#gravity falls next summer au
bl4pe4r · 1 month
Once again art based on events from a fanfic that hasn't been written yet, lol, I'm doing things ahead of time as usual
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bill-morrell · 5 months
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gravityfallstangent · 4 months
First the cane…
It appeared in the attic one day, still laced with stone and moss, withered by weather and morning dew. It was wet. In a puddle. On the floor.
Mabel had found waddles chewing on it. In able to identify the object she had brought it to the kitchen. Dipper had let out a horrified “MABEL! put that down!” And the missing piece of the statue came crashing down on the wooden tiles.
Next was the hat…
In an act of sleepy stupidity, Dipper had taken his cap of for the first time in weeks. Placing it on the bed side draws.
When morning called, birds hit with songs of warning. Shifting slowly, he noticed a a breeze flowing through his hair. He groggily moved for his trademark hat only to be met with cold scratchy stone. With a large ear piercing smash the old thing crumbled.
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fordpinesmpreg · 1 year
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This crossover is so so special to me it was the entire reason I watched gf annnnd I think we should bring it back pls ty
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[Dark GF Future Fic Idea] The Burnt Face, and Scarred Heart
Sum up: Pacifica somehow got disfigured by acid/burnt severely, losing most, of if not all of her hair and face skin's original condition. Due to the Northwests' vengeance to punish her, they gave the cheapest (and possible poorest) treatment, and disown her.
She was too afraid to contact the Pines, due to shame and breaking mental health from losing her "only good value" (as she believed). She escaped from Gravity Falls, where she lived as the delivery service which where the helmet all the service time. In addition, she did the cleaning job for free due to boss' condition to accept her. Unknowingly, the owner also stole her money, so she couldn't gather money to fix her own face and stuck as her poor-grade employee/slave forever.
[May be written as story on Ao3]
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swift-scuti · 9 months
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Gravity Falls Next Summer AU
Pure self indulgence because I love gravity falls still okay
And god I have SO many ideas for this, but I’m too tired to type them rn, so have these
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sprout-fics · 10 months
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(Gif originally by @shadow0-1)
Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Again.
(Soap x GN! Reader)
Rating: Mature Wordcount: 5400 Tags: Doomed Narrative, Time Loop AU, Heavy Angst, Blood and Injury, Self-Sacrifice, Whump, Hurt Very Little Comfort, Happy Ending, (I PROMISE THERE'S A HAPPY ENDING!!) Warnings: Major character death. That's...literally the plot A/N: Hi here's the doomed timelines AU nobody asked for
Call of Duty Masterlist
The 23rd time you meet Soap, you don’t bother to smile. You know how this ends.
“Nice to meet you, Soap.” You say for the 23rd time, words that have passed your lips in more lifetimes that you wish you didn’t remember. “I look forward to working with you.”
And I don’t look forward to watching you die.
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The first time you meet Soap, it’s how you expect. 
It’s a warm spring day, the kind where you need to shed layers in the brightness of afternoon, only to don them again come sunset. He stands just beyond the shade of the barracks, awash in sunlight that seems to catch the blue of his eyes. You blink as you take him in, and it’s the only barest indication you give at the instant impression that he’s handsome.
“Sergeant John MacTavish, at your service.” He tells you with a grin, leaning forward to extend his hand to you. You reach for it automatically, remember yourself and offer a pleasant smile in return, along with your name. 
“Looking forward to working with you, John.” You reply, and John- Johnny, as you’d come to call him in the tender moments between you, chuckles. 
“Call me ‘Soap’.” He tells you easily, and you smile a bit wryly, tilting your head at him. 
“The hell kind of name is ‘Soap’?”
- - - - -
It’s easy to work with Soap. He has a cheery, bright demeanor to him that is immediately endearing. He’s friendly, outgoing. His smile is contagious, and the bark of his laughter becomes familiar to you. You listen and guffaw at his jokes over the comms, try vainly to hide your smile when he says them before you. 
It only makes his eyes twinkle to see you try and conceal your amusement, and that becomes familiar too- the sparkle of his irises with endless mirth. 
He catches you during your duties, sidles up beside you during weapons training, becomes the first to suggest himself as your partner during drills. The company he offers is warm, welcome, lifting the dusky heaviness of your heart into something more tender, fragile. You hold it for him, feel his grin bleed into yours, lay awake at night and sometimes think about the shake of his shoulders when you get him to laugh. 
You feel endlessly special when he devotes his time to you, feel as if Soap treats you like you’re the only person in the world. Even in the presence of others he finds ways to indulge himself in you. A nudge of his boot against yours under the table of the briefing room, tossing you an extra round of ammo as you gear up for a mission, finding an excuse to sit next to you on the chopper ride home. Soap feels like a breath of fresh air, the first taste of a cool breeze during summer, a respite from the weight of the world. 
Like two stars in orbit, you circle each other, drawing closer into the gravity of each other’s gazes. You try at first to resist, to hold yourself away from the feelings of the other sergeant, knowing at any moment that he could be taken from you. It’s written in the wheels of fate, your destinies as soldiers. If you’re lucky, if you stay alert, if you train hard enough, if chance smiles upon you, maybe you’ll both live to a day where the sound of rockets and bullet-fire doesn’t haunt your waking dreams.
Yet you can’t resist him. When you fall asleep against his shoulder after a days long mission with hardly any sleep, when he playfully grapples with you over the last slice of pizza during movie night, when he gives you that smile during a rare night off-base at the pub- how can you resist?
Gravity pulses between you when you at last fall into him, feel his breath against your lips as your fingers comb through his mohawk. He breathes the blessing of your name against the corner of your mouth in a panting gasp, flexes his fingers across the small of your back when he drags you even closer. The taste of him is honey and ale, a sweetness with a beloved bitter aftertaste, one you drink down greedily in the form of his moans against your flesh. 
When you lay in bed together after, sweaty limbs tangled together, you watch the tender, soulful smile form across the handsome planes of his face, and you know. 
He’s yours. 
There’s kisses stolen in the hangar before take off, moments hidden in the shadows of safehouses. He cups your face and lifts it to him in the aftermath of battle, smears ash against your cheek with his gloved thumb. You try to carve each moment into your heart, never fail to try and memorize the glint of his eyes, the soft slope of his smile. You know the shape of him in the darkness of his bedroom, know the sound of his voice even blinded by the brightness of his mere presence. 
Johnny is the sun- emanating a gentle, beckoning warmth from afar. Yet when you get closer you see the glory of his inferno, see the flashing burn of his eyes in the midst of battle. The solar flare of his battle cry seems to carry you like soar of Helios's chariot upwards into the heavens of his devotion. When you touch him, you’re seared, branded by his fingers as they trace sentimental sketches across the dip of your waist. You want to bask in him, feel the ember of his stare as he gazes at you silently across the table of the restaurant he takes you to for your official first date. 
“What?” You ask him, averting your eyes a little bashfully, catching his shrug in your periphery. 
“Just lookin’.” He replies with a grin, his cheek smushed as he balances on his hand. “Just seeing how pretty you are.”
You kiss him for that, and when he laughs you kiss him again. 
You kiss him a thousand times, each as sweet and passionate as the last, know the curve of his smile on your lips. You kiss him before your next mission, when he holds you against the wall of the armory and tells you how he can’t wait until you both get back. 
He doesn’t. He doesn’t come back. 
He’s looking at you in the chopper when you hear the sound of the RPG. The explosion has him backlit for all of a moment before the world is spinning, the roar of the dying engine in your ears and Price’s holler to “BAIL BAIL BAIL-!!”
You reach for the rope, glance behind you to see Soap not out of his seat- a breed of panic in his eyes unlike that you’ve ever seen from him. The jammed clasp of his strap is caught in his hands as he tugs at it desperately, and you meet his gaze for all of a moment, seeing the imminent knowledge of what comes next in his beautiful blue eyes. 
You fall, without him, are caught by the canopy of trees where the snap of branches under you muffles the distant sound of the helicopter exploding as it lands. 
You ignore Price’s orders, run desperately for the wreckage, only to be greeted by an inferno that stretches towards the sky. 
Johnny is on fire, and this time when you reach for the burn of him the flames are real. They scorch your flesh and you shout his name even as you try to reach him, already knowing it’s too late. When Ghost and the others haul you back you fall to your knees, grip the scorched earth beneath your fingers and scream.
And then you wake up. 
Warm springtime. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish, at your service.” He tells you with a grin, leaning forward to extend his hand to you.
You blink, heart still hammering in your chest, feeling the warmth of flames chase you even as songbirds sing in the trees. Yet Johnny is alive before you, whole, smiling, looking so much like the man he was when you met him for the very first time. 
“Was it a nightmare?” You ask him breathlessly, and Johnny- Soap- merely arches a bewildered eyebrow at you. 
Nightmares, you come to learn, are so much more kind. 
It happens all as it did before. The jokes over comms, the glancing gazes over drills, the bump of elbows in the mess hall. It’s familiar, sweet, amorous…
And you know something is terribly, terribly wrong. 
Back to the start, somehow. You don’t know how, you don’t know why- but there’s no denying what has happened. Johnny died. You went back, and now you have a chance to save him. 
It’s months before the helicopter crash. You replay the scene over and over again in your mind, and you keep arriving back to the look in Johnny’s eyes as realization washed across them. Everyone who dies a sudden death is confused, scared, not ready, and the knowledge and horror you saw in his stare haunts your waking dreams. 
Yet Johnny falls in love with you just as he did before, and you fall into him so readily, desperate to accept his warmth in the wake of his death. Orpheus embracing Eurydice, you try to trace him into your skin, imbue the memory of him into the marrow of your bones and pray that you can reverse his fate. The gears of destiny tick in the back of your mind even as he stares at you over the restaurant table on the evening before your departure. 
“Just lookin’.” He tells you when you return his stare, mistaking your concern for confusion. “Just seeing how pretty you are.”
When you kiss him, you try to swallow the sob in your throat.
When you get on the helicopter, you point out his jammed strap with shaking fingers, and he blinks in astonishment. 
“Hell’s bells.” He huffs, fiddling with it before it comes loose, and it stays that way for the remainder of your journey. “That coulda been terrible, ey bonnie?”
He makes it out this time, and when he rises from the forest floor he rushes to you, cups your face in his hands and stares down with eyes glinting in concern. 
“Sweetheart.” He breathes, chest heaving with exhilaration. “Are you hur-”
He jerks back at the sound of a gunshot, and you drop automatically, crawl to him just in time to catch his hand as he reaches for you. The bullet wound at his collarbone gushes red, red, red, and your hands are coated in it as you plead, tell him he’s going to be okay-
The light fades from his eyes, still staring up at you, the last thing he sees. 
You still feel his heartbeat on your hands when you wake up. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish, at your service.” He tells you with a grin, leaning forward to extend his hand to you. You tremble, take it and see him blink in surprise when he feels the uncontrollable shake of your palm against his. 
The second time, you think it’s a fluke, a horrible prank. 
He steps on a landmine, scattered to the four winds.
The third time, you’re petrified. 
