turned off by him. Maybe I understand his ways and feel empathy for him. Maybe I decide I am done with him and leave. Or maybe I’ll use him just like he used me… It’s been a while and a girl got needs. Is that noble? No. But the world is complex, it’s not black and white. Especially not with JB. At least, I want to be prepared.”
You hung up as you arrived at his place. You scanned the bell for his name, taking a deep breath before pushing it. “Jaebeom, please don’t make me regret this.”
His apartment was on the third floor. You took each step nervously, not knowing what to expect from him. You were wondering if his heart was racing as fast as yours. When you made it to his floor you noticed his door being open ajar, him being nowhere in sight though. You collected yourself one last time before grabbing the handle and entering.
He was rushing to the front door, cheeks slightly red because he didn’t make it on time. “Y/N! I’m so happy to see you. Come on in!”
You took a good look at him. He was dressed casually – black joggers and a white shirt that accentuated his defined body. His hair was longer though, falling into his beautiful features effortlessly. He still had the same aura about him. He was confident in a silent, down to earth way. “Fuck”, you muttered under your breath. Hating him just got a lot harder.
“Did you eat? I cooked for us.” He beamed you a sly smile and ushered you into the kitchen. It smelled heavenly and you started to relax for the first time. You were too nervous to eat before, so you welcomed the pleasant smell of your favorite dish. “I made you tteokbokki. It’s your favorite, right?”
You thought back to the first time you had tteokbokki with him. It felt like ages ago, even though it only had been months. You were sitting on his couch eating, trying your best not to go up in flames as it was way too spicy for you. JB looked at you concerned. “Is it good?” You took a deep breath, nodding. “Yes, but it’s so fucking spicy!” He sprinted over to you immediately. “Oh, let me extinguish the heat then.” And with that he kissed you – sweetly and innocently.
You got pulled out of your memories as he handed you a plate. “Come on, let’s eat.” You barely touched your food – not because it was too spicy but because you were too nervous to eat. Up ‘til now you only talked about irrelevant things – what you had been up to, work, your family, plans for the remaining year. Jaebeom barely looked at you which you took as a sign of his nervousness. Why was he nervous though? You were the one that got rejected.
He got up and put on some music, dimming the lights to change the mood. Your stomach churned again, you had never been this nervous with him. He sat next to you on the black couch and just watched you.
“Sorry, I, I thought this would be easier but it’s not.. It’s hard for me actually.”
You were confused. “What is?”
He grinned embarrassed. “Seeing you again. I know I fucked up and I wanted to talk about it but now that I’m actually seeing you it’s so hard.” He gulped nervously.
A ping of relief washed over you. He wanted to apologize, that was good! But you wouldn’t go easy on him, you wanted to see him suffer. You turned around and faced him directly, your doe eyes looking at him innocently while you were licking your lips seductively.
“Go on. You can do it, JB.”
He laughed. God, you missed his voice so much. The deep, honeylike voice that whispered the sweetest and naughtiest things into your ear.
“I wish I could find the right words and give you a proper explanation, Y/N. But I wasn’t in the right mind back then. I felt so lost.”
He took a halt and waited. That was not enough, no. You wanted more, you wanted a proper explanation from him. Maybe you needed to help him start?
You stood up and re-positioned yourself – on his lap facing him intimately. Jaebeom’s eyes widened in shock. His hands travelled to your sides automatically, squeezing your hips and ass. You caressed his face, tucking the lose strands of hair behind his ear.
“I am listening, Jaebeom.”
You felt him getting hard underneath you, grinning vigorously. He was holding back so much and you knew.
“I had been single for a short while when we met. And I wanted to keep it that way. You know, have some fun and move on. And it worked perfectly with all the girls before you but you y/n, you were different.”
You saw the pain in his eyes and felt good. It was petty but you were hurt and now you wanted him to suffer, too. You placed sweet little kisses along his jawline, whispering. “Different how?”
Jaebeom sighed heavily, trying to control himself.
“You were one of a kind. You still are.”
You let go of his jaw and watched him carefully.
“I had never met someone like you, y/n. You are so beautiful and funny. Smart and creative. Like I could talk to you about the most stupid stuff as well as my biggest fears. I was so drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. I felt my best when I was with you. But also my… worst.”
The last part caught you by surprise. You wanted to get up and get some space between the two of you but he held you tight by your wrists.
“Listen to me, please. I felt my worst because I knew I couldn’t live up to you. I wasn’t the man you deserved to be with. I was acting like a big fuckboy, running away from my demons and facing different pussies instead of my baggage. I didn’t deserve to be with you.”
You started to tear up. Never ever had you thought of this possibility. Did you think of him leaving you because you were not good enough? Yes. Did you think of him leaving because you sucked in bed? Yes. Did you think of him leaving because you were just not what a guy wanted? You bet. But this?
His honesty caught you off guard.
„I knew that you wouldn‘t let go of me, y/n. I saw it in your eyes. So I did what I always do best: fuck up. I had to hurt you so badly, hoping that you would forget about me. Did you…?” He paused for a brief moment. “Did you forget about me?”
