#gotg imagines
scholastic-dragon · 1 year
You know that fic where Rocket only let's y/n pet him? I NEED MORE ITS SO CUTE. Can you do them cuddling in he living room or common room amd falling asleep then the other guardians walk in and catch them?
I'm on a roll today
"its not a regular thing," Rocket whispers.
You scoff, peering down at the raccoon leaning against your chest, your hand playing with his.
"Of course," You press a kiss to the spot behind his ear. His claws gently scratching against your palm and fingers.
You're reclined in the deep living room sofa, one leg propped up on the coffee table and the other hanging off the couch. Rocket found you on his way to bed, and curled up in your lap. You pulled a thin blanket over the two of you, snuggling him close.
Slowly drifting through space, wrapped up, warm and snugly, with each other, you both fall asleep.
You both miss the sweet smile from Gamora and Mantis, the chuckle from Drax and the scoff from Quill.
But not to worry, Nebula took a lot of photos.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Best support friend; Rocket raccoon x gn reader
*Author’s note*
A double update? No get out of town! Truthfully I was gonna save posting this fic up once I got a Jack Kline request that has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for almost a year or however long ago it was but I decided idk when I’ll post it up so I decided to just go ahead and post this fic up and hopefully I’ll do the Jack Kline one in the next week or so (it’s like 75% done).
So @itsscromp​ here is your new Rocket raccoon request.
Warnings: abuse, fluff, panic attacks, angst, protective Rocket, swearing, clueless ravagers. 
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“Well excuse me for not letting the man with the robotic eyes take the wheel.” Another voice snarked sarcastically.  I was passing through Knowhere trying to organize some supplies when I heard the sound of arguing.  I followed the voices and there were Ezekiel and Torath.
“Oh no what now?” I muttered as I walked towards them.  The two of them continued to argue as I spoke up. “Hey guys.”
“You have any idea what that shrimp Quill is gonna do to us the minute we tell you lost the cargo?” Torath said.
“I lost the cargo? Need I remind you that it was because of your glitchy eyes that you hit the ejector button sending the cargo out into the depths of space!” Ezekiel snapped again at Torath.
“And need I remind you that you are literally the worst pilot in the entire galaxy! I’ve seen beasts with half a brain fly advance ships better than you!”
“Okay guys can we please just….” I tried to cease the argument but the two stubborn, pig-headed men got into a squabble.  Fists were flying and swears were spat out.  “hey! Hey! Hey! Hey guys stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” suddenly I caught an elbow to the nose which not only sent me to the ground but also in a flashback.
I fell to the ground as a punch came across my face and I whimpered as I spat out blood.
“Quit being weak Terran! How will you ever grow a backbone if you keep behaving like a sniveling coward!”
“But sir it—” I was kicked in the stomach this time and I let out a soft but painful grunt.
“You tell me it hurts and I swear I will make your next test more painful than the last!” I whimpered and gave him a nod as he forced me to stand back up and told me to stand my ground as he kept punching and kicking me.
~End of flashback~
My chest tightened and my heart pounded against my ears.  No I-I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there anymore! I-I have to get out of here! I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. Even when I had ran into someone I didn’t stop, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.
*Rocket’s POV*
I felt someone shove pass me but just before I could snap at them telling them to watch where they were going, I saw the familiar shape of (Y/n).  Normally they don’t just run like that unless there’s something wrong or their in a hurry. And they’re usually not in a hurry.
That’s when I heard the sound of Torath and Ezekiel screaming and rolling all over each other in a brawl.  I went over to them and called out to them.
“OI SHITS FOR BRAINS!!” but not even my voice could deter them from arguing.  I nodded nonchalantly as I took out my electro-shocker gun and activated it.  I first aimed it at Ezekiel and fired one shot before firing at Torath.  And just like when Groot, (Y/n) and I first hunted down Quill, they both exclaimed as the electro-shock balls stuck to them and they were given a good shock.  “Have I got your attention now shitbags?”
“What was that for rodent?” snapped Ezekiel.
“First of all don’t call me a rodent, not when I can give you a second dosage of shocks. Maybe this time I’ll crank it up a notch.” That got him to shut up.  “Second of all, why was (Y/n) racing out from your general direction looking upset?”
“(Y/n) was here?” Torath asked as his robotic eyes moved around.
“Yeah she was now answer my question nimrods! What happened?!”
“I didn’t even know that she had even came here.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“How do you not notice them? They’re the only Terran besides Quill!”
“Wait, is that why my elbow hurts so much?” asked Ezekiel. My ears twitched and I slowly turned towards him, my tail twitching in anger.
“What. Was that. You said?!” I sneered lowly.
“In our squabble, I—I felt my elbow hit something but I—” I didn’t even let him finish as I launched at him and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.  Blinded by pure rage.
How dare this son of a bitch hit (Y/n)! She had to live her entire life abused and tortured just to prove that she could enhance her skin into a hard-carbon shield.  Had it not been for Groot and I, she would’ve had to spend the rest of her miserable life with that sick, cowardly bastard.
I was deep in my rage that I hadn’t even felt myself being pulled forced away from Ezekiel and Quill’s voice exclaimed.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Rocket cool it man! Now I don’t know what the hell brought this on but you need to chill out right now!”
“This spineless rat hurt (Y/n)!” I yelled.
“I didn’t know they were even here! We didn’t know they were there!” Ezekiel tried to reason as Torath helped him up.
“With the way you two were bitching at each other you couldn’t see your own noses at the end of your faces!” I managed to wriggle my way out of Quill’s hold and without another word raced off to find (Y/n).
Being reminded of any form of abuse whether it’s done to themselves or they see if, they get triggered by it and let me tell you it gets bad.  So bad that they sometimes forget where they are or whose friend of foe.  All they see is that damned doctor.
I was asking around hoping that anyone had seen them but they all proved to be a bunch of negligent losers.  That was until Mantis had said that she felt their emotions coming from my ship.  I raced back to the Milano and soon enough in the main cockpit I found them huddled up, their chest rising up and down at an erratic pace.
I could also hear just how bad their heart was racing and could smell the panicked sweat from not only their brow but also their clammy hands. I walked towards them but didn’t speak, at this point they wouldn’t be able to hear me.  But there was one way to pull them out of this…..and Quill or Drax better not be spying on me otherwise I’ll blast them halfway across the quadrant.
I sat as close as I could beside them and first gave their bicep a gentle and affectionate nuzzle.  I then placed my paw onto their forearm and using my claws I very gently stroked down the skin of their forearm.  Then going back up to the same place where I started before going back down again.
“C’mon (N/n). Come back to me. You can do this.” I muttered before their breathing slowed and they seemed to be coming back down to reality.
*My POV*
It had been forever since I had a panic attack.  If I didn’t know what they were, I swear I thought I was dying.  My vision was so blurry, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face.  There was this high-pitch ringing that was constantly piercing my ears and my body felt paralyzed after I had collapsed into god knows where.
That’s when I felt something furry against my arm.  I also felt sharp nails (or claws) gently stroke down my arm.  They didn’t hurt but they did send tingles up from my arm to my spine.  Slowly the claws kept stroking down my forearm until I lifted it up and found my hand being placed on something soft.
I opened my eyes and after blinking away some of the tears as well as the haze that my vision was making, it began to focus and there I saw Rocket sitting right beside me.  His ears slightly bent backward as his eyes were looking at me assuringly and I also saw that my hand was now resting just on top of his head.
He gave me a soft nod and allowed me to stroke through his fur (knowing that it helped calm me down in the past).  After petting his head for a few minutes, I was able to unfold my legs from my chest so that they now were fully extended in front of me and I felt the tingling sensation of them falling asleep.
Rocket then rested his upperbody on top of my right thigh and allowed me to continue stroking his fur until I felt a vibration on my thigh. I looked down and as I stroked down Rocket’s neck, I could feel him purring, like actually purring.  I didn’t even know he could purr (kinda made me think back to the cats back on Earth).
