#harrison osterfield oneshot
websterss · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: The reader is a knight and has fought to earn her place amongst the other men, plus the reader’s father was one of the greatest knights in the kingdom. And she trains harder than any of the other knights. 
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Fluff, some angst I guess
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Prince!Harrison Osterfield x Knight!fem!Reader 
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! This is an old repost.
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There had been a time where a little girl dreamed of living in riches and dressed properly in the finest gowns made by the best seamstresses. That dream brought her hope and fascination. Royalty was something she wanted for her family more than her own desires. Her family didn’t have the best money, but they did have something going for them. Her father served as a knight for the Osterfield’s, a royally rich family who repaid the Y/L/N’s back for allowing her father to guard the royal family.
As her father trained and fought when Y/n was barely a small child, he often brought her along and let her explore the parts of the castle where he built up his strength with the rest of the men who served. Y/n would wander around carefully avoiding swords that clashed together and sharp knives being thrown at their target. She’d go down a long corridor where it would lead her to the stables. This had to be her favorite place to go. Especially after her meeting with the king and queen’s son. Harrison.
Harrison and she hit it off quite nicely after he offered her an apple after having fallen down from trying to climb on top of one of the horses. Just a scrape on the knee and a juicy red apple to calm her cries. The two were only eight and nine at the time. By now Harrison was learning the ways of ruling an entire kingdom all on his own, for now at least, since he was to be betrothed to a princess on his twenty-first birthday. Yet you knew better where your priorities stood. And that was to serve and guard your majesties and fight in any war that could harm the royal family and its kingdom.
Having a place amongst the other knights was an honor. Serving and protecting your king and queen was basically giving up your life for theirs, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to do for your kingdom and for your father. After having won in a chaotic war, to which your father prepared his entire life for, nothing could have prepared him for his beloved wife to fall ill. This was shortly after your twelfth birthday.
A common sickness that your mother had held. The doctors said there was nothing that could be done other than being by her side during her last few hours. It brought you despair and utter depression to watch her go. Her eyes slowly closed. It replayed in your head over and over, until it became a nightmare you would wake up from.
Her dying changed some part within you that it made you hate any higher end for taking her so soon. It made you angry, it made you do the one thing that your father never wanted you to become. But alas, there was nothing he could do to prevent you from being a noble knight like he was. He forbade you, but he knew better than to think you would actually listen to him, and to what he had to oppose.
He hadn’t let you touch a bloody sword until you turned sixteen. Then that’s when your training began. A lot of the younger boys who were about your age considered you a dainty girl who could break under a simple beating. They made fun of you, but what would they know, you were a girl, so what, it’s not like they’ve haven’t seen a girl before. You were a girl who had something to prove, not just to the boys who laughed and mocked you or even your father, but to the girl’s who didn’t believe they could be above a man.
It was not easy at first, the guys definitely did not go soft on you, which you were grateful for, but it did hurt nonetheless every time they pinned you under them. You could not put your finger on the number of cuts and bruises you received from them. 
The groans you let out as one of the boys you would be paired up with, Philipp, had always managed to get a tight hold on your wrist. Pinning them above your head with a stupid smirk plastered on his lips.
“Sure you got the hang of it there, sweetheart?” Philipp would taunt you. He was never one who liked to be beaten, so as long as he had a girl, you, underneath him. All the guys saw him as an equal.
“Get off me.” You’d grunt as he always felt the need to apply pressure to a bruised area on your body.
“If we were not training, I would like this position a tad more, don’t ya think so?” Phillip was rather straightforward when he wanted to be, but when he spoke what was on his mind, it usually wasn’t quite appropriate.
“I said get off!”
“Make me then.”
“Phillip, I believe the lady asked you to let her go.” His voice brought chills down your spine as you noticed how quiet the training area got.
It was almost an everyday thing where the prince himself got you out of situations where you needed help. You never asked for his service or the constant saving. You were a knight, and a knight played the hero, not the damsel in distress. Stressed out you were at times, but a damsel, certainly not, and never would be.
“You did not have to do that.” You protested.
“You did not have to become a knight either, but here we are. Besides, Phillip was being an arse.” Harrison’s expression gave it all away, he was angry.
“And he will keep being an arse if you do not quit helping me. I am not…” You paused. “a damsel who needs saving, Harrison.” You clenched your jaw and let a few teardrops fall. Your face hardened. You had grown tired of the constant pleading and arguing. You did not have the time to put up with him.
“You are not a knight yet, Y/n, so I’ll keep being your knight in shining armor until then.” Those would be his final words every time you confronted him about the way he saw you, the way he treated you. As if you were a delicate flower, so precious, so dainty that even the slightest crush or touch from a hand would somehow cause you harm. You would lose a petal and begin to fade. You were not going to have none of it though. 
It was a regular evening at the castle. Some of the knights were standing guard, keeping a close eye for an intruder. The king and queen and their youngest, Princess Charlotte, were all tucked away in their chambers fast asleep getting a good night’s rest. The prince, however, was very wide awake, and couldn’t get the tiniest bit of shut-eye. Staring at the dark ceiling tucked underneath the sheets, he couldn’t help but feel the need to get out of bed. Not having the slightest idea of what he would find, Harrison slipped on his breeches and a shirt. He left his shirt untied, letting the thin black strings hang loosely on his chest. He slipped on his boots and left his chamber.
The corridors were slightly dimmed by the burning torches up against the walls, it wasn’t completely dark, but not dark enough where he couldn’t see.
Walking past pillars he was all too familiar with, he soon realized he was coming close to the training area. A glimmer of light illuminating the entryway of the double doors. One door was ajar, however.
He got closer and then finally heard heavy grunts and puffs and the sound of the targets getting hit. He stepped forward glancing inside to see who had the nerve to be up this late at night.
He wasn’t sure who it could be, the curiosity got the better of him and he leaned his body weight against the door frame, getting a clear view of the person.
And lo and behold, there you were facing the knives you just threw perfectly alongside the arrows you arched just minutes early.
You were quite out of breath, and the beads of sweat on your face and neck lingered. Some of it could still be seen right down the cleavage area on the top of your breast. Even in this state, Harrison could not help but admire you more.
You ran the back of your sleeve against your forehead. Taking a deep breath before grabbing a hold of your crossbow, pulling it upwards to aim.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Harrison announced his presence inside the room making you quickly turn around at the sound of his voice.
Harrison stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
“As opposed to your bedtime?” You quipped back at him.
“I am the prince I can do as I please.” He rolled his eyes as he took long strides towards you. 
“And I am a knight, I can train as I please.” You turned your back to him. “Preferably alone that is.” You said over your shoulder.
“Ah yes.” He nodded playing along. “Will you see lady Y/n.” He smirked knowing how much you dislike being called lady. “You certainly can train, but you wouldn’t be much use if you keep overworking yourself now would you?” He hovered over you, standing closely behind you. The touch of his fingers sweeping your hair to one side was too good to be true. 
“I am not overworking myself.” Your chest rose and then fell from short of breath.
“Your sweating love.” Harrison walked around to face you fully. His hand rose to brush a few strands of your hair out of your face.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “That is what happens when someone works very hard.” 
“Why do you need to work harder?” He looked at you confused. “I am still hoping to prove my worth.” You shrugged.
“Worth? You most certainly have proven the strength you contain and your capability of pinning even the strongest man there is. What more could you possibly have to prove?!” He shook his head in disbelief.
You stared at him for a brief moment before shaking your head and retrieved your two swords. Of course, Harrison would be clueless to what you needed to prove. Too busy trying to be king, he forgot the one thing you disliked him doing. If he couldn’t figure it out for himself then you were going to have to do it yourself.
“Y/n?” He furrowed his brows as he watched you throw your swords and catch them by the blades.
“What do you think you are doing?” He stepped back as you took a step towards him.
“Proving myself.” You let a deep breath out before lunging yourself at him.
Harrison reacted rather quickly, dodging the arm you swung towards his head. Once he stood tall again he stared at you wide-eyed.
“Are you mad?”
“Fight me!” You swung your swords again.
“What? No, Y/n stop this!” Harrison kept dodging your swings. He was ducking and backing away from your approaches. He was getting really tired of trying to get away from you, so he did what he could do. Right as you took another swing at him he crouched and spun kicking your leg outwards. The contact made you fall on your back with a grunt.
Harrison acted quickly and straddled your hips to get you to stop moving. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and pinned them above your head.
“Will. You. Stop!” He groaned as you continued to squirm underneath him.
“Get off me!” You growled.
“No.” He narrowed his eyes on you. “I did not wake up to fight you.” 
“Then why are you even here?”
“I was concerned about you.” His eyes softened a bit.
“I’m fine.” You huffed as you felt defeated by his hold.
“I do not believe you.” He stared down at you with those blue eyes of his.
“Get off.” You muttered quietly.
“Not until you tell me why you felt the need to fight with me.” He shook his head. You continued to squirm around more until you finally caved in. “You see me as weak.” You frowned.
“What are you talking about?”
“I am talking about you treating me as if I am still a damsel in distress. It has been a very long time and to this day you keep doing things that make me look dainty.” You admitted. 
“What things?” He questioned.
“Well for starters this!” You motioned to how you and he were laying on the floor.
“Oh.” He quickly released your wrists. “I didn’t know that bothered you.” He dusted the dirt off him before offering his hand to you. You took it, either way, then got up to your feet. 
“It does.” You wiped off the dirt on your worn out dress.
“Why is it so important to you that I see you as anything but dainty?” He came closer to you. 
“I have tried my hardest to prove to your mother and father and the other men that I can be just as strong and capable of going into battle, but even if I am working harder, it seems like the only person I can’t seem to prove that too, is you.”
“I know you are strong Y/n.” He smiled to himself a little.
“If you know I am, then why do you constantly keep trying to get me out of harm’s way? You keep trying to prevent me from being a knight. Why is that Harrison?” 
“For that exact reason, love. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“It is a little too late for that now.” You scoffed softly. “That’s no reason though, why do you hate the idea of me being a knight?”
“Ever since I met you, you have shown me how tough you really are. There is no denying that, but ever since your father came back from war injured, you haven’t stopped thinking of being a knight. You were never told to become one, you just did. You have never told me why you wanted to be one, it has always been a mystery to me. And as much as I don’t like you using a sword, or battling the other men, you are most certainly great at it.” He smiled at all the times where you had managed to pin some of the other men down. “I have never seen you as someone who is dainty or weak for that matter, but you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember, so getting the chance to know you and grow up with you, you have a spot in my heart. I couldn’t bear the idea of something terrible happening to you.”
You took everything he told you. Every word, every movement, every shine that glowed in his eyes. You could not have asked for a better best friend, one you have grown to love with all your heart, and much more.
“Have I ever told you how much you mean to me because you do.” You laughed shakily.
“I do not believe you have.” He chuckled, taking a step after another, until he was right in front of you. His eyes wandered over every small detail of your face, only this time he was really observing you. Taking in every bit of you. He raised a hand and cupped the side of your face. His thumb rubbed over your cheek softly. Your breath hitched as you soon came to realize just how close the proximity was between the both of you. You could feel the slightest breath he let past his nose hit directly onto your lips.
“You mean so much to me.” You whispered as your head rested against his own.
“As do you to me.” He lifted your chin up so your eyes could meet his. “I want you to know that…I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled softly, not thinking much of his words.
“No, love, I love you. Not just that, I adore you, in more ways than one.”
“Harrison-” You began shaking your head not believing the words he was speaking to you.
“I hope you feel the same way as I do.” He said.
“I do.” You muttered.
“I want you to be right by my side when I am crowned king. Forever and always.” 
“What about your princess?”
“That is my decision, not my fathers or my mothers. I want nothing more, but you.” 
“You mean that?” You smiled.
“Every word my love.” He leaned down and captured your lips in a slow rhythmic kiss.
“Forever and always?” You pulled back for air.
“Forever and always.” He kissed one more time.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Ok im back so idk if you’ve already done this could you do one with harry haz Tuwaine and tom (tom being your boyfriend) where reader gets thier period while there all at the beach then you can choose what happens next thanks xx
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Period || Tom holland
Summary: You, Tom, Harry, Tuwaine and Haz all go for a nice day at the beach. You all walk around in the sun, going through shops then playing in the water and on the sand. The day was going well until mother nature had to come over to ruin the fun you’ve had.
Today you was going to the beach with your boyfriend and his friends. You and Tom have been dating for about 10 months now, yesterday being the first time you ever slept over when his friends were in the apartment.
You all got up nice and early around 8am as the beach was a bit of a drive away. When you had woke up though, you felt a pain in your lower stomach. You didn’t really take notice to it at the start, you thought it would eventually go away later on through the day.
You slipped on your white bikini before looking in the mirror to check out your body. You felt like your belly had gotten a tiny bit bigger like you was bloated a little. You kept staring at yourself in the mirror thinking whether or not you should just change.
You must’ve not noticed Tom walking into the room, as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. He placed a kiss on your shoulder before saying, “You look beautiful baby, what’s wrong?” He then asked seeing your annoyed but sad expression.
“I-I…..I just feel fat now, I mean look at my belly. I might just change into something else” You sigh moving his arms off you to get another spare swimming costume that you did pack.
“Hey, hey, hey! You look amazing darling, you might not be able to see it but I can, your beautiful. Your figure is amazing, I love your curves and everything. Plus this bikini brings out these baby’s” He tells you, pointing to your boobs.
“Oi! Thanks babe but I should definitely change if it shows that, im hanging out with a bunch of boys” I laugh at his comment.
“No wear it, if they look at you i’ll kill them” He said seriously, but we all know he was joking. Then Tom and you went downstairs bringing the bag that had both your towels and spare clothes for when you go home. You decided not to eat anything due to just wanting to not look anymore bloated.
“Are you lot ready to go you take forever” Harrison complained whilst rolling his eyes.
“Yes we are you div, remember i’m driving” Tom slides on his shoes whilst You throw on your cover up over your bikini.
He then opened the door for you to walk outside to his car. It is going to be you, Tom, Harry, Harrison and Tuwaine who would be going to the beach on this sunny day. Tom put the bag in the back of the car, running over to open the passenger door for you .
“Thank you” you peck his cheek getting into the car, the other boys sitting in the back. You all listen to music on the way to the beach, the drive being a bit long. You started to feel a bit sick half way of the drive, your stomach having a small sharp pain.
“You okay, Angel?” Tom asked, placing a hand on your thigh whilst the other was on the wheel. He saw your discomfort, your hand firmly pressing your lower belly. You nod your head turning to look outside the window. “You look a bit pale, did you eat?” He questioned now placing his free hand on the top of your head, feeling if you had a temperature.
“I forgot…didn’t feel great earlier” You shrug like it wasn’t a big deal, however to Tom it was. Once the next turn came up, Tom took a right going into the drive through of Starbucks.
“What are you doing mate?” Harry asked.
“Y/n over here forgot to eat so i’m getting her soemthing-“ Before you could look at him to complain he beat you to it. “Don’t say anything, i’m getting you something. Anyone want anything?”
After eating your food and having yo ur drink from Starbucks you felt more better. You still had that small pain in your lower stomach but it wasn’t as unbearable anymore. Once Tom parked his car everyone got out, feeling the heat hit your faces. Tom grabbed his bag which had both your stuff in like your towels and spare clothes.
There was quiet a few people on the beach today, some with their families or friends, simply having a good time out. You all walked over picking the sun beds that were free, luckily there was four all lined up. It wasn’t enough for the five of you but most the time you would all be in the water anyways.
You set the towels and sun cream down, as the boys take off there shirts putting some sun cream on themselves. Tom helped you put some on yourself, you doing the same to him, rubbing it all around his body. After a few minutes, they all went running through the hot sand and into the cold sea water. You laid there on the sun bed, your cover up now off with your sunglasses on, watching them mess about with a ball they had brought with them.
Tom then begged you to come into the water, well he more like came over dragging you into it. You all splashed around, laughing when the boys did silly things. Then they decided to play a game of net ball, you joining with them. The teams were Tuwaine and Haz against you and Tom, Harry being the referee. Tuwaine and Harrison won the first game but then you and Tom won the second.
You were all going to play another to see who would win, but Tom quickly pulled you by the waist, your back against him. “We’ll be back” He told the boys them saying an ‘alright’ to us.
You was confused at first to why he pulled you back over to the sun beds. But then he sat down, grabbing the bag of yours a his things. He pulled out a spare pair of his boxers, a pair of long jogger shorts that was his and your shirt that you brought.
You sat down on the opposite sun bed, giving him an confused look. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Y-you erm…uhhh. You started your period” He says making your eyes go wide as you stand up looking at what once was your white bikini, but now one with a red stain.
You sit back down, your face flushing red with embarrassment. “It’s okay though, don’t be embarrassed please. Just get changed into these. D-do you need them pad things? I can get them” He suggests feeling bad at how embarrassed you are. He’s never really seen you on your period in the ten months you have been dating.
You felt embarrassed, like you wanted to cry so all you did was stand up throwing the cover up over you. Grabbing the clothes and getting your purse. “No it’s f-fine…i’ll get it. Thanks though” You mutter walking along the sand to where the shops were.
You was having such a great time and now mother nature had to piss you off. You brought the pads you normally get going into some changing rooms that were along the beach. You put on the pad in Toms boxers, slipping on the jogger shorts which landed a little above your knees then your shirt.
You took a deep breath, walking back to the sun beds where Tom was still sat. The sun was starting to set now, the other boys having one more go in the water. You placed your bikini that was wrapped in a towel into the bag, looking over at Tom who was now in his normal clothes.
“You okay now? Do you need anything?” He curiously asked grabbing your hand playing with a few fingers. You stood there sighing, looking at your fingers.
“I’m sorry, Tommy” You wipe your eyes with your hands, Tom immediately bringing you down to sit on his left leg.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s natural. I’m not disgusted by it, if that’s what you think I am. Y/n, I wanna be here for you at that time. I wanna help you so you feel better” He kissed your forehead, his fingers slowly circling your side.
“It’s just embarrassing that I leaked through and y-you saw” You say, looking in his eyes.
“That’s okay, love. Don’t feel embarrassed, silly.” You smile just at the nick names. “How about when we get home, I’ll get your favourite snacks we can watch whatever you want and cuddle in my bed?” He asked with a light smile.
“That sounds good” You smile kissing his lips.
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
wasted youth - P.P.
summary: Peter's group of friends are split up when they all go to college, after they finally plan a reunion will him and his ex, Y/N, rekindle what they used to have? Or will their friends, Gwen and Harry, stand in the way?
pairing: College!Peter x College!Y/N, slight Harry x Y/N, slight Peter x Gwen, Ned x Betty
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a/n: who’s ready for a new series?? let me know if you’re interested or if this sounds like a totally boring fic idea! i’ll update the first part as soon as possible!
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junetuesday · 2 years
tom holland masterlist
♡ a collection of fics, oneshots, blurbs, headcanons etc.
♡ all tom holland x female reader unless marked with a 👤 which means the reader's gender is not specified
♡ otp
All of the stories in this section are set in the same ‘universe’ with the same couple. Apart from 12 Days they’re not in any particular order so you don’t have to read any of them to get the others. 
12 Days of Christmas (and beyond): Series Masterlist // one 🔥| two | three 🔥| four | five 🔥| six | seven 🔥| eight | nine 🔥| ten🔥 | eleven | twelve 🔥 + valentine’s day 🔥 + june 1st  🔥
On The Subject of (Headcanon Series): Forehead Kisses 👤 | Neck Kisses | Hair Playing | Big Spoon/Little Spoon | Clothes Sharing | Terms of Endearment | Random Texts 
A Covert Operation
Got a Bed With Your Name On It
Pull Over
Keep Quiet
Beg For It
Wanna Taste?
Jealous  👤
Missed You
Polo and Prosecco
Tom Holland vs Aunt Irma
Pop. Six. Squish 👤
Maybe We Could Go to the Movies?👤
Blurbs etc.
‘Distraction’ kiss 👤
‘Before bed’ kiss 👤
”We just watched Toy Story 3 and now we can’t stop crying”👤
‘Everyday😘’  (Pull Over add-on)
“Hear me out, what if we have sex?” 👤
Playing video games with Tom and his brothers 👤
Tom keeps a picture of you and Tessa in his wallet 👤
”Were you dreaming about me again? 👤
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”👤
Bathing Tessa Headcanon 👤
10 Best Boyfriend Qualities  👤
10 Worst Boyfriend Qualities  👤
When it’s too hot to sleep in clothes...  👤
A surprise visit 
Physical v Verbal Headcanon  👤
Travelling when you’re sick  👤
When you’ve had a bad day at work  👤
Misc. soft shit headcanon  👤
Tom being a salty puppy when he gets sunburned  👤
That time Tom got sick on the press tour  👤
Snoozey Tom Headcanon 👤
Swimming in the sea
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♡ sweetener
Series Masterlist
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♡ au/other
Somethin' 'Bout You 
Thinking Bout You (FWB/Roommate AU)
Girls/Boys/Boys  (Tom x Reader x Harrison Osterfield)
Truth or Dare 
Forget the Bed 
When in Paris (CEO!Tom)
Release (Uni AU)
Girls/Girls/Boys (Tom x Reader x Female OC)
Good Girl (Mob!Tom AU)
Crash Course  (Fuckboy!AU)
Strange Occurences (Enemies to Lovers AU)
Safe (Friends to FWB)
“One Drink?” (Exes to Lovers)
Crossing Boundaries (Best Friends to Lovers)
Serendipity (neighbour!tom AU)
One Night (FWB/Uni AU) 
No Lollygaggin’👤
2AM 👤
Parking Practice 👤
...and they were roommates (roommate! AU) 👤
Facial Fractures and Mugs of Moscato  (Uni AU)
The Chain 👤
Absence (Uni AU) 👤
If It Means a Lot To You 👤
Gen/No Relationship Specified
Rock, Paper, Scissors 👤 (Roommates AU)
It’s Called Fashion, Thomas 👤
Blurbs etc.