You held back tears as you were facing him. You hated being weak, but you couldn’t help it right now. With a very low voice you answered. “I tried to. I tried kissing someone else, I tried dating someone else but I… I always thought about you.”
You looked down at your lap, too embarrassed to face him. Jaebeom grabbed your chin with his fingers and looked at you lovingly. “Funny enough, I did the same thing. I tried to forget about you by getting with other girls but none of them did the trick. No one ever compared to you, y/n.”
You grabbed his hand that was holding your chin and squeezed it lightly. Tears started to fall from your eyes as you asked him again. “What changed? Why now?”
Jaebeom’s fingers landed on your cheeks, wiping away the salty tears you cried because of him. “I wonder how many tears you must have cried because of me, y/n. I am so sorry. I really, really am.” He looked at you sincerely, you were believing his every word. With a sigh he explained further. “I got tired of running away. I got tired of playing this game that I’m bound to loose. I want to be with you. I know I’m not perfect and I can’t change what I did but I want to be better. For you. I want to be the man you deserve to be with. If you let me, of course.”
He looked at you nervously. “Will you let me, y/n?”
You chuckled in relief, as well. “Of course, you idiot. Of course, I will.”
His eyes lit up with excitement as he realized what you had said. Not even a second after he crushed his lips onto yours, kissing you like it was the first time. You made out for a while, in desperate need for each other. He interrupted each kiss with another declaration of love.
“I will make it up to you, y/n.” Kiss. “I missed you so fucking much.” Kiss. “God, I’m such an idiot.” Kiss. “What did I do to ever deserve you?” Kiss. “Thank you.” Kiss. “Thank you for giving me another chance.” Kiss. “I won’t fuck up this time.” Kiss. “I promise”. Kiss.
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winter-dayz · 5 months
Think of me?
Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader Brother's Best Friend Genre: Fluff; Smut (if you squint) Words: 1673 Warnings: strong language; sexual content (male masturbation)
Masterlist | 12 Days of Ficmas Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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‘It’s gonna be fine. The worst that could happen is that he won’t notice me. Again. And I’ll just remain his best friend’s little sister forever.’
Totally fine.
You shook your head—putting any other self-deprecating thoughts away in a tiny, sealed box in your brain to be dealt with at your next therapy session—and entered.
Each year, your family hosted a Christmas party. It used to be small, contained to the immediate family. But then your brother and you got a little older, begged your parents to let you invite your friends. They allowed it, and invited some of their own friends too. Then other guests wanted to bring their families—parents of your friends and children of your parents’ friends started showing. Soon enough, it became a proper holiday celebration and couldn’t be held at your family home anymore. All of the adults started chipping in to rent space and have it catered. It became a celebration and reunion of sorts from then on.
You made your way through the decent-sized crowd, greeting friends and family as you went, until you found your own parents and brother standing around chatting.
“Hi honey!” Your mom cheered, greeting you with a kiss to your cheek.
“Hi mom,” you smiled and glanced around, “The decorations look really nice this year. I like the red and gold theme.”
She beamed at the praise, motioning to your father, “Your dad picked out the main tree, and some of the others donated the smaller ones. We were going for something homier and warmer this year. People felt that the ‘White Christmas’ last year with all the white and silver was a little too sterile.”
You hummed, “Maybe if you do that theme again throw in gold? Like the song Silver and Gold… Or a nice royal blue if you want it to lean more–”
“Jackson!” Your brother shouted, interrupting your train of thought. Your head whipped around, following his line of sight.
Jackson, your brother’s lifelong best friend, was strolling over to your group. Soft, close-lipped smile on, eyes shining with happiness. He was dressed well, as usual, and had a Santa hat perched on bleach-blonde hair.
It was a different look than you had seen on him last, but you couldn’t deny you were really enjoying it.
‘You’ve got to get yourself together.’ You admonished yourself, tearing your eyes away and trying not to drool over your childhood crush.
Just the thought of him so close once again, though, had your eyes being pulled to him. As you caught another glance of him, you managed to catch his own eyes traveling the length of you.
‘I’m imagining things, right? Surely he didn’t just check me out? Right!?’
“Honey,” Your mom pulled you out of your thoughts, “can you bring yours?”
You hummed, wide-eyed as you refocused on the conversation around you. “What was that?”
“Your air mattress. Can you bring it for Jackson?”
“Why would I do that?”
Your brother looked at you with furrowed brows and said like it was obvious, “So he doesn’t have to sleep on the couch in the basement.”
“I didn’t realize you were coming to the cabin with us for Christmas?” You finally let your eyes flit back to Jackson. He was holding back a smirk in your direction already.
“Yeah, my parents are spending the holidays on a cruise. Didn’t really want to spend Christmas alone so your family is letting me stay with you.”
You felt your entire being tense. You weren’t trying to be defensive, even though you’re sure that’s how it comes off, but all that was running through your brain was getting through the holiday with the big fat crush you still had on your brother’s best friend.
“If you don’t want me to borrow your air mattress, it’s fine. The couch in the basement isn’t that bad.”
“No, no… It’s fine. I have to go back to my apartment and grab my bags after this anyway. I can bring it.”
