deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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aiyuu canon. you agree. reblog
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bensakindofmagic · 4 years
Chapter Eighteen
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A/N: look at how fucking soft he is in this pic, i'm weeping, imagine opening facetime and seeing that face
Warnings: none, just fluff
w/c: 3.1k+
Chapter Eighteen 
Filming was tough. The light was sparse in Scotland at that time of year, so everything had to be ready to go the second the sun came up in order to maximise productivity. It was cold and windy, and often raining, and if it weren’t for a delightful cast and crew you would have been thoroughly miserable. You weren’t nearly so close with them as the Borhap boys, but they kept you in decent spirits. The real hardship, however, was being away from Ben. For as long as you’d known each other you hadn’t spent more than two days apart — even when you were barely on speaking terms you still saw him everyday. Your colleagues noticed how often you were on your phone during breaks (and you were sure there were some people who resented what they perceived to be anti-social behaviour), but it was because every time you looked Ben had sent you a dozen messages: pictures of Frankie, a link to a video that he thought you’d find funny, news articles that he thought would interest you, pictures he found on the internet, but more often than not just a message to say he missed you. You guessed that the separation was probably harder for Ben, given that he was the remaining party. You left for a new environment that he had never been in, and while you ached for him often, work kept you busy and there were plenty of people round to distract you. Ben was left with a hole where you used to be, an empty place on the sofa or at the table, and a sudden lack of company (though you noticed on social media that he was suddenly spending a lot more time meeting up with old friends, which made you happy). But at certain moments, like when you were standing in the pouring rain and shivering as the sunlight began to dwindle, you were desperate for him to wrap his strong arms around you and carry you to bed, where he would proceed to hold you tightly until all the chill had been chased from your bones. You felt a buzz in your pocket, somewhere in the great depths of your coat. It was a message from Ben asking when you were due to wrap for the day. 
Y/N: about 5.30pm. can’t wait to have a shower i’m freezing my bollocks off
Ben: You don’t have any bollocks 
Y/N: well not anymore obviously!! 
Ben: Facetime at 6?
Y/N: better make it 6.30, it’s going to take a while to warm me up
Ben: Wish I was there to help ;)
You were relieved when the director declared that there wasn’t enough light and you’d have to wrap it up for the day. Performing your duties as swiftly and efficiently as possible, you raced back to your hotel room and peeled off layers of clothing that had seemingly frozen onto your skin and jumped in the shower. You stood under the water for a long while, letting it hit your head and trickle down your body, warming you up little by little. You thought back to times when Ben would be in that shower with you, and your whole body would feel as thought it was on fire, though it had nothing to do with the scalding water. But the smile that adorned your face at the memory was melancholic, and soon you longed to be out of the shower and on your laptop to talk to him. You made a cup of tea, put on your fluffiest pyjamas, and sat down on the bed to call Ben just in time. His name popped up on your screen with a now familiar ringtone. 
“Hey, Benny!” you delighted as you saw his face on your screen, as close as he could feel in the present circumstances. 
“Hi gorgeous!” he smiled brightly and held Frankie up to the screen to wave hello with her little paw, “I’ve missed you.” 
“What, since we facetimed last night and texted two hours ago?”
“Yes. I’ve missed your cuddles.” 
You sighed, you’d missed his too. The long distance would have been okay if it weren’t for how much you ached to hold each other. Day-to-day, Ben expressed most of his affection through touch and you could see more and more how tough he was finding being denied that. 
“I was thinking about you in the shower today,” you mused. 
He smirked, “Is that so? What were you doing while you were thinking about me?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “That’s not really what I meant,” — though the question was certainly warranted, Ben didn’t need to know the answer just yet — “I was thinking about how much I miss you holding me. Not to get too soppy or anything.”
“Well you know how soppy I am, love,” he assured. That made you smile. 
“I just miss touching you — not in a sexy way! Although that too — it’s the feel of you, you know?” 
He nodded, reassuring you that he knew exactly what you meant. It hadn’t even been a month and you were both struggling more than you cared to admit. You’d missed your first Valentine’s Day together, and even though Ben had sent you flowers and you’d had a long and eventful video chat, part of you felt like you were missing out. You’d spent much of the early part of your relationship hiding it from those around you, and though you had those three precious weeks to be unashamedly in love, you now felt bitterly as though you would miss the best part of the honeymoon phase. 
“So tell me about your day, love.” 
