#happy weew
longelk · 7 months
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kaycee "off the wall"
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FrirF, can you belbelieve your eyes? GyftmGyftGyftmGyftGyf just a weew awaaaw? Oh wow! :)
Gyftmas is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information! \(^ヮ^)/
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possiblytracker · 5 years
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whats up its adopts time! i have always wanted to try this so i took some of the pokemon suggestions in the post i made and also the quilava/umbreon i did the other day :) more will come later as and when i have time and inspiration to make some!
to keep things simple since paypal scares me a bit, i’ll take payment through my ko-fi, hence the coffee numbers on each image. Please tell me in the message your tumblr url (if not apparent) and which one you’re paying for! you’ll get a full-res transparent picture without a watermark and with a colour palette for buying, and all rights for the design. I’ll message them to you over tumblr as soon as i see!
my ko-fi
selling status under cut!
vaporeon: sold to @maple-and-pie! lunala: open bulbasaur: open umbreon: open
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
Weew it's been a while since last time I request here hehe missed ur writings so much💓 so can I have coffee, pomegranate, and green tea for Hitoya??
Anyway this is gonna be a vv tmi from me, but I didn't really opened this app recently since I got sick in last few days but after read ur last samatoki fic I feel moooore better lolol ngl but I really really really love the way u always write the details of emotion in all of ur scenarios is so PERFECT!! I'll never tired to say that I have a BIG CRUSH with ur writings so muchhh💓💗 I hope u have a great weekend and don't forget to rest well dear~ 😘
Haha thank you for your sweet message!! It made me so happy to hear that you enjoyed the last samatoki fic. It always does mean so much to me to hear people say that they love my writing 💕 I hope you're feeling better now though! Remember to take breaks as well! Hope you enjoy~
tea prompts: hitoya amaguni
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coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
Hitoya doesn't get jealous that easily, although, he does get bothered if he practically has to watch you dote on someone or something else for a while (yes, that was jealousy, but Hitoya didn't like to admit it); then, it was much too distracting. He trusts you a lot and, quite frankly, didn't see the point in getting riled up over something so inconsequential. Hitoya was certain that he was the only one in your heart after all.
When he gets jealous, Hitoya likes to deny it, both to you and himself. He wanted to think that he wasn't one to get so worked up over nothing, but that was proven otherwise. The distasteful scowl and his sharp gaze towards you and whatever was currently taking up your attention were hard to ignore, essentially. Plus, the gnawing, pitiful feeling in his gut was starting to get much too uncomfortable. So Hitoya would call you over or come up, pretending to need you for something just so that your attention would be on him for a bit. And if you pointed out his jealously, he'd simply say that you were speaking nonsense, and he wasn't jealous, not in the slightest. His pink cheeks gave it all away, however (plus, if you pushed him enough, he'd relent).
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
Hitoya, overall, always was certain that he loved you, from the moment the two of you got together. But, well, it never really did hit him the extent to which he loved you until that one time. You had been waiting for him outside of the court room, knowing that it'd only be a few more minutes before proceedings ended, and Hitoya would emerge out of the room, presumably victorious yet again. It was something that you've done before, greeting and congratulating him once he finished a case; Hitoya always did very much appreciate it.
But for whatever reason, this time around, upon seeing your smile once he walked out, it just caused his heart to skip a beat. It felt much different from all those other times you had done so. Hitoya couldn't help but just feel so warm on the inside, a feeling he wasn't quite used to. Perhaps it was because he was tired, more so than previous court cases given the difficulty and length of this one, but it hit him much harder this time than the other instances. Hitoya couldn't help but feel lucky to have someone he dearly loved and vice versa waiting for him after work. Seeing you first thing afterwards was such a blessing. And that's when he realized the extent to which he loved you; Hitoya wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, to come to you after a long, stressful day at the firm or court.
green tea; how do they comfort their s/o? 
Hitoya didn't really think that he was all that good at comfort, especially when he found it difficult to comfort himself when need be, but when it came down to it, he was quite the natural. He did things with no questions asked, such as making you tea or sitting down next to you and holding your hand for reassurance. Plus, when Hitoya gave advice, it generally was pretty good advice and quite moving. Sometimes, his words may even echo in your mind in certain situations.