Jackson’s subtle smirk split into a gentle smile, “I appreciate it.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned a bit closer to you, “Between us, that couch is actually really awful. We should use it as kindling.” A bubble burst out of you, and Jackson’s small grin grew, brightening his face and causing his eyes to squint. “There’s that gorgeous smile.” You swore you heard him add on under his breath while you laughed.
“Hey loser,” your brother tossed a set of sheets onto you as you lounged on the sofa, watching a Christmas movie in the den. “Mom said to take those to Jackson downstairs.”
“And why can’t you do it?”
“I’m going to bed. You’re still up.”
You rolled your eyes as your brother headed towards where the upstairs loft was. You gathered up the sheets and made sure to grab an extra fleece throw, knowing how chilly the cabin basement could get in winter—regardless of how much work your dad put in to finish it and make it a nice guest suite.
Before you bounded down the creaky, wooden stairs, you called down softly, “Jacks?” You waited a moment, cold seeping in through your fuzzy socks, before heading down when you thought you heard him call your name back. “Hey, I brought you some sheets and a blanket since it can get… cold down… here…” You trailed off at the sight before you.
Jackson hadn’t been calling your name as an okay to come downstairs. No, instead, he was too busy moaning your name. His hand was wrapped around his cock, angry red and desperately weeping. Head thrown against the back of the couch, back arched as he bucked into his hand, and legs spread wide with his jeans unbuttoned and just barely pulled down to free himself.
‘He’s jerking himself off. To me? To me!? I shouldn’t be watching this. I shouldn’t be here.’ Your brain was malfunctioning. You knew you should just turn around, march back up those stairs, and come back down in a while with the blankets and sheets. But instead, your gaze darkened on the way he bit his lip to try to smother the louder groans, yet your name and swears still slipped through. Your eyes fluttered as you tracked a bead of sweat streak down his face. Your own mouth fell open, and you groaned at the way his hand flexed and gripped the couch, as if he could barely hold himself back.
Jackson froze, whipping around to find you standing there watching. He let out a sound, somewhere between a yelp and a whine. Embarrassment at having been caught colored his cheeks, neck, and ears.
You could feel that your grip on the sheets was white-knuckled and knew that your thighs were pressed together to release some of the pressure, but you simply cleared your throat and finally averted your eyes.
“I… Um, I br– brought the sheets for the air mattress.” You managed.
Jackson stared wide-eyed and panicked. He rushed to tuck himself away, fixing his hair and standing to take the sheets from you.
As he turned away to toss them onto the couch, he whispered into the awkward air, “I’m so sorry… You weren’t supposed to know… I’m just really sorry.”
“Know?” You flinched in confusion. ‘I’m not supposed to know what? That you masturbate to the thought of me?’ For once, you voiced your thoughts smoothly.
“Um, yeah…” Jackson looked ashamed.
“How… How long?”
His eyes darted to yours and quickly looked away, “Remember the Christmas party after you turned twenty-one?”
It was your turn to feel embarrassment wash over you. Of course you remembered that party. You had enjoyed one too many of your aunt’s famous Ho Ho Hot Cocoa… It was hot chocolate with more chocolate liqueur and peppermint schnapps than actual chocolate and milk.
You ended up nearly black out drunk, with only fuzzy memories of dancing with cousins and flirting with some friends of friends of friends. In fact, you were pretty sure you kissed someone…
“Oh my god!” Jackson rubbed a hand over his face, as you came to the same conclusion. “I kissed you!”
“Yeah… I’m sorry…”
That felt like a slap in the face. “What why? I’m the one who kissed you and then watched you… you know… without your permission. If anything, I’m sorry.”
“Because I enjoyed it…” Jackson hesitated, “I enjoyed both things if I’m honest.”
“Oh…” You breathed, mind blanking. “If… you liked me, why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Your brother told me you’d never like me like that. ‘I’m like a big brother to you,’ were his exact words I think.”
“That fucking idiot!” You screeched, “I’m gonna kill him! I’ve had a crush on you since we were fucking kids, Jacks!”
“You– You… Really?”
Jackson burst into laughter, pulling you into his arms. He was a bit clammy, his cologne a bit tainted with the smell of his sweat, and yet, you really didn’t mind.
“Y/N…” He eventually whispered into the crown of your head, “I want you.”
“Oh?” You whispered back into his chest, desire coursing through you.
He pulled back quickly, “Not like that! I mean… Yes, like that too… But– Fuck, I’m fucking this up… I want to be with you. I want to take you on dates and kiss you and cuddle the shit out of you all the time. I want to show you off and come home to the same apartment—at least someday—and then pamper you and fall asleep in each other’s arms.”
You breathed out slowly, “I didn’t know you thought about stuff like that.”
“I never did before you.”
“Well damn, Jackson… What am I supposed to say to all that?” you giggled, wrapping your arms tighter around his waist.
“Say you’ll go out with me.”
“Okay,” you smiled, “on one little condition…” He hummed, and you pressed a kiss to his jawline. “Keep thinking of me like that.”
“I can do that forever, baby.”
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iamyoursinblog · 7 months
Halloween party
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  2.9 k
You liked the fact that everyone in your company dressed up in Halloween costumes. It was funny, especially the party that was held after work.
