oyeevarnika · 7 months
तुम दिवाली के अगले दिन का ख़ालीपन हो
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dr-scribbler · 7 months
Deepavali - Great power comes with great responsibility
Growing up in the southern Indian state of Tamilnadu, where Deepavali is celebrated cause of Narakasura’s Defeat by Krishna. Each year I heard the story of how and when it happened, why Krishna killed Narakasura, and how cruel he was.
As the adult age struck I started to work with people from many parts of India, surprisingly that's when I heard that the story of Deepavali/Diwali which they celebrate is very different from the one I did.
Some specified that it celebrated the cause of Lord Rama and Seetha’s return to Ayodhya
Some Specified that it was celebrated cause of Ravana’s Defeat by Lord Rama.
They were surprised when I said in Tamilnadu it is celebrated for the reason I mentioned above, some were quick to point out how wrong I was and how one should know one's true culture and blah blah blah.
It was hard to explain culture and practices vary throughout our country and that's the beauty of it, there is no right or wrong cause every path and every practice leads to the same destiny. Our paths may vary but the destination is one.
So I wanted to read more about this one-line story I heard about how Krishna defeated Narakasura and the origin of it. And man if I say it made me cry, weep.
To dive into this story we have to travel from Kaliyug to Krita(Sathya) Yug
When the earth was in the hands of destruction by the asura Hrinyaksha and to save the earth and defeat Hrinyaksha, the almighty Vishnu took in the form of Varaha, as both Hrinyaksha and Varaha fought, Varaha overpowered Hiranaksha and at the end defeating him and also restored the earth to its original position in the universe
Varaha defeated Hiranaksha with ease and his only exertion was a drop of sweat, which fell to the ground. From that drop, a young warrior rose, his name was Naraka.
Is that when Bhoodevi and her heartbeat as a mother, her eyes watered at the scene of her son rising from her Swami’s drop of sweat. How could she not love him as he is her son, with love Bhoodevi hugged her son and smiled at how strong and a warrior he was. Bhoodevi turned and asked her Prabhu Varaha that her son should be invincible. Varaaha pulled out one of his tusks and gave it to Naraka saying he could use it as a weapon whenever he was in great danger.
Naraka accepted the weapon provided by his father and felt immensely blessed and ready to go to seek his fortune, as his father provided him advice on how to use the power to do only good.
‘Uphold Dharma’ said Varaha and Bhoodevi blessed her son as happy tears fell from her lotus-like eyes.
Just like any mother, her heart is filled with love and confidence for her son. She does not doubt her son becoming powerful in all three worlds and being just like her Swami. Varaha looked at Bhoodevi and smiled at her nodding his head as if he knew what she was thinking, but his smile didn’t seem to be filled with confidence.
Varaha smiled, his son will be powerful but the question is will he uphold the dharma to do good things, will he use his powers to be righteous, cause great power comes with great responsibilities.
As the yugas rolled one by one from Krita(Sathya) to Treta, to Dwaparyug. Lord Vishnu again came down to earth in the form of Krishna, Yadava. He vanquished his Uncle Kamsa and continued to restore dharma on the earth.
Just like the yugas rolled down, Naraka also grew very powerful, as he conquered everything from heaven and earth, he was drunk with power. That's when he snatched the celestial earrings from Aditi, the mother of Devas.
Amid the chaos, Indra the lord of devas sought Krishna’s help to vanquish Naraka. Upon hearing this Satyabama, one of the wives of Krishna, who is none other than Bhoodevi herself, got devastated and her heart ached along with anger boiled on how her son turned out. Her confidence in her son now made her feel like crying a river but as a Bhoodevi she had a job first that is to accompany her swami and solve this problem.
Both Krishna and Sathyabama left Prag-joyitisha-pura on Garuda. But entering the Prag-joyitisha-pura was not easy as the capital has four layers to its defence, The chief defender of Naraka’s capital was Mura, who was so confident that no one could penetrate the defence he had set and was relaxing deep down at the ring of defence.
But can anything be against Parandhaman himself? Krishna took down each defence layer at ease thus causing violent ripples in the water. Mura woke up from his slumber, enraged rushed out to defend and attack Krishna. Mura fell fighting against Krishna who then earned the name Murrari, the enemy of Mura.