When it came to comfort, Hitoya preferred to take your mind off things entirely in order to help console you, then talk to you and give advice afterwards when you were in a better mindset. He did so by watching a movie or cooking dinner or going out for a date, really anything where the two of you could be alone and intimate with one another. He did like to take you out to get some fresh air, noting that it'd do you some good no matter what the situation. And it certainly was of help, finding yourself feeling better in no time at all. As long as you were happy, so was he.
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ladyflame-ask · 3 years
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It took a lot of time and trust, but they were finally happy. 
This is my version of Dust!Sans.
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literaryavalanche · 3 years
Opening Lines Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 stories, choose your favorite opening line, then tag 20 of your favorite authors.
Tagged by: @joeys-piano - Thanks so much for tagging me in here, this tag looks fun!
FYI: I’m sticking to my Tomarry fics here so any fics I’ve updated recently for other fandoms won’t be listed
To Swallow The Sun - Rated M: WIP at 50k+ words - 
“Sugar quills!”
Resurrection Stone - Rate M: WIP at 41k+ words -
Thunder rumbled outside the Tudor style manor nestled snugly into the green overgrowth of a garden, spattering the window with little droplets of rain that threw strange shadows across the green and gold furnished room; the thick covering of the bed and the young boy sitting atop it.
The Killing Instinct - Rated M: WIP at 122k+ words - 
The deep gorge dropped away below him, plummeting down towards the far distant silver ribbon of the half-frozen river at the bottom at a startling angle.
The Language of Thorns - Rated M: 116k words - 
The place where the blade-long fang of the basilisk had pierced his arm was now reduced to little more than a scar; raised and puckered and not quite round, it reflected the glow of the sun with a sheen of silver-pink.
Novam Aetatem - Rated T: 6404 words - 
After the first three days, Nagini had stopped trying to speak to him.
The Glass Serpent and the Dark Horse - Rated M: WIP 106k+ words - 
‘Stay for him, if not for me Tom. You have a son.’
The Galaxy Between Us - Rated M: WIP that might be rewritten idk 32k+ words - 
‘Be-boo weew!’ The shrill pitched binary shattered the quiet of early morning laying thick over the one room house (calling it a ‘house’ was really overstating things, to be quite honest, but it sheltered him from Jakku’s extremes and that was what really mattered) and the young raven on the stone slab which was all he had to pass as a bed shifted with a low groan.
Avarice - Rated M: 104k words - 
Harry James Potter, Golden Boy, Boy-Who-Lived, Star Seeker, Gryffindor Lion, doubted that he would ever understand why fate hated him so bloody much.
Amortentia - Rated G: 1263 words - 
Rain pattered softly against the window of the grand manor, trickling down the glass.
Diadromi Tou Oedipus - Rated M: 58k words - 
It was nothing new for Harry Potter to be dragged behind the Dark Lord’s eyes at the behest of strong emotions-usually rage and sometimes happiness-but it had never been confusion before.
 - - - A pattern that I’ve noticed in my work is that I like to either start with a line of dialogue or by establishing a setting. I have some of my older works from before I took a break from writing for the HP fandom here alongside my newer ones, and I’m surprised to see that-with the exception of TSTS-there line length doesn’t differ too terribly much. 
I don’t have a beta because I can’t hold onto a chapter once I’ve finished it but if I did they’d probably have some things to say about the opening few paragraphs of some of my fics being maybe too wordy.
Tagging Writers: @infinite-time-3 @cybrid @feyriddle @shi-hane and anyone else who might want to join in with this tag. It was a lot of fun to go back through my work and try and pick out patterns.
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blackbladesimp · 3 years
Happy, happy, happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weew learning these things via dash posts is totally the new norm. Hope the coming year will treat you better than all of the previous ones combined!
Thank you ahhh. Sorry, I'm awful with these things xo
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loadingluke · 5 years
4 months post op stage 1 RFF phalloplasty
Hey all, last week I hit 4 months post op, so I thought it was about time for my monthly update. At 4 months I’m well and truly done with recovery and I don’t really have any issues to report. As usual I’ll be splitting my update into parts so it’s easier to understand!
My arm is fully healed, and is looking better and better over time. I am still dealing with the hyperpigmentation but it is coming along so I have faith in time it will fade more. I’ve been massaging my arm once or twice a day (mainly once a day, I’ve definitely been slacking 😬) with a blend of vitamin e oil and castor oil and I’ve definitely preferred that to lotions/creams. I’m also still using ungvita cream, but the smell really bothers me so I probably only use it every few days. I don’t really have a set system, I just massage it with what I want when I remember to or when it is feeling tight or dry.
