#he would kill me
fima11 · 24 days
i'd get slaughtered right after wiggling a feather in front of his face but that would be worth it (no).
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fandomrose · 6 months
Blade- Scars of love.
Hello- this is a Blade 'what I think he'd be like in a relationship with a non-immortal.' Or rather a scenario I just dreamt up one day.
I tried to make his character as believable to Canon as possible, but, well its Blade and he's a bit 'not suited to a relationship.'
I do think he is alot different than alot of popular portrails of him. Alot calmer most of the time. Alot more caring but also not outwardly. Very much a ride or die (lol) man. And very dramatic. (We love)
There are warnings because.. Blade.
So content warnings for: angst, talks of life and death, blood, injuries, scarring.
Enjoy 💙
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Today started like any other. You and your partner Blade had just finished a sparring session and had showered together to clean off. It was a nice time, the two of you bonded through battle and a mostly innocent, yet intimate bathing time. 
Like any other day you and Blade lay in bed completely naked as you trace his scars softly. The two of you were very comfortable with each other's bodies at this point, Blade never saw any point in being squeamish over nudity and that eventually rubbed off on you. His eyes are closed and his breathing even, if you didn't know his body so well you would think him asleep. You were jolted out of your reverence of his scars by his voice softly calling out to you though his eyes remain comfortably closed.
"What is your fascination with my scars? Do you not find them unsightly?" His voice was rough as always, but there was a softer quality to it than usual even if he was still intense.
"Hmm, no. On one hand its sad that you've been hurt so much but, I like your scars, they are attractive." You kept tracing them as if trying to prove your point. 
"Good, you are strange from what I understand, but good it's good you like them..."
You wondered what had gotten into him this evening, he never asked anything like this before. Even if he tried to seem blasé, he definitely had something 'scar related' on his mind.
"Of course I like them, they are a part of you. Also you'd be surprised, there are quite a few people that find scars attractive."
He didn't answer but you noticed that his breathing got slightly heavier. 
"I want to ask you something.." You were once again startled by his voice. He sounded a lot more intense and slightly hesitant. 
You looked up at him jolting slightly when you saw his eyes open and stare you down.
"Of course Blade what do you want to ask me?" His intensity was slightly alarming, clearly whatever he was thinking was deeply important to him.
"... I would like you to contribute to the scars you enjoy so much..."
"What? Blade, what do you mean?" You think you understand but surely he can't be actually asking you to injure him.
"I mean I want you to cut into me deeply, scar me, leave an everlasting mark on my body." He said it so simply, albeit incredibly intensely. He'd clearly been thinking of it for a while.
You were shocked speechless and his request brought up the insecurities of your relationship. You are mortal, he is not. He had sworn off love after being betrayed by his best friends, he couldn't even fathom a romance before you. But you are mortal, and you will leave him behind one day unless he finds a way to die sooner. Elio claims he can't see the future you and Blade will share so you are both taking a shot in the dark with this relationship.
Blade was still staring at you waiting for your response. He wasn't a fool, I knew this would be a big deal for you. Hurting Blade was out of the question in your mind, you hated him getting hurt let alone you being the one to hurt him. So he knew to let you wait to make a decision he would wait for you.
After a short while of deliberation you eventually decide to say... "yes, okay, I will scar you, but-" You put your finger up getting his attention for your terms. "I want us to prepare properly, towels, a med kit, sterile equipment. Even if it won't kill you I won't have you getting an infection." 
"I want you to use the knife I made for you" was his only response. You sigh deeply. 
"That's not safe Blade..." He raised his eyebrow and looked at you blankly. 
"I'll be fine, you know that."
You sigh again, going silent to think before you nod. "Yes you'll be fine I know I just.. i don't want to hurt you unnecessarily. Obviously there will be pain I mean you want me to cut into you so deeply it scars for a long time-"
During your worried ramble blade sits up and covers your mouth with his large hand. "Enough, I, will, be, fine. I know you care about my wellbeing but I will be fine. I want this. You- will leave me one day and I want something to remember you by, marked on this wretched body. Though I would rather die by your side." 
He had never verbally acknowledged the reality the two of you face and neither had you, preferring to leave it hanging above you both like a guillotine. You feel sharp, hot tears prick your eyes, blinking rapidly to be rid of them.
"Don't cry, it is merely reality" He said simply as if he didn't have a care in the world. He did though, he cared and you knew it. He wouldn't have requested to be carved into by you if he didn't. It was such a bittersweet request and it touched you to know he cared but your very soul ached at the reason. 
