#he's just a sweetheart <3
crocchompers · 6 months
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The few doodles I have for today </3
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I gave Draft a mom bc I thought it would be nice. and I've decided to make Draft a crybaby and scared of thunder and the dark for no reason
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merakiui · 10 months
How long would the Octavinelle boys (+ Riddle) wait after you break up with your boyfriend to slide into your DMs like "So I heard you're single :)"
I'd give the Tweels about a minute but I think I'm being too generous...
Better yet if the break up was completely private in an isolated place and then your phone pings and you're like wtf how do you know???
LOL omg they're the worst (except Riddle; we love Riddle and his penchant for mannerly tact).
Not even a minute after, you get a text from Floyd regarding the status of your relationship. Your eyes are likely blotchy and tear-filled, and how he found this out is beyond you. But you're too sad to think too deeply about it. Floyd ends up becoming your rebound and he's fine with that because it was his intention in the beginning, but weeks into the relationship he realizes he wants to be more than just your rebound. >_<
Jade waits a good five minutes (though he could wait longer, but now isn't the time to play a patience game) before sending you a message. And you know right away he's smiling behind the screen, amused with the tragedy that is your now ended relationship. It makes sense he'd know about your break-up because he just seems to know so much. But then this is typical behavior for Octavinelle students and Jade just loves drama and gossip, especially when such things apply to you.
Azul spent the first hour writing and deleting what he wanted to say to you. He thought over a dozen smooth lines and finally, after what's felt like ages, decides on a promising intro. He texts you, offering his benevolence yet again, and you know you should be careful about accepting anything from him because there will always be strings attached. But you're sad and lonely and heartbroken, and Azul makes such a tempting offer. You show up at his door, and he welcomes you with open arms.
Great Seven, you must be so devastated. Riddle feels immensely bad for you even though he himself has never dated. Despite that, he understands you probably aren't feeling the best and so he messages you his condolences (which he absolutely asked Cater and Trey for advice on how to word it without sounding too forward). Riddle doesn't intend to ease into a relationship with you, but you spend so much time with him. Caring for the hedgehogs and taking strolls in the gardens is free therapy and with Riddle it's made even better. Without realizing it, the two of you are closing the gap and a complicated rebound romance blooms.
For the fun of it, I made fake text messages to depict the exchange!
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Billy and Captain Marvel are such sweethearts. If he saw you fall down he would purposely fall down as well to make you feel less embarrassed, he'd pick up litter at the park, offer to take a photo of a couple, handwrite a letter to a fan, buy lemonade from a stand (if he has extra money), and leave positive notes in library books.
What other small but kind thing do you think he'd do?
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erabu-san · 15 days
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Tighnari doodles (that's surprising)
And sethos wip
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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OFMD Week Day 1: Favorite QAR Crew Member
Fang 🖤🐶🏴‍☠️
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
based on this post of mine bc i had thoughts // tw surgery mention, anaesthesia, hospital environment (not detailed its just there)
“And who are you?”
Steve pauses by the door, setting his jacket on the back of the chair next to Wayne. He looks over at Eddie, laying in his bed, covered in a blanket, his hair a messy halo around his head. His eyes are shining brightly, staring intently at Steve.
“He’s very high,” Wayne says to Steve, smiling softly.
“Yeah, I got that,” Steve says, watching Eddie roll slightly, groaning loudly. “Surgery went well?”
“Went fine,” Wayne says lightly, and Steve can see the relief in him as he leans back, eyes watching Eddie like he’s scared to look away.
“Eds?” Steve says, moving closer to the bed. “How was surgery?”
“Was fu-u-un…”
“Yeah? You had fun?”
Eddie hums affirmatively, and Steve crouches next to the bed, looking at him. There’s a bandage on his cheek, and the sight of it makes Steve’s chest ache, but Eddie’s eyes are shining brightly, glazed over as he blinks at Steve.
“Whoa,” he breathes dramatically, and Steve suppresses a smile.
Eddie lifts a hand, and it lands heavily on the side of Steve’s face, making him recoil slightly even as he laughs. Eddie’s fingers press into his skin, kneading his cheek.
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful.”
Steve’s eyebrows fly up, and his face burns as he hears Wayne laugh quietly behind him.
“Am I?”
Eddie hums again, smiling brightly, deliriously, wriggling as he shakes Steve’s face.