“I….didn’t know you could purr like a cat.”
“This is a once in a lifetime thing. You speak of this to anyone, especially that stupid mutt Cosmo, I’ll rip your head off.”
“Thank you Rocket. This……means a lot.”
“Been a long time since you had one, figured you’d need something to help calm you down.” Rocket can be gruff and hard on the outside but when he wants to, if you look deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, you’ll find that he’s just a sweet, caring, intuitive creature who will do anything to help you out.
Even if it’s purring like a cat and having someone pet you constantly until they feel centered again.  But I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Rocket: why did we all agree to this again?
The team continues to look the stage where Groot performs poetry…
Groot: I am Groot. I am Groot. i am Groot!
The audience all snaps their fingers…
Y/N: cause we’re supporting Groots ambition.
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babbiebooc · 1 year
What if High Evolutionary got desperate enough to start experimenting on another raccoon kit, trying to recreate the result he got with Rocket. When the High Evolutionary got word of Rocket’s location, he didn’t kill the kit right away and only kept her alive for “just in case”.
In the scene where Rocket finds all the animals, he finds the cage that has the cybernetic enhanced kit. When he opens the cage the little kit scoots herself further into the cage, curls into a ball, and is looking at him terrified with tears in her eyes. Rocket honestly didn’t think his heart could break any further. He gently tries to coax her out, and she’s just about to take his hand, that’s when the High Evolutionary shows up.
Later, after all the experiments were saved, Rocket’s showing the little kit the zune that Peter left him. Rocket looks her with a smile thinking “She’s my daughter now”.
He names her Shocket.
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Listen, i have way more Peter Quill ideas if you’ll allow me-
Can we get one where the reader is super horny for Peter but she doesn’t really want to say anything because they keep getting interrupted by the other guardians (like Mantis, Rocket or Groot needing something) and it happens multiple times until the reader just pushes Peter aside and they start making out. 😂
It can be full smut or just end wherever you want it I’m not picky…but i wouldn’t turn down smut👀 it can also be gender neutral i don’t care, thanks Love! 💖
hii again sweetheart!! of course, send them in at anytime:) love love it, I was nice I wrote smut🤭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
storage room rendezvous
Peter Quill x f reader
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wc || 1.3k
warnings || 18+ only sexually explicit content minors dni
masterlist + rules
Being confined to the Bowie during long-haul missions often meant there wasn't much space or privacy, never having the luxury of a moment's silence without getting interrupted by one of the other guardians. You and Peter had recently started dating, so the amount of need you had for him was unbearable. You wanted him all the time.    
Rocket had to do an emergency landing on some random planet, twenty-something jump points away from Knowhere so he could tinker. So that left you and the rest of the crew stranded on the ship until the issue resolved. 
Waltzing your way over to the front of the ship, hands cutely laced together as you joined Quill in the captain seat, sitting across his lap. "Whatcha doing?" you question, making yourself comfortable. 
"Taking my seat before Rocket gets back," he chuckles, placing his hand on your thigh, adjusting you as he pulls you closer. "He ain't gonna like it," grinning at the thought. "What's up?" he asks, kissing your shoulder.
"Bored," you say slowly, your tone speckled with suggestion. 
"Bored, huh?" he repeats, his tone matching yours. "What'd ya wanna do?" he asks, already knowing what you're thinking, waiting for you to admit it.
"I did have one idea..." you hint, lightly trailing down his chest. "Oh, god!" you jump, lowering your face to the nape of Peter's neck. "Don't do that."
"What?" Quill questions, his eyes concerned as he follows your initial gaze. "God, Drax. How long you been there?" 
"Since we landed," Drax responds matter-of-factly, pulling a rustly bag from his pocket.
"That was an hour ago." You chime in, poking your head up to look at him. 
Shrugging simply. "Yeah... Zarg-Nut?" He offers, shaking the bag between you both.
Quill extends his hand over the back of the seat, cupping his palm towards Drax. "What?" he chuckles at your displeased expression, shoving a handful of the dried snack into his mouth. "I'm hungry."
"You are unbelievable," you playfully scoff, avoiding his green eyes. 
"Hi, guys." The soft voice of Mantis appears next to Drax. "Oh, can I have one?" She asks, nodding to the bag in his hand.
"They're all gone," Drax replies before pouring the contents into his mouth.
"I am Groot."
"Okay!" you say finally, clapping your hands together once. You loosen from Peter's grip as you stand up, lacing your hand into his as you lead him away from the group. "Come with me."
"Where we going?" Quill questions, following after you, his hand gripped into yours.
"Shut up," you whisper, leading him through the corridors as you search for a suitable storage room.
"You want me, don't ya?" he smugly asks, briskly walking to catch up with your long strides.
Poking your head through door gaps. "Yeah, now shut-up,"
He playfully chuckles, his tone full of assurance. "Knew it," snickering.
"Here's one," you mouth, dragging Peter into the empty room, forcefully shutting the door behind him.
You immediately attach your lips to his, ravenous and starved, desperately tugging at his t-shirt. He separates, his head hung low as he assesses your eyes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa... ain't even locked the door." He smirks, reaching behind to twist the lock. 
Quill loved when you needed him, loved seeing you desperate. He loved when you were verbal, telling him what you wanted, but not right now. He wanted the control and leadership he craved. 
He lightly trails his hand up your throat, grazing higher before cupping around your jaw, grasping the side of your face to bring you in. He instantly clashes his hungry mouth with yours, rolling and licking over your soft lips while his other hand travels behind your head to pull you closer. The need grows more urgent as his hands roam you, loosening the grip on your jaw to travel down to your throat. He holds it as he controls and deepens the kiss, pushing you back up and against the wall.
"What do you want?" he breathlessly asks against your lips, a wry grin looming. 
"You," you shakily reply, snaking your hands around his back, gripping the hem of his tee. 
"Yeah?" he softy whispers, entertaining you.
He slips his hand under your ass, cupping over the cheeks as he manhandles you, eagerly kneading the doughy flesh between his fingers. 
Sliding his palms up, they rest and clasp around your waist, kissing you in desperation as he squeezes you, grinding his clothed groin into yours.
He picks you up, holding you under your thighs as he walks you over to the stacked storage containers in the corner, placing you down atop them. His fingers snake into your waistband, immediately palming over your wet pussy, teasing your clit as his spare hand slides into his waistband. Lightly gripping his hardened cock and pulling himself out of his pants, firmly stroking up the length. 
You eagerly squirm out of your pants, letting them slide down your thighs and hang around your boots, draping from your ankles as you wrap your knees around his hips, bringing him closer. He yanks down his pants and boxers before sliding his tip through your folds, collecting your arousal around his shaft. "Fuck," he mutters at the contact, momentarily throwing his neck back.
He spits in his palm, rubbing the saliva over his veins to lube himself up as he adjusts you, bringing your hips forward. He pushes his head through your folds, slipping through the slick flesh as you both watch in anticipation. Needy whimpers fill the dingy room.
Gripping at his base, he eases into you. Slowly sliding his tip in as he attaches his mouth to yours, catching and muffling your initial moan. His hands graze up your back, holding you close as he sinks further into you, melting around his every inch. You bury your face in the crook of his neck, whining and mumbling against his warm skin as you adjust to his girth, clutching at his biceps. "Oh, God," muttering, his eyes screwing shut.
He kisses the side of your neck, lightly nibbling and suckling the skin as he slides in and out of you, moulding around him as he fucks into you. Completely filling you with every hasty wind of his hips, rolling into you as he chases after the high.
He grows desperate and demanding as he pushes into you. Massaging inside you, rubbing over your g-spot with the upper side of his cock, fucking into the areas you needed. He finally attaches his lips to yours, swallowing your open moans and whimpers as he groans into your mouth. Slipping in his tongue every once in a while.