You related all the gossip that the day had brought, jokes shared with your colleagues, how someone had to go running off through the highlands chasing a false beard that had been torn off by the wind. He laughed in all the right places and asked all the right questions. He, in turn, told you that he’d gone to the gym (which he’d been doing more often since you’d been gone), and met with a director for lunch to talk over a possible job. He was excited about it: you could see how much he wanted it, despite trying to convince you (as much as himself) that it was early days and he wasn’t getting his hopes up. He remarked how’d he’d sneezed five times in a row which he was sure was some kind of record — you laughed but noticed how he looked a little paler than usual and how he kept sniffing, and predicted that he was about to get a cold.
You accepted the call to receive an image of Ben wrapped in a duvet cocoon with a steaming mug in hand and tissues strewn about the place. 
“How’re you doing, darling?” you cooed. 
“I’m sick.” His nose, red and sore, was clearly blocked. He was pale and clammy, and his hair, damp with sweat, hung limply over his forehead. 
“Mm, I can see that.”
“See? I told you I couldn’t cope without you!” he whined. 
“It’s just a cold, Benny, you’ll live. Just drink lots of fluids and get plenty of sleep, okay?”
He frowned, looking remarkably like a toddler who’d just been denied an ice cream, “I was looking for sympathy, not instructions.”
You laughed and soothed him as best you could. As much as you opted for the ‘tough love’ approach, you wished you could be there to make him cups of hot water with honey and lemon, and bring him a new box of tissues when he finished the last one, and cuddle on the sofa with him watching old Disney movies. You wanted to stroke his hair and tuck him into bed. 
Apparently he wanted the same because after chatting for a little while, when his eyelids started to droop and his head got heavy, he quietly asked, “Will you sing for me?”
“Sing? What do you want me to sing for?” 
He shrugged, an embarrassed smile lacing his lips, “I’ve missed it. You sing all the time when you’re here, the place feels empty without it. I’ve been playing music a lot but it’s not the same.”
You chuckled, and went quiet. You allowed the silence to seep into your soul, to expand inside you and push all the noise for your mind. In its place a melody began softly and it danced off your lips.
‘Looking out on the morning rain, I used to feel uninspired, 
And when I knew I’d have to face another day, Lord it made me feel so tired.
Before the day I met you, life was so unkind.
Your love was the key to my peace of mind.’
The tiredness abated from Ben’s face, instantly soothed. Frown lines evaporated and his skin was left velvety smooth. His eyes fluttered closed, calmed. Even in the slightly pixellated image of him on your computer screen you could see how he ached for you, and how your voice helped to soothe that pain.
‘When my soul was in the lost-and-found, you came along to claim it.
I didn't know just what was wrong with me till your kiss helped me name it.
Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for, 
’Cause if I make you happy I don't need to do more.’
It seemed the more Ben was dulcified, the more your own agony grew. The softness of him was intoxicating, and it exposed how much he needed you. Guilt flared in you at not being there to look after him, and your own selfish desire to be near him added a sharp longing to your cocktail of grief.
‘Oh, baby, what you've done to me,
You make me feel so good inside.
And I just want to be close to you,
You make me feel so alive.’
His head got heavy, his shoulders relaxed as he leaned back on the sofa, and slowly you saw sleep settling weightily over his features. You indulged yourself by watching him for a few moments, chest rising and falling steadily as he began to snore, but soon the pang in your chest became too intense to bear. You whispered, “I love you,” into the boundless space between you before ending the call and quickly opening a new window on your laptop. 
Ben had been feeling particularly sorry for himself. He never coped very well when he was ill (being a frequent sufferer of man flu), but this was worse than usual. For starters, he didn’t get sick very often anymore so when he did it felt all the worse, and he hadn’t been this unwell in a while, and to top it all off, Y/N wasn’t there to look after him. Every morning he’d wake up in an empty bed, hardly able to breathe and feeling like his whole face had been plugged up. He’d drag himself to the kitchen, cocooned in his duvet, get himself some hot water and a piece of toast because that was all he could bring himself to make, before collapsing on the sofa, drifting in and out of sleep, some crappy movie on in the background, and ordering food when he couldn’t be bothered to get it himself. He was pretty sure that you would have been horrified had you seen the state of him — he didn’t like to look in the mirror because it frightened him how much he looked like a ghost of himself — but really he just wanted you there to look after him. He kept finding himself daydreaming about you, whispering soothing words to him as he slept, holding him close against your body. Sometimes he got so lost in his imagination that he could almost feel the touch of you, and for a moment convinced himself that you were there, that you would sit down next to him any second with two cups of tea and some sassy remark. To be honest, he had been like that most of the time you’d been away; he had felt the void of you more acutely than he had anticipated. But this constant state of semi-waking delirium had amplified it. So when he heard a knock at the door, thinking that he must have ordered take-away and forgotten but opened it to find you there with an armful of groceries and a grin, he assumed he was dreaming. 