I have been using my custom fitted TSL sleeve for the last few weeks, and at the moment it’s definitely too early to tell if it was worth it. It was about 240 dollars which is obviously pretty expensive but I have found it definitely makes my arm look better and the silicone imbedded has been really convenient, and is definitely lasting longer than the silicone sheets. It’s super tight and that definitely works to flatten my scar, and I’ve definitely noticed a huge improvement when I started wearing it consistently every night. My only issue with it is that the zip is very tight and often cuts into the top of my hand which can become very uncomfortable over several hours. Because of this, I’ve woken myself up on more than one occasion at like 5am, and, in my half asleep daze, removed it completely before promptly falling back asleep. I’m hoping in time it will loosen up a bit and this won’t be as much of an issue- and if not I’m planning on contacting them to fix it up. At the moment I’m using some toilet paper folded up as a bit of a buffer between the zip and my skin and that does help a little, but it has been quite annoying. I’ll keep everyone updated with how it’s all going if anything changes.
I’ve had a few situations where my arm has been exposed to other people, mainly when I forget to wear my sleeve to work. I’ve had a few looks but honestly not as much as I expected. I tend to keep it covered for my personal preference though, but it’s nice to know that on the off chance I don’t cover it it’s not the end of the world.
Function is doing well, I would say it’s back to normal function. I haven’t encountered any issues or weakness. My donor arm does feel different to my other arm though, as though I’m always wearing a sleeve if that makes sense. It doesn’t bother me, I’m definitely used to it. I sometimes notice that my hand is a little more swollen on my donor side compared to my other hand, but it’s not noticeable and hasn’t caused an issue and is usually only after several hours of lifting boxes at work.
Nothing really to report. Sensation is doing well, I would say I have at least some sensation on at least 60% of the phallus, most of which being on the left side. The right side is still pretty numb, but I do occasionally feel some sensation if I touch certain spots. The top and bottom of my phallus has more patchy sensation which is on majority of it, and it feels like how the left side felt about a month ago so I’m hopeful that in time it will catch up. I’m very happy with the amount I can feel so far and that it’s continuing to change and evolve. This month I’ve noticed that I can feel my underwear and pants moving against my phallus, which has been really cool. It’s definitely been helpful gaining more sensation and feeling it day to day as it really reminds me that it is a part of me. I spent a lot of time almost babying it and seeing it all as very medicalised, for example having to put dressings on it, making sure it’s all healing okay and everything. Because of that, it was kind of hard to imagine it as just a part of my body, and this month it definitely feels more like that. I’m all healed up, it’s just there, it’s attached, and I can feel it, and that feels amazing.
Electrolysis is getting more and more uncomfortable which is both great and terrible! I’m trying to smash out as much as I can before stage 2 (and before I gain more sensation) so I’m doing about an hour a week. It’s expensive and awkward, but I know it will be worth it. I’ll probably have to finish up in about a month to make sure everything is all fine before stage 2, but I’ll find out more at my pre op on Tuesday.
I’m flushing my urethra every few days. With the change of season and it being quite cold in Melbourne I’ve definitely noticed a lot less discharge which has been pleasant. Flushing is all normal, no fistulas or tightness to report, but Goossen will confirm if all is good on Tuesday.
All my other incisions are fading and healing as expected. I stopped putting fixomull on my butt and abdominal incisions at about 3.5 months, mainly because I couldn’t really be bothered. I’ve not noticed any stretching or colour change so I don’t think it’s really necessary at this point. I'm officially dressing free! weew!
Mentally I’ve been up and down this month. Being the first month since surgery that I’ve been completely recovered and not having to focus on any healing at all has made me really take note of what I’m doing with my time this year. For those of you who don’t know, I put my plans to study this year on hold to pursue surgery, as I knew if I chose to study this year I would be incredibly stressed and preoccupied with recovery. Although I do stand by my decision, it has been rough recently. I look around at most of my friends and I feel like I’m falling behind them, and that I’m running out of time. Logically I know that that’s completely ridiculous, but I’ve always been a very goal oriented person and without something to consistently work on this year I feel like I’m going a little mad. I’ve started studying for the GAMSAT this September (I’ll be just shy of 6 weeks post op, wish me luck 😬) so I have that to focus on, but I do feel like I am wasting a lot of my time. Furthermore, I’m also majority stealth I feel like I can’t really talk about this with most of my friends, which has been incredibly isolating. I’ve definitely appreciated the support from my friends who are aware of what happened, and I have felt super supported during this process don’t get me wrong, but I’ve just been feeling a little meh at certain points this month.