A man hidden in the darkness, he lunges for you. Johnny pushes him aside. The blade wedges between his ribs.
The fourth time, you beg destiny for answers.
You make it to the compound, the fence lights him up like a firework.
The fifth time, you try to tell him, only to find your throat clogged, unable to speak. You try to tell him a hundred more times in the months that follow, and each time the words are stolen from your breath, as if fate forbids you to inform him of his doomed destiny.
“...Nothing.” You tell him when he asks after you’ve tried to speak over the restaurant table, your food barely touched. 
Johnny shrugs. “Doesna matter, too busy looking at how pretty you are.”
You cry silently that night in his bed, while he dozes gently next to you, unaware of what awaits him. 
You can’t tell him. You don’t know how to save him. You still love him. 
He’ll forget he knows you, forget he loves you by the time he wakes up
You’ve found eight ways for Soap to die, and have taken years to defy all of them. You have to write them down everytime you wake up unless you somehow forget. The notebook is filled with scribbled reminders, ever present in your pocket even as he steals the last slice of pizza out from under you.
He doesn’t have enough ammo. Remind him to take extra clips
He put his knife on the wrong strap that he usually does, fix it for him.
He steps on the landmine fourteen steps after the creek. Stop him.
You can’t stop trying. Not when it’s him.
Yet each time you find a way to outsmart the latest execution of him, fate finds one more thing to steal him out from under you. Unstoppable, imminent, condemned to wake up and see his smiling face mere moments after his heartbeat slows to nothingness.
“I love you.” You whisper as you cradle his head in your lap, knowing he already can’t hear you, glassy eyes staring up at the sky. “I’ll see you soon.”
You burst into tears by the 19th time, buckling in on yourself much to the shock of the men around you, relaying startled looks of confusion between them. You excuse yourself, find a dark corner to fold into and sob, knowing this time you’ll fail too.
It’s Soap who finds you, sits beside you, says barely a word when you cry into his shoulder even though he doesn’t know you. Not yet. 
Falling in love with him each time is painful. Your heart beats for him and him alone, but you know it’s only a matter of time before you lose him again. You’ll go right back to the start, to him having just met you, not yet falling into gravity with you, even as you hear the tick of gears turning ever closer to the moment you’ll watch him die.
“Don’t you know me?” You want to ask him, want to bunch his shirt between your fists and let tears stream down your face. “Don’t you know you loved me?”
His smile doesn’t waver. He jokes and laughs and playfully teases you and it hurts. It’s a balm that burns, heals your heart and yet doesn’t erase the scar. He’s your only comfort, the only thing you have as you feel your soul chipped a little further each time he leaves you. You can’t tell him why you cry into his arms, can’t confess to him that you’ve seen him die more ways than you care to remember, that you’ve tried to save him in dozens of lifetimes and he doesn’t even know.
He holds you even though he doesn’t understand, hushes sweet endearments into your hair and comforts you, not knowing how this will end. 
“I love you.” He tells you softly as you hiccup against his chest, not knowing what else to say. “Ever since the moment I first saw you, I’ve loved you.”
Your tears drip into the fancy china at the restaurant he takes you to and Johnny looks afraid.
The 23rd time you meet Soap, you don’t bother to smile. You know how this ends.
“Nice to meet you, Soap.” You say for the 23rd time, words that have passed your lips in more lifetimes that you wish you didn’t remember. “I look forward to working with you.”
And I don’t look forward to watching you die.
He looks at you, blinks. His brow furrows.
“How’d you know my name?”
This time, you forget to warn him about the rigged doorway, and he vanishes in a flash and puff of smoke. 
“Don’t cry.” He wheezes when you bend over him, words pouring from your lips in a ceaseless mantra. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. “I always hated watching ye cry.”
You wake up. Everything happens as it did before. You meet him, you listen to the sound of his laugh, you finish one of his jokes over the comms and he groans.
“Don’t tell me ye know that one too!” He grouses, and when you smile your chest aches with the force of thirty lifetimes. 
You place a palm against his back, unable to help yourself as you enter the compound, wanting to feel the frame of his body just one more time before destiny finds a new way to kill him. He looks at you over his shoulder, smiles even as uncertainty colors the blueness of his gaze. 
“Yer like my guardian angel.” He tells you, still smiling even after all this time. “Dannea what I’d do w’out ye.”
A grenade at the staircase. He pushes you out of the way. He doesn’t duck out of the way in time.
You close your eyes when you wake up. You can’t bear to look at him, knowing you’ll just lose him again.
You try to keep him from loving you, thinking perhaps that is the crime to warrant this eternal punishment. You can’t stop loving him, but maybe, maybe you can stop him from loving you. Maybe if you never have him to begin with, maybe you can save him. 
Yet Johnny is drawn to you anyways, sucked in by the way your smile doesn’t reach your eyes, like a moth to an infant flame. He hovers at the fringes of your soul, tries desperately to find his way inside, and you can’t help but let him. He comforts you when you cry against the futility of it all, and there’s nothing you can say to him to explain. You wet his shirt with your tears, knowing it’ll be the one he dies in.
The next time, you force yourself to not speak to him, to try and avoid him at all costs, try everything to drive him away. If he never loved you to start, then maybe he’ll live. He seems pre-ordained to find a way to confess to you, ask why you hate him so, look at you through glistening eyes and ask “What did I do?”
You wonder if maybe that’s destiny too, if it’s truly Soap falling in love with you, or his strings being pulled by the same machinations that inscribe his death. 
When he asks you again, tries to approach you with flowers and apologies, and offers to take you to dinner on the eve of his death, you wheel on him in desperate fury. 
“You don’t actually love me!” You cry, face hot with tears. “Can’t you see that?! All this time it’s just- it’s just the story we’re in. Just because you’re supposed to love me doesn’t mean you do. It’s all just a fucking lie.”
Soap is stunned, too shocked to speak. In all the dozens of lives you’d lived, you’ve never ever yelled at him before. 
Hurt flashes across his eyes. His eyes drop along with his hands, the bouquet limp in his grip. The bitterness of his smile as he refuses to look at you threatens to shatter your heart like glass. 
“You hate me.” He murmurs, as if to himself. “I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean tae…”
He falls silent, and eventually he walks away. 
You don’t get on the chopper this time. You can’t stand to watch him die again. 
You try to tell him again, ask him why. Why does he have to torture you like this? Why love you, why allow you to love him so deeply, only for him to leave at the end of this doomed story bound to repeat? Why would he love you?
He looks torn. He’s hurt. He wants to comfort you. He doesn’t know what to say
“Why wouldn’t I love you?” He asks in a whisper, devastated by your outburst. 
You can’t speak. You’re forbidden to tell him. You want to. You can’t.
“Bonnie-” He tries, stepping forward, trying to embrace you as if that will somehow solve everything. 
“No.” You manage, pressing backwards as he reaches for you, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. Pain dances across his eyes. “Go away, Johnny.”
He leaves. 
He dies anyway. 
When you wake up, your body feels weighed down with the passage of a hundred lifetimes, and your legs fall out from under you without warning. Johnny hauls you into his arms, his blue stare flickering with concern. 
You forgot how much you love being held by him. 
This time, you don’t push him away. In fact, you never do again.
Yet things are different now. It’s subtle at first, things you take for granted. Something in this story has changed, and in turn it’s changed him. Johnny walks into rooms and seems to forget why he’s there. He asks what day it is and frowns in confusion when Ghost replies blandly for the second time that day. 
“Didn’t you already tell us this?” He asks of Price during a meeting, and Gaz’s head snaps to him, to the smartness of his tone towards your captain. 
“No.” Price responds gruffly, succinctly, and continues on. You watch Soap, see the way he doesn’t seem to understand. His fingers tap on the table, and it’s a small gesture meant to conceal the worry in his eyes- the knowledge that maybe, maybe he’s been here before.
“I saw you in a dream, once.” He tells you one night as you both clamber onto the roof of the barracks to stare at the stars. “Before I even met you.”
You stare at him, and he laughs a little nervously, rubbing at his nape. “A bit crazy, eh? Sounds like am’ off ma heid.”
You shake your head, slide your hand over his, feel your heart thump when he looks at you in surprise. “Tell me.” You whisper, and when he smiles you shudder, feel the weight of destiny press heavy on your shoulders. 
“I saw you crying.” He murmurs, and his eyes are a little distant, like he’s looking back at a life that no longer exists. “I told you not to cry.”
“Don’t cry.” He wheezes when you bend over him, words pouring from your lips in a ceaseless mantra. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. “I always hated watching ye cry.”
This time, you nearly die beside him, and almost wish fate would take you too.
He has nightmares now. He thrashes in his bed, a cold sweat dampening his skin when he wakes. You ask him what it was, what vision plagues him, and he only shakes his head, eyes distant and terrified. He clings to you like he’s a little boy frightened by shadows, gazes at something you can’t see but know all the same. He doesn’t have the words, but he doesn’t need them.
You roll over one night, startled to find him wide awake, eyes unblinking as he stares at you. His voice sounds like an echo of himself, a dark magic winding through his words that sound like an all too familiar prophecy.
“I saw myself die.” He tells you, in a voice you’ve never heard- one you’ll never forget. “You were there- and then you weren’t.”
He finds bruises on himself the next morning, in the same places you watched him become riddled with bullet holes. 
You’re running out of time. You don’t know when you’ll wake up and he won’t be there. You don’t know if this will be the last time you ever see him. 
“Please.” You beg him, tugging on the straps of his vest as he steps towards the chopper. “Johnny please, don’t. Stay here. Don’t go.”
His eyes shine with worry at the sudden, fervent desperation in your words, and he opens his mouth to respond-
Only for his eyes to take on that foreign, distant stare once more.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asks, and once more you’re forbidden to tell him. 
Because you’ll die. Because I’ll be forced to watch. Because I have no way to stop it. Because I’ve seen it happen a hundred times and I can’t do it anymore.
Inevitably, you arrive here, and this singular moment in time, at the place where you’ve yet to find the part in which he survives. 
It always ends like this.
You survive the crash, fend off the ensuing ambush, weave past the landmines and the soldiers patrolling the perimeter, disable the electric fence and disarm the rigged door. You make it inside, stop him before he triggers the tripwire, disarm the pressure plate, lob the grenade back up the stairs, open fire on the door to his left before he passes it. You anticipate the reinforcements at your back, fix the radio when you signal for ex-fil, remember to give him your extra ammo. You know when the roof collapses and drag him to safety, point out the missed charge in his demolitions package, take out the turret before he even spots it-
Then you arrive here. 
“The detonator doesn’t work.” He tells you for the thirty sixth time, out of a hundred and forty eight lifetimes. You know what comes next. The chopper will get here, you will be overrun, and Johnny will kiss you one last time with an apology, push you into Gaz’s arms even as you scream. Then he’ll make his way to the control room without you all, will stay behind and make it his final, valiant act. 
Then you’ll watch the facility explode with him still inside, hear the gears of fate click and send you hurtling back to the beginning.
If you stop him, you’ll all be shot down. You’ll be the only survivor of the crash, and will see the broken bodies of your teammates join him. Or someone else will take his place, and your rescue chopper will be shot down anyways. 