You were spinning in front of the mirror, trying to figure out if your costume was too provocative. Although you didn't have a plan B anyway. No matter what happens, you giggled quickly leaving the house. You tried not to pay attention to how everyone around you reacted to you while you got to work. You sighed with relief when you pulled into the underground parking lot. You laughed when you saw several people in cosplay costumes. This will be fun, you thought as you got out of the car.
Every year everyone tried to surprise with their costume, and light accessories grew into full-fledged cosplays. You examined your mistress costume from head to toe in the mirror, checking the riding crop in your hand. Why is it only now that you started to feel like your latex dress is too short?
“Holly fuck!” you laughed at the reaction of your assistant who was waiting for you when the elevator doors opened on your floor. “Did you forget that today is Halloween, so you came in your everyday role?” he raised an eyebrow at you.
You smacked him on the shoulder. “Shut up,” you rolled your eyes. “You think that’s too much?” You asked when you entered the office.
“Too sexy, too tight, too short, too high heels, too dominant... Just right!” He smiled widely at you. “Oh...” He stopped in the doorway turning in your direction. “It’s okay though... this will be fun,” he chuckled quietly before leaving the office.
You were glad that you didn't have much work to do today and you could enjoy the time just hanging out with your friends at work. You didn’t even notice how the day flew by until you found yourself in the middle of a party. You continued to scan the room to make sure everything was going well. After all, this year you were in charge of the party.
“Jackson is here,” your assistant said as he approached you.
"Who? WHAT?" You stared at him with wide eyes. Just now you remembered that Jackson Wang was invited to the party because he was the face of your brand. How could you forget about this? You looked sharply at the assistant when you remembered his behavior in the morning “Oh you...” You swung your riding crop at him, but he ran away before you could reach him.
“You seem to know how to use it,” a deep voice made you freeze in place. You slowly turned towards Jackson, who was looking at you with a smile.
“I... it’s just part of the costume,” you quickly replied, hiding the riding crop behind your back. “Glad you were able to come to the party. Let me show you to the table,” you showed him the way. Damn how could you forget that Jackson was coming. Oh, this is definitely a bad choice of costume, you thought about your too vulgar appearance.
You tried to hide all evening, watching the Jackson table from afar. You stamped your foot angrily, realizing that no one had approached his table for the last half an hour. You quickly made your way to his table when you saw that all the drinks were empty.
“Oh wow!” one of the guys whistled when you approached the table. “And why haven’t we been served by such a sexy kitty before?” said the second guy at the Jackson table.
“Shut up idiot! You make me look bad!” Jackson slapped one of the guys on the shoulder as everyone laughed. Jackson smiled at you, and you barely restrained yourself from laughing at his drunken state.
“Do you want something?” You asked looking only at Jackson, and not paying attention to the behavior of others.
“Do I want something...” Jackson grinned, looking you up and down as if you were dessert. You could practically feel his gaze on your skin.
You pointed at him with your riding crop making him look into your eyes “I’m not trying to seduce you.” You said and everyone at his table laughed out loud. Jackson lowered his head, trying to hide his embarrassment, while the others laughed at him. You ran the leather edge of the crop along his neck, lifting his chin. “Would you like me to seduce you?” you grinned, Jackson's lips parted slightly making him look so innocent, making you want to really seduce him. Jackson's gaze changed, causing everything inside you to shrink into a tight knot. Oh boy... You barely restrained yourself from moaning at the look he was looking at you. You couldn’t even understand what kind of look it was, and why it turned you on so much. “Anyway...” You quickly changed your tone to jokingly laughing with everyone when your fantasy went too far. It seems that you have gotten used to the role of the dominant too much. “I was asking about drinks,” you said, smiling widely. You quickly moved away from the table, heading to the bar to order Jackson drinks.
You took a few sips of cold water, trying to calm the heat in your body. And what was that, you thought. You turned around and were surprised to see that Jackson was still looking at you.
“It seems your suit worked as it should, lady,” your assistant said, appearing out of nowhere.
“Looks like you're up for a beating,” you snorted, slapping him on the shoulder. “How could you not remind me that Jackson will be at the party!” you practically growled, “This is definitely not the way I should have greeted him!!!” You patted his shoulder again.
“That’s exactly why I didn’t say it,” he laughed. “Because that’s exactly the way you should greet him,” he said, turning your head towards Jackson, who continued to look at you. You quickly took your assistant’s hand and headed to the end of the hall. “If you suddenly want Jackson to think that I'm your boyfriend, you failed from the very beginning. He knows I'm gay"
“How does he know about this?” you looked at him in surprise
“I'm dating one of his friends,” your assistant said, hugging you. “And by the way, I think Jackson likes you. Not just today because of your sexy looks, but from the very beginning. He's always looked at you that way, you just didn't pay attention because you focused on work,” he chuckled before leaving you alone.
It doesn't matter, you thought, reminding yourself that Jackson was an idol. It would be too foolish to take it too seriously.
You breathed a sigh of relief when the party ended and everyone left. You looked around the empty hall and smiled contentedly, enjoying your work. You walked down to the parking lot before heading to your car. Maybe you should keep this, you thought, looking at the riding crop in your hand. You definitely enjoyed this role. You smiled widely at the thought. You raised your head and stopped when you saw Jackson leaning against your car in the empty parking lot.
