#health at every size
butchhatred · 1 month
ohhhhh my god u made your greedy rich villain fat? should we tell everyone? should we throw a party? should we invite jk rowling
Turning reblogs off until the onceler version of this post dies out. Please stop joking around on a post criticizing fatphobia
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brytning · 1 year
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Everyone knows it's that time of year when many people feel compelled to set goals to alter their body and restrict their food. The pressure to be thin is everywhere---it's the water we swim in. If you want to take care of your body, I hope this is the year you learn more about weight-neutral approaches to health! The Health At Every Size movement and books by fat activist Aubrey Gordon are great places to start!
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bulking-texan · 11 months
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I should start doing stuffing videos, let me know what I should eat
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Being fat, actually fat, with an eating disorder is fucking hell.
People assume you have BED, and if you actually do have BED people are so gross about it. If you have a restricting disorder people get concerned when you start eating more. People get concerned if you start to like yourself. People love to see you fucking miserable, and will completely ignore your misery in the same breath. It makes them feel good. They benefit at your expense through weight stigma.
So many physicians prescribe disordered eating to us. ED specialists in many places won’t even consider how EDs affect us. Our own community uses our bodies as inspiration to hurt themselves. Because nothing could be worse than looking like us, right? How are you supposed to love yourself when so many people actively don’t want you to?
To the fat person reading who needs to hear this, I give a shit if you recover. I give a shit that you are hurting. So many people don’t notice, so many don’t give a fuck, but I do. You deserve better. I want you to eat even if it means you gain weight. I want you to be happy in your body as it is. I want you to feel loved, I want you to feel seen.
If you are fat with BED, I see you. There is so much stigma and it is not your fault. Your weight isn’t “your fault”, you are sick. It’s not a moral failing. You deserve compassion, and the extent to which people project their own issues onto you is awful. You deserve to be comfortable in your skin, and your body is wonderful.
If you are fat with purging tendencies, or with restricting ones I see you too. We get praised for hurting ourselves, or no one notices. I see you. I’m sorry.
I wish so badly the world were more compassionate to you, but if no one else gives a shit, I do. Fight for recovery for me, even though I know that journey can be so, so lonely when you aren’t thin.
To those of you who have recovered, to those of you that may. You are worth it. You may be fat for the rest of your life, and that’s okay. It’s wonderful, your body is wonderful, and I see you and I’m proud of you. Sadly I know many of us recover alone, but I hope you know you aren’t. I’m rooting for you.
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amaditalks · 6 months
Every year all of the big diet companies have to come up with some brand new labeling for their plans in order to encourage people to get on the January weight loss train.
This year, Weight Watchers is going further than they’ve ever gone before, by announcing that they have created a new system to give their members access to prescriptions for drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro.
Let me remind you that these drugs only work while you’re taking them. As soon as you stop, all of your appetite comes back. Your desire to eat returns, and because it has been artificially suppressed it may feel much stronger and less controllable than it was before you took the drugs. Many people who come off these drugs, usually because of cost (because insurers are balking at coverage for weight loss) or shortages (because so many people are taking them for weight loss, which is leaving the diabetics who need them up shit creek) or side effects report that the first weeks are really difficult, mentally painful and often binging occurs.
Additionally, all of these drugs carry a real risk of creating a terribly painful and potentially deadly condition called Gastroparesis, in which your gastrointestinal system just stops functioning, you cannot digest and process food at all.
You do not need to lose weight to be healthy. You do not need to lose weight to be beautiful or attractive, to have success, or love. You do not need to lose weight in order to pursue fitness. If you have particular health needs or goals that can only be achieved by changing the way you eat, (e.g. lowering cholesterol or blood glucose or addressing gastro issues) that does not mean that you need a weight loss diet plan, just one designed toward your needs.
But more than anything, you do not ever need to put another penny into the coffers of the multibillion dollar weight loss industry, which, if it actually had a way to take a fat person and make them thin permanently (something that cannot even be achieved by surgeries that drastically rearrange digestive systems) would be a multi quadrillion dollar industry instead. 