There’s no escape. This is always the moment that you can’t save him from. Thirty six lifetimes and you know in just a few minutes you’ll wake up, will hear his voice begin it all again, over and over until one day you wake up and he isn’t there. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish, at your service.” He tells you with a grin, leaning forward to extend his hand to you.
You had a dream last time. You were both sitting at the restaurant table, and you spoke before he could. 
“Are you going to tell me how pretty I am?” You asked him, swallowing down grief, feeling it bloom like a macabre bouquet when the sound of his joyous laughter tickled your soul.
“Stole the words right from mah mouth.” He chuckled.
You blinked, and the seat across from you was suddenly empty. 
You close your eyes, in this moment, try once more to find the part where you all make it out alive. You try to find the part where you don’t lose him. Where you’ll go back to that restaurant and it’ll be the last time. 
You’ve had enough.
“I’m going to stay.” Soap declares, eyes grim with resolve. 
He turns to you.
You close the distance, reach up and kiss him. You tangle your fingers in his mohawk like you did the very first time, listen to his shocked gasp as you try and drink in the taste of him just one more time. Just one more time.
Honey and ale. A bittersweet goodbye. 
You snatch the detonator from his hands, raise your hands to his shoulders and push.
He topples backwards, nearly colliding with Price, and it gives you just enough time to bolt for the door leading towards the control room, locking it behind you. 
Soap screams your name, hurls himself at the door, frantic desperation coloring his beautiful blue eyes. The color of a sky in summer time, of a fresh breeze that reminds you so much of him.
There’s a nervous smile on his lips, one that doesn’t reach his eyes. He thinks it’s a prank, another joke between you two, and he says just as much, voice wavering when he asks you to unlock the door. 
“I’m sorry, Johnny.” You whisper, tears warming your eyes. “I can’t lose you again.”
Confusion makes him pause, but it’s only for a moment. 
“Open the door.” He demands then, jiggling the lock uselessly as his voice rises. “OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!”
“I love you.” You whisper, raising your hand to the glass pane, your splayed palm against his closed fist and the world between them. “In this lifetime, and the one before. Ever since the day I met you, I’ve loved you, Johnny.”
He calls your name, voice cracking in desperation and he begs you to come back. You take a few more moments, and think to yourself how unkind it is that the last time you see him will be like this. Afraid, broken, desperate.
Just like how he was all that time ago, the first time you failed to save him.
Not this time. 
“Don’t cry.” You tell him quietly. “I always hated watching you cry.”
You leave him even as he screams after you, running in the direction of the control room. 
You don’t know this part. You’ve only ever watched Johnny or one of them vanish in this direction. You aren’t prepared for this the way you are with the rest of this story. You’re not ready for the hail of gunfire that greets you, the bullets ripping through flesh. Your blood drips red onto the floor, you run low on ammo, and yet somehow you press on.
Not this time. You think. Not ever again. You can’t take him from me any longer. I won’t allow it.
You’re limping, heavily wounded, riddled with bullet holes, chest seizing and smearing an abstract of crimson behind you as you finally make it to the control room. By the time you dispatch the remaining soldiers you’re on the floor, feeling the corners of your vision pulse red and black as the gears turn, as the clock ticks down. 
The timer has just enough time to make it out once you start it. You know you won’t be able to. 
So you watch the numbers click on the countdown, flop onto your back and cry.
You didn’t want this. 
You wanted just a little more time. Maybe you should have let him go, let him finish this if only he can wake up and not know you. Maybe you should have let him die one more time, if only to get the chance to fall asleep in his arms months into the future and past, knowing he was going to die. 
It’s too late now, and as the numbers click down, as your heartbeat thrums in your ears and your vision pulses red, you can only try to remember the feeling of his smile against your lips, the sound of his laughter, your name breathed into your skin as he wraps his arms around you, safe from destiny in his embrace.
“Ever since the moment I first saw you, I’ve loved you.”
You love him. You’ve always loved him. In this lifetime, in the hundred lifetimes before. In a thousand lifetimes to come you will still love him. Even if you go back, wake up again to that warm spring day, you know you will only love him once more.
You wish he was here, at the end, and wish that even if he was he’d find a way to live without you.
When you exhale, it’s the sound of his name, the memory of his eyes as they stare across you from the restaurant table, full of endless devotion.
The world goes dark. 
And then you wake up.
It’s bright. 
You don’t expect what comes next. 
There’s no birdsong. No springtime warmth. Only the beep of a heart monitor, the feeling of cottony sheets tucked into a hospital bed, the fluorescent glow of overhead lights. 
And the sound of a voice. 
Johnny is holding your hand, head bowed, tears falling freely down his face. 
“I did it.” He sobs, words choking his throat, shoulders trembling. 
Whole. Alive. Just like you. 
“I did it.” He cries again, looking up and finding your eyes with his that swim with emotion. When he speaks, it sounds like the weight of a hundred lifetimes presses down on him. 
“This time. This time, I saved you.”
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Taglist: @soapskneebrace @guyfieriii @writeforfandoms @alicesfracturedmirror
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borathae · 10 months
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“His touch is electric, making you sigh. “Relax, princess”, he whispers, running his hands along your body, “I’ll take the greatest care of you”. You close your eyes and fall into him. Falling is so goddamn easy when you know that it’s Yoongi’s hands which will catch you. And they will always catch you, no matter when or where he won’t ever let you collide. Alternatively: You ask Yoongi to take your anal virginity and he is more than willing to grand you this wish.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: soft Dom!Yoongi, sub!Reader, the tension in this makes me weak, they are so in love!!, first time anal sex, he is so gentle with her, lingerie, body worship, strength kink, a lil bit of thigh riding, praising & loving petnames, oral (f.receiving), rimming, he fucks her hole with his monster tongue help, gentle biting, anal fingering, use of a buttplug, hand holding, hair pulling (m.receiving), use of a vibrator, he fucks her gently at first then she wants it harder, gentle spanking, he cums too soon but keeps fucking her, creampies, using cum as lube, dirty talk, edging (f.receiving), multiple orgasms for both, squirting, belly bulging, his stroke game is insane, the most loving aftercare, honestly their connection should be illegal, I came outta this smut feeling like someone threw me against a wall, like hoLY FUCK Yoongi is gonna kill me, and the worst thing is that I actually think he’s like that irl, please help me
Wordcount: 9.1k
a/n: I need five business weeks to be able to talk to people again. This made me weak. And weak isn’t a strong enough word to describe the amount of weak it made me feel. It’s like my body felt the gravity twice as strong and I couldn’t get up. I’m talking shit rn, which is yet another indicator of how deeply this shit affected me. Be strong besties, you need that 🧡 
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You haven’t been home in months. You counted the days. It’s been seventy eight days since you last saw your bedroom. Your plants are well taken care of by the others. You haven’t seen them either, except for phone calls and texts. You miss them, but you know it’s for the best. 
You are safe here, in good hands. You aren’t completely alone here. 
Yoongi is with you. He took you in one of the cars and is staying with you. Meredith called and offered the two of you her guest bedroom to stay, her library to study and her shed to practice. Of course you said yes. There aren’t many opportunities to practice with such skilled witches and it was an opportunity to go on a lovely summer holiday with your dearest love. 
The days are hot and sunny. It’s been summer ever since you came here and it will stay summer for a long time still. You love the weather here, while Yoongi whines about the bright sun on more occasions than one. 
Meredith offered you an opportunity to choose from all the different guest bedrooms, but you and Yoongi decided to take the one you had all those many months ago. Violet walls and mahogany furniture, with its window overlooking the garden and ocean. This room has seen so many of your most impactful memories and will therefore always feel like home to you. 
Yoongi agrees. He loves this room and on most mornings you have to be the one to wrestle him off of you in order to get out of bed. Truly, Yoongi is such a clingy kitten when it comes to morning cuddles. 
You love life here. You love knowing that you can wake up to the smell of the ocean and the sounds of the waves. You love knowing that your fellow witches will be downstairs with breakfast and that you can chat with them about the garden, magic and life here. You love their house because it felt like home and you love knowing that you can experience all of this with Yoongi. 
You spend a lot of time practicing your magic with him. Obviously as this was the main reason for this trip. Yoongi wanted to help you with learning perfect control and Meredith’s place was the perfect place to do so. Next to practicing, you also had a lot of free time with him which you spend doing the most amazing things imaginable. On Sundays the two of you take the car to the market to shop for next week’s dinners. He always insists on carrying the heavier bags while you are busy carrying flowers (he insists on paying for them and never takes no as an answer). Whenever you finished practice earlier and the witches were busy with coven duties, Yoongi took you to one of the many restaurants along the coastline. You shared so many lovely evenings in little restaurants, chatting over food for you and coffee for him. You have been getting to know each other even better because of it. Speaking of talking, you do that a lot. Whilst driving around, visiting the market, eating at restaurants or walking along the beach. Also in bed. Be it after a passion-filled night, a lazy evening or a cozy morning. You truly talk a lot and it’s never getting boring. 
Yoongi also spends a lot of time playing the guitar. It’s during those nights after practice and dinner and you agreed on healthy alone time, where you can watch him sit with his guitar by the beach or somewhere in the garden. Sometimes the wind blows just right and carries over his melodies while you relax on the patio with a good book. You like those nights as they are filled with tranquillity and somehow the cuddles you share afterwards feel a hundred times better. 
You also spend a lot of time swimming. Yoongi not so much, because he hates getting into the water, but you really enjoy it. You spend most of your late mornings swimming in the ocean and sometimes one of the witches will join you and you will chat over life there. 
Yoongi would either play the guitar sitting cross-legged on his towel or he would be somewhere inside, most definitely chatting with Jelena. 
You like Jelena. She is lovely and sweet and her very obvious interest in Yoongi is still topic of many teasing comments you throw at him. He always whines and pouts, which results in you giggling. He never acted on her interest. One night you dared to suggest that he was allowed to act on them if he wanted to, which resulted in Yoongi genuinely getting mad at you and staying out all night. You made up the next day and he made you promise him to never ever suggest something like that again. You never did again and hugged him for a good hour before you left bed.
Said night was already forgotten and forgiven these days and life has been great. Truly and genuinely great.
 You were in the shed. It was only an hour until sunset and the shed was flooded with golden light. The witches aren’t home today and won’t return until tomorrow. Coven duty somewhere in the mountains. A werewolf pack was attacked by werewolf hunters last night and the witches were called for aid. The hunters weren’t from the coast and still haven’t been located.
You and Yoongi stayed back. You for practicing and Yoongi for making sure the house stayed safe. The last time you saw him, he was in the kitchen with his lower arms covered in flour and his waist accentuated by an apron as he baked too many loaves of bread. That was a few hours ago.
A knock on the shed door makes you lift your head.
“How’s it going?” Yoongi asks. He is wearing a white button up and blue jeans. His arms are clean and the apron is shrugged off.
“Good. Did you finish the bread?”
“Yeah, they’re cooling down”, Yoongi says and walks to you. He sits down on the rattan chair next to you, resting his elbows on his knees. He reaches out, patting the top of your head, “show me what you got”, he says as he caresses the back of your head.