He sighed melancholically, “Y/N.” 
“Oh Benny, are you okay?” 
Your tone didn’t seem right. You never sounded worried in his imagination, only gentle and calm. His heart started to beat faster. 
In a voice that sounded far away, like he was underwater, he heard you say, “Darling, let’s get you into bed. You don’t look good.”
“Wait, you’re really here?”
“Of course I’m here,” you said, ushering yourself inside and laying your things down before placing your palm against his forehead. He closed his eyes, falling gratefully into your touch. Your hand felt cool against his burning skin, and he almost collapsed with relief to have you beside him again. He could see you were worried, your movements suddenly infected with a slightly frenetic urgency, but all he felt was elation. He let you shepherd him into bed without resistance, and drank eagerly from the glass of chilled water you placed in his hands. 
You tucked him under the covers, and knelt beside the bed, stroking your fingers with the most delicate touch over his cheek. It made him shiver. His eyelids slipped closed and he felt the heaviness of the past few days evaporate into weightlessness. In those few hazy moments before sleep overtook him, still sceptical of the veracity of his own senses, he mumbled, “Will you still be here when I wake up?”
You smiled tenderly, “Of course I will, love. I’m going to look after you,”
You knew Ben was pretty unwell but hadn’t anticipated quite the extent of it. He seemed to be delirious, and the glassy look in his eyes made you wonder if he ever knew you were there. He was burning up when you tested his temperature, so you got him some water and sent him to bed. It broke your heart a little to shut him off in the bedroom as soon as you had reunited with him after missing him so deeply, but it broke your heart more to see him so sick, reduced to a shadow of himself. You kept yourself busy while he slept, walking Frankie, cleaning the apartment which had unsurprisingly fallen into a state of neglect, and getting a stew on to be ready by the time he woke. Your mind wandered back to him often, the thought of him curled up under the covers like a child. It took all your strength not to climb in next to him and cuddle him until he felt better. But you knew that would do nothing for his fever. 
He woke up a few hours later and trudged back into the kitchen where you were sat quietly entertaining yourself on your phone. He’d thrown a hoodie on, pulled up over his head with his hands stuffed in his pockets. 
“Hi gorgeous,” you beamed, standing to meet him. He looked better already; his eyes were less puffy and some of the colour was returning to his face. 
“Hey,” he said hoarsely, “I wasn’t sure you’d be here when I woke up. I thought I’d dreamt you.” 
You opened your arms and he shuffled gratefully into them, letting his head fall against your shoulder. He exhaled, relaxed, while your fingertips trailed gently across the back of his neck. 
“I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere until you’re better.” 
He pulled back to meet your eyes, searching them for the truth, “Really? Won’t you have to go back soon?”
“They’ll just have to cope without me, because clearly you can’t.”
He shook his head before burying it in your neck again. 
“Come on, I’ve made dinner.” 
Ben ate hungrily, glad of a proper, hearty meal. You sat at the table for hours, surreptitiously filling up Ben’s glass to make sure he was drinking plenty of water, revelling in being in each other’s company again. It was bittersweet. Despite your assurance that you’d stay as long as he needed, you both knew that come Monday — Tuesday at the latest — you’d have to head back to Scotland. But for the moment you talked and laughed, and nursed Ben back to health. You decided to go back to your own apartment overnight to make sure Ben got a good night’s rest, as well as reduce the risk of you getting his cold. He made you promise him that you’d come back first thing in the morning, which of course you readily did. And when you did return, already making breakfast by the time Ben surfaced, he was looking healthier still. 
“‘Morning cherub,” you cooed. “How’re you feeling today?” 
“All the better for seeing you,” he smiled and hugged you from behind. You kissed his cheek and he detached himself, allowing you to hand him a hot mug of honey and lemon. 
By the end of the weekend Ben was almost completely better. He had even managed to go out for a walk with you and Frankie. He could speak properly again, without his ‘m’s turning into ‘b’s, and his spirits where infinitely raised — until he saw your packed bag, ready to go again, as you sat side-by-side on the sofa.
“When’s your flight?” he sighed, disconsolate. 
“First thing in the morning, taxi’s picking me up at 6.” 