Speaking of being stealth, another thing that has been difficult for me in recovery is having so much of my life revolve around me being trans. For the last 3+ years at least this has been something I’ve kept incredibly private and not really had to think about (excluding the crippling dysphoria of course). I went from having one doctor appointment to get my T shot every 3 or so months to biweekly appointments with multiple health care professionals and a lot more people staring at my genitals than anyone would ever really want. I'm happy to be on the tail end of it all, but it has left me quite exhausted and very much over being trans lol. It definitely was quite overwhelming and not really something I thought I'd need to prepare for. It really hasn't been the end of the world or anything, but it has been weird and exhausting having my transness being so to the forefront of my life after many years of lying dormant.
It has definitely not all been bad though, I am so bloody grateful I have had this surgery and every negative has a million positives. I wake up every morning so so grateful. I can actually function now. I can walk around without a little voice in the back of my head reminding me of what is or isn’t there, and I can look down at my body without wanting to cry. I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit just looking down because I’m just so so happy with how it all looks, and I’m so euphoric about it all! I’ve never felt this good in my body ever, and I’m enjoying this new comfort and security that I wasn’t expecting to ever have. My dysphoria, although still present, is a lot easier to deal with than it was before surgery, and it’s nice knowing that a lot of my dysphoria will be rectified in future ops. I’m looking forward with a lot of hope.
As always, feel free to ask any questions you may have down below. I’ll make another post after my pre op on Tuesday :)
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gokumarketofficial · 2 years
📣 @WeeW Token is Now LIVE on @gokumarketofficial LaunchPool - Vote for Rewards 🚀
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irisvseyelash · 4 years
*le GASP* 😱😱 How did you know it was me? Is it the emoji, or the most random words babling?? It supposed to be Nyan Cat lyrics, btw lmaoo 😂😂😂 Yeah currently I'm good! Been trying to write one of my wip (actually it's just rewriting from old Batarou hcs about Reincarnated as Demon/Angel AU) ✌😁 How about you, Iris? 😳✨
I dunno my intuition just blared 🚨ITS'S DYAN🚨 IT'S DYAN 🚨SHE'S BACK 🚨OUR ANGEL IS BACK🚨
Okay but basing off how I logged off a few days ago before a few reblogs was a weew weewoo spam I thought it was just someone indulging in whatever the hell I was on that day, and I knew if it's anon and is ultra positive, it's ✨Dyan✨
Niiiiice so we're both doing good? That's AWESOME. I'm happy for both of us.
School's been out for me for about two weeks now (2nd week rn) and dhfbchx I don't wanna go back to sCHOOOOL. Oh yeah, and idk if anyone realised but I changed a lot, according to the people I know irl. Apparently I've slowly learned to love myself and deflect the usual moodiness. ヽ(`⌒´)ノ who knows.
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Okay but like. Holy shit I missed out a LOT the last time I ever stepped foot in OPM was the time where Garou resurfaced in the WC and I'm lowkey upset at my neglect. I've been binging a shit load of animes too yIkes
wait reincarnated DEMON/ANGEL AU oh my good lord yes give me more details I am STARVED and I'm not talking about cheeseburgers–
Oh yeah I might be discontinuing The Scandal cause... *longer silence* yeah I lost my carriage of memories that I had kept for that specific fic. And the train of thought just skidded and overturned. So yeah.
All I had for the plot was that Zenko likes Garou and (badly) wants him as a brother-in-law and Badd's like... Haha me too but let's not make it ✨obvious✨ and Syrup? He's gonna deal with the media because G's adoptive sister (haha self insert because I'm a wh-) had broken oh
Oh nevermind I think that fic just needs HEAVY EDITING and NOT EXACTLY 3 AM MORE LIKE 4 AM IDEAS.