Yoongi gave you the task of practicing focus by painting flowers by using nothing but your magic.
You focus hard on lifting the brush and tipping it into the paints. You draw a small flower next to the one you practiced before he came inside. Then you end it with a heart in which you write his initials.
Yoongi chuckles fondly, rubbing the nape of your neck.
You place the brush back onto the ground, turning your head to beam up at him.
“And? That was really good, wasn’t it?”
“It was perfect, my love”, Yoongi praises.
You giggle, turning in your position so you were facing him. Like this, you are sitting on the ground in front him, cross-legged and with your eyes sparkling just for him.
“I’ll be an artist if I continue being that great, right?”
“Of course”, he smiles fondly, caressing your cheek, “you’ll be the greatest artist.”
“You’ll buy my art, won’t you?”
“Of course, my sweet princess.”
You wiggle your shoulders because he makes you feel good. He studies your face with love drunk eyes.
“Hey, Yoongs?” you ask.
“Yes, my love?”
“You know what we talked about on Sunday?”
“Of course. Why?”
“I thought about it and I think I want to do it tonight.”
Yoongi widens his eyes for just a second, before his fond warm gaze returns.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that for me, you know?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m not doing it for you. I want to try it”, you say, reaching out to feel up his shin mindlessly, “when you put your fingers up there, it felt really good and you’re always so gentle. And the witches aren’t here tonight, which means we can be loud. Yeah”, you feel your cheeks heat up, “I wanna try it.”
He smiles gently, caressing your chin as he has it between his thumb and pointer finger. His head tilts to the side, his eyes lower fondly.
“Then we gotta do it”, he says, “princess’ orders, yeah?”
You laugh, nodding your head. Yoongi chuckles and places his hand on the back of your head to tilt it up and kiss your forehead.
“You’re so cute”, he says, guiding his kisses down along your nose until he can claim your lips in a kiss.
You sigh, hooking your arms behind his head and getting to your knees instantly. Yoongi’s body follows your movements instinctively and just seconds later, you are on his lap without the kiss ever turning awkward.
Yoongi runs his big hands up and down your body. He feels up your legs, butt, hips and back, he lingers on your cheeks and switches up between touching you and hugging you against his chest. It feels so good. He feels so good.
By the time, you break the kiss for the first time, your hips are squirming on his thigh and your breathing is quickened. Yoongi looks up at you warmly. His chest heaves up and down as well, his hands are on your hips.
“You got me so good”, you say and giggle.
“I know, princess love. I can smell it”, Yoongi says, smiling fondly.
“God, embarrassing”, you say, hiding away in the crook of his neck.
“Why?” Yoongi says and chuckles, patting your butt, “I like it. Why’s it embarrassing?”
“Because I can’t even be secretly horny with you.”
He laughs, “why you wanna be secret about it? Don’t hide that from me”, he says and grabs your butt just so he can tug you snug against him. You gasp because of it, writhing from the sudden pressure on your warmth, “I love that smell, don’t you dare tryna keep that from me”, he rasps, moving your hips back and forth.
“Yoongi”, you sigh, feeling deep tingles in your tummy.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Feels good.”
“Mhm, I know”, he whispers and stops even if you whine in complaint.
“Don’t stop.”
“Mhm”, he hums, getting to his feet with you in his arms, “let’s get you inside. It’s getting too cold.”
You know what will come soon and it makes you press yourself closer to him.
“But you have to go somewhere else when I get cleaned. It’s embarrassing”, you tell him.
“I promise. You can have all the privacy you need.”
 Yoongi goes downstairs as you get cleaned. Of course he does, because when he promises something he actually means it. You don’t feel stressed or nervous about getting yourself ready for him, because you know that he will give you all the time you need.
You don’t bother to put on clothes once you are happy with the result. Instead, you pick out a set of lingerie with matching stockings and the necklace Yoongi got you. A droplet of his blood was infused into a blue gemstone and the purest gold frames it in a delicate heart shaped pendant. Knowing how much such a present meant with him makes you want to cry each time you put it on.
You feel really pretty, making your way downstairs with a skip in your steps.
You find Yoongi in the kitchen, humming to himself as he listens to music through his ear buds and washes the tomatoes he picked from the garden. He will make dinner with them later.
You close the distance between you and him, snaking your arms around him from behind.
“Mhm”, Yoongi lifts his head and presses back into you.
He dries his hands, takes out his ear buds and touches you.
“Don’t mind me”, you say.
He turns in your arms, showing off the smile he sports. It grows as his eyes land on your body.
“Oh, princess”, he says, picking you up just to lift you on the kitchen counter, “look at you. You shouldn’t have dressed up.”
“Why not?”
“Because”, he presses his hips against you, feeling up your lower back, “now I gotta rip this off of you. You are so beautiful, fucking shit look at you.”
You laugh, feeling your heart flutter.
“Do you like it?” you ask, posing for him.
“I love it”, he says, running his hands over the fabric of your panties and stockings, “where’d you hide that from me? It’s fucking beautiful on you.”
“In my suitcase.”
“Mhm princess”, he purrs, running his hands up your torso until he can trace your bra, “I should spank your cute butt for keeping this from me for so long.”
You draw closer, tangling your fingers in his long hair.
“Fuck it instead”, you whisper.
Yoongi’s eyes flit to your lips. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, a lopsided smirk tugs at the corner of them a second later.
“Deal?” you ask, gazing at his lips.
“You already know my answer, princess”, he rasps, drawing closer until his kiss is just a tilt of your head away. The tension twists your stomach addictively.
“I need to hear it”, you sigh.
“Fuck, don’t tease”, he rasps with heavy eyes. One more second without your kiss will kill him.
“I’m not. Say it”, you whisper, feeling dizzy from denial.
“Deal”, he breathes, placing his hand on the back of your head, “now fucking come here and let me seal it.”
You let him pull you in with a moan of his name and your legs closing around his waist instantly. He growls deeply, picking up from the counter to carry you with one arm. His hand never leaves your face, except for when he feels up your torso hungrily. 
He knows the way upstairs, using his senses to walk safely while his lips are lost in you.  
He nudges the door closed with his foot and carries you to bed. He doesn’t stop kissing you as he lays you down on it, claiming the emptiness between your legs for himself. Your legs are over his thighs, his knees are digging into the mattress. Like this, he can grind his clothed cock into you. The dent in his jeans is so unbearably noticeable to your sensitive pussy.
Yoongi breaks the kiss to instead dance his lips over your jawline and neck. His hands are feeling up your legs.
“You feel so good”, you sigh, writhing under him sensually. Your hands are on his chest, trying to open his shirt. 
“I can’t get enough of you, princess”, he whispers, changing sides of your neck, “my beautiful love, fucking look at you.”
His fingers play with the hem of your panties and slip inside. Not in the front but at the side of your hips, where your skin is so sensitive. He tugs slightly.
“Don’t rip them”, you say, squirming away, “I really like them.”
He smirks against your neck. 
“Fine”, he says and without warning picks you up just enough that your butt is off the mattress and he can pull down your panties.
You laugh, writhing in his hands with your eyes glued to his face. You get so giddy whenever he shows his strength. It’s so nice to know that you are in such strong and safe hands with him. 
Yoongi chuckles, “cute.”
“It’s so hot when you lift me.”
“I know princess, I can smell it”, he says and guides your panties to his nose to take in your scent. He growls playfully, flashing his eyes ruby, “so sweet”, he lulls, letting the panties disappear in his front pocket a second later. 
“Touch me”, you choke out, feeling lightheaded. There won’t ever go a day by where this shit doesn’t ruin you. 
“Patience. I gotta savour you”, he says, placing himself over you again. He lowers himself to your collarbones, touching your sides, “I’d be a fool if I didn’t”, he adds in a whisper before he runs his lips over your skin.
The touch is electric, making you sigh. You close your eyes and fall into him. Falling is so goddamn easy when you know that it’s Yoongi’s hands which will catch you. And they will always catch you, no matter when or where, he won’t ever let you collide. 
Yoongi lifts his lips when he is between your clothed breasts. He glances up at you, finding heaven in how blissed you look. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he says honestly and lowers his lips to your soft breasts to kiss them, “so fucking beautiful.”
“There…” you sigh, arching your chest into him. 
“There?” he whispers, sucking on the spot of before. The one which made you arch so cutely and which makes you arch even cuter right now.
“Yoongi”, you squeak in a giggle, writhing between his hands.
“Why? What’s wrong?” he asks in a smile, feeling up your sides. 
“It’s just…good.”
“Cute”, he says, changing the paths of his kiss to feel up your tummy instead. There is no other tummy on this earth which is as perfect as yours. Yoongi loves every single inch of it, memorising the paths of it with his eyes closed and his tongue tasting your skin hungrily. 
By the time he reaches your lower tummy, your skin isn’t the only thing wet. You already were before, but now you are soaked, filling Yoongi’s nose with the sweetest scent. 
“Your scent, holy fuck”, he murmurs into you as he buries his face in the softness of your inner thigh. 
You reach down and twist his hair, bucking your hips up. His eyes open, meeting your gaze. 
“Please”, you beg.
“Don’t rush it”, he whispers and switches legs, “relax princess, I’m getting there.”
“Oh god, I need it so bad”, you whine, tugging on his hair. 
“Mhm, me too. Need to taste you so bad”, he lulls, running his tongue down your thigh. The contact is wet and hot, leaving you to throb around nothing. 
He turns his head. 
“Ah”, you moan without needing to be touched. The aspect of it is already enough to turn you weak. 
“So fucking sweet”, he rasps, letting the words swirl over your pussy.
“Please”, you beg.
“Mhhm”, he purrs, drawing closer until you can feel his warmth radiate of his lips.
“Yoongi”, you moan, tugging on his hair.
“Cute”, he rasps, putting distance between you and your sweetest pleasure.
“No, back”, you beg, trying to push him down but he is stronger.
He chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he rasps, doing the unthinkable of sitting up.
Your fingers slip from his hair this way, gripping his belt loop instead.
“Please don’t”, you beg. 
“Patience. I’m just getting the toys.”
“I just wanna be touched, please”, you whine, knowing that it is fruitless to beg.
“You’re adorable”, he says as he is busy with retrieving the bag.
Waiting for him to get the toys from his suitcase and return to bed is torture. You need his touch so bad. 
Yoongi sits down next to you, opening the toy bag to look through it. Not that he has to do a lot of looking as he has all the toys sorted into their own compartments. He is organised like this. It’s so attractive that he is.
He opens the buttplug compartment and takes out the silicon toy. You eye it and gulp.
“You can stop this anytime you need to, yeah? I won’t be upset with you”, Yoongi says, who watches it happen.
“I don’t wanna stop. I’m just really excited.”
Yoongi smiles, “I’m excited too, my love”, he says shimmying down your body with the plug and lube equipped. 
You open your legs without needing to be told to, looking at him with a racing heart. 
The lube bottle opens with a click. Yoongi makes sure that he covers his fingers thoroughly.  