Time of the Month Headcanon
Slow Down👤
Insufferable (Best Friends to Lovers)👤
Wake Up Call (Dad!Tom AU) 👤
Usual? (Coffee Shop AU) 👤
Parenthood Headcanon 
First time getting a BJ Headcanon
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borhapparker · 2 years
writing commissions open!
hi y'all! i am finally (for i think the first time) opening commissions! as you guys know, i love writing, and i love creating new pieces with new ideas/settings/characters! i am now opening up writing commissions for those that want to get a personalized writing piece catered to their favorite character/actor/fandom! this does not mean that i will no longer be taking regular requests, those are still open! but now, if you want a personal writing piece with tom or one of the holland boys or even a winchester brother, i can do that with your name, attributes, etc !
below is how it works! i also take payments through paypal/venmo rather than ko-fi if that makes you more comfortable!
here are the fandoms/characters/actors i will have open for writing commissions:
stranger things (steve harrington, billy hargrove, eddie munson, and their respective actors)
marvel (peter parker, bucky barnes, matt murdock, iron fist, moon knight, peter maximoff/xmen, warren worthington iii and their respective actors)
supernatural (sam and dean, castiel, jack, and their respective actors)
tom holland (his characters)/harry holland/sam holland/harrison osterfield
bohemian rhapsody (brian may, roger taylor, and their respective actors)
macgyver (lucas till/angus macgyver)
andrew garfield/tobey macguire (and their respective peter parker alternates)
matthew gray gubler/spencer reid
any and all prompts are open to me writing them! if you are curious as to what i do not accept, take a look here
i can also write for characters not mentioned but in the same fandoms! i may not have extensive knowledge but i can for sure try my best!
my standard rate for written works is $0.01 USD per word. this translates to $1.00 per each 100 words. however, I am flexible depending on the request. see the end of this post for my restrictions. 
In every commission you must: - specify prompt/fandom - specify your pairing - provide as much detail as you deem necessary, or let me know if you’re giving me free reign over a concept
✧ Blurbs and Headcanons: I have a ko-fi where you can donate a coffee directly to me without being compensated if you so choose, or where I will write a blurb or headcanons for you if you leave your request and (optional) tumblr url in the message with your coffee.  blurbs will be min. 300 and max. 450 words per coffee (they are $3.00 each so it is discounted from my rate).  you can always message me to commission a blurb if you don’t want to pay through the ko-fi site.
✧ Drabbles: message me to commission a drabble. they will be a maximum of 1,000 - 1,200 words ($10 - 12) before it becomes a oneshot.  if you’re unsure if your request will be a blurb or a drabble, let me know! i’ll try to keep it as short as I can if you’d rather only pay for a blurb.
✧ Oneshots: please message me to commission a oneshot. i ask that you allow for a minimum of 1,300 - 2,000 words ($13 - 20) or it likely won’t be long enough to fulfill your request.  if your oneshot gets longer than 3,000 words, I will discount the rate from that point on to $0.0025 per word (this translates to $0.25 per extra hundred words after 3,000).  i will always round down for you if your total includes partial cents. 
if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! send me a message in my inbox or dm me ! thank you again and i look forward to getting commission requests!
tags: @pbnjparker @madmadmilk @webstersshark @hollandroos @spiderboytotherescue @justapurrcat @ahoefortomholland @sparkingsin @darling-parker @darlingparkers @silkscream @silkholland @sunshinehollandd @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @softholland @pererprk @tomhollandsblog @thollandsdarling @pvarker @totheblood @sunflowertomholland @slut4holland @gingerparker @darling-im-moonstruck
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Ooooo boy, was tagged by @cocoamoonmalfoy and @storybookholland for a wip list!
Wow! I have more than I realized that I actually work on. A lot of these I am bouncing around and adding to them here and there weekly when I have a chance to write. I love a lot of them and can’t wait to share them with you all!
PETER PARKER (aka Spider-Man 😂)
I Knew You || a mini series
The Time You Took (From Us) || post nwh
Kind of Amazing || smut 🙃
Eyes on Me || my on going blurb series
Thrive || superpowers!reader - identity reveal
Don’t Break The Mona Lisa || a mini series (or really long oneshot. Haven’t decided.)
Champagne and Whiskey || a series (rated R for smut)
Psycho || villain!reader
Aranea || Hogwarts AU
HARRISON OSTERFIELD (aka Look. At. His. Eyes. 😮‍💨)
Bad Habits || smut - vampire!haz 🧛
I Totally Thought… || friends to lovers 😉
THE IRREGULARS (aka My Favorite Found Family 🥰)
The Fountain of Ichor || part 5 & the epilogue
Wicked Ones || part 2
Come talk to me about them! This writer feeds off comments and curiosity 😃
No pressure at all for anyone I tag: @hotforharrison @hogwartsmarvelmommy @violetlilysunshine @tommysparker and anyone else who wants to show their work off! 😃
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monarch-butterfly-03 · 3 months
Requests are open!
Random Prompts: (possibly future stories...?) Fairytale, pt. 2 Dystopian
Tom Holland: Series: Loathing Desires: teaser, teaser pt.2, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3
Oneshots: (coming soon)
Peter Parker: Webbed Lies (series): teaser [ONLY ON WATTPAD]
Harrison Osterfield: (coming soon)
Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time): Series: Aristia: teaser, one, two, three, four, five, six,
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) Sweet Dreams (series): season one, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
0 notes
make me feel (h.o.)
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masterlist | ko-fi?
pairing: pornstar!harrison osterfield x pornstar!reader
summary: Harrison and Y/N has undeniable chemistry onscreen and off. The question is, how long will they deny such connection and convince everyone that they're just friends?
word count: 4,558
warnings: pornstar!au, friends to lovers, language, drinking, banter, mention of douching & anal, smut! [pegging, praise kink, cross-dressing, dirty talk, slight daddy kink, fingering, unprotected sex, oral (f)]
song inspo: Janelle Monae - Make Me Feel, Damon Daunno & Rebecca Naomi Jones - People Will Say We're In Love, Tom Waits - Midnight Lullaby, James Vincent McMorrow - One Thousand Times, Taylor Swift - False God
notes: finally coming out of my writer's block with this one woohoo! i've been working on this since may, like that's insane??? im pretty happy with how it turns out lol. big thanks to @shipping-not-sailing and @tommysparker who put up with my bullshit brainstorm, and shoutout to @marvelouspeterparker for making a CRAZY pornstar!au fic with tom that inspired me to do this one. happy reading!
Y/N has said it before and she would gladly say it again.
Harrison Osterfield is one hell of a fucking sight to behold.
Writhing underneath her as she rocks her hips against his, his statuesque features come to life —cherry red lips hanging open, making way for moans of pleasure to escape him. The veins on his neck, popping out from underneath his black collar necklace. His fingers around her wrists, statement rings against her bare hands.
His eyes, more blue than green today, peering back and forth; to the sleek black strap-on sliding in and out of him, and to the person it’s attached to.
Y/N, in all her glory, wrapped in a lacy bra and a harness around her hips.
“Baby…” She cups his face with one hand. "S'that feel good?"
He catches her eyes and nods, his sparkling galaxy fingernails digging into her hips, wordlessly beckoning her to come closer. Deeper.
But instead, she slows down. She pulls nearly all the way back, leaving only the tip of the strap-on inside him. "Use your words."
Harrison lets out a whimper, rose gold and dark bronze eyelids fluttering, struggling to stay open. Peering at her through his mascara-laden lashes.
"God, you're so pretty…" Y/N beams, for a moment simply admiring the view underneath her. Head empty, except for the thought she said out loud. And soon her body moves on its own accord, lips closing in on his. Hips thrusting in and out of him. Enrapturing him in all of her.
For a moment, alone together.
“CUT!” Elena, the director, calls out, and the whole set comes to life. Camera and boom operators stretching their arms and artistic team adjusting the set and people generally crossing over.
"That was beautiful, darlings. Let's move onto the next shot and— I really liked when you just gaze at each other for a bit there," Elena compliments as she walks over. Then, turning towards her director of photography, she says, "Can we keep that for the next shot?"
The two stars of the show blend into the busy set just as quickly as they become the center of its attention. It’s a nice little break among the adjustments of the lighting and camera and everything.
"Hold up, I need to stretch my legs a bit," Y/N sets off to straighten up.
Harrison's hand flies up to her hip almost immediately. "Slowly, slowly, slowly—" his quiet warning is cut off with a sigh as she unsheathes the strap-on from him, as gentle as she can be.
She settles opposite him, both casual and comfortable in their state of undress, drawing soothing circles on his lace stocking-clad ankle next to her.
“So I finally tried marinating my steak with pineapple like you said!” he pipes up, “It’s game-changing, Y/N.”
“I know, right? You’re welcome, by the way.” she flashes a cocky grin his way. “How long did you marinate it?”
“The whole day. Did it first thing in the morning, and then seared it for dinner.”
“It's so tender and rich and God, I’m starving.” he muses, tucking an arm behind his head.
“You wanna grab a bite after this?”
“Fuck yes!” he reaches her calf, moaning almost as obscenely as he does during his scene.
It makes her laugh. “We can try that restaurant near—”
“Alright, everyone! Next shot. Harrison, Y/N, can we go back to your marks, please?” Elena turns to them, patting the latter’s shoulder on her way back to the monitor.
“Yeah— can we have some more lube, though?” Y/N motions at the production assistant, who promptly hands her a bottle.
It’s a strange lull, watching someone putting on a generous amount of lube for him while another person hovers around for that bottle, but Harrison simply smiles unabashedly at that girl. “Aw, you didn’t have to.”
“But I want to,” she simply shrugs, handing the bottle back to the unassuming PA, who scurries back as quickly as she arrives. Then, Y/N returns to her initial position on top of him and says, jokingly, “Gotta treat my princess right, don’t I?”
But in that exact moment, she feels his cock flexing in excitement. He looks up to find his gaze darken at the pet name. “Fuck’s sake, Y/N…” he turns away to his the blush in his cheeks.
“You got a fine taste, Harrison.” she nods in approval, pleasantly surprised at this revelation, her signature smile taking over her entire beautiful face once more. “Ready?”
The hustle and bustle quiets down and with it, time slows down, too. The call of camera rolling and slate clapping takes her mind into a different headspace. Her body relaxes, readies itself. For the scene. For the sex.
He takes her in with an arch of his back, savoring every inch. Gosh, he’s so tight, she swears she could feel him gripping from inside her.
It’s a performance, yes, but it’s also awfully intimate. Like drawing the curtains on the deepest part of herself. And Harrison gives as much of himself as she does hers; she likes that about him. Always equally as vulnerable. Familiarly so.
He is, arguably, the best scene partner she’s ever had.
Even when the novelty has worn off, and the sensation starts to dull out of exertion, there’s still that sizzling connection between them that makes them so fun to watch. It’s not always in the motion of their hips (although it is one of the things driving him crazy at this instant.) Sometimes it’s in the glide of her thumb over his lips, or the way he chases her kisses and traces his mouth anywhere he can, ever so tenderly. A breath of fresh air in the midst of the heat.
Right now, her hand is closed in on Harrison's cock, stroking and pounding into him as he ruts back against her. Among the haze, he opens his eyes to gaze at her, pleading,
"Please, I wanna cum… Daddy..." he whimpers. His eyebrows knot in anticipation —and maybe nerves, since he's going off-script with yet another kink.
But Y/N smiles, her quickening pace a stark contrast to her soothing whispers. "Let go, baby. I got you. Daddy’s got you…"
He sprays his hot mess all over his heaving chest with a breathless moan, his ass gripping her strap-on like a vice. She takes her time lapping up his cum and making her way to his lips with soft kisses, making him giggle hazily.
He finds her lips, indulging in his own taste and how her tongue makes it sweeter. For the longest time, they just stay there; hands in each other's hair, catching their breath in kisses after kisses after kisses… until they part and fall back to the soft surface of the bed, blissfully sated.
"And cut,” Elena says softly, definitively. "That's a wrap for the day, people! Wonderful job!"
It's only then that she remembers the presence of twelve other people in the room with them, applauding and cheering for a job well done. Harrison sits up first, bashfully bowing before lightly elbowing her. Y/N nods graciously at everyone else and applauds right back at them.
The PA scurries back around, this time with some wet wipes and bath robes, and the two of them go on about their own business, cleaning up and going back to their respective dressing rooms, exchanging congratulatory pats on the back with the crew on their way.
Y/N is chatting with Elena when Harrison pops up at her open dressing room door. "Hey. You ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." she flashes a brief smile her director's way, and then looks back at him. "We're still up for some food, right?"
"'Course! I'm dying for some proper food," he groans dramatically, sauntering in. "Anyway. I'll see you outside and I'll see you tomorrow, Boss."
"Ciao, bello." Elena gives him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, seeing him out of the room. As soon as he's out of earshot, she turns back to her actress. "You two are so cute."
"We're friends," Y/N rolls her eyes, here we go again. It’s quite surprising how, in an industry where friendships among fellow sex workers are so normalized, they’re not exempt to the light teasing. "Really, really good friends."
"Right..." she replies dubiously.
Y/N absently applies her lip gloss, a ghost of a curious smile creeping up on her face. "What?"
Elena rolls her eyes in relent. "I mean, you know me. I don't do those male gaze-y Gonzo porn. I'm all about sensuality and connection and… I'm just saying," she shrugs, "the chemistry doesn't lie."
"Well," Y/N stands up to bid her farewell, "If it gets you to keep working with us, then we'll keep that chemistry alive, how 'bout that?"
"Such a charmer," Elena shakes her head, laughing. "Go. Your good friend is waiting for you."
She can say that it’s all in day’s work until she foams at the mouth, but all signs point the other direction. The bleak grey London scenery is nowhere to be seen; instead, the golden Roman sunset barely peeks over the rows and rows of centuries-old buildings. And leaning against the lamppost, her so-called good friend is casually checking his phone.
He looks up at her and his handsome features light up, gesturing at his watch as he hurries her. “Hey, come on! Mamma mia, spaghetti carbonara! Vamonos.”
"That’s Spanish and… you’re on your own, pal," she deadpans, turning to walk the other way.
He catches her arm, of course. "Oh no, I’m not. You're not gonna leave me to eat alone like a sad English bastard, are you?"
"But you are a sad English bastard, my darling.”
"Mean." he pouts, and he knows how powerful his puppy dog eyes can be. "Besides, I had a gummy bear diet for a whole 24 hours for you. Shoot water up my ass clean for you! The least you can do is wine and dine me, Y/N."
She bursts out laughing —partly at his dramatic recount of his 'sacrifices', and partly at the idea that this is more than what it is. Two very good friends, who do not shy away from gross conversations, letting off steam after work.
Nothing more.
“God, that hit the spot…” Y/N sighs as she takes a bite of her tiramisu, following a hearty spaghetti carbonara as their main course (Harrison was not kidding when he uttered that word so passionately earlier.)
Harrison looks up from his now-empty glass of wine with a cheeky smile. “That’s what she said!”
“Having fun, are we?” She teases him good-naturedly.
“I mean, I could definitely get used to this,” he gestures all around him, “We’re doing something cool and artsy for a change, we’re in Rome…”
“Bumming my dessert…” she stiffly points out as she swats his hand away, although he’s already taken a generous amount of her cake in his spoon.
“Exactly! The desserts here are amazing and I just—” he purposely ignores her and puts the stolen spoonful into his mouth. “What a life, you know?”
She glares at him, although the smile she bites back says otherwise. “You’re just saying that ‘cause I’m buying you dinner.” she finishes her dessert before he beats her to the final bite.
But she gets what he means; it was a truly good day at work, where they got to play dressup and do something experimental and incredibly sensual with a female-led crew. And to do that with one’s most trusted scene partner is… wonderful.
“Would you and your beautiful wife like some more wine, Signore?” their waiter, a friendly middle-aged man, offers.
The pair exchange looks —a pause, and then they burst into laughter.
“No, no, no. We’re not—” Y/N chortles, too caught up to continue.
The waiter looks at her in confusion. “No to the wine or the… wife thing, Signora?”
“Oh, we’re not together, sir.” Harrison clears his throat and smiles politely, “As for the wine… what do you think, love?”
“I think we’re good. Early day at work tomorrow, remember?” she eyes him pointedly. Then, she looks to the waiter, “Can we have the check, please? Thank you.”
The waiter nods, walking away from this peculiar pair at the windowside table of this little restaurant, tucked away in one tiny corner of the city. He comes back with the check a moment later, still quite adamant on offering another bottle of Chianti to go.
Y/N shakes her head, much more composed now. “Grazie mille. The food was…” she makes a chef’s kiss gesture as she links her arm with Harrison’s on her way out.
“I’ve never seen someone openly shipping us so hard,” she muses as they enter their hotel lobby, just across the street.
“Do you think he recognized us?”
“I don’t think so. He doesn’t have ‘that look’, you know?”
“Ah, yes.” Harrison grins knowingly.
It doesn’t happen very often, but every now and again someone might clock them from their films or OnlyFans and they have this ‘I-can’t-believe-you’re-a-real-person’ look on their face, which can be amusing or unnerving sometimes.
“He does have the look of, ‘if you get the wine, maybe you’ll get frisky later’ though,” he adds, briefly nodding at the receptionist who wishes them a buonasera.
Y/N simply laughs it off, pressing their floor button.
The door closes, one of those antique elevators with the metal trellis and wooden finish. And suddenly there’s no noise anymore. Just the low humdrum of the old engine.
They climb past floor after floor in silence. It’s only in times like this —where there’s no one else that the voices start to settle in. The voices that ask them why aren’t they together and point out just how close they are. Arm in arm. Alone together in this tiny little space.
“Does that ever make you feel… I don’t know, weird?” Harrison speaks up, a little more quietly this time.
His nose nearly brushes against her cheek, and it makes her heart skip a beat. It takes everything to keep her composure and say, “What do you mean?”
“You know, like, when people are nosy, I guess.”
“Ah well, it comes with the job, right?” Y/N coolly shrugs it off. “And you?”
She finally brings herself to turn to him, finding him looking ahead, lips pursed, head tilted away from her. He feels her curious eyes on him, and he meets her gaze. At that moment, it seems they are both keeping their cards close to their chests. And neither is willing to budge.
The elevator dings and Y/N opens her mouth. Harrison doesn’t even realize he’s holding his breath.
“You still have some makeup around your eye.” she saunters out of the elevator and towards her hotel room door.
“Fuck’s sake!” he hisses, his voice coming out sharp in the empty hallway.
“Come on, I got some cleansing oil inside,” Y/N motions him over and slides in her key card.
“This is why you’re the fucking best.” Harrison follows her into her room, drops his bag on the entryway with a flourish, and invites himself into her bathroom.
Such is life as Harrison’s friend, she sighs.
“My God, Y/N, how do you live like this?!” he hollers from inside.
She doesn’t rush inside right away. She knows exactly what he’s going on about. And sure enough, she finds him fixing the towel haphazardly strewn on its hanger and rearranging the mess of her skincare products on the bathroom counter. He makes a point to put the toothpaste cap back on in front of her.
“I was in a hurry, okay?” She simply takes the tube from him, replacing it with the glass bottle of her cleansing oil.
“You’re an animal,” he groans, although he lets her push his hair back anyway —carding her fingers through his wavy locks. It feels so good, so comforting, and he secretly wishes she could do it for longer.
But she lets go. She sits by the sink and toys with a fresh towel while he lathers his face with the cleanser. He can see there’s something on her mind, but Y/N is a stubborn little thing. The more one tries to coax it out of her, the deeper it gets buried.
So Harrison stays quiet, lathering his face with her cleansing oil. He can barely see the little knot between her eyebrows in his periphery, but he knows it’s there. Any second now...
“You know, Elena said something similar earlier.”
And there it is. “What’d she say?”
Y/N waits until he turns on the tap, rinsing his face. Perhaps some white noise and mundane activity would be a good buffer. “She asked if we were together. Said the chemistry doesn’t lie, or whatever.”
Harrison turns off the tap, and the small squeak sounds deafening at the moment. “And what did you say?”
“I said we’re really good friends!” she replies matter-of-factly, a little too loud and high-pitched to be casual. Well, at least he’s patting his face with the towel, so she can’t see his face.
Alas, the distraction only buys her 5 seconds until Harrison puts it down. He folds it in two and sets it aside. An extra 3 seconds, but it’s enough for him to muster up the courage to say,
“Would it be so bad if it were true?”
“What?” she looks up from her hands in her lap, for the first time sounding less than cocksure about herself.
He shrugs, absently fixing the row of bottles and tubs in front of him. “I’m just saying.”
“What are you saying?”
“I… like you and I like what we have and —I don’t know. Maybe I want to kiss you when we’re not working.” he wipes his hands awkwardly and leans against the sink.
They’ve been in every intimate situation known to man, with tens of people watching, and yet… in the stillness of this sleek bathroom, bathed in warm vanity light reflected against emerald green tiles, they’ve never felt so naked with each other. So vulnerable.
“Just kisses?” Y/N eventually pipes up, a glint of humor in her eyes —but also a sliver of yearning, too.
“See, that’s the other thing! We already know how compatible we are in bed and, like, we both do the same shit for work; we don’t need to have that awkward conversation about what the relationship will be like between us.”
“What if I want you to quit doing porn?” she crosses her arms, challenging him. Making sure he’s not fucking with her.
He makes a face like he knows her like the back of his hand. “Do you, really?”
And he does, she begrudgingly admits. “No, I don’t,” she sighs.