You felt the overwhelming build of the high consume you, aimlessly whining against his lips as you felt yourself get closer. You convulse around him, sucking him in further in with every jolt. 
"Can I come in you?" he shakily asks, resting his forehead against yours. "Please- fuck," he mutters, closing his eyes like he's holding himself off. 
You eagerly nod, wrapping your legs tighter around him, crossing your ankles as you keep him glued to you. Desperately clawing at his back as you let go. Quill pulsates for the final time before spilling his load deep into you, senselessly whimpering in one another's mouth as you both reach your long-awaited release. The room full of hot shaky moans.
He gingerly drags himself from you, watching the connecting strings of his cum as he pulls out. He bends to the floor, pulling up his pants before doing the same with yours, holding your hand as he helps you down from the containers. Keeping you balanced, chuckling at your stumbly footing. 
"I'll uh... I'll, um," you stutter, momentarily closing your eyes as you think of the words. "I'll join you out there in a few minutes... don't make it obvious," you grin, reaching up to kiss him tenderly, playfully slapping his ass as he turns away.
Turning around with a faux displeased expression, head cocking. "I'll tell 'em," he warns with a raised brow and boyish smirk. "Don't think I won't..." teasing you. 
Grinning with raised hands as if to symbolise your innocence. "I'll see you in two minutes... Quial."
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fannyspammy · 1 year
Tell Me More
Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam gets hard for the first time.
Warnings: 18+, nothing too too graphic (yet, hehe), still very steamy tho, mostly just dry humping & fantasizing
A/N: Two parts posted in one day??? Who is she??? Here’s the third part to the Firsts series! Wanted to get the next part out to you all asap because you’ve all been so supportive & I’m shocked at how much attention my posts have been getting lately 🥺🫶 If you haven’t read the previous parts yet, my masterlist is here! (Can be read as a stand-alone tho!)
[not my gif]
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Since their first kiss, Adam couldn’t stop kissing y/n. He’d kiss her at every available moment — greeting her hello, after each compliment, with every please & thank you, waiting to cross a busy intersection… not that y/n was complaining. She loved kissing her golden boy too, & he was good at it.
A couple weeks later, Adam & y/n were in the middle of their most intense make out session yet. It began while they were sitting on the couch, listening to music. They sat side-by-side, but their bodies faced each other hands grasping at whatever they could — hair, face, & neck.
Craving for more of him, y/n lifted herself onto his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. They were a mess of touch and tongue.
Y/n could feel his bulge beneath her in this new position — still soft, but large enough for her to feel it pressed against her clothed core. She moaned at the feel of it, picturing herself lowering onto it, being stretched out by its size.
Y/n was growing increasingly aroused by her fantasy, supported by Adam sucking relentlessly on her neck, and soon her core was craving attention. Seeking friction she began to grind herself against the god beneath her, slowly but firmly dragging herself against his grey sweatpants. The feel of him pressed against her clothed core provoked a sinful moan from her, and Adam sucked harder on her sweet spot. She quickened her pace, stroking her soaking self against him fervently.
Then Adam stiffened as he, well, stiffened. Not fully, but enough for her to notice.
“Mm, baby, don’t stop,” y/n panted, never ceasing the eager roll of her hips.
“It’s… supposed to do that, right?”
“Yes, baby.”
“Okay, I just- it felt good, I just wasn’t sure.”
Y/n slowed her thrusts.
“Wait, you’ve never been hard before?”
“No.. This is the first time we’ve been this intense, so I’ve never felt… like this.”
Y/n smirked. “Well, let me help you.” She lifted her shirt over her head & tossed it onto the floor. Adam’s eyes widened at the sight of her in her bra.
“Mm, you like that?” she asked, although the hardening length beneath her gave away the answer.
Adam caressed her bare waist as he returned his attention to her neck, this time matching the movement of his hips with hers.
The growing friction left both of them moaning loudly, and Adam pulled y/n’s hair for better access. Throwing her head back in pleasure, she gripped Adam’s strong shoulders to steady herself as she quickened her pace.
“Mm, wanna know what I’m picturing right now?”
“What?” He asked, lips never leaving her skin.
“I’m picturing us naked, with you inside me.”
Adam pulled away from her neck to look at her, pupils dilated, before meeting her in a rough kiss. His hands squeezed her breasts through the fabric of her bra, and he sucked vigourously on her tongue.
Sucking the skin beneath her jaw, Adam gripped her waist firmly with one hand, rolling her left nipple in between the fingers of his other.
“Tell me more.”
Y/n gently pushed his head down to direct him toward her breasts. Receiving her message, Adam freed her right breast from its cup and latched onto it, swirling a tongue against the hardened nipple. He increased the intensity of his thrusts & y/n cried out in pleasure before continuing.
“You’re- mm!- taking me however you want, wherever you want- oh, yes- and your- ah!- cock is making me feel s-so good- mmm, yes!- as it moves in and out of me.”
Adam pulled her back by the hair to look at her, and his eyes studied her features — the glisten on sweat on her forehead, the redness of her cheeks and swollen lips, the way her face contorted in bliss.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n,” he said, his golden features glistening softly in the dim light. He thrust his hard member hard against her, and watched her mouth part as she moaned.
“Adam, I-I’m close,” she said, her thrusts becoming more frantic.
Kissing her neck once again he mumbled against her skin. “Mm, close to what, baby?”
“C-close to- mmm- close to my climax.”
Climax, that’s what he was feeling himself building to! He felt it growing the more his hard cock rubbed against y/n through their clothes, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Now it made sense.
“I think I am too,” he said, quickening his pace. She followed. After a couple more heated minutes y/n came, crying his name as he sucked her tit & continued grinding her through her climax. The sight of her trembling in his lap was enough to bring him over the edge too, and the next thing Adam knew there was a stream of cum soaking his sweats.
Panting heavily, they began to wind down from their highs. Adam placed tender kisses across her collarbone and jaw, making his way back to her lips. He kissed her sweetly and rested his forehead against hers.
Y/n smiled with a small chuckle.
“That was… wow.”
Adam met her smile with his own, placing another quick kiss on her lips. Looking down at the wet spot on his crotch he laughed lightly.
“I think I need to change my pants.”
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Flashback scenes? More like a cry your heart out session
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countlessimagines · 1 year
New Guy Around [ Adam Warlock x Reader ]
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Summary: While helping rebuild Nowhere, you get to know the man who tried to kill your friends.
A/N: I’ve loved Will Poulter since I was 13 so of course I would fall in love with Adam Warlock <3 also my apologies for this kind of being small, my future imagines of him will definitely be longer! Enjoy for now though loves!!
It was a normal day for you when you began to talk to Adam; wake up to little raccoons climbing all over you, eating breakfast with Rocket and Groot, and helping Drax with the kids.
It usually consisted of Drax translating what they’re saying while you tried to get them settled into new homes with people willing to take them in.
And as usual, Adam would stroll around like a lost puppy trying to figure out what to do for the day. While he made himself useful by going person to person, today he looked more confused than ever.
You still weren’t on the best terms with him, despite the rest of the guardians giving him a second chance. It didn’t help that they told you what he was trying to do before they rescued him.
With a deep sigh, you let Drax deal with the children for the day and walked over to Adam.
“Do you need something to do?” You asked him and he seemed a bit startled that you were actually talking to him.
“Uh, yes?” Adam said and immediately began to follow behind you as you made your way to your small apartment. It had been destroyed pretty badly in the fight, and you could use all the help you could get into repairing it back to normal.
While your place was livable, it still needed something to make it more of a home.
You let Adam in and instructed him on fixing one of the walls with many holes in it. He got right to work and was pretty silent the whole time. Meanwhile, you straightened up your work desk littered with plants, pots, soil, and little figurines you built for the children.
“Can I ask you a question?” Adam said, taking you out from your little flow of organizing.
You hummed a yes and waited for whatever question he was going to say. You honestly weren’t in the mood for a conversation, though.