Blade twisted his hand to wipe the couple of tears that dropped from your eyes. Sniffling, you regain the courage to speak.
"I know it's reality, it doesn't make it hurt less. I really love you, you know. I can't fathom leaving you alone in this vast universe." You lean your head into his hand and breath deeply before continuing. "I will do it, I will scar you with the knife you made for me... what would you even want me to scar into you? Have you thought about it?"
"I have, I want it to be simple but memorable, not something that can be easily replicated by a random injury and something that wouldn't take you too long to do.... I couldn't think of something specific though, do you have anything that fits that description?"
He really did think of nearly everything, even going so far to think of your own comfort. Something did come to mind though, something that did fit the description and symbolised you fairly well. You retrieve the knife he made you and look at the carvings, one was an intricate symbol of love from the xianzhou and the other was a simple four-pointed star. A representative of you and the way you met. Under a large four-pointed star that was suspended in chains, hanging above you in the world of your birth. That same four-pointed star would be your symbol of existence from birth to after death.
"I have an idea blade." He saw you looking at your knife and nodded a rare soft, almost imperceivable smile on his face.
"Alright, let's get set up then.." blade rose from his place on the bed and retrieved a med kit and some black towels. You could feel your heart beating faster with nerves as you watch him move through the room retrieving the necessary items and laying them out on the bed.
"Here we go. ... is everything okay? Do you still want to do this?"
"Yes, I'm just nervous, what if I make it badly, or ugly." 
Blade frowned and you couldn't help but think you said something wrong.
"The purpose of the scar is to remember you by not be pretty"
"Right, yes I know I can't help but worry." 
Blade just nodded and layed down taking deep breaths as he prepared himself mentally. 
"I'm ready when you are... the scar is to go over my heart. Just to clarify."
You nod and move to straddle his lap sitting on his stomach being in the position to cut into his chest. 
Blade looked relaxed beneath you, his arms were underneath his head and his eyes were closed. He was awake just more relaxed than you feel he had the right to be considering your own anxiety about what you were about to do.
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teeheefatty · 2 months
🗿some CoD doodles I did with @thatsonehellofahabit 🗿 luv u pookie bear xxxxxxx
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the cropping is DOG because I’m tired
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ghcstcd · 1 year
I can't go back now. My Dewy is everything to me. Fire princess, I love you.
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lucadrawss · 2 months
My brother tells me he wants to talk about the yugioh animes, then goes and judges me for knowing shit about the characters, having headcanons and for Duel Monsters and Zexal being my comfort animes.
Please just let me enjoy something for once >:(
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this-is-krikkit · 7 months
You got me to answer Yura, now you're turn. Yura ♡
haha, fair's fair ! thank you for the ask 😊😊
send me a character to bingo!
i actually got two near simultaneous asks for Yurio, so i'm putting my final, current opinion of him here and i'll post another reply with my first impression of him hehe
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notice how i did not include anything about a hug? i'm not fond of them, and neither is he... therefore it would probably be the worst hug in history. but ofc, i couldn't resist giving him a lil head kiss. come on. i'm human.
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sugusshi · 1 year
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@dottores : enjoy! 🖤
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thatdeadstoat · 4 months
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
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the only thing scarier than vampire lords/mind flayers/death cults is meeting the in-laws
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glagy · 9 months
Just diagnosed with epic syndrome
I have 5 weeks left
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emerald-dream · 1 year
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sillyfairygarden · 5 days
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made a companion to my hades!pearl design... i think bigb would give the best boons ^_^
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world's longest staring contest GO-
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
when obi-wan said 'I won't kill anakin' and then spent the entire rest of his life following through on that. fuck everyone else obi-wan I respect you yoda should've taken you at your fucking word
'boohoo why did he walk away and not kill anakin this time either even with all the suffering he'll go on to cause if he lets him go' he's told you why very clearly you just didn't believe him I guess!! desperately not killing anakin is obi-wan's main export. it's his universal constant, his life's work, his magnum opus. he gets creative about not killing that guy. he tries to send anakin's teenage twink son to do the job for him because he simply can't. he fucking... peaces out and dies to avoid killing anakin. that's like his whole deal. whether he's right to be like this is another entirely separate conversation but it is what he is
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spectral-honey · 2 years
AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty
Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like "oh we're so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn't even use your father's extensive resources that could've easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren't we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession--"
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nouverx · 2 months
crawls in here
Humbly requests more of your human! Al bc I’m unapologetically obsessed with him👀….
GOOD because I am also obsessed with him
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He's 29 Mimzy!! Run!!
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