“That’s exactly what I mean." he lodges himself between her open legs. “What do you say?”
Y/N loosely wraps her legs around his trim waist, hands sneaking under his sweatshirt. “What if it doesn’t work out?”
It’s a valid concern and definitely something he’s maturely considered. “Then we… go back to being friends and co-workers. I mean, at the very worst, I don’t see us ending so badly, we wouldn’t stand to be around each other.”
“I don’t know about that, though. You’re pretty anal.”
“I thought you liked me because I’m anal.” he quirks his eyebrows at the last word.
“Shut up…” she weakly swats his chest, though she keeps her hand there, her initial worries dissipating. Gosh, being with Harrison is so easy. “So we’re doing this?”
“If you want to.”
“Sex without a camera, huh? That’s new.” she smirks at her own remark.
“No camera, no crew, no makeup…” he teases, pulling her in.
Their foreheads rest against each other, and it does calm her nerves a bit. “When in Rome,” she murmurs.
She makes the first move. They must’ve kissed a thousand times today, adding to tens of thousands more kisses in all the times they’ve worked together. But this one feels new. Unhurried. Untethered.
Indulgent, for once.
They eventually move to the bed and Y/N has no qualms with continuing their makeout session right away, but of course Harrison can’t stand the mess of clothes on the edge of the bed. She tuts and pushes it onto the floor, only to find him shooting a dirty glare at her.
“You’re an animal,” Harrison reiterates his disdain for her messy habits.
“Ugh, you’re so anal. Leave me alone!” She groans, stretching out her limbs in her bed.
“I didn’t hear you complain about that earlier,” he retorts, pulling her back into his arms.
The night is young and with no marks to hit, no takes to nail, they just lay on their sides and make out in bed for the longest time. Fingers dancing on the skin under their shirts, lazily peeling away one clothing item after another. She draws an invisible line from freckle to freckle, from his neck to his hip, before eventually resting her palm over his heart. Beating stubbornly under the steady rise and fall of his chest.
Harrison’s hand treads between her legs, knuckles stroking her soft inner thigh. She lets him in, of course, reveling in the way he traces her clit. How his whole body presses against hers, taking in every shift in her movement. Every twitch. Every subtle reaction to the way he makes her feel so fucking good.
Y/N arches up into his touch as he inches closer towards her opening. No words needed to be said; he knows what she wants. And when he spreads her own wetness around her cunt just a little too long, he simply wants to savor her bashful little laugh… and watch it falter when his fingers swiftly enter her.
“Shit…” her hand flies up around his neck, pulling him back into a kiss.
He falls out of the kiss as her jaw slacks at the quickening of his pace, and he ventures down her breasts. Finding his way to her hardened nipple, nipping and sucking to his heart’s desire.
And his heart desires to hear her sweet sighs and feel her fall apart underneath him.
She gives him just that, and it’s the easiest thing ever. Her whole body is overwhelmed with the sensation of his fingers stroking her sweet spot and his thumb lightly —lithely pressing on her clit. Soon enough, she succumbs to the impending release and whimpers his name as she cums. She trusts him to listen to her body and follow the signs, and sure enough… he does. He powers through her orgasm and slows his pace as she winds down.
"Fuck, that was nice.” she falls back into her pillow.
“I know. You’ve been doing a lot of the work today, my love,” he smooths out her hair, kissing her sweetly. “Want me to take the reins now?”
“Mm, yes please.” As bossy as she is, Y/N can’t fight how her limbs feel like jelly after that. And being taken care of really doesn’t sound so bad right now.
And Harrison is more than happy to do so. He lines up his hard, veiny cock and slides it in bit by bit, letting her adjust to his size. He’s always been thicker than he seems, and as sexy as it may be to make her scream with one swift thrust, the promise of slow, vanilla sex sounds way more enticing to them.
Y/N wraps her legs around his waist and eventually pulls him all the way in. Above all, her heart feels full at how tender they are with each other.
“You feel so good…” he hums into her neck, leaving soft kisses in his wake as he feels her walls gripping him like a vice.
“So do you, darling,” she murmurs back, grinding her hips into his.
He starts thrusting in and out of her, easing her into the comings and goings of his cock. She keeps him close, though. Letting herself be enshrouded by his body, his scent. His warmth. It feels grounding.
And when Harrison picks up his pace and inching closer towards their high, she finds herself settling back into the comfort of their relationship. In her haze of it all, she still finds it in her to tease him.
“That’s it. Fuck. Be a good boy and take care of Daddy,” she lazily grins.
He clenches his jaw, the motion of his hips faltering just a little. “Fuck’s sake, don’t do that.”
“Do what?” she blinks up at him, feigning innocence and fooling nobody.
“You know what, Y/N,” he replies with a grunt and a thrust that reaches deep into her core.
And of course, with the big dick energy she possesses, she responds with a sharp smack on his ass. “Don’t be rude, that’s Daddy for you.”
“Fuck!” he feels the clench of her pussy, the sting of her palm, and the sly smirk gazing up at him and he loses all control. Blowing his load into her silky inner walls.
Meanwhile Y/N is rocking a shit-eating million-dollar smile through it all. That little shit.
“That’s a dirty fucking game you’re playing,” he says between labored breaths into the crook of her neck.
“I know.” she kisses his sweat-damp hair.
Harrison, sluggish as he is after his orgasm, lifts his head up to meet her gaze. “I’mma get you for that.”
“Oh yeah? How?”
Y/N feels two things in the span of 3 seconds: emptiness, from Harrison pulling out of her and his weight on top of her suddenly gone just like that. And then warmth, of his mouth on her spent, dripping pussy. He wastes no time devouring the juices leaking out of her like it’s the only thing he’ll ever do. There's no camera to pander the money shot —just his insatiable self and this sexy, peculiar, funny creature that he’s crazy about. And if he spends the rest of his life bringing her to her sweet release and nothing else, he’d be the luckiest man alive.
Her big finish comes as sudden, as intense as her beginning. The kind that takes her breath away and makes her thighs tremble and close in around his head. And he makes good on his promise —he keeps licking her clit as a playful revenge, until she actively pushes his head away from the overstimulation.
“You’re an animal,” she whines, although she pulls him back into her embrace.
“That’s what you get for exposing me!”
“Um, excuse me? You exposed yourself, sir.”
“I guess I couldn’t help it when you’re being so fucking sexy like that.”
They exchange looks, the room suddenly quieting down —and then they burst into laughter, gagging and shuddering at the corny, porn-y pickup line.
“Oh God, Elena is gonna have a field day tomorrow,” Y/N sighs as she settles back into his chest. He makes for a nice pillow, it turns out.
“Ah well, let her,” he smooths out her sexed-up hair gently, pressing a kiss on her forehead, “We’ll be alright.”
And if this is what she falls asleep and wakes up to forever, she’s pretty sure she will be.
thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it! if you like my work, please consider giving me feedback through reblogs and asks. thank you so much <333
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uglypastels · 3 years
Promiscuous (smut, of course) with Harrison
ok this got a bit out of hand and i derailed it a bit so there is no smut (sorry) BUT i actually feel like the song is more about all the stuff before it so anyway here you go and i hope you enjoyyy haha
> Song: #31 Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado, Timbaland
> Spotify Wrapped Blurbs!
“Sorry, am I throwing you off?” you smile lightly, seeing how Harrison was looking at you.
“Nope,” he answered swiftly. The music around you was booming and the people were dancing in close proximity, whether you knew one another or not. But you and Harrison- you knew each other. Very well, in fact.
It had started who knows when. At a party just like this. He was a member of the same fraternity that he is now, and you were just looking for some fun. Like any other fratboy, he had grown a certain reputation. One you didn’t mind but weren’t too keen on adding to. He had walked up to you, danced to a few songs hip to hip, and you knew he wanted to take it further than that.
But what would have been fun about it?
You’d thought that he’d give up after not even kissing you that time, but, months later, at a party not much different, he came back for another attempt. It pleased you, to have such an effect on him. From the way he looked at you, you could tell he was enjoying it too. It had become a game of cat and mouse, in which you were both pulling the other in as well as pushing them away. The tension was undeniable and getting stronger through every new meeting. It had gone so far, that when you saw him walk into the room, festively-themed red jacket for the holiday party, you walked over to him.
“Happy Holidays,” you had said, clinking your drinks in a toast as he replied the same words back to you. He didn’t even try to hide how his eyes scanned your body. The outfit was nothing special, but he certainly didn’t think so.
“Looking gorgeous, as ever, I see?”
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Osterfield.” You took a better look at him. The red jacket fitted him perfectly, but the shirt underneath it felt like a slightly personal attack. He never seemed to like his buttons and left them open, revealing his toned chest. The gold pendant on his necklace ornamenting it even better.
“Care for a dance?” he pointed to a less crowded spot on the dancefloor. Of course, you wanted to dance, feel his body against yours, but he should be able to wait for a little, shouldn’t he?
“Not really feel like dancing now.”
“So what do you feel like doing?” In a case such as this, when the music and everyone around you are so loud, there are two options: either you raise your voice, or as Harrison did, you move closer to the other person so your voice comes more upfront. He hadn’t had anything to drink yet, so you could smell the mint he had just taken, combined with the smell of his cologne. And the warm air you felt at your ear as he spoke ran chills down your spine, but when he pulled back to look at you, you didn’t make any of that known.
“I’m not sure, actually. Any suggestions?” You asked innocently, to which he chuckled and responded:
“I got a few things we could do on my mind.” His hand, slowly, reached for your side, making itself comfortable on your hip. You stepped closer, ending the gap between your bodies. It had taken a long time for you to get this far, through the efforts and hurdles of both your doings and you wondered how long it would take to go further. How long did you even care to go on?
You were so close to each other that the only place to look was into his eyes. The icy blue had turned darker at your sight. You wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t this close, for the rest of his face showed this suave expression.
“Like what?” you fixed his jacket collar, making sure that he could feel your fingers on his neck as you moved gently. The way his jaw tensed up momentarily brought a smile to your face and that was how you got there.
“Sorry, am I throwing you off?”
“Nope,” he had replied and that is when he leaned in and your lips met. His grip on your hip got tighter, just a little, pulling you even closer. The kiss had come far from sudden, as it was basically what the two of you had been building up to all these months. And it went on until you parted for air.
“I’m gonna go get another drink,” you said, already stepping away, which got you an exasperated sigh from Harrison.
“Oh c’mon,” his brows were furrowed.
“Oh,” you pouted mockingly, “don’t be mad.”
“Well, don’t be mean then.”
“How am I mean, all I said was that I was going to get another drink. I didn’t even say you couldn’t come with me, did I?” This had left him a bit dumbfounded. So, you grabbed his hand, and pulled him along as you made your way to the designated drink-mixing area- also known as the kitchen of this random house you were in (no one really knew who was hosting, but it was a big place, with plenty of room to get drunk, so nobody complained).
To both your surprise, the kitchen was empty when you opened the door. On each possible surface was a collection of bottles ranging from soft drinks to hard liquor. You went on to pour yourself some more of your favourite, and as you did so, you could feel Harrison walk up to you. He leaned in, putting his arms back on your sides, his chin on your shoulder, his words were soft.
“You, know you drive me absolutely insane?”
“I didn’t know that, actually,” you turned around to face him, placing your drink on the counter, “but do tell why.”
“Everything about you, in all honesty,” his lips were hovering over your skin at this point, you could barely feel them as he kept on talking, “everything you do makes me want to do unspeakable things to you, darling. And I can tell you want me to. You’re teasing me every fucking time I see you.” His lips met yours again in a sloppy kiss that lasted between his words. “I really don’t think I’ll be able to keep going much longer with this.”
You, in the meantime, found yourself brushing your fingers through his hair, messing the style up as you tugged at it when the kiss deepened at the end of his little speech.
He was right. You wanted it, very badly. As the kiss lasted you felt your knees get weaker and your body heating up with need. But Harrison was still Harrison and you were you and this whole thing wasn’t supposed to last between you. He’d move on to someone else after your one night of fun, you got that, and it hurt a little to think about.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” you sighed. Harrison was confused, you could tell by his expression. “I just- I don’t want to be some kind of-”
“Ok, I get,” he smiled, “but I can promise you that this is not some kind of dumb game to me. I really like you and I-” his laugh sounded embarrassed, “I can’t get you out of my head. I can say honestly that there is no one else, and it’s you that I want.”
You were speechless. From all the things Harrison could have said, you did not expect something like that.
“That was… really sappy.”
“Ok, fuck off,” Harrison laughed your comment off. Then you pulled him in by the collar and kissed him.
“I’d rather you just fuck me, actually.”
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parkers-gal · 3 years
could you do a harrison osterfield x holland!sister!reader where the reader has been dating haz for like four years and haz asks the rest of y/n's family for marriage permission?
hope u enjoy!
“Well hey, mate. Where’s Y/N?”
“Down at the shops with Aisha.”
His tips of wispy blonde hair stick up in different directions from how many times he’s pulled at the ends of the strands. His palms are sweaty and he’s anxious that he’s wearing too much cologne. As he takes the next higher step through the open front door, the toe of his shoe hits the metal threshold seal of the doorway, and he stumbles forward. Just to add on to his nervous demeanor, he makes a loudly, clumsy entrance, and Tom’s laugh booms through the hallways as he pats the Brit’s back.
Harrison turns his head to the side, lips separated in a silent debate. Eventually, he nods enthusiastically, feverishly, and the two of them are heading into the living room where the rest of the Holland’s lay — that is, except for you.
“Hey, mate. Where’s Y/N?” Harry greets him first, setting down his glass of beer on a coaster with a small wave and an acknowledging smile.
Harrison sighs, having already answered this question once before. “She’s down in the shops with Aisha. That’s- that’s why I’m here.”
“Well- well not why I’m here, but I’m here to talk without her around. I mean…” he chuckles out a breath. “I’d like to talk to you all… privately, that is.”
“Well,” Tom glides into an armchair, hands clasping across one of his knees. “We’re private, if that’s what you mean.”
“Right.” He smiles — again, nervously — and a hand reaches up to ruffle his hair again. Just think of her. Think of her. They already love you — it’s just another step. She loves you. Think of her.
A smile breaks out on his face, first creeping up but then completely overtaking all other facial expressions. It seems as though everyone is taken aback by the sudden expression of joy. Air refills his lungs with the next deep inhale, and he turns to your parents: Nikki and Dominic.
“Mr. and Mrs. Holland…” He smiles, hands clasped.
Nikki’s head leans back, unused to the name he’s referring to her as. “Yes…?”
“I’ve come to ask you — and, and the boys of course- obviously, that’s why they’re in the room-”
“To ask what?” Harry disregards the stutters and rambles, hoping to get straight to the main topic.
“I’ve come to ask… for your blessing.”
Tom sucks in a breath, and it’s the last sound to run through the room. Only the heater continues humming — it seems even Tessa has stopped chewing her bone.
“I know you probably weren’t expecting that kind of question but- but I really love your daughter — your sister,” He momentarily turns towards your brothers, “She’s- she’s the love of my life and I… I want to spend the rest of my life by her side.”
“Oh, dear,” Nikki fans her face, fresh tears sprouting while she urges Harrison to engulf her in a hug. They embrace, and she’s giddy with excitement and joy. When they separate, Nikki makes eye contact with her husband, and as a single tear slips from his eyes, he nods, and Nikki squeals again.
“You have our blessings.” She smiles, attempting to control her breathing. Harrison lets out a captured breath, teeth relieving the pressure on his bottom lip.
He then turns to the other family members, eyes hopeful yet afraid. Tom stands, swiftly and strongly, bulging his arms to make a show of the fact that he’s your protective older brother.
Harrison’s breath lodges in his throat while he prepares for the worst. He squints his eyes, fists clenching at his sides while he awaits for Tom’s first words.
“You’re…” His voice is hoarse, almost as if he’d been crying. “You’re good for her.”
Harrison physically relaxes, eyes softening at the man he’s grown up with. With courage, he observes how red Tom’s eyes are, and in one swift movement, they’re hugging harshly, as though they’re never going to see each other in the same way again. They’re going to be brothers.
After a few embraced moments, they detach, and the twins are at his side.
“God,” Harry bites his tongue. “You guys really just had to grow up?”
Harrison laughs through a mucky mouth of tears and nerves, swallowing his anxiety as they finally hug.
“Do you… do you have a ring?”
Harrison had figured Sam might be the one to ask such a question, what with him being the romantic out of them all. With sudden confidence, Harrison reaches into the inner lining of his jacket, where a discreet pocket hides his most recent purchase.
He carefully opens the ring box, and the sparkling ring shines in front of their eyes. Nikki gasps, hand covering her open mouth, and Paddy’s eyes visibly widen at the sight of such a work of art.
Sam’s nimble fingers take the box from Harrison grasp, and he seems as though he’s shaking. The ring is slightly tinted blue, and when Sam hands it back, there’s only one thing on his mind.
“Welcome to the family.”
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
could you make a tom holland x sister reader when her brothers walk in on there sister having sex (age 16-17?)
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Caught in the act || Holland sister
Summary: The reader and her boyfriend are having sex and get caught by her brothers.
I don’t like this, I haven’t even read it over….
Y/N had invited her boyfriend over to chill at her house. She knew that her brothers would be home, however they were just going to stay in her room anyways. The holland brothers didn’t know about their relationship, they believed that they were both best friends, like they have been for three years now. Y/n had been dating Jordan for over six months now, they nearly had been caught many times by her family. His family knew they were both together, y/n wasn’t sure why she didn’t tell hers.
Now he had finally arrived, y/n greeting him by the door. “J!” y/n wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, his arms going around her waist.
“Hey b-y/n/n” He spoke, seeing Tom in the kitchen, pulling away and remembering to act like y/n and him were best friends. Y/N closes the door behind him whilst he took his shoes off and hanged his jacket up on the pegs.
Tom looked in his direction seeing his sister and her very close best friend. Tom didn’t mind him, he just knew there must’ve been something going on. Y/N and Jordon were way to close to be best friends, he’s even seen paparazzi pictures of them both out and about. None of it proving they was dating but he knew his sister really liked him.
“Hey Tom” Jordan smiled walking through the kitchen with y/n. He knew the brothers a little bit, due to him coming around a lot. Nikki always counted him as part of the family.
“Hey, Jordan. How you been?” Tom asked, them both starting up a little conversation, it eventually ending when y/n motioned for Jordan to come up the stairs to her room. “I’ll catch you up later mate” Tom spoke realising the time, him and the brothers planned to go to the pub whilst their parents were away.
“Y/n i’m going pub with the others, i’ll be back late at night. Love you!” Tom shouted as she stood on the stairs waiting. “Okay, love you too” Y/n smiled as he walked over to the door. She quickly grabbed Jordan’s arm, hearing the front door close, bringing him to her room and shut the door.
“In such a rush to get me into your room” Jordan smirked jokingly, earning a smack in the arm from y/n. “Missed you, Angel” He pulled y/n close to him placing a sweet kiss on her lips. She hummed in satisfaction when she felt his lips on hers.
“Miss you too” She said once there lips pulled apart. “wanna watch a movie?”
Tom had to drive everyone back home that night, him not drinking anything so the rest could have fun. He did have a few drinks but not enough for it not to be safe to drive. He dropped Tuwaine off, driving him, Harrison and his brothers back home. It was 2 in the morning once he had arrived home, parking the car in the driveway. He shushed his brothers, knowing you would be fast asleep by now, probably from boredom.
“Carful!” He snapped at Harrison and Harry who were clumsily taking their shoes off, nearly making him fall over in the process of taking his own off. They both just laughed, too pissed out of there mind needing sleep. “Y/n is asleep you need to be quiet” He told them, Sam joining in the laugh a little.
The boys slowly swayed up the stairs, it being pitch black around the house. All Tom had to do was get Harrison to the guest room and his other brothers to theirs. Harrison on the other hand, had other ideas. Tom heard the noises first, but thought nothing off them.
That was until he heard, “Fuck, Jordan” come from a door. Y/N’s door. That’s where he had heard the noise, he now could clearly hear the small moans and the bed creaking.
Harrison cheekily smirked, hearing the noise from the act in y/n’s room. He quickly barged into the room with the other drunk boys, y/n and Jordan stopping there actions and lifting the covers up more. Y/N was embarrassed but shocked. Now stood there drunk boys, Tom storming into the room as well. But he was sober.
Your eyes widen at the sight of him, “Ooo y/n and Jordan got caught in the act” Harrison teases pissing you both off, making Tom more fuming.
“Wait, wait, your dating?” Harry laughed a little.
This was very awkward for y/n, her boyfriend was literally on top of her, still inside her whilst her brothers and her brothers best friend kept talking. Of course the covers hid both your bodies, it still being really weird.
Sam was next to speak, “Are you still inside of my sister?” He asked a bit mad, clearly he had sobered up a bit. Jordan didn’t know what to say, he just slowly pulled out, luckily the brothers didn’t notice. Jordan rolled off y/n, them both still holding the covers to their chests.
“Can you get out!” Y/N finally shouted, sitting up a little. “Y/N! Your fucking sixteen and your having sex! How long has this been going on for?” Tom yelled at the both of them.
“I’m nearly seventeen-“ Y/n tried to defend yourself, it not leading anywhere. “How fucking long y/n y/m/n Holland!” Now y/n knew Tom was mad, she was in deep shit. He never ever called her by her full name, only when he was proper pissed.
“6months” Y/n tried watch his facial expression to determine how mad he possibly would be.
“No!” You immediately shout.
“Yesss you go girl” Harrison slurred, making y/n and Jordan hold back a laugh. Sam slapped the back of his head, Tom pushing the boys out of her room. “Tom your sister was getting banged for six months” Harrison giggled like a little girl, only wanting to piss Tom off, he didn’t hear your reply after though.
