#hazbin hotel tickle
mushyblushyredhead · 2 days
700 Followers Boop Booth: DAY 4
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OOP! So kicky and hysterical! (And adorable babey deer bleats 🥺) Must be a bad spot… ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Lee!Vox Ler!Alastor fic if you're writing for Hazbin right now?
Of course!
Too Much Tech
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Summary: There’s an abundance of technology everywhere these days and it makes Alastor upset, he decides to go “speak” with Vox about the issue
Not this again…
Wherever Alastor went it always seemed like there was some sort of technology somewhere. Pretty much every demon in hell had a smartphone, there were sales for TV’s outside, holograms of Vox selling stuff, what happened to radio?
Alastor walked down the streets of hell, mostly being avoided due to his status but the demons that were brave enough to approach him and talk to him about “Vox’s new product” well…you know what happened.
Alastor was getting a little fed up with it, “Why is there so much technology these days..” Alastor muttered before turning around back the way he came, he could not deal with this right now.
Back at the hotel the lobby was rather active today, Husk and Angel were sitting around, chatting with Niffty as she cleaned and Vaggie was trying to hold back snickers as Charlie reprimanded Lucifer and as usual, he wasn’t listening.
“Dad you can’t do that!” Charlie told Lucifer, trying to sound upset but she couldn’t keep the grin off her face, apparently the King had filled her room to the brim with rubber ducks so when she opened her door, she was in for a surprise.
Lucifer started snickering along with Vaggie who just couldn’t hold it together anymore. “Cohohome on Chaharlie you have to ahadmit that was fuhuhunny!” Lucifer snickered and she rolled her eyes playfully, “Yeah yeah that was pretty good.” Charlie grinned and at the moment Alastor walked through the door.
“Alastor! How was your trip?” Charlie exclaimed, walking over to greet the other. “It was quite alright my dear thank you.” Alastor replied with his usual grin, walking over to Husk’s bar for a drink, weird. He never drank.
Husk, Angel and Niffty saw Alastor approaching and Husk straightened, Angel meandered over to go visit Charlie and Niffty scurried over and up Alastor’s arm to rest in his shoulder. “Hi Mr.Alastor!” Niffty greeted and he smiled.
“Hello Niffty dear.” Alastor replied and sat down at the bar, “Need something boss?” Husk asked him and he nodded, “Can you get me a shot of whiskey Husker? I could certainly use it right now…” Alastor trailed off and the cat demon nodded, turning around.
“So what happened with you?” Husk asked Alastor as he turned back around and slid the small glass towards the other demon. Alastor picked up the glass and drank it in one go before answering.
“All this technology, it’s quite ridiculous really, what happened to the older ages.” Alastor muttered, waving his hand and the glass became clean once more before standing up.
“Thank you my friend, the drink was remarkable but I really must be going.” Alastor told Husk and he hummed, not at all paying attention as Alastor started for the other side of the parlor.
The demon sat down and noticed Charlie playfully glaring at Lucifer, “What did he do now my dear?” Alastor spoke up, catching Charlie’s attention who turned with a grin. “He filled my room, top to bottom with rubber ducks.” Charlie replied and the King burst out laughing again.
“Ihihit was fuhuhuhunny!” Lucifer exclaimed, trying his best to keep his composure, “It took me three hours to clean all that up!” Charlie shot back with a grin and at that point Vaggie started laughing again making Charlie shake her head in defeat.
“I must say Charlie that does sound quite amusing.” Alastor told her and she facepalmed as Lucifer laughed harder, “S-Sehehehehee? He gehehets ihihit!” Lucifer cackled, calming down a moment later.
After that whole interaction Alastor began thinking, what if all this technology corrupts his friends as well? He knew Charlie and a few others have phones but at least the technology isn’t corrupting their brains like pretty much every other demon, but what if it did happen? No he couldn’t think like that, he wouldn’t let it.
“Alastor?” Charlie asked, suddenly right in front of him, startling the demon with a crack of radio static making Charlie giggle. “Sohorry Al I was just asking what do you think of upgrading the hotel’s security for the next Extermination Day?” Charlie asked him and he hummed.
“I think that’s a great idea my dear.” Alastor replied and Charlie grinned, “See I knew that was a good idea!” Charlie exclaimed, turning towards Lucifer who huffed and handed over a five dollar bill, apparently they bet on his opinion.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment my dear.” Alastor told her, suddenly noticing something glinting in the camera of Angel’s phone a few feet away. Alastor stood and adjusted his bow tie before walking over to Angel.