His shoulders slumped. “You can’t go yet, I’m still sick,” and he coughed lamely, pouting like a toddler. 
“Considering you’re a professional actor, that was thoroughly unconvincing,” you deadpanned and swiped your thumb over his cheek. “I’ll come visit again soon.” 
“I don’t want you to come visit,” he lamented, leaning into your hand, “I want you to come home.” 
“What do you mean, love?” you faltered, frowning. 
He sidled closer to you, resting a hand on your knee. He was quiet, eyes fixed on your lap, but when he looked up he was absolutely focused, intent. 
“Move in with me.” It wasn’t a question. 
You were overwhelmed with green. All you could see was his eyes and the determination in them, their confidence in you. The love and the warmth and the longing made them sparkle. 
Your voice was hushed but firm as you replied, “Okay.” 
The next thing you knew he was kissing you and your world was revolving. Everything you felt and heard and tasted was him and that was all you wanted for the rest of your life. 
taglist: @anikatcmh @queen-turtle-boiii @orchideax @rogerspoison @my5secondsofneverland @mrsmazzello @ixchel-9275 @radiob-l-a-hblah @devin-marie @rogmeddows @mercurycrowley @spaghetittiesbcimgay @valeriecarolinaw @saint-hardy @caborhapch @stephanie-everlasting @coldmuffinpartycloud​ @drowse13 @shhhs3cret @blind-melon-taylor @ohsososophisticatedd​ @malfoybaby​ @littlepanda-love @leezie @shesakillerquueennn​ @borhapgrande​ @stfxlou​ @vangogh-groupie @dep-thx​ @hardzzellos​ @imjustboredso​ (just ask if you want to be added to the tag list! sorry if tumblr won’t let me tag you)
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August 5 - August 12 Weekly Round-up!
Hello lovely GW fans!
It’s everyone’s favorite day of the week - the day of the week where you get all kinds of Gundam Wing creations linked in one super awesome post.
Don’t forget to show these amazing creators some love for all their creativity and hard work!
OH! Also, please tag us in anything GW related that you think other fans will enjoy. We do search AO3 for fics but anything specific to tumblr can get lost in the tags (or somehow tumblr eats it and it’s lost to the void).
Have a wonderful week and enjoy!
- Mod Maeve
Just as a quick side note, be sure to read the warnings listed on AO3 before reading because I may have missed some!
@amberlyinviolet​ - Knife in Hand, Chapter 21 
Chapter Summary: The Russian honeymoon continues. I'm gonna be honest with you guys: the next four chapters are roughly 75% smut and these two idiots working out their relationship issues. Which I think we all agree is very important! But the plot is still there, and once the honeymoon is over, whooooo boy. There's gonna be a whole lot of action, of a very different kind. 
Paring: 2x3. 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage.
@anaranesindanarie - Happy Birthday 
Summary: Birthday Fic! Happy Birthday!!
Ready for You 
Summary: A chance meeting ten years after the war leads Duo and Trowa down an unexpected path. Birthday fic for Kangofu-CB. 
Pairings: 2x3.
The Road Not Taken
Summary: What happens when a gay man answers the classified ad of a straight man?A mild-roast love story.Originally written and posted in 2014 on ff.net. Rewrite (more like a polish) in progress. 
Pairings: 2x3, 1x5, 3x1, 3x4, 6x2. 
@chronicwhimsy - Saudade, Chapter 6 
Series Summary: Duo and Trowa travel through Europe with the circus during the summer after the Barton uprising. Mentions of underage sex and drinking, unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
Pairings:  3x4, 2+3 bromance. 
Warnings: Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Mentions of Underage Sex, Underage Drinking.
ConsSunshine58 - Broken Memories, Chapter 5 
Chapter Summary:  Truckin' along. More Yuy-Maxwell Family Feels for sure. Another chapter or two before they get home--this one is longer, but chapter 6 will be short. A bit of medical squick in the first part of this chapter, be warned! I'm trying to stay as true to real life as possible, so that means some uncomfortable stuff, but it's almost over! Hang in there, Duo! 
Pairings: 1x2 and 3x4. 
Warnings: Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Memory Loss.
DarkBluePhoenix - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legacy – Gundam Invasion
Summary: A Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Fighter G Gundam CrossoverIt’s a Gundam! *RANDOM EXPLOSION!* The cast of Gundam Wing meet our young heroes and befriend them in this tale of how those who understand, those who fight, those who doubt, and those who pass by, can claim victory against the forces of evil reborn. Mission Accepted. All systems go! Gundams… Evangelions… Launching!