“Get changed, i’ll be back in a minute” Tom stormed out of the room slamming the door. Y/N felt guilty, a bit annoyed at herself, she didn’t really understand why he was so angry though. It’s her life. She’s nearly seventeen and even if she is young he must’ve done it at her age, no?
Y/N and Jordan got changed, Y/N throwing her pjs on and Jordan wearing grey joggers with a white shirt. They waited patiently for Tom to shout at them. The knock making y/n’s heart stop, “Are you decent?” His voice was a lot softer now, he didn’t shout or seem that mad.
Tom walked in, deciding to stand up than sit on y/n’s bed. He couldn’t get the disgusting thought out of his head, his sister having sex. His baby sister, his only sister. The truth is he was mad a little, however it was mostly because he didn’t like y/n growing up. He remembers the days when he used to catch her sneaking chocolate into her mouth or finding her embarrassingly dancing in her room. Now he catches her having sex with a guy he thought was a very close friend.
“I-I’m sorry Tommy. I promise it hasn’t been going on for six months, w-we’ve——uhh—We’ve been dating for six months” Y/N admits, now the truth was finally out. She felt much better getting it off her chest.
Tom then looked over at Jordan, he really hopes he can trust him. Y/N deserves the world, he wanted her to find an amazing boy. Obviously he didn’t want her to date till 20, he always said that. “We’ve only had sex a couple of times” He said, y/n quickly slapping his chest then hiding her face in embarrassment. Great, she just wanted her brother to know about her sex life.
“Thanks?” Tom asked more like a question, shaking the thought out his brain. “I’m not mad y/n, it’s just I hate seeing you grow up. Yeah it’s not nice walking in on my sister having sex to a guy I thought was her best friend, but you was gonna do it eventually, I mean right? It’s just your young, you got to be carful.” He crouched down to her level, looking at the girl in the face. She has changed a lot, she getting older. He just needs fo accept that.
“You are using protection right?” He asked.
“Mmm not all the time, you see our hands gets to sweaty-“ Y/N tries to joke, looking at the serious look on her brothers face.
“Right, too soon for jokes” She rubs the back of her neck. “Yes. Yes we are. Now can we stop talking about this it’s weird” Y/N smiles at Tom who returns it back.
“I mean now that Jordan is confirmed as your boyfriend, he must want to see the baby album” Tom smirked.
“No, No!”
hate this. happy new year!
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
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about me
hi! my names Maria and I write for an assortment of characters and people, and requests are currently open. I constantly have 20 wips and seem to never finish them. I'm looking for a beta/ghost reader that'll help me navigate my wips, so if you're interested message me!
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important links
prompt list
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popular reads
based on the song traitor by Olivia Rodrigo where Tom Holland cheats on y/n with Zendaya. y/n has to navigate through her emotions and the aftermath of their ruined relationship.
i wanna be yours
Frat!Tom Holland finally admits his feelings to y/n and her reaction isn't exactly what he expected.
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personal favorites
empty heart
based off "why are you lying to me", "how do you think this ends", and "i would have done anything for you" from my prompt list. Tom Holland seems to have found someone else but y/n can't help but be stuck on him.
based off "i thought I lost you", "do you even still love me", and "I'm falling apart" from my prompt list. Bellamy Blake and y/n are broken up but stuck together on the Ring, what happens when she wants to be left behind while they survive?
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forbidden - princess!y/n, prince!Tom Holland
everything I wanted - falling out of love with Calum Hood
[unnamed] - Tom Holland and y/n are old friends who have feelings for each other, when she rejects him, what will happen to them?
[unnamed] - part two to I wanna be yours (send an ask to get on taglist)
[unnamed] - John Murphy almost loses the love of his life.
[unnamed] - the 100 series rewrite
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junetuesday · 2 years
misc masterlist
♡ a collection of fics, oneshots, blurbs, headcanons etc.
♡ all x female reader unless marked with a 👤 which means the reader’s gender is not specified
harrison osterfield
Reconcilable Differences (Exes to Lovers)
Practice Makes Perfect (Best Friends to Lovers)
Bittersweet (Boxer!AU) 
Sink or Swim (Best Friends to Lovers)
Goodnight n Go 👤
Blurbs etc.
Give It Back 👤
‘Kiss on the neck’ kiss  👤
'Glasses bumping' kiss 👤
Trinkets 👤
‘Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys’ kiss 
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peter parker
‘I almost lost you’ kiss  
‘Awkward teenage crush’ kiss  
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farfromharry · 3 years
Never knew the proper story | Prince!Harrison fic
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Summary: He thought they had a love like Verona's, too bad he never knew the proper story.
Word count - 21,515
Warnings - language, animal death, arranged marriage, fluff, angst?
June 3rd - 10:41am
Thomas was arguably Harrisons only friend in the world. The two had more or less grown up together, side by side, but with very different upbringings. Harrison had been raised as a Prince, of course, royal treatment day in and day out, more stuff than he could ever need. But Tom, Tom was the eldest son of a stable worker. The eldest of four boys to be exact, and the man that took care of the royal family's horses.
He earned a wage enough to feed a family of three, let alone a family of six, something Harrison would be determined to change when he was old enough to do so.
The walk down to the stables was always enjoyable for young Harrison. Excitement would always flood the nine year old’s senses at the thought of being able to see Moonlight, but this time was vastly different.
The walk down to the stables was always enjoyable for young Harrison. Excitement would always flood the nine year old’s senses at the thought of being able to see Moonlight, but this time was vastly different.
The walk down to the stables was always enjoyable for young Harrison. Excitement would always flood the nine year old’s senses at the thought of being able to see Moonlight, but this time was vastly different.
As he stepped inside the dirty stable there was no usual noise of his giddy horse, or the sound of the few workers chaotically tending to the stallions.
“Mr Holland?” the young boy called. His eyes were roaming the insides of the stable, looking for the main man that cared for the horses. Instead he spotted a boy that wasn’t much smaller and didn’t look any younger than him.
“Hello,” he greeted. “Are you okay?”
Harrison nodded, not quite sure how to approach the boy. The Prince didn’t really know much about children his age, having grown up without any friends that weren’t guards meant to babysit him, so he didn’t have very many social skills in a situation so informal.
“I came to see my horse, Mr Holland told me he wasn’t feeling well.” His voice was quiet to the point where the other boy had to pretty much strain his ears to hear what he said.
“Ah, Prince Harrison,” the man said, placing his hands on his son's shoulders. Tom’s eyes almost bulged out of his head at the realisation that the Prince was standing right in front of him. “I see you’ve met my son, Thomas.”
Tom awkwardly waved, looking between his dad and the visibly uncomfortable boy.
“I-I came to see Moon,” he said, looking at the man with teary, puppy dog eyes. At his young age, Harrison didn’t really understand the concept of his horse being sick, he thought it meant his precious pet was going to die, and he didn’t want that at all, he’d do anything in his power to prevent it from happening.
“Tom here's been taking good care of him today,” he explained, leading the two boys over to the horse. “He’s doing okay, sir.”
Harrison looked up at the older man with hopeful puppy dog eyes, praying that he was telling the truth. He sat on the floor next to the horse, placing a gentle hand on his body to stroke his fur.
Moonlight was a beautiful stallion. Pearly white fur and light coloured mane decorating the large body of the gentle horse. Harrison and even Tom’s father were certain they’d never met a more gentle animal.
The boy he’d learned to be Thomas sat across from him, sitting criss-cross with a tight lipped smile in the lingering awkward silence.
Mr Holland left the two alone when he was sure they’d be able to start their own conversation to keep them amused, sensing Harrison also wanted to spend some time with his horse.
After a while of silence he spoke up, catching Tom’s attention from where he was sitting on the hay.
“We didn’t formally introduce ourselves,” Harrison said. Tom’s eyebrows furrowed, his lack of education meaning that he didn’t actually understand what the Prince had just said to him. He looked at him as though he was speaking another language and Harrison blushed slightly, thinking he’d done something to embarrass himself. He brushed it off though, holding his hand out to the brunette with a comforting smile.
“I’m Harrison.”
With the simple action Tom understood, slipping his hand into the blondes.
“I’m Tom.”
That was over a decade ago now, the two boys now nineteen, and from that day on the two would cause complete havoc anywhere they went. Tom was forever in debt to Harrison’s family, his close friendship with their son being one of the main reasons his family was still alive, even though Harrison would often tell him it was nothing but common decency.
Harrison was currently helping tutor Tom’s youngest brother. In his defense, Tom had tried, but his minor experience in education was simply not enough to assist. Harrison’s high level, expensive, Prince worthy education however, was more than enough to help his brother learn how to read higher level books.
“Can you read that one for m-“ He was interrupted by the sudden movement from Tom, the two males' heads turning in his direction like he’d gone mad.
Tom jumped up from the bed as soon as he saw the Queen entering the room, not wanting to seem disrespectful to the woman who could have him imprisoned or even killed in a heartbeat, even though Harrison would never allow it.
The other male took his time getting to his feet, not seeking the urgency to please his mother as much as his best friend. Tom tried to signal for his brother to show some manners, but Harrison urged him to continue with his reading.
“Your majesty.” Harrison rolled his eyes, slapping Tom’s shoulder as a sign to get up from his bow. He’d assumed the boy had known him long enough to not have to greet his mother with a bow and such a formal greeting every time he saw her.
“Oh, Thomas, Patrick, hello,” she greeted, flashing them a nervous smile. Tom glanced between his best friend and his best friend’s mother, sensing some kind of underlying tension that he definitely didn’t want to watch unfold.
“There’s a uh- a horse I need to attend to, in the stables,” he lied, a painfully fake smile on his face, one that no one was believing. “Yeah, a horse.”
Paddy furrowed his eyebrows, scolding Tom when he practically dragged him out of his seat. “Come on, Paddy.”
The young boy just had enough time to grab his book, waving goodbye to Harrison as he was quickly ushered out of the room.
Tom didn’t even say goodbye before he left, quickly rushing out of the Prince’s chambers to the stables where he’d said he’d be, he could at least keep up with that part of his lie.
Harrison let out a deep sigh, taking a seat on the edge of his four-poster bed ready for whatever painful conversation was about to happen.
There was an uncomfortable silence for a little while as his mother thought about what she was going to tell her son, sending him a pitying glance that turned into a stern look.
“Now I already know that you aren’t going to be happy about this,” she began. Harrison quietly scoffed, busying himself by playing with the cuffs of his shirt. He tuned out the sound of his mother’s voice, something anyone else in the entire Kingdom wouldn’t even dream of doing for the sake of keeping their heads- well that might be slightly dramatic, but Harrison was already pissed off.
There were four words that caught his attention and would’ve knocked him off of his feet if he were standing. “You’re getting married.”
Tom didn’t really have anything to do in the stables, and everyone in the Prince’s room had already known that, so he just had to busy himself with anything while Paddy sat down to continue his reading. Tom spent a little bit of time with Harrison’s horse, talking to him about nonsense. He more or less expected to be alone in the stables, other than the ten year old of course, of who wasn’t paying attention, but normally it was just Tom and the horses, sometimes Harrison too.
So he most definitely wasn’t expecting an audience to his conversation with a horse...
He was too caught up to notice the pretty lady standing by the door, quietly giggling at how he probably seemed insane. She chose to speak up eventually though, feeling like she’d already intruded enough.
“Hello?” Tom’s head perked up at the sound of the feminine voice. He stepped out from behind the stallion, noticing a lady that didn’t look like she belonged in a stable at all.
“Can i help you?” he asked kindly, running his hand through the loose curls on his head, brushing them out of his eyes. His eyes roamed her face like he was in some sort of trance, his heart beginning to race.
She flashed him a nervous smile that had butterflies erupting in Tom’s stomach.
“I’m Delilah, I just wanted to come and see the horses, I was informed they’re lovely.”
His eyes widened slightly at the mention of her name, but he nodded in his trance like state, making the lady giggle. He was unable to pinpoint where he’d heard that name before.
“Are you alright?” she asked, snapping Tom out of it. He nodded his head, a pink blush creeping its way onto his cheeks.
“Sorry, I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere,” he explained, running a hand through his hair once again. She flashed him a grin, one that showed off her pearly whites and convinced Tom he could fall in love right there.
“Well, I suppose I should have greeted myself properly.” She took a deep breath, putting on some kind of façade that she was used to wearing in the company of others, to mask her disappointment.
It hit Tom like a horse and cart, the male having a quick moment of realisation.
“Princess Delilah?” he muttered, staring at her wide eyed. She nodded her head sadly, sending him a tight lipped smile.
“That would be me, yes.” His eyebrows drew together in confusion, the pieces not really adding up. Why would a Princess from another Kingdom come here unannounced?
“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?” He tried to sound as kind as possible, the man was genuinely curious. “I-In the kingdom i mean.” 
He noticed her face drop slightly, but she quickly covered it up with another one of her bright smiles.
“I’m afraid I’m not allowed to discuss that.” Tom respected her words, understanding that she could probably get into trouble if he was to pry it out of her. He would still probably ask Harrison anyway, seeing as that’s most likely what his mother wanted to discuss.
The topic was quickly changed so that the atmosphere wouldn’t be so awkward, the young boy in the corner of the room catching Delilah’s eye, thankfully giving her something else to talk about.
“And who’s this?” she asked politely. Paddy didn’t look up from his book, making Tom silently curse him out in his head.
“This is my brother, Paddy.” At the mention of his name he looked up, sending a confused smile to the two adults. Her eyes caught the cover of the book in his hands, peaking her interest.
“What are you reading?” she asked. Tom’s heart fluttered slightly, making a mental note that the Princess was good with kids. She obviously lived up to the sweetheart title the population of her Kingdom had so kindly graced her with, one that was famous enough that it carried through to other places.
“Romeo and Juliet.” 
He could see her face light up with recognition, a sparkle coming to her eye as she looked at the well looked after copy of the book.
“That’s one of my favourites, I like that it’s different.” 
Tom felt slightly silly that he didn’t know what they were talking about. He felt as though the ten year old was managing to bond with the Princess better than he was.
He nervously stuttered out. “Why is it different?” 
He only felt brainless when they both stared at him. Part of him felt like he was being judged for not understanding the simple things behind the story that he hadn’t- no, couldn’t even read.
“It shows that not all love stories end happily,” Paddy explained, looking up at the wiser woman for confirmation. She giggled quietly, nodding her head at the boy.
Delilah let out a sigh, flashing Tom another smile that could convince him to do just about anything she asked him to.
“I should get going, I have to get ready for later,” she mumbled. “It was nice meeting you Tom.”
Like the kind gentleman he was, he bowed to the Lady, earning a playful eye roll from the Princess.
“The honour was mine,” Tom flirted, sending her a teasing smirk.
Paddy faked a cough, drawing their attention away from each other’s eyes and back to the real world. “It was nice to meet you.”
The Princess shook the child’s hand, nodding her head in agreeance. “Tell me how you like the book once you’re finished.” 
Without another word she was gone, her beautiful pale blue dress flowing behind her in the faint summer breeze. Tom watched her go, mesmerized by the simple way she moved.
“You’re in love, aren’t you?” His words broke Tom out of his daze. Paddy may only be young, but he wasn’t silly. He could still clearly see the blush that had been coating Tom’s cheeks while he had spoken with the lovely Princess.
“Even if I was, it doesn’t matter,” he simply stated, not confirming nor denying Paddy’s statement.
“Why not?”
“She’s obviously here for a reason, and I’m not going to be the reason a royal deal is ruined,” he explained simply. “Harrison would kill me.” 
Before anymore could be spoken on the matter, Harrison barged through the door with an angry scowl on his face, muttering some nonsense under his breath that either boys were able to decipher.
Tom called Harrison’s name, telling him to calm down and try to stop his racing thoughts before he spoke. He watched his friend take a deep breath, composing himself.
“You will never believe what my mother’s just told me.” Tom hummed for him to continue, telling Paddy to go and sit outside the stable, somewhere he wouldn’t hear their private conversation. The young boy huffed, standing up from the hay. He headed to sit on a patch of dry grass against the stone wall opposite the wooden barn, sending daggers at his oldest brother.
“They want me to marry the Princess of-“ That was all Tom heard. His heart sank into a pit in his stomach, any happy emotions about their earlier interactions were gone. “I can’t believe it.”
“Why’s that?” he asked, trying to act like he didn’t absolutely despise the idea just as much as his best friend did.
“I don’t want to marry some stranger, Tom.” He rolled his eyes at the prince, stroking his hand down the centre of the horses’ nose. Honestly, he did feel bad that his friend didn’t have a say in who he got to marry, but at the end of the day he was still marrying a princess, and that’s more than Tom could ever do, especially Delilah.
“She’s very beautiful,” he said, trying to at the least make things sound better for his friend. Harrison shot him a look of confusion.
“How do you know?” he asked. 
Tom let out a sigh. “She came down to the stables just before you got here, said she wanted to look at the horses,” he shrugged. Harrison stared at him like he’d gone insane. “What?”
“You can’t be serious,” he stated, finding it hard to believe that the ‘proper lady’ that had been described to him could ever find herself willingly in a stable. Her mother was adamant she would never step foot in such a place, another thing that made him so hesitant, horses were a big part of his life.
“Why would I lie?” Tom challenged, holding his best friend’s stare. Harrison eventually gave in, letting out a groan as he ran his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time.
“She’s nice, she was good with Paddy, so she’s good with kids,” Tom said. “That’s a good thing.” 
His eyes widened, throwing his arms in the air.
“How is that a good thing?” he asked. Tom rolled his eyes, flicking his pointer finger against the back of Harrison’s head, receiving him a glare.
“In a marriage, people normally have children-“
“Fuck,” Harrison cursed. “I didn’t even think of that, do you think they’ll want us to have kids?”
Harrison’s brain felt like it was going to explode, all of this information at once becoming overwhelming for the young man.
“Probably, if you’re going to rule one day they’ll want you to have heirs, Harrison.” 
He placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him while he was clearly in distress.
Tom didn’t know if he’d ever heard his best friend sound so helpless. Normally, he always knew how to approach any situation head on. “What am I going to do?”
June 3rd, 7:00pm
The Prince had been on edge since the conversation with his mother this morning. She’d found him wandering the castle later in the day and informed him of a spontaneous ball they were throwing in honour of their guests, one that she had forgotten to tell him about.
Harrison had rolled his eyes, leaving her without another word to go and find the stable boy so he could guilt trip him into coming with him.
Now a few hours later and here they were, standing above the crowd of the overcrowded ballroom, chatter and music making it hard to think, let alone have a proper conversation.
Tom had had to slow Harrison’s alcohol intake down, the male already having tried to take up to three glasses from passing by servers.
“You need to calm down,” Tom instructed, wanting to keep his friend sober so he didn’t say or do anything he didn’t mean in the moment and embarrass himself
The older male decided on the perfect distraction when he saw his younger brothers approaching. 
The ball was open to those of the Kingdom who could afford to dress up, and luckily for Tom, Harrison would provide him with anything he needed if he wanted his family here. 
In the end only Harry and Sam had decided to come, but that still meant the lads parents were getting a well deserved break from all their responsibilities, seeing as Paddy was capable of keeping to himself for a few hours.
“Your highness,” Sam teased, over exaggerating a bow to the Prince. He rolled his eyes, lightly swatting the back of the brunette’s head, flashing him an innocent smile.
“What have you been doing?” Tom asked.
“We’ve been trying to find some lovely ladies to dance with,” the younger twin explained.
The Prince rolled his eyes, scanning the dance floor for any potential guests for his friend’s brothers, they were only sixteen, so it was a difficult task when you didn’t have many options.
“Well, take your pick, and I’d even encourage you to go for those two over there.” Of course Harrison was pointing to two of the women his mother had named as other potential brides for him if he ruined the deal with the Princess’ family. He knew if Harry and Sam were to pursue them, his mother would most likely flip, and oh how he enjoyed when that happened.
“Aren’t they-“ Tom began. He cut his friend off with a look, chuckling and shaking his head.
“Let them have their fun Thomas,” he said, a devious smirk plastered on his face. He turned to the twins, noticing how the two were already planning what they would say to the fancy women. “Cause as much inconvenience to my mother as you’d like.” 
The pair scattered off into the crowd, Tom not hesitating to hit the Prince’s bicep for encouraging their mischief.
“You’re going to get them in trouble.”
“They’re smart, they’ll be perfectly fine,” he defended.
The two men continued to wait for any sign of the Princess. With most women he could tell, as awful as it sounded, but some didn’t look cut out to be a princess. 
That’s why he was certain he’d spotted her when she showed up at the top of the steps. Her hair was shining, loosely flowing down her back as her hazel eyes came in to focus with the flickering candle light of the large room. Her hands carefully dropped the golden fabric of her gown when she’d come to a stand still, allowing Harrison to admire her, completely, from afar. Beauty.
“Is that her?” he asked. Tom wasn’t given the chance to answer before Harrison was jumping in again. “She’s bea-“
“Not here yet,” Tom interrupted, looking at his best friend in confusion. Harrison turned to him with a furrowed brow, cocking his head.
He pointed to the top of the stairs where she was standing nervously, fiddling with the hems of her sleeves while she scanned the sea of smartly dressed individuals below. “Then who is she?”
Tom followed his stare to see her standing there. He was also slightly taken off guard when he saw her face, his jaw going slack. Harrison slapped his arm as a way of warning, silently having claimed the mystery girl as his, already, even if she wasn’t the Princess he was meant to be falling head over heels for.
“Let’s find out,” Tom smirked, starting to swiftly walk towards her. Harrison tried to call him back, cursing under his breath at the confidence his friend held.