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98lindsey · 10 months
Fat and Disabled are allowed to exist together and separately.
My fatness doesn’t cause my disability and my disability doesn’t cause my fatness. My body should not have to be viewed as something wrong because I’m fat. My body shape is not something that needs to be fixed and it’s certainly not something that would fix my disability if it changed.
I’m not lazy for being fat and disabled. I’m not, not trying enough to get better if I choose not to pursue weight loss. I can eat what I choose and don’t deserve to be judged for it. I am beautiful and gorgeous and loved exactly as I am and I don’t owe anyone the battle of trying to lose weight to prove that I’m worthy.
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girlbossblog444 · 3 months
Fat acceptance is a cult and you can't change my mind
You can't be morbidly obese and healthy
You can't be severally underweight and healthy
Eat how much you body needs (not less not more)
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
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dysmotility · 11 months
you are debating body neutrality vs. body positivity.
i am discussing the radical fat liberation movement.
we are not the same
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queercraftingchonk · 8 months
Yo mama so fat, she is far more likely to be misdiagnosed by a doctor due to weight stigma in the medical industry.
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butchhatred · 4 months
I absolutely hate the trend of protagonists=skinny and pretty and villains=fat and ugly so much. Megamind, puss in boots the last wish, literally every single disney movie with a villain (save for a couple of them), matilda, into the spiderverse.... why are the main characters always young skinny and pretty and the villains always old fat and ugly??? Not only is it fatphobic and reinforcing beauty standards but considering that its been done over and over its also become a stale overdone cliché. It just feels like lazy design and going with the first idea in your head that you never bothered to change.
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bigfatdenial · 7 months
Big Fat Denial
I was overweight as a child up until I was 22. At my heaviest, I felt fine; I had no mobility issues, I walked to work every day, I had lots of energy, etc (I just ate more calories than I burned, so I was fat). I lost weight and managed to keep it off for the most part through proper nutrition and exercise.
Fast forward 20+ years later, I gained weight during the pandemic (being sedentary as a result of working from home, eating heavily processed comfort foods, and drinking wine). I let myself go. Because of the weight, my health went to absolute shit - FAST. I began to experience
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I couldn't stand for very long due to the pain and pressure in my lower back. I had problems with my balance. My digestive system was a mess. I hurt just getting out of bed every morning. I would wake up gasping for air like I forgot how to breathe. The acid reflux was kind of my breaking point because it already sucked trying to sleep with the joint pain, wheezing, and fear of waking up gasping - now I felt like my esophagus was melting as well.
I went back to my trusty TDEE calculations and stuck to a diet of 1500-1700 calories per day* (lots of lean protein and bulky vegetables, as well as carbs because carbs are important). Once I lost the weight, guess what disappeared?
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I see a lot of young fat-positive people out there who brag that they "feel fine" being fat and that they are active and happy. That may be the case now. It's going to be a different situation once you get older. Our bodies are not meant to be excessively fat. We need health at every size - but we are not healthy at every size.
*This TDEE is based on my personal stats and may not be suitable for everyone. This included 3 full meals plus snacks and was not in any way restrictive or caused "starvation." If you want to create a caloric deficit in order to lose/maintain weight, speak with a nutritionist to come up with personalized meal plans.
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n-00-nes · 1 month
Learning from love goddesses
The representations below were created hundreds or even thousands of years apart by groups that spoke different languages and lived in different climates. Despite differences in their style, function, and degree of realism, they share common features.
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The love goddesses typically have an hourglass figure, with a small waist, larger than average breasts, and pronounced hips. They have a moderate, healthy weight: fairly slim, but not skinny. This Indian statue is two thousand years old.
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These two Minoan examples are more than three thousand years old.
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Never were obese women widely preferred. Rubens is often cited as a counterexample to conventional beauty standards. But his corpulent figures, such as the image below, are exceptions in a long history of love-goddess representations that fit the general trend. Outliers like this don't nullify the rule.