“Relax”, he says and connects his lubed up fingers with your hole. 
“Fuck. Yoongi”, you get out, closing your legs in reaction. They fall open again a second later, your hips squirm needily. 
“You’re so perfect, my princess”, he praises, rubbing slow circles. You whine in reaction and buck your hips up. Yoongi understands instantly. It’s time for him to take the next step. With a little bit of pressure, he lets his middle finger slip inside. 
You inhale sharply, releasing it as a shaky “oh god”, a second later. Your eyes fall closed and your nose scrunches up.
“There we go. All relaxed around me”, he praises, pumping his finger in and out slowly, “you’re doing so well.”
“It feels really good.”
“Yeah? It feels good for me too, princess. You’re so soft inside”, Yoongi says, curling his finger. 
“Yeah, please. I’m horny”,  you giggled the last words, earning yourself a soft chuckle from him. 
“Gladly”, Yoongi says and pushes his ring finger inside. You tense up, whimpering softly. He places his hand on your lower tummy and rubs slow circles on it, “relax your muscles, you’re too tense.”
“Sorry, it surprised me”, you say and follow instantly, shuddering because of how good it feels to relax. His fingers are filling you out so well, giving you just enough of a stretch that you are experiencing a constant wave of warm tingles. 
“There we go, that’s so much better”, he praises and begins scissoring them carefully, “you’re doing such a good job, my lovely princess. Relax, my love, so good”, he talks you through the amazing sensation, switching his fond gaze between your wet pussy and glowing face.
“It’s so good”, you sigh, “I like it so much.”
“I love it too, princess”, he says and slips his thumb to your clit as a reward for being the most perfect.
And there you go, tensing up again. But this time for different reasons. You mewl, tilting your head back as your hips buck into his hand. All the teasing he did before left you feeling so sensitive that this simple touch is already too much.
“Relax for me, relax”, Yoongi says softly, rubbing your clit slowly. 
“It’s hard when, when you m-make me wanna cum”, you stutter, writhing on the sheets. 
“Cute”, Yoongi says, slipping his thumb from your clit even if that makes you whine for more.
“Edging noo, is…no”, you mumble, cracking him up. 
“Whiney baby”, he teases, slipping his fingers out. 
“Yoongi noo”, you whine, “I don’t have to cum, I lied.”
He laughs, “yeah sure. Relax princess, I’m getting the plug. Yeah?”
“Yeah”, you say, glancing down at it, “oh god, I’m so horny.”
“Me too, love.”
He rubs lube on it and connects it with your hole. He places his hands back on your tummy, sending you a comforting look. 
“This will stretch you more than my fingers, but I believe in you”, he says and smiles, “but you can stop whenever, don’t forget that.”
“Just push it inside, please”, you beg, opening your legs wider. 
Yoongi lets his eyes flit down to your middle. He applies pressure and after a second of struggle, the toy slips inside. 
“Oh? Oh yeah that hah”, you chuckle and drop your head in the pillow.
“Too much?”
“Don’t stop, I’m good. It’s new, but I’m good”, you say, pushing into him. The toy slips deeper into you, faltering again when you reach the thickest part.
“Just one more time”, he encourages you and pushes gently.
“Yoongi”, you get out and then you reach for his hand to hold. He intertwines his fingers with you, looking at your face with his brows furrowed in concentration. 
The plug slips inside, filling you out completely.
“Oh fuck”, you press out in a whisper, squeezing his hand. 
“It’s bigger than my fingers, isn’t it?”
“Yeah?” you get out and mewl.
“You’re doing so well taking it that easily. I can take it out if you want.”
“No just…let me get used to it.”
“Okay”, Yoongi says and places himself over you. Like this, his hands are on each side of your head dimpling the pillow and his black hair hangs into his face. “I’m so fucking proud of you, princess love.”
“Yoongi…kiss me”, you plead, feeling how deeply affected you are by his praise. You relax around the toy and your tummy tingles like crazy, “I’m, I’m serious if you don’t kiss me soon I’ll, I’ll start cry-”
Yoongi interrupts you by kissing you deeply. Your brain turns off, your body shudders in relief. You are kissing him. You are kissing your Yoongi. And it’s paradise. 
You reach for him with a whimper of his name, twisting the front of his shirt. Yoongi lowers himself to his elbows, bending his arm in a way which allows him to cradle your head and play with your hair. The kiss to your lips breaks, but he litters your face with kisses and that makes up for it. 
“Don’t cry, princess”, he whispers, “I’m right here”, he promises, nuzzling into your neck. Neck kisses feel like heaven on normal days, but he’s got you so charged that you could cry out for him right now.
“Yoongi”, you whimper, grabbing a bundle of his hair. 
“Keep me close, princess”, he sighs, kissing a path to your cheek, “you’re doing so well with everything, I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
You spill tears. They were happy tears. Yoongi doesn’t notice them, kissing a path to your lips. He claims them, swallowing the whimper you let out. His right hand smoothes over your hair while his left arm snakes under your back. With a small show of strength he lifts your upper body, pressing you against his chest. He uses enough pressure that you can feel how all those tight knots in your chest burst. You didn’t even know that you had them, but feeling his warmth on your chest in a gentle and constant pressure relieved you of stresses you had sitting deep inside you.  
“I love you”, you press out because this is all you get out. Yoongi smiles against your lips, kissing his way back to your neck.
“I love you too, princess.”
He lowers you back to the sheets and slips his left hand to your side instead. 
“I love you so much”, you press out and sob softly.
“I love you so much too, princess”, Yoongi says, kissing his way down to your tummy. 
You don’t like that he stops cradling you like this, but you can’t even complain because he is worshipping your tummy. His big hands are gliding over your waist, holding you safely, while his tongue and lips take the paths they already took before. But unlike before, it makes you twist the fucking pillow in desperation. 
“I’m gonna go insane, princess”, Yoongi lulls, “you smell so fucking sweet. You know that?”
“Please don’t pull away again”, you beg, writhing in his strong hands. He is mere inches away from your pussy, “if, if you pull away I-I’ll cry.”
He chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he says, “relax, my princess. I won’t pull away”, he whispers and buries his tongue between your folds. 
“Oh my god! Yoongi!” you squeak put, closing your legs around his head and grabbing his hair with both hands. 
Yoongi purrs, pushing your legs apart gently. He keeps his hands on your shaking thighs to rub them, purring around your clit as he sucks on her slowly.
“Yoongi!” you mewl, digging your head into the pillow as you arch your back. Your legs slip over his shoulders and kick his lower back. 
“Mhm”, he grunts, punishing you by burying himself deeper. 
“Yoongi please, holy fuck”, you sob, tugging at his hair to both push him closer and pull him away. You have no idea what you need more. A break or for him to never ever stop. And he barely even does anything. He merely purrs and sucks on your clit, includes the occasional lick and squeezes your thighs. Yoongi could eat your pussy differently. Trust, that he could be very different right now and yet this mere appetiser of what he could do is already enough to make you act like a pleasure dumb idiot. 
“Yoongi”, another mewl of his name comes easy to you. 
Yoongi answers you by breaking away from you and forcing that addictive fire in your pussy to die down again.
“Why?” you croak and sob, “Yoongi why?”
“You’re so cute, holy fuck I gotta fucking put you in my pocket, you cutest princess”, he babbles as he kisses a path down to your plugged hole. 
He wraps his fingers around the base of the toy and with a kiss to your buttocks pulls it out of you. It feels warm and makes you moan. The girthiest part doesn’t hurt at all and the sensation of your hole closing up in sync with the toy getting thinner is unfamiliar but fucking addicting. 
Yoongi wastes no unnecessary time. He is a smitten man on a mission. A mission to make his dream girl scream on his tongue. He dismisses the toy and grabs your hips. With just a little bit of his strength, he picks them up and tilts them so he can bury himself between your legs. 
Your hole is still relaxed enough that he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He lets it grow until it’s a little longer than the plug was and it fills you out so well that he can feel your muscles trying to fight him.
“Yoongi”, his name slips off your tongue again and Yoongi feels your walls pulsate around his tongue. Your taste is richer than that of your pussy. Yoongi has to hump the mattress because of it, growling into you as he fucks you with his tongue.
“Oh god, holy fuck”, you moan, panting like crazy.
This feels as if you are getting the wettest and hottest toy stuck into you. You thought that getting your pussy fucked with it feels intense, but this is on a whole other level. You are so stretched out like this. Even more than you were when he plugged you. It doesn’t hurt at all. The kisses and touches and sweet licks made you so incredibly relaxed for him, his praises did the rest. So having his big, long tongue fuck your hole doesn’t hurt and yet it still feels as if you can’t do it. You shouldn’t feel like this. You shouldn’t be allowed to feel so goddamn good. Your legs shake and try to close on him, but Yoongi shakes you off, burying himself deeper until the tip of his nose is buried in your pussy.
“Fucknmgn”, the curse is muffled by your body, but it still reaches your ears. Your scent is quite literally suffocating him and Yoongi lets you know just what this does to him by wiggling his tongue quickly and using his neck muscles to grind his nose all over your pussy.
“Why are you doing this?” you keen, throwing your arm over your eyes, “please stop, Yoongi. Please stop, please.”
“Hey”, he is off of you instantly, “hey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“Please don’t do this, please just fuck me”, you beg, spilling tears, “I can’t take this anymore. Please just fuck me, please.”
Yoongi relaxes, slipping your legs from his shoulders to caress them instead.
“Don’t talk like this princess, I was so scared that I hurt you”, he whines, nudging you.
“It’s so good, I can’t breathe”, you whimper, sending him a blurry look, “I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.”
“Never”, he says, leaning down to kiss your tummy, “fuck, I just really fucked it for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Now I know how you taste in both holes”, he chuckles deeply, “fuck baby, don’t expect me to be normal from now on. I’m gonna fucking live between your legs from now on.”
You mewl, “please fuck me. Please!”
“Are you sure?” he asks as he nibbles on your inner thigh. He is so close to your pussy that he brushes against you every now and then, “can’t I taste you more? Please?”
“I, I’ll cum if you do”, you stutter.
“Mhm, you’re torturing me”, he rasps and bites you just hard enough that you squeak.
“Please”, you giggle, twisting his hair.
He chuckles, kissing the sensitive spot, “fine, I’ll get ready.”
Yoongi breaks away from you to undress. Finally his tight jeans stop squishing his swollen cock. Yoongi throws them on the ground angrily. They were so painful to be stuck in. He steps out of his briefs and slips his shirt off. Then he runs his hands through his long hair. It falls prettily, framing his features.  
“Jeans are products of demons, no fucking joke”, he says, climbing back on bed, “I think I bruised my cock.”
You snicker, “oh no, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, just glad to be with you again”, he assures you, connecting himself with you by caressing your hip, “let me fix you, yeah?”
Yoongi lifts you and places you onto the mattress with you resting on your side. He pushes the leg, which rests on top, up the mattress, making sure that it’s bent by the knee. He runs his hand along your stockings and then up to your ass at the back of your leg.
“There we go. That’s better, isn’t it?” he speaks softly.