“Yes,” Jackson said, and your skin broke out in goosebumps from his deep voice.
"What?" you barely restrained yourself from retreating back from his imperious aura
“Will you give me a ride?” a smile barely touched the corners of his lips.
“Yes, of course,” you quickly unlocked the car, still confused by his presence. You got into the car, starting the engine. “Where should I take you?” You asked, heading towards the dressage area from the parking lot.
“To your home,” he said calmly
You slammed on the brakes and turned your head in his direction. But he looked completely calm, looking forward, without a shadow of the fact that he was joking now. You gripped the steering wheel knowing exactly what that meant. You hesitated whether you should refuse or just go home. You drove again, turning towards your house. You spent the entire journey in silence. But unlike Jackson, who looked relaxed, you were going crazy with your thoughts.
In the same silence you entered your house. “I’ll get you a drink,” you said, practically running towards the kitchen.
OMG!!!! You tried to calm down. You wanted to scream. What is the next? You rested your hands on the table. As it will be? This was your first time in such a situation and you absolutely didn’t know what to do. It was clear for what purpose you came here, but now that you were in the house... the reality scared you, although it also excited you just as much. Just go with the flow, you told yourself. Come what may! You took out a whiskey glass and filled it for Jackson. Maybe you should have a drink too? Although it’s better to be sober, you thought, returning the bottle to its place. You took a few deep breaths, trying to look calm before heading to the living room.
“You seem to like whiskey,” you said as you walked into the living room.
You froze with your mouth open as you entered the living room. Your hand dropped helplessly, pouring whiskey onto the floor. The glass slipped from your fingers, falling to the floor with a thud, just like your heart. You stared almost breathlessly at Jackson, who was slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
“Yes,” Jackson said throwing his shirt onto the sofa. “I would like you to seduce me.” You took a step back, leaning against the wall. You couldn’t trust your legs, which had turned into cotton wool.
“OMG,” you whispered, barely breathing when Jackson unzipped his pants. All this time he did not take his eyes off you. Continuing to calmly undress while standing in the middle of your living room. How can he be so calm when you are on the verge of madness, you thought.
Jackson took a step towards you and you wanted to take a step back, but you had already hit the wall. Jackson grinned, resting his hand on the wall next to your head. “Although I don’t mind being the one to seduce you at all,” Jackson ran his fingers along your neck, moving down to your breast along the edge of your dress.
“Oh my...” you exhaled again as your skin broke out in goosebumps.
Jackson laughed getting closer to your face “I don’t mind you called me that too” Jackson wrapped his arm around your waist pulling your body towards him.
You pressed your lips to him without waiting for his next step. He chuckled as he pushed you against the wall. It was not a kiss, but pure madness. It even seemed to you that you could pass out from overexcitation. Jackson turned you, pushing you to the edge of the table, forcing you to sit on it. Jackson knelt down, slowly running his fingers up your legs, spreading your thighs wide. “Now let me please you, my Mistress” he kept his gaze on you, leaving kisses on your thighs. A shudder went through your body when Jackson pressed his nose into your crotch, deeply inhaling your scent. His teeth lightly squeezed your clitoris through your panties, making you moan.
You wanted more, but Jackson was in no hurry, continuing to drive you crazy with his gentle caresses, “Apparently you want to be punished?” you gripped his hair, lifting his face up as he once again returned his kisses to your thighs.
“You can use this however you want,” Jackson said sticking out his tongue. You practically growled at his provocation. You grinned pushing him in the chest, forcing him to lie on the floor in front of you. You took off your panties, throwing them to the side.
  “As you wish,” you sent him a lecherous smile before sitting on his face. You moaned as he ran his tongue through your wet folds. You moved your hips causing his nose to rub your clit, increasing the pleasure of his tongue. You were so close, you began to move faster on his face, trembling with pleasure. Jackson's fingers squeezed your hips, helping you move faster. You fell forward, resting your hands on the floor as you came, breathing heavily with pleasure.
“Fuck that was so sexy,” Jackson growled, running his tongue along your crotch, making you tremble. Before you knew it, your back was on your table in a moment. “You taste so good I want to eat you all up,” you moaned loudly as Jackson dug in mouth into your pussy, pushing his tongue into your hole.
“Stop,” you gripped his hair.
His quiet laugh made my insides clench into knots with excitement. “Baby,” he raised his head, meeting your gaze. “You ask me to stop, but you press my face against your crotch,” he ran the tip of his tongue over your clitoris. “So, who should I listen to...” Jackson ran his fingers over your lips, pushing into your mouth, “your mouth or your body?” Jackson asked before sliding his tongue into your pussy again.
“Ooohhh god...” your back arched in pleasure. You blushed completely as he pressed your knees to your shoulders, spreading them wide, making you look so slutty. "What are you doing?" you moaned as Jackson continued to lick your entire crotch.
“You’re so open to my tongue, it’s hard to resist.”
You moaned loudly as he slid his tongue into your pussy again, stretching your folds with his fingers. “Please...” you practically whimpered in pleasure.