“Tom, don’t you dare,” he warned. He simply received a swift middle finger from the male. Harrison let out a snort, covering it up with a cough when some of the guards gave him a stern look. This was surprisingly a common occurrence with the two males when it came to the guards of the castle. 
Even growing up around the Prince, Tom wasn’t as polished as Harrison was, and had actually rubbed off on him some. Of course the Queen wasn’t happy about that, scolding her son every time he did something she wouldn’t class as ‘royal behaviour’, whatever that meant. So the authority in the castle often had times over the years where they had to scold the Prince for acting like a commoner, a word Harrison despised for the sake of his best friend.
Although he still had to remember that this was a proper, formal meeting with the royal family of the neighbouring country, so he had to be on his best behaviour. That meant also controlling his manic best friend who was now introducing himself to the beautiful Lady.
“I’m Thomas, but you can call me Tom, darling,” he lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the back of it. She felt her body growing hot, trying to act calm as if this very attractive man wasn’t greeting her out of nowhere. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been given as much male attention, especially not from someone so kind.
“I’m Annette,” she giggled. “But you can call me Annie.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you Annie.” He had that silly smile on his face that Harrison recognised every time Tom tried to flirt. He met the two at the top of the stairs, standing beside them awkwardly rocking on his feet.
She turned to look at Harrison and he was almost breathless seeing her up close. Annie felt herself grow nervous at the blank look on his face. If she thought Tom was attractive, she had another thing coming when she saw Harrison. Her heart fluttered when she saw the blonde staring at her.
“I-I’m Harrison,” he stuttered, acting as though he wasn’t blushing profusely like a school boy with a crush. Her eyes stayed locked on his, the corners of her lips twisting up into a soft smile.
“P-Prince Harrison?” she asked, her voice shaky slightly. He nodded, his heart sinking slightly. “It’s very nice to meet you, your highness.” 
Tom tried to hold back his laughter as she curtsied for the male, knowing that Harrison hated that kind of treatment from people.
“I’m Annette,” she stated. She almost melted when Harrison took her hand like Tom had. The Prince bowed to kiss her hand, flashing her a smile that made her knees weak.
“I don’t believe I’ve seen you before,” he said. “I apologise if this is rude but, who exactly are you, love?”
Annie’s heart melted at the sweet nickname falling from his lips, her hands beginning to sweat slightly as she grew more and more nervous at the idea of messing this interaction up. She was convinced she might die if she embarrassed herself right now.
“I’m just a handmaiden to the Princess, nothing of importance,” she explained, a light chuckle following her words. Harrison shrugged, a flirty smile much like Toms decorating his lips. Now Harrison still didn’t have very many informal social skills, but he had turned out to be a natural flirt, even when he didn’t really notice he was doing it.
“I would say that’s an important job, having to get the Princess ready and proper,” he said, turning to the male. “Wouldn’t you Tom?”
He rolled his eyes. “I would, and speaking of, where is the Princess?”
Annie was glad that they’d changed the subject of the conversation so quickly, just so Harrison couldn’t see the silly grin that had blossomed on her face when he complimented her job.
“She’s a little bit nervous, but she should be here by now.” Harrison noted that she was angsty,  unable to stand still as she waited to see if the Princess was even going to show.
It was an awkward few minutes of Harrison checking his shiny, golden pocket-watch every few minutes, mentally noting that the Princess was late. While Tom attempted to keep conversation with their new friend.
“Ah, Annie.” The girl turned her head, a thankful smile planting itself on her face. “I’m sorry for keeping you,” she apologised, greeting the other royal with a polite curtsy. 
“No worries, Princess.”
She smiled at the group of three, noticing the familiar face along with her best friends, her eyes lingered on the dressed up stable boy for a second. She giggled, pointing a finger at him accusingly.
“From the stable,” she said. Tom nodded, shooting his friend an ‘I told you so’ look. “Nice to see you again.” 
Harrison rolled his eyes, punching his friend's shoulder to tell him to shut up.
Upon his first meeting with Delilah, he didn’t feel the connection like he did with Annie, and the Princess was certain she hadn’t felt the connection like she’d felt with Tom. In Fact it seemed like Thomas had more of a connection with Delilah than the blonde did. Harrison was pretty sure he’d managed to screw up this deal before it had even properly begun.
“Shall we?” she asked, nodding in the direction of the ballroom floor, dragging him out of his thoughts before he could get too lost. He sent one last lingering look at Annie, one she returned, before he nodded his head at Delilah.
He took her hand with a forced smile, sending a glance in the direction of Tom and Annie, who had now been left alone, as he descended the steps with the Princess. He noticed how Tom seemed to be making her laugh, jealousy tugging at his heart at how his best friend could easily make her swoon.
But still he noticed the way she beamed at him, her smile causing butterflies in Harrison’s stomach. He watched as Tom politely offered her his hand, and he could almost hear his friend’s voice in his head asking her to dance.
“Harrison,” Delilah hissed, snapping his attention back to the girl on his arm. He hummed, silently asking what was wrong. “Take my waist.” 
As he looked around he noticed numerous pairs of eyes on them as they waited for the soon to be engaged couple to begin to dance together. He grew nervous at all the sets of eyes, feeling as though they were silently judging him. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled, clearing his throat. He slipped his hands around her waist, holding her close to him, while hers circled around his neck.
Harrison felt bad that his eyes were practically glued to the way Annie flowed so gracefully across the floor in Tom’s arms, rather than on the girl he should be focusing on.
She raised her hand to his jaw, gently turning his chin so the striking blue of his eyes met hers. He could see the sympathy all over her face.
“I take it you don’t want to marry me?”
He didn’t expect her to bring that up so bluntly.
“I don’t even know, how could I possibly say that? I barely know you.” He didn’t know how she felt, and Harrison wasn’t going to jeopardise everything for the sake of a girl he’d met a few seconds ago, compared to the woman that was going to be his wife.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re practically drooling over Annie.” 
He became defensive, shaking his head. “I’m not, really, I was just-“ He tried to come up with a quick lie, swallowing nervously. “I was looking at her dress, i-it’s bright and-“
“I don’t want to marry you either.” He let out a breath of air.
“Oh thank God.” She giggled, the man joining in with a more than relieved chuckle. The two had to reassure each other that they just weren’t ready and it was nothing personal, because truly it wasn’t. It didn’t take a genius to see Delilah had clicked with Tom in the stables and Harrison and Annie had some sort of obvious chemistry when they met on the stairs.
“What are we going to do?” she asked, feeling completely useless, letting out a surprised squeal when the Prince twirled her. Harrison shrugged, trying not to let the stress of the situation show on his face, forcing a smile on his lips instead.
“Well people are watching,” he said. “So for now, we dance.”
She hummed. “Now that, I can do.”
June 12th, 1:26pm
A week or so after the ball, Harrison and Delilah were being pushed into spending time together, in their parent’s words it would be ‘building their love connection.’
The two had simply shared an eye roll and had to agree, pretending as though the idea didn’t sound weird and awful. With a few more painful comments from their mothers about how cute they were going to look together, they were ready to go and ‘bond.’
“Oh and, take Annie with you.” Harrison’s eyes widened, glancing over at the girl who looked just as shocked as the pair of royals. She obediently nodded her head, silently accepting that she’d have to get used to the couple somehow and now would maybe be her chance.
“Well Ladies, after you,” Harrison muttered, motioning for the two women to leave the room first. 
The three took a stroll through the gardens of flowers, Delilah and Harrison making polite conversation while Annie hung back. She took the time to admire all the different types of vibrant flowers that looked as though they had been handled with such care.
She thought they were beautiful, and she could only wish the King and Queen would have something like this at their own Palace. As much as she’d begged them, they never gave in. She hadn't noticed that the pair in front had slowed to a stop, partially to give her the chance to catch up so she didn’t get lost in an unknown place.
Harrison’s eyes roamed the side of her face as she admired the rows of beautiful dandelions. He felt heat rising to his cheeks just looking at her, the way the sun beamed down and created something like a halo around her.
“You look at her like she’s the only person in the world, you know.” 
He knew she was right. Harrison hated that he couldn’t control his feelings, that he couldn’t feel for Lilah like he did for Annie. There was just something so unexplainable about her, and he wanted to know so much more.
“To me, she is.” 
Annie turned her head to look at the pair standing together, the baby curls that were framing her face blowing in the gentle breeze. She looked between the two royals who had obviously been watching her and ducked her head down.
She assumed that they’d been waiting on her and she felt guilt rising in her chest.
“Sorry,” she muttered, picking up her pace again and beginning to walk towards them both. Delilah linked her arm through her best friends, flashing her a bright, loving smile.
“Why are you apologising? We were just talking about how pretty you are.” The words came out of her mouth like it was nothing, yet here Annie was almost choking on her own breath. The Prince thought she was pretty?
She wasn’t given time to dwell on it when Harrison quickly jumped in, trying to save himself any awkward questions.
“Come on, I know somewhere we could go.” 
The two women put their trust into Harrison as he led them through a forest type environment. They shared a look of confusion behind the males back, wondering if they dared to speak up.
“You aren’t taking us here to kill us are you?” Annie asked.
Harrison snorted, shaking his head with a rather amused smile planted on his face. “No, I'm not.” 
“Then where are we going?”
He grinned, picking up his pace. He didn’t take into account how difficult it may be for them both to walk through all the fallen branches and twigs while in dresses, meaning he arrived at his surprise destination moments before they did.
The forest opened out into a small meadow-like area, housing a gradual grass bank decorated with the most elegant of flowers, that descended into a smooth flowing stream. The sound of the running water hitting various large rocks and the happy, chirping birds were the only thing that filled the rather calming atmosphere.
The stream looked like a place you could swim if you entered from the other side, the water being more deep than shallow. However, the end Harrison had led you to allowed you to comfortably see the bottom through the clear river.
Annie studied the place in awe, feeling an overwhelming calming sensation fill her body just standing there. The Princess was already off to admire the wildlife she’d spotted in the trees, wanting to get a closer look at the loud spoken birds.
For Annie this felt like a whole new experience, they didn’t have places this ethereal back home.
“This place is gorgeous,” she whispered. Harrison took his chance, seeing as this was the first time he was pretty much alone with Annie. She felt his presence behind her as she looked out across the stream.
“How did you find this?” 
He shoved his hands in his pockets, kicking at one of the stones beside his shoe. 
“I found it when I was a kid actually,” he said, smiling at the memory of that day. “I was riding and my horse got startled, ran off and left me in the mud, literally.” 
She giggled, the sound like music to the blonde’s ears. Speaking of his ears, they were currently tinting red from the embarrassed blush she’d managed to put on his face.
“I went to go and find him and found him drinking from the stream, must have known it was here.” 
Delilah didn’t know what the two were talking about, but she did know that look in Annie’s eyes. The girl was admiring Harrison with soft eyes filled with adoration while he told his story, laughing every time he laughed, smiling when she saw the crinkles next to his eyes.
“Come on,” he said, holding his hand out for the girl. She tilted her head, tentatively locking her fingers with his. He led her down the small hill, closer to the running stream of water.
He gently placed his hands on her shoulders when the two came to a stop, him feeling her body relax under his tender touch.
The water was now only a hand width away, and she had to admit that the view from down here was much more exquisite than the view from above. 
She could feel Harrison’s hands trailing down her arms, jumping to her lower back all of a sudden.
“What are you-“
She didn’t even manage to finish her sentence before Harrison was pushing her forward into the water. She gasped, trying to reach for him but to no avail.
He made no attempt to catch her as she fell onto her bum in the water, not deep enough to fully submerge her but deep enough to splash her so her dress was now drenched with pond water.
The Prince was laughing loudly, finding it truly hilarious how she pouted up at him while small water droplets trickled down her face.
“Harrison,” she whined, standing in the dripping dress as he laughed at her. Delilah watched in amusement upon the grass, shaking her head at just how obvious the adorable puppy-love attraction between them was.
He offered out his hand to her, telling her that he’d help her over the small rocks so she didn’t slip and fall. Annie saw that as an opportunity to get her own back, tugging on his hands so he fell in with her this time.
Granted it meant she also fell back into the water, Harrison practically on top of her, but the girl simply couldn’t stop laughing at the shock written all over his face.
“That was so mean,” he groaned. Only at his words did she look up, noticing just how close to her he was. His hands were holding him up so he was hovering above her, and her laughter slowly died down as she noticed how their faces were only a few inches apart.
“You pushed me in first,” she whispered. The two were lost in the other’s eyes. From this close Annie could see every different fleck of blue in his eyes, every tiny freckle on his face and-
“Hey lovebirds, you should really dry off if you want to make it back in time for dinner.” 
The pair's cheeks flushed at Delilah’s interruption, remembering that the two weren’t alone at all. 
Harrison had to be the first one to get to his feet from his position on top of her, holding out his hand with a pinky promise that neither one would push the other in again.
He helped Annie back to the grass bank, the two deciding that they would need to lay in the sun in order to dry off their clothes.
Harrison had pulled down his suspenders so they were hanging off of his hips, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt hoping it would dry quicker. He laid down with his back against the grass, letting the sun loom over him.
The girl didn’t take long in joining him, laying beside him quietly. It was peaceful, the two soaking up the sun and the silence together.
Annie grew uncomfortable after a while, feeling her hair dampen the back of her clothes further. She pushed herself up out of her laying position until she was sitting upright, catching Harrison’s attention.
Her hand ran over the messy curls, her bottom lip jutting out adorably.
“My hair’s a mess,” she complained, pulling apart the thin string of ribbon that held it into a loose ponytail, now dripping wet with the water from the stream.
“I could plait it for you if you’d like,” he offered. She looked at him with slight amusement, almost disbelief.
“Really?” He simply nodded, holding his hand out to take the ribbon from her. He let her crawl between his spread legs, sitting with her back towards him so he could reach her wet curls.
He separated the strands as gently as he could, trying not to pull too hard. 
“Where did you learn to do hair?” she asked, feeling him start the plait off correctly. Harrison grinned, his skilled hands creating the perfect braid down her back.
“I have a little sister.” 
Annie’s eyes widened, looking over her shoulder at the boy in shock. He quietly scolded her for ruining his concentration, making her face back in the direction she was originally.
“Why haven’t I seen her in the castle?” 
He chuckled. “You probably have, would’ve thought she was a maid with the dresses she wears.” 
He noticed her visibly tense, her demeanor changing quickly.
“What’s wrong with maids?” she asked. His eyes widened, clearing his throat.
“N-Nothing I just-“ He didn’t know how to dig himself out of this hole he’d got himself in. “I just meant she blends in, doesn’t act like a Princess either.” 
She nodded. Harrison could tell he’d messed up slightly. He hadn’t meant to offend her in any way and now he felt bad. He carefully tied the ribbon around the end of her hair, sealing off her plait tightly. He let out a sigh, gently moving to put his hands on her arms.
“I’m sorry if I upset you.” 
She sent him a smile, shaking her head. “It’s okay.” 
Over the course of the next few hours Annie noticed how touchy Harrison had got with her, wanting to, at the minimum, hold her hand. She wasn’t sure if it was his way of making up for what he said, but she wasn’t mad at it.
So, when the three of them headed back to the castle, he was completely reluctant to let go. He ran his thumb over her knuckles one last time before sadly releasing her hand, her positive smile causing him to break out into a smile too.
Harrison and Delilah were bombarded with questions from their mothers as soon as they stepped through the main door of the castle. They were ushered into a gorgeous, grand room where the ladies were sitting having tea.
“You’re back,” Alice announced. 
Harrison’s mother tried to invite them all to sit down, instructing some of the maids to pour them some tea. He politely refused, telling the nice women not to bother.
“We’d love to hear all about your day,” she gushed, taking Harrison’s face in her hands with a grin. Lilah let out a quiet laugh, earning a glare from the Prince who was anything but happy.
“Actually, I was just going to introduce Delilah here to my horse,” he explained, quickly creating a lie so he could avoid having any kind of tea with their mothers. More so because he couldn’t really tell them what they’d done with their day, nor did he even want to try.
He noticed her perk up in her stance, probably at the thought of getting to see Tom in the stables.
“Horse?” her mother asked, slight disgust in her tone. He forced a smile, stiffly nodding his head. Delilah sent her mother a stern look. “Right, Annette you’re going with them, yes?”
The girl looked up from her place in the corner. Lilah noticed in the corner of her eye the way Harrison stood straighter when Annie looked in their direction, trying to stifle a giggle at how obvious his crush on her was.
“Yes, I suppose so,” she smiled. Queen Alice nodded, cupping the back of Annie’s head to move her along.
“Dear, do you know your hair is wet?” Her eyes widened slightly, flashing the Queen a nervous smile, but she calmly shrugged it off.
“It must be from my shower this morning,” she explained. Annie was just praying that she didn’t notice the way her hair had gone from being in a ponytail to a slightly messy plait. The long pause of silence made her nervous, the girl flicking her eyes over to the other people in the room.
“Very well, go ahead.” 
It was only a short walk down to the stables, but in that time Harrison had managed to lock his fingers with Annie’s again. Neither of them said anything about it, just sporting grins instead, ones that made Lilah roll her eyes.
Upon entering the stables they noticed Tom petting Harrison’s horse, reminding Lilah of the day the two had met where he’d more or less been in the same position as he was in now.
“Oh hello, what are you all doing here?” Annie and Harrison shared a look when they noticed Tom trying to discreetly tidy himself up a little, having been looking a tad bit ragged from working the stables all day.
“We’re escaping our mothers and their tea,” Harrison explained. If Tom was even listening to him he didn’t show it, his eyes fixed right on Lilah’s.
“Would you two be okay if I maybe went with Tom somewhere?” she asked, turning her head over her shoulder to look at the two amused faces behind her. “I could always meet your horse another time.” 
Annie grinned up at Harrison, whispering to let them go have fun for a little while, seeing as Delilah had spent the whole day watching her and Harrison have the time of their lives together.
“Go,” he encouraged. Tom sent his friend a grateful look, tugging Delilah away from the pair. They watched as she linked her arm with Tom’s, the stable boy leading her out into the gardens somewhere.
“What’s his name?” Annie asked once the two were out of sight. The Prince smiled, turning his attention back to his horse.
“This is Moonlight,” Harrison said, running his hand over the main of the lovely horse. Annie grinned at the name, prepared to begin her teasing on how it was slightly silly. no 
“Moonlight, really?” 
He scoffed playfully, sending her a look. “I named him when I was a child.” 
The two descended into a comfortable silence, stroking the soft fur of the horse. Annie couldn’t hold back anymore, needing to make some kind of comment about the name once again.
“It’s rather silly though, don’t you think?” Harrison pushed her arm lightly, shaking his head at her teasing. He wrapped his arms around her waist, the girl biting her lip to hide her wide grin as his face rested so close to hers.
“Maybe I think your name’s rather silly.” 
She giggled, looking over her shoulder. Harrison’s nose was practically pushing against hers in an eskimo kiss, the two so close that they were surprised their lips weren’t brushing over one anothers.
Annie had to be the one to pull away, knowing she couldn’t steal the woman, who was basically her employer’s soon to be fiancé away.
“We can’t,” she whispered, unwrapping herself from his arms. He frowned, having the knowledge that Tom and Delilah were probably doing the exact same thing with no regard for Harrison, so why couldn’t he kiss the girl he likes?
“Annie,” he said softly.
“So, tell me more about Moonlight.”
June 25th, 11:31am
The longer Harrison and The Princess had to get to know each other, the more time he actually spent with the handmaiden, falling deeper in love by the day. So fast that it scared him. 
It was around the three week mark when Tom finally decided he was going to spend the day with the girl he liked alone, leaving Harrison and Annie the opportunity to also spend the day together. The plan was to keep it as secret as possible, mainly because it’d be very frowned upon if his mother found out he didn’t love the girl he was meant to marry. But if either of them got caught they had already made their excuses to explain what was happening; The males were assisting the ladies riding the horses, simple. 
Annie was obviously protective of Delilah, she was a Princess she had to be, so she was very uncertain about leaving her alone with Tom, a man they had only met a week or so prior.
“You don’t have to watch them you know,” he whispered, watching the way she raked her eyes over the pair cautiously. She turned to face Harrison with a small smile.
“I just want to make sure he behaves.” 
“He will, trust me.” She hesitated before giving in under his soft stare, nodding her head. 
She turned her attention to Moonlight, gently stroking the bridge of the stallion's nose. The horse really was beautiful to her, a very light shade of white that reminded her of the prettiest daisies she used to have in her garden growing up and the darkest eyes that still managed to feel comforting. He was arguably one of the cutest horses she’d ever seen, but she wouldn’t be boosting Harrison’s ego with that information.
“Do you want to go for a ride?” he asked, noticing the way her eyes were admiring the creature.
She turned her head to look at him, scanning his pretty face to see if he was being serious. When he didn’t budge she nodded, a grin creeping onto her lips at the idea of being able to ride a horse for the first time in weeks.
“Do you need to change?” He motioned to the puffy dress she was wearing, hinting that it probably wouldn’t work well with two people on a horse, or even herself on a horse. Dresses we’re definitely not made for riding.
“I only have dresses.” There was a slight pout on her lips. She took this to mean she couldn’t go riding with Harrison like she’d wanted, essentially crushing part of her spirit.
Harrison was quiet for a minute, giving Annie a chance to admire his face deep in thought. That was until his eyes lit up with an idea. 
“What if you wore some of my clothes?” 
She didn’t have time to agree nor protest as Harrison began enthusiastically dragging her to his room, all the way from the gardens. They got some strange looks from some of the guards, the men suspicious as to why he was running around with some girl that definitely wasn’t the Princess he was meant to be getting engaged to.
Obviously people were going to be suspicious when he was taking another woman up to his room.
“Wait here,” he instructed.
This was the first time Annie had been in the Prince’s room during her multiple week stay at the castle, so she took her time to admire the large, surprisingly homey room.