“Pretty boy,” he mumbles. “Pretty, pretty, pretty boy.” He releases his cheek to boop his nose a little too hard. “Who are you?”
“I’m Steve.”
“Ste-e-e-eve…” Eddie blinks at him, poking his face again. “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.”
“Hi, Eddie,” Steve says softly.
“Princess Stevie,” Eddie slurs happily.
“Mm. Princess. Pretty princess.”
Wayne laughs quietly behind Steve, and Steve turns to glare at him over his shoulder. He’s rubbing his forehead and smiling amusedly, and Steve starts to open his mouth to speak, but Eddie grabs at his face again, pulling him to face him.
Eddie’s eyes are almost closed, like his eyelids are heavy, and his fingers are petting at Steve’s cheek and jaw, rubbing his stubble. (He hasn’t shaved. He’s been too stressed. He was planning on shaving tonight after getting firm confirmation that Eddie is okay, but if Eddie likes it…)
Eddie lets go of his cheek and boops his nose a little to hard. And then he does it again, and again, humming a song that Steve doesn’t recognize.
“Do you like boys?” Eddie asks abruptly, his fingertip lingering on the tip of Steve’s nose. Wayne barks out a laugh behind Steve, and Steve’s face burns, and for some reason, even though Eddie isn’t going to remember this and Wayne is right there, Steve says, “Yes, I do.”
Eddie’s face lights up, and he tries to sit up, but Steve gently keeps him down, murmuring a soft, “Stay here, Eddie.”
“You do?” Eddie asks hopefully, flopping back down and looking up at Steve, who suppresses a smile, nodding.
Eddie’s eyes widen and he turns his face into his pillow, reaching up to pull his hair across his face shyly, shifting and fidgeting and wiggling, and Steve gazes fondly, contently. He hasn’t felt this calm in a good long while.
“Can I have a kiss?” Eddie asks shyly, and Steve raises his eyebrows. “Please.”
“You’re high, Eddie.”
“I’ve been higher,” Eddie says, his voice slurring, mumbly. Steve just looks at him for a moment, watching his eyes shine. “Please? I’ll be good.”
Steve’s stomach flutters, and he exhales, hesitating before he turns to look at Wayne, who’s still watching, smiling absently with his face resting on his hand. Steve raises his eyebrows, shrugging weakly, asking silently what to do as Eddie’s hand touches his cheek again.
Wayne shrugs, his smile growing, and then he points to his forehead with another shrug, and Steve sighs.
He turns back to face Eddie, who’s gazing at him blearily, his eyes glazed over.
“I won’t kiss your mouth,” Steve starts, cracking a smile when Eddie’s lips pout, his lower lip poking out, shining. “But I’ll kiss your forehead if you want.”
Eddie beams.
“Yes, please.”
Steve smiles, licks his lips, shifting on the ground as Eddie smiles up at him.
“Don’t move,” he says firmly, and Eddie nods, his body tightening and his eyes closing. He’s still smiling.
Steve takes a moment to gaze at him. At the lines in his skin from his smile, at his dark eyelashes and chapped lips. (Which Steve will kiss when he’ll be able to remember it.)
He brushes Eddie’s bangs back carefully, and Eddie inhales, his smile growing even more somehow, and then he leans close, pressing his lips to his forehead softly, leaving a lingering kiss on his skin.
Eddie sighs, still lying stiffly, unmoving, being good like he said he would, and when Steve pulls away to look at him, his cheeks are flushed pink. A second passes before Eddie's eyes flutter open, and then he's smiling so brightly his eyes are squeezing shut, and he rolls away a little bit, letting out an excited squeal that makes Steve burst into laughter.
"Wayne," Eddie calls, rolling over and looking across the room at Wayne, who's laughing even harder than Steve, covering his face with a hand. "A pretty boy kissed me, d'ya see?"
"I saw, Eds, 'm happy for you."
Eddie giggles deliriously and rolls over again, wiggling, and Steve presses his face to the side of his bed, his face hot, because even though it was Wayne's fucking idea, he forgot Wayne was watching him press the softest kiss humanly possible to Eddie's forehead, was probably watching his gaze at him before it. But Wayne is laughing, amused, and probably relieved to be hearing Eddie giggle and squeal happily after worrying for so long.
"Alright," Steve says after taking a moment to collect himself, reaching up and pulling at Eddie's shoulder. "You're gonna pull your stitches, honey, lay still."