“What are you asking for, baby?” Jackson grinned, pushing two fingers of each hand into you. “Although whatever you ask, you are completely ready for it. Just look how greedily your pussy squeezes my fingers"
“Fuck,” you practically suffocated from the feeling of being full. You tried to pull away, to run away... but he didn’t give you even a hint of salvation... you swallowed loudly when Jackson threw his boxers aside. His big dick swayed as if welcoming you. Everything inside you was burning with the desire to feel him inside. You hissed when Jackson pulled out his fingers, pushing the head of his dick into your hole. You were just going crazy... You had never been so wet before. “Jackson” you moaned when he spanked him with his dick against your clit, sending an electric charge through your body. “Please... Please, Jackson.”
“Mmmm...baby you need to tell me exactly what you're asking for.” Jackson continued to tease you, moving his cock along your crotch, only slightly pressing the head on your hole.
“I want you to push your dick into my pussy!” you gripped his hair, pulling him closer to you. “And fucked me until you ran out of strength!”
“You asked for it yourself, then don’t complain!” Jackson growled with a grin. He pushed into you hard the entire length, making you scream from a mixture of pain and pleasure. You couldn’t even take the next breath from his hard thrusts. Less than 15 minutes and you were already barely restraining yourself with all your strength not to cum. Crazy, you weren’t even sure if it was just a phrase in your head or if you said it out loud.
“You're taking my dick so hard. Are you really ready to cum, and we haven’t even started yet?”
. . .
You opened your eyes as the sun completely filled your bedroom. And how did you end up here? Although... It seems you've also lost your voice... You couldn't count how many times Jackson made you cum... And even after that, he didn't stop until you lost consciousness... Although you weren't even sure if it made you cum... This is Jackson stop. You clearly overestimated your strength... and even more so underestimated Jackson. You trembled when, moving, you felt something inside you move. Only now did you realize that you were in Jackson’s arms, and his dick was still inside you. “fuck...” you chuckled at how hoarse your voice was.
“Mmm, baby, you're awake...” Jackson muttered sleepily, leaving a kiss on your shoulder.
“Why is your dick still inside?” you moaned, with every movement you made, his dick moved inside, becoming harder every second. You whimpered, the trembling in you causing pain in every muscle... You tried to pull away from him so that his dick would slip out of you.
“You asked me to fuck you until my strength runs out, but I still have too much of it...” Jackson again pressed your back to his chest, pushing his entire length back into you.
“Time out... Mercy... I beg for mercy!.. I still need to be able to walk, although now I can’t even move my little finger,” you whimpered with each of his slow and gentle thrusts.
“It’s not fair... I still have so many desires that I want to show you,” he frowned, sinking his teeth into your neck as you finally managed to roll onto your stomach, allowing his cock to slide completely out of you.
“If one of these desires is not my death, then let me sleep... until tomorrow, for example?” you trembled as he licked the spot where his teeth had been moments ago.
“How about one hour? I think this is the most I can give you." Jackson moaned, continuing to lick you.
“You are definitely crazy!”
"Congratulations!" Jackson laughed, hugging you. “From now on, you are the happy owner of this crazy!”
More Jackson Wang
Autograph (fluff) 개새끼 (gaesaekki) (smut, agnst)
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dootiexcupcake · 1 year
Other Works Masterlist
A = angst | S = suggestive | F = fluff | H = horror | D = dark | P = potential trigger warning | TW = triggering content | R = romance | P = platonic | AU = alternate universe | SM = social media au | M = mini series | O = random | C = collab | Q = request
Request are: OPEN
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Baker!au Imagine (Choi Youngjae x POC!reader) F, R, AU
A Winters Ball (Choi Youngjae x POC!reader) F, R, AU, Q
Kenshi crack (Kenshi Takahashi crack) O
Music Mini Series (a collab with @bloofairyfox of songs we associate our fav groups with)
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Main m.list
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markliving · 3 months
next post gonna be one of the got7 and soon 👁👁
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winter-dayz · 7 months
Best Halloween Ever
Pairing: BamBam x Reader (ft. Mark Tuan, others) Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff Words: 1138
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Bam, seriously, you couldn’t have told me we were throwing a party, I don’t know, before the party is supposed to start?” You asked incredulously at your roommate who was tidying up the kitchen.
“I forgot…” He grimaced, putting away some of our more fragile items.
“Forgot? We went costume shopping together. That would’ve been a great time to tell me. Or maybe even this morning would have been the least you could’ve done. Not literally minutes before your friends are going to arrive–”
“They’re your friends too.” He interrupted, frowning. You had met your roommate’s friends on several occasions but still didn’t like to claim them as friends of your own out of respect. You didn’t want BamBam to think you were trying to steal his friends, and you didn’t want anyone inviting you places out of obligation or pity. So, instead, you often distanced yourself. BamBam hated that.
Especially because BamBam had been not only trying to incorporate you into the friend group since you both began living together, but also because he had been trying to figure out how to tell you for months that he had an embarrassingly large crush on you.
“Go get ready. I’ll finish cleaning and setting up.” He said, shooing you off.