“For all those plants on your desk, you sure don’t decorate this place enough.”
You turned sharply to him, wondering why it was relevant to ask such a thing. “Maybe if the people you had been working for hadn’t ruined my place, I would be able to put things up by now. But no, I have to fix it first.”
“All I’m saying is a flower on your table would suffice.” Adam shrugged and began to work again.
You rolled your eyes and continued to replant some of the white flowers you knew Groot loved. “If you must know I gift these flowers to people I care about.”
Adam stood up from the ground and walked over to your desk. “Will I get one of them?” He was teasing you with a smile and a question you knew was a joke.
“Maybe one day if you don’t mess it up for yourself,” you said and glanced up at him. He was significantly taller than you, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed how close he was. “And maybe, just maybe if I forgive you for trying to kill my friends.”
Adam nodded and promptly began to work again. “I will win you over.”
Then it became normal for Adam to arrive every morning at your door to help repair the rest of your apartment.
While he worked, you would either tend to your plants or build figurines for the children. It kept both of you busy and eventually a comfortable silence would fall between the two of you. Well, besides Rocket blasting music over the speakers.
Adam would often go to your desk, do a little nod of approval at what you were creating, then go back to working. You would tend to sneak looks at him, thinking he didn’t notice but he always did.
You hated to admit that you found the golden man attractive, and fought against the thoughts that plagued your mind about him. You didn’t want to get close to him… yet.
Adam was very helpful and extremely nice to you, and you could tell he was trying to make up for his past transgressions. You felt bad for being an ass to him, and one day you tried to make up for it. You made him a figurine of his pet that always seemed to find its way to him.
You had left it at his apartment one night and thought nothing of it, expecting nothing in return.
It was the weekend now, and Adam tended to only help on weekdays, so you didn’t expect to wake up to him at your door. He was holding something behind his back, but you didn’t ask any questions.
“Oh, um, good morning?” You said sleepily, still in pajamas.
“I wanted to stop by to say thank you for my gift.” Adam smiled and you noticed he had placed it in the pocket of his shirt.
“Of course, it was my way of saying thank you for all the help.” You did a small smile in return.
Adam shifted on his feet and pulled out a small daisy from behind his back. “I, uh, picked this for you. I know it’s not much but you always gift flowers to people so I thought you deserved one yourself.”
You grinned happily and accepted the flower with a thank you. The tiny flower meant the world to you and Adam seemed ecstatic to give it to you.
“That’s the first ever gift I’ve given someone.” Adam looked so innocent and sad when he said that, almost as if his history did haunt him.
“It’s lovely.” You gave him a hug which took him by surprise but he gladly wrapped his arms around you.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…” Adam’s words trailed off in confusion, not finding the word he needed.
“Go on a date?” You helped him out, knowing exactly what he meant.
“Yes, that,” he said with his dorky smile and awaited your answer.
“I would love that.” You smiled brightly at him, delighted that Adam ended up being a sweet person beneath all the gold.
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
A-Z NSFW Headcanons | Adam Warlock
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Pairing▹ Adam Warlock x f. reader
This fic contains ▹ smut (title says enough), GOTG Vol. 3 spoilers!, lightly beta'ed writing
Word Count ▹ 1.8k
Notes ▹ No one asked but here are some sexy headcanons for my new fave mcu himbo. Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Adam’s main priority is making sure that you are always taken care of, especially during sex. He’d make sure your skin was free of cum and he’d clean it off with a warm rag or his mouth. Then, he’d massage and kiss the areas that were more sore before cuddling you in his strong arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) His favorite body part on himself is his hands. He loves how they shape your face while he’s caressing your face before kissing you. Adam has learned to be quite talented with his hands. From holding your waist while deeply kissing you to squeezing your breasts and lightly flicking your nipples until you’re whining. When his fingers found the sweet spot in your pussy, it was over for you. Seeing you coat his fingers with your wetness always drove him insane.
Adam’s favorite body part on you is your eyes. The first time he gazed into yours, he knew he was madly in love with you. He loved the way they glimmered before pressing his lips against yours. What really turned him on was how you would bat your eyelashes and stare at him with doe eyes while sucking his cock. The same goes when he’s pounding you into the mattress and your eyes start to roll to the back of your head before reaching that blissful finish.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) As mentioned previously, Adam gets pretty aroused just from seeing you gush all over his fingers. After the first time you came from being fingered, he was really curious about the dripping fluid. He’d wiggle his fingers around, playing with your cum in fascination before sticking his middle finger into his mouth. It was the hottest thing you have ever seen.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Adam is an innocent character, so he is naturally curious about a lot of things. For example, he has wondered what it’s like having multiple partners. Adam was shy about wanting to bring a third or even more partners in the bedroom. You immediately reassured him that he has nothing to be nervous about because it was something you have wanted to experiment with even before meeting Adam.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Well, considering that he prematurely hatched from his cocoon, he isn’t experienced at all. And it’s not like he had much time with his mother to have learned about sex. Regardless, he learned everything just from dating you. As someone who was very eager to please, Adam caught on pretty fast.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Adam is clearly strong so he can easily pick you up and fuck you while he stands. The way he ruthlessly bounces you up and down his cock causes you to see stars. Adam likes how the position allows you to be really close. He’ll grip your hips while you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your foreheads against one another. You’ve also experimented with a standing 69, a position you both are growing more fond of.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Adam has his fair share of goofy and serious moments. He used to be very serious while fucking you, mainly because he was adamant about making sure he was doing it right. Along the way, you helped him relax more and he’d crack a joke or two. Sometimes, Adam would get tongue-tied because of how overwhelmed he was with pleasure, causing you to giggle and kiss him on the nose.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) When he was created, it wasn’t in The High Evolutionary’s intentions to give him hair. Therefore, he’s free of any body or facial hair. At least he has a silky head of hair that often gets tossed during battles and more so during sex.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) It’s no exaggeration that Adam is head over heels in love with you. Even when he is deep inside you, Adam will never turn down an opportunity to show any signs of affection for you. He could have your legs propped over his shoulders and he’ll still lean down to kiss you tenderly.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Adam is the type to hump the pillow to get off. Before you started dating, he found you grinding against your pillow and the sounds that came from your lips were music to his ears. That same night, he tried it himself and, well, he was well rested the next day. He only does this when you are away on a mission and misses you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Adam LOVES being praised. He will do anything to make you happy and hearing the positive feedback from you makes him giddy and full of love. When you tell him he is fucking you so so good, it is the perfect motivation for him to continue doing what he’s doing.
He also may or may not have a Mommy kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Honestly, y’all will fuck anywhere and make it work. However, Rocket has made it clear to both of you not to fuck on the spaceship. Has it stopped you from sneaking to the back of the ship for a quickie? Absolutely not. But what Rocket won’t know won’t piss him off, right?
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Watching you kicking ass on the battlefield is enough to get him riled up. Adam knows that violence isn’t always the answer, but he finds it sexy when you are covered in the sweat and blood of the enemies (or just anyone that pisses you off).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Adam would not want to do anything that would hurt you. He has hurt the guardians in the past and he did not like the consequences that came with it. So anything along the lines of choking or slapping you is not for him. He’ll playfully smack your ass, but he’ll never do anything more than a little love tap.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He loves receiving just as much as he loves giving. Hence why 69 is one of his favorite positions with you. Adam loves flicking his tongue along your slit, tasting your wetness which makes his cock strain in his pants. Just that alone will have your legs shaking and you’re pushing his face closer to your pussy.