"Honey," Eddie repeats, his eyes shining brightly, the bandage on his cheek wrinkling as his cheeks squish up under his smile. "Honey, honey, honey, honey..."
Steve's face burns again.
"You're so sweet, Stevie," Eddie says lightly, his voice mumbly. "Sweet boy. Sweetheart. Cotton candy boy."
"Cotton candy boy," Steve repeats under his breath, and Eddie hums affirmatively.
"Cotton candy. Sweet. Hubba Bubba. Bubblegum baby."
"He's a poet," Wayne quips behind Steve, and Steve turns to glare at him, but he can't fully suppress the smile that's making his face sore. Eddie is still mumbling to himself, now reaching up to rub Steve's face again.
"Sweet like iced tea. Like a lollipop." He giggles to himself, pressing his fingers into Steve's cheek again. "Wanna lick you."
A laugh bursts out of Wayne, and Steve's face floods with heat.
"Oh my god."
Eddie giggles.
He asks to hold Steve's hand after rambling a little while longer, after comparing Steve to cake frosting and strawberries and honeysuckle blossoms, and Steve lets him take it, watches their fingers lace and twist together, and Wayne finally brings a chair over to him with Eddie doesn't want to let go. Wayne kisses Eddie's head when he says goodnight, and then he kisses the top of Steve's. It makes Steve's eyes burn and fill with tears that he refuses to let fall until after the door's shut behind Wayne.
Eddie asks if he's okay, eyes filled with concern, and his fingers tighten on Steve's. Steve wipes his face and smiles, telling him he's fine. No one's kissed me like that in a long while. Eddie sighs and relaxes, still gazing at him. Tells him Wayne does it all the time, and he'd probably do it to Steve if he wants him to.
"I can kiss you like that if you want," he offers kindly, sleepily. Steve raises his hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles.
(Eddie doesn't remember anything when he wakes up the next day, but when he opens his eyes to find Steve resting his head next to him on his bed and Steve's fingers twisted around his, he certainly doesn't complain.)
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bixels · 4 months
I feel like I've seen most of what interests me in FiMFiction for the time being, so I read through some good ol' reliable Stardew Valley fanfics last night, only to realize.
Haley x Female Farmer is basically Rarijack. Rarijack adjacent.
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jitterbugbear · 13 days
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and to nobody's surprise, i really quite like the wizard
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Happy 38th Birthday, Alex Turner! 💝
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catgirlsp0ck · 7 months
And this I promise: you can always look to me.
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djosephqueery · 1 year
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meownotgood · 3 months
brain cannot stop thinking thoughts of aki proposing to you. the way he looks up at you so softly as he gets down on one knee. he's trying to tell you everything he practiced, but he keeps stumbling over his words. he just loves you so much, and he wants you to know. he's blinking away tears as he slips a delicate ring on your finger. he can't resist pulling you in for a hug, and holding you so close. you swear you hear him sniffle into your shoulder, his grip on you tightening. he presses the smallest kiss to your cheek, and mutters promises in your ear to love you forever.
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m1d-45 · 9 months
Literally a lurker on your blog since ur early days but too shy to slide into ur ask box, hiii!!! I keep seeing cryo anon and teddy anon's brainrots and asks,,,, and like, regarding post impostor AU hehe
imagine after the hunt when your fave character/vessel begs you for forgiveness the most, practically turning their voice hoarse from their pleas to share just a bit of your mercy....
(you never showed your face to them, even when they were your most favored. how selfish of them, wanting more than they could ever deserve. but they can't help it. if you wanted them to die a thousand times over to repent, they would. just please, look at them again.)
post imposter au always tickles an itch in my brain I've never known existed. angry creator? boiling hot rage creator for their acolytes killing them when they've shown nothing but love and kindness for this world?? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP LORD
I wanna see guilt. And I mean GUILT. it's probably cause I'm petty asf and if I would be killed over and over and over again only for them to realize I'm not the fake I would literally lock myself up in whatever tower they built for me and never talk again. Creator's trust? Shattered, irreparable. Followers? Wallowing in the despair.