Diana_Lua - Acordando 
Summary:  "Eu posso ver claramente agora, eu posso ver as regras do mundo. As funções da vida. O dever dos fortes. Não existe segredo nisso. Não existe segredo algum quando você está acordando.Nós estamos pegamos fogo, então, deixe queimar…" 
Karen - Alliance in Blood
A three to five fic series about Duo and his adventures with the supernatural because of his relationship with a werewolf. Supernatural AU. 
Pairing: 5x2, 3x4. 
Warnings: Violence. R/NC-17.   
@kangofu-cb - Mission: Redacted, Chapter 14, (Mod note: THE FINAL CHAPTER!!!!! ) 
Series Summary: Post-war, Une has been selected to direct the new Preventers Organization. Unfortunately, following government directives of disarmament and pacifism, criminal enterprises have sprung up, escalating crime and violence. Searching for a solution, she brainstorms a team of off-the-books operatives tasked with protecting the peace at all costs.Meanwhile, the pilots are all dealing with peace and the scars of war in their own ways, not all of them healthy... 
Pairings: 2x5, background 3x4 and RxD.
@ladyjstruth-blog - Hard Line, Chapter 5 
Series Summary:  It's been nine years after the Eurussian Incident and the Earth Sphere Unified Nation continues to experience peace through communication and cooperation. Quatre Raberba Winner, while finishing his doctoral thesis in engineering at MIT in Boston, reconnects with his friend and ex-boyfriend, Trowa Barton. A romantic flame is rekindled while an old enemy plots his revenge. 
Pairings: 3x4, 2xH, 1xR. 
luvsanime02 - Maneuvers, Chapter 6,  
Series Summary: Heero and Relena are ready to start up their business. Their first client? Dorothy Catalonia.This is the sixth story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
@miss-m-muses - Life of the Party 
Summary: Zechs is always the life of the party among the Sanc elite as he represents the acceptable face of OZ. Yet he hides a secret, as he always has. 
Pairing: 6x2. 
Warnings: Angst, Sexual Content, OZ won AU.
@morbidbirdy - Worth the Fight 
Summary: Wufei wakes up after an accident to find the least likely person sitting in his hospital room. He realizes he's made a mistake and that some thing are worth fighting for. 
Pairing: 5xOriginal Male Character.
Eye for an eye 
Summary: The TRC!GW AU I've just recently realized I've wanted to write but nobody asked for. A snippet where Trowa snaps and fights Duo for his magic. 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence and Body Horror.
Summary:  “Rock band turned idol boy band” trope AU. 
panther3751 - Heavy 
Summary: the things we carry with us, outside and after battle. 
Pairing: Zechs Merquise & Lucrezia Noin. 
Warning: PTSD.
Strawberrywaltz - The Forgotten, Chapter 2  
Summary: The entire universe thinks that Quatre Winner is dead, but when Heero starts having strange black outs he begins to realize the rumors of Quatre's death might not be true. 
Pairings:  4x1, 4xOriginal Male Character(s), Past 3x4. 
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Temporary Character Death, Temporary Amnesia, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Post-Series, Slow Burn.
@the-indomitable-bhg ( Sanyukumiko (BHG) ) - Uh Oh, ZERO 
Summary: After losing something important to Heero, Duo enlists the help of Wufei, Trowa and Quatre to get it back before the Wing pilot notices.
@the-indomitable-bhg and @morbidbirdy 
End of Line, Chapter 15 
Series Summary: The Grid, the legendary Tron System, has always intrigued Duo Maxwell. After years of dreaming and months of tireless work, he finally receives the final part he needs to unlock the door to the digital frontier. A blast of a digitizing laser later he finds himself in the world of his dreams. However, soon that dream becomes a nightmare as he comes to realize that his existence in this new world is both a danger to him and to the programs who reside there. With the help of Security Program Trowa and a mysteriously damaged and glitchy program named Heero, he embarks on a journey through The Grid to seek help from a mysterious entity known as the Gatekeeper. Will he be able to get out of the Tron System, or will the organizations who are hunting him manage to derez him first? 
Pairing: 3x1, 3x4.
Something About Us, Chapter 19, 
Series Summary: Five Years after Operation Meteor the fragile peace between Earth and the colonies is once again threatened when a beloved prominent political figure is assassinated. The former Gundam pilots come together again for a new mission, which forces unexplored feelings to arise between Heero and Trowa. 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Slash, Post-Endless Waltz, Post-Canon, Action & Romance, Missions, Mobile Suits, Preventers (Gundam Wing) 
Pairing: 3x1.