When he’s on the receiving end, Adam is a whimpering mess. For a man as strong and powerful as he is, he can easily crumble the moment your lips wrap around the tip of his cock. He’s groaning your name, tangling his fingers in your hair, and begging you to suck him harder and faster.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) It depends on the mood. Adam can read your body language like the back of his hand so he’ll know when to be rougher and when to be softer. He tries not to be too rough because he doesn’t want to hurt you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Adam quite enjoys quickies. Fucking you right before a mission is a perfect mood-setter for him and he feels less nervous about heading into it. He’ll have a bit more bounce to his step and the other guardians will be side-eyeing each other as to what has got into Adam.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.) Adam typically is down for anything in the bedroom and has tried things that none of your past partners ever wanted to think about. He asks a lot of questions about certain things before deciding if it’s something he wants to try, not so much out of nervousness but out of pure interest.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Again, he’s basically a god so Adam can last a couple of rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He doesn’t have any toys himself, but he has come across your hidden collection of toys. You showed him how each one works by putting on a show for him. After the visual demonstration, Adam will often ask to use the vibrator while he’s pounding you from behind. He also likes fucking you while you wear your butt plug with gems that match the one on his forehead.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) At first, you were the one who did all the teasing, mainly because Adam wasn’t experienced in that field. You loved whispering dirty things in his ear while he was training and the moment he’d get distracted, you’d run away giggling like a little girl.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Oh, he is very loud! Adam is a delicious mix between a moaner and a grunter. The way his accent sounds while moaning your name is a sound that will forever alter your brain chemistry. But the sounds he makes while cumming are your absolute favorite and you are lucky to be the reason he makes those beautiful noises.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Ever since Rocket introduced him to music, Adam has been making playlists nonstop. He made a mixtape for you to confess his feelings for you. And of course, he made a sex playlist for you. His favorite song to fuck you to is "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) The High Evolutionary created Adam with the intent of making him the “perfect man”, so he is a substantial size.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Adam isn’t really needy. Over time, he’s gained more self-control so he doesn’t crave sex as much as he did after the first time with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Adam doesn’t fall asleep that easily. His ever-growing soundtrack tends to keep you both up even after many rounds. The sound of his voice singing some 70s love songs will put you to sleep before he does. He always makes sure to kiss your face before he succumbs to slumber.
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Can you do a Rocket!reader (romantic) where Rocket constantly looks for physical attention from y/n and he doesn't want the others to know but Quill walks in and Rocket doesn't notice it but when he does he ets all defensive and flustered?
It's a slow morning on the Milano. You're having breakfast with Quill in the kitchen when Rocket pokes his head in the room.
"Y/n, you busy right now?"
You shake your head. "i'm almost done with food, why?"
He points with his thumb over his shoulder. "I need help with one of the vents in my workshop,"
"Alright, I'll be there," He nods, walking back deep into the ship. Cleaning your plate and putting it in the sink, you follow Rockets footsteps.
Walking through the threshold, you're shocked when the door slams shut. Rocket grabs the front of your shirt, pulling you over to the wall. Putting your arms up to catch you, they land on either side of Rocket.
"Took you long enough," He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your chin.
You roll your eyes, regaining your balance, pressing yourself against him, pushing him into the wall. You hardly notice the stool he's standing on to almost be eye level. "You could've told me this is what you wanted,"
He shrugs. "Was gonna, then I saw that Quill was there, and I don't wanna deal with that shit,"
"Yeah, I don't wanna deal with this shit either," A third voice scares you both, you pulling back, seeing Quill standing on the other side of the room.
Rocket, in a panic, shoves your chest away, jumping down from the stool he was stood on. "Quill, what the hell-!"
"Oh, don't 'what the hell' me! This is both of our workshops! It has two doors!" Quill yelled, face getting red.
"You could've knocked!" Rocket retorted.
Quill looks between you both, a smirk forming on his face. "Didn't know you liked each other like that-"
"Don't play that way, Quill, get out!" Rockets tail was puffed out, his ears back. You were sure if he could, he'd be bright red.
"I'm just saying, I didn't think you'd be the one to like getting pushed-"
"I said, get out!" Rocket yelled, snapping and snarling at Quills legs. The man yelped, jumping and moving back.
"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Quill rushes out the second door, slamming it behind him.
Rocket sighs, hands on his hips. You clear your throat to get his attention.
"Wanna try that again?"
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Gamer’s rage; Rocket raccoon x gn! reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is a combined request for an anon and @itsscromp​ but first I must apologize because I no ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about video games, I did some minor research for Call of Duty so if there are any COD fans out there and I’ve f-ed it up about what the first game does, I’m sorry because I’ve never played it and nor any real video games for that matter (my last video game was Bratz Rock Angels).
Not really any warnings just gamer rage, swearing, and gun violence (both video game and in the story. C’mon it’s Rocket guys what’d you expect?)
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Rocket and I sat a few feet apart from each other but refused to look at the other while Peter was pacing in front of us and the rest of the Guardians were scattered throughout the ship.
“Okay, can you please tell me why the hell the ship looks like a bomb went off in the southern deck?”
“As him!” I snapped.
“Ask me! You’re the one who had the blasters in your hand!” Rocket yelled at me.
“Well I wasn’t the one who threw the actual bomb!”
“Well how else was I gonna stop you from acting like a psycho!”
“You know what?!”
“ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!” Peter screamed at us to stop.  “I don’t care who started it or who used what, I just want to know why the hell you guys blew up my ship!?”
“I am Groot.” Said Groot.
“Wait what?” Peter asked.
“I am Groot.”
“It wasn’t that big of a deal.” Said Rocket. I laughed sarcastically as Rocket snarled at me baring his teeth.
“I let you take one round and then when I start winning, you go ballistic!”
“Oh bull!”
“Hold on, you mean to tell me the reason you guys nearly destroyed my ship and aren’t speaking to each other is over a stupid video game?!”
“Not just any game Quill, it was a battle for one’s right to destroy the villainous monsters that were the pansies.” Drax said in awe.
“Nazis, Drax. They were called Nazis.” I corrected him.
“Like the ones Steve fought.” Mantis added.
“Well he mostly fought off Hydra officers but I guess they’re the same thing. They were both douchebags of history.” I said.  I guess you’re wondering just what the hell is going on, well let me take you back to how this whole mess began.
On our base at Nowhere I was going through the itinerary supplies for the Nowhere Trading Company (or NTC as I called it).  I was going through the black market goods we managed to swipe from some pirates just 4 quadrants from reaching Xandar’s atmosphere.
I opened up the crate and looked inside to see that it was filled with some classic video games back on Earth.
“Holy shit.” I reached in and grabbed a Spyro the Dragon (yep the first ever Spyro game).  “God I hadn’t seen this game since I was a kid.” I continued to dig through and found Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure.  “Oh my god, they got almost everything in here.”
The first Mass effect games, the original Super Mario Bros, Mario cart, Sonic the Hedgehog, but I let out a gasp as I quickly dug through the games and pulled out my all time favorite game and felt my arms shaking with excitement.
I ran across Nowhere with the game in my bag, I just had to find him there’s no way he’d ever refuse a game like this.
“Rocket! Rocket! Yo Rocket answer me! Rocket! ROCKET!!”
“Geez I’m right here what’d you blow a gasket or something kid?” Rocket said.  I quickly turned to see him remodeling one of the buildings into our storage units, he lifted his goggles over his head and set the blow torch down.  I bounded on the balls of my feet excitedly.  “You sure you don’t need to use the bathroom kid?”
“You’re not gonna believe what I found.” I sung out.  He sighed and came down from the building and walked up to me.
“Alright I’ll bite. What’d you find?” I reached into my bag and handed him the game still bouncing excitedly.  “Call of Duty?”
“The first Call of Duty game ever made. No other game could beat out the overrated game that is Halo but this game doubled not only in sale ratings but graphics and story as well.”
“It’s another mind-numbing game. I swear you and Groot are cut from the same cloth when it comes to video games.”
“Come on! I’ve got a feeling you’re really gonna like this one.”
“Not interested, now if you don’t mind I gotta get back to work before Quill gets on my back about finishing this storage unit.” He handed me the case back and climbed back up the stairs.  That’s when I said.
“You get to shot at people and blow things up.” He stopped midway up the stairs and turned back to me and said lowly.