Thank u and goodbye heh. If it's not too much, can I be called Marcotte anon? Hehe fontaine reference hhhh,, anyways have a good day ily and ur fics <3
post-hunt can be incredibly good, entirely agree
the love you felt for the world is so strong already, and it only grows as you finally get to teyvat. being here, feeling the elemental energy, feeling the world greet you as you return after your rest.. what hate is more powerful than a love turned rotten?
you hid behind your veil, uncertain if you’re protecting yourself or them. it hurts to see their eyes tearing up as they plead, but what else are you to do? your hands shake when they draw close, and you can’t erase your own memory.
(you’d know. you asked nahida about it, but she’d only shaken her head. all she could do was clear the memories of teyvat, but not yours. it hurt, but was probably for the best.)
(despite it being a failure, that day was the calmest you’d felt in weeks. she was easy to talk to, and made lovely tea. perhaps you should visit again, if only to take a break from… everything.)
your solitude is comfortable, most of the time. a few of the hunters are a bit too comfortable with their sin, and are the ones tasked with bringing you food and other necessities. it’s not much better, though, since you can still see the guilt sinking in their eyes.
it’s a lose-lose all around. you want to see them, you want to see the world, but every leaf and branch is stained with the memories of the past, what used to be your favorite retreat now something else to hide from.
part of you is angry. furious at how easily they were tricked. it’s hard to stay mad at those you love, though, so you end up sitting in your window and watching the wind blow safely behind glass. your tea is from inazuma, this time, the faint edge of bitterness keeping you from sinking too far into much of anything.
leaves dance in the breeze. you won’t be seen again until they’ve long turned brown.
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002yb · 2 months
For as rough as his brother's hands can be, they're gentle with him. Even when Ace couldn't return the kindness, Luffy endured him; holding fast to clenched fists and knuckles that were split and swollen. Persistent, stubborn even after Luffy pried his hand into Ace's and grit his teeth through the ache of Ace's bruising grips. Whining because he was a crybaby and it hurt, but never pulling away. Only squeezing just as tight in playful retaliation. Smile wide as he coaxed Ace's fingers out of their vice grip to clasp their hands together - warm and soft in a way that made Ace flinch. Because while there was dirt beneath Luffy's nails, there was blood beneath his.
And in spite of that—in spite of everything—Luffy never let go of him. Whether or not Ace feels worth that love and tender devotion, Luffy holds on to him: hands clasped together as Luffy beckons him on new adventures, a reassuring squeeze whenever Ace wavers, a bruising grip when Luffy is overcome; nails cutting into Ace's skin until Ace soothes him. Lips ghosting over knuckles - swollen and split).
Rough, but gentle with Ace. Always.
#acelu#okay someone tell me why they're so soft??#the childhood sweethearts trope has never been so sweet i'm ahhhhhhh#following an Ace lives AU -- Luffy persisting with wanting to hold ace's hand or be held by Ace in any capacity ffffffff#with Luffy pulling Ace's arms around him - back to chest and then Ace plonks his chin on top of Luffy's head and it's so cozy and sweet#but wait--#Luffy trying to hold Ace's hand. Just scooching his own beneath Ace's in a silent demand to be held#and Ace ignores him for the sole sake of tormenting his brother dear hahaha#of course he caves though and laughs through the kisses he presses to the back of Luffy's hand -- snickering because Luffy is fun to tease#and more--#either of them surprise grabbing each other's hand and swinging them between them as they walk omgggggggg OMGGGG#them swinging someone between them -- Chopper or Tama or xyz kiddo -- so darling ;A;#most darling?? Luffy idly poking at Ace's fingers#just them standing at the side of the ship overlooking the ocean -- where Luffy is leaning against the railing#and Ace might be looking out at something but Luffy is focused on Ace's hands and he just --reaches out. Just a pinky to brush against Ace#and it gets Ace's attention and Ace hooks their pinkies and Luffy's smile is so brilliant that Ace can't help but fluster because ;////;#ahhhhhh Ace being helpless and having to look away but his ears give him away because they're burning red with blush and he tries to#play it cool but Luffy laughs at him because he /knows/ and Ace is OTL but it's wonderful ;3;
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misspoetree · 2 years
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Tankhun Edition
[Character Editions: Pete Part I & II | Tay | Vegas Part I & II & III | Porsche Part I & II | Big | Kinn Part I & II | Kim | Porchay | Chan | Tankhun - Part II | Macau | Pol]
[Themed Editions 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ?]
[Episode Editions]
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beeh0rnz · 10 months
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Welcome home art dump 🏡 (queerer edition)
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