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songjoongkioppa · 7 years
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kyaaaaa jooong kii miss youuu 
weew so this is the down side for us that he didn’t have any sns
easy to MIA 
well good for him “privacy” lolol
happy holiday n resting oppa see you on your movie premier?? hopefully faster with more good news
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beatlemeat-archive · 6 years
im happy im feelin bad. i got sus. in a gag. im yoouy weew yoooy i i i i i i iiiiiiiii
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smileymz · 6 years
Hi. <RANT. Don't read if you're not interested> Omyyyyyy. It's had been a crazy amount of times that I spoke about this? Gosh, why does it happen over and over again.. Drop down all on the floor. I don't know, I just feel so weary, so down.. As if there's nothing that can bring me up again.. Lord Jesus, I am really tired.... I don't know what to do.... I am really so tired of trying.... I don't like the feeling of being left out, forgotten, feeling the way I do.. It feels terrible. And thinking that I'll face it again, it really scares me.. I'm so afraid to look ahead because of the fear that I might be down again.. Hmmm. You. I don't know what to sayyy.. But I know that you're someone really really precious to me. The challenges seem so so great.. I don't know if I'll ever go so far... You really mean so so much to me.. And I really appreciate the times that we have. The things we go through together.. It feels like you've never left my side.. Thankyou :') Thankyou for always being someone I can trust, someone I can be myself with. Thankyou for always never giving up on me.. Mummy. I miss you )): I wish I knew you more.... 😣😣 I don't know how you really felt of me.... Sometimes the thoughts drive me mad too... Mummy, so sorry I'm like a disappointment.. I'm sorry.. I just miss you mummy..... ): But I hope you're happy.. I hope there is at times, you're proud of me.. I hope you're happy, looking at me from above.. I can't wait to see you again.. Someday, later. Gosh, work is a whole new level of stress. There's sosooo many things I don't know. And since FYP, it feels like there is a cut there. A scar. I feel so afraid to try.. I mean at beginning, I was really excited because finally, it's a new environment.. Initially all seems ok.. Then, I felt all the work stress already.. I don't think I'm ever ready for that.. Grrr, it's sooo hard.. So different.. But weew, last 7days to go 😄😄 Gonna overcome this💪 We'll always come out stronger right?? Right? 😅 And manyyyyy more stress etc.. But well, I hope I'm able to sort out my thoughts and somehow be happierrrr? Though. Hahaahah :)
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dae-seeme-rollin · 6 years
*kicks down your door* DD. I HAVE HERD FROM THE TUMBLES THAT YOU HAVE ADVANCED ONE FULL CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLE? Y/Y? Happy Birthday! \ ;u; / Be the dancing queen I know you are.
AAAAAAAAAHH THANK YOUUUUU (Ikr, time flew by weew)
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ayoubhr · 7 years
Weew I love being anonymous anyway I wanted to tell you that you can get throught your downs you are an amazing person and you deserve happiness and love take care ❤
awww you too !! thank you so much :’) !
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seribujejak-blog1 · 7 years
Wedding Preparation II (Catering)
Di posting sebelumnya, saya hanya menceritakan secara umum persiapan pernikahan saya. sekedar merefresh posting saya sebelumnya, saya dan pasangan tidak menentukan tanggal berapa karena kami mementingkan kesediaan Venue. hahaha. Memang rencana awalnya kami akan menikah di bulan April atau Mei, dengan alasan April adalah bulan kelahiran saya dan Mei adalah bulan kelahiran suami.
Setelah lamaran, saya makin gencar mencari tahu vendor-vendor apa saja yang cocok dengan saya. Tentunya saya yang suka makanan enak, lebih pusing memilih vendor Catering. Sudah beberapa Wedding Exhibition dan test food yang saya kunjungi, dengan kondisi TIDAK TAHU KAPAN TANGGAL PERNIKAHANNYA. Sebenarnya hal ini yang bikin vendor-vendor tersebut agak malas ngelayanin saya, yang sepertinya cuma icip-icip makanan. 
Dibawah ini beberapa vendor yang saya sudah test food dan cari tahu lebih jauh soal layanan maupun rasa:
Caping Gunung sebenarnya adalah sebuah restauran di TMII, posisinya di depan Anjungan NTT. Untuk kamu yang ingin konsep Semi Outdoor dan intimate wedding, saya rasa ini adalah salah satu tempat cocok. Untuk kapasitasnya sendiri bisa mencapai 1000 orang, tapi menurut saya 500 saja sudah padat.Caping Gunung menawarkan Wedding Package, included dengan Rias, Catering, Foto, dan Dekor. Btw, marketingnya ramah banget!!