@avaantares - Paper Currency Graphic Design
@beccaboo8810 - In-progress custom Preventer’s Patch (04) sketch 
@chronicwhimsy - Duo Maxwell Sketch 
@detectivesinc - Monet in space 
@endlesschaosart - Trowa Barton in The Fall in-progress pic 
@gundam-wing-crossovers - GW/Cardcaptor Sakura crossover sketch
@manabingu - Metrocon 2017 cosplay pictures 
Calendar Events:
End of Summer Tropes Block Party by @gwblockparty
Posting September 1st - 4th
A fanworks celebration of all things tropey and cliche!
Gundam Wing Eve War Event by @gw-evewar
(Saturday) December 23, 2017 - (Sunday) December 24, 2017
Open Science Fiction Themed Event
event will be observing Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
Submissions: Fanfiction, Meta essays, Personal Headcanon, Fan Art
Rules: All works must feature a science fiction theme. Alternate Universes, and cross-over fiction are welcome. There are no limits to characters, pairings, audience rating, time frame or universe.
To participate please check @gw-evewar for participation information. 
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alwayssummerblog · 6 years
MC: Kelsea Ballerini and Morgan Evans Anniversary
On Sunday, December 2, country singers Morgan Evans and Kelsea Ballerini celebrated their 1 year marriage anniversary and we could not be more excited for this power couple! Both are insanely talented individuals whose very public relationship has given fans the opportunity to follow their romance as well as budding music careers. And while the couple were unable to celebrate the day together due to their busy schedules, we’ve compiled a list of just a few of their cutest moments to help commemorate the day!
Of course some of the best photos of the happy couple were from their stunning wedding in Cabo San Lucas, but in addition to sharing photos right after the wedding, People Magazine did an amazing story covering the full event. 
Check out some of our favorite photos from the special day below:
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Just when I think I couldn’t love you any more ...
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Dec 20, 2017 at 5:59pm PST
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Would literally re-marry him every day. @morganevansmusic
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Oct 22, 2018 at 11:12am PDT
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the royal wedding hit me right in the feels and made me go reminisce about our own magical day ✨
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on May 20, 2018 at 8:56am PDT
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first Valentine’s Day as his wife. ❤️
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Feb 14, 2018 at 9:37am PST
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every detail was a dream. // 👗by @berta // 👠 by @stuartweitzman // 💐by @elenadamy // 🌅 by @esperanzaresort // 💍 by @davidyurman // 📸 by @josephllanes // wedding planned by the lovely @jaynebubis
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Dec 28, 2017 at 1:30pm PST
 As if the wedding wasn’t perfect enough, the couple chose to honeymoon in Bora Bora! This picturesque spot is the perfect place to lounge around and tan for the dreamiest vacation possible! With a crystal clear blue lagoon and stunning views, how could you not fall even more in love during your time there? Ballerini and Evans continue to showcase that newlywed glow in their beautiful photos, giving us some major next vacation inspiration!
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Y’all I love this man so much. This photo was from our honeymoon when we were time banking knowing this year would be a lot of cheering each other on from two different places. I see him in a few days in the place where we met, hosted an awards show, and fell stupidly in love. Aussie is my second home now. He’s my first. #kisssomebody
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Mar 12, 2018 at 3:15pm PDT
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reliving the most magical honeymoon with @morganevansmusic. thanks @hiltonhonors & @conradboraboranui for having us 😻💍💑👙🥂
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Feb 6, 2018 at 4:38pm PST
In addition to their glamorous wedding and honeymoon photos, there’s nothing better than seeing these two together in their element. Though both Ballerini and Evans have been extremely busy with their individual tours, they have shared the stage together multiple times, especially to perform Evans’ hit song “Kiss Somebody”. 
Check out these cute shots of the couple on and off the stage: 
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what you love with who you love. proud for you, @morganevansmusic // 📸@mikewilsonphotos
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Sep 23, 2018 at 9:41am PDT
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Dance With Me.
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Sep 22, 2018 at 7:52pm PDT
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Sometimes you gotta #kisssomebody💋
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Aug 19, 2018 at 5:38pm PDT
 With their recent success, the couple has made some amazing red carpet appearances together and have even shared a magazine cover. Though they are both down to earth and feel like the relatable friends we wish we had, theirs nothing better than seeing your favorite celebrities all glammed up and working the red carpet! If only we could all sing and rock out on the guitar like they do, we’d be walking that carpet side-by-side these two in a heartbeat! 