“What’s up Freaky Face?” Angel asked Alastor as he approached, “May I borrow your phone for a moment Angel?” Alastor requested and the spider raised a brow, “Uhh what for?” Angel asked him, suddenly sounding very suspicious of Alastor’s intentions.
“I would like to investigate something on the outside of your device, now may I borrow it?” Alastor asked again and Angel flipped the device over before shrugging and handing it over to Alastor who also inspected it.
The deer noticed that there was something shiny glinting in Angel’s camera and he hooked a nail into it and yanked it out. Angel noticed this and his jaw dropped open, as Alastor flipped it over. “Property of Voxtech Interprises, isn’t this your boss’s friend’s work Angel?” Alastor asked him, handing the spider back the phone who took it with a growl.
“Son of a bitch Valentino…” Angel muttered, “Thank you Al.” Angel finished off and Alastor grinned, “But of course my dear.” Alastor replied and walked away, hearing Angel fuming over his shoulder, but little did the spider know, he wasn’t the only one upset about this.
Alastor fought off the changing of his eyes as he found a shady corner and merged with the shadows, time to pay a certain business owner a visit, no one messed with his friends and got away with it.
Moments later Alastor appeared in Vox’s observatory right as the TV demon was returning from a meeting. “Ahh what the fuck?!” Vox jumped back upon seeing Alastor randomly in his observation room.
“Since when did you get here you prick?! And why are you here??” Vox demanded but quickly silenced himself as he saw the pissed look on the other’s face.
“I would like to make this short and simple.” Alastor snapped and Vox folded his arms over his chest before jumping back in shock as Alastor suddenly appeared right in front of him.
“I saw and removed that thing on Angel Dust’s cellphone. If I see another one of your silly little devices on any of my friends or their belongings I will see to it that you will be punished by my hand. Are we clear?” Alastor spoke firmly, getting ready to snap.
“Y-Yeah whatever now leave will you?!” Vox snapped at him and he grinned, his polite demeanor returning, “With pleasure! And remember what I said.” Alastor reminded the TV demon before disappearing among the shadows once more.
Back at the hotel Alastor saw Angel still fuming but also getting ready to go somewhere? “Angel where are you going?” Alastor asked the other demon, a bit puzzled. “I’m going to go give Val a piece of my mind, what’s it to you?” Angel snapped at him and Alastor waved him off.
“Not to worry my dear I already had a little ‘chat’ with Vox about the situation, I assure you it will not be happening again.” Alastor told him and immediately Angel’s face lit up.
“Really? Thanks Al!” Angel exclaimed and Alastor grinned at him, “It’s my job to ensure that everyone here is safe.” Alastor replied and Angel grinned back before making his way over to Husk, likely to tell him about what just happened.
Wandering back over with Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer, Charlie noticed that Alastor had returned and perked up. “Alastor! You’re back! What happened? Both you and Angel seemed pretty upset earlier.” Charlie identified and Alastor nodded.
“Acute observation my dear that’s right but that’s not anything you need to worry about.” Alastor assured her and Vaggie and Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but Charlie only thought for a moment before shrugging. “Okay then if you say so.” Charlie told him and then started talking to Vaggie as Lucifer wandered over to stand by his side.
“What happened?” Lucifer asked Alastor, keeping his voice low so Charlie wouldn’t hear. “It’s nothing to worry about Your Highness, wouldn’t want your royal self to get involved in something so minor now would we?” Alastor taunted Lucifer and he grinned as he saw the King’s hands ball into fists at his side.
“Fine then, don’t tell me but just know I’ll be watching.” Lucifer reminded him but Alastor waved him off as Lucifer walked over to join Charlie and Vaggie. Now with nothing to Alastor started for the staircase, opting to go away to rest for a bit in his room.
Once he reached the stairs Alastor started scaling them and thought, he knew there was more technology around the hotel he didn’t know about, what was he supposed to do about that?? Reaching the top of the stairs Alastor went down one of the corridors, still thinking to himself.
A few moments later he’d reached his room as he opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the wood behind him, he would figure it out eventually.
Back at the Vees tower Vox was pacing in his observatory. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Vox muttered to himself, wtf was he supposed to do?? He just got threatened by Alastor not to do that again and he didn’t plan to he didn’t want to anger the stag anymore than he already had but he already knew that if he didn’t replace that device on Angel’s phone when he came into work Valentino would be mad! So what was he supposed to do???
He supposed he could just go up to the adult film department and tell Valentino about his situation, yeah that would work! So reluctantly Vox plastered on his regular smile and left his observation room, dodging reporters left and right to get to the elevator on the other side of the room.
Once there he stepped inside and pressed the button for Valentino’s department, the elevator jostling up before smoothing out as it began its climb upwards.