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Upon hearing the chaos outside Naraka Narakasura himself came out and started to fight against Krishna. The fight went on day and night causing extreme chaos and it became very difficult to say who was winning. As Naraka still had the weapon provided to him by his father Varaha, he took out the deadly tusk and threw it on Krishna, who got stuck by the tusk into his chest and fell unconscious. Naraka let out a victory cry but an enraged Satyabama picked up the bow and started to fight Naraka with so much anger. Naraka was shocked and continued to fight Sathyabama not knowing her real identity just like he did with Krishna.
Sathyabama’s eyes turned red flashing anger and her love for her son was now completely overshadowed by the monster he had become. Amidst the fighting, Krishna woke up and saw Sathyabama fighting and smiled at her. Naraka is shocked to see how Krishna is now awake, no other being can able to be alive after being struck by the deadly weapon, if Krishna is alive then he must be none other than Lord Varaha himself, his father.
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Naraka fell on his knees and his father's words rang into his ears ‘Uphold Dharma’. He realized that he had failed his father's words and surrendered to Krishna, who used Sudarshana chakra at Naraka.
As his life slowly leaves Naraka he subconsciously surrenders himself to Krishna and Sathyabama. Sathyabama who was Bhoodevi born again, rushed to him and held him. The cries of sorrow, hurt, love, anger everything heard in her. As she helplessly held her son whose life slowly leaving him, Krishna silently watched the reunion of mother and son. As the tears fell on his body he found light in his dying moment. The darkness has been lifted as the dawn broke.
That day is celebrated as the festival of lights, Deepavali or Diwali, which signifies that we have to emerge from darkness to light.
@whippersnappersbookworm  @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites  @willkatfanfromasia  @yehshuhua  @arachneofthoughts  @vibishalakshman @nspwriteups  @thirst4light  @hollogramhallucination   @celestesinsight ​  @curiousgalacticsoul  @themorguepoet @tranquilsightseer
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txtmetonight · 7 months
Diwali Imagine Enhypen–
Was out celebrating when I decided to make this. I have txt and skz one's if you wanna check them out!
Happy Diwali!
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Just close you eyes and wonder how it's gonna be spending such a festive day with enhypen, and how much you're gonna enjoy it. Heeseung's gonna be the one in charge of giving out the sparklers to everyone. He's a little biased so a naughty one is only going to get one, and gets promised that he'll be handed another one later only for them to be gone, while a nice kid is going to be given four of them at a time. Jay is going to be chilling with the uncles, making bad dad jokes, and adjusting his glasses from time to time. He also falls asleep right as the big and loud fireworks come out, missing all of it while he snores in a plastic chair. Jake is so energetic and hyped like he's gonna be talking about it for days. He already has his fireworks picked out and ready to light up. I bet he's gonna look so cute with his traditional wear. Sunghoon is just wandering around, trying to find something to do. Or he's just playing Roblox on his iPad, trying to beat the other kids in epic minigames or in obbies. Also, he wears so much for what? Like he's so extra, but it's okay. Sunoo is with the aunties or even with you, picking out expensive jewelry and sari's, color coordinating everything. He makes sure that the decorations are perfect, and honestly, without him, everything is a complete disaster. Jungwon is eating all of the snacks set up on the table. He literally engulfs platters over platters of sweets because they're just so addicting. You're not surprised if he wakes up with an enormous cavity. Last but not least, Niki is going to be an absolute menace. He steals Jake's fireworks, sets a leaf on fire, burns someone, has someone (jay) trip over the lights, and knocks over the lamps. But without him, Diwali would've been slightly uneventful.
And you're out there with all of your friends and family, celebrating joyfully when you notice one of the boys move the sparkler weirdly. Not realizing that he was writing your name, swallowed by a huge heart that barely even depicts his love for you!
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melon-noodles · 7 months
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Mei and the Sari I based her outfit off of! Happy Diwali!
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ruchirarambles7 · 7 months
Happy Diwali
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The festival of lights.
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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Happy Diwali 🪔
As the Indian community celebrates the Festival of Lights May we all strive to be the light in the darkest of times
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soupyoupyoupy · 7 months
Have a wonderful day whether you celebrate Diwali or not, and Happy Diwali to my fellow celebrating friends!