He grabbed some of the smallest clothes of his he could find, probably not that small when you considered Annie wasn’t a 5’10 muscular man like he was.
Harrison watched as her eyes roamed the four walls, a soft, admirable look on her face. 
“Here you go,” he said, handing the folded up clothes to her with a smile. He grew nervous when she just stared at him, not quite understanding what else there was to do. She rolled her eyes at his visible obliviousness.
“Turn around,” she demanded, ending her sentence with a quiet giggle. Harrison made a quiet ‘oh’ sound and obeyed, staring blankly at the wall as he listened to the material of her clothing drop to the floor.
He waited patiently as she pulled on the oversized clothes, hearing a few huffs from the girl behind him. They made her sound even cuter than he already thought she was.
“I’m done,” she grumbled. He turned back around, snorting at the way the clothes basically fell off of her body, making her look like a toddler that was trying on their parents' clothing.
“They don’t fit,” she whined, looking at Harrison with an expression that resembled a small child. He had to bite back his laugh. Obviously he was much taller and bigger than Annie, so his clothes practically swallowed the girl up. 
“Come here,” he whispered. She followed his instruction eagerly, shuffling over to him so she didn’t trip over the length of the trousers, until she was standing within a hand width away.
He ended up helping her back into her corset, keeping the shirt fitted to her body tightly. The two shared giggles as she attempted to instruct the clueless royal on how to properly fasten a corset, something he’d never had to do before. 
She would shiver involuntarily more or less every time his fingertips brushed her back, her gasps not only being due to the added restriction to her breathing, even if that’s what she would claim it was.
“How’s that?” he asked, tying off the strings of the corset in a tight bow. She nodded her head, taking a breath as deep as she could.
“Perfect.” She could feel the heat from his body radiating off of him due to how close he was, her heartbeat speeding up significantly.
His finger teasingly hooked into the waistband of the trousers she’d been holding up, tugging them to emphasise just how loose they were. She let out a giggle, playfully slapping his hands away. Harrison now had to come up with some way to keep the material from constantly falling down her legs.
That’s when his eyes caught sight of the thin piece of red ribbon that was tying her hair together in a simple braid, similar to the one he’d done for her by the stream. She gasped when Harrison pulled it free, pushing it through the loops of his trousers so they were fitted as tightly  to her waist as they could be. Annie could feel his breath on the back of her neck at the close proximity of the male, the warmth sending more and more shivers down her spine as time ticked on.
“I’m sorry about your hair,” he said, running his fingers through the mess of the braid until it came fully undone. The curly locks were now falling against the material of the borrowed shirt, covering up small parts of her face that Harrison wished he could see.
She turned around to face him, meeting his eyes almost instantly, seeing as they’d been burning holes into the back of her head.
Harrison’s hand came up to brush her hair out of her face like an instinct, tucking it behind her ears with utmost care and gentle touch, exposing those parts of her face that he wanted to see.
His striking baby blues were completely locked on her soft brown orbs, acting as a way of silent communication for the pair.
Neither of them noticed how they were getting closer, not until one more slight forward movement would cause their lips to brush.
“Better?” he asked, his lips barely even an inch away from hers. She gulped nervously, nodding her head. The clothes may not have fitted like they would if a tailor had made them specifically for her, but Harrison had done a good job of getting them to fit well enough for a ride on his horse.
There was a knock at the door that forced the two away from each other with a startled jump, standing side by side with wide eyes. Thankfully it was only Tom and Delilah, Harrison isn’t sure he’d actually want to find out what would happen if it was someone like his mother.
“What are you wearing?” she asked, her voice laced with utter disgust. Tom let out a snort, shaking his head at just how much she really did sound like a Princess.
“We’re going riding,” Annie explained, in a quiet voice that told Harrison she was embarrassed. He rolled his eyes, pulling her into his side with his arm around her waist. The girl’s eyes widened, looking up at the Prince in shock.
“I think she looks beautiful. Now, if you don’t mind,” he motioned for her to go ahead. “M’Lady.” 
Tom and Delilah shared a look, the two thinking the exact same thing, those two had fallen for each other, hard, and there was no way either of them could give that up if it did eventually come down to a wedding.
Harrison led Annie all the way back down the short walk to the stables, the two refusing to unlock their interlaced fingers even in front of the prying eyes of the maids and guards, who of which would be sure to try and tell his mother.
It wasn’t long until the pair were reunited with the horse they’d left only minutes prior, Annie’s hand running over Moonlight’s soft fur.
“Are you ready to go for a ride?” 
She nodded happily. Moonlight already had a saddle on his back, Annie assuming one of the stable boy’s had got him ready to go. She watched as Harrison easily hoisted himself up onto the horses back, shifting until he got comfortable on the seat.
“Come on,” he chuckled, generously holding his hand out to help her up. She grinned excitedly, taking his hand and using his assistance to make it onto the horse.
“Now, hold on,” he winked. 
She hesitantly wrapped her arms around his torso, her grip only growing tighter when they began to move. It wasn’t that she had never ridden a horse before, she even had her own, but she’d never been the one not in control of said horse. She hadn’t even known Harrison a month, so she didn’t know if she could even trust him as much as she’d like to. 
“I’ve got you I promise.”
The two didn’t have a destination, just knowing that they wanted to spend as much time away from the palace as they could. It was quiet, but it was that kind of comfortable silence that’s almost enjoyable. 
Harrison had started looking for somewhere they could stop and spend some time, spotting a nice looking area on the hill over by some trees that would look over the entire kingdom. 
“Is here okay?” he asked. She nodded her head, mumbling a perfect under her breath as Harrison willed Moonlight to a stop. He helped her down from the horse until her feet were once again firmly planted on land. 
“This whole place is breathtaking,” she commented, motioning out to the homes of the kingdom. 
Annie had decided to lay down on the soft grass in the line of the sun’s rays. Harrison watched her with a smile as he tied the reigns of his precious animal to a nearby tree so he wouldn’t stray too far. 
The Prince was quick to join the lady laying on the ground, a soft smile on his face that he just couldn’t hide. He took a few moments to admire the way the sun was beaming down on her face, her eyes closed to protect those beautiful honey orbs from the harsh light. He thought she looked like an angel, all of her best features accentuated by the soft glow. 
He decided that he wanted to get to know her more, casting his eyes nervously up to the sky when he saw her own flicker open. 
“So, how did you end up a handmaiden to the Princess?” he asked, curiously. The question was innocent of course, obviously he didn’t know her life story, but it still made her tear up slightly to think about.
Thankfully, he wasn’t looking at her, instead looking up at the unusually bright June sky, the sun blinding him to the point he had to block it out with his hand.
“My mother was Delilah’s nanny,” she began, a small smile on her lips as she reminisced. Harrison turned his head watching the way she talked about her family with so much love. “Until she died when she was around 11.”
He frowned, sitting up slightly to rest on his elbow, so he could get a better look at her face, a better read on her emotions.
“Her parents thought the least they could do was give me a job when I could work, after all the loyalty my mother had given them over the years,” she explained. “They thought it wasn’t fair to let us go hungry.”
He listened intently, letting her know that he was hearing her every word. He did feel bad, he felt bad for even asking the question, but he hated that she had to experience those hardships where she didn’t know if her family would be able to eat the next day, when his entire life it was the complete opposite.
“When my father died, that was when they took me in, gave me a room in their home and treated me like a daughter. As long as I kept up my job of course.” There was a faint smile decorating her lips as she stared up at the clouds in the sky, giving Harrison the time to admire her.
She eventually turned her head towards him, a small smile creeping onto her face when she caught sight of him staring.
She didn’t really want to discuss the topic anymore, she’d received enough pity over the course of her life and she definitely wasn’t planning on receiving more from the man she liked.
“How did you meet Tom?”
June 25th, 4:28pm
The two agreed on a slow walk back, Harrison holding the reins of his horse while Annie walked beside him. Conversation flowed easily, sweet stories of memories from their past being uttered in the quiet atmosphere of the vacant field.
“I don’t even want to go back,” she mumbled, sending Harrison a sad glance.
“Why not?”
“Today was just so perfect, and I don’t want to go back to engagement party preparations.” He understood completely, his mother had been getting way too out of hand with planning his wedding to Delilah, of which he still wasn’t happy about, when he hadn’t even proposed properly yet. He didn’t know when he was meant to propose but he hoped it was far enough away that he could try to convince his mother otherwise.
He’d tried to push all the thoughts about the engagement to the back of his mind all day but her words just brought them all back, forcing a frown onto his face as he watched her face as she walked. 
“Annie, I-” He turned to face her, taking one of her hands into his free one, his other still holding onto the reins. She was scared to look up at him, wondering if she just managed to spoil everything that had happened the whole day. “Please look at me,” he mumbled. 
Her eyes flickered up to look at his baby blues, her heart soaring due to the look of love in his soft orbs. He had a small smile on his face, their close proximity letting him gently rub their noses together. 
She knew he wouldn’t try to kiss her without her permission, noticing him open his mouth to ask exactly for that. She giggled quietly, letting her hands slide up to rest against his chest. 
“Just kiss me,” she whispered. He nodded his head, leaning down until their lips brushed past each other so lightly it almost didn’t happen. She took charge, leaning on her tiptoes to take control of the kiss. She pressed her lips on his, tilting her head to properly slot them together. Annie’s stomach was in a jumble of knots as Harrison’s hand travelled from her cheek down to the side of her neck, his thumb applying the slightest pressure on her throat that took her breath away for numerous reasons. 
She could feel the cool metal of his family crest engraved ring pressing against her flushed skin, making her heart race in her ribcage. 
He broke away from her lips primarily to take a second to catch his breath, but he also wanted to give some love to her neck. She was panting heavily as his lips followed an invisible trail from the corner of her mouth, down to her jaw, down her neck- oh down her neck. He heard the breathy moan she let slip loud and clear. The sound hitting his ears perfectly. It made his knees weak knowing he had the most perfect girl he’d ever seen falling apart for him purely from something as simple as a few kisses. 
She gently guided his lips back to hers when she felt like she’d die if she didn’t kiss him again soon. This kiss was slower than the first, the two really taking their time to memorise everything about the others lips. 
He got lost in her, finally letting go of the reins to thread his hand in her curls, pulling her impossibly deeper into the kiss. This was arguably the best kiss either of them had ever experienced, sparks flying with each desperate clash of their lips. 
Neither of them were expecting the spontaneous heavy rainfall, a gasp coming from Annie as she was suddenly drenched in the rainwater. She’d pulled away from Harrison, looking up at him with a contagious giggle. He leaned back in with a smile, planting one more kiss on her soft lips. “Your lips taste amazing,” he whispered, drawing a blush to her cheeks. 
He removed his hand from her hair slowly, deciding that they couldn’t stay in the rain for much longer, especially when they weren’t moving. 
They picked up their walking pace, heading straight for the stables where, like this, they would have to spend the night. 
With the speed they were practically jogging at, they arrived in no time, the pair running into the dry warmth of the stable with loud bubbling laughter. 
Luckily, thanks to his jacket, the shirt she was wearing of Harrison’s hadn’t gotten too wet, meaning she could still wear it. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case for the Prince, after giving his jacket to the girl like the gentleman he was, he was now soaking wet with rainwater. 
“If you don’t want to freeze, i’d suggest you take off your top.” Harrison’s eyes widened slightly at her almost demand, not knowing where the surge of confidence to say something that could’ve been perceived so differently had come from.
By the time he had snapped out of his daze Annie was already unlacing her corset, he didn’t know if she was just loosening it or if she was actually taking off the whole thing but Harrison looked away, trying to give her the privacy she deserved, trying also to busy himself with his horse.
“Harrison,” she mumbled. He hummed, not wanting to risk turning around. “I was serious about you freezing.” 
Harrison stubbornly unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing, folding it over one of the shelves to try and give it time to dry before the morning. If Harrison had to walk back to the castle shirtless, it probably wouldn’t be a good look.
Harrison headed for the blankets next, the ones he usually kept in here from when he was a boy and refused to part with his horse for the night. He walked back to Annie with a small smile on his lips. 
He wrapped the warm material around her shivering frame, noticing she’d also taken off the corset and the wet trousers, both of which were now left to dry off to the side.
“Thank you,” she muttered, teeth chattering due to the cold. Harrison nodded his head, moving to make sure Moonlight was okay before he himself could settle down. 
It didn’t take long for the male to realise he only had the one blanket, conveniently the one that was wrapped around Annie’s shoulders currently. He cursed under his breath, trying not to visibly shiver at the gust of cold air that blew throughout the stable. He didn’t know Annie had been watching him the whole time he was thinking about his crisis, noticing how he was shaking from the lack of heat in his body.
She stood up from her spot on some hay, heading over to him with the intent of not taking no for an answer.
Her arms wrapped around his torso from behind, the blanket starting to cover some of his body. Even the little bit of fabric helped to warm him up ever so slightly.
His back was cold to the touch, the kind of cold where your body felt numb. Annie took his hand, leading him over to the hay she had been sitting on. It took awhile for the two to find a comfortable enough position to lay in.
The blanket only ended up being big enough to cover them both if they laid with their chest’s touching. Annie’s head was comfortably resting on Harrison’s chest, her arms wrapped around his torso. While one of his hands was running through her hair, stroking his hand over her head, the other wrapping around her body to keep her warmth as close to him as possible.
His hand stroked up and down her back for a little while, soothing her to sleep with the calming sound of the rain that continued to pour outside. 
“Goodnight Harrison,” she whispered. He smiled, running his fingers through her damp hair. He placed a sweet kiss to the top of her head, squeezing her impossibly closer to him.
“Goodnight, darling.” 
Harrison hadn’t been able to get to sleep that night. At first he assumed it was from the uncomfortable feeling of the hay bails on his bare back, but when he saw how sound on Annie was, he knew it couldn’t be that. 
No, he was scared to death of being caught by someone, with her, like this. Obviously he knew how it would be perceived at first glance, especially without any knowledge of what had happened prior, and he couldn’t risk that.
He knew that if anyone were to come in early in the morning it’d most likely be Tom or his father, and if so he could easily persuade them to keep quiet.
The next morning Annie was woken up early by the loud chirping of the birds in the nearby trees, the sun barely rising in the sky. She was alone now, the blanket wrapped solely around her body tightly and no longer around Harrisons.
She stretched her arms above her head, letting out a small sigh at the feeling of her muscles relaxing. She spotted Harrison leaning against the door of the stable, still shirtless, just watching the light drizzle of rain and the sun beginning to rise over the castle.
She kept the blanket around her shoulders, moving over to where the man she adored stood, looking like one of those Greek God’s she’d read about in one of Delilah’s fancy books.
“Good morning,” she whispered. He turned his head to see her standing there, her hair messier than it’d been last night, he thought it made her look even more gorgeous though.
“Hi. Come here,” he cooed, holding out his hand for her to take. Annie’s eyebrows drew together in confusion, taking his hand anyway. He pointed to the sunrise just beyond the castle, watching as her face twisted into one of awe.
He coaxed her body back into his chest, wrapping his arms around her protectively. He rested his chin on the top of her head, exhaling slowly. This was the kind of love he wanted, the kind that was just so easy and natural. Annie could give him that, not Delilah. 
He hated the fact that he couldn’t marry the girl he was falling so hopelessly in love with, how was he meant to give all this up?
July 2nd, 9:03am
In retrospect after being in the Osterfield’s kingdom for almost a month the ladies probably should’ve visited their village earlier. Except for the most part they’d been locked up in the castle being wooed by two angel-like boys.
“This place is so lovely,” she whispered, looking around at all the different people communicating outside of the different stalls set up along the street. People sold a variety of things here, bright bouquets of flowers that added that pop of colour to the grey town walls and jewellery that would glint in the sun, they had it all and it was beautiful.
Delilah didn’t see it that way, as much as the Princess would say she wasn’t, she was spoiled and anything to do with ‘commoners’ usually didn’t interest her. Unless their name was Tom and he had curly, brown hair.
“Why are we here again?” she asked, linking her arm with Annie’s so she didn’t get lost in the crowd. The latter sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Because, it’s Harrison’s birthday soon and I wanted to get him a gift.” Delilah nodded, looking around the busy streets of the large kingdom. 
“You should too, you know,” she said. The Princess looked back at her in confusion, furrowing her brow. “Get him a gift, he is going to be your husband.” 
She could sense some hostility in those final words, her face dropping slightly. She knew Annie was falling for Harrison, but Annie knew that Delilah didn’t love him, and the poor girl didn’t understand why she was taking out her emotions on her.
“I suppose so.” She hadn’t even remembered when Harrison had mentioned it was his birthday, but she guessed it was the least she could do. 
The pair walked down the streets just admiring the decorations that were already being strung up in honour of his birthday, the whole town celebrating the young Prince no longer being a teen.
“Delilah? Annie?” Their heads turned at the sound of the familiar voice. They found the curly haired brunette standing there with a confused look on his face, one of his hands on the shoulder of a much smaller boy that Annie had never seen before, while two older looking boys stood beside him.
“Tom.” She saw the Princesses face light up when she saw the man she’d fallen for, her heart aching at the way she treated her when she obviously didn’t love Harrison.
“What are you both doing here?” he asked. Lilah’s eyes fell from Toms to Paddys, her eyes lighting up when she realised she had something for him.
“This is for you.” She’d reached into her bag and pulled out a book, one that looked very familiar to the young boy. “The one you had looked like it was falling apart, so this is a new copy.” 
His eyes widened, heart racing as he hesitated to take it from her, not sure if he should or not. His eyes flickered from the Princesses warm ones to Tom’s confused ones.
“Lilah, you don’t have to.” She shook her head, insisting that Paddy take it. The boy thanked her profusely, showing the book to the twins like it was some prize he’d won. She had a warm smile on her face as she watched him gush over it.
“Thank you,” Tom said, drawing her attention back to him. She simply nodded, holding that same look in her eye that Annie got when it came to Harrison.
“What are you both actually doing here?” 
The handmaiden smiled, a blush creeping up onto her cheeks as she thought about what now seemed like a rather silly idea. “I-I wanted to get Harrison a birthday present.”
He smiled, thinking it was rather cute. He whispered something to his brothers, watching closely as they scattered away before turning back to the two girls.
“Well, I’m here to offer my services to help you look.” 
Lilah was over the moon that he was coming with, happily lacing her fingers with his, forgetting about the surrounding public.
“What about a ring?” Annie asked, looking at the cart that had a fair amount displayed. She checked with Tom, not wanting to make the wrong decision here. 
He gave her a nod, too wrapped up in the way Delilah was trying to kiss him to give her a full response. She rolled her eyes, sending a warm smile to the man who was selling them.
It didn’t take her long for her eyes to land on one that she deemed perfect, imagining the way Harrison would wear it.
“That one, please,” she mumbled, looking directly at a beautiful gold pinky ring with a black gem in the middle. She handed over the necessary amount of money- well Lilah’s money, cause hey that was one of the perks of being best friends with a Princess.
“Thank you.” 
The three continued their walk down the long avenue. Annie twirled the ring in her fingers, panicking slightly as she thought about all the different reactions Harrison could give her. He could either absolutely love it and fall even more helplessly in love, or he could hate it and could- Tom had noticed the internal battle going on, taking his attention away from his love to gently squeeze Annie’s arm. “He’ll love it, trust me.” 
She knew it wasn’t enough to get him to call off the deal with Queen Alice and his mother, but she at least hoped it could prove her love for him.
“I hope so.” 
Tom was leading them somewhere completely unknown to both of them, well the whole place was unknown to both of them, but still.
“Where are we going?” 
He flashed the girl who wasn’t clinging to him a smile, bringing them all to a standstill in front of a rather cute, dainty house, one that reminded Annie much of her own home growing up. 
She was the only one to notice the reluctance in Lilah’s eyes as Tom led her through the door of his family home. She tried to silently reassure her, squeezing her arm with a comforting smile. 
The two didn’t have much longer to think about anything, being swarmed by Thomas’ younger brothers that they’d seen earlier.
Paddy instantly rushed over to Delilah, wanting to discuss the next part of Romeo and Juliet he’d managed to read, while the twins headed straight for Annie.
“We didn’t formally meet earlier, I’m Harry.” The curly haired boy leaned down and placed a kiss on the handmaidens knuckles, a giggle escaping her at how cute he was. 
“And I’m Sam, his twin, the older one.” He too placed a kiss on her hand, both teens clearly getting the idea that she was free for the taking. Tom let out a sigh, flicking the both of the boy’s heads.
“The Prince will have your heads,” he muttered. The twins murmured and left the pretty girl to her own devices, hearing her laughing quietly at the brotherly behaviour. Her attention was drawn to Paddy, the quiet brother who was just simply staring at her and waiting for his turn. 
When he noticed her looking back, he jumped up with a smile. “Hi, I’m Paddy.”
He shook her hand politely, flashing her a toothy grin.
“Well hello Paddy, I’m Annie.” 
She was amazed at how intelligent the ten year old was, using some words that she didn’t think even she knew the meaning of, but nonetheless she still enjoyed the conversation.
However, how would it be a conversation with a Holland boy if one of the brothers didn’t interrupt.
“Harrison better watch out, I think Paddy’s stolen his girl.”
July 4th, 5:54am
Harrison didn’t expect to hear a knock at his bedroom door in the middle of the night, nor did he particularly want to answer it. It had woken him up and he wasn’t all too happy about it. The Prince rose from his comfortable, plush bed with a groan. 
He didn’t bother to throw on a shirt or any clothing on his top half, considering he thought it would only be one of the guards, heading towards the door with heavy, tired eyes.
“Hello?” He pulled it open to find Annie standing there with a large smile, the girl pushing her way into the room without so much as a hello. He furrowed his eyebrows, checking for any guards that may have seen her, thankfully there were none, before closing the door carefully and quietly, cautious to not make too much noise.
