#haunt the house
t1medrawer · 2 months
hth fans where r uuu т_т"
.a quick sketch of her reference ❄
my hedcanon about her name, that her name is North, yayyy
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. and also her other clothes, ! ! !
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 7 months
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Day 31: Halloween! I actually had the idea for and finished this before day 30, but I wanted to go in order. y'know?
This is a crossover piece inspired by the flash game Haunt The House (specifically Terrortown) that came out around the end of 2010 (2013), and that I love the artstyle of. Thought it'd make a particularly fitting piece for the Halloween prompt, given the adorably sinister vibes and the era it came out in :)
Many thanks to @androidcharles for setting up this year's prompts! This has probably been the highlight of my October/early November and has really pushed me in terms of drawing consistently and improving in drawing these little guys and my wacky ideas. The range of stuff that's covered goes across the entire collection, but also there's a lot of variation with how you can interpret them, which I really appreciate! (looking at the other one from Twitter)
I'm looking forward to maybe finishing that Toppat Ellie comic at some point with my improved skills. If not, I'm never truly done with THSC, so I'll hope you'll all stick around!
Thank you all for tuning in this month :)
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Videogames I wish were real #55
A game a bit like Untitled Goose Game where you play as the creature that always steals socks and moves stuff around the house. You crave chaos, befuddlement is your nourishment, and you thrive on remaining mysterious and unseen. Pulling off riskier heists will yield higher rewards, but will also mean higher chances of being spotted or raising suspicions. If the humans in your house start to suspect something is going on, they will be more observant, less predictable and might even devise some traps.
Similar games that actually exist: Haunt The House (suggested by @cherry-bomble)
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dynamos-games · 6 months
I feel like we all had those flash games that had us in a death grip when we were younger. for me, it was Haunt the House. Vulpin Adventure was also a really good one, I remember grinding for hours to get the rare enemy drops from the beach/water area because they looked cool when you equipped them
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muggycuphead · 6 months
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Winter wonderland ft the Nostalgia Squad
Me when
me when the flash homies get together for the holidays
Originally it was just gonna be a redo of the original image I used as a reference here, but then I got creative and well...y'know
Mixed it with the event to make it more like it and because ayo, we on season
Might consider doing more but not sure, i'm sort of having a looney on time management soo yeah
For now, have this funny
Note: My Nostalgia Squad is FPM, Sushi and Haunt in case you wonder :)
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sitelenco · 6 months
the sillies!!
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the nostalgia has been revived, yippie!!
i love this game since i started playing the Flash version, it's perfect ksksjkdskjds
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notdelusionalatall · 6 months
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lexi0507 · 2 months
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kupa-amo · 2 months
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fancy-graphics63 · 11 months
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Going Back Into My Childhood, Or 2020 For simplesity
I Remember when this game was at it's Peak, And this Guy Was a Big Obsession for me, IDK, I Love this Phantom Guy.
Hope this Game get it's popularity again, and
This Character Belongs to Haunt The House: TerrorTown By SFB.Games
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cybertripping · 8 months
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Happy Halloween, everyone! Last night, I had the spine-chilling experience of visiting a haunted house that was teeming with ghosts and lost souls. The atmosphere was truly spectral, with a haunting mist enveloping the air and eerie whispers echoing through the halls.
As I ventured deeper into the house, I encountered the cursed pumpkins that seemed to possess a malevolent energy. Their twisted faces glowed ominously, casting an eerie light on the surrounding darkness. It was as if they held some ancient power, drawing me further into their macabre realm.
The presence of the ghosts and lost souls added to the otherworldly ambiance. They floated through the rooms, their ethereal forms flickering in and out of sight. Their mournful moans and wails sent shivers down my spine, reminding me of the tragic stories that had brought them to this haunted abode.
Despite the fear that gripped me, there was a strange allure to the night. It was a reminder that Halloween is a time when the boundaries between the living and the dead blur, allowing us to glimpse into the realm of the supernatural. It's a night when we can embrace the darkness and revel in the thrill of the unknown.
As I left the haunted house, I couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and relief. The night had been filled with spooky encounters and bone-chilling moments, but it had also left me with memories that will last a lifetime.
Halloween #HauntedHouse #Ghosts #LostSouls #CursedPumpkins #SpectralAtmosphere
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bennyfrmthelgomovi · 1 year
Have u ever thought, man. i wish i could play a game like fnaf but im the animatronic but i can possess items and scare the shit out of people, slowly making them go insane? with silly song and visuals? boy do i have the game for you
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consolecloud · 8 months
Fucking GETS you
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yilinsgarden · 2 years
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I wonder where his family went in the first place. Like - were they alive or dead? They didn’t get scared like the other town people but the ghost did kill them. The kid was sleeping before people showed up & he got woken up. Did his family leave after he died or something. Then they came back & got killed because the child was lonely by themselves or something? Idk, all I know is that the kid died & he has a family & I am emotionally damaged
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i love your profile pic :]
Thanks! It was one of my favorite games to play on the computers when I was meant to be working in elementary school :D
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muggycuphead · 4 months
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Phiddie's Drunk FancyJanuary 2024 - Day 29
Day #29 - Further beyond!
“Reunion with the homies in a warp dimension for no reason? Count me in, when we droppin’?”
A chance to draw the Nostalgia squad again in a multiversal crossover? Heck yeah it is my guy
I had different plans for the main sketch, sadly I couldn’t implement all of them so I just had to work with what I had done so far; replicating some of the artstyles were fun as always though, gotta love loyalty to the ogs (for the most part)
Also, keep in mind that some additions are due to recent playing, which are specifically: Kill the plumber, Enough plumbers, Don’t Push the button, Exit Path and Checkpoint. Catch the Candy is a throwback tho, so it doesn’t exactly count.
<- Day 28
Day 30 ->
Wanna see the other prompts? Check my teaser here
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