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While fleshier Venuses are seen more often around 1600 AD, Rubens' were heavy even by the standards of his time.
Obese prehistoric figurines like the 30,000-year-old “Venus of Willendorf” are also frequently raised as counterexamples. But they don't qualify as love goddesses. The “Venus” appellation is arbitrary and disputed by scholars. These figurines weren't found with a label, and their true meaning and function are unknown.
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"We dug up some stone carvings of fat women" is simply not good evidence that obesity is or ever was considered beautiful.
And there is, in fact, no shortage of ancient figurines which do exhibit the hourglass shape common in verifiable love-goddess representations.
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chubbymuffinclub · 6 months
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Yep... Still FAT! I won't put myself through a diet that puts your mind in constant limbo. Fat & Happy
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Whenever I see posts about body/fat acceptance & ed recovery about how it's okay to eat chocolate or pizza (etc.), and be whatever size you are. I see so many people in the comments talk about how unhealthy this is, and it really triggers me. Will I get diabetes if I eat these things? Is being overweight bad? Because I'm pretty sure that's my natural, unrestricted weight.
It must be scary to be bombarded by all this triggering stuff all the time!
I think an important quote to remember is "the diet industry wants your money, but it does not care about your health." Any industry pushing the importance of diet food and products will make highly exaggerated claims, and they'll be convincing to others who are pursuing thinness, so others will believe it. A lot of diet culture propaganda gets repeated this way.
People are very, very rude to fat people and are insistent on posting fatphobia in the comments of body acceptance posts, but there are a lot of important things to remember about health conditions like diabetes. For example, there are a number of factors that lead to the development of diabetes, and there are also different types of diabetes. A number of people living with diabetes experienced it entirely on the basis of genetics.
If you ate absolutely nothing but foods like chocolate and pizza, I'm sure it would negatively impact your health over a long period of time, but having these things as a treat will not instantly push you into a diabetic state - no, not even if you're already on the heavier side, in spite of what people try to say negatively on those body positivity posts.
There are a LOT of factors that go into your body's natural, unrestricted size. Genetics and life experiences are a large part of this. Long-term restriction is proven to cause mental and physical health damages, so if you have to restrict in order to get down a size, then I think it's probably healthier to just eat intuitively and let your body do what it needs to do. I would recommend making sure you get all your necessary nutrients, and you can consult with a nutritionist if you need to in order to make sure that happens. If you have any specific concerns about your health, including things like blood pressure, cholesterol, etc, these things can be determined by medical tests and not by glance alone. However, if you're testing within the healthy range after a lengthy period of no restriction, you probably don't need to drastically change your diet. And that means that yes, you can incorporate foods like chocolate and pizza.
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girlbossblog444 · 3 months
How it feels to be locally hated by both ed and haes community
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autismvampyre · 26 days
god it's really hard to unlearn internalized fatphobia
rant under cut
i'm one of two fat people in my class, and im the only fat fem aligned person(which is treated a lot worse than being a fat guy) and it drives me insane with insecurity because i know that there isn't an actual reason for why they're naturally skinny
i know a few of my classmates go to the gym and shit and it makes me feel so guilty for no reason. im fat, but im also out of shape because i don't have the time nor spoons to work out + i have never been to a gym and get very overwhelmed by new situations.
it makes me feel sick with guilt sometimes cause i know at least two of the guys are fatphobic(specifically towards women, what a shocker) and i have asthma which makes me wheeze whenever i have to walk up the thousands of stairs to get to class. there's a lot of emphasis put on how loudly fat people breathe and how thin people find it annoying. what this means is that im very visibly out of shape and i know people judge me for it, and it sucks so much
i just hate it cause i know im honestly quite healthy. i cook my own food and eat a lot of vegetables and i try to walk every day and none of that matters cause im still labeled a lazy slob by literal teenagers who drink hard cider and only eat candy. fuck, even if i wasn't healthy i shouldn't be judged for it, but no one gets that when you're fat. it's like people stop seeing you as human the moment you gain a few pounds
god, i just hate it. i hate how people see me
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