“I’m listening.”
“Like Halo, this is a first person shooter game. That’s when you become the character, not just you controlling a character like most video games are. And this takes place during a real life war that happened in my world, the one that Captain Rogers fought in, and you get to shot and kill all the Nazi soldiers you want.”
“What about the blowing things up? You said I could do that right?”
“Oh yeah. Trust me Rocket, this was the first Mature rated game I played at my friend’s house and my god did we blow some shit up.”
“Well screw Quill then! If he wants this storage unit done, he can do it himself. Now uhh—how do we play this thing exactly?”
“There’s gotta be a game station in one of the other boxes where I found this along with a bunch of other games. C’mon.” we raced back to my station and we looked through a couple of more crates until Rocket game across the one that was filled with a bunch of various gaming stations.  “Ah-ha! Here it is, PlayStation. Just what we need!”
“Think I might have the perfect place for that.” I followed Rocket back to our ship and that’s where we had set up the game console in the Southern levels of the ship where we had all the monitors and TV/Radio transmitters.
Rocket hooked up the PlayStation to the monitors and after a few switches and wire sparks (better not to ask about that part), once I turned on the game the PlayStation opening rang off and showed off its logo.
“Oh yeah! Alright Rocket hop and squat and prepare to get your virtual ass kicked.”
“Please, I’ve been firing guns since you were in diapers.” He said as he grabbed his controller and I took mine and went through the menu to choose our battlefield.
“Well shooting people in real life vs. virtual works a little differently. But I’ll take that bet there Rocket.” Once the menu showed our options and the title card of the game, I selected my character while Rocket chose his.  Next I chose our mission and once we were ready, I scrolled down to the BEGIN MISSION option and the screen went black as it began to load.
The first round of our mission obviously I won but it gave Rocket a chance to learn the ropes of the game and how it worked.  So when the next round came in, he got the upper hand and killed me.
“Alright kid, final round is mine for the taking!” Rocket exclaimed.
“Don’t get cocky Rocket just cause you won this round.”
“Please I got this game in the bag.” He selected our final mission and we began our mission.  Guns were fired and each side of our screens went red with blood until I came out on top and won the final round.  “WHAT THE—”
“HA! In your face Rocket! I am the winner! I am the winner!” I said doing my little victory dance.
“No fair you cheated!”
“Yeah right you just can’t admit that when it comes to virtual shooting you suck at it.”
“I’ll show you who sucks at shooting!” he soon pulled out his gun and fired a warning shot right at me.  I flipped over the shot and ducked down.
“What the fuck man!”
“You wanna say I suck again!? Go ahead and say it.” He challenged me.  I took out my own gun and fired it at him as he jumped out of the way.
“Warning shot. Next one wont miss.” I warned him.
“You better hope not.” Next thing I knew, the two of us were shooting at each other trying to kill the other, throwing insults at the other for a terrible shot.
Which leads us back to the present.
*Flashback ends*
At the end of our story, Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head disappointedly.
“So can you tell a certain Terran that they’re an arrogant asshole and shouldn’t mess with a true professional?” Rocket said.
“Only if a certain rodent knows that real life shooting and virtual shooting aren’t the same. And that they’re a sore loser and should just suck it up and put on his bog boy pants and accept that someone else can be as good as he is.”
“Like I’d ever admit that!”
“You know you are such a pest you know that!?” I snapped.
“Takes one to know one don’t you think Flea!?”
“I told you to never call me that again!”
“I’ll call yah whatever I want and right now you’re a flea!” I roared as I pounced on him and the two of us began to rumble with each other.  Growling and screaming at each other until Peter forced us apart.
“No Quill. I was placing all my money on (Y/n) to win.” Drax said.
“Drax what have we said about placing bets on each other to die whenever a fight breaks out?” Peter said.
“You really suck the joy out of everything. Groot do not take my money, the bet is on halt.”
“I am Groot.”
“After these two, I’m having a talk with the both of you.” Quill released us and began his reprimanding.  “You two wanna act like children? Okay then. Go to your room and I don’t wanna see the two of you until you learn to make up and be friends again.”
“As if.” We both said as he still refused to look at each other.
“If not I could always use some target practice dummies.” Nebula suggested.
“We’re not dummies!” we both exclaimed.
“Then it’s your choice. An hour or so in isolation together, or one of you is going to be holding this on top of your heads.” She pulled out a crushed piece of tin and held it out to us.  With no other choice we grumbled as we walked away.  Shoving each other nonchalantly as we grumbled insults at one another.
*3rd Person POV*
“Ugh I swear those two. Being as good friends as they are, when they fight oh god. It’s literally like trying to separate two dogs who want to kill each other. But thanks for that reverse psychology move on them Nebula, I appreciate it.”
“That wasn’t a psychological move.” She said.  Everyone went silent before one by one each decided they needed to be somewhere other than where they were right at that moment.
*My POV*
One bad thing about sharing a room with your (ex) best friend, is having an intense argument and having to be in that same room with your (ex) best friend.  Rocket and I sat back to back of each other with our arms crossed and a permanent scowl on our faces in dead silence.  The air so think with our anger it could be cut with a knife. But after a while of cooling down, I uncrossed my arms and said.
“I’ve heard how the video games have turned people crazy, but I didn’t think it’d ever happen to me.”
“So you finally admit it?”
“What I’m trying to say asshole, is that I don’t want our lifelong friendship to end over something so stupid. We were both in the wrong.”
“Yeah. Guess you’re right kid.” Finally we turned and looked at each other and I said to him.
“Maybe it was better I didn’t find those stupid games.”
“Now don’t go blaming yourself kid. You were hit with uhh—what did you call it again, nausea?”
“Right yeah that. Hell if I had a life like yours before I was made, I’d be doing the same thing.”
“I’m sorry Rocket, for nearly trying to shoot your brains out.”
“And I’m sorry (Y/n). For calling yah flea and for…..being a sore loser.” We smiled softly at each other before I hugged him.  He tensed up at first but relaxed and I felt his arms wrap around me.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Quill: how are we gonna kill this High Evolutionary?
Y/N: I sent an old friend to take care of him.
Meanwhile on the Evolutionary’s ship…
John Wick walks past the carnage…
He corners the villain and readies his last weapon: a pencil…
Wick: I heard what you did to some little dogs. I love dogs
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bruisedboys · 1 year
he really is just so boyfriend. like the kind who would reach the boxes in shelves you can’t reach
he is just always into being your hero . doing things to make you swoon
peter quill has a hero complex for sure but it gets hiked up about 200% when it comes to you. he’s obsessed with doing everything for you because he knows you like it, even if you don’t actually need the help. he knows you’re totally capable of taking care of yourself but he wants to do it because he’s so incredibly down bad for you it’s sick.
yes he’s definitely the type to reach high shelves for you!!! so casually dominant of him tbh. he comes up behind you where you’re tiptoeing in front of the shelf and easily snags the box you’re reaching for. when he hands it to you he’s veryy smug about it. especially if he gets a thank you kiss, which he usually does.
he’s also always tying your shoelaces or zipping your dress or fixing your clothes for you. your shoelace comes undone while you’re out with him and he doesn’t even hesitate to get on the dirty floor to do it up for you. you put your hands in his hair and tug gently as a silent thank you and he swears he dies on the spot. and if your clothes ever ride up and threaten to show more skin than he knows you’ll want to, he’ll fix them without a word and it flusters you so much.
ugh and if you’re clumsy!!! he gets so good at catching you before you hurt yourself. if you’re about to trip he’ll catch you before you do and dip you cos he’s a dork, his arm locked around your lower back. you’ll laugh and swoon and say my hero all sarcastic and it boosts peter’s ego wayyy more than he’d like to admit.