He startled when she cupped his cheeks in her cold hands as soon as he turned around, her wide grin making him break out into a smile himself.
“Your hands are-“ 
She cut him off without a care, shaking her head. “Happy birthday,” she whispered, slotting her much softer lips on his chapped ones. The kiss was slow and passionate, every ounce of love they had for each other poured into the simple act of intimacy.
“Thank you, love.” 
Harrison laced their fingers together and led her to the spot where he’d been sleeping, laying back against the headboard with his arms out. She happily crawled into his embrace, resting her head on his bare chest with a content sigh.
It was comfortably silent between the two for a few minutes, her fingertip lightly tracing circles on his stomach, while he mirrored the patterns she was making on the nape of her neck, a light breath of air coming out of her nose every time he managed to tickle her.
Annie eventually cleared her throat, drawing his eyes back over to her face where they’d just momentarily left.
“I got you something.” She pulled the small wrapped box from behind her back, letting it sit in the palm of her hand, Harrison noticing the ribbon matching the one that he always saw tied in her hair.
“You didn’t have to.” 
She placed her hand on his cheek gently, pecking his lips for a short second. “I wanted to.” 
In the past week they’d grown impossibly closer, sharing and sneaking kisses when they could, going on horse rides back to the meadow where he’d pushed her in the stream, it was lovely.
“Open it,” she said, pushing it into his hands.
He had a small grin on his face as he pulled the smaller string on the bow, watching it fall undone in his lap while Annie stared at him with childlike excitement. He carefully lifted the lid off of the box, his eyes widening at the sight of the beautiful ring laying inside, glinting in the light shining in from the window.
“Annie,” he whispered, slightly awestruck, his eyes flickering up to hers. Even knowing each other for such a short time was enough that she knew him perfectly. She took that as a sign that he wasn’t impressed, making her even more nervous than she already was.
“D-Do you like it?” He could sense the nerves in her voice, rapidly nodding his head. He took it from the box, sliding it on to his finger to show her with a boyish smile.
He placed a chaste kiss on her lips, bringing his thumb of the opposite hand up to stroke over her bottom lip. Their faces were so close that any slight movement would mean their lips were touching again, but the pair rather enjoyed that.
“I love it, thank you.” 
Every word he spoke, he spoke with enough emotion that she would know he was being honest. He didn’t want her to doubt herself for even a second.
Harrison suddenly got an idea, telling her to hang on one second while he climbed off of the bed. Annie was left to watch him roam around, her eyes tracing the dips and muscles of his muscular back, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought about how he truly was beautiful.
The man grabbed something from his dresser, hiding it in his palm as he walked back over to the bed. He crawled in beside her, back in his previous position.
“While I have this one,” he started, taking her left hand in his grasp. He placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand, raising it up to his mouth. “I want you to keep this one safe for me.” 
He held up the item he’d just collected, showing the family encrusted ring that normally decorated his pinky finger.
“Harrison, I can’t.” He shook his head, not allowing her to make any sort of excuse.
“I trust you.” He held her hand tightly, sliding the ring onto her ring finger as though it was their wedding day. She could only imagine how much she’d like that to be a wedding band that was currently decorating her skin.
She tried to hide the faint blush coming through on her cheeks but Harrison was quick to notice it, a small smirk on his face as he watched her get all flustered at his gesture.
“A-Are you sure, what if I lose it?” she asked, thinking of all the possible outcomes where in her mind they ended with Harrison getting mad at her.
“Annie I-“ he hesitated, sending her a nervous glance. “I know this is soon but, I think I’m falling in love with you and I-“
“I think I’m falling in love with you too.” 
Their smiles were contagious, the two finding it hard to share a kiss when they were unable to wipe the grins from their faces.
“Spend the day with me,” he all but demanded. Annie didn’t need any convincing, nodding her head rapidly.
“I’d love to.” 
Due to it barely being 6am, the two decided on taking a quick nap together, after Harrison locked the door to his room so no unwanted visitors would show. He held her tightly in his arms, watching the sun peak out in the sky as her breathing grew steadier.
He struggled to fall asleep at first, admiring the beautiful girl laying on his chest. His thumb rubbed over her cheekbone as gently as he could so he wouldn’t wake her, his lips lightly grazing her forehead.
It seemed as though the universe wasn’t on their side that day. As soon as they tried to do anything there was some kind of interruption. Less than an hour into their nap, after Harrison had finally managed to drift off, there was a heavy knock on the Prince’s door, startling them both from their sleep.
The two had planned to go on a walk through the gardens and have a picnic around lunchtime, only to find that it was raining as they began to prepare to do so.
Then the Queen called her son away on royal duties when they decided that they would just sit in the greenhouse which held the glass roof, watching the rain together seeing as there wasn’t much else they could do.
“I am so sorry,” he apologised, finding the girl still sitting watching the rain pour. She looked over her shoulder at him with a smile, shaking her head.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure the birthday boy is very popular.” He chuckled, kneeling down beside her to press a kiss to her temple. 
“What can I do to make this up to you?” he asked, stroking his hand over her soft curls. 
“Just sit with me.” And that he did, perching himself in the chair next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders so she could cuddle into his side.
The evening rolled around all too fast and she unfortunately had to part with Harrison for some kind of birthday celebration they were having. He had tried to get her invited but he’d told her that he was unsuccessful. He left her with one last kiss on her forehead, heading to his room while Annie headed to Delilah’s to help her get ready.
“I can see you swoon every time you see him,” she teased. Annie warningly pulled the Princesses corset a little bit too tight, making her gasp in shock and playfully slap her hands away.
“I don’t swoon,” she defended, her voice quiet. Lilah let out a giggle, rolling her eyes at her friend. The two didn’t really converse that much as Annie finished helping her get ready, making sure she was up to that Princess standard that she always was.
“I’ll tell you all about it when I get back,” she promised, squeezing her hands reassuringly. The handmaiden was trying to shoo her friend, telling her that she’d be late if she didn’t hurry up.
“Go,” she encouraged, basically pushing her out of the door with a giggle, closing it behind her so Lilah couldn’t doubt herself.
She was gone for hours, a very boring, long amount of hours, so she decided to amuse herself.
Annie had been wandering the castle for a little while now, finding it far too boring to stay perched in Delilah’s room the entire evening. She just so happened to walk past the door to the dining room at the wrong time, catching Harrison’s words.
“Delilah, w-will you marry me?” He didn’t want to do this, God how he wished she would say no. He saw the tears building up in her eyes, but when she looked at him they weren’t ones of joy. She didn’t want this either.
Annie felt her heart shatter at the words, a quiet, spontaneous sob managing to escape her lips before she could stop it.
Harrison heard the noise, looking through the small gap in the door and seeing her standing there. He almost broke there and then, forgetting about the whole thing to run and comfort the girl he was definitely in love with, but he couldn’t.
“Yes,” she whispered. He slipped the ring onto her finger with a completely fake smile, hearing the claps from their family members around the table.
The girl didn’t know if she’d ever felt so betrayed. He’d lied to her, he told her this was a family thing for his birthday, now he was engaged to her best friend.
When he glanced back at the door a few minutes later, Annie was gone and he was sure his heart stopped beating for a second. Lilah noticed how pale he’d gone, looking almost like a ghost in her eyes. She could do nothing but squeeze his hand a little bit tighter, knowing if she did anymore than smile then the tears would fall.
Meanwhile, Annie was trying to remember the route they’d taken a few days prior to Tom’s home. She knew he wouldn’t be at the stables this late and so she assumed he’d have gone home to his family.
It was just her luck today that it was still raining, it had been since the early afternoon when it ruined her and Harrison’s picnic, probably trying to forebode to her the events that were going to take place tonight. If only she’d have listened.
Her feet carried her there, digging into the squelching mud uncomfortably, the rain belting down against her already soaked and shivering body. Sobs were falling from her lips without a filter, the noise filling the painful silence of the night. 
She didn’t remember getting into the village, or leaving the gates of the palace, or even leaving the palace itself, but now here she was walking down the streets of the eerily quiet town.
Her eyes roamed the different street names, looking for the one she remembered Tom leading them down.
“Fuck,” she cursed, furiously wiping at the tears in her blurry eyes, assuming that she was lost in the middle of a village that was almost completely unknown to her.
Her shoes on the cobblestone echoed around the vacant street, her heart racing as she had to guess which one was her friend’s home. She knocked on the door that looked the most familiar to her.
She didn’t expect to have actually gotten the right one, but she was greeted with that familiar brunette with his warm smile. His face softened slightly when he saw the state of the girl standing outside his front door.
“Annie, god.” He hadn’t expected to see her showing up at his family home of all places. He didn’t even know how she’d remembered. 
“Thomas, who’s at the door?” He watched as she stood so vulnerable in front of him, clearing sobbing with tears that were impossible to disguise as the rain.
“Just a friend, mother,” he called back. “I think she might need to stay for tonight.” 
She was so grateful to hear him say those words, because there was no doubt that Harrison would be waiting for her back at the palace to try and give her an apology, and she didn’t know if she could face him or Delilah tonight.
And to be fair to Annie, Harrison was waiting. He was waiting nervously in the rain on the palace steps. At first he was hoping to just clear his head, trying to process the fact that he was now engaged to a woman he most definitely didn’t love. But then he remembered the heartbreak written all over Annie’s face when she watched him utter those simple words, and he began to anticipate her arrival back at the palace.
Tom invited her inside with a sense or urgency, wanting to get her out of the rain. He rushed to grab her a towel or anything to keep her shivering form warm.
“Here we go.” He wrapped the fluffy material around her shoulders, gently rubbing her shoulders. He didn’t know if he did it for comfort or if he was just trying to help her dry out quicker, but neither looked as though they were working.
“Can you tell me what happened?” 
She sniffled sadly, her eyes flickering up to Tom’s soft brown ones.
“H-He proposed,” she cried, standing in front of the stable boy like a complete mess. Neither of them needed any names to know what she was talking about. Tom visibly deflated, his heart sinking into a pit in his stomach. Even if the both of them knew this moment had to come, neither were prepared for the emotions it would dig up.
“Fuck,” he cursed. Both of them were hurt, broken, felt cheated in all honesty. But they knew what the other was going through, and it was probably easier that they had another person to share that with.
Tom opened his arms for the handmaiden, making sure his hold was tight when she stumbled into his chest. He rubbed her back comfortingly, trying to hide his own tears that were racing down his face. 
He rested his chin on top of her head, sniffling quietly while she sobbed into the material of his button up.
“We lost them.”
The two didn’t talk much, Tom leading her to his small room with an even smaller twin bed against the wall.
“I can go share with one of my brothers if you-“
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself nervously.
“I really don’t want to be alone right now,” she whispered, sniffling quietly. She was quick to jump back in when she realised how demanding she sounded. “I-If it’s okay that is.”
He smiled, climbing into his bed and welcoming her into his arms. It wasn’t intimate in any way, the two just needed all the comfort they could get at the moment and thankfully they could find that in each other.
“Goodnight Tom.” He pressed a friendly kiss to the top of her head, gently rubbing his hand up and down her back. He squeezed his eyes shut to try and hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over the edge of his eyes. He wanted to keep it together at least until she fell asleep.
“Goodnight Annie.”
July 11th, 6:07pm
“Are you ready?” He didn’t answer, biting at the skin on his lip nervously, almost making it bleed. How could he ever be ready to see his pet die? Moonlight had been seriously ill for a few days now and Tom’s father had told him it didn’t look like the stallion was getting any better. Much to his heartache the man didn’t know if the horse would be able to carry on for much longer, and it hurt him so much.
He hadn’t spoken to anyone about how it made him feel, he probably should have and Tom had encouraged him too but the young Prince was certain he could keep it all bottled up.
Harrison shut his eyes tightly, breathing deeply as he felt the knot forming in the back of his throat. He could feel how tense Tom was beside him, hating this just as much as he did, it was never pleasant to see a horse die, they weren’t ones to die peacefully.
He felt a soft hand holding his, his eyes opening just long enough to glance to his side and see Annie.
He didn’t know why but even that simple gesture from her had managed to calm his racing heart and mind just that little bit, and that was all he needed.
It was risky for him to be this close to the handmaiden in public, but Delilah hadn’t come with and he’d needed any form of comfort he could get. Plus, Annie and Delilah were vastly different and unfortunately the girl he shouldn’t love was the one that was able to calm his heart.
She saw the way he winced when the shot was taken, his face turning in her direction so he didn’t have to watch.
Her hand carefully guided his head to rest in the crook of her neck, rubbing up and down his back with the utmost care. Neither of them said anything, other than the quiet shushed from her as she tried to soothe him.
It felt strange that he hadn’t heard her voice in so long.
In almost the week since she’d watched Harrison propose, she hadn’t spoken a word to him, and for that matter neither had Tom. He wasn’t even sure they’d be here today, and now that they were he still wasn’t sure they were going to speak. Delilah had already tried speaking to Tom already and it hadn’t gone very well for her.
He didn’t even look at her as she entered the stable, fiddling with her fingers nervously, arguably the most nervous she’s ever felt around Tom.
“Hi, can we talk?” She assumed he’d already heard about the engagement, whether it was from his best friend or her own, or if it was just because it was currently the buzz of the town. The male did nothing but shoot her a glare, turning his full attention back to the horse that he was trying to wash.
“I deserved that, but look I-“ She furrowed her eyebrows when he’d started to walk away from her, picking up his stuff to go around the other side of the horse.
She followed him of course, standing right in the spot where he wanted to set his water bucket down, so he did anyway.
Tom made no effort to stop the bucket of dirty water from splashing on Lilah’s dress, and deep down he did feel guilty, but not nearly as much guilt as pain.
“Tommy, please.” When he looked into her eyes she could see the clear amount of pain that he was feeling, and she felt awful knowing she’d caused it all. The ring shining on her finger didn’t help him either.
“I think you should go, your fiancé’s probably waiting.”
After that disaster of an interaction, Delilah had tried two more times to apologise to the stable boy, but not once did he give her the time of day. Tom was suffering in silence. He’d been there to comfort Annie everytime she showed up to his family home with tear stained cheeks, her heart aching at seeing the couple waltz around the castle without a care. But not once did he say how he felt.
He missed his best friend, and he missed being able to freely give his heart to the Princess, but he was struggling to let go of the heartache they’d caused him.
He wanted nothing more than to scream from the hills that he was in love with Delilah, but fate wasn’t on his side on this one.
Harrison on the other hand, he was hopeless without his true love by his side, faking smiles all around as he paraded Delilah on his arm like some kind of trophy he’d won. He hated it and so did she, and he hated the look in her eyes that told him she didn’t want to do any of it.
His goal today was at least to try and get her to talk to him, if anything just one word was all he was asking. So when the opportunity presented itself for him to have a moment alone with Annie, he took it.
“Can I please talk to you?” he asked, fiddling with his fingers nervously. She pursed her lips, glancing between Tom and the blonde. She eventually nodded her head, letting him intertwine their fingers together so he could lead her to his room. Tom said his goodbyes to her, shooting Harrison no more than a look.
It was silent as the two entered the castle, the male leading her to his room where they were certain they could be alone.
He took his time closing the door behind him, trying to prepare all the words he wanted to say in his head.
“I want to explain, at least my side of the story.”
His eyes were begging with her, pleading for her to just listen and that was all. The least she could do was hear him out, right?
Annie quietly took a seat on his bed, keeping her distance between the boy, watching him with sad eyes. The second he spoke he was instantly sputtering out apology after apology to her.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t-“ He could barely speak without getting choked up. The blonde was trying his best to swallow the lump in his throat so he could voice what he needed to say, but he was finding it increasingly difficult.
“I didn’t know it was a proposal at first.” 
She didn’t open her mouth, letting him continue on without interruption. He explained how the dinner had started off as he expected, drinks and small talk between the families, a few birthday wishes and jokes here and there.
It’d all changed when Lilah’s dad had slipped a ring box into his hand, telling him that now was the perfect time. He had no say in it, unable to protest the family's wishes. 
He told her how that was when he reluctantly stood up from his seat, gathering everyone’s attention and sending Delilah a wide eyed look of warning.
After a short speech about ‘how he loved the Princess,’ which was actually truthfully about Annie, he had asked her to marry him; Right at the moment his love had chosen to walk past the dining room.
“Is that really what happened?” she asked, gracing him with the sound of her angelic voice for the first time in days.
“It is.” He looked almost guilty as he watched her get lost too deeply in her own thoughts. “I’m really sorry, I don’t want to marry her,” he promised. Annie looked up, locking eyes with him from where he stood before her. She scanned his baby blues, trying her best to decipher if he was being honest or not, of which she thought he was.
“I have been trying day after day to stop it, and Lilah doesn’t want it either.” 
Her voice cracked as she spoke. “Lilah?” 
He realised that he’d never before called her that out loud, not even when they were no more than  friends.
“S-She asked me to, said her full name sounded too formal.” 
She noticed the tears that were building up in his eyes now, how could someone not when they were so clear to see. Annie’s walls were breaking down, she sympathised with him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and just hold him forever, tell him everything was okay.
“Everything was so incredible, and- and now,” he muttered, his voice shaking with the pent up sadness he’d refused to let go of for so many weeks. “My horse is dead, I’m engaged to a woman I don’t love, my best friend hates me and you, you must hate me too.” The list could go on for him. This past month really hadn’t been what he’d been expecting for himself. Her heart shattered for him.
He finally let the tears fall, his knees giving in and buckling underneath him. As quick as he was on the floor of his chambers, Annie was right beside him, pulling him into her chest.
She tried to stop the tears, whispering comforting words into his ear, but it was like he couldn’t hear her, nothing was registering in his head.
His hands furiously tugged at strands of his hair, running back and forth over his head out of pure frustration and anger. 
He didn’t calm for a while, too worked up for too long over this for it to be over so quickly. All the emotions he’d been hiding and holding back were finally making themselves known.
Annie never left him or loosened her hold on him, not even for a second. She was still whispering things that she hoped would make him feel even the tiniest bit better, and it wasn’t until she said one specific thing that he finally heard her.
“I know it hurts, I know it all hurts,” she whispered, gently stroking the messy locks of hair, messy from how many times he’d tugged at it in the past few hours. “I promise, I’ve got you.” 
Those were the exact words he’d told her the first time they rode Moonlight together. Harrison stared up at her as the tears slowed their stream down his face. Her heart was aching as she watched him break before her.
“Come on.” She helped him off the floor, her arms circling his body so she could guide him to his bed, a much comfier place than the floor in her personal opinion.
“Get some rest, you look exhausted.” 
He didn’t fight it one bit. He curled into her body, letting her protectively wrap her arm around him to reassure him that nothing could hurt him while he slept. It was silly really, and he knew that, but he thought with her around he was completely untouchable by anything bad, she was his safety net.
When Delilah decided to go to bed for the night, if that’s what you wanted to call it, she didn’t expect to find two figures already in there. She squinted her eyes to try and make out who it was from the door, but there was no one else that it could’ve been.
“Annie, what are you doing here?” She forced a smile at Delilah, waving her over to Harrison’s bed. The two hadn’t at all been as close as they had once been due to the whole engagement situation, and it was breaking them both. She still obviously had to do her job dressing her, but it was now very rare that there would even be conversation there.
“You shouldn’t be here A, not in his bed,” she said. She felt a flash of rage fill her at her words, wanting to scream at the girl and ask her why she deserved it anymore than her, but she may have been jumping to conclusions too quickly. “Anyone could walk in and see.” 
The words weren’t said with any kind of venom in her tone, simply just trying to look out for the girl who’d be the one getting into trouble. Annie nodded, willing away the tears that were forming in her waterline.
“He’s hurting Li, I-I was just taking care of him.” The Princess could see her friend getting worked up, gently coaxing her off of the Prince’s bed and into her arms. 
Annie took a deep breath, falling into the embrace of her best friend, letting her head rest against her chest. She felt a wave of emotions overtake her, all that effort she’d taken to stop them no longer working.
She decided being honest would be the best way.
“I love him, I’m so sorry,” she cried, apologising profusely. She shushed her sweetly, running her hands over the back of her hair.
“I know, It’s okay.” 
Delilah reassured her over and over that she wasn’t mad, she just wanted her friend back. She also confessed to being completely in love with Tom, telling the girl how much she was struggling with dealing with marrying the Prince.
“We’re trying Annie, I promise.” She nodded her head, wiping her wet cheeks with a smile. With one last look at the sleeping Prince she decided it was time for her to go back to her own room and get some sleep, she had to be up early tomorrow anyway to get Lilah dressed for her big day.
The walk back was agony, knowing Delilah was in Harrison’s room, the two being made to share by their mothers because that’s what couples do.
She got a few strange looks from some of the guards, but most of them pretended not to notice the emotional handmaiden strolling down the empty halls.
Once she was finally back inside her room she collapsed onto the bed, letting all of the emotions out, including the ones she’d hidden from Delilah, despite her crying.
Her head was buried in her pillow as she sobbed, clinging to it tightly as she felt like her lungs were closing up.
Her eyes trailed down to the ring that was still tightly sitting on her finger, tugging at her heart strings painfully as she recalled the happy moment when he first gave it to her.
Annie didn’t remember falling asleep that night, probably drifting off from the exhaustion that came along with so many pained tears. The next thing she recalls being the moment she felt Harrison’s warm arms circle around her body, pulling her into his chest.
A soft kiss was placed onto her head. Words of affection whispered in her ear.
“You’re the one for me, no matter what.” 
July 17th, 1:07am
Harrison had visited Annie in her room just like the day of his birthday. Waking her in the middle of the night. She had considerably forgiven him after their conversation over a week ago, that bond they had starting to rekindle nicely. It wasn’t uncommon to find Harrison sneaking into her room anymore, but it was uncommon to see him this level of nervous.