You didn’t emerge for another hour. It hadn’t taken you that long to get ready, though. Your costume was a simple dotted dress, puppy ears, and black and white makeup. You elected not to wear the collar that you bought as a joke. BamBam had wanted to wear matching costumes this year but also really wanted to gender-bend Cruella de Vil, so you offered to be a dalmatian.
The party was definitely in full swing by now, made quite obvious from the music and loud talking heard through the thin walls of your shared house, but you had not worked up the courage to emerge from the safety of your room. You had no doubts, however, that if you took any longer, your energetic roommate would come drag you from your confines.
So you quietly snuck from your room to the kitchen, needing to have something in hand while you braved the actual party, whether that be snacks or alcohol.
When you did finally make your way out into the living room, you realized just how much effort BamBam had put into this party.
He had really gone all out, which of course he had, and many in attendance had matched his energy with their costumes. As you searched for your costume partner, your eyes roamed the attendees, picking out your favorite costumes among the faces that were familiar to you.
On one of your couches, Taehyung dressed as a robot sat chatting to Namjoon and his new girlfriend. They were wearing a cute matching dryad set. You spotted Lisa and her fianceé in matching vampire costumes, staring each other down like they wanted to literally take a bite out of one another. Yugyeom was on the dance floor with his best friend, oddly wearing couple costumes of an angel and a devil. You wondered what was going on there…
A tap on your shoulder brought you out of your search and you turned to find someone covered in a white bedsheet with the eye holes cut out standing behind you.
“Boo.” Your roommate’s best friend said in a kind yet monotone voice. Mark, also a bit of an introvert, had unfortunately come alone. His new roommate wanted to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters since it was her first Halloween living in a smaller town where kids actually went out at night.
“Have you seen Bam?” You asked him, comfortable with him enough that you didn’t feel rude asking. He merely shrugged.
“He’s everywhere. You know how he is during parties.” He then gestured to your cup. “Need a refill? It’s hot under the sheet, I’m gonna go cool off in the kitchen.”
You shook your head, tilting the cup to show its fullness. “I only just now joined everyone. I shouldn’t go into hiding yet.” He chuckled and nodded before heading off to the kitchen.
You resumed your scanning, spotting Youngjae and his friend both wearing witch costumes. Near them were Yuna and Ryujin laughing next to the makeshift bar, dressed as a mummy and purple alien respectively, while Minho smirked at his own joke, golf club splattered with fake blood perched on his shoulder. You weren’t exactly sure who he was supposed to be, but it was festive regardless.
Finally you spotted your roommate, chatting lively with a twisted-fairy version of Felix. You walked over to the pair, matching Felix’s bright smile when he saw your approach.
“Hi, Y/N, you look so cute!” He stated before looking between BamBam and you, connecting the dots. “Oh, I see.” He mumbled with a knowing smirk before walking away.
You watched in confusion, “What was that about?”
“Don’t worry about it, you know how Felix can be.” Bam joked, smiling and secretly checking you out. “Where have you been?”
You scoffed, jokingly glaring. “As if you even knew I wasn’t out here. You’re always running between conversations.” He frowned slightly at your statement, but you took a sip of your drink at the same time and didn’t notice.
You had somehow gotten roped into a debate over the correct way to eat an Oreo. Werewolf-Yeonjun was arguing that biting into the sandwich cookie was perfectly normal, but Medusa-Soobin and his statue-girlfriend were on the side of pulling it apart. You didn’t really have an opinion either way but took to arguing Yeonjun’s side with him just for the sake of fairness.
You were in the middle of nodding along to Yeonjun’s point when suddenly you were being dragged away by your wrist. You were about to protest and snap when you realized it was just your roommate.
“We need to take pictures.” He stated, bringing you along to a moody lit corner. Mark’s sheet lay discarded at his feet and he was holding up BamBam’s phone, ready to take pictures.
You and BamBam took several in-character pictures, and when he started looking through them over Mark’s shoulder, you moved to leave. Bam grabbed you and brought you back over, though, before you got too far.
“Just a few more.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you flush against him. You looked over your shoulder at him confused, but he only tilted his head and smirked. The flash of the camera went off and then Bam leaned in, kissing you passionately. The angle was a bit awkward, but you were happy enough to deal with it.
The camera flashed several more times before BamBam released his lips from yours and smiled down at you.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Best Halloween party ever.”