“Yeah…” you croak, twisting the sheets. You need him so bad that it hurts. 
“Tell me when you need a pillow”, he says and breaks the touch for the sake of getting his cock ready. 
“I’m comfy”, you say. 
“That’s good. Fuck ___, I’m so fucking hard you have no idea”, he lulls his words and a wet squelching sound fills the air. He is definitely jerking himself off with the lube. The thought makes you leak.  
“You won’t grow, will you? I don’t think that I can handle this yet”, you ask shyly.
“No princess, I won’t grow. Don’t be scared”, he assures you.  
“Okay, thank you for telling me that”, you say and turn your head. He is close enough that you can reach behind yourself and touch his hip, “please don’t hold back anymore.”
He smiles and lets you tug him closer, placing his hand on your hip. 
“I love it when you’re acting this way”, he says, holding his cock by its base so he can guide it to your hole. He pushes at your hip, fixing your position gently. Like this, you are exposed to him. Yoongi stares at it with ruby eyes, rubbing his wet cockhead against your hole. 
“So pretty”, he lulls, licking his lips, “can’t believe I had my tongue in there. You’re so goddamn pretty.”
“Please”, you beg, arching into him. 
“Yes. Please.”
“Perfect. You’re fucking perfect", Yoongi says and pushes into you. 
The breach doesn’t hurt, but it’s unfamiliar. His cock is definitely bigger than any of the other amazing things you took up your ass tonight. His fingers were nice, the plug intense and his tongue maddening, but his cock is filling. The word isn’t the sexiest, but it’s the truth. You feel so whole now that he is slipping inside. Like a part missing has finally returned to you. You whimper and tense up, reaching for his hand instinctively.
“Hurts?” he asks.
You shake your head, giving him a pleading look to please keep going.
Yoongi smiles and squeezes your hand. His eyes flit back to where he disappears. 
“Relax. I’ve got you”, he says and pushes deeper. His tummy tenses, and his brows furrow, “fuck. Relax my love, yeah? Relax”, his voice is shaking just a little.
“Yoongi, I’m so stuffed”, you mewl, looking at him with teary eyes. You are so glad that Yoongi filled you with his tongue before he did it with his cock. You don’t think that you could have handled how it is to truly feel him if it wasn’t for his tongue giving you the most intense sneak peek of it.
“Breathe for me, love. B-breathe oh fuck”, he falls to his hands, letting out a shaky moan. His hair falls into his face, “breathe. You gotta, gotta b-breathe.”
You can’t stop staring. His brows are furrowed, his lips curled back as he shows his fangs in a grunt. Being filled up by him starts to feel a million times better instantly. Which means a lot, because it already felt like heaven before that. 
“Breathe baby, fucking breathe”, he gets out and moans, filling you with his last inch. “Mhngn”, he lets out, scrunching his nose up, “breathe”, he squeaks.
“Are you okay?” you ask. 
“Mhm yeah, I’m fine. You just have the tightest ass ever, I’m fine”, he says in a pitched voice, making you laugh.
“Oh god, this is so funny”, you say.
“Don’t laugh, holy fuck”, he croaks and moans, grabbing your hand just to slam it into the sheets and pin it down. He rolls his hips into you in an involuntary thrust, his throat produces a little whimper.
“I can’t help it. I’m taking your cock, I’m happy”, you say between giggles. 
“Fucking fuck, you’re gonna fucking kill me”, he presses out under his breath and somehow forces his eyes to open. He turns his head, looking down at you, “you’re such a fucking goddess. Holy fuck.”
You squirm, clenching around him. You try to reach for his face, but can’t as he pins you down. So you end up holding his wrist with your other hand, mewling his name as you tense around him again.
“Wanna move”, he lulls.
“Please move.”
Yoongi pulls out halfway so he can roll into you smoothly. The sensation feels electric, forcing an honest and loud moan out of you. 
“Yes princess, keep moaning for me. I fucking love it when you do”, he encourages you, ending it with a small whimper again, “I’m gonna fucking cry. You’re so tight, holy fuck”, he whispers under his breath, chasing you in deep rolls of his hips. 
In and out, in and out. Feeling each of those movements so quickly after the other is a whole other experience. When he played with your hole or stuffed it, you didn’t have this constant change. But now you do and it’s making you gasp for air. 
“That’s it, princess. Keep breathing”, his voice is hoarse from exhaustion, “I’m gonna have to fucking nut soon, but don’t mind me.”
“God, don’t tell me that, you’re making me laugh again”, you say, having to crack up.
“Yeah fuck, it’s happening”, he says and groans, letting his mouth fall open. His hand squeezes yours as his cock throbs deep inside you, “you’re so fucking mean”, he whines, shaking atop of you. 
“Yoongi”, you gasp and moan, “Yoongi, holy fuck. Are you actually?”
“Yeah…baby”, he purrs. 
It sticks to your insides warm and wet. He is actually cumming right now. Two minutes and he is a goner. The thought that it is your ass which broke him so soon, makes you dizzy. You chase him with rolls of your hips, tensing up at the feeling. You’re so tight and now you're spreading his cum all over his cock, getting messy in the process. He slips in and out of you so much better, filling your veins with ecstatic pleasure.
“Yeah, yah, mhm”, he lets out, lowering his head to kiss your cheek, “fuck”, he chuckles, “sorry for that, I’d have died if I didn’t let go.”
“It’s fine. Just…I want more.”
“Don’t worry, I’m good now. Fuck princess”, he straightens up, grabbing your leg to bend it and open you up for him, “imma fuck that bred, little hole until you’re screaming”, he rasps, finally moving his hips. He starts off in a slow, yet deep rhythm, spreading you open for him with a strong hand pushing down on your hip and therefore keeping it tilted just for him. It gives your muscles a gentle stretch and opens you up so well for him that you can feel how you move around him.
“Yoongi”, you mewl, tilting your head back as your mouth falls open. 
“Does it hurt? I can slow down”, he speaks with a deep rasp on his voice. You know that overstimulation is keeping his cock sensitive, but because you’re dating a literal maniac he uses the pain as motivation to get you off. 
“Don’t slow, please faster”, you beg.
He speeds up, putting a smooth roll of his hips into the movements. His fingers dimple your flesh, his naked thighs collide with the back of your legs and his cock shapes your creamed hole. Like this, his hair slaps into his face each time he moves, forcing him to keep his eyes closed in order not to the get it all in them. He grunts each time he bottoms out, giving you glimpses of his fangs whenever he pulls his lips back.
“More, I need more”, you beg.
“Yeah? Reach into the bag, there’s a vibe in there.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You know exactly where to look. You used the toy on too many occasions to count. With trembling fingers you turn it on and press it to your clit. 
“Yoongi”, you mewl, writhing under him.
“That’s it, princess. Make yourself feel good. Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect”, he praises, using the grip he has on your thigh to pull you onto his cock. He meets his own movements in the middle, rolling his hips into you. 
“It’s a lot”, you mewl. 
“Yeah? I’ll slow down”, he assures you, but you start rutting back into him instantly, “fuck princess”, he is laughing lazily, “stop whining ‘bout it bein’ too much when you don’ mean it”, he lulls, connecting his hand with your buttock in a gentle spank, “so fuckin’ naughty.”
“More”, you beg, “you’re making me cum. More.”
Yoongi spanks you gently, gripping the flesh afterwards to part you and stuff you with his cock. His creamy cum is leaking out of you and covering his cock. The quick movements of his hips turned it all white and milky by now. Yoongi fucks it right back into you, covering your stretched rim with it and parts of his dark pubes. The view motivates him to fuck you deeper, harder, better.
“You’re so fucking perfect being all bred by me. My own perfect cum goddess”, he pants, slamming into you so hard that his balls slap your ass.
You mewl for more, clenching around him. And so Yoongi gives it to you. He spanks your ass, holding you open afterwards to watch his cock disappear inside your tight hole. 
“Now”, you croak and yelp up. 
“Yes fuck”, Yoongi growls, burying himself to the hilt and staying right there so he can feel you pulsate and throb, “you’re so fucking perfect, shit princess so perfect.”
“It feels so good”, you mewl, shaking like crazy as your body fills with warmth, “Yoongi, it feels so good.”
“I know baby, I know. Keep it right there, you’re not done yet”, he says and begins moving again. Slowly at first because he is aware that you never experienced cock up your ass so soon after your high. You are tight. So goddamn tight that if Yoongi hadn’t climaxed already, he would have done so right now. He grinds his teeth and growls deeply, dimpling your flesh from gripping you so tightly, “keep breathin’ baby, I’m not done. You gotta get fucked more, my perfect woman.”
“Yoongi”, his name leaves you like a prayer. You push back into him, thanking yourself for doing so as Yoongi uses the opportunity to tug you into another position. Resting on your tummy and with your hips held up by him. You use zero strength, shaking in his hands as Yoongi keeps pulling you onto his creamed cock. 
“Such a pretty princess, you’re made for my cock. It’s fucking insane how good you feel”, he praises and moans in a deep growl. His hips are angled differently this way. 
“What are you doing?” you mewl, kicking the sheets. You try to writhe away from him for the sole reason of being scared of how hard you are falling. You can feel his cock hit your g-spot this way. You know that he is still in your ass, as you feel stuffed to the brim, but he is still hitting your g-spot. He shouldn’t be able to do this to you and yet he is. You can’t handle it, it’s too good. You can’t handle it. “What are you doing?” you sob, barely holding onto the vibrator by now.
“Keep the vibe there, princess”, Yoongi orders you, eyes glued to your ass. He can’t believe how beautiful you look when he fucks you. 
“What are you doing? Yoongi please”, your voice is pitched in pleasure, your legs are shaking like crazy.
“You know what I’m doing. I’m giving it to you how you fucking deserve it. Feel how I give it to you?” he says, slamming his hips into you. Your ass is filled to the brim and your g-spot gets hit. 
You moan his name, arching into him. This is going to break you into a million pieces. 
“Yeah you do. You’re such a perfect, fucking woman, you deserve everything. Fucking everything. Fuck”, he growls the last word, throwing his head back as his body falls into the sensations. His hair tickles his shoulders this way, reflecting the deep shine of your bedside lamp. His lips part, glistening in the lights and looking especially pink.
Not that you can see any of this as you are falling right with him with your face buried in the pillow, moaning like crazy as he scrambles your insides in the best way possible. Night has been kissing the earth for way too many minutes to count and yet you haven’t noticed yet. He makes you see the brightest colours behind your closed lids. A warm summer rain has started to fall on the earth and even that you didn’t notice as all you can hear are Yoongi’s ecstatic grunts and your bodies connecting in sinful movements. Also the hum of the vibrator and it’s fucking taunting it. Your clit is going to burst if you keep pressing it on there and yet you don’t want to take it away. You rub a small circle, regretting instantly as you feel how this forces your body to fall even harder.
“You’re making me cum”, you mewl with your pussy throbbing around nothing and his cock drilling your ass so good it feels like he is rewriting your definition of pleasure.
“Don’t hold back, love. Fall into it, I’m right here. Fade into me, baby”, he encourages you, fucking his cock into you as deep as possible and hitting your g-spot exactly where you are the most sensitive.