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Miss. Him. ALOT. @morganevansmusic
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Jun 24, 2018 at 11:28am PDT
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Newlyweds. 💕
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Apr 15, 2018 at 4:47pm PDT
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Thank you to the CMA’s for an incredible show! I’m always feeling like a winner with this one! She KILLED last night!!!
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Nov 15, 2018 at 1:11pm PST
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Couldn’t be prouder of her and the way she leads by example as as a strong, smart & talented woman. And always stoked to be her date! #gracieawards // @gettyentertainment 📸@frazerkh
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on May 23, 2018 at 8:20am PDT
As much as we love seeing Ballerini and Evans dressed up, at the end of the day, we know they are just like any other couple. Some of our favorite moments from the duo are trips in Tahoe, days by the pool, football games and funny embarrassing pictures the two share of one another. Doing long distance while one of them is on the road can be difficult, but these two really seem to make it work with all of their adorable dates and romantic gestures! 
Get some insight into an average date-night for these two lovebirds in the pics below:
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he flew to Tahoe and surprised me and I couldn’t love him more.
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Jul 22, 2018 at 8:52pm PDT
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Everything about this thing is epiiiiic! #sblii #superbowl
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Feb 4, 2018 at 2:23pm PST
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PDA. #myhusbandishot // 📸 @_blythethomas
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Apr 27, 2018 at 12:05pm PDT
 Regular dates are always cute, but the best time of year to obsess over our favorite couples is definitely during the holidays! The fall and winter months are the perfect time for fun dates, including everything from pumpkin carving to cuddling up to our favorite movies and decorating the Christmas tree. Evans and Ballerini have already shown us some adorable moments from the holiday season and we can’t wait to see what other adorable Christmas pictures they post next! (hopefully a matching pajama picture!) 
Check out some of the sweetest holiday pictures below! 
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hoppy Halloween from my kangaboo & I.
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Oct 31, 2018 at 4:40pm PDT
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Corn-mazing day with this pumpkin! #home
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Oct 21, 2018 at 2:35pm PDT
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the tree is up and it’s my favorite time of year. @morganevansmusic
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Nov 25, 2018 at 7:42am PST
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Thankful for all of you, and especially this one. #thanksgiving2018
A post shared by Morgan Evans (@morganevansmusic) on Nov 22, 2018 at 3:34pm PST
With the year coming to a close, it is the perfect time to reflect on all of the great memories we have had! In 2017, the country duo claimed to be “unapologetically in love” and we hope 2018 was just as amazing for the two of them! Like their ever growing careers, it seems that these two have a love that will only continue to blossom. Happy 1 year anniversary Morgan and Kelsea! 
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2017: the year of being unapologetically in Love.
A post shared by Kelsea Ballerini (@kelseaballerini) on Dec 30, 2017 at 7:57pm PST
 For more information on the two artists and what they are up to right now, check out Morgan Evans and Kelsea Ballerini’s official websites. And make sure to get your tickets to their upcoming shows! 
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carshowz · 6 years
What a weekend, I wish I could just leave it at that, but this article would be boring without context. So what led up to the Lone Star Throwdown 2018 Photos / Coverage we have here, let me tell you.
With a vehicle registration limit set to 2000 vehicles, a mark LST Show Promoters usually hit by early January and with hundreds of vendors in attendance, this is the most anticipated show of the year. The kick off of the show season and an excuse to fly down to Texas to meet up with long distance friends, check out custom rides and shop with your favorite vendors. Leading up to LST everyone was watching the weather. If social media is not already annoying enough, with the threat of rain showers, that brought out the wanna-be Weather Forecasters (via social media) to make their predictions and complain about the weekend before it was even here. I can tell you, for the die-hard show-goers and those who appreciate the year long planning it takes to host this event, a little rain was not going to scare folks away, including us.
We flew out from Baltimore and arrived in Houston early morning, we rolled out to our hotel about an hour north and got settled in anxious to make our way to the fair grounds. We arrived around noon and started making our way through to scope out where vendors were set-up and get a glimpse of who rolled out to Conroe for the weekend. As you walk around you cannot help but think how amazing of a production it is to put on a show of this magnitude. The coordination, time, effort and energy is amazing and it goes to show that this event cares about the custom aftermarket scene.