Dari segi tempat, lokasi ini menjadi salah satu tempat favorit saya, rasa makanannya enak banget, apalgi Roasted Duck nya dan Nasi Begana. Saya sudah test food dua kali di lokasi (TMII) dan Wedding Exhibition di JCC. Rasanya sangat cocok dengan lidah saya dan keluarga, harga yang ditawarkan juga reasonable. Minusnya adalah saya kurang suka dengan rekanan vendor Caping Gunung, yaitu bagian rias. Saya sangat ingin menggunakan riasan jawa yang kental.
Selain itu, dari segi lokasi: sayang sekali parkiran caping gunung harus bercampur dengan pengunjung lainnya, dan tentunya akan mempersulit tamu untuk memarkirkan kendaraannya.
Banyak teman-teman saya menyarankan catering ini dengan alasan budget dan rasa. Namun, menurut saya, dari segi rasanya kurang cocok dengan saya dan ibu saya. Tapi, bagi capeng yang memang memikirkan budget, Alfabet bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan.
Puspa Catering sudah lama malang melintang di dunia catering, makanya saya tertarik untuk mencari lebih banyak informasi soal harga dan rasa. Ibu saya (seorang ibu rumah tangga yang jago masak dan paham percatering-an) memiliki ekspetasi tinggi terhadap catering ini.. dan hasilnya.... “Kok beda sih rasanya,”
Yup. Mengecawakan. Saya mencoba catering ini di Wedding Exhibition, mungkin karena tidak sesuai lidah saya atau karena ekspetasi saya dan ibu saya yang terlalu tinggi. Harga nya juga tinggi, apalagi katanya catering ini milik Artis Senior, Titiek Puspa, ditambah lagi kata Ibu saya sering melayani acara-acara pejabat. 
Saya pun terpaksa harus mencoret Puspa Catering dari List saya.
pertama kali saya mencoba Nendia Primarasa di salah satu acara pernikahan teman saya. Rasa yang ditawarkan cukup enak. Dan saya mengikuti Test Food nya lagi setelah mengetahui ada jadwal test food di Instagramnya. 
Untuk segi rasa, menurut saya lebih enak Nendia Primarasa dibandingkan Alfabet. Namun, entah kenapa saya kurang sreg dengan Nendia Primarasa. Tapi.. saya tetap mempertahankannya di list saya.
Saya tertarik dengan catering ini karena Sepupu saya menggunakan Sawargi sebagai cateringnya di Pernikahannya.. dan rasanya ENAK BANGET!!! Sayangnya waktu di Wedding Exhibition, saya tidak sempat test food karena antriannya panjang. 
YUP! SONO KEMBANG! weew Pricelist yang ditawarkan luar biasa. dari segi rasa, memang tidak cukup dengan kata enak.. tapi enak banget. Dekornya pun cantik banget. Sayangnya budget saya tidak sampai hati memilih Sono Kembang. :(
Puspita Sawargi juga merupakan catering yang terkenal di dunia perpengantinan. Ketika pertama kali test food dengan suami dan ibu saya, kami sudah jatuh cinta. And THIS IS IT! kami dengan pe-denya minta price list dan ternyata cukup dengan budget kami. Apalagi vendor rekanan PS keren-keren dan sesuai dengan yang saya mau.
Btw, kami fix menggunakan Puspita Sawargi bahkan belum tau tanggal dan tempat akan berlangsungnya pernikahan. Melalui list rekanan PS saya dan suami mencoba mencari Venue. Beberapa venue yang menjadi rekanan PS adalah : Gedung Sasono Adiguno, Sasono Utomo, Anjungan Jawa Tengah, Granadi, Patra Jasa dan lain-lain.
ini adalah catering yang Ibu saya ketahui dari jaman Muda, dari jaman ibu ownernya (Bu Djamil) hingga anaknya yang meneruskan. Kami menggunakan catering Ny. Djamil untuk acara akad nikah, dan acara adat di rumah. Yang menjadi menu favorit kami adalah Ayam Kodok, Dendeng Balado, Asinan.. tamu-tamu kami sangat happy dengan menu Ny. Djamil. 
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