#hellsite hall of fame
hellsite-hall-of-fame · 5 months
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finally finally finally
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it is with a heavy (cryptid) heart that i inform you all that @/hellsite-hall-of-fame and i have decided to go our separate ways
details under the break
we are no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i a full commitment is what i am thinking of you would not get this from any other guy
i just wanna tell you how i am feeling gotta make you understand
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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we have known each other for so long your heart has been aching, but you are too shy to say it inside, we both know what has been going on we know the game and we are gonna play it
and if you ask me how i am feeling do not tell me you are too blind to see
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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we have known each other for so long your heart has been aching, but you are too shy to say it inside, we both know what has been going on we know the game and we are gonna play it
i just wanna tell you how i am feeling gotta make you understand
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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april fools btw hehehehe (please do not hate meeeee)
Madame Curator i love you very very much ♡ ♡ ♡
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
Could you please tell the story of how you and Madame Curator got together? I love those kinds of stories!
ah! a wonderful story that i love telling!
see, me and Madame Curator met on tumblr! no surprise there. i was just going about my day when suddenly i started getting all of my queerplatonic yearning posts on my main blog spam liked. i looked to see who was doing it and noticed she was also reblogging a lot of them. i went to the blog she was reblogging them to and noticed her pinned post was all about wanting a qpr, and she specifically wanted the exact same things i wanted!
so, because i’m socially awkward and don’t know how to just message people, i opened my ask box on my main blog. and by some miracle she sent an ask in! specifically saying that she hopes im able to find a queerplatonic relationship one day. after that, i messaged her and was like “heeyyyy so you seem super cool!! we should talk moooore” and then we did talk more! and like… two weeks of constant messaging later, i messaged her and was like “hey so i kinda maybe possibly want to be in a qpr with you!” but in a super vague way. she said she wasn’t interested and we went about our conversations like normal
the next day! she messaged me being like “okay actually remember when you asked me out? well i think we should revisit that because i maayyybe realized i like you too.” then a couple days later we had a detailed discussion about what we would both want out of a queerplatonic relationship and setting boundaries and then we just ended up together!!
i’ve never believed in “soulmates” (i’m too aroace for that) but after everything that’s happened with her… i’ve started believing it. she’s just amazing and i’m so glad that i met her!
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claradoodling · 4 months
he’s a semi-aquatic, egg-laying sexyman of action!
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introducing Perry the Platypus as a tumblr sexyman!! this was done for @instantpansies Perry the Platypus x Hellsite Hall of Fame fanfic!
i hear a rumor that this design may be included in the upcoming chapter of the fic, so stay tuned for that!! either way i am so so honored to work with them on this design and be able to solidify my place in the legacy of this fan fiction! thank you for this opportunity!!
here’s a link to the first chapter of the fic for anyone who hasn’t read it!
@instantpansies @hellsite-hall-of-fame @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend (tagging myself oops) @hellsite-hungergames
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instantpansies · 2 months
crowdsourcing a 200k @hellsite-hall-of-fame x perry the platypus fanfic: part 8
at long last, i'm back to writing The Fic!! however, being an Internet Funnyman is difficult sometimes and i can't decide what should be written above the Capital Building doors!! oh golly goodness!! here's what i have right now:
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this is a spoiler, sort of, but i think it's worth it for some audience participation. (also, ideally, the chapter will be out before this poll ends. i just want to scope out the general vibe.)
@hellsite-hall-of-fame @hellsite-hungergames @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend
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hellsite hall of ham :)
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the-curators-bullshit · 11 months
ummmm okay so your local mysterious tour guide barbie is like so incredibly happy rn for ✨secret✨ reasons and wants to be flooded with rickroll links so she can spread the joy :)
who has some ????
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veryspecificanon · 11 months
I decided to hop on the blog eating train, and i was not disappointed.
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jeahreading · 6 months
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@hellsite-hall-of-fame @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend @the-curators-bullshit @thecursedquoteshop
Oh my god, I finally finished it, I've been dragging it for days but I finally finished it today, I really hope you like it, Madam and Miss Anon, I put a lot of thought into it, hope you don't find it too intrusive.
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fangomango · 9 months
Me scrolling through my dash seeing the @hellsite-hall-of-fame and @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend 's posts of them literally being the cutest people on earth
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My love life might be dead but by golly do I enjoy seeing these goobers be adorable
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 2 months
RIP to the boop button
you shall be very dearly missed <3
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to elaborate on “the pizza thing,” Madame Curator eats pizza by first ripping the crust off and eating that, then she breaks the pizza into little tiny bites with her hands and eats those, making sure to peel some of the cheese off of each bite and stacking it to create “the perfect bite”
she’s insane
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hellsite-detective · 10 days
are you also the hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend?
indeed i am! the one and only~!
i have two personas, the stoic and mysterious lone wolf detective, and the happy bubbly lovey girl who loves her sweet and perfect girlfriend so much!!!
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doesnotloveyou · 4 months
I'm new on tumblr and I've been following you for a while. Great blog btw! What does blorbofication mean? TIA
oh no, i was afraid i would have to explain this someday lol
(post being referred to)
Simply put "blorbo" is Tumblr slang for your favorite character, primarily one that lives in your head rent-free and probably shows up on your blog the most.
It started with a post (or two) poking fun at fandom bloggers, specifically Marvel fans iirc, for obsessively posting about random characters their followers aren't familiar with. A few other terms were coined that day like "glup shitto" and "scrunglo." This post explains a few of the terms you might see floating around tumblr; I must add to their definition of "glup shitto" that it's intentionally making fun of how unbelievably ridiculous some names in Star Wars are.
"Blorbofication" means a character has been turned into a silly fixation by a fan or fandom, so some of the original context of the character has likely been stripped away for the sake of personal enjoyment. It is probably derived from the slang term "yassification" which you can just look up cuz I'm not getting into that lol
Welcome to tumblr!! but there's a lot of reading material to understand just what the hell we're all saying lol. sry in advance
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instantpansies · 7 months
enemies to lovers angst hurt no comfort 200k hellsite hall of fame x perry the platypus continues in the next exciting installment!! (i did the thing and made the pov shift as awkward and discordant as possible!! wahoo!)
(i added a bunch of iconic post references too! try to spot them all!)
@hellsite-hall-of-fame @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend @hellsite-hungergames
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