“Yoongi!” you yelp, breaking around him. 
“Yes princess, that’s what I want from you”, Yoongi growls, picking you up even if you are shaking like crazy. He sits back onto his heels and bounces you on his lap. You are kneeling, barely holding your head up straight, “you perfect fucking goddess, cum for me”, he spits and presses his hand into your tummy with just enough pressure that you can physically feel how he is squeezing your g-spot against his cock. 
It feels like there is no barrier between him and your favourite spot. You scream up, dropping the vibrator. At least you try to as before it slips out of your fingers, Yoongi takes your hand and presses it back against your clit. He hugs your waist this way, slamming his hips into you so harshly the room fills with loud sounds of skin slapping against skin and the bedposts croaking for help.
“Don’t stop”, he growls, “you perfect woman are gonna keep that pressed there until you’re wetting my fucking thighs.”
“Yoongi, I can’t”, you sob, reaching behind yourself just so you can grip him. You manage to grab a bundle of his hair, twisting it painfully.
Yoongi moans against your neck, squeezing you closer by your tummy. The pressure in it grows, now it actually feels as if he was fucking you without any barriers. But you know that he is. You know because your stretched hole has been convulsing around his cock ever since he started drilling you this way. 
And you can’t take it anymore. The vibrator on your clit hurts so much, the pressure in your tummy is too much and his cock is ruining your ass. And there is this addictive feeling of having his naked, sweaty and hot body pressed against yours.
You break apart, screaming his name as you almost rip out his hair. And Yoongi growls like a fucking animal, fucking and squeezing and holding you hostage until you finally act how he wants you to act and you wet his thighs in harsh, strong spurts of warm pleasure. 
“Yes princess. Fuck, ___”, he moans and fills you with his cum. You smell so good and feel so tight around him, Yoongi just has to make sure that the last thing your hot walls feel is his creamy cum marking you as his’. They should remember who can stretch and fuck and drill them so good. Moaning and panting like crazy, he fucks you both through your highs, milking your bodies dry until they can’t give any more.
“No more, please. Actually stop”, you beg once the fire of pleasure turned into the painful burn of overstimulation and his cock feels painfully big in your tight ass.
“You’re already done”, Yoongi speaks gently, turning off the vibrator and throwing it to the side, “take a deep breath, I’m lifting you.”
You follow, releasing it in a loud gasp as he slides you off of him. His cum squirts out of you instantly, ruining even more of his lap. 
“Sorry, oh god”, you whimper, trying to clench.
“It’s okay, let it happen”, he soothes you, “you did so well, my love. Don’t worry about the mess, just relax”, he says and places you in the sheets as gently as possible. 
He drapes his arm over you, resting on his hand so he can nuzzle into the side of your face and kiss you.
“I’m so proud of you, you did amazing”, he praises.
“I’m, I’m”, you stutter, shivering like crazy. 
Yoongi presses himself closer, warming you with the naked skin on skin contact. 
“I’ll get something to clean you and then you can already slip under the sheets, yeah?”
You nod your head, looking up at him with teary eyes. He dries your cheeks, holding your face safely.
“Does anything hurt?” he asks. 
“No”, your voice is hoarse, “Yoongi?”
“Yes, my love?”
“I felt you against my g-spot.”
He smiles, “I know. Did you like it?”
“Yes”, you whisper and giggle. 
“I loved it too, my princess”, he says and kisses your forehead, “you did fucking amazing for your first time. You took me so, so well.”
“It was the best first time ever”, you say, wiggling happily, “you’re the best person ever, Yoongi Boongie.”
“Mhm”, he pecks your cheek, “no, you are. Now excuse me for a moment, I’ll clean us up, yeah?”
“Yeah. Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Of course, my love.”
“I’m so happy with you.”
Yoongi feels his tummy flutter, “I’m so fucking happy too, you have no idea.”
He cleans your bodies, brings you water and changes the sheets. He talks about the experience with you in great detail as he does all those things, listening to your words with great interest and speaking his own with a warm sparkle in his eyes. You both come to the same conclusion that you really needed to do it again in the near future. Afterwards, he tucks you into bed and plays with your hair because you asked him if he could. And you feel so well taken care of that you could burst into the most colourful of fireworks.
The rain is loud on the roof above your heads, filling the room with a constant pitter patter. His face is mere inches away from yours as you share a pillow. Your heads are almost hidden under the blanket, looking out just enough that you can still breathe. He is still caressing your face and head. You are this close to falling asleep, but don’t want to close your eyes. You don’t want to miss out on his face. His hair is all messy, but in a pretty, breathtaking kind of way and his features are looking so pretty in the dim lights. He is truly the most beautiful person ever and your heart races like crazy when you think about the fact that he is yours.
“Should we buy a house here?” he breaks the comfortable silence in a soft spoken voice.
“What do you mean?” you answer him with your voice lowered as well.
“We could buy a house here. With a view of the ocean and a sun flooded kitchen overseeing the garden”, he says, “let’s buy one that needs renovating, so we can do it together. I have ideas for the living room. I’m thinking conversation pit with a huge sofa to cuddle on. Maybe mould it outta clay, paint it blue, but you’re better with colours so I need your advice on that. And I want a bathtub in the bathroom, a big one so we both fit.”
“You wanna buy a house with me?” you ask in a trembling voice.
“I’d buy a castle with you, but we already have one”, he says, making you giggle and sniffle at the same time. He chuckles, booping your nose with his pointer finger. 
“Yoongs, I don’t know what to say”, you get out, blinking rapidly.
“Yes, maybe?”
“You know my answer already, my beloved.”
“Please say it, it’ll feel so good.”
You smile, spilling tears, “yes Yoongs, let’s buy a fucking house here and get a goddamn conversation pit in the living room and a huge bathtub in the bathroom and, and let’s plant food in the garden and goddamn build a path to the beach. Goddamn it.”
Yoongi smiles, tearing up without ever spilling them.
“My love”, he whispers, cupping your cheek and running his thumb over your skin, “you’re my fucking everything.”
“You’re my fucking everything too, my love”, you say, closing the distance between you and him to kiss him. 
Yoongi wraps his arms around and rolls you to your back, getting lost in the kiss with you as happy giggles rumble in his chest.  
Days here at the coast are good. Great. Perfect. The days here are perfect.
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
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A One Direction fic rec of fics that involve football (soccer) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
⚽ Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash
(E, 110k, uni) He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards
⚽ Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by @1diamondinthesun
(NR, 84k, high school) the American high school AU loosely inspired by She's All That.
⚽ Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame) by @theboyfriendstagram
(E, 84k, famous/not famous) A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
⚽ Way in the World by flowsque / @mortediunfiore
(M, 74k, both players) the one where Harry has a knee injury and an embarrassing crush on Manchester United's pretty number ten.
⚽ Caught In Your Gravity by @lululawrence
(NR, 62k, Ted Lasso au) an AU inspired by a 30 second trailer of Ted Lasso that doesn't actually have much in common with the show at all.
⚽ so grab your passport and my hand by @infinitelymint
(M, 32k, strangers to lovers) The one in which Louis plays football and Harry sings a lot, and somehow that means they're meant to be. They'll figure it out soon enough.
⚽ Higher, Further, Faster by hazzahtomlinson / @itsnotreal
(E, 31k, uni) the one where Harry decides to go to college regardless of what his team warns him about and has to face the consequences, some of which aren’t so terrible after all.
⚽ Dive (series) by @allwaswell16
(E, 21k, famous/famous) Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Along the way, he finds music, friendship, and love in the form of his pop star neighbour and the very fit movie star hiding out next door.
⚽ Hold My Breath by @zarah5
(M, 19k, injury) It's possible — possible — that his three-week ban from the football pitch makes Louis just a tad antsy. Surely it's not so bad that it warrants punishment in the form of his friends signing him up for a yoga class?
⚽ time slows down whenever you're around by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze
(E, 14k, flower shop) Louis plays "soccer" and falls for the wrong boy and Harry works in a flower shop and falls for Louis — again.
⚽ burn this flame by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowtitania
(E, 13k, famous/famous) When Harry gets invited to play in a celebrity charity match with Louis Tomlinson, Manchester United's star player, he's determined to impress him with brilliant football skills. The only flaw in Harry's otherwise foolproof plan? He has absolutely no football skills, brilliant or otherwise.
⚽ Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(E, 12k, neighbors) Harry and Louis become friends when Harry looks after Louis' cat during away games, until one night at a party changes everything between them. It's just a shame Louis' going to be away for the FIFA World Cup for three months.
⚽ Want you more than a melody by @softfonds
(E, 12k, mpreg) It's 2016, and Harry's life couldn't be better. His band is about to release their third studio album, he's dating the hottest football star on the planet, and tour is going to start the following year.
⚽ Just One Touch by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 11k, Dr Harry) When footballer Louis Tomlinson needs to get match fit in a hurry, team doctor and best mate Niall Horan prescribes an unusual form of treatment.
⚽ Down the Field by @creamcoffeelou
(M, 9k, coach Louis) Louis, a pro football player of Chelsea, is forced to retire after a severe injury to his foot.
⚽ every day and tomorrow night by @justanothershadeofblue
(E, 8k, high school) Harry stares. The new boy is beautiful, there’s no other word for him. 
⚽ Eat Your Vegetables by @bananaheathen
(M, 8k, famous/not famous) In which Louis is a celebrity footballer and Harry is the new team nutritionist.
⚽ Glass Heart by @musketrois
(G, 7k, coming out) “26-year-old West Ham footballer Louis Tomlinson was seen getting acquainted with 24-year-old pop sensation Harry Styles and others. Although it is not unordinary for these two professions to be social, we can’t wait to see what this budding relationship will bring to London’s social scene.” -Celebrity Blurb 25 March, 2017
⚽ Down To Be a Distraction by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 6k, famous/famous) The English national team is on the brink of winning the UEFA final and it all hinges on a penalty kick from team captain and national hero Louis Tomlinson, who was forcibly outed in the press right before the tournament. 
⚽ Game Changer by @neondiamond
(E, 6k, mpreg) A couple months before playing in his first long-awaited World Cup, Louis finds out he’s pregnant. Harry’s there for the ride.
⚽ The Air From My Lungs by Kikiberoski16 / @larrysballetslippers
(E, 5k, uni) Harry doesn't like to take showers in public for reasons he isn't willing to share, until Louis, the hot football captain, rocks his whole world.
⚽ the stars are coming home by lsforever / @kingonafiftymetreroad
(G, 5k, established relationship) After three years together and nearly a full year of marriage, Harry has finally been permitted to sit in for one of the team’s practices. 
⚽ every night with us (is like a dream) by moon_rose25 / @darkinfinity
(T, 2k, established relationship) A look into the life of a professional football player dating a physical therapist.
⚽ 2,870 Miles by @sadaveniren
(G, 1k, mpreg) Harry hated the BT Sports commentators, but considering he couldn’t fly to Baku while eight months pregnant this was all he had if he wanted to watch his husband in the Europa League final.