A few minutes later Vox heard the elevator ding as the doors opened and he was immediately hit in the face with a gust of pink-ish smoke leading down one of the hallways, well at least he knew where to go.
Vox followed the smoke down the hallway and a few minutes later was met with the sight of Valentino in the middle of shooting a movie. Not wanting to see ‘that’ Vox quickly spun on his heel, averting his gaze from the actors and waiting until they took a break or something but lucky for him his shoes made a squeaking noise that caught Valentino’s attention.
“Pause. Break time everyone!” Valentino clapped his hands and the actors stood, dispersing from the room. Once Vox didn’t hear the shuffling of feet anymore he turned around and nearly jumped back as the moth was right in front of him, okay what was with everyone doing that today?!
“Hello Voxxy, what brings you here?” Valentino crooned and Vox began walking away, confused the moth started following. “I need to talk to you about something Val, something important.” Vox told him and Valentino hummed, in a moment they were in a more secluded corner, away from listening ears.
“Okay so you know that thing you had me put in Angel’s phone?” Vox told Valentino and he averted his gaze in thought, holding out a cigar for Vox to light which he did, taking a drag before lighting up again.
“Ahh yes I remember, what of it?” Valentino asked and Vox’s expression quickly became annoyed. “Alastor found it. And removed it before coming over to my observation room to warn me not to do it again. So if you want to replace the device be my guest but don’t get me involved or use any of my devices.” Vox snapped at the moth and he grinned.
“Will do Voxxy~” Valentino called over his shoulder before sweeping back into the filming room, the TV demon hearing a loud “Get back in position!” Before he started his trek back to the elevator, at least that was cleared up.
Back at the hotel Alastor stood in his room now contemplating what he should do next. He had already taken care of the Vox situation so what now? He supposed he could go visit Rosie. Yeah he could do that, by now she should be off her shift at work so she should have some time.
So Alastor again found a shady spot in a corner and merged there, this time his destination being Cannibal Town. The deer arrived there a few minutes later, appearing right behind Rosie and luckily she didn’t seem to notice him, perfect.
Very slowly Alastor lowered his hands until they placed down on the woman’s shoulders, “Boo.” Alastor spoke but the overlord did not react?“You’re going to have to do better than that Alastor, you make noise when you arrive via your shadows technique.” Rosie grinned at him, nearly laughing as she turned around and saw the look on his face.
“Worth a shot.” Alastor muttered to himself and Rosie giggled, “Ihindeed it wahas.” Rosie told him, “How’ve you been?” Rosie asked him and he shrugged, “Oh the usual, I have been having to deal with Vox’s technology shenanigans though.” Alastor grumbled and Rosie laughed, “Oh well I’m sure it’s not all bad. I mean it certainly could be worse couldn’t it?” Rosie told him and he grinned.
“I suppose so.” Alastor spoke and she smiled, “See now this is why we listen to Aunty Rosie.” Rosie playfully reprimanded him, waving a finger at him and he laughed, “You are not wrong there my dear.” Alastor replied making them both laugh.
That’s when Alastor noticed that Rosie’s phone that was resting in the table that they were sitting at also had one of those shiny things. Alastor got mad. Really mad. And Rosie noticed and immediately became concerned.
“Alastor dear what happened??” Rosie asked him, beginning to panic as his eyes shifted to radio dials and his antlers grew. Alastor snatched up her phone and popped the shiny thing out like he’d done with Angel and flipped it over and sure enough, it was from Voxtech Interprises.
“Excuse me dear but I really must be going.” Alastor growled and before Rosie got the chance to say goodbye he was gone.
Alastor re-appeared at the hotel moments later, “Alastor!” Charlie exclaimed, “My apologies my dear but I can’t talk right now.” Alastor told her and grabbed his microphone staff and walked out the door.
Once outside Alastor became even more angry to see drones around the hotel, okay this was getting a little out of hand. He then slipped under one of the ledges of the hotel, merging with the shadows on his way to the tower.
“Well at least I got that figured out now AHH!!” Vox yelped and jumped back as he once again saw Alastor in his observation room which he’d just returned to but the deer looked more pissed off than last time, that couldn’t be good.
“U-Uhh why the h-hell are you back?!” Vox tried to sound angry but in reality he was scared, really scared. Anyone would be if they saw Alastor in his current state.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds.” Alastor snapped, grin still present on his face but it was strained and the sound of angry radio static was loud and heavy in the air.
“F-Five seconds for what?!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor sighed. “Five seconds to tell me why I found one of those shiny things in Rosie’s phone.” Alastor snapped at him and Vox crossed his arms, averting his gaze with a huff.