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lacy-oh-lacy · 10 days
Coming out to Marvel Characters
A/N: Happy Pride! Reader's orientation/identity is ambiguous, as is your relationship with the characters :) Masterlist
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Steve: Telling him is a little intimidating considering the time he’s from, but truthfully you could of told him back in the 30s and even then he would of accepted you -albeit with more anxiety over your safety. He’s open minded for his time, and he has in spades the kind of compassion you need after bearing your heart and soul like that. 
Tony: He’s a dickhead more often than not, but he gets that this is a rare time not to be. He’s quiet for a moment, processing, and then he’s nonchalant. He acknowledges what you said as sensitively as he can but he also doesn’t linger on it. He accepts who you are, but to him it’s not a moment to get sappy over, it’s as casual as he thinks lending someone basic human decency should be.
Thor: He forgets for a minute that this can be a big deal to earthlings, queerness as you call it is a lot more normalised on Asguard.Then he remembers, and trying to be supportive -albeit a little clumsily- he pats your back and commends the courage it must of taken to tell him, assuring you you have his wholehearted acceptance.
Natasha: Look, as perceptive as she is, there’s no way she hasn’t already known for months. She’s just been too respectful to say anything. When you do finally tell her she feigns just a bit of surprise for your benefit, then she’s very casual about the whole thing. She’s accepting but in a quiet way, she’s one to show her support subtly as it naturally comes up.
Wanda: She doesn’t have the most in depth lgbtqia+ education or anything but she wholeheartedly supports the community. So, between that and her being the compassionate person she is, she’s very easy to tell. She’s so understanding and sensitive to your feelings, and honestly she’s just really touched that you trusted her enough to tell her.
Peter P: It really does come as a surprise, just because he’s usually so preoccupied with his own secret that he doesn’t often think about what other people might be hiding. He adjusts right away though, he’s always considerate to your comfort and now is no exception. He’s so sweet, he’s just happy you told him and asking the most thoughtful questions.
Carol: Though she’s also from a more close-minded time, she’s a little less intimidating to tell. For one thing, she’s spent her life since then around a diverse range of space cultures, and for another, she kind of has her own… vibe. And yeah, you were right not to worry, she doesn’t exactly overreact but she’s very obvious in her support.
Bucky: He is surprised, but also curious. When you spend most your life in the 30s and the rest in captivity you don’t learn how to respond to someone coming out to you (at least not in a way he ever would) but he doesn’t do too bad, he clearly isn’t bothered. Actually you coming out sparks his interest in the matter and inspires him to educate himself on queerness in the 21st century.
Yelena: As another queer person, she thinks it’s great, her eyes actually light up as you tell her. Honestly, she’s kind of hoping that you have more experience with things like pride and community than she does because she could really use some guidance, but even if not it’s still nice just to know she has someone who’s like her in her life and hopes that you feel the same way.
Loki: He couldn’t be less fazed if you told him your star sign, frankly. He is quick though, he can see this is important to you. So, wanting you to feel validated he asks some polite follow up questions, he’s happy to let you vent if you want, he’ll even offer some insight as someone a lot more at home in his queer identity if you need it. Plus, the best thing about telling him is that he’s definitely down to …handle… any bigots you’re dealing with.
Valkyrie: She’ll drink to that. Really, she thinks it’s nice, she’s supportive without making a big deal out of it. Though she’s queer herself, she wouldn’t think to offer any advice on the matter because well… she’s kind of a mess, but if you need someone to talk to she’s not a bad listener.
Kate: Despite what an adorably awkward motormouth she can be at times, she’s actually pretty chill about this. She does rush to reassure you that she’s fine with it, especially if you seem nervous, but she’s otherwise relaxed and lets you do most of the talking. It’s not that big of a shock to her really, it’s not like she’s never met other queer people before.
Peter Q: To be for real, most of what her knows about queer people comes from outdated stereotypes, relics from his childhood, and there was probably a time when coming out to him really would of sucked because of that, but he’s matured a lot since then so he takes this in with an open mind and responds with surprising sensitivity and kindness, at least by his standards.
Gamora: She’s been through planets more or less accepting of queerness so she gets the gist, but with how shut-off she’s been you’re still the first (out) queer person she’s known well. You wouldn’t know that though, because she responds very calmly to you coming out and she’s very easy to talk to about it.
Drax: He does not get the big deal. He doesn’t even get what homophobia / transphobia is really, and yet he still manages to say something totally offensive (albeit completely unintentionally) when you come out to him -which he later apologises for. Of course he accepts you, it’s not even a question, and after that first slip up he does make it a point to try and be more respectful …to mixed results.
Groot: He is Groot.
Rocket: He’s not respectful per se, because he never is, but he takes it fine. With all the crazy stuff he’s seen, you’re really not making headlines. He doesn’t know how to communicate it, but he’s sympathetic to the more alienating parts of your experience, especially to bigotry you faced, and he’s the quickest to defend you if ever needed.
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fannyspammy · 1 year
Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam has never felt the way he feels when he’s with you.
Warnings: none ! just a lotta fluff on fluff on fluff hehe hence the cheesy title. There aren’t really spoilers i think unless you count the location maybe? Idk it’s pretty general imo
A/N: watched gotg 3 twice over the weekend & im obsesseddd with this man lol. Might make this a series of firsts with Adam if yall would read it 👀 lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
[not my gif]
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He was built like a man — perfect in every way with his chiseled body & god-like strength — but he had the innocence of a child. And y/n loved that about him. He was the purest person she knew, embracing every new experience & every new discovery with such wonder. And she loved that she got to share so many firsts with him.
Y/n always smiled to herself when she remembered the first time he told her he had feelings for her. Or tried to, at least.
They were sitting in silence on a roof in Knowhere, people-watching. They’d come there every afternoon since meeting after the defeat of the High Evolutionary. Having lived in Knowhere with the Guardians before the attack (his attack, ironically), y/n knew all the spots for when you needed a moment alone, & when they’d met, she could tell he was someone who needed that space to just be.
So she introduced him to her spot, & they’d been coming ever since. But Nebula had needed their help with a few tasks that afternoon, so their daily retreat was pushed later into the evening. By this time, the community was out in the streets, dancing & playing & having fun. Music & laughter filled the air, & the faint scent of liquor presented itself as everyone began to drink the night away. It was getting late & y/n was getting tired, so she scooted closed & rested her head on his shoulder.
Y/n felt him tense at the initial contact, before quickly relaxing and melting into it, laying his head on hers. After a couple minutes he spoke.
“Y/n, I… feel something.. when I’m with you.”
She looked up at him without moving from her position, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Hm?”
“Something.. warm. Tingly? I-I don’t really- how do I- it’s hard to explain…”
Y/n giggled at his flustered attempt to explain himself.
Adam sighed & tried again. “I.. care about you. A lot. But it’s different from the way I cared about my mother. Or Blurp. Like, I want to be with Blurp all the time & hug him & cuddle him, and I want to do the same with you, but in a different way. But I can’t explainhowit’sdifferentitjustknowthatits-”
“Adam!” y/n said with a laugh, stopping his rambling. She lifted her head from its resting place to look at him, amused. “Slow down!”
“See! When you smile at me like that I feel it!”
Y/n bit her lip to restrain the smile spreading across her face, her brows furrowed in thought.
“Can I try something?” She asked. Adam nodded.
“Do you feel it when I do this?” Y/n gently brushed a lock of hair away from his face. He nodded again, slower.
“What about.. this?” Y/n brought her hand down to his shoulder & dragged it down slowly to rest on his chest. She felt his heartbeat quicken.
“I feel it more now.”
Using her other hand, she grabbed his arm to raise it between them, and then placed her hand on his, gently interlacing their fingers. “This?”
His heartbeat quickened again and he nodded. A curious smile spread over his lips.
“I feel it right in my stomach.. almost like it’s.. like it’s fluttering. Like-”
“Butterflies.” Y/n said, finishing his sentence.
Adam nodded again, excitedly, like she’d just solved a puzzle he’d been stuck on for days. “Like butterflies!”