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
개새끼 (gaesaekki)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1,2 k
Jackson grabbed your hand as he pulled you into the bathroom. “Do you think I didn’t notice the way you look at me when you think no one sees” Jackson chuckled, making you freeze with your mouth open. “Especially your boyfriend”
"Are you crazy?" your face turn pale. “Yes, I am!” Jackson chuckled, nodding his head as he took a step towards you. “I'm going crazy every time when I see you fucking me with your eyes!” Jackson closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "I'm going crazy because I want to fuck my best friend's girlfriend" Jackson bared his teeth at your shocked gaze, Jackson took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his cock twitching in pants as your cheeks turned red. "One more step and I'll scream!" you said as you leaned back against the wall. “I promise that you will. My cock will make you scream with pleasure” Jackson chuckled. “I'm dating Jinyoung! Madman!!! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?!” you growled “I'm going to be a scumbag for my best friend?” he asked, and his smile widened. “But if Jinyoung doesn’t find out about this, then it won’t hurt him, right?” Jackson laughed as you pushed him hard. “Yeah, okay,” Jackson shook his head, laughing softly. “You can keep playing the shy girl who doesn’t want to fuck me.” Jackson pressed your hands against the wall above your head. “You can swear and tell me to stop…” Jackson moved closer to your "I know you want it as much as I do, my naughty little slut" Jackson pressed you against the wall with his body, pressing his hard cock into your lower abdomen. He almost laughed when you exhaled loudly, and your skin was covered with goosebumps. Jackson ran his tongue down your neck, and you trembled in his captivity. "You can keep pretending you don't dream about my cock sliding into your wet pussy, making moans escape your sweet lips," Jackson moaned biting your ear, rubbing his cock against your belly. You forcefully pushed him away when you couldn't hold the soft moan that escaped your lips. "Jerk!" you growled as you took a step towards the exit. Jackson growled as he grabbed your hand. He pressed you with your stomach onto the surface near the sink. "Liar!" he growled. "I'll let you go and never cross the line again if you're not horny right now" he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his hand into your panties. "Jackson!" you almost suffocated as his fingers slid into your wet pussy. “Just look at that flowing pussy,” laughed Jackson. “It needs me so much!” Jackson pulled your jeans down your legs as he squatted down. He stretched your folds as he ran his tongue over your crotch. He pushed his tongue into your hole, making you moan. His tongue circled your clit, making your thighs tremble. “Shit…fuck me.” Jackson froze as a silent plea escaped your lips. He wasn't even entirely sure if it was in his head or for real. He stood up, meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Repeat it,” he growled. He wanted to be sure it wasn't his fantasy. “Now!” You looked down, muttering under your breath. He wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling your head back, pressing your back against his chest. "I said… repeat!" he ordered while glaring at you in the mirror. “Fuck me!” you said. "Say it!" Jackson squeezed your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. “Say you want my cock to fuck your wet pussy. Tell me that you dreamed about it every time you undressed me with your eyes, sitting in the arms of your boyfriend! Tell me that riding Jinyoung's cock, I was in your mind too!" He growled low as he got rid of his pants. “Jackson” you breathed out his name as he thrust his cock into your pussy. "Yes exactly." He fucked you hard, making his name fly from your lips with every thrust. He growled out of you as you turned your head away again as he tried to kiss you. "Do not play with me!" Jackson growled as he pushed you hard against the wall.
“Don't even think, Jackson!” you held out your hand to stop him. “I can fuck you but not kiss you. Is that what you want to say?" he raised an eyebrow at you. “It belongs only to him!” you said. Your words were spoken with such seriousness that it made him take a step back. Your words made his blood boil with anger. He grabbed your shirt and threw you to the floor before lunging at you. He put you on your knees in front of him, thrusting hard into your pussy. He fucked you ruthlessly, taking out his anger at you for your words that hit him like a slap, reminding him of what a bastard he became with every thrust into your pussy. “Just look how much you like my cock, my little slut!” he left a hard slap on your ass as your pussy squeezed his cock. He was on the verge of orgasm, just like you. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your moan when you finished. He fell on you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, cumming inside you. “Remember it well how good you felt on my cock” Jackson chuckled. You pushed him away before getting off the floor. You quickly put on your jeans while he lay on the floor laughing at you. “First you ask me to fuck you, and now you pretend that you didn’t just moan while my cock was deep in you” You froze in front of the door at his words. He chuckled as he saw your jaw tighten. “Will you moan like that when Jinyoung will fuck you tonight?” he asked, getting up from the floor. “I hope my name doesn't accidentally slip off your lips while Jinyoung's cock slides into your tight pussy,” Jackson laughed. You walked out of the bathroom without looking at him.
. . . One week later. . . .
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He was surprised to see a drunken Jinyoung sitting on the kitchen floor next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey. “What the fuck…” Jinyoung groaned, running his hand over his face in complete desperation, throwing the phone on the floor. "What's happened?" asked Jackson, coming closer. “Hyung… I don't understand… I don't understand anything…” Jinyoung shook his head meeting Jackson's gaze. Jackson recoiled as he saw Jinyoung's eyes filled with tears. “Why is she..” Jinyoung covered his face with his hands sobbing. “Jinyoung…” Jackson's voice was no more than a whisper. He was completely shocked by Jinyoung's condition… Did you really tell Jinyoung everything. “She just left me, sending a message that she cheated on me. Hyung…” Jinyoung could barely speak while sobbing. Jackson practically fell to the floor at his words. “Jinyoung… I…” “Hyung, I love her more than life, I don't care even if it's true…” Jinyoung shook his head. “A week ago, she pulled away from me when I tried to hug her after a dorm party. Then I heard her crying in the bathroom for half the night… And in the morning, she just packed her things and left before I even woke up." Jinyoung looked at Jackson. "Hyung, but can this really be true? I love her so much.. .” The pain in Jinyoung's voice made Jackson's heart shatter into a million pieces…
What did he done?..
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