“Oh hell like I’m telling you!” Vox snapped at him and suddenly Alastor was right in front of him. “I’ll ask again. Why were they there? We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Alastor snapped and Vox still stared at him. “And I’ll say this again. I’m. Not. Telling. You.” Vox clarified and Alastor sighed.
“Fine then. Hard way it is.” Alastor muttered and before Vox could question what that meant he felt the demon’s hands shoot down to his sides and start scribbling, definitely not what he was expecting. Vox jerked, curling in on himself as he fought off laughter that threatened to escape.
“Whahat the h-hell? Why thihis method of a-ahall methods?!” Vox pressed out but mentally cursed himself for the giggles that managed to slip through. “Because I would rather not things get messy wouldn’t you?” Alastor told him and he shook his head, “That’s what I thought.” Alastor grinned, still angry but some of his scary demeanor fading.
“F-Fuhuck you!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor grinned, “Oh dear is someone salty because of something they did to themselves? I’m afraid I don’t know how to help you there.” Alastor commented, moving up to claw at Vox’s underarms making the TV demon jerk away with a strangled noise, curling in on himself even more.
“Oh dear is someone a little sensitive here?” Alastor taunted and that seemed to be the stick that poked the bear because when Vox opened his mouth to snap back his laughter that he’d been holding in came out of him. “Fuhuhuhuhuck!” Vox swore, trying and failing to fight the other demon off.
“There we go much better.” Alastor teased, moving down to rake over Vox’s ribs. “Leheheheave me ahalone!” Vox snapped at Alastor but he shook his head, “No can do my dear, not until you apologize!” Alastor told him and he shook his head.
“Nohohohoho wahahahay! I like keheheheeping tabs ohohon the ohothers!” Vox told him and Alastor tsked, “Well I’m afraid I cannot release you just yet then, what would happen if I did this?” Alastor asked and moved his hands to trace over the glowing wire pattern on the back of his neck.
Quickly Vox shook his head, laughter dying down to frantic giggles as Alastor traced the sensitive space, “Ooohh bad spot?” Alastor taunted and Vox shook his head. “Fuhuhuhuck off you prihihihick!” Vox snapped at him, attempting to dislodge the other’s fingers.
“Are you going to apologize?” Alastor asked him again and Vox shook his head. “I alreheheheady tohohold you Ihi’m nohohohot going tohoho!!” Vox snapped, voice growing nervous as Alastor started trailing his fingers higher. “Are you sure about that my dear?” Alastor asked him, momentarily pausing the playful attack as one of his hands came up to rest on Vox’s hat between his antennae.
“Y-Yes I’m sure what are y-you going to do about it?!” Vox told him and the deer shrugged. “Alright then.” Alastor remarked and Vox braced himself for the sensation at the top of his head but instead Alastor’s hands shot down to drill into Vox’s hips. The unexpected change making the TV demon jerk with a loud squawk, grabbing Alastor’s wrists and laughing loudly.
“AHAhahahahAHAL!!” Vox howled, shaking with laughter as Alastor moved down again to scribble over the backs of Vox’s knees causing the other overlord to kick.
“Give it up Vox~” Alastor taunted but Vox shook his head. “NOHohohohOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Vox cackled, remaining stubborn and Alastor couldn’t have that.
The deer shrugged again and his grin grew wider before he moved one hand back up to Vox’s hip and the other hand moved back up to the back of Vox’s neck. Vox’s face glitched briefly and the hum of television static entered the air before a megawatt grin spread across the TV demon’s features and he burst out laughing, unable to keep his composure.
“AHAHAHAL!!” Vox screeched, fighting the deer off but of course was unsuccessful. “You know what to do to make this stop Vox~” Alastor taunted him again and he snorted and shook his head, not yet. He wasn’t going to apologize.
At least that’s what he believed before Alastor’s hand moved up to tweak his antenna, okay fun’s over. “OKAHAHAHAY YOU WIHIHIN YOU WIHIHIN I GIHIHIVE!!” Vox cackled and Alastor raised a brow, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” Alastor grinned and Vox growled under his breath.
“YOHOU SOHON OF A- FIHIHINE IM SOHOHORRY ABOUT THE DEHEHEVICES NOHOHOW QUHUHUIT YOU AHAHAHASS!!” Vox told him and finally Alastor backed off, “See now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Alastor told him and Vox only flipped him off.
“F-Fuhuhuhuck…yohohohou.” Vox breathed out, regaining his composure through a few face glitches. “Well I do hope you learned a lesson here today but I really must be going, if I see another one of those devices rest assured you will be hearing from me again.” Alastor told him and with a little hand wave, merged and disappeared.