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callmeyourjaan · 2 years
Indian queers would get you all talking and interested and then after a day leave you hanging dry and deactivated.. please don’t message me if you like to disappear often. I like permanence and clarity. Happy Diwali lovelies✨✨
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bhaktibharat · 7 months
1) भैया दूज पौराणिक कथा
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/katha/bhaiya-dooj-pauranik-katha
YouTube: https://youtu.be/DvjhBg6gRXo
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2) यम द्वितीया: चित्रगुप्त की कथा
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/katha/chitragupt-ji-ki-katha-yam-dwitiya
3) भैया दूज लोक कथा
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/katha/bhaiya-dooj-lauk-katha
कार्तिक मास माहात्म्य कथा: अध्याय 18
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/katha/kartik-mas-mahatmya-katha-adhyaya-18
श्री चित्रगुप्त स्तुति
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/aarti/shri-chitragupt-stuti
श्री चित्रगुप्त आरती
📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/aarti/shri-chitragupt-aarti
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putrescentpoet · 7 months
memories aglow.
In the tranquil moment before twilight’s soft caress, a familiar symphony stirs the depths of my soul, summoning the echoes of ancient melodies. At the threshold of an eagerly awaited festival, nostalgia’s ethereal glow tenderly envelops my being.
Memories of childhood materialize, cast in the warm radiance of a myriad of lights—radiant flames pirouette, painting a gentle luminosity across the canvas of the past. The laughter, an ageless melody that once adorned the walls of my youth, now breathes stories of Diwali’s arrival.
The festival beckoned an immersion into the cradle of cherished traditions. Rangolis, intricate and resplendent, etched vibrant narratives upon the threshold, a vibrant invitation to gather friends and family. Each delicate stroke bore witness to the unyielding dedication, a testament awaiting collective adoration and joyful fellowship.
Guarding the rangoli became a sacred ritual, a labor of affection – carefully shielding it from heedless footsteps, chiding all who passed by to veer from its path: a miniature masterpiece, a symphony of colors and shapes that spun tales of their own.
The fleeting nature of this art provoked an internal tug-of-war; the longing to preserve its beauty, to savor those treasured final moments of the season. A tacit disagreement with Mumma ensued – a plea to let it linger a touch longer before customary tidying commenced. For within those grains of vibrant sand lay the very essence of love and warmth, encapsulating the ephemeral core of the festival.
The essence of this revered celebration lies not solely in the luminance of clay lamps but in the chorus of shared joy – a fragrance that dances through the air, mingling with incense and marigolds, evoking narratives, laughter, and familial warmth.
Each flickering flame within softly lit clay lamps encapsulates a myriad of memories, weaving shared smiles, stories, and the profound essence of familial bonds. It’s not just the brilliance of tradition but a collective embodiment of eternal light, symbolizing unity, harmony, and the grandeur of togetherness.
As I ready myself to revel in this celebration once more, I am transported back to an enchanting era of my past. This festive tale isn’t merely a notation on the calendar but an art form, woven with threads of nostalgia and echoes of laughter, promising the rekindling of cherished reminiscences, the rhythm of crafting intricate patterns, and an immersive embrace within familial warmth.
The luminous shades of this festivity, seen through the prism of my youth, have etched an indelible impression upon my spirit. Each passing year testifies that this celebration doesn’t wane; instead, it amplifies the echoes of love and weaves an ever-evolving tapestry of unity and enduring joy.
As the festival approaches, the echoes of ancient melodies and the vibrant glow of Diwali cast me back to cherished recollections. The festival isn’t just a celebration marked on the calendar; it’s an evocation of the heart, a tapestry interwoven with threads of nostalgia and laughter. It’s a tale that promises the revival of fond memories and the embracing of familial warmth, each passing year serving as a testament to its enduring essence. The anticipation of Diwali’s arrival grows every year, an annual embrace that weaves the echoes of love, illuminating the tapestry of unity and joy once more.
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rodica9001 · 7 months
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
बस का इंतज़ार करते हुए,
मेट्रो में खड़े खड़े
रिक्शा में बैठे हुए
गहरे शुन्य में क्या देखते रहते हो?
गुम्म सा चेहरा लिए क्या सोचते हो?
क्या खोया और क्या पाया का हिसाब नहीं लगा पाए न इस बार भी?
घर नहीं जा पाए न इस बार भी?
~ ज़ाकिर खान
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jon-decor · 7 months
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My aunt invited me to her Diwali 🪔 festivities ✨
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kj-nanray · 7 months
Happy Diwali. 🪔🪔
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roaringgoddess · 7 months
Happy Diwali to everyone 🪷 I have recorded a little Bollywood song to celebrate, wishing you all love peace and prosperity ❤️🕉️🎶🎸🤘
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epicforwards · 7 months
Wishing you a bright and joyful Diwali filled with love and light!
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