—Rare Pairs—
⚽ love and kickin'!verse by camiii
(E, 140k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) the fic where Nick has no interest in football but is dragged to a football match, Louis is the Arsenal player that catches his attention, and maybe there are some redeeming qualities to the game after all.
⚽ Devoted by @nouies
(E, 5k, Louis/Alisson Becker) A collection of drabbles about Louis’ life as the housewife of a professional football player.
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ultrawesmess · 2 months
Gravity Falls AU where Mabel was born with six fingered hands like Ford.
•Instead of her extra fingers inspiring her to pursue the supernatural like Ford, it inspires her creativity and drive to be unique. So, she is still the exact same as Canon Mabel personality wise.
•Due to bullying, the reason she wears sweaters all the time is so she can hide her hands in the sleeves like Numbuh 3 from Kids Next Door.
•When she finally meets Ford instead of a handshake she pulls his hand against hers and has the biggest smile on her face.
•In Mabel-Land, she gives herself five fingered hands which creeps Dipper, Soos, and Wendy out.
•When Bill catches the Mystery Twins in the finale, instead of just trying to kill Mabel, he threatens to tear off her extra fingers and make her """normal""".
•When Dipper creates his own journal so he can document any future paranormalities when they go back next summer, Mabel volunteers to use her own hand for the cover. (Using the most glittery paper she can find for it, of course.)
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bl4pe4r · 2 months
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I love the spiderman memes omg
And so, I'd like to mention those who participated >:D @@hot-gremlin-pissboy @theautismgoblin @billion-thellib-cipher @oskarthesilly @anonymousgreenbean @quartz-the-moth-cat It was a pleasure doing this collab with you guys!
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bill-morrell · 4 months
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landprince · 4 months
I put together a small KH fic rec after being asked to by at least one anon
some of these are rather old and dated (especially the ff ones) but idk they're fics I read and just stayed with me and I like them a lot so hopefully you guys do too
soriku centered
You're A Boy! (ff.net) RATED M "You're a boy!" Are Sora's first words to Riku when they meet at 10 years old. Riku moves in next door and they spend their childhoods together, learning, growing and loving.
Love is Blind (ff.net) RATED M The boy saw colours in the sound of a crackling fireplace, tasted feelings in cupcakes and marshmallows. Sora made Riku think that maybe he was actually the blind one, and not Sora.
Gravity (ff.net) RATED T When Sora's parents sign him up for a summer climbing camp, he's less than enthusiastic. But with some interesting new friends, and a handsome, infuritating boy to deal with, this week could be more interesting than he thought
victory tastes sweeter when i'm with you (curovogel on ao3) RATED T It’s a victory lap. That’s all it is.
Celestial Bodies (ao3) RATED E ASTRONAUT AU!
Sora is an enthusiastic environmental scientist, while Riku is a reserved engineer. Both are stationed on the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth in close quarters for the next six months.
How will they adjust to a life free from the weight of gravity and Earthly expectations?
namixi centered
Sugar and Spice (ao3) RATED G "Sugar and spice, and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of..."
Except Naminé is a vampire who lives in Halloween Town. She's not supposed to be sweet and gentle, but she is. It's just the nature of her personality. So she lives with other misfits and outcasts, and longs for things she cannot have.
And makes a new friend, purely by chance.
Dancing With Your Silhouette (ao3) RATED G Sometimes, Naminé thought she was too lonely. She was halfway in love with a statue simply because she wanted someone to listen to her and she poured her soul into making the sculpture of the girl absolutely perfect. She didn't expect her to come to life, didn't expect her world to be turned upside, didn't expect to fall in love with someone who had once been carved out of marble.
Xion had a way of making the complicated things simple.
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incorrectlumityquotes · 6 months
Another Dumb Idea of Mine
I just finished watching every episode of Gravity Falls with my brother and I thought of another crossover idea.
For now, I'm gonna call it "The Next Summer Together."
The premise is that it's the summer after the events of Gravity Falls and Mabel and Dipper are back. But the town has attracted all sorts of other weirdos looking to spend their summer in Gravity Falls.
Gravity Falls but with all the other Disney Television Animation characters. Or at least, the ones that I like/remember. Like...
The Owl House: Camila decides to take the kids out for a nice, safe, normal vacation since they've all been so hard at work trying to rebuild The Boiling Isles. But when they get there, they discover that King and Eda have stowed away. (Cast: Luz, Eda, King, Camila, Willow, Gus, Vee, Hunter, and Amity.)
Star vs the Forces of Evil: (slight AU) After erasing the magic of the Butterfly Family and choosing to stay on Earth with Marco, the Diaz Family goes on vacation to Oregon. But even without magic, Star still manages to cause/find trouble. (Cast: Star, Marco, Angie and Rafael Diaz.)
Amphibia: After the events of Amphibia, Anna, Sasha and Marcy go on a camping trip together. But all roads lead to Gravity Falls. (Cast: Sasha, Anne, Marcy, Mr and Mrs. Boonchuy.)
The Ghost and Molly McGee: After winning a contest, the McGees go on vacation for the summer. Scratch seems to be drawn to something in the town, but doesn't know what. (Cast: Mr and Mrs McGee, Molly, Scratch, Libby, and Darryl.)
And I thought of a few episode ideas like:
Luz has to prevent Dipper from catching King and trying to stream him online.
Mabel starts crushing on Marco. Dipper tries to tell her that Marco already has a girlfriend, but Mabel won't listen.
Dipper, Marco, Hunter, Gus, and Luz play a game of Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons.
Grunkle Stan and Eda have an awkward reunion, and Mabel thinks she can hook them up back together.
Star and Marco go on a double date with Luz and Amity, but it turns into a competition to be the cutest couple in Gravity Falls.
In an attempt to make more money, Gus teams up with Grunkle Stan to have illusions be an attraction at the Mystery Shack.
Luz asks Dipper to help make sure that her mom's nature hike is as normal as possible.
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neo-shitty · 1 year
(teaser) and i would like you to love me — l.mk
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excerpt. “i loved her hard and at a distance, which made it easier to do, experienced brief but powerful compulsions to hug her and almost never did.” - our wives under the sea, julia armfield. 
pairings. mark lee x gender-neutral reader, slight na jaemin x gender-neutral reader
genre. angst, slight fluff, best friends!au, one-sided pining
warnings. swearing. mark is so...whipped...it’s almost pathetic.
word count. 0.9k (teaser), 4.6k (fic)
notes. i wrote this way back when i first heard drunk text by henry moodie on the radio in february but i only got around to finishing it this week. ah, i still feel detached towards kpop but i feel like this would be something my old audience would enjoy :)) also, thank you @sulfurcosmos​ for helping me decide which dreamie to put under inexplicable emotional suffering HAHA 
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“Leaving?” Mark watched as a blur crossed the room, moving past him on the way somewhere he—in his sorry state of insobriety—couldn’t quite figure out just yet. The blur is you, on your merry way to take the unconventional route to the kitchen to fetch more drinks or heading for the backyard to take a dip in the pool. 
Or leaving, because you stop by the doorway, picking up the sneakers you came in with as you bid you goodbyes to the others around you. “Already?” 
The room Mark was in was a clockless one and with his phone dead, he had no way of knowing how late the night had gotten. Was it late enough to warrant heading home or just another one of the days you were up for hanging out until you weren’t? Either way, he still pushed himself off the couch, anticipating the nauseating world-spin that came with the sudden jerk of motion and waited for it to pass. Then he was fine—the world stilling momentarily—and he’s saying his ‘goodbye’s and ‘see you next time’s until he was out the door.
You hadn’t gotten that far yet, less than a house away when he stumbled down the front porch steps and trampled the front lawns of the springers. He was debating calling out to you to wait when he noticed you slowed your steps to match his, waiting until you walked side by side on the sidewalk.
He wasn’t sure how far down on the way home his thoughts shifted from keeping his walking straight to the rabbit hole he’d fallen into. Ever since the seed sprouted in the depths of his mind, he never was able to get away from it—tangled in its grasp and dragged down every time he was reminded of it. It was hard not to think of it when he saw you almost everyday, your image ingrained into his eyelids with the permanence of all those years of friendship. 
Tonight, the thoughts loomed just beyond the horizon; from the moment you ran out the front door waving to your parents by the doorway, to the bus ride you spent standing together and trying their best not to fall over, to enjoying the party all the while looking out for where the other had gone. 
It was always like this between you, a seemingly mismatched compatibility outlasting the average lifetime of a pair with a dynamic like theirs. People like you grew into something more or diminished into nothing, unable to withstand the test of time. Not you, though. Your friendship mirrored the way the tides shifted through the months, reaching far into the shore only to pull far back later on. He was the static sand of the shoreline and you were the tide, moving with the push and pull of lunar gravity; growing closer to each other until you overlapped then backing away but never entirely apart. Nothing more, nothing less and Mark was content with that.
Until one night—mid-summer—in a drunken haze he wondered if it would be wrong to want something more than just this and nothing had been able to quell the thought ever since. 
It spread through his mind like a plague, an obsessive fascination of this possibility happening because it wasn’t off the table. They might work. And he would think of what it would be like to call you more than just a friend, to hold you closer than their current unsaid boundaries allowed, to feel your warmth against his—chest to chest with your hearts beating in sync. 
The thoughts led him here, verbalized in the form of your name for the first time since its inception in the recesses of his mind.
You were still looking at him, arms finding their ways back to your side after pretending to keep your balance on levelled ground. It took one glance at your face, your curiosity warping into impatience, for him to remember what he was really up against. Every con listed itself in bullets in his mind, matching up against his established list of delusion-fuelled pros. What if you didn’t feel the same way? He’d thought about it before. People have taken bullets to the chest and lived to tell the tale, so why couldn’t he? But he knows it wasn’t just about the ache of the potential rejection, it was about every ripple and repercussion following the confession because...
What if he lost her?
And somehow that was enough to snap him out of the deluded trance, every inch of mustered courage dwindling as he weighed the possibilities—his losses always heavier than the probable benefits. Certainties, such as your being a part of his life, would remain as such until factors that could potentially affect it would surface, and uncertainties will, well, remain uncertain until further evidence would prove it closer to certainty than the former. 
So, Mark shook his head. “Nothing,” he said. “Just be careful.” It was a stupid excuse but he knew you’d never look into it more than the fact that a man just tried to dictate your actions.
“How about you be careful and start minding your own business?” you answered, keeping a feisty fit until you broke into a laugh, filling the air of the silent evening. When he didn’t laugh along with you, you stuck out your tongue, leaping onto the next square on the pattern across the sidewalk with your arms stretched out. 
You were right though. Between you and him, he had more chances of falling over even if he wasn’t hopping around. And if that happened, he’d be more than happy to lie there gazing at the semi-starry night sky—the road not taken lingering as a daydream in his mind.
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taglist? send an ask. | © neo-shitty, 2022
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swift-scuti · 8 months
Will your next summer AU have ships (or some ship teasing?)
Maybe some light ship teasing, but probably nothing major. I don’t personally have any ships for Gravity falls, but i know other people like em.
Have some Dipper scribbles ✌️
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