“Sir are you alright??” Vox’s assistant Papermint came rushing through the door, “I heard a lot of noise up here are you okay??” The shark frantically asked him and Vox stared at him for a moment before waving him off, “Y-Yeah I’m fine now go will you?!” Vox snapped at him and the shark scurried back out the door leaving Vox with one thought.
He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it.
(So sorry this one is late I’ve been busy but I hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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tickletails · 3 months
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ticklish pawpads
711 notes · View notes
rand0m-s1nner · 3 months
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747 notes · View notes
jettorii · 3 months
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thinking abt how pentious would have a really silly laugh
863 notes · View notes
sleepysheepytea · 29 days
silly pink fluffy spooder boi
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482 notes · View notes
tickleme-silly · 3 months
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not shown: alastor throwing vox's limp body to the ground like a ragdoll (because he's done with him and definitely not because he doesn't know how to reboot a computer)
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bratbutcute · 1 month
More lee!Vox art I'm begging 😭💕💕 also keep up the amazing work!!!
Thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I hope you like this too
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I’m so proud of the expression here, I had the scene from Stayed Gone where he hugs Valentino and Valvette as a reference and I have to say, that expression is amazing. And I think this drawing is much better than the one I made yesterday. But you tell me.
And just as a little bonus…
«I- ihi’m nohot.»
«Oh really? You are being very loud for someone who’s not supposed to be-»
«S̼͕̤̫͎̯ͭ̎̀H͇̬ͪ̕Ũ͚͙̩̖̦͂͋ͨ͘H̜͎̫̦̲͋́ͅU̙͓̫̖͓̹̙̳ͦ̿̎͝H̷̪̗̻̜͌͆U̯͍̟͚̰̺̐̿̑̚͠T͙̦̻̪̞ͤ͝ ̴̹̰̯͇̥̰̼̈́̊U̞̦͑̕Ḧ̲̞̹͙̣̺͓̹́̄̿͆͟Ṳ̧̼͓̓͗ͅH̶̬̠̘̞̙̞͋ͩͭ̔ͅȔ̞̪͕̈́̀͞H͋͏̻͉̩͔͉̠̹̺P̢̣͍ͬ̄̾̚»
«Awww is the tv glitching? Is the moving picture box a bit ticklish?»
« I̷͇̮̍ ̲̪͇͈͕͙̻̋ͭ̐̉͜c̷͍̮̩̜̖̼̏āͤͨ͏͍̼̗h̘̪̖͓̟̏̇ͩͥ͞ḁ̵͙̪̺̞͇̀̑̚h̸̦̞̝̤̖̼̠̱̑a̛͇͚̩̙͉͔̺͛͌ͫh͙̝̳̬̽͒͡a͙͎ͭ͡h͕̩͖̹̑̔̆͝a̧͙̩̬͎̲̦͕̭ͨ͌̔ͪn͇̟̩̳͔̩̂͌́�̶̫̝͚̝̝͔͈ͣ̌ͫ�̝̱̖̙͓͉̯̙̋̓̀�̼̼̺̪̙̦́̽̃ͫ͞ͅt̷͉̦̰̼̂ ̙͔͓͓̬̱̎̃̏͝ͅp͚͇̝̘̪̗̭̭͒͝l͖̼̝̈͋̎̍͘e̡̮̪ͩͪḫ̪̤̙͇̾͞e͕̪̼̭͖͚̣̠ͬ͂͘h̙̣͈̗̖̥̀̀̈́̀ḛ̛̠̫̈ͨ̊̂hͯ҉̭͔̣̘̟͖̫ą̺̦̪̳̭̂̉̌͐s̫̲̎̓͘ẹ̖͇̘͙ͤͫͥ́ḩ̜̯̳̥̈̂e̜̗͇̩̯͖̞͚ͦͭ̿́̚»
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vikeera · 2 months
help him relax a little
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cloudysfluffs · 4 months
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REALLY considered not posting this one.......might delete later
ns//fw and/or ki//nk blogs please dni!!!
781 notes · View notes
123puppy · 3 months
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You played yourself
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tickletails · 1 month
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Vox bullying his assistant :3
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worldssilliestserpent · 4 months
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Wing scratches
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jettorii · 3 months
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birthday commission for @moose-muffin !!!!!thank you soso much again for the vox comm was v fun hehehe everyone go wish madi a happy tkl filled birthday >:] !!!
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guy-busleeness · 4 months
Guess who’s back?
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444 notes · View notes
olaineerz · 4 months
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(I don’t ship them)
Welp, Lucifer has been made fun of too much so now some of the overloads have come up with a new way to tease him >:3
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