“Come in.” She pulled her robe tighter around her body, stepping out of the way of the door so he was able to creep past her.
“How are you?” he asked, flashing her a nervous smile. She rolled her eyes at how he was clearly beating around the bush.
“Why are you here?” He pursed his lips, nodding his head when he didn’t get an answer to his question. He looked up at the girl that was standing in front of him, taking her hands into his larger ones.
“I wanted to spend this time with you,” he said. He was getting choked up already. He leaned forward, gently resting his forehead against hers, giving them a chance to admire each other so close up.
She bit her lip nervously, trying to wish away the tears that were threatening to fall. It didn’t work though, Harrison watching as a few stray tears rolled down her cheeks.
“You’re getting married in the morning, H,” she cried, trying to resist him wrapping her arms around her. He squeezed his eyes shut, determined not to let a single tear fall at this moment.
“I’m going to figure this out, I’m doing everything I can.”
She shook her head against his chest, letting out a heart wrenching sob that made him feel even more guilt than he’d ever felt. He held her impossibly tighter, placing his lips against the top of her head as a single tear ran down his cheek.
“I’m sorry.” 
They didn’t know how long they were standing there in each other’s embrace, hearts aching and a lot of shared tears. 
A sniffle from Harrison brought her attention back to the moment, her arms squeezing his body before pulling back slightly to look at him. Neither of them said anything for a few minutes, simply looking at each other and just understanding the pain the other was feeling.
“I tried Annie, I really did and I-“ She shook her head, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Her hand was resting against his cheek, her lips twitching into a small smile that she was trying to use to reassure him. He could feel his ring pressing against his skin, turning his head to press a kiss to her palm.
She took a deep breath, wiping away the rest of her tears. “I know, and I’m grateful for the time I had with you.”
His eyebrows furrowed, noticing how her eyes had moved from his face almost like she couldn’t stand to look at him.
“Why are you acting like-“
“I think you should go.” It of course broke her heart to say this. She wanted to be selfish, she wanted to run away with him so he didn’t have to get married to someone else, but who was she to do that.
He tried to change her mind, prepared to get on his knees and beg her if he had to. “Please, Annie.” She kissed him one more time, blinking away the tears on her water line.
“Goodbye H.” 
He didn’t move for a few seconds, hoping she would be quick to change her mind so his heart could stay intact. There was no sign that she was going back on her words, but he didn’t know just how much it was taking for her to hold it back.
He eventually nodded, assuming he had no choice but to respect her decision. “Okay, goodbye Annette.” 
It hurt her to not hear the nickname she’d grown so fond of hearing out of his mouth. It felt almost as if he said her name with so much venom.
She watched helplessly as he walked out of her room, and possibly back to the one he was sharing with Delilah.
“Fuck,” she cursed. She buried her head in her hands, slowly sinking to her knees on the floor as she let out a heartbreaking sob. She finally let it all out when she couldn’t see him anymore, assuming he hadn’t cared enough to stick around outside her door too long. That’s where she was wrong though.
Harrison was standing just on the other side of the door, his head rested against the wood listening to her cry. He wanted to go back inside and comfort her just like she had the night Moonlight had been killed, but he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. He took a deep, shaky inhale, finally building up the courage to walk away. 
She barely got an ounce of sleep that night, tossing and turning with all the possibilities of what could or is going to happen tomorrow. Sometimes having an overactive mind was a gift but right now she would do anything to just make it go away. She was exhausted when she finally gave up trying to fall asleep and got out of bed instead, deciding that she could be productive instead.  
You could clearly see the bags underneath her eyes from just how tired she was, but that would all be covered with wedding makeup anyway. 
Maybe if she had taken up Harrison’s offer of letting him sleep in her room tonight, the final night they could be together, she’d be feeling much more energized. 
An early morning walk was what the handmaiden expected would be the only thing to help to clear her head. And by early morning, she meant around six am. She expected there to be only the guards doing their morning shifts, however she was proved wrong when she saw all the people setting up the wedding in the grand hall. She felt herself getting choked up, this looked exactly like the wedding her and Delilah had planned together when they were no older than twelve. The only choice in her mind right now was to distance herself from the preparations as much as she could, and that meant heading outside the palace walls into the beautiful gardens. 
It was quiet out there, the only sounds filling her ears being the chirping of enthusiastic birds in the air. She pulled her wrap tighter around her body, trying to keep herself warm in the slight chilly breeze caused by the wind. 
The last thing she expected to find there was a small girl crying, her eyebrows furrowing in concern for the stranger. She approached cautiously, not wanting to startle her at all.
“Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.” She bent down to the small girl’s height, holding out her hand to introduce herself. “I’m Annette.”
She looked up with a sniffle and tear stained cheeks. Her eyebrows drew together, staring at the girl as if she was trying to place her.
“You’re the pretty girl that my brother’s in love with.” 
Annie wasn’t sure she’d heard her right, laughing nervously as the girls tears came to a spontaneous halt. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Charlotte.” Annie briefly remembered Harrison mentioning the name of his little sister, that being Charlotte, so if she had to take a guess after what she just heard she could very confidently say this was Harrison’s sister. She brushed it off though more concerned with finding out what was bothering the child.
“And what’s wrong, angel?”
Charlotte explained to the woman how she’d managed to lose one of her dolls and the gardens were now one of the only places she had left to search, and upon quick glance it wasn’t there. Annie reassured her that they would find it together, offering her hand as they began to look around through the rows of flowers. 
The Prince did not expect to see the lovely handmaiden holding his sister's hand when he was told the Princess was running around somewhere outside. 
Harrison didn’t need this today, seeing Annie be so good with his little sister was just forcing him deeper in love with her. It hurt worse than anything he could’ve imagined.
He cleared his throat when he was close enough that he was sure they’d hear him. Their heads whipped around, Annie’s smile slowly dissolving from her lips. Charlotte was the opposite, grinning wider with her gappy smile as she ran towards her big brother. 
“Hi, precious.” Nothing needed to be said. There was a lot of pain in this one area and even Charlotte was sensing it, the poor eleven year old confused as to what was happening. “Can you head inside for me, go find mum?” She nodded her head, waving goodbye to the woman she’d just met. The pair watched her scatter off before succumbing to the all too unfamiliar awkward silence that engulfed them. 
Harrison opened his mouth to speak, to tell her what? He didn’t know. Maybe he’d apologise for not fighting harder for this wedding to not go ahead, or for not fighting hard enough in the early hours of this morning, but it didn’t matter anyway, because in a matter of seconds Annie’s lips were on his and that was all he needed. 
So many unsaid words were forgotten as soon as her soft lips met his slightly chapped ones, but she didn’t care about that, it was like a wake up call. 
That would be for sure the last kiss they got to share, filled with so much passion and love that it was a shame that it was ruined by their salty tears streaming down from their closed eyes. 
“I have to go get ready,” she whispered, pulling away and letting her eyes flutter open. Harrison was thinking, and she could tell, taking that time to admire his face. It was something she’d begun to do out of instinct whenever she was this close to him. He sighed, his breath fanning her face. She watched as he opened his eyes, meeting hers instantly. He nodded, sniffling before turning his head and kissing her palm like he’d done just a few hours before, with the softest puppy eyes looking in her direction.
He cleared his throat, deciding to put his heart on the line, knowing she wouldn't let him fall. 
“I love you Annie, with my entire heart.” The corner of her lips twitched, a gentle, barely there smile teasing him. That was the first proper time he’d said those words to her, catching the air from his lungs. For a few seconds he was terrified she wouldn’t say it back, breathing heavily through his nose as his eyes nervously flickered over every one of her features. 
“I love you too.”
The ceremony came around quicker than anyone wanted. The morning rushed by in a flash or nerves and helpless tears from both females getting ready. The girls had a chance to reconcile properly, telling each other this was no one’s fault but the much higher royals. With a lot of breathing and makeup retouches and they were ready to go, flowers in hand and hearts in pieces.
The doors opened and the classic music began to play, Harrison focusing his eyes on the large archway. Everything became a blur of white noise when his eyes focused on her, the beige coloured dress trailing along the floor, her beauty completely mind numbing, ruined by the water welling up in her gorgeous eyes. 
Annie's teary eyes mirrored Harrison’s as she walked down the never ending pathway that was the aisle. He sent her a warm smile, the glimmer of adoration he always got when he saw her ever so present. He thought she looked beautiful, she was taking his breath away even though she did that on a normal basis. He could only imagine this is what it’d be like waiting for her at the end of the aisle. His eyes drifted to Tom’s, the man who was the one leading her down the aisle, their arms locked while she carried a bouquet of pretty roses. 
He looked very formal in the suit he’d been given to wear. Harrison was insistent that whether they were on talking terms or not, his best friend was going to be a part of his wedding. This was possibly the first emotion besides anger and disappointment that Tom had shown him all week. His eyes were mirroring Harrison’s, a sense of lingering sadness behind them. 
Not too much longer and Harrison was taking a deep breath as the priest before them began to speak, reciting the same things Harrison had heard at every wedding he’d ever been to. 
He glanced out at the people watching for a moment, seeing all the mixed expressions and emotions in the crowd. He gave a small, discreet wave when he noticed that the entire Holland family had gone, Paddy sitting there with a rather evident frown on his face, even at ten years old he knew this wasn’t how this was meant to go. 
“Prince Harrison, do you take her royal highness Princess Delilah-“ Annie bit her lip nervously, so hard she was almost drawing blood. It felt like the worst kind of torture, seeing your best friend marry the man you’re in love with. As it happens, Harrison’s plan didn’t work, just like he had expected it wouldn’t even if it was worth a try. He thought if he was honest with his mother and more or less begged her not to make him go through with this, that there’d be a slight chance of sympathy from her, but oh how wrong he was.
“Mother please, I need to talk to you.” She sighed, stopping in her step and also tugging Charlotte to a halt to face her son. She had a rather annoyed look on her face, but at the end of the day Harrison was her child, so seeing him look so hopeless and torn up destroyed her inside. 
“Please don’t make me do this, I don’t love her I-”
“There is nothing we can do, we need this unity Harrison.” He huffed, running his hands through his hair with a dry laugh. “I’m sorry, honestly I am, I see the way you look at Annette.”
Harrison sniffled, trying to push away the tears from the stress of the moment. Charlotte hated to see her brother this way, wishing she could do anything to make sure he got his fairy-tale ending with the girl he loved. 
“If you truly were sorry, you wouldn’t do this.”
And with that he walked away, losing his hold on the last bit of faith he had for him and Annie to ever be together. 
The wedding was beautiful, and no one could deny that. Delilah had been perfecting it since she was a child, but it was all unfortunately overshadowed by how much they didn’t want it, any of it. The pair at the altar had no idea how they were meant to keep up a loveless marriage for the rest of their lives, especially if they were expected to have children. While she was overthinking the night before, Annie realised she’d have to go back to her job as normal eventually, but Lilah would be Harrison’s wife, and everyday she would be helping her get ready in their room, for them to complete royal business together.
It was getting hard for her to hold back her tears now. The girl wiped them away as quickly as they fell so no one would see. But someone did, and that person just had to be Queen Alice.
“Oh, it’s lovely isn’t it?” She’d clearly taken these for happy tears, the woman taking the younger ones hand in hers to hold tightly as she watched her daughter get married. Annie’s eyes drifted to the Queen, but seeing as she didn’t trust her voice at the moment she just simply nodded her head. 
When she looked back her eyes locked with Harrison’s ocean ones. Except now it looked like an ocean in a storm, grey, dark and cloudy. She had to force herself to look away, sniffling quietly. 
Then it came time for the vows, the vows that Harrison wrote with Annie in mind, only she didn’t know that much. Hearing the words spilling out of his mouth, about his eternal love, about the times they’d spent together even in the short time they’d known each other, about how much she meant to him; It destroyed her inside. 
There was a look shared between the handmaiden and the stable boy from opposite sides of the room. The look that told the other that their hearts were basically in pieces right about now, they were in the exact same boat, and the boat was sinking drastically fast. Harrison and Delilah were only just managing to hold it together out of professionalism only. They had been trained their whole lives to act stoic in moments of severe stress and anger. 
“I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife.” There were cheers and applause from most people throughout the room, the people that didn’t see the obvious act the royals were putting on for their families' selfish deal. “You may kiss the bride.”
The kiss was stiff and awkward, nothing like what the Prince felt that first time he kissed Annie, as well as any other time he kissed her because it never seemed to lose its excitement or spark. Tom watched in disgust, turning his head away with a prominent frown. 
“Paddy?” Tom whispered, turning his head to look at his younger brother with tears in his eyes. The boy frowned, placing his hand on his brother’s arm comfortingly. “What was the message of that book? The one you were reading that day in the stable.” 
“Romeo and Juliet?” he asked, unsure. Tom nodded, remembering the familiar sounding name. “Not all love stories have a happy ending.”
harrison osterfield taglist → @seutarose @euphorichxlland​ @hjoficrecs @call-me-baby-gir1​ @hazardosterfield​ @icyhollands​ @hollandbroz-n-haz​ @hopelessly-harry​ @siriuslyslyslytherin​ @musicalkeys-blog​ @itstaskeen​ @zspideyy​ @chrisosterfield​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​ @lowkey-holland​ @hollandcrush​ @wizkiddx​ @sannie-san-shine​ @hopeless-romantic-baby​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @dummiesshort​ @itsbieberxholland​ @lillucyandthejets​ @piscesparker​ @bvttercupbby​ @kujokura​ @l0velyevans​ @jess-holland23​ @captainamirica​ @gog0juice​ @annathesillyfriend​ @whoeveniskendall​
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spideyssunshine · 3 years
Ok but 11! 11, 11, 11, with Harrison?!?!?!! Please, please, please!? 🤤
summary: having sex in a house full of other boys could be tricky but not to Harrison
prompt 11: “let them know your mine”
masterlist//prompt list//taglist
“Fuck, Haz!” You screamed out as Harrison bit onto your nipple while pounding into you. You tugged at his golden curls, making him let out an even deeper groan then before. His finger grazed across your cheek, before pressing a passionate kiss to you.
“Haz, I- it feels so good.” You said covering your mouth with your hand to hide a load moan. The only problem of being pleasured at the moment, was Tom and Harry downstairs playing Xbox. Harrison bottomed out of you, making you scream once again, but instead of covering it Harrison pinned your hands above your head.
“Hey hey, none of that. Let them know your mine love.” Harrison coyly whispered in your ear.
‘Tom and Harry would never let go of this one.’ you thought. It was totally worth it though. You clinged onto Harrison’s neck as he continued to go at a fast but loving pace in and out of you. By now, you both were a moaning mess, right at the peak of your climax.
“Cum with me yeah?” He asked as his eyebrows pinched together. You nodded fastly, closing your eyes as a signal to him. You clenched around his length as he let out the sexiest noise ever. The two of you didn’t care if your best mates were downstairs, you were so caught up in the moment and the intimacy being shared.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
His Gummy bear
Hey 👋, hope you are having a good day. Can u please do a harrison osterfield and plus size reader in which he comforts her about her insecurities. Smut and fluff at the end. Requested by the lovely @heyafellows​
Pairing : Harrison osterfield x plus size! reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, body insecurities
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You had always been the curvy girl at school and for years which led to you being constantly bullied and teased about it which almost ruined your self confidence. You were always told that no boy will look at you unless you lost some weight and that you were never going to be considered beautiful because of your size. 
But you proved everyone wrong when Harrison came into your life. He was the sweetest boy you’ve ever met and just from the first time he asked you out, you knew you had fallen for him. You were a little hesitant at first thinking that maybe this is just a prank as why on earth a hot shot like him would ask you out. But he slowly broke your walls down showing you that he liked you for the person you are and not just for your exterior features.
He made you feel loved and cherished as he helped you get rid of your body insecurities making you understand that size doesn’t matter. Thanks to him you were now more comfortable in your skin and less critical of your body. But being the girlfriend of a famous actor like him the internet wasn’t always kind to you. Some people always adored you as a couple but there were people who just wake up in the morning just to spew hate and be mean to others hiding behind those screens. There were times when people wrote about you that you were too big for him or that he didn’t deserve you but you used to shrug them off. You knew Harrison loved you and that was enough for you.
But sometimes your insecurities used to get the best of you. You were standing in front of the full length mirror in your and Harrison’s bedroom trying on the new dress that had just arrived in the parcel. You mostly used to wear loose baggy clothes to hide your extra weight and avoid the scrutinizing gaze of people but you found this dress really cute online and gave in to your temptation. 
You twirl around to see from all the angles but weren’t satisfied at all as a sigh leaves your mouth. You didn’t like how flabby your arms looked, the rolls at the side of your hips so prominent and how wide your waist was. And of course those ugly stretch marks which you hated the most and will never be able to get rid of. You felt like crying thinking that whatever the people say is true you are no good for Harrison, he deserves better as a few tears of agony slip down your eyes. Just then Harrison walks in the room.
“Hey babe” he was his usual cheerful self. You hurriedly wiped your tears which by the way didn’t go unnoticed by Harrison as turned around to him with a smile.
“Wow you look gorgeous Y/N! you should wear dresses more often” he remarks
“Stop lying Haz I know it doesn’t look good” you say gloomily.
“What? Who said that to you?” he frowns
“No one, it's just me who thinks that. You don’t deserve me Harrison I’m not at all pretty” he instantly cradles your face with his large palms lovingly.
“Hey listen to me gummy bear” this was the nickname he used to call you when you get sad. He had reasoned that you were sweet and cuddly just like a gummy bear which had made you laugh.
“I don’t care what others think about you but for me you are the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you” he looks at you sincerely. Harrison grabs you by your shoulders and turns you around to face the mirror as he knelt down to your ears.
“Y/N look, look at that confident, witty woman who also has a good sense of humor. I fell in love with that woman. Darling if you can't stop being so critical of yourself then how can you expect other people to do the same. Start loving yourself Y/N” he cheers you up as you finally gave him a smile. He then brushes your hair to the side, placing soft kisses on the nape of your neck.
“Haz what are you doing?” you giggle as he turns you to face him again. His icy blue eyes now turned a few shades darker as his gaze fell on your plump lips.
“Let me show my gummy bear how beautiful she is” He presses his lips against yours making you melt in the kiss instantly. His hands wander at your back finding the zipper and pulling it down as the dress falls off and pools near your feet. He slowly guides you backwards as the back of your knees hit the bed and you gently fall on the mattress with Harrison on top of you pulling his shirt off above his. You can never get enough of his perfectly built body; he is a literal greek god you thought as your eyes drink in his rippling muscles.  Your lips reconnecting messily as he slips his tongue exploring your mouth. His hand went to your back unclasping your bra as you slid it through your arms and threw it away. Harrison sucks on your bottom lip before dragging his lips down your throat placing kitten licks on the swell of your breasts eliciting soft moans from your mouth.
“So pretty” he hums wrapping his lips around your hardened bud as his other hand massages your other breast rolling the nipple in between his fingers repeating his actions on your other breast too. Before he travels down placing soft kisses all along your soft tummy. Hooking his fingers to the waistband of your panties he pulled them off and ran a finger through your folds as your breath hitched.
“Always so wet for me” He smirks before settling between your legs “I love your thighs so much they’re so soft” he murmurs trailing his lips along your inner thighs teasingly as you squirm. He hooks his arms on your thighs and spreads your legs, placing a kiss on your aching core as you gasped. He licked a long stripe through your slick folds as you took a sharp breath, your body trembling at his touch. 
“Taste so sweet my gummy bear” he hums against your core. He dipped a finger slowly pumping it in and out of you. He wrapped his mouth on to your clit sliding another finger inside your heat.
“Oh God! This feels good” you moaned. Your hand gripped on to his hair give it a tug as he slid a third finger inside you. He groaned face buried in your heat eating you out as if you were his last meal. He increased his pace curling his fingers inside you hitting that sensitive spot inside you as your body arched and you felt a coil building up in your stomach, his strong hand keeping you in place. Your body spasms as your orgasm hits you, lapping up all your juices, he shimmies out of his shorts and boxers and crawls up to you as you catch your breath still in a haze of the mind blowing orgasm he gave you.
He leaned down to the nightstand to open the drawer and took out a condom. He gives himself a few pumps before rolling it on and lining himself against your entrance. He slides in easily stretching your walls deliciously.
“Feels so good baby, fuck!” he grunts as you brushed a few curls out of his face and you saw his crystal blue eyes, instantly feeling all of the love he had for you, the way he looked at you made you feel safe and adored. His movements were slow and sensual. Drawing his hips back slowly before thrusting his hips again, Harrison watched your face carefully, the way your mouth slacked open, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure. He let out a soft groan of his own, mumbling into your skin. He thrusts a little deep this time earning a loud moan from you
“Hazz…” you whimpered, your hands grasping on to his biceps nails digging on to his skin as he continued to thrust into you.
“Cum for me darling, I can feel you clenching around me” he coaxes feeling himself getting closer. Each snap of his hips taking you closer to your impending climax. You were both so lost in each other, Harrison continuously checking in with you and showering you with praises and love as he began to move faster and you felt the similar coil tensing up in your stomach, forcing you to arch your back into him as you both reached your high.
Both of you gasped for air as Harrison collapsed on top of you, face buried in the crook of your neck. His skin was warm against yours. You gently ran your fingers through his hair before you rested your palm at the nape of his neck, whispering softly, “I love you so much, Haz.”
Pressing one last kiss to your shoulder, Harrison pulled away from you and rolled to your side, arm sliding around your waist to pull you in closer. His lips brushed over your forehead, and you could feel him smile as he mumbled, “I love you too Y/N”
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