Y/n leaned in closer, resting their intertwined hands in his lap. “Adam, you like me,” she said with a teasing smile on her lips.
“Well yeah, you know I like you. I like most people. Except the ones I need to fight, which used to be you & our friends but now I like you guys.”
She chuckled and pressed her head against the nook of his neck, back resting on his chest, pulling his arm around her, fingers still locked together.
“No, Adam. I mean you like like me. Like, romantically.” She tapped his torso with her free hand. “That’s why you feel all warm and gooey inside when you’re with me, or when I touch you. You having feelings for me. Romantic feelings.”
“Romantic…,” he whispered to himself, then paused shortly. “Do you like me too? In the romantic way?”
Y/n felt his chest tense as his breathing hitched, anticipating her answer. He may not understand his feelings yet, but he knew he wanted her to feel the same way. She squeezed his hand softly in reassurance.
“Mhmm. I like you a lot.”
He eased beneath her & then was quiet for a moment, as if deep in thought, processing the new feeling he had just discovered.
Then he held her tighter, and she felt him smile as she melted into his embrace.
“I like liking you. It feels nice.”
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takenbypeter · 1 year
For Blurp of course
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Adam Warlock x reader
Words: 1451
Synopsis: Reader takes care of Blurp but the F’saki doesn’t want to part from reader
JOIN MY 1k Shipping Event
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You grinned as you pet the furry four legged creature. He was quite amusing.
A week ago you had been minding your business in the main common area of Knowhere when you heard the warlock ask loudly, “is there anyone who would like to take care of my pet while I’m away?” Adam typically brought Blurp with him, but because this mission would take a bit longer than usual, he figured he’d give him F’saki a break.
Most people were still occupied with the animals saved from the high evolutionary, but you weren’t, plus you’ve met the small animal a few times, he was quite adorable. So you walked up to Adam offering your assistance.
At first Adam’s eyes scanned you up and down, as if trying to gauge if you were worthy enough but then he agreed. He’d hand you the small animal while giving you some instructions, “and don’t let him eat after eight he gets rowdy.” He said as the other guardians called him, and on that note he was gone.
You held up the creature to your face, “looks like it’s just you and me,” you said while the F’saki made a strange noise.
That was about a week ago now and even though it’s been a short time you‘ve grown accustomed to Blurp.
“Come on Blurp drink your water,” you’d say as he was clearly trying to cool off by laying stomach down on the cold floor of your room. He trudged over to the bowl you got for him and began drinking, “you’re so cute,” you’d chime.
It was at that moment that you heard a commotion outside and curious, you’d peek out the nearby window. Gazing out you’d notice Adam walking towards your building.
“Oh he’s back,” is what you said as you brushed your clothes and head to the door. Adam’s hand reached up and just as he was about to knock on the door you suddenly opened it causing his hand to freeze midair as he practically almost knocked on your head.
“Hello,” you said, not at all fazed.
Adam awkwardly looked at his hand for a moment before clearing his throat and bringing it back to his side.
“Hello, how are you?” The question seemed so strange coming from him, especially due to the fact that he’s not once asked you that before. Well to be fair there have not been many opportunities, anytime you talked it was about supplies, or necessities, work things basically.
“Good, good. I take it the mission was successful?”
He smiled proudly, “yes of course, nothing less for the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
My was he proud to say that.
“Oh! Come in,” you said, realizing he’s just been standing at your doorway and it was rude of you not to invite him in. That’s when Blurp saw him.
After catching sight of his owner he immediately ran up to him practically leaping into Adam’s arms as he cuddled and shoved his fur into the man’s face.
“Hello Blurp, I’m delighted to see you too,” Adam would let out while rubbing the F’saki. Your heart melted at the sight, never seeing the warlock like this before.
After the moment passed Adam peered down at the animal and without missing a beat he said, “let’s go home.”
At the mention of home Blurp jumped out from his arms, suddenly running across the room to the other side of the wall. Adam turned to you with concern on his face before once again turning to Blurp saying, “Blurp come on.”
Blurp wouldn’t move.
“Now you’re just embarrassing yourself. We’re going home,” Adam began to take steps towards Blurp but the animal quickly ran again, leaping up into your arms.
“Okay, now you’re just embarrassing me,” Adam would mutter, his voice sounding a little bit hurt by the creature's actions.
“I think he just grew used to me.”
“Hmm,” Adam let out a breath nodding in agreement while you came up with an idea. “How about I walk him with you? I’m sure once he sees your quarters he’ll be fine.”
The golden boy’s lips downturned in thought as he wondered for a moment, “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
“Great, let’s go,” you announced, rubbing Blurp’s cheeks for a moment before setting him down. Adam opened your front door, holding it steady for you to go through, you thanked him before looking behind you at Blurp who still didn’t seem to want to move, “come on Blurp!” With that, the animal happily followed you out the door while Adam himself followed close by.
The walk was a little awkward but Blurp being there definitely helped alleviate some tension. Your focus remained on the cute fluff ball as he ran alongside you.
Adam, who for the first few minutes walked behind while watching the two of you interact, now traveled alongside you, as Blurp remained in the middle.
He was the first to speak, “it’s strange to me how close you two have gotten.”
You could admit the brown fellow had grown close to you quite quickly, “well we have spent the last week together, I think it’s natural.”
“But I take care of him well.”
“You do, I’m not saying you don’t.” You try your best to figure out the most correct way of explaining yourself without offending the guardian, “you said before that you’ve gotten Blurp from a Ravager.”
Adam nodded.
“And now he’s a part of the guardians. I just think he’s seen a lot and sometimes needs a slower pace. Maybe him being here made him feel secure, you know?”
“Yeah, you know feeling safe and happy, without any worry about life.”
“Hmm,” is all Adam said in response.
You two continued on in silence as you walked all the way to his small living quarters.
“So you’re saying he should not only go on missions but spend time here instead.”
“Not always. Just if the mission is a big chaotic one then maybe that would be better.”
Adam didn’t want to leave Blurp behind, but he understood what you meant. Maybe you were right.
“…If I know missions are going to be intense, then I agree he should stay here.”
You nodded at Adam agreeing with his words that were essentially your idea in the first place.
“I believe that is a good motion,” you assured and a corner of his mouth pulled as a smile began to form.
“And I believe you should be the one to look after him. I feel like that would be best from here on forward.” Adam looked down at the pet who didn’t seem to have a care in the world at the moment.
“Of course! I would love to! I love Blurp.”
You finished the sentence just as you came upon Adam’s quarters. Blurp continued to stay in between you two, hesitant to move forward, “come on Blurp, go home,” you’d usher pointing in the direction of the door. Slowly the critter would approach the door and Adam would open it allowing him to enter while the two of you remained in the doorway.
At the success of this journey you turned to the warlock, “well, I guess this is it for now, until the next mission Adam Warlock,” you said, waiting for his own goodbyes. But instead what you were met with was, “would you like to come in?”
Your head angled to the side, giving him a slight side eye at the sudden proposal but he continued, “I mean I’m sure having you here would make Blurp feel more…secure,” he said smugly nodding a little at how he remembered the exact word you had used earlier. For a moment he was sure you were going to reject the idea, your facial expression clearly already regarded the suggestion as strange.
“…I guess it couldn’t hurt,” and in you stepped. Adam closed the door and followed behind as you looked around his room taking his small space in. It wasn’t big, especially considering the fact that he attended missions frequently, but he still found himself watching your facial expression as you gazed around the room. He found himself feeling a new type of nervousness, he couldn’t name it exactly. Maybe it was judgment that he suddenly feared? Or maybe it was something else, he wasn’t sure.
Adam liked you already. More than what he knew. He liked the way you described, the word ‘secure,’ and the way you clearly cared for Blurp.
Adam watched as you made your way to Blurp petting him playfully while the F’saki ran around enjoying himself.
Adam supposed that if Blurp could find security with you then maybe he could too.
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