As we made our way into the American Force Arena, it was almost a show within a show complete with several trucks, vendor booth and a DJ. Check out our photo of  the arena shared by @lonestarthrowdown post on Instagram:
The @americanforcewheels arena looked awesome over the weekend. #americanforce #lonestarthrowdown #lst #lst2018 #lstshow Pic: @carshowz Show: @lonestarthrowdown
A post shared by Lone Star Throwdown (@lonestarthrowdown) on Feb 28, 2018 at 6:35am PST
Of course the show would not be where it is if it were not for the awesome sponsors. Kicker always has a huge presence at most of the major shows across the U.S. and they were at LST with their big rig flexing their subwoofers as always.
Lone Star Throwdown 2018 – Kicker Big Rig
As we made our way through the fair grounds and in and out of the pavilions, Dave Schnieder’s ’65 Chevy caught my eye. As I was trying to…ummm almost stick my camera through the driver’s side window to get a better shot (not really, I know better), Dave walked up and asked if I wanted him to open it up so I can get shots, “Hell yea I do!”
Check out a few of my favorite shots from Dave’s truck. More photos will be posted a bit later…
I am always overwhelmed by the level of support and the loyalty behind sponsors who ultimately become a part of the show over the years. I see that with Power Stroke Enginuities (AKA PSE Houston), they are always there to support not only Lone Star Throwdown, but their community as well!
Ekstensive had a huge layout at LST and they had a steady flow of people in their booth area throughout the weekend. Let’s not forget Full Flex Customs, 20.Nine.20 Off-Road & Performance, Accuair Suspension and Alamo Customs among many other sponsors who have shown LST 2018 some love. You can check out the sponsor list here on LSTs sponsor page. LST will be sharing out additional coverage of vendor booths and sponsors via their social media channels, stay tuned.
Best of Show Lone Star Throwdown ’18
We would like to congratulate Nick Germano with his 1968 Chevy C10. I wanted to kick myself in the a$$ when Lonnie asked us if we captured photos of Nick’s truck. Out of the thousands of photos we took, we missed Nick roll-in to the Kicker booth. When we got to the show grounds early Sunday, the rain moved in and everyone was packing up their rides. BUT, we do have a few shots of Nick’s ride we took from SEMA…
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano – 1968 Chevy C10 at SEMA 2017
Nick Germano BOS Winner Lone Star Throwdown 2018
If you are not familiar with the LST Best of Show trophy nicknamed “BAE” Pascal Barone started a trend last year when he won BOS at LST and where he takes his BAE” out to enjoy life, see below:
Bae and I in Cozumel on the beautiful beach for our #honeymoon . Isn’t she beautiful?! #lst2017 #lstbestofshow #lst
A post shared by Pascal Barone (@dogatemyusername) on Feb 28, 2017 at 1:33pm PST
Now that Nick won, BAE 2.0 must live on and live the good life. Check out some of Nick and BAE 2.0 moments:
#bae2point0 got to ride first class and we rode coach!!! Bae isn’t telling much of what happened up there but I think the mile high club might part of it @lonestarthrowdown @nc_lonnie @radarnc
A post shared by 1_dummy (@1_dummy) on Feb 26, 2018 at 7:27pm PST
and here’s another….
Bae2.0 getting her first strip search for the flight home #bae2point0 @ally_cheerio @thepetreedish @kingkovers_upholstery @philbuiltdesigns @lonestarthrowdown @radarnc @grantkustoms @shuijetnjewels @thunderroad0325 @c10talk @bobgrantfab @grantcoxphoto @mentelvision @austin8pimentel8 @rusted_chain @ritter510 @armbarr85 @phat_phabz @oneoffcustoms @donalddoty @donshagwell @crazybitchapparel @nc_lonnie @choppin_block @lexie_damn
A post shared by 1_dummy (@1_dummy) on Feb 25, 2018 at 5:09pm PST
…and we would like to congratulate the rest of the winners. You can see the full list here via Lone Star Throwdown’s Facebook page post:
OK, so let’s get to the good stuff…myself, Mike Mieczkowski and Craig Dickerson had a blast and we did our best to capture the event. The most challenging part was a ton of foot traffic, which was awesome for the event. Be sure to follow Lone Star Throwdown’s Instagram (@lonestarthrowdown) as you will see a lot of our coverage and we will share a few out on our Instagram as well here @carshowz
Lone Star Throwdown 2018 Photos / Coverage
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Lone Star Throwdown 2018 Photos / Coverage What a weekend, I wish I could just leave it at that, but this article would be boring without context.
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